An emergency contraceptive is better. Anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected act. Contraceptive pills: names, reviews, prices. In what cases are emergency contraceptives used?

Most modern girls and women are quite well versed in matters and know its basic methods. Among which, by the way, there are frankly outdated and already completely irrelevant. For example, the calendar method, when the approximate day is calculated ovulation or the method of coitus interruptus.

According to the scale used to assess the effectiveness of contraceptive methods ( pearl index ), the above mentioned methods are extremely ineffective. The Pearl Index for them is set at 25-40 and 18-27 points, respectively. For comparison, the barrier method of contraception, in which condoms are used, and some other means on this scale, gain 2-3 points.

It is believed that the lower the Pearl index, the higher the protection against unplanned. Perhaps the most effective contraceptive methods used to prevent pregnancy are birth control pills ( , also known as COOK) as well as some hormonal drugs, for example, injections or intrauterine devices.

Of course, pregnancy pills have their disadvantages, however, according to experts, the advantages of such contraception more than cover all its negative aspects. Perhaps the main difficulty faced by women using birth control pills is the need for constant, in other words, daily use of these drugs.

Otherwise, if you skip the next pill intake, the risk of getting pregnant after intercourse, in which, for example, barrier methods of contraception were not used, increases dramatically. What to do in such a situation and what to drink in order not to get pregnant? There is one correct answer to these questions - emergency contraceptives .

In medicine, the name is used for this term postcoital , i.e. emergency, fire, or emergency contraception. This method is effective after unprotected intercourse. In addition, emergency contraceptives can help prevent pregnancy when taking birth control pills on an ongoing basis if a woman is unable or has forgotten to take the medicine more than twice in a row.

Generally, emergency contraceptive pills used if and only if the main method of protection against unwanted conception has failed. Moreover, it is necessary to have time to take such contraceptive pills after the act within 72 hours. Otherwise, even these specially designed emergency contraceptive pills for such situations will not help to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

It is important to emphasize that in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (hereinafter WHO), emergency contraception after unprotected intercourse should not be used by women on a regular basis. Since the hormonal compounds that are part of such drugs can adversely affect not only reproductive function, but also the entire body as a whole.

Emergency contraception is still a more gentle alternative. surgical termination of pregnancy ... But, like all drugs, they should be taken correctly and not abused.

Before we move on to a more detailed consideration of emergency contraceptive pills and talk about how such drugs affect the body, it is worth dwelling on some basic issues related to the process of conception. In order to further better understand the mechanism of action of anti-pregnancy pills on the female body.

So, for pregnancy to occur it has to happen. This is the fusion of the sex cells of partners (male sperm and women oocytes ), resulting in the formation of cells zygotes (a diploid cell capable of "spawning" another cell). By itself, the sexual act cannot be associated with the act of fertilization. Since not every contact between a man and a woman is made for the purpose of procreation.

With unprotected intercourse, a man's sperm naturally enters the woman's vagina. It is noteworthy that the environment of the female body is detrimental to sperm. This is due to the high level of acidity in the vagina. Therefore, after ejaculation, the vast majority of sperm die. However, the most mobile part of them still penetrates uterus and can lead to fertilization. How long does it take to get pregnant after unprotected intercourse?

To answer this question, you need to understand that for conception the stars must, as they say, "converge", namely:

  • it is during this period that a woman should ovulate; this phenomenon is characterized by the state of maturity of the egg. If for some reason at the break follicle the egg did not "come out" in fallopian tube or has not reached its maturity, fertilization will not occur;
  • the sperm of a man must be strong and mobile enough to overcome the acidic environment of the vagina and penetrate into the structure of the egg;
  • when the sperm and egg are combined, the process of dividing the ovum should start;
  • implantation of the ovum should occur, in the process of dividing it into the walls of the uterus.

The entire fertilization process takes about seven days. It is during this period of time that the formation of embryo , which using chorion (predecessor placenta ) is fixed in the uterus, where it grows and develops over the next nine months. It is important to emphasize that it is not uncommon for emergency contraceptive pills to be safe for conception.

This means that even if you follow all the rules for using emergency contraceptive pills after intercourse (for example, they must be taken after a maximum of 72 hours in order not to become pregnant), fertilization can still occur. Of course, such cases are not the majority, and they are more of an exception. However, the likelihood of "flying", as the people call unwanted pregnancy, is always there, even with the use of conventional contraceptives.

Pills for unwanted pregnancy after intercourse fall into two main categories:

  • next day pills , i.e. drugs that are best taken in the next 24 hours after unprotected contact. In fact, a woman has a maximum of 72 hours for the pregnancy pills to work and help avoid fertilization;
  • COC or (so-called yuzpe method ).

As for, oral contraceptives related to COCs or drugs from the mini-pili series are inherently not emergency contraception. After all, birth control pills must be taken constantly. However, there are varieties of such drugs that can be used as pills, so as not to become pregnant after an act unprotected by any means of contraception.

As a rule, for these purposes, an increased dosage of birth control pills containing hormones or antihormones is used. Also, the installation within 120 hours after unprotected intercourse can be attributed to the methods of emergency contraception. intrauterine device .

For pregnancy, emergency contraceptive pills are dangerous because they contain in their chemical composition substances that prevent the onset of fertilization. The main active compounds in anti-pregnancy pills after unprotected intercourse can be either antihormones .

The first compounds are biologically active substances that belong to proteins or steroids and are produced by organs or tissues of a living organism. Hormones are transported through the bloodstream from organ to organ and are responsible for the physiological activity of the body, for example, for its development and growth, metabolism, and so on.

As the name suggests antihormones - these are compounds opposite in action to hormones. They suppress hormonal activity in the body.

It is noteworthy that antihormones, by their nature, having an exogenous or endogenous origin, are often structural analogs of the hormones that they suppress.

So, before wondering what to drink in order not to get pregnant, an emergency contraceptive pill should be remembered that this type of drug may contain:

  • , i.e. synthetic progestin (a steroid female sex hormone), contained in drugs such as: , Tetraginone ;
  • mifepristone , i.e. a synthetic antiprogestin (antihormone) found in contraceptives such as: , Renomelan, Agesta, .

Levonorgestrel-based drugs

First, let's talk about how it works levonorgestrel and preparations containing it. So, the pills that terminate pregnancy related to emergency contraception after the first dose:

  • immediately affect the chemical composition of mucus endocervix (cervical canal of the cervix) , also increasing its viscosity, thus slowing down the process of penetration of sperm into the fallopian tube;
  • act on the ovaries, preventing the release of the mature egg from the main follicle (provided that the pills are taken before ovulation), suppressing gonadotropic hormones, which ultimately blocks or delays the ovulation process;
  • prevent the implantation of an egg, fertilized by a sperm, into the uterine walls for the further development of the embryo and the formation of a "child" place. In order for a failure in fertilization to occur, levonorgestrel not only changes the structure of the endometrium, thereby preventing it from going into the secretory phase, without which ovulation does not occur, but also affects uterine (fallopian) tubes. As a result, the number of their contractions is significantly reduced, which leads to the impossibility of getting a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

It is important to emphasize that drinking the above drugs, which include levonorgestrel , you need only after consulting a doctor. In addition, you should definitely read the instructions that came with the tablets. The thing is that these contraceptives contain colossal doses of hormones.

