Two types of wallpaper small kitchen. Wallpaper for a small kitchen: how to make comfort and beauty. We select wallpaper for a small kitchen

When choosing wallpaper for a small kitchen, it is worth focusing on some of the main points. First, pay attention to qualities such as durability, resistance to high temperatures and humidity, and ease of maintenance.

However, for small spaces, appearance is very important. Otherwise, if you choose the wrong decoration for the walls, then the kitchen will seem visually smaller. At the same time, do not forget that the background of the furniture is the walls that emphasize it favorably.

How to choose wallpaper for a small kitchen

To make the right choice, you need to decide on the type, color scheme, style solution of the wall covering, and also take into account the size of the budget allocated for repairs. The style and color are chosen taking into account the style of the apartment, the color of the kitchen furniture, the general illumination, the location of the kitchen (orientation to the cardinal points), as well as your own preferences.

But the most important parameter that has to be reckoned with if the kitchen is small in size is the area and height of the room allocated for it. There are many types of wall coverings on the market, so it can be difficult to choose wallpaper for a small kitchen. Let's consider various options from the point of view of their applicability in kitchens.

  • Paper. Paper wallpaper is the most budgetary option. Available in a variety of colors for easy selection. Plus, it's the most environmentally friendly wallpaper available. There are two drawbacks: they are short-lived, and besides, they cannot be washed if they become dirty, which happens quite often in the kitchen.
  • Non-woven. They have a textured base, withstand wet cleaning, more durable than paper ones. Minus - the top layer is quite soft, it is easy to damage it, especially in families with small children and pets.
  • Vinyl. Washable wallpaper for a small kitchen is made of vinyl. They have a high density and strength, and dirt can be easily removed from them. Vinyl wallpapers come in different types; you cannot use only one in the kitchen - foamed vinyl. Cons - this material does not "breathe", besides, it is quite expensive.

Important! Combining wallpaper will save you money. For example, paper over some of the walls near the dining room, and where contamination is especially likely - in the food preparation area - use vinyl.

Wallpaper design for a small kitchen

There are standard design techniques that allow even a small room with low ceilings to be made more spacious, as well as correct some of the layout flaws. Use color and the right pattern to make your kitchen look stylish, modern and appear larger.

Important! Light warm shades are considered the most suitable for the kitchen; they stimulate the appetite. Avoid purple tones as well as dark browns. It is not recommended to use black wallpaper for a small kitchen.

Wallpaper ideas for a small kitchen

Pasting all walls with the same wallpaper is no longer relevant today. As a rule, designers are advised to combine different tones and textures to achieve interesting interior effects, while not forgetting that small rooms require adherence to certain design rules. Here are some examples of the use of wallpaper in small kitchens.

  • Combining colors. Use light peach or creamy whites as your base tone. Cover some of the walls with brighter wallpaper of strawberry and grassy tones. You can combine light beige as the main color with turquoise azure and sunny yellow as accent colors.
  • We place accents. Against the general pastel background, one of the walls can be highlighted with bright wallpaper. If the kitchen is very small, select not the entire wall, but part of the wall, for example, near the dining table.
  • Add a twist. Modern wallpaper for a small kitchen is usually light in color and can look dull. To enliven the room, do not forget about color accents - these can be borders, stripes of wallpaper in a contrasting color, as well as wallpaper with a textured surface.

Important! Do not combine more than two colors in small rooms. For example, the main one can be white, the secondary one - the color of the tree. A third color can be used as an accent color, in this case red will look great.

In the design of wallpaper for a small kitchen, more than two different patterns or textures should not be combined. For example, a strict ornament looks good in combination with its individual elements scattered over the background. The style of the picture and the ornament should be the same, for example, it can be geometric elements, or individual flowers scattered over the background, combined with a border of a continuous ribbon of bouquets.

Combination of wallpaper with furniture

To choose the right wallpaper for a small kitchen, visually increasing the space, you need to take into account a lot of factors, including the size, color and style of furniture that will be located against their background. In the event that the furniture has a pretentious shape and bright color, the wallpaper should be practically invisible.

