Design wallpaper in the living room. Wallpaper in the living room: beautiful options. Fashionable styles and their features

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Wallpaper interior for living room photo

The living room has always held a central place in an apartment or a private house, it is in it most often the family celebrations and meet guests. And if so, she should attract special attention to himself. So that the room looks beautiful and cozy, little exquisite and stylish furniture, no less attention in the interior of the living room requires wallpaper, the variety of species of which can be seen in the photo. High-quality coverage, successfully fit into the situation, it is not so easy to pick up, but it is quite realistic if you follow some useful advice.

Interesting wallpaper ideas in the interior of the living room

Basic Wallpaper Selection Criteria

Of course, the wallpaper for the living room is selected in its appearance - this is an important factor, but in addition to aesthetic properties, other qualities should be taken into account:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • lifetime;
  • resistance to ultraviolet;
  • appearance.

Wallpaper for the most animated room in the house should be not only beautiful and made of modern high quality materials, but also safe to health - not to have in the composition of allergens and not to allocate poisonous substances into space. It is important that the coating does not copy dust and static charges of electricity.
As for the external beauty, it is not the only true opinion, this is a matter of taste. One like wallpapers with bright images, others want to see more relaxed monophonic walls without frills. Examples of different types of wallpaper for the living room can be seen in the photo.

Gentle 3D wallpapers in the living room interior

Modern dark wallpapers in the interior of the living room

Gray shades in the interior of the living room

The choice of primary color and drawing

The choice of background color and the drawing of modern wallpapers for the living room depends on its own addictions, as well as on the size of the room, type and quality of lighting. Never use a bulk coating, whose color you do not like, even if it is very fashionable this season. At the same time, too bright, albeit your favorite shades, quickly tire you and are unlikely to organically fit into the interior of a room intended for rest.

Be careful when choosing wallpaper for living rooms, pay attention to the basic colors in the interior of the rooms in the photo. In small spaces, light shades of wallpapers are used, expanding space in living room interiors. Dark and deep colors better save for high premises of large sizes, otherwise the room will look gloomy. It is also necessary to carefully select the pattern of coating in the conditions of mining rooms. In a small room, minor patterns are more appropriate, located not too often or geometric ornaments.

Wallpaper with a small pattern in the interior of a small living room

Wallpaper with a geometric ornament in a small living room

Striped ornament on wallpaper in the living room

Black and white wallpapers in the interior of the living room

Important! With visual expansion of space, striped ornaments will be excellent. In this case, the color of the bands can be both monochrome and multicolored or achromatic, based on the combination of black and white.

To make too a spacious room more comfortable, you need, on the contrary, visually undressing it - for this choose horizontal bands or wallpapers as a picture along with moldings. If the living room is large, but the ceilings are not higher than 3 m, you can safely apply large and bright drawings in the finish, they will not look cumbersome. View wallpaper options for the living room and you can choose your favor in the photo.

Brown striped wallpapers in the living room interior

Wallpaper with a large drawing in the interior of the living room

The color of the walls is always selected taking into account the number of light in the room. So, if the living room is dark, the wallpaper is worth choosing as possible as possible, while any shades are suitable for well-lit rooms, up to the use of cold colors of the blue and blue spectrum.

Note!Wall decoration should be in harmony and with a common room design. The fashionable and stylish living room can be issued by using already known design ideas, and come up with interior yourself.

Choosing a wallpaper for a living room to not be mistaken with a combination of shades, use the colors wheel - this is a quick and easy way to choose the color suitable to each other. If you want a quieter option that does not distract from the room atmosphere, use neighboring colors. If you want brightness and unusualness, boldly try on shades located on the opposite positions of the spectrum.

You can diversify the interior of the living room with the help of the wallpaper of two species, as in the photo. Different colors of walls or patterns will help zoning the room.

Zoning living room with different shades of wallpaper

Red in the interior of the living room

Wallpaper material for living room

A variety of materials from which fashionable women's fashionable wallpaper are manufactured for our days, a huge amount. From the first time it is difficult to figure out what exactly you need. To correctly pick up the wallpaper, which will serve you as long as possible, you need to learn the main types of materials. What wallpaper to choose for the living room can be viewed in the photo with various options.

So, what are the modern wallpaper:


Wallpaper on a paper basis is the most cheapest, but at the same time a short-dealing option. Such wallpapers are quite thin, so the perfectly smooth walls are required, otherwise all irregularities will be very clearly visible.

Important! Walls with a paper coating can not be washed, and when sticking it is difficult to combine the pattern - get ready for a large overflow of the material during repair.

Pluses of coating:

  • economy;
  • ease of installation;
  • a large selection of colors and drawings;
  • capable to hide small flaws of the surface with properly selected color.


  • it is impossible to wash;
  • flow to the sun.

Single paper wallpapers in the interior of the living room


Vinyl wallpaper is denser than paper, although they are performed on the same basis. They are not afraid of irregularities and are easily cleaned from dust and dirt with wet cleaning.


