Diffuse mixed fibroadenomatosis. Symptoms and methods of treating breast fibroadenomatosis. Causes of the disease

The most common are various benign formations. Such deviations in the structure of the breast are combined under the term fibroadenomatosis - dystrophic changes in the mammary gland. Despite the fact that these formations are benign, development in. That is why, if even minor lumps appear in the breast, it is necessary to undergo examination by a mammologist, as well as related studies and treatment.

What it is

Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is called complex processes that are characterized by proliferation. This proliferation of cells forms an incorrect ratio of connective and epithelial tissue. In this case, changes of a fibrous, proliferative, cystic nature are formed.

Types of fibroadenomatosis:

  • fibrous: connective tissue grows into fibrous tissue, the structure of tissue fibers is disrupted;
  • lobular: an increase in the number of lobules in the mammary gland due to the proliferation of connective tissue;
  • proliferative: the epithelium grows in the area of ​​milk ducts and cysts that have managed to form;
  • ductal: expansion and branching of the existing network of ducts;
  • cystic: the appearance of cystic cavities of various sizes in a large number.

ICD-10 code

According to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, fibroadenomatosis is classified as benign neoplasms of the mammary gland D24.


The main cause of fibroadenomatosis is hormonal imbalance. It may occur in the following situations:

  • changes in the condition of the thyroid gland: excess or deficiency of hormones significantly affects the hormonal balance;
  • stressful situations: prolonged and constant stress, psycho-emotional breakdowns affect the functioning of the endocrine glands, which causes hormonal imbalance;
  • problems of a sexual nature: irregular sexual relations, lack of a permanent partner, dissatisfaction with sexual life;
  • gynecological diseases, mainly inflammation of the ovaries: against the background of diseases, there is a change in the production of progesterone and, ovarian dysfunction, menstrual irregularities;
  • late first pregnancy: after 35 years;
  • performing an abortion;
  • refusal: provokes congestion in the mammary gland;
  • liver diseases: untimely or incomplete removal of hormone breakdown products.

Women over 40 years of age are at risk. You should especially monitor your health during menopause or postmenopause. Therefore, upon reaching this age, more frequent visits to the mammologist for preventive examinations are required.


Common signs of fibroadenomatosis include:

  1. Pain in the chest of a stabbing nature: increases before the onset of menstruation.
  2. Feeling of pressure in the chest area.
  3. radiates to the shoulder, under the shoulder blade.
  4. : spontaneous or with pressure.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary region.
  6. Psycho-emotional state disorders: irritability, aggressiveness.
  7. Loss of sleep.

Intensification of symptoms occurs with physical or mental stress. Moreover, each sign can be detected either independently or in combination with others. If you observe at least one of them, you need to consult a mammologist.

Forms of fibroadenomatosis

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands

A form of fibroadenomatosis in which the presence of numerous dense neoplasms is observed. Typically, their character is small and nodular. Distributed throughout the tissue of both mammary glands. Less commonly concentrated in one breast. In some cases, they are localized in the upper-outer quadrants.

This form is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • : pain, increased sensitivity in the chest area;
  • discomfort when in contact with linen;
  • before and in the first days of menstruation;
  • neoplasms are easily palpated: mainly during menstruation;
  • nodules increase during menstruation and decrease after the end.

If left untreated, diffuse fibroadenomatosis develops into small nodular fibroadenomatosis. These small cysts are located in the thickness of soft flabby tissue. Their number is high, their size is no more than 5 mm, they are separated from each other. Before menstruation they tend to increase in quantity.

Discharge appears from the nipples. At the onset of the disease they are light, milky, translucent. With a long course of diffuse fibroadenomatosis, they acquire a brownish or dark green color.

Diffuse cystic fibroadenomatosis

The most common form of fibroadenomatosis. It has other names: Reclus disease, large nodular form, etc.


  • significant size of neoplasms (cysts);
  • located very close to each other;
  • localization predominantly in one mammary gland;
  • copious or streamy discharge from the nipples ranging from brown to green.

This form is a development of diffuse fibroadenomatosis or lobular fibroadenomatosis. Cysts arise on the basis of milk ducts, the walls of which are covered with epithelium, and small alveoli - interlobular slits.

The location of small cysts is initially grouped. After the disease spreads, the cysts merge, forming multilocular neoplasms. When growing on the walls with epithelial cells, papillary or single formations appear, which can differentiate from cancer.

Localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland: areas are located in a group

This form of fibroadenomatosis has the weakest definition by doctors. Most often, this term refers to the presence of dense areas of tissue in the mammary gland. Their diameter ranges from 1 to 6 cm. The surface of the seals is uneven, lumpy, and heterogeneous. The appearance of granular small neoplasms is possible, although extremely rare.

Neoplasms do not have a clear distribution. Localization occurs in a certain limited area, such as a segment or quadrant. They have clear boundaries, rarely vague.

