Kitchen design with sofa. Fashionable kitchen interior (91 photos). Kitchen design with a sofa (10 sq.m.) Dining room kitchen design with a sofa

The sofa will turn the kitchen into a place of cozy gatherings. And, if you have a small apartment, then some models can be transformed into an extra bed.

Choose designs that have storage space and practical upholstery, and we'll go into more detail below.

Kitchen 12 sq.m. with a sofa with cushions.


If you assume that someone will sleep in the kitchen, then it is better to choose the option with a transformer. See that it fits into the kitchen when unfolded. There are many varieties, but it is better to dwell on the most common in furniture stores.

"Dolphin" is the best option for the kitchen. A seat slides out from under the sofa, extending the small sofa. Check that everything is of high quality and reliable.

The "book" of the European standard is convenient, and anyone can decompose it. It is the European variety that is suitable for storing infrequently used things.

"French cot" - beautiful and elegant, but only suitable for guests, that is, if it is not used every day. It unfolds like a normal folding bed.

All these options are only suitable if you plan to put someone to sleep in the kitchen, if this is not necessary, then choose a regular model that is suitable in size.

It is better if the lifting mechanism is located on the side. And then the table will interfere every time you get things.
Interesting benches are suitable for a beautiful design. You can’t put anything in them, but they are indispensable for country style.

The sofa can be built into a niche if it is available in the kitchen. Then, most likely, the sofa will have to be ordered from the masters.
The main principle is space saving. In small standard kitchens, there is not much of it, so you need to take this into account.


It is best to give preference to natural wood. You need a durable variety that is not afraid of moisture. Of the good, but not budget options: beech and oak. From cheap - chipboard with lamination and impregnation. Although there is a risk that such a sofa in the kitchen will not last more than five years.

Of the upholstery, preference should be given to leather, this is not only because of its aesthetic qualities, but also practical ones. Just wipe it down if it gets dirty.

Kitchen with an area of ​​13 sq.m.

A substitute works well, but only if it is durable.
If the fabric is still closer to you in design, then choose wear-resistant options with moisture protection. The kitchen must have a range hood.

Removable covers will help not only to maintain cleanliness, but also to change the interior the way you want.
Fillers should be hypoallergenic and shape-recovering: polyurethane foam or holofiber is better.

A place to place it

With the help of a sofa, you can make zoning of the kitchen and living room, especially if it is a studio apartment. Then it is enough to turn it back to the kitchen set, parallel to it.

A good example of separating the working area from the living room.

Straight gray sofa in the kitchen 10 sq.m.

If the room is very small, then a corner sofa on the opposite side of the door will suit you.

Bright colors raise the appetite, so the bright green sofa fits well into the kitchen of 9 sq.m.

High armrests also create a zoning effect.

Try to match the tone with the kitchen. Below is an example where the tones are different.

The black model looks good in a white kitchen.

The white leatherette material is very practical to use.

Light upholstery can be shaded and diluted with colored pillows, but the material should wash well.

The corner model will be good even for 10 sq.m, while not overloading the space.

The light sofa fits well into any interior, and the leather upholstery will be easily cleaned of dirt.

Upholstered furniture in the kitchen is comfortable, functional and cozy. Modern manufacturers offer a huge number of models from which you can choose a practical and stylish sofa.

For a large kitchen, a long straight or corner sofa is perfect, which can be placed under the wall or in the center to separate the zone. The main thing is that the dimensions correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and the style of the furniture fits the interior.

Important! An important role is played by the color scheme and material. The tone should match the color of the walls, curtains, other furniture, or vice versa contrast with them.

For example, a black leather sofa will fit perfectly into a large white kitchen.

The frame of the sofa should be waterproof, and dirt and greasy stains should be easily wiped off the upholstery. Therefore, it is better to take a model upholstered in leather or a quality substitute. On top you can put a natural fabric that is easy to wash.

For a small kitchen, ideal furniture in which you can put kitchen utensils. There are sofas with pull-out shelves or reclining tops. If you do not plan to push the drawers regularly, then take a model where they move forward. But, if you have to look into them often, then it is better that they move to the side or the seat rises. Then you do not have to constantly move the table.

