Design of a small bedroom with a built-in wardrobe. Interior decoration of a small bedroom (real photos). Spectacular project in an ordinary apartment: examples, new items

Designing a small bedroom is not an easy task. Indeed, most often the bedroom in modern small apartments also combines the functions of a wardrobe and a home office. However, with some helpful tips in mind, you can make good use of every meter and turn your small bedroom into a cozy and functional resting place.

When the bedroom is small, it is necessary to combine two tasks at the same time - to accommodate the necessary furniture and things and visually increase the space. What needs to be done to visually expand the size of the bedroom? What colors are best for this? How to decorate a small bedroom? What kind of furniture would fit best here?

The smaller the bedroom, the lighter the shades

Of course, for a small bedroom, it is recommended to use light shades, as they significantly expand the space, while warm ones visually reduce it. That is why in a small bedroom the walls should be painted with paint in neutral light tones or pasted over with light colors.

To make the interior of a small bedroom more interesting and creative, you can add bright accents - multi-colored curtains, carpet, pillows and bedspread.

What furniture to choose for a small bedroom

Since there is not enough space in a small bedroom, you should not clutter it up with furniture. In this case, when developing the design of a house or design of an apartment, it is best to apply the minimalism style in the bedroom.

The main place in the room is the bed, and even in a small bedroom, it should be emphasized. You can choose an option without legs, so that visually it seems smaller in size. To focus on the bed, you need to make the headboard taller and more prominent.

In some bedrooms there is so little space that it will not even be enough for a wardrobe, and therefore it can be safely replaced with a chest of drawers. In addition, high shelves can be installed near the bed instead of bedside tables.

A built-in wardrobe with mirrored front doors is an excellent option for a small bedroom. A lot of things fit into it, which is very important in such a situation. Furniture must be positioned in such a way that there is a maximum of free space, and there is no empty space between objects.

How can you visually expand the space of a small bedroom? What advice should you heed in this case?

  • Don't clutter up your bedroom with items that have nothing to do with sleep - you don't need to use a lot of decorative items, bookshelves, chairs, etc.
  • Do not obstruct the bedroom entrance.
  • Instead of placing several shelves, you can choose a compact rack, where you can fit everything you need, and there will also be a lot of free space.
  • Light-colored paint or wallpaper should be used, and dark colors are not recommended.
  • Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern perfectly expands the space.
  • It is recommended to use textiles and curtains without large patterns.
  • Do not hang numerous photographs and paintings in massive frames on the walls. It is better to hang just one picture in the bedroom above the head of the bed.

Bedroom design with balcony - expanding space.

There are also cases when tenants, desperate to experiment with the visual expansion of a small bedroom, decide to increase its space due to the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony or loggia.

The idea is realistic only if the balcony is glazed. The design of a small bedroom with a balcony is of two types: the use of a loggia as an additional area - an extension of the bedchamber; a room with an adjoining part is a single space. In the first case, you can put a tiny sofa and a coffee table on the balcony by building a seating area or book shelves. The main thing is that the interior of the loggia is a continuation of the bedroom design, obeying a single style, and not discord with it.

In the second case, you will have to take care of insulating the adjoining part and removing the window and balcony door. You should not remove the bearing walls and transfer the batteries to the balcony - for the safety of the whole house. The second option is suitable for those who have a very small bedroom. The balcony can be turned into a cozy terrace, a study (if it is located on the north or west side), a library (for those who like to read). You can also organize a sleeping place here, putting a narrow ottoman and a dressing room, equipping the area with wardrobes. Contrary to popular belief, a tiny room is not a sentence. Correctly selected furniture, lighting sources, colors, textiles and a minimum of decor will add space and freedom to the room. We hope that now you will be able to design a small bedroom with your own hands. Feel free to resort to interior tricks and tricks in order to make the relaxation and sleep area the most pleasant corner in the house.

Try to choose a wallpaper with bright interesting patterns, your kid will be delighted to see heroes of your favorite cartoons on the walls. If you are afraid that the child will show his talent as an artist right on the wallpaper, leave one wall white - for creativity.

Children's bedroom must be divided into zones:

  • Game room;
  • Working;
  • For sleep.

If the room is for several children, a bunk bed will help save space.

The play area includes not only a space for games, but also such elements as a ladder and a horizontal bar for sports exercises. Use photo wallpaper, they will revive the space of the bedroom and significantly increase it.

The working area should be a table, a comfortable chair, and book shelves. The child should be comfortable doing homework and nothing should distract him, it is better if, sitting at the table, he will find himself with his back to the playing area. If a balcony adjoins the room, the play area can be placed there, just try to insulate the walls, windows and floor as much as possible.

Small room design can be quite creative, for example, make a nursery inside a nursery. Something like a huge, low closet can serve as a play area or dressing room for your child, with a bed at the top of that closet.

