The ninth house of the horoscope (natal chart). Houses in astrology: what are they responsible for? Vedic astrology 9th house

Many in astrology have heard about such a concept as houses in which planets are located at the time of a person’s birth, and: what “houses” in astrology are responsible for. In fact, they show the coordinates in which the Earth was at the time of the birth of a person and how the planets are located there. These parts are unequal and do not always correspond to the signs of the Zodiac. You can accurately determine their position if you know the hour and place of birth of a person. And calculations of houses can be made according to Placidus tables or special computer programs. This is what houses mean in modern astrology.

What is each home responsible for?

Planets in the signs of the Zodiac have a strong or weakened influence. And the houses in which they arrive at the time of birth may indicate the following aspects of life.

  • 1st house is responsible for the appearance of a person, character traits, shows the manner of behavior, ways of self-affirmation and corresponds to the sign Aries. The planets that are in this house show in what ways a person begins to conquer this world.
  • The 2nd house is filled with the energy of Taurus. He is responsible for the values ​​of a person, both moral and material, financial resources, savings, abilities, experience, skills and talents, and sometimes mastery.
  • The 3rd house is associated with communication. It corresponds to Gemini. Responsible for external contacts of a person, brothers and sisters, acquaintances and external relations, as well as communication skills of a person.
  • 4th house is responsible for the family, family values. It is associated with the sign of Cancer. Indicates constancy in a person's life, the desire for stability, prosperity, family values, relationships with parents, heredity and the end of life (wealth or poverty, oblivion or reverence).
  • 5th house is associated with Leo. He is responsible for artistic aspirations and abilities, desires to be in public, the presence of lovers, self-sufficiency, vanity, how much a person will strive in his life for luxury, a bright and beautiful life.
  • The 6th house is indirectly related to the Virgo sign. It corresponds to work outside of one's calling, medicine, health, subjugation, dependence, caring for animals and their presence in a person's life, diseases, everything related to cosmetology and medicine.
  • The 7th house corresponds to Libra and is related to communication with a partner, psychology, marriage, long-term relationships, various contracts, legal science, courts.
  • The 8th house is associated with Scorpio. He is responsible for the risk and extreme in a person's life, danger, big and other people's money, inheritance, crime, fatal diseases, injuries, danger, magic, sex.
  • 9th house - the house of Sagittarius - is responsible for philosophy, religion, various long journeys, travel, higher education, teaching, divine law.
  • The 10th house, corresponding to Capricorn, is responsible for careers, positions, politics, fame, long-term savings.
  • The 11th house, which is related to Aquarius, is associated with the future, scientific discoveries, occult sciences, friends, non-standard behavior, friendship, selflessness and character traits inherent in Aquarius. May be responsible for oddities, non-standard behavior and actions.
  • 12th house - the house of Pisces - shows deep spirituality, solitude, various secrets, secret knowledge, occultism, monasticism, rejection by the world and creativity in solitude. Also means spirituality, special knowledge and revelation.

planets and houses

Planets in them can show what will be essential in your life. For example, the sun in the 11th house shows sociability, kindness, selflessness and the desire for love, openness and good character, and the sign of the Zodiac in which it is located shows the form of expression of this. And what they are responsible for at home in astrology is for events that will be important in a person’s life. Their coding requires special decoding and a good astrologer.

So, now it is clear why houses are needed in astrology, what they are responsible for and how they affect the horoscope. In a personal horoscope, houses are more important than the signs of the Zodiac. However, a professional astrologer will help to understand all the intricacies.

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The ninth house is the house of dharma (dharma-bhava), characterizing our core values, principles and ideals. This is the father's house, reflecting his fate and character. In addition, he points to authority figures who guide and inspire us.

The ninth house is the house of religion, philosophy and law. It denotes our spiritual and moral inclinations. By his condition, one can judge our potential in the field of spiritual work and yogic practices. The ninth house is associated with the deep layers of the mind, with philosophical reflection and the ability to think abstractly. It also points to higher education. Revealing our values ​​in life, it helps us make the right choice of profession, especially if we are predisposed to the role of a teacher or a religious leader - occupations directly related to the ninth house.

The ninth house is the main indicator of virtues, happiness with good luck, as well as sudden and unexpected acquisitions. A favorable ninth house is not uncommon in the horoscopes of people who often win the lottery or the races. Good planets in it very effectively resist all sorts of negative factors of the chart.

The ninth house bestows honors and prestige, as well as power - usually merciful and philanthropic. It helps to quickly achieve recognition and approval. It allows our Principles to express themselves in the outside world and control the course of events.

The material of the book Astrology of the seers. David Frawley

NINTH HOUSE: Bhagya bhava - the house of good luck

The 9th house corresponds to the sign of fire and is therefore called the house of dharma (duty or life purpose). Luck, father, religion, philosophy, faith, wisdom, worship, Guru, grandchildren, long journeys, trips, law, higher knowledge, knees are all indicators of the 9th house.

The 9th house, being a trikona (house of the triad), is beneficent and brings benefits to all its associations. Paired with the 1st house, it is the most important factor in the horoscope, as it indicates good luck in a person's life. If the horoscope reveals strong luck, then there will be a favorable resolution of almost all problems. Therefore, the 9th house should be considered very carefully. Bhagya bhava also governs religion and philosophy, but here it is necessary to take into account the position of the 8th and 12th houses, as well as Jupiter and Saturn. If only the 9th house is taken into account, then almost all eminent or famous people can be considered religious, although, in fact, a strong 9th house could simply help them achieve their high status. Ignoring the house of luck leads to the fact that many conclusions become incorrect.

Also the 9th house in Indian astrology rules the father, while in the western system the father is ruled by the 10th house of the horoscope.

The karakas or indicators of the 9th house are Jupiter and the Sun.