After taking them, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the female body, the consequences of which can be unpredictable. Therefore, experts refer such contraceptive methods to "disposable" means, which are highly discouraged to use more than 4 times a year. In addition, it is strictly prohibited to use such emergency contraceptive drugs more than once per menstrual cycle.

Emergency contraception pills (they are also called "next day pills" because of the specifics of the reception) - this is an effective, but rather controversial method of protection against unplanned pregnancy. Doctors say that after a single intake of such drugs, serious changes occur in the body, so it takes time to restore the functions of the woman's reproductive system in full.

Mifepristone preparations

What can be said about the second group of emergency contraceptive drugs containing an antihormone mifepristone - they work in much the same way as levonorgestrel-containing birth control pills, i.e. also:

  • inhibit the ovulation process;
  • change the structure of the endometrium, which leads to the impossibility of fixing the fertilized egg on the uterine walls;
  • intensify uterine contractions, due to such hyperreactivity, the fertilized egg is "expelled" from the uterine cavity.

It should be noted that to protect against unwanted pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, you can use and non-hormonal drugs , for example, vaginal suppositories containing nonoxynol (steridil,) or ( , ). The above drugs refer not only to methods of express contraception, since they have a spermatocidal effect, their scope is much wider, due to their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

The above listed names of pills for pregnancy after an act unprotected by any means of contraception are far from all. Nowadays, every pharmacy has a good selection of these drugs. You can find out directly from the pharmacist of the pharmacy about the name of the emergency contraceptive pills, but it is better to ask your doctor about these questions. After all, any drugs (and contraceptives are not an exception to this rule) have their own contraindications and side effects.

This is especially true for women with HB (breastfeeding) or suffering from certain medical conditions in which large doses of hormones or antihormones can be fatal. Let there be no unambiguous answer to the question of whether birth control pills related to postcoital contraception are harmful, since what will be good and effective for some may turn into big health problems for others, no woman should use this method of solving the problem of unwanted pregnancy without prior medical advice.

Only a specialist will be able, firstly, to choose the right drug, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient (an ordinary person can simply get lost in the names of pills that do not say anything about the composition, contraindications or side effects after an unprotected act). And, secondly, it is the doctor who will tell you how to take emergency contraceptives correctly so as not to harm your body and achieve the desired result.

There are several basic rules for taking postcoital contraceptive drugs:

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the period of use of such drugs. The vast majority of tablets should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. Many people have a question, how many days are 72 hours? It is well known that, in one day or in one day, 24 hours, therefore, 72 hours is three days or three days. It is believed that the first emergency contraceptive pill should be drunk as early as possible, the second - optimally 12 hours after the first or maximum 16 hours. It is important to emphasize that the effectiveness of the tablets depends directly on the duration of their intake. It is believed that drugs with levonorgestrel most effective within 24 hours after intercourse (95% effectiveness). When taken after 48 hours, the effectiveness decreases to 85%, and after 72 hours - to 58%. Containing mifepristone pills are also taken no later than 72 hours from the moment of contact.
  • It is important to adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions for the drugs or prescribed by the doctor. As mentioned above, emergency contraceptive pills are taken twice after a certain period of time, for example, Postinor ... However, this rule does not apply to all drugs. Eskinor F or Escapel (contain levonorgestrel ) and Zhenale , Ginepristone, (contain mifepristone ) drink one tablet within 72 hours of sexual intercourse.
  • It is strictly forbidden to independently adjust the dosage of contraceptive pills. This can lead to the development of side effects, as well as provoke serious negative consequences ( bleeding, ). It is recommended a couple of hours before taking emergency contraceptive pills and after not eating food, so that biologically active compounds are better absorbed in the body. If, after taking the drugs, vomiting occurs, then you will have to take the pill again.

Combined oral contraceptives

It is also worth paying attention to the so-called contraceptive method Yuzpe ... As mentioned earlier, familiar to many can be used as emergency contraceptives. COC (combined oral contraceptives). This method can be an excellent solution for those who, for some reason, are contraindicated in pills related to postcoital contraception.

As emergency contraceptives, you can use such COCs as: , Tetraginone, Ovral, other. As a rule, such pills contain hormones - estrogen, levonorgestrel, desogestrel, ethinyl estradiol and progestogen .

According to the instructions, you need to take COCs every day, one piece. However, this rule can be violated in an emergency to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to harm the body. The following dosages of COCs are considered safe for:

  • from 2 to 4-5 tablets (depending on the type of COC) in the first dose, which should take place no later than three days or 72 hours after intercourse;
  • the same number of tablets should be taken 12 hours after the first COC intake.

The effectiveness of this method also depends on the time of taking the drugs. That is, the earlier a woman drank the pills, the greater the likelihood that ovulation will not occur and fertilization will not occur.


We talked about how not to get pregnant after the act "without obligations". Now it is time to discuss the negative aspects of emergency contraception and determine who should not resort to using such an uncompromising method.

There is no benefit from emergency contraceptive pills, apart from, of course, the psycho-emotional calmness of a woman - this is a fact. And how much and what harm can they bring?

levonorgestrel drugs:

  • at pathology of the biliary tract ;
  • with liver diseases, for example liver failure ;
  • in cases where the pregnancy was confirmed by a gynecologist, i.e. the fertilized egg has been successfully implanted into the uterine walls;
  • when the patient's age is 16 or less;
  • at lactose intolerance ;
  • in case of malabsorption galactose and glucose ;
  • with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, crohn's disease ;
  • at;
  • in the presence of tumors that are sensitive to changes hormonal background ;
  • at violation of the menstrual cycle ;
  • at;
  • in case of malfunctions hemostasis systems .

It is forbidden to use containing mifepristone drugs:

  • at liver failure ;
  • at porphyrias ;
  • at renal failure ;
  • in case of malfunctions hemostasis system (blood clotting) ;
  • at the reception glucocorticoids , eg, , etc;
  • at the reception anticoagulants ;
  • at adrenal insufficiency ;
  • with a confirmed pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding; P
  • in the presence of certain diseases in the chronic stage;
  • at anemia ;
  • women over the age of thirty-five;
  • with an ectopic pregnancy.

Of course, any woman has the right to independently decide which modern methods of contraception or even traditional methods to use to protect against unwanted pregnancy. However, you always need to think about what harmful effects can occur for the body when taking certain drugs.