We spend at least a quarter of our lives in the bedroom. This means that this room is especially dear to each of us. It is very important that you feel calm and confident in a small bedroom. When decorating the interior, try to create the most comfortable atmosphere. The furnishings of a small bedroom should not bother you, on the contrary, it should become a familiar quiet haven where you can always gain strength before the next hard work day.

Photo idea:

We spend about a third of our lives in sleep. If it takes less time for this, then in the remaining period of time we dream of getting enough sleep. And for this reason, each of us tries to equip a place to sleep so that it is always cozy, comfortable and easy to fall asleep there.

No matter how modest our home may be, there is always room for a bed. This means that the design of even the smallest bedroom must perform several very important functions. One of which is healthy sleep.

And at the same time, the bedroom for most of us also becomes an office, workshop, studio, boudoir, and also includes not only a bed, but also a writing or computer table, work surfaces, all kinds of wall equipment and, of course, cabinets for storing things. Therefore, our already small bedrooms seem even smaller than they are.

Small room interiors: ideas

Unfortunately, small bedrooms are a frequent occurrence in small apartments, popularly called Khrushchevs. And that is why most of us are faced with the problem of arranging such a small room in area, where every square meter counts. Therefore, the issue of optimal and optional interior in these rooms is more acute than in any other.

Although not only in Khrushchev there are small bedrooms. After all, such premises can be located in the attic or in a country house. They can be guest rooms or non-main rooms, provided as additional sleeping places. But this does not mean that they should be given less attention. After all, every room in our home is a reflection of our soul. And if you have the opportunity to make her more cheerful and pleasant, do it.

To begin with, it is worth looking at the original layout of the existing bedroom in order to understand what are its main advantages and what are the disadvantages. So, playing on strengths and hiding weaknesses, we can create an ideal design even in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. m.!

And it doesn't matter which room you got - with two windows or without a window at all, with hidden spaces in the form of a niche that can give 5 sq. m. in excess of the available area, or an empty, but regular square. Any bedroom can be made cozy and comfortable. The main thing is to want.

How to equip?

The basic rule in arranging small bedrooms is the principle of decluttering. After all, the more the room is made, the tighter it will be. And if, looking around the walls and floor in your bedroom, you did not see a single free space or baseboard, then you will never feel comfortable in such a room.

Therefore, give up bulky furniture, decorative trifles, as well as additional storage that take up a lot of space. Small rooms do not tolerate a large number, albeit useful, but large interior items. After all, this is how they turn from a bedroom into a closet, where sometimes you can lie down for a minute and breathe in the dusty air, and not fully relax after a hard day's work.

In addition, many of us try to combine them with the office, so that we can always return to work after sleep, without being distracted by other trifles.

Every thing in a small bedroom should be in its place. And if you are thinking about its most comfortable arrangement, start by purchasing multifunctional furniture.

Beds with drawers for storing linen, dressers and deep baskets, hanging shelves and a small but roomy wardrobe - all this will free the surfaces from decorative little things that create a "creative mess" and imaginary comfort in the room. And they will artificially expand the space, making the bedroom freer and brighter.

Therefore, give preference to built-in shelving, tables with additional shelves, furniture with drawers and baskets to keep things, bedding and small devices like phone chargers out of sight.

But don't clutter the room too much with non-sleep items. After all, armchairs, chairs, bookshelves and various decorative elements will again return the cramped space in which it should be easy to breathe. However, you should not go to the extremes of excessive minimalism either. This will not give the room any charm or real home comfort. Look for your sweet spot between functional furniture and a small set of little things that you love.

Color solutions

Color plays an important role in expanding space and creating comfort in a small bedroom. And this is not surprising, because a bright room, no matter how small it is, will seem more spacious.

Therefore, give preference to white, beige and pastel colors, which will visually expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, filling it with more light. Brown colors will also look advantageous on the walls, imitation of natural wood, leather or skins will give the room a special ethnic charm.

But if you think that your bedroom is doomed to soiled colors, then we is in a hurry to cheer you up. After all, this is the simplest, but not the only solution for making a small room cozy and loved.

Bright and bold colors will give the room no less space and light. And the use of combined wallpaper, where one wall will be executed in turquoise or blue, for example, tones, and the others in more muted shades will also expand the space and give you a healthy, pleasant sleep. The main thing is the correct combination of colors and their arrangement. For example, a great solution would be to trim the panel above the bed with wallpaper with a large pattern or a bright print, and in addition to them, pick up a monochromatic companion wallpaper that allows you to add dynamics to the interior.

If we have convinced you that only light or bright colors will create sufficient space and comfort in the room, then we is in a hurry to retreat with a proposal to paint the walls in something darker. After all, a bedroom in gray tones will not yield to light rooms in terms of a visual increase in space, but rather, put it in a more advantageous light.

As practice shows, the dark color perfectly conceals the corners and dissolves the borders, creating a chamber atmosphere. So don't be afraid to use colors like dark gray, blue or brown in your bedrooms. They will allow you to give the room your own special comfort and space.

