Exotic shrubs for the garden. Shrubs and trees. Winter-hardy, flowering shrubs

If the aesthetic design of your garden is very important for you, then various ornamental shrubs will perfectly cope with this role. Any garden will only benefit from decorating with evergreen or deciduous shrubs.

Ornamental shrubs with their peculiar color or flowering can help you create a hedge, divide the garden into different zones, decorate the entrance to your garden or decorate different elements.

Ornamental shrubs perform not only a decorative function, they also protect garden alleys from wind and dust, help you not to decorate the garden, and also distract you from the usual hustle and bustle with their charming look and create a good mood.

Some varieties of ornamental shrubs have a long flowering period, while others have unusual leaf shapes or bright colors. It is not difficult to take care of them - they are not susceptible to diseases, they are very rarely affected by pests.

Now let's talk about those shrubs that are widespread in central Russia.

If your garden has green lawns, luxurious hydrangea bushes will be a great addition to them. A rose bush is always popular among gardeners - park roses are especially beautiful, they are frost-resistant, undemanding, but they only bloom once a whole season.

Some gardeners like to decorate their backyards with shrubs, which, during flowering, are able to fill the garden with a pleasant aroma - mock orange, forsythia, wolf.

Lush inflorescences of lilac and viburnum look very decorative. In our gardens, you can increasingly see bushes of rhododendrons or tree peonies.

Summer is the time for the flowering of Potentilla and Spirea, Colquitsia and Budleia. Closer to autumn, heather flowers begin to bloom - medium-sized, but collected in such lush inflorescences, shimmering with mother-of-pearl that they simply cannot fail to cause admiration.

Ornamental shrubs are convenient because they decorate the garden from early spring to late autumn. A striking example is the different varieties of barberry: their leaves can be bright yellow and purple, bright green and purple, and even spotted.

Aralia bushes look original - this bush is thorny, it looks like a tropical palm tree. The field ash also looks delightful, its young foliage is distinguished by an unusual pink tint, but little by little they acquire a rich green color. In autumn, they turn yellow and acquire a golden hue.

If your site is spoiled by a dark, monochromatic wall or a high unattractive fence, we recommend that you decorate these structures with decorative deciduous white turf bushes. No one will be left indifferent by its chic, carved dark green leaves, bordered with a cream outline. Young shoots of deren have a reddish tint, which makes its appearance much more colorful.

Black elderberry can become a real decoration of your garden - in spring its bush is covered with fragrant inflorescences, in autumn - with black berries and leaves of a yellow-golden hue. The only drawback of decorative deciduous shrubs is their high demand for temperature conditions - bred by selection, these forms are less frost-resistant than their source.

Viburnum is perfect for decorating your garden in a rural style. In spring, viburnum will decorate your garden with flowering, and in autumn it will give you bunches of healthy red berries. Viburnum buldenezh looks very beautiful. This decorative form does not bear fruit, but is distinguished by large white spherical inflorescences that will delight you in May-June.

Another representative of ornamental shrubs is barberry. Among the large number of its species, the most common are the Thunberg barberry and the common barberry. This decorative form of shrub is interesting primarily for its foliage coloration. Barberry is widely used in the landscape in the design of lawns, to create hedges. Barberry tolerates a haircut well and easily takes on the required shape.

Rosehip is also widespread in gardens. Due to its variety of shades of colors from snow-white to almost red, it copes well with the role of garden decoration. And its orange-red fruits are not only decorative, but also medicinal. When using rose hips in the garden, you need to monitor the shoots, which form very quickly.

Ordinary hazel is also suitable for decorating a garden. Especially its varieties with brown foliage look great when creating a hedge. And in addition to beautiful foliage, hazel will delight you with delicious and healthy nuts.

Almost every garden has one or another type of fruit shrubs: gooseberries, currants, raspberries. Currants look beautiful during the ripening of berries, especially if varieties with different colors of fruits are planted nearby - red, white, pink, black.

For decorating a garden of berry bushes, golden currants are perfect. This currant got its name because of its color of flowers. This shrub has an advantage over regular blackcurrant because it is less likely to be affected by pests.