Focal fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

The process of the presence of benign neoplasms. In this case, the patient feels constant pain in the chest area. Seals that appear in the mammary gland in the form of foci do not have clearly defined boundaries. Seals are the result of replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue.


If there are signs of fibroadenomatosis, the doctor performs procedures to diagnose and identify the disease.

First of all, the doctor independently examines the patient’s breasts. This includes a visual examination in different body positions and palpation of the breast. Afterwards, a hardware examination of the breast is performed.

Typically, local clinics carry out:

  • : in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, effective in conjunction with mammography;
  • : Most often using x-rays.

When identifying compactions and neoplasms, it is necessary to understand their nature. They can be either benign or malignant. To do this, use methods such as:

  • : taking material (puncture) using a needle from the mammary gland for cytology, histology;
  • ductography: examination of the ducts of the mammary glands;
  • color Doppler sonography: diagnosis by the nature of blood flow.

In addition to standard examination methods, there are additional ones that allow you to more broadly assess the picture of the disease:

  • thermography;
  • examination of lymph nodes;
  • laboratory tests: blood and hormone levels.


Fibroadenomatosis offers several treatment options:

  1. Drug treatment: normalization of hormonal levels, relief from symptoms and tissue restoration.
  2. Surgical intervention.

Drug treatment

Stabilization of hormones is carried out on the basis of these diagnostic procedures. This takes into account the patient’s age, stage of the disease, features of hormonal development, metabolism, etc.

The following medications are prescribed:

  • antiestrogens;
  • vitamins A, E, B 6, C, P, PP: to improve metabolic processes;
  • drugs to facilitate liver function;
  • means for normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • antiprolactin medications:
  • neurohormone analogues;
  • hormonal drugs to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • homeopathic remedies.

During drug treatment, the patient must adhere to a diet. Avoid consumption of coffee, tea and chocolate. All nutrition should be based on helping the gastrointestinal tract and accelerating the metabolic process. That is why a varied diet with fresh vegetables and fruits is required. Drinking alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited.


If drug treatment is ineffective or impossible, surgery is prescribed.

The patient is prepared for surgery, tests are collected, ultrasound and mammography are performed. In cases where it is difficult to establish the benign quality of the formation, a puncture and biopsy of material from the neoplasm is performed. After this, the day of the operation is set.

Depending on the complexity of the operation, the size of the tumors, and the risk of identifying cancer cells, the operation is performed either by enucleation with a small incision or by resection. In the first case, local anesthesia is used; at the patient’s request, sedation or general anesthesia is performed. In the second case, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

During surgery, the surgeon takes part of the tumor tissue for cytological and histological studies.

A cosmetic suture is placed on the breast area, usually along the areola of the nipple. After healing it is almost invisible. The rehabilitation process itself is to ensure rest of the chest area. For severe pain, painkillers are prescribed.

After suturing, the area is covered with a protective bandage, which is changed according to the treatment plan. The patient should come for dressings, as well as pumping out lymph if such a phenomenon occurs. All this time, the doctor monitors the healing status of the sutures. In case of a minor operation, they are removed after 10 days. After removal of the sutures, it is recommended to avoid physical activity for 1 month.

Prognosis and prevention

Fibroadenomatosis is one of the pathologies that can be treated if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. Qualified therapy leads to the patient’s complete recovery. The sooner you contact a mammologist, the easier and faster it is to cure fibroadenomatosis.

In order to prevent fibroadenomatosis from occurring both initially and repeatedly, preventive measures should be observed:

  • preventive examination by a mammologist: at least once a year;
  • : once a month;
  • a full sex life: regular sex with a regular partner;
  • : the bra should not be too small, press, or rub;
  • healthy diet: avoiding spicy, fatty, overly salty, sweet foods;
  • breastfeeding (at birth): to prevent milk stagnation.

Fibroadenomatosis is a common process in the mammary gland in women. It is hormonal imbalances that lead to the appearance of various neoplasms such as cysts. To treat fibroadenomatosis, a comprehensive plan of measures, medicinal and restorative in nature, is required. A significant degree of the disease requires mandatory surgical intervention. Do not forget about preventive measures that significantly reduce the incidence of fibroadenomatosis.

One of the most common benign breast diseases in women is diffuse fibroadenomatosis. What is diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands? What are its symptoms and is it dangerous?

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis can be classified as one of the forms of mastopathy, which is characterized by compactions in the mammary glands, often accompanied by cysts (they are filled with fluid). Although diffuse fibroadenomatosis (DFM) of the mammary glands is a benign tumor, it requires close attention.

Features of the disease and its types

Fibroadenomatosis can be found in two types:

  • distovoy. When palpating the chest, flat formations are felt;
  • nodal. It is characterized by formations in the form of nodes.

