Room design with green curtains. Green curtains: photo of stylish solutions for a cozy home. Video: green curtains in the home interior

The interior in the living room depends primarily on the overall design of the room, which is mainly associated with maximum comfort.

An important function is also played by color schemes that create a unique mood and an extraordinary visual effect.

Considering harmony from the point of view of the physiological aspect, we can conclude that it can be achieved by using the green version of the curtains in the interior, since it is this color that symbolizes a certain calmness and comfort, while its most diverse shades will look great.

Color features in the interior

Many psychologists claim that green is considered the color of freshness and relaxation. Elements of this kind help to highlight the so-called connection with the forces of nature.

From a design point of view, green helps to increase the efficiency of the brain and sets in an optimistic mood.

As a decoration, the palette of this color has a wide variety of shades, and the curtains for this room are selected on the basis of the main tones, which can look great against the background of any wallpaper, furniture and other items.

Bright curtain option

This color option can look good with similar shades, such as yellow, orange or turquoise. This is especially true in homes with children, who are able to perceive the outside world through window space.

In this case, it is recommended to pay special attention to the shape of the window space and the quality of illumination. When combining several color options together with green, abrupt transitions should be avoided by replacing plain curtains with light ones with a green pattern - vegetation.

Often in the homes of people who have a non-standard nature and a love for something unusual, you can find green curtains with black ornaments, and these can be a variety of stains, contours or shapes.

Do not forget that in the end you can get the desired result only if the necessary proportions of the existing elements are observed. This can be seen in the photo of green curtains.

There are a number of the most popular shades of green, which can fit perfectly into any interior:

Light green. They are popular due to their pallor, especially if the walls are bright enough. This shade makes it possible to visually increase the space of the room, it is especially good if it is necessary to increase the window space. In order for the window not to be lost in the most lit room, you should use a combination of pale green with a roller blind or fabric blinds.

Green Japanese. They represent a certain rigor and modernity. They can be either monochromatic or combine several shades of the same color at once. When creating such an oriental interior, there is a feeling of rebirth and restoration.

Lime. Despite the relative brightness and catchiness, this color is especially popular with lovers of extravagance. Usually its use is carried out in large rooms, and it can be combined with a wide variety of color schemes.

Features of choosing green curtains

  • the size of the living room;
  • window space;
  • style;
  • degree of illumination.

Given these features, green curtains in the interior will look not only appropriate, but also flawless.

Many decorators use a very simple scheme: the brighter the wall covering, the simpler the curtains should be.

There is an opinion that the fabric of the curtains should be the same as the upholstery for furniture, but this opinion is fundamentally wrong.

Particular attention should be paid to the so-called game of contrast. So, for example, the joint use of green and red would be a good solution, and this option is not only extraordinary, but also quite interesting.

With caution, you should use dark green curtains with blue details together, since this option is suitable only in the most bright room.

The most popular is the New Year's interior, which is often amenable to adjustment due to changes in fashion trends.

However, in any case, the color of the needles remains unchanged, which goes well with white, gold and silver. As additional elements, you can use a variety of options for wreaths, vases or a Christmas tree.

Photo design of green curtains in the interior

What designers advise when decorating.

Features of use in the interior

Since time immemorial, green has been associated with calmness, harmony, tenderness. It is a shade of youth and life itself.

Support the green curtains with the same textiles in the room.

Currently, there are a huge number of green tones. They are helping:

  • Calm down.
  • Relax.
  • Gather strength.
  • Better to remember.

In addition, the right color combination allows you to transform your space: make the room taller or larger, adjust the flow of sunlight.

If the furniture is dark in color, then the curtains should be light green.

Green curtains will be appropriate for almost any style.:

  • Classic- this is a combination of a transparent curtain with thick curtains of emerald, olive, light green. In this style, you can use tiebacks, decor, lambrequins, but in moderation.
  • Eco style. Green will be the main one in it, because this is the color of nature itself. You can use any shades of this color. A vertical stripe pattern can make your room look taller.
  • For Provence it is best to use light green matter or fabric in a large flower. Here, more saturated tones will not work.

However, green curtains will not be appropriate for styles such as baroque and rococo.