For a narrow kitchen, a sofa bench with a low table can be the right solution, then the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen-dining room will visually expand and it will be easier to move around.

Kitchen interior with sofa

Of the modern styles for the kitchen often choose:

  • modern;
  • classics;
  • minimalism.

The original layout may include a bar counter, with a corner sofa under it. If your kitchen has two windows, then it is light, and you can equip it in a classic style of dark colors. Feel free to choose olive, burgundy, brown, black. Don't be afraid to combine colors.

The kitchen with a large, soft sofa and a TV set has a pleasant communication with family or friends. In it you can not only have a quick meal, but also watch your favorite programs in comfortable conditions, cheer for your favorite football team or just spend time in the company.

Advice! Remember, if there are a lot of bright colors in the interior, then you will want to leave such a room as quickly as possible.

For example, bright orange or yellow, although they add sunlight, but put pressure on a person.

Fashionable kitchen design

In a private house, it is more difficult to decide on a design than in an apartment. After all, a room can be “indecently” large or small, walk-through or narrow, irregularly shaped, etc. The main thing here is to understand how it is appropriate to organize everything.

If the space is small, then a sofa with drawers can be placed near the window, so that it is convenient to admire the picturesque landscape. If the area allows, then feel free to put two sofas and a table in the middle. In such a kitchen it will be convenient to receive guests and comfortably relax while eating. The main difference between a private house and Khrushchev is the ability to make any redevelopment.

A whole army of professionals is working to develop a new, trendy design for the kitchen of your dreams. They are looking for new textures and combine colors, offer a huge selection of finishing materials and various accessories. The new trends of 2016 include two styles:

  • high tech;
  • minimalism.

And this is not surprising, because modern housewives want their kitchens to be highly technological, functional and have nothing superfluous. Furniture should be equipped with various closers, supports, shock absorbers. A set of white glossy MDF, walls and upholstered furniture in cool gray shades - such a design is at the peak of today's kitchen fashion. The color palette can include all shades of white and black.

A small kitchen with a sofa (the photo below shows the "variable" part of the kitchen) can be a suitable solution for anyone looking for an option to make the best use of limited space.

Fashionable kitchen design does not have to be expensive or consist of a large number of items and decor elements.

Below is a kitchen interior with a sofa that is very easy to reproduce or use as a template to implement your own ideas.

Ideas and interesting interiors, and sometimes just individual elements, given here, will help you find the only solution that fits in all respects.

Modern beautiful furniture can be inexpensive and durable for a long time.; so, for example, a kitchen corner with an irregularly shaped table next to a sofa with drawers below is a functional addition to an economical solution in all respects.

Of course, the most original and interesting kitchen design is possible if there is a sufficiently large space, where there is a place not only for the most necessary, but also for a lot of little things that create comfort.

However, interesting ideas arise not only in the largest areas, but rather at the intersection of technologies and contrasting presentations of the visible part of the interior.

The combination of photo wallpapers, texture of upholstery materials and indoor plants can help get rid of the standard sensations of being in the kitchen. In some cases, placing a sofa bed in the kitchen can serve as an extension of the living space - one of the overstayed guests will be able to spend the night on it.

Photo - 43 Making bright accents

Folklore never goes out of fashion, and if you add natural materials to this, then life in such a kitchen can be a holiday every day.

The presence of a sofa in the kitchen or in the dining room in no way contradicts elegance - it can even add solemnity.

In fact, the sofa can be built in the literal sense of the word on the basis of other things, as, for example, here - from a low closet.

Such an additional element as a pillow on the sofa will always add a little idyll to the whole home atmosphere of any kitchen or dining room.

Finally, to give your own imagination more freedom, you need to move away from the traditional understanding of the word sofa and its role in the kitchen: the main thing is convenience and harmonious combination with all other interior details.

