Children of the Heroes of the Civil War of their exploits. Children-partisans during the Great Patriotic War

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Children - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

"The Great Patriotic War ... So it happened that our memory of war and all our ideas about it are men. This is understandable: I fought mostly a man - but this and the reflection of our incomplete knowledge about the war. After all, the huge severity lay on the shoulders of mothers, wives, sisters, who were sannisters on the battlefields, who replaced men from the machines on the factories and on the collective farm fields. From a female mother is the beginning of life, and somehow incomparable it with war that kills life. " So the Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich writes in the book "The war is not a female face." And I want this thought to finish this: "And the more not children." Yes. War is not a business. Taki should be. But this war was special ... She was called the Great Patriotic War because everything from Mala was rising to the defense of the Motherland. Many young patriots died in battles with the enemy, and four of them - Marat Kazei, Valya Kitty, Lenya Golikov and Zina Portnov - were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. They often wrote about them in the newspapers, they were dedicated to the books. And even the streets and cities of our Great Motherland - Russia called them names. In those years, children quickly adults, already in 10-14 years old, they realized themselves as a particle of the big people and tried in anything to be imposed by adults. Thousands of guys fought in partisan detachments and the current army. Together with adults, adolescents went to intelligence, helped the partisans to undermine the enemy's echelons, arrange an ambush.

June. I clone in the evening sunset. And the warm night was flooded with the sea. And he was heard a ringing laughter of the guys who do not know the burning grief. June! Then we still did not know, I walk home from school evenings that tomorrow will be the first day of war, but she will end only in forty-fifth, in May.

Pioneers Heroes Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. He studied, helped the elders, played, run-jumped, broke the noses and knees. Their names knew only relatives, classmates yes friends. An hour came - they showed how much a little children's heart can be, when sacred love of his homeland begins in him and hatred for her enemies. Boys. Girls. On their fragile shoulders lay the burden of adversity, disasters, grief of military years. And they did not be bent under this weight, they became stronger in spirit, courageous, rushing. Little heroes of a big war. They fought next to the elder - fathers, brothers, next to the Communists and Komsomol members. Fought everywhere. At sea, like Boria Kuleshin. In the sky, like Arcasha Kamanin. In the partisan detachment, like Lenya Golikov. In the Brest Fortress, like Valya Zenkina. In Kerch Catacombs, like Volodya Dubinin. In the underground, like Volodya Shcherbatsevich. And neither a moment did not flour the young hearts! Their matured childhood was filled with such trials that, invent their even a very talented writer, it would be difficult to believe in it. But it was. It was in the history of the big country, it was the fate of her little guys - ordinary boys and girls.

Tanya Savicheva Arkady Kamanin Lenya Golikov Valya Zenkina Zina Portorova Volodya Treaschairs Marat Kasey Valya Kitty

Lida Vashkevich Nadia Bogdanova Vitya Khomenko Sasha Borodulin Vasya Kuzko Kostya Kravchuk Galya Comleva Utah Bondar Lara Mikheenko

Marat Kazei ... The war fell into the Belarusian land. In the village where Marat lived with Mom, Anna Alexandrovna Kazahi, fascists broke. In the autumn, Marat had no need to go to school in the fifth grade. The School Building of Fascists turned into their barracks. The enemy leaf. For contact with the partisans, Anna Aleksandrovna Kasery was captured, and soon Marat found out that Mom hung up in Minsk. Anger and hatred to the enemy filled the heart of the boy. Together with the sister, Komsomolsk Ada, Pioneer Marat Kazai went to the partisans in the Stankovsky Forest. He became an intelligence in the headquarters of the partisan brigade. Penetrated into enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information command. Using this data, the partisans have developed a bold operation and defeated the fascist garrison in the city of Dzerzhinsk ... Marat participated in the battles and invariably showed courage, fearless, together with experienced demursors mined the railway. Marat died in battle. Fucked until the last cartridge, and when he had only one pomegranate, let the enemies closer and blew them away ... and himself. For the courage and courage, Pioneer Marat Kazay was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero is set in Minsk.

Belarusian M. Minsk, City Park Monument Marat Casey

Zina Portorova War found the Leningrad Pioneer Zein Portnov in the village of Zuya, where she came to the holidays, is not far from the station Obol Vitebsk region. In Oboli, the Underground Komsomolsk and youth organization "Young Avengers" was created, and Zina elected a member of her committee. She participated in bold operations against the enemy, in diversions, distributed leaflets, on the task of the partisan detachment conducted intelligence. ... Standing December 1943. Zina returned from the task. In the village bridge she was given a traitor. The fascists grabbed the young partisan, tortured. The response to the enemy was silence Zina, her contempt and hatred, determined to fight to the end. During one of the interrogations, choosing a moment, Zina grabbed a gun from the table and focusing in the Gestapovka. The officer who ran into the shot was also killed. Zina tried to escape, but the fascists overtook her ... The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute remained a resistant, courageous, unreleased. And the Motherland posthumously noted her feat with the highest title - the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Lenya Golikov grew in the village of Lukino, on the bank of the Polo River, which flows into the legendary Ilmen Lake. When his native village captured the enemy, the boy went to the partisans. More than once he went to intelligence, brought important information to the partisan detachment. And you flew up the enemy trains, cars, bridges collapsed, enemy warehouses burned ... There was a fight in his life, which Lenya led one on one with a fascist general. Pomegranate, abandoned by a boy, hit the car. A nickname was getting out of her with a briefcase in his hands and, shooting, rushed to run. Lenya - behind him. Almost a kilometer pursued by the enemy and finally killed him. The portfolio was very important documents. The headquarters of the partisan immediately sent them to the aircraft to Moscow. There were a lot of fights in his short life! And never flopped the young hero, fought shoulder to the shoulder with adults. He died under the village of Outrash Luke in the winter of 1943, when the enemy felt especially lying, feeling that he was burning under his feet that he would not have mercy ... On April 2, 1944, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was published about the assignment of Pioneer-partisan Lena Holikov's title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Monument to partisan Pioneer-hero Lena Golikov in front of the administration of the Novgorod region. Velikiy Novgorod.

Valya Kitty he was born on February 11, 1930 in the village of Khmelevka of the Shepetovsky district of Khmelnitsky region. He studied at school No. 4 of the city of Shepetovka, was a recognized leader of the pioneers, his peers. When fascists broke into Shepetovka, Valya Kotik, together with friends, decided to fight the enemy. The guys were collected on the site of the battleship weapons, which later the partisans on Vuzu with the Sen were crossed into a detachment. Looking at the boy, the Communists entrusted the shaft to be connected and intelligence in his underground organization. He learned the location of the enemy posts, the order of shifting Karaul. Looking at the boy, the Communists entrusted the shaft to be connected and intelligence in his underground organization. He learned the location of the enemy posts, the order of shifting Karaul. The fascists outlined the punitive operation against the partisans, and Valya, having stopped the Hitler officer, who led the punishers, killed him ... When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with Mom and Brother, Victor went to the partisans. Pioneer, who just turned fourteen years, fought his shoulder to the shoulder with adults, freeing his native land. At his account - six enemy echelons blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kitty was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree, the medal "Partizana of the Patriotic War" 2 degrees. Valya cat died as a hero, and the birthplace posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In front of the school in which this brave pioneer studied, a monument was put on him. And today Pioneers give the hero of salute.

Volodya Treaschairs 1941 ... in the spring finished the fifth grade. In the fall joined the partisan detachment. When, together with the sister Anne, he came to the partisans in Kletnyansky forests, that in the Bryansk region, in the detachment they said: "Well, replenishment! .." True, having learned that they are from Solovyanovka, children of Elena Kondratyevna Treasurer, the fact that baked bread for partisans , stopped joking (Elena Kondratyevna was killed by the fascists). The detachment was the "partisan school". There were future miners, demolitions. Volodya "perfectly" learned this science and, together with the senior comrades, let eight echelons dusted. I had to cover the group withdrawal, stopping the pursuers ... He was connected; I walked often in Clait, delivering the most valuable information; Having waited darkness, put the leaflets. From the operation to the operation became more experienced, more artistic. For the head of the guerrilla Zzancheev, the fascists appointed a reward, without even suspecting that their brave opponent is completely another boy. He fought next to adults until the day until his native land was dismissed from fascist uncleani, and on the right divided the glory of the hero - the liberator of his native land with adults. Volodya Treaschayov was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Medal "Partizan of the Patriotic War" 1 degree.

Valya Zenkina The Brest Fortress was the first to hit the enemy. Bombs, shells, the walls were collapsed, and in the fortress, and in the city of Brest. From the first minutes, Valin Father went into battle. I left and did not return, he died with a hero, as many defenders of the Brest Fortress. And the marks fascists made under the fire to wade into the fortress to transfer it to the defenders the requirement to surrender. Valya sniffed to the fortress, told about the atrocities of the fascists, explained what tools they had, pointed out their location and remained to help our fighters. She bandaged the wounded, collected the cartridges and brought them to fighters. In the fortress lacked water, it was divided by a throat. I wanted to drink painfully, but Valya again and again refused his throat: the water is needed wounded. When the command of the Brest Fortress decided to bring children and women from under fire to the other coast of the Mukhaver River - there was no other opportunity to save their lives, "Senkina's little Sanitary Sanitary asked her to leave her with fighters. But the order is an order, and then she swore to continue the fight against the enemy to full victory. And Valya oath kept. Different tests fell on its share. But she stood. Stressed. And his struggle continued in the partisan detachment. Fought boldly, along with adults. For the courage and courage, the Order of the Red Star awarded his young daughter's homeland.

Arkady Kamanin he dreamed of heaven when he was still quite a boys. Arkady Father, Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin, pilot, participated in the salvation of Chelyuskintsev, for which he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And always near the friend of the Father, Mikhail Vasilyevich Vodopyanov. It was why to challenge the heart of the boy. But in the air it was not allowed, they said: to grow up. When the war began, he went to work on the aviation plant, then at the airfield was used by any case to climb the sky. Experienced pilots, let just a few minutes, have happened, trusted him to lead the aircraft. Once an enemy bullet was broken with a glass of cabin. The pilot was blinded. Losing consciousness, he managed to convey Arkady Management, and the boy planted the plane to his airfield. After that, Arkady was allowed to seriously study with a flying case, and soon he began to fly independently. Once from height, the young pilot saw our aircraft shoven by the fascists. Under the strongest mortar fire, Arkady landed, transferring a pilot into his plane, rose into the air and returned to his. At his chest, the Order of the Red Star was shone. For participation in the battles with the enemy of Arkady was awarded the second Order of the Red Star. By that time he became an experienced pilot, although he was fifteen years old. Before the victory, Arkady Kamanin fascinated with the fascists. Young hero about the sky dreamed and conquered the sky!

Returning from the task, immediately told the red tie. And as if the strength was added! Utah supported tired fighters with a call of the pioneer song, a story about his native Leningrad ... and how they were happy about how the partisans were congratulated by Utah, when the message came to the detachment: blockade is broken! Leningrad survived, Leningrad won! That day and blue eyes Utah, and her red tie shone, as it seems, never. But still groaned under the enemy Ignar, and the squad together with the parts of the Red Army left to help the partisans of Estonia. In one of the battles - the Estonian farm Rostov - Utah Bondarovskaya, a small heroine of a big war, a pioneer who did not break down with his red tie, fell dead by brave. Motherland awarded his heroic daughter to posthumously medal "Partizan Patriotic War" 1 degree, the Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree. Utah Bondarovskaya wherever the Siegyglase girl of Utah was going, her red tie was invariably with her ... In the summer of 1941 she came from Leningrad to the holidays in the village under Pskov. Here Nastigala Utu Grozny News: War! She saw her enemy. Utah began to help partisans. At first it was connected, then the intelligence. Changed by the boy-beggar, collected on the villages: where the headquarters of the fascists, as is guarded, how many machine guns.