Green is the color of optimism, connection with the outside world, strength. And if earlier this tone was considered rather boring, today on the market you can find a large number of shades to satisfy all requests:

  • Salad.
  • Fresh green color.
  • Bolotny.
  • Olive.
  • Pistachio.
  • Lime.
  • Emerald.

It is customary for curtains to choose a basic shade that will go well with furniture, wallpaper and the interior as a whole.


How to combine colors correctly when decorating a window opening:

  • Bright green is well combined with saturated close colors: lemon, orange, light yellow. This color looks good together with a light brown, beige, sand shade. If the ceiling and walls are white, then the curtains should be light with a bright floral pattern. For creative people, bright green curtains with black geometric patterns, contours, and ornaments are good.
  • Light greens will be the perfect backdrop for brighter hues. If the walls of the room are of a rich color, then such curtains with a small pattern are well conducive to relaxation. Light green curtains visually increase the window opening. And so that such curtains are not lost in a sunny room, it is better to arrange them with fabric blinds and rolled curtains.
  • Olive curtains go well with grey, beige, cream. Such curtains will create an atmosphere of colonial style.
  • With lime curtains, you should be very careful. This bright color cannot be used for large surfaces. It is good to combine this shade with white and yellow-green. The combination of lime with brown, beige, woody colors is considered a classic.

Combining colors, you should remember about the competent observance of all proportions.

For high ceilings choose wide lambrequins.

Interior applications

Living room

For a classic style, long olive-colored curtains are suitable. If you have an English interior, then it is better to hang it in a large white and green cage.

Bright green color is suitable for hi-tech. Such curtains will create the right accent in the hall. Only for a small room you do not need to choose dark shades.


For lovers of a solemn atmosphere, multilayer curtains are suitable: heavy curtains, light curtains, lambrequins.

You can hang thick Roman green curtains on the window. If the walls are also green, then it is better to choose darker curtains, for example, malachite.


Green curtains in this room will fit into any style. Sliding slightly assembled light green curtains look good, one side of which is in the shape of a triangle, and the other is a wide rectangle.

Malachite curtains with white trim will look elegant. Even if your kitchen has a different color scheme, roller blinds and Roman shades with green patterns will be appropriate.


In this room, it is good to combine a grassy shade with beige, white and yellow. If this is a room for a child of primary school age or

The whole gamut of green is of natural origin, has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional mood of a person. With the help of green flowers, you can create a cozy environment in which you can both relax and work.. It is for this reason that many designers are increasingly advising to use green colors when creating a living room interior design. In addition, the green color has a wide variety of colors, which allows you to find the right tone for each type of stylistic design.

Today we will consider the basic rules for choosing shades, materials and models of green curtains, and also learn how to harmoniously fit them into the decor of any apartment.

The selection of green fabric for curtains indicates that the person is quite modern and bold about the design and decoration of the house. Such a color option may come as a surprise to a large number of guests, but the advantage of decorating methods lies precisely in the ability to create non-standard compositions. And the main secret of the successful use of the green scale lies in the ability to rationally combine it with furniture and a headset.

On a note! Psychologists call shades of green the colors of relaxation, harmony and freshness.

The green color is quite complex. For example, its palette is so diverse that sometimes it is difficult to specifically describe the color and give a definition. It would be inaccurate to indicate the shade as simply light green, since many colors can correspond to such a concept. To make it clear to a person what specific color is being discussed, it is worth citing as an example individual things whose colors are well known. For example, mustard, mint, menthol and others. In addition, green colors differ in brightness and color intensity, they are both muted and pale, and highly saturated.

But such a wide palette has its own significant advantages. First of all, this is the fact that the green color can be selected for any interior and decor, and it will always fit harmoniously. The main thing is to most accurately and correctly choose the very shade you need.

Shade selection rules

When choosing shades of green curtains, you need to pay attention to the fact that they are pleasing to the eye, neutral, and also combined with the main background in the room.

On a note! Designers recommend that you first decide on the features of the interior and only then choose a shade.

When choosing a particular shade, you need to remember the following features.