The ruler of the 9th house is

In the 1st house. One of the best positions in the horoscope. Man is "born in a shirt". Religious nature, with a pronounced sense of dignity, her faith is deep. This position is commonly known as the position that creates spiritual ascetics and religious leaders. The owner of the house of dharma in another house of dharma indicates a significant life goal. Health, respect or fame, beauty, royalty, self-achievement, happy childhood, good start in life, happy and close relationship with father, doing good deeds, innate wisdom. A person can lead a religious organization.

In the 2nd house. Wealth, good speech, excellent imagination, oratory, happy family life, learning, deep knowledge, popularity, receiving wealth from the father.

In the 3rd house. Happiness from brothers and sisters; passion and talent for music, dance or drama; literary talent. Efforts easily reach the goal, fulfillment of desires, a sense of fullness of life, exciting adventures, courage, brothers and sisters will be close to the father or inherit father's wealth, religious relatives.

Many short or long trips, as the 3rd and 9th houses are the houses of travel. The 9th house indicators flourish as the 9th lord aspects his own house. Good fortune, luck, religiosity and spirituality. The father is rich, strong and will live long.

In the 4th house. Happiness and income from the mother, the mother is religious or of good character, hereditary property, much comfort, fine real estate, own lands and houses, cars or yachts, good education, high academic degree, visits to holy places, religion and father can be dear to the heart. This is a very good position as the 9th lord, being in the 4th, aspects the 10th house bringing career success and high status.

In the 5th house. Perhaps this is one of the best positions: the master of a dharma house in another dharma house and the master of a trikona house in another trikona house. Good fortune, fortune, wealth, divine blessing, knowledge of scriptures and mantras, wisdom, doing good deeds, high spirituality or religiosity, love of philosophy, great investment returns, good Guru, success in acquiring knowledge. Wealth, power and long life. Strong intellect, happiness from children, rich and successful children, religious or spiritual children, strong dharma or life purpose. This position creates famous spiritual ascetics and religious leaders. A person can become a spiritual teacher or lead a religious organization.

In the 6th house. Trouble with father, sickly father, sinful deeds, lack of faith or disrespect for religion, little luck, father may be involved in medicine or healing practices, good workers and employees, getting a good job, strong enemies, little travel, benefits from maternal uncle .

In the 7th house. A person will receive a rich, handsome or devoted spouse. The spouse will be religious or spiritual, benefits from the spouse's family, successful business partnership, significant father, happiness from the father. Since the lord of the 9th house in the 7th aspects the ascendant, the person will be healthy, handsome, fortunate and respected.

In the 8th house. This is a very bad position, as the person's luck is spoiled. For hard and persevering work, a person can receive a meager reward; there is no happiness from the father, the life of the father is difficult, or he will die early; no respect for religion or philosophy, no faith, long life, gaining wealth from a marriage partner; if a divorce occurs, alimony will be large; income from wills and inheritances, strong intuition, knowledge of occult subjects.

In the 9th house. Planet in svakshetra (one's own house). The father is rich, strong and will live long. Happiness and benefits from father, religiosity or love of philosophy, luck, many long trips, wisdom, idealism, doing good deeds, happiness from grandchildren, strong dharma, deep faith.

In the 10th house. Prominent career, success, respect, fame, strong dharma, great fortune in career, happiness from mother, abundance of comforts and real estate, good education, doing good houses are prospered by the lord of the house of fortune aspecting the 4th house.

In the 11th house. Great wealth, ambitions and desires fulfilled, happiness from friends, strong and influential friends, religious or spiritual friends, abundance of favorable opportunities, rich father. Since the 9th lord aspects the 5th, there will be good intellect, wonderful children, successful investments, etc.

In the 12th house. Luck is spoiled; there is no happiness from the father, the life of the father is difficult, or he will die early; no respect for religion or philosophy, no help from Guru, no faith, good sex life, travel to "unknown places" (remote lands like Tibet or India), good afterlife (i.e. reaching heaven). Although this position is bad for religion, it is excellent for moksha.

The 9th house is the house of dharma and corresponds to the purpose of life.

Father, religion, philosophy, faith, worship of God, human spiritual master (Guru), spiritual guides, elders, travel, long trips, wisdom, law, law, higher knowledge of all kinds, higher education, good deeds, charity, chastity, destiny , luck, favorable resolution of problems.

Book material Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Bracha


9th lord in 1st house

This person has a religious, generous nature, he is well known for his good qualities. He may be devoted to his teacher. His father's life may be long. These people will get a chance to travel and have good offspring.

9th lord in 2nd house

One can expect wealth inherited from the father, knowledge of religious philosophy, possession of jewelry and a happy family life. Such people can earn money in distant lands, in the transport business, or through energetic speech.

9th lord in 3rd house

This is a friendly person, with the ability to earn money, gaining good luck through his brother or other relatives. These people may have the ability to write. Their parents' means are moderate.

9th lord in 4th house

This person is expected to manage property, make friends with good people, and be successful in enterprises related to education. such people are kind-hearted, have good mothers and are a good example for others.

9th lord in 5th house

This man's father is wealthy; this person's child may be lucky. Such people are sparkling in prayer, intelligent, making good investments; they can be talented teachers; they can give good advice.

The owner of the 9th house in the bth house

This person may work hard in anticipation of success, but luck does not come easily to him. He serves religious people. Such people can serve the state, have disagreements with their father, be separated from their children.

9th lord in 7th house

This position speaks of a spiritual inclination; about success in commercial activities; fortune accompanies them in dealings with foreigners; such a person receives a righteous marriage partner and many of his desires are fulfilled. He is born into a good family.

9th lord in 8th house

One can expect an early separation from the father, periods of failure and aversion to the religious field of knowledge. They may engage in illegal activities. Usually in their lives there are periods of loneliness.