The young connected brought from partisans to the task of his leader, and her reports were crossing the detachment along with bread, potatoes, products that were with great difficulty. One day, when the messenger from the partisan detachment did not come on time to the meeting place, Galya, half-marked, shed itself into a detachment, passed the report and, a little reninking, hurried back, carrying a new task to underground workers. Together with Komsomolskaya Tasi Yakovleva Galya wrote leaflets and spread them around the village at night. The fascists stopped, grabbed young underground workers. Two months were kept in Gestapo. Having brutally beat, thrown into the chamber, and in the morning again displayed for interrogation. Nothing said to the enemy Galya, did not give anyone. Young patriot was shot. The feat of the Gali Comlena Motherland noted the Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree. When the war began, and the fascists were approaching Leningrad, for underground work in the village of Tarnovichi - in the south of the Leningrad region - Anna Petrovna Semenova was left in the south of the Leningrad Region. For communication with the partisans, she picked up the most reliable pioneers, and the first among them was Galina Comleva. Cheerful, bold, inquisitive girl in six of his school years was awarded six times awarded books with signature: "For excellent studies" Galya Comleva

At first I buried in the garden under the pear: I thought, our soon will come back. But the war was delayed, and, doubting the banner, Kostya kept them in Saraj, until he remembered about the old, abandoned well beyond the city, at the Dnieper itself. Having wrapped his invaluable treasure in the burlap, having embraced straw, he got out of the house at dawn and with a canvas bag over his shoulder led to the distant forest cow. And there, looking back, hid a bundle in the well, poured with branches, dry grass, turden ... And the entire long occupation is not a pioneer of his hard guard at the banner, although he fell into the cloud, and even fled from Echelon, in which Kievans hijacked to Germany . When Kiev was freed, Kostya, in a white shirt with a red tie, came to the military commandant of the city and unfolded the banners before the seeming views and yet amazed fighters. June 11, 1944 newly formed parts that went to the front were presented by saved bones replacement. On June 11, 1944, parts taken to the front were built on the central square of Kiev. And before this combat system was read by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding the pioneer of the Kravchuk, the Order of the Red Banner for the fact that Savior and retained two fighting banners of rifle regiments during the occupation of the city of Kiev ... Returning from Kiev, two wounded fighters trusted the coste of banners. And Kostya promised to keep them. Kostya Kravchuk

In the headquarters of the 6th Kalinin brigade, the commander Major P. V. Zhardin first turned out to be "such small": well, what of them are partisans! But how many people can do a lot to their homeland! The girls were under the power of what was not able to strong men. Dressing into rags, Lara walked around the villages, revealing, where and how the guns are located, placed the hour, which German cars are moving along the Bolshak, which is behind the train and with which cargo come to the station's empty. She also participated in combat operations ... Young partisan, issued by the traitor in the village of Ignatovo, fascists shot. In decree on awarding Larisa Mikheenko, the Order of the Patriotic War 1 degree is a bitter word: "posthumously." For the operation on the intelligence and explosion of the w / d. The Bridge across the Driss River for the Government award was presented with Leningrad Schoolgirl Larisa Mikheenko. But he did not have time to give his brave daughter to his brave daughter ... The war cut off the girl from his hometown: in the summer she left for the holidays in the Pustoshkinsky district, and the Nazis had come back - the village was taken by the village. Dreamed pioneer to escape from the Hitler's slavery, get to her. And once at night with two senior girlfriends left the village. Lara Micheenko

Column village. Under the bridge - Vasya. He pulls out the iron brackets, squeezes piles, and at dawn out of shelter observes how the bridge is collapsed under the weight of the fascist trial. The partisans were convinced that you could be trusted, and instructed him a serious thing: to become an intelligence in the enemy's lair. In the headquarters of the fascists, he trams the oven, rings of firewood, and he watches himself, remembers, transfers information to the partisans. Punkers who have conceived destroying partisans forced the boy to lead them into the forest. But Vasya brought the Nazis to the ambush of Politsaev. Hitlerians, in the dark, having accepted them for the partisans, opened the rabid fire, interpret all the policemen and they themselves suffered large losses. Together with the guerrillas, Vasya destroyed nine echelons, hundreds of Nazis. In one of the battles, he was fighting enemy bullet. His little hero who lived short, but such a bright life, the Motherland awarded the orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, Patriotic War of 1 degree, the medal "Partizana of the Patriotic War" 1 degree. Chernihiv region. The front came close to the village of Pogoretsev. On the outskirts, covering the waste of our parts, the defense held the company. Cartridges fighters made a boy. His named Vasya Korosko. Night. To the building of the school, occupied by the fascists, sneaks by Vasya. He makes his ways to the pioneer room, puts the pioneer banner and securely hides it. Vasya Koroko

Day after day he led to reconnaissance. More than once went to the most dangerous tasks. Many destroyed cars and soldiers were on his account. For the performance of dangerous tasks, for the manifestation of courage, the resourcefulness and courage of Sasha Borodulin in the winter of 1941 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Punliars traveled partisans. Three days left them a detachment, twice escaped from the environment, but again the enemy ring was embroidered. Then the commander called volunteers - cover down the detachment of the detachment. Sasha first stepped forward. Five accepted the fight. One after another they died. Sasha remained alone. You could still move away - the forest is near, but the detachment is so the road every minute, which will delay the enemy, and Sasha led the fight to the end. By allowing the fascists to closely around him, snatched a grenade and blew them out and himself. Sasha Borodulin died, but the memory of him is alive. The memory of the heroes is eternal! War went. Above the village where Sasha lived, the enemy bombers were burst. Native land fatched enemy boots. Sasha Borodulin, a pioneer with the hot heart of the young Leninets could not put up with it. He decided to fight the fascists. Received a rifle. Killing the fascist motorcyclist, took the first combat trophy - a real German automatic. Sasha Borodulin

A quick, intelligent boy officers began to send with orders, and soon they made a messenger at the headquarters. They could not come to mind that the most secret packages first read the underground workers on the appearance ... Together with a shura Kober, Vitya received a task to go to the front line to establish a connection with Moscow. In Moscow, in the headquarters of the partisan movement, they reported to the situation and told about what was observed on the road. Returning to Nikolaev, the guys delivered a radio transmitter, explosive, weapons to underground workers. And again the struggle without fear and oscillations. December 5, 1942 were captured by the fascists and executed ten underground workers. Among them are two boys - Shura Cober and Vitya Khomenko. They lived the heroes and died as heroes. The Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree - posthumously awarded the birthplace of his fearless son. The name Viti Khomenko is wearing a school in which he studied. His heroic way to combat fascists Pioneer Vitya Khomenko was held in the underground organization "Nikolaev Center". ... In the school in German, Viti was "excellent," and the underground workers instructed Pionera to suit the officer's dining room. He soap dishes happened, served officers in the hall and listened to their conversations. In drunken disputes, the fascists have chosen the information that was very interested in the Nikolaev Center. Vitya Khomenko

Nadia Bogdanova executed her twice the Hitlerians, and the combat friends for many years considered Nadia deceased. She even put a monument. It is difficult to believe in it, but when she became a scout in the partisan detachment "Uncle Vanya" Dyachkova, she was also not ten years old. Small, thin, she, pretending to be a bench, wandered among the fascists, all stirring, everything comes, and brought the most valuable information to the detachment. And then, with the fascist headquarters, the fascist headquarters exploded with the partisans fascins, allowed the tails of Echelon with military equipment, mined objects. For the first time she grabbed it when, together with Vanya, she hung out on November 7, 1941, a red flag in the occupied enemy Vitebsk. They beat with shompets, tortured, and when they led to the RB - to shoot, she had no power left - fell in ditch, for a moment, aversion of bullet. Vanya died, and Nadu partisans found alive in the rock ...

The second time it was grabbed at the end of the 43rd. And again torture: it was poured in a cold with ice water, burned a five-pointed star on his back. Considering the intelligence of the dead, the Nazis, when the partisans attacked Carasevo, threw it. It was published, paralyzed and almost blind, locals. After the war in Odessa, Academician V.P. Filat returned his vision. After 15 years, she heard on the radio, as the head of the exploration of the 6th squad of Slesarenko - her commander - said that they would never forget the fighters of their dead comrades, and called Nadia Bogdanov among them, who was wounded, saved life ... Only then And she appeared, only then they learned the people who worked with her together, about what an amazing fate of the man she, Nadia Bogdanov, awarded the orders of the Red Banner, Patriotic War of 1 degree, medals. Nadya Bogdanova (continued)

The ordinary black bag would not attract the attention of visitors to the Museum of Local Lore, if it were not lying next to her red tie. The unwittingly boy or girl will be frowning, adult will stop, and read the yellowed certificate issued by the partisan squad commissioner. The fact that the young host of these relics Pioneer Lida Vashkevich risks life, helped fight against the fascists. There is another reason for staying near these exhibits: Lida is awarded the medal "Partiz of the Patriotic War" 1 degree. Lida Vashkevich

A child who passed through the horrors of war, whether he will be the usual child? Who took his childhood? Who will give him him? What does he remember from the experience and can tell? But he must tell! Because and now there are somewhere bombs, bullet whistles, burn at home! After the war, the world learned a lot of stories about the fate of wartime children. Before telling about the eleventh-year-old Leningrad schoolgirl Thane Savicheva, I will remind you about the fate of the city in which she lived. From September 1941 to January 1944, 900 days and nights. Leningrad lived in the ring of enemy blockade. 640 thousand of its inhabitants died of hunger, cold and art stins. Food warehouses burned during the raids of German aviation. It was necessary to cut the diet. Workers and engineering workers were issued only 250 g. Bread, and the Germans were calculated to employees and children of 125. That Leningraders will override because of bread, stop protecting their city and give it to the mercy of the enemy. But they calculated. The city can not die if all the population fell on his defense and even children! No, Tanya Savicheva did not build fortifications and in general she did not accomplish any heroism, her feat in the other. She wrote the blockade history of his family ... Big, friendly family Savicheva calmly and peacefully lived on Vasilyevsky Island. But the war took away from the girl of all native one after another. Tanya made 9 short records ...

Tanya Savicheva

What was next with Tanya? Did she survive the relatives for a long time? A single girl, together with other orphans, managed to send to a relatively fusion and prosperous Gorky region. But strong depletion and nervous shock took her her died on May 23, 1944.

Over 20 million people lost our country in that war. Language digits are a stingy. But you still listen and imagine ... If we were dedicated to every victim for one minute of silence, we would have to be silent over 38 years.

Restlessness of generations and memory of those whom the dachshund is honored, let's, people, stand up for a moment and in the sorrow will stand up and rub.

Wars do not want anywhere, never, let the world be in the world everywhere and always. Yes, there will be a bright life of children! How the world bright in the eyes of open! Oh, do not destroy and do not kill - the earth is killed enough!

Through the century, after a year, remember!

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Alexander Matrosov

The arrows of the 2nd separate battalion of the 91st separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade named after Stalin.

Sasha's salary of parents did not know. He was brought up in an orphanage and labor colony. When the war began, he was not 20. Matrosov called on the army in September 1942 and sent to the infantry school, and then to the front.

In February 1943, his battalion attacked the supporting point of the fascists, but he caused a trap, hitting a dense fire, cut off the path to the tanks. Shot from three suprets. Two soon silenced, but the third continued to shoot the Red Army, lay down in the snow.