Photo - 51 Functional sofa

Putting a sofa in the kitchen is a modern and fashionable interior solution. With it, the room becomes cozier and warmer. Needless to say, comfortable upholstered furniture can easily replace chairs or increase the number of seats at the table? The choice of a kitchen sofa depends on the dimensions of the room, the layout, as well as the overall design of the room. Dreaming of a soft cozy place in the kitchen? Pay attention to modern models made of materials that are easy to clean.


Today there is a huge species variety of kitchen sofas. Folding design - multifunctional. It is used as a sleeping place for guests, therefore it is popular among buyers. It takes up little space and is considered an excellent alternative to folding beds. The folding model can be straight or built into a corner.

For small kitchens, a small narrow model is ideal. It saves space, has built-in drawers that slide out. It is convenient to store various small things in them. Direct type designs are represented by a wide variety of dining groups. The straight model fits perfectly along the wall, it can be used to separate the working and dining areas. Choose a straight sofa depending on the size of the room.

Designers advise buying a practical leather design for the kitchen. It is great for high-tech, modern and minimalist interiors. Genuine leather is easy to clean and wash, it does not absorb grease, dust and dirt. If the hostess wants to add textiles in the kitchen, pay attention to the model with jacquard, flock or guipure upholstery. A sofa in the Provence style is a combination of plain high-quality textiles or with floral patterns and wooden elements.

Bay window - a design that is made to order to fill an empty niche under the window. It can be rectangular, semicircular or non-standard shape. With the help of a bay window sofa, free space is filled as much as possible. Upholstery of this model, choose a light, delicate shade. If the kitchen is combined with a balcony, the best option for arranging upholstered furniture with a table is near the window. This arrangement will create a comfortable area for eating.

The zone can be moved to the corner of the room or to the center. Modern designs do not have side corners and armrests, which makes the space visually wider. As a decor, you can use pillows, ottomans, blankets, capes. Corner sofa - a modern solution. With its help, it is easy to create a cozy atmosphere, while saving space.

The corner design clearly defines the dining area. In addition, it increases the number of seats. If she has internal drawers and folding seats, various things will fit in them. Soft kitchen corners can have an interesting decor, be made in different colors and shades. Overall models are equipped with shelves at the head, which are used to accommodate various accessories.

A kitchen sofa is a great replacement for ordinary chairs if you want to save space and the family is large. The most popular models today are a bench, a bench, a couch, a book, a bench, a sofa, a metro model, roll-out, pull-out and double. The room in which such a soft structure is located automatically becomes cozy and attractive. For the eating area, a transforming and regular model is suitable. Features of the mechanism depend on the overall interior, room size and layout.


The transforming design is practical and multifunctional, as it can be used as a bed. The best mechanism for the kitchen is the "dolphin". In this model, the bed is located under the seat and is pulled out with a slight movement. A sofa with a place to store things, cookbooks and other small things is a practical design. A folding, folding mechanism, a model without armrests or on legs is a beautiful and compact option.

Choosing a good sofa for the kitchen is not an easy task, especially if the room is non-standard or small. In a small room, it would be appropriate to look at a bench, a built-in 2-seater sofa. Short models are in great demand. Elite soft designs are suitable for overall kitchen spaces. They can be large in size, as well as various bizarre shapes.

Shape, color and dimensions

There are a lot of modern and interesting models of kitchen sofas. Designers recommend paying attention to modular structures that are assembled from several parts and acquire the necessary shape when the components are moved. Soft semicircular sofa, sliding, round, p-shaped, radius, transformer, "eurobook", "accordion" - one of the most compact and functional forms. Models with a high back look appropriate in a classic interior.

Designers are advised to purchase models whose body is made of natural materials. Eco-leather, wooden models fit perfectly into a modern apartment and support the overall ecological style. Wooden, velor sofa, upholstery made of eco-leather, leatherette - a modern and stylish solution for the kitchen. What to choose: leatherette, genuine leather or fabric? The material is selected in accordance with the style of the interior. Genuine or artificial leather is the best option if there are pets in the house who like to lie on upholstered furniture.

