Wooden house interior decoration. Interior decoration of a wooden house: technical features. What materials are not recommended for finishing a wooden house due to their low environmental friendliness

The problem of how to sheathe the walls in a wooden house inside arises often. Perhaps, only glued beams and rounded logs meet high decorative requirements, and the walls of them do not need interior decoration. In other cases, additional processing is needed, especially since a wooden house may have flaws in the curvature of the walls, and the inner lining using a lathing or frame allows you to compensate for them.

Sometimes sheathing may be needed to clad wooden walls.

Features of a wooden house

For all its wonderful qualities, a wooden house has drawbacks that are caused solely by the properties of the wood itself.

Wood is the only main building material that is classified as combustible. Therefore, the rules for laying internal electrical networks are very strict. Cables or wires can be installed either openly using non-combustible gaskets or mounting on insulators, or inside metal pipes that securely localize the wiring from wooden walls. Therefore, the second method is the only one that allows hidden laying of electrical circuits inside the cavities of the frame or in the free space that forms the crate between the main wall and the cladding.

Open wiring only looks good in a retro-style interior

The walls in a wooden house, in contrast to brick or building blocks, are characterized by significant shrinkage, which is caused by changes in the size of the material itself during the shrinkage process. Of course, in glued beams it is insignificant, but in other cases it is recommended to start interior decoration after a year.

But even after a year, the shrinkage does not end - the walls of the house, although not slower, continue to "decrease" in height.

This factor, plus the susceptibility of wooden structures to changes in air humidity, does not allow the walls to be tiled with stone or ceramic tiles "directly". Therefore, before finishing the walls in a wooden house inside, it is necessary to prepare a flat base that would be stable under any humidity conditions.

The same need arises if they want to use decorative plaster or wallpaper in the interior of a wooden house. Therefore, for such a decoration, sheathing of internal walls with sheet materials that are resistant to changes in moisture is used.

Wood paneling

In most cases, the interior walls of a wooden house are decorated with panels that preserve the aesthetics and breathability of wood. These include lining, imitation timber, block house and ordinary edged board.

Wall cladding with block house

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of insulation and decoration of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.


It is the most popular type of wood paneling for interior decoration. And what is interesting, the very name "lining" is used only by domestic manufacturers and sellers. Moreover, it was extended to sheathing boards of foreign production, which, although they differ in the type of profile, have a similar "spike in groove" connection. Therefore, on the market you can find several types of lining:

    standard - a domestic panel in accordance with GOST 8242-88 with the same length of the spike and the depth of the groove (after connection the spike is not visible), and a chamfer along the long side of the front part with an angle of 30 °;

    calm - the profile is almost identical to the "standard" except for the rounded chamfer;

    Euro lining - in the standard version (DIN 68-126) has a beveled bevel of the front part next to the elongated spike (its size is larger than the groove depth) - after joining, a characteristic wide seam is formed;

    soft line - the same profile as the Euro lining, but with a rounded chamfer;

    finca - visually very similar to "calm", but the rounding has a larger radius, as a result of which the front part of the profile resembles a part of an oval, and not a flat surface;

    Landhouse is another representative of the lining of foreign origin with the same dimensions of the spike and groove as in the Euro lining, but with a decorative relief of the front surface.

Landhouse wagon has an unusual relief

There are other decorative forms of timber slatted panels. They differ from ordinary ones with a "nonlinear" front surface. Sometimes these finishing materials are called wooden wallpaper, but in terms of the method of joining together and attaching to the crate, this is a typical lining.

The most famous among them:

    "Wave" and "breeze", which differ from each other in the height and width of the relief profile;

    "Brick" with transverse cut grooves imitating vertical masonry seams;

    "House" - a symmetrical volumetric surface, reminiscent of a pitched roof.

The lining "house" is no less original than the landhouse

Block house and imitation timber

Another option than sheathe walls in a wooden house. In principle, many manufacturers and these panels refer to the lining with the same principles of installation on the crate, but in a thicker format. Both coatings are more often used outside, especially when insulating using the hinged facade technology, but thin samples are also used for interior wall decoration in a wooden house, so as not to violate the aesthetics of a log house from a bar or rounded logs.

Block house in the interior creates a complete illusion of a log house

The dimensions of the block house and timber imitation are not defined by any standard, therefore each manufacturer has its own standard line of models.

Usually, for interior decoration, a block house with a thickness of 18 to 22 mm is chosen, but sometimes panels with a maximum profile height of 25 mm are used, which is considered universal. The same thickness range for timber imitation is 18-22 mm, although there are also thinner samples that coincide in this parameter with the lining.

Imitation of timber and block-house are mounted horizontally, so they usually have a longer length than lining - up to 6 m. And for greater similarity with their "full-size" counterparts, the width of the profile is also increased.

The preference when choosing thicker than lining, rack panels is justified by the following advantages:

    high resistance to mechanical stress;

    the best level of thermal insulation (in the form of interior decoration of external walls);

    higher sound insulation (when cladding external walls and interior partitions).

Visually about the block house in the video:

Features of the choice of wood species

The most available is pine wood sheathing. It is the most widespread coniferous wood species, easy to process and with rather high performance properties. Among the shortcomings, one can point out low hardness and weak resistance to high humidity, but this is insignificant for residential heated premises.

Larch wood panels are much more expensive than pine wood panels. Although this breed also belongs to domestic and widespread, but high prices in the world market have an impact on the domestic one. Advantages - higher Brinell hardness and immunity to mold and mildew attacks, even in high humidity conditions. And this is a better choice than decorating the walls in a wooden house inside, if it is intended for seasonal living.

Brinell's method is one of the most commonly used methods for determining the hardness of a material. The two substances are squeezed together, and then the depth of the impression is measured.

Panels made of cedar or oak can be of both domestic and foreign production. For example, block house and Canadian cedar lining are elite finishing materials. Soft in processing, but durable wood of both species, polished to a shine. It has beautiful shades of color and is resistant to high humidity. As with other fine wood finishes, the panels are available in a cladding-only format.

