Children's orthopedic pillow for newborns how to use. Types and purpose of orthopedic pillows for newborns. TRELAX cushions

Healthy sleep in childhood is necessary for the proper growth and development of each person. It is considered normal for a newborn to rest about 20 hours a day. He spends all this time in bed. The task of parents is to provide a normal sleeping place for him. Orthopedic pillow for newborns complete with a blanket and mattress create ideal conditions. High-quality bedding will allow the baby to gain strength for games and fun.

The baby needs to be well rested. Thanks to this, it will be possible to resist various chronic diseases. Parents should provide him with all the necessary bedding. If the child sleeps well, then he is guaranteed to grow up healthy and beautiful. His good mood will please mommy for a long time. Orthopedic pillow for babies helps to form the correct posture.

During sleep, the position of the baby's body should be correct. That is why parents should pay due attention to the choice of accessories. You can also sew them yourself. In this case, the individual requirements of the baby are necessarily taken into account. A pillow for a newborn should not interfere with breathing, because some of them like to sleep with their nose buried in it.

The pillow helps to properly support the head and spine. That is why resting without it is categorically not recommended. During sleep, the baby can actively roll over from one side to the other. This situation is reflected in the blood flow. Parents should teach him to lie correctly. After all, only in this case, his health will not be harmed.

The need for an orthopedic pillow

Not in all cases it is necessary to use it. Doctors insist on this only in certain cases. It is mandatory to sleep on an orthopedic pillow for newborns only if the child has been diagnosed with torticollis. The choice of accessory largely depends on the degree and nature of the manifestation of pathology.

Buying a pillow is not required if the baby often has regurgitation. In this case, this attribute can only significantly aggravate the situation.

In medical practice, it is believed that an orthopedic pillow is needed in the following cases:

  • During labor, the baby suffered a serious injury in one of the cervical spine.
  • Doctors diagnosed torticollis.
  • The uneven surface of the head was revealed.
  • The baby has a pronounced increased tone of the cervical muscles.

In some of the cases described above, the baby requires surgery. However, most often the pathology can be eliminated through the use of drug therapy. Also, a pillow with a memory effect will help to achieve the desired result in a short time.

Where should treatment begin? At the first stage, therapeutic massages and physical procedures help to achieve positive dynamics. All manipulations are allowed only under direct parental control. They must also adhere to all doctor's recommendations exactly. In this case, in the future it will be possible to avoid serious deviations in development. Only a pediatrician can correctly develop a set of therapeutic measures.

An orthopedic pillow must be bought not on the advice of the manufacturer, but on the prescription of the attending physician. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve positive dynamics in the treatment

Main characteristics and purpose of orthopedic accessories

Whether it is possible for a newborn to sleep on a regular pillow largely depends on the individual characteristics of his body. Accessories should provide the necessary head support. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve optimal rest for all muscle groups and the spine.

It is correct for any person to sleep in a position on their side. However, it is far from always in such a position that it will be convenient for the child. When using an orthopedic pillow, it will be possible to maintain the interaction between parents and the baby. He will feel much more comfortable and sleep well.

Orthopedic pillow for a newborn is a guarantee of quality sleep. This will ensure proper blood circulation and the position of the spine. Only hypoallergenic materials are used for its manufacture. The optional accessory can be washed. It will retain its shape and size. Even numerous washings will not be able to affect these indicators negatively.

It is also necessary to use orthopedic accessories for prevention purposes. They will not allow torticollis to develop, and the baby is guaranteed not to suffer from headaches. Improvement in overall well-being is achieved through the following points:

  • In the cervical region, the muscles come into tone.
  • The correct formation of all the bends of the neck.
  • If the newborn had birth injuries, then the pillow will be able to relieve their intensity.

Main selection criteria

A baby pillow must meet several requirements. Only in this case it is completely safe to use.

Baby sleep accessories must include the following features:

  • do not cause allergies;
  • be completely safe for the baby;
  • keep warm well;
  • be made from high quality materials;
  • last for a long time.

