Design of a one-room Khrushchev apartment 32 sq. M. Design of a one-room apartment-Khrushchev. In cramped quarters, but not offended (128 photos). Design of a one-room Khrushchev without redevelopment

Khrushchevs are small apartments built in the last century. Despite their size, I want to make the design of a small apartment in Khrushchev as functional and attractive as possible. So, a small kitchen, a room and a bathroom can be turned into the apartment of your dreams, you just have to choose the right interior. Making a Khrushchev can really be a problem. However, Dekorin offers its solution and photos of real apartments for your inspiration.

Design of a small apartment of 30 sq. m. in Khrushchev

A one-room apartment can be saved by redevelopment, that is, connecting a room with a kitchen. Thus, you will make a 30 sq. m. a real studio apartment. In addition, you can connect the room with the hallway, and then the area will increase even more.

Do not worry that the space will "merge", because you can zone the room using arches or different elements of floor and wall decoration. It will be good to include a wardrobe or a sofa that converts into a bed in the design of small Khrushchev apartments, because then you do not have to allocate a separate place for the sleeping area.

Let's see how best to design small rooms in a Khrushchev apartment. We will analyze all the interiors one by one and give illustrative photos. You can get ideas for modern bathroom design in our article Small combined bathroom - 25 photos of bathrooms.

Design of small rooms in an apartment: entrance hall in Khrushchev

In the event that the hallway is long and narrow, it would be wise to create two zones. One of them will serve as a direct hallway, while the second will be the entrance to the hall. It is in the last zone that a more "rich" design with a beautiful arch should be made (in no case it is recommended to put a door here, because it will steal free space and visually reduce the territory).

As for furniture, in the interior of a Khrushchev apartment it must be used to a minimum: a mirror wardrobe or an ordinary hanger with a shoe rack is enough to place regularly used things.

In any case, it is important that there is a full-length mirror in the hallway, because it will not only allow you to admire your reflection, but also visually increase the space of a small room.

Design ideas for a small kitchen in Khrushchev

The design of a small apartment in Khrushchev will not do without the design of the kitchen area. The area of ​​the kitchen in Khrushchev usually does not exceed 6 square meters. m., which means you should make it as functional as possible. The main purpose of a small kitchen is precisely cooking, and with the right interior you can make this process comfortable and free.

If the kitchen is too small, the dining table and chairs can be placed in another room, leaving only the appliances and work surfaces. If you do leave the dining area in the kitchen, then make sure that it is round or oval in shape, that is, without sharp edges.

To make a small room in an apartment more spacious, you can install sliding doors to the kitchen or remove them completely if you have a powerful hood. It is good if the curtains in the kitchen are light and let in the rays of the sun: this way the kitchen will always be light and you will visually increase the space. The ceiling should also be in light colors, and it is better to hang one chandelier, but a large one. Walls and furniture should not be dark, otherwise the kitchen will seem small. Will very well complement the interior of a small kitchen glass apron, because it will not only decorate the room, but also visually expand the space.

How to design a living room in Khrushchev (with photo)

Of course, speaking about the design of small rooms in an apartment, special attention should be paid to the design of the hall. Even before the start of the renovation, the preferences of all residents of the apartment should be taken into account, because the living room should have a cozy atmosphere for warm family meetings after work and study. Consider also how often you host guests: you may need extra beds. Or do you love solitude and silence? In this case, you can get by with a minimum of furniture without cluttering up the space.

As for the color scheme, it is better to use light shades for the hall in Khrushchev: this makes the room seem wider and lighter. However, bright color accents are also needed so that the room does not look too monotonous. It is better to make the walls plain or with a small pattern, and also, if desired, one of the walls can be decorated with a large-scale image.

Furniture in a small living room in an apartment should be compact and functional. In the design of small apartments, the Khrushchevs are 30 sq. m. the hall also serves as a bedroom, so you will need to use either a folding furniture transformer, or curtains and partitions to separate the berth. It is important to find a middle ground in the design of a small room in an apartment and stick to it in everything.

When choosing lighting for a small room in a Khrushchev building, give up voluminous overhanging structures in favor of laconic models. Pay attention also to spot lighting, and then, perhaps, the chandelier will not be needed at all. It is good to install table lamps or sconces in the writing and reading areas, as well as to ensure that the room is sufficiently illuminated during the daytime.

