Mother's Day kindergarten middle group. Fun for Mother's Day in the middle group. Dance with mothers “Dance with leaves”

Natalia Yakisheva

Fun for Mother's Day.

Middle group.


Education of communicative, social and moral qualities in children.

Establishing friendly relations between parents and children of the group, developing creative cooperation.

Creating a friendly atmosphere of emotional communication by including children and parents in joint activities

Formation of artistic skills in children through the use of speech means of expression.

Create a festive mood in children and mothers.

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children about the history of the origin of the holiday.

Selection of literary material.

Learning poems about mom.

Meeting with parents to collaborate on fun activities.

Software tasks:

Raising in preschoolers love and deep respect for the most dear person - their mother, the desire to help her, to please her.

Expanding children's understanding of the public holiday "Mother's Day".

Involving parents in a joint event to establish a good, trusting relationship with the child.

Contributing to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from joint celebration of the event.

Fostering courage, mutual assistance, and collectivism.

Encouraging children and parents to actively participate.

Progress of the event

To the song “Bouquet of White Roses,” children enter the hall with white roses in their hands. Stand on 2 sides of the hall.

The presentation “Our Mothers” begins; during the presentation, teachers read the preface.

Educator: the word MOTHER is one of the most ancient on earth and sounds almost the same in the language of all nations. This suggests that all people honor and love mothers. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day.

Educator: the first word a person says is the word MOTHER. Love for mother is inherent in us by nature itself. Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero.

Educator: all people respect and love their mothers. Happy Mother's Day to you, our dear mothers. This autumn day is dedicated to you. Let this holiday be bright! May sorrows go away and dreams come true, may people all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

And now the children will give flowers to their mothers!

Children form a semicircle and read the poem:

Mom is heaven! (hands up)

Mom is the light! (we show flashlights with our hands above)

Mom is happiness (hands to chest)

Mom, it’s better not (we wave our heads no - no)

Mom is a fairy tale! (thumb Waugh)

Mom is laughter! (laugh, smile)

Mom is a weasel! (pat ourselves on the head)

Moms love everyone! (we blow a kiss to mothers with our hands)

Children give flowers to their mothers and sit on chairs.

Children read poetry.

1. I got up this morning

I was surprised to learn

It's our mother's holiday

That's the kind of prankster I am.

2. I’m going to kindergarten today

Dad saw me off this morning

Don't be bored my mom

I shouted and ran away.

3. Dear mother,

I love you

I'll pick flowers

I'll give them to you.

4. I’ll draw a sun

For my mom

Let it shine through the window

She'll have more fun.

5. We wish our mothers,

Never lose heart.

Every year to be more and more beautiful,

And scold us less.

Educator: Mom is always the best in everything. And today we invite our mothers to participate in competitions with their children.

And our first competition, very simple, is called “We know each other.” Mothers have to find their child with their eyes closed.

1. There is no better person in the world than her

All children know this from birth,

Even though we are angry, stubborn,

Our beloved mother forgives us everything.

2. Let's grow up and be ourselves

We take care of mom

In the meantime, we'll deliver it to her

Joy with your song.

Children sing a song about their mother.

Educator: You recognize your children, and now let's see how dexterous and agile our mothers are. And the second competition of our evening is very fun, and it’s called “Funny Penguins”; mothers and children must walk a distance, holding a balloon with their feet on their knees). Mothers of boys are invited to participate in the competition.

Educator: Now our mothers will rest, and the children will read poems to them.

1. Mom is the child’s first word,

Mom - the first steps in life.

Mom is the most sacred thing in the world,

Mom, take care of your mother.

2. Who opened this world to me,

Sparing no effort.

And always protected

The best mom in the world.

3. There is no such son anywhere,

A real man.

Loves to hug mom

Kiss very tenderly.

4. Reads books in the evening,

And he always understands everything.

Even if I'm stubborn

I know my mother loves me.