If you use furniture of simple shapes and light neutral colors, the wallpaper can be brighter. Furniture and wallpaper of the same color, but different textures, are also well combined. For example, white glossy cabinet fronts look especially advantageous in a small kitchen against the background of old plaster wallpaper. Matte white furniture surfaces harmoniously look against the background of smooth wallpaper with a pattern.

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Wallpaper in a small kitchen should visually increase the space An important role in the arrangement of the kitchen should be given to the wall covering. Wallpaper affects not only the interior of the room, but also determines the important functions of the kitchen, especially if the area is limited. Therefore, their correct choice is very important and has its own characteristics.

First you need to consider what wallpaper you need to choose for the kitchen. In this room, there is high humidity and the possibility of dirt, therefore, the wallpaper must meet a number of rules.

Basic requirements for kitchen wall covering:

  • Moisture resistant;
  • Resistant to dirt;
  • Strong enough to mechanical stress;
  • The coating must be resistant to sunlight;
  • The presence of fireproofing impregnation.

The above parameters are determined by the type of wall covering. It is necessary to buy washing wallpaper with a dense structure. There is a wide selection of such options.

Wallpaper for the kitchen must be chosen moisture-resistant and strong enough

Optimal wallpaper for a small kitchen:

  • Vinyl - have a good appearance and are easy to clean;
  • Paper with moisture resistant impregnation;
  • Glass fiber - durable and environmentally friendly;
  • Liquid lacquered - hide the imperfections of the walls and meet all the requirements for kitchen wallpaper.

At the same time, some species can be re-painted, which is very beneficial if the design is boring. You can paint liquid and fiberglass. In this liquid, you can create whole pictures on the wall.

The first rule with limited space is that the wallpaper should be light.

You also need to consider the desired color accents, the style of the room, and financial options. But the most important thing when choosing wallpaper is the size of the room. The dimensions of a small room in Khrushchev are 180 by 200.

What wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen: photos of interior solutions

Today on the market there is a wide selection of wall coverings of different types and designs, so choosing a decent option for a room with limited space is not difficult.

For a small kitchen, light-colored wallpaper is best.

  1. For small rooms, it is customary to use only light shades. But at the same time, you should not decorate the room in a pure white color. This is not comfortable for households and is fraught with constant pollution. You can make small dark accents in the form of patterns on the wallpaper.
  2. The drawings on the wall covering should be small. Avoid vertical stripes and large patterns.
  3. A horizontal strip is suitable for a small room. It will make the room wider, but lower.
  4. A popular design trick is to paste over long walls in dark shades of wallpaper, and use light ones for the end part.
  5. The texture of the wallpaper must match the material of the kitchen set. Moreover, it should be convex, not smooth. This will create drops in volume, which will visually enlarge the room.
  6. The shiny surface of the wall covering is welcome. This will help to visually increase the distance between opposing walls thanks to the reflective surface.

Do not forget about room lighting. Cool shades are suitable for light kitchens. And warmer colors should be chosen for a room with limited light sources. These are simple rules to help you make the most of your space.

How to choose wallpaper for a small kitchen: a photo of stylish ideas

The choice of plain wallpaper is always relevant, especially for a small apartment that you don't want to clutter up. But in some cases, you can save space by combining wallpaper.

A combination of wallpaper looks very stylish in a small kitchen.

In this case, you can use the following ideas:

  1. A combination of two colors. The main color should be light and soft. At the same time, it is necessary to add bright accents with the help of saturated shades.
  2. Accentuation. When lining the kitchen, one of the walls can be highlighted in a different color. In this case, for a small space, it would be better to select only part of the wall. For example, near the dining table.
  3. Add to the dynamics. Bright accents in the form of skirting boards or textured wallpaper can be added to the light shades of the wall covering.

For a small apartment, you should not choose more than two colors for lining. This option will clutter up the space. As an exception, the third color can be used for small accents. The same rule applies to patterns and textures.

Wallpaper expanding the space in the interior of the kitchen: colors

Choosing the right wallpaper that expands the space is very important. The main nuances of the choice include the color of the wall covering. Earlier it was stipulated that the wallpaper should be in light shades.

