Glued beam houses: advantages and disadvantages. How to build a quality house Build a house from glued laminated timber with your own hands

Glued beam houses are very popular in our country. They are attractive and easy to care for. However, these buildings have not only advantages, but also disadvantages, which should also be remembered.


Houses made of glued beams look neat and attractive. Today, timber is a full-fledged replacement for rounded logs, while it looks modern and is more suitable for building houses in a modernist style, while a classic log hut is a tribute to traditions.

As for performance, there is not much difference between glued beams and logs. Timber walls perfectly protect against drafts and heat loss. Indeed, due to the fact that the sides of the timber are even, all the details are closely adjacent to each other. By the way, this has a positive effect on the time of building a house from this material.


Separately, it is worth stopping at the glued beam itself. By the name, you can understand that glue is used in the production. First, wooden lamellas 4-6 cm thick are cut, and then they are glued together. This approach allows you to achieve typical dimensions, so each of the bars will have the same parameters without any errors.

Many people worry that glue will not provide complete insulation, but this is not the case. In the production, adhesives are used that do not dry out and do not exfoliate over time. The beam is really strong and durable.

By the way, it is possible to build not only residential buildings from glued laminated timber, but also such capricious structures as a bathhouse. There are even special varieties of timber material that have increased resistance to moisture and high temperatures.


Before you start working with the material, remember that it must be properly prepared and only then start building. Although glulam does not shrink, it can be susceptible to infestation by pests or micro-organisms such as molds.

Advantages and disadvantages

The characteristics of glued beams are not entirely positive, and you need to be prepared for this. This material has many negative aspects, which manufacturers often keep silent about. Indeed, glued laminated timber is one of the most expensive materials, and no one wants to lose customers because of any shortcomings. However, to begin with, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the positive aspects.

Enumerate all the advantages of glued beams will not work. How many people, so many opinions: what is a virtue for one, another can perceive with hostility.

Experts most often agree on the following points:

  • Environmental friendliness. The material itself is made of wooden lamellas, the glue also has a natural base. In this regard, it can be argued that a house made of glued laminated timber will turn out to be environmentally friendly. The glue does not release any toxic substances into the environment that are harmful to humans or the environment, so environmental safety is guaranteed.
  • Construction speed. Due to the special shape of the beam, it will not take much time to fit the parts to each other. In addition, the beam itself is also not very heavy due to the fact that it is glued. During the construction process, you can do without the involvement of additional equipment, managing a small team of friends or relatives, while you can meet the deadlines in an extremely short time - 1-3 months, depending on the number of people.

  • Low thermal conductivity. This characteristic means that the walls of the house will not release heat in winter or let in heat in summer. In this regard, you can do without the costly procedure of wall insulation. But we do not advise you to refuse this if you live in areas with cold winters (-30 degrees and below).
  • Durability. Despite the fact that the material is glued, it can serve for several decades - up to 50. It will only be necessary to carry out maintenance work from time to time, process the timber, and check for warping.
  • No shrinkage. For many, a big plus is that the material does not shrink, and you can finish the house immediately after its construction. This allows you to save a lot of time on construction, greatly speeding up the process of moving to a new home.

However, you need to be careful when choosing. Each of these advantages disappears, one has only to purchase low-quality glued laminated timber from an unscrupulous supplier. Be sure to check the license, and also see if the timber is suitable for use in your climate zone.

There are also more than enough negative aspects associated with building a house from glued laminated timber:

  • Expensive material. Glued laminated timber is one of the most expensive materials on the construction market. Such a price is associated with a complex manufacturing technology, because first you need to get the lamellas of the correct thickness, then glue them together, and so on. Also, the cost is due to high demand: building a house from glued beams, you can save on the labor of builders, doing all the work yourself. You can also save on thermal insulation.
  • Lots of low quality stuff. To bring down the price and increase the attractiveness of the offer, some manufacturers use low-quality glue. This is fraught with premature drying of the timber, deformation of the house, loss of strength of the entire structure as a whole. To avoid buying a fake, be sure to ask for all the necessary documents and licenses. Also pay attention to the cost: if it is much lower than the market price, then something is wrong with the timber.

  • The need for care. Like it or not, but “build and forget”, as with a brick house, will not work. A wooden dwelling will have to be treated with antiseptics from time to time, covered with fresh layers of primer and paintwork material. You will also need to check the house from time to time for cracked timber and carry out preventive repairs. All this will require your time and direct participation.
  • Flammability. By itself, the wood material ignites quickly and supports combustion well, which increases the risk of fire. It should be noted that some manufacturers treat the lamellas with flame retardant impregnation, but the impregnation is not always safe for the environment and humans. Therefore, it is safer to buy glued laminated timber without impregnation, so as not to incur negative consequences.
  • Markiness of the walls. Glued laminated timber gets dirty easily. If during the construction process you can still try to keep the timber in its original state, then transportation is a real test for the timber. Just scrubbing the logs will not work. You will need to grind them without fail, which also takes time and money.

In general, the number of disadvantages and advantages is almost equal. This means that it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of whether glued laminated timber is good or bad for building a house. For some, the advantages of the material are more significant, and for someone, its disadvantages.


Houses made of glued laminated timber are mainly chosen by wealthy people for suburban construction, since the material is expensive. Therefore, the vast majority of projects are luxurious mansions or cottages, stylized as rustic simplicity. The size of the house does not play a special role, much more important is its appearance. A small two-story private cottage can look no less luxurious than a large chalet.


Most often, houses are equipped with any additional elements or outbuildings: a bay window, a garage, an attic. Each solution is interesting in its own way.


A cottage made of glued laminated timber is not as expensive as a full-fledged house, since it is much inferior to the house in size. As a rule, those who choose timber for construction try to save on other objects. So, in this case, the owners abandoned the classic glazing, choosing a plastic film to protect the veranda.

A country gazebo made of glued laminated timber is an excellent decoration for a garden plot. Such a building would look appropriate both against the background of the forest and next to a solid brick house. It must be remembered that it is not only a place to relax, but also a way to declare the prosperity and well-being of the owners.

If wealth allows, you can choose a project with a small second floor. Such a cottage, if necessary, can be used for year-round living, coming here for the winter holidays to relax.

A dacha with large windows is a great option, especially since timber walls make it possible to create such glazing. It is important in the drawing, which is prepared in advance, to indicate that the windows will be panoramic in order to correctly calculate the load on the load-bearing walls and prevent a possible collapse of the country house.

Not everyone leaves glued laminated timber in its original form. Someone likes to paint such houses, and in the country you can fully implement this. This approach has some advantages in the form of simplification of house care: the timber will be protected from most external factors. However, every spring you need to renew the paint in those places where it has moved away or peeled off, otherwise the dacha will have a neglected look.


Projects of small houses made of glued beams are presented in abundance. A small house means a house with 1-2 bedrooms, which is suitable for a family with one child. It should be noted that at a cost such a building will come out a little cheaper than a house with a full second floor. Think about it.

A dark small house will look great against the background of the forest. By placing such a building on a small plot, you will get a harmonious overall look. Please note that here the glued laminated timber is also varnished, giving it a deep brown color and at the same time protecting it from external influences.

As you can see, mostly small houses made of glued laminated timber are located a little further from the main cluster of houses. This way you can achieve a sense of privacy, which would be impossible if the house had an impressive size. Glued laminated timber is ideal for such construction, as it has an environmentally friendly and at the same time modern look.

A small house can be used both for year-round living and as a country house. If the task is to save money, then try to cut the budget not for the purchase of timber, but for something else. For example, the roof can be covered not with a metal tile, but with a profiled sheet, as in this project.

With limited free space, a smart move is to locate a house made of glued laminated timber near the fence in the very corner of the site. Then the site itself will seem more spacious. On the remaining territory, you can place decorative compositions: lanterns, a path, a pond, flower beds.

Sometimes two-story houses are more compact than one-story ones. This project is a clear confirmation of this. The owners did not spend much time on planning, making one wall completely blank. By choosing glued beams as a material for construction, they saved a lot of time on building a house, thereby building a full-fledged dwelling in one season.

with garage

Glued laminated timber is ideal not only for the construction of residential buildings, but also for side buildings: gazebos, bathhouses, garages. In the latter case, the benefits of using this material are obvious: you don’t have to spend money on garage heating, which is quite expensive, given current heating prices. By arranging a garage right in a house made of timber, you not only get a place for a car, but also make your house more impressive and presentable.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine a big house without a garage. In this project, the garage serves not only its intended purpose. It also allows you to balance the house, adds symmetry to it.

Not only large houses are supplied with garages. If the site is small, then the owners do not want to occupy it with various buildings. An attached garage comes to the rescue, which does not take up much space if positioned correctly relative to the house. In this case, the car will not be influenced by environmental factors.

This project of glued beams is interesting primarily because there is no first floor as such. It is completely reserved for a garage for several cars. The spacious second floor is used for living. Such a project is quite bold, not everyone will like it. It is only for those who love modern styles: hi-tech and modern.

In especially bold projects, the garage is not separated from the main house. It is believed that open spaces have a relaxing effect on the human psyche. However, we strongly do not recommend this approach, which is good for exhibitions, but not suitable for everyday life. First, exhaust gases will enter your house (unless you have an electric car, of course). Secondly, in such a house there will be no feeling of comfort.

Single storey

There are a great many projects of one-story houses made of glued laminated timber, and in various styles, ranging from modern to alpine chalets. Each of the projects is beautiful in its own way. All of them have different footage, so it cannot be said that a one-story building will necessarily be small.

For example, this option can not be called small. The rejection of attic space makes the unusual ceiling vault the highlight of the project. Although the house does not occupy such a large area, there is a lot of space inside, there are all the necessary rooms. Two terraces complete the picture. Take note of this option: you can make one terrace, placing it along two adjacent walls of the house.

This project is interesting in the presence of additional glazing around the perimeter of the roof. This approach allows you to provide an additional influx of light into the rooms, making it brighter and more airy. Such ideas are good when the house has to be located on a site with limited access to sunlight.

Houses with traditional but unusual elements look especially cozy: bay window, panoramic window, carved door. When choosing a similar project, be sure to take care of a large number of windows to make it more comfortable inside. At the same time, it is not necessary to decorate the house from the outside. You can only slightly emphasize the beauty of glued beams with varnish, without using paint for facade cladding.

Small one-story houses made of glued laminated timber are best done on a high foundation. This adds status to them, making them look respectable. When building a project, be sure to take this point into account when calculating the load on the foundation. Keep in mind that glued beam houses are lightweight, so the foundation can be of almost any type.

By choosing logs with a large section, you can make the house look like a toy. In this case, too, a one-story dwelling, despite its impressive actual size, looks like a small one. The highlight of the project is also an interesting roof finish: it rests on deliberately rough beams. This is intended to reinforce the illusion that the house is unrealistic.

Double storey

Much more than one-story, there are projects of two-story houses. Made of glued beams, such buildings look truly luxurious and impressive. Most often, two-storey houses made of glued laminated timber are made under a gable roof, it is rare to find projects with a different type of roof.

Projects of a two-story house with a balcony and a terrace, made in the same style, are very popular among those who decide to move out of town. Building such a house on your own is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Particular attention should be paid to the calculation of the load: because of the balcony, it will be different for each of the load-bearing walls of the first floor.

Not always the house should be completely built from glued beams. Solutions are popular when one of the floors is made of a different material (usually stone or brick). For self-construction, the choice of such a project is an excellent solution, since you do not have to thoroughly calculate the load on the walls of the first floor. In any case, they will be strong enough to withstand the timber.

Two-story houses with an attached carport are simple, as they try not to overload the house with details. Here it is important to pay attention to the calculation of the extension. It should closely adjoin the house, while water should not accumulate at the junction of the roof and the house. At the same time, the project of the house itself can be anything: it is enough to make only minor adjustments to it in order to also make a canopy.

The apparent simplicity of a house does not always mean that it is built according to the same simple project. For example, in this case, you need to pay attention to the calculations of the load on the terrace and balcony. In order to support the balcony and the roof, only two wooden columns are fitted. Also noteworthy is the arrangement of figured windows, which will need to be made to order.

However, the vast majority of projects of two-story houses are designed for the fact that professionals will be involved in their implementation. People who can afford such a house can usually afford a crew to build it. Therefore, projects include complex elements: panoramic figured windows, balconies on columns, terraces.

with attic

When it comes to projects of houses made of glued laminated timber, it is safe to say that usually the attic here strongly resembles a full-fledged floor. For example, in this case, the attic is represented by a full-fledged room located under the roof itself. Due to the scarcity of lighting, it cannot be used as a living space, but it can be adapted for a gym or dressing room.

Sometimes an attic is needed not so much for functionality as for beauty. In this project, there are as many as two attics: one is located above the first floor, and the other is above the second. This approach allows you to visually separate the residential wing from the side wing.

Projects of houses from glued beams are mainly carried out in the American style, which is characterized by cleanliness of lines, an abundance of light while maintaining the general appearance of the earthiness of the house and complete symmetry between the parts. In this case, all rooms are located on the first floor, and the attic is used as a guest bedroom.

Interestingly, the attic does not have to be glazed. If it is used as a technical room (for storing things or sports equipment), then it will be enough just to insulate the roof under which it is located, and there is no need to make windows.

A large attic above the second floor is a great way out if your three-story house project was not approved, allowing you to make only two floors, but additional space is needed. Please note that special roof windows should be provided at the design stage, since they cannot be made after the construction of the roof.

flat roof

Flat-roofed houses have recently been appreciated by owners. Initially, a flat roof was considered traditional for multi-storey apartment buildings. However, the combination of glued laminated timber with this modern exterior element looks fresh and interesting.

First you need to decide what the flat roof will be: operated or non-operated. It depends on how exactly your project will look, what will be emphasized. For example, in this case, an unused roof was chosen, so the designers took the liberty of adding some bright accents in the form of stone columns and panoramic windows.

Houses made of glued beams already look modern, and if you add a flat roof to the project, you get a completely minimalistic house. Particular attention should be paid to protecting the walls from rain, fading under the sun. It looks especially interesting if you do not use traditional varnish and paint for this, but choose a primer, thereby emphasizing an interesting pattern and heterogeneity of wood.

If the owners are brave and do not have enough money, you can build a similar box. Painting is carried out in any color, while you can simply varnish the walls. Savings are achieved through a simple foundation, plain walls and a flat roof, the cost of which is much lower than a pitched one.

So, houses with a flat roof made of glued laminated timber are mainly made in high-tech style. But this does not mean at all that they need to be placed in an urban setting. If you prepare the project in advance, based on the surrounding landscape, you can achieve complete harmony between the appearance of the house and the environment.

Sometimes glued beam houses are additionally reinforced with stone, as in this case. This not only gives an interesting design effect, but also greatly increases the life of the house itself.

with a bay window

Houses with bay windows look cute and cozy. Such a project of a house made of glued laminated timber is more difficult to implement, so it is recommended to turn to professionals. This image shows a simple version with a bay window and a balcony above it. At the same time, the bay window is supplemented with a panoramic window, so the ribs need additional reinforcement in order to withstand the balcony block.

Usually, in the projects of two-story houses, a staircase is provided inside the building. In order not to allocate additional space for it, many designers recommend bringing the spiral staircase into the bay window. This will help save precious square meters, while the exterior of the house will become more complex and interesting.

The bay window is not always made in the traditional arcuate form. For example, in this project, the bay window is wedge-shaped. This approach is typical for most modern houses, which have emphasized smooth geometric lines.

In this case, the bay window is made two stories high, and at the top it plays the role of a glazed balcony. The ribs are reinforced here with the help of glued beams, which requires considerable construction skills. The easiest way is to use columns built of bricks or wood.

Some especially brave people make large bay windows, but do not use them under the stairs or as an opportunity to let additional light into the rooms. They remake them into towers, making their house of glued beams look like a Russian tower or a castle. Here, the arrangement of the roof delivers big problems, not to mention the fact that the attic space itself is useless.


Most of those who want to save money on building their own home prefer to build drawings and create projects on their own, relying on the experience of their predecessors. However, this is quite risky, since it is not always possible to foresee everything.

Then specialized firms and agencies that sell ready-made projects come to the rescue. In the future, it remains only to purchase material and build a house. Purchasing a project is a smart move if you want to build a complex architectural glulam home.

In the same agencies, you can order a project drawn up individually according to all your wishes. Then you can be sure of the exclusivity of your log house.


It has already been said a little above about the styles in which the exterior of a house is usually made of timber.

The most characteristic are the following:

  • American;
  • chalet;
  • high tech;
  • modern;
  • minimalism.

As for the interior, it can be anything. Experts advise to adhere to the unity of stylistic trends. For example, if the exterior of the house is made in a minimalist style, then it is recommended to furnish the rooms in the same way.

Practice shows that this is not entirely the case. It is often better to use a style that goes well with the style of the interior.

The most successful combinations are:

  • chalet: rustic, country, gothic;

  • hi-tech, modern, minimalism: art deco.

Such an environment will require a good artistic flair, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust interior planning to a professional.

How to build?

Site preparation

First you need to properly prepare and mark the site. Referring to the plan, determine the place allotted for construction. After that, clean the space well. Remove all debris, demolish buildings, dismantle the old foundation (if you do not plan to build a house on it). You also need to remove all the old sod so that it does not interfere.

Check the slope of the site using special surveying tools. If you find a slope, then do not be lazy and adjust the design scheme in accordance with this. By and large, this will not play a big role, but will only affect the structure of the foundation.

Next, you can start marking the site for the foundation. In order not to be mistaken, it is recommended to “attach” the markup to some object, for example, a fence or a bench. It is much easier to build relative to something.

Constantly check in with the plan. All quantities are usually noted there: the length and width of the foundation, the position of the future house on the site. Make sure that there are no discrepancies between what you planned and what happened.


Any foundation is suitable for a house made of glued laminated timber, since the walls are light.

The most popular are:

  • tape;
  • columnar;
  • combined.

A strip foundation is suitable in most cases, but it cannot be done if the soil in your area is heaving. First you need to dig a trench 40 cm wide and about one and a half meters deep. After that, the trench must be strengthened with a sand-gravel mixture, spilling it well with water.

After that, a box is made. Make sure that the height of the future foundation is sufficient. If you want a high foundation, make a box 50-60 cm high. Otherwise, 20 cm will be enough.

Having placed the box, lay the waterproofing material, pour the concrete mixture and leave to harden for 30 days. If you are building in the hot season, do not forget to wet the surface of the future base every 3-4 days so that it does not crack.

A columnar foundation is much easier to make. It is necessary to dig holes for the posts, strengthen their bottom with sand and gravel, then install the posts and fill them with a cement mixture.

The combined option is a combination of strip and column foundations. It is necessary to dig a trench, install pillars, and then also build a strip foundation. Get a reinforced base.


Before proceeding directly to laying out the walls, you need to install a wooden frame. The assembly of the house takes place on the frame. Each of the logs has locks, with the help of which it is attached to the neighboring ones. So, connecting logs to each other, you get walls.

Windows and doors

The position of windows and doors is determined according to the existing scheme, after which you need to saw the logs, leaving the appropriate gaps for windows and doors. It is important to do these preparations in advance, since it will not be possible to mount them in the future.

It is possible to install double-glazed windows and door blocks only after the roof is made.


The most popular option is pitched roofing. Moreover, the overwhelming majority choose a gable, and not a classic hip. This is due to the aesthetic appeal of buildings made of glued beams: they look better under a gable roof than under a hip roof.

However, there are exceptions to every rule. Not so long ago, flat roofs came into fashion, requiring special skills during construction. Although they require much less materials to build, the cost is offset by the cost of hiring a team of professional builders for the calculations and the construction itself.

To make a simple gable roof, you need:

  • mount the Mauerlat;
  • assemble a truss system on the ground;
  • hoist the truss system in place;
  • block the roof, providing insulation, as well as vapor barrier from the inside and waterproofing from the outside;
  • cover with roofing material.

Of course, this plan is only an approximate list of steps, but for a person familiar with the construction business, the construction of a gable is not a problem.

As for the choice of roof height, you need to focus on the strength and direction of the wind. In each of the climatic zones, most of the time, some of its indicators prevail. Information on this issue can be clarified on the website of the meteorological service of your region.


One can argue endlessly about whether facing work is needed or not in the case of houses made of glued laminated timber.

Everyone decides for himself which type of house is closer to him. However, it is important to properly process the timber: cover with an antiseptic, sealant, treat with all kinds of anti-swelling impregnations if you live in a region with high humidity.

It is worth remembering that in houses made of timber, the microclimate is not the most favorable. The use of additional additives and propyl will make walls that are not the most permeable less breathable.

Outside, it is not necessary to insulate the house, since the beam already fits snugly together, guaranteeing the proper level of thermal insulation. In fact, one treatment with an antiseptic and protective agents can be limited without continuing the finishing work.


As in the case of cladding, there are two opinions regarding the finish. Some believe that it is not necessary to cover the walls with wallpaper or paint, because the log is already beautiful in itself. Adherents of other interior styles tend to wallpapering, tiling and other decoration methods. The most important thing is to prepare the walls. They need a thick layer of plaster if they are to be glued on.

Floors must be covered. It is important to insulate them well before this, as well as the roof. By themselves, the walls of the timber practically do not release heat, but the same cannot be said about the floors and the roof. To increase the comfort of living in such a house, it is recommended to equip the "warm floor" system. This will partially remove the heating issue.

The design of the ceiling depends on the wishes of the customer. If the goal is to preserve the originality of the house, continuing the theme of its exterior, then it is recommended to leave the beamed ceiling.

If the ceiling is already partially closed, then there are two ways to design it:

  • plastering;
  • stretch ceiling.

The first option is expensive and time-consuming, and therefore is almost never used. Stretch ceilings are very popular, and making them in a glued beam house is no more difficult than in Khrushchev. For relatively little money, you will get a beautiful, even ceiling that protects against leaks from the roof.

In wooden construction, logs, beams, boards (in frame construction) are used, but wood has several fairly serious natural flaws, which lumber manufacturers for building houses are trying to level today.

One of the most high-tech materials for the construction of a country house of permanent residence is profiled. We offer an overview - how to build a house from glued beams, with a description of all the assembly steps.

Advantages and disadvantages of a glued beam house

A house made of glued laminated timber has a number of advantages that are inherent only in buildings made of this material.

Advantages of glued timber houses

  • low thermal conductivity. A private house built of glued laminated timber does not need insulation;
  • the possibility of implementing a project of any complexity. Due to the geometry of the beam, it is possible to make long walls without splicing. In addition, it is possible to purchase bent glued beams. At the same time, using glued beams in construction, it becomes possible to assemble walls of different thicknesses, which is a source of savings in construction;
  • there is no need to seal the walls. The tight fit of the beam and minimal cracking allows you to abandon caulking and sealing joints;
  • antiseptic. The manufacturing technology of glued laminated timber provides for the spreading of timber into boards and their subsequent gluing. This makes it possible to cut out knots and other defects, as well as dry the board to the desired moisture content. The glue with which the lamellas are connected acts as an antiseptic. In addition, glued laminated timber is treated with flame retardants;
  • environmental friendliness. Adhesives and wood used are certified for compliance with standards and safety;
  • biological inertness;
  • high speed of construction, which reduces the time of construction / commissioning and allows you to quickly move into the house;
  • minimal shrinkage, which makes it possible to start finishing immediately after construction is completed;
  • aesthetic appearance. Glued laminated timber does not crack like a log or natural timber. This reduces the requirements for exterior finishes;
  • strength and long service life.

Cons of glued beam houses

The disadvantages are much less, but they are:

  • higher, chamber drying, the cost of timber;
  • the need for constant care of the tree (a feature of all wooden houses) in order to reduce the rate of its aging and discoloration.

As you can see, there are more attractive sides than negative ones, which is why the construction of timber houses is popular in Europe.

Stages of building a house from glued beams

As already mentioned, glued laminated timber is a relatively easy-to-use material, and a step-by-step instruction describing each stage in detail will eliminate errors and outline a plan for starting building a house with your own hands or attracting a contractor.

stage number Name Content
1. Project development - individual or standard project.
2. Foundation pouring - calculation of the type of foundation depending on the characteristics of the soil, terrain, groundwater level, project, etc. factors;
- arrangement of the pit;
- Arrangement of formwork with reinforcement;
- pouring concrete and curing.
3. Laying the first crown - waterproofing;
- the first row of timber.
4. Installation lag - arrangement of the subfloor above the plinth;
- installation of the subfloor above the basement;
5. box construction - laying the remaining rows;
- device of interroom partitions;
- installation of interfloor overlappings.
6. Roofing - installation of the truss system;
- installation of a roofing pie (insulation and finishing).
7. Installation of individual elements - installation of vertical structural elements (pillars, columns, supports);
- filling openings (window and door frames);
- Ladder installation.
8. Interior decoration - communications;
- decorative trim
9. Exterior finish - point sealing;
- protection of wood.

Proper preparation for the assembly of the house and a clear sequence of work guarantee a quality result.

Stage 1 - Project development

The project of a house made of glued laminated timber is a prerequisite for starting construction. There are four ways to get a project:

  • download the finished project(free on the Internet) and perform work on it. But, it is worth remembering that the network contains projects that are designed for specific users and operating conditions. Just by copying the finished project, you may encounter a mismatch between the type of foundation and the type of soil, with the insufficient size of the house, difficulties with connecting communications, etc.;
  • download the finished project and change "for yourself". The most popular option. However, it requires a change, and for this you need to have certain knowledge and skills in working with computer programs in this area (ArchiCAD, AutoCAD);
  • order development in a construction company. They usually offer many options to choose from and take care of everything related to making changes and obtaining permits. This option is not suitable for everyone who plans to build a house from glued laminated timber with their own hands, because. incurs additional costs;
  • order an individual project. Note that the cost of the project can reach 25-30% of the total construction budget. The material was prepared for the site

How to redo a house project?

Many owners are taken for independent revision of ready-made standard projects (adaptation to certain operating conditions). To avoid mistakes, you need to take into account:

Factor Description
1. Purpose of the building - country house;
- house of seasonal residence;
- house of permanent residence.
2. Material parameters - indicators of humidity: for glued beams is 12-15%;
- geometry: the appearance of the beam, affects the type of assembly;
- section;
- profile view.
3. Building area - number of rooms;
- area of ​​rooms;
- configuration of the house and arrangement of rooms;
- number of floors;
- the presence of a ladder and its parameters;
- specific needs of residents;
4. Location of the house - the ability to connect to the central communications;
- influence of other objects (well, reservoir, septic tank, access roads);
- appearance of the site (relief, perennial plantings, trees);
- features of the soil;
- distance from the boundaries of the site.

As a result of the design, a finished project is created, according to which permits will be obtained.

Note that construction with the subsequent legalization of the object is a rather complicated and costly task, so it is better to get documents for building a house before it starts.

To approve the house project, you need to provide:

  • foundation drawing. This document contains geodetic survey data (soil, relief, composition, groundwater level, soil freezing depth) and foundation data (type, depth, material used);
  • floor plan of the building. It indicates: the number, size and location of windows, doors, passages, partitions, communications, fireplace, stairs. Each element contains a description and dimensions;
  • spreading. A document containing data on the number and cross section of the beam that will be used to build each of the walls. Having a spread, it is easier to make a calculation of glued laminated timber for building a house.
  • specification of elements with indication of dimensions. It is convenient to compile such a document using a computer program;
  • roof data with a detailed description of the roofing cake(material, its parameters, type of insulation, films, gaps, type of roofing material, heating pipes, the presence of windows, etc.).
  • project visualization.

What kind of glued beam is better to build a house from?

When developing a project, you need to take into account the parameters of the beam itself.

  • 100x100 mm - buildings not intended for permanent residence, gazebos;
  • 150x150 mm - at home (with mandatory insulation), baths;
  • 200x200 mm - houses of permanent residence.

The cross-section of glued laminated timber can be increased to 360 mm on request, and the length of the timber can reach 18 meters (limited by the possibility of transportation).

Heat transfer resistance for a house is calculated based on the recommendations of SNiP II-3-79.

What profile of glued laminated timber to choose for the house?

  • comb or German profile allows to provide very dense joint of a bar. Such a joint does not require the use of heat-insulating material, however, it is quite difficult to fold the beam clearly without experience;
  • Finnish profile or Scandinavian makes it possible to lay a thin heat-insulating material between the crowns. Thanks to the profile configuration, it is easier to fold it for beginners who have no experience in construction.

Domokomplekt from a glued bar

Another factor that will make the house faster and better is the use of a house kit.

Domokomplekt- this is a ready-made set of glued beams for building a house. All beams are marked, the length specified by the project and the landing bowl. The assembly is performed according to the instructions (as a constructor).

The set of house kit includes: beams of crowns, beams for ceilings, material for arranging the truss system, logs of the subfloor, details according to the project (columns, supports, timber for the wall, etc.). On request, it can contain elements of fine finishing: finishing floor boards, terrace boards, lining for the ceiling, etc.

The use of a house kit allows you to reduce the work on arranging seats.

You can order a house kit from the manufacturer of glued beams. It should be borne in mind that the kit will cost 20-25% more than the moldings. But, with a complex project, this is the best option.

As a rule, it is the manufacturer who assembles the house from glued laminated timber, because. offers competitive pricing. Those. You can separately buy a house kit made of glued laminated timber from the manufacturer, but the price will be an order of magnitude higher than the one that the plant lays in the turnkey service.

Comparison of construction from moldings and a house kit from glued laminated timber for self-assembly in the table:

Stage 2 - Pouring the foundation for a house from a bar

The peculiarity of wooden construction is that the work is carried out using a relatively light material (than, for example, brick), which reduces the requirements for the foundation. The foundation is poured in accordance with the design documentation, and work is suspended for the duration of curing.

Today, wooden houses made of glued logs are very popular. And this is understandable, because they are beautiful, durable and environmentally safe. In this article, we will consider how to assemble a house from a bar with our own hands so that you do not have to regret the work done later. In particular, we will understand what is the optimal sequence of work in this case, as well as what is important to consider when building such a house.

However, before you start, perhaps, you should first familiarize yourself with what constitutes such material as glued logs.

Material overview

In fact, these are boards glued together using a special technology. But there is an important point here - for the manufacture of this material, only (!) High-quality boards (lamellas) treated with antiseptics are used, from the surface of which the bark and other elements that can cause the process of wood decay are completely removed.

Plus, a log of this type initially has an optimal level of humidity, so that the product is ready for use immediately and does not dry out after the construction of the house is completed. And accordingly, due to this, the house practically does not shrink, and the logs in the walls do not deform.

A house made of such material requires a minimum of finishing, costs a long time and looks great.

It is worth noting separately that it is quite easy to build a house from a bar with your own hands - there would be a desire.

As for the shortcomings, here you can highlight just a couple of points:

  1. Relatively high cost of the material;
  2. Poor-quality project implementation is definitely not worth saving on the professionalism of designers and installers.

Pay attention to the fact that do-it-yourself timber house projects provide for such a factor as linking the interior and the surrounding area to the “natural” design style.
That is, if you built a wooden house, then you must agree that the high-tech style in the rooms and a lot of glass elements, for example, in the courtyard, will not go well with wooden walls.
Therefore, you need to think over the whole concept of the project in advance, and if your own knowledge is not enough, then by all means take advice from a professional designer.
So that then the house does not look ridiculous.

In principle, we have familiarized ourselves with the material and its features, now we can begin the construction process.

So, where do they start building wooden houses from timber with their own hands - a brief instruction.

House design

This is a very important stage, since everything literally depends on how correctly the drawings were made and all the necessary calculations were made.

First, based on the project data, the necessary material is purchased. If you calculate everything with errors, then buy either too much, or vice versa - not enough. Both options are unprofitable, since in the first case you will overpay for things you do not need, and in the second situation you will pay extra for delivery and also overpay for the material, because it is always cheaper in bulk.

Secondly, the quality and durability of the house in the future depends on how well the project is completed. And for these factors to be at their best, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. And for this, of course, you need to have great knowledge.

But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to make house projects from a bar with your own hands - it is quite possible, only for this you will need at least a minimum set of knowledge in construction and, of course, the ability to work in appropriate computer programs. If there are no skills in construction, then perhaps it makes sense to still order a project from a specialist - it will be more reliable and faster.

Because you need to think about such important points:

  • Foundation. Here it is necessary to understand the features of wooden houses, the types of soils and what materials are best used in a given situation.
  • Floor beam arrangement. This is a very important point, since it is important to be able to correctly take into account not only the location, but also the load that will subsequently fall on the logs.
  • Floor plan of the house. This is an incredibly important stage, because it is necessary to calculate the dimensions, weight and compatibility of all elements of the future design.

Pay attention to the fact that the configuration of the house also depends on which timber to order.
And this means that it is important to understand what types of connections are, their features, etc.
In the company that makes the material, of course, they can advise, but without knowledge of the subject, it is better not to place an order - at least consult with an independent specialist.
It will be inexpensive, but you will order exactly what you really need for construction.

  • The scheme of the truss system of the house. It is also an important stage - after all, not only does everything need to be done firmly, but also so that there are no leaks.

As you can see, designing a house from a bar with your own hands is not a very simple matter, and knowledge in this matter is really needed. Unless, of course, you want to end up with a quality (and safe!) home.

We figured out the design, now we can consider the stages of the work itself.

Building a house

It is worth noting that the order and principle of work is indicated for general cases - that is, simply speaking, it is optimal for standard situations. If your specific project has any features, then there may be deviations from the instructions below.

But in general, do-it-yourself houses from glued laminated timber are built approximately as described below.

Let's start building from the base of the house.


In most cases, a particularly strong foundation is not required, since a standard house, which is made of glued laminated timber, does not have a very large weight. But this does not mean that you can save a lot on the quality of concrete and the foundation in general - a minimum margin of safety is needed in any case.

A standard one-story or two-story house made of timber can be "put" on the following types of foundation:

  • On a columnar It is best to do it when there is a displacement of the soil, flooding of the territory, or when the house is placed on a plot with a slope.

  • On slab. In fact, such a foundation is a monolithic slab, which is done when you need to make the most solid foundation for the building. The main features of such a foundation are high reliability and durability, and the fact that the price of such a project is quite high, since a considerable amount of concrete and reinforcement will be required.

  • On tape. This is the best option in standard cases, since everything turns out quite reliably and not too expensive.


This is just the fastest step. Provided that the project is done correctly, the bar is ordered exactly the one that is needed (that is, with pre-cut depressions and protrusions for all joints) and there are helpers, everything will really go very quickly.

The principle here is quite simple.

A beam is laid around the perimeter, temporarily fastened together with nails, then holes are drilled for dowels (special fasteners for glued beams), after which everything is thoroughly fastened, the horizontal level of the logs is checked, and then each next row is laid according to the same scheme.

In principle, that's all - it remains only to make the roof (it is done according to the same principle as for ordinary houses), finish the finish and it turns out that the house is made of glued laminated timber with your own hands and is ready for operation.

Let's summarize.


We have examined the order in which glued laminated timber houses are built and what is important to consider. We hope that the instruction will be useful to you in practice. And if you want to know more, then in the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Stages of building a house from glued beams, the advantages and disadvantages of glued beams, how the foundation is poured, the construction of strong walls and a reliable roof.

Currently, the construction of houses from glued beams is gaining more and more popularity, they are more environmentally friendly, with proper insulation they are not inferior in thermal characteristics to brick ones and have a beautiful appearance. However, so that in the process of living, the joy is not overshadowed by the sad consequences, you need to know all the nuances of creating a structure from a bar.

This article describes in detail the process of building a house using a beam, the advantages and disadvantages of a beam, what are the stages of building a beam, how to properly develop a project, which must be taken into account when pouring the foundation. How is the installation of the first crown of timber, how to fix the first row of timber on the foundation. Where does the installation of the lag of the subfloor begin, how is the construction of the box of the house from glued laminated timber.

Types and methods of joining glued beams, how longitudinal and corner joints occur, which means the junction of walls from glued beams, how a complex knot is formed, how to make a groove in a beam. What requirements apply to the fastening of timber and ceilings in a house made of glued laminated timber. How roofing work is carried out, installation of individual elements, interior and exterior decoration.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of glued laminated timber, reviews of the owners, what are the terms for the construction of the structure and how does the actual shrinkage of the house occur. The technology of Finnish houses, their advantages and step-by-step construction instructions, what technical features of assembling a house from glued beams arise are fully described.

Advantages and disadvantages of a glued beam house

In wooden construction, logs, beams, boards (in frame construction) are used, but wood has several fairly serious natural flaws, which lumber manufacturers for building houses are trying to level today.

One of the most high-tech materials for the construction of a country house of permanent residence is profiled laminated timber.

A house made of glued laminated timber has a number of advantages that are inherent only in buildings made of this material.

Stages of building a house from glued beams

As already mentioned, glued laminated timber is a relatively easy-to-use material, and a step-by-step instruction describing each stage in detail will eliminate errors and outline a plan for starting building a house with your own hands or attracting a contractor.

Stage 1 - Project development

The project of a house made of glued laminated timber is a prerequisite for starting construction. There are four ways to get a project:

  • download the finished project (for free on the Internet) and work on it. But, it is worth remembering that the network contains projects that are designed for specific users and operating conditions. Just by copying the finished project, you may encounter a mismatch between the type of foundation and the type of soil, with the insufficient size of the house, difficulties with connecting communications, etc.;
  • download the finished project and change "for yourself". The most popular option. However, it requires a change, and for this you need to have certain knowledge and skills in working with computer programs in this area (ArchiCAD, AutoCAD);
  • order development in a construction company. They usually offer many options to choose from and take care of everything related to making changes and obtaining permits. This option is not suitable for everyone who plans to build a house from glued laminated timber with their own hands, because. incurs additional costs;
  • order an individual project. Note that the cost of the project can reach 25-30% of the total construction budget. Material

How to redo a house project?

Many owners are taken for independent revision of ready-made standard projects (adaptation to certain operating conditions). To avoid mistakes, you need to take into account:

Purpose of the building

  • country house;
  • seasonal home;
  • house of permanent residence.

Material parameters

  • humidity indicators: for glued beams it is 12-15%;
  • geometry: the appearance of the beam, affects the appearance of the assembly;
  • section;
  • profile view.

Building area

  • number of rooms;
  • area of ​​rooms;
  • house configuration and room layout;
  • number of floors;
  • the presence of a ladder and its parameters;
  • specific needs of residents;

Location of the house

  • the ability to connect to central communications;
  • the influence of other objects (well, reservoir, septic tank, access roads);
  • the appearance of the site (relief, perennial plantations, trees);
  • soil features;
  • distance from site boundaries.

As a result of the design, a finished project is created, according to which permits will be obtained.

Note that construction with the subsequent legalization of the object is a rather complicated and costly task, so it is better to get documents for building a house before it starts.

To approve the house project, you need to provide:

  • foundation drawing . This document contains geodetic survey data (soil, relief, composition, groundwater level, soil freezing depth) and foundation data (type, depth, material used);
  • floor plan of the building. It indicates: the number, size and location of windows, doors, passages, partitions, communications, fireplace, stairs. Each element contains a description and dimensions;
  • spreading. A document containing data on the number and cross section of the beam that will be used to build each of the walls. Having a spread, it is easier to make a calculation of glued laminated timber for building a house.
  • specification of elements with indication of dimensions. It is convenient to compile such a document using a computer program;
  • roof data with a detailed description of the roofing cake (material, its parameters, type of insulation, films, gaps, type of roofing material, heating pipes, the presence of windows, etc.).
  • project visualization.

The main disadvantage of glued beams is the price. The material has moved from the elite segment to the middle one, but still, a house kit is more expensive than a log or an ordinary beam. What else are sellers hiding? Today we will talk about the real disadvantages of glued laminated timber and the problems faced by the owners of houses built from it.

Let's start with the price. The most frequent question of the buyer: why is it so expensive?

The main disadvantage is the price of glued laminated timber

What makes up the cost

  1. The price of raw materials. For the production of glued laminated timber, a tree with defects is not suitable: cracks, poor-quality processing, fungus damage. In the process of drying, planing and removing defective places, a large percentage of wood is lost (for example, it takes up to 1.55 cubic meters of raw board to manufacture 1 cubic meter of glued laminated timber).
  2. Adhesive costs. For high-quality and safe bonding, you have to buy expensive European-made compositions.
  3. Production cost. Drying chambers, woodworking equipment, lamella presses, machines for profiling, cutting house kits - without a complete set of equipment it is impossible to produce high-quality glued laminated timber.
  4. Compensation for skilled workers and woodworking engineers. Even the most advanced equipment requires knowledge and responsibility. All stages of production in GOOD WOOD are accepted according to checklists.
  5. The beam goes through the process of antiseptic and end sealing. The ends of the timber are the most vulnerable place for moisture to penetrate through open pores, which can lead to cracking. To avoid this, we apply a special liquid sealant to the ends, which closes the pores and prevents the penetration of moisture.
  6. Package. Ready-to-assemble parts are packed in packs and covered with a special film to protect them from moisture and sunlight. In GOOD WOOD, the maximum shelf life in production is 5 days. During this time, a party is formed and sent to the construction site.

Why is cheap glued laminated timber sometimes found

The only way to reduce the cost of production is to eliminate some item from the process or replace the material with a cheaper one. That is why, if you are offered a house made of glued laminated timber for 1-2 million rubles, get ready to get a cottage with defects:

  • Unfinished wood. The walls dry out and crack.
  • Poor quality adhesive. The item exfoliates immediately or after 1-2 seasons.
  • geometry violation. Parts are poorly fitted to each other, there are gaps at the joints.
  • Fungal infection. Appears in case of violation of storage rules, purchase of cheap material.

How to lower the price without losing quality

When glued laminated timber appeared on the market, it was so expensive that it was found only in elite villages. The material was brought from Finland, there was no own production. After the appearance of equipment in Russia, the situation has changed - now we can produce material cheaper, create our own products, and optimize processes.

Own production and laboratory are expensive, but they helped GOOD WOOD to make glued laminated timber more affordable, to develop popular standard projects.

Glued laminated timber cannot be chosen by price - production is expensive, so the underestimated cost directly indicates a violation of manufacturing or construction technology. High-quality glued laminated timber lasts a long time and allows us to safely offer houses with a guarantee of up to 50 years.

Attention: delamination of the beam along the glue line

What should I do if the beam delaminated along the vertical plane of gluing? Disassemble the wall, change the defective crown? Cut out the damaged area? This is either impossible or too expensive. The only way is to prevent delamination of the timber. That is, to prevent even the occurrence of such a situation. But how to avoid stratification?

In practice, everything is very simple - you need high-quality glue, exact adherence to technology. GOOD WOOD uses Akzo Nobel glue, a special two-component compound that tightly bonds wood. The test is carried out by an engineer of the technical control department.

In order to achieve the absence of delamination in 100% of the products, it was necessary to purchase an automatic line for gluing, conclude an agreement for the supply of glue, and set the modes in such a way as to ensure that the technology is not violated. But the result is worth it - GOOD WOOD glued laminated timber does not delaminate.

Are cracks normal?

Have you been promised a cottage made of glued laminated timber without cracks? This is a lie. Any wood cracks - such a distinctive property of the material. Another thing is that these cracks should not worsen the thermal insulation properties, the appearance of the walls.

There are two types of cracks:

  1. Cracks in a massive bar or log. These are unlimited defects that go deep into the middle of the crown, and sometimes even become through.
  2. Cracks in the glued beam (we are talking about a quality glued product). In the most difficult case, the wood cracks to the thickness of one lamella, but this is rare, usually the depth is no more than 2-3 mm. Sometimes a kind of cobweb of several microcracks is formed on the surface.

Such a difference in the nature of defects is achieved due to the multi-layered laminated timber: the fibers of the inner lamella are arranged differently than those of the outer lamella - each lamella keeps adjacent boards from cracking.

Note. Do not forget about the effect of heating intensity on the appearance of cracks. If the building was not used in winter, then you can not immediately turn on the heating equipment at full capacity - it is important to gradually warm up the walls.

So is there shrinkage or not?

Shrinkage in houses made of glued laminated timber is 1.5-2%. This is very small compared to wood with natural moisture content (up to 10%) and even dry wood (up to 4%), but if you are offered a house made of glued laminated timber without shrinkage at all, do not believe it. There is shrinkage, and it must be taken into account.

In addition to shrinkage, it is possible to change the linear dimensions, the relative position of the parts, depending on the humidity and the season. Wooden houses are like a living organism that changes over time. In summer, the tree absorbs moisture and swells slightly, in winter it gives off and shrinks. This is how the seasonal movements of wood manifest themselves. If maintenance is carried out according to the instructions (twice a year, adjust the support nodes), then changes do not cause trouble.

Preliminary drying of the lamellas in special chambers reduces the percentage of shrinkage and eliminates deformations. Boards spend in chambers up to 7 days.

Drying results:

  1. The slats evenly and gradually lose excess moisture without cracking, tearing or twisting.
  2. A dry board is better processed, spliced.
  3. The slats have almost taken their final shape and size.

Although in lumber houses after chamber drying, according to measurements taken 2-3 years after construction, shrinkage does not exceed 2%, in GOOD WOOD projects, shrinkage is laid with a margin of up to 4%. To compensate for changes in dimensions, jacks, studs, technological gaps, and sliding fasteners are included in the design. This is an obligatory part of every glued beam cottage project.

For more information about anti-shrink technologies, see the video “Why does a wooden house need jacks? Uniform shrinkage of a wooden house "

The video tells about the observance of shrinkage technology during finishing and the need for timely maintenance of a wooden house:

The house needs processing and maintenance

You can't build a house and forget about maintenance. Of course, you won’t have to caulk three times, deal with through cracks and renew the coating every year, but regular maintenance is also needed for a house made of glued laminated timber.


Before shipment, the parts are treated with a transport antiseptic. This coating protects the tree for six months. During this time, you need to apply permanent protection, paint the walls. The paint is usually renewed every 5-10 years (depending on whether the whole house or its sides are on the sunny or shady side).


General composition of maintenance:

  1. Visually inspect walls, ceilings, partitions, roofs, foundations.
  2. We measure cracks, cracks (if any).
  3. We evaluate the horizontality of the running beams, adjust the position with jacks as they shrink.
  4. We tighten the pins. The linear size decreases over time, to maintain the desired rigidity, it is required to keep the studs in a tightened state.
  5. We adjust windows and doors so that the sashes continue to work perfectly, regardless of changes in the geometry of the house.
  6. We check the position and tightness of the drainage system, adjust the brackets.
  7. We evaluate the condition of the roof, the correctness of the geometry of the truss system.
  8. We test electrical wiring, sockets, switches, protective automation.
  9. We check the free state of the sliding fasteners.

It is advisable to carry out maintenance every 6 months - this way it is possible to adjust the position in time, to achieve uniform shrinkage without gaps, geometry violations. The first 3-5 years are especially important (time of intensive shrinkage). Then the house takes on a more permanent shape, you can increase the pause.

More information about the maintenance schedule can be found in a special section.

Summing up

You can't save money on a purchase. High-quality glued timber is expensive. A wooden house, even from glued beams, requires investment in operation, maintenance and care, since wood is a natural material.
We have specially compiled a “Client Memo”, where we talk in detail about the features of the operation of such houses.
We invite you to visit the seminar-excursion "Construction of a country house: technologies, stages, cost" and ask questions to specialists in wooden houses.