Effective methods of soundproofing sewer pipes. Soundproofing sewer pipes with your own hands Soundproofing sewer pipes

When replacing the water supply in an apartment or house, experts advise, if possible, to leave the old cast-iron sewer riser in place. First, it is most often in good condition and does not require replacement. Secondly, it makes the work progress much easier. And the most important thing: old pipes during operation produce much less noise than modern metal-plastic risers. If you nevertheless decide to replace, immediately think about how to make soundproofing of a sewer riser made of metal-plastic.

Reinforced plastic pipes are very sensitive to any vibration. It does not matter whether it is the water inside the pipe, whether the air hums or the riser itself beats against the walls and adjacent utilities when a stream of water passes through it. In any case, the pipe walls begin to vibrate. Due to the elasticity of metal-plastic and the length of the riser in an apartment building, the sound amplifies rather quickly and spreads in all directions. Even if someone used the sewer a couple of floors below you, there will be a characteristic noise in your bathroom.

Why, then, the question arose of how to soundproof the sewer riser, when they were ubiquitously made of cast iron? The secret is in the structure of this metal. Due to its granularity, cast iron practically does not perceive vibration. The grains of this metal rub against each other, absorbing vibrations, including sound ones. In addition, during operation, cast iron pipes quickly become covered from the inside with a layer of salt coating, which dampens noise. Plastic and metal-plastic are protected from these accumulations, so you will have to soundproof them yourself.

Determine the nature of the noise

Before deciding how to soundproof a sewer riser, it is necessary to find out what exactly caused the noise emanating from it. All probable causes can be divided into two categories:

  1. noise occurs inside the pipe;
  2. sounds are caused by vibrations of the riser and its contact with other pipes or overlap.

To determine the nature of the problem, it will take some time to observe the operation of the sewage system. If you see that when the drains pass through the pipe, it begins to vibrate and touch nearby objects, there is a second option. It usually occurs due to errors in the installation of the sewer. A loose riser transmits vibration to other pipes, causing sound to spread throughout the house. This type of noise is called resonant noise.

If the riser remains stationary, then the main source of noise is inside it. To cope with this problem, you will have to either change the pipes to soundproof ones, or install high-quality sound insulation.

How to get rid of resonance noise

Soundproofing a sewer riser that produces resonant noise is aimed at dampening vibrations that occur when drains pass through the pipe. To do this, it is necessary to securely fasten the pipes to the walls. It is best to use special clamps with a rubber gasket in the process: they will help to extinguish excess vibration.

It will also be useful to fill the space between the pipe and the ceiling with sound-absorbing material. The most convenient option in this case is foam polystyrene linings. They are sold in plumbing stores and are made immediately for the desired pipe diameter. Installing them is quite simple: insert the cover into the hole in the floor through which the riser passes, trying to push it deeper. Leave about 15 cm of polystyrene outside, secure it with clamps around the pipe.

How to soundproof a sewer riser

If the reason for the noise of the sewer lies not in the vibrations of the riser, but in the properties of the pipes, more serious work on sound insulation will have to be done. Their essence is to wrap the riser with a layer of sound-absorbing material. In construction markets, you can find the following options for such materials:

  • foamed polyethylene shell;
  • polyurethane foam pads;
  • roll soundproof materials.

Each of them indicates the level of noise absorption. Naturally, the higher this indicator, the higher the quality of your work will be. But you should not focus only on it, consider other features of sound insulation when choosing.

Attention! Complete soundproofing of the sewer riser, regardless of the material you choose, is impossible. Noises will remain in any case, but their level will be significantly reduced.

So which material should you choose? Foamed polyethylene is attractive for its low price. But this material is very short-lived, after a couple of years it will begin to creep and will no longer cope with its functions. In addition, due to the softness of this material, it is rather difficult to mount it. But this material prevents the formation of condensation on the pipes, thus reducing the level

Polyfoam is more durable and has higher sound-absorbing properties. It is quite simple to install a shell from it, but only on straight sections of the sewer. If you need sound insulation for the sewer riser, and you do not intend to touch the rest of the pipes, it is quite possible to use foam pads. But for curved sections of the pipeline, it is better to choose polyurethane foam: it allows installation on curved surfaces.