The basic colors in the interior are black and white. They can be combined with almost any shade.

Small patterns and horizontal stripes are allowed. It is better if the strip is not very wide. In this case, the color of the furniture should be slightly darker than the tone of the surfaces.

For a small kitchen, you can choose any color palette

Basic color combinations:

  • Black is combined with red, yellow, green shades;
  • White will look great with reds and blues;
  • White and black style will add rigor to the interior;
  • The beige palette combines well with white, blue and brown tones;
  • Brown is combined with pink, cream, blue;
  • The purple tone will suit the base colors, shades of pink and gray;
  • Green combines with light tones of brown, yellow and beige, as well as black;
  • Blue shades can be combined with yellow, green, orange, red;
  • Red looks good in blue, black, green, yellow and white;
  • Yellow should be combined with gray, black, blue and blue;
  • The gray tone is suitable for bright shades of red, pink, orange;
  • The orange hue is combined with the blue-blue gamut, as well as with the purple color;

You can choose any color palette for a small apartment. It all depends on the desires and preferences of the owner of the home. There are small restrictions, but even within these limits there is a wide selection of paints.

How to choose wallpaper for a small kitchen (video)

How to choose the right wallpaper for a small kitchen? Let's try together to find the answer to this pressing question, because not all homeowners have spacious kitchens.

Varieties of materials

What modern types of wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen in order to achieve a visual expansion of the space in the room? Give a moment on the building materials market, you can find a variety of wallpaper options.

Attention! In a small apartment, not all types of wallpaper are appropriate.

There is a division of wallpaper for moisture resistance. For the kitchen, interior experts recommend purchasing washable, as well as highly resistant canvases. In addition, there is a subdivision of all wallpaper according to the surface structure. Relief canvases are not the best choice for Khrushchev. In the photo - wallpaper for a small dining room.

In terms of density, materials that are of medium weight are suitable for the kitchen.

Advice! Fat constantly accumulates in the dining room, it can get on the walls, ceiling, so it is advisable to purchase dense materials to decorate such a room.

Interior experts recommend buying vinyl tapestries in the dining room, created on a paper or non-woven base. Such surfaces will be easy to care for, moreover, they will retain their original aesthetic characteristics for a long time.

Paper wallpapers can be bought in the small kitchen of a Khrushchev house only if they have a special water-repellent layer. Original wallpaper for a small kitchen, visually increasing the space, as well as a variety of useful tips can be found in the video fragment

We offer several interesting solutions for decorating the walls of a small dining room.

Glass fiber, offered by manufacturers of modern finishing materials, is a good choice for those who like private renovations. Such materials can withstand up to 5-8 repaints without losing their texture.

Let's try to figure out which wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen. When using liquid wallpaper, you can eliminate some defects on the walls. In addition, such materials will complement the overall design of the room, they are not able to absorb odors. Among the many positive characteristics of such finishing materials, one can also mention their increased resistance to the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Color matching rules

When choosing the color of wallpaper in a small kitchen in Khrushchev, it is important to follow certain rules. Light wallpaper can visually expand the space, make the room spacious and voluminous. Wallpaper for a small kitchen in an apartment, presented in the photo, confirms the importance of choosing the right shade and pattern. You can use several colors in a design at once.

Attention! Interior professionals do not recommend using more than three shades, as you can lose the storyline and end up with absolute bad taste.

There is one more rule that is important to consider when choosing a color palette of finishing materials for kitchen walls. It is necessary to select materials for the walls so that they are several tones lighter than the floor and furniture facades.

In the photo - original wallpaper for a small kitchen. Design in black and white tones is considered a classic option in the world of interior fashion; it is appropriate even for a kitchen in a Khrushchev building.

Advice! Lovers of black should complement it with orange, pink, red shades so that the kitchen is cozy and comfortable.

The design looks interesting with the use of blue, white, brown shades.

For the purple color of furniture facades, interior professionals advise to select light gray tones of finishing materials.