Today, designs with a wide seat are at the peak of fashion. Width up to 120 cm - the best and comfortable option. On such a sofa it is comfortable to sit and also relax. Shallow models, the depth of which is up to 70 cm, are a good option for a small kitchen with limited space. Forged products made using cold forging technology are in great demand. Metal structures will look good in a modern interior with a relief wall, heavy and cold materials.

Fashion designers recommend choosing models of cheerful shades, depending on the interior and personal preferences. Red, orange, green, blue, gray, lilac, purple, brown are the most fashionable upholstery colors for upholstered kitchen furniture in 2017. White color is also considered fashionable, but it is impractical. A modern solution is the angular design of a dark color: black, dark gray, chocolate, beige-brown.

In an ecological interior, the walls of which are painted green, upholstered furniture of milky, light yellow color will look appropriate. The black soft construction is a stylish choice for a modern space. Spots are not visible on such a sofa, it contrasts well with light walls, a white or brown table, bright accents, such as pillows. Black upholstery goes well with red, white, bright blue. An interesting option is models in which two different colors are combined: white and black, red and white, blue and white, gray and purple, orange and green.

Remember that an unusual combination of different materials, textures and styles always looks advantageous. For large structures, the ideal colors are dark, or a combination of bright and calm shades. Small sofas can be made in neutral, solid colors. Do not pass by interesting floral, floral prints, geometric contrasting patterns.

How to do it yourself

Homemade sofas for the kitchen - an economical option for an apartment, house or cottage. How to choose the right material to create a structure with your own hands? Keep in mind that the kitchen model must be durable and withstand heavy loads. In order to make such a mechanism, it is not necessary to have professional skills and abilities, it is enough to follow a certain plan.

If you want to make the perfect model of a kitchen sofa, consider the following nuances:

  • Furniture form. The best option in this case is a model with drawers for storing various items needed by the hostess.
  • If you plan to build a corner structure, decide on the direction (left-hand or right-hand).
  • Purchase the necessary materials, accessories, fabric, soft pillows.
  • Prepare tools: jigsaw, hacksaw, screwdriver, knife, scissors, tape, ruler, pencil, triangle, meter, level, hammer, sandpaper).
  • Seats are best covered with synthetic material. It is more practical, does not lose shape and lasts a long time.

The sofa will be comfortable if it has the exact configuration. The mechanism can be stationary or folding. If you want to make a stationary structure in the form of a corner, carefully study the direction of the corner, make drawings and prepare materials. For upholstery, you can use velor, artificial leather, jacquard, microfiber, flock.

At the very beginning of work, decide on the dimensions and design. Dimensions must have standard values ​​and be without miscalculations. For clarity, draw a diagram on which indicate the problem areas in the room (sockets, protruding elements, plinth, baguette, furniture). When deciding on the size of the sofa, consider the height of family members, the number of people who gather at the table, weigh the design options. The simplest design for construction has a base - side parts that are connected by a back or seat.

On the diagram, mark the drilling points for fasteners. The design of any size consists of three parts: short, long and angular. The standard height of the model is 85 cm, the length is from 90 to 120 cm, the width of the side part is 45 cm, the seat height is 40 cm. The corner also has standard dimensions of 45x45 cm. Remember that the dimensions of the sofa depend on the number of people living in the house and the size of the kitchen .

The first stage is the connection of three parts (sidewalls, backrest and seats). Prepare in advance the bars of the required length, with a section of 40x40 mm. A functional and durable design will help to make roomy drawers that should be placed under the seat. This will require boards. Put plywood on the bottom, which should be inserted into the cut grooves. The remaining structural elements must be connected with self-tapping screws, and the holes must be closed with plugs.

The sides are connected using horizontal bars, then the back frame is made of plywood. At the final stage, it is necessary to attach foam rubber to it. The seats consist of 2 parallel and 4 perpendicular boards, which are connected with special spikes, and the binding is made out with a plywood sheet. The longitudinal beam, located at the back, is connected by piano hinges. The seat cover should slide forward 30 mm, with the metal corners of the backrest strut screwed on.

