Dual-zone interior of a children's room for a boy. Room design for a boy - arrangement depending on age. Finishing of the children's room


The private room for the child usually means much more than many parents think. Even being adults, we remember our children's room with trepidation and delight. Therefore, there is an important task before the parents - to make the repair of a children's room not just high-quality, but to create a magical world, which will be forever will be remembered and will be embodied with a dream and part of a happy childhood.

Think about the design

The first thing to start creating a cozy orphanage is a thorough thinking of style, the color range of the interior. You also need to know about the design features depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, gender, temperament and age and child.

The surrounding environment has a significant impact on the development of the child, its emotional state, therefore, when planning all stages of repair work, it is worth equally taken into account both the taste preferences of the child and its individual features.

1. Temperament

Temperament affects the design of the room. From it will depend on the choice of color solutions in decoration, accessories, furniture, textiles. Children's psychologists shared the secrets of the right color design of the rooms for children, alleviating the life of life. It is only necessary to know who your child is in temperament, and if there are no obvious features of any type, you can make a small psychological test, which is much free of free internet access.

For active guys - choleric or sanguinics - restrained furnishings in cold, light or neutral colors are recommended. Natural, basic, natural tones (gray, brown, and green) are suitable for reasonable phlegmatic. Pensive melancholic needs positive, bright colors. Designers advise for this type of kids choose solar colors (yellow and all its shades).

2. Age

Age affects the choice of furniture and design, as the standards of the bedroom and tastes in the design will differ in different periods of life.

At the age of 3 years, the child needs to ensure a safe and convenient space. The furniture must be equipped with protective elements:, fences, rubberized parts. Bright accents are appropriate only in moderate quantity, so that the baby is not distracted by a healthy, strong sleep.

As children are growing, the room will have to be converted to a striking, appropriate temperament, divide into zones where the child will play, relax, learn.

After three years, the number of toys increases in geometric progression, so the game zone is needed for 3-6 years. Upon reaching school age is also added to the training. Therefore, parents will have to take care of compact, embedded (in the case of a small area) cabinets or on spacious body walls.

The repair of the teenage room has a different, adult approach. They are practically formed, independent personalities. They are important for their opinion to take into account.

Since the young men and girls of 13-19 years old are actively interested in novelties and fashion trends, an excellent solution will give them complete freedom in the design.

In the decoration of the children's room for the boy you can use photo wallpapers with the image of urban landscapes, night megacities.

Modern elements such as a chair-bag, a windowsill, decorated under a small sofa, will give the room creative and stylish look.

3. Pol

Boy and girl rooms design has fundamental differences in the color solving, accessories, furniture set.

Since future men aged 3-11 years old are more active, often passionate about the sport, it is advisable to equip the sports zone, putting a Swedish wall or joining a boxing pear. Depending on the hobbies, the room can be issued in a certain topic: football, etc.

For the design of a small girl, it will be appropriate to use the decor in a fabulous topic: with princesses, castles and fairy. For girls older, more neutral wallpapers of light tones are suitable or with a bright pattern (if the girl loves saturated colors in the interior), photo wallpaper with the image of the kinodiv, nature or animals.

Girls and young men (teenagers) are generally more similar in views and tastes. They will appreciate the interior in the modern style. Flowers, cars, Ryushi, etc., no longer fit as decorations. The situation acquires a more discreet background. A creative campaign is welcome in the decor.

4. Square

2. Game zone. In the gaming area it is worth placing a rack or an indoor locker, where the baby will be able to fold toys and objects for creativity. If the sizes allow, it is advisable to place a small table where the child can draw or smearing.

3. Training area. To do this, you will need a table and chair. Better, if it is options with the possibility of adjusting the back and seating. To save space, the training zone can be equipped with the window, aligning the desktop of the desk with a window sill.

Knowing all the nuances in the design of the children's room, depending on the floor, age, temperament, and thoroughly worked out the project to the smallest detail, make repair with their own hands will not be difficult. So you can save money and be proud of your own work.

Every parent wants only the best for his child. It is important that all elements in the children's room for the boy have a developing nature. If you take care of, and make the repair of a children's room for a boy, your child will be very grateful to you, and he also wants to spend more time in his favorite room. Next, we will give a few ideas for making the interior of a real boyish room.

