Children's cocktails for the child's birthday. What cocktails to prepare for the holiday. Fruit salad with chocolate sauce

Children's drinks– this is a very interesting topic. After all, it often happens that parents who prefer a healthy lifestyle buy sweet soda for children's parties, explaining that the kids really like it. Have you encountered such a situation? I think yes.

But is it worth doing this? Of course not. After all, there is nothing healthy in soda; it contains a lot of sugar, flavor enhancers, preservatives and dyes. You can read more about the dangers of sweet carbonated water.

But, on the other hand, store-bought juices and fruit drinks are not much better.

What to do? What drinks to put on the table for a children's birthday? I propose to dwell on this topic in more detail and together look for the answer to the question.

What children's birthday drinks should you prepare? I recommend compotes, freshly squeezed juices, cocktails, homemade lemonade, jelly, smoothies, homemade fruit juice, kvass, ginger lemonade, uzvar, rosehip infusion.

You will find the recipes for these drinks below.

When preparing for the holiday, be sure to ask your parents if their children are allergic to nuts, fruits, cow's milk and other ingredients from which you plan to prepare drinks.

So, children's drinks (recipes).

Let's start with how to cook compote, namely cherry compote. I really love this drink. In the summer I cook with fresh berries, and in the winter with frozen ones.

Cherry compote (recipe with photo)


Cherry - 500 g;
sugar – 7-8 tablespoons;
water – 1-1.5 l.

To prepare compote, you first need to boil the syrup. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. Stir the sugar until it dissolves well and does not burn. When the syrup boils, add cherries to it. I don't pull out the bones. If the cherries are frozen, I throw them in this form without defrosting. Remove the pan from the heat when the compote boils. Cover with a lid and leave to brew for 20 minutes. Let it cool down.


In hot weather, what's better than a cool milkshake? Both children and adults love him. And it is not difficult to prepare. You need to stock up on the necessary ingredients: milk, berries, fruits, ice cream, sugar.

And in order for the cocktail to have a delicate, unique taste, follow these tips:
Milk must be cooled before preparing the drink.
If you want to avoid getting seeds from fruits and berries into children's drinks, pass the mixture through a strainer.

Banana milkshake (recipe)


One banana;
100 g ice cream;
2 teaspoons cocoa;
0.5 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
300 ml milk.

Cocktail preparation:

Cut the banana into slices.

Mix all ingredients well and beat using a blender or mixer.

Pour into glasses.

Chocolate cocktail (recipe)


600 ml milk;
100 g dark chocolate;
150 ml hot water;
100 g chocolate ice cream.

Cocktail preparation:

Pour 70-80 g of chocolate with hot water and beat well in a blender or mixer.

Add milk, chocolate ice cream and beat well again.

Pour the cocktail into glasses and sprinkle with the remaining grated chocolate.

Strawberry milkshake (recipe)


1 glass of milk;
200 g strawberries (fresh or frozen);
1/4 cup sugar;
100 g vanilla ice cream.

Cocktail preparation:

Pour milk into a blender, add strawberries and sugar. Mix well.

Add ice cream. Beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Garnish the cocktail with strawberries.

Drinks for children's birthdays can also be prepared in the form of lemonades.

How to make homemade lemonade?

Lemonade (recipe)


2 lemons;
200 g sugar;
1 liter of water;
6 ice cubes.

Preparing lemonade:

Cut the lemons and put them in a blender.

Add cold water and sugar. Mix well.

Strain through a sieve.

Add ice and garnish with lemon wedges.

Ginger and mint lemonade (recipe)


1 tablespoon ginger root;
a bunch of fresh mint;
3 lemons;
water to taste;
honey or sugar to taste.

Making Ginger and Mint Lemonade

Squeeze the juice out of the lemons.

Place the skin and pulp that remains in a blender. Add honey (sugar), peeled, finely chopped ginger, water. Whisk. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve. Discard the pulp and add lemon juice to the liquid. Dilute with water to taste, add a few ice cubes.

Continuing the theme " Drinks for children's birthday", let's talk about how to make jelly at home.

In order to prepare thick jelly, you need to take 3 tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of liquid, for medium-thick jelly you need 2 tablespoons of starch per liter of liquid, and for liquid jelly - 1 tablespoon with top.

