Food on a hike. Travel kitchen. Classic breakfast, lunch and dinner on the trek

Hiking is a real adventure! Many people want to go to the mountains, forests, to the lake or lay a difficult tourist route. This allows you to get to know nature better, get a charge of good mood, escape from the hustle and bustle, work, ordinary everyday days.
One of the main tasks is to think over food on a hike. Not a single person should remain hungry in the company. There are no stores in the wild, so it is better to take the entire diet with you.
A 2-3 day hike is short, so on the one hand, you can afford some gastronomic excesses, and on the other hand, you don’t have to carry a heavy backpack with provisions.

Hiking is an energy-intensive activity. To restore the spent energy, hot food is indispensable.

Hot food options:

  • Kashi.
  • Soups.
  • Various second courses.

Products needed for cooking:

  • Stew, 2-3 cans. The product keeps well, can be used for seasoning soups, cereals and as an independent dish.
  • Cereals. To calculate the amount of cereal, you need to determine the maximum number of such meals. Cereals in the campaign, as a rule, are consumed twice a day.
    Flakes, such as oatmeal, rice or buckwheat, can serve as a wonderful alternative to ordinary cereals. Their main advantage is light weight and quick preparation.
  • The main vegetables for dressing second courses or soup are carrots, onions, potatoes. Such products, as a rule, are not light in weight. Therefore, vegetables are a secondary ingredient in a campaign, their task is to complement the taste of cereals and soups, and not to act as a separate dish.
  • Dry soups or noodles.

If it is not planned to overcome a long distance on the first day of the trip, then tourists can be allowed to cook barbecue. In this case, the meat must be taken in a minimum amount and pre-marinated. This option is most suitable for those who are going to take a cooler bag with them.

Important. When planning the preparation of barbecue, you need to take care of the necessary equipment. Lattice - a suitable option for hiking conditions. It can be placed on the log cabins of trees or stones.

Water and drinks

Going on a hike, you need to decide how things are with springs and springs along the route. This depends on the amount of water needed.
An approximate calculation of the liquid consumed during the campaign, not counting soups, is 2 liters per person.
The best option is to take 1 liter of water in a twist bottle. Further, water from drinking springs or rivers is collected in this container.

Important. In case of doubts about the drinking characteristics of water, it must first be boiled on a fire, and only then used to quench thirst.

Hot meals are also prepared using local water.
In addition to ordinary water, hot drinks should be present in the diet of a tourist: tea, coffee, compotes.
Compotes are an excellent drink if the area through which the hike passes is rich in various berries. In this case, the tourist will only need a bowler hat and sugar.

cold food

In addition to a full lunch, dinner, breakfast, no tourist can do without snacks.
Cold food, dry rations are also necessary in cases where weather conditions or lack of firewood do not allow preparing a full meal.

Snack options:

  • Cereal bars are a healthy stand-alone snack or addition to tea.
  • Nuts, dried fruits - will provide replenishment of the spent energy.
  • Cookies. For a trip, it is better to choose biscuits or other strong cookies, this will allow you to eat it whole, and not be content with crumbs.
  • Sweets to taste.

This block of products includes sausages for making sandwiches. It is better to choose dry varieties of sausages, they are well stored even at high temperatures.
Those who like fruity snacks should choose strong apples or citrus fruits.

Related Products

This block includes products and spices, the main purpose of which is to improve the taste of cooked dishes.
1. Salt - in addition to taste properties, salt is a kind of disinfectant.
2. Sugar - an addition to tea, coffee or compote.
3. Pepper and other spices as desired

By the way, instead of regular sugar, you can take a small package of refined sugar. In this case, it can be considered not only an additive to tea, but also a separate sweet snack for everyone.

The listed products are the basis of camping provisions. Everything else is optional.

When thinking through the grocery program of the trip, you should follow a few rules:

1. Products must not be perishable and must not require special storage conditions.
2. The number of products must strictly correspond to the number of meals. Excess food is additional weight that makes the road heavier.
3. If you want to try the gifts of the forest during the hike, you need to do this only if you are completely sure of their safety.

