Experiment as the main method of psychological research. Types, requirements, advantages and disadvantages. Experiment types and methods

Psychology still lacks a generally accepted view of experiment, its role and capabilities in scientific research. The founder of the Leningrad school of psychology B.G. Anan'ev emphasized the role of experiment in psychological research.

Psychology as a science began with the introduction of experiment into its arsenal of methods and has been successfully using this tool for obtaining data for almost 150 years. But during all these 150 years, the debate about the fundamental possibility of using the experiment in psychology does not stop.

"Psychological experiment is a joint activity of the subject and the experimenter, which is organized by the experimenter and is aimed at studying the characteristics of the psyche of the subjects.

The process that organizes and regulates joint activities is communication. The main experiment components are:

1) subject (test subject or group);

2) experimenter (researcher);

3) the conditions of the experiment (additional to the stimulation of the impact on the subject, which can influence his responses).

4) stimulation (the stimulus chosen by the experimenter directed at the subject) - the independent variable is the main component of the experimental situation (stimuli, any external condition of the experiment, any internal additional variable, the way of performing the experimental task, the stimulation mode). It is precisely its effect on the subject that is investigated in the experiment through the study of his reactions. Having provided acceptable external and internal conditions of the experiment, the experimenter proceeds to directly present the subject with the stimulus material and register his responses, systematically monitoring the constancy of the conditions created;

5) the subject's response to stimulation (his mental reaction) is that external reality by which one can judge the processes taking place in his inner subjective space. These processes themselves are the result of the effects of stimulation and conditions of experience on him.

Research stages:

I. Statement of a scientific problem - formulation research topics; - definition object and subject research; - formulation of a general goals research.
P. Theoretical analysis of the problem - analysis of scientific literature on the research topic; - author's model investigated phenomenon.
III. Formulation of hypotheses - hypothesis research; - formulation of tasks research.
IV. Planning and conducting research - program development research; - conducting research.
V. Analysis and interpretation of the results obtained - qualitative and quantitative data analysis; - check statistical significance results; - interpretation of results research.
Vi. Formulation of conclusions - formulation theoretical findings; - development practical recommendations.

Experiment types

There are many views on the differentiation of experimental techniques and a significant number of terms designating them. If we generalize the results in this area, then the totality of the main varieties of the experiment can be represented as follows:

I. According to the validity and completeness of the procedure

Real (specific)

An experiment carried out in reality under specific experimental conditions. It is real research that provides factual material used for both practical and theoretical purposes.

Mental (abstract)

Imaginary experience, impossible in reality. Mental manipulations about the organization and conduct of a planned real experiment in the future. Such a preliminary "replaying" of real experience in the mind is actually its obligatory attribute, which is realized at the preparatory stages of research (problem statement, hypothesis, planning).

II. By the purpose of the experiment


An experience aimed at gaining new knowledge about an object and a subject of study. It is with this type of experiments that the concept of "scientific experiment" is usually associated, since the main goal of science is the knowledge of the unknown.


First of all, one should distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Quantitative include methods for which the main procedures are measurement, categorization and coding .


To reduce the influence of these factors, there are two possibilities: increasing control and creating new techniques. The gain in control is associated with the choice of the experimental design. In addition, special procedures are created, for example, blind method and double blind method... When the blind method is used, the subject is simply deceived, i.e. give incorrect information about what the research is being done for. In the double-blind method, the experimenter himself, interacting with the subjects, does not know what effects were exerted on the subject and whether they were exerted at all.

Natural experiment carried out in a natural environment, at school, hospital or on the street, during professional activities, communication and interaction with other people.

Research in a natural environment allows you to overcome the main disadvantage of a laboratory experiment, the inability to generalize with a real situation. Also, in most cases field study participants are unaware that they are participating in an experiment... But even when they know that they are involved in research, it is not comparable to the feeling of danger and suspicion that arises in the laboratory.

The main disadvantages of natural experiment are

- inability to control side variables,

- -difficulty changing the independent variable and measuring the dependent.

