The house is a bathhouse with a closed veranda. How to attach a veranda to a bath: construction, materials, stages of construction from foundation to glazing. Examples of finished buildings

The bathhouse was the main "washing" place in many countries, from the Middle Ages to the advent of centralized water supply. In modern times, such a building is intended primarily for recreation in the company of family and friends. But if in a small bathhouse it only comes out to take a steam bath, then an extensive bathhouse with a terrace is a symbol of solid material security, because it will take a considerable amount of time and finance to build it.

Advantages of a bath with a terrace, veranda

Veranda is a small open or closed structure with a roof. It is part of the bath structure, located on the same foundation with it. The veranda is being built together with the bathhouse or later. The terrace is equipped with its own foundation, another foundation raised above the ground. Such a site is closed, open, universal. The latter option is suitable for full use both in summer and winter.

A bathhouse with a veranda or terrace has many advantages:

  • on the site in front of the bath you can organize barbecue, barbecue, grill;
  • friendly gatherings, family lunch or dinner are also convenient here;
  • a huge selection of modern building materials, design solutions allows you to create a building in any style;
  • the extension can be placed both on the side of the bathhouse and between the house and the bathhouse, in order to relax without going far;
  • on the territory of the site, plants will be beautifully placed in tubs, flowerpots;
  • a well-executed building allows you to maximally comply with the chosen concept of landscape design, without making the architectural ensemble fragmented;
  • since you do not have to build a separate roof over the recreation area and the washing place, as well as connect them with paths, the savings in time and building materials are obvious;
  • from the open terrace, veranda, you can admire the sunset or sunrise over a cup of tea, wrapped in a soft blanket;
  • the outdoor pool can be easily positioned directly on the terrace.

A brazier, a barbecue grill, an open stone or brick hearth, several benches or full-fledged armchairs, as well as tables are placed on a standard site.

Choosing a location for the location of the building

The place for the bath should be chosen very carefully, especially when the site is small and the neighbors are very close. If there is such an opportunity, the bathhouse is placed near a natural or artificial reservoir; it is a great pleasure to plunge into the cool waters immediately after the hot steam room.

According to current standards, the following minimum distances to other buildings are required:

  • from a residential building - 7-10 m;
  • to buildings made of non-combustible material - 6-9 m;
  • to wooden outbuildings - 10-13 m;
  • to wooden buildings with a non-combustible coating - 7-9 m;
  • from the carriageway - 6-7 m;
  • from a neighboring fence or border - 1-2 m;
  • to a neighbor's house - 15-17 m;
  • to the forest - 16 m;
  • to a well, a well - 10 m;
  • up to tall trees - 4 m, bushes - 2 m.

It is also important to discuss in advance the location of the future bath in relation to common areas, if any, a pond for bathing, a playground, etc. could be damaged during floods.

Even a tall bathhouse is stirred so as not to shade the neighboring area. The slope of the sauna roof is made to their side, and the entrance must be visible from the house, which is very important during kindling.

Selection of materials for construction

Materials for construction are selected mainly as environmentally friendly, natural, and high quality as possible. The structure is being built in such a way as to serve for many years, retaining its beautiful appearance, practically requiring no repairs.

The following building materials are most often used for construction:

  • natural wood - logs, boards, timber;
  • brick, natural stone;
  • foam concrete, gas silicate blocks;
  • glass, including fireproof, frosted, colored;
  • sand, gravel, clay, cement;
  • various types of vapor barrier, waterproofing, thermal protection;
  • pipes made of plastic, metal;
  • ceramic tiles - for decorating the floor, walls;
  • tile, ondulin, roofing felt, slate - for roofing.

The internal bath room is exposed to hot water, high temperature, the open area in front of it - to the influence of wind, precipitation, direct sunlight, which is important to consider during construction. For the construction of the bath itself, coniferous woods are preferable, but it is better to finish it with deciduous ones - resinous substances, with long-term exposure, have a detrimental effect on the respiratory system. Such a construction is carried out with a frame or in the form of a log house. Brick, stone, and also built using the "clay" technology (from wood and clay) baths are less common.

Since high humidity is constantly present in the room, high-quality plastering of walls, ceilings, and floors is necessary.

Which floor to choose for the future terrace

The choice of flooring depends on the materials from which the entire structure is made, its stylistic design.

Basic requirements for flooring on a sauna porch, veranda, terrace:

  • the coating should not slip - this will help avoid injury if the floor is wet;
  • the material is chosen frost-resistant, which is important in the coldest regions;
  • high resistance to abrasion, deformation - they walk around the site in various shoes.

When the site is partially or completely open, when performing the floor, it is necessary to make a slight slope (no more than two to four degrees) towards the street so that the water can easily flow down.

It is desirable that the entrance to the site can be made both from the street and from the sauna building.

Stone, tile or wood

The most popular coating option is decking. It is made of natural wood or wood with the addition of polypropylene. The last option is characterized by low swelling, practically does not deform from external influences. Of the tree species, the most commonly used are larch, ash, spruce, pine, hornbeam, oak, less often fir, Brazil nut, cedar, teak.
The use of natural or artificial stone, ceramic tiles is justified if the washing facility is at least partially decorated by them. When using tiles, the most textured one is chosen, which will not slip. In brick buildings, the floor is sometimes made of paving slabs, which visually unite the area with the paths in the garden. Porcelain stoneware is also acceptable, it is only important to lay it in accordance with all the rules.

Choosing a terrace board

When making a wooden floor on a terrace by yourself, it is recommended to cover it with antiseptics, moisture-resistant or fire-resistant impregnations, means containing oils, wax, intended for outdoor use. All of them are available transparent, tinted or with a whitening effect.

Purchased decking can be smooth or corrugated - the latter is recommended for sauna verandas and terraces. A board made of composite material contains wood flour obtained from valuable wood species and various polymers.

Dimensions of buildings

A modern bathhouse is not only a steam room, a washing room, but also a whole complex capable of combining a relaxation room, a kitchen, a toilet, and a small bedroom. Such a structure, if necessary, can become a full-fledged summer housing. The sauna terrace will house a barbecue area, a fireplace, and even a small pool.

When drawing up a plan, it is important to take into account many rules and principles for the construction of such structures. The minimum comfortable area of ​​the steam room is 9-11 meters, the height is from two. Doors and windows are made on the south, in extreme cases - on the east side, in order to minimize heat loss. All electrical appliances, wires, sockets, switches, if any, must be protected from moisture in order to avoid electric shock in case of their malfunction.

The choice of a suitable project depends on how large the area is around the house:

  • 6 by 9 meters - "classic", optimal dimensions of a bathhouse in a spacious yard. The guest area here is so large that it can accommodate not only a family of four or six people, but also a dozen of friends. It is recommended to build a common foundation for both zones, you can even organize a second floor: then there will be a sauna and the veranda itself downstairs, upstairs there will be a billiards room or a relaxation room, a toilet;
  • The bathhouse attached to a residential building has dimensions of 6 by 6 or 5 by 6 meters - such proportions look harmonious on any standard area. The construction allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​the house, creating a cozy place under a canopy for gatherings with family and friends. A definite plus here is additional protection from the cold of the building itself;
  • 4 by 4 or 4 by 4.5 meters - also a typical bathhouse, consisting of a steam room, a font, a relaxation area. The veranda is located on its own foundation - it is usually open, which is not very convenient, provided that the entrance is made from the street. In some versions, the structure is made covered, or part of the room is converted into a small dressing room;
  • in the bathing project 4 by 6 meters, the vestibule is provided immediately, since it is supposed to use the building in the autumn-winter period. The shower here is not combined with the steam room, but they are almost the same size - the latter is always slightly larger, since it must accommodate at least two or three people at a time;
  • a typical bathhouse 5 by 6 meters has a protruding terrace, a fenced dressing room, which takes up very little space. The veranda is designed as an extension, sometimes it is L-shaped, which allows you to conveniently place a large company by equipping a comfortable barbecue corner, fireplace or tea area;
  • in the bathhouse project 6 by 6 meters there is a spacious steam room, shower, changing room, vestibule, resting place or even a small bedroom. Here you can also equip a smoking room. The terrace is either closed or open.

The heavier the planned structure is, the more solid the foundation is made for it. With simultaneous construction, in most cases, the foundation for the veranda and the bathhouse itself is performed at the same time, but since the shrinkage for both structures is very different, a rigid connection between them should be avoided. Any distortions, cracks, if any, are masked with polyurethane foam.

The following foundations are used as a reliable foundation:

  • columnar - represents pillars of concrete, which are dug in in several places around the perimeter, to a depth of 55-75 cm. The distance between them should be at least 130-200 cm. Instead of them, bored piles are sometimes used;
  • tape is a concrete strip that runs along the entire perimeter of the building. The design requires a lot of materials, time-consuming, therefore it is used relatively rarely;
  • slab - is a "cushion" of concrete, used for construction on "soft" soil. Such a foundation is expensive, but the most reliable and durable.

Popular layouts, options for placing terraces

Before starting construction, you need to create a project with all dimensions. The layout of a bath with a terrace can be closed, open, corner, can be one-story or have a second floor, lounges, annexes, sliding doors.

The terrace is positioned in three different ways:

  • in front of the entrance - such a layout allows you to clearly zone the space;
  • separate from the bathhouse - usually next to the pool;
  • along the entire perimeter of the building - plays the role of a fence, usually completely covered with a roof.