Red Canadian cedar is considered an elite material for a reason.

Simple and reliable

In addition to lining in all its forms, ordinary edged boards are used to decorate the walls of a wooden house. And the frame technology for the construction of internal partitions is a classic way of dividing the internal space into rooms.

There is also a planed board with a quarter (or a quarter board), which is used for "blank" sheathing of planes without gaps between adjacent elements. It is she who is considered the predecessor of the modern lining, and therefore, in their prices, manufacturers sometimes indicate it in the same section with the rest of the slatted panels for wall cladding. But unlike the "thin" lining, it is closer by the standards to the edged board, and the most common thickness dimensions for the inner lining can be considered 20 and 25 mm.

The board with a quarter is still relevant today.

Other options

In addition to natural wood, there are alternative options than sheathe wooden walls inside the house.

The most affordable is fiberboard slatted panels, laminated to any grade and shade of natural wood. The disadvantage of such panels as a finishing material is low resistance to mechanical damage and high humidity.

After the introduction of glued timber technology into the production of finishing materials, spliced ​​lining, imitation of a bar and a block house appeared on the market. Unlike their natural counterparts, they do not have wood defects, as well as the concept of "grade B". If there is a knot, it is exclusively "alive".

If you look closely, then on the spliced ​​lining you can see the joints of neighboring lamellas

Despite the visually perfect condition, spliced ​​materials also have disadvantages. Seams and irregularities in the structure can lead to delamination of the panel over time.

Several beautiful options for finishing a wooden house in the video:


There are enough options for how to beat up the walls in a wooden house. For decoration, a variety of coatings can be used, the range of which is not much less than when working with walls made of other materials. True, it must be borne in mind that to decorate a wooden house with tiles or wallpaper, you will have to use the standard technology for leveling the walls along the crate or additionally make a frame partition with plasterboard sheathing, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB. The expediency of such a solution is very doubtful, because in this case, in addition to the loss of some useful volume of the room, all the beauty of the wooden walls will be hidden behind the cladding. Therefore, what exactly to choose must be decided individually in each case and it is strongly recommended to consult with specialists who will be able to assess all the nuances on the spot.

Many will agree that nowadays the construction of wooden houses is a very demanded, popular direction. Of course, modern wooden dwellings are much more comfortable and attractive when compared with their predecessors. This is largely due to the level of interior decoration of such housing - we will talk about this in more detail. How to decorate a wooden house inside so that the housing is as cozy and comfortable as possible - this question is far from idle interest.

Finishing and process features

It should be noted that there are many options for finishing a wooden house - there is a wide choice here. Thus, it is important to decide whether you want to do everything in order to preserve the natural charm of a wooden structure, or whether it does not really matter for you.

If you decide to decorate a wooden house inside, remember - this work has several features, it is important to take them into account. If you miss something at this stage, various problems may arise in the foreseeable future - rotting wood, its dampness, fungus and mold also often make themselves felt.
  • It is possible to decorate a wooden house inside only when the structure has shrunk. As we remember, for this you should wait at least a year (and sometimes a little longer);
  • It is important to make competently the thermal insulation, as well as the vapor barrier. When a master makes a vapor barrier, he must comply with the following condition - each subsequent layer of your finishing material should have a slightly better vapor permeability towards the street than the previous one.

Typically, thermal insulation is necessary for those structures that are already dilapidated. The fact is that wood already has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Thus, it is better to concentrate on providing thermal insulation for interfloor ceilings, roofs, floors.
  • How to decorate a wooden house inside? For this, choose only those materials that are natural - compromises are unacceptable here.

The fact is that natural materials are ideally combined with each other - which cannot be said about any combinations with materials of artificial origin.

We carry out finishing

The peculiarity of wooden houses is that it is not necessary to make special efforts in order to obtain a beautiful, impressive interior - this is due to the beautiful texture of the material, its magnificent color. Thus, if you are planning interior decoration, it is important to carefully think over every little thing - so that this feature of your home is preserved.

It is best to decide in advance on the materials that will be used in the interior decoration of a wooden house - then you will be able to do all the calculations without any problems.

Please note: for the completion of finishing are accepted only if when the arrangement of all communications in a wooden house is completed- this applies to water supply, sewerage.

Ceiling cladding

Interior decoration in houses (and wooden structures are no exception) are usually made from the ceiling surface. This can be explained by the fact that in the course of ceiling work, the covering of walls and ceilings can be stained or even damaged.

In general, finishing the ceiling inside a wooden house is much more difficult than any other surface - it's just that the materials are not very convenient to apply, this is the main difficulty.

Of course, you can always hire a team of skilled craftsmen for such work, but many people can be scared off by the cost of such work. In general, decorating a wooden house inside is sometimes not as cheap as many homeowners would like. That is why many decide to work with their own hands - it is not only profitable, but also in a businesslike way.

So, how to decorate the ceilings in a wooden house? As you know, the ceiling contains boards and beams. This greatly facilitates the master's task - insulation and electrical wiring are often laid directly between the beams.

To make the headliner such materials are often chosen:

  • Lining;
  • Plywood;
  • Drywall sheets.

A more aesthetic way is ceiling boards are sanded, then they are varnished.

If it is decided that the interior decoration of the house must be done with clapboard, then the ceiling that was sheathed with veneer panels will look best (in this situation, the surface of the ceiling will perfectly match the walls). However, you can limit yourself to simple painted boards or a simple clapboard - many do this too.

When the lining is being installed when finishing a wooden house inside, it is customary to make a small gap between the walls and panels - this is necessary for ventilation. The optimal size of such a gap is 5 mm, it is no longer needed.

