Demonstration options for oge in biology. Demonstration options for OGE in biology Relationship of the exam model of the OGE with the KIM of the exam

  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination paper in 2020 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2019 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work in 2018 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work in 2017 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the examination work in 2016 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the completion of the examination work in 2015 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the examination work in 2014 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the examination work in 2013 into a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in the demonstration options for the OGE in biology

Demonstration options for the OGE in biology 2009-2014 consisted of 3 parts: tasks with a choice of answers, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer.

In 2013 in part 2 (B) was added a practice-oriented task for correlating, according to a given algorithm, the morphological characteristics of an organism or its individual organs with the proposed models.

In 2014 in demo version of the OGE in biology the following changes:

  • in part 1 (A) on 2 was reduced number of tasks,
  • in part 2 (B) it was added a new task with a choice of three correct answers out of six;
  • in part 3 (C) it was new task included on the application of biological knowledge in a practical situation;
  • the total number of tasks has not changed but maximum primary score for the performance of examination work rose from 43 to 46.

In 2015 in the demo version of the OGE in biology, the structure of the version has changed:

  • The option began to consist two-piece.
  • Numbering assignments became through throughout the version without letter designations A, B, C.
  • The form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answer has been changed: the answer now needs to be recorded number with the number of the correct answer(not circled).

V demo versions of the OGE 2016 - 2019 in biology compared to the 2015 demo there were no changes.

V demo version of the OGE 2020 in biology compared to the 2019 demo, the following occurred changes:

  • It was reduced the number of tasks from 32 to 30.
  • Was reduced maximum primary score from 46 to 45.
  • Part 1 included new models of tasks 1 and 20 are included.
  • Part 2 included added new task 27, a tasks 31 and 32 reworked into new task 30.

OGE 2018. Biology. Typical test tasks.

M .: 2018 .-- 208 p.

The authors of the assignments are teachers and methodologists who are directly involved in the development of methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials of the OGE. The manual contains 14 options for typical test items of the Basic State Exam. The purpose of the manual is to practice students' practical skills in preparation for the Main State Exam in grade 9 in biology. The collection contains a detailed analysis and solution of all tasks of one of the options, in addition to this, answers are given to all test options. Provides detailed instructions for checking and evaluating student work. The collection is intended for teachers and methodologists preparing students for the Basic State Exam, as well as for self-preparation and self-control of students in the 9th grade of the basic school.

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Introduction 5
Work instructions 6
Option 1 7
Part 1 7
Part 2 17
Option 2 20
Part 1 20
Part 2 29
Option 3 33
Part 1 33
Part 2 41
Option 4 46
Part 1 46
Part 2 55
Option 5 58
Part 1 58
Part 2 66
Option 6 69
Part 1 69
Part 2 77
Option 7 80
Part 1 80
Part 2 87
Option 8 91
Part 1 91
Part 2 100
Option 9 104
Part 1 104
Part 2 113
Option 10 117
Part 1 117
Part 2 125
Option 11 129
Part 1 129
Part 2 139
Option 12 142
Part 1 142
Part 2 150
Option 13 155
Part 1 155
Part 2 165
Option 14 169
Part 1 169
Part 2 179
183 responses
Option 1 183
Option 2 184
Option 3 186
Option 4 188
Option 5 189
Option 6 191
Option 7 193
Option 8 195
Option 9 196
Option 10 198
Option 11 200
Option 12 201
Option 13 203
Option 14 205

The result of the Main State Exam in Biology is an assessment of the level of preparation of 9th grade graduates in the subject, the final certification of knowledge and skills.
This manual is a test measurement materials to prepare for the Basic State Exam in Biology in grade 9. The control measuring materials are built on the basis of the structure of the biology course in the basic school, they fully comply with the federal state educational standard and check the preparation of students in the following sections of biology:
- Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens.
- Animals.
- Man and his health.
- Biology. General patterns. An introduction to general biology and ecology.
Preparation for the execution of control measuring materials can be carried out according to any biology textbook included in the Federal List of Textbooks.
The manual includes 14 variants of the exam paper in biology in 2018, corresponding to the official demo. All the tasks are answered, and the assessment criteria are also given for the tasks with a detailed answer.

State final certification for ninth grade graduates is currently voluntary, you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

What is more attractive then the form of the OGE (GIA) for graduates of the 9th grade of 2019? Conducting directly attestation in this new form allows one to obtain an independent assessment of the preparation of schoolchildren. All tasks of the OGE (GIA) are presented in the form of a special form, which includes questions with a choice of answers to them. A direct analogy with the USE is drawn. In this case, you can give both short and detailed answers. Our website site will help you prepare perfectly and assess your chances realistically. Besides, tests GIA and OGE online with verification of answers help you decide on the further choice of a profile class in high school. You yourself can easily assess your knowledge of the chosen subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests in a number of disciplines. Our site dedicated to preparation for the delivery of the GIA 2019 grade 9 online, will fully help you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life.

All materials on our site are presented in a simple, understandable form. Whether you are an all-A-student in your class or the average average student, everything is now in your hands. It will not be superfluous for you to visit ours. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult test of the OGE, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations.

control measuring materials for carrying out
in 2018 of the main state exam

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE- to assess the level of general education in biology of graduates of IX classes of general educational organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes.

The OGE is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of CMM

The basis for the development of examination options is the invariant core of the content of biological education in basic schools, which is reflected in the Federal component of the state educational standard and in biology textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of basic general education.
Examination materials are aimed at checking the mastering of the most important knowledge by graduates presented in the sections of the biology course “Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens "," Animals "," Man and his health "," General laws of life ", subject skills and types of cognitive activity. This allows checking the main content of the course, ensuring the validity of control measuring materials. The content checked in the examination materials does not go beyond the approved standard of 2004 and does not depend on the work programs and textbooks used in teaching biology in specific educational institutions.
In the examination materials there is a high proportion of tasks in the section "Man and his health", since it is in it that the issues of preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of a person are considered that are relevant for students.

4. Connection of the exam model of the OGE with the KIM of the exam

It manifests itself in the selection of controlled content and the construction of the structure of control measuring materials. The content of the examination work in the IX grade tests knowledge, skills and types of activities in blocks similar to the blocks of a biology course in a basic school. The structure of the examination paper is represented by the same number of parts and the types of tasks used.

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

The work includes 32 tasks and consists of two parts.

Part 1 contains 28 tasks with a short answer: 22 tasks of a basic level of difficulty with an answer in the form of one number; 6 tasks of an increased level of complexity, of which 2 with the choice and recording of three correct answers out of six, 3 to establish the correspondence of the elements of two information series (including the task to include the terms and concepts missing in the text, to correlate morphological signs of an organism or its individual organs with the proposed models according to a given algorithm), 1 to determine the sequence of biological processes, phenomena, objects.

Part 2 contains 4 tasks with a detailed answer, of which: 1 of an increased level of complexity for working with a text, involving the use of information from the text of contextual knowledge to answer the questions posed; the rest of the high level of complexity: 1 for the analysis of statistical data presented in tabular form; 2 on the application of biological knowledge for solving practical problems.