Emergency or "fire" contraceptive pills can be dangerous:

  • risk of development later ectopic pregnancy , which is due to a violation of the process of transporting a fertilized egg to the place of its fixation in the uterus for further development;
  • risk of occurrence uterine bleeding which even medical professionals do not always cope with successfully;
  • risk infertility , especially for young women whose menstrual cycle has not yet been established;
  • risk of development crohn's disease , a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects all its parts (from the oral cavity to the rectum);
  • risk of increased thrombus formation , which is provoked by high doses of hormones contained in all tablets of the "next" day without exception, which leads to , and even lethal effect.

According to women who have experienced the effects of emergency contraceptive pills, the most common side effects of these drugs are:

  • nausea;
  • allergic reactions as rashes and itchy skin;
  • swelling or soreness of the mammary glands (mastalgia);
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • severe headaches;
  • stress ;
  • emotional instability.

Abortive pills. Price, where to buy, how to use it correctly

So-called pharmabort or medicinal often associated with emergency contraception. However, they are far from the same thing. Of course, both drugs help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but the mechanism of action and the time of taking the so-called abortive pills is different.

Let's talk about the main differences between medical abortion, which, according to many experts, is safer than surgical intervention, for example, vacuum aspiration or scraping. Until when can abortion pills be effective in terminating unwanted pregnancies?

So, as we mentioned earlier, after an unprotected act from pregnancy, contraceptive pills related to emergency contraception can be saved for 72 hours. Medication for medical abortion is used when pregnancy has already occurred.

So, when can you use abortion pills, or for how long. These funds can be taken in early pregnancy (up to 42 days amenorrhea - the first day of the last menstrual cycle).

This means that the abortive pills have an effect on the course of pregnancy up to the sixth to the seventh week.

It is worth noting that the most effective abortive pills affect the ovum that is still weakly attached to the uterus for up to four weeks.

During this period, the hormonal background of the female body has not yet reached the peak of its changes and you can resort to the help of medicines to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

It should be noted that abortion pills should not be taken without medical supervision. Although this method of abortion is considered safer than surgery, not always everything goes smoothly and without negative consequences for the female body.

To exclude possible harm to health, it is imperative to consult with a gynecologist, and also take this kind of pill only in his presence, so that a qualified specialist can provide quick help (for example, if severe bleeding opens) and prevent a difficult outcome of medical abortion. Unfortunately, not many people think about how dangerous abortion pills can be.

After all, you can even die from them if complications arise and doctors do not provide the woman with urgent medical care. Therefore, drugs for medical abortion containing mifepristone (a steroidal anti-progestogen substance of synthetic origin), for example, or taken once in a dosage of not more than 200 mg exclusively under medical supervision.

Mifegin , a drug produced by a French manufacturer, like its domestic counterpart Mifeprex contain in their chemical composition the same biologically active substance mifepristone that blocks production progesterone due to the effect on progesterone receptors. In the normal course of pregnancy, such as progesterone generated corpus luteum ovaries , forms endometrium whose main function is to create the best conditions for development embryo .

The action of mifepristone-containing drugs has the opposite effect ( myometrium shrinks, increases growth prostaglandins ), which ultimately leads to the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. After a maximum of 48 hours after using the abortive pill, the woman should complete the medical abortion and take medications such as or Gemeprost .

These are analogs of prostaglandins, which stimulate the process of "expulsion" of the fetus from the uterus. It is very important to understand that in order to avoid serious complications, the patient must be under compulsory medical supervision within 2 hours after taking the above drugs.

In order to fully make sure that the pregnancy was terminated, a woman needs to undergo an ultrasound scan two days after the procedure, and then return to the gynecologist's appointment two weeks later. According to experts, the effectiveness of this method reaches 99%. However, in some cases, abortive pills do not help to completely get rid of the fetus, and then the woman has to undergo such unpleasant procedures as:

  • abrasion (in common people scraping ) Is an operation aimed at removing the ovum, as well as some pathological formations on the mucous membranes of the uterus;
  • vacuum aspiration (in everyday life, the name mini abortion ) Is a method of abortion, in which the fetus is removed from the uterus using a special vacuum suction.

As we said above, medical abortion is considered the most gentle way to terminate an unplanned pregnancy, since there is no mechanical effect on the uterus. As a result, her mucous membranes are not damaged, which excludes many possible complications. However, this method also has a number of contraindications, in which the use of abortive pills is prohibited:

  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries or uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy ;
  • scars on the uterus , due to previously transferred operations;
  • some gastrointestinal diseases .

When performing a medical abortion, the following complications may occur:

  • bleeding in the uterus;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea;
  • sharp abdominal pain;
  • incomplete abortion, those. a situation in which the pregnancy progresses, since the rejection of the fetus has not occurred;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • vomiting.

Contraceptive pill price

The price of postcoital contraception pills depends on several factors. Firstly, the cost is influenced by the manufacturer of the drugs, secondly, the number of tablets in the package, and thirdly, the region where contraceptives are sold. For example, such popular and widespread pills as Postinor in Ukraine the average cost is 200 hryvnia, and in Russia 350 rubles.

How much do abortion pills cost? The price of this type of drugs depends primarily on their manufacturer. In addition, as we mentioned earlier, pharmacological abortion is a medical procedure that must be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician. Therefore, the cost of the services of a gynecologist is added to the cost of the abortive pills themselves, who will monitor the patient and will be able to provide her with timely assistance if something does not go as planned.

Unprotected sex can happen ... for every woman. This is known to lead to inappropriate pregnancy, which can be a real pain for both partners. What birth control pills can I use after intercourse within 72 hours?

Emergency contraception

"SOS" - means contain a "horse" portion of a synthetic female hormone - gestagen, which suppresses ovulation by acting on a part of the brain (anterior pituitary gland), which is responsible for stimulating the development of the dominant follicle in the ovary and the maturation of the female reproductive cell in it. In addition, the synthetic hormone significantly thickens the cervical mucus, so sperm cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity.

If, nevertheless, conception has occurred, then the fertilized egg is faced with another destructive obstacle. Emergency contraception regresses the endometrial layer, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for the attachment of the zygote to the uterine membrane, which is an important condition for the existence of the ovum.

How to take pills for unprotected sex

It is recommended that birth control pills be taken within 72 hours after intercourse. Emergency medications often cause an imbalance of hormonal origin, therefore it is not recommended to use them more often than once a quarter and in no case - twice in one cycle. If vomiting occurs within four hours after taking the hormonal contraceptive, then the woman needs to take a second dosage.

Despite the fact that the instruction indicates the use of contraceptive pills after the act within 72 hours, it is recommended that hormonal contraception be carried out as early as possible. Ideally, this is best done immediately after an unprotected intimate relationship.

It should be remembered that birth control pills are taken after sex - their effectiveness during the first day is 85-95%, second and third - 80%, fourth - 65.

Today, pharmaceutical companies provide the pharmacy market with a wide range of modern means for emergency contraception. To your attention a table with a brief description of the drugs.

