Derain bloody ornamental trees and bushes. Winter hardy species and varieties of deren. The use of deren in culture

Derain is a chic shrub that will adorn any garden plot, park or square. Due to its unpretentiousness and ease of maintenance, it is very popular with landscape designers.

Derain belongs to the dogwood family. In nature, it grows on forest edges, on the slopes of rivers and lakes. Its height can reach four meters. The peculiarity of the shrub is its shoots, which at a young age have a juicy green color, and then gradually acquire shades of red. Leaves are ovoid, green in color with numerous hairs, which by the end of autumn acquire a bright blood-red hue. The shrub blooms with creamy white inflorescences, with which it is abundantly strewn at the end of May. The flowering period lasts about three weeks. The shrub begins to bloom and bear fruit only at the age of seven. Its fruits are not eaten, they are black berries, up to seven millimeters in size.

Today, dogwood is successfully cultivated as a cultivated plant. The most popular are the following varieties:

  • derain red compress;
  • dogwood is white;
  • scion grass.

Derain red compress is an ornamental shrub and one of the most sought-after representatives of the species. This plant, unlike its counterparts, does not bloom and does not bear fruit. Its originality is in the shape and structure of the leaves and the possibility of crown formation. The shrub leaves are small, about four centimeters. They have a wrinkled structure and are painted in a beautiful dark green color with gloss. Moreover, their tips are slightly bent towards the stem. With the onset of autumn, leaf pigments acquire a crimson red color. Derain retains its foliage for a long time, it crumbles only at the beginning of winter.

The red sod shrub is a small plant, up to one and a half meters high with erect stems. It grows slowly, with an annual growth rate of about seven centimeters.

The shrub is planted in single and group plantings. It forms beautiful hedges. It is characterized as an ornamental garden plant. In addition, its cultivation in our region is quite popular also due to the fact that the bush tolerates sultry drought and frosty winters well. Not picky about the composition of the soil and grows well in the shade. But like any garden plant and turf, there are certain principles that must be followed when growing an ornamental shrub.

Planting in the garden

Growing red turf has several features. Landing first. The shrub grows well and develops in the shade, but like any plant in such conditions, its shoots are extended, and the deciduous part is more rare. Therefore, if you want to have a thick and dense crown, you need to plant the grass in areas open to the sun. The next point to consider is the emphasis on the decorative feature of the shrub. In order to focus on the blood-red shoots and leaves, it is better to plant the bush near an appropriate background. These can be evergreen conifers or plain walls. Such a planting will only increase the contrast and add beauty to the shrub.

Even if the sod is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, gardeners still recommend preparing the soil and fertilizing it. Planting seedlings should be carried out in a nutritious soil. For this, after the planting hole has been dug, organic matter is introduced into it, it can be humus or compost. Also, the pits must be provided with a drainage layer of coarse river sand and broken brick or large stones. The deciduous soil is then mixed with organic fertilizers. In such a fertilized soil, the seedlings will be planted. When buying them, it is best to give preference to four-year copies. They are quite capable of quickly adapting to new conditions. Before planting, the seedlings are placed in water at room temperature for five to six hours. During this time, they are saturated with moisture and become elastic. The branches of the sod need to be cut a little, shortening them by ten to fifteen centimeters. Then the bush is planted in pre-prepared planting pits. The roots are gently straightened and sprinkled with earth from above, which is slightly trampled and poured with water. From above, the soil is mulched with peat and sawdust.

Saplings of blood-red sod are planted in early spring or mid-autumn. Autumn seedlings should have time to take root before the onset of cold weather. And for the winter, the root layer of the earth must be insulated with a layer of peat or humus.

Seedlings planted in spring require special attention. They need to be watered regularly, at first the earth should be constantly moist. To retain moisture, the soil is mulched.

After planting red turf, its cultivation requires some care.

Correct care

Blood-red svidina belongs to unpretentious plants, but elementary care for it is still required. To achieve the maximum decorative effect of the shrub, it needs a properly organized watering. Note that excessive moisture is harmful to him. Therefore, the lawn is watered only in two cases, when the summer is too hot and dry and in the first month after planting. The shrub itself will tell the gardener that the plant needs moisture. If the leaves have lost their turgor, it means there is not enough moisture in the soil and the sod should be watered.

