Children's orthopedic pillow with recess Use of an orthopedic pillow for newborns. How to make the right choice. Butterfly orthopedic pillow for newborns

Defending their point of view, both opponents and supporters of the use of pillows in infancy make convincing arguments. Let's try to figure out which of them is right. In this case, we will keep in mind that we are talking about pillows under the head, and not devices for changing the profile of the bed and fixing the position of the body.

Does a baby need an orthopedic headrest?

Most often, the truth in any dispute is somewhere in the middle. This also applies to the question of the need for pillows for newborns.

Experts who believe that a child does not need to be given a pillow from birth to 1-2 years old are right. The natural curves of the human spine are formed only by the age of 2 years and until that time do not need support. In addition, the circumference of the baby's head is comparable to the chest and there is no discomfort when lying on a flat surface.

An orthopedic pillow is not needed for a healthy baby under 1-2 years old. Its use is necessary only for diseases of the musculoskeletal system in a child. Buy such a pillow only after consultation and in accordance with the recommendations of a pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist.

A regular pillow will create an additional load for the baby on the cervical vertebrae and the risk of choking when regurgitating, and it makes no sense to put an orthopedic product under his head.

As a head restraint and for hygienic purposes, a healthy baby only needs to use a four-fold diaper.

Unfortunately, not all babies are born completely healthy. Various diseases and injuries of the skeletal and muscular systems can arise both as a result of the enormous loads that the baby experiences at birth, and during his intrauterine development. Many of them respond well to correction in the first year of life, and the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be.

A children's orthopedic pillow for newborns will become one of the most effective tools for the prevention of the development of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and their complex therapy during this period. You need to understand that such a pillow is not a panacea, and its use must be combined with massage, manual therapy, electrophoresis and other methods of therapy prescribed by a doctor.

When is an orthopedic pillow for babies needed?

The orthopedic pillow for babies adjusts to the anatomical features of the baby's skeleton, reduces the load on the cervicothoracic spine and helps maintain a physiological position for injured cervical vertebrae, fixing the head and neck in the anatomically correct position.

There are many pathologies for the complex treatment and prevention of which it is recommended to use a children's orthopedic pillow. The most common of these is torticollis, the most common disease of the cervical spine, which is characterized by an inclined position of the head with a constant turn to one side. It can be both congenital and acquired and in the future threatens with asymmetry of the face and skull and deformity of the spine.

Depending on the complexity of the disease, torticollis is treated surgically or with the help of manual therapy, and adjusting the position of the head and neck is a prerequisite for its effective treatment.

An orthopedic pillow is also used for pathologies such as:

  • scoliosis;
  • improper formation of the bones of the skull;
  • deformation of the occipital part of the head at an early stage of rickets;
  • displacement of the cervical vertebrae as a result of birth trauma;
  • hypertonicity or hypotonia of the muscles of the cervical and shoulder girdle.

Types of children's orthopedic headrest pillows

The standard sizes of head pillows for babies in the first year of life vary between 30-40 cm in length and width. Most often they consist of a fabric cover and a filler, but there are also products that are a monolithic block with perforation over the entire surface or made of a material with a highly porous structure. With such a pillow, the baby will be able to breathe freely, even if it turns over and buries its nose in it.

Headrest pillows can be different in shape:

  • square;
  • triangular;
  • in the form of a butterfly;
  • in the form of a ring.

The butterfly-shaped headrest is the most common infant orthopedic pillow for newborns. It reliably fixes the baby's head in a physiologically correct position, relieves stress on muscles, bones and nerve endings and provides him with a comfortable sleep.

The baby's head is placed in a round depression, which is displaced from the center of the pillow to its lower part and is located at the same height as the mattress, the neck rests on a low roller about 3 cm high, and the butterfly wings serve as a barrier and prevent the baby from changing the given position ...

More expensive and complex models consist of two functional surfaces, for sleeping on the back and on the side.

Whatever appearance the manufacturers give to the orthopedic pillows, the principle of their action is to fix the head and neck in a natural position, and the basic structure - a depression for the back of the head, a small cushion under the neck and convex support edges to limit head rotation - are the same.

Requirements for pillows for babies from birth to one year old

Increased demands are always made on the quality of products for children and they are chosen with great care. What you should especially pay attention to:

  • Elasticity. A children's orthopedic pillow should easily adapt to the contours of the baby's head and neck, be resistant to deformation, keep its shape during use and not lose it after washing.
  • Air permeability... To prevent the baby from suffocating, turning over on the pillow on his face, not sweating or overheating, it must let air through.
  • Hygroscopicity... Sweating, regurgitation, tears and saliva, drops of mother's milk - all this threatens the dryness of the pillow, so the ability to absorb and evaporate moisture is especially relevant for baby products placed under the head.
  • Leaving. You will have to wash your baby pillow often, so there must be a machine-washable badge on its label.