  • high strength;
  • diverse relief;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • high decorative characteristics.


  • high cost;
  • mounting complexity;
  • high weight;
  • an unpleasant smell that destroys only a few days after repair.

Dark vinyl wallpaper with small pattern


Flizelin wallpaper is a great option. They can be painted several times, washed, this coverage has a diverse selection of textures and patterns.


  • breathable material;
  • affordable prices;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • easily washed with a wet sponge;
  • suitable for painting;
  • create even cracks in the walls.


  • transparency;
  • meager selection of colors and textures;
  • do not possess good sound and thermal insulation indicators.

Flizelin wallpaper with flowers in the interior of the living room

Photo wallpaper

Wall mural in the interior of the living room is an interesting idea. Realistic and colorful images allow you to expand the space, as well as hide different shortcomings of the room.


  • a wide selection of images, which allows them to be used in the living room in any style;
  • moderate price.


  • there are no reason to hide the lack of foundation;
  • complex in the installation - professionals are required.

Wall mural in the interior of the living room

Fabric walls

Fabric wallpapers immediately remind of the manner of the walls of the walls in the houses a couple of centuries ago. Such a coating is based on paper or flieseline, and the outer layer is made of natural or synthetic tissues - silk, flax, velor, etc. Such walls look incredibly luxuriously, they are very beautiful and elegant. Choosing a textile coating, know - the cloth quickly accumulates dust and does not like water.


  • natural material;
  • antiseptic impregnation, due to which the mold does not occur and microbes do not accumulate;
  • there is no need to keep them;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • big choice.


  • high price;
  • professional sticking;
  • it is impossible to wash water;
  • collect all the dust indoors;
  • absorb any smell.

Some drawbacks are solved by the acquisition of more expensive variants treated with Teflon, such a coating does not collect dust and does not absorb the smell, which is especially important if the living room is combined with the kitchen.

Fabric wallpapers in the living room combined with kitchen


Fiberglass as a wall-mounted coating base is the most convenient option. Such wallpapers are resistant to water and fire, they are durable and can be painted more than once.

Fiberglass on the walls in the living room


Bamboo - Natural and environmentally friendly "breathable" material. Such wallpapers allow you to adjust the climate in the room, in the summer there will be no excess heat in the living room, and in the winter of cold. Bamboo wallpapers can be vacuumed every six months, and too dirty areas are easily rubbed with a wet sponge.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • naturalness;
  • simple care;
  • dust will not be copied.


  • high cost;
  • suitable only for some interior styles;
  • small selection of colors.

Bamboo on the walls in the living room

Metallized coating

Metallized coating is not the most popular option, but it is worth mentioning about it. Aluminum foil, applied as an outer layer, protects against magnetic radiation of radiation, televisions and mobile phones in neighboring rooms.


  • protect any electrical devices from magnetic radiation;
  • easy to care - easily wash;
  • resistant to water and fire;
  • not afraid of household chemicals.


  • very high price;
  • sensitive even to small mechanical damage.

Metallized wall covering is in solid demand.

Photos with a variety of interiors will help determine the choice of wallpaper for the living room. Of course, not every idea from the photo can be realized at home, but some of them will become a good find.
In terms of high quality, Italian wallpapers in the interior of the living room, the most popular options are presented in the photo.

Wallpaper style for living room

Pick wallpaper suitable for the interior of the living room is difficult. To this issue it is necessary to approximately well. Even the smallest room wears the compensation of the world's worldview and requires the creation of a cozy space, comfortable for households and guests.

Classic style

This is one of the most neutral styles without screaming decor and colors. Interior of the Uyugen, contrasts smoothed. The main shades used during decoration are fairly light. It is beige, milk, olive, natural shades of brown, sandy color. Walls must be performed in the same color scheme. Well in the classic living room interior looks with flowers with flowers, especially successful examples are clearly visible in the photo.
Additionally decorate the walls:

  • pictures in the classic style in carved frames;
  • photos with calm plots;
  • mirrors in the bronze frame.

Living room interior in classic style


The main materials used when finishing the modern rooms are wood, leather, glass, metal. In this case, in the outlines of furniture, only soft lines and forms, the same rule applies to surface patterns. It is best to select wallpaper with smooth vegetable patterns.

Modern style in the interior of the living room

High tech

This is one of the most stringent areas of interior design. The basis of the style is the maximum functionality of each interior item. In the interior of such a living room, dark wallpapers look good wallpaper, which is clearly shown in the photo. The feature of the wall finish is also gloss and metallized colors. You can use gray as the main background. But examples in the photo What the white wallpaper looks in the living room in the style of High-tech.

High-tech living room

East style

This style includes several litters - Turkish, Moroccan, Chinese and Japanese. Such living rooms look colorfully and very cozy. The luxury of the old east can be conveyed using textile wallpapers with the corresponding selected culture patterns. But more modern variations of styles allow you to use any materials. In this case, it is better to use one-photo wallpaper in the interior of the eastern living room or do only to a lot of hints to national ornaments.