Shrub care is not complete without fertilizing the soil. If this is not possible, then you can do without them. But, the dogwood responds well to mineral feeding. It forms beautiful succulent shoots and thrives on foliage. Therefore, we recommend applying a complex mineral fertilizer to the soil in the spring, after watering the shrub abundantly.

Turf trimming is a basic care that should be given sufficient time and attention. Shrub pruning begins at the age of four. In the spring, you need to inspect the turf and remove old shoots and young growth around from the bush, which spoils the appearance. You also need to cut off damaged and weak shoots.

Diseases and pests

Derain is resistant to disease, but improper care can lead to the fact that the shrub begins to grow and develop poorly, and also loses its visual appeal. Most of this is due to the accumulation of a large amount of moisture in the soil. Therefore, you need to stop watering and make additional drainage near the shrub (a special pit, which is covered with sand and stone).

Also, bushes of red sod can attack aphids, a yellow-orange fly that lays larvae on leaves, and a sawfly These pests feed on the sap of the plant, thereby causing great harm to it and eating the leaves. When found, the shrubs are treated with insecticidal preparations.


Derain reproduces in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

The seed method at home is rarely used, and it cannot be applied to all varieties of red turf.

This process is particularly long. The seeds must be stratified. This can be done by planting seeds in the ground in the autumn or by keeping them in the refrigerator for sixty days.

Seeds are planted directly into open ground to a depth of five centimeters. Young seedlings need to be watered regularly for one to two months. In the future, caring for them is the same as for an adult bush. But it will take at least seven years to grow an adult full-fledged plant from seeds.

Therefore, gardeners prefer to use more optimal methods for reproduction.

The branches of the shrub are quite flexible, so they can be bent to the ground and thus layering, from which to get a new turf bush. The shoot, which is crushed in the ground, must be fixed with a bracket and sprinkled with a mixture of earth and humus. It is in this place that young roots will form. And next spring, young shoots will appear. Now the cuttings can be separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

Cutting will require a little more effort from the grower. In early summer, cuttings are cut from young green shoots. They are planted at an acute angle to a depth of seven centimeters. The soil for rooting cuttings should consist of peat and sand and be moist. Cuttings are planted in special containers, which are then covered with glass or in greenhouses. The temperature at which the shoots are kept for rooting should be within twenty three to twenty five degrees. The entire period of germination they need to be sprayed and ventilated. By the fall, roots will appear and the cuttings can be planted in open ground. For the safety of the planting for the winter, it is recommended to cover it.

In the spring or fall, you can split up an adult bush that has grown a lot. To do this, dig it up, release the roots from the ground and divide it into parts with a sharp knife so that each section has a full-fledged root and a ground shoot. The separated roots are sprinkled with wood ash and planted in the soil.

Dividing the bush allows you to quickly get new full-fledged turf specimens.

Red Derain, also called blood-red pig, grows in deciduous and light undergrowths and also in bushes. It can often be found along the banks of rivers and lakes located in the European zone of our country, in the territory stretching from the Baltic to the very lower reaches of the Don.

Red Derain is a deciduous shrub, sometimes reaching four meters in height, it has a very branched crown and drooping shoots of green and purple-red color, different in color. The leaves of the svidina are round, ovate, with small hairs. Below they are light green, in autumn they turn blood red. Derain red blooms from fifteen to twenty days. Its corymbose inflorescences are up to seven centimeters in diameter, they are very fluffy. The shoots of this plant are greenish at first, with adpressed hairs, but gradually they darken, becoming naked and staining a blood-red bright color. Actually, it is for this that Svidina got its name. Most varieties of deren have shoots that are brighter colored from the brighter side, therefore, when planning planting, you need to take into account the location of the viewpoints. Fruits, bluish black, inedible.

Lawn care

Derain blood-red is quite unpretentious. He prefers slightly dark or light areas. Any soil is suitable for this plant. It grows well not only on wet, but also on dry soils. Derain red, a photo of which demonstrates to the reader all the brightness of its color, is drought-resistant, tolerates heat well. In addition, it is moderately winter hardy. Svidina is planted on any soil, but always very wet. This plant does not need feeding, although in the summer months treatment with anti-aphid preparations is required.