High-tech synthetic fillers of a new generation meet all these requirements most fully: komfortl, ecofiber, holofiber, latex, polyurethane foam.

The cover of the orthopedic pillow must be pleasant to the touch and made of natural cotton fabric. The main seams are allowed only internal, strong and frequent.

Modern orthopedic pillows for newborns take into account the structural features of the child's skeleton and serve as one of the means in the complex treatment of diseases associated with congenital or acquired pathologies of the musculoskeletal system of the baby. Buy them only after consultation and in accordance with the recommendations of a pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist.

Healthy babies do not need it without fail, but it can serve to prevent the development of these diseases in them, if there is evidence. For example, if the child sleeps on only one side all the time. Thanks to the orthopedic pillow, parents can control and dose the amount of time the child stays on the side and back. If the baby constantly sleeps in one position, then his skull bones are deformed and the head loses its naturally correct shape. Therefore, you need to make sure that during sleep, he takes different poses.

It is believed that, if indicated, such a pillow is usually used not earlier than the 15th day of the baby's life. By this time, it is already becoming clear whether he has any health problems, and which pillow should be chosen.

The cover and filler of the pillow provide a comfortable temperature for the baby's head, so you can put the baby on it without a cap.

It is advisable to wash the headrest pillow in an automatic machine at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C and dry it, avoiding direct sunlight.

If the pillow has lost its elasticity, the filler after pressing does not return to its original shape, it should be replaced.

Safety is the main requirement for children's products. Be sure to ask the seller to present a certificate of conformity of the purchased product.

Reading time: 9 minutes

Sleep is an integral part of every person's life. Newborns sleep up to 20 hours a day, the rest of the time they just lie. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a comfortable sleeping place for babies. How to choose the right orthopedic pillow? This is what will be discussed.

No one argues about the parameters of the mattress, blanket and bed linen, but fierce discussions are going on around the pillows. Does the baby need this bedding? What forms are there?

Variety of shapes

An orthopedic pillow is necessary to form the correct shape of the baby's head. Usually it is a structure where there is a certain depression in the center, and rollers are located along the edges. The pillow allows you to keep your head in the right position, which contributes to the correct formation of the cervical spine.

Depending on the form, the following types are distinguished:

  • Headrest (can be in the shape of a donut, butterfly, bear);
  • Open ring;
  • Positioner (support);
  • Trapezium (inclined version).

The butterfly pillow is a roller with rounded edges and a depression in the middle. Exactly "Dent" is needed to fix the head, the roller is intended for the neck. The height of the latter is 3-4 cm. It contributes to the correct formation of the child's skull and cervical region.

It is also called "anatomical". She received this name due to the fact that she repeats the structure of the cervico-occipital region of the child. Also a pillow normalizes blood circulation neck and head. Someone advises using it from two weeks, others from 2 months. But everyone agrees on one thing: it is used up to 2 years and it is better to consult a specialist about the "initial" age.

Especially she useful for those kidswhich constantly turn the head to one side... Over time, the fragile skull adjusts to this position and the symmetry of the head is broken. Using this device, the position is fixed. Even if the child has already experienced minor disturbances, a lasting result can be seen after a few months.

Pillow unconnected ring intended for feeding rather than sleeping baby. It provides a comfortable position for the baby. Such an attribute is placed on the mother's lap, and the baby is placed on it. It is not recommended to use it for sleep..

The positioner (support) is flat surface with two rollers at the edges. They are needed to fix the child so that he cannot turn on his tummy. This is especially useful for restless toddlers who often roll over while sleeping.

The distance between the rollers is easy to adjust depending on the size of the child. A very important point is the degree of fixation - it must be rigid. The rollers should not move apart from the impact of the child on them. Such a pillow can be used from birth... It allows you to fix the position both on the back and on the side.

A special pillow has been developed imitating mom's presence... The built-in sensor emits a sound and pulse that is similar to a heartbeat. This helps the child to calm down and fall asleep. Whether you need this innovation or not, it's up to you! But no device can replace the warmth of mother's hands and the beating of a dear heart!

