Money conspiracies for the growing moon. How to properly conduct conspiracies during the waxing moon. Fortune telling on the moon

It is impossible to find a person who never has difficulty with money. These can be debts on loans, problems finding a job, salary delays, unplanned expenses. It often happens that there is a prestigious job, a high income, but the money seems to evaporate somewhere, they are always in short supply. If you can't solve the problem in traditional ways, you can use magic to help. In this article we will tell you what conspiracies for money for the growing moon to read at home and how to do it correctly.

The energy of the month will help to improve the financial situation and achieve the desired wealth. The main condition is to believe in the power of a powerful luminary and show due respect to him.

In esotericism, the moon is considered a powerful energy object that affects the behavior and way of thinking of a person, regardless of his desires. During the new moon period, the positive energy of the month begins to accumulate in the human body. The same action applies to things and objects. They not only absorb and preserve the lunar energy, but also take it over from a person.

By reading conspiracies, you can program items and turn them into effective amulets that attract money and improve well-being. It is not without reason that magicians have long used the lunar cycles as guidelines for rituals. The success of witchcraft depends on this. If you need to attract what you want, you should read conspiracies on the growing moon. Its energy is most powerful when the luminary is in the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Gemini. The best day for performing magical actions for the growing month is Wednesday.

Monetary rituals are not complete without uttering a conspiracy. This is a set of words that tunes the subconscious mind to look for opportunities, how to get and increase wealth. The magical text attracts the power of the moon, which it actively accumulates in the phase of its growth, and directs it correctly. As a result, the powerful energy of the month begins to help a person approach the cherished goal - getting money.

Preparing to read conspiracies

Magic does not tolerate haste and fuss. Before reading the conspiracy, you need to calm down and stop getting upset because of life's troubles. Try to come to terms with the current state of affairs, because panic has not yet helped anyone solve the problem. Sit back and take a deep breath to relax.

Take a blank piece of paper and write on it all the debts you have accumulated to date. The resulting number will need to be guided by reading the conspiracy. Estimate the amount you need. To understand how big it is for you, calculate how quickly you can raise this money yourself in an emergency. Write down separately the things that you could refuse to pay off debts. Remember the total amount - it will be useful to you in order to get the most out of the spoken conspiracy.

Stay alone with yourself indoors. It should be quiet and comfortable so you can relax. Close your eyes and try to imagine that you already have the calculated amount, that you are holding it in your hands, it is yours and will not go anywhere from you.

Conspiracy rules

There are a huge number of strong money conspiracies that are carried out precisely in the waxing moon phase. Each has its own characteristics, but all are carried out according to certain rules. Performing rituals on the new moon, you appeal to the power of the month. To gain the favor of a heavenly body, say all words with respect. Believe with all your soul that the moon will assist. Otherwise, your words will not be heard, and the magic text will not find a response from higher powers.

To get the most out of your conspiracy, also follow these guidelines:

  1. Perform magical activities on Wednesday. In the middle of the week, there is a particularly powerful monetary energy, so the conspiracy will definitely work.
  2. To achieve what you want, strictly follow the instructions of the ritual, do not add anything from yourself, do not change the actions in places. This is especially important for beginners who do not have magical experience yet. Otherwise, the conspiracy may not work, and you will only waste your time.
  3. Perform the rituals alone and in silence. You can retire in a room, but it is better to wait for the moment when no one else will be at home.
  4. Do not think that after reading the conspiracy, wealth itself will float into your hands. It is important to believe not only in magic, but also in yourself. To summon money, you yourself should also make some effort. Magic does not help those who are just lying on the couch and lounging around. Continue to work, do good deeds - and the higher powers will thank you.
  5. Keep the rituals a secret. Do not even tell your loved ones how you have corrected your financial situation. Do not provoke envy in people and the desire to put the evil eye or damage on you.

The implementation of these simple rules will allow you to correctly conduct a magical rite and solve material problems. There shouldn't be any difficulties in performing the rituals. Each of them is accompanied by detailed instructions. All actions are simple, and the necessary things for carrying out magical manipulations are at hand. They can also be purchased at your nearest store.

Some Precautions

Before reading the conspiracy, weigh the pros and cons. Keep in mind that witchcraft can only be used if you have faith in it, a serious need and a sincere desire. If you are just wondering, you should not play the magician, in which case you will not be able to achieve what you want.

Rituals and conspiracies aimed at attracting money and wealth are not recommended for pregnant women. This can negatively affect the baby in the womb. And it is not known how your magical experiments will affect the future life of the child.

Before reading the conspiracy, you should fast for at least 3 days. During this period, try to avoid foul language and bad thoughts, do not swear, do not quarrel with relatives and colleagues. Then the conspiracy will work better, and you will eventually achieve the desired money.

Strong money conspiracies

Magic also allows you to independently invent conspiracies, but for beginners it is better to turn to ancient rituals. Their strength has already been tested by time. Do not forget after witchcraft to thank the moon for the attention shown.

Easy ways to attract money

If you need to attract money, wait for the growth phase of the moon and prepare a bowl of clean water, leave a handkerchief next to it. Get up at dawn, wash yourself with water that has absorbed the energy of the month. Repeat 12 times: "As water is poured into a basin, so the cash flow will spill on me, it will stay with me and will not end." At the end, say "Amen" three times.

After saying this phrase 12 times, dry your face with the handkerchief you prepared in advance. Dry it and put it in your pocket, then carry it with you for a month. Do not show this scarf to anyone. Moreover, do not let anyone touch him. This handkerchief will become your talisman. It will be charged with lunar energy and will subsequently attract money.

During the new moon, some conspiracies are read not at dawn, but at sunset. Here is one of them: dissolve 3 teaspoons of salt in a glass of water and drink 3 small sips. This must be done at sunset, standing in front of an open wide-open window, saying the following magic words: “I will change salt for gold-silver, I’ll collect profit in my wallet. As I save salt, I will preserve prosperity forever. Amen".

