A doorway without a mold door. A doorway without a door: finishing methods, sizes and shapes, design options. Application of PVC panels

Every owner of an apartment or private house dreams of decorating it in a stylish and original way. After all, the interior of the home speaks of the taste and life position of its owner. Unfortunately, most typical buildings are characterized by cramped rooms, so when decorating such rooms, the main goal should be to expand the space. Interior doors visually compress the size of the premises, and also create a dead zone, which is not always functional. An excellent way out for small apartments is to design a doorway without using a door. How beautiful it is to fit such a passage into the interior with your own hands - read on.

If you want to increase the space of two adjacent rooms or just dream of interestingly beating the layout of your house, then one of the best options for you would be to create an open doorway between the rooms. Such a modern design will fit well into absolutely any interior and will be an excellent find for small apartments.

In this way, you should not finish the doorway leading from the bedroom to the common room as this part of the apartment requires privacy. However, the arch, which serves as a passage from the living room to the kitchen, will add a special charm to your home.

Of course, an interior portal will not be able to delimit the neighboring rooms by 100%, however, it is perfect for zoning space. This finish has many advantages, thanks to which, it can successfully replace a doorway with a door.

Benefits of open interior passageways:

  1. This technique will allow you to combine two rooms with different functions into one whole. It would be especially appropriate to decorate the entrance to the living room, library or kitchen with an arch.
  2. With the help of open doorways, you can create an interior with the most unusual design. A huge amount of finishing materials for such structures and different variations of forms will help to make any fantasy come true.
  3. Open interior walkways do not need to be maintained, while door hinges need constant lubrication.
  4. It is much cheaper to refine an arch without a door structure than to install a modern door with an attractive appearance.
  5. It is quite simple to sheathe an interior portal. Unlike installing a door, even a person who has no experience in finishing work can handle such work.

Such entrance structures have only two drawbacks: the impossibility of complete privacy, and a decrease in sound and odor insulation properties. In relation to a fairly voluminous list of advantages, these disadvantages do not seem critical, however, they negate the possibility of installing open portals in bathrooms and bedrooms.

Wide doorway finishes

One of the main advantages of finishing interior passages without using a door is the possibility of using a variety of materials for their refinement. Due to the variety of design options for such portals, they can be integrated into almost any interior.

The best options for finishing interior portals:

  1. A wide doorway can be covered with plastic panels. This type of finishing materials is quite cheap, but at the same time it looks attractive. Particularly popular are PVC panels that have a visual resemblance to wood. Such imitation is outwardly almost indistinguishable from natural materials, so it will be an excellent addition for classic-style interiors. Modern designs can be decorated with an interior walkway trimmed with a bright plastic frame.
  2. Polyurethane stucco moldings are an excellent framing for luxurious classic interiors. However, do not rush to decorate the portals between two small rooms in this way, since this type of decoration tends to hide free space. Polyurethane stucco molding looks very similar to its gypsum counterpart, but its weight is significantly lower, and the cost is not so high. Another advantage of this material is the ability to paint the doorway, decorated with it, in absolutely any color.
  3. Artificial stone, despite its high cost, remains one of the most popular design options for doorless interior passage. The manufacturing technology of such materials assumes the possibility of obtaining absolutely any color. The perimeter of the arch is decorated with decorative stone, however, it is possible to clad a large part of the wall around the entrance element.
  4. Clinker is a tile that imitates brickwork. This material can be seen on the facade of the building, but it is also suitable for ennobling the doorway. Just like artificial stone, clinker is placed around the interior portal. To make this design look more interesting, the edges of the material are not cut off one level at a time, but left in their natural form. Especially harmoniously, artificial brick fits into the loft style.

There are other options for finishing doorways without doors, but the ones given by us are considered the most successful. With a well-developed imagination and basic knowledge in the field of finishing work, you can decorate the interior portal in a more original way.

If you want to improve the doorway, spending a minimum of money, use ordinary laminate to finish it.

It is not necessary to use expensive materials to decorate the arch. For modern interiors, the usual painting of the doorway is more appropriate.

Form of finishing a doorway without a door

The doorway differs not only in the way of decoration, this element of the interior of the room can be given absolutely any shape. Thus, you can subtly emphasize the design style of the premises.

What forms of doorways without doors are:

  1. A rectangular passage is the simplest option for an interior portal. This shape of the openings is the easiest to work with.
  2. The arched passage looks original and stylish. It will perfectly complement both classic and modern interiors.
  3. Asymmetrical arches are the most unusual way to decorate a doorway. Such passages are not located evenly, but obliquely. Asymmetry looks most advantageous in newfangled unusual interiors.

These design options for doorways look equally good in different interiors. Before deciding on the shape of the interior portal, think carefully about whether you can bring your idea to life.

How to make a doorway without a door with your own hands

Everyone can make an open passage between the rooms with their own hands. The main thing is not to overestimate your capabilities and choose the options for portals, the creation of which you can master.

So the alteration of an interior doorway into a simple rectangular opening without doors does not require special skills and special documents. These works imply only the dismantling of the door frame and decorative finishing of the resulting portal.

If you want to give the interior passage a different shape or even expand it, then you will have more worries. First of all, you will need to obtain permission from the housing authorities. Then dismantle the old finish and get rid of the extra wall parts. After the dismantling work is completed, you can proceed to strengthening and leveling the resulting opening, as well as giving it the desired shape.