Living room interior in oriental style


This style is very similar to Provence, but more coarse. There are much less decor - there are no huge collections of figurines and textiles, paintings and other cute little things. The walls are often separated by natural wood or wallpaper coating with imitation of this material. Popular blonde, plant ornaments and pastoral plots. Hown the interiors of the living room in the country style can look like light wallpaper can be seen in the photo.

Living Room in Country Styles


One of the simplest in the design of styles. Nothing distracts here. Furniture is extremely simple, there is no stripping and excesses. All surfaces are one-photon, and the colors used are inappropriate and soft. Photos are clearly shown examples of wallpaper wallpaper in the style of minimalism.

Living room decoration in minimalism style

Select the wallpaper suitable for the overall design of the living room, really complex task, but quite fascinating. Completely combine colors and patterns, the surface of the walls should be harmonized with all the details of the interior. In this case, the room will look for one whole and to delight the eyes for a long time.


Photo Gallery (61 photos)

Repair is a matter of not only troublesome, but also pretty informative. In order for the entire interior design to be beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary to combine all the details correctly.

You can seek help from professional designers, but you will have to pay additionally. And you can independently explore all the nuances and recreate the unique design. Consider the main modern destinations and types of wallpaper for the living room.

To date, the range of wallpapers is very diverse and great. It seems that choose the appropriate option will not be difficult. But it is not so easy to relate to the upcoming purchase. It is so easy to get confused in the proposed options.

The main types of wallpapers for the living room can be formed in the following types:

  • With flowers;
  • Striped;
  • Combined;
  • Modern wallpaper;
  • Wall mural.

1. Select only high-quality wallpaper. They are environmentally friendly and will not sculit dust and quickly burn out.
2. Living room - room for meeting guests. The whole interior should be stylish, and all the details to harmonize with each other. Therefore, you should buy wallpaper for the overall style of the room.
3. You should not choose too dark wallpapers or, on the contrary, white. Golden shades or green are better.
4. Wallpapers must be resistant to burnout, as well as prevent the accumulation of dust.

Wallpaper for living room with flowers

In fashion, there were always wallpaper with flowers. The most relevant now three-dimensional flowers with the 3D effect. It is enough to stick such wallpapers only on one wall, and other walls decorate with monophonic wallpaper. Get a very powerful effect. Most often, this wall is so decorated, along which there is a TV.

You can choose a more relaxed option, with small sizes. Then you can enclose all the walls in the living room. But all the rest of the interior items should be calm style, thereby not distracting attention.


The drawing plays a big role in the formation of a visual effect. Since not everyone boasts large areas of rooms, then resort to some designer tricks is simply necessary to create a cozy atmosphere.

For example, to visually increase the small living room, it is recommended to shove wallpaper of light tones with vertical stripes.

If the room is high ceilings, but in the width of the room I would like to expand, then the horizontal thin strips will be excellent.

It is enough to decorate only one wall with such wallpaper, and visually the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole room will become more. Wallpaper Striped has always been and remain a great option for the living room.

Combined wallpaper

So that the living room looked stylish and not tired, designers advise combining wallpapers. A good option will be two or three shades from the main color. This technique also allows you to select different zones in the same room.

The area intended for rest is best to designate warm shades, and all other walls can be placed cold with wallpaper.

It should also be remembered that the embossed wallpaper or with a pattern must be combined with smooth. This is the perfect combination. It is best to choose wallpaper from one collection or catalog. So it exists the possibility as accurately and harmoniously combine the wallpaper.

Most often, when combining wallpaper, adhesion is carried out by one of the following ways:

  • Wobbly inserts;
  • Focus on one wall;
  • Alternately combine several types of wallpaper.

Modern wallpaper

If we consider the latest trends among wallpaper for the living room, then the most commonly encountered following options:

Liquid wallpaper. Poves fibers from cellulose. Well tolerate temperature changes, do not fade under the sunny rays, are easy to apply onto the wall and in removal, they do not collect dust on themselves.

Gymelomes. Deserved high recognition due to their longevity, practicality, the possibility of repainting several times. A distinctive feature of such wallpapers will be their high ability to resist fire. During the fire, they will not burn.

Fliseline. They obtained their popularity due to the density of the material, which prevents their burnout. Also, they are well tolerated moisture. Wallpaper material allows them to repaint them several times, thereby changing the style of the interior.

Photo wallpaper

The range of photo walls is currently simply affecting its diversity: glossy, matte, washable, vinyl-based, on satin-based, smooth, rough.

If we consider the zones that most often decorated with photo wallpapers, then follow the place to celebrate the place to relax. So nice after the working day to plunge into the atmosphere of calm and harmony.

The drawing can be the most different: from animals and plants to landscape sketches. You can choose oriental motifs if the whole interior contributes to this.

What color of the wallpaper to choose

The living room can be issued in various color shades. Much depends on the selected style of the design of the entire room, as well as from the individual desires of the customer. Consider the most popular color solutions for the living room.