Kissel can be made from fruits or berries (fresh, frozen, dried). It is very convenient to use fruit and berry juices and syrups for making jelly.

I prefer to cook jelly of medium thickness.

To prepare this dessert or drink, potato starch is diluted in boiled chilled water in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of starch per glass of water. To prevent a film from appearing on the surface of the jelly, you can sprinkle it with a thin layer of granulated sugar.

Kissel from strawberries and other berries


2 tablespoons potato starch;
a glass of strawberries;
3/4 cup sugar.

Preparing jelly

Strawberries need to be rubbed through a sieve. Next, prepare the syrup. Pour 2.5 cups of hot water into the pan, add sugar and stir. Boil. Next, brew with diluted starch and let it boil again. Add berry puree and stir well.

Fruit drinks can also be considered healthy drinks for children.

Morse is a refreshing drink made from the juice of fruits, berries, and vegetables with added sugar (honey). The word “mors” comes from the word “mursa”, which means “water with honey”.

Cranberries, cherries, red and black currants, lingonberries, and blackberries are most often used to prepare fruit drinks. The berries must first be washed, pitted, ground or chopped in a blender, poured with boiled water and boiled for several minutes. Strain and season to taste with sugar and honey.

Continuing the theme " Children's drinks", I would like to dwell on uzvar.

How to prepare uzvar?

First you need to take the following ingredients:

200 g dried apples;
200 g dried pears;
200 g honey;
200 g prunes;
100 g raisins;
3 liters of water.

Uzvar - recipe:

Dried fruits should be washed with warm water and soaked in cold water for 10 minutes.

Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan, add pears, apples, prunes, raisins and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

Cover with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours for the uzvar to brew.

Add honey to the warm uzvar and stir well.

Strain and serve chilled.

How to make healthy, tasty, refreshing homemade kvass?

Bread kvass with honey and raisins (recipe)


Borodino bread - 800 g;
honey - 2 tablespoons;
sugar - 400 g;
dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
raisins - 50 g;
water - 10 l.

Preparing kvass:

Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven at high temperature until lightly burnt.

Pour the crackers into the bottom of a pan or bucket.

Dissolve the honey in a small amount of water and pour the resulting honey water over the dry yeast. Mix.

Add sugar and raisins to the breadcrumbs.

Add yeast with honey and fill with warm water.

Cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for 2 days.

Strain the finished drink through cheesecloth and pour into glass jars.

Place in the refrigerator for another day.

All kids look forward to the most important holiday of the year - their birthday. On this wonderful day they are given many gifts, guests and friends come. Everyone is happy and eats a delicious cake. However, for mothers this holiday often becomes a source of worry and trouble. They wonder What’s so delicious to cook for the children’s table?. Not all foods can be eaten by young children.

Rules for choosing dishes

When planning to buy food for the children's holiday table, carefully consider the entire menu. Be sure to pay attention to any allergic reactions your child has or intolerance to certain foods. If you invite other children to visit, you should check with mothers what foods their children should not eat. This will allow you to plan your menu in advance and avoid getting into trouble with the prepared dishes.

You should not include too spicy, hot, smoked or pickled dishes in your menu. Even if the food is fresh, babies may experience tummy pain or upset bowel movements.

Choose seedless fruits. During a children's party, children are often in a hurry or running around. While playing, they may grab the fruit and choke on the bone. Rinse all fruits thoroughly; it is better to remove the peel.

Choose neutral dishes without a lot of ingredients. Fruits and low-fat cheese go well together. This would make a great appetizer and a good start to a baby shower. You should not prepare salads with many ingredients included in them. It is better to choose dishes that include no more than 2-3 ingredients. This is, for example, coleslaw with sweet corn and carrots.

Refills should also be as neutral as possible. Try to cook several dishes with different dressings. Perhaps some of the kids who were invited to the party cannot eat dairy products. In this case, you can prepare one salad, but in two versions. Fill one with vegetable oil, and the other with sour cream.

For teenagers, you can dress the salad with mayonnaise mixed in equal parts with sour cream or non-acidic yogurt.

You should not cook the usual dishes that you eat every day. Soups for a children's party are not the best choice. It is better to prepare a delicious hot dish, choosing the main product according to age. The best choice would be chicken. Usually all kids love chicken. For children after one year old, you can prepare a variety of meatballs, kebabs, and casseroles using chicken. Turkey may be a good alternative.