When choosing roll materials, in no case purchase mineral wool insulation. It practically does not absorb sound (including infrasound arising from mechanical resonance of the riser). But the presence of this material in a dwelling can provoke allergies in its inhabitants.

Important! Do not use polyurethane foam for soundproofing pipes. It does not have sound insulation characteristics, it quickly degrades, and also makes it difficult to inspect and repair the pipe in case of leaks.

Soundproofing of the sewer riser

The insulation installation process depends little on the material you choose. Its essence is simple: it is necessary to tightly wrap the pipe with a sound-absorbing layer and fix it on it. Fastening can be done using:

  • special clamps;
  • cable ties;
  • moisture resistant tape;
  • wire.

During the process, it is very important to ensure that the fasteners are tightened quite tightly, but at the same time they do not tear the insulating material. It is better to install additional rubber gaskets under the plastic clamps. The spacing between the bindings should be about 20-25 cm.

Advice! If you have chosen screeds as fastening, give preference to their reusable option. In this case, you can, if necessary, disassemble the insulation layer, repair the pipe, and then apply it again.

If the soundproofing of the sewer riser is made using a shell made of any material, the installation is extremely simple. The shell is put on the pipe, snapped, fixed with tape for reliability. If roll materials are chosen, you will have to tinker a little with the isolation device.

First of all, cut a piece from the roll, the length of which will be equal to the height of the pipe, and the width - to the diameter of its circumference. Wrap this piece of the riser so that the edges of the material touch butt, not overlap. For additional fixation, you can glue this joint with construction tape.

Secure the layer of material with the fastening method of your choice. Then cut long strips 10-15 cm wide from the remaining roll of material and wrap them around the riser. Fix the winding with tape or clamps every 20-25 cm. Try to pull the material towards the pipe as tightly as possible so that there are no resonant areas.

Before soundproofing the sewer riser ...

Before installing the sound insulation, it will be useful to wipe the outside of the riser from dirt, dry it and degrease it. This will not only increase comfort while working, but will also be able to prevent the development of fungus or mold under the layer of insulating material.

Be sure to think about how much the pipe thickness will increase after work. If the riser is hidden in a box or behind a false panel, select an insulating material so that after work you do not have to change the structure of the box.

It is best to carry out work on soundproofing the sewage system before the stage of final finishing of the bathroom.

Soundproofing sewer pipes in an apartment is an urgent problem. A high rate of sound permeability in urban apartments is a well-known fact and the noise of water that passes through the pipes greatly reduces the comfortable living of residents.

Therefore, it is necessary to take drastic measures to reduce the sound that the sewer produces.

Noise in sewer pipes occurs for many reasons, these are:

  1. Insufficient wall thickness of the drain pipes.
  2. Manufacturing material.
  3. Incorrect placement of walls and pipes in the apartment.
  4. Incorrectly selected seal.

Types of insulation for the sewer network

Whether sound insulation is needed for sewer pipes and which one is better is not difficult to decide. Only for this you will have to study in detail all its types. Then the choice will not be difficult.

To solve the problem of noise insulation in the drain system in the apartment, the following methods are recommended.

  • "Silent" pipes... Some manufacturers make products that are called "quiet". They are made of high-density polypropylene, their multi-layer allows for excellent sound dampening. At the moment, the only disadvantage of such products is the high price.
  • Sound insulating materials... The drain network, densely covered with a soundproofing coating, works silently. It is divided into the following types.
  • Most often, for such work they use foamed polyethylene, which not only perfectly dampens sound, but also has high thermal insulation characteristics. In addition to all this, it prevents the formation of condensation on pipelines, which is a prophylaxis against the appearance of fungus and mold.
  • No less often, to reduce the noise level, they use roll insulation... This is not a novelty on the construction market, and the popularity of this insulation has not diminished over the years.
  • And one more material that can be found in such works is .

