Design for a small apartment. What can be the design of a small apartment. Ideas for a small apartment: original shelves around the door

A small apartment is a real treasure and a storehouse of the most interesting interior ideas. It is in small sizes that designers show their professional potential to the fullest. After all, a large room is always easier to arrange than a tiny one. The most important thing here is to properly organize the space and storage systems. How can this be done? We found 10 original solutions!

1. The wall that doesn't exist

When a one-room apartment needs to be zoned, but you don't want to clutter up the space, you can do this with a light translucent partition. It will help create an intimate atmosphere in the bedroom area, separate it from the main space and make the atmosphere light and relaxed.

2. A dining room to be!

Many people refuse the dining area in a small kitchen, as they believe that it takes up a lot of space. In fact, if you place a small sofa near the wall and attach a compact round table to it, and keep several folding chairs nearby, then the dining room will perfectly fit even in an apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b25 square meters.

3. White furniture fronts

White color perfectly hides the flaws of the space, especially if it is a small space. That is why designers are advised to choose light-colored furniture, and install cabinets with white (preferably glossy) facades in the kitchen. For balance, you can add a few bright accents, then the interior will not look boring and monotonous.

4. Adjustable lighting

One of the saviors of small space is light. There should be a lot of it in a small apartment. For small sizes, it is recommended to choose functional luminaires that are adjustable in length and can be fixed in different positions. Don't be limited to one chandelier. It is worth considering additional lighting of the ceiling, furniture, putting several lighting devices on the bedside tables, and hanging sconces on the walls.

5. Apron made of small tiles

For cladding a small kitchen, interior designers advise using small tiles to visually expand the space. In addition, she looks much more attractive than a large one.

6. Successful disguise

Most often, owners of small-sized vehicles are faced with the same problem - where to hide the sleeping place. There is a very simple and effective way, it will be especially good where the bed is in a niche. For such zoning, you will need a curtain and several rods to secure it. The result is an excellent disguise for a sleeping place in a single room.

7. Behind the closet

There is another equally effective way. You can divide the room into two parts, and put a rack or a shallow closet in the middle of it. Place the bedroom area on one of its sides, and the living room on the other.

8. Ceiling storage

In a small apartment, it is fashionable to use even the ceiling for storing things, more precisely, the space under it. For example, make wall cabinets with open shelves that can be accessed from different sides.

9. Large shelving

A shelving unit is much more appropriate in a small apartment than a traditional wardrobe. All because. That it takes up space only against the wall and allows you to move freely around the room. It is very roomy and you can store a lot of things in it. And also, if desired and necessary, it can become a zoning element.

10. Compact solutions

Small rooms always require a non-standard approach to design. This also applies to small bathrooms. For a tiny combined bathroom, you need to look for plumbing with a laconic design. It is worth taking care of immediately and.

When setting up a home, it is important to think over every detail, especially if the available space is limited. In this case, there are some peculiarities, the knowledge of which will make the decoration of the apartment stylish, comfortable and homely.


The lack of space in a small apartment can change the aesthetic perception of any room, be it a kitchen, bedroom, living room, nursery or bathroom. In such layouts, any shortcomings of a broken perspective are noticeable: partitions, protrusions, niches and panels stand out against the background of a lack of space, creating an atmosphere of gravity and depriving any room of the apartment of comfort. If one person lives in it, wherever it went, but when a family with a child lives in this dwelling, everyone feels uncomfortable, in most cases without having their own secluded corner.

Often in such apartments the windows are small, the rooms do not have the proper amount of natural light, which aggravates the situation and creates nervous tension. The finishing touch of the inconvenience is very narrow corridors and an uncomfortable entrance hall, or even its absence at all.

We decorate the interior

The interior of each room of a small apartment consists of wall decoration, furnishings, lighting and additional accessories that emphasize the desired style. The main rule for the selection of each design element in this case is moderation... This applies to the size, decor, material, lighting methods for every detail of the interior composition.

