House wooden bath interior. Steam room - the main room in the bath, design methods (photo). Using Lighting Systems in Sauna Design

    With the growing popularity of suburban construction, the demand for baths has revived again. From time immemorial, this primordially Russian building has been used not only as a means of maintaining personal hygiene.

    In addition, it makes it possible to get rid of negative energy, recharge with vigor for the entire upcoming work week.

    The construction of this structure is a complex process that requires compliance with many rules.

    But after its completion, you will also have to develop the interior design of the bath, make it comfortable and easy to use, as well as durable and reliable.

    The interior design and decoration of the bath are carried out separately for each of the rooms - for the dressing room and steam room, for the shower room and relaxation room, for the pool (if we are talking about a sauna).

    But to begin with, we still want to give a number of general tips related to the entire structure:

    • very often the bath is used for joint recreation. Therefore, it makes sense to design it in a classic style, without taking into account your personal taste preferences. Natural wood is used for construction, and wooden lining is used for finishing work. However, you can do without interior decoration, logs after special processing will look great in the interior;

    • when developing the interior design of a bath house, in no case do not use wall panels or plastic lining in it, as well as varnished products. Under the influence of high temperatures, these materials release toxic substances harmful to human health into the atmosphere, which can cause serious poisoning, even death;

    • in the interior design of the interior of the bath, you can use classic decorative elements - oak brooms, aromatic herbs, wooden tubs, samovars and much more. Even if these items do not perform any function, they all look great indoors;

    • try to correctly think over the lighting in such a way that it makes it possible to see everything around, but is not overly bright. It is best to use lamps with soft yellow light, which give the eyes a rest, do not irritate;

    • to expand the usable area, it is better to smooth the corners. The thing is that the rooms in the bath are small in size, which provides excellent heating;

    • in construction and finishing works, it is better to use a tree of the same tone - this will significantly improve the appearance of the interior.

    In the photo of the interior design of the bath with a rest room, you can see for yourself how this building looks from the inside and outside, choose the option that suits your preferences.

    Steam room in the bath: decoration and decor

    It is especially necessary to carefully work out the interior design of the steam room in the bath, since it is it that is both the main attraction and the main functional room.

    The main element of the steam room, which is the heater stove, is best laid out from traditional brick, which can withstand high temperatures and is not subject to destruction due to moisture.

    An indispensable component of the room is the shelves. The ideal option is to make them angular in several tiers. This will save space, as well as allow you to independently select the optimal temperature for washing.

    As decorative elements, be sure to use tubs and buckets, a scoop, the already mentioned oak brooms and aromatic herbs.

    The door to the steam room can be made either from wood or from high-strength glass.

    We leave the choice between these materials to you. The door should open outward, which will expand the available space.

    Lounge: design options

    The recreation room can also be attributed to the functional premises. It is here that you can “move away” a little from the hot steam, chat with friends or relatives, drink a glass of cold beer or a cup of tea.

    The classic interior design of this room implies the obligatory presence of a table, as well as long benches or chairs arranged in a circle.

    All furniture that is installed in the rest room should be made of wood, which is much easier than products with textile upholstery and tolerates high humidity.

    Also in the interior, you can provide for the presence of shelves for tea, aromatic herbs and oils, and other things necessary for going to the bath.

    Today, many people equip the rest room with various modern electronics - TVs, DVD players, plasma panels.

    If you intend to install one of these devices, care should be taken to protect it as much as possible from moisture and overheating.

    A fireplace will help create coziness in the interior of the rest room, as well as ensure a comfortable stay in this room.

    It can also be used to maintain normal air temperature.

    If you look at the photo of the interior and exterior design of the interior of the bath, you can see that mainly wooden lining or ceramic tiles are used for decoration.

    The choice of natural materials is not accidental, as only they can provide a truly comfortable bathing and communication.

    The interior design of the shower room in the bath, which can be built separately or be an integral part of the rest room, is developed using all the same finishing materials.

    It can contain an ordinary shower connected to the water supply or a classic design - a bucket of ice water, which topples over when you pull the rope.

    Dressing room: a kind of hallway in the bath

    On numerous photos of the interior design of the bath, you can see various design options for the dressing room. This is a room where you can undress and prepare for a trip to the steam room.

    For its decoration, ceramic tiles are also used, which do not require complex maintenance. The walls are decorated with natural wood clapboard.

    In the dressing room, it is imperative to provide for clothes hangers and shelves for shoes, as well as a small cabinet for a wide variety of bath accessories.

    Despite the fact that in the vast majority of cases the interior of the bath is almost entirely made of natural wood, nothing prevents you from diversifying the design.

    For example, you can use wood of different colors to make the room contrasting and very interesting.

    It is best to finish the walls in light colors so that the room does not escalate a dreary mood. Dark shades are perfect for the area in which benches and sunbeds will be located.

    To eliminate errors in the choice of finishing materials, we will give some more useful recommendations:

    • in those areas where the air temperature will be maximum, it is necessary to use only hardwood. The thing is that it practically does not heat up under the influence of heat, reduces the risk of serious burns to almost zero. If the aesthetic side of the issue is not of particular importance, you can choose a strong and durable aspen. Otherwise, a beautiful alder is more suitable. Do not lose sight of linden - its wood not only withstands high loads, but also does not darken even after a long stay in a room with a high level of humidity;

    • for finishing the floor, it is best to use tiles with a minimum moisture absorption coefficient. If you want to make a completely wooden interior, lay larch on the floor that is resistant to heavy loads;

    • in no case do not use wood with knots for wall and floor decoration. These areas, when heated, gradually shrink and fall out, so the appearance of the interior will be hopelessly damaged;

    • when attaching lining or wall panels, try to deepen the screws as much as possible. Otherwise, they will become very hot and may cause burns;

    • the tree in the interior of the bath cannot be varnished and painted. The thing is that they can release harmful and toxic substances.