Interior of the Mother Room, in the style of "cars"

Start of repair in the children's room

Getting started at first, it is necessary to take a budget for upcoming work, based on the planned amount of money, you need to start working out the design. It is important to decide what exactly you want to do, change the interior without interventions in the layout is "cosmetic repair". If you want to seriously approach the question, something to break and put a new partition, it is already "overhaul". Perhaps your apartment is made in a certain style, with the unique design interior of the highest level, the features of which you think should be traced in the nursery, then most likely you will be "renovated".

For a boy of fascinating football, football theme is always relevant

As a rule, if the child in the family is planned, the children's room for the boy is beginning to prepare at the stage of the appearance of the baby on the light. Specialists of the company's company repair strongly recommend choosing neutral colors that will give your boy comfort and peace. As the child grows, bright accents will be made in the design of the room, which will not only like you, but also your boy. In a more mature age, the overall style in the nursery needs to be compared with your boy's hobbies, for example, if he loves to play football, he likes a football theme in the interior of his own room.

Topics for decoration

So, the first idea is suitable for the smallest kids - from the life of insects. Remember yourself in childhood - only you went with my parents in nature, for sure, you wanted to catch all grasshoppers, ants, butterflies and other insects. From this we conclude that many children love them. Surely, your son will come to the heart of the photo wallpaper with various insects, and the bed in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beetle and the lamp in the form of a frog will simply lead it into the utmost delight!

An interesting interior for small boys, based on the topic of insects

Another idea is to arrange a children's room with the help of trains and steam locomotives. On the wall you can also use photo wallpapers with train. An interesting idea is airbrushing on the wall. You can portray the train salon, and the windows of the room will become the windows of the train. Do not forget about the decoration of the floor - rails are required!

Bed in a children's room for a boy, in the form of a train

The following idea is your favorite animals. Surely, your child has a favorite animal - it can be both exotic animals and your homemade favorite. Use such an "animal" themes in your child's room - wallpaper with a pattern, photos or pictures of your beloved animal, textiles in the same topic.

Lion from his favorite cartoon, good decoration for children

Each boy will certainly appreciate the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking his room in a tent style. The main "trump card" of this room is a two-story bed, which can be "disguised" under the tent. Believe me, the child will be delighted with this idea. Chairs for such a room can be made in the form of hemp, the walls are made in the forest theme.

Real tent, not a children's room

Choose the interior based on age

A children's room for a boy from six months to three and a half years is usually made in gentle color solutions, bright accents, if you wish the parents, are made through stickers on walls and toys, which when irritating the child can be removed. Furniture to the room, for this age it is necessary to choose not attendable, with the complete absence of sharp corners. It is due to this first, the fact that the child begins to crawl and then walk!

Design for small boys, up to 3.5 years

Children's for a child from three and a half, up to five and a half years, should allocate bright colors in the finish. Children of this age are manifested by their emerging personality. It is important to have a large number of open-type shelves in the room where numerous toys can be folded. All drawers must be equipped with limiters, for lack of possible injuries. At this great age, the boys actively play with their parents, so do not forget to pay special attention to the gaming area.

Design for more adult boy up to 5.5 years

If your son is older than five and a half years old, then this is a fully formed personality that has its own preferences in the design, which he will tell you with pleasure. At this age, it is necessary to organize a place to study, and perform various homework with a comfortable table and a chair that should stand so that on them the maximum of natural light from the window of your apartment fell.

Interior with an integral place to perform homework

Children's room for a schoolboy, this is a pretty difficult task for parents! A matured child for replacing games, hobbies that need to be considered in the room. There is no zoning here without zoning, you need a recreation area, study, and games. Only when it all will be observed, the children can be called functional, with rational use of the area.

Children's room for a schoolboy, with zoning

Parents must take themselves at the notes of the Designers Council, there can be no universal repair for all the ages of the Son! As the child grows, he has new interests and addictions that need to be considered in the interior. Special attention should be paid to the zoning of the room, this will allow the use of square meters with a maximum return, the non-permanent space of which is so little in our apartments!

Repair in an unusual style, for a children's teenager room

When choosing finishing materials and furniture, the main emphasis should be done on natural materials that do not harm child health. All angles in the interior must be rounded, it will avoid ridiculous injuries. The absence of glass in furniture and decor also positively with plays security, finding a child in his room.

Simple interior, but with a raisa for a unique interior

It will be important to take care in advance, for the correct lighting of the room. The table must be installed next to the natural source of light, that is, the window. If the party on which the children's room window comes out, the dark install additional sources of lighting, in the form of point luminaires.