Inclined cushion is made in the form of a trapezoid... It is made of dense material and helps if the baby often spits up. A slight slope prevents the selected masses from getting back. However, this does not mean that babysitting is not necessary.

Her width should match the parameters of the bed... Thanks to this, the child does not roll off her. The slope is 15 degrees. This value was not chosen by chance. A slight tilt does not deform the neck, while creating a comfortable head position.

Do not forget about such types of orthopedic pillows as anti-suffocation and option for bathing. The main feature of the former is the breathable surface. It is usually made from polyurethane foam. This product is simply necessary for little fidgets, who often toss and turn in their sleep. Even if the child falls asleep on his tummy, he will still receive oxygen.

The bathing pillow is also called the “circle of newborns”. She supports the baby's head during water procedures. Can be inflatable or made of waterproof material. It makes bathing very easy. It is recommended to use this invention from the moment the baby will hold his head on his own.

Manufacturing materials

To give the baby all the best is the task of every mother. Caring shows in the little things. When choosing a children's orthopedic pillow, you cannot blindly follow advertising, you need to analyze all sources and make the right choice that suits your child.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the filler. The following are available for sale:

  • Latex;
  • Sintepon;
  • Comfrel;
  • Polyurethane foam.

As you can see, natural fillers are not used for special pillows. But why is this happening? The fact is that down and feathers are the strongest allergens. This reaction is acutely manifested in a fragile child's body.

A child at this age has not yet fully adapted to external factors, so additional stress is not desirable. This also applies to cotton pillows. , which is part of their composition, is capable of accumulating dust. This is known to create a pleasant environment for household mites (dust mites), which will also cause allergies.

Don't be afraid of synthetic fillers. At the moment, production has reached such a level that in their characteristics they are in no way inferior to natural ones, and sometimes even surpass them.


Represents the juice of hevea... For the manufacture of pillows, it is processed into a special foam, which will serve as a filler. It is a natural material that is ideal for the production of orthopedic pillows. It combines the impossible: incredible softness and elasticity. Latex allows the body to relax while sleeping and get the most out of it.


  • Ecologically pure;
  • Lasting;
  • Long lasting;
  • Soft but firm;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Has antibacterial properties;
  • Due to its porous structure, it can "breathe";
  • Does not electrify and does not attract dust.


  • High price.

Another property of latex is that it does not heat up during sleep. It is an advantage or a disadvantage for everyone to decide independently.


Which is obtained by thermal bonding of a fibrous canvas made from a mixture of polyester fibers. These pillows are very popular, first of all, because of the low price.


  • Low price;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Simplicity of care;
  • Repels dust mites;
  • Odorless.


  • It quickly loses its shape (“crumpled”).


This material is elastic balls. It owes its creation to the DuPont company. It is made of hollow siliconized fiber that is heat treated. After that, the fibers turn into balls.


  • Has antibacterial impregnation;
  • Soft and comfortable;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Simplicity of care;
  • Keeps its shape well;
  • Air permeable;
  • Keeps warm
  • Has no flaws!

Polyurethane foam

It has both viscosity and elasticity, the property of memory. Polyurethane foam is the most common filler for orthopedic products for newborns. The material has a large number of pores, which ensures self-ventilation.


  • Elastic but soft at the same time;
  • Provides free air ventilation;
  • Creates a comfortable temperature at any time of the year;
  • Ability to conform to the anatomical shape of the neck and head.

Despite the advantages of synthetic fillers, do not forget that the surface of the pillow must be made. Only they are able to provide the necessary tactile sensations and protect from unpleasant sensations.

Why you need it and how to use it correctly

For a child to be healthy, he needs a good rest. Collecting a dowry for her baby, every mother thinks about a pillow. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. or is it a useless acquisition?

The first stage falls on the time when the baby can independently hold the head, the second - when the child sits down, the third - when he walks. Incorrectly shaped sleep and rest products create unnecessary stress on the cervical region.

However, when it comes to certain diseases, orthopedic things are indispensable. In addition, modern pillows have an anatomical shape, which does not create stress on the baby's body. But in any case, before buying it, you need to consult a pediatrician. The age of first use varies. Some advise starting the application from 2 weeks of age, while others - from 2 months.

What is special about special pillows?

  • They take into account the structure of the head and cervical spine. There are "smart" options that are able to adjust independently;
  • Since the pillow has small ridges at the edges and a notch in the center, this eliminates curvature in the nape and relieves tension from the neck muscles;
  • The special structure of the pillow normalizes blood circulation in the cervical region and prevents head deformation.