From varietal raspberries or gooseberries, beautiful hedges are obtained, which, moreover, delight their owners with delicious berries. Unfortunately, much less often, quince, chokeberry, irga, hawthorn are planted in gardens - after all, these shrubs look beautiful both during flowering and in autumn, when their leaves play with all shades of gold and purple. shrubs, but delicious fruits will be the reward.

Ordinary fruit trees are no longer popular in the design of a modern garden. After all, today they pay special attention to the landscape design of the territory. Increasingly, ornamental plants are used in the design of the backyard. Their variety will amaze any amateur gardener. Ornamental trees and shrubs of various varieties will fit perfectly into existing gardens.

Selection of decorative trees

Before proceeding with the selection of plants, it is necessary to decide on the future style of the planned planting of decorative plantings. To date, experts identify only two concepts for decorating backyard territories:

  • landscape garden;
  • regular garden.

Regardless of the garden design concept you choose, you need to pay special attention to the choice of plants. Ornamental tree seedlings should only be purchased from trusted locations. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of all purchased plants.

Features of a regular garden

This concept for the design of the backyard area is characterized by planting plants in accordance with clear geometric lines. Remember that these plants need to be looked after regularly. All ornamental trees for the garden should be carefully trimmed in accordance with a certain geometric shape. In such a garden, a hedge must be present. It can be both high and small. For low green fences, golden currants, berry yew, evergreen boxwood, ordinary spruce, and small-leaved linden are used. For high hedges, blackthorn, barberry, small-leaved elm, Virginia juniper, western thuja are used.

Features of a landscape garden

This concept of decorating the backyard area represents an untouched corner of nature. In such a garden, shrubs and trees grow in an arbitrary order, without regard to shape and order.

The choice of plants for this type of garden is quite diverse. The only criterion in choosing plants should be the tree's susceptibility to the climatic conditions of a particular area. Everything else depends on the design idea.

The landscape garden is characterized by the presence of both coniferous and deciduous plants. The most common are the snowberry, maple, birch, spiraea, cotoneaster, lilac, bladder. Most of them bloom beautifully and brightly, and some can even bear fruit.

Traditional shrubs and trees have become boring for modern gardeners, so they want to transfer the riot of greenery of original plants to the entire territory of the personal plot. And it turns out great, because many ornamental trees for the garden take root well in the climatic conditions of our country. These plants delight the eyes of the hosts and their guests with their beauty and originality. Consider the most common types of trees that are most often used in landscape design.

Ornamental flowering trees

Apple tree of Nedzvetsky

From time immemorial, fruit trees have been prized in the garden. This decorative tree is appreciated not only for its excellent fruitful qualities, but also for its beautiful appearance. Nedzwiecki's apple tree is a short tree with extraordinary purple leaves. The length of the tree does not exceed 8 m. The most valuable is the moment of its flowering, during which the entire crown is covered with bright pink and lilac flowers. This apple tree is versatile in planting alley, single and group compositions, shows resistance to pests and diseases. It is characterized by high aesthetic value, fertility, unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

Horse chestnut

The most popular is the Baumannii chestnut, which is often called the horse chestnut. This ornamental plant is characterized by lush red or white double flowers. Many gardeners choose it due to the intensity of growth, decorativeness of inflorescences, unpretentiousness in care and resistance to many diseases and insects.


Modern gardens cannot be imagined without cherry blossoms. The whole world knows about the flowering of this plant. Fine-toothed and short-bristled cherry also belongs to the variety of this decorative tree. The unusual color of sakura makes the plant extraordinarily beautiful.

Unfortunately, sakura is quite sensitive to the environment, so it requires special care.

It is necessary to plant this decorative tree in moderately warm climatic conditions.

All vaccinations must be tied with a reed layer. The same must be done with the crowns. This will protect the tree from frost.

It is necessary to regularly prevent stone fruit diseases that negatively affect the condition of the tree.

There are a large number of plants that are used by modern gardeners. Here are the most popular names for ornamental trees: matsudana willow, bignoniform catalpa, golden currant, shrub cinquefoil, etc.

Exotic shrubs for the garden


Magnolia is a tree-like shrub. This plant attracts many gardeners with its extraordinary beauty of flowering. It occurs in early spring, even before the foliage blooms. The inflorescence petals are quite dense, they can be of various shades: from purple to bright yellow. Thanks to these features, magnolia can be planted in various compositions.

