Door handles are the main and integral element of the front door control. Everything about platbands, capitals, cornices for interior doors Telescopic platbands on the door installation

The choice of door finishing during installation was limited several decades ago. Now you can choose any trim for this interior element. Manufacturers produce a wide range of products, while a strictly defined platband is suitable for a specific task. They have several differences: in terms of material, installation method and purpose. An interesting solution for any interior will be a telescopic casing.

Types of platbands

Platbands of entrance and interior doors are distinguished according to the functions they perform: decorative or constructive. The latter have their purpose to close the gap formed between the wall and They are installed directly on the box. Decorative ones create visual aesthetics, creating a harmonious transition between and the wall.

Platbands made of wood

Even with all the variety of materials, wood has not lost its significance. It is environmentally friendly and versatile. Platbands from it will fit any type of box. The advantages of wooden elements include the possibility of further restoration, namely painting, putty, varnishing, etc. More often the telescopic platband is made of wood.

Platbands from MDF

These elements have a beautiful appearance and most often they imitate wood. MDF coating can be different, but it is mainly paper lamination. Such an outer layer is very afraid of moisture, therefore it is undesirable to wash it, since even a slight ingress of moisture, for example, when washing the floor next to the door, can worsen the appearance of the platband.

Platbands made of plastic

Plastic has recently been used as a casing material, but has already gained popularity. This happened due to its moisture resistance and cheapness, as well as a variety of colors and shades.

Platbands made of ceramic

Ceramic door frame elements are a specific option that is most often used for interior decoration of an entire room under a stone. Therefore, they are decorative in nature, and their popularity is low due to their limited use.

Telescopic trim: features

Telescopic platbands got their name from the way they are attached to the door frame. They are curved strips along their entire length. One of the edges is curved at a 90 degree angle to form an L-shaped cross-section. This curved edge will fit into the door groove. The telescopic mount allows you to adjust the width of the door frame to the width of the wall within 8-15cm.

The standard width of the box is 7 cm, and the walls are often wider by several centimeters, therefore, special extensions are used that push the telescopic platbands apart.

Telescopic platband: advantages

  • Fast and easy installation.
  • Telescopic structures allow avoiding the use of additional elements such as extensions.
  • Platbands do their job well, hiding the joint that forms between the box and the wall.
  • They are easily dismantled, which allows for repair work without fear of damaging the platband. At the end of the work, the telescopic platbands can be simply replaced.
  • There are no traces of installation, since the telescopic versions do not require fasteners - nails or glue. Sometimes the platbands can be glued, but this must be done carefully: fix the part that is attached to the wall, and not the joint itself with the door groove.

The only drawback of telescopic platbands is their high cost compared to other options.

Telescopic casing, the photo of which is presented below, as well as simple casing, can have a flat, rounded or curly shape.

Installation features

Sometimes doors are produced with ready-made fittings, including platbands. This eliminates possible errors and shortcomings during installation. The technology allows you not to use special types of fasteners. Installation of telescopic platbands in this case is much easier.

Telescopic doors initially have a groove for mounting platbands. These slots allow installation even on walls that are not vertically aligned. This is achieved because the molding fits snugly against the surface. The telescopic panel can be an addition to the casing, it is attached to it with a special veneer and allows you to give an aesthetic appearance to an opening of any thickness.

The design of the telescopic platbands does not allow them to move in relation to the door, therefore, a single geometry is preserved. Installation of such platbands does not require additional measurements and tools.

Craftsmen often ask themselves the question: how to install telescopic platbands? Even an inexperienced person will find it easy to cope with the installation if he has an understanding of the design of the door frame and the functions of the platbands. The type will not play a big role in this.

When installing telescopic platbands, special attention should be paid to the place where the door hinge fasteners intersect the grooves. In this case, the protrusion of the casing must be cut to the required depth with any available tool.

Before installing any platbands, make sure that the walls are aligned. Otherwise, a gap will form between the platbands and the wall, and this will inevitably ruin the appearance.

The telescopic platband, the dimensions of which depend on which opening should be refined, is produced with a width of 6-8 cm.The length of two parts is 220 cm, and the size of the upper one is 120 cm.The shelf that is inserted into the groove can have a width of 1 to 4 cm ...


Installation of platbands on the opening is an important matter, which requires maximum accuracy of measurements and accuracy during the installation process. Observing these conditions, you can achieve a high-quality result, which will guarantee the uniqueness and completeness of the interior. If you are installing a box containing all the necessary elements in its kit, then you need to carefully read the instructions provided by the manufacturer - this will exclude incorrect installation or damage to decorative elements.

