Ecological sketches for the year of ecology, many roles. “About ecology – jokingly and seriously.” Teaching aids and special subjects

Scenario of the ecological theatrical holiday “Our Earth is in our hands!”

Author: Alla Alekseevna Kondratyeva, primary school teacher, Zolotukhinsk Secondary School, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: The event is dedicated to an environmental problem and is intended for children in primary school and middle school. The holiday material can be used for conversations, classroom activities, and extracurricular activities.
1. Propagation of environmental knowledge and education of environmental culture.
2. Expanding the individual experience of interaction between schoolchildren and the environment.
3. Orientation of schoolchildren to the implementation of environmental rules of behavior in the environment - as a norm of life.
4. Children’s awareness of the need to correlate their actions with their consequences for the people around them, the natural and social environment.
5. Increasing children's readiness to participate in environmentally oriented activities.
1. Teach children to see and hear, to peer inquisitively into the world, to observe this world.
2.Summarize, consolidate and deepen the environmental knowledge of students acquired in ecology, biology lessons and in the geographical circle “Live to Live”.
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its laws.
4.Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality.
5.Promote the development of thinking, attention, observation.
Preliminary work:
1. Active participation in various competitions on ecology, in festivals and conferences on nature conservation, in environmental education of the population.
2.Spring and autumn work to improve the village of Zolotukhino, clearing it of garbage and dead wood.
3. Active assistance in restoring the park near the obelisk to the Unknown Soldier: plant flowers and shrubs there, keep order.
4. Conduct targeted work on landscaping the school grounds.
5.Continue cooperation with the children’s library of the district: constant reading of children’s works, holding theatrical events as part of extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction “Amateur Theater “HARLEQUIN””
Educational Resources: presentation for the holiday, group and individual assignments-projects.

Great ones about nature:

“Love for nature, however, like any human love, undoubtedly develops in us from childhood.” I. Sokolov-Mikitov
“Nature cannot cope with logic, with our human logic; it has its own, which we do not understand and do not recognize until it runs over us like a wheel.”I.S. Turgenev
“The joy of life opened before a man, because he heard the rustling of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring brook and the play of the silver bells of a lark in the hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and the groan of a blizzard outside the window. This beauty is not revealed to everyone, but only to those who know how to see and hear, who peer inquisitively into the world, observe and thoughtfully explore the harmony of forms, colors and sounds of nature.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky
“I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth - and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch nature with your heart.”E.L. Prasolova
The teacher reads S. Mikhalev’s poem “The Moan of the Earth” to quiet classical music.
Rotating in space, in captivity of its orbit,
Not a year, not two, but billions of years
I'm so tired... My flesh is covered
Scars of wounds - there is no living space.
Steel torments my earthly body,
And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,
Everything that I had and have
A person sweeps away with his goodness.
I don't need rockets and shells
But my ore goes to them!
And what does the state of Nevada cost me?
His underground explosions are a succession!
Why are people so afraid of each other?
Have you forgotten about the Earth itself?
After all, I can die and remain
A charred grain of sand in the smoky haze.
Is it not because, burning with vengeance,
I rebel against the forces of the insane
And shaking the firmament with an earthquake
I give my answer to all grievances.
And it’s no coincidence that the formidable volcanoes
They splash out the pain of the Earth with lava.
Wake up, people!
Call on the countries
To save me from death! /Pause!/

The earth... what is it like?

(slide show)
The earth gives birth to clear streams and powerful streams, grass and trees.

She carries the oceans, clouds and their shadows. Receives all rain, snow and fog.

It opens up into the vents of smoky volcanoes.

Releases birds into the sky and throughout all the forests - fleet-footed animals.

YES! Majestic, rich, powerful is the nature of our Motherland. But also
the green giant forest, and the river outside the outskirts, and the anthill in the park need
in our attention, in our protection.

Today, guys, we will talk to you about nature, about our attitude towards it, about respect for all living things and about the ability to foresee the consequences of our behavior in the natural environment.
1 student:
There is no peace on planet Earth!
And was it calm there?
Strife and wars ceased,
They just saddled the horses again.
So space is already in sight
Standing over the abyss, we look into the abyss.
Like the earth's foolish children,
We chop the branch on which we are sitting.
2nd student:
It's time for humanity to understand
Collecting riches from Nature,
That the Earth also needs to be protected.
She is just like us - alive!
3rd student:
Our land is crying and sounding the alarm.
It is polluted and destroyed by the people.
Rivers, lakes, forests and meadows
Never suffered like this.
4 student:
And the air became dirty, and the forest became scarce,
And the ocean is the same destiny.
Forests are increasingly suffering from fires,
And the living creatures in the forest die as a result.
5th student:
Today the world has one task,
She is obviously very important,
So that the air becomes cleaner and the forest grows better.
Here we must show interest.

Children's performances: results of project activities during extracurricular hours.
1 student: In preparation for the holiday, we conducted research on the topic: “The earth... what is it like?” and learned that our planet is heavily polluted. We are not yet aware of this danger and we live on this planet, but will future generations be able to live on it?
2nd student: Look around, almost every family has a car or other equipment. This is good, but every day there is less and less oxygen on Earth, and more and more exhaust gases from chemical factories, metallurgical plants, and transport.

3rd student: Scientists have calculated that so many harmful substances enter water bodies around the world every year that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. As a result of human activity, it is no longer possible to swim in many rivers in Europe, and our rivers are becoming shallower every day.

4 student: Deforestation is intensifying. So, over the past 20 years, man has cut down as much forest as was destroyed during his entire previous existence. How many fires are caused by people?!

5th student: For many animals, the forest is their home, and there are fewer and fewer forests on Earth. This means that the animals lose their home and are doomed to death.

1 student: Humans are dangerous to animals not only through fires and oil spills, but also through the thoughtless destruction of all living things.
2. We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home -
Our good home, spacious home,
We all live in it from birth.
We are also talking about this,
That we must take care of our home.
3. Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her.
Another group of children comes out.
1 student: Our group worked on another topic:
“The problem of waste disposal. What can I do with the garbage!.

