Economical heating systems for private houses. A cheap and efficient way to heat your home with electricity. Which fuel is more profitable

Heating a private house requires certain cash costs - consumers need to regularly pay for the energy carriers used. Therefore, the question of the efficiency of heating systems worries many. How to make the most economical heating of a private house with your own hands? Which heating boiler to choose? To do this, you need to figure out what this or that heating system is and what is its potential in terms of ensuring efficiency.

Autonomous heating systems are traditionally used to heat private houses. The sources of energy for their work are natural gas, liquefied gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel and electricity. The most economical systems are considered to be fueled by natural gas.... But in some conditions, their efficiency does not play any role. For example, if the house is not connected to a gas main, then comparisons with gas are not relevant here.

Gas heating systems

Economical heating systems for a private house are systems that operate on a cheap heat carrier. If there is a gas pipeline nearby, we feel free to connect to it and use one of the most inexpensive energy sources. Comparing the cost of gas with the cost of other sources, you begin to realize that this is one of the most inexpensive fuels.

Solid fuel heating systems

Economical heating of a private house without gas can be built on the basis of a solid fuel boiler. It is powered by coal, coke, briquetted fuel and even ordinary firewood. Coal burns the longest, but it is also quite expensive. But the heating system turns out to be not only economical, but also inexpensive - the simplest solid fuel boiler is quite affordable.

The cheapest heating of a private house without gas is built using solid fuel boilers, sometimes homemade. If you want to ensure more convenient operation of the system, you should take a closer look at the boiler with a small bunker for pellet fuel (fuel pellets). Such pellet boilers operate in automatic mode, requiring only periodic loading of new portions of pellets.

The work of solid fuel boilers on wood is complicated by the need for too frequent loading of wood. In addition, a lot of firewood is needed, which increases the cost of operating the heating system. One has only to miss the moment of loading the next portion of fuel, as the house begins to become cooler. The problem is solved by installing special long-burning solid fuel boilers.

Liquid heating systems

Liquid fuel heating systems are not the most economical. After gas and solid fuels, they occupy an honorable third place. Waste engine oil and diesel fuel are used here as fuel. Because of this, there is a constant smell in houses heated by liquid boilers. There is also a need to create a special storage facility for liquid fuel, and at a distance from residential buildings - this creates additional costs.

Electric heating systems

It is difficult to create cheap heating of a private house with electricity - you need a source of free electricity. The thing is that classic electric boilers are unusually voracious... And it is almost impossible to do something here, since their efficiency is 99% - that is, almost all energy is converted into heat. Induction boilers can provide some efficiency, but many experts are not ready to confirm this fact.

Economical electric boilers for heating a private house exist, but they are much more expensive than their simple small-sized counterparts. Achievement of savings in them is carried out through the use of weather-dependent automation and room temperature sensors. That is, they are able to automatically adapt to the peculiarities of outdoor and room temperature conditions, adjusting the heating power - if a person was involved in the adjustments, the costs would be higher.

How to make economical heating in a private house

How to make cheap heating of a private house with your own hands? For this you need:

  • Use the most economical and efficient heating boiler;
  • Pay attention to the thermal insulation of your home;
  • Use alternative heat sources.

The principle of operation of a condensing boiler, one of the most profitable devices for heating a private house.

If there is gas in the house, take a closer look at the condensing boilers - they have high efficiency and almost completely transfer heat from the burner to the heating system. If you want to create the cheapest heating of a private house without gas, think about purchasing a solid fuel boiler - by buying a truck of firewood, you will provide yourself with relatively cheap heat for the entire cold period. Also you need to pay attention to the installation of radiators with high heat transfer.

Thin entrance doors, lack of proper thermal insulation of the walls, old windows - all this contributes to heat leakage outside your home. We recommend that you install normal entrance doors with effective thermal insulation, order plastic windows and think about lining the house with a layer of brick (it is also possible to apply a cement "jacket" that creates good thermal insulation) - this will reduce heat loss and reduce heating costs.

Alternative heat sources

As for alternative heat sources, they can be:

  • Infrared film for creating warm floors;
  • Solar panels;
  • Heat pumps.

A heating scheme in which heat is generated using electricity obtained from solar panels.

Solar panels use the free energy of the sun - they generate electricity that can be used to heat the coolant or to operate other heating equipment. Their disadvantage is the very high cost. - you need to spend a lot of money to buy the required number of batteries.

Heat pumps use energy from water bodies, soil or air. Their principle of operation is based on taking heat from the environment and transferring it to heated rooms. If you do not delve into the laws of physics, then the principle of the refrigerator is used here. To power the heat pumps, external sources of electricity are needed, but even taking this into account, the heating system turns out to be quite economical. But the cost of heat pumps so far negates their advantages.

If you need to create an economical heating system for a private house without gas, you can use infrared film. It runs on electricity and provides floor heating - under the influence of infrared radiation, they heat up and begin to give off heat to the premises. According to experts, the film provides up to 30% efficiency in comparison with the use of conventional electric boilers.