The installation of the lining is carried out on the ceiling, this work can be done using the following instruction:

  • To begin with, they are laid, and then all the insulating materials are fixed;
  • Next, the thorn on the first plank is cut off. Then the panel is fixed to the ceiling with self-tapping screws;
  • All subsequent boards are inserted with a thorn into the groove - into the previous boards of the lining, they are also fixed by means of self-tapping screws;
  • At the end of the work, the surface is sanded, it is also customary to cover it with paint or varnish - to taste. It should be noted that paint for interior decoration in wooden houses is chosen so that it has a vapor transmission capacity.
For this, water-dispersion coatings are ideal, the entire natural texture of wood after applying such a composition will not go anywhere - it will be in plain sight. Also, keep in mind - any wooden materials that are used in interior decoration, it is important to treat them with fire retardants and antiseptics before installation.

How to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house - we bring photos and videos on the topic to your attention below. Be sure to check out these additional resources to avoid mistakes and achieve impressive results.

Wall cladding in a wooden house

How to decorate the walls in a wooden house inside? Now we will consider this process in detail. When its cladding is made, it's time to start actions aimed at decorating the walls.

If you want the natural appearance of these surfaces to be preserved, the ideal choice for cladding is to apply a protective compound to the walls, then to dig them with a decorative rope.

As mentioned above, if they do interior decoration in an old wooden house, then during this process they also provide wall insulation, without it anywhere.

What materials are suitable for solving such problems? It's simple:

  1. MDF boards and similar;
  2. Drywall;
  3. Lining.

You will only get a beautiful appearance of a wooden house inside if you choose lining from all of the above materials for cladding. With the help of modern lining, it is very easy to achieve imitation of logs, beams, etc.

Let's talk about how the walls of a wooden house are trimmed with clapboard. Here everything is as follows:

  • Wooden bars are stuffed on the walls - it is important that they are located in the same plane relative to each other, while being strictly in an upright position. Practice shows that the optimal distance between them is 50 cm;
  • Then, a heater is placed between the bars. Many people choose mineral mats as insulation;
  • Then they attach the lining to the bars - this is done in accordance with the same principle that was already considered above.

Sheathe the walls of a wooden house with plasterboard is also a fairly popular type of decoration. Of course, in this case, your walls will lose their spectacular appearance (there will no longer be a wonderful woody structure), but this solution also has its advantages:

  • Here it should be noted the moderate cost of drywall sheets;
  • Simplicity of installation work - it is very easy to fasten the sheets, for this you do not need any serious knowledge in the field of construction.

What is the best way to install drywall on the walls inside a wooden house?

  • Usually they act like this - they create a metal frame along the walls. To do this, choose a profile - just in the profile, then you can easily install a heater without any problems, electrical wiring is often laid right there;
  • Sheets of drywall are screwed to the profile with self-tapping screws - there is nothing complicated here;
  • Further, it is necessary to apply putty on the walls, then the topcoat.
You can choose wallpaper as a finishing coating - this is a very good solution, including for the interior decoration of the walls of a wooden house.

Wooden house floors - finishing

Now let's talk about how you can decorate the floors in a wooden house, because we have already figured out the facing of the ceiling and walls above. It is not difficult to guess that flooring is already the final stage.

Since the logs and beams are laid even at the construction stage, the owner needs to do only one thing - sheathe the floor in a wooden house with boards, equip the finishing coating.

What are the topcoats can be called the most popular today?

  1. Carpet;
  2. Parquet;
  3. Massive board;
  4. Linoleum.

In about this order the floor is being finished in a wooden house:

  1. First of all, you need to lay a waterproofing material between the logs. It is customary to put insulation right there;
  2. Then the sub-floor boards are laid on the joists. It is important that these boards are securely fixed, while being located strictly horizontally. However, this procedure is not always performed - take this into account too;
  3. Now you can start laying the topcoat. Massive and parquet boards are usually mounted according to a system of grooves and spikes. If we talk about linoleum, it is simply glued - directly to the flooring, which is rough.
If you are going to lay carpet on the floor in a wooden house, then it is best to use a special installation system for optimal results.

In principle, within the framework of this material, we examined all the main tips on how to decorate a wooden house from the inside.


Within the framework of this article, we have considered all the basic points that the owners are forced to face when performing finishing work in their wooden houses. Of course, besides all of the above, there are other important details, however, even a novice specialist can easily cope with them. Be sure to check out the video - finishing a wooden house from the inside - this will help you cope with the upcoming work.

Wooden houses themselves look representative. From the point of view of keeping warm, they do not need interior decoration. But not everyone likes the yellow-brown monotony in the interior of the house. Fortunately, the construction market offers many materials for interior decoration of a house from a bar - you just need to spend some time studying the issue and you will definitely find the right option for yourself.

Log house in modern design

Features of wooden houses

The interior decoration of a house made of timber does not fundamentally differ from a brick or block frame. You just need to take into account a few features:

  • complete shrinkage of the log house lasts several years;
  • over time, the gaps between the bars expand;
  • the tree requires mandatory protection from moisture.

Because of such nuances, it is impossible to rush to the beginning of the interior decoration, otherwise cracks will go along the walls and ceiling. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to cover the wood with a protective varnish in the first year after the construction of the frame.

Builders are advised to adhere to a certain order when decorating a wooden house:

  • Laying utilities on top of the subfloor
  • Main floor covering
  • Timber processing (filling cracks, filling, applying an antiseptic, decorative finishing)
  • Ceiling decoration (filling and varnishing beams, installation of topcoats)

Plus glued laminated timber - it shrinks less than other types of wood

In the new house, it is better to leave the original appearance of the timber - eco-friendly, natural, even. And if the log house has stood for several decades, then it is advisable to close it from the inside with modern finishing materials, since it will be difficult and expensive to restore the appearance of the tree.

Types of interior decoration

Glued laminated timber does not need additional cladding. It looks perfect even without varnishing. If the walls are made of profiled wood, you will have to think about finishing.

Protective impregnation of wood is needed in any case. It creates a barrier against mold, mildew, moisture and even fire. May lighten or leave the color of the surface unchanged.

