DIY wall decor - original ideas for interior decoration. DIY wall decor: original ideas, photos, illustrative examples of design How to decorate a large wall

Interior design is an integral part of every home. For the correct organization of comfort and coziness in the rooms, finishing work and large interior details are not enough. It is necessary to add small elements of decoration. Wall decoration is the most common and easiest way to transform a room. There are hundreds of ways to decorate walls, so it is quite possible not to carry out large-scale repair work, but you can use creative ideas and think over the small details yourself.

Some of them are easy to perform, it is enough to give free rein to your imagination and have some building techniques to make your dream of a non-standard interior come true. If you asked yourself how to decorate a wall, then let's start.

We decorate the walls of the room with our own hands

Watercolor patterns

If you are looking for a delicate and at the same time accent solution, this variation is ideal for a spectacular creative expression. Ideally, white walls are suitable for creating such an ornament, but the pattern will also look great on walls in pastel shades. The watercolor pattern can be placed as an accent section of the wall of one of the rooms.

For example, a bedroom or living room. Technique does not imply special artistic ability. Take the paint diluted with water, draw a line with a large brush and blur the edges with a brush up or down (depending on your preference). By this principle, you will get dynamic and at the same time gentle divorces.


The use of garlands can be timed not only to decorate the house, but also to a festive fir tree during everyone's favorite holiday. Garland is one of the attributes of bedroom decoration. By decorating the room with a garland, you will surely add coziness and cuteness to the room. It is not necessary to hang it in several rows, you can add zest to the room by framing, for example, a mirror or a door with a garland, which will also help you navigate in space in the dark.

Garlands with microlamps are very popular, they are inexpensive and look quite impressive and modern. Many of them run on replaceable batteries, which is very convenient.

Decorating the walls of rooms with paintings and shelves

Among the many ideas for wall decor, you can always stop at the most common and standard option - a painting. But even here there is a place for your wildest fantasies and ideas. The usual paintings with landscapes depicted on them can be replaced by original author's paintings, drawn, for example, by the whole family.

Eco-paintings, which you can create with your own hands, are gaining great relevance. Insert cardboard of suitable dimensions into a beautiful frame and start the creative process using liquid hot glue. Use moss, herbarium, coffee beans, that is, any natural resource that you like. Then lay out a panel from it.

Another example of aesthetics is the use of shelves. Open shelves do not take up much space in the space, such as sideboards and cabinets, they look modern and laconic. The execution of this decor in broken shapes looks especially fresh. Try to choose a contrasting color for the wood, thus making a small accent on the walls. In the living room, you can use open shelves as a library, and in the kitchen they will be a great alternative to a closed headset.

Wall decor in the interior of the house

Here your imagination definitely has a place to roam. After all, the options for how to decorate the wall are dark and dark.
Try a very original idea - a framed carpet. We assure you, this is not old-fashioned, but creative. But provided that it is in the frame and behind the glass. Looks solid and authentic.

The coloring wallpaper will delight and add fabulousness. With them, you will have fun not only during the renovation, but also for a long time after. Such coloring pages should be enough for three years, and you can cut out the whole family - a great time together. Baby pearls - creative wall decoration.

Wall decor in the living room

To add coziness to the living room, make a fake fireplace. It will act both as a romantic corner for a couple and as a New Year's composition. Add real firewood to the bottom of the fireplace, and put candles inside so that the fireplace emits warmth like real wood.

Wall decor in the bedroom

Soft panels at the head of the bed will help to create a cozy and comfortable image of the bedroom. Their surface is created from fabric, leather or faux fur. The interior padding will add volume to the panel.

Such panels, located on the wall, visually highlight the area for guests with armchairs and a table. A decorative fireplace will also fit there.

DIY wall decor

To please the eye more than the rest will be the original design of the walls with your own hands. Draw something symbolic or motivating on the wall. Start from your interests, but if you do not have special artistic skills, choose a simpler drawing or use stencils. Sketch in pencil first and then color in the drawing.