Name of the medicine Method of using tablets Price in dollars (at the time of writing)
Postinor After the “romantic” act, the contraceptive pills should be drunk within 72 hours (the next pill in the package - after 12 hours) 7
Ovidon Twelve hours after PA, the second - after the same period of time 5 – 7
Escapel Tab. inside, after intercourse in the first 72 hours 8
Ginepristone Tab. applied 4 days after PA 4,8 – 6,5
Zhenale 1 tab. inside the next four days after "open" intimate relationship 6,4

See also the section ““

Every woman should first of all worry about her health, because if unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred, then she will need to drink the drug, and not her partner. However, even a prudent girl can get into an unforeseen situation, for example, if a condom breaks during a close relationship. There are also criminal cases - rape, which can also lead to the fertilization of an egg.

In other words, emergency contraception should be treated as a last resort. Many women admit that they only used them in their youth. However, there are those girls who have never in their life found themselves in situations when taking pills was extremely necessary.

Emergency “pregnancy prevention” is not for everyone. There are certain contraindications that should be taken into account, since pills may not work and even cause significant harm to health:

  • Impaired hepatic and renal function;
  • Taking coagulating drugs, the presence of physiological disorders of blood clotting;
  • The period of gestation and lactation feeding;
  • Decrease in iron-containing protein with a concomitant decrease in the number of red blood cells;
  • History of ectopic pregnancy;
  • Violation of the production of hormones by the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland;
  • Taking synthetic hormones (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone), as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Malignant tumors, especially affecting the female reproductive system (breast, ovarian, uterine cancer), benign neoplasms (mastopathy, fibroma, fibroids);
  • Dysfunctions of the digestive system associated with absorption;
  • Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory process that affects all parts of the alimentary tract - from the oral cavity to the anal canal.

Before using the funds, you need to consult with a specialist!

Women of Balzac's age should remember that they are taken with great caution, since by this age, serious diseases of the reproductive system associated with hormonal disorders are often diagnosed.

7 dangers of birth control pills 72 hours after intercourse

Even in the absence of contraindications, SOS preparations can cause a side effect. Symptoms and conditions, in some cases developing as a result of taking medication:

  1. Soreness of the mammary glands and their swelling;
  2. Headache, dizziness, in rare cases - fainting;
  3. Drawing pains over the pubis, as before menses;
  4. Increased nervousness, rapid mood swings;
  5. Allergic reaction, manifested in the form of focal redness of the skin and small rash;
  6. Nausea, epigastric pain, vomiting;
  7. Menstrual delay after birth control pills.

Sometimes complications affect fertility. So, hormonal imbalance can cause a tubal pregnancy after taking birth control pills - a fertilized egg will not attach to the wall of the uterus, but it will perfectly “take root” in the fallopian tube (if there is a tendency to do so).

Also, regular (sometimes one-time) use of emergency contraception leads to serious and sometimes difficult to respond to violations in the work of the reproductive system. Often this causes infertility, miscarriages in the first trimester, uterine bleeding.

Don't forget to visit a doctor

As mentioned above, emergency pills are not a panacea for an unplanned pregnancy, so a woman needs to visit a doctor in a few weeks to exclude a possible conception. Also, the gynecologist will send for examination (especially if the patient has complaints after taking the pill), which consists in a visual examination on the gynecological chair, taking a smear on the microflora, undergoing ultrasound diagnostics and donating blood to the level of hormones of each phase.

If a woman has had sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner, the specialist will prescribe a series of tests to exclude diseases transmitted due to close sexual intercourse.

Many girls are wondering if it is possible to get pregnant after stopping the contraceptive pill? If we talk about drugs that "turn off" the function of the ovaries (they are taken daily), then conception will occur when hormonal medications are stopped. When canceling "SOS" contraceptives, you should be careful about the methods of contraception.

  • Emergency remedies do not protect against pregnancy in the cycle of taking them if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs again after a few days.

Despite the fact that "urgent" contraceptives are freely available at the pharmacy without a prescription, the girl should consult a doctor before deciding to use them. Each medication has a certain effect and hormonal saturation, therefore, depending on the woman's age and the diseases she has, the gynecologist will individually prescribe the remedy that, in his opinion, will be the most effective.

Emergency contraception are methods and means of preventing unwanted pregnancy, intended for use after intercourse. They are designed for a one-time appointment and are not a substitute for routine contraceptives. The effectiveness of emergency contraception directly depends on the timing and technique of use: if the recommendations of specialists and manufacturers are followed, conception can be avoided in 95% of cases.

  • had unprotected intercourse;
  • when using barrier contraceptives, they were damaged or slipped;
  • 3 times in a row failed to take hormonal drugs of planned contraception;
  • there were doubts about the effectiveness of spermicidal tablets or films due to their incomplete dissolution;
  • the technique of interrupted intercourse is violated.

Emergency contraception is also necessary to prevent pregnancy resulting from committed rape.

Before turning to the emergency prevention of conception technique, you should make sure that it is necessary. To do this, you need to determine the day of the menstrual cycle: if intercourse occurred in the first or last week with a cycle of 28-30 days, the probability of the release and fertilization of the egg is minimal.


Several emergency contraceptive techniques and medications are being used as an emergency measure to prevent unplanned pregnancy. All of them have both indications and certain limitations that must be taken into account when choosing a remedy. Contraindications include some pathologies of the genitourinary system, blood clotting disorders, previous liver diseases, the presence of bad habits, etc.

That is why, before using certain medications, techniques and methods of contraception, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Only a specialist will be able to choose an emergency contraception technique, the use of which will be associated with minimal harm to the body.

Operating principle

In gynecology, two main techniques are used for urgent contraception: the introduction of intrauterine copper-containing contraceptives and the administration of hormonal drugs. The principle of operation of these two main groups is somewhat different.

The technique of intrauterine contraception is based on the fact that the means (spirals) injected into the organ are perceived by the body as a foreign body. As a result of the constant presence of an irritating factor in the mucous membrane (endometrium), an increased amount of prostaglandins is formed. They increase the contractility of the muscular layer of the uterus and fallopian tubes. The egg cell moving along the tube, due to more intense contractions, enters the uterine cavity ahead of time and cannot attach to the endometrium. This emergency technique prevents the introduction of a fertilized egg into the mucous membrane, preventing an unplanned pregnancy.

Hormonal contraceptive pills work as follows: the substances contained in them slow down ovulation, so that the egg continues to remain in the ovary. In addition, hormones change the maturation of the upper layer of the mucous membrane, causing its premature rejection. It is accompanied by bleeding similar to menstruation. Even if the egg has managed to get into the tube and fertilize before using contraception, it will come out along with the blood and the upper layer of the endometrium.


Before settling on one of the emergency contraceptive techniques, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons of each option and establish the feasibility of its application in a specific situation.


If no more than 72 hours have passed since sexual intercourse, the gynecologist may recommend one of the hormone-containing drugs as an emergency contraception. The effectiveness of this emergency method ranges from 60 to 90% and depends on the composition of the tablets and adherence to the technique of administration.