A sofa made of pallets looks beautiful. Many reviews of the owners of homemade sofas confirm the simplicity, convenience and original look of such a model. The structure is sheathed when all its main parts are combined, and the parts are tested for strength. Remember that each element needs a separate manufacture. The foam rubber should be attached with a stapler to a wooden base, leveled, and stretch the fabric on top.

The design of the kitchen with a sofa is a good idea for a spacious room. After all, this will add a special chic, make the kitchen more functional, as it will add another area - the dining area. With the location of a soft sofa in the kitchen, it will become convenient not only to eat, but also to have guests, arrange holidays, set the table. All guests will be able to accommodate without compromising free space and themselves.

Upholstered furniture in the kitchen is comfortable, functional and cozy.

Modern manufacturers offer a huge number of models from which you can choose a practical and stylish sofa.

Before you understand what are the disadvantages and advantages of the sofas located in the kitchen space, it is necessary to consider all the models and forms of sofas available for sale.

The main thing is that the dimensions correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and the style of the furniture fits the interior.

Design Advantages Flaws
Straight Convenience Most often, the kitchen set is sold as a set, and not separately.
Wide range of colors and textures A sofa of this design takes up a lot of space, so it is only suitable for large kitchens.
Can be placed anywhere
Angular Suitable for small kitchens Kitchen furniture has a solid back and seat:

To maintain posture while eating;

The sofa is not suitable for relaxing.

Helps create a dining area
Large selection of products, different materials and shades The cost of a kitchen set is high, as it has a high-quality and wear-resistant filler to withstand various loads.
Many models have additional storage boxes, shelves and compartments.

They create storage spaces:



Folding Functionality (it will help to accommodate as many guests as possible in the apartment) You can place such a set only in a large kitchen, where there is enough space for a sofa bed.

The cost of this product will be an order of magnitude higher than products of other designs.

Ergonomics (there are places to place things and kitchen utensils)
Compact (takes up little space when assembled)
Conveniences (it is more convenient to receive guests, celebrate holidays on a soft sofa with a back)
Large assortment (there is an option for a kitchen of any style)

An important role is played by the color scheme and material.

Where to install the sofa?

You can choose a place for arranging the sofa only after installing the stove, sink, refrigerator, cabinets, shelves and other kitchen appliances. However, its placement is an important component of creating a kitchen interior with a sofa.

The tone should match the color of the walls, furniture, or vice versa contrast with them.

Criteria on which the installation location of the sofa depends:

  • The shape and size of the room;
  • The size and number of windows and doorways;
  • Choosing the layout of the kitchen set for work;
  • The number of functional areas (the design of the kitchen is also taken into account - combined or separate from the living room);
  • The size and design of the product itself;
  • Options, the presence of a group for the dining area.

A gray or black sofa fits perfectly into a large white kitchen.

The frame of the sofa should be waterproof, and dirt and greasy stains should be easily wiped off the upholstery.

Arrangement methods

How to decorate a sofa area

The way the area near the sofa will look like needs to be thought out in advance. After all, it will create a cozy atmosphere in the room and refresh the interior of the room. The most successful option is pasting the recreation area with photo wallpapers.

Experiment carefully with bright colors in the kitchen.

With the use of photo wallpaper, the kitchen will become fresher, brighter and more cheerful. The pattern on the wallpaper can be anything:

  • abstract;
  • Landscape;
  • Using geometric shapes;
  • Plant or animal ornament.

Harmonious combination of colors in the kitchen.

If the square meters of the room allow, then the recreation area can be decorated with artificial stone. This will give the kitchen sophistication, make it more chic.

In such a kitchen it will be convenient to receive guests and comfortably relax while eating.

Also, some accents in the recreation area will make a cozy kitchen, for example, paintings or photos of the family on the wall, original lamps, flowers in vases, small pillows in the corners of the sofa, bright curtains or vice versa curtains in soothing colors.

A kitchen with a sofa can be a suitable solution for anyone who is looking for an option to make the best use of limited space.