Heat bills won't scare you anymore! What is the most economical way to heat a house?

Heating is the largest energy consumption in most homes. It accounts for from 35 to 50% annual electricity bills.

The most effective way to reduce the size of these bills is to reduce your heating energy use.

The heating system replaces the heat that is lost through the walls, windows, floor and ceiling of your home.

Economical heating methods for a private house

The amount of energy required to replace the lost heat, depends on four factors:

  1. the location of the house (in colder regions, the consumption is higher);
  2. the size of the building;
  3. energy efficiency at home;
  4. energy efficiency of the heating system.

The first factor is the mainbut he is not dependent on you. The colder the weather outside, the more energy it takes to maintain a comfortable temperature inside.

Important and the size of the house. A spacious room contains a significant amount of air that needs to be heated. Therefore, a large house requires high heating costs.

A great opportunity to save energy and money is to improve the energy efficiency of your home and its heating system. There are several ways to do this:

  • choose the optimal type of heating system;
  • improve the insulation of the facade;
  • repair the heat distribution system (ducts and pipes);
  • eliminate heat leaks through doors, windows and various crevices.

How to insulate the facade

Insulation of the facade in the form of its insulation is the main protection of the house from heat loss through the building body. Therefore, it is very important to insulate the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe house - the walls of the facade. Insulating materials reduce heat loss by providing a barrier between the inside of the house and significantly different outside temperatures.

Different types of insulation are used in houses. The most common ones - polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene and fiberglass.

Polyurethane foam

Foam insulation is spray or injection foam.

  • Spray foam in a liquid state, it is distributed in open spaces of a new house design. After that, the foam expands, fills the cavity and hardens.
  • Injection foam is pumped into existing cracks, crevices or other voids in walls. This makes this polyurethane foam indispensable for repairing insulation in existing homes.

Expanded polystyrene

Styrofoam happens with open or closed cells.

  • Expanded polystyrene with open cells very lightweight and flexible. When the polystyrene foam is foamed, gas inside the cells exits through the holes in the cell wall. This process helps create a lightweight and flexible shape that hardens as it cures.
  • Closed cell expanded polystyrene has a much denser and heavier structure. It forms a dense surface that is more resistant to weathering and temperature changes.


Fiberglass is made from soda, limestone, sand and crushed glass and is supplied in slabs or rolls. It is placed in unfinished walls, floors and ceilings between pins, beams and crossbars. Due to its fibrous structure, such material is excellent keeps air inside and prevents heat loss.

Photo 1. A piece of fiberglass. It is one of the most popular materials for home insulation.

Efficient boilers for space heating

In order to efficiently and economically heat a house, it is necessary to choose high-quality heating equipment... Most often boilers are used in this role.

Condensing gas

Boiler operation with condensing gas allows you to use all the energy released during gas combustion. All boiler systems distribute heat in hot water, which releases heat through radiators or other devices in rooms throughout the home. The chilled water is then returned to the boiler for reheating.

In a conventional boiler, the heating circuit is heated by the combustion of natural gas. Condensing boiler uses the energy available in the products of gas combustion... These products contain water vapor. Steam, cooling down, condenses and gives off heat. The water in the heating circuit is heated by this energy. Evacuation of water released during condensation (condensation) is carried out through the wastewater network.

Important! Natural gas is the most affordable energy source. Therefore, the operating cost of the condensing boiler will be the most profitable.

Such a boiler is easy to operate, consumes less fuel than a standard gas boiler, and has an efficiency, often exceeding 100%.


The pyrolysis boiler runs on solid fuels. In this case, not only the firewood itself burns, but also the gases that are released in the process.

Therefore, the efficiency of such boilers is up to 90%. Firewood or special pellets made from dried biomass burn in one chamber, releasing pyrolysis gas.

Under the influence of high temperature, the gas through a special nozzle enters another chamber, in which it burns, mixing with oxygen.

The heat energy released in this process much higher than in conventional boilersand the burning time is much longer. Therefore, pyrolysis boilers are called long burning boilers.

Such gas-generating boilers do not depend on the presence of a main gas pipeline, and can be most efficiently use purchased fuel.

Solid fuel

The simplest boiler is a wood or coal fired boiler. is he completely autonomous, and does not require any connection to a gas pipeline or electrical network, nor the cost of paying for gas and electricity. It is enough just a standard body, consisting of a firebox (or combustion chamber) and a blower, and ordinary firewood.

Firewood is burning in the firebox thanks to the air that is supplied through the blower. This releases heat energy. It heats up a steel or cast iron coil-shaped heat exchanger located in the firebox and raises the temperature of the coolant. Hot water gives off heat when it passes through the home's heating system. The chilled water is then returned to the boiler for reheating.

Electric boiler

Electric boiler operation is similar to the work of other boilers: water heats up in it, and then circulates in the heating system circuit and radiators.