Most hormonal emergency contraception is for a single use, in some cases you may need to take the pill again after 12 hours. Before recommending this technique, the doctor must rule out contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy (hormones have a negative effect on the fetus), past uterine bleeding and liver disease.

Because the hormonal emergency contraception technique changes the balance of hormones, a woman may experience some discomfort and a temporary deterioration in well-being. The side effects of this emergency conception prevention technique are headaches, dizziness, nausea, and soreness in the lower abdomen.

The use of the hormonal emergency prevention of pregnancy technique in the vast majority of cases causes a violation of the cycle. Menstruation may begin earlier or later than the due date, while the discharge is more abundant. The reason for a visit to the doctor should be a delay in menstruation by more than three weeks after using contraception.

Hormonal contraception is not recommended for breastfeeding, as some of the components pass into breast milk. If this technique is the only possible way to urgently prevent conception, the drug is taken as follows: the pill is drunk after feeding the baby, who is then transferred to artificial feeding for at least a day. Some medicines for emergency contraception require a longer period to be eliminated from the body, so consultation with a specialist is necessary. Compliance with these recommendations during lactation will minimize the impact of hormones on the baby.

The list of pills that can be used for emergency contraception is quite large. They differ in composition, technique of exposure, a list of contraindications. Only a specialist can determine which tablets are suitable in a given situation, and whether it is possible at all to use this technique for preventing conception, after taking an anamnesis and assessing the patient's condition. Hormone medications for emergency medical abortion cannot be purchased over the counter without a prescription.


The installation of intrauterine devices is a non-hormonal technique for preventing pregnancy. Today, you can find several dozen types of such contraceptive devices on sale. They are made from flexible plastic, copper or silver. It is believed that the best spirals are those that contain copper. This metal is able to inhibit the vital activity of sperm, which provides an increased efficiency of the prevention technique.

Spirals are divided into types not only by materials, but also by shape. Traditionally, T-shaped devices are used for emergency contraception, but some women with an irregular shape or abnormal curvature of the uterus are advised to install other coils for more secure fixation.

The recommended terms for using such an emergency contraceptive technique are up to 5 days from the moment of unprotected sexual intercourse. Before placing the spiral in the uterus, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests and examinations that will establish the possibility of using this emergency pregnancy prevention technique. The list includes smears for microflora and oncocytology, a clinical blood test, ultrasound of the internal genital organs and other examination methods.

Various types of spirals can be introduced both for a short period to prevent conception after unprotected intercourse, and for a long period of up to 5 years (if a woman intends to use the technique as planned contraception).

The method has several contraindications that must be taken into account before making a final decision. Non-hormonal methods of contraception are not suitable for those girls and women who have not yet given birth or have had an ectopic pregnancy in the past. The absolute contraindications for the use of technology include the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, sexually transmitted infections, various pathologies of the endometrium.

Installation of an intrauterine device has undeniable advantages compared to the use of hormonal emergency contraception:

  • the efficiency of the method reaches 98%;
  • during intercourse, the woman and her partner do not experience discomfort;
  • this is one of the most affordable methods of contraception: the spiral can be installed for several years, during which there is no need to use other types of contraceptives;
  • the method of non-hormonal emergency contraception is recommended for nursing mothers due to the absence of harmful effects on the baby.

The use of a spiral also has its drawbacks. First of all, this concerns an increase in the intensity of discharge during menstruation. The technique is also not suitable for those women who do not have one permanent partner due to the increased likelihood of infections entering the uterus.


Some women, after having intercourse without using contraception, avoid visiting a doctor, preferring to hormonal pills and installing a spiral folk remedies for emergency pregnancy prevention.

The most popular methods and types of traditional contraception include douching with herbal infusions and vinegar solution, taking a hot bath, using decoctions from ginger root, marjoram or shepherd's purse. The effectiveness of such techniques is quite low, but this is not the main drawback of such contraception: most of the methods of contraception that are used at home can lead to damage and burns to the uterine mucosa, cause an exacerbation of concomitant diseases and menstrual irregularities. Doctors strongly advise against using such emergency techniques for preventing and terminating pregnancy, as such contraception can affect health and lead to serious complications.

When using any of the emergency conception prevention techniques, the following important points should be considered:

  • No form of emergency postcoital contraception protects against sexually transmitted diseases. If intercourse did not occur with a regular partner and there is a possibility of infection, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations for the presence of genital infections as soon as possible.
  • During the visit to the doctor, it should be clarified at what time it is possible to return from emergency to planned contraception, and which pregnancy prevention technique is most optimal for use in the future. First of all, this applies to cases of using hormonal pills. Depending on what the composition and name of the drug is, the timing of the resumption of taking the pills varies from 1 to 6 days.
  • If a woman does not plan to have children, she should think about contraception, which will forever eliminate the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. Feedback from specialists and patients suggests that sterilization is currently the safest and most effective contraceptive technique.

Points for and against

Any type of emergency contraception has side effects, ranging from allergies, headaches and discomfort to more serious problems that cause irregular and more intense periods. Before using one of the emergency conception prevention techniques, you should definitely make sure of its necessity and weigh all the pros and cons.


Despite the negative impact of hormonal emergency contraception on the body, it has one significant advantage: it helps to avoid the more dangerous stress for the female body associated with abortion. The technique of artificial termination of pregnancy has not only negative physiological consequences. For many women, abortion is the cause of depression, neurosis and other psychological disorders. Using emergency contraception can help you avoid many problems.

Installing an intrauterine device has the following advantages:

  • The technique can be used both as an emergency and as a planned contraception.
  • The method has the highest degree of effectiveness among all known types of emergency prevention of conception.


The main disadvantages of emergency contraception techniques include the presence of many contraindications and side effects. So, hormonal drugs can provoke menstrual irregularities, the appearance of bloody discharge up to the opening of uterine bleeding. Frequent use of such emergency contraception increases the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy.

The main disadvantages of the spiral installation technique are the need for a preliminary medical examination, the likelihood of injury to the mucous membrane and the walls of the uterus when performing emergency contraception manipulations, an increase in the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes of infectious etiology.


Despite the regular emergence of new generations of hormone-containing drugs and intrauterine devices for emergency contraception, pharmacists and doctors have not yet been able to develop methods that prevent conception without side effects.

The correct selection of emergency pregnancy prevention techniques will help ensure maximum safety. This can only be done by a doctor after a preliminary examination and assessment of the condition, carrying out certain tests and examinations.

It should be remembered that emergency contraception is a rather serious category of medications, the self-administration of which can result in serious pathologies. The same applies to the intrauterine device: its installation must be performed under appropriate conditions and in compliance with the technique of inserting the device into the uterus.

Receive frequency

The difference between emergency contraceptive pills and conventional contraceptives lies in the multiply increased dosage of biologically active components: drugs for routine administration contain significantly less hormones. In this regard, this technique of preventing conception should be used no more than once every 4-6 months. With regular pills, the hormonal balance is disturbed. In some cases, too frequent use of emergency contraception techniques can lead to infertility.

