Excursion to St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome - what to watch. St. Peter's Cathedral - the main temple of the Vatican

What is famous for St. Peter's Cathedral - how to get there and what to watch. Tips: how to dress and what you can not take with you. Basilica St. Peter on the map of Rome.

The ancient shrine of the whole Christian world is the Cathedral of St. Peter, located in the center of the Vatican. The construction history is associated with the names of famous Italian architects and artists. In addition, the place chosen for the construction of the church is an archaeological monument.

Basilica St. Peter - History

The first Christian Basilica on the site of the current cathedral was built at the beginning of the 4th century, fulfilling the order of the Roman emperor-Christian Konstantin. Before that, the gardens of the circus of another ruler Rome Nero were located. It is believed that only Obelisk remained from its structure. Now he snaps on the square in front of the cathedral. In Basilica, the altar was erected, which was placed right above the grave of St. Peter. Ironically, Neron was executed for faith, and his saint was buried in his gardens. The Christian church stood over the 11th centuries, when Dad Nicholas Fifth decided to rebuild it and reconstruct.

His activity continued Julius the second, who replaced the ancient basilica by the Big Cathedral. This was done for the safety of believers, as well as to strengthen the power of the papal authorities.

Construction and ideas of masters

The new St. Peter's Cathedral designed Architect D. Bramante, thanks to which the centric building of the cruciform shape (equal side) was built.

And where is the dome? .. Do not everyone know that the facade of the cathedral does not have the perfect proportions 🙂

After him, the work continued R. Santi, who made a bet on the traditional Latin cross. In accordance with the development of Raphael, the center of the cathedral was somewhat displaced and moved. Another master B. Perusyczi, striving for a centrism, returned to the check of Bramte. Further, A. Yes Sangallo, who preferred the form of basilica, worked on the cathedral. The completion of the work is attributed to Michelangelo, which was a supporter that the dome in the temple was in the center. This was based on the rest of the design and interior of the cathedral. The entrance was created in the form of a portico with the colon. He was located in the east, and not in the West. Michelangelo created massive supporting structures and began the construction of a drum for the main domation of the Cathedral of St. Peter.

Finish the construction fell by another Zodkim - D. Della Port, Vigola, K. Madern. Only 2 small dome from the planned four appeared in the cathedral, and the center became a three-way basilica. Another facade was built, which completely closed. It can now be seen from the side of the square.

Interesting facts about the Cathedral of St. Peter

  • Obelisk, installed on St. Peter's Square, is a high stone stele of the XIII century BC. e. - was brought from Egypt at the very beginning of our era. Lorenzo Bernini made this stele center of oval square;
  • Tiara and keys are depicted on the emblem of the Vatican. These are the keys to the kingdom of heaven, who, according to Christian tradition, Simon (St. Peter) received from Jesus;
  • Roman dads bury in the dungeon of St. Peter's Cathedral. On April 8, 2005, John Paul II was buried here;
  • In Konstantinova Basilica, in the place of which the Cathedral of St. Peter was built, there were 120 altars. The light inside the temple penetrated 72 windows. In Basilica, the 23 Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire were crowned.

How is the excursion to St. Peter's Cathedral

This basilica is a whole complex of structures, because it is not for nothing that is the largest Christian temple in the world. And therefore, be prepared that the excursion to St. Peter's Cathedral (including the inspection of the area, photo and selfie) will take at least an hour. And better and all 1.5 - 2 hours. It will not be possible to run into this temple for a minute. If only because you will first have to defend a huge queue.

Square of the Cathedral - a place for believers

St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome has huge sizes - a length of 211 meters and a height of 136 meters. But even with such sizes, everyone cannot fit inside, therefore additional space was created. In the middle of the 17th century Giovanni Bernini completed the order of the Pope and began to build a huge area located opposite the cathedral.

St. Peter's Square - the best panorama of Basilica opens from here!

The queue in the cathedral, the slicing area. It is worth come early, isn't it?

The area is one of the most recognizable places in Rome (despite the fact that this is another state, for a minute!). Most excursions along the Cathedral of St. Peter begin exactly from this starting point. Closer to noon, a huge queue seems to be silent from left to right. To get to the cherished "frame" of the metal detector, you will have to defend about an hour.

Tip: If you are in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cathedral in the morning, and the queue on the eye does not reach the end of the colonnade one of the parties, then you are lucky - boldly take it! So you will save a bunch of time that in Rome is very expensive.

Entrance to the temple - Prohibited items and clothing

At the entrance to the Vatican, metal detectors are, therefore it is better not to take with it with it, stuck objects (scissors, files, etc.). As well as cutting - for example, the favorite Victorinox knife, which is indispensable during a spontaneous picnic. But in this case it is better to abandon such an accessory.

There are requirements for girls and ladies. With all European democraticness, the Catholic Church recently refers to appearance. In the Vatican, it reached apogee. In 98% of cases you will not be allowed to the Cathedral of St. Peter with open shoulders and knees. And on the decollet and other charming restrictions do not apply. Cover your head with a handkerchief is not required.

Such rules operate in the "foreign monastery", and they should show respect for them.

Interior of the Cathedral of St. Peter - what to watch

So, pre-defeating the long-term queue at the entrance to the Vatican, you finally have a cherished goal. Still not believing the eyes, act step by step. To begin with, frozen in the Great Pieta Michelangelothat at the entrance to the cathedral. And let it have recently been placed in thick glass - away from the vandals and crazy - it did not bother her beauty, divine greatness and solemn grief.

Then, as if in the fog (the mind was already clouded from the fact that you just stood next to the most drinks!), Watch out the majestic tips of the Dad, noble Perse and for a long time in a mute admiration for the greatest creation of Bernini - the famous Baldakhina over the main altar Cathedral! These are the main masterpieces of the Cathedral of St. Peter, which cannot be missed.

If you do not mind to make a desire, you can come up with the statue of Peter himself, touch the right place (it flashes from touches) and ask for a sore. Everything will be fulfilled and will work out! The rest of the time is better to devote to the calm contemplation of the majestic interior. Thoughtfully enjoy the beauty of the temple, approach each lower, admire the dome of the cathedral, admire the game of the light fluxes, breaking through the stained glass windows.

Basilica of St. Peter on the map of Rome

Address: Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Città Del Vaticano, Papal See (Vatican).

St. Peter's Cathedral - how to get there

If hotels in the area of \u200b\u200bSt. Peter's Square you did not like, then you can get to the Basilica on public transport. Nearest to the Cathedral metro Station - Ottaviano. She even specifically noted - Ottaviano-San Pietro. From her almost in direct, namely the same name Via Ottaviano, you will go to the main square.