Decorative vinyl stickers (stickers) are also a popular and beautiful tool for wall design in their own way. With their help, you can arrange boring corridors, fill the space above the sofa in the living room. Stickers are easily glued to furniture, doors and glass, they become especially appropriate in children's rooms. The annoying stickers are not difficult to remove and stick on new ones.

These stickers will add a romantic look to the bedroom, and neutral images are suitable for decorating any room.


Decorating one of the walls with photographs gives a warm atmosphere of family idyll and coziness. Captured bright moments of life will carry positive energy, regardless of the mood and weather outside the window.

And do not forget - everything ingenious is on the surface! These can be large portraits, small, one-size-fits-all live photographs, or a collage that captures a variety of everyday emotions. The photo can be enlarged or reduced, thereby creating a collage of different sized photos, which looks especially catchy and bright.
Pictures attached to a garland


What to hang on the wall if an accessory (clock or mirror) is already hanging on it? You can use postcards or photographs to frame this element. Travel postcards are often placed on the wall. You can hang old photos from the memorable day of grandmother and mother, and complete the story by adding your own photos.

If you want to change something in the design of your rooms, decorating the walls is a good chance to personalize the interior and show your creativity. Today, in any store you can find a variety of decoration materials such as wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster, wall panels and much more. You can also decorate the walls by hand.

Below we present you with a selection of ideas to help you get inspired to create your masterpieces.

Horizontal stripes on the walls will visually expand the room and emphasize the overall style

Before you start painting the walls, arm yourself with chalk or a simple pencil, a construction tape and a level. Choose two different shades, one of which will be the base. It should be lighter than the other color. If you are going to paint the wall with stripes of the same color, but with a different texture (glossy and matte), you must use matte as the base paint. An alternative to stripes can be stencils, with which you can create an original composition.

DIY wall patterns

You can also use a cloth, napkin, sponge or putty to create unique textures. One has only to turn on the imagination, and you can create a real masterpiece!

Original DIY wall decor ideas

The use of a stencil is considered the most convenient for drawing an image. It can be made of plastic, cardboard, plywood, or paper. The main thing is to skillfully choose a drawing and style. Prepare the wall before proceeding with the drawing. It must be perfectly clean, free of dust and dirt. Then attach the template as tightly as possible. This is very important, because if the stencil does not adhere enough to the wall, paint can leak under it. Finally, leave the filled template to dry completely and remove the stencil.

Unusual wall decor in the living room

Due to its simplicity, the most common is the use of design blanks. Often, wallpaper is purchased for this purpose. Now it will not be difficult to find wallpaper with a ready-made applied ornament. Recently, photowall-paper is in demand. In this case, you will get real pictures, landscapes and create a panorama of your favorite city in the room.

Original wall decor ideas

Triangles are a modern trend in art. When choosing such a wall design, use soft pastel colors, limited to a small number of colors. It is best to use a geometric pattern on one wall. Whole ornaments can be created from geometric shapes. Just pick just two brighter and more saturated colors and start painting.

Wall decor with wallpaper in the children's room

One of the available ways to add variety to the interior is wall decor with wallpaper. Quite often, an unusual and original wall design is achieved by combining various textures and colors.

Stickers can be used to decorate the children's room. They can always be removed without damaging the wall covering and replaced with new ones. Children are very fond of bright stickers with characters from fairy tales, cartoons or TV series. Graceful butterflies on the wall for decor will also look great.

Wall decoration is a great way to show creativity, good taste and create a truly unique apartment interior.

Geometric pattern on the wall in turquoise, gray and coral colors

A successful combination of orange and purple in the interior

Wall decor in the living room

Harmonious combination of white and blue in the interior of the nursery

Photo: DIY wall decor

Photo: DIY bathroom wall decor ideas

Bright stripes can be used in almost any interior

Comfortable and harmonious interior with the right color combination

Wall decor in the bedroom

Photo: wall decoration with stripes

More photos of wall decor ideas

Paintings are a universal type of decor that will fit into any interior

Bright wall decor in the children's room

Modern trends in the creation of the interior of an apartment allow you to enjoy the flight of imagination without restrictions. However, it is necessary to follow the principle of successful renovation, when the walls in the house should not remain bare. An unformed wall always looks boring and uninteresting.