Water heating in such boilers occurs using electric current... It provides high performance and excellent heating rate.

In addition, the installation of an electric boiler does not require large expenses for the installation of expensive equipment, the presence of a chimney and a large room.

Warm floor

Underfloor heating is the most old form of central heating... Even the Romans used an underfloor heating system that warmed buildings and baths. Today's underfloor heating system is gaining more and more popularity in Russia.

Underfloor heating is a system that heats a house through a heated floor covering. Exists two types of such a system... In the first type warm water heats the floorthrough the underfloor piping (wet system). In the second, the floor becomes warm with electric coilsplaced under it ("dry" system).

The concrete floor slabs heat up and heat radiates from under the floor into the room. "Wet" system can be connected to a gas boiler to heat water... This will help significantly save on cheap gas fuel.

Attention! For this type of heating large-scale construction work is required. Therefore, its installation is best done during the construction of a house.

Infrared heating is one of the most economical ways

The infrared spectrum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This form of radiated heat is the most basic. This is the same 100% natural heat typethat radiates and absorbs the human body daily.

Photo 2. Installation of infrared heaters under the roof of the house, this installation method allows you to completely warm up the room.

The peculiarity of infrared radiation is that it heats objects and people in its path without heating the surrounding space... This makes infrared heating much more efficient than convection... The convective heat generated by conventional radiators and central heating systems only heats the air.

Warm air is distributed around the room, circulating uncontrollably, and leaves objects in the room cool. Infrared heating emits direct heat and heats everything. This type of heating brings long-lasting, comfortable warmth to the home, consuming less energy.

Infrared heaters can provide directed heat anywhere, regardless of distance... This means that there is no need to spend electricity on heating any room, even the largest area, and heat is not lost due to air circulation.

Solar collectors - cheap and economical

Solar collectors use the warmth of sunlight to heat water, which then goes inside the building. They consist of a panel of heat-absorbing material into which mixture of water and antifreeze to collect heat. This mixture then heats up the water in the hot water system, so the solar collectors must be integrated into the existing heat distribution system.

Photo 3. Solar collectors installed on the roof of the house. Devices must be placed at a specific angle.

Such heating systems can be useful not only in warm climates. Even a small increase in water temperature dramatically reduces the amount of energy required to heat it. Solar collectors create favorable conditions for starting any heating systems. It means that less energy is used in general.

How to heat a house with heat pumps in winter and summer

Heat pumps are devices for transferring warm air using an electric pump. In winter, warm air is separated from the cold outdoors and spreads inside the house. In summer, the heat pump changes its direction of flow, and warm air from the room is carried out. Heat pumps use forced air systems to circulate heated air throughout the home.

Exists two types heat pumps.


Ground source pumps pump warm air from a pipeline located underground... The temperature in such a source stable year-round.

In geothermal pumps, the collector circuit is a coil buried in long, shallow pits or in vertical wells.

The efficiency of heat pumps is often sometimes more than 100%because they use electricity not to create heat, but to move it.


Air Source Heat Pumps use the outside air as a heat source in winter and as a heat sink in summer. These heat pumps look and fit the same as an AHU.


Heating our homes is expensive and gets more expensive every year. As costs rise, each of us is looking for more affordable heating and insulation options. Fortunately, there are many such options... Choose carefully combine different types and heating systems and you will be able to choose the best option in terms of price and efficiency.

What method of heating the house will be the most economical

Heating a house can be arranged in different ways, but which one is the most economical method available? We will try to figure this out below.

Selection of heating method - nuances

To determine which option is the most economical way in your case, you should accurately answer a number of questions. The list is as follows:

For example, for houses in which the owners are on short visits, it is impractical to use a permanent heating.


The very first thing is to find out what kind of fuel in your area is most affordable. The main criteria are as follows:

  • uninterrupted supply;
  • resource cost.

It is the availability of an energy carrier in a given area that is the main starting point.

In most cases, they are used in private houses:

  • natural gas;
  • firewood;
  • coal (both hard and brown);
  • fuel oil;
  • peat briquettes.

Sometimes they are heated with electricity - this is far from one of the most economical methods, but in the absence of an alternative, this possibility must be taken into account.

Depending on the list of available resources, the boiler is also selected. The calorific value of this appliance directly affects the overall efficiency of the entire system.

The weakest of all the above property is in systems operating on solid fuels. Followed by:

But, as statistics show, today, on average in Russia (if all the described energy carriers are available in any area without exception), then natural gas is necessarily the cheapest.

The least economical heating is undoubtedly electric. Other ways to do without gas, although much cheaper, will still require twice as much as the cost of natural gas. However, in the absence of an alternative, there is not much to choose.

Depending on what kind of resource is available in your region, the choice of the heating system is also made. There are 2 types most commonly used in Russia:


If we are talking about electricity, then here the proven ways to heat a house are:

  • warm floor;
  • infrared panels (film heaters, etc.);
  • convectors;
  • boilers.