Global demolition of load-bearing walls is not always possible; it can exacerbate repair problems and lead to subsidence of the walls. In such cases, it is better to do with special design techniques, through which you do not have to break the layout. The competent design of a small apartment provides for taking into account several features through which you can change the visibility of the interior. Is he:

  • is able to visually turn the disadvantages of the layout into its advantages;
  • fill the existing space of each room with light;
  • visually increase the height of the ceiling and the width of the walls;
  • align uncomfortable ledges with the level of the main wall;
  • give the space of any room a sense of freedom;
  • visually erase the clear boundaries of the walls;
  • choose the right atmosphere and temperature for each room;
  • equip, with a minimum of space, a cozy corner for each family member;
  • to give the apartment comfort so that it would be pleasant for everyone to be in it.


To determine the chosen style, furniture, design, you need to build on the total number of rooms and the number of households. If there are several rooms, this will make it possible to equip a place for each family member. The fewer rooms, the more limited the design possibilities and the fewer items should be in the interior.


Whatever the room, you need to fill it with light using light shades of the color palette in the wall decoration. In order not to reduce the volume of rooms, it is better to use wallpaper as finishing materials. In this case, their type, texture and pattern matter. Make it a rule: the smaller the room, the lighter the wallpaper should be.

Single-layer paper varieties with a minimum thickness are not suitable here: they have a too simple texture, so they will not look beautiful with the support of furniture and accessories. It is worth choosing between textile, non-woven, silk-screened vinyl, liquid and fiberglass. Each of these varieties has a lot of worthy variations in tone, pattern, texture.

When choosing a drawing, it is worth considering the purpose of each room and its size.

In this case, the size of the print should be small, without bright contrasts: variegated colors simplify the interior, add a sense of disorder to the atmosphere, especially where there is little space. If furnishing the room takes up most of the space, exclude patterned cladding from the priority list: it is more expedient to show the space by means of the embossed texture of the wallpaper, for example, in the form of strokes with a large brush, chaotic stucco molding, embossed stripes.

This is especially true for the kitchen, hallway, corridor and bathroom of a small apartment: in these places, a colorful pattern on the walls is undesirable, it will hide the useful area, even if the shade of the wallpaper is light.

For the living room and bedroom, it is better to choose embossed wallpaper: this way you can not oversaturate the interior with an abundance of decor, while unobtrusively giving the space the desired atmosphere and theme. The most appropriate wallpaper prints here are floral and floral motifs, small monograms, lace with leaves and branches. Large flowers, geometry, polka dots are unacceptable.

If the combination of wallpaper with sheathing materials (for example, laminated or plastic panels) is chosen as the basis for the style of the walls, it is worth choosing the latter in light colors, even if the design is designed to finish in the form of rough surfaces (for example, masonry or plaster).


Furniture in an apartment with a minimum of space should be compact and functional. If the apartment is one-room, it is worth buying cozy transformer items. It can be armchair beds, or a similar small sofa, which during the day can be part of the guest area, turning at night into a full bed for a family with a child. If it is not possible to place a coffee table near the sofa, it is worth buying fitted version with a curbstone or shelf:such an accessory is compact, it can be foldable, while it contains the most necessary things and can replace any analogue if you need to work on a laptop or receive guests.


As a basic set of furniture for the living room, it is better to buy compact products with a wooden or metal frame or modular upholstered furniture.

It is better to choose a table with a glass top: it will add lightness and airiness to the room atmosphere. It does not matter whether its surface is transparent or colored. In the kitchen, it makes sense to buy a set of wood-fiber materials with a monochromatic surface or natural wood colors. If possible, you need to choose a functional set with a mass of shelves and drawers for dishes and bulk products.

It is better not to force the corridor with anything, so it will seem more spacious.As for the desktop, in order to save space, it can be linear narrow or hinged, fixed directly to the wall. In some cases, the writing desk is a long, narrow tabletop along a short wall by the window. To do without drawers and pedestals for writing utensils, in this case, a compact rack with a small number of shelves is attached to the wall.

In the nursery, it is worth buying a set with a bed, a table and a wardrobe, decorated in the form of a small zone on two levels (there is a wardrobe and a desk at the bottom, a bed with a railings is located on top). For the hallway, there are enough hooks for clothes or an angular or linear narrow wardrobe with a mezzanine, if there is enough space.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment sets the basis for each element of the interior composition. In small rooms, non-standard furnishing solutions are needed, although difficulties often arise for their implementation: for example, with the location of a bath, a stationary stove, and doorways. Sometimes the space of rooms is limited by the minimum quadrature indicators: the kitchen can be 8 - 9 sq. m, the largest indicators are for bedrooms and living rooms (up to 18 - 20 sq. m). There is a layout in which the total footage is 30 sq. m.