Decorating walls is a very exciting action. And if you use a variety of things for decoration, then the design of the apartment will surprise you with its originality and originality. There are many options for how you can decorate the walls in an apartment with your own hands.

Options for beautiful walls

Drawing by paints

If you have artistic talent, then this is the way for you. A variety of patterns can be applied to the surface of the wall: from subject to landscape, which will add luxury and originality to the decor. You can paint walls using the following three methods:

  • Classical. Acrylic paints or oil-based suspensions are taken. The desired illustration is applied to the plaster.
  • Newest. The drawing is applied using a spray gun and iridescent (pearlescent) paints. This gives the work a fast pace and a positive attitude.
  • 3D format. Any layman can make a three-dimensional picture with the help of plaster and paints. And to get a 3D drawing, you will have to seek help from a specialist.

For those who do not know how to draw and do not want to spend a lot of effort, we advise you to pay attention to the photo wallpaper. The choice of this type of decor is very huge today. In addition, you will spend much less time to decorate the walls than in other cases.

Applying templates

Starting renovations for the first time in your life and not having the skills of a painter, use stencils. These are sheets of hard paper with cutouts for every taste.

The construction market is rich in these kinds of templates. But you still can't find a suitable stencil option? Make the template you want with your own hands. To do this, take a sheet of hard paper, such as a Whatman paper, pencil, scissors, or a utility knife.

On paper, depict the desired drawing (options can be taken on the Internet), cut out the future stencil along the contour of the image. Apply the finished template to the wall and apply it to the wall using a spray gun with paint.

There is no spray bottle, use the old-fashioned way - with a piece of sponge. You can use a stencil method to decorate the wall in the children's room.

Convex decor

In a spacious room, which allows you not to clutter up the walls with furniture, you can use decor from volumetric elements. Plasterboard will help to decorate the wall in the room in this way, from which you can make interesting decorative details.

Decorative elements

Depressions in the wall. This detail will be appropriate in a corridor or a reception room. The niche must be illuminated, otherwise it will lose its decorative meaning.

Fireplace. This element is also made using drywall. But if you do not want to burden yourself with the inconvenience when creating a fireplace, then your option is a ready-made storefront fireplace. Whether you make a decorative fireplace or buy a real one, you still have to design it according to the interior of the room.

Columns. This element is lucky if you want to visually divide the space of the room into zones.

Cloth canvases

Fabric paintings are in great demand today. To decorate the walls, you can use either one canvas or create a composition from paintings. To use fabric paintings in decorating a room follows the rules of interior decor. Fabric paintings are an economical, unmatched, pretty wall decoration.


This method of wall decoration is not only simple, but also economical. Even the most uninteresting interior with the help of the panel will sparkle with new colors. However, it must be remembered that this option will look the most advantageous only on a plain wall.

The second rule is a well-thought-out location of the panel on the wall of the room. It cannot be hung up randomly. The panel requires a consistent arrangement.

Any material at hand is suitable for making a panel: pieces of fabric, wallpaper, plywood, foam, etc.


This solution can be implemented as easily as the previous one. The highlight of the decor from photographs is the frame in which the photographic image will be placed. It is best to choose frames that are different in shape, and in colors that match the interior of the room.

A variety of compositions can be made from photographs: wood, heart, sun. The subject of the photographs should correspond to the design of the room being decorated and its atmosphere.

For the living room, images of family content are suitable, for a bedroom - romantic, for a nursery - joyful, playful.

Using photographs as a decorative interior detail will create not only a cozy atmosphere for the space, but also peace of mind from the memories of happy moments in life.