Only with a combination of these criteria, pillows are allowed for babies. To date, manufacturers also offer orthopedic models that are specially designed for feeding. When choosing them, the height of the roller plays an important role. It is to this indicator that you should pay attention.

Product shape

Today, a huge number of shapes and sizes of pillows are presented in any children's store. When choosing, it is necessary to analyze the design of the baby's skull. The pillow should have a small indentation that will allow you to support your head in the desired position.

It is most convenient to put the child on a pillow with small sides. Their height should not exceed four centimeters. Otherwise, the risk of developing a curvature in the occipital region or worsening blood circulation in the cervical region increases. Only the right configuration will allow the baby to breathe deeply and receive enough oxygen.

The child should be comfortable while sleeping

Filler - the main selection criterion

When choosing any accessory for sleep, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the fabric that is used to sew the cover and filler. You can completely sew them with your own hands, because in this case you can be completely confident in the material.

You should not opt ​​for a filler made of wool and down. These materials quite often cause allergies in infants. Also in products of this type increases the risk of reproduction of ticks. Washing things from natural materials is not possible, so their use must be abandoned. At what age they are allowed to use largely depends on the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

It is best to buy a pillow with a sponge or perforated structure. Due to this, they provide the proper level of ventilation. Parents in this case will not worry that the child may suffocate at the most unexpected moment. It is best to choose linen, chintz or cotton as the material for the cover.

When should you stop using an orthopedic pillow?

Orthopedists from all over the world are convinced that such a pillow should not be used if the child is not yet a year old. However, in some cases, the clinical picture requires the purchase of this sleep accessory. The pillow pattern is presented on the site, so you can make it yourself.

Thanks to the pillow, it is possible to limit the movements of the baby during sleep. However, if, for example, the baby needs to burp urgently, he may choke. Therefore, parents should know exactly why they use this bedding.

The main types of baby pillows

If the child is completely healthy, then there is no need to buy orthopedic accessories for him to sleep. If parents find out how much such a thing costs, they will prefer to use the usual option.

Butterfly pillow helps to cope with cervical injuries that were received during childbirth

To date, all orthopedic pillows are divided into the following groups, depending on the position of the head during sleep:

  • Butterfly - a special roller, in the middle of which there is a small depression. Thanks to this, a reliable fixation of the head is achieved during sleep. This version of the pillow is advisable to use in the presence of pathologies in the neck. Regular use will allow the cervical spine and skull to form correctly. Accessory can be used from early childhood.
  • Pillows follow the shape of the body thanks to the fillers. For this purpose, a synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, buckwheat husk or feather is used. With such a product, you must be careful, as it can cause allergies.

For a child, a pillow plays a big role from the very beginning of life. The healthy development of the spine, the ability of the back muscles to completely relax during sleep, the proportional development of the shape of the head and the general well-being of the baby depend on what design it has. Modern pillows are sewn from artificial materials with anti-allergic properties. The most popular fillers are polyurethane, latex, viscose. They keep their shape well, retain their original appearance for a long time, they can be washed and dried quickly.

Do I need an orthopedic pillow for a newborn

Why do we need an orthopedic pillow - this question is often asked to pediatricians by young parents. The idea of ​​such a product for babies is to ensure the proper development and growth of the spine, in particular its cervical region. The pillow should support the baby's head and neck, minimizing stress on the neck. It must also guarantee normal blood circulation and muscle tone of the child's spine.

However, despite the impressive number of benefits of orthopedic pillows for newborns that leading companies inspire us, orthopedists do not share their opinion. The natural process of development of the baby causes the formation of a cervical bend during the period when the baby learns to hold his head. The thoracic curve of the spine is formed when the baby begins to sit down, and the lumbar curve when he learns to walk. Accelerating this process sometimes leads to undesirable consequences.

If you ask a doctor if a child needs an orthopedic pillow, he will most likely answer in the negative. Previously, all babies did without such pillows and grew up healthy. And a newly born baby, who has not yet formed a curve of the neck, must endure the full load on it. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that infants do not need an orthopedic pillow, since it does not bring any benefit. On the contrary, it puts pressure on the neck, which negatively affects the further growth and development of the baby.