If you live in a multi-storey building, then in order to dismantle part of the wall, you will have to obtain permission from the utilities. Otherwise, you may have problems with the law.

Decorating doorways with decorative materials is a fairly simple step. You can choose any option you like and use it according to your idea.

The original doorway without a door (video)

Doorways without doors are not a new, but rather original way of decorating interior passages. You can use it in absolutely any interior style. Trust your taste, do not be afraid of non-standard solutions, and your interior will delight you with its individuality!

The design of openings without doors is becoming a choice when decorating an apartment's interior. Such an original doorway is a room divider, at the same time, visually expands the space of the entire apartment or private house. The decision to decorate the interior of interior openings without doors is relevant in several cases:

An example of the design of doorways without doors

  • If the owners do not want to trivially arrange the style of the room;
  • When living spaces are combined, then this design option is also relevant. For example, if the owners decide to combine the loggia with the living room, increasing the living space;
  • If the footage of the room is small and you want to expand the useful area, for example, by removing the wall and combining the kitchen area with the bedroom.

Opening design without a door

These are just some of the reasons why people can bet on the design of a doorway without a door. In fact, each owner has his own motives to style his apartment or house in this way.

To finally decide whether such an idea as an open decorated doorway is suitable, you should study the advantages and disadvantages. It is worth taking into account the following advantages of this solution:

Disadvantages of the design of openings without doors

Along with a sufficient number of advantages, as in all aspects related to repairs in an apartment, a house, there are also disadvantages. In general, we can say that such designs have the bulk of the advantages rather than disadvantages.

Opening design option without a door

However, when it comes to comfort, there may be some inconveniences. For example, if it is customary to install a solution with an arched opening between the kitchen and the bedroom or living room, you should consider a high-quality hood and air conditioning system. Otherwise, cooking odors and excess moisture will accumulate on furniture, wallpaper and other surfaces.

Design options for openings without doors

If the owners decide to rely on just such a design option for the opening, then they need to choose the most impressive material for finishing. The design option, depending on the overall picture of the interior, is worth choosing.

Design options for wide doorways without doors

The following variations of decorating openings without door leaves are popular among property owners:

Each of the options is worthy of attention, and those owners of apartments, houses who plan to change the appearance of the space in the apartment by this method, should familiarize themselves with each of the options.

Decoration with artificial materials and stones

Today, real estate owners often rely on finishing openings without door leaves using decorative stone or artificial materials.

An example of finishing a doorway with artificial stone

Such designs look nice and expensive. And according to the pricing policy, such an option for transforming the opening will significantly empty the wallet. The most popular option is to use small stones, they look the most harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. In this option, the main thing is to pre-prepare the base for finishing. This will help to ensure that the material is laid evenly without noticeable flaws. The structure, which is made of a similar decorative finish, is stable, durable and protected from damage.

Work order

The work should be performed in the correct sequence so that the result looks like the owner of the apartment or house expects.

This finishing option is worthy of attention, the main thing is to confidently approach the issue of consistent work.

Opening in the form of an arch

Arches made of plasterboard and other materials harmoniously fit into the differing interior styles. We can say that this is the simplest solution. After all, you can purchase a ready-made structure in the form of an arch in a hardware store. In this case, the person doing the repairs will only need to mount the finished structure.

Examples of the design and design of openings in the form of an arch

It should be understood that the arches, despite the similarity between different models, are different. They can be selected depending on the interior styles that will be organized in the space. Arches are of the following types:

Any of the forms of construction will fit into the space of a room with a different interior. The main thing is to correctly and thoughtfully implement the design. After all, the overall appearance of the room as a whole depends on the style of decoration.

Making the opening with stucco

If the owner of the apartment or house has decided that he will carry out the finishing using decorative stucco molding, then he should pay due attention to the overall picture of the interior of his apartment. The use of stucco elements in a room with an inappropriate design can create an unpleasant visual atmosphere.

An example of an opening with stucco molding

Today the owners of apartments and houses use polyurethane molding. This material is much easier to use than standard moldings. It is the ease of use that usually becomes the decisive factor in connection with which polyurethane stucco molding is chosen. In addition, this type of material does not require preliminary surface preparation; it is glued to all types of coatings without difficulty and labor.

Any room will look great with an opening, the finish of which is polyurethane stucco molding.

Initially, this material is white and looks restrained. But, having given it the desired shade, the owners of houses and apartments create incredible compositions that look expensive.

This option for finishing the opening will help to translate into reality even the most complex design ideas.

Clinker tiles

For finishing openings in an apartment or house, clinker tiles are often chosen, which imitate brick in their colors. Such material comes in various shades and color combinations.

Option for decorating a doorway with clinker tiles

This type of material has a number of advantages, due to which many modern property owners choose it:

Due to the numerous advantages, it is worth paying attention to finishing the opening with clinker tiles.

Finishing with plastic panels

In modern trends in the design of openings without door leaves, plastic panels are a popular material. It is not surprising, because there are a number of advantages that should be paid attention to by every owner of an apartment, a house who plans to independently complete the finishing of the structure:

An example of finishing a doorway with plastic panels

Installation features

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the surface of dust, dirt;
  • Then fix the plastic panels on a clean surface with liquid nails or ordinary mounting glue.