The first three types are suitable for relatively economical heating of buildings where people do not live permanently. Their consumption is far from small, but a few days of use per month is not critical. For wooden capital country houses, the most convenient are, probably, film heaters. They consume only 40 watts per square meter.

The advantages of electric heating are:

  • cheap installation;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • fine adjustment;
  • noiselessness.

Water heating

Such systems work the same regardless of the type of boiler installed in the house:

  • the carrier, heated to operating temperature, is fed into the pipes;
  • circulates through all radiators (the latter, due to convection of air masses, provide heat transfer);
  • the cooled water is returned in a closed loop back to the boiler.

At the same time, one of the most economical is heating with natural circulation. Since pumps for pumping the coolant are not installed in the system, it means that there is no need to spend additional electricity.

At the same time, if the house has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100 square meters, the described option will not work. The large length of the communications leads to an increase in the hydrodynamic resistance in the pipes, which means that the movement of water will be too slow.

The disadvantages of water heating are as follows:

  • the boiler must work constantly;
  • it is almost impossible to precisely adjust the temperature in each room.

Air heating

Compared to the above methods, the considered one is quite economical. It is ideal both for houses where people always live, and for those in which they visit.

The principle of this system is simple:

  • heats up the air directly through the heater;
  • is fed into the premises through special sleeves and grilles installed either in the floor or in the wall.

The undoubted advantage can be called:

  • literally lightning-fast heating of the whole house;
  • economical use of fuel;
  • high efficiency (about 90 percent);
  • low maintenance costs of air ducts.
  • noise occurs during operation;
  • installation of the heater requires, according to safety rules, a rather large room.

List of other methods

It will be useful for the thrifty homeowner to know what to reduce costs, and quite significantly, insulation will allow. A high-quality thermally insulated house consumes much less resources (about half) while maintaining comfortable conditions for its inhabitants.

Such work must be carried out in a comprehensive manner:

  • walls are covered with foam or pressed mineral wool;
  • windows are installed with double-glazed windows;
  • the attic floor and floors are necessarily insulated.

Installation of a programmable heat regulator will also allow more efficient use of energy for heating. This device:

  • can independently monitor the temperature in different rooms;
  • turn off the heating in the absence of people;
  • controlled remotely through the built-in SIM card.

Heating a house with electricity: the most economical way and advantages of choice

It is known that the gas system is considered the most inexpensive heating option. But there are situations when it is not possible to use it, for example, if the gas main does not pass nearby. In this case, heating the house with electricity is recommended. The most economical way can be found by analyzing all the options offered. This is what we will do in this review.

This option is suitable for buildings outside the city and country houses

Why choose heating your home with electricity: the most economical way

Electric heating system has the following advantages:

  • Electricity-based appliances are virtually silent and require no additional fuel. They do not pollute the atmosphere. To use them, you only need an electrical network;
  • installation of equipment does not require significant investments;
  • to save energy, you can use a two-rate meter system or a solar panel on the roof;
  • the connection of the convector or boiler can be done independently.

Heating by electricity is carried out using different devices

Electric heating options for a private house

Such a heating scheme involves the use of various types of equipment.

Boiler application

It is not uncommon to install an electric boiler for heating a 220v house. This device belongs to the budget options and is easy to install.

Electric boilers are of the following types:

  • tEN models are traditional options. The heating element is heated by electricity and transfers heat to the coolant, which transfers it to the installed radiators. This unit is equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to keep the temperature at a certain level. The disadvantages include scale that collects on the heating element;

The diagram shows the principle of operation with heating elements

  • in the electrode type of the boiler, instead of the heating element, there is an electrode that acts on free ions, which creates heat. This is a safe design option, since the device stops working if water leaks. With this method of heating, limescale does not occur, but only water can be used as a heat carrier;

Electrode model device

  • the device of an induction electric boiler includes a pipeline and a radiator. In this case, the radiation mechanism forms an electromagnetic field that interacts with metal elements. Electricity produces eddy currents that transfer energy to the coolant. Such a product is characterized by ease of installation and maintenance. Water, oil compounds or antifreeze are used as heating fluid.

Installing an induction device

Selecting IR Panels

When deciding how to economically heat a house with electricity, you can consider the option of installing infrared structures. Such products do not warm the air inside the rooms, but various objects. If in the boiler version the air masses move upwards and then cool down, then in this case the hot streams are directed to the floor.

Infrared designs do not take up much space

If you add thermostats to IR devices, they will work more efficiently. One regulator is enough to control three heaters. This equipment is economical to use, but expensive in terms of installation and construction costs. Infrared devices consume a small amount of electricity. They also distribute heat efficiently. They can perform spot and zone heating. Even after the structure is turned off, objects generate heat for a long time.

Infrared panel device

Installation of such equipment can be done independently. The infrared system is used both as the main type of fuel and as an additional one. The advantages of this option include a long service life, up to 80 years.