For each color, you can think of many options using similar shades or opposite colors. The choice is determined by the wishes of the owner of the dwelling, his mood. As the best option for a small kitchen, you can consider the use of trellises in light shades that can visually expand a small room. In addition, the advantage of solid solid colors in their versatility, they are suitable for any kitchen furniture.

A way to combine wallpaper

The disadvantages of the walls of a small kitchen can be eliminated by using the option of combining several types of wallpaper. In the photo - kitchen design in a small kitchen. A combination of bright wallpaper with neutral canvases has been chosen. You can distinguish canvases using color, texture.

Advice! The dining area can be designed as an accent. In this case, the kitchen will visually look more spacious and free.

For dining rooms where there is a lack of natural sunlight, cold tones of wallpaper will not work. The use of black, gray tapestries will make this room gloomy, deprive the kitchen of coziness and home comfort.

Interior professionals advise to design such a dining room using wallpaper in orange, yellow, beige shades. In this case, you will achieve a visual expansion of the space, bring a positive mood to this room.

Owners of kitchen areas in which there is a sufficient amount of UV radiation should not choose too bright materials for design.

In a small kitchen, canvases with vertical wallpaper, as well as large drawings, are not appropriate. They will "steal" additional square meters, make the room even smaller and squat.

Attention! Large and voluminous flowers will ruin the design of a small kitchen.

For a kitchen that cannot “boast” of large dimensions, it is better to choose tapestries with a small pattern, or without a pattern.

Psychologists remind about the influence of colors on the human psyche. For example, canvases with a predominance of red have a negative impact on health. Shades of orange, yellow, green have a calming effect, normalize the activity of the digestive system.

Before starting the next cosmetic repairs, you need to carefully consider all the basic details of the kitchen. In a kitchen devoid of additional space, you need to think over the design so that every square centimeter is used rationally.


When choosing finishing materials for the walls of a small dining room, special attention should be paid to their ability to visually expand the free space in the room at least to a small extent.

In order for the ongoing repairs to please you not for several months, but for at least a couple of years, it is important to pay attention not only to the strength and aesthetics of the tapestries. All wallpaper for a small dining room must meet the following parameters:

  • have increased resistance to moisture;
  • have a structure that resists the absorption of fat;
  • withstand mechanical deformation;
  • do not fade under the influence of UV rays

Interior designers advise to select high-quality materials for the dining room so that you do not have to carry out finishing work in the kitchen again in a few months.

If the plans include the budget finishing of a small dining room, then it is better to use the option of combining several types of finishing materials. For example, it is better to decorate a wall near a gas stove with ceramic tiles or artificial stone. For the dining area, thick paper or vinyl materials are suitable. Natural wallpaper made of bamboo, velvet, silk is an unsuccessful choice for a room such as a dining room. These materials will easily absorb unpleasant odors, change their appearance in direct sunlight. Given the high humidity of the room, the need for systematic wet cleaning, the best option for decorating the walls of a small dining room is light vinyl trellis with a small pattern.

Modern wallpaper collections are striking in their variety of colors, patterns and textures. To make the best choice for the kitchen interior, you need to look at many options and take into account some of the nuances.

Wallpaper varieties: the right choice for the kitchen

To begin with, let us recall what types of wallpaper manufacturers offer us:

  • paper;
  • fabric;
  • natural;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • liquid.

Paper wallpapers are the most inexpensive, affordable, environmentally friendly, but short-lived and impractical. To date, such wallpapers are not even presented in catalogs for photos of modern kitchen interiors.

Fabric - they contain silk, linen or cotton. Slightly stronger than paper, but difficult to paste and impractical to maintain, therefore not suitable for kitchen decoration.

Natural - consist of bamboo strips, wood chips or dried grass stems attached to a fabric base with nylon thread or special glue. They are as environmentally friendly as possible and do not accumulate dirt and dust. To preserve the natural effect, this wallpaper is not dyed. But despite all its advantages, natural wallpaper is not the best option for the kitchen, as it immediately absorbs odors.

Varieties of moisture-resistant wallpaper for the kitchen

Non-woven wallpaper - consists of acrylic and polyester with the addition of cellulose or viscose. They are characterized by a fairly high moisture resistance, elastic, fireproof, smooth out irregularities.