This finishing option is often found in rooms between the kitchen and living room. After all, the kitchen implies a hanging release of moisture into the room. Consequently, the material with which the boxes are finished is at risk of deterioration. Plastic panels do not absorb moisture and are easy to clean if dirty.

Curtain decoration

Some owners of houses and apartments choose curtains for doorways. For this purpose, both ordinary curtains and curtains with various decorative ornaments are used.

Option for decorating a doorway with a curtain

In this case, the shape of the arch does not matter. If you think over everything to the smallest detail, then this design option can be used in the hall, in the kitchen, and in the opening of the balcony.

Opening without additional finishes

Those people who prefer to design an apartment in the style of minimalism can take into account such designs for equipping arches, such as an ordinary box painted to match the interior color without a door leaf. Their color is usually the same as the main palette in the interior. This allows you to make the openings uniform with the overall structure and not stand out part of the interior.

An example of a simple doorway design

Regardless of whether the opening is of a standard size or other shapes, they will look harmonious. The design options for openings without a door leaf are quite enough. Therefore, everyone, even the most demanding owner of an apartment or house, will be able to choose the best type of construction for himself.

A beautifully designed doorway always looks neater and gives the whole room a finished look. It's hard not to notice how much it transforms when it is framed. And the point is not only that they hide all the nuances of the installation process, but also that the opening becomes more pronounced and noticeable. Very often, designers pay special attention to such a finish. As a result, they get a unique and often unique decorative element in their performance. More and more often you can find openings in which there are no door leaves. Sometimes this is also a deliberate move by designers, and sometimes it is just a necessity. Today we will consider the questions registration of a doorway without a door... Consider when it is appropriate to leave openings open, and what disadvantages and advantages this solution entails.

1. An open opening - a design move or a necessity?

Open doorways are more and more often found in the interiors of modern apartments. Sometimes this is really a design technique that is designed to bring originality to the overall environment. But more often than not, this is a very correct move in visual expanding space and saving free space. At the same time, no one says that such an opening cannot look interesting and unusual. Standard swing doors take up a lot of space, especially if they open inward. Depending on the width of the opening, the door can "eat" up to 1 square meter of the total area. Appear instantly restrictions on the placement of pieces of furniture or decorative elements and a lot of other inconveniences.

Sometimes sliding structures are used instead, which are undoubtedly much more compact. However, they do not always look aesthetically pleasing. If the door rails are not enclosed between the walls, they must be mounted on one of them. Thus, the appearance of the wall in one of the rooms may look damaged. Therefore, in some cases, it will be advisable to decide to dismantle the interior doors. In this case, the line between two adjacent rooms is automatically erased and a single space is formed.

Sometimes it really is appropriate, eg:

  • In the case of an increase in the size of the room by attaching a balcony or loggia to it. In any case, such actions are accompanied by the dismantling of the balcony block, otherwise the whole idea will not be implemented;
  • If you plan to combine the living room and hallway. Organization of an open-type portal in this case will blur the line between two rooms that are completely different in purpose, but at the same time preserve the conditional separation. A small living room will seem much more spacious;
  • If you are organizing in the bedroom, while sacrificing the size of the bedroom, it is best not to use blank door leaves. Leave the opening without doors, and we will teach you how to beautifully beat it.

Many people use a similar technique when joining the living room to the kitchen. Most often, the opening is made in the form of different shapes. Undoubtedly, this is the most aesthetic way to combine. But do not forget that if you use the kitchen for its intended purpose and are actively preparing food, then all the smells accompanying this process will instantly spread throughout the apartment.

Also not quite right the solution would be to dismantle the door panels in the children's room, bedroom or study. All these rooms require a separate space. Of course, an exception may be the case when you live alone and, in principle, there is no one to retire from. In all other cases, doorways without doors can expand the space. Therefore, especially often you can find them in small apartments.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of doors without doors

After we figured out when it is advisable and when not to use free doorways, it's time to talk about the clear advantages and disadvantages of this technique. Let's start with disadvantages:

  • When removing door frames there is no clear demarcation of where one functional area begins and the other ends... Using the example of combining the kitchen with the living room in a similar way, we realized that this is not always appropriate. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, when you visit the kitchen in the morning to make your own coffee or in the evening for a light snack. However, this same blurring effect can be advantageous in other cases;
  • If we consider that the lack of secluded spaces for a person who lives himself is not critical, then all the same there are rooms in the apartment where doors are essential. For example, in the bathrooms. This lack of open openings is not critical, however, it takes place.