One of the varieties of red turf - the "Compressa" variety - has small wrinkled

shiny leaves that look great on upward-growing shoots. The crown of a plant of this species is compact. It is shade-tolerant, but grows well on semi-shaded alkaline or neutral soils. "Compressa" does not tolerate stagnant water, has good winter-hardy and frost-resistant qualities. Gardeners use this plant for planting in alpine slides and rockeries, in addition, it looks great and how

foreground in front of low groups of shrubs and unshaped low

Another variety - "Midwinter Fier" - is striking with its spreading crown, red and orange shoots. Its branches reach a height of one and a half meters. "Midwinter Fier" looks especially impressive in late autumn or early spring. And although the bush grows rather slowly, it is frost-hardy and unpretentious. In addition, red derain easily tolerates urban conditions. Experts recommend periodically cutting off the lower, as well as outdated and dull shoots so that the bushes are one-color and neat. This variety is used to create edging plantings and hedges.

Red Derain "Variegata" grows up to four meters, has bright variegated yellow leaves and maroon shoots. It is usually grown on the edges of large gardens and undergrowth.

LATIN NAME:Cornus sanguinea (Swida sanguinea).

DESCRIPTION: Grows in the undergrowth of light deciduous and mixed forests, in thickets of bushes, along the banks of rivers and lakes in the European part of Russia, from the Baltic to the lower reaches of the Don, in Western Europe from southern Scandinavia to the Balkans. Deciduous shrub up to 4 m tall, with a highly branched crown and drooping shoots of various colors (from green to purple-red).
The leaves are rounded, bright green, with fine hairs, light green or whitish underneath with dense pubescence, blood red in autumn. Shield inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter, fluffy, of 50-70 small, dull white flowers. Duration of flowering 15-20 days. Very dressed up in autumn in black, numerous pea-sized fruits.


Has several decorative forms:
dark red(f. atro-sanguinea) - with dark red shoots;
greenest (f. viridissima) - fruits and shoots are green;
variegated ("Variegata"). Tall (up to 4 m tall) shrub with yellow-variegated leaves, beautiful young shoots of delicate green color, then they become burgundy. Fruits - blue-black; leaves are yellowish-white-spotted;
Mitch (f. Mietschii) - leaves and young shoots are pale yellow and small-spotted.

Optimal growing conditions
(location, soil, winter hardiness):

Planting in lighted and humid places. Blood-red derain endures partial shade.

The soil:

Any soils except very acidic and poor sandy, does not tolerate salinization. It develops better on fertile and humid ones, although it is drought-resistant.

Winter hardiness:
Average winter hardiness (in winter it partially freezes over), seedlings need shelter.
Features of agricultural technology
(landing and leaving):

The tree is propagated vegetatively (by cuttings), root layers and seeds. Derain can be propagated by root and lignified cuttings (in spring), but it is best propagated by green cuttings (cuttings are carried out in the first half of June).

Usage and partners: Using

Landing: There are no special requirements. All plants purchased in the Proxima nursery are provided with modern prolonged (long-playing) fertilizers and can be sold in your garden center without additional fertilizing for a whole year.

It is better to buy seedlings in a plastic container with prolonged fertilizers, so the plant is not dug out with inevitable damage to the root system and after planting is guaranteed to take root.

Care: The main care is regular but moderate watering, weed removal, shallow and sanitary mowing.

Mineral fertilizers: Near the trunks, sprinkle 3 g per 1 kg of an imaginary coma with balanced NPK + Me (with trace elements) in the spring - nitrogen, in the summer - phosphorus, August - September - potash. We recommend to carry out regular foliar treatments with mineral and organic fertilizers with an adhesive with acidified water, for example Valagro (Plantafol, Megafol), vermiculture, etc.

Diseases and pests: Derain Compress is weakly affected by diseases and pests. Untreated plants can be damaged by fungal diseases. The main thing is to identify the pest or make a diagnosis in order to choose the right plant protection product. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.).

In the spring and again in the summer, preventive spraying with insecticides is carried out (Aktara, Engio, Aktellik, Match). A modern gardener, using the Internet, can independently identify the enemy and pick up drugs that will help in protecting the plant. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to cure when the pest multiplies and "eats up" the plant. An example is the war of Ukrainian gardeners with Colorado beetles, which, like their human "cotton" namesakes - the Kremlin occupants of the "Colorada", are gluttonous and climb into other people's gardens. The first and second must be destroyed before spreading over large areas.