Vinyl - a polymer coating applied to a non-woven base or special technical paper. Vinyl is moisture resistant, easy to clean, can be cleaned with household products, does not fade, therefore it is ideal for decorating kitchen walls. Moreover, modern production offers the so-called "breathable" vinyl wall-paper, which has micropores. They provide excellent air circulation, so they are even more moisture resistant than standard vinyl counterparts, which eliminates the appearance of mold and mildew.

Glass fiber - wallpaper for painting, gives an unusual relief. They are vapor-proof and water-resistant, durable, fireproof, they look incredibly stylish, but keep in mind that it will be very difficult to separate them from the surface of the walls.

Liquid wallpaper is a combination of adhesive, viscose, cotton, cellulose, acetate silk threads, etc. The coating is applied to the wall like plaster, which allows you to create different patterns. These wallpapers have good heat and sound insulation, they are easy to clean and have a large assortment of colors.

Each option has its own pros and cons. For the kitchen, choose washable wallpaper. Vinyl (compact vinyl, non-woven backing) or fiberglass are optimal.

Color, pattern, texture of wallpaper for the kitchen

In the color scheme of the kitchen, many factors must be taken into account - the flow of light, the geometric shape of the room, its dimensions, etc. There are several key criteria when choosing a color for a kitchen, including wallpaper:

  • a large drawing visually reduces the room, a small one, on the contrary, makes it more spacious;

  • vertical images visually raise the ceiling, horizontal (especially stripes) - expand the room, but reduce its height; wallpaper with geometric patterns with intersecting stripes and shapes creates the effect of space continuity;
  • wallpapers with a pronounced texture create stunning effects through color and play of light and shade;

  • a long and narrow kitchen will be made more organic by light colors on long walls and dark ones on short ones;
  • a square room is a versatile option that allows you to experiment without any restrictions. But nevertheless, the decision to make one accent wall will be more advantageous;

  • when choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to take into account not only its dimensions, but also the location of all windows, because the direction of light is of great importance in interior design.

Wallpaper in a small kitchen

In a compact kitchen canvases with contrasting and very large prints or with vertical stripes are contraindicated. This will only exacerbate the problem of lack of square meters - the room will seem even smaller. In this case, plain wallpaper in light shades or with a small, barely noticeable pattern will be appropriate.

If the kitchen is combined with the dining room, you can emphasize the zoning with a contrasting combination of wallpaper, thus separating the working area from the dining area.

Harmonious combination of wallpaper in the kitchen

In modern interiors, there is a clear tendency to combine different textures, textures and technologies. In this case, the same type of wallpaper fade into the background. But here it is important to understand the principle of correct combinations, and this will help the advice of professional decorators.

Rules for combining wallpaper in the kitchen:

  • adhere to a single level of price and quality - you cannot combine elite and cheap options, it looks very doubtful;
  • wallpaper should not stand out from the general style of the kitchen;

  • when combining, keep in mind that the wallpaper should have approximately the same thickness, otherwise there will be problems with joining the seams and choosing the edging;
  • when choosing bright panels with large drawings, the rest of the space should be monochromatic;

  • floral ornaments go well with woody textures, and geometric designs with abstractions;
  • bright accents look harmonious against the background of neutral tones;
  • various textures are perfectly combined - rough with smooth, glossy with matte. The main thing is that such canvases are in the same price category and of the same thickness.

Additional decor and a few design tricks

The methods of zoning and "accent wall" have not gone out of fashion for a long time. Also, to visually adjust the height, designers use vertical stripes and patterns, and the area changes are horizontal.

Reception of symmetry in the application of vertical stripes

In the center of the room, wide strips of wallpaper in contrasting colors are glued on two walls. This visually balances the length and width of the kitchen space.

Reception of asymmetry

One wall is pasted over with a bright strip in the middle, and the opposite one with similar stripes, but different in width. This technique visually expands and at the same time makes the oblong kitchen shorter.