  1. Emerald green or moss colors work in a relaxing and peaceful way. Such a forest theme is the best way to recuperate after long everyday days.
  2. The color of the sea (river waves) is attributed to the blue-greenish palette and its effect is compared with the sensations from the sea surface. The choice of this shade provides the living room with peace, unchanging mood and order.
  3. The colors of fresh greens create a cheerful state of mind, charging with positive.

  4. Olive-colored curtains are able to set up in a serious way. Such a noble shade has a stimulating effect on mental activity. Most of all, it will be in harmony with a conservative or restrained style, perfectly combined with high walls, green-gray materials.
  5. Mint colors or aquamarine tone are chosen to expand the hall and create a cool atmosphere. Such types of curtains are acceptable for narrow apartments with windows facing the south.

  6. In a hall with a low height, it is preferable to hang one-color green-colored curtains without any patterns, frills and draperies.
  7. The unusual and eccentric design can be achieved using a pistachio shade or lime color. They have the ability to diversify everyday life and bring mood to the most ordinary things. Demanding lime color is advisable to use on large surfaces.

    Lime color in the interior of the living room

On a note! When choosing the shade of the curtains, it is also necessary to take into account which part the windows are on: southern, northern, eastern or western, since the illumination of the hall in each of these cases will be different.

If the hall is located on the part with direct exposure to the rays of the sun, dark fabrics of green colors should be selected to cover them. An alternative is vertically falling mint-colored blinds. And in a hopeless room it is advisable to hang curtains of light and pale greenish colors.

Fabric choice

The curtain in the hall is selected taking into account the parameters of the room, the scale of window openings, the colors of the wallpaper, the configuration and dimensions of furniture accessories, and the presence of other textiles. The curtain can be one-color or multi-colored with speckles, stripes, illustrations or a pattern. You can decorate it with materials such as:

  • organza;
  • tulle;
  • veils and mesh;
  • blinds;
  • curtains;
  • Photo curtains.

On a note! You can give the color more fullness and depth with the help of dense fabrics. Organza will help to achieve graceful overflows and glow, and tulle fabrics and a veil will add weightlessness and lightness.

The lightest and flowing fabrics will organically fit into small rooms. They add lightness to the whole environment and do not attract undue attention to themselves. If the window frames are wide, trendy rolled curtains are ideal.

If the living room is spacious, with high walls, you can choose more original solutions with curtains made of heavy and durable fabrics. And to decorate and complete the image, you can use cornices, pelmets, frills and tiebacks.

Table. What fabrics to give preference to when creating different style solutions in the interior of the living room.

StyleSuitable fabric (material)
Classical Satin and velvet in various finishes. Heavy and opaque type of fabrics in combination with weightless and light. For decoration, you can use a cord, stripes or frills.
Provence Natural materials with different additions: cage, flowers, stripes, polka dots and others.
Minimalism, high-tech Plain and translucent fabrics. Material with a metallic sheen. Fabrics with laser cutting. And no decor, it is out of place!
Oriental Expensive and luxurious fabric of both natural and artificial materials with exquisite patterns.
Baroque Complex, textured materials. For decor, they buy fringe, frills, etc.
Empire Combination of thick and heavy fabrics with sheer tulle. It is preferable to select velvet, silk, velor or satin.

Model selection

To decorate window frames, you can use not only a wide selection of shades, you can also add a print or artificial inserts, and choose unique variations for curtains.

Traditionally classic is recognized as a popular and widely used type of greenery curtains. These are fabrics with vertically falling folds, which remain in demand from year to year. Their main advantage is a harmonious interweaving with the furnishings of any style, from classic to trendy styles of the new generation. In addition, they are universal, suitable for window openings of various designs and sizes.

Curtain models may differ in various ways of reinforcement to the crossbar. The most popular model of curtains is canvases on large rings, using which the curtains are strung on a cornice, forming uniform vertical folds to the floor.

Also often there are models with fabrics on tossed eyelets. At the same time, the loops are made of the same material as the canvas, or you can make a color accent on them using another bright fabric.

If it is necessary to hide the shortcomings of the finishing work of windows, openings or the architecture of the room, a lambrequin is used. It is also used to create a unique composition with curtains, for decorating windows.