White wallpaper. The White Living Room will definitely remain in the guest's memory for a long time. However, it should be attentive when choosing this color. White wallpapers will not hide, but, on the contrary, they will emphasize all the shortcomings of the walls. Light wallpaper is perfectly suitable for small areas of the room, the interior design is made in the style of minimalism.

Black wallpaper. Excellent option for combining with other colors. Black color perfectly comes to everything. The most successful combination with green, golden, white and red colors, as well as their shades.

Black and white wallpaper. Incredible luxury can be obtained by combining white, gold and black colors. Such a living room will create an incredible royal atmosphere. Black and white color perfectly suits modern styles: High-tech, modern.

Brown wallpaper. Some think that such a color of the wallpaper will be boring, but it is not. The main condition will be correctly combined with other colors. The perfect version of the designers mark the combination of brown and white colors. Such an interior can be diluted with bright accessories in the form of a lamp or painting. In general, all brown shades are able to create a soft relaxing atmosphere.

Gray wallpaper. This color causes ambiguous relationship from many people. For some, gray is connected only with a dull perception, for others, is the color of refinement. By default, gray are luxurious and exquisite rigor. Ideally combine gray with white and black flowers. But for more bold people, designers offer to combine this color with yellow or even violet. As a result, the room will acquire a completely unexpected design option.

Lilac wallpapers. Feelings that cause a given color can be compared with awakening nature with the arrival of spring. Lilac color causes calm and peace. But at the same time they do not cause fatigue, but, on the contrary, can dilute the boring design of the living room. This color can be well combined with white and gray colors.

Beige wallpapers. Classic living room design. It is believed that this is the color of the aristocracy. Beige wallpapers will look great at any time of the day, as they have a very beautiful shade. So that the interior does not look very boring and pale, it is recommended to make bright accents. Most often, the living room in the beige prefer cheerful people. It combines well with white. Thus, you can select upholstered furniture.

Green wallpaper. Complex color for the living room. Especially it should be accurately combined with the rest of the interior items. It is best to choose bright and rich shades of green. Otherwise you can create a very relaxed atmosphere that is more suitable for the bedroom. You should also choose the right light. Green wallpapers require additional lighting devices except the main chandelier.

Yellow wallpaper. Cause joy and optimism. Therefore, yellow wallpapers are perfectly suitable for purposeful people who know how to get from life what they want. Yellow has a lot of shades: from mustard to bright yellow. Living room with yellow wallpaper will stimulate to creative thinking.

Red wallpaper. Color that causes dual sensations. On the one hand, the red color is the color of vitality and passion. On the other - aggression. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo the red shades in the living room.

Ideal will be combined with white or golden flowers. A good option will shove one wall with red wallpaper, and everything else is white. If you do not want to glue light wallpaper, then you can combine red wallpaper with others, but necessarily with a large white ornament. If you stick red wallpapers for all the walls, it is better to diversify this bright monophony of light moldings.

Violet wallpaper. Categories cold colors. You should give preference to mild shades of purple. So the room will not be soft and comfort. But be sure that the purple wallpaper in the living room will stay for a long time in the memory of any guest. However, designers are still advised to make small bright purple accents, rather than enclosure all the walls by this color.

Combination of wallpapers with other interior items

Of course, when the wallpaper is selected, the entire style of the room must be observed. The main task that is being pursued when buying wallpaper is competently allocate the remaining furniture on their background. It is important. All: Color curtains, furniture, small accessories and attributes. Most often, the color of the wallpaper is trying to choose in the same shade with soft and cabinet furniture.

Some designers combine wallpaper with curtains. With this reception, it is necessary to be very attentive. You should choose either wallpaper on one or two tones lighter or darker curtains, or make a bright contrast.

You can make a bright focus on the wallpaper. Then all other objects in the living room must be a calm color, so as not to attract attention.

What color wallpaper for the living room would not have chosen, the main thing is that he harmonize well with the rest of the room. It is best to turn to experienced designers that will be offered the most appropriate version of the living room for you.

If the financial situation does not allow spending on specialists, then it is best to familiarize yourself with fashionable trends on catalogs in the wallpaper salon or to view articles on the Internet on a given topic. As a result, it turns out a stylish and comfortable living room design.

The living room is traditionally central in an apartment or house to which much attention is riveted. All family members are gather here in the evenings, there are a table for guests, they spend the most time here. To interior living room Radded the eye and had for a leisurely rest, it is necessary to carefully treat the question of finishing the premises. The main complexity is the choice wallpaper for the living room And their correct use. In order for the selected option to be perfect, first of all should be repelled from the tips and recommendations of designers.

The problem of the right choice of wallpaper for the living room

The living room is a common room in the house in which all family members spend their free time. Therefore, the decoration of such a premises should be not only practical, but also a bit festive. Choosing a wallpaper for the living room, you need to focus on the overall style of the interior of the apartment, the size of the room and the specifics of its illumination. Also coatings for the hall (living room) must be resistant: it is quite expensive to change the coating for the walls through the season only because they burned out. Accounting for all important criteria will allow you to choose the perfect option.