Low-quality profiled timber can be easily hidden under panels imitating natural wood from lining, block house or siding - so the house inside will not only support eco-style, but also become warmer.

It is also possible to create a modern interior in a wooden cottage. The timber can be easily sheathed with plasterboard or OSB panels, painted, pasted over with wallpaper, and overlaid with artificial stone. And hide the electrical wiring inside.

Imitation of real timber in the living room

Floor installation

Before starting finishing work, be sure to think over the design of the house from a bar: the interior decoration of the house directly depends on the project. Based on it, the cost estimate is calculated.

A bona fide construction company has specialists in 3D interior design, estimates, and experienced installers. They will quickly and efficiently fulfill all your wishes, making your dreams come true.

Installation starts from the subfloor. Regardless of the chosen finishing materials, the surface of the log is first treated with a protective impregnation from moisture. Insulation (mineral wool or foam) is placed between them. Then a chipboard or OSB board substrate is attached. And a finishing coating is already being laid on top of it. It can be natural board, linoleum, laminate, parquet or artificial stone.

An additional plus! Double flooring will help keep your home warm.

Popular flooring

In a wooden cottage, the floor is often laid with a planed, grooved board made of pine or spruce. It is not demanding to care for; it retains its original appearance for several decades. And when it darkens, you just need to sand the top layer and re-coat with a protective compound.

Grooved board without varnish

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

The only contraindication is floor heating. This is fire hazardous and impractical, because most of the energy will be spent on heating the tree.

Laminate and parquet flooring conduct heat well. These coverings are similar in appearance to a plank floor, only with a more interesting pattern. You can create an original pattern from parquet planks. And the laminate is strong enough, does not squeeze from the heels and legs of furniture. Imitates different types of wood, metal and stone.

Laminate with imitation stone in a wooden house

Artificial stone on the floor ennobles the interior. It is best to install this material in a bathroom, hallway or kitchen. To keep your feet warm, a heating system is needed. The main advantage of a stone floor is its durability and unique pattern. This floor design requires plaster and stone on the walls and ceiling.

Artificial stone on the floor looks luxurious

Linoleum is the most budgetary wood imitation. Its service life is no more than 10 years, therefore it is more often laid as a temporary coating.

Wall decoration

Wooden walls are first impregnated with an antiseptic, and then treated with varnish, paint, mastic or oil. Choose a solution based on the expected effect. If you need a tinted matte surface, then mastic or acrylic paint is suitable. For an elegant gloss, the timber is coated with oil or varnish. The texture of the wood does not change from such solutions, but moisture is not terrible in the coming years. The wax-based mastic has a porous structure that allows air to pass through, and the oil gives a beautiful golden sheen.

When the impregnation has dried, finishing the house from the inside of the profiled timber begins. For the lining you need a wooden crate. Steam and heat insulating sheets are placed in the spaces between the slats. The planks themselves are nailed to the slats along the edges. And they are connected to each other using grooves. The lining can be positioned vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If you combine these methods, you get a unique pattern.

Lining on the wall is ideal in a wooden house

The lining is made from different types of wood (spruce, pine, aspen, linden, alder). This affects shades, heat resistance and strength. You should also consider the material class:

  • C-class low quality (with gaps, dark spots and knots);
  • B-class of average quality (there are some knots);
  • A-class of high quality (there are knots, but they look aesthetically pleasing);
  • extra class (ideal material without defects).

The clapboard has a popular variety called the block house. A planed board, the outer side of which imitates a bar or log. The groove-shaped side attachment connects the parts securely to each other. They are laid horizontally, starting from the bottom up. Made from coniferous wood. Ideal for wall cladding made of low-grade profiled logs. Doesn't require additional protection.

A block house cannot be distinguished from a long distance from a rounded log

Another finishing material that builders like to use for finishing a wooden house from a bar is drywall. It is versatile, inexpensive and easy to install. It is mounted on aluminum or wooden profiles, which can be easily screwed to the timber. You can put insulation in the free space and hide the electrical wiring. The sheets themselves are mounted with self-tapping screws. Then plaster and topcoat. For example, wallpaper, self-adhesive paper, ceramics, or paint. Niches, arches, shelves in the wall are created from drywall, if there is such a need. The construction is from 10 cm thick, so it is better not to use this material in a small room. But as a partition, it is ideal.

Unusual drywall arch

Siding and plastic lining are also actively used in finishing work. These materials are cheaper than natural wood, and are very similar in texture.

Siding panels are mounted horizontally. You can choose the color and texture to your taste: wood, brick, metal or stone.

Plastic lining (PVC panel) with a standard width of up to 10 cm, and inside it consists of honeycombs. Air voids improve thermal insulation in the house. The vinyl surface does not require varnishing, is not afraid of moisture and sun, and its colors are amazing - from monotonous white to bright flower bouquets. A plastic lining is mounted on a metal frame. This material is suitable for corridor, bathroom and living room. You can sheathe the entire room or only the basement.

Bathroom cladding with PVC panels

Artificial stone is made from essential resins and natural chips. It looks like the real thing, but it costs less and is lighter in weight. In texture and color it is identical to marble, chipped stone, brick, shell rock, granite, etc. It is attached to the crate with special glue. Combines well with chalet-style plaster. It is better to entrust the installation to professionals, then the tiles will be glued without gaps and will last a long time. Decorative stone is suitable for accentuation in the bedroom, living room, hallway and kitchen.

Faux stone accents in the living room

These are the main materials for decorating a house from a bar inside. They create an interior in an old Russian, classic or modern style. For the ceiling, a stretch canvas will be an excellent solution. The matte film will even fit into a country room. Drywall or clapboard is also often used in a wooden house.

Prices in Moscow for interior decoration of the house

What budget should the owner of a wooden house expect for a construction company to complete the interior decoration? It all depends on the complexity and volume. On average, an assembly team in Moscow asks 80 rubles / sq. For impregnation in one layer. m., oils - 100 rubles / sq. m, varnish or wax - 150 rubles / sq. m. Painting a log house from the inside will cost 200 rubles / sq. m. Plus the cost of the solutions themselves.