Now let's talk about advantages organization of portals:

3. Choosing the shape of the opening depending on the style of the interior

Before choosing ways to design a doorway, you should think about its shape. Of course, you can leave everything unchanged. And the rectangular open portals look very impressive. And you can try pick up the shape opening, focusing on indoor interior. After all, the opening should harmoniously fit into the overall picture and emphasize its features. Let's consider the most suitable forms for different styles:

  • Chic destinations such as , rococo or renaissance imply the predominance of symmetrical, regular lines. Such simplicity is compensated by a large abundance of decorative elements. It can be complex carving, various stucco moldings with gilding or complex arched bas-reliefs;
  • Discreet and noble classic style will complement the arched openings in the best way. In this case, the arches are preferably oval, three-centered or semicircular. Of course, the classics are not complete without such material as wood, which can be decorated with decorative carvings or milling;
  • Eastern directions also prefer arched openings, but their shape can be more varied. They can be lancet or keeled, in the form of a heart or a circle. In general, in this case, you can give free rein to imagination and focus on the shapes and silhouettes of pieces of furniture;
  • Romantic destinations do not overload with complex bends. All elements in them should remain light and airy, flowing and graceful. Openings of a semicircular shallow shape without sharp transitions are ideal. At the same time, you should not abuse the amount of finishing materials and choose their rough and heavy options;
  • Modern and concise styles, such as, or techno, recognize only strict regular geometric shapes. There can be no question of any ovals. There must also be strict symmetry. Therefore, in this case, it is better to leave the shape of the opening unchanged and only carefully align all the corners and edges;
  • Such interesting and extraordinary directions as or pop art must have a very unusual shape in the interior. Typically, this is a small piece of furniture, such as an armchair, chair or. But why not show your imagination and create a winding, asymmetrical opening? It is this solution that will best complement and emphasize the stylistic identity of the room.

Choosing the most suitable form, you should lean on not only to the above recommendations, but also to the height of the ceilings in room. Otherwise, you run the risk of once again drawing attention to the existing drawback.

When choosing this type of finish, remember that natural wood needs careful care. Otherwise, it all depends on your financial capabilities and imagination. The color of the wooden openings should be matched to the color of the floor or skirting boards. You can also rely on the color of the furniture items.

The style of design also plays a role. After all, not all modern trends welcome the use of such "warm" materials. For example, either plastic or metal is more preferred or minimalism.

12. Decorative finishing with natural or artificial stone

When choosing a natural stone finish, it is imperative consider his the weight and select an adhesive mixture specifically for such material. In addition, installation is further complicated by the fact that the fragments can slide under their own weight, so either you need to lay them using the same technology as - using a piece of metal profile and wedges, or hold each pebble for several minutes until the glue grabs.

Also, some experts argue that installation should start directly from the floor, but this is not always appropriate. For example, if you want to use skirting boards, it is better to leave space for them than to mount them over stones. Natural stone is expensive material. Therefore, artificial substitutes are often preferred. Its appearance at a fairly high level mimics the natural texture. It is lighter and more affordable, easier to lay and cut. And to make the process even easier, they came up with ready-made corner elements.

Stone-faced doorways look very cozy. However, you should not choose this finish for deep and narrow openings. It may turn out that the opening will resemble the entrance to a cave, which is not appropriate in all interiors.

13. Arch instead of the usual "rectangle"

Arched openings have become popular for a long time and are still actively used by many designers. Doorways of a similar shape are highly a good decision for use in small spaces. They help to visually make the space more spacious. Correctly selected proportions of the width and height of the arch can also "raise" a low ceiling. Arches can be of both standard shapes and the most unpredictable ones.

Very often, such an element is key in the interior, and all the decoration depends on it. You can purchase ready-made arch-type portals from a variety of materials, or you can to do arch yourself. Often, the frame of the desired shape is assembled from metal profiles and sheathed with plasterboard. Instead of profiles, wooden strips of sufficient thickness can be used. A layer of plaster is applied on top of it, and then decorative finishing is performed. Very often, arches can be found as a connecting element between a room with a loggia. They can have built-in shelves, lighting, niches for placing decor items or a fragment. It can also be used as a dressing table or as a place to place indoor plants. Advantage the design of a doorway in the form of an arch is that it can fit into almost any style of interior. It is enough just to choose the right shape and finishing material.

And for creation various functional elements. It can be a composition of wall niches, or it can be a homemade shelving unit. The space around doorways is often empty. If you equip shallow drywall shelves around the perimeter, you can save space, provide enough space for placing souvenirs, books, family photos. In this case, the need to buy a wall or a pedestal may disappear automatically.

In addition, such structures can frame openings not only rectangular, but also semicircular. This solution looks very original and interesting. Subsequent plasterboard finishing will depend on the style of your room. It will be possible to simply plaster and paint the surface, matching the color to the wall covering. Separate shelves can be supplement multicolored backlight. The rear walls of the shelves can be pasted over or painted in a distinctive color.

This will add originality to the design and make it visually deeper. From drywall, you can build, probably, absolutely any structure in shape. The main thing to remember is that it should not be loaded with heavy objects. Still, such elements are more decorative.

15. Decoration of the doorway with textiles

Decorating doorways with textile elements can be called the most romantic of all methods. A translucent tulle that flies in the wind will create a stunning atmosphere, especially if you choose a fabric with a barely visible shiny thread that shimmers in the sun. It is with the help of curtains that you can create a design that, if necessary, will create a secluded atmosphere. If, nevertheless, you decide to connect the bedroom with the living room or another room, then choose opaque curtains with side hooks to decorate the doorway.

In addition to the usual transparent or opaque canvases, filament curtains, curtains made of bamboo or beautiful beads are perfect. You can create complex compositions from several types of fabrics with lambrequins and other elements. Such a volumetric design is appropriate only in large rooms and for wide openings. The room looks very interesting, in which the door and window openings are decorated identically.

The only thing that should not be done is to choose roller or Chinese curtains or vertical fabric roller blinds for decoration. In this case, it will be very inconvenient to walk between rooms.