Magnolia has a pleasant rich aroma, it is unpretentious.


This is an unusual plant that has the shape of a shrub or small tree. Its height does not exceed 3 m. This plant has earned particular popularity among gardeners due to its funnel-shaped flowers, which contain graceful proboscis. Its petals have different color shades.

Hibiscus is unpretentious to climatic conditions, flowering is long, abundant.

Winged euonymus

It is a shrub with a dense, rounded crown. Plant height reaches 1 meter. This plant grows intensively, and in May, yellow-green inflorescences bloom in the form of an umbrella. With the onset of autumn, its foliage becomes a rich red hue.

The plant is winter hardy, can withstand high temperatures. It can be planted in any soil, various shapes can be created.


Another unusual shrub is hydrangea. Its height reaches 3 meters. The flowers of this plant are large and bright. Hydrangea is used by designers and gardeners in the design of backyard territories. This shrub becomes especially beautiful in the summer months. Its crown has large and wide leaves.


The ornamental tree and shrub have recently enjoyed unprecedented popularity. Thanks to these plants, you can create unusual compositions that will delight the eye all year round.

Most hydrangea (Hydrangea) - small deciduous trees or shrubs, not exceeding 1 - 3 meters in height, but there are also tree-like vines up to 30 meters high. In the Hortensiev family, there are about 80 types of hydrangeas, almost all of them are native to North America and Southeast Asia, including Japan and China. Several types of hydrangeas grow in the Russian Far East.

  • Ornamental leafy shrubs for medium-sized hedges

    A hedge of medium-sized ornamental deciduous shrubs can be planted both on the border of the plot and in the garden to cover unsightly walls of buildings or corners of the garden, and to enclose a recreation area. A medium-sized hedge will provide excellent sun protection for shade-tolerant plants.

  • Planting roses

    Where to plant roses?

    If you are going to plant roses in your garden, you need to responsibly choose a planting site. A rose grows in one place for a very long time, like any tree or shrub, therefore, the place must be chosen for it, based on its requirements.

    For the future rose garden, a section of the garden with a slight slope to the south, protected from the north and north-east wind, is suitable. Ideally, in the first half of the day the roses will be fully illuminated by the rising morning sun, and in the second half of the day they will be covered with lace penumbra.

  • Rowan in the garden

    Mountain ash(Sorbus aucuparia) is a very beautiful tree, especially in single plantings. The mountain ash alleys along the roads are also impressive. The Latin name aucuparia comes from the fusion of two: avis - bird and capere - to attract, lure, catch. People noticed that rowan fruits are attractive to birds and began to use them as bait for catching birds.

  • Growing weigels

    Want to decorate your garden? Plant a weigela, you won't regret it!

    Weigela - ornamental deciduous shrub, with rather large funnel-shaped or bell-shaped flowers, collected in loose inflorescences, belonging to the genus of shrubs of the Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae).

  • Large-leaved hydrangea: growing and care

    Large-leaved hydrangea(Hydrangea macrophylla) - grows into a real shrub in favorable places for growth. Hydrangea is also called hydrangia, which is translated from Greek as a vessel with water, which suggests that hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant. In total, there are 80 types of hydrangeas in the world, common in America and East Asia.

  • Polyanthus roses from seeds

    Polyanthus rose (Rosa polyantha nana) is a short perennial shrub. Of course, nothing is easier than propagating a polyanthus rose with a cuttings, and even in summer, when - stick any stick in the ground and it will bloom, you say. I also share this opinion. After all, the polyanthus rose is very easily bred by cuttings. And in the store, sorting through a box with bags of seeds, my gaze accidentally fell on a bag of seeds of this very polyanthus rose. A hurricane of thoughts flashed through my head: oh well, we already know, divorce; and before: what if there is a rose of such unprecedented beauty and color, which I do not have yet? Naturally, I did not miss this chance, and the bag safely moved to my bag.

  • White panicles of Volzhan dioecious

    Volzhanka - a wonderful tall (up to 1.5 m) plant. It grows well in partial shade. Making their way through the branches of the bush, the rays of the summer sun illuminate the white panicles of the shade-loving Volzhanka. Volzhanka can take empty places among decorative bushes or hedges the size of a person's height, you can decorate outbuildings or

  • The genus haulteria is considered to be a member of the heather family, and, according to the latest data, unites about 180 plant species. Although British scientists claim that this number is much higher - 234. The plant got its name in 1748 in honor of the Canadian doctor Jean-Francois Gaultier, albeit with a slightly incorrect spelling.