However, there are exceptional cases when orthopedists advise purchasing such a pillow. For example, during the treatment of torticollis. Everything here depends entirely on the incorrect position of the vertebrae and the general health of the child. Orthopedic pillows are indicated for infants in such cases:

  • In the presence of birth trauma.
  • If the child's head is not straight.
  • With a decrease / increase in the tone of the cervical muscles.
  • If a diagnosis of torticollis is made.
  • With birth trauma.

Types of children's orthopedic pillows - a brief overview

If your child's neck needs support for one of the reasons listed above, then the question is natural: which orthopedic pillow to choose? The modern choice of such products for babies is huge, each type performs a specific function. The most popular models are: butterfly pillow, headrest, support, inclined and anti-suffocation pillow.

Butterfly pillow

This model serves for the healthy development and growth of the cervical spine and skull of the baby. The pillow is shaped like a butterfly - it has the shape of a roller with a recess for the head in the middle. Side walls (rollers) play the role of retainers. A butterfly pillow is used from the onset of the first month until the child reaches 2 years of age. The width and location of the rollers during the growth of the crumbs can be adjusted.

Pillow headrest

This variation is very popular, because, according to mothers of babies, it is as convenient as possible. Its width is equal to the width of the crib. This is convenient because the child will not be able to slide off it. The height of the product is small, and the angle of inclination is no more than 15 degrees. How to choose the right orthopedic pillow of this type? The main rule - keep in mind that its angle should not be too large (up to 30 degrees), otherwise the child will have problems with the spine in the future.

Inclined pillow

Trapezoidal shape designed for babies. It is sewn using elastic materials, such as polyurethane or latex. The main feature of the product is the inclination, which allows the child to breathe easier and makes the process of burping safe. It is possible to put an inclined pillow under the child's neck from the first days of his life.

Anti-suffocation pillow

When wondering which orthopedic pillow is better to buy, parents often resort to an anti-suffocating model for safety reasons. Her main idea is to prevent the sudden death of the baby. This product has a high degree of elasticity and is produced from breathable materials. The surface is covered with a cotton cover and has a perforation, so the thing is absolutely safe for the baby, no matter how restlessly he sleeps.

Pillow support

this model has the form of connected or separate rollers of different sizes and heights. These blocks also differ in shape, so they can be either rounded (oval) or triangular. A large roller provides support for the back of the baby, the other (smaller) is located in front and does not allow the child to roll over onto his stomach or actively spin in his sleep.

How to choose and which is better

One of the most common requests from parents who come to see an orthopedist is “recommend an orthopedic pillow.” When choosing a product, you must trust trusted companies that attach all the appropriate quality certificates to their product, confirming that the item is made using environmentally friendly materials and cannot provoke allergies in a small child. When buying a product, consider these important rules:

  • You should not buy it before the birth of the child. Orthopedists advise using a pillow after 2 weeks after the birth of the baby, during this period it is possible to understand the features of the crumbs.
  • If the baby has restless sleep, you should prefer a supportive model.
  • The headrest must be selected according to the age of the baby.
  • If the child often spits up, an inclined product will be the best solution.
  • An anti-choking variation is suitable for babies who like to sleep on their stomachs.
  • The seams of the product must be made neatly and evenly, and its size must not go beyond the crib.
  • A model made of synthetic material should not smell unpleasant.

The most popular models of orthopedic pillows:

  1. Feretti. An anti-suffocating Italian-made orthopedic pillow is created using non-woven fabric and interweaving of special perforated fibers. Its size is of two types: 60x40 cm and 55x35 cm. The average cost is 1500 rubles.
  2. Trelax P23 Banana. Multifunctional orthopedic model of the Russian release. It is made in the form of a banana and has a removable cotton cover. Polypropylene balls serve as a filler. These materials guarantee the breathability of the product, without causing excess sweating in the baby. Size: 135x26 cm. The average cost is 3200 rubles.
  3. KlinTM Womar. Orthopedic pillow of inclined type, produced in Poland from polyurethane. Has a removable terry pillowcase. Size: 60x36 cm, tilt is 17 degrees. The average cost is 900 rubles.
  4. F-505 Luomma. The model of Russian-Finnish production has a memory function. The filler in it is viscoplastic polyurethane, which can remember and repeat the shape of the baby's head. In the middle, a special recess is provided for this purpose. Can be used for a child up to 1.5 years. Size: 25x23 cm. The average cost is 1100 rubles.