A doorway without a door is sometimes an original way out when solving the problem of combining the space of living quarters. So, for example, not all homeowners want to install a door between the hallway and the living room, especially if the layout of the apartment disposes of this. Quite often, the practice of combining a loggia with a room is also done by removing the window and door frames, which expands the usable area. However, both of the solutions given above as an example at the same time create a new problem - the original and accurate design of the resulting opening.

Today, a very wide range of different materials is presented on the construction market, making it possible to design a living space in any style and for every taste. Therefore, there should be no problems with the implementation of even the most intricate project. Moreover, you can get by with relatively low costs, at the same time, richly decorate the doorway with a beautiful and original casing.

Do not think that the decoration of this interior element is not as significant as, for example, walls or ceilings. Until the last decorative details are installed, the general appearance of the premises will not have the desired completeness.

Finishing materials for doorways

Modern designers have developed a large number of design options for doorways, which are carried out using different materials. These include the following:

  • Decorative clinker tiles.
  • Stucco molding made of plaster or its imitation from polyurethane.
  • Plastic panels.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Natural wood.

In addition to the finishing material itself, the chosen shape of the doorway itself can become the decoration detail of the interior. And it can range from traditional rectangular options to asymmetrical complex configurations.

Finishing with any of the above materials can be done independently, having previously developed a design sketch and having the necessary tools and materials at hand.

Clinker tiles

One of the traditional solutions for finishing the opening is facing with clinker tiles for a brick

Decorating doorways with clinker tiles has recently become a fairly popular trend - this can be explained by the variety of colors of this material and the ease of use. Not only straight versions of tiles are produced, but also corner ones, with which it is convenient to veneer the corners of doorways, and they are suitable both for traditional rectangular shapes and for an arch or semi-arch.

Most often it is used for external facade decoration, but for certain rooms and doorways it is perfect, especially if it is in harmony with the wall decoration. Sometimes, in addition, in conjunction with the doorway, they also clad the areas around the windows with the same material, so that the room immediately takes on its own style.

Sometimes clinker tiles are used in combination with smooth plastered walls.

On the walls, according to the drawn up sketch, markings are made. This process is especially important if the tiles will be laid out in the form of a chaotic asymmetric pattern.

The tiles are laid in different ways, creating an even edge or a jagged, stepped edge from it, often they are mounted with an offset.

Before laying the tiles, it is recommended to additionally process the area on the wall to be cladding, due to which the adhesion of building compounds will improve, and the material is guaranteed to be reliably glued to the surface. The primer must dry completely before gluing the tiles.

Clinker tiles are glued onto tile glue or "liquid" nails - the adhesive composition is selected depending on the quality of the wall surface. If the wall has imperfections or slight irregularities, it is best to use tile adhesive. "Liquid" nails can be used only with a perfectly flat surface.

The adhesive is applied to the back surface of the tile very carefully. If a cement or gypsum-based mortar is used, then its excess must be removed immediately, and it is better to try so that it does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the tile.

It is very important to ensure that the tiles are laid evenly horizontally. Control over this parameter must be carried out using the building level constantly during cladding work.

When the glue has set, these calibration strips can be removed from the joints and the masonry can be left until the mortar is completely dry.

After the glue has dried, the joints between the tiles are sealed with a grout of a suitable color, in harmony with the finishing material or with the shade of the walls.

Fake diamond

Artificial stone trim is also a rather stylish option, especially since the choice of this material is even much wider than that of clinker tiles. made from natural rocks, crushed into crumbs, to which various polymers and dyes have been added.

Artificial material very faithfully imitates the appearance and texture of natural stone - it can be limestone, malachite, shell rock, jasper, marble and other rocks. There is a variant that is simply called "wild stone", that is, without processing, which looks very original.

The colors of this material are varied, from cold gray to warm ocher, so it can always be matched to the shades of the interior.

The following qualities can be called the advantages of surface finishing with artificial stone:

  • Presentable, aesthetic and stylish appearance.
  • Excellent harmony with other materials.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage with correct laying.
  • Long operating time without changing the appearance.
  • Simplicity in daily maintenance of the finish.

For finishing a doorway, they usually select compact sizes of artificial stone, with a not very deep embossed pattern, otherwise it will look too bulky.

For corners, it is best to choose special corner elements that are easy to install and securely fasten to surfaces.

Finishing with this material is carried out in different ways - sometimes it is laid, observing an even border, but more often the "torn edge" design technique is used. Using this method of masonry, the finish is more natural, original and does not look "boring".

Of course, when choosing one of the options for placing tiles on the wall and in the opening, you need to rely on the general design style of the entire room.

An artificial stone is fixed in the same way as clinker tiles, on one of the tile adhesives or "liquid nails". It should be borne in mind that this material is much heavier than the tile, since it often has a large thickness, therefore the wall for its installation must be especially carefully prepared, be sure to treat it in several layers with a primer.

Facing with an artificial stone is a rather laborious work, since each of the elements must be glued to the wall and held for some time in order for the composition to grab. In addition, it must be said that this is a rather expensive material. However, it is worth it - the effect of a high-quality finish will be amazing.

Stucco molding, natural gypsum and artificial

Stucco molding along the perimeter of the opening without a door - columns with pilasters and capitals.