As for the technique of using intrauterine devices, here the frequency of installation and removal of contraceptive devices depends on their model and the patient's wishes. On average, coils can provide effective protection against conception for 5-8 years.

Side effects

The list of possible negative consequences depends on the types and methods of emergency contraception, the correct selection of equipment and the exact adherence to the recommendations of a specialist. The main side effects that various emergency pregnancy prevention techniques can cause are:

  • from the organs of the reproductive system: soreness, the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge, a violation of the duration of the cycle and the intensity of bleeding;
  • from the nervous system: mood swings, dizziness;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • from the circulatory system: bleeding, thrombus formation.

After some methods of hormonal contraception, allergic reactions may occur in the form of rashes, edema, itching.


If the emergency pregnancy prevention technique is used only in extreme cases and no more than once every few months, the negative consequences of contraception will be temporary. With the uncontrolled independent use of hormone-containing medicines, the consequences can be quite serious: from a persistent violation of the cycle to the development of pathologies of the reproductive system and irreversible infertility. Young girls and women of mature age should be especially careful when choosing a technique, since the risk of developing negative consequences is much higher for them.

Any girl or woman of reproductive age may be faced with the need to take urgent measures to prevent unplanned conception. In such cases, the most optimal way out of the situation will be the use of means or techniques of emergency contraception. Before choosing a method of contraception, you should definitely consult with your doctor and follow all his recommendations in the future. Self-use of drugs and non-observance of the attached instructions may not only be ineffective, but also harm health. It should be remembered that the use of any emergency contraceptive technique is stressful for the body and entails numerous negative consequences. It should be used only in emergency cases and only as directed by a qualified specialist.

Pregnancy is the most joyful and wonderful life period for a woman. However, not for everyone. In some cases, conception becomes a surprise and forces the fairer sex to take emergency measures. This article will focus on what anti-pregnancy pills are after an unprotected act. You will learn how these drugs are used and whether they can be used regularly. It is also worth mentioning what the price of such drugs is and their name will be indicated below.

A bit of anatomy: how conception occurs

To begin with, it is worth finding out in what way conception is carried out, as a result of which a child may be born. On average, once a month, the average woman undergoes hormonal changes in her body. The production of estrogen is replaced by progesterone, and the egg is released from the follicle. If at this moment sexual contact occurs, then pregnancy may occur. Also, conception can take place if the sperm have entered the woman's body a few days before or after the follicle rupture.

Immediately after ovulation, under the influence of progesterone, active preparation of the endometrium begins. The layer thickens and becomes looser. In this way, the body prepares to receive the fertilized female gamete. If conception has taken place, then the ovum within several days descends to the genital organ through the fallopian tube. Once in the uterus, the embryo is securely attached to the endometrial layer. It is here that he will develop in the coming months if the pregnancy continues.

How can a conception be interrupted?

Currently, there are many ways to stop the development of the embryo. It is worth noting that in this case it is better not to engage in amateur performances. Failure to do so can lead to serious health problems.

One of the most popular abortion methods is curettage or vacuum aspiration. During the procedure, the doctor removes the ovum and part of the endometrium from the uterus. Such manipulation is carried out up to 12 weeks of embryo development.

You can also take medication. In this case, a prerequisite is a delay in menstruation no more than forty days. After taking some drugs, the woman's endometrium with the ovum is rejected and menstruation begins.

There are also special emergency methods of contraception. In this case, the remedy is taken a few hours after unprotected intercourse. Due to the action of the drugs, the woman begins to reorganize hormones, and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Emergency contraception

There are several that allow you to terminate a pregnancy even before the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus. Anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected act have a different effect and method of use. Remember that these medicines cannot be used as permanent protection against unwanted conception. Anti-pregnancy pills should be used after an unprotected act only in emergency cases. Otherwise, you can get serious health problems. Consider what drugs exist for the emergency interruption of the development of the ovum.

The drug "Postinor"

This product contains a synthetic progestin. It is this component that has an effect on the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and the state of the endometrium. Under the influence of a substance called levonorgestrel, the fallopian tubes decrease their mobility and slow down the activity of the fertilized egg. As a result, the ovum dies before it reaches the uterine cavity. If the set of gametes descended into the genital organ, then levonorgestrel changes the state of the endometrium. The egg is simply not able to attach to such a cavity.

Postinor tablets should be taken two capsules every 12 hours. This is exactly the duration of the above substance. The first pill must be drunk no later than 16 hours after intercourse. The course of drug use is three days. During this period, the woman should begin menstrual bleeding. Only then is emergency contraception considered successful.

Postinor tablets, which cost about 250 rubles, can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. It is worth noting that there are only two capsules in one package of the medicine. This means that you will need 6 packs for the course. In this case, the price for Postinor tablets increases and amounts to about 1,500 rubles.

The drug "Escapel"

These tablets are also based on the action of a substance called levonorgestrel. However, here the dosage of the medicine is somewhat different. A woman needs to take one tablet within 24 hours after intercourse. Then you should repeat the procedure twice with a difference of 24 hours.

For "Escapel" tablets the price ranges from 250 to 300 rubles. The pack contains one capsule. This means that for the full course you will need three packs of Escapel tablets. The price in this case will be approximately 1000 rubles. It should be noted that this medication is somewhat cheaper than Postinor.

The drug "Eskinor F"

This tool has the same effect as the Escapel tablets. After taking the drug, the reverse transformation of the endometrium begins and the activity of the fallopian tubes decreases.

It should be noted that this drug is less popular than the first two analogues. However, this does not mean that the effect of the drug will not be as effective.

Preparations containing mifetpristone

Anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected act may have a slightly different effect. These drugs include the following: "Mifegin", "Zhenale", "Miropriston" and others. It is worth noting that these funds are most often used for the active substance of such drugs changes the transformation of the endometrium and enhances the contractions of the genital organ. Under this influence, the endometrium is rejected and the egg is released from the female body.

Unlike drugs containing levonorgestrel, mifepristone tablets can be interrupted even after menstruation is delayed. Thus, the woman has time to make the right decision. These contraceptive pills are taken once after intercourse. In this case, it is worthwhile to first obtain a doctor's approval for such a correction. If the drug was not taken within the first three days after the sperm enters the woman's body, then the patient will need additional ones that block the production of progesterone.

These products, which contain mifepristone, are slightly more expensive than previous medicines. So, one package can cost you from 1500 to 3000 rubles.

An alternative method of emergency interruption of egg development

In addition to the above, there are drugs (contraceptives) to prevent unwanted conception after intercourse. These include the most common, however, doctors strongly do not recommend using such a method because of the possible side effects and complications. These drugs include the following drugs: contraceptive pills "Yarina", "Logest", "Novinet" and others.

