Respiratory gymnastics of Buteyko: the essence of the method, indications, set of exercises. Comparative characteristics of the breathing techniques of K.P. Buteyko and A.N. Strelnikova

How often do we stop noticing the little things we are used to? But some of them are of great importance. For example, breathing. You must admit that rarely anyone pays attention to the correct formulation of breathing, does exercises, knows the techniques. And this knowledge is beneficial for health and general well-being. How to breathe correctly and why - we'll talk in this article.

There are several types of breathing, breathing techniques and exercises, and many of them have their origins in the distant past. Which ones and how to follow them - let's figure it out.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics is a specific sequence of breathing exercises. With its help, diseases of the bronchi, lungs are treated, and the osteo-ligamentous system is also strengthened. The general condition improves: activity and concentration increase, it becomes light, and physical performance is better. Despite the fact that breathing exercises can be performed for 30 minutes a day without much effort, the effect is felt almost immediately, and the visible result will not be long in coming.

Such practices are very specific, they have many types and, if performed incorrectly, can be harmful. You should be careful and careful when choosing your method of treatment with breathing exercises. Consult your doctor and select a block of breathing exercises that is right for your body.

In order to more fully reveal the possibilities of gymnastics, let's take a look at what types of breathing exist:

  1. Upper- breathing through the upper chest. The diaphragm hardly moves downward, and the abdominal muscles barely tense.
  2. The average- air enters the body due to the expansion of the middle part of the chest. The abdominal muscles contract more strongly, the diaphragm barely shifts downward.
  3. Lower- engages the lower chest. The diaphragm is lowered as much as possible, and the abdominal muscles are relaxed.
  4. Complete- combination of all previous types of breathing. There is a maximum filling of the lungs with air.
  5. The reverse- when inhaling, all actions are reversed: the abdominal muscles are tense, the diaphragm goes down. The internal organs are compressed and they are massaged.
  6. Delayed- breathing, in which a delay appears in the “inhalation-exhalation” cycle. There are several options for this breathing:
    • inhale, hold, exhale;
    • inhale, exhale, hold;
    • inhale, hold, exhale, hold.

The latter method is actively used in yoga, since the ancient masters of this teaching believed that at the moment of holding the breath, the body is filled with energy and strength.

So, we know the main types of breathing - now let's talk about the types and differences of breathing exercises.

There are many types of breathing exercises, but they all work according to the following principles:

  • artificial difficulty;
  • holding your breath;
  • slowing down of breathing.

In other words, everything is based on the weakening of breathing, thanks to which the benefits of breathing exercises arise.

As a young opera singer, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, together with her mother, developed a method for restoring the singing voice, since problems began with him. The technique turned out to be useful not only for vocals, but also for the body as a whole.

How to do Strelnikova's breathing exercises correctly? Before starting, you should prepare the venue: it should be a bright room with clean air and an open window. Classes are best done on an empty stomach or half an hour after eating.

The essence of Strelnikova's technique- in every second sharp breath through the nose, which is accompanied by a number of exercises. Such a breath should be active, strong and noisy - “sniffing the air”. Exhalation is imperceptible, it happens by itself.

The required set of rules:

  1. With each breath, the shoulders do not move up, but down.
  2. The nostrils should close as if they were being pressed. They must obey you and be under your control.
  3. Gymnastics should be carried out as long as it does not tire you, as long as there is pleasure.

At the first lesson, the exercises should be performed with 4, 8, or 16 sharp breaths. Rest between exercises - 2-4 seconds. For one set, the average number is 32 breaths, with a rest break of 2-4 seconds.

With a two-week workout, you can bring the exercise level up to 4,000 breaths per day by dividing the exercise series into three parts, done in the morning, lunchtime, and evening. After you feel a significant improvement in health, you can reduce the number of breaths in the exercises, but you cannot finish the exercises at all.

If you get worse, the disease worsens - it is better to perform this set of breathing exercises while sitting or lying down for 2, 4, 8 breaths with an interval of 2 or more seconds between them.

Strelnikova's gymnastics affects the lungs, bronchi, skin and vocal apparatus and treats the corresponding diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, stuttering, scoliosis, spinal injuries, diseases of the genitourinary system and even neuroses.

The method of breathing exercises of Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko is based on the principle of “breathing less”. It has been clinically proven that this approach can treat over 90 diseases, the main cause of which is a lack of carbon dioxide in the body. The author himself called his approach "the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing."

All exercises in the Buteyko system are based on holding or shallow breathing. The challenge is to reduce the need for oxygen and a good saturation of the body with carbon dioxide.

Standard breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method:

  1. Inhale - 2 seconds.
  2. Exhale - 4 seconds.
  3. Holding your breath - 4 seconds.

At the same time, you will experience a feeling of lack of oxygen - this is normal. This state is an integral part of Buteyko breathing exercises.
The breathing itself should be light, imperceptible, in contrast to Strelnikova's technique, absolutely silent.

This type of gymnastics copes well with bronchitis, pneumonia, adenoiditis, skin pathologies, Raynaud's disease, obesity, rheumatism and many other diseases.

To find out your state according to the Buteyko system, carry out the following experiment:

  1. Take your regular breath.
  2. Hold your breath as far as you can.

If the delay lasted less than 20 seconds is bad, 20 to 40 seconds is satisfactory, 40 to a minute is good, and over 60 seconds is excellent.

Naturally, before using such breathing exercises, you should consult with your doctor and find out if such loads are suitable for you.

