Dna HPP type 45 in women. Diagnosis of the virus in the female body

This virus belongs to the type with oncogenic risk. With such a diagnosis, it is necessary to take serious and quick measures, otherwise serious consequences will arise.

The virus causes typical changes:

  • genital warts appear, located on the genitals;
  • massive proliferation of epithelial cells;
  • condylomas affect the walls of the vagina.

Important! This infection poses a great danger to women. If untreated, it is reborn: the DNA of the virus penetrates into healthy cells, and it multiplies. As a result, oncology of the cervix and the question: how to live further?

Sometimes, it takes more than 20 years before the onset of the cancer process and it is important to start treatment on time.

Symptoms and characteristic manifestations

When growths appear on the genitals, it cannot be argued that this is HPV 45, since it often coexists with other types of the virus. Type 45 infection is often accompanied by other diseases. Vulvagenitis, endocervicitis, and venereal diseases may occur.

Against this background, it is noted:

  1. strange vaginal discharge;
  2. itching and burning in the genital area;
  3. pain when urinating;
  4. sexual contact with painful sensations;
  5. condylomatosis - the epithelium of the skin begins to grow.

A viral infection causes genital warts on the vulva, vagina and perineum.

In most cases, HPV 45 does not manifest itself, as it is suppressed by the immune system.But as soon as the immune system is weakened, the virus immediately manifests itself. When activated, the virus disrupts cell reproduction. Their division is accelerated, which causes the appearance of growths.

How dangerous is the papillomavirus DNA?

The course of the disease can be divided into several stages.

  1. The first... The latent state of the virus. It does not manifest itself, and does not affect healthy cells in any way. This condition sometimes lasts for a long time - how much cannot be determined exactly. The activation of the virus will occur if the immune system is weakened or the hormonal system is disrupted.
  2. The second... The development of the virus begins with the manifestation of clinical symptoms.
  3. Third... HPV enters cells with DNA and develops an integrated form that changes cell structure. The medical term is coylocytosis.
  4. Fourth... The virus causes the cells to mutate, which become cancerous.

With weakened immunity, the woman's body cannot cope with the virus. Therefore you should be wary of the development of diseases:

  • damage to the genital mucosa and the formation of genital warts;
  • oncology of the uterus.

To prevent dire consequences, it is necessary to identify pathology at the initial stage.

Diagnostics of the human papillomavirus

It is necessary to timely identify the papilloma virus and begin complex treatment. This is complicated by the fact that the disease is often asymptomatic. It is imperative to undergo routine examinations with a gynecologist, since papillomas often occur on the internal genital organs.

Therefore, when unpleasant growths appear in the genital area, an urgent need to visit a dermatologist. The specialist will carry out diagnostic measures and determine the strain of the virus that caused the skin disease.

The following methods are used to determine the type of virus:

These studies will reveal the activation of the virus, which manifests itself in the growth of the epithelium and the formation of warts on the genitals. The main thing is not to start the disease. Otherwise, neoplasms are reborn into malignant tumors.

Treatment features

It is imperative to remove neoplasms and not only for aesthetic reasons. There are other reasons for the elimination of papillomas:

  • The growths on the genitals begin to itch, an unpleasant odor appears, as well as discharge.
  • Condylomas near the anus are painful.
  • Large growths usually provoke irritation and inflammation.
  • If untreated, the formation develops into a malignant tumor.

It can be concluded that elimination of papillomas is imperative, although the virus itself still remains.

Removal methods


To achieve a positive result, removing external growths is not enough. The virus itself remains in the body, and condylomas can return to the site of excision.

To avoid relapse, a mandatory course of immunostimulating as well as antiviral therapy should be carried out. This is necessary to inhibit the DNA of the virus. For this, the drug Panavir is often used, which is represented by candles, ointments and a solution.

Interferon inducers are also recommended: Viferon, Cycloferon. They strengthen the immune system and stop the DNA replication of the 45 strain. Reproduction of HPV slows down, and gradually it weakens, without causing the growth of the epithelium.

Also used are drugs that have a cauterizing effect. The main advantage of the method is safety. These include:

  • Salicylic acid.
  • Contaridin.
  • Trichloroacetic acid.
  • Solkoderm.