The main condition for an atmosphere of home comfort and space is to make the home comfortable. If there are several rooms, you can move the kitchen into the living room, thereby giving the apartment a studio style. At the same time, it is important to correctly organize the arrangement of furniture, so that the "wet" zones are not located above the living rooms of neighbors living below.If there is very little space, it makes sense to attach a balcony or loggia (if any) to the room. So you can organize a study, a recreation area or a dining area and even a small bedroom.

However, it is not always possible to demolish the window sill and move the radiators: this is impermissible from the point of view of the regulations of the legislation.

Sometimes it is allowed to join a corridor to the living room area. As a rule, they equip a functional kitchen area. This helps to visually increase the space and create an atmosphere of a cozy home, pleasant for all household members.

If the nursery, hallway or bedroom is small, you can beat the lack of usable area with a second level technique, creating a second tier by means of furniture with a mezzanine, bunk beds. Niches and any recesses in the wall that can be arranged for built-in wardrobes are used. Thus, you can equip the kitchen or living room, freeing up space for a comfortable location for family members and guests under the dining area.


In a small apartment, saturated and dark tones of the interior are unacceptable (even in the kitchen). The emphasis is on light and harmony, so the priority is given to delicate shades of pastel and natural colors. Monochrome combinations are best avoided:this technique is good for spaces with a large area, but in small rooms it will be heavy and pressing on the psyche of every household, even if the composition is diluted with live greens.

Usually, 1 light tone is chosen as a basis (preferably warm, adjusting to kindness, relaxation and peace), choosing a contrast to it and two connecting shades, each of which is close in tone to the main or contrasting one.

It is important that a light shade be the dominant one: it will give the room the desired background.

Whatever shade and style is chosen, it is advisable to add white color to the interior. It will visually add light to the setting, soften the used contrast. The best color choice for a small space is to decorate rooms in cream, beige, nude, diluted peach, light olive, pale green and light shade of wenge oak.

Good contrasts are sunny goldens, bronzes, browns, coral, terracotta. Cold colors bring freshness to the interior, but change the friendly atmosphere to the cold of communication and boredomaffect the illumination of any room. If you want to decorate a room in blue, lilac tones, it is better to choose shades with a warm undertone: bleached turquoise and pale emerald, light pinkish yellow.

Aggressive and gloomy tones (red, black) are unacceptable. With their abundance, household members will lose the desire to enter a room with such decoration.

Style and decor ideas

When choosing a design direction, one should proceed from the footage of rooms: it makes no sense to decorate the interior in the style of ceremonial palace buildings baroqueusing various antiques, if the rooms of the apartment do not exceed 9 - 12 sq. m each.

The same can be said about the stylistics for industrial objects: in small apartments there are no high ceilings and the necessary space to decorate the ceiling area with communication elements, and to finish the walls with brickwork. They do not have panoramic windows either, so the style in the spirit of grunge or loft it is impossible here, unless you demolish the walls, combining two rooms into one.

Subject to the principle of moderation in decor and stylistic elements, you can take classical directions as the basis for the design of a small apartment (English, Italian style and neoclassicism).They are characterized by solemnity and elegance, calm tones, however, for decoration in a small apartment it is worth reducing the amount of gilding, carved ceilings with plaster stucco molding should be replaced with a light edging around the perimeter, imitation of stucco molding can be used only at the central lamp. The size of carpets should highlight no more than a functional area.

An equally interesting and functional design can be created in various modern styles, such as:

  • modern;
  • high tech;
  • minimalism;
  • bionics.

Methods of adding modern paraphernalia, metallized and glass surfaces are acceptable here. The curtains should be light, the finish should be uniform, the corners should be used to the maximum (for example, a compact refrigerator, a shelf, a narrow cabinet). The pouf can also serve as a table for treats at the same time, it can be folded, like chairs. When decorating in the spirit of French or Swedish interiors with furniture and accessories (for example, Provence or a chalet), you need to rely on shades of style, natural materials and correlate the size of furniture items with the area of \u200b\u200beach room.