Installation of an aluminum frame for any finishing panels - 300 rubles / sq. M. Sheathing a room with plasterboard - 300 rubles / sq.m, vinyl siding or panels without insulation - 600 rubles / sq.m, and with insulation - 700 rubles / sq.m. Plus the material itself.

Video description

What and how much in finishing a wooden house - watch the video:

Installation of block house panels is a little cheaper - 450 rubles / sq.m. excluding the lathing and related work.

The cost of gluing an artificial stone to the wall is at least 1200 rubles / sq.m, but this is if the surface has already been prepared. The cost of turnkey work is not less than 10,000 rubles / sq.m.

Laying a tongue-and-groove floorboard will cost 600 rubles / sq.m together with logs, parquet without polishing - 600 rubles / sq.m, laminate or linoleum - 250 rubles / sq.m.

Sheathing of the ceiling with clapboard costs from 500 rubles / sq.m, plasterboard - 450 rubles / sq.m. And the installation of a stretch PVC cloth will cost from 550 rubles / sq.m, excluding the material.

Video description

For an example of designer decoration of a house from a bar, see the video:

Unusual options for finishing a wooden house

Even from the usual materials, you can make the original design of a wooden house inside. As, for example, a ceiling made of lining with carved elements.

Carved lining ceiling

Or the silhouette of a Japanese tree made of stones on the wall. The plinth is pasted over with the same tiles

Stone tree on the wall

Parquet in skillful hands is a real work of art. No carpet needed

Unique pattern of parquet boards


A wooden house itself creates an atmosphere of comfort and unity with nature, and modern finishing materials help to maintain it. The main thing is the professional and high-quality performance of work on the interior decoration of the house - then the next repair will not be required soon.

Wooden houses are very popular among the population, because they are distinguished by beauty, environmental friendliness and a kind of grace. Inside, such a dwelling creates a warm and cozy atmosphere. If such a house is properly finished from the inside, then for many years several generations of residents will be able to live in comfort and beauty. Photos of examples of interior decoration of houses can be viewed in the presented selection.

When choosing materials for interior decoration of a wooden house, you should pay attention to many factors. Houses that are only inhabited in summer and all-season buildings require different materials. If the house is being built for living only in the warm months, then there is no need for any additional insulation materials. In this case, varnish, stain or special tinting is enough for wood processing.

The good thing about a wooden house is that it retains its unique microclimate. The materials used for interior decoration should not adversely affect the temperature and humidity indicators. The optimal finish for such a house should be suitable in composition to the wood, that is, be safe and environmentally friendly.

Log in the interior of a wooden house

The coefficients of the main material of the house and the decoration should also be taken into account, since the difference in temperature and humidity can expand or contract the materials. It is undesirable to build humid rooms with strong heating from a coniferous massif. In such a microclimate, resin actively begins to stand out. When decorating different rooms in the house, you should take into account the characteristics of the room, but keep the general theme.

Features of using drywall

It is recommended to use drywall as a finish if you need to eliminate any defects: smooth uneven walls or close communications. Interior partitions are made of drywall, and ceilings are also trimmed with them. If it is required to finish a room with high humidity, then it is recommended to use moisture-resistant materials, and if the temperature is elevated, then fire-resistant coatings will be required. Under the drywall, a lathing made of timber is usually installed. A structure made of a metal profile is not suitable for wooden houses.


Although lining has been used in construction for a long time, now there are new, modern types of this material. The photo shows that it looks very aesthetically pleasing and is easy to assemble. The lamellas are interconnected with the help of special fasteners, which allow you to create a perfectly flat, beautiful surface. Clapboard cladding is suitable for a bathroom, kitchen, veranda, that is, for rooms where it is always humid.

The lining has the following advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • a wide palette of all kinds of colors and shades;
  • a large selection of varieties.

The disadvantages of this material include too high a price and the fact that it needs careful maintenance. Before you start sheathing the walls with clapboard, you need to install a lathing from a bar. The lamellas are thoroughly cleaned and dried beforehand. If there are stains, then they are removed with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. The final stage is varnishing the lining, sanding and another varnishing.

Block house

Recently, a new type of lining - block house - has gained great popularity all over the world. The use of this material for cladding the walls of a wooden house allows you to preserve the unique microclimate of the room. The block house is made of high quality wood and surpasses natural wood in its characteristics and performance indicators. Even after a few years, the finish looks brand new.

The main advantages of a block house:

  1. mechanical strength;
  2. environmental friendliness;
  3. aesthetic appearance;
  4. light weight;
  5. ease of assembly.

The material resembles natural wood in texture and is highly decorative. The photo shows the quality and aesthetics of the block house. For interior decoration, lamellas with a thickness of no more than 25 mm are suitable. It is undesirable to use thicker lamellas, since increased strength of the lathing from the bar will be required. This, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the free space in the room. The disadvantages of the material include too low vapor permeability and increased flammability.

When calculating the required amount of material, you always need to add 10% to the stock. If suddenly there are not enough lamellas, then you will have to buy from another batch, which may differ slightly in color. After leaving the warehouse, the material must lie in the room for two days in order to reach room temperature.

Block house wall decoration

Stages of work when finishing with a block house:

  • the material is mounted on a crate of a bar, every 50 cm;
  • the distance between the bars is laid out with insulation. In this way, heat and sound insulation is preserved;
  • individual boards of the block house are easily interconnected with the help of protrusions located on their surface, this can be seen in the photo;
  • on top, the material is varnished, which should be periodically renewed.

Clean log house

If you wish, you can make the interior decoration of the house using a clean log house. This will preserve the natural style of the room, providing the unique aroma of fresh wood. In recent years, this type of finish has become increasingly popular due to its environmental friendliness, beauty and durability.