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis, unlike other forms of mastopathy, is not a malignant neoplasm and does not degenerate into cancer if proper treatment is carried out. This disease can even go away on its own, without any intervention, since its only cause is often hormonal changes (they are associated with thyroid disorders, ovarian failure).

Another distinctive feature of fibroadenomatosis (fibroadenopathy) is that its structure has a clear boundary and a fine-grained surface; formations can be palpated pointwise and not over the entire surface of the chest. Bilateral damage to both mammary glands is more common.

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This benign breast disease is not immediately life-threatening. The process of its formation is associated with the pathological growth of individual tissues, which leads to the appearance of seals and cysts, and disruption of the structure of the mammary glands.

Depending on the type of pathology, there are:

Fibroadenomatosis itself can be divided into several more types - diffuse (cystofibroadenomatosis), focal and others, it depends on the location of the compactions, their nature and size.

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is a disease in which small elastic nodules formed from connective tissue are scattered throughout the mammary gland. In some cases, the main part of the compaction is localized in the outer upper zone of the chest.

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis does not occur during menopause; most often it is typical for women 30-40 years old.

Causes of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

Although this disease is not uncommon, it is quite difficult to accurately identify the causes of its occurrence.

But there are a number of factors characteristic of the appearance of this pathology:

  • failure of the ovaries (these organs must produce the hormone necessary for the female body; if the ovaries do not function properly, fibromatosis can form);
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • failure of any endocrine organs;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • obesity;
  • long-term treatment with hormone-containing drugs;
  • work in hazardous production.

Those at risk are those who drink alcohol, smoke, use drugs, women who are promiscuous and often change partners. Also, the risk of diffuse fibroadenomatosis is present in those who often give birth, or, conversely, postpone pregnancy until later. The presence of difficult childbirth, late or too early onset of the menstrual cycle, late menopause are also considered risk factors. Dangerous moments for the occurrence of the disease are also considered to be prolonged exposure to the open sun, visiting a solarium; the effect of sunlight on bare breasts is especially harmful. The presence of many stressful situations and weakened immunity can also provoke diffuse fibroadenomatosis. This disease is often found in women of the same family, which may indicate a hereditary factor.

Remember! According to statistics, fibroadenomatosis occurs much less frequently in women who had childbirth without complications and who breastfed their children for more than 6 months.

Signs of the disease

Signs of diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands are:

  • discomfort in the chest, which may intensify during menstruation. The nature of the pain can be pulling, tingling;
  • sensations of breast enlargement, as during menstruation or pregnancy (this occurs due to the inflammatory process in the mammary glands);
  • when palpating the chest, you can notice small compactions, like nodules, sometimes there may be discharge of different shades;
  • Due to disruption of the hormonal system, disruptions in the menstrual cycle may occur.

The level is divided into mildly expressed, moderately expressed and pronounced.

Complications of the disease

Even considering that diffuse fibroadenomatosis (adeno fibrous mastopathy) does not threaten the patient’s life, in any case, if a lump is detected in the breast, a woman needs to visit a mammologist. Only by undergoing an examination can you find out what their origin is and whether they actually pose a health hazard.

If the lumps do not disappear for a long time, but feel even larger, then treatment should not be delayed. Without getting rid of them, you can start pathological processes in the breast - the nodules will merge, forming large cysts, and there will be a risk of the appearance of atypical (and, in the future, cancer) cells.

Diagnosis of the disease

Note! All symptoms of the disease are conditional and may well indicate other health problems. Therefore, to make a correct diagnosis, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

There are several methods to diagnose this disease. The very first thing is to consult a specialist. By palpation, he can identify the quantity and quality of tumors. Having found out the history of the disease, the doctor can send for an ultrasound (usually performed on women under 35 years old) to determine the degree of infection and to determine the structure of the tumors. Mammography may also be prescribed (taking into account the use of radioactive radiation, this method is used to diagnose the disease in women over 35 years of age, since sensitivity to x-rays decreases with age), and an analysis of hormone levels in the blood. And to diagnose pathologies, a biopsy is prescribed; for this, a piece of the tumor is removed from the mammary gland. To identify all kinds of complications, MRI and various blood tests may be prescribed, including tumor markers to determine the presence or absence of cancer cells. As a rule, to make laboratory tests more informative and accurate, they are carried out in the first days of the menstrual cycle.

Important! It is possible to detect diseases of the mammary glands in the early stages of the disease using the self-examination method.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of this disease is possible in two ways:

  • surgery;
  • conservative treatment.

Typically, surgery is used as a last resort and attempts are made to solve problems associated with the disease through medication.

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* Having received data about the patient’s disease, the clinic representative will be able to calculate the exact price for treatment.