Now I am going to install an extension on this door. The accessory will be telescopic. For those who do not know, this is it in a cut.

Here is such a groove. There is a groove in the finishing strip. And on the cash there is such a thorn. Cashing has such a profile.

Why is it done. That's when we put the addition, then the cashing is inserted into it. And we can adjust the distance within this pass. About one and a half centimeters.

Now, if we have, for example, this distance is not 8 centimeters, like here. And there from 5 to 15 millimeters, we can make cashing immediately without additional payment. This box is certainly not telescopic. This door was installed a long time ago. It's a simple box. In general, there are passes here in telescopic boxes. Immediately, so that the cash can be mounted there.

Where do I start to install the add-on. First, I saw off in height. First, I end the bottom, then here I make a mark with a clerical knife and saw off 1 millimeter shorter.

Then, I take a square and measure this here is the distance from the box to the edge. And we add even the depth of the groove. In this case, it is 1 centimeter. And I do the markup on the back. Here is the line.

Well, here it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to saw off from the side where it will be inserted into the box. Because this land cannot be spoiled. Well, here I expect the additional bar to be somewhere a couple of millimeters smaller than to the plane of the wall itself. Because it doesn't matter here. I can adjust these 2-3, even 5 millimeters with this cashing thorn. If the usual additional strips, then on the contrary, I make the width of the additional strips 1 millimeter wider. For what? So that the cash out was enough in any case. And you need to measure. The walls are not always level, so I measure at several points. Well, at about 4. Above, somewhere here and below.

If the wall is roughly flat, you can do it at 3 points. And I adjust, thus, the left and right additional bar. Then I mount the top one on top of them, right on top of them. I saw off the whole thing with a jigsaw. You can use a circular saw with some kind of parquet flooring or a mini circular saw. The top bar, I mark it out like this.

Here I put it like this so that this edge of it was even before the beginning of the groove. Here I also mark out, right in the groove. A knife once and that's all. Then I turn it over and insert it like this. And here we are already making marks, as it were, in width. Because there is a different left and right edge. This is how we make labels. Here and here. Like this.

And then I draw and cut.

Installation of completions

So, now that all our type-setting strips are prepared, sawn off, we install them in place.

Here so that the plane coincides. I check it with my fingers.

So, here is a right angle and up to the groove. Here's what we get.

Like this. Why do we have to do this here? So that when we insert cash, nothing sticks out here, nor does it interfere. And this corner will be tightened with us, that's how it will be. Here it is.

That is how it should be. This plane also coincides. There she is. Here, too. Everything matches.

In the case when, for example, a gap is formed in this corner. Well, there is no foam, for example, to bump into. I drill here and screw in the screws. They are, as it were, an emphasis, and they support this whole corner. That’s all. Now we will mount them. To do this, first I will moisten this case so that the foam disperses better. It expands more evenly.

Because the foam expands when exposed to moisture. So, let's take the foam. And with these cakes, I pass the entire perimeter.

Now I take the masking tape wide from me. And I fix the addition. I make sure that there is a right angle.

And so along the entire perimeter. In this way, I recorded all this. After about one hour, you can already remove everything and cash out. I will also do this procedure from this side. From the edge and from the top. That's all, the dobroys will be ready. This attachment is sufficient. There is no load here. No mechanical fasteners are required here. All this stuff is ready. We can say that it will freeze now and that's it. Propenyl, fixed.

Why do I do it with such dots, and not a continuous one. Two reasons. First, it saves foam. Secondly - a guarantee that the extras will not be squeezed out by an arc. Because the foam has a lot to expand into free space. That's all. Completion is done. This is done for a short time within 10-15 minutes. Now I will finish on the other door. During this time, the foam will cool down and it will be possible to begin to cash out.

Installing cashing

Here is our stock froze. I trimmed the foam, removed the tape. Now I will bet the cash. But I will put it here at an angle of 45 degrees.

In general, telescopic casings are usually placed like this, cut at right angles here. And from above, the cash goes here, like this.

But, since on this door, the cashing is already installed like this. It means that from this side it is also necessary to do so. How to mark up. This is how I take it and here I put a half mark with a knife. Like this. Everything, I cut off here and here.

I put the top one first. Then I also substitute the vertical ones with an overlap. This is how I put and make a mark. This is how it stands, for example. And I did it again.

So just put the mark. Here it is, you can barely see it. And I cut everything off. First, of course, you need to cut off the bottom, and then I applied liquid nails here on this edge. Right here. Here on this road edge, like this.