Tip! It is not worth chaging at a low price when the wallpaper is not worth it, because high-quality and eco-friendly products cannot cost cheaply. If the price seems high, then you can estimate the overall service life of the wallpaper and make sure that they are purchased.

In addition to ease of care, the wallpaper should be still safe for the inhabitants of the apartment. "Breathable" wallpapers that do not accumulate dust are the ideal solution for the living room.

Wallpaper: drawing and color

The question of choosing the color of the walls for the living room is often a stumbling block not only for several family members, but also for one. A wide range makes the flour of choice: often a person likes several types of wallpaper, distinguished not only by texture, but also in color. But it is not necessary to navigate only for personal preferences when choosing wallpaper for the living room. Designers offer to check their preferences with such points:

  • Room size. This indicator should be the first to be taken into account when choosing wallpaper for the living room. If there are no strict restrictions with a spacious room, then dark wallpapers can not be chosen in a small room: you should pay attention to the most bright and air options to make the room spacious at least visually. A large drawing is also suitable for large rooms, and in a small living room optimal there will be a small ornament or a geometric pattern.
  • Ceiling height. For rooms with high ceilings, it is preferable to use a horizontal wallpaper stripsBut for low premises, options are perfect with wide vertical stripes that visually "lift" the ceiling.
  • The degree of illumination of the room. For a warm room with windows to the south, it is worth choosing the canvas of contrasting cold shades: for example, green, blue or gray. If the windows of the living room look north, the walls and the whole interior should be withstanding in warm soft colors: goldist, beige and cream.

Designers love to experiment and choose bright rich color materials for the living room with a juicy pattern. Of course, such walls will charge cheerfulness and cause positive emotions, but they need to use extremely carefully.

What type of wallpaper is optimal for the living room?

The modern market of materials for wall decoration offers many materials optimal for one or another interior. So, for decoration of the living room, it is preferable to use paper, vinyl, flieslinic or tissue wallpapers. To figure out which of these species is optimal for a particular interior, their functional differences and key qualities should be highlighted.

  • Paper wallpapers are not considered an ideal option for the living room, because they are not sufficiently strong and durable. In addition, such wallpaper makes well on the wall, it is necessary to conduct labor-intensive work on the leveling of walls.
  • Fliseline is a more practical option, it becomes easier to carry the effect of light and water. In addition, a wide range of colors, drawings and textures allows you to choose the appropriate option for any interior.
  • Vinyls are also good as decoration walls in the living room. They can be washed, which is relevant for premises with high patency, as well as such wallpapers when sticking looks like a solid web.
November 2016.

What wallpaper is better to choose in the living room? What moments and nuances should pay special attention when choosing? Tips and practical recommendations regarding the design of wallpapers in the interior of the living room, which can be different squares, features of the stylistic design, wallpapers in the living room photo of the interior, as well as news of wallpaper for living room 2016 in this article.

Choosing a type of wallpaper in the living room

To date, it is very difficult to choose a wallpaper for the living room. The thing is that they are prompted simply a gorgeous huge range in every construction store or a hypermarket department. And they differ all of them not only by manufacturers, manufacturers, as well as varieties, textures and many others, from what eyes are simply scattered! But in all this it can be understood and we will help to do this, most importantly, there would be a desire. To begin with, it is necessary to determine which materials are used for the manufacture of wallpaper.

Paper wallpaper

They actually have a lot of negative qualities. After all, they are very thin, often robes in the process of sticking on the surface which, moreover, should be pre-prepared and perfect aligned, without any flaws. And if you pick up the drawings on such materials, it often happens that, according to the result, there are many unnecessary trimming. And this option is not entirely beneficial with a financial point of view. The only majority of their advantage is low cost, compared with any other wallpaper. Be sure to browse the photo of wallpapers for the living room, as precisely different materials design the interior.

Wallpaper from Fliselina

Such material is much stronger than the previous one. Such is the wallpaper brighter and dense, thanks to what is more durable! Do not be afraid of direct sun or moisture. And another feature of the material is that phlizelin wallpaper can be painted! Due to this, you can update the interior of the room several times. In specialized stores, they are in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and recently they have become quite common among consumers.

Vinyl wallpapers

Such material is made on the basis of paper, the quality is not inferior to phliselin. This option of wallpaper is also amenable to washing, and cleaning. The canvas of such wallpapers look entirely, even the junctions are almost impossible in them. These wallpapers in the interior of the living room will bring in freshness, comfort and comfort, and even the design will be done very much with taste!

Fabric walls

It is fabric wallpapers will add luxury and sophistication to each room. Produced from paper, fliesline and textiles (upper layer). For top coverage, usually use flax, silk, jute, velor and many other fabrics are most dense.

Such material looks very nice, and he will decorate gorgeous living room.