There are also combined methods that combine all of the above methods.

What not to do?

Having found papilloma growths, some women resort to self-medication. They start taking antibiotics uncontrollably. Such treatment is strictly prohibited. Antibiotics work against bacterial infections, and HPV is not.

Also a dangerous mistake is to eliminate papillomas with the help of folk remedies. This can cause burns to the mucous membranes, ulceration and even blood poisoning.


The best prevention is vaccination. For this, Gardasil or Cervarix is \u200b\u200bused, which contain empty HPV 45 shells. They force the body's defenses to produce antibodies. This creates strong immunity.

A virus of this type often provokes tumor diseases, therefore, vaccination is allowed from the age of 9. The earlier the vaccine gets into the blood, the stronger the immunity will be.

The drug Gardasil prevents condylomatosis and protects against cervical cancer. Cervarix protects against oncology, but cannot prevent the appearance of genital warts. Exposure to vaccines is useless if the virus was in the body before vaccination.

Naturally, the usual preventive measures must also be followed:

  1. Casual sex should be avoided.
  2. Mandatory use of contraceptives by a partner.
  3. You need to balance your diet.
  4. No stress.
  5. Avoid lack of vitamins in the body.
  6. Daily physical activity.

The main prevention of the papilloma virus is considered to be the maintenance of strong immunity.

If it turns out that you are a carrier of the virus, you should refrain from sexual intercourse until complete recovery. It is necessary to refuse visits to the solarium, otherwise skin defects can be intensified and it will be more difficult to cope with them. By adhering to the restrictions and observing all the recommendations of the doctor, the papilloma virus can be overcome.

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Almost every person by the age of 50 was a carrier or observed symptomatic manifestations of the human papillomavirus. After infection, HPV can independently eliminate from the body, and can cause pathological epithelial growths on the skin or mucous membranes.

There are about 200 types of papilloma virus. Because of such a large number of them, each was assigned a serial number, for example, HPV 18, 33, 45. They have different characteristics, DNA structure. Some strains of the virus cause the appearance of non-dangerous growths on the skin, and some, with prolonged inactivity, can become malignant and provoke an accelerated growth of atypical cells.

How dangerous is human papillomavirus strain 45?

According to the degree of danger, HPV is divided into three groups that characterize the oncogenicity of strains:

  • Medium risk of oncogenicity;

HPV type 45 belongs to a group with a high risk of oncogenicity, therefore, prolonged inactivity when this virus is detected in the body is very dangerous.

Causes the appearance of:

  • Genital warts of the external genital organs of women and men;
  • Growths of the epithelium in the anogenital region;
  • Flat warts on the vaginal mucosa.

Infection with HPV 45 strain is extremely dangerous for women, because it can provoke a disease such as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. In this case, if the immune system does not cope with HPV in time, its DNA will be incorporated into the nuclear apparatus of healthy cells, which will become atypical and will multiply uncontrollably - cervical cancer.

Dysplasia, which can cause papilloma type 45, has 3 stages. From the initial stage to cervical cancer, it takes about 10 to 20 years. If you start treatment on time, you can eliminate all unwanted symptoms, without further adverse consequences in the form of a malignant neoplasm.

Papillomavirus 35, 39, 45 oncogenic strains - how to identify in the body?

If pathological growths appear in the anogenital zone, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist for further diagnostics to find out what type of virus caused them.

The presence of HPV in the body is detected by PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Using this test, the presence and strain of HPV is determined, for example, papillomavirus type 31, 35, 45, and genotyping is carried out. The viral load cannot be detected, which significantly complicates the diagnosis.

A more modern method is the Daigen test. It allows you to determine the HPV 45 genotype (the degree of oncogenicity of the strain), and also to identify the number of viral particles in the body. This characteristic is very important in the diagnosis of oncogenic HPV types 31, 45, because the specialist will be able to prescribe effective therapy on time, or he will decide not to treat at all, but to wait time (in the absence of external manifestations).

Women must undergo a colposcopy (examination of the walls of the vagina and cervix under a microscope), and take a smear from the cervix and cervical canal for cytology. For a more detailed study, a biopsy is performed - a fence and a detailed study of a tissue site.