You still shouldn’t choose fish for a children’s holiday table. Any fish contains small bones. When cleaning and cutting fish, you can leave a few unnoticed bones that kids can choke on. It is also worth noting that not all kids love fish. It is better to postpone it for ordinary days, excluding it from the holiday menu.

The choice of desserts should also be taken very carefully. Today you can find a wide variety of cakes and pastries in stores. However, it is better to buy finished products for children over 5 years old. For younger children, it is better to bake the cake at home. This way you will know exactly what products were used.

If your baby is intolerant to eggs or dairy, you can substitute them or choose a different cake recipe. When cooking at home, you can choose all your child’s favorite fruits or pastries for decoration. You can also order a cake from the bakery. In this case, be sure to check customer reviews and choose only reliable options.

Usually children's parties are very noisy. The kids are having fun, playing, running. Of course they are thirsty. Be sure to make sure you have enough drinks prepared before the party.

Kids love carbonated drinks, but this is not the best choice. Such cooling drinks can damage the stomach lining. It is better to give your preference to homemade fruit drinks or compote. You can make fruit juice from berries. Figure out how to present everything in an original way. You can dilute the fruit drink with carbonated mineral water and garnish with an interesting straw with a slice of orange. Present it as a cocktail and your baby will be very pleased.


If you decide to organize your child’s birthday at home, first decide what format of the event you will choose. There may be several options for organizing a children's party:

  • In the apartment. Pre-decorate the room where the celebration will take place. Kids love themed parties. If your child loves a particular cartoon or movie character, you can decorate the festive table and room with the main characters drawn. The simplest design option: posters on the walls and curtains, themed cups and napkins on the table. For children, you can prepare masks or themed elements of the holiday (for example, make crowns or tiaras for girls, and choose pirate hats for boys).
  • Outdoors. In this case, take care of all the necessary things that you will need to organize a picnic. You will need a large, beautiful tablecloth that is easy to wash and clean up from spilled drinks. If you are planning an outdoor recreation, it is better to choose disposable tableware. In supermarkets you can find a large number of different types of beautiful disposable tableware with images of cartoon characters. Don't forget to bring straws for children's drinks and cocktails. Be sure to bring plenty of paper napkins. Choose bright colors that will decorate and diversify the decor of your festive outdoor table.
  • Buffet table. It is an excellent choice for organizing a children's party. You can also think of interesting options for serving dishes, including sweets. To decorate such a festive table, choose a variety of snacks, canapés and sandwiches. Kids love snacks, especially when they are decorated in an interesting way. Choose simple options for serving rather than spicy seasonings, onions and garlic. Place all snacks on the table away from each other so that children do not accidentally break the dishes.

We invite you to watch the video release of the TOP 10, where to celebrate a children's holiday.

We take age into account

When creating a menu, be sure to take into account the child’s age. Not all products that are suitable for teenagers are suitable for children of preschool and primary school age.

For babies aged 1-2 years

Include only neutral products in the menu, without allergenic properties. Do not overload the table with an abundance of salads or appetizers. For kids of this age they are completely useless. Make little chicken cracker sandwiches for a snack. For main course, you can make baked chicken meatballs with mashed potatoes. For dessert, give preference to creamy jelly or soufflé. You should not choose a cake for children of this age. It is better to give preference to a light and healthy dessert that will not cause digestion discomfort for your baby.

For kids aged 3-4 years

At this age, kids turn into real “unwilling” people. It becomes extremely difficult to feed the baby. What can we say about the holiday menu when you want to please your beloved little one! To make sure your baby enjoys the table, prepare several snacks at once from basic foods that your baby loves.

A variety of canapes made from fruit, cheese and lean meat are perfect. All kids will appreciate a variety of small sandwiches with vegetables and chicken. You can decorate everything with boiled eggs, make a sail or a boat. Cherry tomatoes will help you turn a banal sandwich with liver pate into a ladybug or a flower. Kids will certainly appreciate the variety of snacks.

For hot dishes, it is better to choose chicken or turkey. Pay attention to the presentation of food. Turkey skewers with pieces of pineapple or apple look very original. Prepare sour cream sauce. This will be a great dish that kids will love.