Ground pests: An untreated plant can damage the scoop. Compared to the gluttonous larva of the May beetle, other pests on a well-groomed plant are rare. Over the past 10 years, Khrushchev, especially on humus-rich, weed-free soils, has become the most dangerous pest of garden plants in Ukraine. One beetle larva can nibble the root system of a young 10-30 cm seedling in 1 day, completely destroying it. Since mid-April, having seen the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example Prestige (Bayer), Antichrusch, while part of the solution must necessarily fall on the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root collar and not spill to the side ... We repeat such treatments every 40-50 days of the growing season. We pour into the ground according to the instructions, Aktara is also effective. Processing along the crown and pouring along the root collar into the ground from the end of April to September 1 time in 40-60 days.

Derain variegated - an ornamental shrub with bright and large leaves. Due to its high and lush crown, densely dotted with variegated leaves and beautiful white inflorescences, it is often used as a hedge and garden decoration. The shrub has unusually strong and durable wood, and it was thanks to it that the deren got its name. The homeland of deren is the forests of Siberia; it can also be found in China, Japan and Korea. Derain perfectly takes root on any soil, frost-resistant and unpretentious in care.

Variegated Derain is a spreading shrub that reaches a height of 3 meters, grows up to 3 meters in width. Handles formative pruning remarkably, so it can be shaped to any shape. Derain is an ornamental shrub, its strong branches, painted brown-red and variegated leaves, make it extremely attractive and popular in landscape design when creating colorful and vibrant compositions. The green leaves of the plant, depending on the variety, can be bordered with a yellow or white border, making the grass stand out from other garden plants. The flowering period of the plant occurs in May-June. It blooms with white flowers, collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which reaches 5 cm. In autumn, after flowering, the derain forms blue-white inedible berries. The culture is frost-resistant and unpretentious in care, often the variegated turf shrub is used for landscaping the northern regions of the country.

Popular types of deren

Derain white

Sprawling shrub with many root offspring that are easy to root. The leaves of the variety are whole, variegated - with a white border, in the fall the foliage acquires a reddish-purple hue. White dogwood blooms in June, small white flowers. The plant is shade-tolerant.

Deren Coase

View of a deren with large elliptical leaves, painted in a dark green color above, and below - in a greenish-bluish tint. In autumn, the leaves change color to a bright yellow color. Spreading shrub, the main branches of which form a long-tiered lush crown. Derain Kouza blooms at the end of May with beautiful yellow-green flowers with 4 white bracts, up to 10 cm in diameter. After flowering, in autumn, scarlet edible berries, tart in taste, are formed.

Derain red

Deciduous shrub up to 4 meters in height. It has a branched crown with drooping shoots that can be painted in various colors: from green to purple and red. The leaves of the shrub are rounded, bright green in color, have small hairs on the surface, the color of the leaves is paler below. In the fall, the foliage turns blood red, hence the red deren got its name. Inflorescences are corymbose, 7 cm in diameter, consist of small white flowers, of which there are up to 70 pieces. The flowering time of the variety is 15-20 days. In autumn, numerous small, black, pea-sized fruits appear.

Derain male or common dogwood

A shrub, and sometimes a tree with ovoid leaves of a light green color above, and below - a paler shade. It is a long-liver (lives up to 250 years), growing in the mountainous regions of the Crimea, the Caucasus, Europe and Asia Minor. It blooms with small yellow flowers with bracts that appear before the leaves. The flowering time is 15-20 days. After flowering, shiny fruits appear with a pleasant, slightly tart taste of red hues. The size of the fruit can vary (up to 3 cm in length).

Derain offspring

The shrub, reaching 2.5 meters in height, bears a resemblance to white turf. This species is characterized by hanging, red, shiny shoots, which are easy to root. The leaves are green. It begins to bloom at the age of 4 years. Inflorescences with milky flowers 5 cm in diameter. Flowering time is May. The fruits are white with a blue tint.

Derain blooming

The species is common in the east of America. It has a spreading dense crown of green foliage, in autumn it is painted in red tones.

Derain variegated, varieties

The ornamental shrub of variegated turf has several varieties that differ in appearance.

Variety Elegantissima - leaves are concave, gray-gray, have a white border around the edges.