9th lord in 9th house

Such a combination is characterized by a great religiosity of character, the ability to lead others, inspire them to act. These people can set themselves political goals, enjoy frequent travel, they are rich, have a good relationship with their father.

9th lord in 10th house

You can expect success in the professional field, wide popularity. You can also note the friendship with influential people, participation in humanitarian activities, the presence of significant wealth and courage.

9th lord in 11th house

It can be quite rich people who have influence in higher spheres. They try to live a righteous life and are able to bring joy to many people.

9th lord in 12th house

This person seeks to achieve spiritual liberation; he believes in the future. Such people are generous, spend money for the benefit of others. They suffer from a lack of parental guidance; luck does not come easily to them. They must work hard to achieve it. They argue with the authorities or are often subject to reprimands or fines.

The material of the book is Vedic astrology. Tom Hopke

Ninth house in Vedic astrology

Symbolizes the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius, the natural ruler - Jupiter

The meaning of the ninth house of the natal chart: connection with the divine and the search for the meaning of life

In astrology, it is believed that the ninth house of the horoscope opens up broader perspectives. In the ninth house, personal experience is combined with the experience of others, as a result of which a person learns more about himself, formulates ideas about the nature of everything that exists. This explains the traditional connection of the ninth house with law, philosophy, religion.

Characteristics of the ninth house

While the third house in astrology is associated with the "concrete mind", the ninth house of the horoscope leads to the area of ​​"abstract mind", which expands knowledge about the universe and our place in it. It is in this house that the desire to know the truth and the basic laws that govern life appears. The search for direction and purpose is the main issue of the ninth house, associated in astrology with Jupiter and Sagittarius. The planets and signs of the Zodiac that fall into this house determine the attitude to religious and philosophical problems - our connection with the divine and the value system that we develop for ourselves.

The ninth house of the horoscope determines the ability to draw conclusions and consider the acquired knowledge in the context of more important issues. The ability to see things in common is inherent in figurative thinking. Also associated with this house in astrology is the ability to synthesize the common from disparate grains of experience. Thus, the ninth house opens up wide prospects for us. In this sense, it is associated with long-distance travel. The journey can be understood literally, or it can be perceived as a journey of the mind and spirit - this expands the horizons and consciousness. Higher education and science in astrology are also associated with this house.

The ninth house of the natal chart has features depending on the planets located in it. For example, Mercury in Aries in the ninth house enthralls a person in everything that deepens the understanding of the world, while Saturn in Aries in the ninth house can manifest itself in a lack of healthy adventurism and fear of leaving one's warm and cozy shelter. A large number of planets in this house indicates a developed intuition and the ability to foresee. The ability to foresee the future, to catch how events will develop - all this is related to the ninth house.

In order to find out the location of the planets in the houses, it is necessary to draw up a natal chart. To compile a natal chart, use the side widget (on mobile devices, the widget is located at the bottom of the page) - enter the date, time and place of birth and click the "Natal horoscope" button. Detailed meanings of planets in houses are described on the pages of this section.

ninth house

Concept structures

organized mental structures in their application to a vast social environment

The concrete thinking of the 3rd house was busy establishing the relationship between the objects of the external world and the person, it tried to assign proper names to the objects of the immediate environment and, thus, organize it. The ninth house establishes the relationship of classes of objects and the collective; he tries to organize the abstract environment in such a way as to increase the susceptibility to the influences of the larger world. It is an exploration of pure ideas about the world—how it works, how it might work, and how it could ideally work if we could better understand the principles behind its existence.

The ninth house is the first truly social house, the house of culture. Here we seek to comprehend those interests that bind people together. This is the intellectual realm where the collective agreement is explored. It includes all abstract systems such as philosophy, ethics, religion, law, etc.

This is the mind as an instrument of consciousness, which is entirely in its natural space, as opposed to the accumulation of information patterns of understanding. This is the attainment of wisdom on a collective level. The ninth house is the laboratory of the mind, where an endless stream of questions is generated that cannot be fully answered.

If houses are compared to the structure of government, then the 11th house is analogous to the legislature, Congress, with its debate over the formalization of a code of social interaction; The 10th house is analogous to the executive branch, the President, responsible for regulating and enforcing laws; and finally, the 9th house is analogous to the judiciary, the Supreme Court, which is given the power to interpret and revise laws by applying generalized principles to them.

The position of the planets in the 9th house reveals the characteristic importance of conceptual thinking for a person, the way it develops, misunderstandings or simplistic interpretations that bring suffering; the state of the house also characterizes the intellectual endowment of a person.

Cultural perspective

awareness of the relativity of our knowledge of culture; traveling long distances (either on the physical plane or mental)

The ninth house indicates the magnitude and nature of the interest that any person has in other people, not as individuals, but as impersonal beings. It is an interest in other cultures, a desire to see what lies beyond that hill in the distance, motivated by the desire to understand the myriad ways in which groups are created and held together. How are groups formed? What are their beliefs, laws, hopes and social ethics? And how will new horizons be reflected in the identity of the group and its environment?

The ninth house is the realm of long-distance travel, both literally and metaphorically, because the individual can explore new cultures either by traveling physically to distant places or by simply immersing himself in a wide variety of information sources. The state of the 9th house indicates the characteristic attitude of a person who is eager to comprehend the world to such mental or physical research.

Higher education

all types of adult learning, including informal types that expand the boundaries of the "I" of a person

The third house emphasized the experience of acquiring primary and secondary education, the basic training necessary for life in the real world. This education was mostly specific and focused on the development of fundamental skills.

Information had to be learned by heart so that we would not have primitive problems in life and interaction with the immediate environment.

The ninth house takes education to the next level, the college level and beyond. However, this education is not limited to formal education, it should not be considered exclusively as a specific education in the system of educational institutions. The ninth house is the position of the individual, his desires and abilities, correlated with conceptual knowledge, which has neither age nor social restrictions.