How to use the pillow correctly - instructions

Not every baby needs an orthopedic headliner, but when a child reaches the age of one, this thing becomes relevant. However, many parents are not aware of how to use an orthopedic pillow, and this is important. So that the thing does not harm, but becomes a good addition, even at the time of purchase, consider the age of the child and his state of health. The first question that may arise during the operation of the product is how to properly place an orthopedic pillow?

  • A smaller roller is placed under the neck of the baby if he sleeps on his back.
  • A large cushion is placed when the child sleeps on his side. Thus, the normal position of the cervical vertebrae relative to the entire spine is maintained, evenly distributing the load and allowing the muscles to rest.
  • How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow to maintain a normal neck position? Make sure that its height is equal to the shoulder of the baby. Only in this way will you be able to maintain the correct position of the baby's neck.
  • What time to put orthopedic rollers under the child's head? You can start from 1 month to two years.

Where to buy and how much - average prices

Moms and dads are often interested in the question: where to buy a children's orthopedic pillow for a child? Such things are sold in almost every children's store, including online services. Their range is huge and can satisfy the most demanding parents. Models are presented in various sizes, shapes and colors, have a variety of fillers and differ in other characteristics.

Orthopedic models of Russian release have a low cost, their price can vary within 400-1500 rubles. Alternative imported goods are valued much higher, their average price is 1500-3000 rubles. Often the cost of products imported from abroad is formed without reference to the quality of goods, but based on brand recognition.

Taking care of the health of their baby, young parents often try to buy the best for their child. If you need a mattress for a newborn in a crib, then only from coconut fiber, and if you need a pillow, then recently the orthopedic pillow for babies "butterfly" has become the leader in sales. What is this pillow and what is it for?

What is a butterfly pillow

Orthopedic pillows for children are in great demand. They provide comfort during a night's sleep and help relieve neck pain and headaches by providing support to the spine. As for the children's orthopedic pillow "butterfly", it performs approximately the same functions. She got her unusual name due to her shape, similar to a real butterfly with wings.

Orthopedic pillow "butterfly" provides:

  • Correct position of the baby's head;
  • Proper cervical support;
  • Removal of point load from the bones of the head.

Pillow "butterfly" is built on the principle of an ordinary orthopedic pillow and equipped with a small indentation in the center. Due to this recess, in which the head fits, a small roller is formed under the neck, which supports the cervical spine.

As for the back of the head, it rests against the upper roller. The sides of the head lie comfortably on the voluminous side bolsters. It turns out that the entire load from the head is not concentrated at one point, but is evenly distributed over the elements of the baby pillow “butterfly”. Due to this, the pillow helps to prevent the occurrence of torticollis - a rather serious disease, when there is an incorrect tilt of the head to one side.

Another danger that threatens a child from an ordinary pillow is the deformation of the bones of the skull. This often happens with a lack of calcium, when the bones are prone to curvature. Children's pillow "butterfly", due to its shape and the above properties, supports the child's head under several points at once. As a result, the weight is distributed more evenly, helping to reduce pressure on the bones of the skull.

When to Use a Butterfly Pillow for Babies

Children's orthopedic pillow "butterfly" is recommended for use by children from zero to one year old (sometimes up to one and a half years). But some experts strongly discourage the use of such pillows until the child learns to hold his head on his own. However, many parents try to lay their children exclusively on "butterflies".

By using the butterfly pillow from an early age, parents ensure their child has a healthy sleep and the correct position of the head in a lying position. Here we can observe the effect that occurs when using the most common orthopedic pillows. Also, the butterfly will prevent the asymmetry of the head, evenly distributing the load.

Lying on a baby pillow "butterfly" for newborns, the baby behaves more calmly. The pillow does not interfere with the movements of the head and securely holds it in its arms. The child feels the comprehensive support of the head and is not nervous, which contributes to a more restful sleep.