5. Mommy is like a butterfly

Cheerful, beautiful.

Affectionate, kind,

My favorite.

Educator: our mothers have the kindest, gentle and skillful hands. But we will now check how rich imagination mothers have. So, our third competition is purely female, therefore mothers and their daughters are invited, and it is called “Golden Hands”; mothers must make an outfit for their child from a scarf, a scarf, and bows. Mothers and daughters participate in this competition.

Educator: Guys, what kind words, good words do you know about mothers?

Children: beloved, dear, affectionate, caring, sweet, gentle, mommy, mummy.

Educator: Well done guys. We would like you to call your mothers with these words as often as possible.

Children's poems.

1. Mom, there is no one more precious than you,

Mom can do anything in the world

Congratulations to moms today,

We wish mothers happiness.

2. Mom is golden autumn,

Mom is the dearest,

Mom is kindness.

Mom will always help out!

3. Big bow to you all dear mothers,

For what you are in the world.

For kindness, for golden hands,

For your maternal advice,

With all our hearts we wish you

Health, happiness, long life.

Educator: Russian wisdom says: “A mother’s heart warms better than the sun.” We offer a friendly game-competition between children and parents “Draw the Sun”. Each team member has a gymnastic stick in his hand and a hoop in front. Run out one by one with sticks and arrange them in rays around your hoop - “draw a sun.”

Educator: children, look how your mothers love you, how many rays of love are directed towards you. And you mothers, look at the defenseless rays of your children, they so need your care and love. Let's be polite and considerate to each other.

Educator: and now we want to ask the children riddles.

You need to listen to them carefully, and then you need to answer!

1. Who goes to bed later than everyone else?

And gets up earlier than everyone else?

Spends the day in worries

And very tired? (Mother)

2. Mom’s ears sparkle

And they don’t melt at all.

Crumbs of ice turn silver

In mom's ears (earrings)

3. This food is for everyone

Mom will cook for lunch.

And the ladle is right there -

He will pour it into plates. (soup)

4. These balls are on a string

Would you like to try it on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box (beads).

Educator: now let's see if mothers have forgotten how to swaddle their babies. And the next competition is “Who can swaddle a doll faster.” Both mothers and grandmothers can participate.

Knit socks and cook dinner

Knows an old recipe for jam

She often bakes pies and pancakes,

Our good, kind grandmother.

Educator: and now let’s move on to the next competition, which is called “Decorate your mother.” Several couples with children are invited to play. In the middle of the hall there is a table with accessories: hats, scarves, beads, hairpins, etc. Mothers sit on chairs around the table. At the signal, the children begin to decorate their mother.

Listen, listen, listen.

Today we will sing for you!

All the best, the best

Warmed by the warmth of your eyes.

Children dance dance.

Now the children will give gifts to their mothers!

Educator: Dear mothers! We are waiting for you in our hospitable hall again and again, and we really hope that today we were able to give you some wonderful moments, pleasant minutes on your holiday!

Entertainment script "Mother's Day"

Education of communicative, social and moral qualities in children.
Establishing friendly relations between teachers of the group, parents and children of the group, development of creative cooperation.
Creating a friendly atmosphere of emotional communication by involving children and parents in joint activities.
Formation of artistic skills in children through the use of speech means of expression.
Create a festive mood in children and mothers.
Preliminary work :
Conversation with children about the history of the origin of the holiday.
Selection of literary material.
Learning poems about mom.

Hello, our dear mothers! Today we have gathered here on a very important occasion - the celebration of Mother's Day. This holiday appeared recently, but has already become firmly established in our lives because mother is the most necessary and beloved person in our lives, and we always want to please her.
“Mom” is the first word, the main word in our destiny...
Mom gave life, she gave peace to me and you!..
Thank you, our mothers!

From the heart,

In simple words,

Come on, friends,

Let's talk about mom.