2nd student: The question “Where should I put the garbage?” is becoming more and more relevant, and we will try to answer it today. I am convinced that if every morning you see a beautiful tree, a beautiful street, a house or a landscape from your window, you will feel better and live longer. If from your window you see a garbage pit, a dirty yard, dull gray buildings, stunted dying trees - these will be your negative emotions.
3rd student: Cleanliness begins with ourselves, with our attitude towards the environment, with the place where we live, work, and study. Do we like it here? Do we feel comfortable?
4 student: It is well known how much disturbance noise brings into our lives: it affects a person’s health, performance and mood. Have you ever listened to how much noise there is in the corridors of our school?
5th student: It has been noticed that noises of natural origin (the sound of the sea surf, rain, the rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream) have a beneficial effect on the body, calming and relaxing. But industrial or transport noise tires, oppresses, and prevents a person from concentrating. We invite you to check this out.
Listening to a recording of the sound of the sea surf (you can replace the recording with birdsong)
1 student: However, loud music has an extremely negative effect on a person. Thus, in 20% of boys and girls who were fond of rock music, hearing was reduced in the same way as in 85-year-old people.
1. Thus, we learned that a lot of garbage accumulates in populated areas, so the problem of waste disposal has arisen.
2. Having studied the scientific literature, we found out that waste processing plants are being built to process waste, and new environmentally friendly landfills are being created.
3.Each of us is able to make various crafts and household items needed from unnecessary plastic.
4.Together we believe that every person should think about the harm that garbage causes to nature and what contribution it can make to solving the problem of fighting garbage.
Demonstration of crafts from waste materials: results of classroom and extracurricular activities.
Teacher: And now the participants amateur theater "Harlequin" they will show you a reenactment fairy tales "Kolobok" This fairy tale is not simple, but ecological.
1st buffoon.
Get ready, good people!
The show will be here!
2nd buffoon.
Hello, dear guests,
And you, dear owners!
1st buffoon.
Good health and good luck to you,
Patience and joy to boot!
Would you like to listen to a fairy tale?
And where to listen and watch.
But our fairy tale is not simple.
At least everyone knows this.
2nd buffoon.
Guess the riddle:
Rolled without looking back
Through the field and forest
Our rosy... (Kolobok)
1st buffoon.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Look and you will understand.
The buffoons run away. Grandfather appears.
Do you see smoke coming from the chimney?
That old woman is a bun.
She'll bake it for me today.
I scratched the plots,
Broomed around the barns -
Right on the bun
I found some torment there.
And then I kept singing in the morning:
“Grandfather, she’s dumb, dumb...”
Well, what a smell!
An old woman appears.
Old woman
All. Ready. I baked it.
Need to cool now.
But it’s good, but it’s beautiful!
I would have eaten it!
Old woman
No, don't touch it!
I won’t touch you, don’t be afraid.
And poor, but ruddy...
Here is an armless, unlucky one!
Stop! Where are you going? Wait a minute!
Old woman
Well, hold it, hold it!
Oh, catch him, catch him!
It's no use, we won't catch up!
The mother’s strength is no longer the same...
Old woman
What, did you jump, you devil?!
I told you, don’t touch it!
What to do? Can he come back?
He'll take a walk and come back.
Old woman
No, old man, he won't come back...
Look how good he is!
Okay, grandma, don't worry!
Don't cry, for God's sake.
Oh-ho-ho... Let's go home.
Buffoons run onto the stage.
1st buffoon
Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying,
There is no trace of the bun.
2nd buffoon.
Rolled along the path
The frisky legs won't catch up.
1 buffoon.
Rolled without looking back -
Only the heels sparkled -
Through the field and forest
Our rosy bun.
2 buffoon
It doesn’t take long for the fairy tale to tell itself, but soon the most important thing happens.
Hare(His paws and head are bandaged).
Oh-oh-oh... God forbid...
What is that delicious smell?
Kolobok? So let's eat!
Stop! Don `t move!
Oh-oh-oh... (Moans.)
What are you doing, oblique?
And beaten and lame...

Please don't call me names!
Do you know who the scythe is?
Isn't it me?
No, not you!
Well, yes, we have these,
Who rested here yesterday?
And then empty bottles
He took aim at the bushes and shot.
And I was just lying under a bush -
Well, I had a cultural holiday.
What a disaster! What then?
What? You won't even believe it!
Garbage, dirt, fragments, cans,
Cellophane, paper, bottles,
This is something you have to think about!
Were these people?!
After all, the animals will get hurt,
Dumb guys.
Roll on, my friend.
Warn everyone around you.
2nd buffoon
Rolled without looking back
Our ruddy little bun,
And towards him is the Wolf.
Hello, gray! Al not happy?
You can barely drag your feet.
Are you worried?
That's right, Kolobok,
Round and ruddy side.
I was frisky and cheerful,
I was never hungry.
I got food myself
He ran quickly through the forests.
And then I contacted him.
With whom?
Yes, I stole the sheep...
And that lamb was walking
Through meadows and fields.
And the grass in those fields
Watered from an airplane
Herbicides, pesticides
They are processing something.
In general, the chemistry is the same!
Well, then what?
All you say is “what, what?”!
I ate the lamb
I gnawed everything - and now...
The stomach is swelling, the paws are curling,
It grinds your teeth and tears your skull.
That's it - I need to get treatment.
In the clearing further there is
Weed that I need to eat
Get well soon, Wolf!
From now on you will be smarter.
Be careful in the clearing:
There are bottles, jars, flasks.
Don't cut your paws!
Thank you, round side.
Well, go ahead and be healthy!
Kolobok. And health to you too!
What's going on! Oh my God!
2nd buffoon.
The bun rolled.
He has already helped the wolf -
There's no shame in helping.
Look, here comes... the Bear.
Hello, General Misha!
Are you also sick?
Hello, hello, Kolobok,
Round and rosy side!
I, my friend, am not sick.
I'm in my native forest
Almost got burned alive, brother.
How did this happen, Misha?
You need to know the rule
What bears shouldn't do in the forest
After all, play with matches.
Not me! Am I stupid?
To play around with matches?
A mushroom picker walked by, threw a cigarette butt -
I have no mind to put it out!
The forest caught fire, the dead wood crackled -
I barely carried my legs away.
And I wanted to build a den...
Yes, you can’t argue with trouble.
I feel sorry for the birds, I feel sorry for the squirrels, and the hedgehogs...
What a disaster!
Oh oh oh! What a disaster!
How can I help such grief?
And in the next okolok
Under a big branchy tree
Can't you find a place?
What are you talking about, rosy side?
No splinter: chopped up!
There are no Christmas trees either: they cut them down!
What kind of people are I, I don’t understand?
They sow only one misfortune.
Well, happily, Kolobok!
Don't be bored and be healthy!
Oh oh oh! Yes, what can I say?
1st buffoon.
What are you doing?
2nd buffoon.
Do you feel sorry for the animals?
1st buffoon.
We must not, brother, lose heart!
Let's continue the fairy tale.
1st buffoon.
Kolobok rolled.
The breeze is blowing at your back.
Well, roll if you can’t sit.
Look, a fox is running here.
Bah! Fox! What a miracle!
Where are you going in a hurry?
Don't even look at me!
Didn't you recognize me?
I'm a bun - look here!
And scraped along the box,
I sweep the barn,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
Cooled in the window.
And he left his grandmother,
And he left his grandfather.
What a cheat! It gives!
The bun doesn't recognize it!
I don’t eat koloboks anymore:
I'm on a diet now.
I would have eaten you long ago
Yes, I’m afraid of gaining too much weight.
You have never been to the village,
Did you see any chickens there?
There are no birds in the forest at all,
And I was a little hungry.
I haven’t been to the village itself,
I heard it from my grandmother
Her conversation with her neighbor
Why have they been lying in a shop for a year?
"Bush Legs" on the counter.
Are you kidding me?! How is this possible?
It's not even possible to eat them!
There is no smell, no taste -
Don't destroy my soul!
Every day the forest is getting worse,
Even the puddles were poisoned.
It's scary to drink water in the river -
There is no life for animals anywhere!
No, it was not in vain that I took this walk!
A fox without birds, and land without water.
There is less and less natural surroundings,
More and more environment!
All participants in the performance come out.
How scary it is - the extinction of a species,
All of them, every single one,
When nature is devastated
I can no longer do anything!
And the leprosy of desolation will creep in,
And the threads of water will dry up,
And the birds will die out, and the plants will fall,
And the beast will not escape its misfortune.
And no matter how much self-interest you seek here,
What excuse do you not have?
The earth requires protection, protection,
She asks people for salvation!