Ethnic trends should be kept in calm colors of the color palette without an abundance of specific attributes.


Whatever the style of the apartment, chosen as the basis of the furnishings, it cannot abruptly change in different rooms. So you can create the effect of crushing the apartment, which is completely unacceptable. Eclecticism is a good solution, however, it is appropriate in this case by choosing identical shades or decor items. You can not combine incompatible(for example, African style and minimalism, loft and classics): this will deprive the arrangement of comfort.

It is better if the stylistic elements are repeated in one or two decorative techniques of each room of the space, with the exception of the bathroom and toilet rooms.

Despite the fact that in a small apartment everything requires strict functionality, you can find a place for several decorative accessories in it. You can use as a decor for rooms:

  • small paintings with simple patterns and laconic frames;
  • small photo collages in the form of several frames on one wall;
  • shelving with lighting and glass shelves;
  • wallpaper coloring or zoning techniques in the form of a panel;
  • small wall sconces, spotlights with laconic shapes with closed white shades and metal decor;

Small-sized apartments have always caused a feeling of discomfort, their owners felt deprived. Since the time when new design approaches to the reorganization of space and compact “smart” apartments appeared, the acquisition of budget housing has become prestigious. You can live quite comfortably on a few square meters, if you think over to the smallest detaildesign of a small studio apartment. Here you can combine desires and possibilities by arranging comfortable housing in the center of a big city.

A small standard apartment can turn into a very cozy studio apartment, the design of which will take into account all the needs of the family living in it.

A compact studio apartment is a special type of layout, where there are practically no partitions or piers. Small housing with competent zoning is common in the megacities of Japan, Europe and America, where every square meter is very expensive. Gooddesign project of a small studio apartment also costs a lot of money. But you can use the recommendations of specialists to make several of your "squares" of living space cozy.

A studio apartment is a space layout option that appeared in Russia not so long ago.

A small footage of the "studio" is an opportunity for your creative self-expression, where it is easy to emphasize some design concept or vision of aesthetics. It is as functional and economical as possible, especially during the heating season, as well as in terms of repair costs.

A few decades ago, few people thought about demolishing all the walls in their apartment and combining rooms into one space.

Thoughtful design project of a small studio apartment considered ideal for certain categories of citizens:

  • A young couple just separated from their parents;
  • Students whose wealthy parents prefer to move them away from the negative influence of the hostel;
  • P entrepreneurs who have to work in two cities for years and often come on business (cheaper than paying for a hotel);
  • Creative individuals using the studio as a creative workshop;
  • A lonely resident of a metropolis who wants to have a compact apartment in the center of the capital or a large regional center;
  • Lovers of modern housing with an unusual layout;
  • Couples living in a guest marriage from different cities or countries, with adult children and forced to meet in neutral territory.

Now this option is used very often and apartment owners prefer the studio for many reasons.

The absence of stationary partitions and interior walls is a great advantage in terms of functional changes. It's easy to transform with the birth of a childinterior design of a small studio apartment, adding a children's corner with a play area. As your lifestyle changes, you can expand your workplace to perform additional tasks remotely at home. If the house is often visited by guests, it is recommended to "build up" the soft corner with additional seats.

The studio apartment was popular in America and Europe: it was simultaneously used as housing for young people and as a creative workshop.

Arrangement of a studio apartment using zoning

With a huge selection of housing that real estate agencies offer today, it is not so easy to find the best option. Spectaculardesign of a small studio apartment or smart apartments can more than compensate for all the shortcomings of the footage, if you manage every corner correctly. The thoughtful zoning of functional areas will help with this.

You can talk about a studio apartment from the creative side - after all, it is, at least, a platform for self-expression.

Housing with a "studio" layout is much more comfortable than traditional small-sized apartments, which remain cramped and dark due to the large number of walls. Studio apartments do not have them, most often only the bathroom is isolated, there is only a conditional division between the hallway, living room and bedroom area, as inphoto example.

The absence of walls is presented to the free artist (and to the common man as well) as limitless opportunities for the expression of his imagination.