The list of materials for insulation can be supplemented with the following main types:

  • polyethylene foam;
  • fiberglass;
  • mineral wool;
  • a variety of porous materials;
  • synthetic rubber.

Each of the noise insulation presented above has positive characteristics and individual properties that must be taken into account when installing in an apartment.

If this is not taken into account, then the sound insulation may simply be unsuitable for the sewer pipes created in the apartment.

IMPORTANT! Soundproofing pipes is a very responsible job that requires accuracy. Do not allow damage to the coating for the sewerage system.

Many are interested in how to make soundproofing of a sewer riser. It is from him that the greatest noise comes.

And the noises that he creates in the apartment are conventionally divided into:

  1. Shock... It is created from the interaction of the fluid flow with the pipe walls. It is not at all possible to get rid of it, but it is quite possible to reduce it.
  2. Air... This is the sound of air passing through a stream of water.
  3. Structural... Appears after vibrations of pipe-rolling materials and network elements that are in contact with each other.

It is with the third species that we have to fight, as it creates the most serious problem.

To make noise insulation with your own hands you need:

  • prepare the material and cut a piece out of it that will correspond to the dimensions of the riser circumference.
  • Fix this part with construction tape. In this case, it is important that the edges are located end-to-end. Placing them in a different way will reduce efficiency.
  • Soundproofing coatings for sewage are recommended to be fastened tightly, while applying the addition of several layers. This increases the weight of the structure and decreases the resonance. As a result of these actions, structured sounds become less noticeable.
  • If the need arises, then a decorative box can be designed around the sewer riser. This also has a positive effect on sound insulation in this situation.

How to make noise isolation with your own hands

Do-it-yourself soundproofing of a sewer riser is a completely doable task for any home craftsman.

Buildings from silent pipes are mounted as follows.

  • The vertical height of the pipe network is measured and the pipes are cut to the required length.
  • The cut points are cleaned with a file. And they do it at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Mounting clamps with damping gaskets are placed on the wall.
  • The assembly is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the silent network.
  • In the ceilings, the holes are closed with polypropylene sleeves. Their diameter should be 0.5-1 cm larger than the cross-section of the silent drain pipeline.

IMPORTANT! It is strictly forbidden to install monolithic plugs that tightly squeeze the sewer network. It is advisable to use components that have vibration-absorbing properties.

How to make soundproofing in the toilet with your own hands

Soundproofing the riser in the toilet is performed after a detailed consideration of the causes of its occurrence. Such noises in the apartment occur when the design is incorrect and from the wrong type of workpieces.

The noisiest material for such a network is steel. Polymers function almost silently. Cast iron is practically completely silent due to its large weight and wall thickness.

IMPORTANT! The higher the wall thickness of the riser, the less noise emanates from it. Experts recommend taking these nuances into account before installation work. And it is advised to install pipes made of sound-absorbing plastic when replacing.

The choice of this product in the construction market is large and it is not difficult to choose these products. A pipeline made of such material does not bother at all with extraneous sounds.

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If it is necessary to soundproof an already existing riser in an apartment, then special building materials are used for this purpose.

Having wrapped them on the riser, it must be secured with tape. This type of design is not particularly attractive and the construction of a decorative box saves the situation.

How silent sewers are laid

As mentioned above, this option is most suitable for this job.

But, the line of this pipe-rolling type is distinguished by a specific structure and structure.

  • The inner layer is smooth polypropylene containing mineral particles.
  • The middle layer is also made of polypropylene with mineral additions.
  • The top layer is a high strength polymer.

You need to work with such pipes strictly according to the instructions, and then the structure will faithfully serve for a very long time.