(Kolobok says goodbye to everyone and rolls on)
The Fairy appears, singing the song “Our Land” (D. Kabalevsky)
1. Either a birch tree or a rowan tree,
Willow bush over the river.
Native land, forever beloved,
Where else can you find one like this?
2.From the seas to the high mountains,
In the middle of our native latitudes
Everyone is running, the roads are running
And they call forward.
3.Valleys are filled with sunshine,
And wherever you look -
Native land, forever beloved,
Everything is blooming like a spring garden.
4. Our childhood is golden
It's getting brighter every day!
Under a lucky star
We live in our native land!
Fairy: The forest is fabulously beautiful at any time of the year! He has always been and will be a friend of man. It purifies the air, gives people food, shelter and warmth! Forest inhabitants give people joy and beauty! Remember this, guys, never forget.
Kolobok appears.

Fairy: Oh, who came to my forest?
I'm scratching the box
The bottom of the barrel is swept away,
Meshon on sour cream,
It's cold at the window,
I left my grandmother
Where have I come?
Fairy: And you came, Kolobok, to the forest. Welcome! Where are you going?
Kolobok:. And where are the eyes looking? I want to see the world. Who are you?
Fairy: I am the Forest Fairy.
Kolobok: And I thought fairies only exist in fairy tales. Why do you live here?
Fairy: Yes, I live here in the forest. This is my kingdom. Have you ever been to the forest?
Kolobok: No, I haven’t been anywhere yet and I don’t know anything, I was recently baked.
Fairy(addressing the children): Guys, explain to Kolobok what a forest is.

Children read poetry:
In the forest V. Orlov
1.Like a fairy-tale book page
The forest opened up, the leaves ringing.
I understand both the beast and the bird,
And they understand me.
Maybe on animal paths,
In the impenetrable depths of the forest
Suddenly a hut on chicken legs
I'll meet you unexpectedly.
Maybe in this region, inadvertently,
Avoiding the roads
Glisten with a toasted side
Among the tall grass Kolobok.
And I can’t get lost in the forest,
Even though I wander far away from people,
Because both animals and birds
They speak their native language.

2.White birch, dear sister,
You grow up, don't be afraid of the evil ax.
White birch, Russian land,
And sadness, and joy, and my love!

3. Bird cherry fragrant
Bloomed with spring.
And golden branches,
That I curled my curls.

4. Near the river in the fog
The poplars are ringing a little.
Maybe the earth attracts people with them?
Or rowan bushes,
What's blooming in the forests?
Or the dancing viburnum,
What's shaking the earring?

Fairy: But trees are not the whole forest. A lot of herbs, flowers, and mushrooms grow here. There are many other inhabitants in the forest: birds, animals, insects. Without them, the forest is not a forest. Let's go, Kolobok, I'll introduce you to them! Look how many inhabitants there are in the forest! What beautiful flowers! But many flowers are good for health.
1. Many useful herbs grow
On the soil of the native country.
Can cope with illness
Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.
Anyone who hurt their heels, come on over, guys!
The plantain will help out,
Plantain will cure.
2. We don’t tear them for fun,
We'll take them to the pharmacy.
From the gifts of the forest kingdom
People make medicine.
Fairy: What other medicinal herbs do you guys know?
A group of children who worked on the project: “Medicinal Herbs” tell those present about the work done and draw conclusions.

Kolobok: I learned so many interesting things about herbs and flowers. Thank you guys!

The bun sits on the “meadow”, he is surrounded by flowers, the daisy girl sings the song “The Happiest” (lyrics by S. Chichkov, music by V. Shainsky)
The sun came out
Glistening in the meadow.
I'll meet the sun
I'm running through the grass.
And white daisies
I'm tearing up on the fly.
I'll make a wreath -
I'll weave in the sun.
Then the flower girls dance the Flower Dance.

Fairy: Let's move on, Kolobok, and see who else will meet us.
Squirrels appear

I have a bushy ponytail
Fir trees and pines are my friends.
I crack the nuts finely,
And my name is simply squirrel! -Hello, Kolobok! Help yourself to some nuts, we have a lot of them.
A Bear, a Fox, and a Bunny peek out from behind the trees.
Where do I live? Most often,
The most real
I walk there, I sleep there,
I raise my children there.
I love pears, I love honey,
I’ll treat everyone who comes (treats Kolobok with honey)
A hooligan boy appears with a slingshot and shoots at the animals.
Fairy:(indignantly) What's going on here?
Squirrel: The boy offended us.
Little fox: This bad boy doesn't know how to behave in the forest at all! He breaks branches on trees.
Hare: And the bird complained to me that he had ruined her nest!
Fairy: Ah, that's it, because you did so many bad things out of boredom, I leave you speechless.
Boy: No, don’t, I and s and (moos, waves his hands about something)
Fairy: Remember, guys, you can’t offend defenseless animals!
Children perform the song “Don’t tease the dogs” (E. Ptichkin, M Plyatskovsky)
1. Don’t tease dogs, don’t chase cats,
Do not spare any grain or crumbs for the birds.
And then the sparrows will wake you up with a song,
And no one will scratch or bite you.
2. If you make a lot of noise near the den,
Then you will have to carry your feet away.
And the bee just won’t stick around either.
After all, no one will sting or growl in vain.
3. There is no point in offending a butterfly on a branch,
It's more fun in the forest because of its colors.
Don't scare the beetles with long whiskers,
And believe me, the beetles won’t touch you themselves.
4.If you like earthly beauty,
Take care of her, you are tired without knowing.
Surely then we will become friends,
And sing with us about cats and dogs
Boy (crying)
Animals: Spell him, Fairy, we believe that he will no longer play pranks in the forest.
Fairy: Well, okay, just let him first tell me the rules of the forest:

Fairy: Children, who will complement the boy’s answers? (Children's answers)
Don't leave trash in the forest.
Don't scare birds and animals with loud voices.
Follow the rules for making fires.
Do not break branches of trees and bushes.
You can't catch insects.
You can only go for a walk in the forest with adults.

Fairy: Well done, boy, you already know the rules of the forest.
Look, guys, is anyone else hiding behind the trees?

1.I look like an umbrella
Only 100 times less.
If there's a thunderstorm on the horizon,
I am very happy.
If it's raining and warm,
I think I'm lucky. (Mushroom boletus)
2.And my friends and I are on the stumps
Crowded together in a tight group?
And we hold umbrellas in our hands,
Caught by a cloud. (Holy mushrooms)
Mushrooms: Who recognized us here?
Kolobok:. Oh, what beautiful mushrooms! Get into my basket!
Fairy: Wait, Kolobok, don’t rush, not all mushrooms can be picked. But only those that are edible. And it’s better not to touch the rest. Let them grow, someone else might need them too. Guys, tell Kolobok what mushrooms he can pick.