Rational use of the place in a small children's room

Kids Room Design Ideas for Boy 56 Photo

10.07.2018 Read for 11 minutes.

Good parents always want to create a unique world in the interior of the child's room, which would bear him and inspired to live happily and with joy to learn. Therefore, the design of the children's room always requires an individual approach. In today's review, we will tell you how to choose the style of the interior of the children's room for the boy in accordance with its age and interest and carry out the repair "turnkey" with the help of professionals.

Room design for teenage boy. Choose style

In the photo: Design of light and modern children for a boy

An interior design of a baby for a teenage boy can be performed in various styles. Very popular options are minimalism and English, sea, modern and high-tech, lofty techno. The most popular thematic options for the design of a teenage boy are: aviation, space, futuristic, computer games, auto races, graffiti and other arts, football, etc. Unlike children's schoolboy, bright colors are rarely present in such interiors, especially on the walls, the interior is as a result of neutral and very modern

You can order the interior of the children's room in the "Fundam" GC (Moscow). We do not just create design projects, but also control the entire repair process, we carry out it "turnkey" so that our customers have always been satisfied with the result.

1. Future designer. Bright and spectacular children's interior in Loft style

In the photo: Children's loft style for the future designer

If your son has long been engaged in a graphic design for a long time, give him an interior in the beloved creative individual interior-style Loft.

2. Aviator. Vintage Loft Decor

A teenager who addresses aviation and rock will appreciate the vintage stylization and the decor in the style of steampunk in the Loft interior of the mini-cabinet. Look at the amazing result of the transformation of tiny on the room area in a stylish and fashionable space! Such a corner will definitely become a favorite place of a young man in the apartment, turning into his creative laboratory.

In the photo: Aviator in Loft style. Mini-Cabinet for Teenage Boy

3. Pilot. Contemporary Children for Sky Lover

In the photo: Aviator. Children's in blue tones for boyfriend boy

Blue, blue, gray, beige and white often become the basis for the design project of the children's room for the young man. But besides these options, your stupid child has a large selection - purple, peach-gray, lilac, light green, chocolate and coffee interiors.

4. Astronaut. Futuristic decor in a nursery for a boy

In the photo: Beautiful and original interior of the children's room for child school age

In the decoration of the walls of a children's room for a boy, elements that make it similar to the ship, a beach house, an strip or airplane, a car or a fantastic capsule!

5. Ecologist. Vegetable patterns and natural tones

In the photo: Children's room for school boys

Very common is the option of decoring a children's room in a natural color scheme with vegetable accents and forest theme, beach or autumn landscape. Such interiors calm and configure the training paws, and not just entertain the child.

6. Stargazet Zodiacal constellations in children's

In the photo: Panel with zodiac constellations in children's design for teenage boy

Various decorative panels help diversify the interior of the children's room and make it more thematic. The designer will tell you that there are no ready-made solutions for the design of your child's children's room. You always need to ask him personally, what he wants what he sees his life for the next 5 years and ... Even - what kind of person he wants to grow!

For example, the boy can choose both a blue-blue option for design bedrooms and purple-lilac or yellow-orange. Agree, by the atmosphere and style they will be completely different, because they are suitable for children with completely different characters. The same applies to the variants of various panels for the accent wall.

7. Traveler. African palette in the interior of a teenager room

The modern interior of the children's room and its atmosphere is very dependent on the selected color scheme. For example, a blue-white palette is more suitable for a child who loves to sit at a computer or watch TV, white and yellow or orange-gray will enjoy an active boy, beige or chocolate - intellectual.

8. Two acrobat brothers. Design of children in Loft style for two boys

In the photo: Light room design for a teenager

In the interior of the room for two sons of adolescents, much attention should be paid to how positively affects the mood of the room of a large amount of sunlight. The sleeping area should be separated from the game with the help of partitions, but to make them transmitted, embroiling through the shelves for books and decor.

In the photo: Loft style room for boy

Loft style is worth recommending to children from 16 years old and students. It is well suited for an original adolescent room interior design with a pronounced sense of style. It is usually mixed with gray, black and white furniture, brick walls and accents in an orange or red color scheme.

9. Restrained intellectual. Neoclassic and beige in the interior of a small room

In the photo: An interior design of a beige color interior

The interior of a teenager room with a restrained and intellectual character can also be framed in neoclassical or English style. Such a children's more like a cabinet or a small living room, here it is convenient to receive guests, read books, watch TV. Maybe this is the dream of your son?