A theme with your favorite characters from cartoons or fairy tales is perfect for decorating a cake. If you order a mastic cake from a pastry shop, the craftsmen will be able to make any figures on the cake or decorate it as you wish. Choose low-fat cakes with light cream. It is better to choose yogurt or sour cream. Berries or bananas are perfect for decoration.

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For kids 5-7 years old

Kids of this age can already significantly expand the number of dishes and ingredients. For the holiday table, you can prepare several vegetable salads with the addition of chicken or turkey. For appetizers, canapés with vegetables, fruits, low-fat cheese and lightly salted red fish are perfect.

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For main course, you can prepare baked beef rolls (filled with prunes). As a side dish for the rolls, multi-colored mashed potatoes are suitable. To do this, prepare it in the usual way. Divide into 3 equal parts. Add a little juice from squeezed boiled beets to one part. You can add squeezed juice from spinach or parsley to the second. Leave the remaining third as is. Serve the rolls with multi-colored puree, garnish with herbs and chopped cherry tomato halves. Kids of this age will definitely love this interesting version of hot food.

For dessert, you can choose a cake with any decorative elements. If you want to prepare something more dietary, so as not to overload your child’s stomach with heavy food, give preference to multi-colored jelly or puddings. You can prepare them at home using gelatin, or order them from a pastry shop.

For children 8-10 years old

At this age, the holiday itself will be interesting for the baby. Consult with your child which theme for the event he prefers. Perhaps the boys will choose a pirate theme or an intergalactic adventure. Girls will love magical castles or doll themes.

A variety of vegetable salads and snacks are perfect for the holiday menu. As a main course, you can serve baked veal medallions with a side dish of vegetables. Separately, boil fluffy rice or multi-colored pasta. In addition, make homemade tomato sauce.

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Children of this age really love pizza or a variety of nuggets. You can easily prepare these dishes at home. Pizza can be made with different toppings. It cooks quickly and is sure to please the kids. If you want to surprise and delight the kids even more, prepare small mini-pizzas with different toppings. Garnish the pizza with original slices of olives and cherry tomatoes. Kids will definitely like this dish.

We take into account the budget

When compiling a menu for a children's party, any mother is faced with the question of how expensive it will be for the family budget. Costs may vary. You can save money by celebrating at home. To do this, include more salads on the menu from simple and affordable products, without delicacies and expensive ingredients.

Kids need a holiday atmosphere more than a salad on their plate. They will remember how the evening was organized, how the room was decorated, what games they played. Very often, kids remember a cake or dessert. Try to pay more attention to this.

The organization of the holiday can be different and depends on the thickness of the wallet. For children under 3 years old, organizing a holiday should include more decorative elements rather than accents on dishes. Even a simple dish, brightly and beautifully decorated, will cause genuine delight in the baby and will be very appetizing for him.

If you don’t want to cook at home and spend time decorating your apartment for a children’s party, you can order a festive table in a cafe or restaurant. The cost in such cases varies greatly. Usually, without paying for animator services, it costs about 2,000 rubles per guest. You can also discuss all the details and discuss the holiday menu with the cafe manager. In almost all children's cafes you can bring your own cake. This is very convenient if you trust a specific confectionery shop or master.

Dishes decoration

Interesting decoration of dishes for a children's holiday table is extremely important. If your baby is fascinated by some cartoon or movie character, you can choose a themed design for the dishes.. If your child likes Spider-Man, you can decorate appetizers or salads with long thin strips of cheese that imitate a spider's web. Sandwiches will look good with olives, symbolizing spiders.

Various animal decorations for dishes are perfect for girls. You can prepare a salad in the shape of a tiger or lion's face. An excellent option would be the Turtle salad. It looks delicious on the table, delighting the kids.

All kinds of canapés made from various fruits and vegetables are perfect for any children's table. To decorate, take skewers of different colors and place the canapés on a colorful plate. The more colors you combine when decorating a children's holiday table, the more appetizing all the dishes will look.

You can decorate the hot dish with different figures cut out from vegetables. These can be figures of hares, kittens or dogs, carved from cucumbers or boiled carrots. Choose denser vegetables for making figurines, so you can achieve a clear shape.