Required for:

  • Prevention of torticollis. Of course, this subject alone will not solve the problem, but as part of a comprehensive treatment it will help;
  • Correct head formation. A fragile skull can deform from the fact that the child is constantly lying on one side. An orthopedic pillow solves this problem;
  • Stabilization of muscle tone. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect both in an increased and in a reduced state.
  • TRELAX pillows

    from 0 to 6 months 5 to 18 months 1.5 to 3 years old Over 3 years old
    The size
    40x44 cm 25x30x6 (4) cm 27x38x6 (4.5) cm 27x38 × 8 (6) cm
    Highly resilient polyurethane foam highly resilient perforated polyurethane foam viscoelastic polyurethane foam
    Normalization of muscle tone; Correct formation of the spine; Prevention of curvature of the spine and head deformation; To prevent falls and traumatic moments; Safety during regurgitation Normalization of muscle tone; Prevention of head deformity; Complex use for torticollis; Neck support in premature and debilitated children; Recovery from birth trauma Recovery from injuries; Correct head position during sleep. Prevention of posture disorders; Correct position of the head and neck during sleep; Memory effect allows you to remember the position of the child's head.

    Manufacturers and prices

    Choosing a children's orthopedic pillow is a tricky business. In order for it to be useful and give a calm sound sleep to the baby, the choice must be approached thoroughly. Only recommendations and reviews of friends in this matter are not enough. Be sure to consult with a specialist before buying.
    Further - a video about one of the types of orthopedic pillows for children under 1.5 years old from Trelax.

Orthopedic pillows are an important component of any sleeping place.
Are you used to sleeping on your stomach? The pillow should be nearly flat. On the side? The thickness of the pillow will depend on the softness of your mattress and the size of your shoulder. On the back? Place a roller under your neck.

It is very easy to buy orthopedic pillows in Moscow in our MedMag24 medical equipment online store.

A properly selected orthopedic pillow affects the quality of sleep and the rate at which it occurs. The head of an orthopedic pillow should be moderately soft, and preferably orthopedic. And it's not just about the length of the rest.

Orthopedic pillow - an essential attribute of healthy sleep. Incorrect position of the neck and head during sleep leads to inevitable painful sensations. The muscles cannot relax while trying to keep the head in the correct position, and blood flow decreases. If in the morning you feel pain in the cervicobrachial region, a headache, then it's time to purchase an orthopedic pillow.

Modern orthopedic pillows are made of high-tech artificial or natural materials. Most often, latex and memory foam are used in the manufacture of such pillows.

Benefits of using orthopedic pillows: anatomicality, hygiene, durability.

Many mothers, when their long-awaited child is born, are interested in the answer to the question: "Is a pillow necessary for newborns?", Because for the most part the child will spend the entire first year of life in a dream.

Many children's experts unanimously say that a child will not need a pillow until at least five months of life, it is at this time that the baby begins to roll over on its own. Using a pillow up to this point can be risky, since during spitting up, the baby can suffocate due to the inability to simply turn his head. They also explain their categoricalness regarding this issue by the fact that the pillow will negatively affect the correct formation of the spine of the baby, besides, the use of the product is risky with the development of sudden death syndrome. It will be enough for a crumb to put a flannel diaper folded in four under his head.

But there is also the opposite opinion of experts about pillows for babies. In addition, in the children's departments of stores today there is a huge selection of pillows for newborns, many of which, according to the manufacturers, help the spine to form correctly, help to correct the shape of the child's skull and, most importantly, they are made of environmentally friendly, non-allergenic materials. Indeed, in some cases, anatomical pillows can be beneficial for babies.

Here are the main types of orthopedic approved newborn pillows.

Orthopedic pillow for a newborn.
Healthy children do not need orthopedic pillows; they should be purchased only if a doctor tells you to. They are divided into two groups - positional and under the head.

Under the head or a butterfly pillow for newborns.
The shape of this pillow actually resembles a butterfly, hence the name. The pillow is presented in the form of an annular roller with a depression in the middle, designed to properly fix the baby's head. This pillow repeats the anatomical and physiological features of the cervico-occipital region and contributes to the correct formation of the baby's cervical spine and skull bones. This sleeping pillow can be used as early as 28 days after birth. The term of use is two years.

Basically, an orthopedic butterfly pillow is prescribed for the diagnosis of torticollis, for injuries of the cervical spine during childbirth during the rehabilitation period, as well as for rickets in order to prevent deformities of the skull.