    To finish the walls and floor in the bath, it is not necessary to use one solid tree. Great for the interior are also natural stone, tiles or other products made of clay. You can combine them with wood for the best effect.

    It is best if no more than three colors are used in the interior of the bath.

    • gold, burgundy and red tones. They have a somewhat exciting effect on the nervous system and give energy;

    • brown, yellow and light blue colors. This combination, unlike the previous one, has a calming effect;

    • The correct selection of color schemes will not only improve the appearance of each room in the bath, but also provide a comfortable pastime, set you up for work or for quality rest.

      The interior design of the bath is quite possible to develop independently.

      But if you want to get an original solution, you are afraid to miss any small details, it is better to contact design studios and order services at the highest quality level.

With free space on the land, you can build a strong and very functional bath. Moreover, the last factor is due to the competent design of the premises, their decoration and furniture. Regardless of the size of the building, such premises as a steam room and an entrance hall with a wardrobe should be equipped inside.

But such an economy option can hardly be called comfortable enough, therefore, among the rooms recommended for design, decoration and equipment with all the necessary rooms, the following can be distinguished:

  • shower, washroom or washing room. Basic hygiene procedures in the form of taking a shower will be performed here. The room can be equipped with a small font and a bucket-waterfall for dousing;

  • separate bathroom. There is no need to talk about the purpose of this room. It is especially important to allocate a room for a toilet in two-story bathhouses with a kitchen and a sleeping place;

  • seating area with dining area. This room is intended for relaxation after the soaring procedure, drinking tea. The zone can be supplemented with a fireplace, a seating area and other furniture and decorations;
  • kitchen area. Actual for baths of a large area, in which large companies often relax. The kitchen area can be small and consist of an electric stove, kettle and microwave. Sometimes the kitchen is supplemented with a phytobar, equipping a rack with high chairs and a cabinet for storing packages with elite varieties of tea and medicinal herbs;

  • pantry. A small room with shelves and cabinets should be allocated for storing bath sheets, towels, hats, shoes, etc. It is also worth storing household chemicals for cleaning here so as not to litter the shower room with it;
  • sleeping area. For example, a second floor can be allocated for a separate bedroom. Here it will be nice to accommodate the guests who have arrived, if there is not enough space in the house;
  • boiler room for boiler equipment;

  • billiard room;
  • solarium;
  • pool;

  • laundry. It is recommended to design next to the shower room for ease of installation of plumbing and sewerage. The laundry room can be equipped with a washing machine, a drying cabinet or a conventional floor / wall dryer, ironing board for bath linen;
  • veranda or terrace;

  • a small vestibule (relevant for baths that are used all year round).

Depending on the available budget, it is possible to equip only some of the proposed premises, for example, a bathroom, a shower and a relaxation area. If the plans are to build a truly chic health complex, and it’s not difficult to pay a “tidy sum” for comfort, you should think about including all the above-mentioned premises in the estimate.

Steam room arrangement. 1 - foil. 2-insulation. 3-membrane. 4-plinth ceiling made of wood. 5-plinth floor wooden. 6-vent valve. 7-ceiling made of wooden lining. 8-light. 9-wood floor. 10 shelves 11-thermometer and hygrometer. 12-back shelf. 13-chimney. 14-tank for water. 15-heater. 16-bath oven. 17-protective screen. 18-non-combustible base under the stove. 19-door to the steam room. 20-bath accessories. 21-light therapy or diode illumination.

It is customary to equip the steam room on the first floor of the building. The entrance to the steam room can be from the shower room or dressing room. The door to the steam room is installed from tempered glass or wooden strictly without metal decorations, inserts and fittings (with the exception of hinges), because. metal can heat up and burn the visitor. For one soaring, it is customary to allocate 1-2 meters of square area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Another meter will take the oven. Accordingly, the comfortable dimensions of the steam room are 3-5 sq.m. Too big a steam room with high ceilings is not worth doing - it will take a lot of time and fuel to warm up the room, and the air will dry out from a red-hot stove.

Video - The optimal dimensions of the bath and steam room

The height of the ceilings is arranged from 2.2 to 2.6 m, depending on the height of the owners of the bath and the height of the shelves, which in turn can be 1-3 tiered. The shelves themselves are made so that it is comfortable to sit on them, lie down, and a steam bather with a broom can stand next to him and perform bath procedures. The top shelf is made the widest, and the recommended height of each tier is 35 cm. It is better to sew up the space under the shelves in order to reduce fuel consumption for heating the unused area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

It is desirable to make shelves from hardwood, the use of cedar / larch is acceptable. Wood can be combined, but it must be of good quality - dry, without knots, resin pockets, traces of rot and mold, carefully sanded. For convenience, you should purchase or make do-it-yourself headrests from aspen or linden, as well as a tub and a bucket with a long handle. Be sure to hang in a steam bath thermometer with a hygrometer to regulate the degree of heating and humidity.

In the photo - pointer thermohygrometer and hourglass

Bath thermometer prices

bath thermometer

The lighting in the bath is rarely made bright. Basically, ceiling and wall lamps are covered with wooden shades / lampshades so that soft twilight reigns in the steam room. Additionally, a diode tape can be used for color therapy, as well as an optical fiber to create the effect of a starry sky.

The stove is usually located closer to the door. Moreover, the heater can be made of brick or made of steel (wood, electric).