Seeing that the only chance to get out from under the fire is to suppress the fire of the opponent, the sailors with the same-welded pass to Zotka and threw two grenades in his direction. The machine gun was silent. The Red Army fell into the attack, but the deadly weapon was shot again. The partner Alexander killed, and the sailors stayed before jot alone. It was necessary to do something.

He did not have to make a decision and a few seconds. Not wanting to bring together combat comrades, Alexander closed his body to his body. Attack was crowned with success. And the sailors posthumously received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Military pilot, commander of the 2nd squadron of the 207th Fallen Bombarding Aviation Regiment, Captain.

He worked as a mechanic, then in 1932 he was called to the service in the Red Army. I got into the airlock, where he became a pilot. Nikolay Gastello participated in three wars. A year before the Great Patriotic War, he received the rank of captain.

On June 26, 1941, the crew under the command of Captain Gastello flew to hit the German mechanized column. The business was on the road between the Belarusian cities of Molodechno and Radoshkovichi. But the column was well guarded by enemy artillery. Fight battle. The Gastello plane was bent from anti-aircraft. The projectile damaged the fuel tank, the car caught fire. The pilot could catapult, but he decided to fulfill military debt to the end. Nikolay Gastello sent a burning car directly to the column of the enemy. It was the first fiery taran in the Great Patriotic War.

The surname of the brave pilot became a nominal. Until the end of the war of all Asov, who decided to go to a ram, called Gastellovtsy. If you follow official statistics, then for the entire war, almost six hundred of the opponent's Taran were committed.

Brigadier Scout of the 67th Detachment of the 4th Leningrad Partisan Brigade.

Lena was 15 years old when the war began. He already worked at the factory by graduating from the sevenletk. When the fascists captured his native Novgorod region, Lenya went to the partisans.

He was a brave and decisive, commanded him appreciated. For several years spent in the partisan detachment, he participated in 27 operations. At his account, several destroyed bridges in the enemy's rear, 78 destroyed Germans, 10 ammunition compositions.

It was in the summer of 1942 in the summer of 1942, near the village of Varnanti undermined the car, in which he was the German Major General of Engineering Forces Richard von Virts. Golikov managed to extract important documents on the occurrence of Germans. The attack of the enemy was sorted, and a young hero for this feat was presented to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the winter of 1943, a significant superior detachment of the enemy unexpectedly attacked the partisans from the village of Outrase Luke. Lenya Golikov died as a real hero - in battle.

Pioneer. Squoke of the partisan detachment named after Voroshilov on the territory occupied by the fascists.

Zina was born and went to school in Leningrad. However, the war found her on the territory of Belarus, where she came to vacation.

In 1942, 16-year-old Zina joined the Underground Organization "Young Avengers". It distributed anti-fascist leaflets in the occupied territories. Then, under the cover, it was settled to work in the dining room for the German officers, where he made several sabotage and only a miracle was not captured by the enemy. Her courage was surprised by many experienced military.

In 1943, Zina Portnova went into the partisans and continued to engage in sabotage in the enemy's rear. Because of the efforts of the faders who surrendered Zein the Fascists, captured. In the dungeons it was interrogated and tortured. But Zina was silent, without giving his own. In one of these interrogations, she grabbed a gun from the table and shot three of the Troy Hitlerians. After that, she was shot in prison.

The underground anti-fascist organization operating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern Lugansk region. There have been more than a hundred people. The youngest participant was 14 years old.

This youth underground organization was formed immediately after the occupation of the Lugansk region. It entered both the personnel military, which were cut off from the main parts and local youth. Among the most famous participants: Oleg Koshevoy, Ulyana Gromova, Lyubov Shevtsova, Vasily Levashov, Sergey Tyulanyn and many other young people.

"Young Guard" produced leaflets and made sabotage against the fascists. Once, they managed to deal with a whole workshop on the repair of tanks, burn the stock exchange, from where the fascists hijacked people to forced work in Germany. Members of the organization planned to arrange a uprising, but were disclosed due to traitors. The fascists caught, tortured and shot more than seventy people. Their feat is immortalized in one of the most famous military books of Alexander Fadeev and the simplynae.

28 people from the personnel of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment.

In November 1941, a counteroffensive to Moscow began. The enemy did not stop before, making a decisive march before the onset of harsh winter.

At this time, the fighters under the command of Ivan Panfilov took a position on the highway in seven kilometers from Volokolamsk - a small town near Moscow. There they gave the fight to the upcoming tank parts. The battle lasted four hours. During this time, they destroyed 18 armored cars, delaying the opponent's attack and thoring his plans. All 28 people (or almost everything, here the opinions of historians diverge) died.

According to the legend, Politruk Rota, Vasily Klobkov, before the decisive stage of the battle, turned to fighters with the phrase, which became famous for the whole country: "Russia is great, and there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!"

The counteroffensive of the fascists in the end failed. The battle for Moscow, which was given a crucial role during the war, was played by invaders.

As a child, the future hero was with rheumatism, and the doctors doubted the fact that Maresyev could fly. However, he stubbornly filed documents to the flight school, until finally was enrolled. Maresev was called up to the army in 1937.

He met the Great Patriotic War in a flight school, but soon hit the front. During the combat departure, his plane was bent, and Maresyev himself was driving. Eighteen days, heavily wounded in both legs, he was chosen from the environment. However, he still managed to overcome the front line and hit the hospital. But Gangren has already begun, and doctors amputated both legs to him.

For many, this would mean the end of the service, but the pilot did not give up and returned to aviation. By the end of the war, he flew with prostheses. Over the years, he made 86 combat departures and hit 11 opponent aircraft. Moreover, 7 - after amputation. In 1944, Alexey Maresyev moved to work by an inspector and lived to 84 years.

His fate inspired the writer Boris Field Write "Tale of a true man."

Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 177th Fighter Aviation Regiment Air Defense.

Victor Talalikhin began to fight in the Soviet-Finnish war. On Biplane hit 4 enemy aircraft. Then he served in the aviation school.

In August 1941, one of the first Soviet pilots made a ram, knocked down a German bomber in the night air battle. Moreover, the wounded pilot could get out of the cockpit and go down on the parachute in the rear to his.

Then Talalichin shot down five more German aircraft. Died during the next air combat near Podolsk in October 1941.

After 73 years later, in 2014, the search engines found the Talalikhin plane, which remained in the mobs near Moscow.

Artilleryman of the 3rd Monitorarian Artillery Corps of the Leningrad Front.

Andrei Korzung soldier was called up to the army at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War. He served on the Leningrad Front, where fierce and bloody battles went.

November 5, 1943, during the next battle, his battery fell under the fierce enemy fire. Korzun was seriously injured. Despite the terrible pain, he saw that gunpowder charges and a warehouse with ammunition can fly into the air. Having collected the last forces, Andrei Dressez to the burned fire. But to remove the chinel to cover the fire, could no longer. Losing consciousness, he made the last effort and covered the fire with his body. The explosion managed to avoid the price of a brave artillery life.

Commander of the 3rd Leningrad partisan brigade.

A native of Petrograd, Alexander Herman, according to some reports, was a leaving from Germany. In the army served since 1933. When the war began, went to scouts. He worked in the rear of the enemy, commanded the partisan detachment, which was horrified on the opponent's soldier. His brigade destroyed several thousand fascist soldiers and officers, allowed the hundreds of railway compositions and blew up hundreds of cars.

The fascists staged a real hunt behind the German. In 1943, his partisan detachment came to the environment in the Pskov region. Punching through your own, the brave commander died from the enemy bullet.

Commander of the 30th Separate Guards Tank Brigade of the Leningrad Front

Vladislav Khrustitsky was called in the ranks of the Red Army in the 20s. In the late 30s graduated from armored courses. From the autumn of 1942, he commanded the 61st separate light tank brigade.

He distinguished himself with the operation of the Iskra, which began began to defeat the Germans on the Leningrad Front.

He died in battle under Volosovo. In 1944, the enemy retreated from Leningrad, but from time to time was attempting to counteratactics. During one of these counterattacks, the Hruustitsky's tank brigade was trapped.

Despite the squall fire, the commander ordered to continue the offensive. He turned on the radio to his crews with the words: "Stand to death!" - And first went ahead. Unfortunately, in this battle, the brave tanker died. And yet the village of Volosovo was freed from the enemy.

Commander of the partisan detachment and brigade.

Before the war he worked on the railway. In October 1941, when the Germans were already standing near Moscow, he himself volunteered for a difficult operation in which his railway experience was needed. He was abandoned in the rear of the enemy. There invented the so-called "coal mines" (in fact, it is just mines disguised as a stone coal). With the help of this simple, but effective weapons for three months, a hundred enemy compositions was undermined.

The barriers actively campaigned the local population to move to the side of the partisan. Fascists, who realized this, changed their soldiers to the Soviet form. The barriers accepted them for the mines and ordered to skip into a partisan detachment. The path of the cunning enemy was opened. The fight was started, during which the barriers died. For the living or dead challenis was announced award, but the peasants hid his body, and it did not get the Germans.

Commander of a small partisan detachment.

Efim Osipenko fought in a civil war. Therefore, when the enemy captured his land, thinking shortly, went to the partisans. Together with another five comrades, he organized a small partisan detachment that served a sabotage against the fascists.

During one of the operations, it was decided to undermine the enemy composition. But the ammunition in the detachment was not enough. The bomb was made of ordinary grenades. Explosives had to install Osipenko himself. He crawled to the railway bridge and, seeing the approach of the train, threw it before the composition. The explosion did not follow. Then the partisan himself hit the pole from the railway sign. It worked! Under the slope went long composition with food and tanks. The detachment commander survived, but completely lost sight.

For this feat, he was first in the country awarded the medal "Partiz of Patriotic War".

The peasant Matvey Kuzmin was born three years before the cancellation of serfdom. And died, becoming the most elderly owner of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

His story contains a lot of reference to the history of another famous peasant - Ivan Susanin. Matvey should also lead the invaders through the forest and fop. And, like the legendary hero, decided to stop the enemy at the cost of his life. He sent forward his grandson, so that he warned a partisan detachment stopped nearby. Fascists were pleased in the ambush. Fight battle. Matvey Kuzmin died of a German officer's hand. But did my job. He was the 84th year.

The partisanka, which was part of the sabotage-intelligence group of the Western Front headquarters.

Study at school, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya wanted to enter the literary institute. But these plans were not destined to come true - the war was prevented. In October 1941, Zoya as a volunteer came to a draft point and after short training at school for saboteurs was deployed under Volokolamsk. There, the 18-year-old fighter of the partisan part along with adult men performed dangerous tasks: mined roads and destroyed the bond nodes.

During one of the sabotage operations, Kosmodemyanskaya caught the Germans. She was tortured, forcing her to give her. Zoya heroically carried out all the tests, without saying enems not a word. Seeing that nothing could be achieved from the young partisan, they decided to hang it.

Kosmodemyanskaya stall accepted tests. For a moment to death, she shouted to the gathered to local residents: "Comrades, the victory will be behind us. German soldiers, not too late, give up! " The courage of the girl shook the peasants so that later they retraced this story to front-line correspondents. And after publication in the newspaper "True" about the feat of Kosmodemyanskaya found out all the country. She became the first woman awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War.

During the fighting, the children's heroes of the Great Patriotic War did not spare their own lives and walked with the same courage and courage as adult men. Their fate is not limited to the feats on the battlefield - they worked in the rear, promoted communism in the occupied territories, helped the supply of troops and much more.