Although if you doubt that a dark solution will suit you, then try a more democratic approach - make only one wall contrast. And so you will be able to artificially increase the space without giving up the most necessary pieces of furniture.

Do not forget that not only walls play a special role in the color scheme of small bedrooms. Floor and ceiling are also important. Therefore, give preference to the same colors that you have chosen for the walls. This will help to remove the abrupt transition and the oppressive sensation (especially felt in rooms with low ceilings).


No matter how small the room is, the decor will be able to transform it and put it in a winning light, if you approach this issue correctly.

But do not forget the main rule for decorating small bedrooms - everything should be not only beautiful, but also optional. Therefore, if you want to decorate the room as organically as possible, give preference not only to cute little things, but also really useful ones.

Of course, we do not force you to give up your favorite paintings, posters or large photographs, but we encourage you to post them correctly. After hanging a large image at the head of the bed, you can make it a focal point, distracting attention from the small area of \u200b\u200bthe room itself.

Light also plays an important role. And therefore, try to adhere to the rule of three-level lighting - general, decorative and applied. So, to help spotlights and chandeliers located on the ceiling, connect floor lamps and bedside lamps to illuminate the walls, and also do not forget about table lamps that serve as assistants on desktops.


How to visually increase the space?

A small bedroom is not a sentence, but special conditions for testing your capabilities and design vein. Therefore, driving into the classic Khrushchev, where there is a struggle for every free square meter, do not give up.

The layout itself can tell you many great solutions for decorating a room so that it is pleasant to be in it and not to feel the eternal pressure of the walls. Even if for the bedroom you have chosen a room with a balcony, niche or other hidden spaces, then you have already taken a step forward to your own bright and comfortable sleeping area.

After placing the bed in a niche and painting it in contrasting light, you will be able to give the whole room depth and the desired volume. And by insulating the balcony, you will be able to carve out a couple more additional square meters in favor of the room.

Wall murals will also help to visually enlarge the bedroom, since choosing calm urban and wild landscapes, large flowers or just a haze hanging over the field, you will expand the space of the room without much effort.

Another tricky move, mandatory for use in small bedrooms, is the use of mirrors when decorating individual sections and even entire walls. After all, they do an excellent job with the main task facing us - visually expanding the boundaries and increasing the available space. And no matter what you choose - a free-standing large mirror, mirrored panels on the sides of the bed, or an entire headboard - any of these solutions will put the room in a winning light.

By the way, mirrors not only artificially make the bedroom larger, and the ceilings are higher, but also perfectly hide the secret cabinets along the wall, shelves and other everyday items that usually spoil the overall appearance of the room.

Low ceilings, too, will not be able to stop you in an effort to make the room more spacious. Just when choosing a bed, give preference to lower models, for example, in the Japanese style. So you artificially raise the ceiling without resorting to the services of architects and builders. And this will make the bedroom even brighter and larger.

Suitable styles

Do not forget that the style of the bedroom also affects its comfort and convenience for sleeping. Therefore, not everything that is suitable for large spacious rooms will look good and give you pleasure in small areas.

As we have already said, white is a universal solution for those who want to make an island of comfort and blissful sleep out of a tiny bedroom. And most often it is combined with the increasingly popular high-tech style. After all, the minimalism of things and colors is an ideal and simple combination that is not difficult and pleasant to implement.

Although the white color blows not only with space, but also with coolness, therefore, many are trying to abandon it for the sake of greater comfort that has come to us from the West. So, a bedroom decorated in a rustic style or shabby chic, made in soft, pastel colors and complemented by small scuffs or, at first glance, bulky furniture, makes the room warmer and more pleasant for people with a subtle emotional attitude.

If you are limited not only by space, but also by finances, but want to squeeze the maximum benefit and comfort from each square meter, then you should think about decorating a bed in the Ikea style. The Ved products of this Swedish furniture factory, which blew up the world with bold designs within any budget, are a great solution for those who are ready to try something new, but remain faithful to environmentally friendly and durable furniture.

Ikea has long gone beyond one style or color, which is captivating more and more people planning renovations and a complete change of scenery. And their airy beds with practical storage boxes, racks with variable shelf heights, tricky wardrobes with a dozen hidden shelves will be great helpers in renovating and changing the interior towards space and light. However, charming decorative baskets in which you can hide little things, roomy poufs and bedside tables with a secret will also become not only a wonderful decor, but also a practical addition to the room.

Spectacular project in an ordinary apartment: examples, new items

And yet style is not the main thing. Although it plays a special role for those who still cannot quickly navigate new products or have not decided what, apart from spaciousness, they want to see in their bedroom. Our main goal is a simple, cozy and comfortable room where it will be pleasant to sleep, create and live.

And therefore, each bedroom needs an individual approach that creates not only an atmosphere, but also emphasizes the character of its owners. And for this we need all the methods and tools under our control.