In addition to solving problems with internal organs, breathing exercises solve aesthetic problems, for example, it fights overweight. A special series of exercises, a special technique and their daily performance will give you strength, energy and will be able to remove extra pounds.

This type of breathing exercises is much easier than running or strength training, so it is much easier and more enjoyable to apply it in everyday life. Classes can be held at any time and place. However, it is worth consulting with your doctor, as not all exercises will be beneficial. For example, with injuries of the spine, cardiovascular system, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, one should not resort to the help of such gymnastics on their own. But you can practice under the supervision of a doctor or instructor.

The first results from exercise for weight loss will be noticeable in two weeks. With an intensive lesson for a year or more, they will affect the general well-being and health in general.

The main types of gymnastics for weight loss include:

  • qigong- spiritual and breathing practice of three exercises to get rid of excess weight;
  • pranayama- a system of yoga exercises to get rid of all the excess in the body;
  • bodyflex- Childers Grieg was founded on aerobic respiration;
  • oxysize- modification of bodyflex without sudden exhalation and inhalation, a more gentle technique.

The main exercises in this gymnastics are “dollar”, “cat”, “abdominal press” and “scissors”. All of them are especially useful for women after childbirth.

As we can see, there are several varieties within one type of gymnastics. In order not to make a mistake in choosing and choose an effective method, consult your doctor.

Despite such a rich assortment of breathing techniques, there are general guidelines for all types of exercises:

  1. Constant and regular exercise.
  2. Classes should be held only in a good mood, abstract from everything that can cause negative emotions.
  3. You cannot quit training for a long time, but it is better to keep one training pace that is convenient for you.
  4. ... The most ideal option is outdoor or outdoor activities in a clean area.

The last point is especially important, since without clean air there is no point in such breathing exercises. What if you live in a polluted area, and frequent trips to nature are impossible?

One option is to study at home if you have an air purifier installed. Better yet, as it has three filtration levels against dust and dirt, allergens and harmful gases. It delivers a stream of oxygen, which is much needed for breathing exercises, already cleared of street dirt. Such equipment constantly maintains fresh and clean air in the house, which will help you to practice breathing practices.

Marina Korpan's technique is based on bodyflex and oxysize - a combination of correct breathing with muscle stretching:

  1. Inhale through the nose while drawing in the abdomen.
  2. Calm exhalation through the mouth with maximum air outflow from the lungs.

Marina also practices holding her breath for 8-10 seconds, which contributes to the saturation of the body with carbon dioxide, the importance of which we have already discussed in the method of Konstantin Buteyko.

Exercise for 15 minutes a day and you will soon see the first visible results and sensations. The most important prerequisite for technique is constant and regular training - do not skip or postpone classes for long. Otherwise, the effect will be either minimal or not at all.

Eating is best done an hour after training. If you plan to practice during the day, then the practice will be beneficial two hours after a meal or an hour before a meal. Your advantage will be mild malnutrition - your body will be refreshed and ready for exercise, during which you will know that you are full.

You cannot engage in such breathing exercises in case of bleeding, glaucoma, high blood pressure.

Bodyflex exercises with Marina Korpan are easy to find on the Internet.

Yoga originates from antiquity and helps not only to feel your body, control emotions and mind, but also to comprehend the spiritual principle. One of the steps of yoga is breathing.

Respiratory gymnastics for yogis uses full breathing with sequential muscle tension:

  1. The starting position can be any: sitting, standing, lying. It is important to remember that you need to sit with a straight back and straightened chest. Lie - on a hard surface, breathe only through the nose.
  2. Exhale sharply, while the lower abdomen is drawn in.
  3. Inhalation also begins from the lower abdomen, then the upper part, the ribs are parted to the sides, and only then the chest expands with a slight lift of the shoulders.
  4. Exhalation phase: we draw in the stomach, exhale, lower the ribs and chest.
    Inhalation and exhalation are light and free - as much air should be supplied as necessary for comfortable breathing. This exercise is mastered gradually: from 20 seconds to 2 minutes a day. Later you can walk up to 8-10 minutes a day.

Another type of breathing yoga exercise is cleansing breathing:

  1. Inhale as deeply as possible through your nose.
  2. Then hold your breath and after a few seconds, exhale a small portion of the air through your mouth strongly and rarely. At the same time, the cheeks do not swell, and the lips are closed.
  3. Hold your breath again for a second and exhale the second portion.
  4. Do this until you have exhaled the entire supply of air. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day and you can strengthen the lungs, and therefore the whole body.

If this technique turned out to be closer to you than others, sign up for yoga in your city and, under the supervision of an instructor, do not only breathing practices, but also stretching your muscles. This will have a positive effect on both general well-being and health in general.

To better enrich the body with oxygen, abdominal breathing or diaphragmatic breathing is used. At the same time, the chest remains motionless, the stomach protrudes and relaxes on inhalation, and is drawn in on exhalation.

To understand how to breathe properly with your belly, perform the following set of exercises:

  1. Lying on the floor, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach. Start breathing in your belly, inflating it as you inhale and relaxing as you exhale. The right hand remains motionless. The left one moves up and down.
  2. Change the pressure as you exhale. Take a light, regular breath, close your lips and slowly exhale the air as if you were calmly blowing on a candle. The stomach should be drawn in as much as possible.
  3. Reverse technique - exhale sharply with the sound “Ha”. The sound should come from the lower abdomen.
  4. Place a book of no more than 1.5 kg on your stomach. Continue to breathe, holding your breath for one-two-three as you inhale and exhale. This exercise will strengthen your abdominal breathing and abdominal muscles.
  5. "Dog": Get on all fours and begin to breathe sharply and quickly from the stomach. This will allow you to better feel the diaphragm and control its work in the future. The exercise is done for a short time so as not to cause dizziness.