    The genus includes evergreen shrubs that grow in South and North America, Malaysia, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand. There are many interesting and wonderful species in China. These include both small ground cover species, up to 10 cm high, and shrubs up to 2.5 meters high. There are also low trees 6 m high.

    Absolutely all plants of the genus have elliptical or ovoid alternate leathery leaves. Flowering occurs by means of goblet, hanging white or pink flowers, which are collected in apical inflorescences or located singly. The flowers form spherical fruits, white, bluish or pinkish in color.

    In our country, there is 1 type of this plant - Gultheria Mikel, which grows on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. It is an erect evergreen shrub with white berries. This species is very rare in nature and in botanical gardens.

    The most common and readily available is the recumbent haulteria, which comes as a potted plant in winter. It is very beautiful with its scarlet berries and aromatic foliage. It is the only species from the entire family that has edible berries. The home of this plant is North America, which has a long and interesting history as an ornamental, medicinal plant and also as a tea substitute.

    Haulteria recumbent: general information

    The haulteria recumbent, or in another way the American wintergreen, grows with creeping gray-brown shoots, rising 10-15 cm above the ground. The shrub has slightly pointed, elliptical leaves 1.5-4 cm long. They also have shiny, dark green surface and crenellated edge. At low temperatures, the leaves take on a very attractive crimson hue. The flowers of the haulteria are white with a pink tint, bell-shaped, drooping, single, with 5 petals in the corolla. Such flowers are very readily pollinated by insects, since this plant is a melliferous plant.

    It blooms from July to September, resulting in small scarlet berries 0.5-1.5 cm in diameter. Literally all parts of the plant are fragrant.

    Application of gaultheria procumbens

    People living in America are often referred to as the Eastern tea berry. This name did not appear by chance, since for a long time the recumbent was used to make medicinal and very tasty teas, which were used to treat various diseases: head, throat. Also, these leaves were chewed for good rest after hard work.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, chemists discovered amazing properties of the plant, which are similar to the properties of white willow, providing a decrease in muscle and joint swelling and an anti-inflammatory effect. During the American Revolution, the leaves of the plant were used as a surrogate tea. To prepare it, the leaf was fermented in warm water, and then dried. There is even an assumption that the word "tea" (tea) was applied precisely to him before real tea was widespread.

    Wintergreen oil - melilsalicylate - is a mixture of alcohol and organic acids, the specific smell of which is very strongly felt when the leaves are rubbed. The smallest amount of essential oil is found in the young leaves of the haulteria, which is why they are very pleasant to chew. It is often used to flavor toothpaste. Essential little is obtained by distillation with water vapor, the leaves are collected from spring to autumn, they are previously soaked in water for 12-24 hours. The oil contains about 98% methyl salicylate and is used in medicine as an external agent for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, cellulite, and skin inflammation. In the food industry, it is used as a flavoring agent for beer, liverworms, medicines, and sweets. But now they are increasingly using synthetic analogues.

    It is believed that it was this plant that gave the idea to create chewing gum.

    But information about berries is very contradictory. Somewhere it is reported that they are dangerous to people, some sources say that this is not so. In nature, squirrels, foxes, bears, mice, chipmunks eat them as food. American sources report that the berries are edible, but the taste is described differently each time. Some consider it mint, others point to a medical taste.

    Maintenance and care of the gault at home

    If the haulteria was purchased by you as a New Year's decoration, then it is better to put it in a cool room and regularly water it with cool water, preventing the soil from drying out. In such conditions, the plant can last about a month. In this case, the plant is absolutely unpretentious to light and can even be in the back of the room.

    If you have a desire to preserve the haulteria for a longer period, then from the first days you need to provide cool conditions (up to +12 degrees Celsius), which should be maintained until spring. This temperature dictates rare watering, without water stagnation. In the summer, the plant can be exhibited in the garden, and in the winter it can be returned to such conditions again. It is best to grow the haulteria as a container plant, since many problems can arise when planting in the ground.