A clean log house requires regular maintenance: renewing the coating, removing dust and dirt. After five years, additional sanding and varnishing of the surface will be required.

Profiled timber as a finish for a wooden house

The disadvantages of this type of finish include high flammability and the possibility of decay. Also, a clean log house will not be able to hide the imperfections of the walls, which are formed over time from moisture, temperature changes and shrinkage.


Plaster in wooden houses is only suitable as a decorative coating for some areas. It will be correct to finish with textured types of material.

The advantages of this type of material, they can be seen in the photo:

  • quickly smoothes surfaces;
  • retains its original properties for a long time;
  • very resistant to various mechanical influences;
  • does not need careful care;
  • dirt is not absorbed;
  • large palette of colors and textures.

The price of the material in stores is quite high. Moreover, the finishing with putty needs to be renewed every five years due to the shrinkage of the wooden house. If this is not scary, then the decoration can be done with plaster.


This option for finishing a private house is suitable for smooth surfaces without any flaws. Beforehand, it is required to carefully grind and tint the surface of the walls. The existing small defects of the seams are hidden with a special cord. It also serves as an insulating element.

By painting the surfaces of a wood house, you can bring out the natural beauty and style. For wall surfaces and ceilings, both a colored antiseptic and water-based paint are suitable. Such processing creates aesthetics and allows the substrate to breathe.

What is good for a colored antiseptic:

  • protection against fungal diseases and mold;
  • preservation of the structure of the tree and the natural texture of the log house;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • the natural patterns on the wood stand out, creating a decorative tone.

First, the surfaces are treated with a colorless antiseptic, and then covered with a tinting solution. Any color intensity can be achieved if desired. It depends on how many layers to apply. In modern stores, you can choose a tinting composition of a wide variety of shades. The types of coatings have different textures - from glossy to silky matte. The choice of staining, as shown in the photo, will help create an individual style of the room.


This is a fairly popular type of decoration that helps to emphasize the unique style of the interior. The choice of materials is very large, so that everyone can choose them according to their taste and for different styles. Modern panels are made of laminated, veneered MDF, which imitates the patterns not only of wood, but also of leather, bamboo, and plaster.

Why wall panels are good:

  • convenient installation;
  • good heat and sound insulation;
  • stylish appearance.

The panels are selected according to size on a case-by-case basis. First, you need to install a fixed lathing from a bar. It is very easy to mount the elements, for this they use the tongue and groove system. After the end of the work, an even coating without seams is obtained, which is suitable for the interior of any room.

Wall decoration with panels

Choosing a floor surface

Choosing a floor covering for a wooden house should be done with great care, because it should be distinguished by essential strength and reliability. Natural boards on the floor will accentuate the style of the room and complement it harmoniously. In order to protect the boards from moisture and pathogenic microorganisms, they are covered with varnish and antiseptic.

Laminate flooring will decorate the room, creating a unique style. This coating is applied very quickly. The laminate looks quite natural, it is characterized by the structure of natural wood. It does not require much maintenance and is durable enough.

Laminate flooring

Experts assure that it is necessary to use thermal insulation in a private house. A special insulating material is placed on the sub-floor before finishing. Insulation can be mineral wool, foil insulators or special bulk materials, such as those shown in the photo. Thermal insulation is laid out between the beams. The insulated sub-floor should not come into contact with the finish. There must be a gap of at least two centimeters between them.

How to finish the ceiling

For home decoration, how the ceiling surface is processed is of great importance. With the help of various materials, you can visually enlarge the room, make it more spacious and comfortable.

The coffered type finish is gaining more and more popularity among buyers. Thanks to the combination of wooden beams and decorative inserts, it looks very beautiful and unusual. You can also use painting on the ceiling. This option is more suitable for the ethno style.

The ceiling in a wooden structure, if desired, can also be trimmed with clapboard. With its help, a flat surface is created, and, thanks to the various textures and shades of the material, the completed ceiling will stand out against the background of the wall cladding.

Those who prefer a loft or country style interior may not have to finish the ceiling at all. Natural wood with natural chips, cracks and patterns will look very natural in such interiors, and the original beauty of the material will be preserved.

In the presented photo you can see the Scandinavian style of housing design. It is distinguished by its stylish laconic design. This style is characterized by the use of natural wood materials, both for the construction of the building and for its decoration. Such a house will be distinguished by its individuality.

When decorating the ceiling in a room where it is often humid, the choice of materials should be taken especially seriously. It is undesirable to use only wood in this case, as it can rot over time. In premises such as a kitchen, bathroom, toilet, it is best to use stretch ceilings. The PVC cover will reliably protect the tree from moisture and steam. It has a varied palette of colors and textures and ultimately looks stylish and in the spirit of the times.

Most suitable ceiling materials:

  • stretch coverings;
  • laminate;
  • veneered panels.

How to sheathe the walls

When decorating a wooden house, wall cladding is started after the installation of communications and electrical wiring is completed. First, the surfaces must be checked with a level and make sure they are level. If there are irregularities, it is necessary to mount the frame or lathing for laying. When installing a batten from a bar between the slats, it is required to leave a space of 40 to 70 centimeters. It is filled with insulating material.

Having fixed the insulation, they begin to trim it clean. A variety of modern materials can be used for it. Everyone makes the choice of a surface, based both on their individual preferences and on the stylistic solution of the interior of the room, which can be seen in the photo. Lining and other materials imitating timber are very popular.

When using a lining that imitates a bar, the room will acquire an original style, warmth and comfort. Before laying, it is imperative to make sure that there are no material defects: chips, damage and knots. After laying, the surface is treated with a special putty, sanded, covered with stain and varnish.

Choosing between a matte or glossy finish, experts advise purchasing a semi-matte finish.

The fact is that glossy compositions acquire an unpleasant unnatural shine after a short time.