Another difficulty in decorating a small bedroom can be its shape. So, in old buildings, rectangular rooms are more common than others, allocated for sleeping rooms. And in a narrow room it is more difficult to organize the space competently and ergonomically than in a square one. Therefore, it is worth adhering to certain rules that were invented long before us and have received rethinking in our days.

So, modern designers recommend trying something new, placing the bed with the headboard not against the wall, as has been traditionally accepted for many years, but by the window. This bold move will save plenty of space and delight with a sunny awakening day after day.

In the modern world, many people are forced to live in a small apartment. The issue of arranging the interior of a small bedroom is especially acute. Many are especially interested in wardrobes - after all, such pieces of furniture are large enough, they take up space and attract attention.

How to place furniture?

To conveniently arrange all the necessary furniture in the room - and at the same time make the space of the room functional and comfortable, you need to connect imagination and creativity, as well as use very useful tips and tricks from interior designers.

When decorating a small bedroom, the center of the composition of the room should be determined. This is often a sleeping place. Furniture is best placed around the window and along the walls to keep the center of the room free and not overwhelmed.

It is very important to use different, not too bright colors. It is better to opt for two shades that will be in harmony with each other. If you want to visually make the room wider and more spacious, choose light shades of furniture, and this does not have to be white at all. Furniture of dairy, cream, beige, light gray, caramel and other shades will look beautiful and harmonious.

A good technique for visually increasing the space is to use mirrors in the interior (for example, a wardrobe with a large mirror in the doors). Glass and glossy surfaces are used according to the same principle - for example, glossy stretch ceilings. However, it is important that the color is gentle, in pastel colors. Otherwise, you can achieve an unpleasant pressure effect.

Lighting in the bedroom is also important. It should be as bright as possible, but at the same time - comfortable for the eyes.

What to choose?

Of course, for a small bedroom, furniture should be roomy and functional. However, at the same time, it should be as small as possible.

As for color solutions, it is better to choose a cabinet of light shades, since they are able to visually increase the space of the room. Of course, the color of the product must certainly be combined with other furniture and accessories in the room.

An excellent solution would be to install a wardrobe in a small room at the full height of the room. It is better to make the doors of such a cabinet mirrored, so you get a spacious storage for things, as well as a comfortable large mirror that will visually enlarge the room.

It is necessary to think over and provide for a sufficient number of various shelves and hangers in the wardrobe, on which it will be convenient to place clothes and other things.

Another very interesting and unusual furniture option that is suitable even for a small Khrushchev functional bed-wardrobe. During the day, the bed folds up and stows away in the closet, which allows you to significantly free up the space of the room, and at night it again turns into a comfortable and spacious bed.

A modern loft bed can be purchased. The sleeping place in such models is located on the second tier, but a spacious wardrobe can be placed below.

Designers also advise using the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilt-in wardrobes for a small room.

Coupé features

Sliding wardrobes are very popular all over the world, since they can be successfully placed even in the smallest room.

They have a number of other advantages:

  1. Freeing the premises from unnecessary things. In a tall closet, you can store not only clothes, but also those things that should not be in plain sight.
  2. The presence of a large number of all kinds of compartments, shelves and drawers, which makes the wardrobe an alternative to the dressing room.
  3. Light colors of products and the presence of a mirror surface on the doors visually make the room larger.
  4. Convenience of sliding doors - they also save space.

For small living spaces, one of the best options would be to install the product along the entire length of the wall. Such a model is usually made to order - according to the size of your room.

Another variety suitable for a small bedroom is corner or L-shaped wardrobes. They take up very little space, but in fact they turn out to be very roomy.

There are also models of wardrobes "mini" , which are great for the interior of a children's room.

Facade design options

Great ideas for decorating the facade of any wardrobe, allowing you to visually increase the bedroom space:

  • Photo printing- modern technologies due to the use of special paints make it possible to transfer any photograph to the cabinet doors. The applied image is polymerized with ultraviolet light, after which it is varnished. The room will appear spacious and very cozy if you choose images of warm light colors.

  • Mirrors. As already mentioned, the reflective surface visually increases the size of the room, so a wardrobe with mirrored doors is an excellent solution for a small bedroom.

  • Gloss- this is also a great way to visually make a room larger, the outer surfaces of cabinet doors can be glossy. Products of various colors are widely represented on the market, but it is better to stop your choice on light colors.

  • Glass - cabinet doors can be decorated with tinted or transparent glass, on which interesting drawings and patterns are applied.

  • Plastic.The front of the plastic cabinet is one of the most budgetary options, but this material allows you to get a variety of designs. Plastic material can be of any color and shade, transparent or translucent, matte, glossy - for every taste.


When choosing a wardrobe for a small bedroom, you should give preference to the most compact, but roomy models.