In most cases, a harsh lambrequin is chosen in the form of a narrow rectangle that covers the entire area at the top of the windows. It is rare to find a non-rigid lambrequin, tied up on the sides or folded down on the curtains.

When sewing curtains, you can combine the main fabric with other shades or prints. They combine both the same type of fabrics of various colors, and canvases with illustrations. With plain curtains of green color, horizontal inserts of other colors are combined in an original way.

What do the green colors of the curtains combine with?

It is important to know that even a few details of the same color create balance in the living room. The main thing is to be able to combine and combine them correctly.

  1. One of the most successful is considered a combination - a combination of a shade of curtains with bedspreads, a tabletop, fabric of pillows from armchairs or a sofa, and elements of dishes.

  2. You need to be careful with furniture upholstery. The same colors on thick curtains and a sofa look pretty hard. Designers advise to combine several shades of green. This gives the interior of the living room lightness and spaciousness.
  3. Bright greenish colors can make any curtains original, making them the main focus. But the environment in this case must be maintained in cold solid colors.

  4. The discreet background of wallpapers and headsets, as well as bright accessories, go well with rich light green curtains. An overabundance of decorative elements can break the harmony, giving the atmosphere an unnecessary heaviness.

  5. Pale and light tones of curtains will serve as an excellent basis for bright colorful details. For example, it can be a curtain of a delicate light greenish color with small patterns and a spectacular and overall set or furniture.

  6. The light green range of curtains helps to visually make the living room wider, gives space, but only if you do not use lambrequins.

Combining green with different interior tones

To make curtains made of green materials look appropriate, you need to provide them with color support. Their colors can be completely duplicated with shades of different objects, for example, with the tone of walls, carpets and rugs, lighting fixtures, or combined with suitable colors.

On a note! Green curtains will be perfectly combined with snow-white, dark and light brown, gray and blue-blue tones.

Let's single out the most successfully combined combinations of tones.

  1. Green curtains + beige and snow-white colors in the setting . White, milky and beige tone often serves as the basis of the interior. For example, snow-white furniture and light beige wallpapers, complemented by malachite curtains with rich green edging. Snow-white tulles with bright greenish curtains also belong to the classics of the sample.

  2. Brown and green color also perfectly combined, reminiscent of nature and flora. Light green curtains with dark patterns and a golden brownish tone of the wallpaper give the living room a summer vivacity and coolness. Light or pale green tulle will look harmonious with the wooden look of the furniture, and mustard-dark curtains are a great design solution to complete light brown furnishings.

  3. Combination blue + green . They are chosen to decorate a bright living room. They are in harmony with each other, they can be the main color emphasis in apartments with a white interior. For some muting of the existing tandem, you can add brown, making the atmosphere more restrained.

  4. Gray and light greens - color classic. These shades look exquisite together, look beautiful and calm in tandem. For example, a gray room can be livened up by hanging bright green curtains on the windows.

Video - Green curtains in the interior

Green color for interior design is chosen by many people. Its various shades, ranging from light lemon to deep emerald tone, are always popular at all times. This color evokes associations with young spring grass and nature, and its positive energy can create a pleasant and calm atmosphere in the house. This rich color for curtains looks especially harmonious, enlivening the room and bringing fresh notes to the design.

Green color creates a calm harmonious atmosphere in the room.

Green curtains on the windows are an excellent solution for creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in a living room.

When using green curtains in the interior, it must be borne in mind that this color has a lot of shades, and an incorrectly chosen tone can ruin the design idea.

The palette of green shades has both cold and warm tones.

When choosing curtains for a room, pay attention to such nuances:

Which room is best suited for green curtains?

Draperies, tulle or curtains of this color are a versatile option and are perfect for any room, whether it be a kitchen, nursery, bedroom or living room.

  • Kitchen. Juicy green color perfectly promotes appetite, so it is often used in the design of the kitchen. It is better to choose curtains for the kitchen from a practical material that is easy to wash and does not require special care. Suitable shades: light green, lemon, rich olive, light colors. Various patterns, both floral and geometric, look great in the kitchen.

    For the kitchen, practical Roman blinds in pastel shades are a good option.

  • Children's. For a child's bedroom, green is great. Its ability to create a calm but energetic atmosphere promotes the development of thought processes and better learning. For the children's room, you can use green curtains with fun patterns that the baby will like.