The ninth house indicates the importance for the individual of what can be called "lifelong learning", as well as the desire to gain a more mature understanding of oneself, society as a whole and the world in which we all live.

Search for truth

search for generalized truths, both in the field of mutual understanding and in the field of communication

Comprehension of any truth, at least with the mind, is a very cunning kind of experience. It is complex and dangerous, like a journey through the jungle, or simple and easy, like looking at your own palm. But no matter how cunning and insidious the path to gaining clarity of thought, to comprehending the truth, it is still much simpler than the process of effectively communicating truths to other people.

The state of the 9th house reveals the attitude of the individual towards the search for truth; the process of comprehending what is true when analyzing a person's life path; and also it points to properties that facilitate or block the transmission of the truth to other seeking minds.

Ideal society

vision of an ideal society, characteristic features of a "perfect" world

Many of us strive to live in an ideal world; in the world that exists in our heads, not in reality. The ideal world of each person is based on a number of "laws", each of which begins with the phrase "people should ...". People should love each other, people should disarm, people should respect each other, people should drive environmentally friendly cars, and so on.

In one Broadway musical, a song called "If I Ruled the World" is performed; this song symbolizes the climax of the 9th house experience, the result of the search for generalized truth. It can appear as an ideal, a kind of poetic vision, or a rigid faith that should be called "enlightened fascism."
The state of the 9th house indicates what kind of ideal or perfect world each of us would like to see, if only we had the power and ability to create it.

Sun in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

If the Sun is in the 9th house, then the essence of your life purpose is to open new spheres, spaces of life before your mind. You came to Earth to expand your mental horizons, to develop, explore and search for a philosophy of life. Whenever you mentally open up, you are connecting to the cosmos. Being at the highest ethical level available to you creates an influx of life energy.

It is not enough that you recognize and accept existing philosophies; you must synthesize everything you know into an original system, a personal philosophy that can become the basis of your life. Traps - soar high in the clouds of abstraction and eventually lose contact with the reality of life on Earth. Understanding the mysteries of the universe means little if you can't remember your zip code. The task is to combine the admiration for abstract thinking with the discipline of the moral life and to convey this wisdom to all whom it can spiritually strengthen.

Cultural perspective.

Reading books about distant lands, thinking about them, traveling to explore these worlds is a natural way of life for you. The sense of the explorer is fundamental; it can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The better you study the life of other cultures, especially directly, the more fully your main life goal is realized. You find yourself when you travel through other worlds. These are not only trips to distant countries, but also a wide variety of “outings” to your backyards. The task is to assimilate the breadth of people's views, to be like a "weaver" of a single world of people.

Higher education.

You are eager to learn. It is not known how you studied in elementary school, but it is safe to say that you will become a “perpetual student” in the best sense of these words. You are especially interested in conceptual knowledge areas. You can study them both independently and in institutes, universities and other formal educational structures, because not only knowledge is important for you, but also diplomas. Learn as much as you can and then pass that knowledge on to others.

The search for truth.

The position of the Sun in the 9th house emphasizes, more than the positions of the other planets in the 9th house, a very slight difference between deep and pragmatic truths. What matters to you is the absence of lies. There are two kinds of lies. The first is an active lie, that is, believing in an objective falsehood or passing it on to others. It is clear that this kind of experience is negative for you. It disconnects you from your divinity. But passive lying is equally harmful, either as a concealment of the truth, or as a substitution of the truth for a lesser one.

This serious trap weakens you. It is extremely important for you to seek the highest truth and communicate it to other people under any circumstances of life. It does not require a perfect expression of the truth, as well as its comprehensive understanding by others. Your task is to fight for honesty, integrity and enlightenment. Truth is life.

Ideal Society.

Your perfect society is like Olympus. People are like Gods of ancient myths, their wisdom and nobility permeate an inexhaustible stream of creativity. Most often, the deepest desire is to be able to reach agreement on any issue, and the people of this society are fluent in this skill. As ruler of the world, you would be powerful but generous; powerful but benevolent; noble and majestic, but always admitting his subjects to him.

Moon in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

The position of the Moon in the 9th house indicates that you are mentally educating yourself. The higher mind calms you emotionally, and you feel the need to step into the space of pure thought every day in order to feel safe. Your interest in thinking is automatic and habitual, which cannot be said about the thoughts themselves. You are also educating others, providing them with similar mental food, offering them the comfort of wisdom. This is one of your strongest character traits, although it can also be a trap. People in trouble are not always able to perceive mental generalizations, regardless of their truth or optimism. The task is to comprehend the essence of the protection created by maternal images, including Mother Earth. Feed yourself with her wisdom.

Cultural perspective.

A sense of security arises when you turn the unknown into the known. You need to travel to drown out the longing, to eliminate the emotional itch. You travel rather through libraries and book pages, and not with your own feet through the Arctic snows. But, nevertheless, inside you continue to have an urge to look literally what is behind the next hill, to protect yourself with a new string of memories. Sentimental memories of your travels give you the greatest pleasure - as if you are creating a living museum. The task is to deliver everything that you have learned and acquired to your home, to make the world familiar, close.

Higher education.

Your desire to learn is determined by the state of your temperament. You alternate between studying and dropping everything, putting your textbooks aside when your emotional life is stable, and starting to “nibble on the granite of science” whenever an emotional crisis arises. Your life is constantly presenting you with new emotional challenges, forcing you to more deeply comprehend the sections of knowledge that you already understand and use, or to invade other areas. Of these two approaches, expanding your knowledge in the area that you know best suits you best, but remember that there are times in life when we must drastically change the way we comprehend reality. Remember, as daunting as it may seem to embark on an unfamiliar path, it is sometimes the most productive decision.

The search for truth.