Plate decor

A great option for decorating a wall in the kitchen. If desired, such an element is suitable for other rooms. A variety of compositions can be made from the plates. Just don't line them up. Decorative plates, like other elements, are selected for the interior and tied with it in a single style.


The most important advantage of the shelf is its extraordinary shape. It can be in the form of an insect, geometric figure, transport, etc. It all depends on your imagination.

The decor shelf is available for DIY making. The Internet provides many options for drawings, using which you can turn the decoration of the wall of your room into a work of art.


No house is complete without a decorative mirror element. However, women pay special attention to him. The production of mirrors is replete with a variety of shapes, sizes, and decorative frames. The placement of mirrors on the walls is not limited by any rules. It all depends on your imagination and desires.


Decorating walls with stickers is the simplest way to decorate a room. I bought and pasted it. If you are not looking for easy ways, then make stickers with your own hands. To do this, you need a ready-made stencil or handmade.

Adhesive paper is applied to the template. Then a drawing is cut out for the office. The finished sticker is glued to the wall in a specific place for it.


Modern design requires a lot of knowledge in decorating a room. Sometimes it is very difficult to keep up with the innovations in the given field. Ideally, it is best to seek help from specialists who will offer you ready-made decor options.

After looking at the photos of the decorated walls, you can choose the option you like. Professionals will take into account all your wishes. And if you have creativity, the desire to create a masterpiece in your own home, then everything is in your hands. Go for it.

If you are looking for something new to decorate a wall in a room with, then be sure to keep this article for yourself. Here we have collected a lot of interesting ideas for every taste, as well as 40 photos of interiors with decorations on the walls such as paintings, framed photographs, vintage posters and handmade decor. Do you want to beautifully decorate an empty wall in your interior? Then here's some inspiration from Dekorin!

How to hang a painting on the wall (with photo)

Do you consider yourself more of a traditional person? Do you admire the authentic creations of the artists, with their sensual strokes and surprisingly mixed colors of paints? Can't you look at the picture and not feel the energy coming from it? In this case, this is the perfect type of wall decoration for you.

You can hang one large canvas on the wall, several paintings side by side, or order a fashionable modular set, but in any case, the picture should be combined with your interior design. How to correctly fit the picture into the existing environment, find out in our article:.

Another option is application. You can draw a drawing of any plan right on the wall and it will look very beneficial. This option is today quite deservedly considered trendy, since quite a lot of homeowners have already taken advantage of it. Hurry up and you will change the interior of your home for the better.

How to decorate an empty wall with framed photos

Photography captures reality in a matter of fractions of a second and then makes this moment delight its viewers for an infinitely long time. The moment is forever captured in time and will never be lost or distorted in our memory, only thanks to this wonderful art. For all those who are equally delighted with photography, we have collected here some useful schemes and ideas on how to decorate an empty wall with a set of framed photos.

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Wall decoration with drawings and vintage posters

What else can you hang on the wall besides paintings and photographs? Vibrant vintage posters, posters, blueprints and even children's drawings can give your interior a creative and bold spirit with a touch of nostalgia. To arrange them in frames or simply attach them with buttons - it's up to you to decide. We just present 10 great examples of this wall decoration in different rooms.

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How to decorate a wall with your own hands (ideas with photos)

Is this not enough for you? Then take a look at the following photos, which offer to decorate the wall with your own hands using mirrors, decorative plates, stucco and other interior items.

How many times our gaze has stopped at the intricate patterns applied to the walls. It is not only beautiful, but also quite affordable. You can, of course, contact a specialist and introduce a new trend into the interior, but it's easier to do it yourself. It is enough to stock up on acrylic paints, buy a stencil or make your own unique template. Even people who are far from art will be able to do such arts.

Sometimes painting brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also solves additional functions, for example, hides a low ceiling or uneven walls. In small rooms, small patterns of light colors are appropriate.