Then moisten your forehead and temples with charmed water, pour a little in your bosom and collar. If there is still something left in the glass, throw it into the ground. Remember that it cannot be closed until the end of the ritual.

Another very simple but effective ceremony. Every day when the moon rises, just count your money. Ideally, these should be large bills, but if there are none, take any. When counting money, say: “The larger the moon, the richer I am. The moon will rise - and wealth will find me. In my wallet, money is ringing and rustling, they are in a hurry to multiply. For my good and for the good of the universe. May what has been said come true. "

You can just show the young month, while it is growing, your money. Rustle with bills, jingle coins and say: "You, moon, be young, and I always have money in my wallet!"

Conspiracy texts are small, so it's better to learn them and pronounce them without a piece of paper. So the words will be felt, and the month will hear you sooner.

Nowadays, almost everyone has a bank card. Some even have several of them. You can talk to your card so that it brings money, and its balance never becomes negative. Before reading the conspiracy, make sure that there is money in the account. The larger the amount, the more return you will get from the ritual.

You need to pronounce the conspiracy at night on the growing moon, holding the card in your hands and rubbing it with your palms. The text should be read like this: “I love the card, I carry it with me. I ask that you give more money and do not give up in need. What is in the account, let it multiply, so as not to count. One, two, three - take my words and hold them tight, don't drop them on the way, bring money on the card. May what has been said come true. "

Be sure to top up your card within the next day. When you do this, the conspiracy is in full force. From now on, the bank card will always remain in the black.

You will need a silver jewelry. You can choose a ring, chain, earring, bracelet. You cannot take a pectoral cross or a wedding, especially a wedding ring. But instead of jewelry, you can use any silver item that is always with you.

Fill a saucer or bowl with water and leave on the windowsill overnight. This needs to be done before the moon wanes. Next to the saucer, place the silver object that you decided to speak. Water is needed because it absorbs energy well - in this case, the lunar one.

At night, silver will be charged with the energy of the growing month. At dawn, you will need to activate the received forces and direct them to attract wealth. Dip silver in water and say the following text: “Bring gold and silver and a prosperous life every day and shine on me. These are my words - hold them tight and hurry to fulfill them. May it be so forever and ever. "

To perform this ritual, you will need the largest banknote of those that are currently in your wallet. Make a triangle out of it, then bend it in half. The conspiracy itself must be pronounced on an even day of the new moon. Touch the corner of the prepared bill with your lips and say: “As there are so many fish in the waters and mud in the swamps, so there’s no count of money in me. Moon, grow up, and give me wealth. " Finish with a triple amen.

Don't buy anything for the next week. Put the charmed banknote in your wallet and carry it there for a month. Try not to touch this bill at all for 30 days. It's good if you can put other banknotes on it. You do not need to recount them, let them accumulate without your knowledge.

How to talk a wallet so that money is always found in it

This magical ceremony will take more time. But the result will be to your liking. Place the wallet on the windowsill ahead of time, even before the moon begins to rise. At the same time, say: “How not to count the stars and the stars in the sky at night, how not to take into account every fish in the sea, so I will have a lot of money in my wallet - I cannot count it. I hope for your help, moon, give me success and wealth. "

On a full moon, put more large bills in your wallet. Repeat the plot for the next 3 nights.

This is a strong conspiracy to be pronounced on any day of the moon's rising phase after a family dinner. Prepare a bowl of honey beforehand. When you clear the table, dip your palms in honey, then collect bread crumbs, grains of salt and sugar with them. At this time, say the magic words: “I collect litter, I attract good luck. As the specks stick to the honey, so let the money stick to the palms. As the motes are held on the palms, so let the wealth linger in them. My words are firm, illuminated by the young moon. Amen!".

Then wash my hands, say: “I wash my hands - I call money into the house. The dirt disappears, the wealth comes. The water decreases, the moon comes and attracts money to me. Amen!".

After completing the ritual, wash off the remaining honey from the table. No more conspiracies need to be pronounced. Your family members should not see you perform the ceremony. If someone comes into the kitchen at this time, do not explain anything, just keep silent and go away from answering.

Amulets are often made from coins; they are often used in monetary rituals. Even if you have a talisman, you can carry out a new ceremony. When the next conspiracy is imposed on the previous one, their strength increases, as a result, they attract what they want faster.

Take advantage of a quick conspiracy. It takes very little time to pronounce it. Leaving the house, each time, while the moon is growing, say the following text: “It was mine, it sailed from someone else's wallet. You will go into someone else's wallet, you will walk through people, you will pick up girlfriends and bring you back to me. Take my words, and in return bring wealth. May what is pronounced come true. "

After pronouncing these magic words 3 or 7 times, put a coin in your wallet, but separately from others. Spend it first.

This ritual can be performed if you received a salary or other income during the growth period of the month. Taking the entire amount in hand, select the bill lying on top and place it a little further away from the rest. Wait until nightfall, take the banknote and go outside. You can go to the open window. Substitute a coin under the light of the moon and read the following text: “You are the first and foremost money. Let the money follow you in a caravan and remain in my hands. Amen!".

Then mark the charted bill and set it aside so that it does not come into contact with others. Don't waste it, it will become your money-raising talisman. Every time you receive any income, put the top bill from a new pile to the spell. If you have only one large banknote, change it. Put the top banknote next to the one that you have already spoken.

Repeat these steps until you have accumulated a substantial amount. Set aside the charmed banknote, and spend the rest on some thing for the house. It should be something that will always be in the apartment and will not be taken out of it. You should not spend the conspiracy bill. After making a big purchase, keep saving money from each paycheck until you collect a substantial amount again.

For the ritual, you will need a ripe pumpkin. On the day of pronouncing the magic conspiracy, remove the seeds from it, and make a pie or porridge from the pulp. Spread the seeds on the table and repeat the following text three times: “The money was locked up in a dark dungeon, but I opened the pumpkin and released the wealth. For this money will go to me, will circle around me and multiply. Let wealth float into the house and not pass by. Amen".