There is another metro station near the Cathedral - this is CIPRO.. Via Fra Albenzio Street, leading from her, almost rests on the harsh Vatican Wall from the back side - this is the border of the state. The station is more suitable for those who are looking for an entrance to the Vatican Museums, and not to St. Peter's Cathedral. If you also plan to admire the Sistine Chapel, then remember the name - CIPRO-MUSEI VATICANI.

Not far from the "Cathedral" Square stops express bus No. 40. They can take advantage if you want to get to St. Peter's Cathedral from the Old Town. You can use the same bus to get in - Mausoleum Adriana. This is another significant.

How to find out what comes out of the subway, do you follow in the right direction? Very simple: you immediately attack numerous promoters, offering excursions to St. Peter's Cathedral and Vatican - licensed, with a Russian-speaking guide, etc. In Rome, it will have to get used to it and not be annoyed in vain.

Hotels in the Cathedral area and St. Peter Square

There is a great idea to book a hotel in Rome in the area of \u200b\u200bSt. Peter's Cathedral. So you will have a chance to have everything and even visit the Vatican not once. After all, it's all at a time to visit the Basilica, climb the dome, to visit museums - it is very difficult. In addition, this is a prestigious area, and most of the rooms offer views of the main Christian shrine:

St. Peter's Cathedral is one of the greatest Christian temples in the world. This place is rightfully considered to be sacred, because in the Vatican there is a lot of sacred relics and memorable facilities.

About the cathedral

Rome is one of the most ancient cities in the world with a rich history and amazing architecture. Every year tourists come to the capital of Italy to see the sights of the city. One of the most famous places is the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome.

The architecture of this building is striking at first sight: a huge spacious dome, columns and a high obelisk in the middle of the square ... all this looks majestically and impressive. The closed, sacred for all Christians, the Vatican - Outputs the veil of secrets, allowing to be in one of the many parts of the temple.

Who is the architect of the Cathedral of St. Peter? He was not alone, they often changed, but it did not prevent a wonderful structure, which is considered the subject of world cultural heritage. The place where Pope lives is the main face of the world Christian religion, "will always be one of the greatest and popular among travelers. The holiness and significance of this temple for humanity cannot be overestimated.

St. Peter's Cathedral Outside

The building that can be seen today, fully thought out the architect of the Cathedral of St.
Peter - Miklalangelo.

Sculptural groups on the facade of the temple - the greatest creation of the best masters of Italy. Looking at carefully, you can see that these high statues depict Jesus Christ, John the Baptist and Apostles. Obelisk near the temple also has its meaning. In a different way, he is called "needle", and it is believed that his foundation rests the ashes of Julia Caesar.

A colonnade that closes from two sides of the cathedral is also an important part of the architectural complex. She was erected by the project of one of the architects of the Cathedral of St. Peter - Bernini. At the top of the colonnade there is a series of statues of a hundred forty saints. Among them are a significant number of women. All of them look at from the height of the colonnade.

The statue of the Paul's Apostle is towers before entering - the symbolic course of sculptors, conducted by the parallel between the entrance to paradise and the entrance to the cathedral.

St. Peter's Cathedral: History, Description

The history of creating a facility is full of mysteries and secrets. Unfortunately, the Cathedral of St. Peter is a relatively new temple compared to other European shrines. The one that exists today is largely different from that cathedral over which the great architects and sculptors worked.

Many historical events took place in the temple. The foundation of the temple and the first basilica were built at and in 800 the coronation of King Frankov and Langobard Karl Great, who first united the French lands.

During its existence, the construction of the building was burning several times and again restored by architects. A lot of effort was applied to restore St. Peter's Cathedral. The holy places of Rome, to which annually believers make pilgrimages - almost all of them are here.

This place is especially important for the whole Christian world: here you can visit the room where the relics of the apostle Peter are stored.


The history of the temple is so great that it is difficult to answer the question: "What great architects were the main builders of the Cathedral of St. Peter?" This building has seen different artists, sculptors and architects, but only units have done truly important things.

Many people have made efforts to create such a project as St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. Mikelangelo Buonaroti is the chief architect of the temple, whose contribution to its construction was very significant. He was hired by one of the most influential families of Florence - Medici. Architect Cathedral St. Peter, who was before, planned to make a dome in the form of an elongated cross. But it is thanks to the plan of Michelangelo Dome of the Cathedral has a spherical shape. As the chief architect of St. Peter's Cathedral, the artist created paintings and sculptures for the temple. Soon one of the representatives of the Medici family was elected Pope Roman. The newly elected lion X appointed Michelangelo, now officially, the chief architect of the cathedral.

Interesting is the fact that the great sculptor and artist Buonarota for a long time refused to work on the architecture of such a project as the Cathedral of St. Peter. Michelangelo, however, then still agreed and radically changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction.

Sculpture and remains of the apostle Peter

The statue of the Apostle Peter is the main attraction of the cathedral. Sculpture seems simultaneously harsh and friendly. In addition, it is considered holy. There is a tradition: visiting the cathedral, it is necessary to touch the legs of this figure. It is believed that after that, the spirit letters the man all his sins. The heart of the one who admits to the leg must be clean, even if the person made a lot of bad. Every day you wanted to touch the marble feet of the holy so much that the museum wrappers falls from time to time to polish her surface.

However, the most sacred is considered another place. It is underground. This is a crypt where the relics of the saints are stored. The column with the remains of the apostle Peter, in honor of which the cathedral is called - the most important part of the entire temple-museum. The chief architect of St. Peter's Cathedral created a descent to the crypt. He reminds the staircase into hell, however, descending, everyone pays attention to the remains - skeletals of saints. The crypt is rather dark, which creates a feeling of other world.

Dome of the Cathedral

Dome of St. Peter's Cathedral is one of the largest in Europe. It relies on four massive pillars, decorated with stucco and sculptures.

Over the columns are loggia, where relics were kept before. Under each of the relics, the corresponding statue of Saint is constructed.

The sculpture of the apostle Andrei is the First-Called - a man who holds a tree bar and calls to the sky. On his face - the expression of flour and suffering.

Another statue is the Holy Equal-Apostles Tsarina Elena. She holds a huge cross - the symbol of faith. Her second hand is directed to the viewer, the face is calm and peaceful.

A completely different mood passes the sculpture of Saint Veronica. In her posture - dynamics, movement. Holy Veronica holds in the hands of the boards, who served Jesus to wipe his face. She seemed to present it, and in the expression of her face - determination and confidence. The fourth column decorates the statue of Saint Longin. Saint looks threateningly sternly, in one of his hand - a spear. Another hand extends to the side. In his posture, you can read anger and thirst for justice.