Soundproofing in the toilet is also done with a casing made of foam rubber or polystyrene. Such a coating not only neutralizes the noise that occurs during the operation of the drain pipe network in the apartment, but also perfectly protects the pipes.

This insulation is very easy to install.

  1. First, an incision is made along the casing with a well-sharpened knife.
  2. Wrap the structure.
  3. The joint is sealed with construction tape.

It is possible to increase the efficiency of noise absorption by using special shaped elements. The rubber-gasket fastener will keep the riser from rattling.

Not quite attractive foam rubber will allow you to hide the box. You can also build a locker for this purpose.

Features of the do-it-yourself insulation process

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It is a great delusion to simply cover the elements of the pipe network with damping building materials and think that the problem is over.

Measures should be taken to dampen vibration. According to construction requirements, pipes that pass through the ceiling in the apartment must be hidden in a special sleeve.

Play the role of such a sleeve can regular piece of large diameter pipe... The empty space between the sleeve and the pipe is filled with a sound absorber and an acoustic sealant is added that dampens the vibration.

In practice, it turns out quite differently. Builders do not always fulfill this requirement, and the sound insulation in the apartment does not meet the required standards.

Anyone who has found at least an empty sleeve in his drain network, then this can already be considered a great success. After all, you can easily put insulating material into it on your own.

And so it turns out that the sewer pipes simply pass through the ceiling, rigidly in contact with it. This leads to increased noise in the apartment.

To reduce noise, it is necessary to reduce the contact between the ceiling and the pipeline. To do this, a hole is made around the perimeter of the riser with a perforator, and it is poured with a soundproof sealant.

After that, the part at the ceiling is wrapped with sound insulation. The material is fixed with construction tape and poured with cement mortar.

When the cement has set, they continue to wind the structure. This completes the soundproofing of sewer pipes in the apartment. And to create complete silence, it is recommended to carry out soundproofing of the walls, ceiling and floor.


There are several ways to insulate pipes, we will consider them in this article.

Causes of noise in the sewer

Now in any home you can find a large number of communications that are created in order to make the life of modern people easier and more comfortable.

But sometimes there are situations when communications can cause discomfort and inconvenience, for example, noise from a sewer riser.

This problem can occur not only in apartments, but also in private houses, since several factors affect the occurrence of noise in the sewer.

Of course, most often noise occurs in the main riser, since the maximum volume of water passes through it, which creates vibrations and, accordingly, can become a source of noise.

There are several types of noise that can accompany riser operation.

  • Firstly, noise can occur when the waste stream hits the pipeline elements.
  • Secondly, the appearance of extraneous sounds can cause the presence of air in the system.
  • The last and most intense type of sewer noise is structure-borne noise, which is caused by the contact of sewer parts with the wall surface or other elements.

As already mentioned, rapid waste streams create vibration, which is the reason that the riser begins to come into contact with other surfaces, and this is accompanied by a characteristic knock.

Correctly performed soundproofing of sewer pipes will help to get rid of the discomfort associated with noise.

Ways to reduce sewer noise

Of course, no matter what method a person uses to soundproof the sewer, it is almost impossible to get rid of noise of this nature.

But with the right approach, you can minimize the noise level as much as possible and make it less noticeable.

The first way to soundproof the sewer is to install silent pipes.

Installing silent pipes for sewerage is one of the ways to sound insulation

Of course, this method is advisable only at the stage of laying or replacing the sewage system. It is quite costly, both in terms of finance and in terms of time costs.

This method of sound insulation is possible thanks to special silent pipes, which differ from ordinary pipes in the thickness of the walls and the material from which they are made.

It is thanks to this structure that such pipes can reduce the noise level. Given such features of the first method of noise isolation, it is not surprising that it is not suitable for every person.

But fortunately, there is an alternative and simpler way of soundproofing the sewage system - this is the soundproofing of the existing pipeline.

This method does not require much time and effort, and you can implement it on your own.