After speaking the seeds, fry them in a pan. Eat a pumpkin platter with the whole family for dinner. Offer the seeds for dessert. Every family member should try them - come up with an excuse for this, but do not talk about the ritual performed. Witchcraft will take effect after a month. Gradually, the money in the family will become more and more.

Dip a copper coin into a bowl of water. Light a green candle nearby, let it burn well. Then drip the wax into the water, falling on the coin. Constantly say: “As hard turns into soft, so my wealth multiplies and grows stronger. Every day, every year, now and forever and ever. "

After saying these words, pour the water from the bowl into the ground. Always carry the coin with you in your wallet and hide it from prying eyes. From now on, it is your personal money talisman.

Simple conspiracy for money

This simple ritual can be repeated any time the moon continues to grow. Get some privacy in the room, close the door and make sure that no one and nothing is in the way. Sit back, relax, and close your eyes. Think about money, drop all other thoughts. Imagine, imagine that the cash flow is flowing to you - all that remains is to put your hands up. Draw images, try to visualize the desired wealth.

Say the following text several times: “Luna, queen of the night, I can’t live without money anymore. As you grow up in heaven, so Allah comes to my aid. As you shine in your growth, so Christ helps me. Come on, month, I have enough to fill my wallet. Protect from the evil eye, so as not to spend money on drink. Bring wealth. May everything that has been said come true. " At the end, say "Amen" 3 times.


Money conspiracies are read on the growing moon when it is actively giving away its positive energy. Do not forget: this is white, but still magic, so you need faith and respect for the month. Do not utter conspiracies just out of curiosity or in order to cash in on someone else's expense. Hope for a higher power, but do not sit idle yourself.

No ritual can make money out of thin air. Remember that the essence of all magic is to help you make money. It provides an opportunity for this. A person may then think that a lucky accident has happened, but in reality he is faced with the action of money magic.

It is also important to remain optimistic, in a good mood and calm to achieve success. When reading the conspiracy, believe with all your soul that it will work, that you will achieve success in business, that you will have the necessary money. The energy of the moon is great. By turning to her for help correctly and showing respect, you will achieve the favor of the night luminary. In this case, the moon will definitely attract financial well-being into your life. Still, do not sit idly by yourself, believe in your own strengths.

Conspiracies spoken to a growing night luminary can be very different in their purpose - love and wealth, success in work and career. But with regard to money, it is worthwhile to understand - this is a special energetic force, which, with the growing moon, will only multiply with the growth of the night luminary. Especially if all rituals are carried out on Wednesday and take into account the special position of the stars in the constellations of the zodiac signs - Virgo and Taurus. It is the power of the growing moon that determines the fact that many financial ceremonies and rituals are carried out during this period - with the growing moon and we will talk about them further.

Rite of passage with counting money to increase wealth

As practicing magicians say, the growing night luminary is the most favorable of the periods for rituals aimed at increasing money, the time to multiply and increase cash flows in your own wallet.

Many magicians advise to carry out these rituals as often as possible - just count the money in your wallet, placing them in branches and the main thing at this moment to pronounce aloud, clearly the words of the conspiracy:

“The more the Moon is in the dark sky, the more is my share in the wallet, as the Moon grows clear - so my wealth grows every day. Money is ringing in my wallet, bills rustling - they are in a hurry to multiply, for my good, for the Universe - for good, and be according to that. "

Ritual for a new bill

A conspiracy of money for the growing moon is considered especially effective if it is carried out with a new banknote - it can be not only a new banknote just from under the conveyor, but also a new denomination of a banknote. The ritual itself is carried out on the first day of the growing moon according to the lunar calendar - stand in front of an open window, or even better, go outside and show the night luminary the newest banknote that you will find in your wallet. Holding it in your right hand and showing the moon, say the following words of the conspiracy:

“As this month grows and turns into a full moon - with it, my soul and wallet are enriched. As money to money, how much I give - even more will come, after that it will be doubled, and after that it will triple, may I have a large amount of money. I will not sneeze over them - I will pamper them, please my friends, pamper myself, how to help my relatives, and be on that. "

After that, the very charmed bill should be put in the wallet, but in a separate compartment, away from the rest of the bills - you should not spend it or borrow it. It should be in your wallet for at least a month - after this period, it is worth spending money on a good cause or gifts for yourself, friends, and repeat the ritual with new money.

In this ritual, it is important to remember that it is forbidden to lend money conspired, it is worth spending it on pleasant moments for you and your friends, because this is what you promised the night star.

Another ritual for a bill

You can also carry out another ritual conspiracy on a bill - to carry it out, you should take a pack of money from your wallet, and it is from this pack that you should pull out the top one, which should be put separately. When the sun goes down and twilight comes - go outside or go to an open window or go out onto the balcony and expose it to the moonlight. After that, just say the following ritual words to her three times:

“Water you are water - you were nourished by the moonlight, and filled with the power of heaven. The moon is mother and the water is key - I appeal to you with all my heart, multiply my money, bill to bill and call. As there is a lot of water in the sea - the ocean, so in my wallet - they will not be lost, but to be according to my word. "

After that, put the charmed money in your wallet, and put it on the windowsill, so that the moonlight falls on it. And when you do this, just say out loud:

"Let the wallet be full, but for me the servant of God ... the name ... forget the evil poverty."

When you put a bill in your wallet, you shouldn't put it along with all the money, allocate a separate place for it. During the lunar month, you should not spend it - let it lie in your wallet, thereby attracting monetary energy and thereby multiplying your wealth and prosperity.

When you have a new amount of money - a bonus or a salary, put the largest money next to it. Such actions should be performed until a considerable amount of money is accumulated - it is for it that you should buy yourself new furniture or a painting, household items, the main thing is that it does not go outside your home, so to speak, your family budget. On the day when you spend this amount of money, it is important to conduct a new conspiracy ritual on the banknote.