Human papillomavirus type 45 - how to protect yourself from infection?

The most popular as the prevention of HPV in such a method as vaccination. In foreign practice, specialists have been using Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines for inoculating the population for about 10 years. They contain empty shells of the virus, which provoke the body's defenses to produce antibodies - this is how stable immunity is formed.

Based on these instructions, vaccines are not active against HPV 45, 56 and many other types - their action is directed against the virus of 16 and 18 oncogenic strains. Doctors note that Gardasil and Cervarix have been protecting the body from absolutely all types of HPV for more than 15 years.

Since papillomavirus type 45 can provoke tumor diseases in women, they are vaccinated at the age of 9-25 years. The earlier the vaccine enters the body, the more stable and stronger the immunity against HPV will develop.

Gardasil may protect against cervical cancer and condylomatosis, Cervarix prevents cervical cancer, but not genital warts. The action of vaccines is also not aimed at fighting the virus that was in the body at the time of vaccination.

Other methods of preventing HPV 45, 58 and other strains:

  • Avoidance of promiscuous sex;
  • Regular vitaminization of the body;
  • Rational and balanced nutrition;
  • Regular moderate exercise.

The most effective prevention method is maintaining a stable and strong immune system.

Treatment of HPV type 45 - basic principles

If, upon examination by a gynecologist, urologist or dermatovenerologist, no anogenital epithelial growths were found and the viral load is low, there is a high probability that HPV will be eliminated (in case of strong immunity).

When papillomavirus type 45 manifests itself with genital warts, a complex of such therapies is needed:

  • Destructive;
  • Antiviral;
  • Immunocorrective;
  • General strengthening.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the growths by a physical method (laser, radio waves or an electric knife), or by chemical caustic agents (Solkoderm, Solkovagin preparations).

The growths caused by papilloma type 45 are more often recommended to be removed using a laser device or radio waves (Surgitron device). These destruction methods do not leave traces and large areas of scar tissue, which is especially important when removing growths on the labia or vaginal wall.

HPV 45 - medication treatment

For a full-fledged effective therapy, it is not enough to remove the external manifestations of the disease, because the virus remains in the same concentration in the body, and growths can appear after a while in the same places where they were excised.

In order to avoid relapse, it is necessary to conduct a course of antiviral and immunostimulating therapy to inhibit HPV type 45 DNA. For this purpose, domestic specialists have recently begun to use Panavir (suppositories, cream, injection solution, spray).

Local and general interferon inducers (Cycloferon, Genferon, Viferon) are also effective, which increase immunity and stop the replication of HPV 45 strain DNA. The intensity of the reproduction and growth of HPV decreases, and over time it ages, without causing the appearance of epithelial growth in the future.

To prevent relapse, experts prescribe antiviral creams Aldara (Imiquimod) or Zovirax for transdermal use. To inhibit papillomavirus type 45, most doctors add Groprinosin (Isoprinosine) to the combination of other drugs. This drug, in addition to the fact that it itself exhibits an antiviral effect, also induces the action of analogs taken in parallel with it.

If pathological epithelial growths are found on the mucous membrane of the genitals, it is necessary to urgently seek the advice of a qualified specialist. In no case should you remove the growths yourself - this can lead to their even greater growth.

HPV type 45 in women is one of the known variants of the virus. Modern medicine has information on about 170 types of diseases. Women are vulnerable to genotype 45. Sexually transmitted, the pathogen provokes the formation of genital warts on the reproductive organs.

45 strain is usually classified as conditionally oncogenic. The permissible risk of developing cervical cancer upon infection is 60%.

In most episodes of oncology, patients have 16 or 18 strains of the virus.

With the fact of the introduction of papilloma infection of type 45 at any stage of life, with a drop in immunity, growths appear on the skin of the armpits, the mucous membrane of the vulva, around the anus.

In female patients, a characteristic manifestation is condylomas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe external reproductive organs: large and small labia, clitoris, urinary canal. Men do not have symptoms of genotype 45 virus. An infected man remains a reservoir of infection. Without even knowing about the disease, it infects partners during intimate contact.