Illusions of contour lines

A popular method is to combine standard wallpaper (and paintable) with a border. Typical combination options:

  • striped wallpaper with a solid bottom;
  • large flowers and monograms with a monochromatic border;
  • solid or with a small print top and striped bottom;
  • a solid top and a chunky bottom with a floral or other pattern.

The choice of combination depends on the specific task - what needs to be balanced with what.

Accent wall

The wall of the kitchen is selected, on which the eye immediately falls. It is distinguished in a variety of ways - with 3D wallpaper, panels, bright canvases, or decorated with additional decorative elements. In fact, this technique more expresses the bright individuality of the owners of the house.

3D wallpaper in the kitchen

Along with the usual wallpaper, designers offer a more interesting 3D collection. These are large-format beautiful drawings and patterns applied to a diverse basis of canvases using a special technology. Such wallpapers create a three-dimensional effect and a sense of presence in the image. 3D illusion is achieved through lenticular plastic (a set of lenses parallel to each other, cylindrical in shape and of different caliber). As a rule, only an accent wall is decorated with such wallpaper.

Pros and cons of 3D wallpaper

The advantages of 3D photo wallpaper, of course, include:

  • production on vinyl, non-woven base, synthetic materials, etc.;
  • such canvases do not fade, retain their color for a very long time;
  • environmentally friendly and completely non-toxic - high-quality Japanese paints are used in the process of their manufacture;
  • refractory;
  • practical to care for, easily lend themselves to any household chemicals;
  • durable;
  • spectacular - they have no analogues in such a realistic immersion in the image.

Obviously, the disadvantage of such wallpapers is their high cost, as well as their relevance only in large rooms.

Here are some practical tips to help you decide on the choice of modern wallpaper for a small kitchen:

What wallpaper for a small kitchen is now in vogue

It's no secret that interior design is a whole industry that does not stand still.

Every year global manufacturers delight us with new models, colors, textures and materials.

let's consider the most expressive and practical trends in the field of wallpaper for a small kitchen.


When it comes to wallpaper for any small kitchen, we can't fail to mention washable options.

For some reason, many believe that they look poor, cheap and have a narrow range. We hasten to assure you that today their lineup is quite wide.

The adorable blue color is now in vogue in many countries. It goes well with white furniture, light woods and décor elements in yellow, dark blue and brown.

These wallpapers are more in beige tones, which can often be found in our kitchens. In fact, this is a universal color scheme that can be suitable for a wide variety of interiors, both in the apartment and in the house.

As before, models with brick relief and various patterns remain popular among washable wallpapers. For example, textures with flowers, fruits, abstract elements, etc. will fit well into the kitchen interior.

In general, as you may have noticed, now there is a very big fashion for bright and saturated colors.

This trend is gaining momentum especially in the countries of the former USSR. Dull, monochromatic and boring wallpapers are replaced by bright colors, modern patterns and designs.

As you can see from the presented material and photos, there are several unconditional rules and recommendations for choosing wallpaper for a small kitchen.

Walls with a glossy texture or mother-of-pearl ornaments will also visually enlarge a small room. By the way, patterned wallpapers are back in fashion and fit literally every style: classic, provence, fusion, country, hi-tech, art deco, retro, etc.

Relevant in a modern interior and saturated colors - purple, light green, canary, carrot, etc. Kitchen facades, appliances, dishes, and small decor items can shine with brightness. In confirmation of all this - a selection of colorful and real photos.

Choosing the color of the wallpaper

First of all, be guided by the already existing interior items - furniture, kitchen sets, appliances, as well as the colors of the floor and ceiling.

Now we are dropping out the colors that definitely don't go well with most of the subjects. It is important to listen to the very first impression.

The next step is to try on different colors, while acting as a jury. Yes, it really makes sense to rate and or at least somehow mark the colors that fall into the top 5 so as not to get confused.

What colors do you prefer in your clothes? Do you want to surround yourself with them also in the interior? Maybe it's still worth creating a contrast between home and everyday life.

The location of your kitchen is another clue. If the windows face south, it is better to choose a cold color scheme for the wallpaper. Moreover, some designers find that the warm color scheme makes the room less spacious. So try to find the best option.