Children's room for a boy 4-7 years

In the photo: Children's room for a boy of 7 years

For a schoolboy child in the interior design of a children's room, you should choose a classic or neoclassic, a Scandinavian or modern style. We, in the GK "Fundam", we present the opportunity to choose the child yourself. If he is having difficulty in this, we ask leading questions, slowly recognizing his preferences and telling what options he has.

In the photo: Interior design of light gray room for a child

It is no secret that gray and white colors in the interior very soothing. At the same time, it is even more relevant for a child, since many modern children do not relate to dark brown and even brown, he annoys them and almost scares. That is why modern children get rid of these two shades, preferring dark or brown-brown furniture as light as possible.

Geographical discoveries

In the photo: interior design of a children's bedroom

The decoration of the children's room is very important to choose the right subject. At the same time, a qualitatively planned interior with a decor, whether in a maritime or futuristic style, looks equally beautiful and interesting. The main thing is to understand what you like your child. Give him the opportunity to consider all the options and realize what he actually wants.

Classical Children's Marine Style

In the photo: Classical children's in the marine style for a boy of 7 years

In its modern version, classic style is a practically perfect option for a child of any age. The fact is that the child surrounded by aesthetics, furniture and high quality decor, grows calm, balanced and happy, which cannot but be the main advantage of choice in favor of the classic interior from the parents.

So, if your child is from 0 to 22 years old, you can safely use the classic style for the design of his room. Given the fact that here you can choose almost any color palette (except bright, neon and too multicolored), your son will have a lot of exposure for imagination.

Modern Children's Marine Style

In the photo: Modern Children's Maritime Style for Boy 7 years

Sea style is perhaps the most popular solution for the interior of the children's room for the boy. This is a traditional and always exclusively atmospheric option, and children often ask exactly such an interior. But it is important that marine theme is now very diverse. Such an interior can be blue-brown (similar to the ship), white-gray (with a luxury yacht atmosphere), gray-white blue (in beach style), as well as white with blue and pale yellow accents (with surfership entourage).

Fabulous forest

In the photo: Beautiful children's interior for child preschool age

With the help of the interior designer, it is not difficult to create a magical world for my child. If you want the bedroom of your son to be an atmospheric, inspiring, interesting and developing, you are great for those styles as modern, Scandinavian and neoclassic.

Children with radial layout "In the Tower" of the country house

In the photo: Children's in bright colors for the boy for preschool age

In the architecture of country cottages and houses, unusual layouts are not rare, interesting children's rooms, such as erkers, loggias, turrets, separate bathrooms and dressing rooms, balconies and many windows. The correct interior design will help you use such a layout by 100%.

Children's interior for two boys

In the photo: Children's room in beige color with blue accents for two boys

If you share one room two sons, the interior designer will allow you to plan space so as not to divide both children and provide them with all the possibilities for self-expression. Often such rooms are either zonied in half, creating privacy for each child, or one half becomes a "bedroom" for both, and the other is a common working office or game (depending on age).

Scandinavian children's interior in a white and gray palette with pastel accents

In the photo: Children's design for the boys of preschool age

The interior of this nursery is made in the style of neoclassic. It purchased furniture in this style and stylish finishing, but the decor is selected in the Scandinavian variation. You can combine two styles with such grace only an experienced interior designer. He takes the best of both styles and presents their beauty to your children "on a saucer with a blue car."

Fashionable and modern finish and furniture in the design of a nursery for a schoolboy

In the photo: a children's room design for two children

To create a convenient interior in a contemporary style for two boys, the transformer furniture is often used. For example, a couch bed, which has an extra bed instead of storage boxes under the mattress, folding sofas or beds that are hiding in the closet, and other variants of smart furniture. If your child's child is too small for two children, the designer can make it more comfortable, correctly pick up the furniture and other elements of the interior.

Classic interior of the children's room in a gray-beige palette with silver accents

In the photo: room design in classic style for a child

If you want to arrange the whole apartment in a single style, you will surely make a desire to create a classic and neoclassic interior and for your children. And bright tones and favorite color accents in such a bedroom will still be added - toys, decor, textiles, a variety of things, so the room will not be boring for a child!