The drugs that are used to treat diffuse fibroadenomatosis are hormonal and are aimed at stabilizing the functioning of organs. As a rule, these are those that inhibit the growth of estrogen in the body (non-steroidal anti-estrogenic drugs “Fareston”, “Propoxyphene”). These drugs are prescribed to be taken every day for several months. The disadvantages of these medications include side effects - dizziness, nausea, increased blood pressure, and liver problems. Preparations based on progesterone, they help reduce the amount of estrogen in the blood (Duphaston, combined oral contraceptives (COCs)). It is also possible to prescribe drugs that stabilize the functioning of the ovaries - “Yarina”, “Mediana”, “Jess”. Medicines that suppress the synthesis of prolactin and somatropin (pituitary hormones) - Parlodel and medicines that stop the formation of pituitary gonadotropins - Provera, Veraplex. It is possible to prescribe drugs that block the synthesis of estrogens by adipose tissue - “Femara” (used for menopause).

They recommend a course of sedatives to stabilize the nervous system - Tenoten, Novopassit, valerian extract. To relieve one of the symptoms of the disease - swelling of the mammary glands - diuretics are prescribed - Diacarb, Veroshpiron. To stabilize the general condition of the body, multivitamins are prescribed - “Complivit”, “Aevit”, for the immune system - “Iodomarin”, “Iodaktiv”.

It will not be superfluous to follow a diet - the diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary microelements and vitamins. It is also necessary to maintain water balance. In the initial stages, these simple recommendations are enough for the disease to go away on its own.

For more severe cases, surgery is prescribed, which is preceded by significant and rapid growth of tumors, suspicion of a cancerous tumor, or the presence of inflammatory processes. Usually this is a sectoral resection of the mammary gland. After this, histology of the removed tissue is performed.

It is also possible to use other methods of therapy: laser therapy, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, psychotherapy, physical therapy (excluding massage). Balneological treatment (therapeutic baths with mineral salts or mud) is quite effective. This disease excludes thermal procedures.

Folk remedies for this disease are not very effective. It is possible to apply a cabbage leaf (a compress of grated beets) to relieve swelling, but only with the agreement of your doctor.

Sometimes your doctor may allow the use of herbal tinctures that contain phytoestrogens.

Disease prognosis

Although diffuse fibroadenomatosis is classified as a benign tumor, in the absence of adequate therapy it can degenerate into a more severe stage of mastopathy and become a step towards the development of breast cancer. Therefore, timely detection of the disease and adequate treatment will help to avoid the negative consequences of the disease.

Question answer

What is mammary adenomyosis?

This is a benign disease that provokes inflammation associated with the functioning of the mammary and gonads.

Is lipofibrosis dangerous?

This disease applies to benign tumors and in the absence of tumor growth, and if it does not cause concern, medical intervention is not necessary.

Fibrocystic disease is a benign lesion of the mammary glands that is of hormonal origin. Fibroadenomatosis is characterized by the appearance of single or multiple formations that are difficult to treat. About 50% of middle-aged women (30−50 years) suffer from this type of mastopathy.

Localized breast cancer is a pathology that occurs accompanied by a number of processes that activate the proliferation of immature breast cells. The result of the development of the disease is the formation of an abnormal ratio of connective and epithelial elements. Changes in the mammary glands are manifested by such signs as swelling, the formation of seals that bring discomfort. The diameter of such nodes can reach 6 cm or more.

Types of fibroadenopathy

Fibromatosis of the mammary gland is characterized by the formation of cysts, which are the result of the proliferation of connective tissues. Fibroadenomatosis is a nodular form of mastopathy, which has a fine-grained surface and clearly defined boundaries. The following types of diseases are distinguished:

There is also mixed type fibroadenomatosis, which combines the manifestations of several types of fibroadenomas. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of tumors growing both inside and around the duct.

The pathology is also divided into moderately expressed, slightly expressed and clearly expressed fibroadenomatosis. But these varieties do not have precise characteristics.

Fibrocystic disease can occur in a local form, which is characterized by a group arrangement of affected areas, which greatly facilitates the identification of neoplasms.

Diffuse fibrosis manifests itself as multiple scattered cysts. The nodular form involves the formation of several cysts, which, merging with each other, form a painful node. The process can be either one-sided or two-way. Nodules that look like cakes can develop in parallel in the right and left mammary glands.

Causes of the disease

The development of adenofibrosis is associated with impaired production of sex hormones, which is caused by pathological changes in the functions of the liver, ovaries or thyroid gland. Provoking factors include the following:

Symptoms of fibrocystic disease

The main symptom of fibroadenolipoma is the appearance of pain in the chest area. Its greatest intensity is observed in the premenstrual period when venous stagnation occurs, when the mammary glands swell and swell. The pain can be so severe that a woman is unable to even touch her breasts, much less put on a dress or bra. Acute pain seems to burst from the inside, and can radiate to the armpits, under the shoulder blade or to the shoulder. With the onset of menstruation, the pain subsides a little, becoming pulling or aching during the first phase of the cycle.