Abdominal breathing, dynamic exercise and prolonged exhalation are excellent for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the pulmonary system. Respiratory gymnastics for the lungs fits perfectly into several exercises.

  1. Exhale into the water. Take a glass of water, put a tube in it, take a regular breath and slowly exhale air through the tube. Exercise develops the mechanical properties of the lungs, normalizes gas exchange. It is necessary to do it no more than five times a day for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Hug yourself. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread apart, palms up. We breathe in and, as we exhale, quickly cross our arms in front of us so that the palms hit the shoulder blades. We exhale quickly and loudly.
  3. Firewood. We stand on our toes, bend back with our hands raised up, fingers are interlocked. We inhale and exhale sharply bend down, as if chopping wood, then return to the starting position. We also exhale strongly and loudly.
  4. Skier. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. We rise on our toes, slightly move the body forward, we also stretch our arms in front of us, as if they have ski poles in them. As we exhale, we slightly bend down, as if we have pushed off, we put our arms as far as possible down and back and in this position we are springy on our feet for 2-3 seconds. We complete the exhalation and return to the starting position with a diaphragmatic inhalation.

Today, many health and yoga studios offer training in breathing techniques. But if you want, you can master some of them yourself. In the middle of the last century, scientists found out that most diseases occur not so much from the nerves as from disturbed breathing. How do healthy people breathe and is it possible to learn it?

Humanity uses various breathing techniques, probably as many as exist. Perhaps not a single ancient civilization was too lazy to create its own teaching on how to inhale and exhale correctly. There is something to offer to modern scientists, researchers and just empiricists. Here are three, perhaps the most used techniques, which have proven themselves with multiple facts of miraculous healing.

Volitional exclusion of deep breathing, or the Buteyko method

When examining his first patient, the student listened very carefully to his lungs. The patient had to breathe deeply. After 2 - 3 minutes, the patient lost consciousness: as it turned out, from hyperventilation of the lungs. The future doctor was struck to the depths of his soul: it turns out that deep breathing can almost lead to the death of a person? But on the contrary: everyone is trying to breathe deeply so that the body has more oxygen! Or is it harmful?

A meticulous student was Konstantin Buteyko, who devoted the rest of his life to questions. Having built a complex diagnostic complex (which the researchers called the "combine" among themselves), for many years the scientist carried out a complete examination of human health. The results of the examinations surprised everyone a lot. It turns out that all healthy people have a very high content of carbon dioxide in their blood - 6.5%. And if oxygen is the main energetic of the body, then carbon dioxide is a regenerator of all its functions, a regulator of metabolic processes and a source of life.

Scientists say: the cells of animals and humans need only 2% oxygen and about 7% carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In fact, we have 21% and 0.03%, respectively: the content of the latter is much lower than the optimal one. One thing remains: to breathe rarely and shallowly - so that the huge portion of oxygen received during a normal inhalation can be absorbed.

Experience has shown that this allows you to get rid of most of the existing diseases today: from asthma and myocardial infarction, ending with diabetes mellitus.

By the way, Buteyko considered his main goal not at all to treat patients (of which there were 50 million in the Soviet Union). This was a "side effect" of training medical personnel: academics, professors, doctors, who then helped their patients. Therefore, today there are many medical and rehabilitation centers based on the methodology of the famous scientist.

It is a pity that it is practically impossible to learn volitional elimination of deep breathing at home, and to master the Buteyko method, long training sessions under the supervision of a specialist are required. Perhaps this greatly narrows the range of application to catastrophically unhealthy people who have a choice - go to the clinic or die. More information about the method can be found on the website

Respiratory gymnastics, Strelnikova method

Alexandra Strelnikova and her mother Alexandra are not theoretical scientists, but pure practitioners, moreover, both were engaged in teaching vocals. The Strelnikovs did not at all seek to heal humanity, but gave voices to singers and actors: Andrei Mironov, Alla Pugacheva and other celebrities studied with them in their time. Sometimes the students lost their voice, and a set of breathing exercises was developed to help them. It turned out to be so effective that in 1972 they even issued a patent for the treatment of diseases associated with loss of voice for breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method.

Over time, it became clear that this method allows not only to restore speech, but also assists the whole organism. At the same time, any aspirant can do it completely independently, using a special training manual. Strelnikova's gymnastics was called incredible: the author preferred to reject all traditional practices with inspiration.

Doctors about Strelnikova's gymnastics are ambiguous. They say, everyone should do their own thing: doctors - health, teachers - education. And, in the end, if there is a method, where is the scientific justification for it? Those who took the trouble to approach the issue constructively warn: firstly, Strelnikova's gymnastics has a number of contraindications. Secondly, this technique is a kind of ambulance for the body, which, with daily use, can cause harm. You can learn more about Strelnikova's breathing exercises at

Breath of yogis

Yoga breathing exercises are called "pranayama", that is, "the art of controlling vital energy - prana." What is this "life energy"? Why manage it? Sometimes even yoga instructors do not fully understand this. Strange as it may seem, Konstantin Buteyko gives quite a plausible answer, who argued that the prana of yoga meant the source of life - CO2.