But before making soundproofing of sewer pipes, it is very important to choose the right soundproofing material, since the level of noise absorption depends on it.

Varieties of soundproofing material

Today, there are many options for soundproofing materials for soundproofing pipes. Among the most common materials are:

  • foamed polyethylene;

  • roll insulation.

These are two main types of soundproofing material that are distinguished by their efficiency and reliability.

But in order to accurately determine the type of material, several factors must be taken into account.

First, it is necessary to pay attention to the noise absorption level of the materials.

On the label of any material, the number of decibels that it is able to absorb is indicated, of course, the higher this figure, the better.

The second thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a soundproof material is the external base, since the harder it is, the longer the material will last without losing its original properties.

A lot of people are trying to make noise insulation using polyurethane foam, but this is wrong, because it is not able to absorb noise.

DIY noise insulation of sewer pipes

Noise isolation of the sewage system in the house should be carried out based on specific goals. Let's consider several ways:

  • Method 1: the method using a special shell
  • Method 2: using a roll of insulating material
  • Method 3: soundproofing pipes by installing a plasterboard box and mineral wool

Method 1: method using a special shell

You don't need special skills, you just need to insert the joint into the joint on both sides of the material:

Method 2: using a roll of insulating material

Soundproofing pipes using insulating material (video instruction):

Method 3: soundproofing pipes by installing a plasterboard box and mineral wool

If it is necessary to carry out soundproofing of sewer pipes in a house or apartment, then you can give preference to sewing the pipes with a plasterboard box, additionally wrapping the pipes with roll material or foamed polyethylene.

This isolation method is carried out in the following way:

    • it is necessary to prepare the pipes, namely to paint over and check their tightness, so that after they are sheathed with a box, there are no problems with leakage;
    • wrap pipes with sound-insulating material (we have already examined their types, choose any);

    • make markings for the box on the wall, here you need to take into account that the walls of the box should be at a distance of 5-6 centimeters from the pipes;

    • it is necessary to mount the profile in the marked places using self-tapping screws or dowels;
    • the third profile will be attached from the wall to the floor, for this it is necessary to draw lines on both surfaces, which will run perpendicular to the already attached profiles and determine the point of intersection of the lines;
    • we mount the starting profile in the places of the marked lines;
    • the last third profile for the box is installed at the intersection of the lines on the floor and ceiling;
    • it is necessary to attach jumpers at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from each other;

    • we fasten drywall to the finished box, it is better to give preference to moisture resistant. When installing drywall, you need to leave a hole for organizing an inspection hatch;
    • by screwing one side of the box, it is necessary to fill its space with mineral wool, the denser the sound-proof material will be laid;

  • we sew up the second side of the box and carry out finishing work.

How to make noise insulation of a sewer riser

If a person has a question of how to make noise insulation of a sewer riser, then in this case it is better to give preference to winding labor with special soundproof materials.

Such sound insulation is easier to perform than to sew up pipes with a box, but, despite this, it is also important to follow the exact sequence of actions:

      • choose a suitable soundproofing material, as already mentioned, there are several options for such a material;
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The noise of the drained water in cast-iron pipes is insignificant, but after replacing old communications with new, plastic ones, it becomes much stronger. There may be several reasons why extraneous sounds appear.

Possible causes of loud noises coming from a sewer pipe:

  • air in the sewer;
  • the flow of water discharged into the sewer hits the components of the pipeline;
  • the pipeline, vibrating when draining wastewater, hits the surrounding objects (walls, ceilings, other structures).
The reason for the noise of sewer pipes is sound vibrations, which are transmitted by the pipe walls and fasteners

Soundproofing sewer pipes will help get rid of interfering sounds. Plastic risers, which replaced the cast-iron ones, have less thin walls, and therefore the noise that occurs inside is not drowned out by anything.