What is dangerous type 45

The oncological danger of HPV type 45 is relatively low. It is incorrect to associate the degeneration of condyloma into cervical cancer only with the presence of a virus. The escalation of the malignant process is influenced by this fact and genetic predetermination, ecological living conditions, bad habits, stress.

Most HPV infections are clinically latent, transient. Only a few progress to benign tumors.

90% of HPV-induced formations of cervical localization self-destruct within 3-6 months. Evidence that the immune system is slowly but effectively clearing the infection.

It is necessary to treat or remove warts on the vulva in a timely manner, during intercourse they are subjected to constant friction. The injured area serves as a possible gateway for fungal, bacterial infections that cause inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis, vaginosis).

Disease symptoms:

  • copious discharge from the genital tract of different consistency and odor;
  • pain in the vulva;
  • edema;
  • soreness during intercourse, urination;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • weakness.

Causes and symptoms

Type 45 papillomavirus in women appears due to the introduction of the virus into the body during intercourse.

HPV is contagious: with a single sexual contact, the risk of infection reaches 75%. Contraceptives do not prevent the disease, the virus can appear on normal skin and mucous membranes during foreplay, petting, oral-anal contacts.

It is also impossible to discard the path of infection with the natural resolution of pregnancy, when the fetus passes through the pathologically altered birth canal of an ailing mother. There are known cases of household transmission when using common household items.

The virus loves warm and humid environments of public baths, showers, saunas, swimming pools.

Condylomas are flat, flesh-like growths with scalloped edges or cauliflower-like papillae. Under normal conditions, they do not hurt or cause discomfort. If damaged, the size of the warts increases, there is pain during intercourse and urination.

Diagnosis of human papillomavirus type 45

Human papillomavirus can be suspected when examined by a gynecologist or dermatologist. It is possible to confirm the diagnosis and identify the HPV type 45 DNA in a woman (man) by carrying out a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) even with a latent, subclinical course.

A relatively new method of determination is the Dygen test. With it, a scraping of the cervical epithelium is taken, in which 8 varieties of the virus are looked for.

A negative analysis result indicates that this or that strain was not found in the biological material. Positive test - if the level of DNA of the virus exceeds 1 relative unit. If the analysis is submitted to assess the effectiveness of antiviral therapy, then the diagnostic criterion is the concentration of the virus.

To anticipate threatening signs, it is important to be regularly examined by a doctor, conducting colposcopy (diagnostics of the vagina and cervix using an apparatus), a PAP test to detect possible erosions, dysplasias, warts, followed by biopsy and examination of the histology of the collected material.

Treatment methods for HPV 45 strain

When treating HPV type 45 in women, it is necessary to identify the genotype and remove papillomas, condylomas, prescribe drugs that suppress the activity of the virus and activate immunity. Adaptogens of plant origin, vitamin and sedatives are prescribed in a complex manner.


There are many medications designed to remove warts.

Panavir is effective in the form of a gel for papillomatosis or a spray for irrigation of the vulva (similar to the indications of Epigen aerosol).

Creams with antiviral effect - Bonafton, Viferon. It is possible to use cauterizing liquids with a mummifying effect - Kondilin, Podofilox, Solkoderm. Reaferon candles are inserted vaginally,

Genferon with antiviral components in order to remove growths on the cervix. Human leukocyte interferon is injected inside the warts or under the papilloma.

Preparations in tablets for oral administration:

  • groprinosine;
  • cycloferon;
  • allokin alpha;
  • alpizarin;
  • isoprinosine.

Removal of genital warts

Condylomas are removed using diathermoelectrocoagulation by cauterization. With laser therapy, the growths are removed after monthly bleeding under anesthesia. The method is not recommended for nulliparous, high-energy flow can roughly deform, narrow the cervical canal. When destroyed by Surgitron (radio knife), the formation is captured by a loop, cut off without blood. For large growths, surgery is used: lesions under local anesthesia are excised with the capture of healthy skin. Sutures are applied to the area to be removed. This method is typical for the treatment of neglected growths, dysplasias, and oncological consequences of infection.