All things will need to be placed inside, so there should be a sufficient number of shelves in the closet for storing clothes and bedding.

Design ideas for arranging a small bedroom and creating a cozy and multifunctional environment in it attract with their variety and styles.

How to create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom by combining furniture and finishing materials, lighting fixtures and flooring into one harmonious whole?

We offer some recommendations and tips for arranging a small bedroom so that it is both beautiful and cozy, because this room is a paradise and a sanctuary for sleep and its atmosphere should set you in a positive mood, joy and romantic mood.

A small bedroom area should not upset you, because even a small space can be filled with charm and a favorable atmosphere.

Design of a small bedroom, photo

An illiterately decorated room can have an unsightly appearance and will not bring pleasure from being in it. Therefore, before you start arranging a small bedroom, you should think over all the details, draw up a plan for the placement of furniture, review the photo with options for already finished small bedrooms, and only then start work.

Adhering to the principle of minimalism, the room will acquire an attractive look and become your favorite place in the apartment.

When designing a small bedroom, it is imperative to fulfill two most important conditions:

  • visually increase the space;
  • make the room functional thanks to the successful arrangement of furniture.
Interior of a small bedroom, photo

Bedroom zoning

For a comfortable stay in a small bedroom, they sometimes resort to zoning it. Such rooms may contain:

  • area for doing what you love, for leisure;
  • sleep zone.

A functional wardrobe, placed in the sleeping area, is at the same time a bedside table, a chest of drawers for bed linen and is equipped with shelves for placing small items for everyday use. Such a piece of furniture looks beautiful and fashionable.

A corner table will be quite convenient and appropriate here; a window sill is part of its tabletop. This fact helps to increase the free space in the room.

In a small bedroom, you can build a plasterboard structure that can accommodate a TV, stereo system, books. This arrangement is characterized by its compactness and functionality; it looks stylish in the overall interior.

Let's find out how to furnish and equip a small bedroom in a modern apartment or private house.

Small bedrooms: interior design, photo

Furniture in the interior of the bedroom

Bedroom sets are one of the main components of comfort and beauty in a room. Rest, well-being and mood largely depend on the cozy atmosphere of this room.

Bedroom design can change the whole look of your room, giving it a fresh, irresistible look, whether you have a spacious apartment or an ordinary Khrushchev.

Sleeping set for a small bedroom, photo

One of the main interior items in the room is the bed, the headboard of which is decorated with stylish pillows. Beautiful bedspreads combined with curtains create the perfect picture of beauty and harmony.

It is advisable to install a compact bed in a small bedroom to avoid clutter and cramped conditions.

Making a small bedroom in an apartment, photo

The space will be visually increased if the bed is placed closer to the window and the middle of the room is kept free.

A practical solution is to install a bed with built-in drawers for bed linen and other accessories instead of the wardrobe.

Important! Do not install a four-poster bed, as this visually makes the room even smaller.

Bedroom interior in a small room, photo

The bed is not the only piece of furniture in the bedroom. It has a table, chairs, dressers and other things. Just like a small bed, small furniture frees up space and provides space in the room.

Light furniture is the best option in the design of a bedroom. Even small, but dark furniture sets and headsets will look heavier in the general interior, and emphasize the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Without cluttering the room with a traditional wardrobe, you can resort to installing two high bedside tables, which are interconnected by a mezzanine. It is recommended to install spotlights in their lower part, which will look beautiful and unusual.

Small bedroom decor, photo

By adding a built-in shelving unit or niche, you get great space savings, a functional piece of the room and a great place to store all kinds of items and accessories. The presence of shelves eliminates the need to install additional furniture.

It is advisable to install such racks in a small bedroom to the ceiling, in this case it will visually look higher. By painting the wall near the shelf with a contrasting color, you will emphasize its depth and stylish design.

Even corners and curves in walls can be filled and furnished with well-chosen furniture (corner cabinets, built-in shelves, etc.).

Repair in a small bedroom: photo options

Install low furniture in an Asian or any oriental style that visually takes up less space and creates a sense of width and space. Small podium for low double beds is allowed.

Small bedroom design, photo

Colors and lighting in the interior of a small room

The color palette in decoration, textiles, furniture plays an important role in the arrangement of a small bedroom and can turn it into a beautiful spacious room.

Important! The darker the paint on the walls, the heavier the atmosphere and the ugly and boring room looks.

Choose light colors, preferably pastels or neutrals, to create an open, light and airy room.

Bed in a small bedroom, photo

Light wallpapers in warm colors with small patterns in harmonious unity with light curtains can provide the room with incredible attractiveness and comfort.

In bright colors, there can only be some small objects in the room (shelves, wall clocks, pillows, etc.).

By creating harmony in a combination of light walls, light furniture with bright minor accents of some details, your small bedroom will always look festive and flawless.

Cozy small bedroom: design, photo

Lighting is of great importance in the interior of a small room space. However, this does not mean that your bedroom should be lit up like a casino. Correctly focused lighting, stylish fixtures provide an atmosphere of livability and order.