It must be remembered that the use of a baby pillow "butterfly" in the presence of any congenital or acquired diseases requires prior consultation with a specialist. Do not attempt self-treatment and do not use the "butterfly" if there is even the slightest doubt.

How to use a butterfly pillow for newborns

Using the butterfly pillow is very easy. It is placed under the child's head, while parents need to make sure that the head lies in the hole formed by the contours of the pillow cushions. The lower neck roll should be under the neck and not somewhere else. If necessary, the child will be able to roll over on his side on his own or with outside help - the universal shape of the “butterfly” pillow will be able to support the neck, head and spine even in this position.

When choosing an orthopedic pillow for newborns "butterflies" you need to focus on the brand and the filler used. Do not buy pillows from little-known manufacturers. The recommended fillers are polyurethane foam and natural latex. Do not wash butterfly pillows in hot water and do not dry in direct sunlight.

The little man spends most of the day in a dream. For his comfort and safety, you must carefully select accessories for sleeping. One of the most important accessories is a pillow. Is it necessary for the baby and how to choose it?

Types and shapes of pillows for sleeping babies

If babies need a pillow, then only an orthopedic one for the correct formation of the head. Most often, in the center of such pillows there is a small depression, along the edges of the rollers. This design helps the proper development of the cervical region, because the baby's head is always in the correct position.

The most common type of orthopedic pillow is the headrest. It can be in the form of a butterfly, a bagel or a teddy bear.

The butterfly-shaped pillow looks like a roller rounded at the edges, there is a recess in the middle. The roller is necessary for the cervical region of the baby, and the recess helps to fix the head. Such a pillow helps to properly develop the cervical region and form the baby's skull. The maximum pillow height is 4 cm.

Due to the structure of the pillow, which copies the structure of the cervical-occipital region, many people call it "anatomical". The properties of the pillow also include the normalization of blood circulation in the cervical and head. This pillow can be used from two weeks, but before using it, you need to get advice and permission from a pediatrician. It is recommended for up to two years.

Many children turn their heads to one side all the time, as a result, the skull becomes asymmetrical. After all, fragile bones of the skull are easily subject to deformation. For such babies, an orthopedic pillow will be especially useful, since the position of the head is fixed, and the child cannot turn his head to his favorite side. This pillow will help correct the asymmetrical shape of the baby's head.

The next variety of orthopedic pillows is more suitable for feeding the baby. The pillow in the form of an open ring creates a comfortable position for the child. This pillow is placed under the baby's head when he lies on his mother's lap. Not recommended for sleep.

Another type of orthopedic pillow is called a "positioner" or support. It consists of two rollers with a flat surface between them. Rollers help to fix the child, and the baby is not able to roll over on his stomach. This pillow is recommended for restless children who often roll over in their sleep.

Depending on the size of the baby, the distance between the rollers is adjusted. At the same time, the fixation of the child's head must be rigid so that the rollers do not move apart when the baby tries to roll over. With the help of such a pillow, it is possible to fix the baby lying on his back and on his side. Used from birth.

An orthopedic trapezoid pillow has been created for babies who often spit up. This option is made of dense material and looks like an inclined trapezoid. If the baby burped, this pillow will not allow him to choke. But this will in no way cancel the constant supervision of the child.

When choosing such a pillow, you should pay attention to its width, which should correspond to the width of the crib. Then the baby will not be able to roll off the pillow. The tilt of 15 degrees does not deform the neck of the baby, at the same time provides a comfortable head position.

There is also an anti-suffocating orthopedic pillow. Most often, these pillows are made of polyurethane foam, so they have a breathable surface. These pillows are recommended for restless babies who may fall asleep on their stomach or often toss and turn when they sleep. Thanks to the unique breathable surface, the baby is always provided with oxygen.

Don't forget the bath pillow. Another name is "swimming circle". This pillow will make it very easy for mommy to bathe the baby. It is made either from waterproof material, or is made inflatable. It is worn around the baby's neck and during bathing, his head is always supported, which allows him to move around the entire bath, and mommy does not need to constantly support the baby. It is allowed to use when the child holds his head on his own, not earlier.