Important! It should be remembered that all selected accessories should match the style of the kitchen in order to complement the interior, and not overload it.

seating area by the window

Installing a soft sofa, and, consequently, a seating area by the window, is an interesting option. However, it is not suitable for everyone, usually the windows in the kitchen are located in the middle of the wall. This means that the seating area will be located right in the center of the room, which is not very convenient if the kitchen is not gigantic in size, and the work surface is at hand. Therefore, this option is only suitable for spacious rooms.

Fashionable kitchen design does not have to be expensive or consist of a large number of items and decor elements.

Ideas and interesting interiors, and sometimes just individual elements, given here, will help you find the only solution that fits in all respects.

An interesting idea for such an accommodation would be to combine the kitchen with the loggia and move the recreation area there. Such a decision will definitely make the kitchen spacious, and most importantly, interesting for many who come to visit.

Modern beautiful furniture can be inexpensive and durable for a long time.

Placing a sofa in a small or medium kitchen

Before drafting a kitchen design with a sofa in a small area, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. It is important to remember that a small kitchen is not a sentence for using a soft headset.

The sofa with drawers below is a functional addition to an economical solution in every respect.

The most original and interesting kitchen design is possible if there is a sufficiently large space.

In such a room, compact sofas of the "bench" model, or corner sofas without a transformation function, will fit perfectly. However, even in such small products there are places to store kitchen utensils or other trinkets.

If the space is small, then a sofa with drawers can be placed near the window, so that it is convenient to admire the picturesque landscape.

The color scheme when choosing a product for a small room will be light shades: white, beige, cream or gray. So the emphasis will not fall on the sofa, and thereby distract from the general perception of the entire interior of the entire kitchen.

The color palette can include all shades of white and black.

Sofa design in the kitchen

One of the main criteria when choosing furniture will be not only the model and type of construction, but also the color, texture solution of the headset. Even the furniture in the kitchen can visually increase or decrease the space.

Interesting ideas arise not only in the largest areas, but rather at the intersection of technologies and contrasting presentations of the visible part of the interior.

Important! The upholstery of the sofa should be in harmony with the kitchen set. This means that colorful upholstery with patterns can make the interior heavier.

To give your own imagination more freedom, you need to move away from the traditional understanding of the word “sofa” and its role in the kitchen: the main thing is convenience and harmonious combination with all other interior details.

A kitchen with a sofa is always more than just a kitchen, because it is a bit of a living room, a bedroom, and a dining room at the same time. Sometimes a sofa in the kitchen is a necessary measure, so that if necessary or every day it turns into an extra bed. In a combined kitchen or in a studio apartment, the sofa is located in the living area, often it is he who divides the space into zones. And sometimes it is put in order to rationally fill the space, make the kitchen cozier, more convenient and comfortable.

One way or another, but the interior of the kitchen with a sofa cannot be called standard. Yes, and the sofa itself is more difficult to choose than chairs, because you need to take into account such factors as: the ratio of its size to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, capacity and dimensions in assembled / unfolded form, ease of transformation, availability of storage space, structural reliability, upholstery practicality and pleasant design.

What type of sofa is suitable for the kitchen?

Like a sleeping place

If you need a sofa as a main or extra bed, then you need to choose a convertible model. There are more than 10 varieties of sofa transformation mechanisms with a berth, let's take a look at some of them.

  • "Dolphin" ("Kangaroo")- sofas with such a layout mechanism are perhaps the best option for a kitchen with a berth. It is "Dolphin" that is used in the designs of traditional kitchen corners. An extra bed is easily pulled out from under the seat of the long part of the sofa. This is the best option for any kitchen, especially a small one. The photo on the right shows a corner sofa for the kitchen, which converts into a single bed.

Tip: in the design of a high-quality and reliable "Dolphin" there should be closer springs.

  • Folding sofa-book and its variations: "Eurobook", "Click-clack" ("Relax") and "Tick-tock"- if you need a bed that will be laid out daily, then opt for the "Eurobook" or "Click-clack" - they are the most reliable and easy to unfold, and also have convenient places to store things. But the standard "books" are suitable if the "bed" is exclusively a guest bed and will not be laid out daily.