Nowadays, stucco moldings inside modern apartments and houses can be seen quite rarely, although this is one of the most interesting design styles, including doorways. Naturally, stucco is not suitable for every interior - it must be designed in a certain style, and in it all elements must be harmoniously combined with each other.

However, if it is decided to make one of the rooms in a classical, Doric, Venetian or other similar style, where the presence of stucco elements is assumed and will not be absurd, then the design of the doorway with the help of it will, of course, be "in the theme."

Previously, gypsum was used to decorate rooms and facades, and the columns were often made of natural limestone. Today these interior parts are also made from polyurethane.

Plaster moldings are quite heavy, so it is quite difficult to attach them to the walls. Installation is further complicated by the fact that the solidified gypsum is very fragile, and if it falls even from a low height or with careless actions during the facing, the finishing element may break into pieces.

Plaster molding is, of course, a "classic of the genre", but working with it is hard enough

Polyurethane is very lightweight, adheres well and adheres to any surface.

It is much more convenient to carry out finishing - to use polyurethane parts "for stucco molding"

A very wide assortment of various details for decorating a doorway is produced - these can be borders, pilasters with capitals, or even full-fledged columns that are glued to the ceiling and wall.

The range of polyurethane parts with imitation stucco molding is very wide

The variety of shapes and relief patterns of these decorative elements allows you to choose them for any, the most demanding taste. It is also very important that polyurethane is easy to paint, which can create an imitation of natural stone or make the surface of parts glossy and perfectly white.

Similar polymer parts are also produced for modern design - with a relief that does not have floral patterns, elements of columns and capitals, but are made in the form of moldings. Although they can also be combined with modest platbands, which will complement arched or straight elements.

This type of polyurethane finish can be disguised as natural wood or stone by painting them in the desired color and varnishing.

Installation of polyurethane parts is easy to carry out independently on one of the polymer adhesives, "liquid nails" or special glue "Moment".

It is probably worth noting that columns and pilasters are not particularly suitable for small-sized apartments, since such details will overload the space, and it will seem even smaller.

If the house or apartment has high ceilings that make the rooms uncomfortable, it is worth rounding off the sharp corners of the doorway and choosing an arched option for this.

In the case when a hall or a hall in a large house is decorated with polyurethane parts, columns decorated with Doric reliefs are best used to create pomp and grandeur.

Plastic panels

Plastic kits for decorating doorways can be purchased even ready-made - they are produced for openings of different shapes: rectangular, arched and semi-arched, designed for different heights and widths. Platbands can be white or made with a textured pattern of one of the wood species, which can have different shades. It will not be difficult to choose the color of the platband for the overall range of the interior, as well as install them on the walls of the doorway.

Typically, a finishing kit consists of the following elements:

  • Platband, which is fixed from the outside of the opening to the wall. As a rule, this element consists of three parts - the top bar and two side ones. If the opening is made in the form of an arch, then the upper part should be arched. If the opening is finished, which will be operated without a door leaf, then the set must include two platbands, for one and the other side of the doorway.
  • An additional strip, which is mounted directly on the walls of the opening along its thickness and closes it completely.

  • For an arched opening, it must also be made in a certain configuration. Some kits are made of plastic that is flexible enough, so they bend perfectly to the desired shape. However, when purchasing such a kit, you should ask the seller to demonstrate the flexibility of the material right in the store.

Making doorways with just such a plastic kit is very popular, since it has a relatively affordable price and has a number of positive characteristics, which include:

  • Ease of installation of elements, which will not be difficult to do on your own.
  • Sufficient resistance to mechanical stress with careful use.
  • Easy to clean, as the material does not accumulate dust and is easily tidied up with a damp soft cloth.
  • Possibility to disguise communication cables under the panels. Some kits have a special entrance for them into the inner space of the casing, located at the level of the plinth, and the design provides for special channels for laying wires.
  • Plastic panels add neatness to the doorway and visually highlight it with an aesthetic frame.

Fastening elements of plastic platbands and accessories to the walls is done in different ways - it can be gluing them to surfaces with the help of "liquid nails", and sometimes they are fastened with locking joints on special guides that are included in the finishing kit.

Wood finish

Wooden platbands are traditional for finishing door and window openings, but not many people know that they can have a variety of shapes and designs. Of course, those with decorative elements, carved by hand or on special equipment, will not be cheap, but they will also be used for a very long time.

If necessary, wooden platbands can be repainted, for example, if the entire interior of the room is completely changed, including the color of the walls.

Finishing materials made of wood can be selected for any style of decoration - they can look quite simple or be decorated with curly carvings. An important advantage of the material itself and products made from it can be called its environmental friendliness.

In addition, it should be noted that even the most inexpensive wood, but well processed and covered with the necessary means to preserve the material, as well as decorated with paints and varnishes, will not be distinguishable from expensive wood species. It is not difficult to carry out these processes, so it will be possible to save money on them by purchasing or ordering the master platbands in an unprocessed form.

Despite the emergence of a large number of new types of materials from which platbands are made, wood will never lose its popularity and is often chosen for the design of doorways of any shape.

Doorway shape

Since the shape of the doorway plays an important role in interior design, especially if it is not planned to install a door on it, this parameter should be considered separately. The configuration of the doorway can be familiar to many - rectangular, emphasizing the classic style - arched, asymmetric, trapezoidal and other shapes.