It is believed that the victory over the Germans is the merit of adult men and women, but it is not quite so. Children Heroes of the Great Patriotic War made no less contribution to the victory over the third Reich regime and their names should also not be forgotten.

Young pioneers Heroes of the Great Patriotic War also acted bravely, because they understood that the horse was not only their own lives, but also the fate of the whole state.

The article will talk about the children-heroes of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), more precisely about seven brave boys who received the right to be called the Heroes of the USSR.

Stories of children-heroes of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 is a valuable source of data for historians, even if children did not take part in bloody battles with weapons in their hands. Below, in addition, it will be possible to familiarize themselves with the photo of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 -1945, learn about their brave actions during the fighting.

All stories about the children-heroes of the Great Patriotic War contain only proven information, their names and phoeo did not change. However, some data may not meet the truth (for example, accurate dates of death, birthday), since during the conflict, documentary evaluations were lost.

Probably the most child-hero of the Great Patriotic War is Valentin Aleksandrovich Kitty. The future brave and patriot was born on February 11, 1930 in a small settlement called Khmelevka, which in the Shepetsky district of Khmelnitsky region and studied in the middle Russian-speaking school number 4 of the same town. As an eleven-year-old boy, who was obliged to be only to learn in the sixth grade and to know life, he from the first hours of confrontation decided for himself, which will fight the invaders.

When the autumn of 1941 came, along with his close companions, he thoroughly organized an ambush by policemen in Shepetovka. During a well-thought-out operation, the boy managed to eliminate the chapter of the Politsaev, throwing a battle grenade under his car.

Approximately 1942, a little diversionant joined the detachment of Soviet partisans, who fought during the war in the deep rear of the enemy. Initially, young currencies were not sent to battle - they were prescribed to work with a link - a rather important position. However, the young fighter insisted on his participation in the fights against the German-fascist occupiers, the invaders and murderers.

In August 1943, the young patriot was adopted by showing an extraordinary initiative, in a large and actively operating underground group named after Ustim Carmelyuk under the control of Lieutenant Ivan Musealev. Throughout 1943, he regularly took part in the fights, during which he had repeatedly received a bullet, but even contrary to this again returned to the forefront, without regretting life. Valya did not hesitate any work, and therefore also often went to intelligence tasks in his underground organization.

One famous feat of a young fighter committed in October 1943. Completely by chance, the cat found a well-strained telephone cable that was shallow underground and was extremely important for the Germans. This telephone cable provided a link between the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (Adolf Hitler) and the occupied Warsaw. This played an important role in the liberation of the Polish capital, since the headquarters of the fascists had no connection with the Supreme Command. In the same year, the cat helped to undermine the enemy warehouse with the cartridges for weapons, and also destroyed six railway echelon with the necessary German equipment, and in which Kievans hiounced, mining them and without remorse of the conscience blown up.

At the end of October of the same year, a small patriot of the CRSR Valya Catik made another feat. Being in the partisan corrosion, Valya stood in the dosor and noticed how enemy soldiers surround his group. The cat was not confused and the first thing killed an enemy officer who commanded the punitive operation, and after raised the alarm. Thanks to such a bold act of this brave pioneer, the partisans managed to react to the environment and were able to fight off the enemy, avoiding huge losses in their ranks.

Unfortunately, in battle for the city of Izyaslav in mid-February next year, Valya was mortally wounded from a shot with a German rifle. The peoner hero died from the wound obtained by the next morning at the age of some 14 years.

The young warrior was forever gather in his hometown. Despite the importance of the feats of Vali Kitics, his merits were noticed only thirteen years later, when the boy was awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union", but already posthumously. In addition, Valya was also awarded the "Order of Lenin", "Red Banner" and "Patriotic War". Monuments put not only in the native village of Hero, but also throughout the USSR. In honor of him called streets, orphanages and so on.

Peter Sergeevich Klypa - one of those who can easily be called a rather controversial person, who being the hero of the Brest Fortress and possessing the "Order of the Patriotic War", was also known as a criminal.

The future defender of the Brest Fortress at the end of September 1926 was born in the Russian city of Bryansk. Childhood, the boy spent almost without his father. He was a railway and died early - the boy brought up only mother.

In 1939, Peter took his older brother to his army - Nikolai Klypa, who at that time had already doubled the title of lieutenant, and under his command was the musical platoon of the 333rd regiment of the 6th Rifle Division. The young fighter became a pupil of this platoon.

After capturing the troops of the Red Army, Poland, he, together with the 6th rifle division, was directed to the district of Brest-Litovsk. The barracks of his regiment were placed close to the famous Brest Fortress. On June 22, Peter Klypa woke up in the barracks during the way the Germans began to bomb the fortress and the barracks surrounding it. The fighters of the 333rd Rifle Regiment contrary to the panic were able to give organized by the first attack of the German infantry, and the young Peter also actively participated in this battle.

From the first day, he, together with his friend, the Novikov began to go to intelligence on the dilapidated and surrounded fortress and fulfill the instructions of his commanders. On June 23, during the next intelligence, young fighters managed to detect a whole warehouse of ammunition, which were not destroyed by explosions - these ammunition strongly helped defenders of the fortress. Many days, Soviet soldiers beat off the opponent's attack, using this find.

When the commander of 333-while was the senior lieutenant Alexander Potapov, he appointed a young and energetic Peter his connected. He made a lot of useful. Once he brought a large stock of bandages and medicines in the Sunchast, which were extremely needed by the wounded. Every day, Peter also brought water to fighters, which disastrously lacked defenders of the fortress.

By the end of the month, the position of the fighters of the Red Army in the fortress was catastrophically heavy. In order to protect the lives of innocent people, the soldiers sent children, old people and women in captivity to the Germans, giving them a chance for survival. Young intelligence was also offered to surrender, but he refused, deciding to participate in battles against the Germans.

In the first days of July, the cartridges, water and food in the defenders of the fortress were almost over. Then all the forces were decided to go for a breakthrough. He ended with a complete failure for the fighters of the Red Army - the Germans killed most of the fighters, and the remaining half was captured. Only units managed to survive and break through the environment. One of them was Peter Klypa.

However, after a couple of days, his exhausting chase and other saved fascists grabbed and captured. Until 1945, Peter worked in Germany Batrakom in a rather wealthy German farmer. He was released by the troops of the United States of America, after which he returned to the ranks of the Red Army. After demobilization, Petya went into the bandits and robbers. There was even a murder on his hands. He served a significant part of his life in prison, after which he returned to normal life and started a family and two children. Peter Klypa died in 1983 at the age of 57. His ambulance was caused by a serious disease - cancer.

Among the children-heroes of the Great Patriotic War (Great Patriotic War), a young fighter-partisan Vilorschekmak deserves separate attention. The boy was born at the end of December 1925 in the glorious city of Sailors Simferopol. Vilor had Greek roots. His father is the hero of many conflicts with the participation of the USSR, died during the protection of the capital of the USSR in 1941.

Vilor went great in school, experienced extraordinary love and had an artistic talent - he was perfectly drawn. When he grows, dreamed of drawing expensive paintings, but the events of the bloody June 1941 and forever crossed his dreams.

In August 1941, Vilor could no longer be sitting at when the rest shed blood for him. And then, taking his favorite shepherd, went to the partisan detachment. The boy was a real defender of the Fatherland. The mother discovered him to go to the underground grouping, as the guy had a congenital heart disease, but he still decided to save his homeland. Like many other boys of his age, Vilor began to serve in intelligence.

In the ranks of the partisan squad, he served just a couple of months, but before his death committed a real feat. On November 10, 1941, he was at the post, covering his fellow. The Germans began to surround the partisan detachment and Vilor first noticed their approach. The guy risked everyone and made a shot of the rocket, to warn his fellow on the enemy, but he attracted the attention of the whole squad of the Nazis. Understanding that he was no longer left, he decided to cover the retreat of his brothers in arms, and therefore opened fire on the Germans. The guy fought to the last shot, but also did not surrender. He, as a real hero, rushed to the enemy with explosives, undermined himself and the Germans.

For their achievements, he received a medal "for military merit" and the medal "For the defense of Sevastopol".

Medal "For the defense of Sevastopol".

Among the famous children-heroes of the Great Patriotic War also, the Kamanina Arkady Nokolaevich, who was born in the beginning of November 1928 in the family of the famous Soviet military leader and the General forces of the Red Army of Nicholas Kamanin. It is noteworthy that his father was one of the first citizens of the USSR, who received the highest title of the Hero of the Soviet Union in the state.

Arkady spent his childhood in the Far East, but after he moved to Moscow, where he lived a short time. Being the son of a military pilot, Arkady in childhood could fly on airplanes. In the summer, the young hero always worked at the airfield, and he also worked for a long time at the plant for the production of aircraft of various purposes as a mechanic. When the fighting against the third Reich, the boy moved to the city of Tashkent, where he sent his father.

In 1943, Arkady Kamanin became one of the youngest military pilots in history, and the most young pilot of the Great Patriotic. Together with his father, he went to the Karelian Front. He was enrolled in the 5th Guards Assault Aviakorpus. At first he worked as a mechanic - not the most prestigious work on board the aircraft. But very soon he was prescribed by an observer and a bornemaker on an airplane to establish a connection between individual parts called U-2. This aircraft had steam control, and Arcasha repeatedly managed the aircraft. Already in July 1943, the young patriot flew without any help - completely independently.

At the age of 14, Arkady officially became a pilot and was enrolled in the 423rd separate squadron. Since June 1943, the hero has fought with the enemies of the state as part of the 1st Ukrainian Front. Since the fall of the victorious 1944, he entered the 2nd Ukrainian Front.

Arkady more participated in the tasks of establishing communication. He flew over the front line to help partisans to establish a connection. At the age of 15, the guy was awarded the Award "Order of the Red Star". He received this award for assisting the Soviet pilot of the IL-2 attack aircraft, which was crashed on the so-called neutral strip. If the unhealthy of a young patriot, political would die. Then Arkady received another Order of the Red Star, and after the Order of the Red Banner. Thanks to his successful actions in the sky, the Red Army was able to set the Red Flag in the occupied Budapest and Vienna.

After the victory over the enemy, Arkady went to continue studying in high school, where he quickly catch up with the program. However, the guy ruined meningitis, from which he died at the age of 18.

Lenya Golikov - a lot of famous assault killer, partisans and a pioneer, who for her feats and extraordinary devotion to the Fatherland, and also deserved the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, as well as the "Partiz of Patriotic War 1 degree" medal. In addition, the Motherland awarded him by the "Order of Lenin".

Lenya Golikov was born in a small village of Parfinsky District, which in the Novgorod region. Her parents were ordinary workers, and the boy could wait for the same calm fate. At the time of the beginning of the combat operations, Lenya graduated from seven classes and already worked at the local plant for the production of plywood. Actively in combat actions began to participate only in 1942, when the enemies of the state have already seized Ukraine and went to Russia.

In mid-August, the second year of confrontation, being at that moment the young, but already a rather experienced scout of the 4th Leningrad Underground Brigade, threw a combat grenade under an enemy car. In that car sat the German Major General from the engineering troops - Richard von Virts. Previously, it was believed that Lenya resolutely eliminated the German military leader, but he could miraculously survive, although he received serious injuries. In 1945, American troops took this general captive. However, that day, Golikov managed to steal the documents of the general, which contained information about new enemy mines that could cause significant harm of the Red Army. For this achievement, he was presented to the highest rank of "Hero of the Soviet Union" in the country.

In the period from 1942 to 1943, Lena Golikov managed to kill nearly 80 German soldiers, blew 12 highway bridges and 2 more railway. Destroyed a pair of important food warehouses for the Nazis and blew 10 cars with ammunition for the German army.