At the same time, problems associated with the psycho-emotional sphere appear. A person falls into a depressed state or becomes aggressive, irritable, any little thing can bring him to tears.

Another characteristic A sign of fibroadenomatosis is discharge from the mammary glands. This condition indicates the involvement of the milk ducts in the pathological process. The cyst in such cases is usually located at the other end of the duct. The discharge may be transparent or have a whitish or greenish tint (if an additional infection is attached). If the discharge from the nipples has acquired a brown color or there are visible blood spots in its composition, the woman should immediately consult a doctor, since this symptom is characteristic of oncology.

Diffuse signs

This form of mastopathy is characterized by uniform swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands. In such cases, when palpating the breast, the doctor determines the clear contours of a fine-grained tumor with rough lobules. The pain is periodic, the breasts, enlarged before menstruation, return to normal after it ends. Most often, diffuse mastopathy is detected in young women.

Focal form

Focal fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is characterized by dense neoplasms, most often localized in one breast. The seal, formed from connective tissue, has unclear boundaries. There is pain at the site of the tumor, but there is no discharge from the nipples, since the tumor does not contain fluid and does not have a cavity.

Nodal type

Lack of treatment for diffuse fibroadenomatosis leads to the development of a nodular form of mastopathy. Densified areas or cysts are present in the right/left or both mammary glands. The neoplasms are dense to the touch, lobulated, do not have clear contours and can reach large sizes (up to 5-6 cm). Seals are smooth, elastic, round-shaped formations. There may be several such nodules in one mammary gland. In approximately 10% of cases, enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes is observed.

Treatment measures

The treatment regimen for fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is determined by the stage of the disease and its type, as well as the woman’s age. In this case, the results of laboratory tests for the presence of pathologies of the endocrine system and hormones are taken into account. Treatment can be of the following types:

  • traditional therapy;
  • operation.

Traditional methods

Therapy is carried out using medications. This method is used to treat pathologies that provoke the development of fibrous mastopathy, as well as in the presence of small tumors. First of all, the doctor recommends a special diet. The patient's diet should be complete and varied with the obligatory inclusion of a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, which helps restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also for mastopathy, the following medications are indicated:

  • to reduce the area of ​​edema and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, vitamins A, C and P are prescribed;
  • B vitamins are used to normalize metabolism;
  • To improve hormonal and fat metabolism, the doctor prescribes vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant.

Swelling of the mammary glands in the diffuse form of the disease can be eliminated with the help of diuretics, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These same medications are used to reduce pain. To normalize the neuro-emotional state, the woman is prescribed medications that have a sedative effect.

Correction of chronic diseases is carried out, iodine preparations are also prescribed. For frequent relapses, medications that block prolactin production and homeopathic remedies are indicated. When treating fibroadenomatosis, hormonal drugs are necessarily prescribed, the type of which is determined by the woman’s age.

Patients of childbearing age are prescribed oral contraceptives containing hormones. Progestins used in the second half of the cycle also showed high effectiveness. For women approaching menopause, it is recommended to take antiestrogens, androgens and Danazol.


In the nodular form of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, treatment is carried out through surgery. Surgery is indicated in the following cases:

A sectoral resection is performed - partial excision of nodes with the capture of healthy breast tissue. If a cystic formation is detected, it is punctured, followed by removal of fluid, after which sclerosing drugs are injected into the cyst cavity. In some cases, the tumor is desquamated with further suturing of the breast. During the operation, tissues are simultaneously taken for histological examination. When cancer is confirmed, the scope of surgical intervention increases until the entire mammary gland is completely removed.

Consequences of therapy

The prognosis for fibroadenosis is quite favorable. In most cases, complete recovery occurs after a course of hormonal therapy. Naturally, the sooner the pathology is identified, the sooner recovery can be achieved without resorting to surgical intervention.

From the point of view of many specialists, the development of most diseases is psychosomatic in nature. A person’s physical health depends on his psychological mood, self-hypnosis, various thoughts and experiences. Therefore, each of us needs to avoid stressful situations, worries, negative emotions, and also carefully monitor our health and contact the clinic at the first disturbance.

The development and functioning of the female mammary glands is associated with the state of hormonal levels in the body. If the ratio of hormones is disturbed, pathologies arise in which breast tissue is modified. This leads to the appearance of neoplasms of various natures. Excess estrogen is especially harmful. To cure benign diseases, if they are not advanced, it is often enough to adjust the hormonal levels. This can be done by eliminating the cause of the disorders, as well as by carrying out therapy with special drugs.