You are looking for the truth in the world, and the world meets you with questions. Your job is to provide answers. This is not as difficult a task as it seems, for you are not required to give concise answers; nor is it assumed that you know the answer to every question. It is enough if you say that you do not know the answer. However, it is very important that you are willing to let the truth pass through you, even if you are unable to see its source.

Your truth changes from moment to moment, situation to situation, so keep up with the changes in life, be at the center of the flow. Don't try to rationalize the truth - feel it. Avoid the trap of telling others then. what they want to hear. Responding to genuine needs has a more powerful educational impact. The task is to be emotionally integral, both in knowledge and in the transmission of truth. Become more confident through the fusion of objective honesty and emotional sensitivity. Truth is security.

Ideal Society.

You believe that society would be more perfect if all of us could not be afraid to reveal our own emotions, to express our needs more sincerely. In this society there should be no hunger either physical or emotional. Abstract thinking will be relegated to a low profile and will be used only as a tool for a more effective exchange of sensations. A safe society where family values ​​are sacred but not limited to mere biological bonding is your ideal. You want the world to be one big family where the focus is on children, either literally toddlers or the child within each of us. As the ruler of the world, you would be motherly, unwavering in discipline, but retaining the desire to "drive us all back to the pen."

Mercury in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

The position of Mercury in the 9th house indicates that you collect abstract systems in the same way that other people collect stamps, and you construct a network that connects these systems together. Like nothing else, you love a good old house discussion, preferably a debate. As long as the conversation is lively, it doesn't matter what position you're defending. Traps are numerous. Your thinking is extremely fluid, but not always logical, and you often generate very broad conclusions based on little experience. You would like to know everything, but being unable to cover all areas, you again and again "chew" a certain topic. For all occasions, you have an answer. As a master of rationalization, you are able to “give out on the mountain” a convenient and profitable “philosophy” offhand. The task is to become a real librarian of philosophical knowledge.

Cultural perspective.

You cannot help but study too hard, absorb too much into your eyes, travel too far. Everything you touch becomes connected to something else - your mind becomes the central switch. Do you enjoy communication over long distances? Often even a phone will be enough. All means of communication are of interest to you: magazines, travel brochures, foreign films; anything that can feed the curiosity of the mind. Are you interested in the Earth's Brain; you want to make sure that your nervous system is firmly connected to the network of communication that entangles the entire globe. You view outsiders as potential friends, as a new outpost in your network. You strive for expansion in everything at once and in nothing in particular.

Higher education.

You probably do not seek to acquire knowledge only in a certain educational structure; you are not inclined to explore any particular area of ​​expertise. It is much more likely that you are interested in a variety of areas of education, taking a little from one area, a little from another; it is more like an inspection than a deep study.

Such a desire for diverse learning is modified by the position of the Sun in the natal chart. If it is in the 10th house, then a narrower specialization is possible, or at least the subordination of your impulses to study to a single goal, the use of knowledge only in the field of a career. If the Sun is in the 9th house, then your mental interests are more extensive. If it is in the 8th house, both are possible, everything will be determined by other factors. The challenge is to remember that dialogue is more important than pure learning. Learning succeeds best in interaction and two-way communication, in life's exchange of inspiration and motives.

The search for truth.

You are fascinated by the variety of forms of truth. It is natural for you to explore all the branches of the river, realizing that each of them eventually flows into the sea. You grasp information with the mind's eye, looking at it from different angles, squeezing and stretching, examining the changes in its form, cutting it into a thousand pieces, looking for differences, contradictions and paradoxes. You don't reach the end product, the finished truth. You stay in the lab again and again, testing, refining, experimenting. It is more natural for you to talk about the search for truth than to speak it directly. The task is to give us those structures with the help of which we could gain wisdom. Truth is an endless source of curiosity, a continuous exploration.

Ideal Society.

You idealize a society where people learn to express their own thoughts effectively. Depending on the sign Mercury is in and the state of the Sun, you believe in either open access to information or strong control over information; the former is more likely than the latter.

However, in any case, free movement from place to place would always be allowed. A perfect society would be in a state of constant change. As the ruler of the world, you would be the main information hub, connected to everything and everyone, yet mobile, exploring your kingdom.

Venus in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

The position of Venus in the 9th house indicates mental pleasures. You like philosophy and formal concepts. You like to find out what rules and laws exist and look for more aesthetic ways of knowing them. You are attracted to charismatic personalities, great thinkers, but this does not mean at all that your own intellect is powerful. You like to be in the stream of thought, to have this stream wash over you like a cascading waterfall.

Cultural perspective.

The immediate environment is less attractive to you than what is beyond the horizon. Travel is a luxurious, delightful adventure. Being contact oriented, you establish relationships with people of other cultures. Ego can mean that you are literally attracted to foreigners. But it can also mean that you are attracted to people with wide and. perhaps exotic views. The trap is to fall in love with the desire to travel and, as a result, neglect the pleasures of your usual environment. Remember that love, happiness, and pleasure are omnipresent and can be found everywhere, not just over the next hill. The task is to respect and appreciate the world in all its cultural diversity.

Higher education.

Higher education is an inexhaustible source of pleasure. You are very receptive to learning, and few things in the world bring you more pleasure than the flow of knowledge. When Mercury is in this house, learning is carried out through active dialogue. In this case, you feel much more comfortable in the position of the perceiver. You don't so much want to be wise as you just love to surround yourself with ideas. So, you would be quite happy sitting at home and reading a book on art or philosophy; even better for you, if you are present at the lecture, you are next to a living master. However, this is not an innate desire to obey, but simply a love for the elegance of the learning process.

The search for truth.

Truth doesn't have to be ugly. A good-looking lie is much more attractive than a bitter truth. You want to soften, polish to a shine, bring out the beauty of all truth. The task is to reveal the aesthetic virtue of truth, to show ourselves and all of us how to respect truth. The process of transmitting the truth must be appropriate for this task. Pass it on with grace, and then you will have a more harmonious relationship with nature and the universe. Truth is beauty: truth is love.