On January 24, 1943, the detachment of Lena fell into the battle with the predominant forces of the enemy. Lenia Golikov died in a battle under a small settlement called Outrash Luka, which in the Pskov region from the bullet enemy. Courtedly with him and his brothers in arms were killed. Like many others, the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" was awarded already posthumously.

One of the heroes of children of the Great Patriotic War was also a guy named Vladimir Dubinin, who actively acted against the enemy in the territory of Crimea.

The future partisan was born in Kerch on August 29, 1927. The boy since childhood was extremely brave and dubbed, and therefore from the first days of fighting against Reich wanted to defend their homeland. It was thanks to his perseverance that he fell into a partisan detachment that acted near Kerch.

Volodya, as a member of the partisan detachment, led reconnaissance actions with his close comrades and brothers in arms. The boy delivered extremely important information and information about the location of the parts of the enemy, the number of Wightle Fighters, which helped the partisans to prepare their combat offensive operations. In December 1941, during the next intelligence of Volodya, Dubinin provided comprehensive information about the enemy, which gave the opportunity to partisans to completely break the detachment of the punishers. Volodya was not afraid and participate in battles - at first he simply brought ammunition under a squall fire, and after he got into place a seriously wounded fighter.

Volodya had a trick to drive enemies for his nose - he "helped" the Nazis to find partisans, but actually started them in the ambush. The guy successfully performed all the tasks of the partisan detachment. After the successful liberation of the city of Kerch during the Kerch-Feodosian landing operation 1941-1942. Young guerrilla joined the detachment of sappers. On January 4, 1942, during demining one of Mines, Volodya died along with the Soviet sapper from the explosion of mines. For their merits, the hero-pioneer received a posthumously reward of the Order of the Red Banner.

Sasha Borodulin was born on the day of the famous holiday, namely on March 8, 1926 in the hero city called Leningrad. His family was rather poor. Sasha had two native sisters, one older hero, and the second is younger. In Leningrad, the boy lived for a long time - his family moved to the Republic of Karelia, and after returned to the Leningrad region again - in a small village of Novinka, which was 70 kilometers from Leningrad. In this village, the hero went to school. In the same place, he was chosen by the chairman of the pioneer squad, about which the guy dreamed of long.

Sasha was fifteen years old when fighting began. The hero finished grade 7 and became a member of the Komsomol. At the beginning of the fall of 1941, the guy went on his own request to the partisan detachment. At first, he led exclusively reconnaissance actions for the partisan division, but soon took the weapon.

At the end of the fall of 1941, he manifested himself in battle for the Railway Station in the ranks of the partisan detachment under the command of the famous partisan leader Ivan Boloznev. For her bravery in the winter of 1941, Alexander was awarded another very honorable Order of the Red Banner in the country.

Over the next months, Vanya repeatedly showed bravery, went to intelligence and fought on the battlefield. On July 7, 1942, a young hero and partisans died. It happened not far from the village of Orcedzh, which is in the Leningrad region. Sasha remained to cover the waste of his comrades. He sacrificed his life to allow her brothers in arms. Already after his death, the young partisan was twice awarded the same Order of the Red Banner.

The above names are far from all the characters of the Great Patriotic War. Children made a lot of exploits that should not be forgotten.

No less than other heroes of the Great Patriotic War made a boy named Marat Kazei. Despite the fact that his family was in disgrace from the government, Marat still remained a patriot. At the beginning of the war, Marat with Mom Anna hid his partisans. Even when the arrests of the local population began with the aim of finding those who cover the partisans, his family did not give out their Germans.

After he, he himself went to the ranks of the partisan squad. Marat actively rushed into battle. He performed his first feat in January 1943. When the next shootout came it easily wounded, but he still raised his comrades and led them to battle. Being surrounded, the detachment under his start broke through the ring and was able to avoid death. For this feat, the guy got the medal "for courage". Later, he was also given a medal "Partiz of Patriotic War" 2 degrees.

Marat died along with his commander during the battle in May 1944. When the cartridges ended, the hero threw one grenade into enemies, and the second undermined himself, so as not to get into the enemy captivity.

However, not only the photos and the names of the boys pioneers-heroes of the Great Patriotic War are decorated with large cities and textbooks. Among them were also young girls. It is worth mentioning about the bright, but sadly broken life of the Soviet guerriana Zina portor.

After the summer forty-first year began, a thirteen-year-old girl was in the occupied territory and was forced to work in the dining room for the German officers. Already then she worked on the underground and, by order, the partisans poisoned about a whole hundred Nazi officers. The fascist garrison in the city began to catch a girl, but she managed to escape, after which she joined the partisan detachment.

At the end of the summer of 1943 during the next task in which she participated as a scout, the Germans grabbed a young partisan. One of the local residents confirmed that it was Zina then poisoned officers. The girl began to be brutally torturing in order to find out information about the partisan detachment. However, the girl did not say a word. Once she managed to escape, she grabbed a gun and killed three more Germans. She tried to escape, but she was taken again. After her, she was still tortured, practically depriving the girl of every desire to live. Zina still did not say a word, after which it was shot in the morning of January 10, 1944.

For their merits, a seventeen-year-old girl received the title Hero of the CRSR posthumously.

These stories, stories about the children-heroes of the Great Patriotic War should never be forgotten, but on the contrary - is always in the memory of descendants. They should be remembered at least once a year - on the day of the Great Victory.

During Great Patriotic War Against the Hitler's occupiers operated the whole army of boys and girls. Only in the occupied Belarusian, at least 74,500 boys and girls, boys and girls fought in partisan detachments. In the Greater Soviet Encyclopedia it is written that during the Great Patriotic War, more than 35 thousand pioneers - young defenders of the Motherland - was awarded fighting orders and medals.

It was amazing " traffic"! Boys and girls did not wait until their prize»Adults, - began to act from the first days of occupation. Risked mortally!

Also, many others began to act at their own risk. Someone found scattered from the aircraft of the leaflet and distributed them to their district center or village. Polotsky boy Lenya Koshach collected 45 rifles on the places of battles, 2 hand-held machine guns, several baskets of cartridges and grenades and reliably hid it all; There was a case - handed over to the partisans. In the same way created for partisans arsenals and hundreds of other guys. Twelve-year-old feature of Lyuba Morozova, a little knowing German, was engaged specPaganda"Among the enemies, telling them how she lived well before the war without" new order»Occupants. The soldiers often told her that she " red to bones", And advised to press the language until it ended badly. Later, Lyuba became a guerriana. The eleven-year-old Tolya Korneev stole a gun from the German officer with the pistol and began to look for people who would help him go to the partisans. In the summer of 1942, the boy succeeded in this, having met his classmate Olya Demes, who by that time was already a member of one of the detachments. And when the older guys led the 9-year-old Juguz Jesova, and the commander asked the commander: " And this small who will nurse?", The boy, in addition to the gun, posted four grenades in front of him:" That's who will nurse me!».

Seryozha Roslenko 13 years in addition to collecting weapons at their own fear and risk led reconnaissance: there will be someone to pass the information! And found. From somewhere in children, the concept of conspiracy appeared. Six school Vitya Pashkevich In the fall of 1941, Borisov's similarity of Krasnodononskaya "occupied by the fascists Young Guard" He and his team were carried out with enemy warehouses weapons and ammunition, helped to arrange underground shooters of prisoners of war from concentration camps, thermal incendiary grenades burned an enemy warehouse with uniforms ...

Experienced scout

In January 1942, one of the partisan detachments operating in the Poimovsky district of the Smolensk region was surrounded by Nazis. The Germans, pretty dredged during the counterattack of the Soviet troops near Moscow, immediately eliminate the detachment did not risk. They did not have exact intelligent about his numbers, so they were waiting for reinforcements. However, the ring was kept tight. The partisans broke their heads how to get out of the environment. Food ended. And the commander of the detachment requested help from the command of the Red Army. In response, the encryption came, in which it was reported that they would not be able to help active actions, but an experimental scout will be sent to the detachment.

And indeed, the noise of the air transport motor was heard over the forest above the forest, and after a few minutes, a parachutist landed in the location of the surrounded. The partisans who took the heavenly messenger were quite surprised when they saw in front of them ... Boy.

- Is it an experienced scout? - asked the commander.

- I. And what, not like? - The guy was in the uniform army bushlate, cotton pants and a hat-troops with an asterisk. Red Army!

- How old are you? - still could not come to himself from the surprise commander.

- Soon knocks out eleven! - Important answered " experienced scout».

Boy called Jura Zhazno . He came from Vitebsk. In July 1941, the omnipresent place and the expert of local territories showed the retreating Soviet part of the Broadway through West Dvina. He could no longer return home - while he was the role of the conductor, Hitler's armored vehicles entered the hometown. And the intelligence officers who were entrusted to accompany the boy back, took him with them. So he was enrolled by the pupil of a motorized company of the 332rd rifle Ivanovo division. M.F. Frunze.

At first, he was not attracted to the affairs, but, from nature, the observant, the eyes and memorable, he quickly understood the Aza raid front science and even dared to give adult advice. And his abilities appreciated. He was sent for the front line. In the villages, he, changing, with a sum of the shoulders asked alms, collecting information about the location and number of enemy garrisons. I managed to participate in mining a strategically important bridge. In the explosion, the Red Army Mainer was wounded, and Yura, having given the first help, brought it into the location of the part. For what got my first medal of Honor" .

... the best scout to help the partisans seem to really not find.

"With a parachute that's just you, the boy, did not jump ..." said the head of intelligence officer.

- Two times jumped! - Slot objected Yura. - I strained Sergeant ... He taught me imperceptibly ...

Everyone knew that this sergeant and Jura were not spilling water, and he could, of course, go on the regimental pet. Li-2 engines were already roaring, the plane was ready to scat out when the guy admitted that he was a parachute, of course, never jumped:

- Sergeant I did not allow me, I only helped the dome helped. Show how to pull!

- Did you like it?! - shouted to him the instructor. - On the sergeant was vaporized.

- I thought, you would check ... and they would not check: the sergeant was killed ...

Combustly arrives in the detachment, the ten-year-old Vitebchanin Yura Zhadno did what adults could not ... He was changed to all rustic, and soon the boy snuck into the hut, where he had led the Russian officer who led the surroundings. Hitlerist died in a certain grandfather of Vlas. To him, under the guise of a grandson from the district center and the young intelligence officer came, who was raised a rather difficult task - to get documents from the enemy officer documents with the plans for the destruction of the surrounded detachment. A convenient case fell only in a few days. Hitlerian left the house of Laegel, leaving the key from the safe in the sheel ... So the documents were in the detachment. And at the same time Justa grandfather Vlasus led, convincing him that it was impossible to stay in such a situation in the house.

In 1943, Jura brought the regular battalion of the Red Army from the environment. All scouts sent to find " corridor"For comrades, died. The task was instructed by Yura. One. And he found a weak place in the enemy ring ... became the execution of the Red Star.

Yuri Ivanovich Zhazno , remembering his military childhood, said that he " played in real war, did what adults could not, and situations where they could not, and I could, there was a lot».

Fourteen-year-old Savior Prisoner War

The 14-year-old Minsk Underfloor Volodya Shcherbatsevich was one of the first teenagers whom the Germans were executed for participating in the underground. The execution of him they captured on the film and distributed these frames throughout the city - in the edification of others ...