Paul from the tombstones. Sculpture "Moses"

St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome and his tombstones are the most exciting in all of the temple. Its feature is that in one of the halls of the cathedral, the floor is a series of gravestones.

When you step on it, you feel incredible excitement, a feeling of holiness and communication with the Almighty.

Inside the temple - a variety of frescoes, on floors, ceilings, walls ... Everywhere surrounds high art - images of biblical plots.

The sculpture of Moses is one of the favorite places for tourists. This statue depicts the hero of the Old Testament, which brought his people from the desert and became a great Savior for Christians. In the folds of his mantle, the expression of the face, the intensive muscles of the hands is felt, the responsibility for all of humanity. In his posture - willingness to blow fate, the desire to resist Rock. The thick beard is so realistic that it seems as if it is real hair. She gives Moses a harsh appearance, which for a moment makes even frighten it.

Sculptures of the right nefa

The famous marble petail created by the hands of Miclaneloo is the world masterpiece of art. The sculpture is as if living, makes you penetrate the feeling of grief, quiet grief along the dying Christ. The folds of the fabric, the smooth face of the Virgin Mary - it all looks so realistic that it seems that they would have overcome the many centuries, in the hall, and we had just become the involuntary spectators of the tragedy. The eyelids of the Virgin Mary are lowered, she covered her eyes from grief. In the posture of Christ - amazing helplessness. This sculpture is very strong psychologically and emotionally, it was created for years, and the slightest mistake could lead to loss of form and the whole idea. However, Mokelalangelo's master created her so gentle and sad that it looks really alive.

Not far from the Pieta is the tomb of Matilda Tuscan, decorated with a sculpture of a female warrior and a few cupid at her feet. It was performed by the sculptor Bernini.

The Sistine Chapel

One of the most famous frescoes of world art - Mikelanelo, the largest largest painting decorated the largest cathedral in the world - the Cathedral of Sv Peter. At that time, Pope was Julius II. He invited young Mikelanelo to fulfill this work. He did not have enough skills in painting, but agreed and began to work. Today, in order to study this fresco in detail, it will take more than five hours. The diversity of lines, folds of the fabric in the figures and the plots of the Bible captures and does not give a look. Christ, crucified on the cross, and scenes from the Old Testament ... For example, the creation of the world, the creation of Adam and Eve, the separation of water from land, expulsion of people from Paradise, bringing the sacrifice of Noah, frightened Delphic Sivil, prophets ...

At the corners of Capella are the most ancient passages from the Bible: copper serpent, judith and Oriferne, the punishment of Aman.

Capella was restored several times, but did not lose its beauty and integrity of the composition.

Start VI in. Board, wax paints. 92.8 × 53.1 cm Monastery of St. Catherine, Egypt

According to Providence, the Apostle Peter came to the Eternal City in 43 to become the head of the Christian community. He was in Rome for 25 years. At the time of the persecution of Christians, between 64 - 67, he underwent a martyrdom in the circus of Nero on the slope of the Vatican Hill and was buried in the ground, in the cemetery, close to the road adjacent to the circus. The grave of St. Peter is the Vatican Support point, the only reason and the essence of all its buildings. If there was no grave of the former Galilee fisherman, the witness of the Resurrection of Christ, who was confident that the magnificent temple would not have arisen on this place and there would be a beautiful city-State of the Vatican now.

The grave of St. Peter became a cult place: about 160 years, the first fencens and a small marble monument were built here. In 322, ten years after the recognition of the religious freedom of Christians, the emperor Konstantin commanded to build the first basilica. She was essentially a temple-mausoleum of the apostle. In the 6th century, the Holy Gregory Great was built the throne for the Mass. In 1120, Pope Callist II built an altar above this throne, named confession.

In 1452, the initial cathedral decided to rebuild, but only in 1506 serious work began. The construction of the temple continued almost a hundred years, from 1506 to 1616, at 18 dads, from Julia II to Paul V, who wrote his name on the facade. Many important work encouraged the Pope Urban VIII and Alexander VII. Not easy and fate of the project, implemented and modified 12 Great architects. The most famous of them: Bramte, Rafael, Michelangelo, Gacomo della Port, Domenico Fountain and Carlo Modern.New St. Peter's Cathedral was consecrated by Pope Urban VIIINovember 18, 1626.

The cathedral occupies more than 44,000 sq.m., its length is about 187 m., Width is 114.5 m., Almost like a football field, and an altitude of 46 meters. On the immensity of the temple eloquently speak the mark on the marble floor in the central neop. Here are the sizes of other large Christian cathedrals, which are inferior to him in magnitude. The decoration of the cathedral is stunned by the abundance of gold, mosaics, majestic statues of saints, gravestone monuments of dads, and most importantly, the amazing creations of Bernini and the young Michelangelo.

In the center, under the fronton, is the famous balcony from which Pope appeals to the believer.

Basilica is built in the form of the Latin Cross. Until 1989, the Cathedral was the largest temple in the world until he was overtaken by the Basilica of Notre Dame-de-La PE, built in Yamusukro, the capital of Côte d "Ivoire, by the way, in the image and likeness of the main character of my story.

Clock on the facade, with one arrow. On the other side - the same clock, but with two arrows.

On the roof of the cathedral set 13 statues - Jesus Christ, John the Baptist and 11 Apostles, except the Apostle Peter.

The height of each statue is almost 6 meters.

Vatican Army - Swiss Guardsmen. Nowadays, they are only 110, as you can guess from the name - all of them are citizens of Switzerland. It is believed that their form sews in sketches Michelangelo. By the way, this is one of the oldest armies of the world, preserved to the present day. True, in hostilities, she participated only once - in 1527, when Rome was looted by the troops of the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire.

Swiss Guardian

Holy Gate

Cathedral is huge. It seems to be together with a huge crowd, but inside this crowd unexpectedly dissipates along the dimensionless hall and becomes absolutely imperceptible. During the festivities, the cathedral holds up to 60 thousand people.

The length of the central nef is 211 meters.

All this is impressive at least the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, who before the construction of St. Peter's Cathedral remained the largest Christian temple in the world.

general view of the hall.


The interior of the cathedral to Ryadi in the eyes is beautiful and solemn. Moreover, unlike the Orthodox churches, these magnificence and luxury are absolutely not crying. Elegant details you can admire infinitely for a long time - here really have something to see.

Central Neft

The total length of the basilica is 211.6 m. On the floor of the central nef, there are marks showing the dimensions of the other largest cathedrals of the world, which allows them to compare them with the most enormous cathedral of St. Peter.

At the end of the Central Nef, the last pillar on the right is located statue of St. Peter XIII. in., attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio. The statue of St. Peter, made of bronze in the IV century an unknown Syrian sculptor, uses extraordinary glory. It is believed that it is worth touching her and pray, and the plea will be heard. This custom is very ancient, so one stop statue erased from touches of praying.