If a small recreation room is equipped with stretch or suspended ceilings, then an excellent option to visually enlarge it would be to install spotlights around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Ceilings in a small bedroom: design, photo

In a small apartment, sometimes the bedroom is a room not only for sleeping, but also for reading, watching TV, for many other things. Thanks to numerous design solutions from a small bedroom during the renovation process, you can make a wonderful room for rest, relaxation, creating comfort and maximum convenience in it.

Photo of a small bedroom in an apartment

How to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200ba small bedroom? Solutions exist! To increase the size of a room (even visually), you need to make some effort and show your maximum imagination. There are a number of techniques used to make the bedroom appear larger than it actually is.

Below are some suggestions and ideas for the arrangement that will help solve the problem regarding the small area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom.

  1. Try to clear the room of unnecessary things to see how much free space has appeared after that. By removing some items from the floor and placing them in a dresser or bedside table, you will make the room more spacious. Don't clutter up the room; it is advisable to arrange furniture along the longest wall. Try not to accumulate too much furniture and accessories in it, because it looks untidy. Choose only the most essential interior elements.

  2. Small bedroom in the style of minimalism
  3. Don't overdo it with patterns and designs. If you want to create a sense of serenity, choose a pastel color palette with a few light accents. Use saturated colors and bright patterns to a minimum so as not to provide a narrow optical space.
  4. Use every centimeter of a small bedroom optimally.
  5. Avoid draperies. Curtains with many folds and heavy fabrics (like velor) make the room smaller, so use lightweight fabrics like linen and cotton. Instead of standard curtains, you can use lightweight options that take up less space, such as thin curtains or blinds.

  6. How to place furniture in a small bedroom, photo
  7. The use of large mirrors located on different walls of the room and reflecting its areas will visually make the bedroom much larger.
  8. Use wall murals with an expanding effect for wall decoration. Panoramic images, a photopanel with perspective, voluminous 3-D wallpapers and pictures with open windows or streets stretching into the distance will do.
  9. Glass panels visually expand the space, diffuse light, reflecting part of the room. You can also opt for some glossy or shiny surfaces in light colors that also act as light reflectors.
  10. If it is possible to increase the size of the closet or add another one - do it to store bulky things in them and place clothes, shoes, books, sports equipment without cluttering the room with them.

  11. Ideas for renovating a small bedroom, photo
  12. A large sleeping bed is good, but for a small bedroom it is considered a luxury because it takes up a lot of space and provides a small and cramped space around it. Small beds are comfortable, lighter and look stylish and comfortable.
  13. It should be noted that in a small bedroom there is free space under the bed and in the lower part of the closet, and these places are often empty. Use them wisely, as the space under the bed is ideal for sports equipment or items you rarely use.
  14. Arranging shelves on the walls for storing all kinds of objects and things will free up the room and give it a cleaner and more open look.
  15. The ceiling is often the most overlooked part of a room. A well-chosen ceiling decor can make a room taller and larger than it really is. For these purposes, it is advisable to use striped, circular or rectangular structures on the ceiling.

    1. How to equip a small bedroom, photo

      There are many ways to make a small bedroom special and spacious with your own hands. By choosing the right lighting and decorating the windows with light curtains or sheer tulle, you will provide her with warmth and comfort.

      Walls can be decorated with family photos or modular paintings that match the setting.

      Small bedroom interior, photo

      In decorating a bedroom, a panel saturated with sunny colors looks great. By using warm colors in its design, you can give the room an amazing atmosphere of warmth and highlight its flawless beauty.

      This design of one of the walls can be in perfect harmony and match with the color accents of pillows or curtains, shelves or furniture.

      Ideas for a small bedroom, photo

      To create the illusion of more space and to compensate for the limited space in the room, a brilliant white painted ceiling frieze is used to draw attention to the upper wall and ceiling.

      Striped wallpaper along the entire height of the room - from floor to ceiling - also makes the room taller and more spacious.

      Design of a small bedroom in an apartment, photo

      Each small bedroom has its own specific problems in creating a comfortable interior, which require specific solutions.

      Read about how to create rooms with your own hands: in detail about the choice of furniture, finishes, curtains and accessories with photo examples.

      The criteria for choosing furniture for a modern bedroom are described.

      The order and design features of a small bedroom in a classic style are described in the article at:

      Photo gallery

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Designing a small bedroom? Looking for renovation inspiration? Check out the latest tips for arranging a small space. Form your own vision of the room and make your bold ideas and dreams come true.

Think over the interior of a small bedroom to the smallest detail. Let every element in the room dictate the mood, guarantee comfort and loudly declare the owner's impeccable taste. Focus on modern trends, create a cozy place where it will be pleasant to relax, make love, watch your favorite TV shows and see the most beautiful dreams. The best design ideas will help you find a cool solution and use the space wisely.