You can decorate sweet dishes with fruits and berries, whipped cream, jam or even simple sour cream. You can use chocolate or caramel syrup. The simplest (but no less effective) decoration for sweet dishes will be powdered sugar along the edge of the plate. Moisten the edge of the dish with water and sprinkle with powdered sugar; excess can be easily blown off. Place a piece of cake or dessert in the center of the plate.

When creating a menu for a children's party, you should use several tips:

  • Plan your menu carefully in advance. It is better to start preparing for the holiday a month before the event. This way you will have time to create a good menu, choose and buy all the necessary products for the festive table. During this time, you can without haste decide where you will order your birthday cake.
  • Include dishes on the menu that do not contain many ingredients, choose not very complex combinations of products. The basic basis of the dishes should be everyday products, but with a different method of preparation. These are, for example, chicken rolls with vegetable or rice filling for main course.
  • Be sure to pay special attention to the presentation of your dishes. Decorate them based on the theme chosen for the holiday. Choose vegetables and fruits of different colors for decoration. This will make the table more colorful and bright for children.

A child's birthday, like any other holiday for children, cannot do without delicious drinks, but not many parents also think about their benefits. Various types of soda are not the most successful drink for a holiday; it is better to try making homemade cocktails, fruit drinks and lemonades that will definitely please both the birthday boy and his guests.

Such drinks are prepared from fresh berries and fruits using filtered water or milk and a small amount of sugar. Therefore, they are not only tasty, but also healthy, quench thirst well, replenish children’s energy, and nourish their body with vitamins and minerals.

By the way, children can congratulate each other on social networks, and they will help to do this beautifully flickering, which can be downloaded for free on our website.

Cocktails for children's parties

Birthday cocktails should be sweet, bright and creatively decorated. Cocktails are prepared mainly from milk or yogurt with the addition of various fruits and berries.

  1. Orange milkshake: to prepare one serving, beat 100 ml orange juice, 50 ml milk and 50 ml ice cream in a blender. Serve the finished drink in a glass garnished with an orange slice.
  2. Strawberry yogurt smoothie: mix 100 g of strawberries (fresh or frozen), 150 ml of plain yogurt, 1 tbsp in a blender. a spoonful of honey (brown sugar). Serve in a tall glass, garnished with strawberries.
  3. Banana cocktail: for four servings, in a blender you need to beat 2 ripe bananas, 600 ml of milk, 60 ml of medium-fat cream, half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, a little crushed ice. You can use a mint sprig as a garnish for the drink.

Homemade lemonades and fruit drinks

Not all children like to drink milkshakes, so you can make homemade lemonades or fruit drinks that little gourmets will definitely enjoy:

  1. Raspberry-cherry juice: to prepare it, take 1.5 cups of pitted cherries and 2 cups of raspberries, add 1 cup of sugar to the berries and leave for several hours. Then you need to pour the berries into a sieve with gauze and squeeze out the juice. Pour the squeezed berries into 1 liter of filtered water, add the zest of 1 lemon and one star anise, bring the resulting compote to a boil and leave to brew under the lid for 20 minutes. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemon and mix it with berry juice, add the resulting mixture to the cooled broth.
  2. Watermelon mojito: in a blender, mix 700 g of watermelon, pitted and peeled, 1 glass of apple juice (preferably clarified), juice from one lime and a little chopped mint. When serving, the glasses can be decorated with sugar; to do this, moisten the neck of the glasses with water and dip them into a saucer with sugar, then carefully pour the mojito and garnish everything with a sprig of mint.
  3. Natural lemonade: for preparation you will need 6 large lemons, 1 glass of sugar and 1.5 liters of filtered water. Lemons are peeled, juice is squeezed out, water is brought to a boil, mixed with zest, juice and sugar. The resulting broth is cooled, filtered and served, garnished with lemon slices and mint.
  4. Children's mojito: based on natural lemonade, you can prepare a mojito by adding a small lime, previously crushed with sugar and mint, to the lemonade.

Thus, preparing a tasty and healthy drink for a children's party is not at all difficult, and the joy from such goodies will be much greater than from ordinary soda. Don't forget about the general

Good day everyone! We all love to celebrate holidays. But you always want to make a holiday for a child something special, especially when it comes to the birthday of your unique and adored children.

After all, a child’s birthday is the most important day in every family. Little guests always bring fun, laughter, joyful smiles, funny photos, chores into the house and create such an attractive atmosphere throughout the day.