The most basic lack of their lack is that it is impossible to wash, and dust and dirt they accumulate almost instantly. But this decoration of the living room with fabrics will look great!

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Glass equipment

If you want something else, compared to previous options, then you can choose glass for the design of your hall. They are also very durable and durable. They produce them from fiberglass, and it also has enough durable and reliable properties. But most importantly, their advantage in fire resistance, since such material does not burn and does not light up. And also to the peculiarities of them can be attributed and the fact that they are not afraid of moisture and the opportunity to repaint them up to 15 times! Photo of the idea of \u200b\u200bwallpaper in the living room will help to quickly determine the choice of finishing materials.

Bamboo wallpaper

Present the interior at least, a part of nature! Bamboo Wallpaper Wonderful, making the living room with them - you give a luxury room, where it will be one pleasure not only to relax yourself, but also take guests for a cup of beloved hot drink. But too, it's not to get involved. To give a pleasant and, at the same time, a luxurious atmosphere, it is enough to have a bamboo wallpaper one wall or part of it. Bamboo wallpaper in the living room - photo interiors, will help to decide how to make them better and original. It is not difficult to clean such a material. Literally several times during the year "go through" a vacuum cleaner, and if there are strong contaminants, you can wipe them with a damp cloth or sponge.

Still, pick up the same option of wallpaper, which is necessary for the design of your living room is quite difficult, because today they have a huge range!

Wall mural - advantages and disadvantages

Photo Wallpaper for living room has become very relevant lately.

Compared to how it was before, now the quality of the photo is displayed just fine! And all thanks to modern advanced technologies!

But such a material should not bother. You must understand that they will be before the eyes constantly, and not only you, but also at your guests. And it is very important that the situation does not "have come," otherwise the living room will simply not be comfortable. This is exactly what is the main disadvantage of such a material. Therefore, the most appropriate place where you can "enter" them are where they will not distract you from watching TV or conversations with guests.

It is also necessary to take into account the combination that may not approach the photo wallpaper, and it can be:

  • Basic wallpapers with large patterns;
  • Combinations with sharp contrast - with the main and most important details of the design of the entire interior;
  • Not a combination of styles or too cluttered atmosphere.

Wallpaper style in accordance with the style of the interior

Make a design in the hall of your home - it is quite difficult and requires a serious and original approach. It does not prevent here a predetermined plan regarding the interior update. Of course, the decoration of the living room is a standard version, it may seem at first glance, but what kind of choice they are offered in the building materials market today cannot leave anyone indifferent.

And it is important that wallpaper not only liked you, as a permanent inhabitant of housing, but also to be combined with the style in which the interior of your living room is decorated.

For example, even the smallest hall in a residential building of the "Khrushchevka" type is able to reflect the soul of its owner, as well as create comfort and comfort for its owners and for each guest!

Classic style

It was considered almost always the most neutral. There is absolutely no aggression in it, and even, on the contrary, everything is quite comfortable in it, smoothly and very calm. This interior is performed by pastel colors, such as: beige, olive, sand, brown, terracotta. This also includes wallpapers, they will also be decorated gentle pastel shades.

On the walls of the room you can hang pictures, photos, mirrors and more. Request a photo of the idea of \u200b\u200bwallpapers in the living room. It is possible that you will pick up the design option in your living room.


In the design of such a style, wood should be present, leather, fur, stones and metal, that is, completely different items and elements made from such materials. But at the same time, all forms must remain smooth. Of course, examples of wallpaper for a living room of such a style can be seen in the catalogs, but as the way it is impossible to fit the wallpaper with natural notes (animals, plants).

Very nice and gracefully look like a mosaic design.

In the style of Modern, the main note is a thin connection with the art!

High Tech Style

This style is sufficiently strict, even to some extent, Hi-Tech is similar to minimalism. The most important thing in it is functionality. This means that everywhere there should be some caches, lockers and everything in such a kind. Wallpapers in this style can be selected in various shades: gray, white, black, metallic, gloss, as well as smooth surfaces.

Oriental interior style

If your living room will be framed in oriental style - it will be the most comfortable room of your home! After all, it will be present not only comfort, but also charm!

Each guest will feel so comfortable as if he had at home. The walls are best made up with textile material. Browse the examples of wallpaper for the living room from the fabric, you will be delighted with an incredible number of various materials! After all, they have bright warm colors that will be very luxurious to look in the style of Eastern interior.

But if you create this style, make a plan in advance: how, what and where you will be posted. It is very important to choose which culture you will prefer. It can be Turkey, Japan. China, Morocco and others. You also need to decide what kind of you like it is old or modern. After that you can make it much easier to choose both wallpapers that can be both monophonic and wallpapers in the living room.

Country style

To some extent, this style is similar to Provence. But still, it is considered more male. After all, it does not have absolutely nothing more (the same, figurines, pictures and other things). The walls in this style are made up with stones, wood (imitated materials) or wallpaper. Wallpaper flowers in the living room or by any patterns can also be decorated, be sure.