A didactic game “Edible-Inedible” is being held
(Distribute the mushrooms into 2 baskets)

Kolobok: Well, now I know what mushrooms I can pick.
Fairy: Do you know how to collect?
Kolobok: Where from, since I just came out of the oven, I don’t know about this.
Mushrooms: Gather us, cook, fry, marinate. But don’t uproot us, don’t destroy our mycelium. If you don’t listen, soon the mushrooms won’t grow at all.
Kolobok:. I learned mushroom science well. What about you guys?
Children repeat how to pick mushrooms correctly.
Kolobok:. Whom did I not meet in the forest today, whom did I not get acquainted with! Great! How happy I am!

All forest dwellers read poetry
1. Once upon a time, having gathered my last strength,
God created a beautiful planet
Gave her the shape of a big ball
And he planted trees and flowers there,
Herbs of unprecedented beauty.
2. Many animals began to live there:
Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds.
Here's a gift for you, people, own it,
Plow the land, sow it with grain.
From now on I bequeath to you all -
You take care of this shrine.
3.We want the birds to sing
So that there is noise around the forest,
So that the skies are blue,
So that the river turns silver,
For the butterfly to frolic,
And there was dew on the berries.
4.We want the sun to warm
And the birch tree turned green,
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.
For the squirrel to jump,
So that the rainbow sparkles,
So that it rains cheerfully in the summer.
5.Look at the globe - the globe,
After all, he sighs as if alive,
And the continents whisper to us:
Take care of us, take care of us!
6.The groves and forests are in alarm,
Dew on the grass is like a tear,
And the springs quietly ask:
Take care of us, take care of us!
7.Tree, flower, grass and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.
8.Animal burrows, bird nests
We will never ruin!
Let the chicks and small animals
It's good to live next to us!
9.We love the forest at any time of the year,
We hear the rivers speaking slowly.
All this is called nature-
Let's always take care of her!


Teacher: Every year two special calendar holidays are celebrated on our planet: Earth Day (April 22) and Environment Day (June 5). These are not just another “red dates”, which are usually accompanied by solemn speeches, carefree fun and joy. These days are a reminder of the problems of nature conservation.
In June 1980, laws on the protection of nature, animals, and air were adopted in our country. Scientists - ecologists, biologists, game managers all over the world have sounded the alarm: nature is in danger! 35 years have passed, but the problem of environmental protection remains. We also say today - nature is in danger!
“Fish need clean water - we will protect our water bodies. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains.
For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.”
Think about the content of the writer M. Prishvin’s call to us. How do you understand the meaning of these words?
If every person protects his homeland, then in general we will preserve our planet called Earth.

There is no need to kill animals in vain,
Let the birds sing, our world will become more beautiful!
Nature itself cannot save itself,
We really need people to take up this!
Preserving nature is a sacred matter.
Only together can we build a bright tomorrow.
And if, as before, we harm nature,
Then who will live on Earth?!
Plants, fungi and bacteria will disappear,
Animals, birds and other wild animals
We too will disappear, so come to your senses, people!
Appreciate nature, TAKE CARE OF IT!

The holiday ends with these words:
1.Come on, people.
Be friends with each other
Like birds with the sky,
Like the wind through the meadow.

2. Like a sail with the sea
Grass with rain Folklore festival for primary school. Scenario

Ecological skit for schoolchildren. Scenario

Kushnareva Tatyana Nikolaevna - geography teacher, Secondary School No. 9, Azov, Rostov Region.

Description of material: This sketch can be used both during class hours and at the end of the school year in science lessons in 5th grade. Audience: 5th – 6th grades.

Ecological scene "Aibolit"

1. Increase the environmental culture of students.
2. To instill in children a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature.
1. Prevention of immoral acts in nature.
2. Development of students' creative abilities.

Preliminary preparation:
1. Students draw posters “In defense of nature.”
2. Students make scenery and costumes for the skit.

Bug: My side hurts
Yesterday I was on the lawn
There he flew among the bushes
The air was darker than night
Take a breath, but there is no urine

Aibolit: Don't be sad, my dear friend
And don't be so sad
Where is that terrible, terrible meadow?
Where is it very dangerous to breathe?

Bug: Through the river and forest
You will see that meadow
Be careful, there's danger out there

Aibolit: There is no barrier for me
I will save everyone from various troubles!
(moving music sounds)

Barmaley: Ha – Ha – Ha

Aibolit: Is this your plant?
Is there smoke coming from the chimney?

Barmaley: Well, think about it a little
The path is foggy

Aibolit: How dare you, barmaley!
You're destroying all the animals
And bugs and spiders
And titmouses and foxes
(everyone passes gasping)
A lot of wonderful birds
Everything will die and you will soon!

Barmaley: I'm scared, I'm suffocating
That's it, I'm closing my factory!
No, I don’t want to die, doctor.
I will save nature!
The laws of nature are most important
And now I will tell everyone:
Birds need air!
Pisces - water!
Take care of your nature!
(all the characters in the scene come out with posters and sing the final song)

"It's called Nature"
Music: Y. Chichkov Words: M. Plyatskovsky

We love the forest at any time of the year,
We hear the rivers speaking slowly...
All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of her!

In the meadows there are sunny-colored daisies,
Such that it is brighter to live in the world...
All this is called nature,
Let's be friends with nature!

Raindrops are flying, ringing, from the sky,
Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog...
All this is called nature,
Let's give her our hearts!

The farewell waltz dances with the summer wind,
The evening star is trembling in the window...
All this is called nature,
Let's love her always!

Ecology begins to be studied in kindergarten. Preschool children get acquainted with the surrounding nature and learn to protect it. Extracurricular activities in elementary school deepen knowledge, and from the fifth to the eleventh grades, children acquire skills that will later be useful in life and help them make the right decisions.

One of the memorable learning methods is a theatrical environmental festival. The scenario is drawn up taking into account the material covered and the capabilities of the participants. Undoubtedly, with proper preparation, this will bring joy and benefit to children.

Holiday themes

The purpose of the event is to consolidate the material, therefore, different environmental topics are defined for each age group. There are several areas within which the holiday scenario will be interesting.

  1. Preschool education: “The Earth is our home”, “The Tale of Rain and Dewdrop”, “Take care of nature”.
  2. Primary school: “Ecological KVN”, “Let’s save and preserve nature”, “The world in which I live”.
  3. Fifth grade: “Water is a miracle of nature,” “Among the flowers,” “Nature does not forgive mistakes.”
  4. Sixth grade: “The Kingdom of Plants”, “The Miracle of Photosynthesis”, “Help the Forest”.
  5. Seventh grade: “Our Little Brothers,” “The Red Book,” “What the Tiger is Silent About.”
  6. Eighth grade: “When food is poison”, “Ecology and people”, “Healthy lifestyle”.
  7. Ninth grade: “War of the cyclone and anticyclone”, “Climate of the planet”, “Natural disasters. How to prevent trouble."
  8. Tenth grade: “This green planet”, “Water is a miracle”, “Save the forests”.
  9. Eleventh grade: “The Arctic is melting”, “Space”, “Ecologist is the work of life.”
  10. School-wide environmental holiday, scenario “Three Kingdoms of Nature”.