Sibirica Variegata is a popular cultivar with bright red branches and flat green leaves with white edging.

Gouchaultii is a massive variety of variegated deren with leaves that have a wide yellow border, which becomes pinkish in the sun.

Cream Cracker is a graceful and attractive variety with leaves adorned with cream edging. The crown of the bush is directed upwards.

There are also compact and low-growing varieties of variegated deren with yellow-green branches, the height of the shrubs does not reach 1.5 meters.

Choosing a place for planting variegated turf

Having made the decision to plant variegated grass in your area, it should be borne in mind that the plant grows remarkably and develops in any place: both in a sunny, well-lit area, and in partial shade. Varieties with bright leaves feel better on the sunny side; in the shade, the leaves will lose their variegated color and turn green. Considering that the plant is spreading and growing rapidly, it is undesirable to plant it near tall conifers and other shrubs. It is best to plant the plant in sandy or clay soils that allow water to pass through well. Loam and clay soils are undesirable for planting. The soil should be fertile and nutritious, as well as moist.

Planting variegated deren

Planting of variegated turf in a permanent place is carried out in the spring. Although the shrub is undemanding to the soil and special growing conditions, it tolerates frost well, it is still necessary to plant it when the air and soil are warmed up enough. So the young plant adapts faster, gets stronger and prepares for the upcoming cold weather.

The process of planting a seedling, you should consider some of the nuances:

  1. Organic fertilizers are added to a pre-prepared planting pit: compost or humus.
  2. If a swampy area or soil with high groundwater is selected for planting, then drainage is necessary.
  3. When purchasing a seedling for planting, choose a plant up to 4 years old.
  4. Seedlings with dried roots should be placed in a bucket of water for several hours so that the roots are saturated with moisture.

Transplant of an adult variegated deren

Transplanting an adult deren bush to a new place is stress for the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to transplant only as a last resort.

Reasons for a deren transplant:

  1. Inappropriate landing site selected. Planting a variegated grass seedling in the wrong place, for example, in the shade, can lead to a loss of decorativeness of the leaves. They will turn green. In order to return the decorativeness and beauty of the leaves, the bush will have to be transplanted to the sunny side of the site.
  2. Wrong soil selected. Derain prefers fertile and moist soils. On dry and poor soils, it will lose its attractiveness and stop growing.
  3. Unfortunate neighborhood. Derain grows quickly and occupies a large area on the site. This way he can drive out his neighbors. It remains to make a choice - to remove neighboring plants from the site, leaving the deren bush or transplant it to a more open place where it can grow quietly.

How to transplant a deren bush

Mature shrubs are best replanted in late autumn when the plant has shed its leaves. Such a transplant is less stressful for deren, as it will have more time to acclimatize. If the transplant time is chosen - spring, then it should be done before the buds begin to swell.

A shrub with an earthy clod is transplanted, carefully so as not to damage the spreading root system. The border of the root system is determined by the outline of the crown. Dig in the root in a circle, with extreme caution. The dug out shrub is placed on a film, wrapping a lump from the ground in it, and delivered to a new planting site. The transplanted plant must be watered abundantly, and the soil must be mulched with humus.

Hedge transplant

To transplant a hedge, a planting trench is dug in advance. It should be 1.5-2 times larger than the root system of the transplanted shrubs. A layer of fertile nutrient soil mixed with humus, compost is poured at the bottom of the trench; it is recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the soil.

How to care for shrubs after transplanting

For active growth, the shrub needs regular watering. If the transplant was carried out in early spring, in the first days, shade the bush from the bright sun, since with increased evaporation of moisture, the shoots can dry out.

Reproduction of variegated turf

Sodden propagation is carried out in 2 ways: slower - by seeds, and faster - by layering, seedlings and cuttings.

Seed propagation

This breeding method has a 100% successful result. Seeds should be taken from plants over 3 years old. Sow seeds in winter, when the soil is sufficiently frozen. The seeds do not ripen at the same time. Before planting in spring, the seeds must be hardened for several months. For planting seeds, a substrate is prepared (sand, sawdust, moss), its volume should exceed the seed material by 3-4 times. It is necessary to layer the seeds with the substrate. Keep at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius for 2 months. For each square meter of the plot, 5-14 seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 5 cm. The shrub will reach standard sizes only after 5-8 years. This breeding method is quite long and painstaking, rarely used by amateur gardeners.


The variegated sod is an ornamental plant and propagation by cuttings is recommended to preserve the characteristic and decorative properties of the mother bush.

During the spring pruning of an adult bush, the shoots can be used as propagation material by cuttings. On a healthy, strong cuttings there should be 7-9 developed buds. Cuttings are placed in a container with nutritious soil and placed in a greenhouse. During the summer, cuttings are fed with organic and mineral fertilizers and are well watered. Already in autumn, the seedlings will take root and will be ready for planting in open ground.

Dividing the bush

A well-grown deren bush can be planted by dividing the bush by dividing the root with young shoots. The division method is carried out in the spring. The mother bush is dug up, the root is freed from the ground. Then they are divided into parts with a sharp knife. The resulting young plants are transplanted into prepared planting pits fertilized with a nutrient mixture.

Reproduction by layering

Derain variegated has a spreading crown with cascading shoots. To get a young plant by layering, shoots can be pinned to the ground with a metal bracket and sprinkled with earth. This breeding method is carried out in the spring. During the year, the shoot takes root well and is ready to transplant to a new location next spring.

Caring for variegated grass

Derain variegated unpretentious in care, it perfectly tolerates drought, frost and adverse weather conditions. The basic rule of plant care is pruning and regular watering. The plant can be fed periodically. In the spring, mineral fertilizers are used (200 grams for each bush), and in the summer - organic fertilizers (5 grams of compost or chicken manure for a bush). If the bushes are used as a hedge, then it is recommended to trim them at least twice a year, in July and August.


Watering of young bushes is carried out regularly and moderately every day, adult bushes can be watered only on dry hot days, 2 times a week is enough. For each bush, 20 liters of water is enough. Excess moisture can lead to fungal infections. If the soil does not have time to dry out, the frequency of watering should be reduced. Watering decreases by autumn.


Derain variegated normally grows and develops at a temperature of 15 - 20 ° C. It tolerates heat well, just increase the watering of the bush. Hardy, no need for shelter for the winter.


Regular pruning is a staple of plant maintenance. Derain lends itself well to pruning and beautiful round-shaped shrubs can be created from its crown. It is worth noting that the beauty of the deren lies in its unusual variegated foliage, therefore, when pruning, it is advisable to preserve its natural shape, only slightly correct it. When pruning, old, dry and diseased shoots, improperly growing branches that interfere with the formation of the crown are removed. Regular pruning is necessary. In winter, pruning is not carried out. After pruning, the shrub very quickly starts up new young shoots. If the shrub is used as a hedge, it is given a clear shape.

Diseases and pests of variegated turf

The shrub is not attractive to pests because of its unpleasant taste. Basically, variegated dogwood suffers from aphids, which can destroy the plant or spoil its decorative appearance. There are 2 ways to combat aphids:

  1. Mechanical. Pests are washed off with a stream of water from a hose. This method only partially eliminates aphids and is not effective.
  2. Chemical. Special preparations are used for spraying shrubs or the folk method (a solution of laundry soap).

Also, the lawn is prone to fungal diseases, in order to prevent them, it is necessary to temporarily stop watering and let the soil and roots dry out. When a fungal infection is infected, the diseased plant is treated with a foundation.

Derain variegated in landscape design

The shrub looks great as a single bush, and in a group with other types of deren. Due to its ability to change the color of the leaves, derain is often used in vibrant compositions. Low-growing shrubs look beautiful under the crowns of tall trees, creating spectacular compositions. The shrub adjoins remarkably with roses, juniper, barberry and Buldenezh viburnum.

Derain variegated is widely used for hedges, which requires regular molding and pruning. Derain grows quickly, therefore, without proper care, shrubs will turn into thickets of irregular shape. If your summer cottage or garden needs a variegated and bright spot and decoration, be sure to plant variegated dogwood.

The variegated dogwood shrub is a wonderful garden culture, reproduction and care of which does not present any particular difficulties for novice gardeners. This unpretentious plant needs only minimal care: watering and pruning. Having given a little of his time and care, the derain will thank the owner with a magnificent view, beautiful shape and elegant variegated foliage and become a garden decoration.

Derain variegated, photo