Ideal Society.

You believe that love should fill the world, that people should be more attentive to each other. In your perfect society, refusing to love would be a major sin. It would be a romantic society, pleasant to look at and painted in pastel colors. You believe in art and high communication style. The world would be filled with beautiful objects and beautiful people; ugliness could not even be imagined. There would be no quarrels, crises, embarrassing social phenomena. Everyone would have graceful manners and behave appropriately. As the ruler of the world, you would be a model of love and beauty, a high priestess of romance, a symbol of happiness, receptivity and fertility.

Mars in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

The position of Mars in the 9th house indicates a passionate interest in mental combat - thinking kindles your ardor. You wish to demonstrate the generosity of your mind. Every time you encounter a new question along the way, you must answer it so that you can move on. At first, your attitude to questions is simple bravado, and as a result, you can be blown away by any tricky question. But as you gain experience, your confidence grows. You master the game of knowledge by learning to overcome stupid questions and confront deeper questions. The trap is to argue for the sake of arguing. The challenge is to think clearly and logically, breaking through the often veiled and tortuous patterns of religion, philosophy, or morality. Simplicity and clarity is your way.

Cultural perspective.

By conquering other territories, you seek to satisfy your wanderlust; you can drop everything and be on your way in the blink of an eye. The longer you are in a foreign environment, the more adrenaline circulates within you. Too much excitement causes paranoia, at times you may feel like Custer (Custer) surrounded by hostile Indians. If you fall into this trap, then look for kindred human contact in an alien environment, for it can calm the wild beast that is inside you. The challenge is to go beyond the boundaries of your culture. Traveling in the literal sense of the word is more important than traveling in thoughts - travel around the world. You prefer the messy Conastoga, cluttered with wagons, than the comfort of a luxurious tourist Winnebago. Live your mind and turn your adventures into legend.

Higher education.

The desire to know more, to see further excites your life. It's as if the lead dog of your team has been "infected" with an incredible urge to chase rabbits through the woods. What you already know loses its appeal very quickly, so study only what can refresh your life. Traditional social institutions are good enough for you, for diplomas are your rewards. If you decide to learn a certain kind of knowledge, don't stop, don't drop out until you have mastered the subject, at least its basics. But at times your aspiration, directness of motivation prevents you from appreciating the subtleties of the conceptual system. This naivety makes you climb higher and higher on the mountain of knowledge.

The search for truth.

Finding the truth is not a problem. If a wall appears on your way, then you break through it. Averse to subtlety and subtlety of behavior, you ignore exceptions, paradoxes, and twists in the path in search of the underlying truth.

Your mind dissects every life situation into simple and understandable components - into true and false. It's great if the situation lends itself to such a division. But people's interactions don't always follow this archetype, and you need to understand that the truth you're looking for can actually co-exist with the truth that other people have. Therefore, before you bring your opponents to the ground, which is a serious trap, be sure to ask yourself if they do not have a deeper truth than you. Look around before jumping and don't use weapons without looking your opponents in the eyes - they may turn out to be friends, not enemies. The real challenge is to eradicate the hidden darkness within you. Fight for the truth, but remember that war is not a philosophy, but only an extreme means of establishing peace. Truth is a sword and a shield.

Ideal Society.

You idealize the clarity and simplicity of archetypal morality, where good and evil are clearly demarcated, where everyone knows their place in the world, and the world is ruled by the strongest. Would you create a world where sexual
impulses would be expressed more openly; a world where desire would be revered as the highest emotion, the purest stimulus. As ruler of the world, you would be like a proud samurai; strong, fierce and valiant.

Jupiter in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

The position of Jupiter in the 9th house indicates that you study and teach with the same enthusiasm, often combining both in a lively dialogue. You view other people's thoughts as deposits to be mined, because you understand that everyone knows something of value. You are progressive, but operating in line with the traditions, and from time to time you are captured by mental clichés. Philosophy, ethics, religion or legislation are synthesized in the process of constant search for the ideal generalization.

You throw new ideas into the pot of mental soup to see how it tastes different. Unfortunately, some people are not able to appreciate your treatment of their knowledge, acquired by sweat and blood, as semi-finished products for your mental kitchen, and as a result, they may take offense at you. You are the chef of the mind, but before you plunge headlong into cooking your own "culinary masterpiece", evaluate the dish that each person offers you. Fight with pomp and avoid the pitfalls of fighting for justice or mental superiority. The task is to modestly admit that the source of wisdom is life, and not the knowledge of everything about everything.

Cultural perspective.

Traveling in any form is a pleasure. You use every opportunity to expand your cultural knowledge. You want to see the development of the world, captured in the history of its regions; you feel very deeply the influence of the group consciousness that is exerted anywhere in the world. Finding a universal trace of culture everywhere that a human foot has set foot, excites you. You feel most at home when you're studying, and you learn best when you're on the road, exploring the world.

Higher education.

You notice the guiding principles in every event, in every kind of life experience. Thus, the whole world is a classroom for you. And as a result, any training is just a stimulator of your fruitful mind. You may be a farmer or a professor, but regardless of your social role, you are an intellectual at heart, a natural philosopher; your learning will take place no matter where you are or what you are doing. Learning is your greatest pleasure, your most natural means of expression, so indulge yourself. Take advantage of every learning opportunity.

The search for truth.

You like to talk about the truth, philosophize, build one hypothesis after another and move from meager information to the most extensive generalizations. In fact, it is these generalizations that you are most fond of. You are majestic when you tell people the truth. But the question arises: do you even understand what you are reporting? Do not be fooled by the trap of glib wisdom. The fact that you are able to convince others does not guarantee your true maturity. Eloquence is not the same as a "golden" mind or heart. You have a gift. Don't abuse it. Don't dwell on mundane things; The task is to become refined and refined. Truth is the end product of evolution.