Which pillow filler to choose

Every mom wants the best for her baby. When buying an orthopedic pillow, it is very important to choose the right one for your baby.
There are several types of fillers for children's pillows:

  • latex;
  • comfrel;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • polyurethane foam.

All these fillers are not of natural origin, this is due to the fact that feathers and down cause severe allergic reactions even in adults, the body of a fragile baby should not be at risk of early allergies.

Cotton pillows made of cotton wool, which accumulates dust, are also harmful to babies. As a result, dust mites appear in the pillow, causing allergies. It is completely undesirable to provoke an external negative effect on the children's body.

Nowadays, synthetic fillers are produced at a high level of quality, not at all inferior to natural materials, and in some moments even surpass them. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the synthetic filler in the pillow.

latex filler

Latex is produced from hevea juice, which is processed into foam, which eventually becomes the filler for the pillow. Latex is considered a natural material. Combining both softness and elasticity, it is ideal for filling orthopedic pillows. The latex pillow promotes complete relaxation, which helps to have a good rest.

These pillows have only one drawback - the high price. But compared to the many pluses, these pillows are worth the price. An important advantage is its durability and strength. It is made from environmentally friendly materials that have antibacterial properties. Latex pillows are soft and elastic at the same time, and thanks to the porous structure, it is able to "breathe". A huge plus is the easy maintenance of the product. These pillows do not electrify and do not collect dust. In addition, latex does not heat up during sleep, but this property can be attributed to both pluses and minuses, who likes what more.

Synthetic filler

The synthetic winterizer is made from a mixture of polyester fibers. These pillows are popular due to their low cost. They are very easy to care for, have no odors, do not cause allergies and dust mites do not start in them. They have one drawback - the shape of the pillows from the synthetic winterizer is quickly lost, the synthetic winterizer inside is crushed.

Comfrel filler

When creating this material, siliconized fibers are thermally processed, after this procedure they turn into elastic balls, which are used to fill orthopedic pillows.

These pillows have no flaws. They are soft and comfortable, easy to care for, their shape is retained for a very long time. The advantages include antibacterial impregnation and the ability to retain heat with good air permeability. Like all other fillers for orthopedic pillows, it does not cause allergies.

Polyurethane foam filling

It has a unique memory property, takes the anatomical shape of the head and neck. This material is both flexible and soft. And thanks to the large number of pores, free air ventilation is provided and a comfortable temperature is maintained at any time of the year. Polyurethane foam is a more popular filler for children's orthopedic pillows.

With all the advantages of pillows made of synthetic fillers, the pillowcase of the pillow should be made of natural, soft and pleasant materials for the baby.

Is there a need for an orthopedic pillow?

There is no consensus on whether an orthopedic pillow is needed for babies. Pediatricians advise healthy children to sleep on a pillow from the age of two.
The formation of the curves of the spine takes place in three stages:

  • independent holding of the head;
  • began to sit down;
  • started walking.

If during these important periods of development the wrong pillow is chosen for the baby, then unnecessary stress will be created on the cervical spine. For a healthy child, there is no need for a pillow.

But with some diseases, an orthopedic pillow is necessary. It must be remembered that you can not self-medicate the baby. Only a specialist can say whether there is a need for an orthopedic pillow and from what age it can be used.

Features of special pillows

  • In the production of orthopedic pillows, the structure of the head and cervical region of the baby is taken into account. Memory foam pillows can be individually adjusted to each baby;
  • Thanks to the rollers and the recess between them, tension is removed from the muscles of the neck and curvature of the spine in the back of the head is eliminated;
  • Orthopedic pillows contribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the cervical region and eliminate the deformation of the head.

When is an orthopedic pillow required?

  • Prevention of torticollis. With complex treatment, an orthopedic pillow is needed; naturally, it alone is not able to cure this disease.
  • Formation of the skull of an infant. In babies who constantly lie on one side, the skull may be deformed, in which case the pillow will relieve this problem.
  • Normalization of muscle tone. Helps with hypertension and hypotension.