Sauna stove-heater at the entrance to the steam room

Sauna heater installed on ceramic tiles

When installing the stove, it is extremely important to properly insulate the wall, floor, and ceiling at the point of contact with the outgoing chimney. The stove is placed at a distance of at least 10-15 cm from the wall, if the furnace door opens into the steam room, if the sauna stove is located simultaneously in two adjacent rooms and the furnace door is led into the dressing room, a recess is cut in the interior partition, in its dimensions exceeding the dimensions of the furnace by 10 -15 cm on each side of heated surfaces. Insulation is made by means of asbestos cardboard, brick, ceramic tiles, stainless steel sheets.

Separately, it is worth considering the options for finishing the walls, ceiling and floor. In addition to the standard lining and wooden floor, there are some interesting ideas.

Table. Steam room wall decoration

MaterialAdvantagesPeculiaritiesMounting method
Salt crystals or halotherapy blocks in your own bath/sauna

They have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body as a whole, the respiratory system and the skin in particular.Salt crystals are installed in saunas with dry steam. The maximum evaporation of microelements occurs at 60 degrees, but already at 75 degrees the blocks turn into a salt solution. Salt bricks must not be allowed to come into contact with water, as salt dissolves in it.Salt crystals are used to make spectacular rectangular inserts in the walls, it is also possible to finish one or more walls from floor to ceiling.
Facing with salt blocks is combined with diode or other lighting; a two-component quick-setting adhesive is used to fix the masonry (hardening time from 10 minutes).
Wild stone or decorative brick

The uniqueness of the interior, an unusual combination of stone with wooden surfaces. Improved fire safety. When using medicinal rocks of stone, for example, soapstone or jadeite, in addition - a healing effect.
Stone can be lined with both part of the wall behind the stove, and the entire wall behind the heating device. Sometimes stones are fixed instead of skirting boards on the floor and ceiling. It is worth remembering that the stones in the bath are very hot, so they should not be allowed even accidental contact with the skin of visitors to the steam room.If a wooden wall is faced with stone, it will be necessary to fix building waterproofing paper on it (overlaps on all sides 4-8 cm). On top of the waterproofing layer with galvanized staples or nails, a paint grid should be fixed (vertical fastening pitch up to 15 cm, horizontally up to 40 cm, at the corners the grid is laid in two layers). The mesh is plastered, and after drying 1-1.5 layers of plaster, facing stones are laid out on a cement-sand mortar. It is recommended that you first lay out the stones on the floor and number them for convenience. It is better not to use stones that are too heavy for cladding.
Ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, polished natural stone tiles

Fire safety, aesthetics, interior decoration of the steam room, durability.All of these tiles are laid on the wall behind the stove (all or only part of the wall). Tiles with a thickness of more than 10 mm are installed using metal fasteners and pouring cement-sand mortar / glue / mastic into the joints.The tiles are fixed on the plastered surface of the walls. For fixing tiles, highly specialized adhesives are used, for marble - on a latex or polyurethane basis (anhydrous).
Laying is carried out from the bottom up, the seams are laid with crosses or wedges to maintain the same thickness.
Cork moisture resistant coating

Suitable for both additional insulation of walls, and for their finishing.Plates are used with a thickness of 20-40 mm.Installation of plates on the wall is carried out using specialized glue for cork coatings. It is permissible to use cork plinth for arranging a steam room.

Table. Materials for arranging flooring in the steam room


Beautiful, durable, looks noble.Quite cold, it is desirable to install underfloor heating systems under the porcelain stoneware coating. Must be non-slip. Seams are treated with moisture-resistant grout to prevent the spread of mold and fungus.

Cushioning, warm to the touch, perfectly combined with wooden surfaces. Not slippery.Suitable for styling in a steam room, because. floor temperature rarely exceeds 30-40 degrees.
Wooden boards and wooden mats

Such coatings can be laid on concrete or porcelain stoneware.Requires treatment with moisture-proof impregnations and periodic air drying.

Note! It is unacceptable to use any plastic, rubber coatings, linoleum, PVC tiles and panels for arranging a steam room. Finishing materials and furniture, when heated, should not emit a chemical smell, resin.

The ceiling in the Russian bath has long been made of timber, lining, boards. It is wooden surfaces that tolerate high temperatures well, fill the bath with a pleasant aroma and do not contribute to the accumulation of condensate - wood tends to “breathe”.

There is no point in painting the ceiling, upholstering with plywood, chipboard, plastering - high humidity and temperature will quickly ruin such a finish. In Turkish baths, mosaics are often used to decorate the ceiling, but it is worth remembering that the humidity and temperature in hammams are much lower than in Finnish and Russian steam rooms. It is possible to use a cork coating Thermocork 100 mm thick, specially designed for the ceilings of baths (cost 3900-4000 rubles per 1 sq.m).

It is desirable to equip the steam room with one window. A particularly eccentric option is a full-wall panoramic blind window. Such a window allows you to admire nature from your own steam room, while the mirror coating on the outside will not allow the curious to look inside. But remember that the larger the window, the greater the heat loss.

The most common option is an opening single-leaf window 60x60 cm or 40x60 cm. The window is not placed on the wall behind the stove or sunbeds. The height from the floor to the lower sash cannot be less than 170 cm - it is this height that implies effective ventilation of the room (natural air circulation). The frame can be made of wood or high-quality plastic that can withstand temperatures up to 120 degrees.

Sometimes glass blocks are inserted instead of a window. They allow you to save on the lighting of the steam room during the day.

Prices for different types of lining

Arrangement of a shower or washroom

The shower room can be organized as a separate room or adjacent to the steam room, for example, separated only by a glass shutter or glass block partition. A cabin can be installed here or a shower tray with a ladder for draining water can be organized. If a large number of visitors are planned, it is recommended to install two or three showers.