This way, this way and along the entire length. And I'll slam her. Because if you glue the entire groove. This glue will fill everywhere, and it will be almost impossible to remove it. It is already tight there and you just need to fix it a little. You can apply glue here. Directly on the wall, several points. This will be enough.

All and insert. It is possible between them a little.

We mount everything.

So, this is what we got in the end. Here is such a corner.

Here you can tint with a pencil so that this seam is not visible. Strongly will not rush into the gas. And then that's how it is. Everything is clear and beautiful. Now I will show you how to do the markup. Here I put it, a knife like this.

Everything. There is a label. Now we take the mark like this, here. And hold the knife at a right angle and carry it. That's it, now you need to cut it diagonally. Everything goes to trimming. The truth here, due to the fact that there is a groove, it becomes crooked. I just put a piece of wood here along the thickness of this distance.

Here I put it and it will melt evenly. And I saw off.

Well, that's what we got in the end. Such is the complement. Black, hard to see, well, nothing. Now I'll show you up close.

Everything is tight, everything is smooth, no cracks. Here is this node. Everything, the door is absolutely ready.

All rights to the video belong to: Roman Zaitsev

Previously, the installation of platbands for an interior door required certain measurements, patience and accuracy, but even this did not guarantee the correct and even installation of these decorative elements, they did not know about extras in those days. However, modern solutions and competition in the market have a positive effect on the development of production, due to which from time to time some innovations appear on the market that qualitatively improve the doors and the process of their installation in the doorway. Everyone knows what interior doors are, however, not everyone understands what extensions for interior doors and telescopic platbands are. In this article, we will dwell on each concept in more detail.

Telescopic platbands for interior doors
In the design of any room, everything should be perfect, especially the interior door. It is she who meets and sees off the guests, it is the doors that are the first interior item that a person entering the room sees, which means that the interior of the room will be primarily associated with the front door. Platbands are far from the last element of interior door decor.

The platband is a decorative functional element, with the help of which the connection between the door frame and the walls of the room is hidden. They also decorate the doorway by framing it around the entire perimeter, except for the threshold or floor. Depending on the installation method, two types of platbands are distinguished:

  1. Traditional overhead platbands
  2. Telescopic platbands

Overhead platbands are mounted using fasteners and glue. They are simply superimposed on the door frame-to-wall intersection and secured. Their main disadvantage is the complexity of installation. Considering the fact that the platbands are simply applied, they can move in different directions relative to the door, thereby disrupting the geometry and appearance of the doorway.

Telescopic platbands have a special design that does not allow them to move relative to the door, thereby preserving the ideal geometry of the doorway, moreover, their installation is much easier and does not require the use of additional tools and measurements. The design of the telescopic platbands is ingeniously simple - there is a fastening protrusion on the platband, which is at an angle of 90 degrees to it. It is this protrusion that is inserted into a groove specially made at the factory in the door frame, due to which the platband perfectly follows the contour of the door and is installed without any problems.

When installing telescopic platbands, pay special attention to the fact that the fasteners of the door hinges will cross the grooves. At these points, the retaining tab on the casing is removed to the required depth using a milling cutter or similar cutting tool.

Advantages of interior doors with telescopic platbands:

  • Platbands are quick and easy to install
  • In some cases, platbands are an excellent solution to avoid the installation of extensions.
  • Platbands hide all inconsistencies between the wall and the door frame
  • This design makes the platbands easily removable. For example, they can be removed during repairs in order to properly and efficiently glue the wallpaper or paint.
  • Telescopic platbands do not require fasteners or glue, as a result, there are absolutely no traces of fixing platbands to the doorway

Interior door fittings
Sometimes the installation of an interior door is complicated by the fact that the wall is wider than the door frame, and after installing the door, the inside of the opening remains uncovered. To close up this part, many use plastic or seal the opening with plaster. However, there is a more acceptable, simple and aesthetically pleasing way to close up an internal opening that has remained an open door frame - to install door fittings.

Door accessory is a wooden panel that is a continuation of the door frame and connects it to the casing, thereby hiding the remaining surface of the doorway. The add-on itself is, in fact, an extension of the door frame to the platband. If the door frame is equipped with telescopic platbands, then the addition must be appropriate - with a special groove for installing the telescopic platband.