If there is a desire to make an additional delineation of the living space, they usually use different techniques.


1. Methods of visual zoning and organization of space on a functional basis Kitchen block, sleeping area, guest and work space
2. Glass partitions, mirrors, aquariums and bubble panels Partitions made of glass blocks, up to the ceiling and low partitions, glass and plastic doors, sliding and stationary screens
3. Screens and textile curtains (ceiling cornice, Japanese) Light transparent (translucent) fabric, thread and rope curtains, decorative elements
4. Furniture zoning Multilevel shelves, bookcases and racks, upholstered furniture with an island, a computer table, folding tabletops, a bar counter, furniture modules
5. Bunk and tiered furniture Sliding bed or loft bed, folding armchairs and sleeping modules

These methods are quite enough for the conditional delimitation of space to fit intodesign of a small studio apartment. Using modular furniture and all kinds of transformers (folded after use), it is easy to expand the possibilities of compact housing.

Let's figure out how you can independently equip a studio with style and maximum comfort.

Attention ! The point of zoning is that everything is at hand, and each corner is equipped so that it is obvious where which zone is - for sleeping, working, cooking or receiving guests.

Apartments with a small footage are considered for housing for several reasons: convenience, economy, practicality.

Do not forget that each functional area should have its own local lighting. Use extensively:

  • Diode tape around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling;
  • Spot lighting of cabinets;
  • Floor lamps;
  • Desk lamp;
  • Wall sconces.

Luminaires can be mounted not only to walls and ceilings, but also to the ends of cabinet furniture.

The convenience of a studio apartment is a comfortable space for one person or a couple.

What should be a studio kitchen and bathroom

There are also options regarding cuisine, especially since modern citizens cook little, coming home for the night and on rare weekends. It is not necessary to take up space with a large 4-burner gas stove with an oven. If they cook often, a powerful hood is needed so that fumes and odors do not flood the entire apartment. This is the only disadvantage of a studio apartment.

One person doesn't need a full kitchen.

Everyone chooses from the list of kitchen equipment only the most necessary:

  • Small electric stove for 2 elements;
  • Electric kettle;
  • Oven (microwave oven);
  • Electric grill;
  • Coffee maker;
  • Food processor;
  • Universal pressure cooker.

Several devices will fit into a small kitchen cabinet next to the sink or the only washbasin if the bath is not provided for in the design project of a small studio.

For a studio-type apartment, bulky cabinet furniture is not needed, there are enough open modular shelves that can be rearranged for equipment and office supplies. Some pieces of furniture can be set up end-to-end, using as a functional partition.

In the interior of a small studio, there is no full kitchen, only a small dining room.

Usually, a studio-type apartment has a full toilet or a bathroom, but it can also be isolated rather conditionally. The problem is smells and hygiene. Therefore, it is better to separate it, as it should be - according to all norms. No bathtub - just a shower box with a tray where you can wash is enough.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom in a studio apartment does not allow placing a full-fledged bath bowl in it.

The compact washing machine can be located in a niche under the sink, so as not to allocate a separate space for it. This technique is used in Khrushchev and moderninterior design of a small one-room apartment ... When the composition of the family changes, children are born, it is advisable to change the studio to a multi-room apartment.

A washing machine is built under the tabletop, and there is also a small storage system.

As long as everything suits a small family, it is better to have one large room that meets all modern requirements than a small one-room Khrushchev, where even one is cramped. There is always a lot of light, air and free space in the aisles in the studio, if you do not clutter it up with old furniture and unnecessary trash.

Having a small studio apartment, you can use the space to the maximum, keep everything close at hand.

The choice of finishing materials fordesign of studio baths and kitchens in small apartments the same as in the traditional layout. Given that everything is the same here, the room must have good waterproofing.

Double-glazed windows of plastic windows will help improve the sound insulation of the house standing along the road.

Design approaches to planning and arranging furniture in a small studio apartment

The footage of studio-type apartments ranges from 16 to 40 sq.m. There are square, rectangular and corner options, depending on whether it was the original layout or a transformation from an old foundation. When buying, someone got a completely comfortable house with furniture, only personal belongings are missing, others - bare walls.

It is always pleasant to independently participate in the development of the design of your apartment, and the studio makes it easy.