Plasterboard partitions in the interior of children's

In the photo: The design of a children's room for two boys

Proper zoning is sometimes necessary for a bedroom in which multi-age children live. For example, the eldest goes to bed for 1-2 hours later, it means that a sleeping place should be fenced off from a desk with a computer or a zone with a sofa and a TV so that the light and sounds do not interfere with the youngest sleep. Typically, drywall partitions of various types are existed here.

Plant patterns in the style of "Forest Fairy Tale" in the Boy Room

In the photo: Beautiful interior of a little children's room

Even the smallest children's bedroom area can be beautifully beaten due to the ergonomic location of the furniture and its proper format.

Milk-cream palette with turmeric collar accents in the children's room

In the photo: The interior of a beige bedroom for a child

Among the color hammies for decoring a bedroom for two children is very popular, beige, as it is universal and most often suited even differently by the nature of children.

Furniture in a children's room for a boy

In the photo: Beautiful children's interior design with beautiful furniture

Buy the right furniture in the boy's children's room is half of the success. But it still needs to be placed correctly. We are in the "Fundam" GK, we know what is environmentally friendly, safe for children, comfortable and durable furniture. And we understand how important the beautiful and modern interior for the harmonious development of the child!

White and blue furniture in the interior of a children's room in a classic style

In the photo: bedroom design with beautiful furniture

Luxurious wooden furniture for a children's son is your dream? Then let's look attentively on the styles of neoclassic and the classics, which are the most relevant and fashionable in the design of a bedroom with wooden furniture. In the photo above, you see the option of children from the "Fundam" GK, which was designed by our designers for the Moscow apartment.

Children's furniture in the sea style for a boy

In the photo: Children's design in marine style for son

In the bright and modern interior of the children's room often used multicolored furniture with various inserts, combined facades. This furniture is best suited for a child up to 12-13 years old.

Neoclassical furniture for children's room

In the photo: Children's design in classic style

And for the interior of the children's classic style, furniture objects in beige and light brown colors are more suitable, whereas in Neoclassical, the whole furniture is almost always white.

Modern baby interior with podium and sports complex

In the photo: Interior design of a room for a boy

In this interior, not only selected compact furniture plays an important role, but also the podium with a sports complex. Such a children's ideal for a schoolboy from 1 to grade 8!

The design of the children's room is very important curtains, as they are not only visually being a major element of the decor, but also psychologically closed the child from the outside world and thereby help to feel safe in their room.

Curtains, always flawlessly selected by our experts, perform both aesthetic and practical function. They are always perfect to the selected home interior design.

Children's room in the Art Deco style with an exclusive trim in the champagne color

In the photo: Beautiful children's interior in the Art Deco style

Art Deco style is one of the most exclusive design options for the apartment and the children's room. For a boy, this option is especially good, especially if we are talking about a teenager.

Luxury home interior design in a classic with designer curtains

In the photo: Curtains in a children's room in a classic style

The classic style always pleases us with beautiful textiles, including curtains. Children's design is no exception. Our designers here always use several types of curtains, creating unique and very beautiful combinations (see photo above).

Light interior with gold accents for children in modern style

In the photo: An interior design of a nursery with modern curtains

Single and bright curtains are perfect for a newborn room or a preschooler boy. They will allow the sunlight to freely penetrate the nursery freely, but at the same time they will not give the room too warm and create privacy. Usually, we plan to such a tleal curtains in a set and thicker curtains of a light shade, as the photo of the children's room for the boy above.

How to make repairs in a children's room for a boy

In the photo: Modern repair of children's room for the boy, 2018

Where to order a design project? We have in the GK "Fundam" we create children's design projects based on the wishes and ideas of your child, make them in a professional and practical manner, so that children's dreams become closer to reality, but at the same time they retained their atmospheric.

Design project you can get for free when ordering our apartment repairs (only if we are talking about the whole apartment, not just a children's room).

You can calculate how much the repair of the children's room on the design project (and repair the entire apartment) can be in our company online repair calculator. There will be a design project, and finishing, and all necessary work on repair.

Example of drawings for wall decoration in the children's room

In the photo: Design-project of a children's for a boy in Moscow

When designing a children's interior, it is often necessary to coordinate redevelopment, and besides the interior design of the room, you may also need a new design and repair of the bathroom and a dressing room for this nursery.

That is why it is more practical to immediately repair the entire apartment. Then you don't have to worry about whether all the professionals will work together, and how good the mix of styles and finishes will eventually work.