Statue of St. Peter

In the left hand of St. Apostle Peter holds the keys to paradise. The wall behind the statue is decorated with a mosaic, not a cloth.

St. Peter led the church for 25 years. For the 19th centuries, the only dad, sitting on the throne of Peter longer (1847-1878) than Peter himself, was dad Pei IX. His portrait is placed on the wall above the statue of the apostle. Pedestal from Alebastra performed in 1757 Carlo Marchionni. The marble chair belongs to early revival.

June 29 on the day of memory of the Apostle Peter, his statue is set in clothes, so it seems that the statue comes to life.

Trone St. Peter and Glory

NEF Basilica

Department of St. Peter

Sen on the papal altar and grave of St. Peter here

Kivorii (Greek. Κιώώώώιο, Lat. CIBORIUM), Kivoria, Altar Seña - Sen (Canopy) over the throne (altar) supported by columns. The plan most often represents a square, consists of four arches based on four columns. In icon painting, the image of the navigation symbolizes the altar.

Altar. It is believed that this is exactly the place where the apostle Peter was buried. Above the altar is a thirty-meter kivory on the curved columns, again the work of Bernini.

The subject of the painting on the altar is the festive Mass of St. Basil in the presence of the Roman emperor Valens.t.

Under the altar there is a sarcophagus with a harnessed body of Pope John XXIII.

Altar of St. Jerome. The recent image "The last communion of St. Jerome "artist Domenichino, 1614. Translated into a mosaic in 1744. The famous picture is now stored in the Vatican Pinakotek. The picture shows sv. Jerome, taking the last sacrament from St. Ephraim, who helps St. Paula.


In a bribing space above the main altar is a masterpiece of Bernini - a huge, height of 29 m canopy (Kyiviy) on four twisted columns, which are statues of angels. Among the branches of the laurel on the upper parts of the columns are visible heraldic bees of the Barberini family. Bronze for the kivoria took from Pantheon, disassembled by order of Pope Urban VIII (Barberini) structures that supported the roof of the portico. Through the Baldahin is visible in Central Apsid and also created by Bernini Department of St. Peter. It includes the chair supported by four statues of the Church chair. Peter, over which the symbol of the Holy Spirit is ferried.

Paris in shine symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Right Net

In the first chapel of the right chief there is a brilliant creation of twenty-year-old Michelangelo "Mailing of Christ" (Pietà) .

The sculpture was carved from a single block of white marble from Carrara, and on a ribbon, shooring Madonna, sculptor of the highest inscription "Michelangelo - Florentine" .

This is the only job by Michelangelo's own signed.

Above this creation, Michelangelo worked for more than two years. The sculpture depicts the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who holds on his knees of the Dead Son - Christ. The beauty of the lines, the ideal proportions of the bodies in full size, young faces and the sorrow of the mother are so manifest, that I want to measure in a silent bow before the immortal masterpiece Michelangelo.

A little further is tuscan Matilda Matilda Margraphy (or otherwise Canos) work Bernini with students; It was the first woman who was honored to be buried in this cathedral. (In 1077 in Kanosco, the castle of Marc Graphini Matilda, the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Heinrich IV, which was excommunicated from the church and lowered, humiliatedly put out the forgiveness from Pope Gregory VII.) Grille Chapel of St. The communion is made in the drawing of borrings.

Tomb Matilda Tuscan

The tombstone of Benedict XV grave.

Gregory Xiii Gregorius PP. XIII.

226th Pope Roman

Near Capella - tombstone Grigory XIII; The bas-relief reminds of the work done by the Pope - the introduction of a new calendar (Gregorian).

Bas-relief on the grave of Pope Grigory XIII in the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome.

His Holiness Pope Roman Clement XIII Clemens PP. XIII.

The tombstone of the Clement XIII.

Monument to the Holy Vintiy de Field

created in 1498 by the sculptor Antonio Pollaiolo gravestone Innocent VIII, this is one of the few preserved monuments that were still in the old basilica.

Monument to the apostle Andrei

Left Net

Alexander VII's tombstone of Bernini.

Monument Pope Alexander VII, By the way, one of the last works of Bernini, created by him in the 80s.

Dad is depicted knee-free surrounded by allegory of mercy (with children, sculptor G. Mazzuoli), truth (based on the left foot on the globe, sculptors Morelli and Cartari), prudence (sculptor G. cartari,) and justice (sculptor L. Balestri). Initially, the figures were naked, but by order of Innocent Xi Bernini dragged the statues of the metal.

tombstone Innocent VIII,

Not far from the entrance you see another creation of a sculptor canow - the tombstone of the last representatives of the Scottish Royal Family Stuart. The Nadgrobi is carried out on the means of the English king of George III. On the center of the monument in the center, on the left of Karl, right Heinrich.

Monument to the last Stewart

Monument Mary Sobassian

Cathedral of St. Peter is the first of the seven pilgrimage basil of Rome. This is a magnificent building - the fruit of the work of several generations of the greatest masters Italy: Rafael, Michelangelo, Bramte, Bernini worked on him. Cathedral of St. Peter accommodates up to 60 thousand people! About 400 thousand people can accommodate in front of the cathedral.

Entrance to the Cathedral of St. Peter - C PPAWOGE SERVICE CONTROL PERE OF CONTROL (CLEAN OPERAGE TO NAME CONNECTED immediately). In the Cathedral of St. Peter is not allowed in the inappropriate clothing: if the shoulders are open, the skirt is above the knee. About shorts and slippers do not even say - forget!

Lyfhak: In the cathedral in the skirt, even just above the knee are not allowed, but on the dome of the cathedral - they let go. And the descent from there - to the Cathedral of St. Peter! True, this experience was in 2009, maybe the guards and walked since then ...

Visit the Cathedral of St. Peter in Vatican

Remember about the dress code - no mini, shorts or open shoulders - both for men and for women! Queues in the Cathedral of St. Peter must go through the scanner as at the airport. But even if you passed them, you can wrap the door guards if you are not suitable. In the heat, a lot of people are not allowed to the cathedral, since their clothes do not meet the requirements!

The dress code is very strict in the Cathedral of St. Peter, stricter than in.

It is best to come to the Cathedral as early as possible. Already at 11 in the morning, the turn is already long on the whole area, the minimum will leave for about 45 minutes. At the lowest season, in Feran, for example, the queues are short, but there is.

Free entry:

Rules act on the Cathedral of St. Peter and.

  • 1 Sunday every month
  • World tour of tourism (September 27)
  • Children under 6 years
  • Preferential ticket: 6 - 18 years old, students up to 25 years old.

Cathedral of St. Petel

  • eugene. Apr.-Sant 07.00-19.00, OKT.-MART DO18.00,
  • clear

Treasury of the Cathedral of St. Peter

  • church decor, statues, papal mitras and various items, most often gifts kings and princes, as well as an outstanding collections of art. It is impossible to photograph. Entrance from the Cathedral of St. Peter.
  • 09.00-18.15, Oct. - March or 17.15,
  • 08.00-18.00, Oct. - March or 17.00,
  • Entrance to the portication of the Cathedral of St. Peter (outside)
  • paid entrance
  • it is possible to rise in part on the elevator (320 steps after the elevator) or on foot (551 steps, 2 euros cheaper than on the elevator)
  • Upstairs - Panorama 360 degrees on and
  • The entrance is paid: 8 € on the elevator, 6 € on foot, preferential 4 €. Tickets

Vaticanskaya grotto

  • Extensive dungeons or crypts located under the Cathedral of St. Peter. Here are the graves of Roman dads, others are buried in the cathedral. The grave of Pope John Paul II is located in the grottoes under the floor of the cathedral and free to visit.
  • Visit the Vatican grots at the end, since coming out of them you will be out of the cathedral of St. Peter.
  • The entrance to the sign of the cathedral, the narrow staircase to the Vatican grottoes is not so easy - you can ask for helping the staff of the cathedral.
  • 07.00-18.00, Oct.-March or 17.00, at. pl.


  • 09.00-17.00 Talko C Excursions
  • 06 69 88 53 18
  • Login: 13 €.

View Pope Rimsky

  • If Pope is in his residence, you can see it at noon Sunday: Dad usually appears in the window to pray and bless the crowd on. Tickets are not required.
  • Or you can visit the main audience on Wednesday, which is held on the Sv. Peter. Tickets are required.
  • When Pope is located in his summer residence (July and August), the main audience is carried out in the courtyard of the city of Castelgandolfo.
  • A ticket for the main audience with Pope is required, but it is free. It can be obtained in the prefecture of the papal residence, where you can get through the bronze doors. The office is open in PN, from 9:00 to 13:00, and on Tuesday from 9:00 to 18:00.
  • Order a ticket by phone. +39.06.69883114 - +39.06.69884631; Or fax +39.06.69885863.

Construction of the Cathedral of St. Peter

On prediction, na mete, certificate cathedral of St. Peter(Basilica. dI SAN Pietro.), there was a penalty and anxorneled apostle Peter. In 324, Konstantin's imppatant should build a health basil. In 1503, Dad Julius II Series, a new X-MEECTE, Basilica, is a large Christian Cathedral in the world.

The bramtel donibly, the Rafael, Juliano and Sangallo and Baldasse Peruszi, were taken to participate in the NIX, the 20th team, a member of the Cathedral of the Cathedral of the Cathedral of the Cathedral. There is a fairness, with the maintenance of the jurisdiction, and in 1626, downtown, the 120 defaults are not available, the Xam is overwhelmed.

The length of the Cathedral of the BEZ portico Cactulates 186.36 m, and the portist is 211.5 m.

In the cathedral of St. Peter Mostly Conduct NE Odin Hour, but, Esley Y You will stay vchestvo, you can climb on the dome of the cathedral and to love the Valika Panorama of Rome.

Interior of the Cathedral of St. Peter

Shippy Master Holder Lifts up to the Cathedral. Y EE NaHala Na Square It is about the Figs of the Apostles Petel C.the keys of OT Paradise (Guseppe DE Fabris, 1840) and Paul C.mech (Adamo Tadolini, 1838).

Introducing the Square in the X-CPU, it is easy to approach the Vatican's presentation, the PACPLY Ya lach has a fairness.

Cheras discovery two in the deep depth Scala. Regia, Hermitage, Cathedral and Apostolic Worst. The bottom of the smaller seems to be much long, who is very necessary, but this is an optical illusion: the staff is postponely narrowed, the arch becomes lower, they still become a meansee and delivering.

All this is a strengthening of the redugtee, and the staff of the Lessinee is a dad, EGO FIGHPA seems to be nimble and variable.

Portico Cathedral of St. Peter

In the spacious porticity stand Connye MONUMENTS, SPAPA - Statue KonstantinC1 (Frini, 1670), SEVA - Karl LelikovaC2 (Agostino Cornakkin, 1725).

Five gates are in the cathedral. Extreme SPAPA - Svyaty GateC3 ( Porta Santa., 1949).

They are closed and opened in the jebley (shrine). From the inside of the Cathedral to them, the bronze creekt and a non-mailbox, in which the key op will have the key. In the jubilee don, in the correspondence of the creened ritual and TPEX, the shrines of the Holy Holy Svyat, and the dad, taking the CPECT, to the cathedral. In the end of the anniversary dot, the gates will be shut again and are immovable.

Door Filarete

Cset bronze twips Philrete(Porta del. Filarete., 1445) C4 There was a pedestal to the cathedral from the old basilica.

In the tweel part of the part of the FigyPs of Saves and the Games of Na Trone. In SepeDine - Svyolya Pepper and Paper. In the BX BLUEX, the sacrifice of the Court and the execution of the apostles. In the lower part of the side of the Kleima MAKO YVITE Roman monuments: the pyramid of Guy Tsesty, the Castle of the Holy Angeal in the EGO of the Pyramidal Tomb of the Meta-Romuli Pyramid Tomb, which has been reading at 1499 for the order of the Aleksandra VI.

Basic is the fact that we are framed. Multiple SCEs of NA TEAMS LEADS MYTHS: "Romulus and Rem", "Lead and Lebe", "Sabinets" and Basen Ezopa: "Wolf and Yagneok", "Fox and Zhuravl", "Crow and Lisens", a tank Ports of imppators and ornaments of plants and fruits.

NAAD DOWEP MPAC bapelf"Jesus gives me the keys of OT Paradise" (Ambrogo Buonvichicino, 1614), a taway of the statue of the XRIS, John Kpetite and Odintsy Apostles.

Mosaic "Navichella"

Have to believe in your back to two philarite, then the arch of the portal can be distinguished by the elasticate of the old basilica mosaic "Navichlla"C5 ("Ship") C pictures of Jotto (1298). HA NEY PPEDCTABLNE EVANGELSKY SYSTE: PEAT MOVE CONSTRUCTION Xrista, go to the water, "Jaco with Sumuu", but, frightened, does not want to sink and pray for Jesus to save Ego. Jesus stretches his hand with the words: "Little! Zachem doubted? "

With extremines of the stoot, na put on the floor of the floor itself to yu kleimo MACTEPA, Introduced by VERX NA OSL Owards, the head of the perception of the assistants, which are searched by each of them with their work tools (hammer, chisel, circus).

In the NEKOLKX SHEGAX DOWE NA PoE NAXOP circle from PorfiraC6, the one here from the old basilica. They had a reasonable mete, GDE in the birth of the night 800, Karl, who had a penny of Pope Lvom III, who was coroned by the Egor of the Sacred Roman Emppius.

Dalse Po Cathedral Axis in Paul Mounted maprose plate, you can clearly demonstrate the comparative posts of the CaMeX largex in Mire of Xams, we have a two. It is clear to him how many St. Petel Cathedral is prevailing.

Apse Cathedral St. Peter

In the resulting drill, baptistersC7, Altare YK has places mosaic (1722) C pictures of Carlo Maratti "Cement Jesus Xritis". Komelit is from a porphy-free sarcophagus IV pee.

Padoam with a capella naxodes mary Klementine Monument124 (Puteton Bracci, 1742), Zeende Na English predicted, Catholic James III Stewart. Y Control Pilon Tit monument StewartC9 - Path Antonio Canova (1829). The tombstones of the English king of Georgia III.

In the slaughter of the drop in altapeisot of SCEM "Input WO Institutes of Present Gods" C10 (Pitro Christophai, 1728). In the drops of Pope Pope Pius X.

Monument Innocent VIII.

Dalee Pluga Pershesiate here from the old Basilica double bronze monozent InnokentiaVIII. C11 (Antonio Del Polanolo, 1498). In the lower part of the meamorial dad is depicted, A in Verxnei - Sitting Na Trone. He will go to the hands of the twist of the spear, which is, how will it seek, Sotnik Longin pierced the studie of Jesus. This Rylikvyu sent to Rome from Constantinople WO in the first place of InnoNesty VIII Sultan Bayazid II in a swing of redemption of Brother's redemption, which is pushing.

Fal need of a patterned wrought iron cell KoroC12. Health is a portion of the stuff of st. John Zlatoust, ARXIEPISKA Konstantinople (beginning v in.).

Monument to Pope Risk Lion XI

In the ppoxoode y, the layer is naxod monument to Pope LervXI C13. Ha Bapelfe (Algardi Algardo, 1644) IsoBean Signs "Paris Title Mets". Dad Lev XI serves as a mead, the future king of Gengik IV Bourbon is listening to. Lose the King of the Testament of Protection and Perecel in Catholicism, however, it would slowly pay it to the settlement, so when it received a daddy's dad at the Queen.

Tombstone Innocent XI

Nappitive - daddy's tombstone insanityXI C14 (Pier Ethene Monno, 1704), in the next Yang Soba, made a clear siege to be too much. This event is worthwhile at the BaperFE Sarcophag. This is how many steps are one of the tops of the pillars, finding a huge dome of the cathedral, predicts the mosaic curtain (1767) of the painting of Raphael " Propener of the Lord."C15.

Monument to Pope FIU VII

Have steady monument of Pap Pail.VII C16 (1831). This is a Catholic Cathedral, a Catholic, and the Danish TorvaldSene Danish Torvald Skylptor. Pado with a monument - alta Pope Gregory Lie, Capped in the Marosa Rakse is still relics.

With the progress of the NA pylon, a mosaic crook (1727) from the paintings of Polancho " Sapphire punishment"C17. In junction, the apostles do it, what kind of Sapphira Wmecte with the husbands of the Ananians tried to deceive the apostles, taking part of the state of them. Happoduats PACPLY treasurercathedral.

IN southern TranspectionC18, PACPLY NA MEECTE is pronounced crucifixes of St. There are three altares. In the CEntpe is a sv. Joseph C Lily of Farming, Jesus Jesus's Hands (Akilhe Funi, 1963). SEARS - CAPIA (1784) C Pictures of Guido Reni "Crucified Apostle Petel", APPA - "Upsee an AP. Thomas "(1822).

Tombstone Alexander VII.

Padoam with a capal pope tombstone AleksandraVII C19, is one of the names of Bennini (1678). For a clariflee dad, the figs and prudence of fighters and prudence, and ICTIN and ICTIN, are visible. MACTEP performed the simply naked (in the correspondence of the cordious allegories), later EE was covered with a thin bronze sheet, painted paint. Pepad praying dad Smartdelights in the hands of a watch watch, showing, so that there is a lame of ever.

Capella Column

Cell canC20 Nazu In this Chet of the Health of the Health of the Flagmant can be killed with the old basilica with the name of Mary's DEVER. This icon is called Mater. Ecclesiae., "Mother of the Church."

In Altape (Gacomo Port, 1581), the remains of the Pad Lev II, Lion III and Lion IV.

On COCEME STANE NA baperFe(Alessandro Algardi, 1653) Isobaite LEGEndark Scene: Dad Lev I Little C Copset Sweeps AtiLe Knutright and EGO Square. The remains of the lion's dad I bent in Altape Pad Barlef. Este Odin Dad, Lev XII (1760-1829), the Cell Camels of the Cell Circle Cell Circle with Epitai: "Net-sufficiently from SEX, which is carrying this name", which he himself sebe the chat.

The Cathedral of the Cathedral is two shipaki steps from Porphira, the name here from the old basilica. Nyruxu, in a stained glass window, shiny symbol of Holy Dusa(1660), dove soaring in the beams.

Department of Peter.

Under it PACPLY altare cafes of PetelC21 ( Cathedra. Petri. Giovanni Lorento Bennie, 1666). It is called so because in NEM you will have a dual chair, sitting on the other tradition of the tradition of two times a back of the holy pepper. Rylikvia is framed by a complex pattern of teeth bronze and bes, and the altare is attempted Fike Fathers of the Roman and Gear Church.

Pope Paul III gravestone

Single Cafers - Bronze pope Paul's tombstoneIII C22, performed by Jacomo Port Port. The monument of the monument will take FigyPe, SPAPAVE and Prudevuma algorithm. It seems that Y Julia Julia, Farneze, Paul III and Axaxandra Vi, Pavloma LA Bella. It was not possible to have a naked, but then and nae sketched Beelo covered out of more. Happut - pope Urbana tombstoneVIII. C23, YCRAHEEGUEHEWEELS, CONTROLLY FROM BENESS (1647).

Kapella Archangel Mikhaila

Dalee Sleep aRCHANGE MIXAILE CAPERC24, GDE SELECT PLEASE Mosaic curtains (Pitro Christophary, 1730) C pictures of GVerchino "Pimbanie St. Pertronillas, "Studies, A PO DPYGY SOURCES, DOWERS OF THE APOSTOL PETTER. The herself of the Nazo PO Mosaic Copy (1758) of the Ordinary Picture of the Gvido Refrigeration "ARXANGEL MIXAIL, PRESSING TO PERSONAL SATAN."

Health Late tomb of the dad KlementXIII. C25 (Antonio Kanov, 1792). Happoduitive, B. altape NavichellaC26 (1727), the Biblical Scene will be represented, displayed by Na Mozaic Jotto with anxious to the Cathedral: amenable to the doubt, going to the junction of Jesus with the waters of Geanitsarah Lekra, which is sinking.

Northern TransP

IN sheet transpectionC27 PACPLES three Altail. In the center, Mosaic (1712), is a saint and Martinian, the shrine of the saints and Martinian, the guards of Petel in the mother's prison. In the center of the led altail - mosaic curtain (1739) from the painting of Nikola Pussena "Martiality of St. Erasm", PO Bocames - Madeylons with the delight of Prince Vladimir and Princess Olga, Prishshi XPCTIAN NA Russian Sem. HAPPOTITIVE - PORTE OF KING CHEXIA sv. Vaclav(1740) and Madalon C Is Using Suitable Kirilland Meafodia. Cathedral dome Pause centage altareC28 with challenged lamps with cancer with the relics of the Apostle Petel. Altare is called Patnaya, because to serve Hell Measpec Major Pope. BaldaXin(Frignine, 1633) above Altapes make sure that it is possible. XX Twisted FOPMa will repent the FOPMU from Xrama Solomon, which has been in Rome Imppector Konstantin in the Take of IERSalima.

On CEZEREX MPMERNE Socoles - EYUM BAREFUNYX XPEX BEEX, GREBA Barberini, family, to which Pope urban VIII belong.

Domecathedral in Rome called cupollone. ("Kupulistee"), Po diagnutra (42 m) it is only a member of the dome (43.4 m).

On the Frieze Dome and Dalee Po Frieze, the cathedral was written piming and laturns words: "You're - Peter, and I will have a cache, I will create a church of my, and the gates of Hell NE will beat EE. And give the keys of the kingdom of nonbecular; and what you will connect the name, then you are connected with NEBECAX; And what do you have a manner, then you have a na nable "(Matt. 16, 18-19). In the sails of the dome of the EVANGE sheets with the attributes: Mark with Lvom, Luke with a Cold, John with an Eagle, Mattheye with angel.

The dome will continue to be the first pilon with the 5-meter shrine figures in nichex.

South-to-complimentary pilon has a friend's brother Andrey.C29 (Francois Dukeua, 1635) - Po EVANGEYLY, Andrey Separately asked by Jesus, and EGO is called pemprain. Andrey isoBed with the symbol of the EGO of the Muc.Marty - X-Oblique Copset, it has been crucified. Y South-Zapadny - Figure VelonsC30 (Franched Moka, 1629) with a bedspread, which she served Jesus, and go to Calvary. Jesus Vesu Hying Flooring Pot, and na beds walked NE a man-made face of saving, called the "peptone".

SEVEPO-ZAPAD PILON WILL TILE FIGHT OF TSARITS ElensC31 (Andrea Boldji, 1635), Mathers of the Extament of Konstantin Lie. She dies in the lead hand of nails, the Jesus was brought to CPECT, and in the hands of the hand - the KPECT itself, the found Eu in Yeorusalime. In the series of pilon, the FPAgMerts of this Rylicvia are laughing. In a niche, a maximum pilon is worth the MARINA TACHTING FIGURE LongginC32 (Giovanni Lorento Benni, 1635). The detection of the test of Jesus C Kpecta Sotnik Longin pierced with a speaker's spear, it would make sure that he is merv. The twist of the spear is XPN in the port of this pylon. Padoam C Come in CextPal NEFE Copets Miraculous Bronze statue of St. PetelC33 (Arnolfo Lee Cambio, XIII century).

Chapel San Gregorio

San Gearorio CellC34 WASA has been performed by the drawing of the Michelangean Ego and the port of Jacomo. Health in the Central Altape XPeNes from the old Basilica icon Xii temple " Madonna-Del-Sokcoco"(" The Mother Moment-Spearproof "). Capper Bogato YK has a polyxome Mpamor. Ha floor is published gERBboncompani genus.

Pope Grigoria tombstoneXIII. C35 (Camillo Ruscona, 1723) from the genus Boncompani naxades in the lach of the NEF. The sarcophagus is ready for the dragons of the Dragons, Na NEM is depicted by the management of the Gregory Calendar's Pope.

Nappitive, Cylno Contrasting with Gregory XIII, Pacpobes Empty Niche Certique Gregory XIV.

Elegant wrought reserve fence celental saints SainsC36, where it is possible to enter exclusively for the consistence of prayer.

In Altape, shine gilded bronze kyot C m. Relikviy. He is a picture of the picture of the XYDTER's picture of the Korton "Trinity Novosza". This is a written picture in a cathedral written by oil. SPABA - Mosaic Couping C Pictures of Dimensively "Extas Francis. "

Nappoduitive PACPLY tuscan Matilde TuscanC37 (Frini, 1637), Countess, live in the XI VEKE, WO VREAGE SOLUTX EXTERNAL CONFLICTS C Pope Roman, and speaking NA Pope. In ChIcle, it should have been behaved. HA Bapelfe is playless by the Scropping of the pennation of the Gengorian IV Pope Pope Gregory VII in Kanosse, Matilda Zama, whether it was a predictable papal.

Nahappodifting a pinion with a mosaic, is a CON MACHINE. SEBASIAN (CPI C Pictures), - monument of the Swadian Queen CICTINEC38 (Carlo Fontana, 1702), filled in Crypte Cathedral.

Petie Michelangelo

Inspection of the Cathedral of Mostly MAKE Y Camella with a znahanged " Pieta»C39 (Michelandjelo, 1499). The sculpture of the manner MPa Madonna with Madonna with the Talk of Jesus POCLE Removing C is Clecent. Maria will pride in the eye of young ladle. How to turn in 1972 by the maniac revealed the statue, she was for a sprinkle room.

Padoam with "Piete" naxodes the descent in cryptC40. HA is the deep 4 m PacpLeese of the subsemale, called "holy gross", the GDE are collected by the ultrasound of the old tomb basilica, mosaic and ex.

Jubilee year

In 1,300 dad of Bonifami Pope VIII YTanovil the order of celebration of the Council of Jubilee in the Church. Dad passed the release of all GEXs TEM pilgrims, which will one of the rest of the pilgrimage in Rome and will perform the Epitude, and I am very much like to take the basilica of St. Petel and St. Paul in the trial of fifteen days. For the lifts of Rome, this pedariode was taken to thirty days.

Two thousand years ago, when Italy Rules Nero, there was an amphitheater here, in which a lot of Christians died. In 67. grabbed, tried, made a deadly sentence and led the Apostle Peter. He, not wanting to die exactly as Christ died, asked to execute him with a different method. Cruced it down her head and buried not far from the place of death. And after three centuries, a construction was built at the place of its burial - there is now the Cathedral of St. Peter.

There is a Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican, in the north-western part of Rome, the capital of Italy (on the map, the temple can be found in the following coordinates: 41 ° 54 '7 "s. Sh., 12 ° 27' 11" c.).

This cathedral is the largest temple of the Vatican and until recently was the largest Christian church in the world: the area exceeds 22 thousand square meters., The height is 133 m, the length along with the portico is almost 212 m. Basilica is designed for 60 thousand believers, Four more hundred thousand Christians can accommodate the area located in front of the cathedral.

The dimensions of this temple exceed only erected in 1990 in Yamusukro, the capital of Kot'd Ivoire, the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the World, which is about 30 thousand square meters. The truth, despite its huge sizes, it is capable of accommodating only 18 thousand parishioners.

History embodied in stone

Ereated by order of Constantine, the basilica had quite a modest appearance, for a long time it did not differ special and stood eleven centuries. As long as in 1506, Pope did not told on the site of the old church, whose age exceeded eleven centuries and by the time in emergency, to build the Cathedral of St. Peter.

The construction would eclipse not only all the pagan temples, but also existing Christian churches, becoming the center of Catholicism and the symbol of the Ponti authorities. The fact that it was at this place that the Apostle Peter was found on this place, played an important role in choosing a high priest.

For the construction of the temple, the best sculptors, architects and artists from all over Italy were invited. Considering that the construction time of the cathedral belongs to the era of the Renaissance, during which such artists like Michelangelo, Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini and other famous personalities lived, did not surprise the fact that the plan was still one hundred percent.

Throughout the construction (and in total, it lasted not one century), various people were responsible for work, which constantly introduced fundamental changes in the temple layout, which had a serious impact on the architecture of this temple:

  • The first architect of the cathedral was Donato Bramte - he suggested building a temple, the form of which would be similar to the Greek Cross with the same parties (construction work began in 1506)
  • When he died, the architect was appointed Rafael Santi, who had changed the plan, giving a temple with the form of the Roman cross (with a longer fourth party).
  • The next architect, Baldassare Peruszi preference gave the initial plan.
  • But Antonio da Sangallo supported the idea of \u200b\u200bthe second architect.
  • Michelangelo over the cathedral in Italy began working since 1546. He returned to the original plan of Bramante, but the project still modified: provided for the presence of a portico in the east from the building with a huge number of columns, the supporting structures made a massive and identified the central space (as the Basilica looked at the time of Michelangelo, it can be seen from the western side of the temple). Also Michelangelo I managed to build a main dome drum, the construction of which had to end with the next architect, Gacomo dellared the port (he gave the dome more oblong shape). Michelangelo planned to surround the main dome four smaller, but Vigola's architect decided to build only two, placing them on the sides from the central one.

  • Carlo Madern at the beginning of the XVII Art. By order of Pope Paul V, returning to the Roman version, increased the length of the cross on the east side. He also built the facade with a height of 48 m (without sculptures) and a width of about 120 m, fully scrubbed the dome, which lost its dominant position. At the top of the facade, the six-meter sculptures of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist and almost all the apostles, except Peter.
  • Quite soon, due to the huge influx of believers, it became obvious that the area should be built in front of the cathedral. Construction work entrusted Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini.

Temple doors

In front of the central doors, the sculptures of the Apostles Paul and Peter are installed, in the hands of which are the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Five bronze doors lead to the temple.

At the same time, the most extreme, located on the right, is closed and open it only once every 25 years, in the holy year, on the eve of Catholic Christmas (at this time there is the possibility of reserving the most serious sins). When this year ends, the holy doors are laid by concrete.

In the central part of the main doors, Paul and Peter are depicted, Jesus and Maria sitting on the throne on them.

From the bottom, fragments depicting the court and the execution of the devotees of Christ (Peter crucified upside down, Paul cut off his head). Above the doors - made of marble bas-relief Bernini with the inscription: "Jesus presents Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven."

What does the temple look like from the inside

Inside, the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome surprises with its incredible dimensions and an extremely rich design - there is a huge number of statues, columns, altars, tombs, which were performed by the most famous masters of their time.

One of these masterpieces is the "mourning of Christ" ("Pieta"), the Marble sculptural composition of Michelangelo, the only sculpture of the master who was signed.

The composition of Michelangelo is a statue of Mary, which the sculptor depicted a young woman on the knees of which lies the deceased Savior. On all the issues of contemporaries, why the mother of Jesus is so young, Michelangelo answered that the Mother of God would not be aging.

Inside the temple is an altar with never oversight lamps, Mass serve from which only the Holy Father has the right. They put this altar in the same place as the previous one, which was once over the grave of Peter (an interesting fact: despite the adopted canons, it is not east, but to the west). In the floor near him, a small "window" was cut through, through which you can see the grave of St. Peter (about what she really is there, the excavations spent in the forties of the last century) were proved.

Under the dome of the Temple over the central altar, another masterpiece of Bernini (in the middle of the cathedral there is a lot of sculptural works): Bronze Baldahin (Kyivory) height in 29 m - it is located on four columns, where the angel figures are installed.

Through the kivoriy, the Department of St. Peter - the chair of the apostle, which support the sculptures of the four holy fathers, and over their heads with the Holy Spirit.

Near the altar is made from bronze sculpture sitting on the papal throne of St. Peter, in whose hands are the keys to paradise. Every Catholic considers his duty to touch his feet - many believe that if you sincerely ask for the fulfillment of your desire, it will definitely come true.

Dome of the Temple

The dome of St. Peter's Cathedral is the highest in the world: its height is almost 137 m, from the inside - 119 m, and the diameter - 42 m. On the arch of the dome, you can see the images of evangelists with animals, which in the "Revelations" of John the Godlov were near God's throne : Near Mark - Leo, Luke - ox, John - Eagle. But Matvey is depicted with an angel who drove him with his hand while writing the Gospel.

You can go up to the top of the dome in two ways: first to drive up on the elevator, and then overcome 320 steps. Or do without a lifting and additionally climb another 231 steps. At first, the fence is quite light: the steps are low and rising easily and the only thing that causes discomfort is a constant movement in a circle, which is why the head is spinning.

Then the rise becomes more complicated: the steps gradually become smaller, cooler and already, and at the very top width between the opposite walls is not a meter. The one who finds in itself the strength and will be able to go to the goal will not regret - the panorama of Rome and the Vatican will not leave anyone indifferent before him.