It may very well be: yoga breathing practices really change the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, exerting a powerful effect on the physiological component of a person. Plus, in the process of performing the exercises, different groups of respiratory muscles are included in the work, the internal organs are massaged, the nervous system normalizes ...

However, yogis insist: before mastering pranayama, you need to put things in order in relations with yourself and the outside world, optimize the nutrition system, adjust the daily routine, and also add conscious physical activity to your life. And only after that, yogis say, you can take on pranayama, which will allow you to advance in your own development to the next level.

Of course, yoga is always done under the guidance of a mentor: this is done in order to avoid fatal mistakes in practice. After all, if you twist into one or another position without the sensitive instructions of the guru, we have a real risk of getting an appointment with a chiropractor. The same can be attributed to breathing exercises: their improper performance and use only aggravates health problems and creates new ones.

It would seem that if all diseases are from improper breathing, then what a pity that it is so difficult to control! After all, any method involves regular - sometimes several hours a day - training. Well, this also has its own sacred meaning: the soul is improved by training. The mind calms down. Organization is growing by leaps and bounds. And all this - against the backdrop of a slow but sure recovery.

Endogenous respiration, or the Frolov method

Upon learning that he was sick with tuberculosis, engineer Vladimir Frolov firmly decided not to give up. Breathing techniques seemed to him the most realistic way of treatment, and the Buteyko system was more attractive than others. But he could not study 5-6 hours a day in the clinic. Frolov needed a method that he could use at home, on his own. Better yet, not a method, but a device.

Having carefully studied the results of scientific research, as well as the hardware breathing procedures that existed at that day, Frolov invented his breathing simulator: a universal, inexpensive, effective device that allowed using both the Strelnikova method and the Buteyko method. The device passed clinical tests and, after positive results, was put into production. In Russia, the Frolov simulator is included in the list of strategically important medical items. Sold in pharmacies under the strange name TDI-01.


Before using the Frolov breathing trainer, you should do at least three things:

  1. Study the list of contraindications and, after consulting with specialists (oncologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, therapist), make sure that you do not have a single disease from this list;
  2. Read Frolov's book "Endogenous Breathing - Medicine of the Third Millennium" and study someone else's experience of familiarizing with the phenomenon by going to a seminar or at least "hanging" on special forums;
  3. Have patience and a willingness to strictly follow the instructions for using the simulator and the recommendations outlined in the book.

Despite the widespread assertion that any exercise is prohibited for asthmatics, breathing exercises in bronchial asthma helps to alleviate the course of the disease and achieve stable remission.

The correct distribution of the load leads to an improvement in the patient's well-being, helps to get rid of bouts of shortness of breath. However, do not believe that exercise can replace the course of drug treatment. Doctors recommend using them as an additional therapeutic technique.

Execution rules

  • you need to breathe through the mouth to avoid getting the contents of the nasopharynx into the bronchi;
  • when mucus accumulates in the respiratory organs, only inhalation and exhalation need to be alternated, so as not to miss the appearance of the next attack;
  • do not inhale deeply, as this can also provoke shortness of breath;
  • patients with asthma should learn self-soothingness with the help of shallow exhalation and small breaths;
  • all classes are unquestioningly performed twice a day.

When the patient shows consistency and discipline in performing exercises, the elasticity of the blood vessels in his body improves, which prevents the likelihood of stroke and other pathologies. Also, there is a change in the vascular walls from cholesterol deposits, the immune system increases, blood circulation resumes, and metabolic processes improve.

Moreover, regular exercise helps the body to clear itself of the effects of external irritants, dirty air, and many other factors that provoke the symptoms of the disease.

Strelnikova gymnastics: description

An impressive number of different breathing techniques have been developed for bronchial asthma, but it is worth emphasizing one of the best complexes - Strelnikova gymnastics.

This is a set of effective exercises for the respiratory system, which involves the implementation of forced breaths. The main advantage of the technique is its simplicity and ease of implementation. It is widely practiced by patients from all over the world, because the results amaze even the most incorrigible pessimists.

The technique is aimed at restoring air circulation and strengthening the respiratory muscles. Using this method helps to get rid of accumulated phlegm, relieve inflammation and much more.

Each patient diagnosed with bronchial asthma can do such gymnastics at home without any problems. The bulk of the exercise is done while contracting the chest while inhaling. So you can easily stop an approaching attack and get rid of problems with the nasopharynx.

Specialist Strelnikova claims that inhalation is an important component of the breathing process, and exhalation will depend on its depth. The last action creates an imbalance in the human rhythm, because it is performed involuntarily.

Patients with asthma complain of problems with exhalation. Treat this technique with full responsibility, make sure it is performed correctly and the result will certainly please you.

The most basic thing you need to know is that well-practiced exercise is the key to getting rid of the disease. Show attentiveness and patience, because any endeavors require willpower and the desire to reach the end.

Before you start implementing your plans, consider the following rules:

  • learn to breathe through your nose, practice active and sharp breaths;
  • perform voluntary exhalation through the mouth, without making any efforts to remove air;
  • all actions are performed at the expense;
  • together with the implementation of any exercise, learn to breathe in at the same time;
  • the number of your actions must always be a multiple of 4;
  • do not start gymnastics in a bad mood, you must be positive and cheerful.

So, if you have taken into account all the listed principles, you can safely proceed to the implementation of the therapeutic technique according to Strelnikova. Remember, the sooner you start, the sooner the desired result will come.