Arched doorway

The arched configuration has recently become especially popular when constructing a doorway without a door. This form has become widespread for the design of passageways both in standard apartments and in large private houses.

The advantage of this shape is that it softens sharp corners. Visually, the arch makes the ceiling higher in the conditions of an apartment, and somewhat "lowers" it at too high ceilings in mansions. If it is necessary to visually "lower" the ceiling, making the room more comfortable, you only need to slightly expand the arched opening, making it almost completely semicircular, without vertical sections.

In addition, such an arch will expand the space, and both rooms combined by it will look much larger.

An arched opening is usually installed between the living room and the kitchen or hallway. This solution makes the design original and the interior more interesting. Each owner of the apartment, performing the installation independently, gets the opportunity to make it exclusive.

This opening option is excellent when combining a loggia with a living room. Due to the expansion of the arched structure, the room will visually appear larger than it actually is.

Try to make the arch yourself!

Drywall in skillful hands turns into a truly versatile material that opens up the broadest possibilities of self-creation of the most complex interior elements. For a diligent and accurate landlord, manufacturing should not be too difficult. To help him - a special publication of our portal.

Video: a variety of interior solutions with an arched opening without a door

Trapezoidal opening

A doorway of this form cannot be called popular, and it is quite rare to find it, especially in a city apartment. It must be said that such a frame, especially one that has a dark shade, has a somewhat depressing effect on the psyche. It is perhaps more rational to use such a form in large rooms, where it will not become the compositional center of the design, but will neatly fit into it along with other decorative elements.

The relevance of a trapezoidal opening in a residential area is highly questionable

If, nevertheless, it is decided to use such a form to design an opening in an apartment where the ceiling is not very high, then you should not make the upper horizontal part of the trapezoid too narrow. Such a form will not only visually narrow the room and lower the ceiling - it will, as it were, make the interior heavier and, oddly enough, spoil the mood.

Such "hard" forms can negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of a person

The lack of smooth shapes in the doorway will make the room uncomfortable, even if wallpaper or other decorative finishes in warm shades are used for its overall design. Therefore, if the choice of the shape of a doorway without a door is made, then it is better to refuse this option right away.

Asymmetrical opening shapes

There are a great many options for asymmetric openings - they can have smooth, angular shapes or combine several of the configurations. Choosing fancy lines for the opening, one must not forget not only about the supporting structures of the house - it is not always possible to expand the opening to the expected width.

Asymmetrical openings - the widest field for the owners' fantasies

A very important point is the psychological impact of the forms on the mood of the residents. If you don't want constant clashes, irritability and misunderstandings in the family, it is best to avoid sharp corners and sharp forms of doorways. If you still cannot do without such outlines, then they need to be smoothed out by placing smooth rounded transitions and shapes next to it.

Due to the fact that today in the construction markets you can find not only ready-made arched or asymmetric sets for decorating openings, but also a lot of other materials, designers and amateur finishers create the most unrealistic decorative configurations. One of the materials that is most often used for such work is drywall. It is used for cladding structures made of galvanized metal profiles. These building materials have a very affordable price, but for the manufacture of complex, decorative interior transitions, you will have to put all your efforts and spend a lot of time, as well as seriously work on the project beforehand, adapting it for a specific doorway.

Plasterboard - a unique material for the construction of walls and partitions

When thinking about redevelopment, the construction of new partitions or the reconstruction of existing ones, it is best to rely on the use of drywall. A special publication of our portal is devoted to the process of self-creation of internal ones.

To summarize, it should be noted that the above presented options for decorating doorways without installing door panels are by no means the only possible ones. It is quite possible to independently develop and implement your own design project for this interior element. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the structural structure of the entire structure, since an expanded doorway in some cases can weaken the load-bearing walls and floors, which is extremely dangerous not only for residents of the upper floors, but also for those who live in a reconstructed apartment.

If any doubts arise during the preparation of the project, then it is best to contact the specialists for the calculation or even for the performance of all the work. They will determine the capabilities of the supporting structures and calculate the allowable limits for the expansion of doorways without compromising the overall structure of the entire building.

Ensuring the privacy of each family member in a large apartment is the responsibility of the interior doors. If there is a lot of living space, and there is no need to fence the space, you can beautifully equip a doorway without a door. The absence of a door leaf between rooms is a fairly practical option for expanding the space. This is especially true for small apartments. Also, thanks to this solution, you can more conveniently arrange pieces of furniture. Decorating a doorway without a door is definitely a profitable solution. It is worth learning more about the features of its implementation.

Features of doorless openings

Such a structure is equipped in such a way that the door frame is completely eliminated. You also need to choose the size of the opening and its shape. The interior is determined by the design solutions present in the adjoining rooms. If an arched structure is chosen, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling and the peculiarities of the location of the load-bearing walls. Photos of doorways without doors can be seen below.

Usually, the standard solution that is taken in such a situation is decorative finishing using the following materials:

  • panel plastic;
  • artificial or natural stone;
  • polyurethane stucco molding.

Curtains and screens can be used as additional decorative elements. Especially popular are materials that do not lose their characteristics even after many years of operation.

Benefits of an open opening

One of the popular solutions in terms of equipping openings is the device of sliding doors. They do not require a lot of space for installation, so they are often installed in apartments with small dimensions.