Directly in the shower room, in addition to the shower itself, there should be a bench, a mirror, as well as hooks and non-traumatic shelves for toiletries.

Often, a washroom is completed with a pouring bucket and a bathtub made of acrylic or cast iron. Also, fonts are installed in the washing room, especially if there is not enough space to equip a full-fledged pool.

The temperature in the shower should be higher than in the dressing room, but significantly lower than in the steam room.

Hot water supply is organized by connecting to the central water supply, installing a boiler or installing a heat exchanger and an external water tank (from 80 to 120 liters).

Discharge of water is organized in the central sewer, septic tank or drainage well. A drain drain is installed in the shower room (the floor is poured or laid with a slope towards the drain funnel), from which waste liquid is discharged through a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm. One person needs about 50 liters of water to take a shower, respectively, using this figure, you can calculate the volume of a septic tank or storage cesspool for a bath. By the way, treatment and accumulative installations should not be located near the walls of the bath or underground - an unpleasant smell will penetrate into the room. It is recommended to mount a local installation 5-10 m from the walls of the bath.

Coating options for wall, floor and ceiling cladding are shown in the following table.

Table. Arrangement of a shower in the bath

MaterialPeculiaritiesFinishing example, photo
WoodWood is often trimmed with showers adjacent to the steam room, so as not to violate the overall style of the premises. Wood does not tolerate constant moisture - fungus develops, rot appears. It is worth considering the possibility of installing a shower tray or cabin in order to minimize the effect of moisture on the material of the walls and floor, as well as regularly dry the boards and treat them with antiseptics.
Ceramic tile, porcelain tile, mosaic
These materials are most appropriate in the shower, but it is important to choose products with a non-slip surface, and grout the seams with compounds that prevent mold. It is recommended to lay wooden or rubber mats on the tiled floor.
PVC panelsThis material can be used for walls and ceilings only in showers that are not adjacent to the steam room. Plastic does not tolerate exposure to high temperatures, but high humidity is not terrible for him. The panels are quite easy to install, wash, but the strength of the material leaves much to be desired.
Natural stoneNot everyone likes this solution due to the extraordinary interior and the coldness of the coating. However, the stone tolerates high humidity well and is quite suitable for shower wall cladding.

Video - An example of a shower ceramic tile finish

Do not forget about the ventilation in the shower. An extractor hood with an electric fan should be located under the ceiling. For natural ventilation, it is worth placing a small opening window closer to the ceiling, this is especially true for wooden baths and showers with timber trim, clapboard.

Advice! In order for less heat to escape from the shower, it is recommended to equip the threshold at the entrance to the room, as well as install a door of low height (from the standard 2.37 m, 2.07 m, 2 m and 1.87 m, the smallest is selected, and this value should be reduced further by 10 cm). The justified width of the doorway is 75-80 cm.


The bathroom can be a separate room or be combined with a shower room. In the first case, in addition to a toilet bowl or dry closet, it is recommended to install a washbasin with a mirror, a cabinet, a shelf, and a paper holder in the room. Finishing a separate bathroom can be absolutely anything, from classic tiling and plastic panels to cork, linoleum, a combination of different materials.

Toilet ventilation is very important. According to the rules, up to 50 cubic meters of fresh air should enter the toilet room with 1 toilet every hour.

Often a heating radiator is installed in the toilet so that it is comfortable during the cold season. It is also worth placing a boiler here so as not to spoil the interior of the washing room.

In the case when it is planned to install a toilet bowl in the shower room, it is worth equipping two forced hoods. One will not allow moisture to accumulate under the ceiling, the second will ventilate the space above the toilet.

The decoration of the shower room with the toilet is made in the same style; for convenience, the toilet bowl is installed in the far corner of the washing room and is fenced off with a partition, curtain, screen. It is unacceptable to use materials like linoleum in the shower room with the restroom. Standard options for finishing with tiles, clapboard, mosaics, stone, plastic, etc. are used.

Water can only be drained from the toilet to a local sewage treatment plant or a central sewer. If floors of a leaking type are arranged in the bath, a sewer network must be provided separately for the toilet (or an independent mobile dry closet, for example, of a composting or liquid type, is installed).

Of course, each private developer designs a bath based on their own capabilities and preferences, but you should familiarize yourself with federal regulations prescribing the rules for arranging baths in general and latrines in particular:

  • SanPiN 983-72, and 42-128-4690-88;
  • SNiP 30-02-97;
  • SNiP 31-05-2003;
  • and for the organization of a shower and toilet for the disabled, it is worth paying attention to the second edition of the manual on the integrated design of the environment for persons with disabilities (dated 1997, prepared by the Moscow Committee for Architecture).


Plumbing dimensions

Prices for dry closets

dry closet

Dressing room and wardrobe

The dressing room is the last room, which must be located on the first floor. This room can be large and spacious or very tiny. In any case, from the dressing room there must be an entrance to the shower room. The finishing of dressing rooms is most often made of wood to emphasize the style of the bath. It is desirable to arrange furniture wooden.

The recommended air temperature in the dressing room is 26-28 degrees. Ventilation can be natural, for which opening windows are installed, which in turn are also a source of additional light in the daytime. Artificial lighting should be made sufficiently saturated (chandelier and wall sconces), but not harsh.

The dressing room can be combined with a dressing room if the entire bath is small. In this case, you should be guided by the following recommendations:

  • ceiling height should exceed the height of a person, taking into account the raised hands. Optimal - 2.4-2.6 m;
  • the number of seats, hooks and shelves for clothes should correspond to the expected number of visitors to the bath;
  • the floor in the dressing room and dressing room should be warm and non-slip so that it is comfortable to walk barefoot. For example, you can install a "warm floor" or lay a carpet;
  • one or more electrical outlets should be provided;
  • dressing room is recommended to be equipped with a mirror.

By the way, the dressing room can be combined with the kitchen area by installing a corner kitchen set with household appliances. If in the kitchen it is planned not only to brew tea, but also to fully cook food, it is necessary to install a separate hood, and also plan to lay water and sewer pipes to connect the sink.

Advice! You should not install kitchen cabinets under the stairs so that the dust from the steps does not fall on the dishes.

Video - Dressing Room Design

Second floor

In the photo - a cozy bedroom in the attic of the bath

How to equip the second floor, everyone decides on their own. Whether there will be a bedroom, a billiard room, a solarium or a simple pantry upstairs depends on the size of the bath and the budget of its owner. However, we strongly recommend that you install a safe staircase with wide steps between the floors, and add a small balcony to the residential floor.

Arrange the bath so that you feel cozy and comfortable in it.

Video - Bath project with billiards

Video - Building a bath with a font

Bath is the best place to relax, especially after a busy day at work. It is no coincidence that every owner of a summer cottage or a private house seeks to build this structure and give it a worthy place on the territory. After the building is erected, the interior decoration of the premises begins. To do this, you need to take into account the subtleties of the design of the design of the bath.


Bath - a building that has its own characteristics. When designing, special attention should be paid to ensuring that everyone in the room is comfortable and safe. Usually they follow the traditional Russian style, using lining for sheathing, choosing the same shade for all rooms and walls. When placing objects, it must be taken into account that there are no sharp corners. Floors and walls must not slip. This is an important requirement that should not be overlooked. Otherwise, you may be injured.

The arrangement of the bath requires the use of only natural materials. This is necessary for security reasons. It is not known how artificial materials will behave at high temperatures, what substances will begin to release. For example, when plastic is exposed to high temperatures, it begins to melt and release toxic substances. They pose a danger to the health of others, an unpleasant smell does not contribute to rest and relaxation.

In the bath, you need to determine a convenient place to place the necessary little things (brooms, hats, slippers, soap, oils and other things) that may be needed for washing and relaxation procedures. It is worth paying attention to lighting. It should be soft, conducive to relaxation. Small lamps emitting a soft yellow light will do.

The bright light of all the colors of the rainbow will quickly get bored. It is better to choose special shades for lighting with an anti-fog effect. They must be heat resistant and moisture resistant. These are mandatory requirements for lighting in the bath.

Compliance with simple rules will ensure the safety of vacationers. You can place lamps on the ceiling and on the walls.


It all depends on the area that can be allocated on the site for a bath. In a spacious building there can be any premises at the discretion of the owner. In a small house (for example, 6x6 m) there is enough space to accommodate all the essentials. The bath can be designed with an attic. Then the second floor will appear, which means an additional room that can be equipped at your discretion, made there, for example, a guest room or just a place to relax.

In a two-story bath on the ground floor, you can equip a place for a steam room, a washing room, a relaxation room with access to the veranda, where you can sit down after water procedures with a cup of aromatic tea. A small bathhouse in the village is a good option for relaxation. In such a room, everything needs to be thought out so that the most necessary items of arrangement are included. It is important to compactly arrange the equipment and the necessary household items.

The dressing room does not take up much space. It is enough to put a wardrobe in it or hang a convenient hanger on the wall. In the washing room, one container with water and a small space where procedures can be performed will be enough. The steam room is the main place where the stove will be located, as well as convenient shelves.

A small lounge is needed so that you can sit, drink tea, chat with friends. For these purposes, a small table and four low stools will suffice.

Provided that you need to save even more space, the dressing room is combined with a rest room. There is a place for things and a corner for tea drinking.

If the area does not allow, the rest room can be completely abandoned. The shower room can be equipped separately in the courtyard of a private house. It will take up very little space. If you have a large plot, you can design a bath complex with a kitchen and a swimming pool, organize a good rest for the whole family and guests. A billiard room can also be placed there, it all depends on the preferences of the owner.

Such a structure will require a solid foundation of monolithic reinforced concrete. The bath itself is often built of logs or timber. Concrete floors are poured next to the pool. In the bathroom, shower room and in the kitchen it is better to lay ceramic tiles. In the steam room, hallway and rest room - only boards.

An unusual, and most importantly economical project - a corner bath, it will successfully fit into any landscape design. Designing the interior in this case is no more difficult than with a standard project.

Finishing materials

The selection of materials for finishing the bath should be approached especially carefully. Only environmentally friendly raw materials will contribute to health procedures and good mood. Do not use plywood, plastic panels, linoleum. They are not suitable for high temperature and high humidity. In addition, when heated, they can release harmful substances.

An ideal option for interior decoration is lining. The quality of the wood must be top notch.. Then the wooden surface will retain its appearance and performance for a long time.

Finishing from unedged boards is not suitable for a bath. And if it is used, it needs more careful processing.

For interior decoration, linden and aspen wood is chosen. In the steam room, they are especially appropriate because of the low heat transfer. Oak, beech, ash are good for finishing the dressing room, washing room, rest room. Experts recommend not treating the wood in the steam room with additional products, since there will be no real smell of wood, which sometimes makes it so pleasant to be in the steam room.

The best option is to treat the walls with oil (hemp or linseed). It will protect the wood, but will not deprive it of its natural aroma. However, fans of wellness holidays and environmentally friendly materials prefer to do without processing. They simply ventilate and periodically dry the steam room. In other rooms, wood can be treated with special impregnation.

Even if the bath is built of expanded clay blocks, which can often be found now, inside it should in any case be finished with wood. In the baths, metal stoves are installed or brickwork is used, which gives a special flavor to the room. But if the distance between the stove and the wall does not reach 50 cm, part of the wall must be finished with brick or equipped with a stainless steel protective screen.

The pool, shower room, bathroom are tiled, the options for which are very many both in structure and in color. Tiles must be selected with an anti-slip effect. If it is decided to put it on the floor in the steam room, you need to consider that it gets very hot. Therefore, on the floor you will have to put a wooden grate.

Exterior finish

Outdoor decoration is just as important as indoors. Only high-quality cladding of the house in compliance with all technologies will allow you to properly equip the steam room. The bath can be built from foam blocks, concrete, bricks. Finishing is needed not only to give the building a beautiful, finished look and make it a decoration of the site. High-quality sheathing solves the issues of sound, heat, waterproofing.

In order to keep the heat in the bath longer, it is important to choose the right thermal insulation. The first step is to carefully check the surface. It should not have any cracks. If they are found, they need to be repaired. Sheathing materials are strengthened tightly to each other.

Wooden houses must stand. Shrinkage can occur, so the facing of such structures is not done immediately, but this event is postponed for a year. If masonry is used during the construction of the building, cladding can be done immediately, as soon as the installation of doors and windows is completed. Many people choose natural materials for finishing the bath.

The tree looks more harmonious in comparison with other facing raw materials. If properly processed, it will last a long time.

Decorative materials appear on the construction market, which can be used for exterior decoration. This finish will cost less than high-quality wood.

  • With the help of vinyl siding, which has various shades and textures, you can create an imitation of any natural materials (for example, wood, stone, brick).
  • When using plastic panels, you can also give the surface any appearance, depending on which design style is chosen as the basis.
  • Facing the surface with artificial stone will give the building an original look and make it a noticeable decoration of the territory.

If the bath is built from natural high-quality wood, it does not require cladding. It is difficult to come up with something more beautiful than the texture of wood. All processing in this case comes down to the fact that the surface must be well sanded with special tools, coated with a primer that protects against moisture and harmful insects.

Interior Design

Finishing the bath and sauna inside has its own differences from the arrangement of a residential building. Whatever style is chosen for decoration, everything should be functional, beautiful, comfortable. A pile of unnecessary items and exquisite design elements in the bath is completely useless.

It is important that it is comfortable to relax here, and all the necessary items are always at hand.

When choosing a finish for a rustic bath in the Russian style, items made from natural materials are used. The steam room will be decorated with a stove, the necessary accessories (brooms, washcloths) can be placed in the dressing room, the floor will be decorated with embroidered rugs. The rest room will be harmoniously complemented by simple wooden furniture, tablecloths, an old samovar. Shades of decoration and furniture should not match. This will create a negative effect.

Chalet-style decoration does not require excessive luxury. But to create it, you need to choose a male or female direction. In the first case, hunting items can be located in the living room: weapons, trophies, forged design elements. The second room will be decorated with ceramic dishes for tea drinking, landscapes in simple frames on the walls, tablecloths and napkins with embroidery, bouquets of dried flowers and fragrant herbs.

Modern style implies simplicity and elegance with the addition of luxury elements. Ceilings in several tiers, beautiful windows with durable glass, sauna cabins, and a swimming pool can be equipped. In any case, the rest room should be equipped with exquisite but wooden furniture. You can focus on lighting by arranging interesting lamps. At the same time, do not forget about safety precautions.

All materials and decorative elements must be adapted to high temperatures and high humidity.

The arrangement of the bath is always carried out using different types of wood; only these types of finishes are applicable to the steam room. With your own hands you can create any interior, decorate your favorite style. At the same time, it is important to remember about safety and comfort. A bath is the place where you should be in the mood for relaxation, positive emotions are important, after which the body will definitely come to health.


Experts advise choosing pine for finishing the rest room and dressing room. Aesthetically, it looks very attractive. However, it is not suitable for a steam room, as it releases resin when heated. Linden and larch are durable and beautiful materials, their cost is much higher.

The furnace is best laid out of refractory bricks, it must be placed in a corner. At the same time, convenient access should be thought out to it. If it is planned to use decorative elements in the arrangement, refractory materials must be used for their manufacture. Doors in the bath are usually made of wood. But now there are also glass structures that are no worse in terms of performance. They will add zest to the design. In case of emergency, the glass is easier to break.

Often large beautiful window structures are installed in the bath. They decorate the room and serve as a design element. From the inside, they can be decorated with bamboo curtains, which will harmoniously fit into any style. Adherents of the exotic style can decorate the space in an oriental style. The Turkish bath is conducive to rest and relaxation. Even a small room can be planned correctly.

The walls are usually decorated with beautiful mosaics. The color scheme can be varied (from bright saturated tones to calm delicate shades). It is better to choose blue, green, beige colors, they have a calming effect. A corner bench and a massage table are installed in the room. The sink can be arranged in the form of a small waterfall.

Beautiful examples

The rest room, decorated with wood, looks simple and stylish. A wooden table with a simple tablecloth, a long bench can accommodate many guests for tea drinking. Light curtains for windows complement the interior. A picture in a simple frame or any other element of decor can be placed on the wall. The decoration of such an interior will be a Russian samovar.

The rest room can also be used for sleeping. After bath procedures it is good to take a nap in a clean comfortable bed. Such a room is perfect for guests staying overnight. It has everything you need for a short stay: a comfortable bed, clothes hangers, a bedside table for necessary things. You can equip the room with a small TV to add comfort.

In the steam room, it is desirable to think over interesting lighting, which will give additional comfort to the room. In this case, the luminaires are protected by a wooden structure. It is easy to make it with your own hands. Luminaires can be of a different configuration, it is necessary to protect them from high temperatures.

If the construction of a whole bath complex is envisaged, then the rest room can be spacious, performing several functions at once. For example, a separate area is designed for cooking, where there is nothing superfluous. A small number of cabinets is convenient for storing the most necessary utensils. There is a space for tea drinking or a small feast, where you can simultaneously admire the landscape through large windows.

A small space is provided for relaxation, where you can sit on a comfortable sofa with a book or a cup of aromatic tea. Such a cozy room is conducive to relaxation, creates a harmonious atmosphere and improves mood.

The combination of modern and old style looks unusual. Wood trim combined with masonry looks expressive, this allows you to reveal the texture of wood. Simple furniture for eating, discreet lampshade - successful design techniques. In this small room, a TV on the wall fits in well.

Making the interior space of the bath is a creative and exciting process. If you approach it with all responsibility, you can equip a cozy island of relaxation on your site.

There is no better place where one could simultaneously relieve fatigue after a busy week of work, find peace of mind and give the body cleanliness than a bathhouse. For many, visiting it is an integral part of life, so everyone would like to have such a building for recreation and recovery. And if you plan to build this room in your own yard, you should take care that the interior of the bath is up to par.

A high-quality and cozy finish of the bath inside will never give you trouble, and in addition to the pleasure you get, it will pay off in a short time and, if desired, will begin to bring additional income. About how to equip the interior of a sauna or a bath, the “Dream House” will tell its readers today. These ideas can be used for your own home bath or business.

What materials are used for the design of the bath room

After the erection and warming of the bath complex, the turn for internal finishing measures is coming. On this occasion, there are certain rules that have significant differences compared to work in other buildings.

The impeccability of the interior of the bath lies not only in its comfortable appearance, but also in taking care of the health of its visitors. The level of stylization and practicality should complement each other, and this largely depends on the choice of materials for finishing inside the bathhouse, which should have the following properties:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • the ability to retain heat;
  • low thermal conductivity, which prevents burns;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • resistance to high humidity.

The traditional material that fully meets all the requirements for working inside the bath space is wood. In addition, the wood looks aesthetically pleasing, pleasant to the touch and emits a delicate and healthy aroma, which is used as aromatherapy and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The interior, where such natural material as wood reigns, is beautiful in itself. It exudes pleasant warmth and tranquility, which creates a peaceful atmosphere. Sheathing of bath rooms can be done using one or more types of wood, depending on the purpose of the rooms.

Of course, the interior of a modern bathhouse is equipped with other materials. A rounded log or block house perfectly coexists with stone, brick or tiled masonry. The combination of different textures in a special way will highlight each of the rooms of the bath space.

You should be aware that paints and varnishes are not applied to the materials for the interior decoration of the bath. Such coatings, when heated, emit harmful substances and are not able to withstand temperature changes.

The interior of the bath inside the photo

Bath design inside photo design

Decoration of the interior rooms of the bath

A modern bathhouse is a multifunctional enterprise designed not only for bathing procedures, but also for relaxation. The standard bath rooms are a dressing room, a steam room and a shower room, which require individual improvement. Baths of our time can also have an entrance vestibule, a mini-kitchen, a swimming pool, a toilet and games rooms.

dressing room

The dressing room acts as a dressing room and rest room. This room, which protects the entrance to the steam room from the penetration of dirt and cold, sets in a calm mood and serves to relax after significant stress on the body.

Now a bath without a meeting room is almost never found. No one will refuse to relax after the steam room and have a nice time with family or friends.

Unlike a steam room and a shower room, when creating a rest room design, fantasy can be expanded by delighting guests with an extraordinary approach.

Coniferous wood, such as pine and Scandinavian spruce, is suitable for finishing the dressing room. In addition to wood, you can transform the interior with stone, brick, tile or plastic. Fashionable notes in such stylistic directions as English, or furniture, paintings, mirrors, chandeliers, fabrics and various accessories will help.

The interior of the bath and rest room photo

Bath design with a rest room inside photo

Bath interior photo

The rest room in the bath can be considered as a guest bedroom if it is equipped with a full bed and provided with bedding, slippers and bathrobes.

Rest room in the bath interior design

steam room

High temperatures and humidity of the room for the main procedures dictate special rules when choosing a material for its decoration.

Only hardwoods are suitable for sheathing the steam room, which do not lose their qualities over the years, such as linden, alder, aspen, larch and African abachi tree. The floors of the room are made both with the use of boards and tiles with a non-slip surface. It is desirable to give preference in favor of tiles, as the wooden floor will deteriorate over time.

We advise you to design the steam room in tone, because the texture of wood in itself serves as a wonderful decoration. Therefore, it will be enough to confine ourselves to such basic attributes as benches, multi-level sunbeds, pouring buckets, buckets and. An excellent option for placing sunbeds is a corner space that will embellish the room and save space. Inside the steam room, you can use a window that will perfectly dilute the interior and come in handy for ventilation.

The interior of the bath with a steam room inside the photo

Steam room in the bath design

Internal design of the bath and sauna

Interior of a wooden bath photo

shower room

The washing block is a separate element of a modern bath, which provides an opportunity to retire from prying eyes.

For facing the shower room, it is best to use tiles, complementing the design with elements such as and. The only requirement is that the floor surface must be rough or covered with wooden gratings. The choice of equipment for equipping the washing room is quite large. You can install a font, a shower stall, or in it.

Beautiful bath interiors photo

Design of a small bath inside the photo

The interior design of the bath is an important point for a favorable atmosphere

It is believed that for true bathers, a bath, first of all, is just a process, and what surrounds in blissful moments is a secondary matter. But that's not the case at all. A modern bath is a place for a pleasant pastime, enjoyment of relaxation and the beauty of the interior. Its interior arrangement should be conducive to relaxation, tranquility and good mood.

Sauna interior in the house

Baths remain the most common and favorite, but modern solutions for its styling are increasingly becoming relevant. Moving away from the generally accepted rules, you can come up with something new and unusual, drawing on ideas, for example, inherent in the creation of a Finnish or Turkish bathhouse.

“To wash in the bath is to be born again,” they said in the old days. However, a good stove, shelves made of odorous wood and the opportunity to take a dip in cold water are not all. The interior design of the steam room is of no small importance for comfort. With a little effort and letting your imagination run wild, you will create a bright and cozy sauna interior!

How to decorate a steam room with wood and pebbles

Linden lining is perhaps the most popular material for interior decoration of rooms with high temperatures. Pleasant for the body, fragrant, with a healing effect - perhaps better, perhaps, lining with embossing, which imitates various types of decorative coatings: snakeskin pattern, bamboo, etc.

Eco-style steam room design - walls and ceiling lined with boards, and benches - in a "kit" for them. An interesting idea for this style of bath is a wall-mounted firewood rack indoors. Firewood for the stove is stacked in the form of a panel.

Decorate the room and the wall, lined with pebbles. She can also finish the floor in the sink. And if you don’t skimp, then the design for a bath or hammam can be decorated with a floor made of coins.

If you want to save space, a raised decorated floor will help: if you want to take a shower, you lower it, if you decide to swim, you raise it.

Bath design

A feeling of freshness will be created by the design of the sink in a beautiful natural style. Wildlife has a powerful calming effect. Therefore, in one case, the designers used large logs with raw granite, in the other, they lined the wall with stone and tiles from the inside.

In the premises of the bath, design elements such as waterfalls from the walls will be appropriate. You can decorate them with large shells instead of traditional mixers.

Fans of minimalism and the new life of old things in the design of the bath will love the shower from a large garden watering can.

If there is no place for a pool, then you can cool off after the steam room in the font. Fortunately, it is easy to make it with your own hands - from an ordinary barrel.

A washstand from a simple barrel will help to “hold the style”

And comfortable furniture from them - in the dressing room.

The floor may be original. A cork cover with a straw pattern is more suitable for a country-style bath interior. In addition to such a floor, you should take a bale of straw as a coffee table (the idea of ​​the program "Fazenda"). Another interesting solution for the floor is a pattern of boards and refractory bricks.

For an unusual bath - the same doors made of natural materials - wooden, in the style of a village house. But such porthole windows will tell you how to use spare parts from an old washing machine.

Lighting and accessories

The best lamp for the interior inside the bath - handmade. A chandelier in the form of a stork's nest, redundant in the house, looks unusual and original. Materials: a frame for a bouquet braided with decorative raffia straw using wire. Natural horns, designed to look like a lamp, are also a suitable option for a natural style.

If you prefer something more modern, you need to choose such lamps hidden under the “torn off” planks of interior decoration. An old basin as a chandelier in the shower is another innovative solution.

We create a romantic mood by using candles. But baths require a special design. A basin or trough and ladles will do again.

In general, a basin in the bath is a universal item. It is worth making such “shelves” for storing bath brooms, towels and other bath accessories. There is also a use for wooden pallets in the steam room - this is a good solution for the main house.

Wicker baskets are also great for decorating a bath: large ones usually go on the floor as tables, small ones - on the wall.

From "warm" natural materials, you can make a variety of decor that will be appropriate in the bath and sauna: boxes woven from grass, reeds, rattan, ferns, corn, bast shoes and other items that are hung on the walls and placed on benches.

The best hanger for bathrobes will be products from branches or small stones as hooks.

Bath: interior in Russian style

The interior of a Russian-style steam room will look complete if you complement it with decorative accessories. The room can be decorated with bath brooms, embroidered curtains, wood products - figurines, spoons, mirrors, clocks made of wood saw cuts, which are not afraid of moisture and will help allocate enough time for important procedures.

Tapestries from medicinal herbs, moss and roots will quickly decorate the walls, look great and fill the room with aromas. They can be woven using a hand weaving device - a reed.

In addition to their aesthetic value, herbal rugs and tapestries also have an important healing function. A willow bark bath rug not only decorates, but also helps against skin diseases and sweating of the feet, relieves inflammation. Tansy towel as a compress in the bath is the main folk remedy for joint pain. Applied to the head, it relieves pain and helps get rid of dandruff. Nettle cloths increase vitality. Tapestries from several types of herbs (wormwood, peppermint, yarrow, St.

How to arrange a bath

Herbal products woven on the reed are strong and durable. The only condition is that they should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The natural fragrance of tapestries can be enhanced by sprinkling them with water. For the same purpose, they are hung in a steam room.

Useful decoration for baths and saunas - decorative designer jars with sea salt and colored sand. If you look closely, you can see the pattern of mountains, sky and deserted beaches in them. And when you admire such decor, it can be used as a scrub.

The more shades of salt and sand you have, the more interesting the "landscapes" will look. From coarse salt and sand, pictures in jars turn out worse.

Bath ideas

They will make the interior of a bath or sauna more soulful and gizmos: a portrait doll on a wire frame, brownies that protect the owners, funny hats in which it is so pleasant to bathe.

Toys made of bast or straw are suitable for decorating a bathhouse. We offer to make a symbol of the coming year - a goat. And let it give you a new portion of good luck, health and a lot of happiness with each visit to the steam room! Easy steam for you!

At FORUMHOUSE you will find ideas from our portal members to help you create . You can also find out what a real bath looks like: get acquainted with a virtual tour of one of the outstanding Russian-style baths in Moscow and its environs and invaluable material on theory A in our video you will find more ideas