Minimalism style

This is a modern style where the environmental friendliness of materials, the maximum functionality and the minimum of "baubles" or the absence of their absence. Everything should be sufficient simply (even lines and borders, forms). Color design with wallpaper, as a rule, monophonic. There may also be a combination of wallpaper in the living room or have an unobtrusive pattern or drawing. There is no saturation and bright accents.

Combining Wallpaper in the living room

Using the option of combining wallpaper in the living room, you can divide the room to different zones (rest, dining room, viewing the TV). At the same time, you even increase the space that is available.

To get the original separation of the room, the colors must smoothly move one to another. In this case, liquid wallpapers are often used. You can also make the upper part of the wallpaper - lighter, lower - darker or more rich. The brightest, original and modern version of the decor, when the fourth wall differs from three color solutions, or in general, photo wallpaper.

Selection of wallpapers for premises of non-standard form or performing many different functions. There are different options, according to the ways of separating the living rooms, or rather in terms of functions that are performed by different zones in the same room.

Living room and bedroom - 2 in 1

It is very carefully necessary to approach the issue of such a place. The most important thing is that wallpaper should not bother even with time. They must be calm tones, promote relaxation and rest. This room is the main one.

Considering the color design, consider that colors and shades can act differently on the psyche of a person:

  • Positive way - blue, lilac, lilac, green and pastel.
  • Neutral - white and silver.
  • Negative effect - red, acid or black.

Living room with kitchen - 2 in 1

For such a room, there is also a fundamental impact of shades on the psyche:

  • Positive: red, orange, yellow, green.
  • Negative: black, blue, purple.

If you competently select the color gamut, all the dishes that you will serve on the table in the dining area will be made not only with love, but also very tasty and original.

Hall in "Khrushchevka"

Choosing wallpapers, consider how well the room is illuminated by daylight. If there are some large drawings or elements, they will visually reduce and so small space. If you place a small room with light finish, the room will visually seem more. The most important thing is that the wallpaper liked you and corresponded to the design of the entire interior. If the doors are not installed between the rooms, you do not need to do sharp color contrasts in the transition places from one room to another.

Of course, wallpapers for living room 2016 - the most fashionable and stylish design of the modern interior!

Video on the topic:

Here you will find even more photos and videos on the topic!

  • Room Design - Best Photos Ideas
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  • Curtains for hall photo Design 2016

Photo Gallery (91 photos)

How to choose the way to choose the wallpaper? What criteria should take into account?

Law first. Zoning

Usually, even the smallest living room is zoned on one to three territories: the food intake area of \u200b\u200bthe whole family or with guests, recreation area (+ TV) and a variety of actions zone (depending on family members' hobbies, it can be domino, cards, chess, collectibles, Computer games and so on). In addition, each family member, as a rule, loves himself in the living room any corner and calls his "my place".

Therefore, plan and choose the design of the living room makes sense to the whole family - this is one of the most exciting activities. But this does not mean that one part of the living room will be saved by bright wallpaper that they liked the children, the other - gray or beige (at the request of the senior family members), and somewhere there is a zone where the dad will wish to insert a photo wallpaper with cars. Everything should be harmonious, and the family must come to a common opinion.

Second law. Available spatial features

When making the interior, such factors should be taken into account:

  1. Illumination of the room.
  2. Features of the room (niches, arches, shape of the room, its size, and so on).
  3. The height of the ceiling and the presence of windows (size, quantity, format).

For low-liberated premises, designers advise choosing rich and light tones of wallpaper: herbal, sea wave, white, lemon. Moreover, the color of the walls can be combined, for example, three walls are white, one - lemon, or all walls of a light shade of the sea wave, and a fragment of one of them decorated with photographic windows.

If there are niches in the room, you should immediately come up with how to make them originally. Traditionally, it is customary here to place the bookshelves and take a niche of the same wallpaper that all the walls. But sometimes, if the dimensions of the niche allow, they put TV, electrocamine, coffee table, and the like. In this case, it can be isolated by another color of the wallpaper than the rest of the walls. Wall mural in a niche, by the way, also place, you just need to clearly take into account its size.

If the living room is small, the wallpaper is not suitable, visually they will shrink the size of the room. It is better to choose monophonic or coatings with a small pattern. Light wallpapers in a small living room look better than dark, but options for combinations are possible.

If a low ceiling, you can visually beat this factor, saving the living room with wallpaper with vertical stripes.

Law Third. Economic

Economic factor is also taken into account: expensive - textile, glassy, \u200b\u200bwallpapers from exotic materials are considered the most beautiful wallpaper, but if money is enough for paper or phlizelin, you should choose from them. Vinyl and phlizelin - a little more expensive than paper, but such coatings are more wear-resistant. If the coating is blocked, with time it can be painted.

Today there are special coatings under the color, they are distinguished by a special texture. Colors of coatings can also be interested in combining. You can combine different types of wallpaper, for example, a fragment of the walls with a TV can be saved by expensive bamboo wallpaper, and all other spaces are paper. Someone likes liquid wallpaper, with their help, by the way, you can mask the wall defects.