The classic latex butterfly pillow should be preferred. This option is hypoallergenic and meets all the requirements of orthopedic sleep devices. On sale you can also find options from cotton wool, padding polyester, feather, buckwheat husk. But many of them are risky in terms of provoking allergies, and buckwheat husks rustle a lot, which can disrupt the baby's sleep.

Positioning pillows for newborns (positioning pillow).
A similar fixation pad was developed for premature and debilitated infants who have a high risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders. A support pillow (another name for a cocoon) is indicated for muscular dystonia in a child, when the body, against the background of a disturbed tone, takes non-symmetrical poses. The object helps to maintain the correct position of the body, relieving the load from the fragile spine, and prevents its deformation.

Inclined pillows for newborns.
The headrest pillow is small in height, some models are made with a slight slope (15 degrees). Suitable for a healthy baby, it will provide comfort and fixation of the raised position. When choosing a product, it is important to consider that it must exactly match the width of the child's shoulders. The material from which the pillow is made must be dense and elastic, not slip (so that the child does not slide off it) and not wrinkle. This pillow is allowed from birth. In addition, the pillow makes it easier for the baby to get rid of the air swallowed during the meal, which will once again save the baby from colic.

Newborn bathing pillow.
The pillow is made of a special waterproof material and has the shape of a circle with a small hole in the center, designed to fix the baby's head in the bath. The device is convenient when bathing a child, it can be used as soon as the baby can confidently hold the head.

Pillow in a stroller for a newborn.
The object in most cases serves to soften shocks during movement. The pillow should keep not only the head raised, but the upper body. The pillow should be firm, elastic and not large in height.

Pillow fillers for newborns.
As noted earlier, fillers such as down and feathers should not be chosen as they provoke allergies in babies.

Wool is also not recommended as a pillow filler, although it is environmentally friendly. It can also provoke allergies, moreover, it easily falls off, it cannot be washed.

Synthetic filling does not cause allergies, plus - they wash well. The most common are synthetic winterizer.

Today, such a filler for orthopedic products, such as komer, is gaining popularity. In pillows, it is used in the form of small balls of fiber. Comfortrel retains heat, keeps its shape perfectly and retains its properties even after repeated washings, and the unique antibacterial treatment prevents bacteria and mites from appearing in the fiber.

Latex fillers are considered the most acceptable but also the most expensive. They are distinguished by good elasticity, and also correctly fix the baby's cervical and shoulder regions. Regardless of the filling of the pillow, it is important to monitor its condition. The product should not lose its strength, the filler should not be visible from the outside.

Healthy sleep during childhood is essential for the proper growth and development of every person. It is normal for a newborn to rest for about 20 hours a day. He spends this entire period in bed. The task of the parents is to provide him with a normal sleeping place. An orthopedic pillow for newborns, complete with a blanket and mattress, create the ideal environment. High-quality bedding will allow your baby to gain strength for play and fun.

The baby needs a good rest. Thanks to this, it will be possible to resist various chronic diseases. Parents should provide him with all the necessary bedding. If a child sleeps well, then he is guaranteed to grow up healthy and beautiful. His good mood will delight mommy for a long time. The orthopedic pillow for babies helps to form the correct posture.

During sleep, the position of the baby's body should be correct. That is why parents should pay due attention to the choice of accessories. You can also sew them yourself. At the same time, the individual requirements of the baby are taken into account without fail. A pillow for a newborn should not interfere with breathing, because some of them like to sleep with their nose buried in it.

The pad helps to properly support the head and spine. That is why it is categorically not recommended to rest without it. During sleep, the baby can actively roll over from one side to the other. This situation affects the blood flow. Parents must teach him to lie correctly. Indeed, only in this case, harm will not be done to his health.

The need for an orthopedic pillow

Not in all cases it is necessary to use it. Doctors insist on this only in certain cases. It is mandatory to sleep on an orthopedic pillow for newborns only if the child has been diagnosed with torticollis. The choice of an accessory largely depends on the degree and nature of the manifestation of pathology.

You do not need to buy a pillow if the baby spits up quite often. In this case, this attribute can only significantly aggravate the situation.

In medical practice, it is believed that an orthopedic pillow is needed in the following cases:

  • During labor, the baby was seriously injured in one of the cervical spine.
  • Doctors diagnosed torticollis.
  • An uneven head surface was found.
  • The baby has a pronounced increased tone of the cervical muscles.

In some of the cases described above, the baby needs surgery. However, most often the pathology can be eliminated through the use of drug therapy. Also, a pillow with memory effect will help to achieve the desired result in a short time.