Asking the question of which finishing material is the best for covering walls, we can say that this is a natural log house. Of course, first it needs to be sanded, tinted, and then applied with an antiseptic or water-based paint to protect the tree from various external damage. Any materials on a natural wood base are also suitable. Cork is one of the modern stylish materials, but it has a significant drawback - a high price. If money isn't an issue, cork can be a great option.

Stages of finishing a wooden house from the inside:

  • caulk;
  • finish the walls in the final version;
  • sheathe the ceiling;
  • lay the flooring;
  • treat with wood stain;
  • paint.

Before finishing work, the walls must be treated with fire and bioprotective compounds. They serve to protect wooden surfaces from various external influences: moisture, fire, steam, bugs.

Having conceived to build a wooden house, the owners often puzzle over how to hide communications in the walls. Since the walls can neither be ditched nor used with concrete screeds, the communications are hidden under the finishing coatings. You need to try to choose the finish so that it looks beautiful, stylish, modern and fits perfectly with the intended interior.

A modern wooden house is an excellent choice for a comfortable family stay. To preserve it for a long time, it is necessary to choose and execute the interior decoration of the premises correctly, while maintaining environmental friendliness, naturalness, style and beauty.

A private house built of wood cannot always be considered a complete structure, since in many cases it requires external and internal wall decoration. There are many different options, but not all of them are suitable for cladding this kind of building. In this article we will look at how you can sheathe a wooden house inside and out and how best to do it yourself.

When you need to sheathe a wooden house

To begin with, it is worth highlighting those buildings that initially do not make sense to somehow sheathe the outside, and even more so to do insulation. Whichever finishing option you choose, it will not be cheap, and therefore impractical for wooden houses of summer or periodical residence. As for finishing the home from the inside, it is more a matter of design and the wishes of the homeowner than a necessity. After all, wooden walls made of timber or rounded logs always look attractive.

Now we will give cases when wooden houses are cladding from the outside:

  • there is a solid and strong log house, but old enough, which is why the appearance of the building leaves much to be desired;
  • frame buildings made of wood must be veneered in any case on both sides, this is their design;
  • if a wooden house built from a bar or log needs additional protection and wall insulation.

Often there are log houses that have stood for more than 50 years and are ready to serve the same amount. Additional cladding from the street will not only allow you to change the appearance of the home for the better, but also protect the wood from precipitation and in this way extend its service life. The same protection will not interfere with walls in need of insulation. Since it is customary to carry out thermal insulation outside, and not inside a wooden house, the insulation must be hidden behind a hydro-barrier and revetted, which will be discussed below.

Advice. The exterior decoration of a newly built wooden house is carried out after 1 year. The shrinkage of buildings of this type is quite significant, as a result of which the external design of the finished walls may suffer and everything will have to be redone.

Materials for exterior and interior decoration

Despite the wide selection of facing materials, their list for wooden houses is somewhat limited for various reasons. For example, it is relatively inexpensive to decorate a house with plaster, but this method is only suitable for frame buildings sheathed from the outside with OSB sheets, as shown in the diagram below. Plastering a log cabin or a dwelling from a bar will be problematic.

As you can see in the diagram, the basic mineral wool insulation located inside the wall is supplemented with a layer of polystyrene or expanded polystyrene attached to the OSB plywood sheathing sheets. And after that, tinted decorative plaster is applied. But such a facade finish is a rarity for a wooden house, the following materials for external cladding are more common:

  • vinyl siding;
  • wood siding, the so-called block house;
  • lining;
  • complex system "ventilated facade".

For reference. It is cheaper and faster to sheathe the walls of the house with painted corrugated board, this practice also takes place. But at the same time, the design of the building looks completely cheap and resembles a production building. In addition, the corrugated board quickly fade in the sun and loses color. Unless you get an expensive material coated with a pattern, as in the photo:

Vinyl siding is a very popular material, it is relatively inexpensive and retains its appearance for a long time, moreover, with its help it is quite possible to sheathe a wooden house on your own. It will be more expensive to decorate the walls with another siding - an imitation of a bar and a rounded log called "block house".

This is a very attractive and pretty material, but it requires maintenance, like a regular lining made of wood.

If we talk about what is the best way to sheathe a wooden house without reference to the cost of materials, then the “ventilated facade” system is beyond competition. It is a frame made of galvanized profiles, inside of which insulation is attached, and outside - finishing elements. Moreover, the latter can look like siding, brick or natural stone - to choose from. True, the system can hardly be called cheap, and not every homeowner can handle the installation.

It is easier to solve the problem than to decorate the walls of a wooden house from the inside. For this purpose, the following are most often used:

  • ordinary and moisture resistant drywall;
  • OSB particle sheets;
  • ordinary sheathing boards - lining.

Drywall and OSB are an excellent basis for any finishing layer - various wallpapers, tiles and other materials. Moisture-resistant gypsum boards are perfect for the inner lining of the bathroom, and the lining is for the bath built into the house. OSB boards are not used very often inside buildings, since drywall is much more environmentally friendly.

A few words about the insulation used. It is common knowledge that houses built of wood must "breathe". This means that the material of the walls is transparent to vapors, due to which moisture from the inside of the premises is removed to the outside, passing through the wood. If a vapor-tight barrier is placed in their way, then moisture will condense in front of it, which will lead to the gradual destruction of the fence. Therefore, it is not recommended to use moisture-repellent polymers such as penoplex or penofol.

The best solution for insulation when decorating a wooden house is mineral or basalt wool. It is vapor-permeable and absolutely not subject to combustion.

An exception to the rule is a frame building, where the mineral wool layer is part of the enclosing structure, and there is no main wall. Here, the insulation is protected from vapor penetration by a film on the one hand and waterproofing on the other, as shown in the diagram:

Sheathing a wooden house with siding

This exterior decoration of the house can be carried out with or without insulation, if necessary. But in any case, it is necessary to provide an air gap for ventilation between the vinyl siding and the wall. Its task is to remove moisture that enters from the outside on a diffusion membrane, which plays the role of a hydro and wind barrier. This is why vinyl siding sheets do not attach directly to walls, no matter how flat. First, it is necessary to assemble the lathing from wooden beams, less often from galvanized profiles.