Tip: the "Eurobook" retractable with the help of profiles, and not rollers, will last longer.

  • Model "Accordion"- a good option, as they are very easy and quick to unfold, but require a lot of space in front of them.

  • "French folding bed" and "Sedaflex"- such sofas often have beautiful elegant backs, since during the transformation they remain motionless, and the mattresses are laid out according to the folding bed principle. They are suitable for, as they take up very little space when assembled. Of these two types, Sedaflex is more suitable for regular use, but it also costs more. French folding beds will fit only for guest use.

  • Roll-out sofas are perhaps the least suitable for kitchen conditions - you can’t store things in non-corner models, they are relatively difficult to unfold, and the mechanism is not the most reliable. In addition, when disassembled, they require a lot of space in front of them.

A kitchen with a berth can be equipped not only with a sofa bed, but also with a single couch, sofa or ottoman, on which you can sleep, relax and sit at the table.

Sofa instead of or in addition to chairs

If a kitchen with a sleeping place is not relevant for you and you only need a sofa as an alternative or addition to chairs, then you can choose the following types of furniture:

  • A bench, a straight or corner sofa for the kitchen with storage boxes is the best option for small kitchens. A kitchen sofa can often be bought complete with a table and a couple of stools. You can read more about dining corners and see more photos in a separate article on this topic (the link will be below).

Tip: if you often plan to use bulky drawers under the seat, then give preference to furniture with a lifting mechanism located on the side - so the dining table will not interfere with the opening.

  • If you rely not on functionality, but on beautiful design, then a traditional corner sofa for the kitchen can be replaced by a bench, very similar to a garden bench. It does not have a storage section, but it fits organically into the interiors of kitchens in or rustic style.

  • The bay window kitchen sofa is designed to be installed in an appropriate niche. As a rule, such furniture is made to order, so that it exactly matches the dimensions and shape of the existing niche. The photo below shows a kitchen interior with a 3 m long sofa in a bay window. You can read more about the design of a kitchen with a bay window.

  • Banquettes and ottomans are the most beautiful and most often expensive type of sofa. The design of the kitchen with this type of sofa will be stylish and not "overloaded".

Materials and upholstery - what to look for in the store

The most practical and stylish material for the frame remains natural wood, more precisely, its denser and more durable varieties: beech and oak, as well as birch and pine as a budget alternative. Wood must be specially impregnated to protect against moisture. The most budget option is laminated chipboard, but keep in mind that chipboard sofas have a service life of only 5 years.

As for the upholstery, the most beautiful, practical, and therefore the most expensive solution will be genuine leather. It is easier to take care of than a fabric that absorbs dirt.

Leatherette is also distinguished by practicality and durability, as well as external showiness - but only on condition that you choose a truly high-quality material.

If the design of the kitchen with a sofa requires fabric upholstery, then you can pay attention to:

  • cotton and polyester blend is a common upholstery option for modern sofas;
  • wear-resistant furniture jacquard.

  • having decided to put a fabric sofa in the kitchen, take care of the efficient operation of the hood so that the upholstery does not get greasy and is less saturated with odors;
  • it is better when the kitchen sofa is equipped with removable covers. So you do not have to worry about the safety of the upholstery, because the covers are easily washed or replaced with new ones. In addition, the design of the kitchen with a sofa with removable covers can be easily changed according to your desire.

And it is also very important to choose the right filler, especially if a kitchen with a berth is arranged. It should be practical and hypoallergenic. Therefore, artificial materials are used for kitchen furniture fillers - for example, holofiber or polyurethane foam that perfectly restores shape. Foam rubber is rarely used in modern models - it is a budget material, the service life of which almost never exceeds 4 years.

Where is the best place to put the sofa?

You can choose the following kitchen design with a sofa:

  • The sofa dining area opposite the kitchen set is a standard solution that is most appropriate in standard rectangular kitchens. In the photo below, an example of a kitchen design with a sofa with a parallel arrangement of furniture.

  • A corner sofa in the kitchen of a small area or with a bay window is most often placed in the corner by the window.