Important! If the baby often spits up, a pediatrician should be consulted before using an orthopedic pillow. After all, the baby lies in a fixed state and, if necessary, will not be able to roll over on its own.


Among the many orthopedic pillows, it is difficult to make the right choice on your own. In no case should you base your choice on the advice of friends or advertising. In order not to harm the baby, you need to consult a specialist before buying.

Sleep is an integral part of life for every person, and even more so for newborns, who sleep about 20 hours a day, and spend the rest of the time lying in their crib. That is why the baby needs to equip the most comfortable sleeping place.

But how to competently approach the choice of an orthopedic pillow? Regarding the parameters of the blanket, mattress and bed linen, experts are of the same opinion and everything is more or less clear here, but there are fierce discussions regarding pillows.

So does a baby need such a bedding? The answers to these and other questions are in our article.

Why does a baby need to sleep on the right pillow?

Many chronic diseases begin to develop at an early age, so in a dream, the child should fully rest.

An important factor is the understanding of parents that immediately after the birth of the baby, it is necessary to provide him with the right bedding. The correct posture, good mood and general condition of the baby's body will depend on the arrangement of the sleeping place.

In order for the baby's sleep to be healthy, the highest requirements must be made to the crib, blanket, mattress and other similar accessories. First, parents should pay attention to the body position of the sleeping baby. A baby sleeping face down in a pillow can suffocate, which is why many experts believe that babies should not sleep on a pillow.

However, if the child is placed without a pillow, the head will be at an angle to the spine, which will require the head of the crib to be raised. During sleep, when the baby sleeps on its side or on a very high pillow, the angle of the head changes, and this can cause a change in blood flow in the arteries of the spine. Thus, it is important to put the baby in the right place.

When do children need orthopedic pillows?

In some cases, doctors do not deny the need to use an orthopedic pillow.

One of them is a pathology called "torticollis" - then the choice of a sleeping accessory should depend on the degree of curvature and on the general condition of the baby.

The exception is children who are prone to frequent regurgitation - for them, the use of a pillow is contraindicated.

An orthopedic pillow is needed if:

  • there is a birth injury or damage to the cervical vertebrae;
  • torticollis was diagnosed;
  • the baby has an uneven head;
  • in a newborn, the tone of the cervical muscles is reduced or increased.

There are cases when surgical treatment of torticollis is indicated or drug therapy is prescribed - then the pillow will not bring the desired results.

But most often this disease is treated with massage, therapeutic physical procedures and parental control. Therefore, you should listen to the recommendations of a doctor specializing in the treatment of such abnormalities. He will prescribe a set of necessary measures, and only the pediatrician, and not the manufacturer, can determine the need to use an orthopedic pillow.

Features of sleeping orthopedic accessories for newborns

Pillows for babies take into account the anatomical and physiological features structures and are able to provide babies with proper head support, unload the muscles and vertebrae of the cervical region.

If you do not use a pillow, the child will lie with his head turned to one side. This position is due to the peculiarities of the shape of the head - otherwise they are simply uncomfortable. Thanks to the use of an orthopedic pillow, the situation can be corrected, at the same time improving the quality of communication between the baby and the mother, which will enable the child to feel much more comfortable.

Such pillows normalize blood circulation and guarantee a good rest in the process of sleep.

In the course of their manufacture, only hypoallergenic materials are used, which are easy to wash and perfectly retain their shape and original qualities.

Correctly chosen orthopedic pillow will serve to prevent the development of torticollis, headaches, and will provide:

  • normalization of muscle tone in the cervical region, back and shoulder girdle;
  • the formation of the correct bend in the cervical region;
  • reduction of pain syndrome in newborns with birth injuries.

How to choose?

A pillow for a child must be made in accordance with the standards for its quality, that is, it must be:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • safe;
  • thermal insulation;
  • quality;
  • wear-resistant.

All of the above characteristics should be taken into account by parents in the process of choosing a pillow for the baby.

It should also be noted that nursing pillows and orthopedic pillows are different products that have different purposes.