Advantages of installing door fittings:

  • This doorway finish favorably emphasizes the doors as a separate element of the interior and is just as practical as plastic or plastered slopes.
  • If damaged, they can be easily replaced without the need for extensive repair work.
  • They are more resistant to mechanical damage than plaster

Doors are often sold complete with a door structure. If they are not included in the kit - do not be upset! There are a great many different accessories on the market, among which you can find the necessary ones. When choosing a complement, you need to pay attention to their color, texture and shade of color. Dobors should be in the same color scheme, which will create the impression of a single door structure. When choosing an extension, be sure to take into account the type of platband, if you have telescopic platbands, the extension must be equipped with a special groove for the installation of this structural element.

Estet doors are produced in Novocheboksarsk, where they undergo a full cycle of processing according to the technology. This is confirmed by numerous certificates and documents of compliance with standards.

The choice of interior systems Estet for an apartment

Beautiful and high-quality doors in an apartment are a bar that any good housewife seeks to take, especially when it comes to interior doors. They not only protect the premises from dust, sunlight, noise and drafts, but also serve to delimit space, while simultaneously being a continuation of the interior of the room or an accent in the room. Doors Estet of Novocheboksary manufacturer fully meet these requirements.

The Estelle company, having entered the market in 2002, launched production activities in 2007, began to produce high-quality wood products and soon became one of the leaders in this area. At present, it produces about 200 thousand door leaves with accessories, has a network of branded showrooms in 15 cities of Russia, and actively works with domestic and foreign partners.
From raw materials to high-quality products, doors go through many technological stages, each of which is subject to strict controls. Due to strict adherence to production technology and tracking of defects, the buyer receives a finished product, for the quality of which the manufacturer is responsible for its good name.

Features of production

The material for the manufacture of the frame and door frame is coniferous wood. It is sawn into fragments, carefully processed, removing natural pockets with resin, knots and damage. The dried beams glued together along the length lose the tension of the solid wood, therefore they almost do not react to sudden changes in temperature and humidity in the room. Due to this property, the product does not deform.
The frame is covered with a layer of PVC, which is currently comparable in strength to veneer, but significantly surpasses it in a number of other characteristics, which will be discussed below. Thanks to the PVC coating, interior doors are additionally protected from moisture, do not react to high air humidity and can be used for installation even in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens.
Doors acquire increased impact resistance, resistance to mechanical damage, scratches and chips, as evidenced by customer reviews. The cost of PVC-coated products is much lower than veneered ones, but higher than laminated ones, covered with paper. Being in the middle price category, they have a huge durability resource and, depending on the load, frequency of use, quality of care, external mechanical and chemical influences, they can last more than a dozen years, for which manufacturers have received the best customer reviews more than once.
The polymer layer prevents the harmful effects of the sun's rays on wood texture and dyes. During the entire service life, the products remain the same color that was obtained during the production process, do not fade in the sun.
Each type of door pattern and its frame has a digital code, therefore, if necessary, it can be reproduced the required number of times without limitation. This is important for those who wish to achieve complete harmony of all interior details during the renovation process without difficulties in selecting similar patterns, or who want to buy interior doors as funds become available.
A large number of colors and shades in which the interior doors are made allows you to make the best choice and, using the product catalog, find a suitable model for any interior from the photo.
The PVC coating is practically non-flammable, has high strength combined with elasticity, heat-insulating properties, does not emit pollutants, toxic substances into the air.

Decorating fireplaces with artificial stone

Model lines

Estet's quality interior doors receive only the most positive customer reviews. It cannot be otherwise, because they have not only excellent performance and acceptable cost, but also an excellent appearance, which can be seen in the photo. The safety of the goods that the catalog contains is evidenced by certificates certifying their compliance with the requirements of the state standard for wooden doors, as well as sanitary rules and regulations, which is also confirmed by a photo of documents.
The table shows some models of the Estet collection of interior doors: Prestige, Sirius, Modern, Classic, Style, Baroque, Line.
You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail by examining the product catalog with a photo.

Collection nameDoor nameDimensions (edit)Estimated cost of the set, thousand rublesProduction time
PrestigePrestige Classic with a picture2000 * (500; 600; 700; 800), as well as non-standard sizes12-13 3 weeks
Prestige with molding-//- 10-11 3 weeks
Prestige Classic-//- 9-10 3 weeks
Prestige 4-//- 10-11 3 weeks
Prestige 2-//- 9-10 3 weeks
Prestige 1-//- 9-10 3 weeks
SiriusSirius patterned-//- 11-12 3 weeks
Sirius narrow with a pattern-//- 9-10 3 weeks
Sirius full glass-//- 9-10 3 weeks
Sirius 1 narrow glass-//- 8-9 3 weeks

Estet doors look very harmonious in the interior. Scrolling through the catalog, pay attention to the name of the collection - it will suggest the direction of the search. Colorful photos will present each model individually, and customer reviews will complement the impression.