And therefore, no one will argue with the fact that for all this you will need a children's festive delicious table. On which there will definitely be a big beautiful cake, and definitely something creative from different products. And of course, everyone wants to decorate the table with various decorative items in a special way, with a creative approach.

In this article I will share ideas for children's dishes. A child's birthday is first and foremost a holiday for our bellies. 🙂 therefore, the menu needs to be simple, but at the same time tasty and healthy.

I would like to note that the menu for a child’s birthday has its own characteristics, primarily age-related. The menu for a 1-year-old and the menu for a child aged 3 or 7 years will, of course, be fundamentally different from each other.

1. Under no circumstances should smoked, too fatty, or salty dishes be present on the children's table. Try to exclude fried foods and try to use mayonnaise, pepper and garlic to a minimum.

2. Don't get carried away with experiments. Remember that children love most those dishes that they know and those that taste familiar to them.

3. If the children are still very small, then remove fruits and vegetables that can cause allergies and those that can leave strong stains on clothes.

4. If you are preparing fish dishes for the children's table, carefully remove all the bones.

5. Eliminate soda. Carbonated water is an enemy for a child's body. It is better to prepare berry fruit drinks, compotes, natural juices, and tea.

Features of creating a menu for the birthday of a child 1 year old, 2-3 years old, 5-6 years old

Menu for a 1 year old child

Often, many parents do not know what menu to create for a birthday when the child turns 1 year old. Due to the fact that the child is still very small. There is no need to invent something, it’s better to give the child what is useful and what he loves. For example, this could be his favorite cottage cheese and fruit juice with children's cookies. And also make assorted fruits from purees. Well, for dessert you can bake a light sponge cake coated with baby cottage cheese.

Menu for a 2-3 year old child

This menu should also be simple. After all, a child of 2-3 years is still too small to eat any delicacies. Exclude from the menu all kinds of smoked meats, fish, overly fatty and salty dishes, and of course recipes with mayonnaise. You can prepare some kind of vegetable salad, mashed potatoes and meatballs, snacks with cottage cheese and raisins, uzvars or jelly. You can offer your little guests natural juice from fruits or berries.

Menu for a 5-6 year old child

For this age, it is much easier to create a menu, because children of this age are allowed to eat almost all ingredients. But still, it is better to serve chicken or lean beef as a starter. You can use pasta or mashed potatoes as a side dish. A salad would preferably be made from vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers. Drinks can be used in various types of fruit drinks and juices. Well, for dessert there is a sponge cake soaked in cottage cheese and berries.

The best and most delicious recipes for children's birthdays

How can you make sure that all the children are happy and well-fed? The answer is simple, use your ingenuity and imagination and beautifully decorate your holiday dishes. Even the simplest ones, such as mashed potatoes with sausages, simple buckwheat porridge or pasta, can be decorated in an original and fabulous way, here are the options I have selected:

In order to make your birthday bright and unforgettable, I offer this menu for a child's birthday:

Salads for children, recipes with photos, simple and tasty for birthdays

Parents are always ready to feed their children not only tasty food for the holiday, but also to make the dish very bright and original.

I bring to your attention 2 options for children's salads.

Option No. 1 Simple and tasty salad for a child’s birthday

We will need:

  • Boiled chicken - 150 g (fillet or breast)
  • Boiled potatoes - 200 g.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 1 pc.
  • Natural yogurt or sour cream - 2 tbsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Greens - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes in their skins. Peel it and cut it into cubes.

2. Chicken meat should be boiled and cut into cubes.

3. Cut the kiwi into small pieces.

4. Now all that remains is to cut the tomatoes, chop them into cubes too.

5. Add salt, add natural yogurt and mix well.

6. Well, now you need to decorate the salad in a unique way. Like I did, for example. Quite simple and beautiful at the same time! Grate the carrots and place them over the entire surface of the salad. Make funny bunny parts out of eggs. Well, make some grass from the greens. Bon appetit!

Option No. 2 Simple children's salad for a child's birthday

We will need:

  • green apple - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • corn - half a can
  • sour cream for dressing - 2-3 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Grate carrots and eggs.

2. Apples need to be cut into small cubes.

3. Mix all products together. Or you can put this beauty on the table unmixed. And when there is a dinner party, mix everything well and add sour cream.