Often, the walls of a children's room are decorated with frames from your favorite cartoons or fairy-tale characters.

The hand-painted ceiling echoes the ornament on the wallpaper.

The decor should complement the style and color scheme of the room. Floral motifs are appropriate on the walls of a classic kitchen.

Stenciled Moroccan designs on bedroom walls.

Stencils for painting walls, where to buy

To decide on a stencil for painting, you need to study the room and choose a place for decor. If there are already existing textures and patterns in the interior, the ornament must be matched with them. If the work will be carried out on a "blank canvas", they try to think ahead and imagine furniture and other future interior accessories. Typically, wall stencils are designed to cover large areas. Although, it is convenient to decorate walls with small structures, for example, a damask stencil. After choosing a template, you need to decide on the color of the composition.

Remember, paint is applied over the stencil.

Designers do not recommend using two contrasting colors on their own. It is better to opt for a combination of glossy paints of one or a similar shade.
You can find stencils on the websites of online stores or on the shelves of building hypermarkets. An example would be the online decor store.

Having opted for a universal roller, you can get a whole set of rubber attachments for decoration.

The best choice of ready-made templates will be products based on a polymer film that is glued to the wall. Such stencils are easily washed and reused. If there is no template you like, you can make it yourself.

Stencils for painting walls with your own hands, in stages with a photo

Homemade stencils for painting walls can be made on a cardboard or lavsan base.

Option number 1 Template on film

A lavsan film is placed on the glass, and then covered with a printed paper stencil. With the help of a clerical knife, they remove unnecessary details, creating their own unique pattern.

Option number 2 Stencil from plastic folders
Stationery folders vary in density, color, and smoothness, but any of these will work for stencil cutting. These templates come out durable and waterproof. If you tape the transparent part of the four folders together with masking tape, you can make a template for a large pattern.

The selected ornament is printed, and then applied to plastic and cut out. It is advisable to fix the edges with tape.

It turns out a ready-made stencil for painting.

Option number 3 Cardboard template

For a budget stencil, a cardboard base is suitable. It is made according to the principle of plastic, but scissors are used for cutting. Cardboard templates are soaked, so they are more suitable for one-time use. Often the edges of the stencil are reinforced with tape or varnish.

Option # 4 Drawing with a projector
The drawing template is transferred to the wall through the projector, the outline is outlined and painted.

Option number 5 Stencil-masking tape
You can create a drawing on the wall using masking tape / narrow tape. First, an ornament is formed on the wall, and then paints are drawn along the edge of the ribbon.

Option number 6 With the use of fruits
A half of a lemon dipped in paint may well become an original template for a kitchen wall.

Homemade templates have a number of pros and cons that must be taken into account when making them.


  • variety of options;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • use on different types of surfaces;
  • profitability.


  • problem with fixing to the wall;
  • the occurrence of errors during cutting;
  • rapid wear;
  • small details spoil the drawing itself.

Wall painting styles, photo

There are many types of wall decoration. To decide on the choice of ornament for your interior, you need to navigate the styles of wall decor.

  • The classics adhere to harmony and simplicity. She has neutral motives that fill the room with a positive and soothing after a hard day.

  • Abstraction on the wall is an unusual interweaving of geometric shapes, floral elements and other artistic forms.

  • Splendor, grandeur and volume carries the baroque style. It is distinguished by the brightness of colors and the richness of the play of light and shadow. The style is characterized by large leaves and large flowers.

  • A special worldview, imposed by the influence of Islam, conveys the Arab direction. The complexity of the ornament is complemented by Arabic script and canvases similar to Arab carpets.

  • Artistic painting is real canvases or copies of famous masters.

Sometimes styles are combined or complemented by some important element.

Wall painting master class with photo

Required tools:

  • plastic sheets;
  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • stationery knife;
  • spray glue;
  • insulating tape;
  • dye;
  • brush.

Step 1. Design selection
Having artistic skills, you can create your own unique pattern or go for a ready-made template on the Internet. Print the pattern you like. With a large format, several sheets are printed out, and then glued together.