Advice. Before sheathing an old chopped house, you should thoroughly dig in the cracks between the logs, using natural materials for this - felt, tow or moss.

The width of the lathing bars for external finishing without insulation should be from 3 to 5 cm in order to provide an air gap. The interval between the slats is 40-50 cm. But first of all, a diffusion membrane is laid, it is capable of letting in vapors, but reflecting water. Membrane sheets are laid horizontally, starting from the bottom, with an overlap of 10 cm and gluing at the joints with tape. After that, it is pressed with bars or lathing profiles, installed vertically.

Note. If you plan to install vertical siding, then the beams should be fixed horizontally. They should be pretreated with an antiseptic composition.

Also, lathing strips frame all openings - windows and entrance doors. At the same time, it is better to nail wooden elements to the wall, and not screw them on with self-tapping screws. The latter do not allow structures to move during shrinkage or thermal expansion. An important point: the surfaces of all the bars must be strictly vertical and aligned in one plane. Now you can start installing the siding using the starter and other types of planks shown in the figure:

When adjusting the siding, it is important to take into account its thermal elongation, therefore, the ends of the vinyl strips should not rest against the slots of the corner strips on the sides (meaning horizontal installation). The strips must be cut off and inserted between the strips with a gap of 3-5 mm, and the nails must not be driven in until they stop. For this, oval holes are made in the siding so that the strip can move a little. By the way, the installation is carried out from the starting bar - from the bottom up.

When the length of 1 strip is not enough for sheathing the entire wall of a wooden house, then you need to put one or more connecting strips, placing them as aesthetically as possible. Although siding is allowed to be laid with an overlap (without a plank), such a connection looks unpleasant, and therefore it is worth using it as a last resort. Well, there are special vinyl strips for framing windows and doors.

If it is decided to combine the finishing process with insulation, then the installation of heat-insulating material is also part of the work procedure. Given its thickness (not less than 100 mm, and in the northern regions and all 150 mm), it is necessary to take bars for the lathing of the corresponding width. Moreover, the membrane is not applied immediately to the wall, but already on top of the insulation. It is fastened by hammering on top of the strips of a counter lattice with a thickness of 30 mm. Further work is carried out in the same way as described above.

Decorating a wooden house with a block house

In essence, a block house for cladding a house is the same siding, only made of wood, and the algorithm for carrying out the work is the same.

True, there are a number of differences that we will focus your attention on:

  • there are no starter, corner or connector bars here. All joints will have to be faced from the outside with shaped elements made of wood;
  • block house strips are cut strictly to size, and when forming inner and outer corners, the material is cut at an angle of 45 ° for joining;
  • the canvases are fastened from bottom to top on nails or special clamps. True, the latter tend to unbend and the stripes may fall out over time;
  • when the board is oriented horizontally, it is better to install with the spike up and with the groove down.

One of the most difficult knots is the adjoining of the cladding in the form of an inner corner. Of course, you can ignore the resulting gap and sheathe the corner with a shaped element. But in order for the cladding of a wooden house block house, made by hand, to be of high quality, it is worth cutting out an arched cutout in the adjoining part, as shown in the photo:

At the end, an antiseptic primer is applied to the finished surface, after which it is finished with several layers of varnish or paint.

Interior decoration with clapboard

This is one of the most popular methods of cladding private wooden houses from the inside, used in almost all rooms, and especially in the steam room. At the moment, there are several types of lining on sale:

  • classic;
  • block house;
  • softline;
  • landhouse;
  • American.

The technology of wall cladding inside the house is the same for all types, and work begins with the installation of a vapor barrier made of film and installation of the lathing. The film is laid out with an overlap of 10 to 15 cm, after which the joints should be carefully glued with double-sided or ordinary tape. From above, it is pressed against the wall with battens, the thickness of which is 20 mm. The slats are nailed to the wall vertically (with horizontal installation of the cladding) at intervals of 40-50 cm.

Important. All battens of the lathing should be brought out in one vertical plane by means of various shims or mounting wedges.

The first board is fixed with self-tapping screws at a distance of 40-50 mm from the floor, taking into account the subsequent installation of the plinth. All subsequent planks are best fixed with metal elements - clamps, put on the previous board and nailed to the lathing bars with carnations. It is not recommended to fasten the cladding by driving nails into the grooves of the lining.

As with the exterior cladding of a block house, all joints and corners should be revetted with shaped parts or a wooden skirting board. After that, it remains to treat the wood with an antiseptic and cover with several layers of varnish. A more detailed finishing technology is shown in the video:

Internal finishing with plasterboard

Drywall is an excellent material for rough finishing of any interior surfaces of a wooden house, including the ceiling. Also, moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard is indispensable in rooms with high humidity - in bathrooms and dressing rooms. Subsequently, you can put tiles on it or apply liquid wallpaper. The technology here is simple: first, galvanized profiles are attached to the wall or ceiling so that their shelves are in the same plane. To strengthen the structure, jumpers from the same profiles are placed between the vertical profiles.

Sheets of drywall are screwed to the shelves of the profiles with self-tapping screws so that their caps are flush with the surface of the gypsum board. The step between adjacent self-tapping screws is 10-15 cm. Where it is impossible to fasten a whole sheet, it is necessary to accurately measure and cut off a part of it. This is done with a sharpened knife or specialized tool. When the wall is completely sewn up, then the joints and the caps of the self-tapping screws must be leveled with a putty, which, after drying, should be wiped with sandpaper. At this point, the surface is ready for further cladding.


Thanks to the existing cladding materials, it is possible to give any wooden house a presentable appearance, and even "turn" it into stone with the help of external cladding. In addition, finishing will save wood longer and increase the life of the building as a whole. It will not be superfluous to insulate the house from the outside, as a result of which the cost of heating it will decrease.