Attention ! If it is not possible to contact specialists for a planning project andinterior design of a small studio apartment , you will have to independently deal with its arrangement. The catch in the studio-type layout is that in a limited area without walls, the dining table may be near the toilet, and the bed - at the front door.

The owners can choose the best shades, favorite accessories and delimit the space as it is convenient.

Even plumbing may be absent in a new apartment, only communication risers are connected:

  • Gas pipe;
  • Ventilation box;
  • Water pipes;
  • Sewerage.

These exit points define the location of the bathroom and kitchen unit. They cannot be carried, but pipes can be extended to move along the wall.

Self-participation in the planning - especially the studio - is very important.

After the square meters have been allocated for communications, it is important to purchase compact plumbing fixtures. It is recommended to purchase multifunctional and vertically elongated models. After solving the issue with partitions and ventilation of the bathroom, you can start decorating the kitchen block.

Saving is a significant indicator: studio apartments are much cheaper than multi-room options.

Advice . You can do without a dining table in order to save space by expanding the window sill in the form of a table top.

A large dining table is only needed for a family of 3-4 people. It is imperative to provide a full-fledged work surface (top of the cabinet or folding tabletop) for cooking. A bar counter and a wide coffee table near the sofa bed or in the center of the guest island is enough for 1-2 residents.

It is the savings in money and repair costs that are a significant advantage of a studio apartment over other housing options.

Keep in mind that there will be other horizontal surfaces - a computer table (folding module for a laptop) and open hinged shelves in each functional area. By equippinginterior of a small one-room studio apartment , consider lifestyle and daily needs, do not fill your home with unnecessary items.

It is better to store a wardrobe in one wardrobe with a mirrored facade, then other mirrors are not needed. Use the cabinet itself to delimit functional areas or as a headboard under a folding sofa.

Open space allows you to feel more free and creates a creative mood.

In the design of a small studio apartment modern style is the most acceptable:

  • Ecostyle;
  • High tech;
  • Fusion;
  • Art Deco;
  • Minimalism;
  • Postmodernism.

With a minimal area of \u200b\u200bstudio apartments, you have to save every centimeter of space, but there is the possibility of visual expansion. For these purposes, designers use wide horizontal lines in the decor and tall narrow furniture. Various pencil cases, modules and multifunctional racks will at the same time serve for zoning and "absorption" of small items.

The arrangement of a studio apartment is a whole creative project that deserves a versatile approach.

Pay attention to the corner computer desk with shelving. For all its compactness, it is very roomy and convenient in the interior of a small studio ... You can even put it upside down to the back of the sofa or fence off the corner where the bed is.

Advice . To prevent the sleeping place from looking close to the front door, move the bed or sofa bed as far as possible.

The decor should be minimal and the planning approach meticulous.

Furniture should be placed so as not to lie facing the entrance. A high headboard or side of any furniture will help to fence off a sleeping person. Textiles and temporary partitions, canopy or curtain can be used. For more practical tips, see real-world examples.small studio apartment with interior design in the photo.

VIDEO: Design of a small studio apartment.

50 interior design ideas for a small studio apartment:

It's nice to be the mistress of a spacious, tastefully decorated apartment, where all interior items are designed in the same style, and the space is properly organized and divided into zones. But our homes often have a small area, so their arrangement is a topical issue. What should be done so that a small apartment does not seem cramped and "crammed" with things?

Expanding the space of a small apartment

Use a uniform floor covering. Choose a uniform color for the walls in adjoining rooms. Thus, you can combine the space with texture, color, style.

Use bright, bold hues, and even if the dark color, which by definition narrows the space, doesn't scare you. After all, it also has advantages: it gives depth and saturation, and the room, as a result, does not lose, but only benefits.

The height of the ceiling also affects the size of a small apartment: a low room does not seem spacious ... And to make the ceiling visually higher, designers recommend choosing paint or wallpaper for it that are lighter than the walls, even if by one tone. Accordingly, by making the ceiling darker, you will visually reduce the room. True, and this is not bad - then an additional plane will appear in the room, against which the eye can rest.

Choose a small chandelier for an apartment with a low ceiling, for example, it can be a model with a shade covering the light bulbs.