Camping food, despite the individuality of the variety of taste preferences, should fulfill the task of saturating the traveler and restoring the expended strength. At the same time, it is important not to overload the luggage and choose such products so that the food on the trip does not deteriorate. They should have a long shelf life, low weight and good nutritional value. Therefore, we change food to dried, fast-cooking and with a decent supply of storage.

Usually, on a hike, they take enough food so that they are enough - based on its duration and the ability to replenish supplies. The size of the group, the presence of children, their own taste habits are also important - someone likes sweets, someone likes meat, someone likes porridge or vegetables.

Between the group, you can distribute luggage so that the weight for each adult is approximately the same. It’s better to get together ahead of time and decide what food to take on a hike for each participant, so that it doesn’t happen that you have to carry extra food, and there won’t be anything important by the middle of the hike.

What is better to take on a hike from cereals and how to pack them

Many experienced tourists are advised to replace those cereals that are cooked for a long time with flakes - buckwheat, wheat, corn, oatmeal. Boiling water is enough to turn them into a full-fledged porridge. Flakes weigh less and cook faster, and in terms of calories and taste, such food is not inferior to traditional cereals. You can grab muesli - there, in addition to cereals, there are nuts, dried fruits.

The exception is rice and legumes, they should be included in the list of products - they perfectly satisfy hunger, saturate a tired body with proteins, carbohydrates and trace elements. Yes, and there are no problems with cooking lentils, soybeans and rice - it’s enough to fill a bowl with a dry product with water in the evening, and bring it to a boil in the morning to get a full breakfast.

When packing before a trip, do not rely on a single bag, otherwise the crumbled grits will have to be collected along the bottom of the backpack. There should be at least 3 layers of polyethylene, ideally it is better to stuff all this into canvas bags later. So the cereal will not spill out and will not become damp. Another great option is to fill plastic bottles of 0.5, 1 or 1.5 liters with a bulk product and transport it in this form.

A great way out is packaged noodles, soups and instant cereals.

  • In cereals there is milk, sometimes pieces of fruit. If children go hiking, they will appreciate these cereals.
  • Soups in bags are calculated for 1 serving, in briquettes - for several. A variety of flavors will help dilute a boring camping diet.
  • A bag of noodles soaked in boiling water becomes either a side dish or a kind of soup in 3 minutes.

But traditional pasta, dry and hard, experienced hikers are not advised to put in luggage - packages are torn from them, they saturate poorly and are troublesome to prepare.

Advice! An important aspect - what food to take on a hike, should not be decided in a hurry, it requires a responsible approach so that hunger pangs or a poor diet do not overshadow the joy of hiking adventures.

What to take with you on a hike from meat, fish and dairy

When you have to walk for a long time, canned food in jars, popular with tourists, should be abandoned because of its decent weight. It is better to stop at dried meat, dried and smoked fish, salted lard, raw smoked sausage.

Ready cuts in vacuum packages will help out - sausage, fish. They are easy to carry, satisfying and versatile - they will go to soup, to the main course or to sandwiches for tea.

If the hike is short, then canned food is quite appropriate - they are added to porridge, first courses, eaten as an independent product.

Advice! Stock up on dry broth - even with crackers, a cup of hot hearty drink will satisfy hunger, warm and restore strength without overloading the stomach. Based on it, you can make a delicious soup.

If you plan to go to nature for a short time to take a break from the bustle of the city, and dream of a picnic, then you can’t do without marinated meat - what is a picnic without barbecue?

As for dairy products, only hard cheese and powdered milk or cream are allowed in field conditions. The rest of the products, even for a short outing, are unsuitable - they deteriorate too quickly.

What fats do you need on a hike

Oddly enough, you can do without fat even on a long trip - food is fried on an open flame or cooked in a pot, that is, you don’t have to fry food in a pan. However, adding fat to soup and porridge will not be superfluous. Therefore, you can take a bottle of vegetable oil and salted lard with you, but there is no point in dragging butter - it will go rancid, melt, spread.

  • Lard, so as not to carry a glass jar, can be packed in several bags, preferably from foil.
  • Vegetable oil should be poured into a small plastic container.

There is no desire to carry oil on yourself for kilometers of the way? Then when deciding what to take with you on a hike from food, grab fat-containing foods - lard, fatty meat in dried, dried or smoked form, dry broth, raw smoked sausage with bacon, powdered cream. These products will cover the need for fats.