Senior classes

Perhaps the most interesting holiday is held by high school students. They already know a lot and assess the situation on the planet much more seriously than kids. The quiz may contain questions from courses in chemistry, physics, astronomy, and human physiology.

“Earth Day,” a scenario for an environmental holiday for high school students, should be composed of three parts. This is a quiz, theatrical skit, poetry or songs. The holiday can be held in the assembly hall, combining several classes.

The presenter or two presenters introduce the program, announcing the performances. At the very beginning, Greenpeace representatives take the stage to define the theme and set the tone for the entire celebration. These are high school students in disguise. They briefly outline the issues that will be covered during the presentation.

They are then replaced by different characters who sing or recite poetry on environmental topics.

A quiz, including two to three dozen questions on ecology, can be given by a teacher. The rules of the event depend on the number of participants. But the questions must be composed in such a way that even the audience finds it interesting.

A skit about the environmental situation on the planet will be the final stage of the holiday. At the end, the actors sing a song to a well-known melody, and the audience sings along.

School holiday

The scenario for the environmental holiday “Three Kingdoms of Nature” is, like no other, suitable for a school-wide event. Three elements - earth, water and air - are leading. They take turns talking about the situation in their domain, how conditions have changed over the past ten years. Their story is accompanied by amateur performances: skits, songs and poems.

The earth represents the garden and vegetable garden. A group of elementary school children come out dressed as fruits and vegetables. They talk about their love for the sun and clean water. Then the Forest, Field and Mountain emerge. These are high school students. They talk about the drought and the seismological situation.

Water represents the River and the Sea. They talk about climate warming and melting ice in the Arctic, due to which irregular cyclones and anticyclones are formed. Somewhere there is drought, somewhere there is flooding.

The air represents the Ozone layer of the atmosphere. This is a high school student. He raps about how he's suffering.

In conclusion, the presenters call all participants onto the stage and they sing a common song.

“Let's protect nature - save ourselves”: scenario for an environmental holiday

Older schoolchildren already know a lot about healthy eating and lifestyle. This interests them because it gives them good athletic shape and excellent health. An environmental holiday is another reason to instill healthy eating habits in children.

First, the Scientist and the Fat Man take the stage. They talk about how the composition of food has changed due to ecology. There are no many vitamins and microelements; due to the increased susceptibility to pests and diseases, the products are half composed of chemicals.

Continuing the theme, a dance group performs a dance of plant pests. The Scientist drives them away by spraying water from a bottle labeled "Poison". Vegetables come out and complain about the lack of food. Some Vegetables with bandaged arms and legs. They are fed chemicals and they get sick. They talk about climate warming and its consequences.

The Fat Man and the Scientist are back on stage. They decide how to change the situation and come to a solution: organic farming.

The scenario for an environmental holiday for high school students may include elements of reports on the topic of planetary illness. Assigned to several participants, two-minute notes can be included as a section between keynotes or given to the presenter to read.

"We are your children, dear Earth"

The scenario for an environmental holiday for middle school children may look like a waybill. The general collection on the line determines the tasks that should be completed by the youth units. Each squad has its own name, which is invented in advance. Afterwards everyone goes out onto the ecological path.

You can place stations with tasks along the ecological trail. These are classrooms designed in accordance with the themes of the assignments - forest, river, sea, field, bird kingdom, animal kingdom.

You have ten minutes to complete the task and two minutes to move on to the next station. Detachments of young natists disperse to their offices, following the route issued by the commander.

Station names:

  • "Miracle water" Brief report on water and its properties. Quiz.
  • "Don't shoot white swans." Brief report on birds. Quiz.
  • "Tourists". Sports relay race.
  • “May is cold - a grain-growing year.” Brief report on folk signs. Quiz.
  • "Waltz of the Flowers". A short report on the flowers of the region and medicinal plants. Quiz.
  • "Under the shadow of the forest." A brief report on the trees of the region and folk beliefs associated with them. Quiz.

After passing all the points, there is a general gathering and summing up. The guys receive certificates and valuable prizes for completing tasks while passing stations. Everyone sings the final song together.

How to write a script

Children's environmental holiday is not an educational lesson. Rather, it is a repetition of the material covered with presentations. The program depends on where the holiday will take place. Since the premises must be appropriately decorated, it is unlikely that a classroom can be prepared quickly.

It is good to use a library for presentations, a school yard for tourist competitions, and an assembly hall for theatrical performances.

A screen and projector can be used in the library to display reproductions. For each picture there is a poem or lines in prose. Such a literary and visual orientation of the presentation will set a good tone.

After watching a presentation about native nature, it's time for a quiz. Questions include reviewed information. Therefore, they are not difficult for the guys.

To make the holiday memorable, the whole class sings a song about nature. As musical accompaniment, you can use a minus phonogram, without a voice.


Poems have a strong impact and are easy to remember due to rhyme. Therefore, it is advisable to include reading poetry from the stage into the holiday. Nowadays, many poems on environmental topics can be found on special Internet resources maintained by talented teachers.

Beautiful poems about nature are also suitable for the holiday. They will set a positive tone, because if we talk only about the harm caused to nature, the holiday will turn into a funeral.

Children can come up with poems on an environmental theme themselves under the guidance of a teacher. To do this, you should prepare cards with rhymes. On one side of the card there will be four words that rhyme in pairs. The guys are divided into groups (for example, four people) and sort out the cards.

While completing the task, they discuss possible options and write the resulting quatrain on the front side. The teacher walks around the rows and helps to compose a poem.

Sample rhymes:

  1. Sea - grief, ice - trouble.
  2. The forest is a miracle, the moss has dried up.
  3. The bottom is full, the inhabitant is a monastery.

Poems obtained by rhyming:

  1. The sea is warming in the Arctic, and the bears are also in trouble. There is no ice for them to rest on. That's the problem there.
  2. Previously, the curly forest was full of all sorts of miracles. Now only moss grows there, and even that has dried up in the heat.
  3. Under the wave, the seabed is full of all kinds of garbage. And the unfortunate sea dweller curses that monastery.

As you can see, this task resembles ditties. This is quite feasible for middle and high school students. The most successful poems can be read on the line during the award ceremony.

Skits on an environmental theme

An environmental holiday, the script of which is drawn up to be held in the assembly hall, may include theatrical performances. It is not necessary to make a big performance; you can limit yourself to short scenes.

Principles of writing skits:

  1. "On the contrary." When wrong actions are ridiculed, it is very memorable. To prevent the children from being offended by playing the role of “bad characters,” it is necessary to encourage humor.
  2. "Talk". A representative of nature (Forest, River, Earth, Beast, Bird) talks to the guys and talks about problems. He can sing a song. The guys decide to help.