Ideal Society.

Saturn in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

You need a consistent and understandable philosophical system. However, acquiring such a system is hard work. A subtle preoccupation with your mental faculties can make you work too hard, or make you feel very harsh and rough about life. Such behavior can provoke mental exhaustion, similar to muscle spasm. And in the end, you reject moral constraints. Don't focus on wanting to prove your mind's abilities, let them develop at their own pace. Stand under the protection of a conservative philosophical system, but do not turn into an impregnable fortress of strict convictions. Don't stop learning. Persistently and perseveringly strive for knowledge, and your mind will eventually become your most valuable, most worthy possession.

Cultural perspective.

Your drive to explore the world is tempered by an equal amount of caution. The desire to harmonize the influence of these conflicting features with each other meets a lot of traps along the way, for each imprint of society, formed in childhood, has a huge impact on your personality. If you grew up eating hamburgers, then you assume that hamburgers are exactly what people should eat, and your rejection of exotic cuisine will bring out the severity of your imprints. Should you insult the hostess by rejecting the raw fish dish she has so carefully prepared, or do you just need to endure it? In order to grow above yourself, you need to expand your cultural knowledge, not only with your head, but also with your hands and feet. The task is to concentrate your forces on this; it's worth your effort.

Higher education.

The ambition of the symbolism of Saturn suggests that you are very powerfully attracted to the topic of gaining higher education. It can be a positive indication of readiness and great effort in learning, or a negative one, showing that you do not really want to get an education, but simply want to be seen as an intellectually developed person.

You are pragmatic about higher education; this approach is useful as long as it helps to apply abstract knowledge to real life; however, it is harmful if it leads you to materialistic beliefs. Saturnian susceptibility to the theme of power suggests that you want to establish yourself in society with your own efforts. This desire is beneficial if you are able to use your position in society with full responsibility as a springboard for further research and destructive if you eventually become narrow-minded, rejecting experience that goes beyond the reality you understand.

The search for truth.

You are a graduate of a school of ordeals that teaches the truth. Direct experience is the best teacher; let it confuse you from time to time, but it is still the only reliable source of revelation. At the beginning of your life you have the raw and unpolished truth, and later on you may regret some of your assumptions and notions. However, over the course of your life, your experience of searching for truth grows and deepens, and, ultimately, you prove the right to own an inexhaustible source of wisdom. To proclaim the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you must show all your courage. You want to protect yourself from danger, to evade a direct answer, to attract authoritative people as protection. But be bold, for lying is harmful It is better to say nothing at all than to speculate. Truth is the purified essence of experience.

Ideal Society.

Your ideal society would emphasize responsibility, integrity, and order. Each person would serve as an example for others by not bowing under the weight of the burden taken on, regardless of its size. In your ideal world, the strictest discipline and obedience to accepted law would reign, based not on fear of punishment, but on the sincere belief that this is necessary if we are to preserve civilization. Formal rituals would play a huge role in the process of socialization, for stability is at the very top of your list of ideals. As the ruler of the world, you would be the supreme ruler: responsible, unshakable, but just, never enjoying the benefits that your majestic position creates.

Uranus in the ninth house


Concept structures

The position of Uranus in the 9th house shows that the higher mind is the storehouse of the motives for your behavior. You want to go beyond the acceptable, to see what is in the forbidden realms of thought. At times, you become a philosophical or religious revolutionary, fighting with might and main against established beliefs, stopping at nothing to destroy the status of the Quo. Your statements are often harsh and defiant, so they often excite people, confuse them; you are probably as good at creating opposition for yourself as you are at winning support. Remember that destructive social criticism is no easy task. Strive for something higher, for true reforms. The task is to let your mind travel where it wants to, let it show you previously unknown areas where you can shine with brilliance. Live by your own philosophy, so you will bring about vast changes in the life of the world rather than by storming the traditional fortresses of power.

Cultural perspective.

When you travel away from home, or at least away from your usual surroundings, surprises can and often do happen to you. Travel can be fun, open up new horizons for you, arouse a desire to see the world and society in a different way, or it can unsettle you, chaotic or destroy your life. When you want to cheer up, leave home, something is sure to have a drastic effect on your consciousness. When traveling, you may suddenly find yourself alone, even if you went on the road with friends. And this is natural, since the exploration of the world is the main way to get in touch with your individuality. Use travel and travel to gain a new vision of your own "I".

Higher education.

If Uranus is in the 9th house, you are the least inclined to follow the classical laws of higher education. Yes, you can be found in the classroom studying something, but this is extremely rare. Undoubtedly, the learning process is not sequential. There are periods in your life when you are not interested in education, you are gaining strength, you are “under steam”, you just “go with the flow”. But then something stirs your consciousness and you plunge into intense study. Your mind is being swallowed up by a wave of enlightenment, however, other people do not understand this and consider your behavior completely out of the ordinary. Often you fight with traditional wisdom and thereby make enemies for yourself, despite the fact that your intellectual abilities have not been questioned by anyone. To hell with those torpedoes! Full speed ahead.

The search for truth.

Truth is not the result of long or painstaking research, but a sudden burst of insight. Being practical, you are no doubt interested in the truth that other people hold, but nevertheless you are persistently eager to tell about your own discoveries. You enjoy telling the truth. You like to surprise people, and often your message looks strange. However, remember that the shock effect is not always the best way to convey the truth. Remember to be gentle, and then you will be perceived as a wise genius, and not as a grumpy fool. Truth is the awareness of freedom.

Ideal Society.