What to take from vegetables and fruits for a hike

This question depends on the length of the hike. If it is long, then it is worth looking ahead of time in stores for a mixture of dried vegetables, in extreme cases, dry it yourself, cut into thin slices. If it is short, then it is permissible to take fresh, but not perishable.

It is difficult to do without potatoes and onions on a hike. If possible, it's a good idea to grab carrots and cabbage. But tomatoes and cucumbers are suitable for a weekend picnic, because they crumple, choke, and deteriorate.

Fresh fruits should be replaced with dried or dried foods - they can be a good snack, because it is a storehouse of glucose, trace elements and vitamins, or you can cook compote from them.

Advice! Do not refuse raisins, dried apricots and prunes - these dried fruits will not take up much space in your luggage, but they will give you the energy that is so necessary on a hike.

What spices do you need on a hike?

The staples of the hike are sugar and salt. In order not to carry a supply of sugar, you can replace it with xylitol, which is many times sweeter, or a tablet substitute. This will save space in your backpack and make it easier to carry.

Some take a bottle of vinegar essence, but it can be replaced with a bag of citric acid, poured into a convenient plastic container.

The rest of the spices - pepper, seasonings, bay leaf, so that they do not become damp and crumble, are recommended to be packed in small plastic jars for a hike, for example, from under a photographic film. After all, once an opened bag is difficult to protect from spilling the contents, and moisture will penetrate.

Bread and sweets on the trip

Bread, if there is a long way to go, is replaced with dried bread and crackers. Dryers, crackers, waffles are taken from cookies.

Those with a sweet tooth are helped out by caramel, kozinaki, roasting, nuts, toffee - that is, solid, non-perishable, satisfying, sweet foods. It is better to refuse chocolate - it melts in the heat, weighs a lot, causes thirst.

What to drink on a hike

Campfire tea is a classic of camping romance. Take packaged so as not to mess with tea leaves. Coffee lovers should grab one-time sticks designed for one cup - they are easy to transport without worrying about the dampness and integrity of the package, and they weigh little. Coffee sticks 3 in 1 will solve the problem of milk and sugar during the campaign.

It is also worth taking cocoa on a hike - with powdered milk or cream, this will be a nutritious chocolate drink. Children, if they go with you, will also enjoy kissel - the product is sold in bags for 1 serving and is instantly prepared.

But the main component of quenching thirst in a campaign is water. Take care of its sufficient reserve, and additionally do not forget the reagents for turning low-quality water into clean drinking water.

If you do not agree to breakfast in nature with instant noodles or warmed canned food, you can quickly and easily prepare yourself an almost familiar breakfast. For some dishes, you will need a pot, a frying pan and a grill rack, others can even be prepared in a paper bag or a freezer bag. Here are 16 recipes for a delicious breakfast on the go.

1. Blueberry pie in foil

Blueberry pie

For this pie you will need eggs, milk, sour cream, sugar, cinnamon, blueberries, plain white bread and foil. Eggs, milk, sour cream, sugar and cinnamon can be mixed ahead of time and transported in an airtight food container.

Already in nature, finely chop the bread into a bowl with the mixture and add the blueberries. Wait until the bread is sufficiently soaked and spread the mixture into portions. Bake each portion separately in several layers of foil.

It is better to bake the pie on the grate over the fire for 25-30 minutes. After cooking, you can serve directly in the foil.

2. Small sausage and egg burgers

morning hamburger

For this dish, you will need a special biscuit pan, which you can buy on Amazon. First, cheese buns are prepared from individual ingredients.

Cheese buns

Mix flour, baking powder, salt, milk powder, sugar and butter in a bowl and take this mixture with you in a food container.

In the morning, grease the molds with oil, add grated cheese to the mixture and put the dough into each mold of the pan. Thin the dough in each mold by adding 50 grams of water and toast the buns.

hamburger egg

After that, all the ingredients are combined into one big and tasty hamburger.

All ingredients

3. Blueberry-orange muffins

Blueberry orange muffins

To make camping muffins, you will need oranges (one orange per muffin), dough, and foil. Muffin dough with blueberries or other ingredients can be prepared at home and taken with you in a food container.

Cut the orange in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Put the muffin batter inside, cover the orange with the other half of the peel and wrap in three layers of foil.