Let's talk a bank card

Modernity is such that gradually paper money and coins are increasingly disappearing into oblivion and many of us are replacing them with plastic cards, having not one, but several. As practice shows, you can talk to her, and the plastic card will become a real assistant for you in solving many financial issues, both at the material and physical levels.

At the very beginning, it is worth checking if there is money on your card account and only after that proceed with the ritual. The main thing to remember is that the more money you have in your account, the better. On one of the days of the lunar calendar, when the Moon is in growth, it is worthwhile to conduct a conspiracy of the card - the following words are boiled on it:

“The card - I love you, but I always carry it with me so that you can give me more money, you never leave me in need. How much there is on the account - in the future it will no longer be counted, my word is strong, but I keep the money easily, I will not drop it on the way - you will bring money to my account. "

After uttering a ritual conspiracy, try to replenish it with a certain amount during the day - it is best to carry out such a conspiracy before entering the salary account.

How to speak a coin

There are many conspiracies and financial rituals for coins, and perhaps you already have a ritual coin in your asset - a talisman. Nevertheless, another ritual aimed at increasing money, supplemented by a different rite, will only strengthen the predecessor and help fulfill your financial problems faster.

You can adopt a variety of conspiracies - the main thing is that they are both monetary, every day they attract wealth and prosperity to you. For service, you can take the following ritual carried out on a coin. You take a new coin, and just before leaving the house you pronounce the following magic spell on it:

“I had you - you came to me from someone else’s wallet, as if you go into someone else’s wallet, you’ll go all over the place, collect your girlfriends, bring them to me with you. Take my word and bring me wealth. "

Repeat such words of the conspiracy three times or 7 times - after the spoken ritual, you should put it in your wallet or pocket separately, and when you make a particular purchase, pay with it.

Another conspiracy for coins

In addition to this ritual, you can also adopt another conspiracy, also carried out on coins, supplemented with banknotes. Take coins and paper bills in equal quantities - the denomination of the coins is not so important here. The ritual itself is carried out after sunset, preferably at night, closer to midnight and putting money in front of you - say the following words of the conspiracy on them:

“Great Moon - as you grow quickly, so may my income grow quickly. Share your light with my coins - let them grow more and more every day. My money grows quickly from the fact that they drink the moonlight - they absorb the power of the Moon, fill my house with themselves. "

Then put the money in the place where the rays of the night light will fall on them - the main thing is to turn off any source of electric lighting at the same time. Leave them for a few hours under the moonlight and then put them in your wallet - do not waste them. Let them lie in your wallet for a month - you can spend them on your own needs.

Silver jewelry conspiracy

To carry out this ritual conspiracy, you will need any silver jewelry - a chain or a ring, an earring, and so on. The main thing is that they are not wedding or wedding - this will nullify the action of the ritual conspiracy.

After you have chosen a decoration, fill a container with clean water and put it on the table or windowsill overnight, so that the rays of the moon fall on it. Put your silver jewelry next to it and leave it overnight - say the following words three times:

“Gold and silver, a rich life, and bring me every day - always shine on me. Yes, be strong at my word. "

Then put it in your wallet and carry it for a month.

Waxing moon conspiracies are always used to bring something to life. The beginning of a new lunar month is considered a magical time when all requests to higher powers will be heard and fulfilled.

Features of rituals for the growing moon

As a rule, in most ceremonies for the growing moon, various additional attributes are used that enhance the directional effect. But the most important thing is that all rituals should be performed when the sickle of the month is not visible to the sky. If the sky is covered with clouds, then the effectiveness of magical influences is significantly reduced. Conspiracies for the growing moon should be read in a calm state and a positive mood.

On any night of the waxing moon phase, a rite can be performed that attracts wealth and money to life. To do this, you should retire in a separate room, pour ordinary water into a basin and leave it overnight. Then you should go to bed, but you need to wake up at an early dawn, when the sun's rays have not yet illuminated the earth and a month is still slightly visible in the sky.

It is necessary to wash with water from a container and then say the following magic words twelve times:

“As water poured into this basin during the waxing moon, so let the money flow to me. Let my wallet be filled with them. So that they stay and never end. Let it happen. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, wipe your face with a prepared new handkerchief. You need to carry it with you, for example, in your pocket for a month. It is very important that no one sees the charmed handkerchief, and a stranger does not touch it. At this time, all cash flows will open up for you, and you can easily make money.

After a month, the scarf used in the ritual should be removed to a secluded place where no one will ever find it. He will become your money talisman and will attract wealth to your home.

Salt water rite

To make a profit, it is necessary to perform a salt water ritual in the waxing moon phase. This ritual is performed after sunset. First, three teaspoons of salt should be diluted in a glass of spring water or water drawn from a well.

Then go to the open window and take three sips of salt water and say the following magical conspiracy:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), exchange salt water for gold and silver, and take the profit from such a transaction into my wallet. I will save the magic salt, and I will keep my wealth for centuries. Let what is said come true. Amen".

After that, the temples and forehead are moistened with charmed water. After that, you need to spray yourself with the rest of the water, so that it gets into the bosom and collar. The remaining droplets of charmed water must be thrown out beyond the threshold of your own home.

Conspiracies to attract love into life are very effective in the growth phase of the moon. As a rule, such rituals are used more often by women. A love spell using bread is considered very effective.

It is necessary to leave a small piece of bread on the windowsill. It should be placed so that when the moon appears in the night sky, moonlight hits it.

After this happens, you need to go to the windowsill and say the following words:

“Far, far away in the vast and spacious field, the maiden stands. In her hands is a basket, in which there are many bread products. Whoever tastes bread products will be able to add love to another person. I, the Servant of God, (my own name) will take a piece of bread from the maiden in a basket and eat it. With this, I will call on love for myself as a reliable assistant. I will attract a sweetheart to me from any side: from the south, from the north, from the east or west. The moon is growing, it will help me with this, and the path of the dear one will illuminate with moonlight. And so it will be. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, the bread should be left on the windowsill until morning. It should be eaten early in the morning before sunrise on an empty stomach the next day.