    Children's room with green curtains, bedspread and carpet

  • Bedroom. For an adult bedroom, aquamarine, dark green, olive, emerald fabrics are suitable. These noble shades will create the necessary atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the room. Too bright green curtains should not be used for the bedroom, but it is better to make sure that they are dense enough and do not let in excess light in the morning. If necessary, you can use a special light-transmitting lining for curtains.

    In the bedroom, green curtains go well with white light tulle.

  • Living room. In the interior of the living room, curtains of this color can be used in a variety of ways. Depending on the design of the room, it can be both bright, contrasting shades of color, and calm, neutral tones. Since the living room is usually the largest room in the house, dark and heavy curtains can be used here, but translucent tulle in combination with large panoramic windows will look very impressive.

    Saturated emerald curtains will add brightness to the interior of the living room

Green curtains in the interior of the living room can be supplemented with various decorative elements - lambrequins, laces, frills and bows. Designers use the so-called muslin, which is thin silk threads falling down like streams of water.

Choosing fabric for curtains in the living room

In order for green curtains to look harmonious, it is important not only to choose the right tone, but also to choose the right fabric from which they will be sewn. According to their texture, fabrics are very different: thin and dense, smooth and structured, with or without a pattern. The stores offer a huge selection of a wide variety of materials and it is sometimes difficult for the buyer to decide which option is ideal for the design of the room.

When choosing, the composition and density of the fabric are taken into account

The denser the fabric, the richer the green shades look on it.

Translucent curtains and tulle will make the interior of the living room light and airy.

The living room, unlike the bedroom, where everything should be comfortable and practical, is conducive to experimentation, here you can give free rein to your imagination. Luxurious green satin or jacquard curtains will emphasize your impeccable taste. These materials are quite dense and heavy, but at the same time soft, which allows them to be laid in beautiful folds. Curtains of this color look chic in the interior in a classic or baroque style. If the owners of the house prefer a modern style with bright details and unusual combinations of textures, then the green color with an interesting print or bright color pattern will make the living room original and spectacular.

The windows of this living room are decorated with green curtains of a natural shade, complemented by inserts of brown material, which gives great contrast to the overall textile composition.

When choosing a fabric, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Fabric structure. Curtains can be made of natural material or synthetics. The most practical material will be a combination of both types of fibers, since purely natural green materials quickly burn out and lose their shape, synthetics are unpleasant to the touch and inferior to natural materials in an aesthetic form.
  • Damage resistance. Some fabrics have a pleasant texture and rich colors, but they quickly show clues from various kinds of contacts. Such options are especially not recommended for families with small children and pets, which can easily touch and damage the fabric.
  • Ease of care. Before buying curtains, you must always consult with the seller about the care. It is best if the fabric is easy to wash, iron without problems and does not lose its shape and color after drying.

Thick fabrics such as velvet, brocade, satin and jacquard are used to decorate windows in dark shades.

Tulle, organza, satin and voile are suitable for making light translucent curtains

What goes with green curtains?

There can be a great variety of combinations in which green colors are appropriate in the interior. Green in the color palette is between yellow and blue, it can be both warm and cold. Thanks to this feature, green curtains are easy to combine with white, brown, blue and blue, yellow and orange. Green contrasts sharply with red, which, if used correctly, can become a highlight of the design. As for the pattern, the most natural and beautiful on the fabric will be a floral ornament. Floral patterns are perfect for the eco-style kitchen and living room, which has been at the peak of popularity for a long time.

Green tones go well with brown, white and gray shades.

The combination of green and blue is used to create a bright living interior.

There are also a lot of materials that go well with green curtains. All shades of this color are in perfect harmony with wood and textiles, creating a natural palette. Such curtains have proven themselves well in combination with aluminum and other metals, as well as with glass and stone. Proximity to nature allows you to successfully use various options with all natural materials without exception.

White tulle and dark green curtains - an example of a classic window opening

Curtains in dark green are best combined with decorating elements of the same shade.

Many designers choose bright green to create color contrast. The room can be decorated in soothing cream tones, curtains, cushions, carpet or chandelier can be rich green, which gives a feeling of freshness and vitality. This technique is a win-win and is most suitable for a living room that has more space to play with an unusual color combination.