Experiment planning includes the following stages:

  • Firstly, hypothesis formulation, definition and operationalization of the studied variables.
  • Secondly, selection of experimental design, procedures for controlling incidental variables and drawing up a representative sample.
  • third, selection of statistical methods for the analysis of the obtained data taking into account the chosen experimental scheme.

But it is not always possible to organize an experiment... * Imagine that you want to test the hypothesis that correct parenting methods have a beneficial effect on the psyche of a developing person, and as adults, people have better mental fitness, and easily adapt to the social environment. Or, the more a person is tall, the more successful they are in their professional activities. It may be suggested that people with aptitude for the humanities are lagging behind in the natural sciences. An active experiment cannot be conducted to test these hypotheses. In some cases, this is practically impracticable (you cannot vary height, ability, gender, etc.), in others it is unethical (you cannot force parents to use bad parenting methods).

Experimental methodology in psychology is reduced mainly to laboratory (less often - to natural) research, during which preliminary planning and subsequent organization of the most scientifically and methodologically correct experiments are carried out, having one or another relation to the most diverse areas of psychological science, including almost all directions of applied psychology. In particular, the development of effective experimental methods for studying various problems and issues related to the psychophysiology of sensations, perception, development, attention, consciousness, learning, memory, thinking, language is of great importance for the successful development of experimental psychology. Recently, experimental approaches have been actively used in social psychology, as well as in the study of psychological motivations and emotions.

19. Types of experiment.

There are the following types experimental methods: - Laboratory experiment is carried out in artificially created conditions, close to real ones. The results of the experiment are transferred with a certain degree of reliability to a real situation. - Natural (natural) experiment is carried out in the conditions of real activity of the subject: in a classroom, on an airplane, in a real work collective. In the work of an investigator, this method finds application in the form of an investigative experiment, when a suspect is taken to the alleged crime scene to confirm his actions in a real situation. - Formative experiment combines the procedures of psychological research, education, upbringing, training. It can be carried out in the form of trainings, games, solving specific situations, etc. etc. -The method is not limited to the registration of results, but creates special conditions for the development of personal qualities of the subjects. It is widely used in educational psychology.

20. Advantages and disadvantages of the experimental method.

Dignity : 1. High accuracy of results is provided; 2. Repeated studies in similar conditions are possible; 3. Almost complete control is exercised over all variables. disadvantages : 1. The conditions of the subjects' activity do not correspond to reality; 2. The subjects are aware that they are the object of research.

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6. Statistical processing of the experimental results, construction of a mathematical model of the behavior of the studied characteristics.
The need for processing is due to the fact that selective analysis of individual data, regardless of the rest of the results, or their incorrect processing can not only reduce the value of practical recommendations, but also lead to erroneous conclusions.

7. Explanation of the results obtained and formulation of recommendations for their use, refinement of the experimental procedure. Reduction of labor intensity and reduction of test time is achieved by using automated experimental complexes. Such a complex includes test benches with automated setting of modes (allows simulating real operating modes), automatically processes the results, conducts statistical analysis and documents research. But the responsibility of the engineer in these studies is also great: clear test goals and a correctly made decision allow you to accurately find the weak point of the product, reduce the cost of fine-tuning and iteration of the design process.

Experimental stages

  1. Formulation of a cognitive task, goals in connection with the experimental method.
  2. Selection of equipment and assembly of the experimental setup.
  3. An indication of the physical principle on the basis of which the application of the experimental method is supposed.
  4. Observation of the phenomenon, process.
  5. Measurement (taking necessary readings from devices, determining some experimental data).
  6. Description, interpretation of the obtained experimental data and their analysis.
  7. Formulation of conclusions, conclusion, practical significance of the results obtained.

Features of the experiment as a research method

  1. The experiment reveals a causal relationship, i.e. dependence of the phenomenon under study on known controlled conditions.
  2. An experiment involves the active intervention of a scientist in the research process, the management of this process, because the conditions are changed by the scientist himself.
  3. Use of at least two measurement techniques. One of which measures the conditions of the process, and the other method fixes the changes occurring in the objects under study.
  4. A hypothesis is required, i.e. the assumption about the nature of the studied connection, which must be confirmed or refuted by the experiment.


The ability to study the causal relationships between events;
high objectivity, since the results of the experiment are actually events that have occurred;
the ability to check the effectiveness of the marketing decisions taken, especially for new products (trial marketing);
the ability to control the environment;

A probabilistic statement about the strength and nature of the effect of a particular independent variable on the dependent variable;
uncertainty in the applicability of the experimental results for other environmental conditions;
the presence of a time lag (period of time) between the completion of the experiment and the adoption of marketing decisions;
difficulty in leveling the influence of extraneous factors;
high time and financial costs;
high level of risk.


Experimental method is considered to be the most reliable means of obtaining information possible. The success of the research largely depends on the correct choice of experiment, therefore it is important not only to know what types of experiments exist, but also to take into account their organization, planning and creation of appropriate conditions for its conduct.

The experimental method is a form of the mind's approach, which has its own logic and its own technical requirements. He does not tolerate haste, but instead of slowness and even some cumbersomeness he bestows the joy of confidence, partial, maybe, but final.

Although the experiment is based on the practical activity of the researcher, its specificity is not limited to this feature alone. Representing precisely the method of cognition, the experiment includes sensory, logical and theoretical means of cognition, the harmonious combination of which makes it possible to reveal all the features of its nature.

In an experimental approach, research is created by the researcher himself, as a test person, an experimenter, and he can actively intervene in it.

To demonstrate the cause and hypothesis of an effect, an experiment must often show that, for example, a phenomenon occurs after a particular treatment is given to an object, and that the phenomenon does not occur in the absence of treatment.

There are various types of experiment that have interested scientists for many years, and remain significant to this day. Each experiment has its own advantages and disadvantages, each of them needs to be organized in a certain way.


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  1. 1 Science [electronic resource]: Experiment / Wiki site. - Access mode: http://ru.science.wikia.com/ wiki / Experiment

Observation- one of the main methods of collecting primary information, consisting in the systematic and purposeful perception and fixation of mental phenomena in certain conditions.

The most important advantage of the observation method lies in the fact that it is carried out simultaneously with the development of the studied phenomena, processes. The opportunity opens up to directly perceive the behavior of people in specific conditions and in real time and in natural conditions.

Observation allows a broad, multidimensional coverage of events, to describe the interaction of all its participants. It does not depend on the desire of the observed to speak out, to comment on the situation.

The objective disadvantages of the observation method, first of all, include:

  1. limited, fundamentally private nature of each observed situation;
  2. the complexity, and often simply the impossibility of repeating observations.
  3. high complexity of the method.

Difficulties of a subjective nature are also manifold. The quality of primary information can be influenced by:

  1. the difference in the social position of the observer and the observed, the dissimilarity of their interests, value orientations, stereotypes of behavior, etc .;
  2. the quality of information is also affected by the attitudes of the observed and the observer. If the observers know that they are the object of study, they can artificially change the nature of their actions, adjusting to what, in their opinion, the observer would like to see.

Experiment(from Lat. experimentum - test, experience) - one of the main methods of collecting primary information, characterized by the fact that the researcher systematically manipulates one or more variables (factors) and fixes concomitant changes in the manifestation of the phenomenon under study.

The ability to manipulate variables is one of important advantages of the experimenter in front of the observer. The main advantage of the experimental method- in the fact that it is possible to specifically cause some kind of mental process, to trace the dependence of a mental phenomenon on changing external conditions.

This advantage explains the wide application of the experiment in psychology. Most of the empirical facts are obtained experimentally. But the experiment method is not applicable to every research problem. Thus, it is difficult to experimentally study character and complex abilities. The disadvantages of an experiment turn out to be the flip side of its advantages. It is very difficult to organize an experiment so that the subject does not know that he is a subject. If this fails, then the subject's stiffness, conscious or unconscious anxiety, fear of evaluation, etc. are more than likely. To ensure the secrecy of the natural experiment process, it cannot be carried out repeatedly and the possibilities of using the equipment are limited, which is also a negative side of this method.