The mother and son of Shcherbatsevichi from the first days of the occupation of the Belarusian capital were hidden at the apartment of Soviet commanders, whom the underground workers arranged shoots from the prisoner of war camp. Olga Fedorovna was a doctor and provided liberated medical care, disguised himself into civilian clothes, which, together with the son of Volodya, collected from relatives and acquaintances. Of the city managed to bring several groups of rescued. But one day, on the way, after the city quarters, one of the groups got into the gestapo paws. Lettered by the traitor, the son and mother fell into fascist shy. Supoleted all torture.

And on October 26, 1941, the first gallows appeared in Minsk. On this day, the last time, surrounded by the sovereign car gunners, passed through the streets of the native city and Volodya Shcherbatsevich ... The report of his execution Pedantic punishers captured on the film. And perhaps we see on her the first young hero, who gave their lives for their homeland during the Great Patriotic War.

Perception, but avenge

Here is another amazing example of young heroism from the 1941th ...

The settlement of Osiktorf. In one of the August days, the Nazis, together with their handicrafts, from the locals - Burgomistrome, the writer and the Ober-Police - raped and brutally killed the young teacher Any Lutov. In the village by then, the youth underground under the leadership of Schmitvsky's glory was already operated. The guys gathered and decided: " Death to traitors!»Perform the sentenced the glory itself, as well as teenage brothers Misha and Zhenya Telenchenko thirteen and fifteen years old.

By that time, they had already been planted in places of battlefields. They acted simply and straight, in the boyish. The brothers used the fact that the mother took to relatives on this day and had to return only in the morning. The machine gun was installed on the balcony of the apartment and began to wait for traitors who were often passing by. Did not calculate. When they approached, Glory began to shoot them almost in emphasis. But one of the criminals - Burgomister - at the same time it was possible to run. He reported on the phone to Orsha that a large partisan detachment was attacked by the village (a machine gun - a serious thing). Massed cars with punishers. With the help of lags, weapons quickly found: Misha and Zhenya did not have time to find a more reliable cache, hid the machine gun in the attic of their own house. Both were arrested. The boys were trying and for a long time tortured, but none of them gave the fame of the glory of Shmitvsky and other underground workers. The Telenchenko brothers were executed in October.

Great conspirator

Pavlik Titov For her eleven was a great conspirator. He guardized two more than a year so that even his parents did not guame. Many episodes of his combat biography remained unknown. It is known that's what. At first, Pavlik and his comrades saved the wounded, burned in the burnt tank of the Soviet commander - found a reliable shelter for him, and at night we had food, water, on grandmother's recipes Varganili. Thanks to the boys, the tanker quickly recovered.

In July 1942, Pavlik and his friends were handed over to the partisans they found by several rifles and machine guns with cartridges. The task was followed. The young intelligence officer penetrated the location of the Nazis, led the calculations of the live strength and technology.

He was generally an increasing guy. Once it dragged the bab to the partisans with the fascist form:

- I think you will come in handy ... not wearing yourself, of course ...

- And I took something?

- Yes, Fritz bathed ...

More than once, changing the shape in the mined boy, the partisans were carried away by bold raids and operations. The boy died in the fall of 1943. Not in battle. The Germans conducted another punitive operation. Pavlik with his parents hid in the dugout. The punishers shot the whole family - Father, Mother, Pavlik himself and even his little sister. He was buried in a fraternal grave in Surage, which is not far from Vitebsk.

Zina Portnova

Leningrad schoolgirl Zina Portnova In June 1941, he arrived with the younger sister Gali on the summer holidays to her grandmother in the village of Zui (Shumilinsky district of Vitebshchina). She was fifteen ... At first she settled down a utility work in the dining room for German officers. And soon, together with the girlfriend, I carried out a bold operation - poisoned more than a hundred of the Nazis. She could grab immediately, but they began to follow it. By that time, she was already connected with the Olyoli underground organization " Young avengers" In order to avoid failure, Zina has crossed into the partisan detachment.

Somehow she was instructed to collect the number and bodies of troops in the Obsol area. Another time - to clarify the reasons for the failure in the Oboli underground and establish new connections ... After completing the next task, the punishers grabbed it. For a long time tortured. During one of the interrogations, the girl, hardly the investigator turned away, grabbed a gun from the table, to whom he had just threatened her, and shot him. Jumped out the window, struck the clock shot and rushed to Dvina. It rushed after another hour. Zina, hiding behind a bush, wanted to destroy him, but the weapon gave a mischief ...

Then she was no longer interrogated, but Methodically tormented, mocked. Purpose eyes, cut ears. Hells drove under nails, twisted hands and legs ... On January 13, 1944, Zina Portnov was shot.

"Kid" and his sisters

From the report of the Vitebsk Underground Gorm Committee of 1942: " Kid"(He's 12 years old), having learned that the partisans need a rifle oil, without a task, on their own initiative, brought 2 liters of rifle oil from the city. Then he was instructed to deliver sulfuric acid for sabotage purposes. He also brought her. And carried in the bag, behind the back. The acid spilled, a shirt burned on it, the back burned, but he did not throw the acid.

« Kid"Was Alyosha Vyglia who enjoyed the local guerrillas with a special sympathy. And he acted as part of the family group. When the war began, he was 11, the older sisters of Vasilis and Anna - 16 and 14, the rest of the children were small. Alyosha and his sisters were very inventive. They were allocated three times the Vitebsky Railway Station, prepared an explosion of labor exchange in order to confuse the population accounting and save young people and other inhabitants from the hijacking in " german paradise", Blew up a passport office in the police room ... sabotage on their account - dozens. And this is besides the fact that they were connected, distributed flyers ...

« Kid"And Vasilisa died shortly after the war from tuberculosis ... a rare case: a memorial plaque was installed on the Vitebsk house. These children are a monument from gold! ..

Meanwhile, it is also known about the other Vitebsk family - Lynchenko . The 11-year-old Kolya, 9-year-old Dina and 7-year-old Emma were connected to her mother, Natalia Fedorovna, whose apartment served for the appearance. In 1943, as a result of the failure, Gestapo broke into the house. Mother beaten in the eyes of children, shot her head, demanding to call the participants of the group. They mocked themselves on children, dischargeing and they came to the mother, where she herself went. Little Emma tried to bribe chocolate. Children did not say anything. Moreover, during the search in the apartment, having imagined the moment, Dina got out of the table from under the board, where there was one of the caches, encrypted and hid them under the dress, and when the punishers left, taking the mother, burned them. The children were left in the house as a bait, but those knowing what the house was watching, managed to warn the connections going to the flavored jaw ...

The prize for the head of a young saboteur

For the head of the Orsha schoolgirl Oli Dem Gitlerians promised a round sum. About this in his memoirs " From Dnipro to Bug"He told the Hero of the Soviet Union, the former commander of the 8th partisan brigade Colonel Sergey Zhunin. A 13-year-old girl at Orsha-central station exploded tanks with flammable. Sometimes acted with a twelve-year-old sister Lida. Zhunnin recalled how Olya instructed before the task: " It is necessary to put a mine under a tank with gasoline. Remember, only under a gasoline tank!» – « Kerosene know how it smells, herself on Kerogaz, and gasoline ... let's sniff" Many trains accumulated on the node, dozens of tanks, and you find " total" Olya and Lida crawled under the echelons, sniffed: this or not this? Gasoline or not gasoline? Then they threw pebbles and defined the sound: empty or full? And only then clung the magnetic mine. The fire destroyed a huge number of cars with appliances, food, outfit, fodder, burned and locomotives ...

The Germans managed to grab the mother and sister Oli, they were shot; But Olya remained elusive. For ten months of his participation in the brigade " Chekist"(From June 7, 1942 to April 10, 1943), she showed himself not only by fearless intelligence officer, but also puts seven enemy echelons for surplus, participated in the defeat of several military police garrisons, had 20 destroyed enemy soldiers and officers on his personal account . And then it was also a member " rail war».

Eleven-year-old saboteursman

Vitya Synitsa . How did he want to partition! But for two years since the beginning of the war remained " only»The conductor of partisan sabotage groups held through his Curitichi village. However, he learned something from the partisan conductors during their short privals. In August 1943, he, together with the elder brother, took partisan detachment. Determined in the economic platoon. Then he said that brushing potatoes and endure with his ability to lay mines - it is unfair. Especially since in full swing - "Rail war". And they began to take it on combat missions. The boy personally launched 9 echelons with a living force and military equipment of the enemy.

In the spring of 1944, Vitya fell ill with rheumatism and was released to his native for the medicine. In the village, it was captured in the Red Army launches of Nazis. The boy was brutally tortured.

Little Susanan.

He started 9-year-old on his war with the fascist invaders. In the summer of 1941, in the house of his parents in the village of Bayki, the regional anti-fascist committee was equipped with a secret typography. Released leaflets with Soviet reports. Tikhon Baran helped them distribute them. Two years, the young underground worked in this activity. Nazis managed to go to the trail of the printers. The printing house was crushed. Tikhon's mother and sisters disappeared from relatives, and he himself went to the partisans. One day, when he visited his relatives, the Germans got into the village. Mother hijacked to Germany, and the boy was beaten. He got very sick and stayed in the village.

His feat of local history dated January 22, 1944. On this day, punishers appeared in the village again. For communication with the guerrillas of all residents shot. Village burned. " And you, - said Tikhon, - specify us the way to partisans" It is difficult to say whether something rustic boy has heard of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin, in more than three centuries before the head of Polish intervders in the shaky swamp, only Tikhon Baran showed the fascists the same way. They killed him, but they themselves did not get out of that bog.

Covered squad

Vanya Kazachenko From the village of Papol, the Orshansky district of the Vitebsk region in April 1943 became the driver's leader of the partisan detachment. He was thirteen. Who served in the army and wore at the shoulders at least the machine (not machine gun!) Kalashnikov, can imagine what it was worth this boy. Partisan raids were most often many hours. And then the machine guns are harder than the current ... After one of the successful operations on the defeat of the enemy garrison, in which Vanya has once again distinguished himself, the partisans, returning to the base, stopped on holiday in the village not far from Bogushevsk. Vanya, appointed to be hosted, chose a place, disguised and covered the leading road in the settlement. Here, the young machine gunner accepted his last fight.

Noticing unexpectedly manifested carts with Hitlerians, he opened fire on them. While comrades were shipped, the Germans managed to surround the boy, hardly hurt him, take captive and move away. Pursue the carts to hide it, the partisan had no opportunity. About twenty kilometers tied to the cart Vanya wolfs of Nazis on the icing road. In the village of Mezheno Orsha district, where the enemy garrison stood, he was tortured and shot.

It was a hero of 14 years

Marat Kazei Born on October 10, 1929 in the village of Stankovo \u200b\u200bMinsk Region Belarus. In November 1942 he joined the partisan detachment. October 25th anniversary, then became the reconnaissance of the headquarters of the partisan brigade. K. K. Rokossovsky.

Marat Ivan Kasery Father was arrested in 1934 as " pest", And rehabilitated it only in 1959. Later they arrested and his wife - then, however, released. So the family turned out enemy people", Which desired neighbors. Sister Kazewoman, Ariadna, because of this did not take in Komsomol.

It would seem, from all this, it was necessary to poke the authorities - but no. In 1941, Anna Kazay, the wife of the "enemy of the people", hid in her wounded partisans - for which she was executed by the Germans. Ariadne and Marat went to partisans. Ariadne was alive, but became disabled - when the detachment went out of the environment, she froze the legs that had to amputate. When she was taken to the hospital on the plane, the squad commander suggested flying with her and marat to continue the interrupted war study. But Marat refused and stayed in the partisan detachment.