Platbands are a decorative element that frames a doorway and also closes the gap between the frame and the wall, which is often the case: walls in an apartment are rarely perfectly flat. Such a part can be sold separately, or it can be a set with accessories and a box.

In the simplest version, the casing is a straight strip 7 mm wide and 8-10 mm thick. It is fixed around the opening and can have different shapes - flat, drop-shaped, round or curly. However, this option is only suitable for the simplest cases.

If the dimensions of the doorway, respectively, the sash are standard at least relatively, then this does not apply to the parameters of the slope. Of course, in modern buildings, the width of the interior partitions and load-bearing walls is more or less standardized. However, there are options here as well. Firstly, the thickness of the walls in different buildings, and, most importantly, in houses for different purposes, varies within a very wide range. Secondly, when moving openings, builders also come across unusual engineering solutions.

As a result, the door can fully fit in size, which cannot be said about the frame. The maximum that the frame can cover is up to 140 mm thick. If the width of the slope is greater, telescopic platbands and extensions should be installed.

What it is?

Regular cross-sectional models always have a simple configuration. The shape of the top may vary, but the bar itself remains straight. During installation, the part is joined to the uprights of a conventional box and thus bridges the gap between the product and the wall. The only difficulty in this case is to choose a model by color: bleached oak, wenge, walnut.

The telescopic casing for interior doors has an L-shape. Along its entire length, the part is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, which allows it to be installed in the groove. The second feature is the presence of this groove. In his absence, such an attachment would have been impossible.

The L-shaped shape allows you to adjust the total thickness of the door frame to the width of the opening in the range from 10 to 15 mm. Part sizes vary from 90 to 150 mm.

With wide slopes, this is not enough, therefore telescopic platbands are combined with the same additional strips. The latter also have a corresponding groove, but the shape remains straight. In fact, this is an additional insert that allows you to expand the frame and cover the entire slope. The photo shows a prefabricated frame for an interior door.

Manufacturing material

A telescopic box with a casing must be made of the same material. It is important to choose not only the appropriate color - wenge, bleached oak, cherry, but also the material, since different wood and chipboards have different coefficients of thermal expansion and react differently to changes in humidity.

Accordingly, if these values ​​do not coincide, the box will begin to deform.

  • Sheet pile or edged board - if the frame is made of wood, the same material is used for the additions. Moreover, you should choose the same breed.
  • MDF is a wood-shaving material of high density and strength. Its big plus is good strength and high resistance to moisture and cold. This option is great for a front door. Pictured is a telescopic sash system.
  • Waterproof plywood is the choice for a model made of MDF, chipboard, or a combination of these materials. Plywood perfectly holds its shape and is resistant to moisture, so it is suitable for decorating an opening in a bathroom or a toilet.
  • Aluminum is a rather rare case, intended for the design of metal doors with glass and plastic inserts.

Installation is carried out in the same way for both the entrance and interior modules. However, the work is not as simple as it seems, since you need to assemble a U-shaped structure of the required thickness from the box and all kinds of slats.

Platbands alone cannot solve the problem. With a large thickness, it is also necessary to install type-setting strips, which are selected according to the total thickness of the slope and adjusted in size, if required. If the sash is already installed, add-on elements are purchased. Installation is somewhat more complicated, in addition, the fastening is not so reliable, but it fully justifies when installing interior doors.

The U-shaped structure of all parts is assembled in 3 different ways:

  • the top bar is installed between the vertical elements;
  • installation with support on transverse struts;
  • installation with a cut at 45 degrees. This is the most difficult method and is best not to be used when installing on your own.

The general scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Preparation - all finishing work must be completed: the slopes are leveled, plastered, the walls are painted or covered with wallpaper. It is desirable that a finishing floor be laid, otherwise you will have to very carefully adjust the gaps between the elements.
  2. The planks are cut in width and length. The amount of clipping is determined by the width of the slope. It is easier to wash it down at 90 degrees. To cut at 45 degrees, a saw with the option of turning the saw blade is required.
  3. Install - temporarily, vertical racks, they measure horizontal parts. They also do the same with additional elements: they are temporarily fixed in the grooves of the frame and the telescopic extensions and platbands will be adjusted in size, if required.
  4. First, a horizontal jumper is assembled. The products fit very tightly into the groove. If this is not the case, it is recommended to lubricate the grooves with "liquid nails" or other adhesive.
  5. The same is done with vertical elements.
  6. If necessary, the parts are attached to the wall with finishing nails without heads.

The video shows how to install a telescopic system.