A set of exercises according to Strelnikova

Let's go directly to the very complex of therapeutic exercises. It consists of several exercises that require no preparation. They involve squeezing the chest while inhaling. With the help of this complex, you can overcome a strong attack of suffocation. Moreover, you will not only be able to successfully treat asthma, but also have a positive effect on the respiratory system as a whole.

A lot of positive reviews have an occupation called "pump". Take care to do it right, and it will provide amazing results:

  1. Pump. We accept a sitting position on a stool. Put your hands on your knees and take several (2-4) sharp breaths through your nose. Do not straighten your back and throw your body back. Pick up the paper smoked into a tube and bend over as if you were pumping a car tire with a pump. Bend over, draw air into your lungs, and exhale as you unbend. Don't make any sudden movements. Everything should be smooth and easy. The head should be slightly tilted, like you are looking at a pump. Do not bend below the waist, round your back. We inhale with our nose, and exhale with our mouth. The rhythm of actions is important, as in a combat march. In total, you should take eight breaths at intervals of five seconds, then take ten more of the same breaths.
  2. Slopes. This action has a positive effect on the prevention of asthma and has received many positive responses. Tilt your body forward slightly with your head down, close your elbows and take a noisy breath. Gradually straightening, exhale and perform this algorithm of actions two more times with an interval of 7 seconds. Be sure to take two breaths and four breaths. Repeat the exercise until you feel a little tired. In general, class time should be no more than 15 minutes.
  3. Shoulders hug. Bend your elbows and raise them at the same level with your shoulders. The palms are turned towards the face at the level of the chest. One hand rushes sharply with the other and touches the opposite shoulder. The other hand touches the opposite armpit. Hands work in a parallel direction. Loud breaths are repeated with each new hug.

Special set of Buteyko exercises

The complex of gymnastic exercises according to the Buteyko method ensures lung optimization. To achieve the desired results, you need to do the following:

  • inhale for 2-3 seconds;
  • exhalation is performed in the interval between 2 and 4 seconds;
  • the pause should not be more than 4 seconds.

The Buteyko technique can be performed in a sitting position of the body. The patient's chest should be extended and the hands should be placed on the knees. Basic exercises include the following:

  • frequent shallow nose breathing for ten minutes;
  • inhalation is performed gradually slowly, exhalation is performed with complete relaxation of the chest;
  • you need to make gradual breaths for easy connection of all departments, from the lowest to the maximum opening. The exhalation should be long and prolonged;
  • it is necessary to draw in air slowly, involving different parts in the process with both nostrils. In order to prevent the flow of excess air, it is necessary to clamp one nostril;
  • all movements should be done with the nose with the diaphragm retracted, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the press. Each movement must be done at least 9 times;
  • the strongest inhalation or prolonged exhalation must be done in an accelerated rhythm. It is necessary to repeat the movements every minute. It should be borne in mind that excessive ventilation can result in slight dizziness;
  • the total inspiratory time is approximately two seconds, with an interval of five seconds between breaths. After that, a quick breath is taken. In general, the execution time should not exceed four minutes. In the future, gymnastics is carried out both in a sitting position and lying on the floor. It is helpful to combine the routine with a jogging or a little cardio workout.

Correct and regular performance of all exercises will ensure recovery and help bring the disease into remission. At the initial stage of asthma development in children, in some cases it is possible to achieve complete recovery.

For clarity and correct performance of the exercises, we recommend watching the video, which presents a number of Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

Bartzok-course of breathing exercises

You can get a lot of benefit for yourself if you can apply the right breathing technique at the right time. Let's consider the most popular techniques.

Possibilities and exercises of breathing exercises Strelnikova.

Dynamic breathing exercises.

Buteyko breathing.

Breath of yogis, pranayama exercise.

Respiratory gymnastics is one of the most important ways to improve physical and mental well-being, maintain health and treat many diseases. It may make sense to understand and compare some breathing exercises in order to choose the direction that seems most suitable for you.

Possibilities of breathing exercises Strelnikova.

Apparently, Strelnikova's gymnastics is the most popular in Russia today. Its main advantage is simplicity, it will not take even one hour to master all its wisdom.

The approach is based on a combination of a short, sharp "sniffing" inhalation through the nose and body movements that compress the respiratory muscles and chest. Inhales are taken in bursts at a rate of approximately three breaths in two seconds with short breaks of 3-4 seconds between bursts. At the same time, the exhalation is dismissively passive and is done after each inhalation. In Strelnikova's original gymnastics, each series consists of eight short breaths, and each exercise is done, as a rule, 12 times in 8 breaths-movements.

The respiratory muscles have to do double work, and from this they become stronger, the respiratory muscles are trained, especially the diaphragm. To a certain extent, Strelnikova's gymnastics can replace physical education, since the whole body is trained and toned. A sharp breath irritates the structures of the respiratory tract. Excited by frequent irritations, first, the glands of the nasal mucosa, then of other parts of the respiratory tract, are tuned to resist a possible infection.

The main gymnastics complex includes only six exercises. Exercises can be done not only while standing, but also sitting or lying down.

The main set of gymnastics exercises Strelnikova.

1. Stand straight with your arms bent at the elbows, palms facing up. With each sniffing breath, quickly clench your fingers into fists.

2. Stand up straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to your stomach at waist level. At the moment of a sniffing breath, tense your shoulders and sharply push your fists down to the floor. As you exhale, your shoulders relax and your fists return to your stomach.

3. Stand up straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, round your back and point your arms toward the floor. From this position, make small inclines even lower simultaneously with a sniffing breath.