Marat went to intelligence, both alone and the group. Participated in the raids. Used the echelons. For the fight in January 1943, when, wounded, he raised his comrades in the attack and made his way through the enemy ring, Marat received medal of Honor" . And in May 1944, Marat died. Returning from the task together with the intelligence commander, they came across the Germans. The commander was killed immediately, Marat, shooting, discarded in a hollow. It was nowhere to leave in a clean field, and there was no opportunity - Marat was hardly wounded. While there were cartridges, held the defense, and when the store was empty, picked up my last weapons - two grenades that did not shoot the belt. One threw in the Germans, and left the second. When the Germans approached very close, blew themselves together with the enemies.

In Minsk for funds collected by Belarusian pioneers, a champion's monument is established. In 1958, Obelisk was installed on the grave of a young hero in the village of Stankovo \u200b\u200bDzerzhinsky district of the Minsk region. The monument to Marat Casey was installed in Moscow (in the territory of VDNH). Sovzhozoa, streets, schools, pioneer squads and detachments of many schools of the Soviet Union, the ship of the Caspian Sea Shipping Company was awarded the name of Pioneer-hero Marat Kazewoman.

Boy from legend

Golikov Leonid Alexandrovich, Scout of the 67th squad of the 4th Leningrad Partisan Brigade, born in 1926, a native of the village of Lukino Parfinsky district. So recorded in a premium sheet. The boy from the legend - so spoiled Glory to Lenya Golikov.

When the war began, a schoolboy from the village of Lukino, which under the old Russa, got a rifle and went to the partisans. Slender, little growth, in his 14 years he looked still younger. Under the guise of a beggar, he walked around the villages, collecting the necessary data on the location of the fascist troops, about the number of military equipment of the enemy.

With peers, he picked up once on the battlefield several rifles, kidnapped two boxes of a grenade from the fascists. All of this, they later handed over to the partisans. " Tov. Golikov joined the partisan detachment in March 1942 - the premium sheet says. - participated in 27 combat operations ... 78 German soldiers and officers destroyed, blew 2 railway and 12 highway bridges, undermined 9 cars with ammunition ... On August 15, in a new district of hostilities, Golikov brigade broke the passenger car in which a general Major Engineering Forces Richard Wirtz, heading from Pskov in the meadow. A bold partisans from the machine killed the general, his cite delivered to the headquarters of the brigade and captured documents. Among the documents were: a description of new samples of German mines, inspection reports to the upstream command and other valuable intelligence data».

Lake Radilovskoye was the team when the brigade is moving to a new area of \u200b\u200baction. On the way there, the partisans had to join fighting with the enemy. The punishers followed the promotion of the partisans, and as soon as the forces of the brigade joined, they imposed her battle. After the battle at the Radilla Lake, the main forces of the brigade continued the path to Lyadsky Forests. Fitches I. Grozny and B. Eren-Prica remained in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake distract the fascists. They never managed to connect with the brigade. In mid-November, the invaders attacked the headquarters. Protecting him, killed many fighters. The rest managed to move away in the wobbing stone. On December 25, the swamp was surrounded by several hundred fascists. With considerable losses, the partisans escaped from the ring and went out into the Stroyokrasnensky district. There was only 50 people in the ranks, a radio did not work. And the punishers digged on all villages in search of partisans. It was accustomed to the faint paths. The path was paved as intelligence, and among them Lenya Golikov. Attempts to establish contact with other detachments and stock foods ended tragically. There was only one way out - to make a lot of land.

After the transition of the Railway, the bottom - Novosokolniki late at night January 24, 1943, 27 hungry, exhausted partisans came out to the village of Outrase Luka. Ahead of 90 kilometers extended the partisan edge burner. Scouts did not find anything suspicious. The enemy garrison was located a few kilometers away. The partisan companion is a nurse - died from severe injury and asked at least a bit of heat. Take three extreme huts. COMBRILY COMBERS Glebov decided not to exhibit not to attract attention. On duty alternately at the windows and in the barn, from where the village and the road to the forest were well visible.

An hour after two dreams interrupted the roar of broken grenades. And immediately stacked the machine machine gun. According to the denial of the traitor, the punishers granted. The partisans jumped into the courtyard and the gardens, shooting, began to move to the forest. Glebov with combat fill with fire machine gun and machine guns covered outgoing. Halfway fell severely wounded. Lenya rushed to him. But Petrov ordered to return to the community, and himself, closing the wound with an individual package under the degree rain, was repeatedly fascinated from the machine. The entire headquarters of the 4th partisan brigade died in that unequal battle. Among the fallen, the young partisan Lenya Golikov was. To achieve forests managed to six, two of them were seriously injured and could not move around without help ... Only January 31, near the village of Pearls, depleted, frosthed, they met with the scouts of the 8th Guards Panfilovskaya Division.

I knew anything for a long time about the fate of Len's Mother Ekaterina Alekseevna. The war has already moved away to the West, when a rider in military uniforms once stopped at the Sunday afternoon. Mother came out on the porch. The officer handed it a big package. The old woman accepted his trembling hands, called the daughter of the currics. The package was a gram in the leather binding of raspberry color. Here the envelope lay, the opening of Valya said softly: "This is you, Mom, from Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin himself." With excitement, the mother took a bluish sheet of paper and read: " Dear Ekaterina Alekseevna! According to the command, your son of Golikov Leonid Alexandrovich died for his homeland the death of brave. For the heroic feat, perfect by your son in the fight against the German invaders in the enemy's rear, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by Decree of April 2, 1944 assigned the highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. I am sending you a diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR about the assignment of your son's title of the Hero of the Soviet Union for storing as a memory of the son-hero, the feat of which will never forget our people. M. Kalinin». – « So he turned out to be one, my Lenyushka!"- quietly said the mother. And were in these words and grief, and pain, and pride for the son ...

He was buried in the village of Outrase Luke His name is inscribed on Obelisk, installed on a fraternal grave. The monument in Novgorod is open on January 20, 1964. The figure of a boy in a hat-troops with an automatic machine in his hands is carved from a light granite. The name of the hero is the streets in St. Petersburg, Pskov, Old Rousse, Okulovka, the village of Paul, the village of Parfino, the motor ship of the Riga Maritime Shipping Company, in Novgorod - Street, Pioneer House, a teaching ship of young sailors in Old Rousse. In Moscow, a monument to the Hero was also installed on the USSR EDHX.

The most young hero of the Soviet Union

Valya cat . Young Partisan Scout Great Patriotic War In the Karmelyuk's detachment, which operated on the temporary occupied territory; The youngest hero of the Soviet Union. He was born on February 11, 1930 in the village of Khmelevka of the Shepeti district of the Kamenets-Podolsk region of Ukraine, according to one information in the family of the employee, on the other, the peasant. From the formation of only 5 grades of high school in the district center.

During the Great Patriotic War, being temporarily occupied by the German-fascist troops of the territory, Valya Cutch was working to collect weapons and ammunition, painted and put out caricatures on the Nazis. The first combat task of Valentine with his peer friends received in the fall of 1941. The guys lay down in the bushes near Shepetovka-Slavuta highway. Hearing the noise of the motor, they froze. It was scary. But when the car with fascist gendarmes grew up with them, Valya cat raised and threw a grenade. The head of the field gendarmerie was killed.

In October 1943, the young partisan ranked the location of the underground telephone cable of the Hitler's rate, which was shortly undermined. He also participated in the undermining of six railway echelons and warehouse. October 29, 1943, being in the post, Valya noticed that the punishers staged a cloud on a detachment. Killing from the pistol of a fascist officer, he raised his alarm, and thanks to his actions, the partisans managed to prepare for battle.

On February 16, 44 in battle for the city of Izyaslav Khmelnitsky region, a 14-year-old partisan intelligence officer was mortally wounded and the next day died. He was buried in the center of the Park of the Ukrainian city Shepetovka. For the manifold heroism in the fight against the German fascist invaders by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 58, Valentina Kotika Aleksandrovich is posthumously assigned hero Hero of the Soviet Union . He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, medal "Parisan of the Great Patriotic War" of the 2nd degree . Its name is the ship, a number of secondary schools, previously there were pioneer squads and detachments of the Vali Citics. In Moscow and in his hometown in 60, he was established monuments. The street who bears the name of a young hero is in Yekaterinburg, Kiev and Kaliningrad.

To this day, they remember the soldiers who defended our homeland from enemies. Makes these cruel times were children born in 1927 to 1941 and in the following years of war. These are the children of war. They survived everything: hunger, the death of loved ones, unbearable work, destruction, children did not know that such a fragrant soap, sugar, comfortable new clothes, shoes. All of them have long been old people and teach the younger generation to rush to all that they have. But often they do not pay due attention, and for them it is so important to transfer their experience to others.

Training during the war

Despite the war, many children studied, went to school, which will have."Schools worked, but few people studied, everyone worked, training was up to grade grade. There were textbooks, and the notebooks were not, the children wrote on newspapers, old receipts on any piece of paper, which was found. Ink served soot from the oven. She was bred by water and poured into a jar - it was ink. Dressed in school in what was, there was no boys, no girls. The school day was short, since it was necessary to go to work. Brother Petya took the father's sister in Zhigalovo, he graduated from 8 classes "(Apronatova Capitolina Andreevna).

"We had an incomplete secondary school (7 classes), I was already released in 1941. I remember the fact that there were few textbooks. If a person lived nearby, then they were given one tutorial, and they all gathered at someone together and read, they prepared their homework. Gave one notebook on a person doing homework. We had a strict teacher in Russian and literature, he called to the board and asked to tell the poem by heart. If you do not tell, then you will definitely ask you for the next lesson. Therefore, I still know the verses A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov and many others "(Vorotkova Tamara Aleksandrovna).

"I went to school very lately, nothing to wear. Poor and lack of textbooks and was after the war "(Cadnikov Alexander Egorovna)

"In 1941, I graduated from grade 7 in Konovalovskaya school with a reward - Citz cut. I was given a junction in Artek. Mom asked me to show on the map, where that Artek and refused the ticket, saying: "Far strongly. What if the war? " And not mistaken. In 1944, I went to study in the Malyshevsky high school. Before Balagansk, got on the walkers, and then on the ferry in Malyshev. There were no relatives in the village, but there was a familiar father - the famous Stanislav, whom I saw one day. The house found a house and asked for an apartment for the time of study. I cleaned the house, washed, thereby worked out for the shelter. From the products before the new year there was a bag of potatoes and a bottle of vegetable oil. It was necessary to stretch to vacation. He studied diligently, good, so wanted to become a teacher. At school, much attention was paid to ideological and patriotic education of children. In the first lesson, the first 5 minutes teacher told about the events at the front. Every day a ruler was conducted, where the results of the progress in 6-7 classes were supplied. Ripped out the heads. The Red Returning Banner received the class, there were more good and honors. Teachers and students lived in one family, respecting each other. "(Flonarevo Ekaterina Adamovna)

Food, daily life

Most people during the war faced with an acute food shortage problem. They fed badly, mainly from the garden, from the taiga. Called fish from the nearest reservoirs.

"We basically fed Taiga. We collected berries and mushrooms, harvested for the winter. The most delicious and joyful was when mom baked pies with cabbage, cherry, potatoes. Mom Sadila Garden, where the whole family worked. There was no weed. And watered water from the river, rose high to the mountain. Cattle kept, if there were cows, then 10 kg of oil in the year were given to the front. They dug the frasonal potatoes and collected the spikelers remaining on the field. When the dad was taken, then Vanya replaced it to us. He, as well as his father was a hunter and fisherman. The Ilga River flowed in our village, there was a good fish in it: Harius, Belyak, Nalim. Wanya will raise us early in the morning, and we will go berries different to collect: currants, boyar, rosehip, lingonberry, cherryumu, blueberries. We will collect the heaven and pass for money and on the workpiece into the defense fund. Collected until the dew gets away. How to get down, run home - it is necessary to rob in the collective farm hay, to row hay. Food was given very little in a small piece just enough. Brother Vanya sewed on the whole family "Chirki" shoes. Dad was a hunter mined a lot of fur and handed over her. Therefore, when he left a large number of stocks. They grown wild hemp and silent silence from her. The older sister was a needlewoman she knitted socks, stockings and mittens "(Farustunate capital of Andreevna).