What furniture will look great in a miniature room? What curtains will accentuate the color scheme of the walls? Why not get carried away with a large print on the upholstery? What's hot in 2017? How to save money with DIY design? The answers are in the material. Decorate the room with fun and creativity, with trendy textures and colors rich in emotion.

photo of the interior of a small bright bedroom with a window

Interior elements are able to inspire, soothe and warm. Feel free to experiment, make the process really interesting: mix shades, combine different styles and get amazing results.

A small bedroom can be a source of great pride. The main thing is to carefully think over the details, correctly place accents and effectively use every square meter.

Keep ideas on how to equip a small bedroom. Inspired by the work of interior designers, you realize in the best way.

Small bedroom interior

Your inner state will depend on the appearance of the bedroom. Therefore, the design of the space must be approached with special delicacy.

When developing the interior design of a small bedroom, think over absolutely everything - from the bed, wardrobe, lamps, carpets, ending with a blanket, pillows, curtains and paintings.

black and white small bedroom design

Is your room only 9 square meters? Decorate the walls in light colors. The correct colors will visually enlarge the bedroom, make it graceful and light.

Don't be limited to white. Interesting ideas can be realized using beige, sand, blue pastel colors. Floor covering of warm, woody shades "is friendly" with light walls.

Make bright accents. Colored decor, furniture or textiles will help you. Pink, blue, green, yellow elements will "cheer up" the bedroom and divert attention from the lack of space.

photo of a bright small bedroom in shabby chic style

Do not obstruct the entrance. Keep the distance from the door to the opposite wall open.

If the size of a small bedroom allows, equip yourself with a workplace. Do not build an office with shelves or other massive structures. Console and chair are enough for the head.

photo of a modern interior of a small bedroom with a partition, an office and windows

photo of a modern workplace in a bedroom

Use mirrors. This is one of the best interior decorating techniques for a small bedroom. Place mirrors opposite the window. Reflecting, natural light will fill the room and significantly enlarge it.

photo of a small room with a mirror

photo of a bright room with a mirror

wooden bed in the interior of a white room

Eliminate heavy objects and shapes from the bedroom. Choose visually light furniture and "draw" straight lines.

Blue color can bring freshness and diversify the design of a small bedroom.

small blue bedroom design photo

Use a minimum of decor. Remove things cluttering up the space. Do not make bright lighting in the center of the room of 12 square meters, highlight each corner separately.

For children in a small bedroom, a modern bunk bed is best.

white wood bunk bed

wooden double bed in small teenage bedroom

Place an accent on the wall - hang a photo at the headboard. Cool design options for this area will add character to the interior. Decide on the number of images, but don't overload the room with them. Pick one big photo and find the perfect frame for it.

Two pictures above the bed will also fit harmoniously. Here's a diptych you can do with your own hands. Take one high-resolution photo, cut it in half and frame each part. The dramatic composition will decorate the room, give it a relaxed, cool look.

light interior of the room with paintings

It's a good idea to set up an "art gallery" on the wall of a small bedroom. A well-chosen color palette will complete the design.

photos on a white shelf

Perfect symmetry doesn't always have to be the goal. Take this into account when choosing the forms for the frames and the location of the paintings. One vertical photo on the nightstand on the left and a horizontal image on the wall on the right will look nice and modern.

Design of a small bedroom with a balcony

A small bedroom with a balcony is a real luxury. If the balcony and the room are connected, the area does not increase visually, but in reality. So it's just a small matter - to use all zones correctly. The design of a small bedroom with a balcony is, first of all, zoning and correctly placed accents.

In such a room, you can make a wide window sill with a mattress and bright pillows. Also a practical option is to place a sofa or chair by the window.

sleeping place on the balcony

photo of a blue bedroom with a fireplace

When designing a small bedroom, think about a greenhouse. Plants in different shades of green can contrast favorably with the color of the walls or flooring.

photo of a white room with a stool

Greenery will fill the balcony with a small bedroom with coziness, freshness and beauty. Stylish pots with interesting textures will modernize the space and become original points in the interior. The flowers themselves will inspire and give a wonderful mood all year round. Such design ideas for a "living" corner are fashionable in 2017.

decor in a small bedroom

black chair in a bright room

Arrange a place near the window for sports equipment and, in fact, for sports. Exercising with city views is much cooler than exercising with a wall view.

Explore trendy small library design ideas. Shelves for books will be well placed on the walls of the balcony. Suitable shelves can be purchased or made by hand.

Arrange a small work area by the window. A comfortable office will help you be more productive.

photo of a gray room with a balcony and a workplace

Decorate the balcony and the room in the same color scheme using different finishing materials. Such a visual combination will look interesting and stylish.

Lamps and fixtures are great zoning tools. Illumination from the balcony area will provide effective lighting throughout the room.