Where should the treatment begin? At the first stage, therapeutic massages and physical procedures help to achieve positive dynamics. All manipulations are allowed only under direct parental control. They must also adhere exactly to all the doctor's recommendations. In this case, in the future, it will be possible to avoid serious deviations in development. Only a pediatrician can correctly develop a set of therapeutic measures.

An orthopedic pillow must be purchased not according to the advice of the manufacturer, but as prescribed by the attending physician. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve positive dynamics in treatment.

Main characteristics and purpose of orthopedic accessories

Whether a newborn can sleep on an ordinary pillow depends largely on the individual characteristics of his body. Accessories should provide the necessary head support. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve optimal rest for all muscle groups and the spine.

It is correct for any person to sleep in a lateral position. However, it will not always be convenient for a child in such a position. When using an orthopedic pillow, it will be possible to maintain the interaction between parents and babies. He will feel much more comfortable and sleep well.

An orthopedic pillow for a newborn is a guarantee of quality sleep. This will ensure the correct blood circulation and the position of the spine. For its manufacture, exclusively hypoallergenic materials are used. Additionally used accessory can be washed. It will retain its shape and size. Even numerous washes will not be able to negatively affect these indicators.

It is also necessary to use orthopedic accessories for prevention purposes. They will not allow the crotch to develop, and the baby is guaranteed not to suffer from headaches. Improving general well-being is achieved through the following points:

  • In the cervical region, the muscles are toned.
  • Correct formation of all curves of the neck.
  • If the newborn has had birth injuries, then the pillow will be able to relieve their intensity.

Main selection criteria

A baby pillow must meet several requirements. Only then is it completely safe to use.

Accessories for sleeping babies must include the following features:

  • do not cause allergies;
  • be completely safe for the baby;
  • keep warm well;
  • be made of high quality materials;
  • serve for a long time.

Only with the combination of these criteria are pillows allowed for infants. Today, manufacturers also offer orthopedic models that are specially designed for feeding. When choosing them, the height of the roller plays an important role. It is this indicator that you should pay attention to.

Product shape

Today, a huge number of shapes and sizes of pillows are presented in any children's store. When choosing, it is necessary to analyze the structure of the baby's skull. There should be a small indentation in the pillow to keep the head in position.

It is most convenient to place the child on a pillow with small sides. Their height should not exceed four centimeters. Otherwise, the risk of developing a curvature in the occipital region or deterioration of blood circulation in the cervical region increases. Only a properly selected configuration will allow the baby to breathe deeply and receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.

The baby should be comfortable while sleeping

Filler is the main selection criterion

When choosing any accessory for sleeping, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the fabric that is used for sewing the cover and filler. They can be completely sewn with your own hands, because in this case you can be completely confident in the material.

You should not stop your choice on a filler made of wool and down. These materials often cause allergies in babies. Also, in products of this type, the risk of tick breeding increases. Washing things made from natural materials is not possible, therefore, you must refuse to use them. From what age they are allowed to use depends largely on the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

It is best to buy a pillow with a spongy or perforated structure. This ensures the proper level of ventilation in them. Parents in this case will not worry that the child may suffocate at the most unexpected moment. It is best to choose linen, chintz or cotton as the material for the cover.

When should an orthopedic pillow be discarded?

Orthopedists from all over the world are convinced that such a pillow should not be used if the child is under one year old. However, in some cases, the clinical picture requires the purchase of this sleep accessory. The pillow pattern is presented on the site, so you can make it yourself.

Thanks to the pillow, it is possible to restrict the movement of the baby during sleep. However, if, for example, a baby needs to vomit urgently, he may choke. Therefore, parents should know exactly why they use this bedding.

The main types of baby pillows

If the child is completely healthy, then there is no need to buy orthopedic accessories for sleeping. If parents find out how much such a thing costs, they will prefer to use the usual option.

Butterfly pillow helps to deal with cervical injuries caused during childbirth

Today, all orthopedic pillows are divided into the following groups depending on the position of the head during sleep:

  • A butterfly is a special roller with a small depression in the middle. Thanks to this, a reliable fixation of the head is achieved during sleep. It is advisable to use this variant of the pillow if there are pathologies in the neck. Regular use will allow the cervical spine and skull to form properly. The accessory is allowed to be used from early childhood.
  • Pillows conform to the shape of the body thanks to the fillers. For this purpose, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, buckwheat husks or feathers are used. Care must be taken with such a product, as it can cause allergies.