The problem can be solved only with an integrated approach:

  1. Carry out soundproofing yourself or install special silent sewer pipes.
  2. Install clamps on the pipes that will fix their position.
  3. Close the fan riser with a box, sheathed its inner surfaces with sound-insulating materials.
  4. Close up the place where the riser passes through the floors with sound insulation.

Another possible option is to replace the old pipes with silent ones. They are made of a special material with a high density, the design also differs for the better - the walls of the product are thicker than ordinary plastic ones. The use of such pipes will help to significantly reduce the noise generated by the sewer system.

Their only drawback is their higher cost compared to plastic ones.

Elimination of infrasound

The human condition is negatively affected not only by well-audible sound interferences, but also by infrasounds. Even properly carried out soundproofing will not help get rid of them, therefore, they will need to be eliminated additionally.

Partial riser replacement

The method is used in residential buildings with an already organized cast-iron sewer system. In this case, the old pipes are replaced with new, plastic ones, and the crosses and transitions made of cast iron are left.

If these elements are clogged with plaque, they are cleaned using special devices. It is not required to completely remove plaque, the main thing is to make a hole in a continuous growth, the solvent will cope with the rest when the new system is completely mounted.

To reduce noise, you can leave a cast-iron cross in the ceiling

The advantages of this method:

  • the noise insulation process is easier, it is easier for a non-professional to cope with it;
  • the supporting structures (walls, ceiling) through which the pipes pass remain intact, since there is no need to remove the crosses and transitions from them;
  • the cost of work is reduced - some of the materials are already there.

Since when partially replacing the riser, the plastic pipes are divided into segments, the length of which does not exceed 5 m, the sound becomes quieter. In some cases, this is already enough to reduce the noise level to an acceptable level, and noise insulation of heating and sewage pipes is not required.

Another positive point: the location of blockages arising during the operation of the sewer system will be easier to localize - most often they arise in cast-iron components, and they can be dealt with by mechanical cleaning.

Riser damping

The method described above is not suitable for new homes, since the sewage system is built from scratch.

Therefore, they use another method:

Soundproofing materials

Do-it-yourself soundproofing of sewer pipes can be done using different materials:

It is impossible to use polyurethane foam for soundproofing plastic sewer pipes - it does not have sound-absorbing properties. Mineral wool should also not be used - it is not environmentally friendly, it can cause problems with the respiratory system.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the information on the package - it indicates how much decibels a particular material can absorb. The higher this parameter, the better the sound will be delayed. As a rule, the indicated values ​​do not correspond to reality, and in order to find out the real value, it is recommended to subtract about 15% from the declared by the manufacturer.

It is worth stopping your choice on materials with a solid surface - they are more durable and reliable.

Work order

Before making noise insulation with any of the listed materials, the pipes should be prepared: clean them of dust, dirt, check for leaks (if any, they need to be eliminated), paint them.

During work, the water must be shut off so that condensation does not form on the pipes.

If roll material is used, it must be cut into pieces of suitable size. The polyethylene foam casing or foam parts are cut in height.

It is necessary to fix the sound-insulating material tightly, but at the same time making sure that the pipes are not pinched. The joints can be treated with resin, tape or special glue.

On the joints of the pipes, gaskets are installed, they are treated with silicone sealant.

Installation of a plasterboard box

After the soundproofing of pipes in a house or apartment is completed, it is required to install a drywall box to hide the unaesthetic-looking structure. This measure will also increase the efficiency of the work done.

Work order:

  1. On the walls and floor, markings of the future box are carried out. The lines are drawn, retreating from the riser at least 5 cm.
  2. At the markup site, a metal profile is mounted using self-tapping screws.
  3. Strengthen the structure with jumpers, placing them no further than 50 cm from each other.
  4. Sheets of moisture-resistant drywall are attached to the erected frame, not forgetting to leave a revision hole.
  5. When one side is sheathed, the space of the frame is filled with mineral wool. It is laid as tightly as possible.
  6. The remaining surfaces are sewn up, after which finishing work is carried out.