Use them only after carefully reading the instructions. Here you will need school knowledge of mathematics. It is necessary to calculate the amount of hormones contained in one tablet. After that, you should calculate how many capsules you need to drink at one time to achieve the required dose (as in the Postinor tablets and its analogues). The average woman needs two to five capsules. You need to drink them every 12 hours for three days.

How effective are pills for pregnancy?

It is worth noting that drugs that interrupt the development of the embryo at the earliest stages have different efficacy. A lot depends on what time the medicine was taken. So, if you follow the instructions and drink the first dose immediately after intercourse, the effectiveness of the drug will be more than 90 percent. In the event that at least a day has passed after intercourse, the effect of the drug will already be 70-80 percent effective. If the subsequent intake of the substance is violated or you are very late with the use of the first dose, then the probability of a successful outcome will be from 50 to 70 percent.

It is worth recalling that if termination of pregnancy at the earliest possible date with the help of the above drugs failed, then doctors strongly recommend scraping. The thing is that these drugs affect not only the female body. The substances that make up the tablets have a detrimental effect on the state of the ovum. If you want to leave the unborn baby, then be prepared for the fact that the baby will be born sick or will have some deviations.

and prices

In order to avoid the need to use drugs for emergency contraception, it is necessary to take care of the methods of contraception in advance. If you have a regular sexual partner, then it makes sense to start taking birth control pills. The price for such drugs can be different and range from 200 to 2000 rubles.

Absolutely all means of preventing pregnancy are divided into combined oral contraceptives and mini-pills. The latter contain a small dose of hormones and not all women are able to block ovulation. However, it is worth noting that such drugs are the only pills approved for use during breastfeeding. The drugs in the mini-pili group include the following:

  • charosetta tablets (cost about 800 rubles);
  • the drug "Laktinet" (price about 600 rubles);
  • pills "Orgametril" (cost from 1000 rubles) and many others.

The effect of combined oral contraceptives is somewhat different. Such drugs completely block the work of the ovaries, preventing ovulation. The active substance of the tablets thickens cervical mucus, preventing sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity and surviving there. In addition, hormonal drugs affect the state of the endometrium, transforming it so that the fertilized cell cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. All oral contraceptives are divided into monophasic, biphasic, and three-phase.

The following means are monophasic:

  • tablets "Regulon" (cost from 300 rubles);
  • pills "Janine" (about 800 rubles);
  • contraceptive pills "35 Diana" (price from 1000 rubles) and others.

Two-phase means of protection include Regvidon tablets (cost from 200 rubles) and other drugs.

Three-phase birth control pills include the following:

  • pills "Tri-Regol" (cost from 200 rubles);
  • capsules "Tri-Merci" (price from 400 rubles).

Also, contraceptives can differ in the content of hormonal substances. So, tablets are micro-dose and low-dose. There is also a group of high-dose drugs.

Microdosing includes the following:

  • novinet tablets (cost from 500 rubles);
  • the drug "Logest" (price is about 900 rubles);
  • pills "Jess" (cost within 1000) and others.

Low-dose drugs are:

  • contraceptive pills "Yarina" (price from 700 rubles);
  • the drug "Diana 35" (cost from 1000 rubles);
  • means "Janine" (cost within 1000 rubles) and others.

Such drugs are more often prescribed to women giving birth or to women after 30 years.

High-dose drugs have the following names:

  • tablets "Trikvilar" (price about 500 rubles);
  • the drug "Non-ovlon" (cost about 700 rubles) and so on.

During intercourse, something unexpected can happen, he himself can happen despite the circumstances, or a woman, preparing for it, forgets to use contraception. All these events require urgent measures, especially if they occurred during the period when the woman was ovulating. Emergency contraception as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy fully justifies its name and is used quite often. The main requirement for her is the use of contraceptives no later than three days after sexual contact.

When is EC needed?

The fire department, as it is also called, contraception must be truly operational. The sooner contraceptive is used, the more likely it is that an unwanted pregnancy will be avoided. In addition, its methods must be used strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the desired effect may not be achieved.

Contraceptives, which are referred to as emergency contraception, contain a critical dose of hormones that actively affect the woman's body. They do not allow the sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity, and create unfavorable conditions for the egg cell to attach to the endometrium.

The great advantage of such products is their availability, no need for a prescription and constant availability in the range of pharmacies.

Urgent use of special-purpose contraceptives is required if:

  • people did not plan sexual contact and were not ready for it;
  • the man's condom broke;
  • the woman has forgotten about the daily use of contraceptives;
  • she has a dropped IUD or cervical cap;
  • the partner was unable to cope with himself, using the tactics of interrupted intercourse;
  • ejaculate for various reasons still got into the genital tract of a woman;
  • the numbers on the calendar were confused;
  • there was a spontaneous peeling of the contraceptive patch;
  • missed another injection of the drug;
  • rape happened, etc.

All these unpleasant circumstances may well lead to an unwanted pregnancy, and if the partners are not spouses or are not tied by love, then, in the event of a child's birth, they will have an exorbitant burden.

It also happens that the husband and wife are not yet planning to expand the family for housing or financial reasons and are preparing for parenting a little later.

For women who have recently become mothers and are in the period of breastfeeding, it is advisable to avoid using such EC methods. However, if they are necessary, only one use is allowed. But in this case, it is possible to continue giving the baby the breast only after a day or another period of time for the complete removal of the drug from the body.

Although such contraceptives are not the method of choice for preventing unwanted pregnancies, they are still preferred over abortion. Therefore, it is better to use them at the right time.

Better yet, be careful not to enter into casual relationships, carefully monitor the phases and intake of daily contraceptives.

Also, remember that most emergency contraceptive methods fail to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Lack of conception also does not guarantee the occurrence of negative reactions of the body. Therefore, after using such drugs, it is still advisable to donate blood for infections, make a smear on the microflora, and also undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Methods and methods of EC

Various options for preventing unwanted pregnancy are used. The first type of contraception contains levonorgestrel. These drugs must be taken once no later than three, maximum four days that have passed since the intimate meeting. Such an option is also possible when a lady drinks one tablet twice every twelve hours. This is a fairly reliable method of contraception that suppresses the ovulation phase.

This method of preventing an unplanned pregnancy is reliable in about seventy percent of cases. The sooner a woman adopts the necessary emergency contraceptive, the more certainty that fertilization will not occur.

These drugs are quite safe, they have a minimum of negative effects on the body. But they do not pass for permanent use. Excessive enthusiasm for them can lead to a malfunction of the menstrual cycle and a change in hormonal levels.

The second type of contraceptive is an intrauterine device with a high copper content. It must be urgently implanted no later than five days after intercourse. The installation of an IUD can also become a reliable protection against unwanted conception in the future.

The action of the intrauterine device is reduced to the chemical contact of the ions of the substance with the vaginal mucus. They negatively affect both the ejaculate and the egg. This method of protection is almost one hundred percent effective.