Muffins in foil

Bake the muffins on the fire, turning occasionally, for 10 minutes. When the ball in foil becomes solid inside, you can get it.

4. Fried eggs in a bag

Bacon and eggs in a bag

You can cook bacon and eggs in a regular paper bag. First, cut the bacon into slices and lay them on the bottom of the bag. Crack an egg on top of the bacon.

Breaking the egg into bacon slices

Hold over a fire until the egg is fried. You can eat directly from the bag, but be sure to put the bag on a plate so that the bacon grease does not stain your clothes.

5. Casserole with sausages

Sausage casserole

As in previous recipes, the dough can be prepared at home and taken with you. Mix flour and cornmeal, salt, sugar and baking powder, add milk, eggs and butter.

Heat the oil on a grill rack in a pan and fry the sausages. Put them on a separate plate and pour the casserole mixture into the pan. When it is browned to a golden crust, put the fried sausages on top.

6. Healthy breakfast with vegetables

Healthy breakfast

On several layers of foil lay sausages or pieces of bacon, on them - diced potatoes and tomatoes. Crack an egg on top and sprinkle with green onions.

Ready mix in foil

Wrap in foil and bake over a fire on a grill rack. When the dish is cooked, open the foil and sprinkle it with grated cheese.

One minute before ready

Wait a few more minutes for the cheese to melt and your healthy breakfast is ready.

7. Beer pancakes

beer pancakes

If you have a frying pan, you can bake beer pancakes in the morning. In the usual dough for pancakes (300–400 grams of flour, two eggs, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, sugar and salt), 0.5 liters of dark beer are added instead of water.

Guinness was originally mentioned in this recipe, but any other dark beer can be added.

8. Cinnamon biscuit on a stick

Make at home or buy biscuit dough and bring it with you. Find a fairly strong and small stick, peel it and wrap the pastry around.

Wrap so that the layers of dough do not lie on top of each other, otherwise the biscuit will not bake. Cook over a fire until the pastry is browned, then sprinkle the finished biscuit with sugar and cinnamon.

9. Stew in a skillet

Chop the bacon, onion, baked potato and orange pepper. Grill in a pan on the grill.

To prepare it, you will need a special small form for sandwiches, for example, this one. Everything is simple with it: put bread in a pan, break an egg on top, cut a sausage and rub cheese.

Close the filling with a second slice of bread and pour over with mayonnaise. After that, the sandwich is baked in a metal mold on a fire.

11. Bacon on the fire

Bacon on the fire

In order for the bacon to be evenly fried and crispy, you need to put it on a skewer in a special way. Thin slices of bacon are strung in waves so that the layers do not touch each other.

12. Omelet in a freezer bag

For this dish, you will need a freezer bag and a pot or kettle. Crack two eggs into a bag, close the bag and shake well until the yolk and white are combined.

After that, add other ingredients to the eggs that you want an omelet with, such as bacon, sausages, sausage, green bell peppers, green onions, or something else.

Release the air from the bag and close it, lower it into a pot of boiling water and cook for about 12 minutes. After that, it remains to put the finished omelette on plates.

13. Fried eggs in orange

scrambled eggs in orange

This recipe is similar to an orange biscuit, only eggs are used instead of dough. Just scrape the orange pulp from the peel, break two eggs into it, wrap it in foil and cook over a fire for 10 minutes. Be sure to turn the foil balls over from time to time so that the dish does not burn.

14. Instant oatmeal

Mix dry oatmeal with chopped nuts and dried fruit and take this dry mix with you in an airtight container.

In the morning, you just have to fill it with water, boil it in a camping saucepan and add chopped fresh fruits, such as apples or apricots.

You will need a biscuit base, brown sugar, cinnamon, one large apple, and raisins. Put the biscuit base in a shallow pan so that you get cakes with a diameter of about 10 cm.

Sprinkle this biscuit circle with the sugar and cinnamon mixture, top with a thin layer of apples (8-10 very thin slices) and raisins. Cover with a second biscuit cake, connect their edges so that the filling does not fall out, and place in a container.

In nature, bake the pie in a greased frying pan over coals until golden brown. Turn every two minutes.