This rite can also be used if you want to enhance the love feelings of your chosen one. But in this case, the conspiracy needs to be modified, that is, the name of a specific person must be mentioned in it.

Protection from the evil eye and damage

Once a year, during the growing moon, protection against damage to the evil eye should be put. This is a very powerful ceremony that will allow you to avoid any external negative influences, both accidental and purposeful from enemies and ill-wishers.

Despite all its simplicity, the rite is very powerful. You need to go outside and find a secluded place where no one will distract from the impact.

Looking at the sickle of the month, it is important to utter these magic words in full concentration on yourself:

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (my own name), is now more powerful than ever. I wrap myself in the moonlight of the waxing moon. I am in armor and no one can penetrate it, I do not wish any harm or misfortune to anyone, but I reliably protect myself. Amen".

Most of the waxing moon conspiracies relate to white magic. But in order to avoid any negative consequences, all the recommendations of a particular rite should be followed exactly.

Plots for the growing moon accumulate strong energy, using which a person can achieve what he wants in business or in his personal life. Such rituals should be performed when a young crescent of the month is visible in the sky - the success of the ritual directly depends on compliance with this requirement.


How does the growing moon affect human life

The growing moon affects human life in this way:

  1. The physical and psycho-emotional state of health improves, the growth of hair and nails accelerates. Healing of wounds, postoperative sutures also proceeds much faster.
  2. There is a surge of cheerfulness, there is a desire to act actively, to achieve the set goals. During this period, it is good to start your own business.
  3. Negotiations, transactions, employment are easier without any problems.
  4. The acquaintances that have happened result in a long-term friendship, and romantic relationships lead to marriage.

What rituals are performed on the growing moon

On the new moon, such effective rituals are performed:

To raise money
  • successful money transactions;
  • increase in wages;
  • winning the lottery.
For luck
  • attraction of the desired;
  • a dream come true;
  • to implement plans and goals.
For love
  • heart affection;
  • love;
  • an early meeting of the betrothed.
For a career
  • successful employment;
  • promotion, study.
To health
  • health promotion;
  • recovery and healing from ailments.
On female beauty
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • opening and filling of feminine energy.
For an early marriage
  • early marriage;
  • strengthening the relationship with the groom.
For pregnancy
  • healthy conception;
  • successful motherhood.
For male power
  • growth of vital energy;
  • strengthening of masculine strength.

How to read conspiracies and prayers to the growing moon

It is necessary to attract the energy of the Moon, pray or speak amulets and charms during the growing period, observing the following rules:

  • rituals and readings should be performed under the moonlight;
  • you should retire and mentally tune in to contact with the night luminary;
  • put talismans and amulets so that light is directed at them;
  • the spoken coins and banknotes are taken in hands and held out to the satellite of the Earth;
  • rituals for health and beauty must be done by “washing” with the moonlight and stretching out your hands to the sky;
  • after completing the sacrament, you need to thank the heavenly body and go to bed.

Rites and conspiracies to attract money for the growing moon

The most powerful money conspiracies for the growing moon:

  • to attract wealth;
  • moon path made of money;
  • burning out poverty;
  • attracting wealth from photography;
  • on a coin;
  • to a new wallet;
  • so that finances are always in flux;
  • luring money with water;
  • using green candles;
  • creation of a financial amulet.

A ritual to attract wealth

For the ritual, you will need a handful of coins or a large bill.

It is carried out like this:

  1. Go to the window from which you can see the young growing month.
  2. Put money on the windowsill and cast the following spell:

    The moon began to grow, gave strength to all living things. The path of moonlight led to the house, opened the way for money. Money is charged with light, In my wallet, it multiplies. The magic power of the Moon help me, bring wealth to my house!

  3. After reading the prayer to the night luminary, leave the money to lie until the morning.
  4. With the first rays of the sun, put them in a separate compartment of your wallet. There they will play the role of an amulet, thanks to which the monetary energy will increase.

Moon path made of money

When a young sickle appears in the night sky, in this phase the ceremony "Moon path of coins" is performed.

For this:

  1. Change into light white sleepwear. Hair should be loose and jewelry removed.
  2. Place a few large coins on the floor in the room in the form of a path.
  3. Walk along them in the direction of the window, towards the moonlight, saying the following words:

    I walk to the moon, on the road to wealth. The beauty moon grows, let your light into the room, lead me to wealth!

  4. Collect the coins and put them in the bag. Let them lie on the window under the moonlight until morning.

Repeat the ceremony to attract financial strength after three days (during this time the moon will gradually grow). Store your coin bag at home in a secluded place as a talisman.

Burning poverty

Algorithm for performing the ritual for burning poverty:

  1. Write the word "poverty" on a piece of paper.
  2. Stand in front of the moonlight and burn the leaf, mentally saying goodbye to the lack of money.
  3. Blow the ashes into the wind while saying the following words:

    All my moon sees how I try to become better. I see how the sickle grows, along with the growth the strength comes to me. All the bad things will fly away in the wind, and all the good things in me will be strengthened. I give the coins to the moon, I'll buy myself some silushka! As the word said, so it turned into a case.

  4. After these words, throw a few coins in the direction of the moonlight, turn around and, without turning around, go home.

Attracting wealth from photography

The ceremony for attracting wealth from photography is carried out as follows:

  1. Take your photo, put it on the windowsill and charge with the glow of the night light.
  2. Place coins around the image, enclosing the image in a ring. An important condition must also be met - place the largest bill in the center of the ring.
  3. Take a candle, light it, bring it to the photograph and draw a circle in the air above it.
  4. Then, drip molten wax from the candle on the four sides of the picture, chanting the incantation:

    I will show my photo to the Moon, I will tie myself tightly with money. Where the wax drop hit, from there the money ran to me. From the south, north, west and east - everywhere wealth rushes to me, the growing moon will make me rich! Coins marked - highlighted by the moon.

  5. After the ritual, put the wax coins in a secluded place and take them out only for the growing month to recharge them with lunar power.