Law fourth. Your favorite style

It is very important to determine the style: Whether your living room will be decorated in the "Country" style (under the village), in the style of "High-tech" (with minimalist solutions and a set of glossy surfaces), or it will be a chic modern, or classic provence. If all family members came to a single opinion, you can pick up layouts (pictures, photos). There must be several of them. Perhaps you have to redraw, but it is worth it!

If all family members have chosen fashionable high-tech, then combinations of wall colors can be: white, black, lemon or beige, black, pink. If - Country, the walls can safely be covered with wallpapers "under the sealer". With "Ethno" will be perfectly combined with herbal green, brown, sandy, beige. All these colors are always in fashion and repeat the cosmetic reincarnations of the walls will be needed soon!

If you have a beautiful bright sofa, you can choose light wallpapers, and the porters pick up the same color as the sofa. The sofa is usually put opposite the TV. And if it is planned to place a large mirror in the living room, it should hang in such a way that a beautiful place or window reflects. If you have chosen the photo wallpaper for some fragment of the walls, opposite them, you can completely hang the mirror.

The fifth law. Color spectrum

Dark floors

Your living room has a dark floor, it must be taken into account when choosing a color of wallpaper. In such a room, the wallpaper in bright colors with stripes and ornaments located vertically are suitable.

Light floors

The bright floor gives complete freedom of action, as he is harmony with any wallpaper. The only condition that should be observed is that if your choice fell on dark wallpapers, you should not blame the entire room. Restrict one or two walls.

Colors and shades

First of all, you need to focus on your wishes, and then find out fashionable trends. If the color is fashionable, it does not mean that you will feel yourself in his surroundings comfortable. But just in case, let's say that today "complex" colors are popular with all their shades and halftones:

  • Lilac
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Grey

Remember the Treja rule: when designing space, never use more than three colors so that the interior does not look tasteless. Experiment, play in contrasts. But try not to get involved very much to overdo the paints. For a living room with a small square, pick a light color, because dark color visually reduces space.

Law of the Six We select the most relevant drawings

There are many all kinds of drawings, but we will consider only the most relevant.

If you have chosen wallpaper with drawings of large sizes, you need zonirovo with such wallpaper, that is, making an emphasis on that part of the living room, which in your opinion should be allocated on a general background.

East style

A very large influence on the design was produced by Eastern culture, therefore a large number of wallpapers appeared with oriental topics. When using such coatings, it must be remembered that they impose certain obligations. And you will have to pick up the interior and decor in the style of wallpaper to keep harmony in space.

Natural Print.

Wallpaper with eco drawing "depict" vegetation, paintings from the world of wildlife. Such coatings are well combined with various finishing materials. Wallpapers act as an accent.

Floral pattern

Images in the form of colors remain popular for many years. Only the form changes. Previously, there were small flowers in fashion, large floral ornaments in bright contrasting shades are also in demand. Wallpapers in this style are also recommended as accents per or two walls.

Geometric ornament on wallpaper

All also in trend geometry pattern. The only thing that changes is that the drawing becomes larger. To increase the space, use light wallpapers with a vertical strip so that the room becomes higher and with horizontal - so that it visually expands.

Photo wallpaper

Pick up the popularity of the photo wallpaper. Since they can be applied to them - from the galaxy to portrait of your pet. But before using these coatings, we carefully weigh everything for and against. The main thing is that the image that recreates with the help of wallpaper does not conflict with the overall atmosphere of the living room.

Non-standard wallpapers

Wallpaper from unusual material with eco pattern - bamboo and cork are good because they are fully made of natural material. They perfectly mask all the problematic places on the surfaces. It is desirable to cover such wallpaper, making an emphasis on it. Brick and stone will become the most suitable materials with which data is combined with the best way.

The law seventh. Side of the world

There is one important rule: picking up the color and drawing of the wallpaper, consider the side, the light from which the living room is located.

If from the south, then it is worth choosing cold shades with a not very bright pattern.

If from the north, then on the contrary, stop your attention on warm colors and bright pictures.

The law of the eighth. Combination

This reception helps when the living room performs several functions: living room, bedroom and work room. Puck the walls zonedly, visually highlighting the zone on which it is necessary to make an emphasis. In order for the wallpaper "played" and did not overload the space, select no more than two walls. Combination gives the scope of your imagination and allows you to visually adjust the lack of planning.

And what options wallpaper for the living room do you like?

Best Wallpaper Ideas for Living Room - Photo

Seven times, by respect, whether it would be beautiful, it will look at this or that decision and whether it will not be annoyed, you can safely follow the wallpaper.

It is not known which living room is easier to choose wallpaper: in a spacious or small one, in the one where four inhabit the evenings, two or eight people. If you are not sure that your chosen idea will look beautiful, it is worth inviting a professional designer. But we hope that our photos will help you handle your own task!