16. Omelet with biscuits

For this breakfast, you will need a frying pan with a lid. In a frying pan you will cook an omelet from eggs, onions and bell peppers, and on its closed lid you will fry biscuit buns. It turns out quickly and tasty.

Do you have any favorite camping breakfast recipes?

Catering on a hike is a whole science. The layout (as the meal plan is usually called) depends on many factors: the nature of the trip (hiking, horseback, water, mountain), its location, the climate on the spot, the number of days, the composition of the participants, and so on.

Therefore, we will make a reservation right away: this article is not addressed to people who have been involved in tourism for a long time, who are members of clubs, and so on. Professionals will not find anything new here. But those who go hiking from time to time or are just starting to master tourism can use this material as a reminder, which outlines the basic principles of preparing for camp meals.

The main thing

What you need to pay attention to when compiling a menu for a trip:

  • Required calorie set
  • Balanced nutrition, getting the required amount of proteins and fats (with carbohydrates, things are easier)
  • Save space in backpacks and weight

Important. In nature, with physical activity, you will want to eat in any case. You can take 5000 kcal per person per day - and it will still seem like you are starving. Only under backpacks will you die.

What trip are we going on?

In any for the lower or medium categories of complexity. We do not take mountain climbing into account. For trips on kayaks and catamarans, bike rides, "pawns" - this system is quite suitable. It is also suitable for a horse trip, but this species usually has experienced organizers who plan meals for both people and animals.

Such a menu organization system is also suitable for ordinary trips to nature, for example, to the river bank with tents, to go fishing - for a week or more. Even if you're driving, you still don't have an infinite amount of free space to fill up with food. In the case of a car, there is only one advantage - you don’t have to think about weight, you can take with you more vegetables that can be stored longer, and fresh meat for the first 2 days.

Human factor

Before planning a camping menu, you need to find out if the participants of the campaign have allergies, food intolerances, perhaps someone does not eat any food for ideological reasons. All these points must be taken into account, otherwise one of the participants may remain hungry, and the trip will be ruined for the whole group.

Skeet Chief

It is most convenient if one person does the planning of the meal. He will draw up a menu, calculate how much to buy products, and distribute who and what will be purchased.

It is best to give this person unlimited power regarding the distribution of food. In field conditions, duty officers should obey him, his word should be considered law. The supply manager can stop all disputes in the distribution of products. He must decide all global issues related to nutrition (and take responsibility for his decisions, of course). Such unlimited power while you are in the city in your kitchen may seem ridiculous. But in the forest, this approach will help to avoid quarrels. Especially if the trip is quite tiring and difficult.


Nowhere without her. And when planning the entire hike and route, it is imperative to think about where the group can get water. Depending on this, you need to plan places for days and nights.


Usually the layout is calculated for three meals. Breakfast and dinner are the most satisfying. Lunch is easier, especially if you move around during the day, then you should spend as little time as possible on lunch.

If the hike is associated with serious physical exertion, then the most high-calorie meal is breakfast. It has to be meat. Dinner can then be made milky.

Who cooks

The organization of food preparation and the distribution of products among backpacks is extremely important. It is necessary to pack everything so that it is convenient to get it on day trips. One of the most effective systems is on duty. They are usually on duty in pairs (if the group does not exceed 25-30 people, if more, then perhaps it is more convenient for three of us). The duties of the attendants include: collecting firewood, kindling a fire, cooking, washing dishes (for all or only boilers, as agreed).

The days of the trip are divided by the number of pairs on duty. Each day has its own menu. Each pair of attendants buys, packs and carries food for "their" days.

Most often, shifts begin in the evening: dinner-breakfast-lunch, and in the evening of the next day the attendants are replaced. This is due to the fact that most often the group stays at the place during the day, and it is more convenient to immediately appoint people on duty for a day.


Let's take the average - 2500 Kcal per person per day. This is enough for a not too hard hike, with small transitions. If the trip is supposed to be on foot, then the calorie content should be higher, 3000 or more Kcal.

By weight, take 500-600 g of dry product per person per day. With a certain art of the supply manager, such a weight of a dry product will approximately cover the calorie content of 2500 Kcal. This weight is optimal. More - it's hard to drag, less - not enough strength for a hike.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

It is necessary to maintain the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates as - 1:1:4. In no case should you neglect fat and fatty foods. It is very good to think over products - sources of protein. Here is what is usually taken on a hike to achieve the right ratio of nutrients.

Squirrels. Meat, namely stew. This is the main product of the hiker. The bad thing is that iron cans are overweight. Sometimes they take canned fish, they can be put in pasta or in soup. Dry and cured meat as a source of protein is not bad, besides, there is no ballast, but it is difficult to prepare and may deteriorate during transportation in the summer. Smoked sausage and smoked loin - as additions to the menu, they are excellent, with high-quality packaging they can withstand two weeks and do not deteriorate. In addition, they help to gain fat. Processed cheeses are very well stored and transported. Ordinary cheeses are stored somewhat worse, so in the heat you need to count on them for no more than 7-10 days. In addition, milk powder and egg powder serve as a source of protein food.

Soy products and meat would be an excellent source of protein, there is one “but” - soy protein is extremely poorly absorbed.

Fats. Ghee and vegetable oil, cheese and sausage. When planning, you need to pay special attention to fats, since they are always in short supply.

Carbohydrates. Various cereals, sugar, dried fruits, chocolate, crackers and cookies. Carbohydrates, especially the simple ones found in refined foods, are the easiest.

Vitamins. Usually take fresh onions and garlic. It is best to eat them fresh, finely cut into porridge or even put onion rings on sausage. So you get more vitamins. You can take dried herbs with you, dried vegetables (carrots, beets, tomatoes) - add all this to porridge and soup. The only negative is that it takes some time to dry before hiking.

For one meal

It is believed that about 60 g of dry cereals are laid per person per meal (summer norm). Then the amount of food containing proteins and fats is superimposed on this amount. And it adds calories.

Sources of Calories: for breakfast - cocoa. An indispensable thing for active tourism. Dried fruits, chocolate, cheese and sausage - all this diversifies the menu and makes it more high-calorie.

Sublimated Products

They are good for everyone - both nutritious and healthier than concentrates and bouillon cubes, and just right in weight. One bad thing - well, very expensive. In addition, few people have access to it. Firms involved in sublimation exist only in large cities, and even then not in all.

But if there is access to such products, then meat or broth can be sublimated. In order not to sit the whole trip on bouillon cubes and concentrates.

"Unaccounted for"

Everything that was taken over the layout is called "unaccounted for". It enters the common cauldron and is divided among all. For a holiday (after all, there is always a holiday on a hike, for example, you have passed the most difficult part of the route, the day of Neptune, etc.) you can take a couple of cans of condensed milk and pancake flour to make pancakes. Pick berries in the forest - that's the sauce.

Where can I buy

More or less simple with stew and cereals. They are sold in any store. You just need to test several manufacturers of stew before going and choose the best one (usually the stew of each manufacturer has characteristic features, somewhere there is more fat, somewhere there is almost none). It’s good when there is a lot of meat in the jar, but you shouldn’t refuse fat with broth either, since in this case the porridge will turn out dry. Yes, and in fat, you can fry onions, vegetables, if any, add it all to the porridge.

Ghee is sold in stores, sometimes under the name "Russian". But with egg powder - problems. It is very difficult to buy it. It often happens with those firms that are engaged in sublimation of products, if there is access to such, the problem is solved. You can try to make dried meat yourself. Dried vegetables and crackers - too.


Products should take up a minimum of space. They should be easy to get. The most effective thing is to lay everything out at meals and sign it. All store packaging is out. Products must be packed in such a way that their packaging is guaranteed not to tear. A great way for bulk products: in a plastic bag and tightly wrap it with tape on top. Sausages should not be divided into parts for a meal before going: they will lie longer in the whole package. Plastic bags are also not for them - suffocate. Wrap the sausage and cheese in a clean cotton cloth.


When preparing for a hike, you should not count on it. Since there may be no mushroom-berries, the grass may be all dry, and the fish will refuse to be caught. But being in nature, you need to use every opportunity to diversify the diet. Nettle, plantain, dandelions - you can add to soup, porridge, make a salad of greens and berries. Mushrooms - fry, boil, add to soup and porridge.


Be sure to take boilers (for tea, soup and hot). Check that the amount of food prepared for all group members + a supply for 2 servings fits into the cauldron. You will also need a ladle and a large spoon to stir and lay out (you can get by with one, but often there are two dishes, do not run to wash every time), two good knives, a can opener, a fish tray, some kind of tablecloth or just a piece of polyethylene to lay out cheese and sausage, make an impromptu table.

Each participant of the campaign takes personal dishes himself. A mug, a bowl, a spoon and a personal knife are the minimum necessary for a hike. Dishes should be durable and light.

Layout for 1 person for 1 day (in grams of dry product)

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Manka 40

Powdered milk 80

Raisins 30

Ghee 20

Cocoa 15

Sugar 30

Cheese 60

Salt 2

Chocolate 20
Soup (concentrate) 20

Vermicelli 20

Rusks 25

Sausage 70

Tea 5

Sugar 30
Beans 90

Loin 50

Bow 40

Cookies 40

Tea 5

Sugar 30

Salt 2

List of purchases for the menu of one day based on 8 people (in grams)

Manka 350
Powdered milk 650
Cocoa 120
Raisin 250
Melted butter 150
Tea 80
Sugar 600
Cheese 450
Salt 40
Soup 150
Vermicelli 150
crackers 8 pcs.
Sausage 500
Beans 700
Loin 400
Onion 3-4 pcs.
Cookies 300

By the end of this article, you will eat right on the go and not eat anything!

You can go a week without food, but who likes it, so we'll figure it out now, what kind of food to take on a hike. After reading this article to the end, you will, and not eat anything! If the first question asked is what to take with you, then the second is exactly: “What will we eat?”. A hiker without food is not a hiker at all! Food and water are the first things a hiker should think about, and especially a leader or guide. You need to think carefully about food, and the one who says that on a hike everything is delicious to horror, even water and bread, is wrong.

This is very important, especially if you organize the trip yourself.

In this article, I will focus on a multi-day hike, 5-9 people. But it is universal for any hike. First of all, this is an analysis of the hikers themselves. There will be all the food in one cauldron, or full autonomy of all participants in the campaign, or part of it will separate during the campaign. This is especially important when distributing food. It is better to eat on your own, but it is more difficult. For you yourself need to rely on your own strength, but you can eat whatever your heart desires, or rather, what you take on a hike. If the group eats, then it's not about tastes, eat that and that's it.

Count in advance for all days, if there is an opportunity to go to the store on the way - the task will be a little easier.

Classification of food by time of consumption:

  1. Breakfast

Tourist breakfast- as a rule, various cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, cereals, muesli). Eat as many calories and glucose as possible in the morning! The morning should be high in calories so that you have a full supply of energy. Food: various cereals, food left over from dinner, pasta, milk porridge, chocolate and condensed milk.

Dinner Dinner is usually prepared quickly. In the course are canned food (fish, pate) and made sandwiches + tea or coffee. Lunch is more of a snack, you need to eat well so that you can walk a certain distance normally and with a reserve of strength before sunset, after which you can have dinner. Food: sausage, sandwiches, various canned food, chocolate and condensed milk.

Dinner- The main meal is for dinner. They usually dine in an already equipped camp, so you should already have a fire pit and time to cook a great dinner. It should be the most delicious and rich. If you go to sleep without eating, you will be cold at night, because you will not have the energy to generate heat, so you can forget about good sleep. It is at this time that you can show off your culinary skills and cook various soups or the same cereals with meat. Food: various soups, canned food, stew, chicken meat or barbecue, rice, pilaf, jacket potatoes, fried sausages, lard.

P.S. Must be hot and delicious! Don't forget tea.

No need to take

With that figured out, now I'll say that no need to take, or not desirable.

  • Perishable products- almost all dairy: kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, cheese. Boiled sausage, boiled eggs, smoked fish, fried chicken, ready-made salads and, of course, cakes (especially soft ones). P.S. You can take all this with the expectation that you will eat on the first day.

  • heavy foods- potatoes for frying (take a little for soup, 2-3 per person is enough, if you have a lot of them - make them into jacket potatoes).

  • Alcohol to be more precise - a lot of alcohol. You can leave vodka, cognac, beer and other drinks at home, you do not need them. Getting drunk is not the goal of the trip, if you can't live without it, take a little so that you don't have unpleasant moments on the trip. It is acceptable (I often take) a little red wine. It can be heated or made into mulled wine!