Heating the house with electricity is also carried out using an infrared heated floor. It is an economical and effective remedy. Such a design is not afraid of unexpected power surges and does not break with minor damage. Such a device can be installed under various flooring except parquet. Infrared rays heat only solid objects, therefore, when the floor is heated, the elements themselves do not heat up.

Installation of infrared flooring

Infrared ceiling panels

Convector advantages

When choosing the most economical electric heating without a boiler, it is worth exploring the possibilities of convectors. According to the manufacturers, the convector, powered by the mains, heats the space with high quality and at the same time spends a small amount of electricity. The main advantage of the device is that its installation is simple.

It takes about two minutes to warm up the heating element, which is much faster than when heating with water devices. The advantages of such designs include:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • fire safety;
  • the heating system can be completed not immediately, buying additional radiators as needed;
  • modern design;
  • uninterrupted operation even with sudden voltage changes;
  • small size.

This method maintains the desired humidity ratio in the room and does not destroy oxygen at the same time. Excellent technical properties and excellent power indicators allow the use of electric convectors for heating both large and small private houses.

Such designs are compact and portable

The main element of the design is the heating element, which converts electricity into heat energy. The principle of operation is air convection. In this case, the cooled streams penetrate into the slots of the lower part of the housing and then exit through the upper openings. The convector can be operated separately or in a system controlled by a temperature controller.

Wall-mounted models are characterized by functionality and allow you to free up space

Which option is better not to choose?

When choosing the most economical way to heat your home, it is worth exploring options that are not worth buying. The costly options include an oil cooler. It has increased power, but when working in winter it consumes a lot of electricity. Despite the significant power, such products have a low heating efficiency. Interestingly, IR panels of the same power will heat up the space in the house faster. Heaters are ineffective devices. They reduce oxygen, make noise and move dust.

Oil heater can be combined well with other heating methods

How to improve the efficiency of electric boilers for heating a private house: prices and methods

To get the most economical way, heating the house with electricity must be properly organized. The efficiency of the entire structure can be reduced as a result of poor thermal insulation. Various gaps, cracks and a lack of insulation on the windows contribute to the rapid cooling of rooms.

If no one is at home during the whole day, then it is possible not to heat the house for the whole day. In such a situation, you can install a special controller that will start the heating system a few hours before the arrival of residents. Two hours is enough to fully warm up the rooms.

Electrical equipment operation diagram

Of great importance is a skillfully designed heating system that takes into account the location of the heaters and the power. Installing a multi-tariff meter is considered a good solution. This device allows you to save electricity at night, when the heater is running.

Useful information! With good insulation of the ceiling and walls, the quality of heating can increase up to 80%.

To get a home heating system with electricity cheaply, you need to choose the right equipment and calculate the location of all appliances.

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It is known that the gas system is considered the most inexpensive heating option. But there are situations when it is not possible to use it, for example, if the gas main does not pass nearby. In this case, heating the house with electricity is recommended. The most economical way can be found by analyzing all the options offered. This is what we will do in this review.

Why choose heating your home with electricity: the most economical way

Electric heating system has the following advantages:

Electric heating options for a private house

Such a heating scheme involves the use of various types of equipment.

Boiler application

Selecting IR Panels

When deciding how to economically heat a house with electricity, you can consider the option of installing infrared structures. Such products do not warm the air inside the rooms, but various objects. If in the boiler version the air masses move upwards and then cool down, then in this case the hot streams are directed to the floor.

If you add thermostats to IR devices, they will work more efficiently. One regulator is enough to control three heaters. This equipment is economical to use, but expensive in terms of installation and construction costs. Infrared devices consume a small amount of electricity. They also distribute heat efficiently. They can perform spot and zone heating. Even after the structure is turned off, objects generate heat for a long time.

Installation of such equipment can be done independently. The infrared system is used both as the main type of fuel and as an additional one. The advantages of this option include a long service life, up to 80 years.

Heating the house with electricity is also carried out using infrared. It is an economical and effective remedy. Such a design is not afraid of unexpected power surges and does not break with minor damage. Such a device can be installed under various flooring except parquet. Infrared rays heat only solid objects, therefore, when the floor is heated, the elements themselves do not heat up.

An expert's point of view

Andrey Starpovsky

Head of the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Group, GRAST LLC

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“Infrared heaters can be placed anywhere. They are installed on the floor, on the ceiling, or even behind some objects. "

Convector advantages

When choosing the most economical electric heating without a boiler, it is worth exploring the possibilities of convectors. According to manufacturers, it heats the space with high quality and at the same time spends a small amount of electricity. The main advantage of the device is that its installation is simple.

It takes about two minutes to warm up the heating element, which is much faster than when heating with water devices. The advantages of such designs include:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • fire safety;
  • the heating system can be completed not immediately, buying additional radiators as needed;
  • modern design;
  • uninterrupted operation even with sudden voltage changes;
  • small size.

This method maintains the desired humidity ratio in the room and does not destroy oxygen at the same time. Excellent technical properties and excellent power indicators allow the use of electric convectors for heating both large and small private houses.