4. Stand straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, hands pointing forward. Do a light springy squat, slightly bending your knees, but without lifting your feet from the floor, and simultaneously with a sniffing breath, turn your torso to the right, and clench your hands into fists. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Then make the same movement to the left. The turn is done only with the body, the back remains straight.

5. Stand with your arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level. With a sniffing breath, sharply throw your arms with your elbows forward towards each other, hugging yourself by the shoulders. In this case, the head can be tilted back.

6. Stand up straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. With a sniffing breath, bend forward, hands reaching for the floor. With the return to the starting position - exhale. Without stopping, slightly bending in the lower back, with an inhalation tilt back, arms hug the shoulders. With an exhalation, return to the starting position.

Strelnikova's gymnastics is of the provocative type, since squeezing the respiratory muscles makes them work harder and helps to strengthen the muscles. The same, for example, as when performing isometric exercises.

However, the simplicity of Strelnikova's gymnastics turns into its extremely low efficiency. It is assumed that classes will be allocated up to two hours a day, and the gymnastics classes themselves should become habitual and continue for years. Because of this, the workout looks protracted and too sluggish, although every breath in Strelnikov gymnastics is like a punch.

Practicing this breathing exercises can bring tangible benefits, especially in order to prevent colds, for which 1-2 exercises and a few minutes a day are enough. You can, of course, apply Strelnikova's gymnastics entirely, but you can also simplify it if a specific goal is pursued.

Strelnikov's eights have a ritual rather than physical meaning. Taking three, seven or twelve breaths in a row, you will not lose anything, but rest between series of several seconds long is necessary. To increase efficiency, you can lower each breath as low as possible along the airway, freeing up space for it, and also changing the relative position of body parts. If you take sharp breaths, focusing on the passage of air along the top of the nasal cavity, you can also activate the work of the olfactory receptors located in the upper nasal passage.

Conscious accompaniment of shock breaths in Strelnikova's gymnastics exercises can make this simple original technique a very effective means of preventing respiratory diseases and the development of respiratory muscles. Try to do the six exercises of the complex with the conscious accompaniment of breaths in order to increase the depth of their penetration. Can you quickly feel the difference?

Dynamic breathing exercises for the development of respiratory muscles.

It is interesting to compare simple dynamic exercises for the development of respiratory muscles with Strelnikova's gymnastics. Try to do the following six exercises with the same number of repetitions as Strelnikova's gymnastics exercises and compare the effectiveness of the two complexes.

Stand freely, legs slightly apart, arms at your sides.

1. Tilt your body with an exhalation forward, then with an inhalation back. Rocking combined with breathing should be pleasant, light and rhythmic.

2. Tilt the body while inhaling to the right, hands slide along the body. Return to the upright position - with exhalation. Then the same tilt to the left.

3. Make circular movements with your body around the vertical axis, the feet are motionless, the knees are slightly bent: the back semicircle - during inhalation, the front semicircle - when exhaling.

4. Make simultaneous circular movements with your shoulders forward while exhaling, backward - inhaling.

5. Simultaneously with inhalation, turn the body to the right and, tilting your head, look at the heels. With an exhalation, return to the starting position. Then make the same turn to the left.

6. Simultaneously with inhalation, smoothly draw in your stomach until it stops. When you exhale, the stomach relaxes to the limit.

Buteyko breathing.

According to Buteyko's attitude, due to deep breathing , and because of this increased pulmonary ventilation, there is an excessive removal of carbon dioxide, CO 2 from the body, which, in turn, leads to narrowing of the bronchi and arterial vessels in various areas of the human body, their damage and, as a result, a decrease in the flow of oxygen to cells, tissues and organs.

Buteyko formulated the essence of his method as reducing the depth of breathing by relaxing the diaphragm. Correct breathing according to Buteyko is very shallow, only the tops of the lungs work, the air during inhalation falls not below the collarbones. In this case, inhalation lasts 2-3 seconds, exhalation - 3-4 seconds, and then a pause of 3-4 seconds follows. It is believed that the volume of inhaled air, the smaller the better. All exercises are performed necessarily with breathing through the nose and without noise. With the right workout, it is sure to first appear warm, then it gets hot.

The goal of training is to gradually decrease the depth of breathing and increase the pause after exhalation. It is believed that the maximum pause between exhalation and inhalation for a healthy person should be at least 1 minute, and the inability to maintain such a pause after exhalation is a sign of illness. Classes are conducted with a stopwatch, but the completeness of exhalation before a pause is not taken into account.

Shallow breathing training leads to the fact that the pause after exhalation increases. Apparently, the body reflexively reacts to the deficit of the supplied oxygen and increases its reserves. The provocation of the respiratory center by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood should lead to an increase in its activity through the activation of respiratory neurons. The increase in oxygen stores in the body explains the increase in the maximum pause after exhalation. Obviously, such tactics can, in certain cases, accustom the body to more efficient work and mobilize it to fight the disease.

This gymnastics was created as therapeutic, primarily to combat bronchial asthma and is used if the patient's condition worsens with deepening breathing, and with a decrease in its depth, it improves. Conducting training, the patient should constantly experience slight suffocation. This presents an obvious difficulty for the patient, but it is believed that by willpower he must eliminate his deep breathing in order to overcome the disease. During the first days of treatment, patients literally drenched in sweat, trying to overcome the urge to take a deep breath. At the final stage of breathing exercises by the Buteyko method, a reaction of purification of the whole organism should take place. There may be several, but there may not be one.

This method is much more difficult to use than Strelnikova's gymnastics. Perhaps physically difficult procedures, under the strict supervision of an enthusiastic physician, can help the patient to heal. However, shallow breathing can hardly be considered healthy, and the use of this method for health purposes seems questionable.

The popularity of this technique led to its significant simplification in the form of the creation of Frolov's or Samozdrav's breathing simulators. However, the enthusiasm for such systems should not be uncontrolled: an increase in the content of CO 2 in the body can lead to hypercapnia and respiratory failure, decreased performance, problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Breath of yogis.

The section of yoga dedicated to breathing is called pranayama. Yoga breathing is advised to practice on an empty stomach, no earlier than 3 hours after eating. In pranayama, all types of breathing are used - diaphragmatic, chest and clavicular, as well as full, which includes all three of these types. Each of the breathing types seems to be so important to health in the broadest sense of the word that they need to be trained separately and, therefore, their training is described in three separate articles in this section of the site.

The main link in the practice of pranayama is that the consciousness concentrates attention on the breathing process itself, helping to quickly achieve success in improving the functions of external respiration, allows you to influence tissue respiration, and contributes to the development of self-control skills. Ensuring effective gas exchange processes and a normal ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood is ensured in pranayama by deliberate slowing down of the breathing rate to 2-3 breaths and exhalations per minute. In addition, inhaling not just air, but prana, life energy, and directing it with exhalation to the organ whose work needs to be activated or improved, yogis also receive a psychotherapeutic effect.

Of course, yoga is not physical education, but a mystical movement within the framework of Hinduism. But in recent decades, many of the principles of hatha yoga, approaches to health and yoga asanas have been actively cultivated in the countries of modern civilization, including in an environment far from mysticism.

Yoga poses or asanas are usually taken with breathing in mind, and dozens of them are useful for developing the diaphragm and elasticity of the intercostal muscles, getting used to using inhalation for muscle tension and exhalation to lengthen the spine or increase joint mobility.

There are also purely breathing exercises. The main exercise is called pranayama. It is performed in the lotus position, but it can be done simply by sitting.

The main exercise of pranayama.

Tilt your head, close your eyes, focusing on the breathing process.

1. Close the left nostril with the right little finger and do 4 yoga breaths in a row through the right nostril: clavicular, pectoral, diaphragmatic and full. Repeat this 3-4 times and move your little finger back.

2. Then close the right nostril with your right thumb and repeat this procedure to breathe through the left side of the nose.

3. Now, inhaling through the right nostril, pinch the left with your little finger. Pause for a few seconds. Exhale air through the left nostril, pinching the right one with your thumb. Repeat this 3-4 times. Then do the same in the opposite direction.

4. Place your hands on your knees. Do 4 yoga breaths in a row through both nostrils. Repeat this 3-4 times.

Hello dear readers!

Are you suffering from asthma, hypertension and other serious illnesses? Do you want to be cured without the use of drugs? Then you just need to learn about the methodology of the famous Russian scientist Buteyko!

And just in this article we are talking about his unique system of superficial therapeutic breathing. Applying our advice and recommendations, you can get rid of the symptoms of many diseases, and by practicing the proposed set of Buteyko exercises, you can gain precious health.

K.P.Buteyko and his discovery

How a person breathes depends on his well-being and health. The ancients understood this, and therefore, thousands of years ago, various breathing practices appeared: Chinese Qi-gong, Indian Pranayama, Buddhist Vajrayana system and others. Among modern developments in the field of proper breathing for curing ailments, one of the most effective is the Buteyko method.

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko (1923 - 2003) Soviet scientist, physiologist, professor of medicine. He made his discovery in 1952, developing a unique technique of shallow breathing. The author had to prove the effectiveness of his methodology in practice for many years, and only in the 80s the USSR Ministry of Health gave legal status to the Buteyko method.

Konstantin Pavlovich proved the effectiveness of his system for hypertension on himself. Suffering from the malignant form of this disease and observing seriously ill patients, he invented his method of volitional elimination of deep breathing. Applying his breathing exercises, the scientist completely recovered and began to implement his own developments in the process of treating patients with various diseases.

Correct breathing according to the Buteyko system and the essence of the method

According to Buteyko's teachings, very deep breathing is the cause of many diseases. In the human lungs, oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide. Hyperventilation disrupts this exchange and does not lead to an increase in oxygen in the lungs, but the amount of carbon dioxide necessary for a full life of the human body decreases. As a result, cells receive less oxygen, provoking even deeper breathing, which leads to spasm and blood vessels.

The body tries to prevent a lack of CO2, as a result of which spasms occur in asthma, hypertension, metabolic diseases. Therefore Buteyko suggested breathing only through the nose and limiting deep breathing. This balances the ratio of oxygen to CO2. You need to breathe calmly, being in a state of complete relaxation. However, you should not allow an excessive lack of air.

Shallow breathing is the most correct. With it, the diaphragm is relaxed and the stomach and chest do not move. The air reaches the clavicular region, and this is reminiscent of neat sniffing of an unknown substance. The general scheme of Buteyko is simple: inhalation of a small volume of air lasts about 3 seconds, then exhalation for 3-4 seconds, and then a four-second pause.

Who is the Buteyko technique shown to and what are its benefits?

The author of the technique believed that more than 100 diseases could be cured using the system he proposed. The special breathing of Buteyko has shown high efficiency in cases of pulmonary emphysema, allergies, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the central nervous system.

Studies have shown that this cure isn't just for asthmatics. The exercises are successfully applied to the nose, removing congestion. Also, diseases associated with impaired nasal breathing are treated: rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis and many others.

Gymnastics Konstantin Pavlovich relieves attacks and other negative symptoms of serious illnesses within a few minutes. And constant practice gives tangible results throughout the month and allows you to fully recover. On the Internet you can find many interesting videos of Buteyko himself and his students. Feedback from grateful followers will help to make sure that the system of the great scientist is effective.

This respiratory system is also useful for children. It is possible to practice the Buteyko method from the age of 4 under the supervision of parents, which helps with such problems with the child's health:

  • frequent colds;
  • asthma and all kinds of respiratory diseases;
  • adenoids and lingering rhinitis;
  • with excess weight and gastrointestinal ailments;
  • allergies, various skin diseases and many others.

Contraindications to Buteyko breathing exercises

This technique is practically harmless. However, there are some contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • mental illnesses and mental disabilities, in which the patient is not able to understand the essence of the method;
  • a difficult period of infectious diseases and severe bleeding;
  • diabetes mellitus for insulin dependent;
  • with aneurysm and after heart surgery;
  • chronic tonsillitis and dental diseases.

It is better for expectant mothers to be treated using this system before pregnancy.

What do you need to know before starting classes?

The effectiveness of the method has been proven for decades, but some difficulties may arise on the way to recovery. It takes a lot of willpower, patience and regularity. Unpleasant sensations, fear and exacerbations are possible at the beginning of the development of the system.

Do not be afraid of some pain, poor appetite, lack of air in the early stages. Developing an aversion to exercise shouldn't stop you. After some time, the disease will begin to recede.

Buteyko was sure of the strong side effects of the drugs and the poisoning of the body from their action. Therefore, the scientist recommended using his method, abandoning drugs, or at least reducing the rate of their consumption by half. Serious patients should do this under the guidance of a physician.

Before class, you can test your health. To do this, sit up straight and relax all your muscles. Now breathe in naturally and hold your breath. A delay of less than 30-60 seconds indicates a painful state of the body. Using this kind of simulator, you can increase the delay every day, improving your well-being.

Preparatory phase for gymnastics by Konstantin Buteyko

With this breathing exercise, the depth of breathing should be reduced gradually, and over time, it should be reduced to zero. To prepare for the exercise, sit on the edge of a chair or any hard surface with a flat back. With your hands on your knees, look above eye level and completely relax your diaphragm.

Breathe shallowly and silently through your nose, and soon you will feel a lack of air. Stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. If it becomes necessary to increase the depth of inhalation, do so, but continue to breathe in the upper part of the thoracic region.

If done correctly, you will feel intense warmth and sweat. By relaxing your diaphragm, you can get rid of the urge to take a deep breath. You need to finish this preliminary exercise without deepening your breathing. Before and after this preparation, hold your breath completely and record the pulse.

Complex of breathing exercises by the Buteyko method

After completing the preparation, go directly to classes in this treatment system:

1. Engage only the upper pulmonary regions: inhale, then exhale, pause. Five seconds for each stage. Repeat these cycles 10 times.

2. This exercise involves diaphragmatic and chest, that is, full breathing. Inhale for 7.5 seconds from the bottom - from the diaphragm, raising it to the chest. Now exhale the same time period in the opposite direction, from top to bottom. Then there is a pause of 5 seconds. Do these cycles 10 times too.

3. Hold your breath and massage the points of the nose. Do the exercise 1 time.

4. According to the principle of full breathing from the 2nd exercise, breathe first by pinching the right nostril, and then - the left. 10 reps per nostril.

5. Do a full breath again, but now, while inhaling, draw in your stomach and hold the abdominal muscles until the end of the exercise: inhale for 7.5 seconds, exhale for the same amount of time, and then pause for five seconds. Repeat 10 times.

6. This is an exercise for the implementation of complete ventilation. Perform 12 strong, deep breaths, lasting no more than 2.5 seconds. After doing this exercise for a minute, you should pause as long as you can on the exhale.

7. Perform the four-level rare breath as follows:

  1. Inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, then hold the air for 5 seconds. Do it for a minute.
  2. Five seconds to inhale, now pause, also for 5 seconds, and now exhale for the same time. After - a delay of 5 seconds. Two minutes to complete.
  3. At this level, repeat the previous exercise, but do each cycle for 7.5 seconds each. This will take 3 minutes and, accordingly, you will get 2 breaths per minute.
  4. We do the last level for 4 minutes. Inhale, pause, exhale and hold for 10 seconds. You will get 1.5 breaths per minute.

It will be optimal in the future to bring the exercise to one breath in 60 seconds.

8. Double delay. Inhale and hold your breath fully. Then there is an exhalation - and again the maximum pause. Do it 1 time.

Finish this set with the preparatory exercise you did at the beginning. Do all exercises on an empty stomach, without noise, focusing on gymnastics. Do not be distracted or interrupted until the end of the class.

This breathing exercises can be learned independently and performed at home. But you should still first consult with a specialist and start classes under his supervision. Exercise regularly and after a few sessions you will feel relief!

What to remember:

  1. Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko is a scientist ahead of his time, who invented and implemented a unique therapeutic respiratory technique.
  2. The essence of his method is in shallow breathing, which is necessary to maintain the required amount of carbon dioxide in the body.
  3. More than 100 diseases can be cured with this breathing technique.
  4. Before classes, you need to pay attention to contraindications.
  5. The provided complex will help improve your well-being and gain health.

See you in the next article!