Hallway design in a city apartment. Design of a hallway in an apartment: tips and interior ideas. Effective zoning methods

Photos of hallway design ideas in an apartment will tell you how to stylishly equip the available space and place the necessary things even in a small hallway. Create an original and stylish design based on the geometry of the allotted space.

small hallway design

Few owners can boast of a beautiful large hallway. The space at the front door in an apartment building, as a rule, is limited to a corridor of a very modest size. Often, in addition to a hanger and a shoe rack, it is difficult to fit anything else there.

For a room of modest dimensions, a minimalist style is most suitable.

Make the most of the available space and use a selection of photos of the interior of the hallway in the apartment to get interesting and figure out how to arrange everything you need in a limited size room.

Install a shoe rack or closed chest of drawers. Thanks to the simple design of such furniture, you can order a shelf of the desired size, taking into account the number of people living in the apartment.

Hide things in a closed closet and discard unnecessary decorative elements so as not to clutter up the space.

  • does not take up extra space, but hides all outerwear from prying eyes. Choose a wardrobe with mirrored doors - this will visually expand the space of a small hallway.
  • Instead of a closet, you can use a compact closet of small depth. Add mezzanines to it for additional placement of things, if the ceiling height allows.
  • Another option is to use angular. Such a wardrobe is quite roomy, at the same time it does not look bulky.

The perception of the interior of a room in an apartment is strongly influenced by the color scheme of the furniture located in it and the lighting of the space allotted for the hallway.
  • Pay attention to the color of the furniture in a small hallway. Light shades will visually add space, but will require thorough cleaning to remove dirt.
  • Install doors with glass inserts leaving the rooms in the hallway. In this case, the light from the rooms penetrates into the hall and makes it visually larger.
  • Since there is usually no natural light from the windows in this room, provide enough lights so that the room does not seem small and gloomy. Photos of the design of the corridor in the apartment will help you choose the right lighting design.

The interior of the corridor (narrow hallway)

    When designing narrow hallways and corridors, it is necessary to visually eliminate the flaws in the geometry of the room and think over the arrangement of things:
  • Zone the space by allocating a certain place for placing shoes and clothes, while leaving the area for the hall.
  • The difference in transverse dimensions is smoothed out due to the correct combination of coatings on the surface of the ceiling, walls and floor.

On elongated walls, place mirrors or wallpaper with a perspective to adjust the internal volume. Replace the interior door with an arch in the doorway. On the walls, use different color shades: dark for short and light for long. The geometry of such a room is visually perceived as square.

Properly located fixtures in the center of long walls will also create light dimming at the ends. A photo of the design of the hallway for a narrow corridor will help you correctly navigate the design and choose the right option.

Corner hallway, solutions and photos

For a corner hallway, a corner cabinet would be an ideal solution. It is suitable even for a very small apartment. The spacious space of some cabinets allows you to use it as a pantry, placing inside not only outerwear and shoes, but also a vacuum cleaner or a baby stroller.

Decorate the facade of the furniture with a mirror so that the lost corner space seems unobtrusive. A few photos of unusual novelties of the hallways will tell you how interesting and rational to equip the allotted area.

Features of the hallway with stairs

Get the most out of the staircase in the hall by utilizing the space under the stairs in the interior.

    Options for how you can equip the area under the stairs, placing in this place:
  • shelves for shoes, hats and umbrellas;
  • cabinets for books or equipment;
  • hangers for jackets and children's clothes;
  • newspaper table;
  • armchair with floor lamp.

If the staircase connects the living room with the hallway, this place can be reserved for personal space by placing a small sofa.

A selection of photos of the interior of the corridor in the apartment will tell you how to implement various ideas for the hallway.

Entrance hall in an apartment in Khrushchev

The ill-conceived layout of apartments in Khrushchev houses causes problems for the owners with the design of the hallway, which is usually used as a small narrow vestibule with exits leading to other rooms.

    In this case, for the design of the corridor in the apartment, two solutions are offered to make a compact and functional room:
  • redevelopment, in which at least one of the interior doors is removed;
  • color scheme of walls and furniture, which visually changes the perception of the surrounding space.

If possible, hang mirrors on the walls. Add volume to space and a glossy stretch ceiling.

Choose a color scheme of light shades for furniture and walls, but do not get carried away with white - in a small room, any pollution will be immediately noticeable.

It is necessary to choose the right furniture so as not to clutter up the already insufficient area.

At the end of the wall, if the area allows, place a closet. Otherwise, use shelves and wall hangers with coat hooks instead of closed cabinets.

Study the photo of the design of a small narrow hallway in Khrushchev to avoid design errors. Place mezzanines around the perimeter of the room under the ceiling. Thus, you unload the main space of the hallway. Spotlights at the bottom of the mezzanines will visually make them lighter.

Unusual entrance hall in a private house

A selection of photos of the hallway design in a private house will help you correctly assess the situation and choose a practical and beautiful solution.