Bath with an ordinary terrace

An open area is ideal for the warm season. A portable barbecue and sun loungers are placed on it. There are usually no side walls or any fences here, and under the roof there is only a firewood, the dimensions of which depend on how often the bathhouse is used, and the total supply of firewood.

Sauna with a covered terrace

The closed area is fully used all year round. It is decorated with glass walls, a transparent or translucent roof. A barbecue stove, miniature fountains, plants in tubs and pots are neatly placed here. The building is necessarily insulated, and the recreation room is transferred to the terrace, the woodshed is located there. If space permits, you can equip a full-fledged gym.

Corner type with terrace

The main advantage of such a bathhouse is that the only stove is located almost in the center, heating all rooms at the same time, which is especially important in the cold season. Such buildings are often placed in small areas, significantly saving space or "bypassing" large objects such as trees, pillars. The finished building looks stylish and original.

With terrace and barbecue

The building is not only a bathhouse combined with a resting place, but also a full-fledged summer kitchen, which has everything you need. Here it is important to correctly and beautifully arrange the chimney - it must remove smoke with high quality, and also leave room for the free movement of the one who will be engaged in cooking. The stove itself, as well as the place around it, is usually made of natural stone.

Two-storey bath

A two-story building significantly saves space in a small area. Sauna, washing room, dressing room are located on the first floor, resting place - on the second. The upper floor is decorated with a "sloping" roof, which allows full use of almost the entire attic area. The larger the area of ​​the building, the more time it will take to warm it up.

With terrace and relaxation room

The main emphasis here is on the design of the rest room. Usually it is made spacious enough to accommodate up to ten people. In such a room, billiards or a pair of exercise equipment, a table and soft sofas, a real or electric fireplace are placed. A table with chairs can also be placed on the veranda - many people prefer to relax in the fresh air after a hot sauna.

Two-story with an open attic

Such a building will require significant financial investments, since it is impossible to make it small: the average area of ​​a building, where everything you need is compactly located is 30-45 sq. m. The attic on the second floor is sometimes closed, but more often it is equipped with a spacious, cozy balcony that can be glazed. It will take a lot of space for the stairs to the top, it is also important to think over a heating system for such an extensive bathhouse.

With sliding wall

Sliding walls in the bathhouse are a newfangled invention that is gaining popularity every year. In fact, this is a closed veranda, which, when the wall is pushed back, becomes open. Sliding structures are made of various materials - plastic, glass, plywood, textile stretched over a frame, metal. Often used are kind of "accordions" in the Japanese style, removable shields, which move back approximately like awnings.

With an attached gazebo

The gazebo, located under a common roof with a sauna, is a neat canopy over the dining area. To enter the gazebo, it was more convenient to leave it, the floor level is made the same in both zones. The roof of the building is made single-pitched, gable, multi-pitched, the gazebo itself - quadrangular, round, octagonal, etc. Here they also equip an outdoor fireplace, barbecue, barbecue, put soft chairs or wooden benches.

For lovers of winter bathing procedures, the covered area between the residential building and the bathhouse is ideal. Such a project is acceptable for owners of small plots, and the heating system is made common for the entire building - one stove heats the entire house. The sewerage system will also be unified. A small pool is often located here, decorated with a transparent roof, which saves on lighting during the day. The main thing in such a building is to take care of fire safety, it is advisable to use non-combustible materials, refractory impregnations, and keep fire extinguishers within reach.

Interior design ideas

The interior of the bath should be as hygienic and safe as possible. The same applies to the enclosed terrace space. The open area is made resistant to external weather phenomena - its parts are varnished, painted in different colors. The tighter the interiors, the lighter the finish is required; to expand the space even more, mirrors are suitable - in wet rooms they are covered with special compounds that prevent fogging.

Wooden buildings are most often decorated with house carvings - they are present on the railings, roof edges, in the decoration of windows. To diversify the interior design, wood of different shades is used. The bathhouse, decorated in the style of an old Russian hut, looks interesting - it looks like a log house, with a rough "clumsy" interior decor, solid benches along the walls, wooden tubs "antique". The very space of the steam room is forbidden to paint, varnish - most of these compounds emit all kinds of poisons when heated.

The brick bathhouse is decorated with wrought iron railings, wood stands, fireplace with metal shutter doors. The roof of the ethnic style building is covered with reed and straw. A bathhouse in a modern style has practically no decorations - everything that it contains is as simple as possible in form, strictly functional. A round building with a terrace looks very original, but its full-fledged design can only be done by true masters of their craft - the interior design, the shape of each room here must be appropriate.

Furniture for different styles is suitable for wooden, with wrought iron legs, wicker rattan. For spacious rooms, as well as for families with children, swing benches are useful. A flat-screen TV or a computer with a game console is sometimes placed in the recreation room - it is important that such a room does not have high humidity that could damage expensive electrical appliances.


A self-built bathhouse allows you to have a great rest, practically without leaving home. It is attached to the house, decorated in all sorts of ways. If self-construction is difficult, you can always turn to professionals - many firms are engaged in the creation of "turnkey" bath buildings and taking into account all the wishes of the customer. The flight of imagination is endless here, limited only by the amount of finances of the future owner.

A visit to the bathhouse is often perceived as one of the mandatory procedures when being outside the city. These structures help to take a break from the bustle of the city, relieve stress, and get an energy boost. If there is a hot tub or a small pool in the bath, this will significantly increase the positive effect on health.

The bathhouse can stand alone or be part of a residential building.

Terraces, as a rule, are attached to one of the walls of a bath building, usually where the entrance to the building is located. The whole complex has a common foundation and a single roof structure.

Installation of the terrace allows you to use this extension both separately and in combination with bath procedures:

  • on the terrace you can recover after visiting the steam room;
  • it is possible, subject to the placement of the appropriate equipment, to prepare food;
  • at the table on the terrace it will be convenient to spend time with family or friends over a cup of tea (on summer days, being in nature is much more pleasant than in a stuffy room);
  • in warm weather, you can not only relax, but sleep in the open air;
  • a beautiful terrace also serves as a decoration for the bath.

Can be installed in buildings of any configuration. It is an excellent replacement for a free-standing gazebo. What is important is that you do not have to allocate a piece of land for the construction of a detached structure. In addition, with the help of a terrace near the bathhouse, you can easily maintain a single architectural style of the entire building.

What can be a bath

The construction of a bath is a responsible and costly event. Such a building is installed on a reliable foundation, in addition, it is important to think over the arrangement of the necessary communications, take into account sanitary and environmental standards, and pay attention to the fire safety of the building. When starting the construction of a building, you must:

  • choose a suitable location;
  • choose the right material;
  • make drawings;
  • decide on the performers;
  • purchase everything you need.

When choosing a location, you must also be guided by the current regulations governing the minimum distance from various objects.

Table. Requirements for the location of the bath.

In addition, it is impossible to arrange a facility for collecting waste water from the bathing complex closer than 4 meters from the border with neighbors.

Prices for various types of timber

  • lowlands and areas of flooding during spring floods are not the best solution for choosing a place for a building;
  • the best for building a bath is a zone where groundwater lies as deep as possible;
  • the structure should not be in sight of strangers; it should also be protected from drafts;
  • engineering communications should not interfere with the construction of the foundation.

Important! A frivolous attitude towards choosing a place for installing a bath complex is fraught not only with its own inconveniences, but also with troubles with neighbors, as well as with checking organizations. If you do not comply with the norms, the building may be required to be demolished, and penalties are also not excluded.

Before starting construction, it is recommended to conduct geological exploration in order to choose the right foundation structure. It depends both on the type of soil and on the type of the building itself. In some situations, you can limit yourself to a columnar foundation, more often you have to fill in a strip base. If there is a desire to urgently start construction, without waiting for the concrete to gain strength, it is best to stop at the pile structure.

Having decided on the location of the building, you can begin to think over its device. It is important to pay attention to all the nuances:

  • the dimensions of the building;
  • external appearance;
  • layout;
  • types of equipment, furniture, etc.

Several points that are of great importance in the construction of a bath.

  1. The height of the ceilings, comfortable for staying in the bath, is at least 200 cm, the size of the doorways: 180 x 80 cm.
  2. It is best to orient the entrance group to the south side, there will be less snowdrifts in winter (if the bathhouse is not operated in winter, this is not important), and the windows - to the west.
  3. For interior cladding, you cannot use wood, which is characterized by increased resin content. Aspen, poplar or alder will do. They conduct heat poorly and have decent moisture resistance.

It is good if there is a sewage system on the site. Otherwise, you will have to prepare a facility for collecting wastewater and filtering it. The ventilation of the room and the system of chimney valves must be thought out.

It is important that the erected building fits harmoniously into the existing landscape design.

What is usually placed in the bath

The functionality of the bath complex can be different. The standard layout of the bath includes a steam room, a shower room, a bathroom and a rest room.

The size of the steam room for comfortable accommodation of several people is 6 sq. m. The shelves should be sized and positioned so that you can sit or lie on them without discomfort.

It can be brick, which is the best option for producing light steam, or metal, for which you do not have to spend a lot of time to warm up, but the steam from it is characterized by increased rigidity. Install electric or traditional, wood-burning models.

Important! Coal or other hydrocarbons should not be used for kindling the stove, since the smell from them will not give pleasure to those present.

If the size of the building allows it, a compact pool is a good solution. Plunging into cool water after the steam room is very beneficial for your health.

To expand the possibilities for organizing leisure time, a good option is to place a billiard room. Such an opportunity usually arises when a second floor, at least an attic, is installed above the bath complex. In this case, you can more competently use the territory of the suburban area, without occupying a useful free area.

Construction of a building

The construction of a bath is not a long process. Therefore, this structure can be installed in the first place and live there while the construction of the main residential building is underway. In addition, everything you need for living can be provided at once: a small kitchen, sleeping places and a bathroom.

The terrace is usually made open, limiting the perimeter to only a small fence. However, you can completely isolate it by installing, for example, glazing. An interesting solution when arranging a terrace is a sliding glass wall that allows you to combine the living room with the terrace.

A barbecue on the terrace will allow you to concentrate all the necessary elements of a comfortable stay in one place.

Stages of work

Step 1. Site preparation.

Step 2. Erection of a foundation (its type is determined by the type of soil, load, time allotted for work and financial capabilities), which can be monolithic, columnar, tape or pile.

Step 3. Construction of a frame for a bath with a terrace.

Step 4. Installation of roofing structures.

Step 5. Building cladding and insulation.

Step 6. Floor installation.

Step 7. Installation of the stove and chimney (for the electric model it is not needed).

Step 8. Interior decoration of premises.

Step 9. Conducting communications.

The most important question that needs to be resolved when starting work is what to build a bathhouse from, as well as a terrace to it. In addition, the purpose of the building imposes some additional requirements for both construction and decoration.

Materials from which the bathhouse and terrace can be made

The extension must harmoniously fit into the overall architectural ensemble. Often it is made of the same building material as the bath itself. Or from a design that matches it. The choice can be influenced by: the dimensions of the future building, the place intended for its installation, the material aspect.

The material is obliged to provide a good microclimate in the premises. It requires high resistance to temperature extremes and high humidity indicators. It is also necessary to take into account the environmental aspect. No harmful substances should be released into the atmosphere under the influence of steam.

Most often, baths are built from wood. It can be logs or timber, frame structures are also popular, in which wood is combined with other types of materials. But when using wood, it is required to pay attention to its processing from the effects of climatic factors, and also to increase the resistance of the structure to fire with the help of special impregnations.

Ceramic bricks are still popular.

Not so long ago, products from various types of concrete that appeared: gas, expanded clay, slag, foam blocks are also actively used today in the construction of bath complexes. All of them have both advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when drawing up a project.

If you want to build a bath complex on your site, you can make a construction project yourself or use the proposed ready-made solutions.

One-storey sauna with a terrace

Quite a simple project, but it takes into account all the moments necessary for rest in this building.

The bath has dimensions of 4 x 6 sq. m, ceiling height - 2.2 m, it provides a spacious recreation room with two windows. The steam room is entered from the shower room. The usable areas of both rooms are 3.52 sq. m. In the steam room, you can install two-level shelves.

Sauna made of profiled timber 4 × 6 meters with a relaxation room and a terrace

Profiled timber is offered as a material for the construction of a bath.

The bathhouse can be not only an independent building, but also be located inside a residential building. Such a building can also be used as a guest house.

The entrance to the building, built of rounded logs with a diameter of 180 mm, is carried out both from the porch and from the terrace. The building includes two bathrooms, a large hall with a living room, a steam room with an area of ​​almost 9 square meters, two bedrooms and a kitchen. On the spacious terrace you can have a great time with your family or friends. The entrance to the second floor is via a spiral staircase.

Such a building has everything you need for life outside the city.

The bath house measuring 8.2 x 11.8 m is designed for year-round living outside the city and receiving guests. It provides everything you need:

  • steam room;
  • 2 shower rooms with a toilet;
  • spacious living room;
  • 4 bedrooms;
  • Utility room;
  • large covered terrace, which can be glazed if desired.

A comfortable staircase made of wood leads to the second floor-attic.

The one-story frame structure on a pile foundation has a total area of ​​43 sq. m. and a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The design of the bath is distinguished at the same time by simplicity and style. There is nothing superfluous inside - a small bathroom, a steam room and a relaxation room.

Such an architectural structure will not only provide guests with everything they need, but will also decorate any territory. If on the first floor everything you need for bathing procedures, cooking and gatherings is located, then on the second you can allocate space for a bedroom and a small billiard room.

In such a brick building, faced with plaster, it is possible to place a kitchen-living room, a bathroom, a shower room, a steam room, a firewood compartment, and even a small font, in the cold water of which it is incredibly useful to plunge after visiting the steam room.

The open terrace is located at the corner - along the facade and the end of the building. The open annex has a roof in common with the bathhouse. The presence of an attic allows you to use it as a bedroom, and leave space for storing household belongings. The windows of this room are arranged in the roof structure.

The total area of ​​the building is 91 sq. m, living space - 36 sq. m.

Block building

A small building, which can be built in a short time, accommodates two living rooms, a bathroom with a shower and a not very spacious, but functional steam room.

The small but cozy terrace can accommodate several people.

The material for the manufacture of this building in a minimalist style is aerated concrete tongue-and-groove blocks. The area of ​​the building is 6 x 6 m, the terrace is 19 sq. m.

The building has a bathroom, rooms where you can wash, steam and relax. Outside, in addition to the open terrace, there is a place for storing firewood. The roof is gable, the outer walls are finished with plaster.

This building looks very modern and will adorn any suburban area.

Gas block prices

Gas block

There are many ready-made solutions for arranging a bath with a terrace. Based on their needs and capabilities, everyone can choose a suitable option for themselves. If you wish, you can come up with a construction project yourself.

Video - Bath 3 x 4 with a terrace and households. block

Baths have existed in Russia since ancient times. And if earlier in Russia the task of the bath was to maintain cleanliness, now it is not only a structure for hygienic purposes, but also a wonderful place to relax, as well as a way to emphasize its worth, since not every person can afford a bath. This building is nowadays being built soundly from high-quality materials so that it is reliable, warm and practical. A modern bath can be a whole complex containing everything that can be found in an ordinary house: this is a swimming pool, a relaxation room, an open-air bath, and the steam room itself.

Standard project of a one-story bathhouse with living quarters

Nowadays, a bathhouse can have a residential floor, which significantly saves space if the site is small. There may also be a veranda that can be protected from annoying insects and spend summer evenings there in a cool, cozy place. There is a possibility to put a barbecue oven on the sauna terrace. Such a site will be an excellent place to relax and receive guests. The dimensions of such an extension, of course, depend on the capabilities of the site, however, you can make it both as large and miniature as possible, and when choosing a project for a bath with a terrace, you should focus on the size of the territory and the location of other objects on it.

Sauna with a large terrace made of laminated veneer lumber with block house finishing

If you want to distribute space favorably, then a bathhouse or a house with a terrace is the most competent solution. You will have an additional area for relaxation, protected from rain and sun, while being filled with fresh air. In terms of construction costs, it is not very expensive. The most popular terrace designs are structures under the same roof as the house, as well as outdoors or with glass walls. If you decide to build a bathhouse with a terrace, then this is the right choice, since such construction will cost much less than a separate construction of a bathhouse and a separate one - a gazebo.

Bath with a glass veranda

Sauna with a covered veranda

Classic options

If you are just going to build a bathhouse, and you have a large enough plot, then you can choose a 6x9 bathhouse project with a terrace: such a bathhouse will be very convenient for a large company or family, and the terrace will have a common foundation with the bathhouse. The building itself will allow you to place inside not only a steam room, but also other attributes of home coziness and comfort, and on the second floor of the bath you can arrange a room for guests, which will have a large area. A 6 × 9 bath can be made of a log house, rounded logs or glued beams, as well as stone materials. It is best to build it from chopped logs, which are more durable and better retain heat. Such projects of houses with a terrace, a photo of one of which is posted below, are quite popular, although they are more expensive. You can view an overview of the timber bath here:

Construction of a log house for a bathhouse 6 × 9 with a veranda

If you want to expand the living area of ​​the house, then you can finish building a bathhouse, which can be either a separate building or adjacent to the house.

For such a case, a 6x6 bathhouse project with a terrace is perfect, which will optimally enlarge your house and add a cozy area for summer holidays. Now, in the heat, you can be outside and enjoy the fresh air and birdsong. The increase in the space of the house will be done quite competently, since a similar size of the bath will fit neatly on any site and go well with any cottage.

Sauna project with a terrace 6 × 6

Corner buildings

In addition to typical buildings, the project of a corner bath with a terrace, which is considered a fairly new find in construction, is becoming very common. This building has a unique shape. Such a bath will take up much less space on the site, while due to its angular shape it will be quite spacious inside. Such a bath must be built with a terrace, then it harmoniously fits into the design of the entire building as a whole. It can be built from almost any materials: the choice is mainly due to the financial capabilities of the owner, as well as the compatibility of the finished type of bath with other buildings and the house.

Corner bath model and project

Corner baths are often erected when it is necessary for the building to be located close to the cottage. Terraces adjacent to the house can be of a standard shape - rectangular, square. However, it is the corner structure that is distinguished, first of all, by a convenient and ergonomic placement, due to which the layout of the site becomes the most logical and beautiful. In addition, such a solution will help not only to correctly distribute the free space on the site, but also to put in order the territory adjacent to the house. It is pleasant to relax on the terrace in warm weather, and now the rain will not prevent you from enjoying the warm summer days. There are projects of angular terraces of different costs and sizes, so choosing the right one is not difficult.

Bathhouse adjacent to the house

Modern projects of verandas and terraces are suitable not only for country houses and baths, but also for shops, summer cottages and other objects, to which it is technically possible to attach a terrace.

Two-story options with living quarters

The rational use of the territory of the land plot on which the residential building is located is becoming more and more relevant. The plots are usually small, and the owners often want not only to live in a cozy big house, but also to place a summer cottage, a gazebo and, if possible, some other objects for their convenience in their yard. This is especially true if construction is just beginning.

If there is no house on the site yet, but you plan to build a residential building in the future, then it is wiser to start construction with a bath, since it will serve even after the completion of construction work. At first, the bathhouse can serve as a summer house, and it can be used for its intended purpose or even store some tools in it. After the house is completed, the bath will perfectly fit into and become a great place for your relaxation with friends or family. If you start construction with the construction or delivery of a finished construction trailer, then after it becomes unnecessary, the question arises of how to remove it from the site, and this is an unnecessary and completely unnecessary problem. Therefore, it is better if a bathhouse first appears on the site. Two-story projects with a terrace are the most relevant; if you are planning further construction, you want to get another additional room in which you can relax or accommodate guests, you want to save usable space on the site, then this design is ideal.

Wooden two-story sauna

Sauna cottages with terraces

A cottage with a large terrace and indoor facilities for a bath is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. On the terrace, you can organize a gazebo for cooking kebabs and other dishes that require open air for cooking. This extension in the house can be both a playground for a child, and an excellent place for dancing and gathering guests. You can read or relax there even in bad weather, as the terrace is usually sheltered from rain and sun. You can hang mosquito nets or make decorative curtains to keep out the wind and flies.

House-bath with a terrace

Inexpensive options

Frame houses with a terrace are the most inexpensive compared to others. The advantages of frame houses are that the house is much cheaper than an analogue from a block or brick, while it is not inferior in quality. An important advantage of frame construction is the fact that such a house is being built in an extremely short time, which is very important, for example, for a summer cottage or those people who do not want to delay construction for a long time. The advantage of such a construction can be considered the fact that after the construction of a frame house there is little debris left. The project of a house with a large terrace is considered popular: such a design will visually increase the space of the house, but at the same time it will not steal much space from the yard.

Frame house with a terrace

If you love classics, you will certainly be interested in projects of wooden houses with a terrace. Wooden houses not only have an attractive appearance and do not need interior and exterior decoration, which significantly saves the customer's money, but also fits perfectly into the countryside landscape. Such a house will look great next to a log bath. As a rule, wooden houses are erected quite quickly, while they are unpretentious in operation, do not require heavy equipment for their construction, and are erected quite quickly.

Modern house projects with terraces can be used not only for private construction. For example, projects of cafes with a terrace have been popular for a long time. The photo can be seen below. They are used mainly in summer, and the extension allows you to expand the area and move some of the tables outside.

Summer terrace attached to the cafe

For most people, going to the bathhouse is not just a ritual of washing, but rest and relaxation. For this reason, when designing it, preference is given to multifunctional structures where you can steam, wash, relax or sit at a table with family or friends. The choice of options is huge: it can be baths with an attic and a veranda, projects with terraces, pools, recreation areas, etc.

Bath with terrace

Buildings with a terrace are very popular. This is an open air area with fences and floors, connected to the main building. It can be located under a canopy, the roof of a bathhouse, or even be open.

The construction of a bath with a veranda is a thoughtful and rational solution that will not only decorate the appearance of the building, but also expand the possibilities of spending time there.

Bathhouse material

For the construction of a bath, it is allowed to use almost any material, but most often wood is chosen. Conifers are ideal because they are more resistant to rot and easier to handle. And if you treat it with modern anti-fungal and fire-fighting agents, the structure will be fully protected from all troubles.

For the construction of a bathhouse from a log with a veranda, integral tree trunks are used, cut down using a special technology, familiar from antiquity. The assembly of the structure is carried out by stacking the logs perpendicular to each other. A groove is made at each of them, and grooves are cut at the ends. Baths built using this technology look very attractive if all logs are calibrated, that is, they have the same diameter.

Timber is also very popular for the construction of a bath. The cost of such projects is much lower, since its production is completely mechanized. To erect a building, you just need to cut a beam of the required length and assemble a bath in accordance with the previously prepared foundation contour. The assembly is carried out by pushing the bar onto the pins made of wood.

Sauna with terrace and barbecue

Not everyone can afford to build a large structure, in which, in addition to a room for steaming and washing, a recreation room will also fit. Therefore, for small areas, a bath with a veranda and a barbecue would be an excellent option.

This building is multifunctional, since it provides the owner with a full-fledged recreation area, where, moreover, a summer kitchen can be equipped. Due to the fact that the stove will be located practically in the fresh air, there is no need to install a chimney; a small pipe can be dispensed with.

As for the base on which the heavy oven will be placed, here you will need to follow some recommendations. The best option for the foundation for the stove is a tape-monolithic one, and it must be laid completely under the walls of the bath and where the barbecue equipment will be located. It should be poured to the height of the floor, since later it will be used for oven masonry.

If you plan to use a barbecue, and not a stove, then a pile or columnar foundation is quite suitable. It is connected by a frame made of timber with a section of 150 * 150 mm, on which the flooring is laid out. The area where the brazier will be located must be made of fire retardant material so that the process of cooking barbecue and barbecue is absolutely safe on the territory of the bathhouse with a veranda. Projects (of which there are a huge number of photos) of this kind are offered by designers most often, and all of them are based on a reliable foundation.

The terrace can be covered and share a roof with a sauna. The rafter system in this case rests on the racks, which are the components of the frame, and fences can also be attached to them. Basically, all baths with a veranda are built under one roof (the photo can be seen below), since it is more convenient and economical.

Sauna with a terrace made of a profile bar

Profiled timber projects are very popular because this material is processed on a specialized machine and the result is a smooth curly surface. Further, the timber is covered with a special agent that gives the tree a good and natural shade that does not darken during use. Structures made of this material most often do not imply any internal decorative finishing, since there is no need for this.

Fences in the project of a timber bathhouse with a veranda are laid from the same material as the main building in combination with decorative slats. It looks very natural and aesthetically pleasing. The extension itself can be common, uniting the house and the bathhouse. And if it is also glazed, then a kind of corridor is formed between the two buildings, which can be equipped for recreation or store accessories for a country holiday there.

Another interesting project is a veranda attached to the bathhouse, which resembles a summer cafe in the fresh air. If its area permits, then a billiard table can also be installed there, which will make the rest not only pleasant, but also active.

Sauna with a terrace and a relaxation room

If there is financial capacity and the area of ​​the construction allows, then you can choose a project of a bath with a veranda and a relaxation room. This way you get a multi-functional and more practical building. The terrace for its intended purpose is used most often in the warm season, therefore, the presence of a rest room will allow you to fully use the possibilities of such a rest in any weather.

The relaxation room provides the following benefits:

Warm rest all year round.

Lack of flying insects.

Household appliances (music, TV, refrigerator, etc.) can be installed in the room.

Possibility to equip a room for recreation with friends (mini-bar, bar, billiards, etc.).

A break room should be included in the project prior to construction. The classic version of the bath consists of a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room. The dressing room is an unheated room for changing clothes and storing bath accessories.

In modern projects, instead of a dressing room, a recreation room is placed, which has a capital structure and common walls with the main bath room. Taking on the functions of a dressing room, this room serves as a resting place where you can sit at a table with friends and just have a good time. In summer, from this room you can go to the terrace and enjoy the fresh air after soaring. It is not surprising that this particular project is the most popular.

Two-storey bath

If there is an opportunity, but the size of the plot does not allow building a building with a recreation room and a veranda, then you can consider the option of a bath with an attic and a veranda. For such a structure, much less space is required, but in terms of functionality it is in no way inferior to the previous one. This option makes it possible to have an additional room, if you follow all the rules of insulation and glazing. You will need a solid flooring, waterproofing, pitched roof, but despite all this, such a project is very practical and profitable. In the attic, you can equip anything: a billiards room, a bar, a gym, and more.

In addition, here you can equip a living room when there is nothing on the site except a bath and a shed for storing garden tools. There it will be possible not only to relax after gardening in the summer, but also to stay overnight after the sauna in winter.

An attic is a room under a sloping gable roof, located above the main building. Descent from there is carried out by stairs, the presence of which will add a zest to the interior of the bath with an attic and a veranda. The designs of such structures involve reinforced floors, since they must withstand the weight of a person.

Two-storey sauna with an open attic

This building is ideal for large families and those who like to gather companies, in addition, the equipped room on the second floor will help save land. The open, ventilated attic is the ideal air cushion between the sauna and the roof. If desired, you can equip a balcony and sliding doors there.

Sauna with a terrace 6 to 6

Most often, this project is interested in those who like to get together with a large family, invite guests and not worry that someone will not have enough space. Baths of this size basically have two floors, on the first there is a steam room, a shower room, a bathroom, a dressing room, a relaxation room and, of course, a terrace, on the second there is a billiards room and guest rooms. Some owners, in order to save space, combine a dressing room with a relaxation room and then combine the style of this room and the design of the veranda in the bath. The result is a single space.

The dimensions of such a building accommodate a large stove, a full-fledged toilet, if you wish, you can even envisage a pool in the project.

When planning any bath with a terrace, it is important to consider that the exit to it should be both inside and outside. The terrace can be made not only along the wall of the bathhouse, but also as a corridor from the house to it.

Modern technologies do not stand still. Today the terrace can have several levels, for example, the first one serves as a porch for the entrance to the bathhouse, and the second and third go to the side of the gazebo. In addition, if the customer has the opportunity, then the pool can be equipped on the terrace.

Exterior of the terrace

As mentioned above, it is very important to take care of the entrance to the terrace both from the bathhouse and from the street in advance. The foundation for it must be poured with the same depth as for the main structure, so that in winter there are no deviations between them. In addition, it is recommended to install the terrace on poles, and not fix it to the wall itself. The material of both structures (sauna and terrace) must be the same.

In addition to functional features, it is important to think over the design of the veranda in the bath, as well as what will be outside it. To decorate the space in front of the terrace, you can make a small pond, place figurines next to it and plant plants.

Today, many are trying to build a pool into the floor covering of the terrace, it is not only fashionable, but also useful. The advantages of such a neighborhood with the bathhouse are that the pool is covered with a canopy, but at the same time it is still in the open air. Swimming in it after the steam room is more pleasant and healthier than in one that is indoors.

Terrace with sliding wall

Not so long ago, projects of a bath with a sliding glass wall began to appear. In fact, this building is a large veranda that turns into an open terrace by removing the partition. The walls themselves can be made of plastic, glass, stretched fabric or metal of any color. The sliding wall mechanism can also be selected individually, it can be accordion walls, Japanese sliding walls or removable panels that function like a garage door and retract under the ceiling or up from the street side, like a visor.

In order to equip a terrace according to this principle, it is necessary to choose a project, as for an ordinary terrace, and only then install special doors.


As you can see, the choice of projects for a bath with a veranda is quite extensive, everyone can choose a suitable option for themselves and place it on a suburban area. Each of them has individual characteristics that are important to ensure a quality stay. Therefore, before proceeding with the construction of any type of bath, you should study all the fire safety rules, first of all, this applies to buildings with a terrace, where the installation of a stove or barbecue grill is provided.

Whatever the size and arrangement of the terrace, its presence will give the bathhouse completeness and will serve as a decoration of the suburban area.

The best projects of baths with a veranda

Buildings with a terrace are very popular. This is an open air area with fences and floors, connected to the main building.

Bath with a terrace: we think over the project and choose the material for construction

Washing in your own bath cannot be categorized as banal hygienic procedures. This is a real pleasure, which is accompanied by a pleasant feast in the company of friends and a leisurely conversation. Therefore, when planning to build a small bathhouse on your site, do not miss the chance to make it truly comfortable and convenient.

In the warm season, after a hot steam room, you want to go out into the fresh air, sit in an easy chair and freeze in sweet languor.

Your vacation will not be overshadowed by the vagaries of the weather, if a bathhouse with a terrace under one roof is built on the site.

What should be its layout in order for water procedures to be optimally combined with rest, board games and home cooking, we will consider in more detail.

Bath layout options

It is advantageous to build a terrace (veranda) not as a separate structure, but under the same roof with a bathhouse. Therefore, at least one size (length or width) they must be the same. The simplest way to implement this idea is as follows: the gable roof of the bathhouse rests on one side against the main wall, and the other rests on the racks (posts) of the terrace.

The second step is to determine the useful area of ​​the terrace. It directly depends on the number of people who visited the bathhouse at the same time. For a family of 4, 8 m2 is enough for comfortable seating at the table. If the company is more representative (6-8 people), then lay at least 14 m2 in the project. Having determined the area of ​​the veranda, you can finally decide on which side of the bath it is best placed.

A small terrace is optimally arranged along the narrow end wall. If you want to make a more spacious room, then it is better to make an open shed along the wide side of the bath.

Another interesting layout option is the placement of the terrace between the bathhouse and the residential building. This way, you don't have to look for a place to cook or wait for the rain to end. Only in this case it is better to attach a bathhouse with a veranda to the back of the house so that smoke from the stove pipe (when using solid fuel) does not enter the windows of the living quarters.

When considering a project for a bath with a terrace in terms of its internal layout, one must proceed from the external dimensions of the structure. It is within this framework that you will have to "fit" all the premises: dressing room, bathroom, shower, steam room, relaxation room and terrace. You can save usable space by abandoning the rest room and transferring its functions to the veranda. However, in this case, in the cold season, you will have nowhere to relax after taking a bath. Therefore, reserve at least 6-7 m2 for her.

If your plans do not include the construction of a full-size bathhouse measuring 6 by 6 meters as in the picture above, then you can do differently: remove the rest room from the layout, glaze the terrace and make a barbecue oven in it.

For the autumn and spring seasons, the heat from such a hearth will be enough to create a comfortable temperature. In this case, the external dimensions of a bath with a veranda can be reduced to a minimum (4 by 4 meters), without losing in comfort and ease of use.

Options for adding rooms

In addition to the considered solutions with a relaxation room, a glazed veranda with a barbecue, the idea of ​​complementing the bath with an attic deserves attention. It significantly expands the usable area and makes it possible to equip a guest room, a small fireplace room or a billiard room under one roof.

To implement such a profitable idea, you need to provide a place for installing a narrow and not too steep staircase. It is not difficult to find it. It is enough to slightly increase the area of ​​the hallway (dressing room).

On the second floor near the bathhouse, you can design a spacious balcony. To do this, the roof of the attic must be extended so that it covers the veranda.

The slope of the roof will take away part of the usable area from the second floor. Despite this, there will be enough space in the attic for a relaxation room with a billiard table. If desired, a light open fireplace with an exhaust hood can be installed here.

Photos of different types of baths

Having got an idea of ​​the external layout and internal layout of baths with terraces, you should look at their visual implementation. This will help us to more accurately determine the material for the new building.

In photo # 1, we see a classic bath made of rounded logs, covered with a gable roof made of metal tiles. The roof covers not only the bathhouse, but also the terrace and balcony of the second floor.

Beautiful knitting of crowns serves as the main decoration of the facade. The only remark is the irrational use of the attic space. The gable roof takes up a lot of usable space from the premises of the second level. In this respect, a broken roof is more profitable.

Photo No. 2 shows an inexpensive and compact log sauna with a terrace. Nothing superfluous - the life credo of the owner of such a structure. The shallow foundation is inexpensive and sufficient for the installation of timber walls. Under the terrace, a strip foundation is not needed at all. Three concrete posts under the roof support posts and a frame made of timber is the most reasonable solution.

You do not have to cover the veranda with a common roof with a bathhouse, but protect it with an ordinary flat canopy. Photo # 3 shows the exterior of a 6 by 4-meter structure with a veranda along the long wall. As we can see, there is enough space for a dining table and a small barbecue oven.

When planning to build a bathhouse with a veranda, you don't have to invent complicated options, but simply interlock it with an ordinary garden gazebo, as in photo # 4.

The polycarbonate roof not only reliably protects you from rain, but also creates a pleasant partial shade.

The bathhouse can become the central structure for the entire recreation area of ​​a country estate. In this case, the terrace should be truly spacious and comfortable. To do this, it should be made as wide as possible or extended by expanding in the form of the letter "G".

In the far corner of the main log shed, there is a conveniently located summer oven with a compartment for frying kebabs and steaks.

Building materials

Wood is the most popular material for the construction of a bath with a terrace. Moreover, it can be not only an expensive profiled timber, but also an affordable rounded log.

Excellent bathing characteristics are achievable in an inexpensive frame structure, provided that ecowool is used as a heater, and not foam.

Foam concrete block and aerated concrete are well suited for construction of a bathhouse. These materials qualitatively solve the problem of insulation and do not require expensive finishing. An important condition for the durability of such a structure is good protection of the walls from moisture (deeply penetrating waterproofing and high-quality putty).

Brick as the main material for walls is almost never used today. But it is indispensable for the front finishing of the facade and looks good as a decorative fence of the terrace.

The lover of the original can be advised to build a round bath with a terrace using the "clay" technology. Two firewood dump trucks, one clay machine and a hay cart are all the materials needed to build a unique and environmentally friendly structure.

Bath with a terrace: we think over the project and choose the material for construction

Options for baths with a terrace, layout examples and illustrative photos. Materials for the construction of a bath.

Baths with a terrace: projects, photos, construction of terraces with your own hands

A terrace is a decking area that is built on a prepared foundation. There are many types and varieties of this architectural addition:

  • It can be located near the house, or it can be completely unrelated to it, or connected by a path.
  • Maybe without a roof - then they say that it is open. Or covered with a roof.
  • It may or may not have walls. Walls can be solid or fenced.
  • There are single or multi-level.

There are a lot of types of terraces: both in shape, and in the number of levels, and in materials

If we talk about the terraces that are adjacent to the house, then they are lateral and frontal, they can cover one, two, three or four sides. Sometimes they have an irregular shape. They can be under the same roof as the main building or have their own.

If we take into account that the most different materials can be used in the manufacture, then it is clear that the variations are simply innumerable.

Projects of baths from a bar with a terrace

It is not so difficult to build a terrace in front of the bathhouse or next to it. In general, most often the lack of a project causes difficulties. If funds allow, it is better to order it, describing in detail what and how you imagine, what you want to achieve, and what things you absolutely do not like. If it is impossible to order the production of a personal project, there is an option to find one of the ready-made ones, slightly adjust it to suit your own needs. Here are several projects of baths with different terraces, which are easy to do with your own hands.

Bath 4 x 4.5 with a terrace

According to the project, the bathhouse consists of three rooms, a terrace is attached to it on a separate incoherent foundation (read about one of the options for its construction below). The bathhouse has three rooms:

Sauna projects 4 + for 4 with a terrace on a separate columnar foundation

The parameters of the rooms can be changed by moving the partition that separates the rest room. If the bath is being built for a dry-air sauna, a large volume of the steam room is not needed: calculate the number of people who should fit in one go, then calculate the area of ​​the shelves for their comfortable arrangement: for "seating" places you can take 1-1.2 meters per person, for "Recumbent" - 2.1-1.2 m. The width of the shelves - 0.7-0.9 m. Calculate the area of ​​the shelves, add space for the oven and its fence and a little area for free movement. Get the required area.

The calculation of the area of ​​the steam room in the Russian bath is similar, but if in the sauna "recumbent" places can be omitted - they usually only sit there, then in the Russian steam room they are obligatory. Another difference is that the fence of the sauna stove is a wooden structure that does not allow touching the hot walls. In a Russian steam room, if a metal stove is installed, then it must be covered with a brick screen, and these are completely different sizes. Therefore, the area needs to be allocated a large one.

This is an example of what the implementation of the project looks like.

The use of such a bath in winter will not be comfortable: entering the recreation room directly from the street and the cold air will be a clear hindrance. To eliminate this drawback, you can either fence off part of the rest room under the vestibule, or make part of the veranda closed. The second option looks preferable due to the small size of the premises. But then you need to either make an entrance from the other side, or move the doors.

By choosing a wood-burning stove for a bath: for this project you will need a compact version, perhaps high and narrow, but you can try to fit in just a small one. The volume will turn out to be quite small, so small capacities should be enough. In this project, a stove is provided, which is heated from the rest room. At the same time, it will heat it too, so you need some power reserve, do not forget about this (if you plan to visit the bathhouse in winter). For example, Heat Malyutka, Varvara stoves - Palenitsa and Mini models, or Compact, Wasp, Shilka and Biryusa at Termofor.

Sauna project 4 by 6 with a terrace

This version of the layout of a small bath immediately provides for the allocation of a small vestibule, so this bath is suitable for winter use without alterations. Steam room and sink are separate, have almost the same dimensions, which is not always justified. If in the washing room they will only use a shower, then it can be made a little more compact by fencing off more space for a steam room (for a Russian bath). A shower can also be installed in the shower. If the height of the ceilings permits, it is mounted above the "gander" of the shower, if not - on the side.

Sauna project 4 by 6 with a terrace

Bath drawing 6 by 5 (with a protruding terrace)

This project of a bath from a bar also has a fenced-in closed vestibule. It occupies a part of the terrace, but in order not to reduce its area, it was "pushed" beyond the building's foundation. If desired, you can further increase it by making it in the form of the letter "G". It will turn out to be a spacious playground for summer recreation. It will be possible to fence off a part for installing a barbecue on it (there are several projects here).

Sauna 4 to 5 with adjoining terrace

Baths project 6 by 6 with an open terrace

This layout option costs the same number of rooms. It's just that their area has become larger: now the dimensions allow. In this version, it is already possible to fence off a small room for a dressing room. And for winter use, it will be necessary to organize a vestibule somewhere.

Baths project 6 by 6 with a terrace

If there is still an opportunity to add a little dimensions, you can already "fit" the bathroom. It will turn out to be a guest house - a bathhouse, especially if you make a two-story bathhouse. One of the options, however, on the same floor, is located in the photo below.

Large bath-guest house with a terrace

What materials are they built from?

Any building material can be used to cover the terrace: wood, brick, building blocks, natural or artificial stone, paving, ceramic, porcelain tiles, natural or artificial stone, etc.

Despite the fact that wood on the street is not the easiest material to use, most often terraces are made of wood. Using pine and spruce in this case is a constant headache: you need to maintain, repair very often. Harder wood is more expensive, but lasts longer and is less hassle.

A terrace with a brick fence looks good near a brick bath

Near a brick bath, a terrace looks good, which also has a fence made of brick; in this case, it is rational to lay the terrace itself with tiles or stone. Much more practical option. True, for such sites it will be necessary to pour a slab of concrete.

If your soil is dry and not prone to heaving, it will be enough to make a dump of rubble and sand. It will be possible to lay paving slabs. It comes in different shapes and colors, so it can also look more than interesting.

A terrace with laid paving slabs looks very good. It can be combined with a blind area around the house. In this case, kill two birds with one stone.

How to make a wooden deck on a pile foundation

The most problematic option is wood. If you plan to use it, then you need to choose from varieties that tolerate being on the street well. It is also necessary to treat it with protective impregnations, varnishing or staining.

Cooking piles

To create normal operating conditions for wooden terraces, it is necessary to think over the structure so that water does not accumulate under the structure. It is generally advisable to make a platform of wood raised above the ground level so that the boards from below are well blown and ventilated. Therefore, most often a pile or columnar foundation is made for such structures. Moreover, a fertile layer is removed under the terrace, the remaining soil is leveled and tamped, and then covered with rubble and also compacted. This is done so that the vegetation does not rot and does not spread "aromas" and spores.

The step of installing the posts is at least 1-1.5 meters - so the boards will not bend. Any material of manufacture. You can drive asbestos or iron pipes into the ground, pour concrete into them. This is a very durable but expensive option.

Roofing material piles

Much less money (but more labor) will require piles with roofing felt formwork.

So you can make a permanent formwork for piles from roofing material

Roofing material is folded into round columns in two or three layers. Diameter - 20-22 cm, height - about 1 meter (70 cm drowned in the ground, 30 cm is on top). This is for soils with a medium tendency to heave. In order not to suffer with measuring the diameter of this formwork, you can use a mold. If you find an eggplant from under water of a suitable diameter (these are nine-liter containers), it will work simply: they screwed in roofing material, secured it with tape, took out the "template" by the handle.

Fastening, as usual, is more convenient with tape. Only on the powder does he not want to stick. To ensure adhesion, we remove the crumb in the right places with a brush, wipe the cleaned area with white spirit. After drying, the hold is excellent. So prepare the required number of columns.

With the help of a drill, they make the required number of grooves a little larger in diameter than the molded posts and 25 cm deeper. These 25 cm go to the pillow device: they are covered with a 15 cm layer of rubble, and rammed. Sand is poured, which is also rammed.

Then formwork is installed in the prepared pits. All columns must be level. This can be done using two rods hammered along the edges of the planned terrace, and a cord stretched between them. Its verticality can be checked with a building level, if necessary, adjusting the height of the bars. The second way is to set the height of the rods using a hydro level (you can also use a laser one, but it is difficult to work with it outdoors - the beam is visible only in the evening or in cloudy weather). Having fiddled with the alignment of the cord, then quickly bring all the columns in one row to the same height. Repeat the procedure in the following.

How to attach support pillars to concrete piles is one option

You need to set the columns vertically. You can't do without a plumb line. An uncomplicated tool, but nothing better has been invented yet.

Further, to increase the strength, it is advisable to insert several reinforcement bars inside - 2-3 per one column. You can use smooth rods with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Then pour concrete inside. It needs to be compacted, since it is not worth knocking on the roofing material, you will need to take a long metal rod and bayonet it (pierce it through and pull it a little from side to side). As a result of such actions, the concrete level will become slightly lower - air will come out, you will have to add a little. Everything becomes easier when you have a submersible hand-held or mobile concrete vibrator. When the solution sets, you can proceed to further work.

Brick posts

On heaving grounds, the columns can simply be squeezed out, which is why the terrace will lead. A wider platform is needed here, which will stabilize the situation. For such a foundation, small pits are pulled out, measuring 50 * 50 or 60 * 60 cm.The soil is rammed in them, crushed stone is poured, it is also rammed, formwork is installed from boards with a height of 20-25 cm.

The foundation for the terrace can be made from brick posts

Several pieces of reinforcement are laid on the halves of the bricks - along and across - to make a cage (2-3 bars each). A pipe is inserted into the middle (verticality is checked). All this is poured with concrete (it is possible with gravel). Thickness - 20 cm.

After the mortar has set, a brick column is made around the pipe. The height is taken out just below the required flooring height - leaving room for the lower strapping.

How to make the bottom harness

There are two options for installing support pillars:

  • first, lags are attached to the posts, and then support posts are attached to the lags;
  • when pouring concrete, embedded galvanized plates are inserted into the posts, then the bars of the racks are attached to them (put a double folded roofing material under the racks, treat the ends with impregnation, although it is better to tar or paint).

Another option for the foundation for a terrace is ready-made concrete blocks. You just need to dig the corresponding pit for each column, make a gravel bed, put a half-block, and a rectangular block on top of the mortar

The first method is used more often, but the second is also the case. It requires a little less cost, but there will be more fuss with laying the lags.

In the manufacture of the lower strapping, a beam of 100 * 75 mm, 75 * 75 mm or wider is used - it depends on the size of the terrace and the load on it. They are treated with antibacterial impregnations, laid on a concrete column covered with a layer of waterproofing (lay double-folded roofing material or smear with mastic, liquid waterproofing).

The beams are worth a lot, but you can cheat by making a spliced ​​beam from boards. It is not suitable for supporting pillars - the appearance is not the same, but for the lag it is even better, since it has increased strength. How to make a bar out of boards:

  • Take an edged board in width equal to the length of the side of the timber, with a thickness of at least 25 mm.
  • The number of spliced ​​boards is determined based on the required thickness of the timber. If you need a bar with a thickness of 75 mm, then there will be three boards.
  • They are connected with self-tapping screws with a pitch of 10-15 cm (the length of the self-tapping screw is slightly shorter than the width of all spliced ​​boards). When connecting, the fasteners are staggered.
  • When creating long beams, the boards can be spliced. But at the same time, you need to ensure that the joint from the joint is at a distance of at least half a meter.
  • Such spliced ​​bars are laid on the edge. Only in this state do they have high strength (even stronger than solid wood).

What does a frame for a terrace look like?

Regardless of the method chosen, all wooden elements must be impregnated with protective and antifungal compounds. To improve their appearance and extend their service life, they are varnished. It is better to use compounds for outdoor work, and if we talk about varnishes, it is preferable to use a yacht one - it is well adapted to a humid environment and protects the wood from the effects of salts.

The option of creating a frame made of metal is possible. You can use a powerful corner, a square pipe. This base is more reliable and durable. It is good to prime it, then paint it thoroughly and it will serve for decades. In order not to damage the board when it comes into contact with metal, a waterproofing material is glued to the metal - such as "TechnoNIKOL", etc. When fixing the flooring, you will have to drill holes - it is unlikely that you will be able to screw the screws directly.

The frame can be welded from metal. Such a terrace will be much more maintainable.

After making and fixing the strapping, you can start making the flooring. Edged boards are usually used. There is a special terrace board - it has not a flat, but a wavy front surface, but it is more often laid around fonts or pools built into the terrace. A wavy surface, even in a wet state, does not allow sliding, and if you make a slight slope, the water will drain quickly without lingering on the flooring.

The thickness of the board, as for the floor, is rarely thinner than 20 mm, although its thickness depends on the distance between the piles. With a distance of 1.5 meters, the thickness of the board is 25 mm, then it will not bend when walking.

Boarding boards need a decent thickness. To make them last longer, they are treated with antispetic agents and varnished or painted

Terrace from tiles

If you decide to make the site not from wood, but from tiles, you can go in several ways. It all depends on how you imagine your terrace.

If you are satisfied with paving slabs as a coating, the technology can be greatly simplified. The process is very similar to setting up a blind area around a house. The technology is similar, you can use the same techniques.

Simple option

The simplest, but very reliable and effective option is using profiled membranes and geotextiles. In this case, the soil is removed to the width of the future terrace, the depth is small - 20-25 cm is enough. If there is a roof on top, the platform can be made even; if a roof is not provided, a slope of 3-5 cm is formed for each meter (from the foundation).

If there is abundant precipitation in the region, the subsoil water is close, it is better to lay a drainage pipe along the edge of the terrace. This is a special corrugated pipe with holes. For it, they dig a small depression (about half the diameter), where they put it. The end of the drainage pipe is led out into a drainage well or into a sewer system.

One of the options for arranging the terrace (with a drainage pipe under the tiles)

So that plants do not germinate under the coating, they are treated with special chemistry. After processing, the profiled membrane is spread over the entire width. If you are going to lay drainage, then the edge of the membrane should go into the dug groove, reaching its opposite edge. A drainage pipe is placed on the membrane. Now all moisture will roll down the film and get into it.

On the other hand, near the house, a 10-15 cm membrane is placed on the wall. They fix it there. A layer of geotextile is rolled out from above. He is also raised on the wall. Both films can be secured with a clamping bar. The second edge of the geotextile ends above the drain pipe (it is not fixed).

Now a layer of coarse and medium-sized crushed stone is poured. A curb is installed along the edge of the site (not above the drainage pipe, but closer to the house). Crushed stone is well rammed (preferably with a vibrating plate, but do not ram over the pipe with a plate). A layer of sand is poured on top, it is leveled, spilled with water and rammed. You can already lay tiles on it.

How such a terrace might look like

The thickness of the layers is 10-15 cm. The depth of the pit for the terrace is selected so that the tiles are laid at the required height. It is difficult to say for sure, since the tiles can be of different thicknesses. Based on the purchased coating, calculate the required depth of the pit around the house.

One "but": the described method is suitable for the case when the foundation and basement are insulated. If there is no insulation, half of the sand is poured onto the crushed stone, plates of extruded polystyrene foam are laid out, then sand is poured, and then the tiles are not laid. At the same time, the foundation of the house is also lined with expanded polystyrene plates to the entire depth of the dug pit.

Projects of baths with a terrace: photos, drawings, foundations, do-it-yourself construction features

In the bath, we not only take a steam bath, but also relax, communicate with friends. In summer, these gatherings are more pleasant to transfer and fresh air, therefore terraces are attached to the baths.

Sauna projects with a veranda and a terrace

Today you will not surprise anyone with your own bathhouse in a suburban area. Modern projects simply boggle the imagination - it is so compact and convenient in a building under one roof that several rooms are located at once. Very original projects of baths with a terrace or attic, an attached veranda, a gazebo, a swimming pool and other beautiful and functional buildings. The house, surrounded by additional buildings, looks more solid, and the site is simply transformed. Now you can not only live here, but also receive guests in the fresh air, recuperate in a Russian bath, play billiards - and all this under one roof!

Bath with an attached gazebo

Often in dachas or suburban areas, there are gazebos. These structures are usually located near the house and are intended for a pleasant summer vacation. The house with a gazebo is functional - there you can cook barbecue or barbecue, drink tea, enjoy summer evenings.

But what to do when both the house and the bathhouse have already been built? If the gazebo was not included in the project, it can be attached to existing structures. The gazebos attached to the bathhouse or the house are very convenient. Such structures are called terraces, they are very similar to a veranda. Unlike a veranda, terraces are most often open, they do not have walls.

An extension with a lounge is simple enough. Terraces are usually made of beams or logs. Several supports and a roof are enough for its construction. The roof over the recreation room can be made flat or pitched. For its manufacture, the same roofing material is used with which a bathhouse or a house is covered.

Bathhouse project with a gazebo

If a house or a bathhouse is at the design stage, it is better to immediately include a gazebo or a terrace in the project. These structures are indispensable for private housing construction. A bathhouse with a gazebo is convenient because the rest room can be neglected. When there is a terrace, the need for this room simply disappears. It is on the terrace that you can drink tea, relax after a bath, watch TV, finally.

In winter, of course, you cannot sit on the open terrace after a hot bath. But you can build a bathhouse with a veranda. This is a closed space, insulated and glazed. If you install a brazier on the veranda, its heat is quite enough to heat a small room in the cold season.

Before construction, it is better to choose a bathhouse project with a gazebo or terrace under one roof. This design is much easier to implement, requires less building materials, and therefore reduces material costs for a bath with a gazebo.

A bath with a relaxation room under one roof is also convenient because the terrace is reliably protected from precipitation. Here you can install a large table, sun loungers, armchairs and everything you need for a good rest.

Often a pool is installed in a bathhouse with a gazebo. The hot tub can be placed on the floor-level terrace. A pool under the same roof with a sauna is great! After all, diving into cool water after a hot bath is an unforgettable pleasure.

It is better to make the pool under the same roof as the sauna because the roof protects the water from direct sunlight, foliage and other debris.

Features of the construction of a gazebo

If the terrace is supposed to be a project, then the foundation for it must be laid along with the main one intended for the bath. This will provide the building with strength and durability.

An already rebuilt house or bathhouse can also be equipped with a veranda, in this case, it is installed on a lightweight, strip foundation. For a small terrace, a pile base is quite suitable - several supports in the form of pillars.

The construction of a bathhouse and a gazebo under one roof eliminates the problems associated with joining two roofs. The one-piece roof provides the best protection from precipitation and cold weather.

The gazebo, bathhouse and house should be designed in the same style, harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the site. Baths are most often built from wood: profiled beams, rounded logs, "wild" (untreated) wood. For the roof, soft tiles, slate, metal profiles are used. These wooden bathhouses and gazebos need appropriate ones - a canopy on wooden posts of round or square cross-section is perfect.

For a stone bath, a stone gazebo is needed. In this case, the columns for the terrace are made of bricks, metal pipes, decorated with wild stone or tiles.

If there is a barbecue in the gazebo, you need to think about a separate foundation for it. A stone stove is a fairly heavy construction, and, moreover, it is very fire hazardous. In addition to the foundation, you will have to take care of the chimney and ventilation system. To prevent the smoke from the barbecue from going into the house and the bathhouse, it must be removed in a timely manner with electric hoods.

Another nuance for saunas with a veranda and a barbecue - so that smoke does not enter the house or sauna through open windows, it is better to attach the terrace to a blank wall that has no windows.

Bath with an attic

A house or a sauna with an attic is a sign of luxury. A two-story building with a recreation room requires more serious material investments, but by building a bathhouse with an attic, you can significantly save usable space. Even on a small plot of land, a bathhouse, a relaxation room, and a shower room will perfectly fit. The second floor can accommodate a guest bedroom, billiard room and any other room.

Very economical and functional projects of a bath with an attic and a terrace. In such structures, hinged balconies are often made, which are also used as small verandas. On the lower terrace, you can put a large table or build a pool. It is good to build all this under one roof - then both the balcony and the main terrace will be protected from rain and snow.

When building a bath with an attic, you need to take into account the weight of the future building. For a two-story building to stand securely on the ground, it needs a solid foundation. The base for the bath is well buried, reinforced and poured with a continuous layer of concrete.

The roof for a bath with an attic and a veranda can have a pitched structure. But in this case, there may not be enough space on the second floor. However, it is quite enough for a billiard room or a rest room. But for bedrooms and living rooms more space will be required - in this case, it is better to make the roof broken, having a complex shape.

Combining a bath with a house and a veranda

The most compact are the combined buildings. So, even on a small area, a house, a bathhouse, and even a terrace with a swimming pool will fit well.

To bring this idea to life, you can use the corner project. According to this plan, the house and the bathhouse are on opposite sides, and a terrace connects them.

The veranda can be closed, then it will be convenient to use it to move from a warm house to a hot bath. When it's cold and damp outside, you don't really want to leave the house once again. And if you install a brazier, a fireplace or a small pool on the veranda, then this place will become the most beloved place for all household members.

An open terrace in corner structures also has its advantages. For such a rest room, you can come up with an original finish, put sun loungers here for sunbathing or install a small tea table. All the delights of the outdoor terrace are felt in the summer, because it is so nice to sit outdoors on a warm summer evening and admire the stars or the sunset.

The same corner structure can be supplemented with an attic, then the usable area will double. You can build more living rooms, make a spacious hall on the second floor, or add a dry Finnish sauna to the usual bathhouse.


A bathhouse with an attic, a gazebo, a terrace or with an ordinary relaxation room - the design is not so important. The main thing is that the inhabitants of the country house will be able to relax after difficult everyday life and get medical treatment in the cold season by taking a steam bath. And additional buildings under one roof simply add comfort, and, of course, beauty and status. If the funds do not yet allow you to build a complex structure, you can limit yourself to a bathhouse, and then, as far as possible, supplement it with a veranda, a swimming pool or an attic.

Bathhouse project with a veranda

Projects of a bath with a veranda and a terrace Today you will not surprise anyone with a private bath in a suburban area. Modern projects simply boggle the imagination - so compact and convenient in

The construction of a private bath over time provides for the expansion of the total area due to the addition of a veranda or terrace.

The annex can have an open or closed structure, which allows it to be used in any climatic conditions. A bathhouse with a veranda is a complex and time-consuming project, but if desired, a novice developer can also implement it.

What is the veranda used for?

A terrace or veranda attached to a bath is a functional structure that can be used for various purposes. This is a full-fledged room that has walls, a floor and a ceiling, as well as a separate roof or a roof combined with a sauna.

What is such an extension used for? Many find it quite everyday use - storing unnecessary things and materials that did not find a place in the main building.

The key purpose of the extension is to eat after the completion of the bath procedures. Here you can equip a comfortable dining area with a compact table, garden chairs, a chaise longue, as well as a sofa with decorative pillows and a warm blanket.

If there is a small summer house on the site, then the extension can be used as a summer kitchen equipped with the necessary equipment and furniture.

Loyal connoisseurs of sauna relaxation can install a pool filled with cool water here to quickly cool a hot body after a hot steam room.

Another option for using the extension is to equip a play corner for children. The indoor structure allows kids to have fun outdoors even on a cloudy day. Here you can place a garden swing, sun loungers, floor mats, a Swedish gymnastic wall and even a miniature sandbox.

The choice of a suitable extension is determined by the individual wishes of the developer and the size of the land plot. In this case, the area of ​​the extension can be equal to the area of ​​the bath, in some cases more or less.

Differences between veranda and terrace

Having made the decision to build an extension for a private bath, many owners ask themselves: what is better to choose - a veranda or a terrace?

A veranda is a closed-type functional room that is built into an existing building.

The terrace is an open structure located on a separate base.

Important! Despite the obvious structural differences, the veranda and terrace are additional buildings.

The main characteristics of the sauna extension:

  • The roof is an obligatory structural element of the veranda, while the terrace may not have one.
  • The veranda can serve as an additional part of the building, or be a separate annex. The terrace can be connected to the main building or be located next to it.
  • If the veranda and terrace are used in winter, they must have a roof that is the same as the sauna.

The construction of outbuildings has its own characteristics, but still many homeowners opt for a veranda. It can be of any geometric shape and size, with panoramic or standard windows, insulated or lightweight.

The choice of a suitable type of structure, open or closed, is considered at the stage of creating a detailed design. An open veranda is nothing more than a fenced terrace, but a closed one is a full-fledged functional room.


The veranda, attached to the bathhouse, provides for two entrance options: internal, from the bath, and external, from the street. Often it is erected along a long wall, it can be of a square, rectangular and semicircular structure.

When building an extension on support pillars, a technological gap of 10 mm must be observed between it and the bath.

Taking into account the location in relation to the bath, the building can be:

  • lateral - located along the wall;
  • frontal - erected to the front of the building;
  • corner - located at the junction of the main wall structures;
  • encircling - built around the perimeter of the building;
  • semicircular - fully connected to the bathhouse by an internal exit.

Modern projects of baths with verandas provide for the construction of an extension in the form of a rectangle or square, less often an oval or semicircle.

Materials (edit)

Traditionally, in the construction of outbuildings for brick and wooden baths, rounded logs and beams are used. Such materials are environmentally friendly, durable, and also have high performance characteristics.

Important! For construction, high-quality and well-dried wood with a minimum shrinkage coefficient is used.

Logs and beams are harvested from coniferous and deciduous species, pre-treated with antiseptic compounds.

As a floor covering, in addition to wooden boards, you can lay artificial and natural stone, porcelain stoneware, paving and ceramic tiles.

Roofing materials require special attention, in particular if the roofs of the veranda and baths have a common structure. For an extension, you can use slate, metal tiles, steel sheets, ondulin and polycarbonate.


How to attach a veranda to an existing bathhouse quickly and efficiently? Construction work begins with the preparation of a strong and durable base, which is designed to protect the finished structure from subsidence and deformation.

An extension of the veranda to the bathhouse can be carried out on the following types of foundations:

  • Tape. It is a reinforced concrete base, executed along the perimeter of the construction site, on which the construction of an extension is envisaged. It is suitable for stable soil types with low GWL and is able to withstand heavy structures.
  • Columnar. It is erected from solid supports buried in the ground by 75 cm with a step of 2 meters. Asbestos-cement pipes or bored piles can be used as supports. Requires additional waterproofing of the supports.
  • Pile-screw. It is erected from metal pipes equipped with end blades. They are screwed into the ground to the required depth with preliminary treatment with an anti-corrosion compound.
  • Pile. The most affordable type of base used for problem soils. The basis is made up of bored concrete piles.

The choice of a suitable base for the veranda is determined by the type of foundation on which the bathhouse is erected. The finished base is covered with a waterproofing material, after which the frame is assembled and the floor is laid.


The most affordable option is to build a frame veranda to the bathhouse from a log or a bar with dimensions of 100 × 150 mm or 100 × 100 mm. Construction work is carried out using the following technology:

  1. On top of the waterproofing layer of the foundation, a grillage is laid - a wooden trim 55 mm thick and up to 160 mm wide. The strapping is fixed to the base with metal anchors.
  2. After that, vertical supports are installed - with a cut or metal corners. The uprights are fixed on each side to provide the required structural rigidity.
  3. Vertical posts are mounted so that the window and door openings are located between them in the right place.
  4. The upper strapping is carried out in a similar way. In the outer corners, the logs are joined by a cut or corners.
  5. Wall surfaces are insulated with mineral or basalt wool, outside they are sheathed with planed boards or decorative panels.


The sauna veranda can be partially or fully glazed. Each of these options has its own technical features.

  1. Partial. It is represented by wall structures, which are 1/3 of brickwork or wooden base, the rest of the volume is glass. A large number of windows provide additional natural light, making the room more spacious and open.
  2. Complete. The wall structures almost entirely consist of frames with installed panoramic windows, equipped with vents for natural ventilation.


The roof design depends on the location and shape of the veranda itself. If the extension is located under the bathhouse gable, it is easier to equip a common roof. In this case, it is not necessary to organize an additional drainage system.

If the veranda has a perpendicular position in relation to the pediment of the bath, a separate roof should be made.

Now let's figure out how to make a roof for a veranda. The assembly is done as follows:

  1. Installation of the roof truss system is underway.
  2. Hydro and vapor barrier is being installed.
  3. The wooden lathing is fixed taking into account the overhangs and ebb for the pediment.
  4. Roofing material is being laid.
  5. An apron is installed at the junction of the veranda with the bath.

Important! The roofing material should be similar to that installed in the bath.

Decoration and design

The veranda to the bathhouse is easy to build with your own hands, and if you follow the frame construction technology, all work can be done in a short time.

The final stage of the veranda arrangement is the interior decoration. In this matter, it is important to take into account the overall design of a bath or sauna in order to obtain a practical and harmonious interior. There are several popular styles for decorating a bath veranda.

Cottage style. This is a variety of shapes and designs, the presence of all kinds of details and decorative elements made of wood. A bath with an open veranda can have carved railings made in the form of a decorative fence, decorated with hanging pots with fresh flowers.

Mountain style. Suitable for large verandas: there is a heavy wooden frame, log railings and a canopy. Spruce or pine branches can be used as decorative elements. In such a room, solid handmade wood furniture looks solid without decorative processing.

Contemporary style. Provides a minimum amount of decorative elements and details. The entire interior is decorated simply and concisely. For decoration, you can use wood, natural or artificial stone, glass, metal and plastic.

Eclecticism. It is a mixture of different styles with the selection of the most appropriate elements. Laconic or expensive furniture, decor made of natural or artificial materials - all this can be safely combined with each other to decorate the veranda.

A private bath or sauna is a real paradise for true connoisseurs of sauna relaxation. If necessary, the modest structure can be expanded by building a spacious and functional veranda.