The main selection criterion is the height of the roller, which should be equal to the baby's shoulder.

Form Features

The main difference between orthopedic pillows for babies, which plays an important role in the formation of the correct proportions of the head, is the presence of a notch, located in the center and designed to maintain the baby's head in the required position.

The edges of the pillow are equipped with special rollers 3-4 cm high.

Due to the peculiarities of the shape, the pillow prevents the development of curvature in the occipital region and helps to relieve the tone of the neck muscles, which improves blood circulation in the cervical region.

Also, the configuration of the product guarantees the correct breathing of the newborn.

Used fillers

The fabric for the pillow cover, as well as the filler, are one of the key elements that you need to pay attention to when choosing this bedding.

Natural wool or down will not be the best option, as they can provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, mites can start in such products, and washing pillows with natural filler is quite problematic.

The best way out would be to buy a sleeping accessory with a filler that has spongy or perforated structure- they provide good ventilation. Then you don’t have to worry about the fact that the baby can suffocate, burying his face in the pillow.

The material for the manufacture of the cover, on the contrary, must be natural- it can be linen, chintz or cotton.


It must be said that the children up to 1 year it is better to do without a pillow. Although, as noted above, there are cases when, on the recommendation of a doctor, its use is a necessity.

An important role here is played by the fact that such a pillow helps to limit the mobility of the baby's head during sleep. In certain cases, this is good - but, for example, if the baby burps and he fails to turn his head, the consequences can be disastrous.

Application rules. Brief instruction

For a healthy child, doctors advise use a pillow only from the age of two, since the curves of the spine in children are formed gradually and are associated with motor activity.

In the process of choosing an orthopedic pillow, the priority factors should not be color or shape, but the size which is of decisive importance in this case.

So, the pillow is bought, and the question arises before the parents - how to put it correctly under the baby's head? What should be done so that it becomes a useful addition and does not harm the child?

On closer examination, you can see that the pillow has a somewhat asymmetrical shape - on the one hand it is equipped with a large, and on the other - a small roller. A smaller cushion should be placed under the head when the baby sleeps on the back, and a large cushion is optimal for comfortable sleeping on the side.

Thanks to the configuration features of the product, a comfortable position of the neck in relation to the spine is maintained, contributing to muscle relaxation and load distribution.

The pillow has a recess in the center, designed for the correct positioning of the head. On such a pillow, children aged from four weeks to two years can sleep.


A healthy child does not need an orthopedic pillow - its purchase becomes a necessity only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Conventionally, all orthopedic pillows can be divided into two groups- under the head and positional:

Such a pillow is an annular having in the middle deepening designed to properly fix the head.

This orthopedic accessory repeats the physiological and anatomical features of the cervical-occipital region, contributing to the correct formation of the cervical calving of the spine and skull.

A butterfly pillow is prescribed for the diagnosis of torticollis, during the rehabilitation period for birth injuries of the cervical region and for rickets to prevent deformation of the skull bones.

The choice is better to stop on the classic latex butterfly pillow, which has hypoallergenic properties and meets the standards of sleeping devices.

Pillows made of synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, buckwheat husks and feathers are also sold today, but these materials can cause allergies, and buckwheat will rustle and disturb the baby’s sleep.

Positioning cushion (positioner cushion)

Specially designed for debilitated and premature babies with a high risk of developing defects in the musculoskeletal system.

The pillow helps to maintain the optimal position of the body, facilitates the load on the spine, preventing its deformation.

There are other types of orthopedic pillows:


It has a low height and a slight slope, which is about 15?.

She fits perfectly for a healthy baby, providing comfort and fixation in an elevated position.

When choosing, keep in mind that the width of the product should correspond to the shoulder of the baby. The filler material must be elastic, dense, not wrinkled and not slip.

You can use this pillow from the first days after the birth of the baby.

Bathing pillow

It is made of waterproof material and looks like a circle with a hole in the middle, designed to fix the head.

In a stroller

The pillow in the stroller will protect the newborn from jolts when moving.

It supports the head as well as the upper body in an elevated position.

The pillow differs in high rigidity, elasticity and small height.