1 child: November is walking through the yards

In the rays of coolness and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we are pleased with this

2nd child: Mothers Day -
The best holiday in the world
Your mothers today
All the children will congratulate you.

Dear mothers,
Our beloved ones,
There's no one for you
Kinder and more beautiful.

We promise
Don't upset you
Let's have toys
Clean up yours.

We will obey
And we won't cry,
If only it were nearby

There have always been mothers.

3 child: Dear mothers, dear ones,
You are our favorites.
We gathered together today,
To congratulate you now.

4 child: Ask for your forgiveness
For offensive words.
And say: “Dear mother,
I love you very much!
5 child: I want to wish you health,
I wish you much happiness.
Stay sweet, kind,
And don't lag behind fashion.
6 child: Mom caresses us,
The sun warms
Sunny, like mom
Only one thing happens.

7th child: Let's grow up and be ourselves

We take care of mom

In the meantime, we'll deliver it to her

Joy with your song.

Leading: Now your children are singing a song for you “Dear kind mother” (according to the soundtrack).

Leading: Our children continue to please their mothers with kind words.

8 child: Mom brings me toys and sweets.
But that’s not why I love my mother.
She sings funny songs
The two of us are never bored!
I love my mother, I’ll tell you straight.
Well, simply because she is my mother!

9 child: Mommy has two magical dimples on her cheeks.
And when she laughs, such a magical laughter flows

10 child: Mom is my sunshine, I am her sunflower.
It's good to be happy and love your mommy.

11 child: You live in the world, mom, for many, many years.
There is no one dearer to you in the whole world.

Presenter: Every child’s mother is the kindest, most beloved, most beautiful. Mom has a lot of festive outfits and decorations. Guys, guess the riddles about what your mother loves?

Mom's ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Drops and crumbs turn silver
Jewelry… (earrings)

To be a beautiful mother,
You need to take mascara and blush.
And you need to put on lipstick
Pearlescent... (lipstick)

Poured into jars, into tubes,
It looks like sour cream.
Moms all like him.
This is a fragrant... (cream)

Comb all the shaggy ones,
Braid curls into braids,
Do a fashionable hairstyle
Helps us... (comb)

Would you like to try on these balls on a string?
For all your tastes in your mother’s box... (beads).

Leading: And now I invite mothers with their children. The competition is called “Collect beads for mom”
The children collect the beads, and the mothers help and tie them. (Mums should wear the beads and admire them, take pictures and be sure to praise them). Our festive evening continues with children's poems.

12 child: My sister and I will clean the whole apartment together.
Let's bake a golden brown pie and wait for mom to come.
Just mom is on the doorstep - and we have a pie ready!

13 child: There is nothing sweeter than a mother’s smile -
As if the light of the sun will flare up, the unsteady darkness will be dispelled.
Like a goldfish flashing its tail -
Mom’s smile will immediately bring joy!

14 child: My mother’s hands are a pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful, so much love and strength in them!

15 child: It’s like turquoise is my mother’s eyes.
Clear and pure, kind, radiant.
Like stars are burning
And they talk to me.

Leading: Everyone sitting here is familiar with the cartoon about a baby mammoth who was looking for his mother. Song about a baby mammoth (phonogram)
Of course, the mother will certainly find her child, even with her eyes closed.
Game "Find your child"(Mothers play with boys and girls in turns).

Leading: We have a sea of ​​kisses, the game is called “Give mom a kiss and say a kind word.” Children run up to the sea of ​​kisses and take 1 kiss (lips made of cardboard) and bring it to their mother. Don't forget to kiss your mommy on the cheek.

Host: Well done everyone! And again poems about what our mothers are like:

16th child: I will kiss my mother deeply,
I will hug her dear one.
I love her very much
Mom, my sunshine.

17th child: Mother! What a good word!
Mom is ready to be there all the time.
In times of misfortune she is always there,
He will support you with a smile, a word, and a look.

18th child: I love you, mom! For what? I don't know,
Probably because I live and dream
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day
For this, dear, I love you.