Correctly designed openings look quite attractive. They create the effect of combining adjacent rooms. Also, this solution improves the quality of ventilation in the apartment. Such openings also look great if they open onto an insulated balcony.

Thanks to the equipment of the doorless space, it is possible to fully compensate for the standard layout. It is well worth the investment and effort. One of the distinctive features of such openings is the reduction in the cost of materials that will be used to design a doorway without a door.

A doorway (for example, to the kitchen), which is not equipped with a door leaf, is an advantageous solution for the interior. The implementation of various finishes, presented in the photo in the article, is distinguished by originality and emphasizes the individuality of the apartment owners. The work can be done by hand.

Drywall arches

One of the cheapest options for decorating an opening without a door is to use drywall. Material features:

  • it can be cut with an ordinary knife;
  • due to the smooth and even surface of the material, its preparation is carried out in a minimum volume;
  • the seamy side has a sufficiently high degree of adhesion to various adhesives;
  • the service life of such a material is 20 years of continuous operation.

To fix the cladding, you will need to install the frame of the arched structure. It is usually made of a metal profile. A mounting bar can also be used. First, wall plasterboard is mounted, and on top - facing.

The use of a waterproof putty, as well as a special tape, allows you to close the joints much faster. When choosing a material, it should be borne in mind that acrylic-based compositions have a fairly high strength. In contrast, gypsum products are well polished. This property is especially important for the paintwork of the arch.

Opening decoration using plastic

In the process of designing doorless openings, plastic is often used. The variety of panels allows you to choose from many interesting options. These products can imitate various textures, including wood and stone.

Plastic decor of an opening without a door is usually selected according to the pattern, as well as by color and texture. This allows you to create an interior in which all the details will look as harmonious as possible. With the right selection of the characteristics of materials, you can increase the space visually.

During the finishing of the opening, it is not required to invite specialists. If you have certain skills for such work, the whole process can be done independently.

Polyurethane stucco molding

Often, in the design of doorless spaces between adjacent rooms, polyurethane stucco molding is used. If work is carried out in a small apartment, it is better to pay attention to materials that have a low-relief pattern. Volumetric stucco molding is appropriate only in the presence of high ceilings.

One of the advantages of polyurethane is the ability to paint it with any paint. For this reason, such a coating is often used in the design of openings without doors. The material can be easily fixed with special glue.

Stone in the decoration of openings

Stone is one of the most attractive and durable materials used for interior decoration. It has a high degree of wear resistance and also has an excellent appearance. It is easy to attach with glue.

Artificial stone loses to natural stone in terms of service life, but its lightness compensates for this. Also, this finish is inexpensive. There are many models of artificial stone in different colors on the construction market.

Stone cladding methods

There are several options for how to lay stone elements when facing an opening. One of the most common is the way to make edging with straight edges. Such cladding looks neat and stylish. The second option is torn edges. Before starting the installation of tiles, all surfaces of the opening should be leveled. To improve adhesion, the surface should be primed.

An interesting option is clinker cladding. Such products perfectly imitate old natural stone masonry. Clinker masonry is characterized by increased wear resistance, as well as the preservation of the original type of material even after years of operation.

How to choose the type of opening

According to the opinions of designers, arched-type structures have great opportunities to increase the visual appeal of the opening. At the same time, the premises look more interesting. It is especially worth thinking about making an arched doorless opening in the case of a narrow corridor. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to improve not only the interior design, but also to increase the convenience of moving around the apartment.

If the apartment has standard ceilings, you can make an arch with a slight rounding. Usually, the radius of such structures is chosen based on the dimensions of the doorway. The radius should be twice the width of the free space under the arch.

Important! Shallow arches visually increase the space, raise the ceiling, and can also be combined with a variety of interior styles.

To design an opening with a high ceiling, you can use unconventional arches. For example, they are trapezoidal, elliptical and asymmetric. If, for example, an arch is being erected over the space between the corridor and the living room, you can make it in the form of a structure with slopes that imitate half-columns.

Openings made in the Baroque or Empire style look interesting. If the apartment is small, do not overload the space with small items. This will visually reduce the space.

Many designers pay more attention to symmetrical designs. If you decorate such an opening with low-relief polyurethane stucco molding, you can get a great look. To complete the arch, you should understand the rules for working with drywall, as well as purchase the necessary materials for the frame.


When arranging the opening between rooms, certain rules of work should be taken into account. There are several limitations that require close attention. For example, block partitions are often installed in apartments, in which the door frame is a load-bearing element that supports the wall. In this case, its dismantling may lead to subsidence of the partition and the appearance of cracks. For this reason, such openings are first strengthened.

Such frames provide an even distribution of the load on the walls. For example, it rises if the opening is finished with stone. You should also think about the environmental friendliness of materials. If you buy too cheap products without thinking about their quality, the consequences can be unpleasant.


Thus, finishing an opening without a door is a fairly popular method of arranging the space between two rooms. This allows you to add interesting details to the interior, as well as visually enlarge the premises. There are a fairly large number of options for finishing openings.

Arched structures are very attractive and can be installed in apartments of any style. However, when choosing this option, it is worth considering the peculiarities of the layout of the living space.

The materials for finishing the opening can be very different - polyurethane stucco molding, stones, clinker tiles, plastic panels. This variety allows you to choose the most suitable option for your apartment.