In this case, the action on stage will resemble a concert. The educational information that the participants will cover in short messages alternates with performances by amateur artists. It is somewhat reminiscent of a “living newspaper”.

Topics for skits that can be offered to the children:

  • Conversation between Les and a group of tourists. After dinner, they sit by the fire and hear his voice. The forest introduces itself, talks about past times and modern problems. Talks about his brother - the tropical forest. Complains about bad attitude. The guys find solutions to problems on the Internet and promise to help. Then they sing a song.
  • You can offer a slightly different option. Heroes such as Baba Yaga, Leshy, Mermaid and similar fairy-tale characters can portray dense ignorance, while a group of environmental tourists talk about the correct attitude towards nature.
  • While fishing, the guys cook fish soup and suddenly catch a goldfish. She talks about harmful runoff into the water, garbage at the bottom and silting of the riverbed. Sings a song about clean rivers. The fishermen release her into the water and decide to help.

Songs on environmental themes

Environmental themes are addressed in songwriting. This can be used during a holiday. In this case, the scenario will resemble the “Voice” competition. Children". There is no need to sing the songs in full; it is enough to pay attention to the most striking environmental example. The group of backup dancers and backup singers can hold posters and depict nature.

If funds allow, you can combine several classes. This will make it easier for the children to rehearse their performances. Not such a burden will fall on the teacher. The preparation work will be distributed evenly.

If you need to play a soundtrack, it is better to assign an adult for this purpose. Maybe a parent. But just in case, you need to be prepared to ask a music teacher to become an accompanist.

Songs that can be used for performances are easy to find these days. These are amateur poems set to famous music.

  • “The mice died, the reeds withered.”
  • “I’ll carefully place the bug on my palm.”

The songs of Russian bards will also tell a lot about nature and attitudes towards it.

  • "Shadows of the Tundra"
  • "The wind under the windows."
  • "Ecological - apocalyptic."

Folk songs to the words of S. Yesenin, A. Pushkin awaken love for native nature.

  • "It's evening outside the window."
  • "White birch".
  • "Oh arable land."
  • "Winter evening".
  • “Here is the north, the clouds are catching up...”
  • "I see wonderful freedom."

Songs of Soviet composers, undeservedly forgotten, will also tell beautiful stories about nature.

  • "Belovezhskaya Pushcha".
  • "Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree."
  • "Birch juice".
  • "You make noise over me, birches."

In the intervals between performances, the presenter talks about the benefits of a competent attitude towards the Earth, asks riddles and plays with the audience in verse “say the word”.

Riddles for the hall on ecology

To ensure that the holiday runs smoothly and cheerfully, a host is needed. He will smooth out the actors' hesitations, fill the pauses and occupy the hall while the artists prepare their scenes.

One of the forms of educational games is poems on an environmental theme “say the word.” The presenter reads the couplet, and the audience says the last word.

The poems are composed in such a way that the wrong word falls into the rhyme. This makes the guys laugh, and the presenter makes a puzzled face and corrects them.

  • If tourists come to the forest, then two or three of them can quickly put out the fire using... (fire). No, not by fire, but by water.
  • In the swamp, my friend and I listened for a long time... (frog). No, a cuckoo.
  • We went to pick mushrooms in the forest. We still remember how we found... (fly agaric). No, not a fly agaric, but a white one!
  • We went berry picking and suddenly found strawberries. And, trembling with joy, they sat down on... (hedgehog). No, on a stump!


If it is decided to hold the holiday as the final stage of training, then you can go on the “ecological path”. Pre-invented environmental activities will allow you to maintain the structure of the lesson and turn into practical lessons on ecology.

Tasks for children can be the following:

  • Determine the cardinal directions by looking at the moss on the trees.
  • Find edible plants.
  • Confirm with findings the cycle of plant life.
  • Find leaves of certain trees.
  • Find garbage, collect it in a bag and bring it to the collection point.
  • Find moss.
  • Collect natural materials for crafts.

Environmental activities can also be useful for landscaping the school grounds. Planted plants, flowers, bushes or trees will remind you of a good deed for a long time. In addition, all people passing by will see the result.

Feeding birds and hanging birdhouses are also useful moments for environmental education. An extracurricular lesson on ecology in a nearby park, a one-day hike with a campfire - these are good ways to instill useful skills in children.

Teaching aids and special subjects

A biology teacher has many aids in his or her arsenal to make teaching more visual. This can also be used for events.

All children love school skeleton performances. For an environmental holiday, the scenario may include such joy. Of course, you should handle the benefit carefully and not let it out of your sight. For example, dress him up in a sheet and give him a braid. It will symbolize the end of life.

The globe can be worn by the Earth or Planet character. The meter ruler and large compass may belong to the Scientist. A group of guys in gas masks can show air pollution.

Using your imagination, you can use improvised means as props.

To make the holiday fun and bring everyone a good mood, teachers give the following advice:

  • You should not delve into complex, although interesting, tasks. Quiz questions should not be double or triple (when and where).
  • Competitions should not be held too strictly. The more winners there are, the better.
  • It is better to choose “live” musical accompaniment. The accompanist will always adapt to the guys, which an audio recording cannot do.
  • The decoration of the room is an important factor. Children can do this.
  • Awarding is a mandatory procedure. A simple certificate will bring more joy than public praise of a student.

It is from events like these that memories of our school years are formed. Let's make them interesting and joyful for our children.

Recently, skits on environmental themes have become very relevant. With the help of environmental scenes, you can teach children from a very early age to take care of nature and love all life on Earth. Today's schoolchildren are future adults. Perhaps some of them will become ministers, deputies or directors of industrial enterprises. And in just a few years, the environmental situation in the country and throughout the world will depend on them.

Skits on an environmental theme clearly explain to children why they need to take care of the cleanliness of the environment, and what consequences can result from neglect of nature.

Ecological skit for schoolchildren

From the plot of this sketch on an environmental theme, schoolchildren will understand that the planet’s natural resources are not endless, and they must be used sparingly. In particular, no one thinks about what will happen if the supply of drinking water on the planet decreases hundreds of times! After staging this environmental skit for primary school, the children will learn to use natural resources carefully.

Presenter 1:
We live strangely and incorrectly on Earth: we protect what is valuable and precious, but we do not preserve what is priceless. Diamonds, diamonds, gold, money are protected, but lakes, springs, clouds, areas of clean air, deserted places are not. This is completely incomprehensible if you look at the life of earthlings from somewhere from the outside. We do not want to learn the most important thing: Air is our father, Water is our mother, Earth is our home.

Presenter 2:
The world of living nature is beautiful, and we are part of it. Let's protect and multiply together!

Presenter 1:
Nature has vibrant colors
Millions of radiant inflorescences.
Why are miracles from fairy tales,
If you can meet them in life

Presenter 2:
Miracles big and small, funny and not so funny, await us everywhere. And our nature gives us these miracles. Be attentive and you will hear the cheerful song of a stream, the singing of birds, the chime of raindrops, the blowing of wind, the dance of flowers.