The elite design of the interior is always created by one company that controls the quality and monitors the entire process so that at each stage all the actions of the workers corresponded to the ideas of the project designer and your dream!

Photo of the repair of a children's room in white and blue tones for a boy

This repair of the children's room in the photo above is made by our specialists for the son of the owners of a two-bedroom apartment in Moscow. The sofa is folding here and is a sleeping place, and on the walls - decorative Venetian plaster!

Repair of a nursery in gray-beige for two boys

The interior of this children's room will be submitted to us in photography higher after repairs in 2018. This bedroom was created for two sons of apartment owners in Moscow (Krasnogorsky district). The boys were satisfied with the result! They especially liked that there is a sofa and TV in their nursery.

Bright interior of the children's room after repair

In the photo: Repair of a multicolored children's room for two preschool boys

The interior of modern childhood can often be childishly multi-colored, but decorated in an up-to-date manner, it often contains shades of gray color gamut. For example, light gray furniture, dark gray or pale gray parquet flooring, etc. As a replacement for a traditional red or light brown tree, gray is perfect for a children's bedroom!

Personal space of a child is a comfortable game environment, a place to sleep and a surroundings that promotes harmonious development. Children's room for a boy can have a thematic design. But the parents are also worth a number of other tasks - optimization, zoning and visual expansion of space. The recommendations of specialists with photos give only a general idea about the arrangement of children's rooms. Parents prefer to choose the most interesting ideas.

Design of children's room for boy

Children's room for a boy

Baby room.

The crib is often put in the bedroom for the convenience of feeding at night. Nearby we need a changing table or a chest of drawers with a clean bedspread. The design of the indoor infants does not perceive, but a sufficient amount of light is important, while the crib does not put the window. While the baby is growing up, in his room make repairs with or allergic facing.

Opposite the crib, you can put a chair or a compact sofa for ease of feeding. But soon there will be a bed-player to change to the sofa, choosing how to make a children's room for a boy, you can use examples of design projects.

In children under 3 years old, gender self-consciousness is not expressed, it is not necessary to focus on the "boy" theme, it is better to choose a topic from fairy tales, books or cartoons. The kid's room should be bright and safe, because he pulls everything in his mouth and touches his hands. The task of parents is to issue a safe baby space. Not needed bright colors in the interior, except for soft toys and pictures. If the room comes out on the north side, the walls of yellow or peach color compensate for the lack of the sun.

Children's room for a boy
Baby Children's Interior
Design of children's room for boy

Registration of the children's room for preschooler

From 3 to 7 years there is an active development, so it costs more attention to the interior. Children still have no persistent interests, it means that it makes no sense to tie the room design to a specific topic. At this time, sex identification is formed, it's time to make a children's child as a personal space.

Council. At this age, the game is a way to know the world. Preschoolers are enthusiastic played, run, fall. There should be no sharp corners and solid surfaces in the nursery. The cabinet furniture is better to put a bit, but with drawers and shelves for toys that will be easy to clean in place for order.

Baby Children's Interior
Blue children's room for boy

Parents must observe the tendencies of the Son to choose the right to choose the subject of the room. For an amateur of airplanes, make a blue ceiling and decorative tuchci - the "Open Sky" effect will turn out. The rack with open shelves is appropriate, places for favorite aircraft. For "UNGI" choose a bed in the form of a yacht or a boat, developing this topic in design.

Upholstered furniture should be compact, but "on the grown" in order not to change it often, for example, a sofa with layout in length. Future car enthusiast buy a bed car, folding chair or couch with upholstery. On the floor of a small room at 12 square meters. m. Lock the rug with the image of the road.

Baby Children's Interior
Children's room for a boy
Bright children's room for boy

Room of the younger schoolboy

By this time, the interests of children are more stable. Hobby should find a wide reflection in the design of the boy's room. School time - time of training sessions and multifaceted development. It is time to change the solid gaming space on the functional zoning, in which:

  • place for sleep and rest;
  • working (written or computer) table with drawers for training equipment;
  • sports corner with a Swedish wall or protozoa simulators;
  • place for games, hobbies and hobbies.

By this time, more cam furniture appears in the nursery, which takes more space. The task of parents is to choose a compact option with thematically design. This will help supplement the design of the room. For a small space, an angular version of the cabinet and a computer table is appropriate. The middle is the free passage area with a soft rug of the original design or volumetric texture.