Bright contrasting combination of green with a red tint

Comfort and harmony in the house

Soft green color promotes relaxation and creates a calm environment. People who are in a room where the primary colors are green are more balanced and peaceful, and in offices decorated with turquoise hues, brain activity and memory improve.

Bright green curtains will effectively dilute the neutral atmosphere in a minimalist style.

Important. You should also be careful with green. The cold shades of this color, although they stimulate thinking, can cause melancholy and despondency if there are too many of them in the room.

Light patterns on the mint-colored curtains emphasize the elegance of the classic style.

When choosing curtains, you need to focus on the style of the living room.

Green curtains are good because they allow bright sunlight to pass through them, they fill the entire room with a soft natural glow. In this case, the green color creates a natural atmosphere and has a positive effect on the psychological situation in the house or apartment.

Video: green curtains in the home interior

Photo of living rooms with green curtains

Green curtains fit perfectly into almost every style. They can be safely used for any room in the apartment.

You can always combine green with different colors to give the room a certain mood.

Green curtains can be bright or, conversely, a dark shade.

Color palette

Green can be either warm (in combination with yellow hues) or cold (when mixed with blue) color.

Green curtains in the interior can easily calm a person and give a sense of harmony, but it all depends on the chosen tone.

The combination of green and yellow encourages activity, gives strength.

Blue-green curtains can be used for the bedroom - they soothe and make a person relax and not think about anything. This color is not suitable for the kitchen - it will not allow you to gather strength after a busy day.

The combination of blue and green will give the room lightness and freshness, set up for action. This color scheme is suitable for the living room and for the bedroom, especially relevant in small rooms, as it helps to visually enlarge the space.

Deep green, reminiscent of just broken grass, is great for decorating a child's bedroom. It combines the ability to calm and encourage action, gives liveliness to the mood, but does not cause aggression.

The olive shade allows you to concentrate and tune in to the working mood. Well suited for a study, office or schoolchildren's room.

The emerald shade is well written in the bedroom, but is categorically not suitable for living rooms. It helps to relax and achieve harmony.

You can carefully consider all the options presented on the photos of green curtains presented by us in this review.

We use fabrics

It is important to choose the right texture of the fabric from which the set of green curtains will be made.

Thick curtains will give the green color even more saturation and severity, make it darker and heavier. At the same time, transparent curtains or dark-colored tulle will seem light and airy.

Lighting plays a huge role in the perception of green. Dark shades of green are by no means suitable for darkened rooms, as they will make them visually even smaller.

If your room has enough natural sunlight, you can safely use even dark colors.

The combination in the interior

When choosing curtains in green tones for your interior, you should correctly combine them with the surrounding space. Most often, the color of the curtains is combined with the color schemes of other textiles in the room: carpets, blankets, pillows.

The combination of curtains can be upholstered with upholstered furniture, with wallpaper on the walls or with furniture (in the kitchen). The hue can be matched not only to the main color, but also to the pattern or individual finishing elements.

Using the same color all over the room won't look good, so it's important to pair well with any other contrasting color:

The combination of white and green will be quite appropriate in any interior. Bright shades of green white color will quite favorably emphasize and make it even richer, and pastel colors will become even more delicate and light.

Light green curtains look good with white ceilings or white furniture. You can resort to decorating the walls with white-green wallpaper

The combination of green and brown reminds us of the natural environment that we often find in the combination of foliage and trees, grass and sand. It is quite appropriate to combine green curtains with sandy walls, as this combination will soothe and relax.

The combination of blue and green colors is possible even in the darkest shades. It is worth remembering that such a room should have a sufficient amount of natural light.

Saturated tones of curtains in a bright bedroom will help to achieve twilight, and bright shades will harmoniously look in the living room. Green and blue can be used only in curtains or in curtains and the interior as a whole.

Green curtains look advantageous with gray walls. Curtains can be in this design option in emerald color or light turquoise.

At the same time, the walls can be from light gray tones to almost black. Dark green curtains and dark room decoration will be quite appropriate in the Gothic style.

Photo of green curtains in the interior