What is diffuse fibroadenomatosis

Benign diseases of the female breast do not pose an immediate threat to life. During their development, pathological growth of individual tissues occurs, which leads to the appearance of compactions and cysts, and disruption of the structure of the mammary glands. Depending on the degree of modification, the consequences may be different. As a rule, symptoms of abnormalities can be noticed at stages at which they are completely removable.

One of the most common benign diseases in women is diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands. This disease is a type of diffuse mastopathy, that is, the formation in one breast or in both of them at once of multiple seals that disrupt their structure. They consist of pathologically growing glandular and fibrous (connective) tissues. Depending on the nature of the pathology, there are:

  • fibroadenomatosis - seals consist mainly of overgrown connective tissue;
  • adenosis – glandular tissue predominates in the composition of the seals;
  • cystic form of diffuse mastopathy (cysts are present in the seals);
  • mixed form of diffuse mastopathy.

In turn, fibroadenomatosis is divided into several more types (diffuse, focal and others) depending on the nature, size and localization of the compactions.

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis is a disease in which many small elastic nodules formed from connective tissue are scattered throughout the mammary gland. In some cases, most of the lumps are concentrated in the upper outer part of the breast.

This disease most often occurs in women aged 30-40 years. During menopause, diffuse fibroadenomatosis does not occur.

Reasons for the development of fibroadenomatosis

The main cause of diffuse fibroadenomatosis is a violation of the balance of hormones in the body, an increase in estrogen levels against the background of a decrease in progesterone levels. Such disorders occur in diseases of the ovaries, as well as the pituitary gland, where hormones are produced that regulate the functioning of these organs.

The state of hormonal levels is affected by the functioning of the thyroid, pancreas and other endocrine organs. The cause of hormonal imbalance can be metabolic disorders and obesity. Long-term treatment with hormonal drugs and the use of oral contraceptives can lead to pathologies.

Other factors contributing to the occurrence of diffuse fibroadenomatosis are:

  • late onset of sexual development;
  • lack of regular sexual activity, as well as pregnancy and childbirth in a woman of reproductive age;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • the onset of the first pregnancy and childbirth over the age of 35;
  • absence or short breastfeeding;
  • heavy psychological stress.

Note: It has been noted that breast diseases occur less frequently in women who have given birth repeatedly, who have had no complications during childbirth, and who have breastfed their children for more than six months.

An important factor in the development of fibroadenomatosis is heredity. Often, breast diseases are found in several women from the same family.

Video: Causes and manifestations of diffuse fibroadenomatosis


According to the degree of manifestation of symptoms, diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is divided into mild, moderate, and pronounced.

Manifestations of the disease intensify before the onset of menstruation, since changes in the tissues of the mammary glands are hormonally associated with the processes of the menstrual cycle. Swelling of the mammary glands is observed, sometimes lumps can even be felt. A woman feels fullness in her chest, pain when touched.

Depending on the size, location and number of lumps, mastalgia (pain in the mammary gland) can be periodic or constant. In cases where the nodules are small, after the end of menstruation and the disappearance of swelling, the pain in the chest goes away, and the lumps decrease in size.

If a woman had such a disease before pregnancy, then after childbirth during breastfeeding the nodes can completely resolve.

Complications and consequences

If a woman discovers lumps of any size in her breasts, she should definitely visit a mammologist. Only a doctor after an examination will be able to tell what their origin is and what health hazard they pose.

If the lumps due to fibroadenomatosis do not disappear, they seem to become even larger, treatment cannot be delayed. If you do not get rid of them in time, then pathological processes in the tissues of the mammary glands can develop further: the nodules will merge and large cysts will form. The appearance of atypical and later cancer cells is possible.


First of all, palpation of the mammary glands is performed, which allows the doctor to assume the possible nature of the disease. Ultrasound is used to examine women under 35 years of age and allows you to detect individual compacted nodules, assess their number and distribution by volume, and study the condition of the milk ducts.

Mammography is performed to clarify the results of ultrasound and confirm the benign nature of the disease. Taking into account the fact that radioactive radiation is used here, women over 35 years of age are examined with this method (the body’s sensitivity to x-rays decreases).

A biopsy (puncture of the mammary gland) is prescribed in case of doubt about the origin and nature of the lumps. Histological examination of a tissue sample from a questionable compaction makes it possible to choose the most appropriate treatment method.

An MRI is performed to obtain a three-dimensional image of the breast, which makes sure that there is no cancer. Ductography is used to study the state of the vascular system.

Using laboratory methods of blood testing, inflammatory processes are determined. Analysis for tumor markers makes it possible to determine the presence or absence of cancer cells.

Addition: Self-diagnosis often helps to detect breast diseases in the early stages. Every woman should be familiar with the techniques used during monthly breast self-examination. This makes it possible to detect such signs of pathology as changes in the shape and size of the breast, asymmetrical arrangement of the nipples, and the appearance of discharge from them.


Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is a disease for which the main treatment method is drug therapy and monitoring the condition of the lumps. Great importance is attached to eliminating the causes of the disease.

A woman is recommended to follow a diet that improves metabolism and accelerates the absorption of healthy food elements. Animal fats are excluded from the diet and more dairy products are included. It is necessary to eat foods containing a lot of fiber.

Drug treatment

In the presence of endocrine disorders, iodine supplements are prescribed. Treatment is carried out with vitamins (A, C, PP, E, Group B), antidepressants, hepatoprotectors, and diuretics.

To restore hormonal levels, drugs are used that reduce the effect of estrogen in the body and regulate the production of other hormones.

Nonsteroidal antiestrogenic agents. Once in the body, they bind to estrogen-sensitive receptors and suppress the activity of these hormones. Toremifene, fareston, raloxifene are used.

Progesterone-based drugs. With their help, they achieve a decrease in estrogen concentration. Duphaston and combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are used.

Drugs that suppress the production of prolactin and somatropin(pituitary hormones). Parlodel is used.

Drugs that block the production of pituitary gonadotropins. Provera and Veraplex are prescribed.

Agents that block the production of estrogen by adipose tissue(femara). They are used for menopause.

Any medications are prescribed after a blood test for hormone levels and a study of the patient’s general health.


Basically, this is a sectoral resection of the mammary gland. Used only when cancer is suspected. A mandatory histological examination of the removed tissues is carried out. As an independent method of treatment for diffuse adenomatosis, it is ineffective, since the likelihood of relapse is too high.

Other methods

Methods such as physical therapy (with the exception of massage), psychotherapy, laser therapy, electrophoresis, and magnetic therapy are actively used in treatment. Balneological treatment (therapeutic cool baths with mineral salts and mud) is effective.

For this disease, thermal procedures are not prescribed. You should be careful when using folk remedies, such as warming the chest with compresses.

After consulting with your doctor, you can resort to only a few methods to relieve swelling (applying a cabbage leaf to the sore breast, a compress of grated beets). Sometimes doctors allow the use of herbal tinctures containing phytoestrogens.

Benign formations in the mammary glands are a pathology that occurs most often in women. There are at least 50 types of such formations. To understand what fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is, it is worth understanding the main forms of this pathology.

Fibroadenomatosis (cystic mastopathy, adenofibrosis, fibromatosis, Reclus disease) is a set of processes that represent the spread of single or grouped cystic and fibrous formations in the tissues of the mammary glands. Mostly women after thirty years of age experience this disease.

One of the most common forms of fibroadenomatosis is diffuse. This form is considered the least dangerous of all the others. Some call it the initial stage of the disease.

The predominant factor in the occurrence of fibroadenomatosis is hormonal disorders in a woman’s body. This is influenced by the following reasons.

  • A state of stress - psycho-emotional instability, breakdown, nervous disorder - can cause various diseases, which include fibroadenomatosis. If a person is exposed to stress for a long time, this can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine glands.
  • Problems of a sexual nature - sexual dissatisfaction, prolonged sexual abstinence, harm from interrupted sexual intercourse.
  • Accompanying gynecological diseases and deliberate termination of pregnancy, including medical abortion. The normal condition and function of the genital organs presupposes the normal production of required hormones such as progesterone and estradiol. Violation of the functional activity of the ovaries, which was caused by inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system, as well as failure of the menstrual cycle leads to hormonal imbalance.
  • Refusal or premature termination of breastfeeding. This causes stagnation of milk in the mammary glands. If the amount of milk allows, the duration of breastfeeding should be for at least 1 year after the birth of the child.
  • Thyroid diseases. A deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones can affect the balance of sex hormones.

This list also includes liver diseases. Hormonal levels can be disrupted if the breakdown products of hormones are not removed from the body on time or in incomplete quantities, for which the liver is responsible.

Symptoms and forms of fibroadenomatosis

This or that symptom of fibroadenomatosis depends on the form in which the disease manifests itself. Since there are many forms of this disease, and there is no specific classification yet, the most common forms and signs of their development should be highlighted.

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands of one or most often both mammary glands is characterized by the distribution of a large number of nodules in them, which are small in size and compacted, elastic in structure. Their presence can be determined by palpation. They are usually placed on the upper outer quadrant of the gland.

The main signs of the diffuse form:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • pain in the mammary glands (mastalgia), sometimes pain can occur even when touching underwear;
  • engorgement, swelling of the glands during and before menstruation.

During menstruation, the nodules can be clearly felt. After menstruation ends, the pain and swelling go away, and the lumps become smaller. They may also disappear completely after childbirth or breastfeeding.

If treatment for diffuse fibroadenomatosis has not been carried out, the disease takes on a small-nodular form. This means that when palpated, one can notice a large number of round nodules, about 5 millimeters or less in size, which are located inside the soft, flabby tissue of the glands. Such nodules are tiny cysts, the contents of which are exactly the same as in the ducts of the mammary glands. In the period before menstruation, their number increases. This may cause pain.