And now, I suggest watching this video “Salads for a children's party. Top 5 recipes for children's salads"

Sandwiches for the holiday table, simple options for children

You can come up with many options for decorating children's sandwiches, just take the usual ingredients and invent some cartoon character or animal using cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cottage cheese, radishes, bread and any other products, for example like this:

Option No. 1 Sandwiches for children “Ladybug”

To keep your little guests happy, please them with cool sandwiches in the shape of ladybugs.

We will need:

  • toaster bread - 10 pieces
  • cheese - 200 g.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • olives - 6 pcs.
  • sour cream - 4-5 tsp
  • greens for decoration

Cooking method:

1. Take the cheese and grate it on a fine grater. Add just a little garlic to it. Pass the garlic through a press. Mix the cheese and garlic together, adding sour cream.

2. Coat pieces of bread with this mixture.

3. Cut cherry tomatoes and olives into halves. Cut off a little from the stem. You will need to put half of the olives in this place.

4. In order to create wings, make small cuts in the tomatoes.

5. Now place the tomatoes and olives on the spread bread. Make black dots by chopping the olives into very small pieces. The eyes can be made in the form of dots using sour cream. Use greens instead of grass. And this is what should happen. Beauty! And delicious!

Option No. 2 Sweet quick children's sandwich “Rozhitsa”, step-by-step recipe with photos

This type of sandwich is quite quick and easy to assemble)))

We will need:

  • white bread
  • orange
  • prunes
  • butter

Cooking method:

1. Dry the bread. This can be done in a toaster or oven.

2. Take butter and spread it on the bread pieces.

3. Peel the orange and cut it into circles. Place the circle on the butter.

4. Cut out the eyes and mouth from the prunes.

Important! Don't forget to rinse the prunes well!

5. Now decorate our funny sandwich! The sweet and tasty sandwich is ready! Treat your kids to health!

You can offer many options for decorating children's sandwiches, the main thing is to think of who or what you want to decorate the dish as. Here's another sandwich decorating video.

Children's sandwiches "Lion and Bunny"

Chicken kebab in the oven on skewers

Another option is to prepare chicken shish kebab and colored potato balls. If you are celebrating a children's party outdoors, then you can easily prepare pork kebab for older children.

We will need:

  • poultry meat - 700 g
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp
  • lemon juice
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • pepper and salt

Cooking method:

1. Cut boneless chicken pieces into pieces.

2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix sour cream, lemon juice, pepper and salt.

3. Pour marinade over chicken pieces. Add onion cut into half rings to the ingredients. Stir. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

4. After the meat has been marinated, place the pieces on skewers. No need to wear a bow! Wrap each skewer in foil. Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. The kebab is ready, remove the foil.

Potato colored balls “Traffic light”

This first hot dish will be completely natural, both girls and boys love it, it can be consumed either at home or in the playroom! You can prepare it in winter and summer.

We will need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • butter – 50 g;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • carrot juice – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • beetroot – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • spinach juice – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Make mashed potatoes from potatoes. Add cream to the puree.

2. The potato mass should be homogeneous and airy.

3. Now divide the puree into 3 parts. Add carrot juice to the first, beet juice to the second, and spinach juice to the third.

4. Form each type of puree into balls. Place the balls on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. These colorful balls will be a very beautiful addition to the holiday table.

You can make puree in the form of flowers. Looks great and simple!

Sweet table for birthday, menu

Fruits, cookies and, of course, cake are suitable for a sweet table for children.

Fruits can be arranged in an original way and with a twist, for example like this:

Tartlets for children's birthday with filling

I suggest making children's sweet tartlets.

We will need:

  • shortcrust pastry baskets - 15 pcs.
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • cream - 1 tbsp.
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp
  • nuts, kiwi, chocolate for decoration

Cooking method:

1. Following the instructions, soak the gelatin in water.

3. Fill tartlets with the resulting mixture.

4. Then put the tartlets in the refrigerator so that the cream hardens.

5. Decorate with fruit and chocolate. Crush small nuts on top. It turned out superbly delicious! Cook with joy!

Children's birthday drinks at home

Among the drinks, you can offer natural compotes brewed at home, juices, uzvars and fruit drinks.