With a repeating pattern, it is necessary to achieve an even distribution of the pattern on the wall.

Step 2. Prepare sheets
You can buy clear plastic from an art supply store, but it's easier and cheaper to use plastic folders. For the blank, you need a square 60x60 cm, so the sheets are connected together with tape.

Step 3: transfer the pattern
Place the printed image under a translucent stencil, and then transfer it to the plastic with a marker.

Step 4: Prepare the stencil
Cut out the template using a utility knife. This step is the most time consuming, because every detail is important here.

Step 5: Placing the template on the wall
To secure the stencil to the wall, you will need glue spray or tape. For convenience, use a ladder, because it is better to start painting from the upper corner.

Step 6: applying the pattern
Paint with a brush is applied to the wall through a stencil. Sometimes a sponge is used for this. The amount of paint depends on the size of the room and the selected detail. Usually, it takes at least 24 hours for the coloring matter to dry completely.

The template is removed with sharp movements, at the end of the decoration.

Step 7: repetition
The stencil is applied to the wall several times until the selected pattern is completely formed.

Interior view before painting:

View after completion of work:

Painting the walls in the room, photo

It is known that the color of the interior affects the mood. Despite the existing rules for the selection of shades for the bedroom, each person has their own preferences and tastes. These can be unexpected colors and abstract patterns. Forget about traditional rules when choosing décor for your bedroom walls.

The Art Nouveau living room has natural shades and breathable shapes.

Oriental landscapes with cherry blossoms are inherent in the Japanese style. It is most often used for the bedroom.

An example of a painting when the border of space is "erased".

Fresco - painting on damp plaster, it is appropriate even in the bathroom. It is not subject to fading and cracking, because is a particle of the plaster itself.

Wall painting in the children's room, photo

Children's wall decor should be bright and understandable for the baby himself. Often in such an artistic painting there are:

  • scenes of favorite books;
  • starry sky;
  • nature (animals and plants);

  • nautical themes (ships, fish, pirates);
  • the name of the child is played up;
  • fragment of the cartoon;
  • transferring the child's drawing to the wall is appropriate.

For girls, the wall is decorated in pink, decorating it with princesses and fairies.

Teens will love graffiti or high-tech stories.

For a non-standard room, a drawing that blends into the floor is suitable.

Painting walls in the kitchen, photo

Before you start painting kitchen walls, you need to choose the style of decoration and the size of the ornament. All elements must be combined with the characteristics of the given space.

Enlarging the interior can be achieved with a distant landscape.

Separation of kitchen areas by wall decoration.

Classic painting of a kitchen wall using a stencil.

Abstraction will be appropriate for a high-tech kitchen.

Painting ceilings, photo

Of course, painting the ceiling is much more difficult than walls. This is where patience and accuracy come in handy. It is also necessary to think about purchasing special scaffolding for lying, because the creation of a drawing often takes several weeks. Hands and neck get tired from continuous work.

Artistic painting on the ceiling is mainly framed by an oval or circle, and a light source is located in the center.

The ceiling is visually raised with the image of the sky and stars.

In the dining room, the pattern is placed on the farthest plane, so it looks like a real landscape.

The star theme is applied to the ceiling with fluorescent paint. At night, the decor glows in the rays of UV lamps. They are placed around the perimeter of the drawing.

In the nursery, they often decorate not only the walls, but also the ceiling. Smoothly transitioning landscape from one surface to another, creates one whole and will be appropriate for all ages.

The basis for painting is a drawing that is transferred to the surface through a stencil or displayed using a projector. In order for the template to fit snugly against the wall, its surface is treated with stencil glue.
Self-application of painting on walls provides for the following rules:

  • the work surface is cleaned and degreased before painting;
  • the borders of the ornament are marked with a level and a pencil;
  • for decoration it is better to use a universal roller. It works well in large areas.
  • circular movements with a brush when painting will exclude the ingress of villi into the drawing;
  • a small amount of paint is taken on the brush, and its excess is removed with a rag;
  • reusable stencils must be washed at the end of work;
  • to protect the pattern from exposure to the sun and moisture, it is varnished;
  • for beginners it is better to work with acrylic paints. They dry quickly.