(There are flowerpots (vases) with fresh flowers on the stage. To the music “How beautiful this world is,” a carefree girl comes out and reaches out her hand to pick one flower.)

Presenter 1:
Stop! How much joy there is at the sight of flowers! How much tenderness is in the heart. How many sincere exclamations!

Presenter 2:
And how many flowering plants were torn out by their roots. How many wilted, tortured and thrown bouquets on the ground.

(Primary school students come on stage one by one and recite poems.)

Student 1:
She picked a flower and threw it away right away,
She carelessly pressed it down with her foot.
You stand and don’t worry about anything
And mechanically you tear another one.

Student 2:
How can you? How dare you?
He was blooming now... He was alive...
I breathed... I looked at the sky boldly,
He stretched his head towards the sun.

Student 3:
He believed in human friendship,
I did not know the cruelty of the hand,
I trust you to meet me
He raised his petals.

Student 4:
And he is for you and everyone who is nearby,
Who didn't look at him?
Will give beauty and joy -
Everything - everything that is full and rich.

Presenter 1:
Lists known species of animals and plants in the area that are listed in the Red Book.

Presenter 2:
Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds,
For the multifaceted space to survive
For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

Presenter 1:
We offend forests and fields,
The rivers groan from bitter grievances
And we forgive ourselves, and we forgive ourselves,
And the future will not forgive us.

(The melody from the movie Terminator 2 plays.)

Voice behind the scene :
2148 After the global environmental disaster that broke out on Earth, fresh water reserves decreased by 50 times. In this regard, every inhabitant of the planet received a special electronic key, through which he could receive his daily norm - 350 ml of water.

(On the stage there is a water distribution point. At the point there is a dispenser and two police officers in uniform (a guy and a girl). They have a laptop on the table. The line reaches the mother and son. The mother hands the policeman two electronic keys (flash drives). The policeman checks keys by inserting them into the laptop.)

Policeman (addressing the distributor):
700 milliliters for two.

(The distributor measures water into the mother’s can. He and the boy move away from the distribution point, the woman slips, falls and spills water. The boy helps her get up.)

Boy :
Mom, are you hurt?

Mother :
It doesn't matter, son, I spilled all our water. What to do now? How to live today without water?

Boy :
Let's try to ask for water a second time, because everyone saw that you didn't fall on purpose.

(They approach the water distribution point again.)

Mom (addressing the police girl):
Miss, can we get some water again, I accidentally fell and spilled everything.

Police Girl:
I saw it, ma'am, but I can't help it. You have already received your quota today. I'm really sorry.

(Mom sits at the edge of the stage and cries.)

Boy (addressing the policeman):
Excuse me sir, why can't we get some more water?

Police officer :
It's just that in this case someone else won't get their portion.

Boy :
And my mother said that once there was enough water for everyone, and it even flowed from the taps in every house.

Police officer :
It really used to be like that.

Boy :
So what happened?

Police officer :
If you want, I can tell you.

(Only the boy and the policeman remain on stage. A large poster is brought to the middle of the stage, on which a lake with clear water is drawn.)

Police officer :
Not so long ago there was enough fresh water on the planet for everyone. You could enter the water without special protective clothing, you could even swim in it. But a person rarely appreciates what he has. And especially when it came to water. After all, there is so much of it on the planet. But only 2% of this amount was fresh water suitable for drinking. Springs, rivers, lakes were its repositories. Man used them at his own discretion.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of the enterprise to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Industrial enterprises grew up on the banks of reservoirs and discharged untreated wastewater into the water.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of agricultural land to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Rains washed away pesticides and fertilizers from the fields, which were widely used in agriculture.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a gas station to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Numerous car washes and gas stations continuously supplied highly toxic petroleum products to groundwater.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a tanker to the drawing of the lake and paints over the remaining part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Frequent tanker accidents led to the leakage of millions of tons of crude oil into the seas and oceans, destroying all life for many square miles around. And one day it turned out that there was practically no potable water left on the planet. And every day its quantity decreases and decreases...

Presenter 1:
The way people now manage water resources is a crime against humanity.

Presenter 2:
Children, think about it, because what you just saw could really be your future.

Presenter 1:
Our yes: peace and tranquility, love and respect for nature, factories without smoke, factories without toxic drains, cars without suffocating exhaust, silence, reason and science, caution and wisdom.

Presenter 2:
Ours is not: any wars, any battles with nature, illiterate use of nature, everything that threatens the Earth, threatens people, each person - all and separately.

(Primary school students come on stage and sing a song to the soundtrack “Let there always be sunshine.”)

Student 1:
The circle of the sun, the sky around, -
Do you remember the boy's drawing?

Student 2:
He drew on a piece of paper
And signed in the corner:

Student 3:
May there always be sunshine

Student 4:
May there always be heaven.

Student 5:
May there always be a mother
May it always be me!

Student 1:
The time has come and grown
Lots of capable kids.

Student 2:
Each of us wants to know
Where is that boy now?

Student 3:
He's sitting in his office

Student 4:
Builds chemical plants

Student 5:
Drains the lakes
Floods forests.

Student 1:
He prepares reports

Student 2:
Speaking from the podium

Student 3:
And then at your leisure,

Student 4:
Sitting in a chair, he sings:
May there always be a position
And a career opportunity,

Student 5:
Office, secretary,
And, of course, me!

Student 1:
Everything would be fine, but he has
A stubborn son grew up.

Student 2:
And he wrote on a piece of paper,
Walking out with a poster in hand:

Student 3:
Let's protect this land
From the hands of bureaucrats!

Student 4:
We won't allow you to mock
Above the native nature!

Student 5:
May there always be rivers
May there always be fish
Let there be water in the sea
And in the desert there is a camel!

Student 1:
May there always be groves
May there always be birds

Student 2:
Let there be animals in the taiga,
And there are flowers at home!

Student 3:
May there always be people

Student 4:
May there always be children

Student 5:
May you always be in clear skies
The sun will shine!

Ecological mini-scene

This mini skit on an environmental theme is ideal for summer camp, school or kindergarten. All children know the characters depicted - three Russian heroes, so every child will be happy to play one of them. Staging an environmental scene takes only a few minutes, but at the same time, it carries a deep meaning. This will allow children to think about the future of the environment on the planet.

Dobrynya Nikitich (looking from under the palm):
Eh, little pole... You stand neither alive nor dead, as if after a massacre...

Ilya Muromets :
There’s something written here: If you go to the left, you’ll end up at a chemical plant... If you go to the right, you’ll be lost in a restricted area..., if you go straight, you won’t be able to pick up any bones on the off-road... Well, here we are!

Alesha Popovich :
Look, a black cloud is spreading over the field - this is not good! Do the dark forces really want to attack Rus'? Let's protect Mother Earth, brothers!

Nikitich :
Wait, don’t get excited, Alyosha! It’s not a cloud of enemies that covers the sky. And the smoke from the thermal station.

Ilya Muromets :
Tell me, Dobrynya Nikitich, why is this field dead?