Silent pipes for sewer system

Complete replacement of old sewer pipes in an apartment with silent ones is an expensive but effective way.

Silent pipes consist of three layers:

  • internal smooth surfaces are made of wear-resistant smooth polypropylene;
  • in the middle there is a plastic mass mixed with mineral powder, successfully muffling noise;
  • the top cover consists of polypropylene, resistant to mechanical damage.

This design helps to significantly reduce the noise level of the discharged wastewater, as well as infrasound.

Products can be distinguished from ordinary ones in appearance: they are white, with thickened walls, green and red stripes are applied along the entire pipe.

Among the disadvantages are not too long service life (about 20 years) and high price.

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The creation of comfortable conditions for a person's stay in a room is associated with several factors. Among them is the insulation of sewer pipes. Old cast iron pipes bother only the first years of operation. Subsequently, they themselves lose the ability to propagate noise. Plastic systems make too much noise, which is very annoying. In such situations, soundproofing the sewer pipe becomes a necessity.

Materials for soundproofing pipes

A pipe is, in fact, an acoustic resonance system, the vibrations of the walls of which cause resonance phenomena. In addition, sound-variable deformations enhance the effect. As a result, the system reproduces several types of noise: shock, resonance, atmospheric, vibration. To neutralize all these noises, you need to choose the right material.

The materials used to soundproof the sewer pipes in the apartment must have 2 main functions:

  • dampen wall vibrations;
  • prevent the transmission of sound-variable elastic vibrations to the walls of the room.

Car soundproofing materials are a good option. Such materials are multi-layered. They usually include 2 working layers: foil and bitumen. The sticky polymer side is insulated with release paper, which must be removed before starting repair work. This material for soundproofing sewer pipes is needed to neutralize vibrations.

You will also need Kaiflex to work. This is a reinforced material that also belongs to self-adhesive insulators. It is made of foamed rubber, so it is resilient.

Preparatory stage for soundproofing pipes

In new houses or in the case when the old cast-iron riser is changed to a modern plastic one, the sound insulation of the sewer pipes becomes a prerequisite for creating a comfortable environment. Before proceeding with the main work, the pipe must be degreased so that Silver or its analogue sticks firmly, without gaps. If the soundproofing of the sewer riser is made of cast iron or other material that has signs of corrosion, then everything must be cleaned, and then the surface must be covered with a primer.

First layer

If you have to work at low temperatures, you need to warm up the material to a temperature of about 40 ° C before use. To do this, use an industrial hair dryer or other devices. After removing the protective paper, gluing is started. To make it more convenient to work, you can cut off small fragments and paste over separate areas with them.

A clerical knife is used to cut the insulation. The material completely covers the outer surface of the riser. High-quality sound insulation of a plastic sewer pipe is possible only if there are no uncovered places left. All technological bends, transitions must have full coverage. The glued area is warmed up so that the bitumen layer melts and adheres firmly to the pipe surface.

Second layer

On top of the first layer, the second is glued - Kaiflex insulation. It can also be cut into slices of the desired format. It is necessary to cover the entire surface, including the connecting elements. There are several types of such isolation:

  • KAIFLEX EF - option for pipes in houses, as well as for freezers;
  • KAIFLEX HF is a material of higher quality from a sanitary point of view, it can be used in kindergarten hospitals;
  • KAIFLEX DUCT is an option for air conditioning systems.

There are other varieties, but they are already in demand in the industry. The use of KAIFLEX EF allows quick installation, because the material is elastic, and its good adhesive layer makes it possible to stick each piece the first time. In addition to the fact that such a layer will protect the inhabitants of the apartment from noise, it will also protect the pipes from temperature fluctuations, which is important in country houses, and will not allow condensation to accumulate.

We can say that sound insulation for sewer pipes is a simple stage in arranging a comfortable living space. All work is done without much effort, no special skills are required. Photos and videos will help you understand the intricacies of this work.

Sewer pipe soundproofing video

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