Coin conspiracies

It is good to carry out the ceremony at the time of receiving the salary. If the money is given out in cash, then take the top bill from the bundle and set it aside. The same must be done when withdrawing money from a salary card.

Take out the selected bill at night, hold it in your hands and say in front of the moon:

My first money, the most important, you take care of yourself, don't leave me. Call for other bills, don't let go of yourself! The moon is growing to help us, it will bring wealth to the house!

After these words, put the bill in your wallet and keep it like a talisman.

Rite of passage and conspiracy for a new wallet

The ceremony and conspiracy for a new purse is done like this:

  1. Choose the wallet you like in the store.
  2. Remove all trademarks (inserts, price tags, wrappers) from it.
  3. Put some coins or bills in your wallet.
  4. Take it in your hands and bring it to the moonlight.
  5. Look at the month and pronounce the conspiracy:

    My friend, a new wallet, you were allowed on the doorstep to take care of the money, to keep it, to guard it. Don't let me down, take care of all the bills, let the new ones come to you. As the moon grows - you yourself, let’s grow!

  6. Leave the wallet on the windowsill until morning.

Conspiracy to keep money always flowing

A conspiracy of permanent wealth will help you suddenly get rich or get financial stability.

For this:

  1. Before the lunar glow, two bowls of clean water are exposed. Pouring water from one container into another, the following words are pronounced:

    I charge it with moonlight, I don't spill this water. So, let the money flowing out of the house, return back to me. Help the moon, charge the water, equip me with abundance.

  2. After this ritual, water is poured under a fruit tree and the following words are read:

    Let all the power of the Moon pass over to you, strengthen your roots, increase your fruits. So let my prosperity be strengthened and multiplied!

  3. Watch the young tree. If it began to strengthen and grow, then the spell gained power.

The rite of luring money with water

For the ceremony, you will need a basin of water and a silver thing (a coin or jewelry).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Place the container in front of the moonlight.
  2. Dip the silver in there.
  3. Read the spell:

Water-water, I want to wash with you, wash and be rich. Charge the moon with water, reward me with money. I wash my face with silver water, I am rewarded with the power of the moon, and I bathe in money.

Then wash yourself with prayer-charged water and leave it overnight. Repeat ablution in the morning.

Ritual of green candles

For this ceremony, it is necessary to prepare and light five green candles. Wait for the month to shine in the sky, and get ready to recite the following spell over the candles:

The Maiden-Moon went across the sky, saw the light of candles in the window. Looked at the warmth and heard my request. I ask you, the growing moon, to reward me with prosperity, to teach your magic: to attract money into the house and multiply. As the last candle burns out, so my word will become strong.

Leave the candles to burn out on the window. Then bury the remains under the fruit tree.

Financial amulet

A strong conspiracy for money will turn out if you use a powerful financial amulet. It helps to lure cash flow into your wallet, home or office. The talisman is also good to keep nearby when a new rite of attracting wealth to the growing moon is performed.

As you can choose:

  • anniversary or found coin;
  • gift bill;
  • esoteric bracelets made of coins;
  • pendant in the form of a banknote;
  • figurines and images of financial backers;
  • live or artificial plants in pots (money tree, bonsai).

In order for the financial amulet to start "working" and bring prosperity, it is necessary to "charge" it with the energy of the growing month.

Take the amulet in hand and whisper the following spell:

You are my monetary patron, a reliable financial custodian, you multiply my wealth, do not let poverty come close. Charge yourself with the moon, enrich yourself with the light of the moon. As the sickle grows in the sky, so let my wealth come to the house!

Leave the amulet on the window under the moonbeams.

For a living money tree, the spell is cast on the water, which is watered on the plant in the morning.

Features of rituals for money for the growing moon are presented in the video. Filmed by Artur Golovin.

Love rituals and conspiracies for the growing moon

Love rituals for the growing moon:

  • red candle;
  • knot of passion;
  • a conspiracy so that love is mutual;
  • love spell with bread;
  • a ritual that helps to regain your love.

It is believed that love spells cast on the waxing moon of Friday are most effective.

Red candle

For this ritual that helps girls get married, you need:

  • red candle;
  • crest;
  • ribbon.

It is carried out as follows:

  1. Sit in front of a window, draw back the curtains and let the moonlight of the growing month into the room.
  2. Light a red candle.
  3. Let your hair down and comb through while saying the following words:

    I lit a candle in the window, I'm waiting for you, my betrothed light come, my desire come true. I wish to become yours, to play a magnificent wedding. As the moon is rising now, so soon the wedding day will come.

  4. After these words, braid a red ribbon in a braid and go to bed.

Passion Knot

The ceremony is carried out in order to rekindle passion in an existing relationship, or in order to pair up with a loved one. You will need a red satin ribbon for the ritual.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Sit in front of the window, pick up the tape, introduce your loved one.
  2. As you say the following words, tie a tight knot in the middle of the ribbon, making sure that each new knot falls on top of the previous one:

    The moon is young in the sky, you are my friend today. Find your beloved, bring along the path. I will tie it with a ribbon and plant it with me. He will love me, serve me faithfully. I'll tie a knot - this will be my friend. Above, the second knot is his serious attitude, the third is our mutual love, the fourth is his loyalty, and the fifth is my loyalty. As the knots are strong, so our bonds will be strong.

  3. Place a ribbon with five knots under your pillow and go to bed.
  4. Hide the tape in the morning and store in a secluded place.

Conspiracy for love to be mutual

For a conspiracy of mutual love you will need:

  • a photograph of a loved one;
  • three candles;
  • well lit by the moon room.

Retire, concentrate on the object of sighing. Put the photo in front of you, light the candles and read the appeal to the night luminary:

Protector moon, helper moon, look at my love, let us be together. He is lonely and I am lonely, bring us together for a long time. As you grow in heaven, so may our love for each other grow.

Love spell with bread

For the ceremony, you will need a slice of any bread.