After the IUD is installed, a woman can use it for three to five years, depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer. After that, she herself will decide whether to continue using the spiral or choose another method of contraception.

This emergency method cannot be used if the pregnancy has already occurred. In addition, you need to take into account the individual intolerance to copper.

The third type of contraceptive is the use of daily combined oral contraceptives containing the hormones estrogen and gestagen. They should be taken according to a certain scheme: drink two tablets immediately after sexual intercourse and two more, after twelve hours.

When taking such drugs, various side reactions may occur in the form of nausea or even vomiting. Therefore, if this happened within an hour after taking the contraceptive, then you need to take another pill. It is better to endure the unpleasant sensations immediately, as they will soon pass and not create additional stress on the body.

Means and preparations for emergency contraception

You can take a closer look at these powerful methods for EC.

The use of pharmacological drugs includes tablets that dramatically change the hormonal background of a woman. For urgent protection from unwanted pregnancy, contraceptives are used that contain Levonorgestrel or Mifepristone.

Levonorgestrel-predominant drugs (Postinor, Escapel or Eskinor F):

  • stop the process;
  • prevent the appearance of an egg formed from the follicle;
  • affect the composition of vaginal and uterine mucus.

These effects create unfavorable conditions for the fertilization process.

In addition, they do not allow the egg to gain a foothold in the thickness of the endometrium. The fallopian tubes stop actively contracting. The internal structure of the mucous membrane of the organ also changes, which leads to its rejection. After taking Postinor or Escapel, uterine bleeding immediately begins, which does not stop for several days. Sometimes it coincides with the onset of menstruation.

If the sperm has penetrated into the uterine cavity and managed to get to the egg, then it will still not be able to attach to the endometrium. No embryo development will follow. The cells will die or remain immobilized and come out with the onset of bleeding.

Contraceptives containing mifepristone (Zhenale, Miropriston, Mifegin or Pencrofton) also effectively suspend the ovulation phase, affect the epithelium lining the inner surface of the uterus, prevent it from interacting with the egg, and also create conditions unsuitable for fertilization. The organ itself significantly increases its tone and enhances contractile ability, which makes it impossible to carry out pregnancy.

Combined contraceptivesadopted according to the relevant recommendations (Logest, Marvelon, Mersilon, Mikroginon, Miniziston, Novinet, Regulon, Rigevidon or Femoden). They actively affect the general hormonal background of a woman, thereby making the fertilization process absolutely impossible. These tablets are somewhat less effective, with a reliability of about eighty percent. In addition, they have a variety of plug actions.

About application high copper intrauterine devicehas already been described in detail. It should be implemented no later than the fifth day after the sexual contact. Ions of the chemical actively affect the secretion secreted by the female genital organs, preventing possible fertilization. It is better not to use this method of contraception for women who do not yet have children, and even more so for those who suffer from any diseases. For healthy women giving birth, this method of protection is recommended due to the least number of side effects.

Whether the contraceptive has worked can be understood by some characteristic signs. These include such important factors:

  • menstruation did not appear three days after using EC;
  • instead of them there was a weak spotting;
  • breast augmentation began with swelling of the nipples;
  • the woman always tends to sleep;
  • she has a pronounced weakness, etc.

These signs indicate the beginning of pregnancy. Therefore, before using any drug, you must carefully read the instructions for use attached to it. Any minor mistake can lead to fertilization.

EC folk remedies

Many women use home methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies quite effectively. They were used by our distant ancestors, when there were no methods of contraception.

Folk remedies are especially indicated in cases where it is not possible to perform any other procedure for protecting against fertilization (partners are in a distant village or a woman has many contraindications).

Of course, it is desirable to use more reliable methods of protection, but in such cases you have to get out of this situation on your own.

Popular methods of emergency contraception most often include:

  • Vaginal micro enema with citric acid. The solution is prepared as follows. A glass of boiled water is mixed with freshly squeezed juice or a teaspoon of the substance. After that, the stream is directed into the vagina and the agent should remain there for at least ten minutes. Then you need to wash yourself well so as not to get a burn of the mucous membranes.
  • The use of manganese. Dissolve a small amount of powder in a glass of water and douche. The solution should be pink, otherwise severe damage to the internal cavity of the organs is possible. The acidic environment interferes with the motor activity of sperm. In this case, after the procedure, it is also required to wash thoroughly with a large amount of soap, which creates an alkaline environment.
  • Peel the lemon fruit, separate one wedge and place in the vagina. A sharply acidic pH will create extremely unfavorable conditions for conception. After applying this method, exposure to a large amount of soap is also required.
  • In a similar way, the Aspirin tablet introduced into the female genital tract acts, which also creates a sharply acidic environment, neutralizing the activity of sperm.
  • Immediately after sexual intercourse, a quarter of a bar of laundry soap should be placed in the vagina, after wetting it. It should remain there for about half a minute, then it is removed and thoroughly washed with plenty of water.

It is not recommended to use these methods all the time. They can be used no more than three times a year. But, as a one-time emergency, they are quite reliable. All of them have side effects, negatively affect the mucous membrane of the female genital tract. In addition, they can cause severe allergic reactions.


Emergency contraception, as mentioned, should only be used in the most extreme cases. But even so, there are a number of contraindications to it.

The most common ones include:

  • liver failure;
  • cirrhosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • varicose veins;
  • mastitis;
  • myoma;
  • early adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • allergy;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • individual intolerance to the substances that make up contraceptives, etc.

These diseases do not allow you to quickly remove drugs from the woman's body, provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases in her and increase the symptoms of inflammation.

In addition, even healthy ladies cannot use EC all the time, and even more so take it into service as a daily contraceptive. This method can cause a number of complications in the body. Even a single use of it is permissible only in case of emergency, and for regular use it is completely unsuitable.

Side effects

However, even those women who use emergency contraception only occasionally can face a number of negative body responses. Among them, the most common failure of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of bleeding in its middle, a significant delay or too early onset of the next menstruation. The process itself can also undergo drastic changes. The discharge can become extremely scarce or too abundant, completely disappear within three days or drag on for ten days.

The duration of the menstrual cycle changes in any direction, and also there is a loss of its regularity.

EC, as already mentioned, should only be used in the most extreme cases. And women should not forget at the same time that sperm cells are able to stay in the genital tract for a sufficiently long time, therefore, after the expiration of these contraceptives, nothing will interfere with the possibility of fertilization.

In addition, the time factor is of great importance. The faster a particular drug was applied, the more reliable the result.

Despite the large number of side effects, women actively use emergency contraception. It is better to choose such contraceptives in advance, after consulting a gynecologist and have them in the house only as a last resort. Sometimes it becomes the only remedy against unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, the fair sex take this risk in order to avoid even more serious consequences in the form of abortion.

After using emergency contraception, a woman needs to think about choosing a permanent method of protection that more reliably protects against the possibility of unexpected conception, as well as having a minimum of contraindications and side effects.