Design of a small apartment in Khrushchev: 28 photos of the best options updated: May 26, 2017 by the author: Oksana Krutsenko

Many residents of the post-Soviet space are the happy owners of a one-room apartment. Unfortunately, during the construction of the so-called Khrushchev houses, few people worried about the comfortable accommodation in them. The main task of such housing was to resolve the housing issue as soon as possible and resettle Soviet citizens from hostels to their own housing, with an area of ​​31 to 35 square meters.Modern tenants make much more demands, wishing that the design of Khrushchev 1 room was comfortable and functional. The available 31, 32 or 35 sq m for large families may not be enough, the only way out is alteration, redevelopment, turning a corner apartment into a studio, creating luxury apartments using zoning.

Since the size of the apartment in Khrushchev is very small, the ceilings are low, the bathroom is separate, and the kitchen space is reduced to the limit, the first thing to think about is how the alteration of the one-room apartment will be carried out. It is necessary to draw up a draft of the upcoming changes, invite an experienced designer. To better imagine the scale of the work, you should free the apartment from all bulky things, then take a blank sheet of paper, imagine on it how it would look without partitions, huge cabinets, indicate the area and those same 32-35 sq. M.

The specialist will tell you what to put aside and what to refuse. You need to be prepared for the fact that a lot will have to be thrown away, and repairs will change the apartment beyond recognition. But this will be done for the better, reflecting the tastes and style of the owners.

If you wish, you can design the design of a one-room Khrushchev building yourself. Developing your own design project is not difficult at all. Here are some rules for planning small spaces well:

  • no dark colors, the decor should be light;
  • it is better to get rid of oversized, heavy things, preference should be given to furniture of medium or small sizes;
  • avoid sharp contrasts;
  • you can expand the apartment with the help of a number of niches that replace the usual shelves;
  • zoning is the main designer's tool, with its help the area of ​​the apartment is doubled.

When planning repairs, it is worth deciding in advance whether to leave partitions between rooms or remove them. In the latter case, a special permit for the project must be obtained. If it is not planned to demolish the bearing walls, repairs can be started without the consent of the housing and communal services authorities, without providing them with a separate project, without even informing about the changes.


In small apartments, it is not easy to allocate space for a bedroom and a living room, therefore, when building such premises, it was necessary to abandon special places for recreation. New technologies allow not to do this, while the style of the apartment is not violated. With the help of elementary zoning, you can place several interior zones on the same area, allocate space for certain zones:

  • bedroom - in the area where the bedroom is planned, there should be a sofa, a wardrobe. The bedroom can accommodate 7-8 sq m;
  • living room - it is recommended to put a coffee table in the center of the living room, several small armchairs. You can hang a TV on the wall opposite, equipping it with devices for turning in different directions. At the same time, it will be convenient to watch it not only while sitting in the kitchen, but also sitting comfortably on the sofa. The living room is necessarily included in the design project, 6-7 sq m is enough for it;
  • study - if space permits, then you can allocate an area for a work area by placing a computer table, computer, armchair, bookcase here. This will require about 1.5 sq m;
  • nursery - if you plan to live with one child or several children, then using zoning, the one-room apartment is divided into two small rooms, in one of which you can equip a nursery. This can be done with the help of a large bookcase or wardrobe, it is undesirable to install a special partition, since this will take away extra centimeters of free space, it may not fit into the interior of the apartment, it will require a special project, and it will slow down the repair. For a nursery, you will need up to 10 sq m;
  • kitchen - the area where the kitchen will be located is recommended to be highlighted with wallpaper of a different color. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the interior is not too bright, which will lead to the need to redo the repair. The kitchen occupies from 5 to 6 sq. M.

By removing the wall between the room and the kitchen, you can free up a lot of space, divide it into equal zones and visually expand it with the help of lighting effects on the ceiling and walls, as well as a special color of the ceiling and floor. The interior of the kitchen can be chosen by anyone; photos on design sites will help you choose the most successful one.

A bathroom in a simple one-room Khrushchev is usually separate and very small, which makes it impossible to place a washing machine and any furniture in the bathroom. Thanks to zoning, such an opportunity appears. Making repairs, they demolish the wall between the bathroom and the toilet, and instead of the bathtub and sink, they install a shower stall. The interior of the room is changing, the area is expanding, it becomes more spacious and more in line with modern ideas about comfort. Then you can see a photo of the changes made, as well as their finished project. You can also expand the apartment with a balcony.

Repair should start from the balcony. Having insulated the balcony with modern materials, you don't have to worry about it becoming a source of cold air in winter. A protective partition, a door, etc. will not be required in this case, therefore they can be removed and placed on the balcony in a recreation room, personal office, or even a nursery. You can also choose a suitable balcony interior from the photo.

There may not be an ordinary hallway in a converted studio apartment. The space occupied by the shoes can be reduced by placing them in a special nightstand. It is better to hide outerwear in the closet right away, and bags in special niches on both sides of the door. The presence of niches will add variety to the interior of the apartment, will allow you to make the most of the available space. You can choose the shape and depth of the niche based on the corresponding photos of the finished interior.

Surface decoration

It is almost impossible to make a large room out of a small room with the help of just the right wallpaper and dividing the space into zones. An important place in the design of Khrushchev houses is occupied by the arrangement of the floor and ceiling of the apartment.


The size and height of the ceiling is extremely important. The ceiling must be white, a mirror version is allowed, without any patterns and curls. White stretch ceiling is the best solution for those who want to visually expand the available small space. In addition, the light-colored finishing of the ceiling is able to visually "increase" its height, creating a feeling of spaciousness. Stretch glossy ceilings, which can be combined with plasterboard structures, also contribute to the visual increase in the space of the apartment.

Apartments in Khrushchev cannot boast of a large area, and the ceilings in them are often low. That is why you should use some tricks during repairs that will help to visually raise the ceiling surface:

  • give up multi-level structures, drawings, as well as decorative finishes that visually lower the already low ceilings;
  • if wallpaper is used to decorate the walls, then it is worth gluing them up to the ceiling itself, so it will seem higher;
  • visually increase the height of the ceiling will help additional lighting around the perimeter of the room;
  • if a tension structure is chosen for the design, it is better if it is glossy;
  • part of the ceiling can be made mirrored;
  • the color of the ceiling should be several shades lighter than the color of the walls.


Linoleum, parquet or laminate are used as flooring. The floor should be made of material of the same color, texture. If the design solution allows, the floor of the apartment is carpeted. Floor materials can be used for space zoning. For this case, laminate and ceramic tiles, carpet and natural wood are well combined. But in this case, it is worth remembering that the use of different materials for decorating the floor hides the space, and the same floor covering visually increases the area.

The choice of finishing material is influenced by which of the zones it will be used for. For example, ceramic tiles are suitable for decorating a bathroom, laminate or linoleum for an apartment entrance hall, and for a nursery it is better to choose a soft carpet.


When changing the interior, special importance is attached to the walls. The walls are covered with wallpaper or painted, less often upholstered with fabric. If the studio is too small, then it is better to choose white wallpaper with various embossed patterns, or limit yourself to whitewashing the walls. It is not recommended to hang pictures on the walls; it is better to place a photo or several large mirrors on them. If there is a need for shelves for souvenirs, books, and other little things, then it is recommended to make special niches in the walls, illuminate them with garlands, small lamps.

For wall decoration, you should choose materials in light colors that can be combined with options with bright vertical stripes or vertical elements. Thus, you can also visually expand the space of a small apartment. It is better to refuse too large patterns on the wallpaper, since large objects in a small room will only reduce it.


Lighting takes a leading place, drawing up a project for arranging a Khrushchev, it is the light sources that should be dealt with in the first place. There should be not just enough light, but really a lot to create comfort in the apartment and at the same time visually increase it.

With the help of dim light, you can shade those corners of the apartment, which are better not to be shown to prying eyes, and highlight what brings a certain harmony to the interior. It is recommended to place lamps in large quantities both on the walls and on the floor, ceiling, as already discussed above. For the ceiling surface of the apartment, it is worth using LED lighting, with which you can also focus on important areas of the room.

Often in a one-room Khrushchev, there are only two windows through which natural light enters the room. If the window openings are too narrow, then it makes sense to widen them so that more light can enter the apartment.


A small studio apartment becomes even smaller if it contains old Soviet wardrobes, large armchairs, bulky sofas and beds. Do not clutter up the space with furniture, it is better to free it up by creating your own style. Instead of a regular wardrobe, install a compartment, instead of a bed, or a sofa-book - a sofa. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to give up the cabinet altogether, equipping it in a small pantry.

The hallway can be replaced with a clothes hanger, cabinets in the kitchen are niches, there is no place for a large table in the living room, if you plan to invite guests, it is better to buy a book-table, it will fit well into the overall style and will not interfere with anyone. To increase the kitchen space, it is recommended to purchase built-in furniture for the apartment.

For other areas of the apartment, you can order special transformer furniture or built-in options. This is very convenient and allows you not to think about how to get between the wardrobe and the bed, so as not to hit your elbow on the back, or the slightly open door. Unfortunately, the cost of built-in and easy-to-clean furniture is several times higher than the price of ordinary chairs and sofas, so this design solution is not suitable for everyone.

Furniture should not contrast with the surrounding environment, but should be matched in one color tone. The less furniture, the better, you should not have several sofas in one room, it is better to limit yourself to one, and buy an air mattress for guests or relatives planning to come often.

In order to more easily and quickly zone the space of the apartment, to turn it into a real piece of paradise, where it is pleasant to return after a working day, it is necessary to determine not only the design of the one-room Khrushchev, but also the list of items without which the life of the apartment owner is simply impossible. These items include:

  • bed or sofa;
  • several stools;
  • dining and coffee table;
  • computer desk and the computer itself;
  • washing machine;
  • gas stove;
  • fridge;
  • several cupboards for the kitchen;
  • wardrobe;
  • shoe cabinet;
  • mirror.

All these items must be in any apartment, therefore, dreaming of how to attach an original stuffed peacock on an area of ​​30-35 square meters, do not forget that it is much more important to equip the apartment with a sleeping place and a dining table. And this is impossible without successful zoning.

Khrushchev's houses are panel, brick or block buildings, the construction of which was massive during the Soviet era under the leadership of NS Khrushchev. Hence the popular name - "Khrushchev". The most common series are 1-335 (subsequently upgraded to 1-335 A, 1-335 K, 1-335 AK, 1-335 D), 1-447, 1-464.

Architecture and layout

Their construction began back in 1959, but already in 1966 it was suspended due to the inconsistency of the buildings with climatic conditions. But despite this, later the creation of this type of houses was renewed and continued until the 80s.

Initially, they were considered as temporary housing for the relocation of residents from villages and villages, but, as you know, nothing is more permanent than temporary. Therefore, even now there are a lot of such houses. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, they are due to be demolished in the near future. And on the periphery, this is not the case. Maximum - they are engaged in major repairs.

"Khrushchevs" are simple, four or five storey buildings without unnecessary architectural design. An elevator for such a number of storeys is not provided, a garbage chute is a rarity. Basically, this is a panel type of structure. This is explained by the fact that their construction required a short period of time and minimal costs.

In small towns "Khrushchevs" were built of bricks with reinforced concrete ceilings. Sometimes houses were insulated with mineral wool and the facade was finished with ceramic tiles. On the outside, they seemed more attractive, but on the inside they were no different.

Apartments have one or two rooms (then the largest of them is a walk-through), less often three, a small kitchen ranging in size from 5 to 7 m2, a combined bathroom. The height of the ceilings ranges from 2.5 m to 2.6 m. The windows are double-winged, almost square. All communications are central. Sometimes a gas water heater was installed in the kitchen to provide hot water.

The advantage of such houses was the balcony and storage room. There was no balcony for the first floors. Under the window in the kitchen in the Khrushchev buildings there was a small cupboard that served as a refrigerator in winter.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • low thermal insulation of walls;
  • thin, soundproofed partitions;
  • small kitchen;
  • small area of ​​the entire apartment;
  • narrow corridors and hallway.

Some of the shortcomings of these premises can be corrected. Therefore, recently, the redevelopment of "Khrushchev" buildings has become widespread. In a one-room apartment they make a studio apartment, in a two-room one they isolate rooms. More and more apartments are acquiring a kitchen-dining-living room.

Let's consider in more detail one-room options.


Basically, "odnushka" has a total area of ​​about 30 m2, of which living - about 18 m2, kitchen - about 6 m2. These figures may vary slightly. Corner apartments have two windows, while simple ones have one. The windows of the kitchen and living area face one side. Often there is a small window between the bathroom and the kitchen.

One-room "Khrushchev" is made like a cube with internal partitions. There are no load-bearing walls inside. This makes it possible to demolish and move the barriers at your request.

However, first you need to get permission for this, and later legalize the innovations.


A fashionable trend nowadays is a studio apartment, which combines the space of the kitchen, room and hallway. The selected space model can be implemented for multi-apartment "Khrushchevs" of any series of buildings.

This option is suitable for one person or a young couple without children. In order to legally confirm the layout, it is required to replace the gas stove with an electric one.

You can also leave a separate hallway, behind which there is a small dressing room and a bathroom. The rest of the space will consist of a living area, kitchen surface and bedroom.

Wall decor and furniture installation will help to visually divide the space. It is possible to separate the bedroom from the living room with a rack with a built-in TV, which, if necessary, turns to one side or the other.

To separate the kitchen area, a bar counter or a symbolic round arch is suitable. It does not carry any load, except for the aesthetic one.

The bed can be separated with a screen or curtain to match the furniture. A good location for her will be the gap behind the hallway. Thus, you get an inconspicuous sleeping place that does not weigh down the space.

Suitable for the interior Scandinavian style, the essence of which lies in a bright, unoccupied room with a minimum of decor. This will visually expand the apartment and add lightness to your home.

The result is free space, not cluttered by any walls. Of the minuses, it can be noted that there are no isolated rooms in the room.

Bathroom modernization

The option under consideration is suitable for "Khrushchevs" with a separate bathroom (series 1-511, 1-515). The essence of the method is to enlarge the bathroom by means of the corridor so that a bath, sink and washing machine can fit there. You can simply combine a bathroom and a bathroom. Then the latter will expand to the desired size and accommodate the listed items and the toilet.

As such, the hallway disappears, but the space for the kitchen area and recreation area increases.

The barrier between them can be moved several into the room. Then you get a fairly wide kitchen that can accommodate at the table from four people, and a living room in which a sofa bed is placed, above which various kinds of shelves can be placed, and a wardrobe. Seating space can be increased due to small ottomans that compactly fold into a coffee table.

Modern artists and designers produce multifunctional furniture that will help save space in a small apartment. It can be a folding wardrobe bed, a transforming chest of drawers, folding and folding chairs and many other interesting options.

The pluses include a relatively large bathroom and kitchen. The narrow unnecessary corridor also disappears. Such housing is suitable for people who gather guests at home, for single residents and for young people. The downside is the lack of a bedroom.

Kitchen-dining room

It is assumed that a small bedroom is separated from the main space, in which only a bed and a chest of drawers are placed. The rest of the room is combined with the kitchen. Thus, a kitchen-dining room with a sofa is obtained. In such a room, you can place a bar counter instead of a regular table. It will serve as an extension of the work area and will save space.

The allocation of a bedroom is especially important for corner apartments, where there are two windows per room.

One of the walls of the bedroom can be made diagonal, in which to place the front door. In parallel, there will be a bar counter opposite to it, which will visually divide the space. From the front door to the dining room itself it is advisable to place cabinets along the wall. This will create the necessary storage space for things and accessories.

In some design projects, transparent partitions are used for this type of transformation. This will create additional lightness and freedom to the space. For privacy, glass is equipped with blinds or roller blinds. Furniture in such an interior too must be made of transparent materials, be it glass or plastic. Mirror surfaces will look unusual. They will "expand" the space, but caring for them will be laborious.

In the bathroom, you can place a shower stall, and put a washing machine in the vacant space, over which there will be a full-length tabletop. A washbasin is also mounted in it.

The undoubted advantage of such a layout is the presence of a full-fledged sleeping place and a recreation area with guests. It is suitable for a small family who prefers to relax at home. Among the shortcomings, one can note the lack of storage areas and the absence of a full-fledged table (in case of replacing it with a bar counter).

Increasing the number of rooms

If a prerequisite for a dwelling is the presence of a second room and an isolated kitchen, you can make a small walk-through living room. This is especially true if there is an additional window (in corner versions). The back room will be a bedroom, in which it is possible to place not only an adult double bed, but also a baby cot. If the area was chosen a little more, the cabinet can also fit in it.

In this variation, it is better to replace the wall between the living room and the corridor leading to the kitchen with folding accordion doors across the entire width. Depending on the circumstances, you can get a separate resting place or combined with a corridor to increase the room.

The advantage of this redevelopment will be an isolated kitchen and bedroom. It is suitable for young parents with a child and for people who do not often invite friends for dinner. But this layout assumes small, narrow rooms with little storage space.

Combining a balcony with a living area can be added to any type of redevelopment. There you can make a mini-office, put a high bar table along the balcony window, or even equip a sleeping area.


The layout of "Khrushchevs" in all cities and districts is typical. Therefore, the same furniture was placed in the room in a similar way. Things are different now. Specialists pay great attention to the design of a small apartment. After all, it is in it that it is important to take into account all the nuances for the convenience and beauty of the room.

Space zoning with wallpaper and flooring is very popular. To do this, you should select models that are combined in one room, but visually dividing the area into parts. It can be wallpaper of the same color, but with a different pattern. You can paint all the walls in one color, and highlight the functional areas with wallpaper with an ornament. The same goes for the flooring.

As a legacy from the Soviet era, there is a housing stock in our country, popularly called "Khrushchevs".

Apartments of this era were built for the resettlement of citizens from communal apartments and did not imply any other comfort except for a separate living space.

Modern expectations from their own home are certainly higher. To create better living conditions in a one-room Khrushchev, repairs will be required.

Small apartments require a special approach when carrying out work.

Features of the design of a small apartment

When starting to renovate a one-room apartment, you should immediately decide on the redevelopment. If the budget allows, then such a radical change in the premises gives more chances for a high result from the effort expended.

Modern designers do a good job with projects such as redevelopment of a one-room Khrushchev. However, if you want to try your hand and develop a project on your own, then nothing is impossible here.

It is necessary to make a drawing on which to arrange the zoning partitions the way you would like it. It is important if load-bearing walls are affected, then the project must be coordinated with the utilities.

If the amendments are insignificant, then the right to make changes to the layout of the one-room Khrushchev is yours.

Several unshakable rules for interior design of such an apartment:

  • there should be no dark corners, dark furniture, and so on - only light colors
  • furniture should be small, in no case bulky
  • instead of hanging items such as shelves, use niches in the walls - this gives a visual increase in space.

For a one-room Khrushchev 30 sq. m. it is important to correctly carry out zoning.


Placing several diverse zones on one area at once is the task of the designer who decorates the interior of the one-room Khrushchev.

Zones are made out depending on the needs of the owners. If there is a child in the house, then a place is allocated for him to play and sleep. The bedroom can be arranged in a small niche, or by fencing it off with a wardrobe or a light curtain.

The use of partitions is undesirable, as they take up space.

A one-room apartment in Khrushchev is characterized by a small kitchen. If you remove the wall separating it from the room, then additional area will be allocated.

The design of the walls and the floor, as well as competently mounted lighting, will allow you to use the emerging opportunity to expand the space to the maximum.

The bathroom is undoubtedly combined with a toilet. Here, in this case, it becomes possible to install a washing machine or shower.

A lot of opportunities are provided by the presence of a balcony in the apartment. To get acquainted with various ideas for using the balcony area in the general interior of the apartment, you can see a photo of a one-room Khrushchev on the site, perhaps there will be a suitable option.

If you glaze and thoroughly insulate a balcony, then it can become a cozy rest room or study, not to mention a pantry or dressing room - there are really many options.

Add-ons and accessories

When designing the design of a one-room Khrushchev, enough attention should be paid to the light in the room. There should be a lot of it.

Since the windows in the apartment are small, the lack of natural light is compensated by artificial lighting. It is advisable to use built-in lamps for the same purpose of saving space.

Floor and walls in light colors will not give a feeling of being squeezed.

Small decorations will add coziness and personality to the room. These can be small photographs or vases, which are conveniently placed in small niches on the walls.

Despite the small area, you can create a cozy house from a one-room apartment in Khrushchev, pleasing both the owners and guests.

Photo of one-room Khrushchev

Currently, small-sized housing is not a thing of the past. Many families buy it at a low price, receive it as an inheritance, not everyone has the opportunity to immediately purchase spacious apartments. Many do not get upset and manage to develop functional and fashionable, in which 3-4 people live and there is enough space for everyone.

Perhaps the strangest, most impractical, and often logic-defying layout was implemented during Khrushchev's affordable housing program.

As a result of total savings and mistakes in the planning of buildings, many of our compatriots still "enjoy" the fruits of the construction thought of those times.

The Khrushchevs are "famous" for their small rooms. To make them larger will allow the overstatement of the ceiling. It is desirable that the ceiling and walls are decorated in light colors. This will visually expand the space. They can be plain or with vertical stripes.

One-room "work of architecture and construction" is indispensable without redevelopment.

The windows can be skipped, left without curtains, this will help to let in more light into the room. If you want to decorate, monochromatic curtains or options with a parallel print will be preferable.

No matter how wide the window sill is, you do not need to clutter up, it is better to convert it to a desk or shelf.

The original interior of the one-room Khrushchev implies a large number of partitions. This is not relevant, not practical. Walls are absorbers of precious free space, the right decision would be to remove unnecessary elements. It must be remembered that in the process of redevelopment there is a possibility of damaging the supporting structures of the building, first you need to draw a plan of the desired changes, present them to the local BTI, and obtain official permission.

If the wall is load-bearing, and you want to expand the space, you can simply remove the door located in it and expand the opening.

With the help of competent design and skillful repairs, even such a modest space can be made cozy, comfortable, convenient and attractive in appearance.

In process design of one-room Khrushchev and redevelopment is prohibited:

  • Remove already installed ventilation systems (can only be strengthened by installing an air conditioner);
  • Clean up, close free access to gas pipes;
  • Move the bathroom.

Khrushchev with a comfortable and practical interior is a much more attractive option for our compatriots than a rented, albeit standard, one-room apartment.

When planning the interior of a one-room Khrushchev it is important to place the lighting elements correctly. There should be a lot of light. When zoning, it is not necessary to hang the main chandelier, spotlights will be enough. Light bulbs can be of different colors and shades, with their help you can play on the contrasts of walls, ceilings, furniture.

It is important to determine the possibilities of using the provided number of square meters with maximum benefit, practicality and rationalism.

In one existing room, it is necessary to arrange the recreation and work areas, the dining area, because in small kitchens, as a rule, there is no place for the dining group.

LED lighting elements are placed on the ceiling, which are switched on separately, highlight the main areas of the room with light, and shade some corners of the apartment.

The compact size of your "odnushka" will allow the use of expensive high-quality finishing materials while maintaining the framework of an affordable and democratic budget.

Style and colors in the interior

Recently, small one-room Khrushchevs decorated in a Scandinavian style. The main advantage is the use of only light colors, which visually expands the space. Also, for decoration, they consider the style of Provence, minimalism.

You can get an aesthetically pleasing, stylish and practical Khrushchev design without ruining your family budget.

In addition to shades of light, mirrors are actively used in the design of the room.

Which of the options will be most suitable for your "Khrushchev" depends on the geometric parameters of the living room, the size of the utilitarian premises and your budget for redevelopment and renovation.

The most commonly used color in one-room Khrushchev is white. This is an ideal background option that visually enlarges the size of the room by almost 2 times. If you want variety and brightness, it is enough to dilute it with 2-3 more juicy shades. For example, a large neutral sofa with lots of bright cushions, colorful paintings on the walls, quirky coffee tables.

Accents can add personality to the room. But don't use too many bright colors.

You can try using the well-known design technique of saving space - wherever possible, use modular furniture and build folding mechanisms.

How to correctly arrange furniture

Before purchasing furniture for a small studio apartment , you need to draw up a preliminary plan on which the placement is visible and every free centimeter is used. All interior items that have not been used in the last year are best discarded.

A small room should contain as little trash as possible.

  • If the sofa is against the wall, then the space above it can be filled with a rack or shelf.
  • To save free space in the center of the room, custom-made cabinets can be installed in free corners.
  • If the corridor is very small, then instead of cabinets, several shelves can be hung on the walls.

If new furniture is installed in the room, then it is better to update the repair. Otherwise, new clothes will only emphasize the shabby walls or floor.

The fold-out sofa is a key piece of furniture in the living room during the day and organizes a seating area, and at night it turns into a sleeping place.

Zoning of a one-room Khrushchev

All one-room Khrushchevs small in size, but they can also be made comfortable for living with the help of redevelopment.

The first thing that must be done is to remove all possible walls and partitions. A studio apartment is ideal. Here you need to competently make zoning, divide space.

Use corner sofas, which provide ample seating (and some models can fold out and become a spacious place to sleep and relax) without taking up much space.

The practicality of these sofas lies in the ease of use.

With the right approach, you can make an unlimited number of zones for work and rest. It is preferable if there is a minimum number of doors, that is, two: at the entrance and in the bathroom.

If in a one-room apartment a family of 3 or more people lives, it will be more comfortable if the areas for work and rest are separated from each other. To do this, you can use a floor shelf, a screen, a thin partition.

A studio apartment is progressive, stylish and modern.

Gender plays an equally important role in zoning. This is done using finishing materials: tiles, laminate, wood.

Lighting in Khrushchev

Design of a one-room Khrushchev , especially the studio, means individual lighting for each zone. It adds zest to the interior, allows each family member to go about their business or relax without disturbing others.

To make the room appear larger, the color of the walls should be lighter than the floors (significantly), but slightly darker than the tone of the ceiling.

Spotlights mounted in the ceiling will allow you to highlight each zone. There may be a main chandelier, but if it is not necessary, then the absence will not spoil the interior in any way.

Ideal if the main room has multiple windows. They can be expanded to increase the amount of natural light in the room.

White has many shades and can be used as a base shade for any surface finish.

Interior design nuances

Modern technologies make it possible to make life comfortable even in a small one-room apartment ... Simplicity and minimalism are in fashion. For example, a few years ago, in every house, the TV was on a pedestal. Now this is not relevant, it can stand on a hanging stand or be attached to the wall. That allows you to significantly save space.

When decorating small spaces, it is best not to use more than three basic colors. This rule is as old as the world, but it has been tested by many real design projects.

If the family is small, then it is not necessary to buy large kitchen fridges and freezers. Now there are even models that can be installed in the corner of the room. Or buy a horizontal model, which additionally plays the role of a shelf or table top.

It is better not to use wallpaper or any other decorative material with a large print.

Design of functional areas

Bedroom To accommodate a bedroom, 6-8 sq. m. It can be allocated either separately, or it can be a comfortable sofa during the day, a bed at night. Additionally, you can separate the bed with a wardrobe. Put a soft carpet on the floor.
Living room Occupies the main part of the room. The TV set can be hung on the wall, a table can be placed against the wall if the footage of the room allows, 2 armchairs, a sofa. All furniture elements can be installed in a semicircle. For viewing convenience, the TV can be hung on the pivot bar.
Study It is enough to select a corner of 1-2 square meters. m. Put there a table for a computer or laptop, an armchair or a comfortable chair, a shelf for books and "office supplies".
Children If a full-fledged family with a child lives in the apartment, then it is imperative to allocate a place for the baby. It can be 8-10 sq. m. The children's area can be separated by a wardrobe, a small partition, a curtain.
Kitchen This is a special area for which you will need to allocate at least 6 sq. m. The kitchen area can be pasted with wallpaper that differs from the wallpaper of the main room, the floor and ceiling can also be finished with other materials.
Bathroom In Khrushchevs, the toilet and bathroom are separate, but very small in size. Therefore, when redeveloping an apartment, the wall between them is removed, the meta becomes larger. Instead of a bathroom, it is better to install a shower stall.

For rooms with a modest square, it is better to choose only wall decor, precious meters will come in handy for placing furniture.

In one-room Khrushchevs it is not recommended to place a large number of accessories. And in the kitchen you can put several candlesticks, a vase, hang small towels.

The bedroom can be decorated with 1-2 paintings or photographs.

VIDEO: Design of a one-room Khrushchev building. Modern upgrade.

50 ideas for the design of a one-room Khrushchev: