Road sign 2 1. Installation of a sign outside the settlement

It is very important to know and follow all the rules of the road if a person gets behind the wheel of a vehicle. Special signs are installed on the roads, according to which it is necessary to move in the general stream of other cars.

The road sign Main road is known to all motorists, as it will have advantages over others. But at the same time, it raises a lot of controversy and questions.

If you imagine a main road sign, its picture will look like a diamond-shaped tablet, and have a white frame, and yellow inside. The only one among other signs, the sign of the main road has such an image. If you look at his photo, it becomes clear that he is visible from afar, and even if you move in the opposite lane. In the rules of traffic rules, it is designated as 2.1.

Since this pointer refers to priority signs, this means that drivers will take advantage on this section of the road. Motorists from other directions, on the contrary, must give way.

But why do disagreements arise when, it would seem, everything is clear? If this sign is present, it means that this road is the main one. Misunderstandings can arise when the carriageway changes direction.

As a rule, along with this sign, additional signs are also used, which will show the direction of the turn, that is, in which direction the main road will continue. It is depicted schematically with a black outline on a white background. This is a kind of layout of the intersection, where the direction of the main road is highlighted with a bold line. The rest are left to the secondary. These additional pointers are installed only together with a certain sign, they do not act as an independent element.

How is the main road chosen?

It is necessary to mark the main road in those places where there are unregulated intersections, or entrances from adjacent roads. And the main need for this sign is to regulate the order in which vehicles should pass such an intersection. And the main road will take precedence over the rest.

When a traffic light is installed at the intersection, or the traffic controller is working, then this indicator is canceled. An additional plate may be installed under such a sign, which will indicate the direction of movement. And thanks to it, the motorist will be able to determine in what order the vehicles should cross the intersection.

For your own safety, when approaching an intersection, it would be better to reduce your speed and assess the situation as a whole at the intersection. Having determined the advantage of the movement of each of the directions, if possible, continue on your way further. Simple manipulations can sometimes save you from unpleasant situations.

Who will have the advantage?

On the road, you can often find that the advantage sign will be accompanied by a certain trajectory.

For example: The road will turn left, respectively, the advantage will be on it. In this case, it is important to consider that when a motorist wants to continue straight ahead, he will also have priority over other road users.

Common driving situations:

  • When there are working traffic lights at the intersection where the priority sign is installed, you should first of all focus on them. Pointers here are necessary in case when the traffic light does not function, this happens, for example, at night.
  • If no signs are installed at the entrance to the intersection, then the priority direction will be determined by the road surface, or by the right-hand rule.

Penalty for violation

Rules are made to be followed. This is especially true of behavior on the road. After all, often, driving not according to the rules creates emergency situations in which people can suffer. And for any violation of the rules, the motorist will be provided with a warning or other punishment. It can be like penalties. So is the loss of a driver's license.

If a sign indicating the main road is not observed, that is, when a motorist does not provide an advantage to another participant in the movement, he is provided with a fine of 1,000 rubles.

Always, even when driving on the main road, it is better to make sure that other motorists give way. Otherwise, an accident may not be avoided.

Territory where the sign is valid

In this case, it is not possible to specify a specific scope of such a pointer. This sign will be valid until the nearest intersection or until the corresponding established signs. When the main road continues past the junction, the sign will simply be re-erected.

When it is necessary to inform drivers that the priority of the main road is no longer valid, another sign is installed. It looks the same as the previous sign, with the difference that it is crossed out with four thin black lines - End of Main Road 2.2.

The end of the main road sign is usually installed before the intersection of roads that are equivalent in their status. If you re-read the traffic rules, it becomes clear that the main road will operate until the place where the sign about its cancellation will be installed. Although in life this is not always the case.

Signs should be placed under the sign, which will inform the motorist that the direction of the main road has changed. When they are absent, this means that the main direction is considered to be going straight.

In today's article, we will discuss the sign "Main Road" (2.1), which is associated with many questions for both beginners and motorists with a decent driving experience. As a rule, the most difficult thing for them is to figure out exactly how this sign works in places where the road changes its direction, and also to determine where its zone of action ends. These and some other topics related to the mentioned sign, we will consider in more detail.

Which section of the road is indicated by the sign 2.1

The "Main Road" sign is one of those that indicate priority. It is installed on the road, which has an advantage over the carriageway crossing it. And they do this, as a rule, in places where the intersection is not regulated, or there is an entrance from such a section of the road to the intersection.

In other words, the described sign determines the order of crossing through (by the way, a traffic light and a traffic controller cancel the action of this sign). Under it, a sign (8.13) can additionally be installed, indicating in which direction the main road goes, and this must be taken into account by the driver to set the order of crossing the intersection.

What does the road sign look like?

The road on which it is necessary to give way to traffic is indicated by a sign in the form of a yellow diamond in a white frame. The sign "Main Road" has such a shape for a reason, it has no analogue, so the sign is easy to detect at any section of the intersection, even from the back. And this will help the driver to correctly determine the order of passage through a difficult section of the road.

For greater safety, experienced drivers advise, when approaching an intersection, slow down and carefully examine its right corner. If there is no sign, look at the left corner, which is closer to the driver, and then at the one further away. This will help you accurately navigate and understand whether you should give way.

How can you determine which of the roads is the main one if the sign is not installed

In each settlement, the “Main Road” sign, the photo of which you can see in this article, is installed in front of intersections. But let's also clarify how you can determine the main road if this sign is not there?

In such cases, both the road surface and the location of adjacent roads will help you out. The status of the main one will be received only by the one where there is a hard surface in relation to the ground, or the one to which exits from nearby territories adjoin.

By the way, keep in mind that even if there is a surface on a secondary road, in the area adjacent to the intersection, it still does not become equal in value to the one that crosses it.

Location of the sign

The road sign "Main Road" is placed taking into account the distance to the place where it begins to operate. That is, this sign can be installed immediately before the intersection, which will be subject to this restriction.

Before all the intersections described is repeated. This precaution is necessary in connection with the peculiarities of the operation of the signs “Give way” (2.4), “Intersection ...” (2.3.1) or “Adjunction of a secondary road” (2.3.2 - 2.3.7), which are installed before leaving the adjacent side streets. All of the listed signs do not inform that the crossed road is the main one, but only require you to give way to the passage with or without a mandatory stop. In order to complete the information, sign 2.1 is duplicated.

By the way, instead of the once again repeated sign "Main road", one of the varieties of the sign "Adjunction to the main road" is sometimes used. But taking into account the fact that it is not installed right in front of the intersection, but at a distance from it, this is quite difficult to do in urban conditions. Therefore, this combination is used more often not in settlements, but behind them.

Area of ​​action of the sign "Main road"

In settlements, by the way, duplication of this sign is required before each intersection also because, in fact, it does not have any coverage area, except for the installation site, because it suggests priorities only at the intersection where it is located.

If the sign is installed at the beginning of the road (namely, behind the intersection), then its effect is extended to the entire section of the road. And where the road ceases to be the main one, a sign 2.2 is installed, saying this. By the way, remember that this sign does not immediately turn the road into a secondary one, it makes it clear that there is an intersection of equivalent roads in front of you.

How the sign "Main road changes direction" works

If there is no sign under the sign, it means that the priority road is going straight. In cases of a change in its direction, an additional sign is installed.

As experienced drivers confirm, it is most difficult to plan your actions at those intersections where the direction changes near the main road. Such a section of roads combines problems of two types: the intersection of equivalent and unequal intersections. And the main mistake of motorists in such cases is that they take into account only those signs that they see, without thinking about other corners of this intersection (we already talked about this above).

Imagine the case when you are at an intersection with a changing direction of a priority road. Both you and the driver standing, for example, on the right in front of the intersection, see the same “Main Road” sign, which gives an advantage in traffic! And this is discovered, as a rule, only later, after the accident! So what is the right way to act in such conditions?

Algorithm of the driver's action in case of changes in the direction of the priority road at the intersection

  • While at such an intersection, do not forget to think about all its sides and be sure to take into account the sign 8.13, which will show the direction of the main road.
  • You can mentally put this sign on the center of the intersection, and then a wide line will show the main road, and two narrow lines will show the secondary ones.
  • Having temporarily crossed out the secondary ones from consciousness, you must remember the main area. Then both you and the driver who is on the other half of the main road must act according to the right-hand obstruction rule.
  • Naturally, the one who does not have such interference will move first.
  • And only after the cars leave the main section, the transport located on the secondary roads begins to move according to the same scheme.

Please note that in this way a difficult intersection can be divided into two halves that are symmetrical and easy to pass.

Sign breaking

Remember also that if the driver violates the requirements of the road sign, namely, if the car does not provide priority traffic at the intersection, such actions are qualified in accordance with Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and are punishable by a fine of 1000 rubles. And in the case of driving where it was prohibited without stopping, the driver is punished under Art. 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation with a warning, or he is fined in the amount of 500 rubles.

Get yourself a table of traffic police fines, which will give you the opportunity to navigate the degree of punishment for any violations of the rules.

Advice to those who enter the intersection on the road considered the main

And finally, I would like to inspire those who drove up to the intersection, passing the sign "Main Road": please note that drivers who are at that moment on a secondary road do not remember the rules of the road!

Do not forget this for a minute and do not try to immediately cross the intersection. First stop and make sure that you are inferior, and only after realizing this, continue moving. Only such an attitude to the road will make your path safe, and you will successfully and without incident get to where you were in a hurry.

Traffic rules are a bible for motorists, but sometimes simple and understandable warnings can cause a lot of controversy and difficulties directly while the car is moving. Let's talk about a sign that everyone knows, even a child, but do not underestimate its importance and simplicity, many pitfalls are stored in perhaps the most common road sign "Main Road".

It is referred to as a priority designation, which regulates the priority of a vehicle entering an intersection that is not additionally regulated (by a traffic light or a traffic controller).

It is important and raises many questions, both for beginners and experienced drivers. At first glance, a simple meaning can have controversial situations in certain conditions. The most difficult thing to perceive is the effect of the rule in places where the carriageway changes direction or the termination of its zone of action. We will try to understand these and many other questions.

How is the Main Road sign depicted?

The badge is a yellow diamond-shaped plate with a white border. It is the only one of its kind, and for good reason. It can be recognized from afar, only by visually observing the outlines, even from the side of oncoming traffic.

As a supplement, they use signs indicating the direction and turn of movement, there are several of them, as well as other explanatory marks.

On a white background, a mini layout of the intersection is schematically depicted with a black outline, where the main direction is indicated by a bold line, and the secondary direction is indicated by a regular line.

Typically, such explanatory boards are not used independently, they always cooperate with the main road sign and no other.

Which roadway is given priority?

The mark is set along traffic that has priority over other crossing carriageways. The designation of this type is located, as a rule, in places of unregulated intersections or entrances to adjacent territories. Its task is to regulate the sequence of entry or crossing of an unregulated intersection.

In the case when the interchange is equipped with a traffic light or a traffic controller is attached to it, the priority action is canceled. A plate (8.13) may be installed under the sign, which indicates the direction of movement. This information is necessary so that the driver of the vehicle can easily determine the order in which to enter the intersection.

Experienced motorists are advised to slow down when approaching an intersection and pay attention to the right corner in relation to traffic. If the sign is absent, then it is necessary to look at the opposite left corner, then to the corner after the roadway. These manipulations will help to accurately understand the situation in this area and understand which in turn it is necessary to pass. In simple terms, it is worth assessing the situation at the entire intersection and paying attention to the priority of each of the traffic participants at this intersection.

If there is no main road sign

In built-up areas, the priority sign "Main Road" is installed in front of each intersection. But what if this is not installed? The markings directly on the roadway (on the surface), as well as the location and order of the roads adjacent to the main one, will come to the rescue.

Pay attention to coverage. So, for example, the main roadway with an asphalt surface in relation to the dirt or gravel, or any roadway in relation to the adjacent exits from the territories. The entrance to the territory, residential area will never be the main roadway.

Important ! Even if the surface of the road, which is secondary or exit from the territories, is made of solid material: asphalt or concrete, it will still not have the status of the main one or be equated with it.

Features of choosing an installation site

The structure is installed in advance on a stationary pole or above the roadway on an overpass or arch, that is, a warning is set before entering the intersection, taking into account the necessary distance for the driver to take measures and decisions while driving along the roadway. The alert is located at each intersection, that is, the intersection. This precaution is used to avoid misleading the motorist due to the effect of other alerts.

The following signs may be encountered along the way:

  • "Give Way";
  • "Joining and Crossing a Minor Road".

They are installed at the intersection of the main and secondary roads. However, these signs indicate only a temporary action applicable only to this denouement. If, for example, there is a give way sign on the corner, then this means only one thing - you should not interfere with traffic going along a secondary road, but by no means the end of the main road.

The action does not apply in relation to pedestrians and in a residential area, despite the fact that people are also road users. There are also cases when the driver after an accident complains that the pedestrian did not give way.

As a substitute for "Main Road", one of the forms of the "Join Main Road" sign can sometimes be seen. It is installed in advance, so in the conditions of the city it is difficult for motorists to navigate in this case. This combination is more often used outside the settlement.

Outside the city, the sign of the main road is not duplicated and is canceled only by the appropriate signal. Outside the city, a similar priority is set in areas of complex interchanges.

It is also worth remembering that if the road is designated as the main one in the conditions of the suburbs, then parking on this section of the road on the carriageway is strictly prohibited. The authorization to operate is a cancellation sign or a valid parking and resting sign.

Area of ​​action of the sign Main road

In fact, the combination does not have a specific area of ​​​​action: it only sets priority in the place where it is located. That is why it is duplicated at every intersection. To cancel the priority, the main road cancellation sign is applied. However, this does not mean at all that, while the carriageway becomes not the main one, such a sign states the fact that there is an intersection of roads of equal status ahead.

The rules of the road state that the priority extends to the place of its cancellation, but in practice this is not always the case.

Often there are signs under the sign informing the driver about the change in the direction of the priority road. If this sign is absent, then the main direction is straight.

As a rule, it is precisely those intersections where the priority changes direction that cause difficulties. The peculiarity of the situation lies in the combination of two problems: exit to the intersection with equivalent and unequal directions. By the way, the rules of passage of an equivalent intersection can be seen in this video.

In this case, it is worth considering not only the signs located directly in front of the car, but also those that are installed at the intersection as a whole, at all its corners and directions. As mentioned above, only a complete analysis will help to make the right decision. Do not forget about the "golden rule of the driver" - an obstacle on the right.

The sign is installed at the beginning of the section of the road with the right of way through unregulated intersections. In settlements, a sign is placed in front of each intersection on the main road. Before unregulated intersections, where the main road runs in a straight line, and the crossing road has no more than four lanes, it is allowed to install a sign 350x350 mm in size. In populated areas, the sign may not be installed on the side opposite to the junction before the junction of the secondary road to the main one.

Sign 2.1 with plate 8.13 is installed in front of intersections where the main road changes direction, as well as in front of intersections with a complex layout. In settlements, sign 2.1 with plate 8.13 is installed in front of the intersection, and outside settlements - previously at a distance of 150-300 m to the intersection and in front of the intersection (Figure B.4a). At the intersections of roads with several carriageways, the sign is installed before the intersections of the carriageways, where ambiguous determination of the primacy of roads is possible.

Signs are made of galvanized metal with a thickness of 0.8-1 mm, with double flanging, which gives additional rigidity to the body of the sign. Each sign has two attachment points in the form of "tongues". The fastening elements are attached to the body by the peeping method, which does not distort the image of the badge and provides much higher reliability than spot welding or riveting.