Life forecast and prevention of rebirth

Papillomavirus type 45 in only 5% of infected women will lead to dysplasia of the uterine cervix 2 and 3 degrees. To prevent complications, degeneration into a neoplasm (cancer), women are advised to visit a gynecologist regularly, with a viral load test, colposcopy to identify malignant cells.

Statistics show that without treatment, 20% of women with advanced dysplasia will develop a cancerous tumor within 5 years.

All categories of women who are sexually active are recommended to be examined for oncocytology by a gynecologist or gynecologist-oncologist once a year. After menopause, the test is carried out once every six months; hormonal fluctuations in this stage of life can activate the virus.

Prevention of infection and rebirth

To prevent complications, you must adhere to the rules:

  • avoiding sexual relations with unexamined partners;
  • enrichment of the diet with vitamins, minerals;
  • physical activity.

The removal of genital warts and papillomas is shown. Women should be warned that the effectiveness of therapy for exophytic growths is higher than 50-94%, and relapses occur in 25% of cases within 3 months after the procedure.

The diagnosis of HPV type 45 is not a sentence, but it requires compliance with a number of restrictions and a clear implementation of treatment recommendations. To avoid dangerous complications, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor regularly. In case of suspicious symptoms, the dubious education should be shown to the oncologist.

What is it - HPV type 45 in women: an innocent disease, accompanied by the appearance of growths in intimate places, or a deadly threat? Earlier, until the connection between cervical cancer and the strain of human papilloma virus 45 was discovered, doctors considered papillomatosis not a dangerous pathology. In fact, this infection needs to be treated urgently. Timely treatment can prevent a life-threatening illness.

Description HPV type 45

Genital warts, erosion, dysplasia and cancer of the cervix, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa - such a "legacy" is left by the strain 45 of the papilloma virus. For women, this is a time bomb, because it may take 10, 15 years until HPV type 45, belonging to the group of genotypes at high risk of oncology, makes itself felt.

At a young age, the virus can be eliminated, and then the human papillomavirus infection passes on its own, i.e. the warts that appear will eliminate themselves. If the immune system fails, the HPV DNA is inserted into the DNA of the cells of the human body. From this, the latter begin to share chaotically. This is how various neoplasms arise: from papillomas to malignant tumors.

The peculiarity of the virus is that it is difficult to recognize it. the infection is often asymptomatic.

Signs and symptoms of HPV 45 in women

The signs of papillomavirus type 45 in women are genital genital warts. They appear on the labia minora and labia majora, but more often in the vagina and cervix, so only a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist can detect them during an examination. Warts begin to deliver discomfort when they increase in size and merge into large conglomerates.

Often the virus is diagnosed against the background of sexually transmitted diseases - herpes infection, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and others.

The papillomavirus 45 has no characteristic signs, but an infection can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  • fetid odor from the genitals;
  • pain during intercourse and orgasm;
  • itching and other discomfort inside the genitals;
  • painful urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen that does not go away even at rest.

When an infection caused by the human papillomavirus passes into stage 3 (after which cancer develops), both sexes develop dizziness, weakness, decreased appetite, and sexual activity.

Symptoms in men

HPV type 45 for men is not as dangerous as for women. It manifests itself by the formation of gray or flesh-colored warts on the mucous membrane of the penis, foreskin, trunk of the penis and near the anus, which grow from 1-2 mm to 1-2 cm.

HPV 45 in men in 10% of all cases gives the following symptoms:

  • painful urination;
  • itching in the anus and genitals;
  • bloody discharge from the penis.

Pain during intercourse in men is rare.

How does infection occur

The main route of infection is sexual. Men and women who are sexually active, often changing partners are at risk. It is impossible to completely exclude infection during sex: contraception with a condom as a method of protection gives only a 70% guarantee. Accelerate the process of infection of damage to the skin.

You can also get HPV type 45 in a household way: in a bathhouse, a swimming pool, a beauty salon, in other public places (therefore, you cannot use other people's toiletries, linen).

Possible hematological route of infection (through the blood), as well as infection of the newborn through the birth canal.

Dangers and consequences of human papillomavirus infection

Strain 45 papilloma is extremely dangerous for women. Half of the patients with cervical pathology (dysplasia, erosion or cancer) have this virus in their blood.