By adhering to the above rules, you can avoid many mistakes and not waste time on correcting them.

Do-it-yourself painting is best done without intricate patterns and small details.

Wall paints

Various types of paints are suitable for painting: water-based, oil, enamel, tempera, but most often acrylic is used.

  • The fresco is applied to the wall with a special powder mixed with water. This material is most often used for ceiling painting. The paint is very durable, non-cracking and non-fading.
  • To decorate the ceilings of clubs and restaurants, fluorescent paint is used, which glows under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • The most practical is acrylic. It is odorless, resistant to moisture and sunlight, which is especially useful for children's rooms and kitchens. Any surface is suitable for its application. The paint dries for about half an hour.
  • The depth and uniqueness of color are conveyed by oil paints. They are bright and not prone to cracking, although they dry slowly and smell unpleasant.
  • Tempera paints are ground on yolks or glue solution. They are durable, but prone to cracking.

Tools and materials for work

When starting to decorate, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  1. For a sketch, you will need a variety of paper and tracing paper. For non-standard ornaments, whatman books are taken.
  2. Auxiliary tools: two sizes of a ruler, triangle, tape, scissors, etc.
  3. Charcoal and graphite pencils, markers, eraser.
  4. Various brushes: construction, synthetic, bristle, flutes.
  5. Acrylic paints of different colors and shades. They come in glitter, pearlescent and silver. For painting large areas, building acrylic is purchased, which is supplemented with colors. Distinguish between facade and interior acrylic.
  6. To paint and create a volumetric panel, you will need spatulas and stacks.
  7. The work requires trays, rollers, sponges and a telescopic stick.
  8. Bucket, spray bottle for wall irrigation.
  9. To prepare the wall for work, you will need decorative plaster.
  10. Beads and glass for decoration.
  11. Fine-grained sandpaper for grouting and varnish for securing.

Sometimes craftsmen use an airbrush and spray gun to paint large surfaces.

Wall painting in the interior technique

The painting technique depends on the technology of applying the pattern and is performed both on wet and dry plaster.

  • Drawing on dry plaster, called alsecco, will be light and short-lived.
  • For frescoes, a layer of water-soluble paint is applied over wet plaster. The paint dries quickly, and the ornament itself is considered one of the most resistant and durable. Work in this technique is within the power of professionals.
  • The relief painting is based on plaster and has protrusions.
  • Airbrushing means "air painting" when paint is sprayed onto a wall with an airbrush. This decor comes out very delicate, with soft transitions.

  • Stencil painting is the simplest. It does not require special skills and abilities. The template is bought ready-made or made on its own.
  • Three-dimensional decor (blende) allows you to expand the interior and correct flaws in the finish. It is applied by a master and such work is expensive.

Do-it-yourself wall painting in the interior, step by step with a photo

Green tropical foliage will look good on a white or cream background. This decor is perfect for a living room or bedroom.
To work, you will need two types of palm leaf stencils.
Stencil number 1

Stencil No. 2
The leaves will be in three shades: white, green and pale olive. The three colors of oil paint are distributed in separate trays, and their own rollers and brushes are prepared for each shade.

The decor starts with a green leaf. The paint must be distributed over the entire roller, including the edges. The excess is then left on a paper towel.
You can initially distribute and fix three stencils on the wall surface and paint them in your own shades.

Then stencil # 2 is taken and a row of colored leaves is covered with new samples. At the same time, they try to make sure that their colors do not match, they make a green or olive shade on a white background.

Self-made wall decor will add zest to your interior, making it unique and unrepeatable. The most important thing is to choose the right ornament, because it will be in front of your eyes every day.