The main element of the design is the heating element, which converts electricity into heat energy. The principle of operation is air convection. In this case, the cooled streams penetrate into the slots of the lower part of the housing and then exit through the upper openings. The convector can be operated separately or in a system controlled by a temperature controller.

Useful information! For a more economical installation, use a temperature controller.

Which option is better not to choose?

When choosing the most economical way to heat your home, it is worth exploring options that are not worth buying. The costly options include an oil cooler. It has increased power, but when working in winter it consumes a lot of electricity. Despite the significant power, such products have a low heating efficiency. Interestingly, IR panels of the same power will heat up the space in the house faster. Heaters are ineffective devices. They reduce oxygen, make noise and move dust.

How to improve the efficiency of electric boilers for heating a private house: prices and methods

To get the most economical way, heating the house with electricity must be properly organized. The efficiency of the entire structure can be reduced as a result of poor thermal insulation. Various gaps, cracks and a lack of windows contribute to the rapid cooling of rooms.

If no one is at home during the whole day, then it is possible not to heat the house for the whole day. In such a situation, you can install a special controller that will start the heating system a few hours before the arrival of residents. Two hours is enough to fully warm up the rooms.

Of great importance is a skillfully designed heating system that takes into account the location of the heaters and the power. Installing a multi-tariff meter is considered a good solution. This device allows you to save electricity at night, when the heater is running.

To get a home heating system with electricity cheaply, you need to choose the right equipment and calculate the location of all appliances.


The most expensive resource today is energy. But you can't do without them even in summer, and in winter, heating your home is a significant cost item. How to determine the most economical way at home?

There is an inverse relationship between the efficiency of heating and the cost of equipment: the more expensive the purchase is, the cheaper the operation will be.

What heating in a private house is the most economical - there is no universal answer to this question.

In forests, the cheapest fuel can be wood, in areas of coal or peat mining - respectively, coal or peat.

Somewhere there is an opportunity to connect gas, but somewhere it is not. The most economical electric heating is expensive anyway, but there are options here too.

For heating houses are used:

  • and convectors;
  • solid fuel - firewood, pellets, coal, peat, briquettes, woodworking and crop production waste;
  • liquid fuel;
  • , other electrical appliances;
  • heat pumps. We will not consider this option: installation of the system is very expensive, it pays for itself from 10 years;
  • solar panels and collectors. Installation is not justified: batteries collect little energy on winter and cloudy days.

The purchase of a diesel boiler is justified when the economy is large (for example, a farm), and the owners have access to cheap fuel. Diesel boilers are produced only of high power; such are not required for a medium-sized house.

And the equipment has many drawbacks: environmental damage, noisy work, large dimensions and weight, fire hazard. A compact modification of a liquid-fuel unit, a mining boiler, is also environmentally harmful and fire hazardous. It is low-powered, but they do not put it in the house, only in utility structures.

Another option, how to save on heating a private house: purchase a combined / universal boiler for two or more types of fuel. When buying, it will cost more than any other.

But, firstly, under no circumstances will you be left without heating: in the absence of one energy carrier, you will switch to another. Secondly, there is room for savings. For example, expensive electricity can be burned only at “cheap” night time (with a two-rate payment), and during the day it can be heated with wood or coal.

System features

Not all methods of heating a private house include a water pipe, although it is the most popular. Another option is air heating. This includes gas and electric convectors, all other electrical appliances, except for the electric boiler - it works with liquid heat carriers.

In the solid fuel category, this is the Buleryan boiler - it heats the room according to the principle of convection through the nozzles extending from the firebox. With a large area of \u200b\u200bthe house, air ducts are connected to the nozzles.

Diagram of the boiler "Buleryan".

If we talk about water systems, the first question is competent design. In a small one-story house, you can install a system with natural circulation, without a pump, and do without electricity at all. For a large area, this option is not suitable, the heating will be uneven and ineffective.

In a large house, beam wiring outperforms others in terms of efficiency: all heating devices receive a hot coolant. It is not necessary to set the initial high temperature, and this is fuel economy.

If you prefer underfloor heating as your heating devices, your choice is a condensing boiler (). They are low temperature, but the efficiency is the highest in the category.

Relatively recently, a new way of heating houses has appeared in Russia - biogas. Also gas, but obtained by "home" methods, you do not have to pay for it. How to make cheap heating in a house: install an airtight container, regularly put organic waste into it and add water. The gas that is released during fermentation is redirected to the home gas pipeline.

Solid fuel

Wood - the most economical heating of a private house without gas (). In addition to firewood, there are units for other types of fuel. The choice depends on what is cheaper for you. If there are more than one cheap fuel, buy a boiler with two furnaces.

You can save on operation if you purchase a long-burning boiler ().

There are three types of them:

  • with extended chamber and metered oxygen supply;
  • with top ignition;
  • pyrolysis, burning, in addition to the fuel itself, also pyrolysis gas released during combustion.