At night with the rising of the young month, whisper the following words over a piece of bread:

The virgin walks in the open field, treats with bread. Whoever tastes the bread gets the power of love. I’ll find that bread, eat it myself, and gain strength. What kind of men I see, but about whom I think about, they will all become mine. The young moon is my helper, the stars are my subordinates, they have seen everything, they know everything, but they will not tell anyone.

Leave the slice under the moonlight until morning, and at dawn, eat the spellbread on an empty stomach.

A rite of passage that helps you get your love back

For this rite take:

  • three candles;
  • a photo of a loved one;
  • padlock;
  • key.

Light the candles and repeat the following incantation three times, ending the reading by extinguishing the candle:

On the sea - an island, on an island - a stone, on a stone - me. The lock is in the hands, the key is in the lock. I turn the key - turn around the time. The loved one returns and the lock is locked. together forever. As the moon grows in the sky, so the desire of the beloved (oh) to return to me grows. Amen.

After casting the spell, you need to go to bed. The next day, bury the candle stubs and a lock with a key in a secluded place.

People have long attributed witchcraft properties to the moon. Many rituals depended on which phase the moon entered. Magic conspiracies for the growing moon are used to attract love and money.

Some ceremonies are strictly tied to the phases of the moon.


Many believe that magic can renew relationships, overcome difficulties, and heal diseases. Everything that happens around and within us does not happen without reason. The magical energy itself does nothing, it only helps a person to receive the benefits of the Universe, and what the consequences will be depends only on the person's intentions.

Many nuances are important in rituals: time, place and details of performance.

The growing moon conspiracies are carried out with the aim of:

Principle of operation

For a long time, people have known about the change in lunar cycles and the degree of their influence on people. The period of the growing moon (the moon looks like a graceful sickle) is the time to ask for the attraction of benefits,

With the help of lunar energy, a person achieves harmony with the world around him. Beginners should cast their spells by looking at the moon and pronouncing the words clearly and with respect. Professional magicians can cope without eye contact - their experience allows you to enter the inner sensation of the moon automatically.

If not all rituals work, you should think about the strength of your faith and quickly purify your consciousness of insecurity.


Before starting the ritual, you should learn some rules:

  • A thorough study of the details of the ritual is necessary, the exact execution of all instructions in order to avoid negative consequences.
  • Strong rituals should be performed at home, in solitude and tranquility.
  • It is better to read before the ritual
  • Food should be taken at least 3 hours before and a couple of hours after the ritual.
  • It is advisable to learn the words of the conspiracy by heart, pronounce in a whisper.
  • Most of the texts are universal.
  • Before the start of the ritual, you should put yourself in order, remove makeup, loose your hair, and put on plain clothes.
  • It is forbidden to read to pregnant women and it is undesirable to spend on Sundays and church holidays, because these are the days of prayer.
  • Rituals are considered sacraments, so no one should know about them.


Before starting the ritual, it is necessary to throw out all old and unnecessary things from the house in order to clear a place for a new one. You should go to the temple and light candles for the health of loved ones, prayer in the church will have a positive effect. After that, they prepare the attributes for the future ritual.

Beginners should follow the exact instructions. To achieve success, you need to believe in yourself and in the power of magical actions.


The power of the growing moon helps to realize dreams, because along with the growing influence of the satellite of the Earth, the energy potential of man also grows. A person can easily get what he wants (attract love and happiness, get rid of illness and drunkenness), it is worth making only a little effort.

In the texts of some rituals, you can change the desired benefit. Rituals are divided into simple and complex. For difficult ones, you need to be patient and believe in the result, because it must be held three nights in a row, starting with the first one after the new moon. Then a break is taken until the full moon and everything is repeated anew.

The growing moon increases the energy potential of a person


To attract money, you will need a candle and the ceremony is held on the first day after the new moon. After that, the banknote should not be part of the family budget for some time. At night, in a quiet room alone, relax and tune in to the ritual. Take a large denomination banknote and fold its edges into a triangle. Concentrating, bring it to your lips and whisper:

“Like rivers flow into the ocean, like deep waters flow into the seas. How it attracts people to each other, how it attracts a moth to the light. As day and night are always near, as good and evil are indivisible, so you attract a banknote to your own kind and be inseparable with them. May it be so. Amen".

During the ceremony, the moonlight should hit you and the money. The financial condition will grow with the moon.

The first night the banknote should lie next to the wallet, then you should carry it with you for several months in a separate pocket of your bag or wallet in order to reduce the amount of contact. The result of the ritual can be observed already in the first months.

It should be understood that the conspiracy only helps to make money, and does not work for you.

Another powerful ritual for raising money requires careful preparation. You will need:

  • large bowl;
  • new scarf;
  • Holy water;
  • white clothes.

The ceremony is held in the morning after reading the conspiracy. Before starting the ritual, a basin of clean water should be prepared. While reading the plot, make sure that you are alone in the room, close all windows and doors. Relax and tune in. Stand near the water and whisper the plot 11 times in a row:

“Oh, how the water flows, it pours and pours here, so let me get money out of thin air. And they will stay with me and never end. And so it will be. And so it became. And so it is! Amen".

The morning after sunrise, wash with this water 11 times, wipe your face dry with a new handkerchief, let it absorb the liquid well, and then put it in your pocket. You need to carry it with you for exactly a month. After the end of the ceremony, thank the Universe for its help. And carefully protect the scarf from others, because no one should touch it. If this suddenly happened, the action of the scarf ends. And the ritual must be repeated.

Another ritual to improve financial well-being will require an old wallet and banknotes of different denominations. One part of the ritual is performed on the first night after the new moon, for the other one should wait until the full moon. In silence and loneliness, put on the windowsill an already unnecessary wallet that has been used for a long time. Standing under the light of the moon, you read the conspiracy for 3 nights in a row:

“How many stars in the heavens cannot be counted, and all fish in the seas cannot be counted, how many birds in the sky cannot be counted. And in my wallet I can't count all the money that arrived. Show me (name) mercy, Luna, help me, I beg you. Bring good luck. Help. "

On the day of the full moon, you need to leave a wallet with banknotes on the windowsill. In a couple of months, the ritual will begin to work and the financial situation will improve. This conspiracy is read no more than once every six months.