In your ideal society, there would be only a few kinds of restrictions on self-expression, or none at all. A structured society is not for you: the less government, the better. All men would be brothers (and all women sisters), and each man would develop his talents as he saw fit. Respect for the freedom of the individual would extend to the peaceful resolution of conflicts, probably through the disengagement of the combatants. Everything that is outdated, outlived its own, would immediately and without regret be thrown out and destroyed and replaced by the newest. As ruler of the world, you would be a benevolent lord. You would eliminate all institutions of power and eventually abdicate, and no one would know if you were serious or joking.

Neptune in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

The position of Neptune in the 9th house indicates your openness to higher intelligence inspirations. You are aware of passing thought patterns, you feel the voice of the universal Mind in subtle feelings and fleeting images. You may be confused, because it is often difficult for you to express your thoughts in words. At times you have a reverently inspired awareness. Despite your desire for understanding, don't try to outline the ideal moral path.

Let everything coexist with everything; remind yourself that different paths eventually lead to the same thing, to the boundless compassion and understanding that transcends all thought forms and systems of knowledge. Remember that your mind is inspired; what you say is not so important compared to the beauty of conveying your ideas.

Cultural perspective.

You want to discover a universal language, to discover what unites cultures and people. As you travel, look for places that resonate with your spiritual foundations. If you find them, relax - you are at home. If you don't find it, also relax - surrender and absorb the newness. Can't win, unite. Travel in this case also includes what is sometimes called astral flight "out of body experience." The trap is to be a stranger in a foreign country. Remember that the ultimate Unity speaks for itself: ultimate, beyond all forms of ordinary life. The task is to demonstrate the universality, the universal unity of human experience, to remind us that we are one, not divided. Do not lose this faith even in dark times.

Higher education.

You do not memorize, but absorb what you are taught. Learning is not controlled by consciousness, and the learning process itself is similar to traveling along the river on a raft. At times the water flows slowly, the river is wide and you enjoy the journey. But at other times, the river narrows and the calm current turns into a turbulent stream, and you rush through the rapids of the mental. steadfastly cling to a priceless life, afraid of drowning. You can also be carried out of the river into the ocean of the vast mind, far from land, where it is almost impossible to control the raft. Once the journey begins, it unfolds according to his inner impulse. As you open to higher knowledge, be gentle with yourself and humble with the universe. Compassion, perception, and wonder are the hallmarks of true learning.

The search for truth.

Truth is intangible, almost mystical. It does not have the reality of a fact; it does not stand out in relief when it confronts the mundane in life. It invisibly permeates everything, is part of the fabric of being, banal and at the same time extraordinary.

Truth flickers before the eye of your mind, dancing on the periphery of the vision. It is easier to contact with feelings than with the mind, because what can be explained can also be justified. Truth must be communicated beautifully and with humor. There is a problem of putting it into words; Feelings are one thing, but talking is another. The best advice is to use as simple words as possible. This reduces the chance of misunderstanding, as the explanation can lead to confusion. Truth is ideal, transcendent and infinite.

Ideal Society.

In your ideal society, faith would rule, every dream would become a reality. We would not need to verbally communicate with each other in this perfect world, because every person would know the thoughts and feelings of every other person. We would be one mind, one heart. Compassion would underlie all human interaction. And miracles would simply not let us pass. As the ruler of the world, you would be the king of kings, the master of hosts, radiantly humble and utterly forgiving. Your decree: universal love for all beings and submission to the Divine mystery of life.

Pluto in the ninth house


Conceptual structures.

Your higher mind undergoes periodic purifications. At certain moments in your life, you discover a new philosophical vision, and it strikes you with its incredible power of persuasiveness. All previous ethical views are swept away, destroyed by a newer, clearer vision. Your holistic attitude to life changes in a day from the moment of deep contact with the new philosophy.

Then comes the steady phase until the next mental clearing. Every stable state of mind carries within it an immense power. It can be a surgeon's scalpel that reveals the essence of life, or a weapon that forces other people into obedience. The challenge is to accept the former and avoid the latter.

Cultural perspective.

When it comes to the expansion of knowledge in the field of culture, then you either completely accept the flow of the new, or sweep it away from the threshold. You can be incredibly arrogant, believing that your personal perception of the world is inherent in everyone. At these moments, you can't see beyond your own nose. So the journey is useless for you, your personality cannot be changed. At other times, your subconscious mind is ready enough to bring its content into the realm of consciousness. In this case, the journey can have a profound effect on you. A torch of curiosity for other ways of arranging life ignites within you, and your desire for change through the study of other cultures turns into a hurricane of insights.

Higher education.

Education is a means of nourishing powerful emotional beliefs. You are looking for principles that could justify your fervor. Whatever you are currently learning, it all becomes the sum of your knowledge, as if none of your previous knowledge is of value to you. It is quite natural that the search for meaning will lead to the need to abandon some of the old ways of thinking. However, pay attention to what you destroy. The challenge is to gain an expanded consciousness, not just trade in an inflexible system of thought for another equally fanatical philosophy.

The search for truth.

Revelation has a very powerful effect on you; you, unlike some people, change your life in such a way as to correspond to the truth as you understand it. But the truth is not so simple; she hides between the lines. Therefore, be careful. Lies often disguise themselves as truth, they are like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Be sincere, but do not cast down, do not put pressure on people with your truth - they can answer you the same.

Let people find their way in life. You need to develop the quality of kinship, the ability to integrate the new truth into your life without completely destroying all that you have uncovered in the past. Remember, all great truths can and do co-exist, and don't use the truth for destructive purposes. Do not forget that you will still meet with the consequences of your deeds. The truth is powerful and dangerous, awe inspiring and final.

Ideal Society.

You want to change society so that over time it becomes stronger and stronger until it has gained the power of a giant volcano. If obsolete structures interfered with you, they would be destroyed. Society would be dominated by emotional force—pure, pulsating, primal energy. For people, such a society would be heaven or hell, Utopia or 1984. As the ruler of the world, you would be an absolute monarch. Your word would be law, but every person would always agree with you, because there would be no reason for disagreement in society.