Firewood has to be added to the firebox of a conventional boiler at least two hours later. The most "long-playing" pyrolysis fuel is added twice a day (). It is not only more convenient, but also much more economical.


Let's try to choose cheap heating of a private house in this category. When installing a water system, a boiler is used. It is more expensive in operation than others, but with proper organized heating, costs can be reduced.

Other options:

  • oil radiators;
  • heat guns and fan heaters;
  • convectors;
  • infrared equipment.

Cannons consume a lot, they are not designed for permanent work. This is an emergency option when you need to warm up the house in a matter of minutes. Oil heaters consume less. Convectors are even more profitable, especially with a successful placement: floor and baseboards are considered the most effective. The devices are low-power, for full heating you will have to install several pieces.

Warm floors are cable and infrared. Experts call infrared floors more economical and efficient. High efficiency is achieved due to the fact that not only the principle of convection works, but also the reflection of heat waves from any objects in the room, ceilings, walls.

For very cold winters, one floor may not be enough. In such cases, the infrared film is also installed on the walls and ceiling.

Video about how cheaper it is to heat a country house.

Long gone are the days when a wood stove was the only way to heat a private house. Modern technologies and materials allow you to choose a heating method from a variety of existing ones, but experts unanimously say that in the future it is electric heating of a private house that will be a priority. Everyone knows that mineral reserves are far from endless and the time will come when gas will have to be completely abandoned and switched to a cleaner energy source - electricity.

Electric heating systems have a lot of undeniable advantages, and often it may just be the only available heating method.

It is very important to think over an electric heating project even at the stage of building a house, since in the future, installing equipment in an already finished room may lead to the need for rework, and, as a result, to additional costs. An accurate thermal calculation must be done taking into account the norms of SNiP. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in increased energy costs.

Pros and cons of heating a house with electricity

Electric heating of a private house has the following advantages:

Simple and easy to install

Self-assembly does not require expensive tools and special knowledge. All equipment has a small size, can be installed quickly and at minimal cost.

All devices are easily transported and carried to different rooms. A separate boiler room and chimney are also not required.


Electrical systems do not form carbon monoxide gases, there are no combustion products at all. No harmful emissions are released even if the system is broken or disassembled.

Low initial costs

There is no need to prepare project documentation with the invitation of special services. No permits are required.

Reliability and noiselessness

Electric heating does not require regular service with the assistance of specialists. All units operate absolutely silently, since the system does not have a fan and a circulation pump.

Ease of operation

There are no elements in the system that could quickly fail. There is no need to constantly monitor the sensors and fuel level.

System control unit.

High level of efficiency

Allows you to quickly heat a private house even in the most severe frosts. Electric heating is always equipped with a special system, which makes it possible to regulate the temperature in each individual room, which can significantly save financial costs during the heating season.

Cons of work

The main disadvantage of electric heating is the high power consumption. In some areas, the price of energy is quite high, so this method may simply be unprofitable.

The second drawback is considered to be volatility. If the electricity is cut off for any reason, heating of the room will become impossible.

Using a generator.

An induction electric boiler consists of a radiator and a pipeline through which the coolant circulates. The emitter generates an electromagnetic field that interacts with the metal. Electricity creates vortex currents, which, in turn, transfer energy to the coolant. No heating element.

The induction boiler is easy to install and maintain, does not contain wear parts, scale forms in it in minimal quantities, and is effective for heating large rooms. The heat carrier can be oil, water or antifreeze.

It is not difficult to make an induction boiler with your own hands, and at a cost it will be much cheaper than a purchased one.

A significant disadvantage can be considered a rather large size and a high price, compared with heating elements and electrode boilers. In addition, in the event of mechanical damage to the integrity of the circuit, the boiler will fail due to a dangerous increase in temperature. In this case, the device must be equipped with a sensor that turns off the boiler in the absence of water in it.


Practically all popular electricity have been considered. Each method has many advantages - this is the absence of the need for a fuel supply, environmental friendliness, safety, noiselessness and ease of operation. But given that electricity is not cheap at the moment, there is no need to expect a special economic effect. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the insulation of a private house in order to reduce heat loss to a minimum.

Heating a house with electricity is cheap - today this is not an advertising slogan, but a reality that is already familiar to a huge number of people. Compared with dozens of other options created in the entire history of mankind, it is this heating method that can be considered optimal.

He, however, has quite a few competitors. And today, when deciding which type of fuel to prefer, natural gas is often chosen. However, the opinion of specialists in the field of communal services is unanimous: they associate the prospects for decades to come exclusively with electricity. Hydrocarbons may run out, but current generation will continue anyway.

Heating with electricity has a number of positive qualities, and in some cases there is simply no other choice. If you intend to use electricity in your home, be sure to prepare the project before starting construction in order to minimize costs. Building codes will tell you how to make a thermal calculation.