Renovation of a small bedroom

Finishing materials for a small bedroom must be flawlessly selected. The experience of builders and many unsuccessful photos on the network indicate that in a tiny room it is not necessary to use gloss and textured plaster with a large relief. For the decoration of a small room, nothing more suitable has yet been invented than paint or wallpaper.

photo of a bed in a bright room in a retro style

In a room with a small square, you should not make the ceiling dark. For this part, airy, light, weightless tones are intended. Do you want the room to "grow"? Paint the ceiling and walls with the same color.

photo of a modern white cabinet in the interior of the room

Wallpaper in a small bedroom

And choose a light wallpaper for a small bedroom. They will work miracles and expand the space.

Photo wallpapers will help to deceive the perception of the square. Use them correctly. Never put a wallpaper with a perspective pattern on a narrow wall in a rectangular room. Otherwise, the bedroom will look like a tunnel.

photo of the room with photo wallpaper on the wall

The challenge is to increase the space and there are effective ways to do this. Wallpaper with horizontal stripes will help to push the narrow wall apart. Vertical stripes will make the ceiling taller. Decorating a small bedroom is not an easy process and requires a special, careful attitude.

photo of a bright room with a workplace

Forget about large drawings. They can be endlessly fashionable, but they won't expand the space. On the other hand, too much detail will make the room smaller. Also, do not use wallpaper with a colorful print. Such a solution "defocuses" the space, destroys the integrity of the interior, and in a small bedroom without harmony - nothing.

Finishing materials must be of the highest quality. Otherwise, very soon the room will have to be redone.

photo of a dark green room with a workplace

Pay attention to the flooring. Parquet or laminate flooring is best laid diagonally. This will help to visually enlarge the bedroom.

The most comfortable place in the house can be the bedroom in the attic. When decorating it, combine light shades with dark ones, use wood-like materials and don't forget about bright textiles. When choosing a place for a bed, pay attention to the shape of the roof. Install your sleeping furniture in the area with the largest bevel in the ceiling.

photo of a bright small bedroom on the attic floor

photo of a modern white bedroom in the attic

photo of a children's bedroom in the attic

Furniture in a small bedroom

The compositional center of the bedroom is the bed. When choosing it, stop at the version without legs. The laconic design of the sleeping and resting area will visually enlarge the room. Other furniture in a room with a small square size should also be oversized, compact and functional.

photo of a bed and a chair in a bright room

photo of a beautiful bright room with a brick-decorated wall

Use a square or round compact bedside table for the little things you need.

photo of a modern bright room with a wooden floor

photo of a room with a green wall and a white curbstone

In limited space, install shelving or hang wall shelves. For a more spacious bedroom, the next option is a trendy table.

photo of a decorated room with flowers

A small bedroom with a sofa bed will look good. Take the choice of furniture very seriously. This applies to shape, texture, and color.

Are you planning to buy a sofa for your room? Focus on upholstery without large patterns. Large images ruthlessly eat up space and quickly lose relevance.

A tall, narrow wardrobe is suitable for storing clothes. It will not take up much space and will be quite functional. Built-in wardrobes also look stylish, modern and save valuable floor space.

photo of a fashionable white and pink small bedroom with a built-in wardrobe

A built-in wardrobe with a mirrored door will visually expand the territory. It will replace the mirror at the bedside table and will successfully duplicate the space.

Competent placement of furniture in a small bedroom is one of the most important tasks. To make every centimeter work in the room, be smart: buy a bed without a back. It will ideally fit by the window and will not interfere with light. Use a full-wall upholstered headboard as shelves. This design is easy to do with your own hands.

photo of a beautiful interior of a bright small bedroom with a window

The uncommonly decorated area under the window will become a practical area and a good accent. Choose the current shade of fabric and the design of a small bedroom in your apartment will be enthusiastically discussed by friends and family.

Curtains in a small bedroom

Curtains in a small bedroom should serve several functions: block the sun's rays, turn them into pleasant light, decorate the space and protect from overly curious neighbors.

The choice of curtains for the interior of a small bedroom is a responsible task. The appearance and mood in the room will depend on her decision. When buying textiles for windows, remember: curtains for a small bedroom must have an ideal shape, which means no complicated designs.

photo of modern white and green curtains in a small room

Also, the texture of the fabric, shade, pattern, its color and size are of fundamental importance. Don't use flashy, large images. Give preference to light, calm, laconic prints. Or even stop at plain options.

beautiful blue curtains in the interior of a small room

The lack of ornamentation will not draw attention to itself, but on the contrary will balance the design, help the room look expensive and stylish. Instead of "heavy", luxurious curtains, take roman or roller blinds.

photo of a workplace in a room in a classic style

The design of a small bedroom will be perfect if you hang tulle in the room. She will give the room wings, and you will receive a million compliments from guests. And from us.

Photo: The Lovely Drawer,, Marie Claire Maison,,,,,, Dulux,,, Elle Decor