Or you can make milk jelly. This is a very tasty and healthy drink, especially for children. There are children who do not like to drink milk, but milk jelly will be a salvation for most, because it can be cooked not only for a birthday, but for example for an afternoon snack.

We will need:

  • fresh cow's milk – 600 ml
  • sugar – 60 g
  • potato starch – 40 g
  • cold water – 120 ml

Cooking method:

1. Pour milk and place it in a saucepan for cooking. Put it on the stove to cook.

2. While the milk is boiling, make the starch. Pour water into the starch and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

3. As soon as the milk has boiled, add granulated sugar. Mix well until it dissolves and there are no sugar grains.

4. Now carefully, very slowly pour the starch into the milk in a thin stream.

Important! When you pour in starch, you must always stir the milk so that clots do not form.

5. Cook the jelly for about 1-2 minutes after the milk boils again. And then be sure to remove from the stove. Cool. Give it to your child. You can pour it into a sconce and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Or you can decorate with slices of tangerines, which will evoke strong emotions and a desire to quickly eat this delicious dish.

This is the kind of interesting holiday menu you can get for a child. The main thing is to want to please him! and decorate everything beautifully.

Make your child's birthday unforgettable! Give him your love, care and attention and then you will see that the child will reciprocate your feelings! What dishes do you usually prepare in your family, and how do you decorate them?

Treat your guests to delicious dishes and, as they say, bon appetit, friends!!!

R.S I think that when a child has such a significant day in his life, and even if he is a preschooler, then you will definitely take the treats to kindergarten. I have an interesting idea on how to beautifully pack treats for kindergarten. This can be made in the form of a cake. More details on how to make one like this may be covered in a separate article on this blog.


History of creation

Refreshments are the backbone of any event. A variety of delicious shakes and mixes will surprise your children.

On our website you will learn how to prepare such drinks and please the children.

The wide flavor palette of drinks gives everyone the opportunity to find their favorite mix and get a portion of vitamins.

But a special case is children's cocktails at home.

Making them is especially exciting and enjoyable.

Shake recipes

Cocktails prepared at home for children can be very diverse.

The only limitation is the child’s taste preferences and his age.

Because at different ages children need different portions of vitamins, and at very young ages the consumption of certain foods is also limited.

Cocktails at home for children are much healthier than store-bought mixes from packages or ordered in cafes.

Because you are definitely sure of the composition.

If you want to pamper your child, children's cocktail recipes at home are especially for you.

Curd shake


  • fermented milk cheese - 250 grams;
  • kefir or fermented baked milk – 150 grams;
  • milk - 50 grams;
  • any syrup or jam – 50 grams.


  • put cottage cheese, kefir in a blender and beat;
  • then add jam, milk and beat again.

Serve in a transparent glass with a straw. The shake with cottage cheese turns out to be moderately sweet, and the kefir content makes it simply an indispensable mix for a child’s daily diet.

Children's cocktails at home cannot compare in taste to store-bought offerings. The main thing is to choose quality ingredients.

To make good cocktails for children, recipes do not have to be reproduced with high accuracy; the field for creativity is limitless.

By adding various berries, fruits and vegetables, you can get something new and unexpected.

If you don’t have time for experiments, but want to make children’s cocktails, the recipes will help you.

Watermelon-strawberry shake


  • watermelon (cut) – 2 tbsp.;
  • strawberries (chopped) – ¼ tbsp.;
  • soda – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • fresh lemon juice - to taste;
  • sugar - to taste.

Preparation: Place all prepared ingredients in a blender and blend.

Childhood holiday

Cocktails for children’s birthdays need to be given a special place. You need to be creative when decorating such mixes.

It is very important to beautifully decorate the edges of the glasses with sugar, coconut shavings, and nut crumbs.

A children's birthday cocktail simply must be bright to spark the celebration. Layered mixes will look especially beautiful.

Cocktails for children, birthday recipes

Peggy Club


  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • orange – 0.5 pcs.;
  • fresh pineapple – 2 slices;
  • lemon – 1 slice;
  • Tarragon syrup - 30 ml;
  • sparkling water – 100 ml.


  • bake banana, pineapple and cool;
  • put in a blender, add orange and crushed ice, beat everything;
  • Place the mixture in a glass and carefully pour soda and syrup onto it.

Now you know exactly how to make a cocktail for children tasty and attractive in appearance.

Video recipe