Bright room for a boy
Bright room for a boy

Bedroom teenager

Personal Spacer Sala Parents should help arrange with his hobbies. Offer a boy a few interesting ideas. Decor elements are better made with their own hands, involving a teenager in the process.

It's time for this age, it's time to replace children's furniture on full-size. Son should not slouch at the table not by growth, and the feet hang out from the sofa or rest in the back of the bed. In the design of the room for a boy of adolescence, parents make their own adjustments, but the choice of theme - for the owner of the room. Already appropriate emphasis on the style, taking into account the texture of surfaces, lighting and decor

Children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy

The interior design should reflect the temperament and tastes of a teenager. For a balanced boy with creative hobbies, a classic or art deco is suitable, for the urban "rebar" urbanism, young naturalist like Ecosil.

Floor design should be subordinate to the overall idea, but in the first place the environmental friendliness of materials and heat. Use surfaces with an interesting decor:

The following materials will be suitable for finishing the premises:

  • linoleum with insulation;
  • self-leveling floors;
  • carpet;
  • laminate;
  • parquet board;
  • the system "warm floor".

Beautiful children's room for boy
Children's room for a boy

Receptions of visual expansion of a small room

Design of children's room with an area of \u200b\u200b12 square meters. m. implies a visual expansion of space. Specialists recommend the following rules for design.

Green Children's Boy Room
Children's room for a boy

Whatever the receptions have decided to use the parents, it is important that the children like it. All decor elements should work on the overall design and design style. Space, sea and automotive themes are most often choosing for the design of a children's room for a boy.

Video: Kids Room Design for Boy

50 Photo of a children's room design ideas for a boy:


Create a children's interior for a boy is quite difficult, but if you approach the question with maximum responsibility, interest and creative mood - everything will definitely work out. In this article you will learn how to make a layout right and what finish colors advise professionals.

Why this task needs to pay due attention? The fact is that the room should become a multifunctional space for a child in which he will be able to spend time - relax, play, perform homework, inviting friends to visit friends, play sports. Just like each person, regardless of age, the child sometimes needs to be alone.

Step 1. Think about the design concept

Before starting the finish, you should create a certain concept that you will be implemented.

To understand the details, what style and layout are better suited for children, analyze several important points:

1. The size of the room. If the area is small, the functional must be every piece of furniture.

Tip: For filling miniature children, transformers are suitable, neatly built-in wardrobes, beds or bunk beds.

Install a comfortable desktop, as well as a chair whose height can be corrected depending on the growth of the boy.

Stylish room with different wallpaper on each of the walls. Tips for the selection of wallpapers in the boy's room you will find.

From 9 to 12 years

At this stage, children show quite serious hobbies that need to be stimulated and maintained. For example, you can install a telescope or hang a large map of the world. The main thing is that these attributes correspond to the interests of the boy.

The geographical map will become an informational and color accent in neutral for the trim.

13 and older

At this age, the child must already make independent decisions in the process of designing the premises. The task of parents in this situation is gently directed and tactfully dissuade from unsuccessful decisions of a young designer.

Tip: Try to designate the basic concept of design. Around the main idea it will be easier to plan all repair and budget in detail.

The interior design should be modern, stylish and fit the interests of the teenage owner.

One of the walls can be accent - with brick trim, or decorated with a thematic print.

In this case, the wall behind the sofa was made by photographic windows with a black and white image of the city. The plot depends on the personal preferences of the boy: you can choose Street art in graffiti style, or a stylized picture with comic character heroes, etc.

Step 3. Choose Color

1. Gray Gamma

The interior in gray shades looks restrained, but not gloomy. Gray gamma is well combined with white color, woody natural textures, blue and blue palette of finishing.

Red pillows and carpet dilute neutral baby interior.

2. Monochrome gamma

The design of the room in the monochrome palette does not look boring due to the unusual drawing on the wallpaper, the natural board on the floor and the game zone, built in the form of Wigwam.

3. In green shades

Room in the style of a football field - the dream of many boys. In such a nursery, your son will gladly call his friends.

Green background will allow the baby to relax and restore the strength.

4. Marine theme

The sea mood in the decoration is quite popular. Such shades have favorably affect the mood of the child, develop its imagination. Forms the spirit of adventure, configuring from early childhood to long journeys and exciting stories.

5. "All Inclusive"

Room for boy 5 years. There is all: sleeping and workplace, sports corner, shelves for, TV and even a telescope! Such an interior will be relevant for a small child, and for a teenager.