Spot lighting increases the space: by making a false ceiling, you can mount several lamps in it, and even on a dark winter evening there will be an illusion that you are on the beach - they shine so brightly.

Avoid unnecessary decor by making your home more functional. It is better not to use heavy carpets, velvet draperies, bronze candlesticks with candelabra.

It's also better not to waste time on trifles with accessories. Get rid of all sorts of figurines here and there, souvenirs brought from travels to different parts of the world without regret.

Interior design for a small apartment


The best style for designing a small apartment is minimalism. Choose a traditional Japanese-style interior, for example. Throw away old things on a regular basis, turning it into a kind of ritual of cleaning the house from all unnecessary and unnecessary. And one more thing: no matter how paradoxical it sounds, a small space can be visually expanded. For example, it is better to furnish a small apartment with large things. The rule is "Better one more than ten little ones."

Replacement or rejection of curtains

If the window overlooks the park or the beautiful rooftops of the old town are visible from it, skip the curtains. The room will become brighter, and the space outside the window will be like a continuation of the interior. It is better to replace ordinary curtains with Roman blinds or roller blinds.

Change rooms

How often do you use the largest room in your apartment? Surely it is reserved for the living room, which is used very rarely, and all household members live in cramped rooms. Do it differently: let the most spacious room be yours - combine the bedroom and study in it. By the way, in order to separate the work area, you can build a podium on which a computer desk will stand. And turn the former bedroom into a recreation room for the whole family.

Give up linear furniture

Is all the furniture in your apartment along the walls? This is not entirely rational if the dwelling is small. The space can be used not only horizontally, but also vertically, creating additional levels. For example, in a narrow corridor, hang shelves that extend to the ceiling, and place things and books on them that you do not use daily, but from time to time.


It is possible to make an apartment more spacious by means of minimal redevelopment techniques, replacing conventional swing doors with sliding doors, and using built-in wardrobes.

Built-in and multifunctional furniture

In a small apartment, it is better to use built-in furniture in order to arrange just a couple of individual items that will be unique and original. Buy a bed with a lift mechanism, let your dining table easily turn into a work table, and your favorite ottoman near the sofa into a comfortable coffee table and chair.

Mirror surfaces

Mirror surfaces work great for expanding space. Pay attention not only to ordinary mirrors, but also to aged models, on which drops of water are practically invisible. The mirror can also be used as an apron in the kitchen. Mirror panels, which are fixed on the walls and even the ceiling, will visually increase the space. They will help to "push" the walls, and the room will visually expand. The same effect can be achieved by placing a full-wall wardrobe with mirrored sliding doors.

Small apartment - interior design (photo)

Today I want to touch on an important and complex topic - interior of small apartments... Very often, looking through magazines that publish magnificent interiors of luxury apartments and country houses, you wonder how far these rainbow pictures are from real apartments in which 99% of the inhabitants of big cities live. Moreover, often large design agencies refuse to work with small spaces due to the unprofitability of such projects.

Interior of small apartments: functional zoning

Each room in a small apartment performs several functions. Modern small apartments do not allow you to organize separately, and the office. However, it easily solves this problem. Here are some examples that, in my opinion, are successful:

Kitchen + dining room + living room + study + library

Living room + study

Bedroom + living room + study

Bedroom + workplace

A tiny room that combines sleeping and working space

organized in.

One of our projects was created just for a small studio apartment. In this case, the bedroom and living room zones are delimited in a single room.

The zoning issue is successfully solved due to the flooring - carpet in the living room area, tiles in the kitchen, wooden floor in the hallway. Here you should pay special attention to the harmonious combination of materials and colors.

The ability to arrange general “decluttering” is an invaluable quality for the owner of a small apartment. Get rid of furniture that stands out from the general concept of the interior or is not used for its intended purpose. Take away the numerous souvenirs brought from your travels from your eyes, hide all unnecessary items in cabinets and boxes. Regular cleaning and meticulous analysis of everything in sight can help save space in your home.

You can read more about the choice of furniture and decor for a small apartment. Small apartment design theme is limitless. And I will return to it many times in the future. In the meantime, I hope you found the article useful and you can use some of the ideas below to work on the interior of your home.