The return of the husband

Effective conspiracies for the growing moon for love:

    • It is necessary after sunset during the growing moon to put a basin of clean water on the fire and quickly and confidently read the conspiracy:

“As the water boils, so in the heart of the husband of my servant of God (name) memories of me, my lawful wife, and my family, as this water boils, so love for me boils up in the servant of God (name), so that he will be bored about me, I thought and could not take a step. So that in a dream she appeared to him and seemed in reality. So that he hurries home to me and returns to the family. Amen. Amen. Amen". Then pour water under the tree.

    • A conspiracy for the growing moon for the love of a man is carried out on Monday. For this ritual, you should buy holy water and a church candle in advance. Time: before sunset. Pour holy water into a vessel and holding a lighted candle in front of it, read the words:

“Oh, how my father and mother baptized me as a servant of God (name) in church, in the presence of the Mother of the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos. I ask you for help, the Most Holy Theotokos, for the sake of my baptism and forgive me for my sins. With your light power, fulfill my request and return my husband, God's servant (name) to our house. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen". After finishing the ritual, close the container and put the water in a dark place, and when the husband returns, it is necessary to spray all the rooms in the house with this water.

    • If your loved one has changed, but you are eager to restore relationships, you should read the conspiracy on the growing moon. This is white magic that will bring goodness to everyone at home. The ceremony will change the outlook of a guilty married man, he will sincerely repent of his deed. To carry it out, purchase holy water in the temple and a knife with a black handle in advance. On Monday, during the growing moon, pour water into a small container and, making clockwise movements with a knife, whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“I'm not talking for fun now, I'm bewitching my beloved. Help me black knife and holy water, let it be with me forever. As the month grows and gets fat, so let him love me more and more. As the water swirls in a whirlpool, so my beloved grieves without me in sorrow. Let him get together and look at the heavens and lead him to me for the month of the scythe. I ask you my clear month, let my betrothed come to me, I am not waiting for him in vain. Let my husband forget about rest and peace until he is next to me! Let him return of his own free will. May it be so. Amen".

    • The ritual should be performed in absolute silence, in the twilight of the moonlight. After that, you should pour water under a tree, near which no one walks, and bury the knife under it, but on the back side.
    • This conspiracy is read during the growing or full moon. At midnight, light a church candle, heat the point of a pin in its flame and, while it cools down, repeat the words 3 times:

“Thorny needles, sharp fragments, protect me from evil misfortune and return my husband's love! There is a holy God in the sky, and my unfaithful husband is on the doorstep. I will let his beloved into my house and will no longer let him go to the homeless woman. ”

When the pin is cold, it should be pinned to the inside of the garment and worn for 2 weeks without removing it. In case of the return of the husband from the rival, it is forbidden to shoot earlier than this period.

    • Powerful magic to bring your beloved husband home. Prepare a new spool of thread and needle in advance. When buying, leave the change to the seller and, taking the goods, silently, without turning around, go home. In the evening, after the moon rises, take your husband's thing and go with a neat seam along the inner fold of your clothes, whispering:

“As the thread pulled for the needle, the stitch ran for the stitch, so my hubby came running to me along the path from now on. He will be with me and only love me. Amen"

After the husband puts on this thing, everything will work out.

    • Feminine power lies in the fact that it is not necessary to do love spell rituals in order to return a beloved man. White magic for a young and full moon, under conditions of strong faith and sincere desire, will quickly come to the rescue. For the ritual, you will need a pin and any clothing of a man. At midnight, you need to take your chosen wardrobe item and go outside. If it is a pair of pants, put them with the pant legs in the direction of the house. Take a pin in your left hand and whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“As in a dark sky a month with a star, so in a sweet house next to a husband and wife, we will be together with the betrothed forever, help us in this clear Moon! I will stab a pin and return mine (name) to my house! "

Putting the pin on the right palm, pin it to the inner seam or to the pocket so that no one knows about it. Having fulfilled all the conditions correctly, you will return your man.

Health status

Amulets are sometimes good for restoring health. During the period when the young moon is visible in the sky, you should go out into the forest, go to the tree and, putting your palms on it, feel the warmth passing from the bark to your fingers. Quietly but clearly pronounce:

“The cursed ailment, the cursed pain, from my body overflows into the tree, and from the tree into the roots, and from the roots into the ground. Not the servant of God (name) harasses, but the trunk of the tree dries up. I give up my ailment, but the tree accepts and rescues me from the illness. May it be so! Amen".

This ritual takes effect pretty quickly. You will be on the mend soon. It is easy to check the actions of the ritual: the foliage should turn yellow, and when it dries up, all the ailment will come out of the patient.

Health conspiracy text

the beauty

First of all, you need to prepare honey water: add water to the milk and whisper Above the liquid:

“Oh, as the lunar month grows, so my beauty comes, as honey is loved and praised, so let me be considered beloved. I lock my words with seven locks, and I will hide the seven keys under the heavy Alatyr stone. May it be so! Amen". After washing with this water three times, leave on the skin until completely dry.

The rite helps To apply conspiracies to lead water. It is necessary to purchase it in advance at the pharmacy and at nightfall, standing near the window and holding the drug in your palms, substitute it under the light of the growing moon. At this moment, there should be no extraneous thoughts in your head. Having tuned in, say:

“The light of the moon, I ask you, help me, put this water on with your healing power. Let her wash away all the ailments from my skin, and reveal my beautiful face. As your strength grows every day, Moon, so let my beauty become visible to everyone! May it be so! Amen".

Then go to bed, putting this jar in a dark place. Every day, during the growing moon, wipe the inflamed areas with this water, thinking with gratitude about the Moon.


Magic has long been a companion of man, and the influence of the Moon affects all spheres of life, performs absolutely everything that is sincerely asked for. The result depends only on the intentions of the person.