The appearance of discharge from the nipples is also considered quite common. They sometimes form, both with and without pressure. The color of these discharges is determined by the duration of development of diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands. If the disease began not so long ago, their color may be milky or colorless, and if its duration is already long, then a dark green or brownish tint is noted.

Formations in the glands with this form of fibroadenomatosis will also be benign, but the process is accompanied by constant pain. It is characterized by the spread of focal formations that do not have clear boundaries. They are more dense in structure than with diffuse fibroadenomatosis. And these compactions appear due to the replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue.

Most often, the concept of localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland implies any local area of ​​tissue, dense in structure and no more than 6 centimeters in diameter. The compacted area is located in a specific area of ​​the organ in one of the quadrants or segments. During the examination, certain boundaries of the formations are palpated, but often they can be unclear. The skin over the formations is heterogeneous with uneven lumpiness, and in rare cases the skin may be granular.

Diffuse cystic fibroadenomatosis

This form is a fairly large cyst, the structure of which is dense and elastic. They are most often located in the same gland and at a very close distance to each other. When pressing on the nipple of a gland with cystic formations, a brownish or greenish discharge will often occur.

Small cysts are first grouped together and then combined to form a multilocular cyst. The walls of the cyst, which are covered with epithelium, can be a place for the occurrence of papillary or single dense growths, which may require diagnostic exclusion of the possibility of cancer.

Compacted formations in the mammary gland with a predominance of fibrous tissue proliferation. The fibrous form of fibroadenomatosis usually occurs as a result of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (the process of epithelial cells changing from an epithelial phenotype to a mesenchymal one). The cause of this illness is often previous injuries or processes of an infectious-allergic nature.

Treatment of the disease

The treatment method is also determined depending on the form of the disease. If surgical elimination of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands is excluded, treatment will consist of constant examinations by a doctor, as well as conservative treatment, which may prescribe:

  • thyroid hormones (with their deficiency - hypothyroidism);
  • steroid sex hormones progestins (gestagens) – Utrogestan, Progestogel gel;
  • combined oral contraceptives (COCs), containing two types of hormones - estrogens and progestins;
  • less often androgens - Danazol;
  • gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists - Diferelin, Zoladex, Buserelin;
  • collections of medicinal herbs for external use (Mamoklam);
  • vitamin preparations;
  • mild sedatives and adaptogens (recommended of natural origin).

Not the least important place in the treatment of fibroadenomatosis is the cure of accompanying diseases of the internal organs and organs of the endocrine system. If possible, negative psychological factors should also be eliminated.

Complex treatment of benign formations in the glands also helps to determine for what reasons the pathology arose and other aspects during its development, which can serve as a preventive measure for the emergence of new malignant formations.

Treatment of fibroadenomatosis with essential oils

You can also treat fibroadenomatosis with the help of essential oils. The following esters are usually used: chamomile, fennel, lavender, and sunflower, castor and stone oils are also used.

  • Aroma baths and aroma lamps with the addition of fennel and chamomile essential oils are quite effective.
  • You can make a compress soaked in essential stone oil. To do this, you need warm distilled water (150 milliliters), in which medical alcohol (100 milliliters) and one teaspoon of oil are dissolved. Then gauze is taken, folded in several layers and moistened in the prepared solution. The resulting essential compress should be placed on the affected area, a plastic bag should be placed on top and a warm scarf should be wrapped around the whole thing. The course of treatment with such compresses involves about 15 procedures.

  • In addition to compresses, stone oil is also taken orally. This should be an aqueous solution of 0.3%, which should be drunk three times a day for a month.
  • For the following recipe you will need five tablespoons each of castor oil and honey, the juice of two fresh lemons and crushed burdock root. All ingredients are mixed, and then the resulting paste is applied to gauze and applied to the sore area of ​​the chest overnight. In the morning after removing the compress, you should smear the area with Apilak ointment. Compresses should be applied every night for two weeks.
  • You need to take 100 grams of burdock root and 250 grams of sunflower oil, mix and leave to infuse for two weeks in a place where light does not penetrate. After the mixture has infused, it will need to be applied to the sore area of ​​the chest daily.

When is surgery performed?

The method of surgical intervention will prevail in some cases of localized nodular or fibrocystic forms of fibroadenomatosis. It involves removing large cysts or removing part of a sector of the mammary gland, which is then used for histological analysis. Operations of this type can be performed both under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. As a last resort, if necessary, a mastectomy (removal of the mammary glands) can be performed. This method is considered the only one that completely eliminates fibroadenomatosis, since with sectoral resection only part of the affected tissue is removed, while hormonal imbalance and associated changes remain, which can lead to relapse of the disease.


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