"We fed Baikal. We lived in the village of Barguzin, we had a cannery. There were brigades of fishermen, they were caught both from Baikal and from the Barguzin River, different fish. From Baikal caught sturgeon, Siga, Omul. In the river there was a fish such as perch, a sorphine, crucible, nam. Made canned food sent to Tyumen, and then to the front. The old people are intimid, those who did not go to the front had their brigadier. The brigadier was a fisherman's life, had his boat and a nemid. They convened all the inhabitants and asked: "Who needs a fish?" Fish was needed to everyone, because per year was given only 400 g, and an employee 800g. All who needed was a fish, pulled the nemo on the shore, the old men were swimming into the river by boat, put the nemid, then the second end was taken ashore. On both sides, evenly chose the rope, pulled up a nemid to the shore. It was important not to release a jamb from "Mojni". Then the brigadier shared the fish at all. So they fed themselves. At the factory after canned food, sold heads from fish, 1 kilograms cost 5 kopecks. We did not have potatoes, and the gardens, too. Because there was only a forest around. Parents went to the neighboring village and changed fish to potatoes. We did not feel strong hunger "(Vorotkova Tomara Alexandrovna).

"There was nothing to eat, walked around the field collected spikelets and frozen potatoes. Holded cattle and sodils gardens "(Cadnikov Alexander Egorovna).

"All spring, summer and autumn went barefoot - from snow to snow. Especially bad was when they worked on the field. In the sword legs of the pitch in the blood. The clothes were like everyone else - a decking skirt, a jacket with someone else's shoulder. Food - cabbage leaf, beet leaf, nettle, bustling of oatmeal and even dice die from hunger horses. Bones Parili, and then bread salted water. Potatoes, Carrots were dried and sent to the front in the parcels "(Flonarevo Ekaterina Adamovna)

In the archive, I studied the book of orders on the Balagan Razdrau. (Foundation No. 23 Opass No. 1 Sheet No. 6 - Annex 2) found that the epidemics of infectious diseases during the years of the war among the children was not allowed, although, by order of Revolyva dated September 27, 1941, medical rural obstetric items were closed. (Foundation No. 23 Opava No. 1 Sheet No. 29-Appendix 3) Only in 1943, the epidemic is mentioned in the village of Molka (the disease is not specified)., Issues are healthy to the spot of the outbreak were directed for 7 days a sanitary doctor Volkova, a district doctor of Bobylov, Feldsher Yakovleva . I conclude that the prevention of the spread of infection was very important.

In the reporting report on the 2nd district party conference on the work of the district committee of the Party, on March 31, 1945, the results of the work of the Balant region over the war years are summed up. From the report it is seen that 1941,1942,1943 were very hard for the district. Yield disastrously declined. The yield of potatoes in 1941 - 50, in 1942 - 32, in 1943 - 18 c. (Appendix 4)

Gross grain harvest - 161627, 112717, 29077 c; Received on the workload of grains: 1.3; 0.82; 0.276 kg. According to these figures, it can be concluded that people really lived in the injury. (Appendix 5)

Hard work

Everyone and old worked, the work was different, but in their own way difficult. Worked from day to day from morning to late night.

"Everything worked. And adults and children from 5 years. The boys drove the hay, managed horses. While the hay is not removed from the field, no one left. Women took the cattle of young and raised him, the children helped them. They drove livestocks on the water, asked food. In the autumn while studying, children are still continuing to work, being in the morning at school, and on the first call it was leaving. Basically, the children worked on the fields: dug potatoes, collected spikelets of rye, etc. Most people worked in the collective farm. Worked on the veal, raised the cattle, worked on collective farm gardens. They tried to remove bread faster, without regretting themselves. Like bread will be removed, the snow will fall, send on logging. The saws were ordinary with two handles. They were piled in the forest huge ruins, bruised bitch, sawed on chocks and silenced firewood. Coupler came and frozen the cub. It was necessary to prepare at least five cubes. I remember how the brothers and sisters were brought home from the forest home. We were lucky on the bull. He was big, with a nor. From the slides began to move, and he was minted, revealed. WHO rolled out, and firewood ran into the roadside. Bull harness broke and ran into a stable. Cumms understood that this is our family and sent to the help of his grandfather on horseback. So I was brought to the house of firewood. And in winter, the wolves came close to the village, rushed. Cattle often joined, but people did not touch.

The calculation was carried out at the end of the year according to workdays, some were praised, and some remained in debt, as families were large, workers have little and had to feed the family throughout the year. The debt took flour, cereals. After the war, I went to work in the collective farm milkman, I gave 15 cows, and in general give 20, I asked to give as everyone. The cows added, and I overfulfilled the plan, left a lot of milk. For this it was given 3 m Satina blue. It was my premium. Satina sewed a dress that was very expensive to me. The collective farm had both workers and lazy. Our collective farm has always exceeded the plan. We collected parcels to the front. Knitted socks, mittens.

Little matches, salt. Instead of matches at the beginning of the village, the old people were set fire to a big deck, she slowly burned, smoke. From her they took an area, brought home and inflated fire in the oven. " (Apronatova Capitolina Andreevna).

"The children worked mainly on the harvesting of firewood. Worked students 6-7 classes. All adults caught fish and worked at the factory. Worked without days off. " (Vorotkova Tamara Aleksandrovna).

"The war began, the brothers went to the front, Stepan died. Three years I worked in the collective farm. First, the nurse in the manger, then at the inn of the courtyard, where she cleaned the yard with the younger brother., Drove and sawd firewood. She worked as a tucharetor in a tractor brigade, then in the field and in general, went there, where they sent. Honored hay, cropped the harvest, thawed fields from weeds, planting vegetables in a collective farm garden. " (Fluayareva Ekaterina Adamovna)

In the story of Valentina Rasputin "Live and Remember" describes such work during the war. The same conditions (Ust-Ust and Balagansk are located nearby, stories about the common military past as if written off from one source:

"- And we got, picked up Lisa. - True, women, got? It is nauseous to remember. In the collective farm, work is okay, it's its own. But only breads will remove snow, logging. By the coffin of life I will remember these logging. There are no roads, the horses are needed, do not pull. And it is impossible to refuse: the labor front, the submerers of our men. From the little guys in the early years left ... And who without children or who was older, with those not cooked, went and went. She is not a single winter, however, it was impurious. I drove twice twice, the children threw the guys on her way. You blame these Lesins, these cubic meters, and with you in Sanya. Without a turn either step. That in a snowdrift will bring, then something - turn out, Babonki, clouded. Where you turn out, but where not. Nastya he will not give up: In the winter, the winter rushed by the mole of Kobynka under the slide and there was no crucible in the ek, side, the mare almost crushed. I was fighting, I can't. From the strength I was embarrassed. I sat on the road and crying. Nastya from behind arrived - I pour the roar of the roar. - Lisa had tears on his eyes. - She caught me. He assumed, went together, and I would not calm down, roar and roar. - even more givey to memories, Lisa sobbed. - Revu and roar, I can't do it. I can not.

I worked in the archive and looked through the book of accounting by the workformer of the collective farmers of the collective farm "Memory of Lenin" for 1943. It was recorded by collective farmers and the work they performed. In the book of the records are underway. Teenagers are recorded only by last name and name - Medvetskaya Nyuta, Lozovaya Shura, Philistovich Natasha, Strashinsky Volodya, in general, I counted 24 teenagers. The following types of work were listed: Foresting, grain harvesting, hay harvesting, road works, horses and others. Basically, children show the following months of work: August, September, October and November. I associate this time of working with the preparation of the hay, harvesting and the grain thunder. At this time it was necessary to carry out clean to the snow, so they attracted everyone. The number of complete vehicles at Shura - 347, Natasha - 185, at the Nuts - 190, Volodya - 247. Unfortunately, there is no more information about children in the archive. [Foundation №19, Inventory №1-L, sheets number 1-3, 7.8, 10,22,23,35,50, 64,65]

In the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) dated September 05, 1944, "On the beginning of the collection of warm things and linen for the Red Army" indicated a list of things for collecting. Balagansky district schools also collected things. The list of the head of the school (surname and school is not installed) in the parcel included: cigarettes, soap, nasal shawls, cologne, gloves, hat, pillowcases, towels, shaving loss, soappension, pants.


Despite the hunger and cold, as well as the hard life, people in different villages tried to celebrate the holidays.

"Holidays were, for example: when all the bread is removed, and the throat is finished, then the holiday" sample "was held. On the holidays, they sang songs, danced, played different games for example: Towns, jumped on the board, they prepared a naoculum (swing) and rolled the balls, made the ball from the dried manure. Crash Round Stone and the layers were kept by manure to the desired sizes. So they played. The older sister sewed and knit beautiful outfits and dressed us on the holiday. All children and old men have fun at the holiday. There were no drunk, everyone was sober. Most often on holidays invited home. Walked from home to the house, since there was no anyone anyone. " (Fountainunate capital of Andreevna).

"Celebrated the New Year, the Constitution Day and May 1. Since the forest surrounded us, chose the most beautiful Christmas tree, and put it in the club. The inhabitants of our village carried toys on the Christmas tree, which only can, most were self-made, but there were rich families, they could already bring beautiful toys. Every Christmas tree went in turn. First, first-graders and students of 4 classes, then with 4-5 classes and then two graduation classes. After all students in the evening there came workers from the plant, from shops, from mail and from other organizations. On holidays danced: Waltz, Krakowak. Gifts gave each other. After a festive concert, women sat down with alcohol and various conversations. On May 1, there are demonstrations, all organizations are going to her "(Vorotkova Tamara Aleksandrovna).

Start and end of war

Childhood is the best period in the life of which the best and vivid memories remain. And what memories in children who survived these four terrible, cruel and severe years?

Early morning 21 yyuna 1941. People of our country are quiet and peacefully sleep in their beds, and someone does not know what they expect them ahead. What flour they will have to overcome and what will have to come to humble?

"We removed the stones with Pashny to all the collective farms. The worker of the village council was driving in the role of a messenger on horseback and shouted "war began." Immediately began to collect all men and boys. Those who worked directly from the fields were collected and touched on the front. They took all horses. Dad was a brigadier and he had a horse Komsomolets and took him too. In 1942, the funeral came on dad.

On May 9, 1945, we worked in the field and again drove the worker of the village council with the flag in his hands and announced that the war was over. Who cried, who rejoiced! " (Apronatova Capitolina Andreevna).

"I worked as a postman and here they call me and declare that war began. Everyone was crying in an embrace with each other. We lived at the mouth of the Barguzin River from us further for the flow there were still a lot of villages. From Irkutsk to us, the vessel of the hangar was placed on it, 200 people were placed and when the war began, he collected all the future military. He was deep and therefore stayed in 10 meters from the coast, the men sailed there on fishing boats. There was a lot of tears shed !!! In 1941, everyone was taken to the front to the army, the main thing is that the legs and hands were intact, and the head on the shoulders was. "

"May 9, 1945 summoned and said to sit and wait until everyone contracted. Call "to all, to all, all" when everyone contacted, I congratulated everyone "the war guys ended." Everyone was happy, hugged, some cried! " (Vorotkova Tamara Aleksandrovna)