  • heavy packing- do not carry iron and especially glass jars, this is extra weight! Pour alcohol into plastic bottles.

The quantity and choice of the products themselves depends on the needs of the end consumer - the tourists themselves. You can calculate its quantity and quality by the following factors:

  • Availability of a store on a hike- if you pass near settlements, then this will lighten your burden, because you can buy additional products at the nearest store.

  • people's tastes- everyone has different tastes, someone loves the carcass, and someone hates it. Discuss the main food in advance so that there are no troubles along the way.

  • Vegetarians- you yourself understand that they do not eat meat, you adapt to them. But often they themselves know what they can eat, ask them.

  • Number of people- no comment.

People go on a hiking trip not to eat a lot (as a rule). You can forget about homemade food a little, let the memories warm your soul. Food serves as a source of energy and strength for us, so you need to choose a balanced set of products, not forgetting the weight of the products, because you will have to carry everything on yourself.

What to take and how much

Now let's deal with what to take. Carbohydrates are needed as the basis of nutrition on a hike: buckwheat, rice, corn, pearl barley or pasta (preferably spirals - they stick together less than others). Meat in a campaign is needed in a small amount. It can be dry, cured or canned meat. Take only raw smoked sausage, sealed in vacuum packaging. Canned food: pate, various fish, corn, stew. Don't forget the salt, onion, garlic and spices!

I present a small weekly food list for one person.

  • Buckwheat, pasta, rice and other cereals (about 1 kg),

  • Meat, fish (200 g, if dry, then 100 g),

  • Dried vegetables and mushrooms (300 g),

  • Muesli (300 g),

  • Nuts and dried fruits (300 g),

  • Tea or coffee,

  • Sweets (candied fruits, gozinaki, halva, cookies, lollipops, chocolate),

  • Spices and salt.

To this list you can add:

  • Potatoes - exclusively in soup (if not too lazy to carry - you can go to the fire or in uniform)

  • Pate (3 cans)

  • Bread (2 loaves is enough)

  • Lemon (1 pc)

  • Garlic (one head)

It's great to take different goodies for tea! They are called differently: “yummy”, “nishtyashki”, but the meaning is the same - delicious food for tea. You can’t call it food on a hike, but various sweets: cookies, kozinaki, halva, chocolate, waffles, chocolates cheer up and give strength (glucose)! Don't forget the lollipops. On a train, in a car, you won’t get sick, and on the way they will give you a little strength. Advice: distribute food by day in advance so that everything is scheduled, and divide the food into portions (one day - one serving) and distribute to everyone.

Often there is no firewood for a fire or rain is walking, or you are walking through the territory of the reserve, where it is forbidden to kindle fires. In these cases, gas burner. Now the choice of burners is very large and you can always choose the best option for yourself. Well, if cylinders of different companies fit your burner, it’s more practical. A 300 ml gas bottle will last for a week. Important: never leave food without watching! In the evening, put food in bags and hang on a tree from insects and animals. Make sure food is well protected from rain and dew. P.S. Somehow, a cat stole a kilo of sausages at our tourist camp, we were not particularly happy.

A few words about the one-day trip.

Taking food on day trips is easier than it seems, you only need two things: “nishtyaks” and “snacks”. You already know about nishtyaki, and a snack is sandwiches, canned food. That is, food, in order to have a little refreshment on the way and no magic.

A couple more points: It is better to take water as clean as possible and always bring it to a boil. Do not throw metal objects (tinned cans), wet branches, leaves, only dry trees into the fire. The smoke can stain your cauldron and make the food taste acrid, which will not make you happy. The best utensils for hiking are made of stainless steel and only from it. Do not take aluminum utensils (aluminum oxidizes) and plastic - it touches any utensil, from a spoon to a pan.

List of required general equipment:

  • Large pot for soup

  • Small boiler for tea

  • Scoop

  • Cutting board

  • Knife (1-2)

  • Dishwashing kit (gel, sponge)

  • Frying pan or broiler (a metal plate will do)

By the conclusion of the article I will say that: select in hiking food easier than you think. You need to plug your head a little and look at your purchased products. Think about when you will be eating, how many people and what is the value of the product!