Nikitich :
Because the battle raged on this field for many years. And this battle was called - the battle for the harvest. All of it, Mother Earth, was tortured with pesticides and nitrates, and now with atoms, radiation...

Alesha Popovich :
What is this! It’s in vain, then, that we, heroes, took away these fields from our enemies and watered them with our own blood?

Ilya Muromets :
No, it’s not in vain, Alyosha, come on, turn your horses, let’s go to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and hold a veche! Apparently, our time has come again - heroic!

Ecological skit for high school students

The following skit on an environmental theme is recommended for high school students. In fact, the script consists of several, which contain witty jokes and modern humor. High school students are already fully aware of all the consequences of environmental pollution and irrational use of natural resources, so this sketch is more entertaining in nature. Such an environmental skit can be staged at a summer camp or at a themed school event.

Presenter 1:
Dear friends, homo sapiens, how are you feeling? Nothing? I'm sorry, what? My head hurts? Is your heart pounding? Does your side tingle? Well, it’s nothing, tomorrow you’ll see a doctor, and then you can go in for an examination, x-rays, tests, this and that...

Presenter 2:
Now let’s think about who will take Nature to the doctor? Who will listen to her heart? Who, don’t you know?

(A student wearing a white coat and a doctor’s cap comes onto the stage.)

Doctor :
Comrades! I would like to know if there are any smokers among those present? Homo tabacus, so to speak? If you have, raise your hands! However, you don’t have to raise them; they are easy to recognize by their complexion. The news we just received is just for you:
Nicotine is good for you! This discovery was recently made by demographers. Using simple calculations, he proved that thanks to nicotine, the number of smokers poisoning the city's atmosphere is decreasing much faster than it would have decreased without nicotine!

(At this time, several high school students come onto the stage with lit cigarettes, approach the Doctor and blow smoke at him. He faints, they pick him up and carry him away.)

Presenter 1:
Yes, it turns out that nature is kind of an orphan. But she is our mother. And the diseases of nature are instantly transmitted to you and me. For example, in areas adjacent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the number of severe respiratory tract diseases, cancer and other diseases has recently increased...

Presenter 2:
According to GREENPEACE, every year the children of nature dump millions of tons of garbage into the Pacific Ocean. And even the mighty ocean becomes sick, whales wash ashore, and icebergs are already blackened with mud...

(A student dressed as a scientist comes on stage.)

Scientist :
As you know, science does not stand still! The perpetual motion machine has not yet been invented, but... Finally, a motor ship engine has been invented, powered by waste from the oil and chemical industries dumped into rivers. Scientists predict a long and fruitful life for this invention!

(Several people enter the stage like a train, one after another. They, as they do in a children’s game, imitate the movement of the steamship, imitating the sound of the engine and the whistle. At the same time, they hold their noses with their fingers, wincing with disgust from the smell of the poisoned river.)

Presenter 1:
We once joked: In a dispute with nature, man has not yet said his last word. Now there is no time for jokes. And won't the last word be SOS!?

Presenter 2:
The ozone holes that we look at today with horror are holes in the ship of our planet. Who are we sending SOS signals to? Isn't it to yourself?

(A schoolboy dressed as a sea captain appears on stage.)

Islands untouched by civilization conceal amazing surprises! We recently visited one of these. There was a population explosion there. The population of the uninhabited island of Cappuccino in the Pacific Ocean today numbers already half a million inhabitants!

(Dancers run onto the stage in savage costumes reminiscent of beach ones. They dance a lambada, the Captain joins them).

Presenter 1:
Attention! Latest issue of the newspaper!

Presenter 2:
You say newspaper? Where is she? Would like to watch...

Presenter 1:
She is here! The title is not catchy, but accurate: “Ecological Truth.”

(A high school student comes out with a large piece of whatman paper and reads out the lines written on it to the soundtrack “Holidays in Prostokvashino.”)

Student :
Comrades, we are starting an oral special edition of the newspaper "Ecological Truth"! This is the message we received from the village of Verkhnyaya Lepetikha! (is reading):
Albino fox. Experienced hunter Pavel Samokhin shot a white fox. Imagine the surprise of the 75-year-old hunter when at the reception point it turned out that the fox fur was... synthetic! Over the past season, this is already the second case of foxes with artificial fur being shot!

As the information is read, a miniature is shown on stage.

Characters: Hunter and Receiver.

The hunter dumps the fur out of the bag and is surprised to discover that it is not a fox skin, but a factory synthetic fur coat. The receptionist, who is no less surprised, coquettishly tries on this fur coat, then takes the Hunter by the arm, and they leave together.

Also, school humorous skits on an environmental theme can be supplemented with rhymes, riddles and competitions. But the main idea they carry is the preservation of natural balance and respect for the environment, in order to ensure the best future for the next generations.

Oksana Ponomareva
Ecological sketch “Water is the main miracle on Earth”

Playing a melody "Visiting a fairy tale".

Losing "The Tsar's Exit" drums and the king enters. He walked around a bit and sat down on the throne.

Tsar: Oh, how boring, I'm tired of everything.

ABOUT! I’ll call my sons and tell them to do something like that, let them think with their thoughts, think about it.

Servants, send your sons to me!

Playing a melody "Brave boys"

(3 sons enter, walk in a circle, stand next to the throne and bow to the king).

sons: What was your name, father?

Tsar: My sons, get ready, equip yourself, and hit the road.

I give you a year! By earth-mother like, yes, stay among people and bring me miracle-wonderful. Go!

Playing a melody "Traveler" (The sons take the bags, walk around and leave).

The time has come for them to return to their father's nest.

Playing a melody "Parent's House"

(The king sits on the throne, the sons walk around with gifts and stop at the throne).

sons: Our father, we returned from a long journey with a bow to you.

Tsar: If you returned, please your father.

Son first: Father, I brought you gold and silver.

Look how it all sparkles.

Can anything compare with this brilliance? Here it is, Miracle!

Tsar: Yes, what is it? Miracle? My treasury is full of such gold and silver.

Second son: Father, I brought you precious stones, look how they shimmer in the sun, not like gold and silver. Is not it Miracle?

Tsar: And in my treasury there are chests full of precious stones.

And they don't make me happy.

(The third son brought ordinary water and the brothers began to laugh at him.)

Tsar: Well, why did you bring me plain water?

Playing a melody "Traveler"

Third son: .

While I was wandering around the world, this is what happened to me happened: (the magic mirror shows images of the traveler, Drought and fire).

I met a traveler on the way, he was suffering from thirst.

For a sip of water he was ready to give me all his jewelry.

I gave him clean water to drink.

And another time I saw a drought. Forests and fields were dying.

And only the rain saved them.

And I saw the fire. It was scary. The fire spared nothing and no one.

Only water saved. I realized that water more valuable than any wealth.

Playing a melody "Volga"

Tsar: I have lived a long time in the world, but you gave me a good lesson, my son!

And the king declared water to be the greatest miracle on earth.

In his royal Decree, he ordered to conserve water and not pollute water bodies.

And to this day Water is the greatest miracle on Earth.

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