Like everything else in the world, heating with electricity has both pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

An economical electric heating system can be assembled independently; complex tools and professional skills are not required to organize it. The equipment itself is lighter and more compact than other heating installations.

The costs are negligible, and if necessary, moving the units to other rooms and premises is not difficult. The absence of fuel combustion allows economical electric heating without creating a chimney, chimneys and boiler rooms.

For the same reason, the formation of solid, liquid or gaseous waste is excluded. Even if the equipment is out of order or is dismantled, there is no risk of the appearance of harmful substances. Choosing which heating in a private house is the most economical and convenient, many newcomers stop at electric heating in the absence of the need to coordinate the project and obtain special permits.

All thermal heating systems are based on air and / or water and steam circulation. Choosing a method such as heating with electricity eliminates the need for fans, circulation pumps, which allows you to create a completely silent heating unit. In addition, the elimination of moving parts drastically reduces the risk of breakdown, and there is no more need to monitor gauges, fuel flow or fuel level in the tank.

Economical heating on electric energy heats up the building quickly, even if it's cold outside. It is possible to control the air temperature in individual rooms and set it to a certain value, which is not only more comfortable, but also helps to save money.

It is impossible not to say about the minuses. Although they say that cheap heating of a house with electricity is quite possible, in practice the current consumption is very high. As a result, against the background of continuously growing tariffs, this heating method can only be called profitable. If the flow of electrical energy stops, the heating of the dwelling stops completely. Of course, a complete shutdown, especially for a long time, is still a rarity. However, the electric heating system may work poorly due to voltage instability. As a rule, this is typical for rural areas and remote settlements. By purchasing a generator, you almost completely solve the problem, but the actual costs will be noticeably higher. And then it will no longer be possible to say for sure that the cheapest heating is electric.

In addition, it should be noted that, due to the significant load, home wiring must be of impeccable quality and very powerful. If an electric method of heating a large private house is chosen, even a three-phase power supply system may be required. Immediately find out what the required power of the devices is, and whether the current supplied to the house is enough for all needs.

Heating types

There are direct heating systems and systems with heating medium circulation.

Oil coolers are practically classics. Despite its venerable age, this type of heaters remains in demand. Almost all devices are easy to move, often equipped with casters. Electricity turns into heat, and this heat is immediately given off to the air. The problem is that within the same room or office, this option is suitable, but as a cheap heating of a private house - alas, not.

Unlike the oil cooler, the electric convector appeared relatively recently. However, such heating systems are rapidly gaining popularity due to the fact that they are easily scalable (they can work in rooms of various sizes) and do not affect the water and oxygen content in the atmosphere. The basis of the convector is a heating element. Colder air masses, penetrating through the holes, take heat from the heater and, rising, go out through the same holes. The convector is hidden inside by an aesthetic casing.

Another quite possible heating system is an air conditioner with a heating function. According to a number of experts, this particular option is the most economical heating, besides, careful adjustment reduces current consumption. However, there are also disadvantages: the increased cost of equipment and technically difficult maintenance.

If you ask what type of heating a private house is the most technologically advanced, then no doubt the answer is infrared heating (sometimes called film). This is also a fairly cheap way, however, the installation of equipment and it itself are still expensive. The thermal element evenly gives off heat to the room due to infrared rays, they also heat the air. This is an advantageous heating with the possibility of zone and spot heating. Making infrared heating at home with your own hands is not difficult.

A rather popular competitor is the so-called warm floor. It is capable of being both the main source of heat and an auxiliary one. Environmental friendliness, ability to work for many decades, very simple handling - these are its main advantages.

However, the risk of mechanical deformation and the inability to repair the warm floor without dismantling the coating are equally significant disadvantages. An infrared warm floor can be considered a certain combination of the previous options, but it is still found in few places.

Electric heating

The most common way to warm up a room with electricity is economical boilers! Their advantage lies in the relatively low cost of both the equipment itself and its operation. Most people are familiar with boilers with heating elements that give off heat to water, which already delivers it to radiators. The ease of installation and the ability to accurately withstand temperatures also support this solution. But it must be borne in mind that although this option is the cheapest, it tends to accumulate lime, especially in hard water. You will need to take special measures to soften the coolant.

In search of how to save on heating, some prefer electrode boilers.

The heater interacts with water ions, which makes the entire heating process absolutely safe. If there is no water, the boiler will simply not be able to work.

The disadvantage of this device is that it is required to use only water, moreover, with a strictly specified specific resistance, and regularly change the electrodes.

Economical heating of a private house is also possible with the help of an induction electric boiler. Inside it there is a pipeline to which the emitting unit transmits eddy currents. There are no elements prone to wear, the formation of scale is negligible, the device can heat a large room, and antifreeze is also suitable as a heat carrier.


So, what is the most economical heating of a private house? To answer this question, you need to take into account all the significant circumstances, all the pros and cons.

And one more point: the rational organization of heating at home is unthinkable without the greatest possible reduction of unproductive heat losses.