19th child: We wish our mothers

Never lose heart.

Every year to be more and more beautiful,

And scold us less.

20 child: Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is laughter!

Mom is happiness!

There is no better mom!

21 RURchild: What gift will we give mom on this day?
There are many fantastic ideas for this!
After all, preparing a surprise for mom is very interesting.
And the flower on the card will look wonderful!

Giving gifts to mothers.

Presenter: Our evening has come to an end. We thank everyone for the pleasure and festive mood. Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of children.

We invite everyone to a tea party.

We can begin.

But first we need to work together

Hello to us! " say.

(Everyone says hello).

November is walking through the yards

In the rays of coolness and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we are pleased with this

How many stars are there in the clear sky!

How many ears of corn are there in the fields!

How many songs does the bird have!

How many leaves are on the branches!

Only the sun is the only thing in the world!

Only mom is the only one in the world!


1. Who came to me in the morning? (children in chorus) Mommy!

2. Who said: “It’s time to get up?” - mommy!

3. Who managed to cook the porridge? - Mommy!

4. Should I pour tea into everyone’s cups? - mommy!

5. Who braided my hair? - mommy.

6. Did you sweep the whole house? - mommy.

7. Who picked the flowers in the garden? - mommy.

8. Who kissed me? - mommy.

9. Who as a child loves laughter? - mommy.

10. Who is the best in the world? - mommy.

Today we will congratulate mothers

Today we will perform for mothers.

They are now sitting with a smile, looking at us.

And we are very, very happy for our guys.

We are in a hurry to repeat to our mothers

We will always pity and love you.

Listen to this song now.

Let's sing this song just for you.

Song--- “The trees don’t make noise”

Presenter: Don’t forget, kids, that you need to take care of your mothers and say words of gratitude to them more often! Now I'll check how well you areyou know polite words!

Host: Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (“thank you”).

Even the stump will turn green,

When he hears good... (“day”).

If you can't eat anymore,

Let's tell mommy... (“thank you”).

When they scold you for pranks, Say sorry... (“please”).

Presenter: Well done! Now I am sure that your mothers are not deprived of attention and tenderness! And now we will ask our mothers, together with their children, to take part ingame "The Funniest Family"

Eyes, eyelashes, and a smile appear on a balloon from pieces of sticky tape.

We continue our holiday: dance “Far from Mom”

How many nights have you, mommies, spent at the cribs! As soon as they heard the child's voice, they jumped out of bed. And I think it won’t be difficult for yourecognize your child by his voice.

(Moms sit in a row with their backs to their children.)

Host: Now your children will cry as in childhood. But don't worry, they will make fun of you. You need to guess your baby's cry.

(The presenter approaches each child in turn, who must cry into the microphone making “wa-wa” sounds. The mother who recognizes the child should raise her hand.

Host: Now I will ask youriddles about moms . Whoever guesses first raises their hand! Ready? Go.

Examples of riddles:

1. These balls are on a string

Would you like to try it on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box...(BEADS)

2. Mom’s ears sparkle,

They play with the colors of the rainbow.

Drops and crumbs turn silver


3. Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated all over with flowers.

Mystery headdress -

Our mother has it...(HAT)

4. Name the dishes:

The handle stuck to the circle.

Damn bake her - nonsense

This is...(FRYING PAN)

5. He has water in his belly

Seething from the heat.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly...(TEAPOT)

6. This food is for everyone

Mom will cook for lunch.

And the ladle is right there -

He will pour it into plates...(SOUP)

7. Dust will find and instantly swallow -

It brings cleanliness for us.

A long hose, like a trunk-nose,

The rug is being cleaned...


8. Irons dresses and shirts,

He will iron our pockets.

He is a faithful friend on the farm -

His name is...(IRON)

9. Mom's striped animal

The saucer will beg for sour cream.