In the absence of treatment for human papillomavirus infection, the development of a cancerous tumor occurs with a high probability. Cervical cancer ranks 3rd in terms of the incidence of the disease after malignant neoplasms of the breast and skin.

During pregnancy, an increase in sex hormones can cause the activation of HPV 45 and the appearance of genital warts, which disappear after childbirth. The strain of the virus does not threaten the development of the fetus. To prevent the newborn from getting the infection through the birth canal, obstetricians resort to caesarean section.

Strain 45 is not as dangerous as strains 16 and 18, so it is unlikely that dysplasia or cancer may occur during pregnancy.

If symptoms of infection do not go away on their own after childbirth, adequate treatment is prescribed.

What tests for the detection of HPV are there and how are they carried out

Papilloma virus 45 is rarely found in the highly oncogenic group, therefore, there is no specific diagnosis in relation to it. Generally accepted methods are used to detect it. First, a visual examination by a gynecologist of the vagina and cervix is \u200b\u200bcarried out; using a colposcope if necessary. A smear is taken from the cervical canal and cervix for cytological examination. To clarify the diagnosis of the latter, a biopsy of biological material taken from the tissues of the cervix is \u200b\u200bperformed.

The PCR method is used to analyze blood (or other biological material). But the most accurate is the Digen test. It detects not only papilloma strain 45, but also the number of its particles that are in the human body.

HPV treatment

If the examination revealed a small viral load and the absence of genital papillomas, then with a strong immunity, the patient has a chance of self-destruction of the virus. To treat HPV type 45 begin with the appearance of growths and carry out the following methods:

  • therapeutic;
  • immunological;
  • destructive;
  • folk (as auxiliary).

To combat human papillomavirus infection, it is necessary to suppress the activity of viruses and strengthen the body. Removing anogenital warts is essential because they can multiply and regenerate. Treatment will be of better quality if several methods are combined.

Timely started treatment has a favorable prognosis. Dysplasia of the cervix at an early stage can be treated without the consequences of a malignant tumor.

Specific antiviral drugs

For the treatment of HPV type 45, there are no antiviral drugs that would destroy the virus. Medicines are designed to suppress its reproduction and reduce viral load. They are necessarily prescribed after removal of neoplasms, because HPV remains in the body forever.

Some medicines have a double effect: antiviral and immunomodulatory. This group of drugs includes Panavir, Groprinosin (Groprinosin), Isoprinosin, Allokin-alpha. They are prescribed for systemic and local use.


Immunostimulants, which include Gepon, Neovir, Ridostin, Immunomax, are always used after removal of skin lesions as an adjuvant. They activate the body's immune forces, which reduces the occurrence of relapses. They are prescribed in the form of injections, tablets, or topically.

Interferon-based drugs (Viferon, Cycloferon) and interferon inducers are used for treatment. The latter include Poludan, Amiksin, Lavomax. They stimulate the production of their own protective proteins by the cells of the body, which form cellular immunity.

Destructive methods

Often it is necessary to treat HPV 45 with a destructive method: remove neoplasms. There are 2 varieties of this method: physical and chemical.

Women planning a child need to closely monitor the health of the internal genital organs - to treat cervical dysplasia in time.

The first is the removal of genital warts using apparatus and medical instruments. Hardware methods include:

  • cauterization with nitrogen or ultrasound;
  • laser exposure;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • excision with a scalpel.

A more modern technique is the use of low-temperature, high-frequency radio waves. The wave flow makes a precise cut in the skin, eliminating blood vessel bleeding and killing microbes, and cuts off papilloma, preventing viruses from spreading.

The second destructive method is getting rid of warts with the help of chemicals. Trichloroacetic acid is used, special creams (Condilin, Solcoderm), which destroy neoplasms. These drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy, but you cannot self-medicate, because new growths appear without special therapy.

Topical products

For local treatment of papillomavirus type 45, ointments, gels, sprays, suppositories, transdermal patches are used, with the help of which antiviral and immune therapy is carried out, and genital warts are removed.

Prevention of the disease

The following can protect against human papillomavirus infection:

  1. Streamlining of sexual intercourse. The risk of infection increases in direct proportion to the number of sexual partners.
  2. Using protected sex as infection occurs during intercourse.
  3. Increased immunity. This is a good defense. Requires quality nutrition, taking vitamins, hardening, moderate physical activity, good rest.

And the most effective prevention is vaccination. If the presence of the papilloma virus is not recorded in the body, the vaccination forms a strong immunity and guarantees 100% protection against HPV infection. Therefore, it is recommended to vaccinate children from 9 to 14 years old, while they still have no sexual experience. In other cases, the effectiveness of the vaccine is lower and depends on the age and on whether the body is infected with vaccine-type viruses.

How is vaccination carried out

Vaccination is carried out for women under 45 years of age. In Russia it is optional and is optional. Doctors recommend not to give up the vaccine, because the female body, more than the male, suffers from human papillomavirus infection.

There are 2 HPV vaccines registered in Russia: Cervarix and Gardasil. They protect against human papillomaviruses 16 and 18, which are the most oncogenic. The latter also covers 6, 11, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 serotypes. Cervarix, with the help of cross-immunization, additionally forms protection against strains 31 and 45.

The drugs are administered in 3 stages according to the developed scheme. After the injection, fever, pain and itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection are possible. If there is no allergic reaction, all side effects go away on their own.

Vaccines are paid for if they are not included in the Regional Vaccination Schedule.

Many HPV strains pose a serious threat to the body, since turning into malignant tumors, they lead to the development of cancer. One of the most dangerous types of human papillomavirus is type 45, which leads to oncology.

HPV 45 is one of the oncogenic strains of the papilloma virus

Papillomavirus type 45 is the cause of the formation of papillomas or genital warts on the genitals of a person, which can cause cosmetic inconvenience and psychological discomfort. However, the main danger of HPV type 45 in women is not so much an unpleasant-looking genital wart, but the possibility of degeneration of benign cells into malignant ones, which results in cancer.

Penetration routes

  1. Sexual intercourse. During unprotected sexual intercourse, HPV type 45 can easily be transmitted from a sick partner to a healthy one. The probability of infection is 50% or more, especially if the person's immunity is not too strong.
  2. Upon contact with a sick person. Usually, infection in women, like in men, occurs by touching the partner's genitals, shaking hands, wearing the patient's clothes.
  3. In a household way. In this case, the virus is transmitted during manicure or pedicure, in public places (shower, bath, swimming pool).
  4. During childbirth. A patient with HPV type 45, a woman in labor, is capable of infecting a baby when it passes through the birth canal. A woman can also "present" a virus to a child by touching him.
  5. In medical institutions. Usually these are offices of dermatovenerologic dispensaries, where there are too many sick people. The negligent attitude of medical personnel to cleaning offices and handling instruments, neglect of hygiene can lead to the fact that the HPV type 45 virus can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person without physical contact between them.

Manicure supplies can spread the papilloma virus

Distribution forms

For a long time, the pathogenic organism may not show any signs at all, and only then the woman learns that she is sick. During this time (10–20 years), a cancerous tumor may develop, which is localized in the epithelial cells, the cervical canal, the cervix and the vaginal mucosa. The virus is characterized by episomal and integrated forms of introduction into a woman's body:

  • Episomal form. Pathogenic organisms exist separately from the chromosomal set, without changing the characteristic features of cells. The process can take place in a latent form, without disturbing the woman.
  • Integrated form. The human papillomavirus penetrates the chromosome set, as well as DNA and mutates it, knocking down the entire immune system. As a result, the immune system is not able to determine the atypicality of the cell, therefore it loses control, allowing it to divide uncontrollably. This option is dangerous because foreign cells begin to grow, as a result of which a malignant tumor forms in a woman.


As already mentioned, the pathogenic organism may not give itself away and live peacefully both in the body of a man and in the body of a woman, until one day a cancerous tumor develops. Quite often, the female body still reacts to the appearance of type 45 HPV with an abundant or slight rash on the genitals. Papillomas that resemble a rash or protruding growths can be located both on the outside of the labia and inside. For this reason, it is very difficult to diagnose such a phenomenon on your own, as well as to understand how many flat warts or genital warts have appeared. In addition, a woman develops a number of other symptoms:

  • pain;
  • unpleasant mucus in the vagina;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • fungus;
  • dysbiosis of the vaginal mucosa;
  • peaked candidiasis on the internal or external genitals, near the anus or in the mouth.

Very often, papillomavirus 45 develops against the background of an already existing sexually transmitted disease - chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, etc.

In this case, the symptoms can be blurred and include not only a rash, but also other troubles, such as a burning sensation when urinating, frequent urge to use the toilet, the presence of a discharge with a pungent odor and mucopurulent contents.

Human papillomavirus symptoms in women

Dysplasia against the background of the virus

This strain appears and develops in a woman's body, but the formation of a tumor does not begin immediately. First, dysplasia of the cervix appears, which can gradually move from one stage to another.

  • In the first stage, which is mild, the epithelial layer is only partially affected. At this stage, only observation by a doctor is enough without any special treatment.
  • At the second stage, the thickness of the affected epithelium increases to two-thirds. At this stage, complex treatment of dysplasia is necessary, otherwise the disease will develop further. In stage II, bleeding, infection, etc. are possible.
  • If the disease has passed into the third stage, then the likelihood of developing a cancerous tumor is very high. Atypical cells can start dividing irregularly, which will cause cancer.


If, for obvious or hidden reasons, you suspect the presence of papillomavirus 45 in your cells, it is necessary to undergo a study that will confirm or deny the presence of pathogenic organisms.

  1. First, a blood test is performed, on the basis of which an assumption is made about the presence of papillomavirus type 45 in the blood. After that, an examination by a gynecologist is required, who diagnoses the presence of papillomas visually. In addition, a colposcopy is prescribed, which can determine changes in the epithelium of the uterine cavity and cervix.
  2. A smear will also be required. It can be taken both before and after colposcopy. This procedure allows you to establish whether the process of division of atypical cells has begun.
  3. The Daigen test will also become a necessary research. It is taken from the cervical canal (like a smear) to identify the virus and its type. If cervical dysplasia is found, the doctor will suggest taking a piece of tissue for a biopsy. This will make it possible to find out whether malignant cells have appeared, since women with such a diagnosis may develop cancer within 5-6 years.
  4. Women after menopause are a special category. If they have ever been infected, the likelihood of the virus activating is very high. In this case, a visit to a gynecologist with a targeted examination is not just important, but vital.

In addition to working with a female doctor, the patient will need a consultation with a dermatovenerologist and a urologist, since such a disease can be extremely active, disrupting the work of the genitourinary system.

Genital warts, epithelial overgrowth and other unpleasant things must always be under the supervision of a specialist in order to prevent the development of the disease.

Daigen test allows you to determine the strain of the virus


Having learned about the disease, patients wonder what to do next. Since it is not possible to cure the virus itself in human blood, the main therapy is to remove papillomas, which can degenerate into cancer. It is not difficult to do this on the external genital organs, since they are in a place accessible to the doctor. In addition to hardware procedures, the doctor will recommend creams that destroy genital warts: Condilin, Solcoderm, etc. Due to the antibacterial composition, the preparations gradually cleanse the skin of the genital organs from rashes.

If warts are located in the vagina, and are also too large, the treatment for HPV type 45 may be more voluminous. The doctor will suggest treatments such as:

  • cryodestruction - cauterization with nitrogen;
  • radio wave removal of neoplasms;
  • laser excision (lasts no more than 20 minutes);
  • operation.

It should be noted that surgical intervention is offered only if the lesion of warts is too extensive, and there is a suspicion of oncological disease. In advanced cases, the removal of the uterus may be required.

In addition to treating genital warts, the doctor will recommend vaginal suppositories, which are good for treating cervical dysplasia. It is worth paying attention to the fact that during and immediately after treatment it is impossible to become pregnant, since it is necessary for the epithelium to recover. In the first and second stages of dysplasia, fertility is preserved, but it takes time to heal from the disease.

At the third stage of dysplasia and increased activity of HPV type 45, the likelihood of preserving the uterus is extremely low, so it is important not to start the process and start treatment of the disease as early as possible.

The papillomavirus infects almost the entire population of the planet, but sometimes it can be more serious than meets the eye. Take your health seriously - it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later.