Choosing furniture for the hallway

In the hallway, you need to place a lot of things that are usually not stored in other rooms.

If the dimensions of the hallway allow, you can put furniture for relaxation in it: an armchair, an ottoman or a bench.

Sometimes you just need to take a breath and sit for a couple of minutes, going into the house. And it is more convenient for older people to put on shoes while sitting.

What furniture to choose? 10 hallway decorating tips:

At the same time, in addition to functional wardrobes, shelves and cabinets for shoes, there are often auxiliary elements of the interior: shelves for small items, key and glove holders, and an umbrella stand.

  • The minimum set for a small hallway includes a wardrobe or hanger, a shoe rack, an ottoman and a mirror. Use multifunctional items by combining a mirror with a cabinet door, an ottoman with a cabinet for shoes.
  • Pay attention to modular furniture. So you can purchase exactly those parts of the ensemble that will fit in the hallway in size and create your own composition. Replacing or adding interior items in this case is solved quite quickly and painlessly for the owner’s budget and room design. Another plus of modular furniture is that you can update the interior on your own, periodically changing the modules in places.

A selection of photos of furniture in the corridor will guide you in choosing and give you new ideas on how to equip the space.

Hallway closet ideas

A wardrobe with sliding doors on rails will save space in the hallway compared to a conventional wardrobe with hinged doors.

    Focusing on the photo of the interior of the hallway with a closet, choose for yourself a built-in or cabinet design:
  • The built-in wardrobe belongs to stationary furniture, but it is stable and takes up the allotted space to the maximum.
  • A cabinet wardrobe is more expensive than a built-in one, but it can be moved to another place if desired.

Sliding wardrobe doors are often equipped with mirrors that visually enlarge a small space. Choose this model in a small hallway.

For other cases, you can consider options for cabinets, in the doors of which frosted glass is installed or various prints are applied. This design gives character and originality to the room, placing accents and changing the overall perception of the interior.

How to choose wallpaper for the hallway

Wallpaper in the hallway must first of all be practical. Give up paper wallpapers - they will not withstand wet raincoats and umbrellas, and besides, you will not wash the dirt brought down from the street on your shoes.

Avoid too light color of the wallpaper - they immediately notice the resulting pollution. A selection of photos of repair ideas in the corridor will make it easier to choose the right wallpaper.

  • Vinyl wallpapers are optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. Thanks to the non-woven layer, they are easy, and the top PVC layer is well washed and resistant to mechanical damage. A wide range of colors will allow you to choose even an imitation of natural stone, textiles or plaster and hide flaws on uneven surfaces.
  • Liquid wallpaper mixed with water-based paint is convenient for decorating walls in various colors. Their practicality is due to the specifics of the created texture, when it is enough to replace a separate area in order to renew the contaminated surface without a full repair.
  • Cork wallpapers are eco-friendly and beautiful, they are easy to clean and do not require specific care. The walls pasted over with such wallpaper create a feeling of warmth and comfort.
  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting is interesting for the implementation of design ideas, because it imitates different textures and can withstand up to five colors. This practical approach means that you can update the walls of the hallway as needed without any problems.

You can create a harmonious interior even in a small hallway, turning it into a cozy room. Put all things in a suitable closet, shoes in a special cabinet, choose the lighting design and colors, and then all the guests of your house will envy the beautiful design of the hallway.

The entrance hall is the place where you enter when you return home and where you meet guests before they enter the hall. Therefore, it is believed that the entrance hall is exactly the room that gives the first impression of the house and its owners. Therefore, many people strive to make the hallway more comfortable and beautiful, even if it has a small area.

This room should combine a beautiful interior and functionality, so it is important to pay great attention to its decoration and furnishings. Each small hallway can accommodate medium-sized furniture, so it is important to take into account some rules when arranging this room.


In many Khrushchev apartments, the hallways are very small. It is the size that is the main feature that must be considered when creating a room interior project. When planning, you should follow the principles of a minimalist style. It should not contain many small details. Try not to clutter up your small hallway with different elements, especially this rule applies to the arrangement of a one-room apartment.

If you add a lot of decorative details here, such as photo frames, paintings, vases, flowers, and other items, then it will look untidy and a little ridiculous.

Also, a feature of the arrangement of such a hallway is that all storage systems should be predominantly closed in it. Open hangers create a sense of clutter and make the interior look gaudy. It is better to place all clothes and shoes in closed compact lockers and drawers.

Hallways for a small corridor should be more compact. Furniture in it should visually expand the space, and not narrow it. Therefore, it is better to give preference to cabinets with front hangers and a shallow locker.

The main feature of the arrangement of such a hallway is the principle of maximum space release. When arranging, they usually use small cabinets as furniture for storing things, in which all the outerwear will not even fit.

Thus, storage systems in such premises should be kept to a minimum. They can be presented in the form of a compact wardrobe. Such a cabinet is a great solution for installation in this room, since it does not require free space for swinging doors and is very narrow, so it takes up very little space. Another important feature of arranging furniture and arranging a small hallway is that you need to try the most functional use all corners of this room. So you can most compactly arrange the necessary things and take up little space.

If you decide to put large furniture in such a hallway, then it should be very functional and accommodate all items at once, including clothes.

It is better if the closet inside has a large number of shelves, drawers, as well as hangers for outerwear and accessories.

Some features should be taken into account when arranging corner mini-hallways. Such small rooms are the most difficult to properly furnish. But the big advantage of such a room is that you do not have to puzzle over how to arrange furniture along the corridor. In this case, the main functional content of this room is located in the corner. As a rule, they put a large roomy closet there. It is better to refuse other storage systems in such a hallway.

When arranging a small hallway, it is necessary to take into account some principles. So, all the furniture located in this room should be the same. Try to fit all large interior items into one storage system, including wardrobes for outerwear, boxes for hats, gloves and umbrellas, as well as boxes for shoes. In no case should you separate all these modules, because by placing them together, you will take up much less space.

It is better to place the entire storage system in a corner or along the walls adjacent to it. When arranging small hallways, you should also consider the important rule of softening corners. It will save every square centimeter of the room and make it more spacious. It is better if the furniture will be smoothly located along the entire functional angle and its design will also exclude sharp corners. Smooth lines and compact design- the key to a comfortable interior of a small hallway.

The smallest hallways, which are most often found in Khrushchevs, are even advised by designers to redo. This applies to those rooms whose area is two square meters. Also, a feature of the arrangement of this hallway is the absence of various cabinets of great height, as they clutter up the room. It is better to give preference to narrow chests of drawers and shelves.

Never leave your shoes in this hallway. It is better to install shelves or a convenient locker for it. The passage must also be freed in the case when a small hallway leads into a narrow corridor.


When you move into an apartment with a very small hallway, you have to look for solutions that can make it visually wider and more spacious. In this case, you can make a difference with the right finish. Initially, you will need to abandon finishing materials that can narrow the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and clutter it up.

Therefore, refuse natural decorative stone, panels, embossed wallpaper and other volumetric elements. They hide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room and make it narrower. It is best to give preference to the thinnest wall coverings. Classic wallpaper or ordinary paint is perfect.

Pay attention to the color of the coating. It should not add gloom to this room. If you prefer wallpaper as a finishing material for walls, then they should be plain.

Try not to buy bright wallpaper with large patterns.

In a small hallway it is better to pick up stretch or suspended ceiling. Moreover, it is better if it is light and glossy, as it will allow you to place accents in a room decorated in a minimalist style. In addition, the glossy ceiling allows you to play with light and fill the entire room with it. Stretch ceilings are suitable only if the height of the room allows it.

Glossy ceilings will also make the room look taller and more spacious. Such a ceiling is able to align the walls and give this small room a more correct appearance. In addition, this coating is suitable for the hallway, because it is easy to care for. A suspended ceiling will also allow you to create an individual lighting system, place light accents in the hallway and fill it with light and lightness.

When finishing, also try to buy only high-quality and durable materials that will retain their original appearance for a long time and will last you a very long time. Otherwise, this will lead to a change in the interior and a violation of harmony in such a minimalist design. As for the flooring, it is better to put tiles in such a hallway. It is better if it is made of ceramic or artificial stone. This is an ideal solution for the hallway, which will emphasize the accuracy and severity of its interior.

Ceramics and stone are not susceptible to moisture and temperature changes, they are very durable. These covers are also easy to care for. It will create the perfect ensemble with a glossy false ceiling and make the hallway visually more spacious.

As a floor covering in such a room, a laminate is perfect. It is better if it is not dark, lighter with a natural woody tint. It will look very strict and restrained. Such a coating will have a fairly long service life.


If you want to somehow decorate the hallway, then try to give preference to medium-sized and not flashy elements. It can be a picture with an abstract pattern or a soft image. As decorative elements, it is better to use one or two accent elements of a small size. The less in such a hallway there will be various decorative elements, the more spacious it will seem.

A small hallway should have some decorative elements - this is the main rule when arranging.


Everyone knows that in the hallways, and especially in small standard ones, there are no natural sources of lighting in the form of windows. That is why it is necessary to properly equip artificial lighting. If this is possible, then it is better to direct streams of light with diffused light on different walls. So you can visually expand the space. The hallway can have the main source of light - a chandelier with bright diffused light, or it can have additional spotlights.

Some lighting fixtures are placed on wardrobes. It is better to fill this room with a large number of light rays, while using both lamps and lamps or sconces. If there is a closet in the hallway, then inside it is also better to install a backlight. Additional lighting will never be superfluous in the interior of such a room.

An excellent solution is to buy a sconce with the ability to adjust the brightness of the light. So you can, depending on the time of day, change the brightness of the colors in the room and thus affect the interior of the hallway. It is better if the sconce is located on the walls above human height. If a mirror hangs in the hallway, then the bar must be hung near it. So you can interestingly place light accents and play with lighting.

Try to light up the most beneficial elements of the hallway and darken the least attractive ones. When choosing light bulbs, it is better to give preference to LED with natural daylight.

They are very durable and create the necessary light to illuminate this dark room.

Actual styles

Many people want to decorate the hallway in various styles:

  • Most often, a hallway with a small area is decorated in the style of minimalism. In this case, it has a minimum of furniture and decorative elements. Everything that is located in this room is designed to directly perform its functions and is not used as decoration. For the arrangement of the hallway in this style, mainly light shades and plain coatings are used. Bright patterns are not welcome. Such a minimalist room is complemented by bright light and pale colors.

  • To create an interior in high-tech style you need to use more mirror and glass elements and colors such as white, gray, silver and other inconspicuous shades.

  • When decorating a room loft style it is better to use a light metallic finish. Such a hallway can have a little rough interior items, for example, shoe cabinets with raw facades. Bricks or decorative brick-like stone, as well as visualization of unplastered coatings, are perfect as a material for wall decoration.

  • When decorating the hallway in classic style it is necessary to take into account the rule of observance of strict and regular forms and the absence of unnecessary decorative elements. All lines must be clear and strict. In this case, coatings with light colors and furniture with bronze and gilding finishes are perfect. You can hang a large mirror with a beautiful bronze decoration. The classic allows you to make such a hallway more rigorous and at the same time elegant, so it is also able to fill this room with space.

  • If you want to decorate the hallway in Provence style, then it will be a great solution for a small room. This is due to the fact that the Provence style is characterized by the use of pastel colors. In this case, only light coatings are purchased as finishing materials. As a decor, you can use plant elements. So you can revive a small hallway and at the same time fill it with light. Provence style is also characterized by the presence of a large number of light sources. They allow you to create a feeling of freedom.

Furniture options

As a rule, a small hallway has the shape of a rectangle or square. That is why, when choosing furniture, many designers recommend taking into account the shape of the hallway, giving preference to pieces of furniture that are correct in shape. Therefore, it is better to arrange the furniture in such a way that it allows you to bring the shape of the hallway as close as possible to the shape of a regular square.

That is, if you have a rectangular entrance hall, then the furniture should be placed along one wall so that the free space forms a square.

The furniture that you plan to install indoors should be predominantly modular. Such a solution will allow you to make a rearrangement at any time and facilitate the interior of the hallway. The best solution for arranging a small hallway is a closet. It takes up very little space and does not require free space to open the door.

You can also give preference to the built-in wardrobe. It is the most economical in terms of space, but its installation requires redevelopment. The advantage of sliding wardrobes is that many of them are equipped with mirrors instead of a door leaf. So you can fill the space with light and make it wider.

The closet should be quite high. This is necessary in order to take up less space and maximize the use of the height of the room. It should contain all the necessary elements, such as shelves for shoes, drawers, shelves for accessories, hangers for outerwear and some accessories. By installing such a cabinet, you can find free space for installing an armchair, ottoman, mini chest of drawers or other furniture. When arranging this room, pay attention to corner furniture, as it also takes up very little space.


When choosing materials, try to give preference to high-quality wear-resistant coatings and facades. This requirement must be observed, since the entrance hall is a room that is characterized by sudden changes in temperature. It is better if the surfaces are smooth and easy to clean. Also pay attention to moisture resistant materials.

When choosing furniture, try to give preference to lightweight products that are made using glass or mirror surfaces, as they can fill the room with space.

Color solutions

A small hallway should be light, as such shades can make it visually wider. It is better to use white, beige, light gray, yellow, light blue, milky shades when decorating. Pay attention to light furniture with natural wood facades in milky shades.

It is very good to have a beautiful large entrance hall and corridor. The interior in such rooms should be designed in a certain style. A huge hallway is not as easy to decorate as it seems. It should be borne in mind that excessive space and lack of details makes the room not cozy. It is also not worth overloading the room with unnecessary interior items, so that there is no feeling of clutter.

Decoration of a large hallway

If you have a large hallway, then before decorating it, it is better to seek advice from designers or see a photo of a large hallway with a similar layout. There are cases when the area of ​​​​the room is visually reduced to make the room more comfortable. Dark color reduces space, so you should pay attention to it. Beforehand, think over a sufficient number of interior items.

If you still like light shades, you can do it in another way. It is possible to distinguish in the interior of a large hallway a clothing area - a dressing room. For example, put a built-in wardrobe. Thus, you get a dressing room and reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridor.

Designers advise decorating the entrance hall, hall, corridor and living room in the same style. The white color of the coatings looks very beautiful in the living room. But for the corridor, white is not very favorable, because this is the first place where a person gets from the street. Therefore, not everyone decides on white walls and floors.

Walls can be decorated by combining colors. A good solution for the design of a large hallway are wood and cork panels. Also, the walls can be covered with wallpaper or plaster.

Fabric coverings, tiles, as well as MDF and PVC are not quite suitable for finishing. Fabric coverings instantly get dirty, and the panels carry the cold into the atmosphere. To avoid monotony, moldings, false panels and cornices can be used.

For a classic style in the hallway, you can use cork panels or wallpaper. Wallpaper can be one tone or striped. The strip creates a feeling of high ceilings, and the distance of the walls visually decreases. If you want to see the hallway in country style, then you can use floral print wallpaper, decorative brick or light cladding.

The brightness of colors implies modern or avant-garde style. In the large corridor there is where the designer's fantasies play out.

Floor coverings are best chosen from a durable material, such as a moisture-resistant laminate. Using floor coverings from different materials looks good in the interior. For example, put a laminate in the corridor, and ceramic tiles near the entrance.

The tile is the most successful solution for the corridor, as it does not require special care and is quite wear-resistant. In addition, with the help of tiles, you can zone the room.

A large hallway can be visually reduced using rich, thick shades.

When decorating light walls, it is better to choose warmer colors. The contrast of shades will help to delimit the space and the room will visually decrease. You can also lay bright tiles on the floor. Hallways tend to have no windows, so one wall can be replaced with a slightly translucent partition to let the natural color in.

Furniture for a large hallway

When choosing furniture for a hallway that has a large area, you should focus on large items. Choose furniture according to the style in furniture in adjacent rooms.

No hallway is complete without hangers and shoe racks. It is better to choose a wardrobe with sliding doors.

Sliding wardrobes come with a mirror on the door, they look very nice, and there is no need to install an additional mirror.

A necessary element in the hallway is also a pouffe. Sitting on the ottoman, you can comfortably put on shoes. When choosing furniture, pay attention to its functionality. For square rooms, it is better to choose a modular kit.

Shades of furniture for a large hallway are better to choose darker ones. The best option for this is wood furniture. Such furniture is not cheap, so MDF can be used as an alternative.

Decor elements in the hallway

Paintings, family photos, flowers in vases, large figurines will help fill the void in the room. Such elements should be combined with the style of the interior.

Products made from natural materials, textile draperies and unusual paintings are great for country style. For high-tech style, leather furniture, unusual lamps are suitable.

The classical style is characterized by framed paintings, gilding, wood decor.

In the style of romanticism, elegant lamps, mirrors, vintage items and porcelain figurines are an excellent option.

Hallway lighting

For lighting it is better to use a warm soft color. Light plays a huge role in the interior, so lighting should be installed close to the mirrors. The multi-level ceiling with built-in lighting looks very nice. For an ordinary ceiling, the decoration is a chandelier that matches the style of the interior.

Photo of the interior of a large hallway

The arrangement of the hallway is an interesting and difficult task. Few of the owners of apartments in old houses can boast of large areas. So you have to rack your brains: how to place everything you need in a small area, and even do it so that it looks stylish. After all, it is this room that creates the first impression of the apartment or house as a whole. Therefore, the design of the hallway is a responsible task: the development of interior design may well set the tone for the design of all other rooms.

narrow hallway

Correctly arrange a narrow hallway, to put it mildly, is not easy. There are few solutions, but the choice is still there. The first way is to figure out which side can be occupied with furniture. Preferably the one on which the doors are located far from each other. Furniture should be placed along this wall.

To take the longest wall for furniture in a narrow hallway is the right decision

The second option is to use two adjoining walls under the cabinet and hanger - short and long. Also a good option in functional and aesthetic terms.

It is absolutely wrong to place furniture along two opposite walls in a narrow room: you will have to maneuver between them, constantly bumping into corners. So that the second wall does not look empty, you can fix a mirror on it, hang narrow wall-mounted ones on which to place decorative elements or some little things.

There are several traditional design tricks that allow you to visually expand the boundaries, and new developments in the field of storage systems will help to fit everything you need in a small amount.

Walls, floor, ceiling

To make the room visually appear larger, the walls should be light, preferably with a slight degree of gloss. For example, there are textured paints or plasters with a slight addition of mother-of-pearl. Glossy ceiling (weak gloss is more appropriate) - this is usually stretched. It will reflect the light and what is happening in the room, making it more spacious. In the economy version, plastic panels will give a glossy effect.

If you don’t like gloss at all, you can do without it, but it’s better not to refuse light colors. And most often the colors are chosen warm shades.

It is desirable that there be both general ceiling lighting, and in some areas. For example, near the mirror. Mirrors in general are a great way to visually enlarge a room, and properly illuminated, they are also very beautiful.

One of the trends of recent years is. Moreover, some of the walls are made smooth - usually painted, and only a part is trimmed with stone. In the photo above, you see several tricks at once, thanks to which a small hallway looks more spacious. First, the carefully designed lighting scheme provides enough light to create a cozy atmosphere. Secondly, the mirrored closet doors, reflecting the environment, push the boundaries of the room. Thirdly, vertical columns made of raw stone make the ceiling taller than it really is. An important role is still the choice of furniture - the glossy and mirror surface does not look "heavy", does not load the space. Chest of drawers selected small width. It does not interfere with movement, but performs its functions.

Also note that when designing small rooms, the floor is rarely made dark. If so, everything else - walls, ceilings, furniture - should be very light. They look great with darker color details, preferably the same shade as the flooring.

Furniture for a narrow hallway

After everything was decided with the color and texture of the walls, the design of the hallway continues: the time has come for choosing furniture. The best option is to order the manufacture of a wardrobe and hangers in the hallway. Furniture will be made according to the dimensions of your room, individual content (hangers, shelves, baskets, etc.) will be developed according to your requirements. But such pleasure is well worth it. A more economical option is to use modular furniture. One-piece "hallways" - cabinet furniture of certain dimensions - today are losing more and more to this new type of configuration. The factory develops a collection of shelves, cabinets, cupboards, pencil cases, hangers, bedside tables, chests of drawers, benches. All of them are made in the same style and color. From such a "constructor" you can assemble what is most suitable for your option.

Two “assembly” options from one collection of modular hallway furniture

In general, you can use not only closed storage systems, but also open ones. True, only if you are ready to maintain perfect order: after all, everything will be in sight. But outerwear will dry better in open furniture.

Sometimes the hallway is so narrow that the open closet door completely blocks it. Then the exit is with sliding doors. They take up almost no space. But in this case, it is better to make a built-in wardrobe: with an equal footprint, its functionality is much higher.

The sliding wardrobe can occupy the entire wall in the hallway or only part of it

This type of furniture is also good in that it can occupy the entire wall, can be combined with a rack or an open part - a chest of drawers, a shoe rack, a hanger, etc. There is also - they allow the use of two adjacent walls, which cabinet or modular furniture usually cannot cope with. They are good for linear hallways.

If space permits, you can do it. It differs from the built-in wardrobe in greater depth - 1-1.2 m is a minimum. But you just can’t imagine how many things it includes, and how convenient it is to use.

Separately, it is worth talking about the place of storage of shoes. For this, there are special shoe chests of drawers or shoe racks. They come in different shapes, can be built into the hallway or stand alone. Shelves in them can be:

In order not to just take up space, a seat is often made on the top of a free-standing shoe rack. This is both a shoe locker and a bench on which it is convenient to put on shoes.

There is another option - a round rotating shoe rack, divided into sectors. Compact and convenient solution.

Rotating shoe rack - new in storage systems

If you use at least a few ideas, the design of the hallway will be stylish and comfortable.

Small hallway: layout features

If the hallway area is only 4 sq. m, you can’t put a lot of furniture in it, because most of the walls are occupied by doors opening into it, there are at least two or three of them. The design of the hallway of a small square is already from the field of art. You have to use any available wall area, because there is very little of it. And here the best way out is to order the manufacture of furniture. Since the equipment will be small, it will not result in a large amount, but it will be possible to use every centimeter.

First you need to find a place to place the hanger. Take a good look at the room, find an opportunity to put a closet or just, and under it - a shoe rack with a seat.

A closet in the corner is a great way to make full use of the available space.

Hallways with an area of ​​4 square meters. m - "property" of small-sized apartments such as "Khrushchev". In them, free space is generally a rarity: even for one person there is not much of it, and there is nothing to say about a family. But in any case, the composition of the furniture greatly depends on your wishes, and also on the layout. There are several recommendations that you can heed or not.

Arrangement of a hallway in a private house

If the hallway is spacious - the task is to properly arrange the desired furniture. Although the closet is still the best choice, there are options in its size and location. The best one is the corner one. It allows you to use the area to the maximum, while all things are in their places and at hand.

If desired, you can separately make a hanger - for "duty" clothes, in which in the cool season the years go out into the yard, and under it - a shoe rack with a seat and the same "duty" shoes.

Positioning the “changing area” as close to the door as possible is the right decision.

Now about where to place a closet or hanger. The answer is simple: as close to the entrance as possible. So that you can immediately take off your outerwear and shoes. For this area, it is necessary to provide a floor covering that will be easy to clean, and at the same time will not allow debris to be spread. Usually, ceramic tiles or something like that are laid at the entrance, and anti-splash mats are placed on top.

Hallway with stairs

If, when planning the house, it was decided not to “inflate” the technical premises and the entrance hall turned out to be small, and even goes into it, it will be problematic to place everything you need. Especially if the family is athletic and you need to place sports equipment somewhere - skis, skates, rollerblades, skateboards, etc. If the design of the stairs allows, the most reasonable option is to arrange a kind of wardrobe under it.

Drawers and just shelves with doors - a lot of things can be placed More convenient Pull-out systems separated by mesh dividers - everything is in sight and it is much easier to search
Wardrobe under the stairs - a great way out in a small hallway

In some homes, this area is used to store vehicles for large and small - prams and bicycles. If bicycles can still be left in a shed or garage, then it is simply impossible to do this with a baby carriage. And often for this "means of transportation" the most convenient place is under the stairs.

Hallway decoration in different styles: photo

The entrance hall can be decorated in any style: classic, Provence, minimalism or high-tech. The choice is yours. To make it a little easier to understand what suits you best, this section contains photos of hallways of different styles.

A long corridor is divided into zones with lighting and - so it does not look so dull and monotonous

The chic interior is emphasized by well-designed lighting, imitating decorative plaster

The length of the entire wall is a great option. But in order for it to “fit in” and not crush with massiveness, the doors should be light, and preferably with mirror inserts. Although the highlight of this interior is the special design of the door - an excellent design move.

Black and white gamma - strictly, but always relevant

The unusual shape of the cabinet, soft tones of beige and brown tones. The interior design of the hallway is soft and calm

A very simple solution - to store clothes

Playing with light and color is a great way to make the design of the hallway unusual.

Using every available centimeter of space is a smart decision

Minimalism - it teaches order))

Mirrors in a wooden frame - a beautiful interior, an unusual presentation

Stylish, beautiful, functional - this is the feeling of this hallway design. adds practicality without sacrificing design.

What requirements should modern hallways in the corridor meet? Hallway furniture should be comfortable and functional, because here we change shoes, leave outerwear and shoes, and finally meet guests. In addition, it is necessary that the hallway is in harmony with the overall interior of the apartment, and also matches the style and lifestyle of the owners. The Dekorin team will help you choose furniture for the hallway for different types of rooms using the photo gallery. In the article, we will also show some original ideas for decorating hallways with our own hands.

Hallway for a narrow corridor - how to expand the space

Interior design experts believe that in the hallway you need:

  • wardrobe for storing clothes;
  • an open hanger on which you can dry outerwear that got wet in the snow or rain;
  • closed shoe;
  • an open shelf for shoes, because you can’t put wet boots in a closed closet;
  • a mirror to fix your hair and make sure everything is in order with your outfit;
  • a place to sit, because it is more convenient to change shoes while sitting, and an elderly person or a preschooler standing up may simply not be able to cope with this task;
  • shelves for various little things from keys to a shoe brush.

Of course, there must be room for freedom of movement. Can a hallway for a narrow corridor meet all these requirements?

Pay attention to small-sized multifunctional furniture of small depth (up to 35 cm), designed specifically for such premises. The doors of a narrow cabinet-pencil case will not take up much space when opened, and a mirror can be attached to them. And a low shoe cabinet will perfectly cope with the role of a pouffe for sitting, if you put a soft pillow on it.

A shallow closet with mirrored doors will fit well into a long narrow corridor. But remember that its functionality is significantly limited compared to full-fledged deep brothers.

If for a very narrow corridor even such furniture turns out to be too bulky, limit yourself to a compact hanger and a narrow shoe rack, and place a wardrobe for storing clothes in another, more spacious room.

Do not forget that light walls and light furniture will make a narrow space visually wider and friendlier. And correctly placed bright color accents will bring dynamics to it.

And be sure to use large wall mirrors, because they have the magical ability to add the missing square meters to a small area.

Entrance hall to a small corridor - which mini-hallway to choose

The entrance hall to a small corridor should be compact and, preferably, not overloaded with decorative elements, because. in a small space, complex decor often looks redundant. Modern mini-hallways come in various shapes and configurations, and you should try to choose the most successful option for your corridor.

Mini hallways on a rotary mechanism

A rotating mini-entrance hall on a swivel mechanism at the right time will “turn” to you with a mirror, an umbrella or a shelf with sandals. The absence of corners is another ergonomic advantage of such a hallway in a small space.

Wall-mounted hallways in the corridor in a modern style

Wall-mounted hallways in a minimalist style, consisting of a hanger, a mirror and other compact hanging elements, fit perfectly into the interior of a small corridor. Since the furniture does not come into contact with the floor, it seems to float in the air, due to which a small room seems more spacious, and the interior looks light and futuristic.

Compact closed hallways in a small corridor

Do you think that, while remaining in plain sight, clothes and shoes create a mess and overload a small room? You may like a compact hallway in the form of a wardrobe with a sliding mirrored door. When closed, we get a large mirror in a wide frame, and everything superfluous is securely hidden from the eyes. If there is a niche in the corridor of a suitable size, put this elegant mini hallway in it, and you are guaranteed the effect of the absence of unnecessary furniture.

Small metal hallways

Forged metal furniture is an interesting and stylish find for a small hallway. Graceful and transparent, it seems to be made of air and creates the illusion of free space without overloading it.

Corner hallways into a small corridor

A reasonable solution for a small corridor can be a compact corner hallway, preferably rounded. It will fit more organically into the interior, and you will never hit a protruding corner.

Mini hallways for a small corridor in Khrushchev

The tiny Khrushchev corridor sometimes leaves the only possibility of arranging the hallway in a narrow pier, where it will be possible to squeeze in only a small hanger and a shoe rack. Do not be upset and take care of the original design of the hanger, let it act as a stylish accessory. A large mirror can be mounted directly on the door. More interesting ideas - in the selection of our photos.

Small-sized modular hallways in the corridor - we decorate the hallway in a modern style

Modular hallways consist of individual small blocks of various shapes, and you decide which ones to use. By alternating open and closed, straight and corner modules, you can build a complete system from this furniture designer that will harmoniously fit into the space of your front room.

A modular hallway can be a real find for uncomfortable corridors where several doors open at once. Just arrange its compact elements in the right places and create an individual design for your hallway in a modern style. In the photo below you will see exactly how this can be done.

Built-in hallways in the corridor - nothing more

Built-in furniture is mounted in niches that already exist in the corridor or are specially arranged for it during the redevelopment of the apartment. It is quite budgetary compared to cabinet furniture, because. you need to install only the facade of the cabinet, and the walls, floor and ceiling of the apartment will play the role of its other sides.

The most popular and practical are built-in hallways in the corridor in the form of spacious wardrobes. Such designs require space, but they allow rational use of the entire space from floor to ceiling and create an amazing effect of the lack of furniture in the interior.
By carefully considering the internal structure of the closet, you will solve not only the problem of storing clothes and shoes, but also many other useful things. And your hallway will look neat, concise, stylish and modern. Take a look at our selection of photos and see for yourself.

Open hallways to the corridor - we analyze the pros and cons

There are no closets in the open hallway; things are stored on hooks or hangers. Under the hanger there is usually a bench for sitting, and under it there are open or closed niches for shoes. From above it is convenient to place shelves or roomy closed mezzanines that will do an excellent job of storing things. Such a hallway does not take up much space and fits well into a room of any size. It is suitable for both long and square corridors, it can be equipped in a small front vestibule type and even in a small niche.

An open hallway can be a good choice for a large family with children, because a lot of outerwear can be placed on hangers at the same time, which does not interfere with each other and does not fall. Open hallways to the corridor usually look very homely, they exude comfort. But at the same time, they require constant attention, because if you do not keep order, a cozy entrance hall will easily turn into cluttered and untidy.

The photos below show other options for open hallways, look and be inspired.

Classic hallways in the corridor - elegant solutions in the photo

Classic hallways to the corridor look respectable and elegant. Furniture in a classic style is sustained in the traditions of the past. Her lines are clean and graceful. Decor is necessarily used: figured framing of door panels, cornices, carving elements, etc. The most popular colors are white (at the same time, carved decor can be gilded) or dark wood. Figured furniture handles and hooks for clothes must certainly be "antique". For soft elements, quilted leather or expensive tapestry textiles are used.

The classic style does not like tightness and suggests comfort. To sit in such a hallway, it would be appropriate to put a comfortable easy chair, a sofa on bent carved legs or an elegant pouf, reminiscent of a ladies' boudoir.

Of course, you can buy an inexpensive entrance hall of modern production from MDF, designed in a classic style. But the real classic involves natural wood. A great option is to use real furniture “with history”, carefully and lovingly restored. In this case, the design of the hallway will acquire a genuine uniqueness, originality and nobility.

Do-it-yourself hallways in the corridor - photo of creative ideas

Not everyone is able to make a furniture set for the hallway with their own hands. But this is not necessary! We offer you some original ideas on how to make a hallway with your own hands, without having professional skills.

Fix a strong metal mesh with large cells on the wall, hang double-sided hooks for clothes and accessories on it. Complete the picture with a small cabinet for shoes, and your loft-style hallway is ready!

Paint some wooden coat hangers with bright paint and hang them at different heights from a sturdy bar attached to the ceiling. You will receive an unusual hanger that children will surely like.

To implement the following idea, you will need a large and durable square frame, wooden or metal. Mounting rings must be welded along the perimeter of the metal structure at the same distance. In wood, you can simply carefully drill holes. Pull a strong wire or rope of a contrasting color through them, forming a pattern, as fantasy and our photo will tell. Securely fasten the resulting modernist panel to the wall and take care of its lighting. Having hung several clothes hangers on stretched ropes, you will get an art hanger for a creative nature.

For arranging a do-it-yourself hallway in the hallway, a small niche is perfect. This small area is fraught with huge potential for creativity. There you can nail hooks for clothes or fix a bar on which to hang coat hangers; arrange shelves or a bench for sitting and even equip a place to store shoes. It all depends on your skills and imagination! The zone of such a hallway can be distinguished by local illumination and the color of the walls. Abrasion-resistant wallpaper with a beautiful floral print will look interesting.

Get more ideas for inspiration in our selection of photos!

Hallways in the corridor - 118 photos of the best ideas updated: February 15, 2018 by: dekomin