And after eating it a little,

Ours will purr...(CAT)

Let's imagine a home environment: the house is a mess, dirty dishes, scattered toys. Mom will be home from work soon, we need to tidy up the room.

And now we will see how our children will clean up the room.

Game "Mom's Helpers"


Take care of your children

Don't scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days

Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

If you feel tired

I can’t cope with her,

Well, my son will come to you

Or your daughter will extend her hands.

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

This happiness is a short moment,

Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

These golden days will flash by

And they will leave their native hearth

Your children have grown up.

Host: And now, dear mothers, I suggest you remember how your children were small and you had to feed them. Only now the children will feed you.

Competition "Feed Mom"

Mothers sit on chairs with their hands tied, and children stand and feed their mothers fruit salad.

There is nothing tastier in the world

Grandma's pies and buns,

There are no warmer socks or mittens,

That will warm the body and the soul.

Moms and dads are in business,

Where can I find time for children?

To and from work,

Hurry up to the store.

Who's going to walk with us?

Will he sing a lullaby?

Our dear grandmother

Protects our childhood.

Who scolds us the least?

Who bakes pies for us?

Who accompanies us to kindergarten?

And does it lead you back home?

Well, of course, this is the most

Our dear man!

Let the gray little head -

You, grandma, are the best.

dance "Once palm, two palms"

We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier.

We wish our mothers

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week,

It was like a day off for you.

We want, for no reason,

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wonderful beauty.


Dear mothers! Happy holiday to you! Let the children make you happy! Let there be more moments when you feel their attention and love! Happy holiday! Happy Mother's Day!

Scenario for an autumn holiday dedicated to Mother's Day, middle group

Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day" for children of the middle group.
"Mom's Helpers"

Author. Sayasova Valentina Valerievna, teacher of the Krasnoborsky kindergarten "Kolosok", Shatkovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description of the material.: the material will be of interest to teachers and music directors in preschool institutions.
Target. Introduce children to Mother's Day.
Tasks. Promote the development of speech as a means of communication, develop general motor skills, auditory attention, and expand the vocabulary of children. Strengthen the ability to perform movements to music. Create a desire to participate in events and give gifts to your family. Cultivate a sense of respect for mom.
Preliminary work: making gift cards for mothers, learning poems, dancing for the holiday, presenting invitations to mothers for the holiday.
Facilities: beautiful scarves for dancing, 2-3 basins for washing, rope, tambourine, 1/2 sheets of whatman paper, felt-tip pens.
Methods: we use poems, dramatization of a poem, a dance game, riddles, a surprise moment for mothers, presenting letters of gratitude to mothers.
Group registration: multi-colored balls, modules with autumn leaves, flowers and hearts.
Participants of the holiday: teacher, children, mothers and music director.
Leisure progress.
Educator. We are glad to see children, guests and, of course, the main heroes of the occasion - our mothers!
Children read poetry:
1 Mother! We congratulate you on your holiday,
We wish to live longer on earth.
Let adversity pass by.
Mommy, we need you!
2 May the sun shine on you, mommy,
You are the best in the world!
It's okay, mommy, don't be afraid
And don’t worry about us in vain.
3 You give all your love to your children
We won't see anything like this anywhere else.
But sometimes it’s hard for you with us
And you sigh tiredly in the evenings.
Educator. Why do you, mothers, sigh sadly so often? Answer, answer! Don't you really know? (mom's answers).
Your mothers and boys are tired, but you are no longer babies, but preschoolers. It’s time for you to get to work, even though you might be reluctant! Is it easy to do things like mom? We’ll find out everything, listen and look at the kids.
Dramatization:(two or three boys)
We decided to help mom
And they poured water into the basin.
Powder was poured down
The laundry was all soaked.
We washed it for a long time,
They even rubbed it on the board,
Nothing was torn apart

And how much they rinsed!
Back and forth, back and forth,
The water in the basin boiled.
But, brother, that’s the problem
Foam fell on the floor.
Let's collect it
And squeeze it into the bucket,
To become like our mother
You have to work hard!
Educator. Guys, I’ll now tell you riddles about objects that help mothers in their affairs (mothers can help):
1 Big, with a shaggy beard,
Like a blizzard blows in winter,
At home he stands in the corner
He keeps order. (broom)
2 The broom has help
He loves to carry trash.
Make way for him
To take out all the rubbish. (scoop)
3 I love helping people
I can carry water into the house.
But I can also be empty
Red, yellow, blue. (bucket)
4 I see dust and I grumble
I'll growl and swallow! (vacuum cleaner)
Educator. Ay, well done! And now the riddles are only for mothers, who are your main helpers?
1 Believe me, it's a miracle!
Like a scarlet flower.
Like a bud on a birch tree
You were born... Daughter!
2 He is the best in the world.
And he is the only one.
Protector and helper.
Of course it's......son!
Educator. Look, moms, what wonderful helpers you have. Come on, kids, don’t be lazy, and get on with the laundry.
An adult distributes children's handkerchiefs. There is a string stretched between two chairs. And the children stand in a circle and perform the dance “We will wash the handkerchief”
We will wash the handkerchiefs
Let's rub them hard, hard.
Like this, like this
Let's rub them hard, hard!
And then, and then
We'll wring out the handkerchiefs.
Like this, like this
We'll wring out the handkerchiefs!
And now we are all handkerchiefs
We'll take it to the rope.
Like this, like this
We'll take the handkerchiefs!
Let all the handkerchiefs dry,
In the meantime, we'll rest.
Like this, like this.
In the meantime, we'll rest. (squat down)
And now our handkerchiefs
We will iron it.
Like this, like this. (put a handkerchief on your left hand
We will iron it. And with the right hand they stroke it.)
And now we'll all dance
And we'll wave our handkerchiefs.
Like this, like this
That's it, that's it! (A. Anufrieva)
Educator. Wow! Your children will redo everything! Dear mothers, have you rested a little? We can work hard, and we can have fun!
The game “Rope” (or “Merry Tambourine”) is played.
Educator. Well done! It seems to me that today's holiday was a success! What do you think, dear parents? And instead of answering, I suggest you draw a sun on a piece of paper if you liked our holiday, and a cloud if you didn’t. But first, allow the children to give you one more gift.
Child reading(E. Blaginina)
I keep walking, I keep thinking, I look:
What will I give my mother tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe some candy?
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower-light!
Children give mothers gifts.
Educator. “It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence.” “There is no better friend than your own mother.” “The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about the mother,” as Russian folk proverbs say. And so it has been and will always be! May God grant you, dear mothers, health and simple feminine happiness! Thank you for your attention!
(And our mothers also received letters of gratitude for participating in the competition “My Mother is a Handicraftswoman”)

Mother's Day in the middle group

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the State Autonomous Educational Institution JSC Secondary Professional Education "Chernoyarsk Provincial College" structural unit of the Kindergarten "Golden Fish" of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district.

This material will be useful for educators and music directors when holding a fun event dedicated to the Day
mothers for children of middle preschool age.

Target: Continue to introduce children to holiday culture. Cultivate a desire to take part in holidays. To form an idea of ​​the traditional holiday, "Day of
mothers", to instill in children a feeling of joy from communicating with mothers and grandmothers. To foster love and respect for the dearest person on earth - mother.

"Mom, my dear." Scenario for Mother's Day in the middle group.

Progress of the holiday.
Presenter. Hello, dear mothers, grandmothers, guests. We are very glad to see you as our guest. It is no coincidence that we have gathered in our cozy hall today. After all, it is in November that we celebrate a wonderful holiday - World Mother's Day. There are words that we call holy. One of these words is the warm, affectionate word “Mom”, permeated with the warmth of a mother’s hands, the warmth of a mother’s word and mother’s love. Dear mothers and grandmothers, today we want to congratulate you with our performances. And your beloved, wonderful children prepared them. Let's listen to them.

1st child.
Go around the whole world, just know in advance:
You won’t find warmer and more tender hands than your mother’s,
You will not find eyes in the world that are gentler and stricter.
Mom is dearer to each of us.

2nd child.
I smile like a mother
I also frown stubbornly
I have the same nose
And the same hair color.

Mommy sunshine, flower
Mom is a sip of air,
Mom is joy, mom is laughter
Mom is the best of all!

4th child.
Mom is the best, dearest!
We congratulate our mothers,
And we wish them health.

Presenter. Dear mothers, please accept this wonderful song as a gift.

The song is performed: “Dear autumn, rustle”

5th child.
Who could be more precious than mother!
Who brings us light and joy!
When we are sick and stubborn,
Who will regret and save!

6th child.
We hasten to congratulate you on Mother's Day,
And wish you health, peace, happiness!
Let sadness not touch your beautiful eyes,
And your life will be warmed with happiness.

7th child.
Thank you mommy for your tenderness
Your holy kindness
For affection, for love and loyalty,
For your hard work and warmth!

The dance “Everything for Moms!” is performed.

(Girls dance with handkerchiefs, boys with balloons).

Presenter. Guys, you know that there are many proverbs and sayings about mothers. Now I will start the proverb, and you will finish it.

1. Where the mother goes, there goes (the child)
2.Mother feeds children (like the land of people)
3. There is no such friend (like my own mother)
4. When the sun is warm, (when mother is good)
5.Bees without a queen (lost babies).

Presenter. Well done boys! You know proverbs and sayings well.
Presenter.[b]Our mothers are the most beloved, the smartest, the most beautiful. I think everyone will be interested in learning about how mothers know their children. (Blindfolded mothers find their child by touch).

Presenter. Well done, mommies, you are the best!
Mom is the beginning of life, the keeper of the home. No matter how old we are, our mothers will always love us. Now the children will perform wonderful ditties for you.

Ditties are performed.

1. They say I’m a fighter,
Combat, so what?
My mom is fighting
Well, then who am I?

2. For mom in the morning, our Mila
Gave me two candies
I barely had time to give it
She immediately ate them herself.

3.I washed my mother’s dishes
I tried very hard:
Broke five plates
And there is only one left.

4. We stop singing ditties,
And we always promise you
Always listen to you in everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

Presenter. Today, our children are present with our dear and beloved grandmothers. Let's congratulate them on the holiday too.

I have a Grandmother
She bakes pancakes
Knits warm socks
Knows fairy tales and poems
I love my grandmother
I say thank you to her.

The girl performs the song "My Grandmother"

Presenter. And now we will play and amuse our guests.

The game "Help grandma wind the threads" is played.

(Children, on command, wind up balls of thread to see who is faster).

Presenter. Now we will rest and listen to poetry.
1. I’ll draw a sun
For my mom
Let it shine through the window
She'll have more fun.

2.We want our mothers
They became even more beautiful!
To make everyone happier
Our mothers are dear.

The song is being performed: “Mom is my sunshine”

Presenter. You've listened to the song, now let's play.

The game is played "Who can swaddle the doll faster)

(Children, mothers and grandmothers take part).

The dance is performed: "We are cuties."

Presenter. Guys, our mothers are the best, they can do anything! I would like to know what dishes your mothers cook?
(Children's answers)
Presenter. Let's hold a competition "Make a salad for mom."
(grandmothers help).
On command, grandmothers and children prepare a fruit salad.

The game "Feed your mother with fruit salad" is being played.

Presenter. Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all mothers and grandmothers for the pleasure and festive mood.
For this wonderful holiday, the children have prepared gifts for you, dear mothers.
(Children give homemade paper flowers to their mothers and grandmothers)
All guests are invited to join the group for a festive tea party. Scenario for Mother's Day in English for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren