Drakensberg coordinates. Highest point of the dragon mountains

In Royal Natal Park, there is the World Heritage Site of Santa Lucia - an area of \u200b\u200b275 thousand hectares adjacent to the oldest lake of the same name on the planet.

The Golden Gate Highlands Nature Reserve - Golden Gate - is also located where the Drakensberg Mountains are, closer to the Maluti Mountains. This is a park named for the unusually beautiful golden glow of the Brandvag rock at sunset. The park was created in 1963 to protect the sandstones that once served as a refuge for the Bushmen from destruction.

Ukhahlamba Drakensberg National Park is another special place from the UNESCO list. The park, located in the Great Ledge zone, is considered the largest in the Drakensberg Mountains. Rare representatives of flora and fauna have survived here, the total number of which is more than 250 species.

Fauna of the Drakensberg mountains

The territory of the Drakensberg Mountains is distinguished by its exceptional nature. This is due primarily to the fact that the mountains serve as a natural barrier to those living here and on the inland plateau. The pristine nature has been preserved in the national parks. Ukhahlamba Drakensberg has a pristine strip of alpine and sub-alpine vegetation - a special region that bears the status of the World Center for Endemism and Plant Diversity. The birds that are endemic to the Drakensberg mountains are the bald ibis and bearded vulture, nesting only near the Cathedral Cave (a natural arch that was formed under the influence of water on sand during temperature fluctuations). The yellow-breasted pipit is also a rare endangered species. The Cape vulture lives only on the rocks of Ukhahlamba Park. Due to the presence of a large number of rare birds, UNESCO has designated part of the Drakensberg Mountains as an important bird area.

Only Ukhahlamba Park is home to such mammals as the oribi antelope, Burchella's zebra, and black wildebeest. The mountains are also inhabited by animals typical of southern Africa: antelopes (mountain redunka, bush duiker, bushbok, roe antelope), caracal, jackal, serval, leopard, otter, geneta, mongoose.

Flora of the Drakensberg mountains

Dragon Mountain is located in the south of the Afromontanny botanical-geographical area. Steppes, forests and woodlands are widespread here, where the world's only populations of white-tailed wildebeest and white rhinoceros live. Alpine vegetation is considered by botany to be analogous to alpine tundra. The east of the mountains is humid, its slopes (up to an altitude of 1200 m) are covered with rainforests with lianas, evergreen trees, epiphytes. Thorny shrubs, xerophytes and succulents grow from a height of 1200-1500 m. Above 2000 m there are mountain steppes, green meadows, stone deposits. The west of the mountains is covered with savannas and bushes.

Drakensberg Tourism

Unique nature, unique landscape, original culture of local residents make the Drakensberg mountains attractive for tourists. Drakensberg is interesting for the presence of three national parks and many reserves, where rare species of flora and fauna can be found. The mountains have ancient lakes, beautiful waterfalls, varied relief. People who are fond of history visit the cliffs in Ukhahlamba Park, where the paintings of the San people who lived in the Stone Age have been preserved.

There are about 600 such places in the Drakensberg Mountains. Drawings tell about the way of life of people of that time. Fans of active and extreme recreation have the opportunity to ride along the slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains on a Land Rover or on a horse. The mountains can be viewed from the helicopter window. Walking tours are organized to hard-to-reach places. Drakensberg Mountains attract tourists from all over the world, those who are a true connoisseur of true beauty.

DRAGON MOUNTAINS (Drakensberg), mountains in eastern South Africa, mainly in South Africa and Lesotho. Stretching from the south-west to the north-east from the Bolshoy Kei River to the Sabi River for a distance of over 1000 km. The most elevated part of the Great Ledge. In the central part, they include the eastern edge of the Lesotho Highlands up to 3482 m high (Mount Thabana-Ntlenyana, the highest point of the Drakensberg Mountains and South Africa). They are composed of Upper Paleozoic sandstones and clay shales of the Karu complex, overlapped by strata of the Middle Jurassic basaltic plateaus, which determine the table character of the Drakensky Mountains peaks, divided by erosion into steep stepped plateaus.

Drakensberg Mountains (Lesotho)

The Drakensberg Mountains form a watershed between the short rivers of the Indian Ocean basin (Tugela and others), which dissect the steep eastern slope of the Drakensberg Mountains, and the rivers of the Orange River basin.

On the eastern slopes of the Drakensberg mountains, heavy rains fall, mainly in summer (up to 1000-2000 mm per year), the climate of the western slopes is more arid (450-500 mm per year). On the peaks, the duration of the frosty period reaches 180 days, the snow cover forms. In the lower part of the eastern slopes of the mountains, indigenous subtropical evergreen forests (podocarpuses, laurel olive, bearded todea; lianas, epiphytes) are replaced mainly by secondary grasslands; at an altitude of 1800-2700 m, savannas with treelike proteaceae survived, along the valleys - areas of coniferous forests from viddringtonia. Above, low-grass alpine-type meadows and stony placers dominate. On the western slopes, tall-grass grasses (veld) are widespread. The middle Drakensberg Mountains are the center of a variety of vascular plants and bryophytes. About 50 species of mammals live in the Drakensberg mountains: predators (leopard, jackal, caracal, serval, otters, genets, mongooses) and ungulates are especially diverse. The avifauna is rich (over 300 bird species); the populations of nesting migrant birds from the Palaearctic are unique (black stork, golden bee-eater, etc.).


To protect diverse fauna, habitats of rare and endemic plant species for South Africa, national parks Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg (South Africa, included in the World Heritage List), Sehlabatebe (Lesotho) have been created. One of the highest waterfalls in the world is located within the Royal Natal National Park (South Africa) in the upper reaches of the Tugela River.

Lit .: Killick D. Drakensberg alpine region // Centers of plant diversity: a guide and strategy for their conservation. Oxf. 1994; Vegetation of Southern Africa / Ed. R. Cowling, D. Richardson, S. Pierce. Camb., 1997.

Drakensberg Mountains (South Africa)

The Lost World of the Drakensberg Mountains is one of the most beautiful places on our Earth. The Drakensberg Mountains on the map of the world or Africa are easy to find, they occupy the territory of three African states - South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. The mountain range is almost a monolithic wall of solid basalt, a thousand kilometers long. The mountains stretch along the southeastern coast of South Africa and are a natural watershed between rivers flowing into the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. The highest point of the Drakensberg Mountains, Mount Thabana-Ntlenyana with a height of 3482 m, is located in the state of Lesotho.

Above the eastern slopes of the mountains, there is a lot of precipitation, in the region of the western slopes there is a drier climate. There are many active mines in the Drakensberg Mountains, where gold, tin, platinum and coal are mined.

More than two million tourists annually visit the Republic of South Africa, the provinces of the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal to see the real miracle of nature - the Drakensberg Mountains.

Myths and legends of the Drakensberg mountains

There are several versions of the origin of such an unusual name.

Drakensberg mountains, South Africa

Locals love to tell the legend about a huge fire-breathing dragon, which was seen in these parts in the 19th century. Perhaps the name of the Drakensberg Mountains came from the Boers, who named them so for their inaccessibility, because it is very difficult to wade between rocky ledges and mountainous placers. Another version of the name comes from the misty haze that envelops the peaks of the mountains. The clouds of mist are very similar to the vapor from the nostrils of a dragon.

Rock paintings in mountain caves are of great interest: scientists have determined that some of the drawings are more than 100 thousand years old! The Ukashlamba-Drakensberg nature reserve, on the territory of which there are caves with prehistoric inscriptions, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000.

Drakensberg Mountains is a wonderful corner of South Africa, where you can enjoy clean air, rustle of wind and forests, above which mountain falcons, bearded eagles and vultures soar. Predatory animals left these places long ago, thereby creating conditions for the breeding of many species of antelope. Herds of graceful animals are often found along the route of excursion routes.

Park Ukashlamba-Drakensberg is a great place for a weekend, where you can stay for a couple of days in a cozy house or hostel, fish for trout in crystal deep lakes. For fans of outdoor activities - rock climbing, rafting, horseback riding and hiking.

How to get there?

The Drakensberg Mountains are just a couple of hours drive from Durban, a city on the east coast of South Africa. Durban Airport receives international flights and flights from other cities in South Africa around the clock. You can go to the mountains with a tent and tourist equipment, and for those who want a more relaxing holiday, the park staff will offer to stay at one of the hotels.

  • Where: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal province
  • Height above sea level: 3482 meters
  • Highest point:Thabana-Ntlenyana
  • Countries: South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland

South Africa attractions: All South Africa attractions


Dragon mountains

in South Africa; SOUTH AFRICA. In the language of one of the local tribes, these are the Kwathlamba mountains - "rocky place", "pile of rocks"... The Boers called them Drakensberg for their inaccessibility and wildness - "dragon mountains".

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST... Pospelov E.M. 2001.


mountains in the South. Africa. Height up to 3482 m. They are composed of sandstones, covered with basalts, table peaks are characteristic. Badly destroyed, divided into plateaus. Wet East the slopes are covered with heavily deforested tropical forests, dry west. - savannas. Above are mountain meadows and stony placers.

Concise Geographical Dictionary... EdwART. 2008.

Dragon mountains

(Drakensberg), in Yuzh. Africa (South Africa), break off to the coast of the Indian Ocean (Part. Bol. Ledge). Length approx. 550 km, width approx. 250 km. In the west, they pass into the High Plateau. Weld ... They are composed of strata of sandstones and shales overlapped by basalt covers. Wednesday height approx. 2000 m, the highest points of Katkin Peak (3660 m) and Tabana-Ntlenyana (3482 m). The flat tops are separated by gorges, at the bottom of which crystalline rocks of the ancient basement are exposed. On the coast in the ancient beach placers in the area of \u200b\u200bZal. Richards Bay and others are located the titanium-zirconium sands deposit, the largest in Africa. The climate is subtropical and tropical. South-east. the trade wind brings east. the slopes have a large amount of precipitation (up to 2000 mm per year). Rain forests have been preserved here in places (podocarpuses and other trees entwined with lianas, epiphytes). On the leeward west. slopes up to 1200 m - savanna, above them thorny shrubs, succulents (aloe and others). Above 1500–2000 m there are alpine meadows, rocky placers.

Dictionary of modern place names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

Dragon mountains

in South Africa, on the coast of the Indian Ocean, mainly in South Africa. L. OK. 550 km. In the west they pass into the High Veld plateau. Part of the Great Ledge (the raised edge of the African Plate). They are composed of a thick stratum of Permian-Triassic sandstones and shales, interbedded with basalt covers. The highest points are Katkin Peak (3660 m) and Tabana-Ntlenyana (3482 m). The flat tops are dissected by gorges. Precipitation up to 1000–2000 mm per year, ch. arr. east. mountain slopes. Average month. temperature in winter 15-18 ° C, summer 23-26 ° C. East. mountain slopes up to the height. Rain (barrier) tropical forests have been preserved in some places from clearings. On the leeward west. slopes up to 1200 m - savannah, higher - thorny shrubs, succulents (aloe, etc.). At the height. more than 1500–2000 m - alpine meadows, rocky placers.

Geography. A modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M .: Rosman. Edited by prof. A.P. Gorkina. 2006 .

See what "DRAGON MOUNTAINS" is in other dictionaries:

    English. Dragon s mountain, Afrikaans Drakensberg, Zulu uKhahlamba, Sesotho Maluti or Maloti ... Wikipedia

    Modern encyclopedia

    In southeastern Africa, part of the Big Ledge. Height up to 3482 m. On the eastern slopes there are tropical forests, in the west there are savannahs and bushes. Above are mountain meadows, stone deposits ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sush., Number of synonyms: 1 mountain system (62) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Dragon mountains - DRAGON MOUNTAINS, in southeast Africa, mainly in South Africa, part of the Great Ledge. Height up to 3482 m (Mount Tabana Ntlenyana). Table peaks and steep stepped plateaus are characteristic. The basin serves as a watershed between short rivers ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Dragon mountains - in the South. Africa; SOUTH AFRICA. In the language of one of the local tribes, the Kwathlamba Mountains are a rocky place, a pile of rocks. For their inaccessibility and wildness, the Boers called them Drakensberg Dragon Mountains ... Toponymic dictionary

    In southeastern Africa, part of the Big Ledge. Height up to 3482 m. On the eastern slopes there are tropical forests, on the western savannahs and bushes. Above are mountain meadows, stone placers. * * * DRAGON MOUNTAINS DRAGON MOUNTAINS (Afrikaans Prakensberg; ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Bursk. Drakensberg) mountains in the South V. Africa, from the river. Sabi in the north to the river. Great Cay to the south, part of Rogers' ledge, or Big Ledge (see Big Ledge). In the middle part, they include the eastern edge of the Lesotho Highlands with the largest in the entire South ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Dragon mountains - Orange River in the Drakensberg Mountains. SOUTH AFRICA. Drakensberg Mountains (Afrikaans Drakensberg), mountains in southeast Africa, from the river. Sabi in the north to the river. Great Cay in the south; part of Rogers' ledge, or. The middle part includes the eastern edge of the Basuto Highlands with ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "Africa"

    Dragon mountains - (Drakensberg Mountains) Drakensberg Mountains, a mountain range in the south. the edge of the South African Plateau, stretching for 1126 km from northeast to southwest through Lesotho and the South African provinces of Natal, Orange, and Transvaal. The highest peak is a mountain ... ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

Drakensberg Mountains (South Africa) - exact location, places of interest, inhabitants, routes.

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The Drakensberg Mountains would become a worthy background for another magical film epic about trolls, gnomes and hobbits, because here every stone, waterfall, ledge, rock or mountain peak says that no, it is not so beautiful in life - you are in a fairy tale! It is no wonder that the name of this mountain system, located on the territory of two countries at once - South Africa and dwarf Lesotho, is corresponding - mystical, romantic. Of course, there were also legends about a fire-breathing snake, which the Bushmen allegedly saw in the 19th century. But in fact, the Drakensberg mountains received such an epic name thanks to the eternal haze in which their dizzying peaks are hidden (they say, these are clouds of steam that releases a real dragon from its nostrils, hiding from prying prying eyes).

Stretching for 1000 km, the Drakensberg Mountains are full of minerals (platinum, manganese, gold, coal and tin) and rare representatives of flora and fauna. Moreover, the rarest endemics grow here, which are not found anywhere else in the world. But the main wealth of this place is fabulous views, fantastic panoramas, enchanting power and beauty of nature. It is no coincidence that part of the Drakensberg Mountains, which is part of the Drakensberg National Park, is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage of Humanity.

Surprisingly, what landscapes are not found on the territory of this mountain system - and tropical "rain" forests that cover the slopes up to an altitude of 1200 m, and thickets of thorny bushes, acacias and aloe, and mountain meadows with stone placers at altitudes of 1500 m and further to the clouds. Interestingly, this monumental mountain range is covered with snow in winter, despite the proximity of the warm Indian Ocean all year round. Such a variety of landscapes will make your head spin.

Such rich lands, of course, could not remain unnoticed by humans - the Bushmen tribes inhabited the Dragon Mountains from time immemorial. To be more precise, the rock carvings numbering up to 35 thousand specimens found on the territory of the mountains are dated, no less than 100 thousand years ago. There are especially many such rock art in the Giants Castle Reserve, which is in the south of the Drakensberg Mountains, near the border with Lesotho.

The Drakensberg Mountains got such an epic name thanks to the eternal haze in which their dizzying peaks are hidden. They say that these are clouds of steam that releases a mighty dragon from its nostrils, hiding from prying prying eyes.


Popular attractions of the Drakensberg Mountains are all kinds of wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and reserves, rich in antelopes, baboons, small predators and a host of bird species. At the same time, the most popular place among tourists is the national park with the difficult to pronounce name Ukashlamba-Drakensberg. It is located just a few hours from Durban and is famous for its many picturesque corners, as well as excellent lodges, hostels and campgrounds where you can relax in the bosom of nature, not without comfort.

Pay attention to the famous Tugela waterfall, which reaches 948 meters in height and consists of as many as five cascades.

In the vast world of the magical Drakensberg Mountains there is a lot of entertainment for tourists - and cozy wooden lodge terraces, where you can enjoy the singing of birds with a glass of excellent brandy, and all kinds of walking or horseback riding with a guide along marked routes, and trout fishing in local lakes, and helicopter flights, and the opportunity to play golf on the emerald fields.

Address: Ukahlamba Drakensberg (Ukashlamba-Drakensberg), Mkhomazi Wilderness area.

How to get there: the easiest way is from Durban by car or as part of an excursion group.

July 31st, 2013

Have you flown over the mountains? And now I will tell you the history of these places.

Drakensberg (Drakensberg Mountains)- the highest mountain range in the territory South Africa... The African people Zulu call it Ukhahlamba, i.e. barrier of spears.

The fabulous name of the mountains has several versions of its origin. Of course, not without the banal presence of a dragon, or rather a huge lizard with a dragon's tail and wings, which, allegedly, was seen by local residents in the 19th century. Another version of the name is the presence of haze, which comes from the bottom and hides the tops of the mountains. Huge puffs of smoke create the feeling that they are emitted from the nostrils of none other than a dragon.

Still, there is something truly fabulous in the Drakensberg Mountains, namely their beauty. The spirit of antiquity soars here. The caves of the Drakensberg Mountains are famous for their rock art. About 35 thousand ancient rock paintings are kept in this mysterious place. The most amazing and fascinating thing is the years of the life of the drawings - some of them were created over 100 thousand years. There are especially many of them in the "Giants Castle" reserve, which is listed in the book "World Heritage". The uniqueness of the rock paintings lies not only in their antiquity and its preservation, but also in the variety of subjects. The territory of the Drakensberg Mountains is famous for another attraction - the world's second highest 947-meter Tugela waterfall.

A huge number of battles took place in the territory of the Drakensberg Mountains. For several centuries great battles took place here, which in many ways changed the course of the history of this country. The fields on which the battles took place several centuries ago, namely in the places of the Anglo-Boer and Anglo-Zulu wars, are a particularly relevant place for excursions.

A significant part of the Drakensberg Mountains is occupied by nature reserves and reserves. The most visited of these is the Royal Natal National Park. The slope on the southern side of the park is a natural rock step that stretches for 8 km. An extraordinary landscape appears before you when you look at the rock step from below.

The division of the mountains occurs in two parts: the hilly, densely grassy expanses of Natal and the part of the Orange Province and the Southern Transvaal, located above other hills. The tall, empty and bare mountains of Basuto are very reminiscent of the mountains of Ethiopia.

A significant part of the territory of Drakensberg is occupied by endless highlands, covered with a thick grass blanket. Unfortunately, at the present time, due to human intervention, the original landscapes are practically not preserved anywhere.


"Roof of Africa" \u200b\u200b- this is the name acquired by the highlands with steep slopes on one side and gentle slopes on the other. The steep slopes, which usually reach thousand meters in height, are often hit by winds from the Indian Ocean. They are created and brought here by a large amount of precipitation. It is here that the stormy rivers flowing to the east begin their journey. Washing off the topsoil, they carry it to the Indian Ocean, thereby accelerating the erosion process. A significant body of water is in the Orange River, which flows westward into the Atlantic Ocean. At one time, erosion overtook the huge cliffs of the Basuto plateau, and now its appearance is bare rocks several hundred meters high, which drop off to the grassy foothills.

Bearded eagles live on the plateau. They build large nests on rocks, lay them out with wool, hair, and food debris. On mountain pastures, the main food of the bearded people is the dead sheep. Another bird, the last specimens of which live in this mountainous area, is the ibis. This is an amazing, bright green bird with a red patch on the top of its head. Unlike other species of ibis, which live mainly on swamps (except for the rock ibis), this one builds nests on high rocks, like an eagle. The ibis obtains food for itself in the lowlands and for the winter flies to the north - to countries with a temperate climate.
In the eastern part of the highlands, there is almost no pristine nature, and only the beautiful reserves at the foot of the Drakensberg mountains give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this land looked like before people settled it. In the old days, the grassy areas of Natal abounded with a large number of animals that were exterminated even before the arrival of the Europeans. In the reserves and national parks, the white-beaked Bubal lives, which was completely destroyed, and later brought back here again. Bubals need to be fed from time to time, because they were relocated from the lowlands, and they have not yet adapted to the living conditions in the rocky area.

The pristine nature, which practically did not remain in the eastern part of the highlands, was preserved only at the foot of the Drakensberg Mountains. Only here it is possible to understand how the earth looked like before civilization visited it. Today, Natal's territory is very different from what it was several centuries ago. A huge number of animals lived on the grassy area of \u200b\u200bNatalie, which were subsequently exterminated even before the arrival of the Europeans.

Drakensberg Mountains is a real historical complex, saturated with the spirit of antiquity. It is not surprising that it is Drakensberg that is recognized as one of the most popular tourist destinations, visited by about two million tourists every year.

Many birds migrate from the foothills of the Drakensberg Mountains, where very harsh winters occur, to the coast. Among them are the African Demoiselle Crane, the African Bustard and numerous songbirds. Demoiselle crane is very handsome, it has light gray-blue plumage. In South Africa, it is found everywhere. Previously, many large animals moved to an area with a temperate climate for the winter, but today it has become impossible: numerous wire fences, which people surround their sites, block their path. Therefore, only those animals that can survive the winter have survived in the foothills.

The eastern slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains are characterized by grass cover with small areas of forest in the lower part of the slopes. Trees and undergrowth are destroyed due to frequent fires. There is no consensus among environmentalists regarding the benefits of fires. Fires, in addition to destroying trees, contribute to soil erosion on steep slopes, with them all valuable nitrogen and most of the organic matter contained in the grass are lost. If the grass is not burned, it turns into an inedible mixture of dead stems and straws with very low nutritional value, almost unsuitable for both livestock and wild animals. Therefore, they try to find a compromise in which burning the grass would not cause too much harm. But erosion still cannot be avoided.

There used to be countless herds of wild animals living in the valleys of the Drakensberg mountains, more than anywhere else on earth, even more than they live in all of East Africa today. It was inhabited by white-tailed wildebeests, kongoni, savannah zebra, quagga, white-faced bubal, millions of springboks, whose vast herds moved in search of food and water. Often tens of millions of springboks were moving at the same time. The Boers called these animal migrations "trek". The last such migration was recorded in 1896: a dense herd of more than 50 million animals disappeared in the direction of the Orange River and never reappeared. In the first decades of the settlement of these areas by the British and Dutch, a huge number of herbivores were shot for the sake of skins and meat. But there remained a large number of small animals, to which people show no interest, and those whose natural enemies were destroyed.

Larks and other birds that nest on the ground have no enemies today, since jackals, wild cats, and birds of prey have been exterminated. For some mammals and birds, humans have improved conditions by creating numerous small ponds that still have water in the dry season. The number of near-water birds has especially increased. Thousands of ducks and geese live today where they have never been before. This is an African duck with an original yellow beak, an Egyptian goose, a clawed goose ... Some of them can be found in East Africa - in Ethiopia, but not in such numbers. The number of herons, cormorants, ibises and shepherds has increased. Many northern birds spend the winter here.

The ill-considered invasion of animal life has created new problems: in some areas, the number of clawed geese has reached such proportions that the grain fields were seriously threatened. The weaver - the red-billed quelia - has become such a disaster for the wheat fields that millions of these birds have to be shot every year. This whole area is an example of the irresponsible actions of a person invading nature.

The beauty of protected areas lies not only in the uniqueness of the wild animals inhabiting them - the surrounding nature is amazingly picturesque, the rocky terrain impresses with a variety of landscapes. Inaccessible cliffs, steep cliffs, caves and mountain gorges, along with alpine meadows, crystal lakes and river valleys full of charm. Even the traveler spoiled by natural beauty will be impressed by the rumbling waterfalls in the Cathedral Peak, Catkin Peak area.
The beautiful Ukashlamba-Drakensberg Natural Park is located near the conditional capital of the province, Durban - just a few hours away, and you are in a different world. The park has cozy mountain houses and comfortable hostels for tourists. Relax on the veranda sipping brandy and enjoy the splendor of the scenery. Or take a walk or horse ride along one of the specially designed routes, and then natural landscapes will appear before you in all their amazing diversity. Or maybe you will be lucky enough to see a large herd of eland antelopes! Like any forest antelope, the canna is shy. But in protected areas, where it is calm and safe, animals are less careful. A funny sight when the herd goes to a new pasture - a group of running antelopes resembles a cavalry unit on the march. Young antelopes are capable of developing such a good speed that they often run away even from a jeep racing off-road.

Well, and then, fed up with both reserves and places of military glory, you can find many other activities, since the developed tourist industry of the Drakensberg Mountains offers unlimited choice. Fishing for trout in lakes and reservoirs, breathtaking helicopter rides, superb golf courses and tennis courts, souvenir shops and numerous shops, musical evenings ...

It is here that you can hear the performance of the renowned music lovers around the world, the renowned boys' choir, Drakensberg Boys Choir.

An excursion to the small town of Bulwer, lost somewhere among the mountains, may seem interesting - there is a unique church built of yellow wood. Yellow tree - grows only in South Africa, its timber costs a lot of money at international auctions. One can only guess at how much the church itself is estimated - why not check this with the guide?

Lion head

Fans of extreme recreation can be advised to make a dizzying ascent to the Sani Paz mountain pass, which is one of the three largest passes in Africa. And all this can be seen and experienced only a couple of hours away from the magnificent beaches of the Indian Ocean!
A trip to Drakensberg is akin to a trip to the Land of Fairy Tales, the Land of children's dreams, the Land of a dream come true ...


I also remind you of interesting information about mountains: or for example. But spectacular The original article is on the site InfoGlaz.rf The link to the article this copy was made from is