    How to grow a haulteria outdoors

    Lying haulteria is ranked as zone 4 in terms of winter hardiness; it can be grown in the Moscow region. The plant withstands frosts reaching -35 degrees, but reacts very sharply to spring frosts.

    You can plant a haulteria only in the spring. At the same time, the plant should not be fruitful, bought at the peak of the sale in winter, but be green and discreet, acquired in the nursery.

    However, there are a lot of conditions that need to be met to grow a haulteria in soil. So it is more preferable to cool, moist peat soils. The plant does not tolerate dense shade, as well as prolonged drought. But if the soil is moist enough, then it is better to choose a more lighted planting site, located in the lacy shade of evergreen or deciduous shrubs in a sheltered place. It is these conditions that guarantee the fruiting of the plant.

    The haulteria is growing slowly (in Moscow - a centimeter per year), but it gets along well with competitors. Flowering in Russia in a plant begins in mid-June and lasts 20 days. After a break, the second bloom occurs in late August-September. Berries ripen in November and can survive on the plant until summer.

    Cultures of the heather family (video)

    Reproduction of the gault

    If everything worked out for you, and the New Year's plant survived until the spring period, then planting in open ground can lead to its death, since the plant was originally indoor. A wiser option would be to remove the seeds from the berries in advance and sow them in a plastic container with slightly acidic soil or compost. After this procedure, the container is placed in the refrigerator for 4-10 weeks for stratification. And then the seeds must be germinated in a greenhouse at a temperature of +20 degrees. Seeds often germinate very slowly, about 1-2 months. At the same time, the soil should remain moist, but not waterlogged. Good lighting and ventilation must also be provided. Once a week, the site advises to water the plant with Fitosporin solution or a mixture of Alirin and Gamairov to prevent the appearance of a black leg. When the seedlings reach a height of 2.5-3 cm, they can be dived, grown a little in the greenhouse and left there for no wintering. After planting, the plants will grow very slowly for the first two to three years, and you will also need to take good care of their protection in winter in the form of maple or oak leaves, spruce branches.

    Well-grown and developed plants can then be propagated by layering, root suckers, and also by division. You can try to use cuttings for propagation of haulteria, but less than half of them survive. Therefore, experienced gardeners are advised to use rooting stimulants.

    Fruit trees and flowers in a modern garden are no longer so popular, since the landscape design of the territory has gained high importance. For the original design of the local area, decorative vegetation is increasingly being used, the variety of varieties of which is amazing. Among the existing types of trees and shrubs, you can choose exactly those that fit optimally into the concept of the garden, regardless of the size and type of terrain.

    It is much easier to determine the type of vegetation that can decorate a garden plot if you know in what style you plan to plant green spaces. Today there are two main concepts of territory design:

    • regular garden;
    • landscape garden.

    Plants for a regular garden

    This design option for a house plot implies planting vegetation along clear geometric lines, where thorough care of the plantings will be required: shrubs and trees for the garden are carefully trimmed to get the correct shape. A hedge of any type is characteristic of such a garden, therefore varieties of plants are often used that tolerate a haircut.

    To form a low green fence, the following are suitable:

    • golden currant;
    • small-leaved linden;
    • boxwood evergreen;
    • shrub cinquefoil;
    • berry yew;
    • common spruce.

    If the goal is to create a tall molded hedge, then you should pay attention to plants such as:

    • small-leaved elm;
    • turn;
    • virgin juniper;
    • barberry;
    • thuja western.

    Vegetation for a landscape garden

    This type of personal plot is an untouched corner of nature, where trees and shrubs for the garden grow in their original form, without strict order and forms. The choice of green vegetation is wide enough, since the only criterion is the tree's susceptibility to the conditions of a particular area. Otherwise, the matter remains with the imagination of the landscape designer.

    For a landscape garden, both deciduous and coniferous plants are suitable. Among the favorites are the following types:

    • spireas;
    • snowberry;
    • lilac;
    • maple;
    • cotoneaster;
    • birch tree;
    • chubushnik;
    • vesicle.

    Many of them bloom beautifully, and some varieties even bear edible fruits in the fall.

    Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

    Modern gardeners strive to transfer the riot of greenery and the variety of colors of original plants to their territory, since traditional trees and shrubs are somewhat inferior in aesthetics. In addition, many varieties of plantings quickly take root in the domestic open spaces, delighting the eyes with originality and beauty. Consider the most popular types of trees used in landscape design.

    Apple tree of Nedzvetsky

    Fruit trees in the garden have always been valued above the rest. But this variety is famous not only for its fruitful qualities, but also for its decorative ones. Nedzvetsky's apple tree is a short plant growing up to 8 m long with purple leaves. The moment of flowering of the tree is the most valuable, since the entire crown is covered with bright pink and lilac flowers. This apple variety has gained popularity due to qualities such as:

    • frost resistance;
    • resistance to diseases and pests;
    • unpretentiousness;
    • high aesthetic value;
    • versatility of planting in group, alley and single compositions;
    • fertility.


    Ornamental trees for the garden are hard to imagine without sakura, the flowering of which is known all over the world. This type of tree includes short-bristled and finely serrated cherry. Its unusual purple color gives the plant high decorative qualities. However, it is quite susceptible and needs care:

    • it is recommended to tie the grafting site and crown with a reed layer to ensure frost resistance conditions;
    • requires prophylaxis against stone fruit diseases
    • preferably to be planted in warm temperate climates.

    Catalpa bignoniform

    Catalpa brought from America today has become a popular plant that decorates domestic gardens. At the end of spring, the tree is covered with a cloud of snow-white blooms, which even in their shape look quite exotic. The plant gained wide popularity due to the following features:

    • white flowers exude a rich aroma;
    • the tree is light-requiring, due to which it can grow in any part of the garden;
    • unpretentious care;
    • tolerates dry weather well, does not require frequent watering.

    Horse chestnut

    When deciding which trees to buy for the garden, attention is drawn to the chestnut Baumanii, which is distinguished by lush double inflorescences of white or red. This type of tree is common among gardeners due to characteristics such as:

    • growth rate;
    • unpretentious care;
    • resistance to diseases and insects;
    • decorativeness of inflorescences.

    Principles of arrangement of trees in the garden

    To design a neat garden area, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of the correct arrangement of vegetation, since the form of the composition, the growth rate of plantings and their compatibility depend on this. Consider the main requirements for the placement of trees on the site:

    1. For a small-sized plot, you need to select undersized or dwarf trees - cherry, dwarf apple, etc.
    2. Tall vegetation with a lush canopy looks good in lowlands or on lawns.
    3. Planting trees should be as far away from power lines as possible.
    4. When planting trees, try not to allow massive branches to subsequently grow over the roof of the building. Since this creates a risk of damage to the roof if it breaks off.
    5. When choosing a variety and type of tree, consider the conditions for its growth. Do not plant plants with strong root systems near your home. It is also recommended to decorate the garden depending on the sensitivity of each tree.

    Traditional trees in the garden

    The beauty of exotic trees is beyond question. However, in many climatic zones, these plants will not be able to take root, no matter how carefully they are taken care of. In addition, among the traditional types of plantings, there are no less decorative representatives, which are discussed in detail below.

    Palm-shaped maple

    Many of the trees in the garden in the photos of design publications are precisely a kind of maple. This plant has a high decorative value, because the unusual color and shape of the leaves creates an original look of the tree. In addition, this type of vegetation is famous for the beauty of the inflorescences, the texture of the base bark and the color of the shoots. This maple has gained popularity due to the following features:

    • the presence of melliferous characteristics;
    • the intensity of the growth of seedlings;
    • the ability to use, both for group and single compositions;
    • combination with coniferous trees.

    Himalayan cedar

    This plant is a durable and fast-growing tree with decorative crown, trunk and needle-like shapes. This is a fairly common variety of coniferous planting, which is used for single planting and well protects the site from prying eyes, noise and dust. The following characteristics are characteristic of the cedar:

    • attractiveness of the contours of the crown;
    • good cutting endurance;
    • used to create a hedge;
    • frost resistance of the breed;
    • unpretentious care.

    Winged euonymus

    This dense shrub has a dense, rounded crown that spreads up to 1 meter in height. It grows intensively, and also stains its foliage in a rich red hue with the onset of autumn. In addition, euonymus blooms beautifully in May and adorns the garden with yellow-green umbrella inflorescences. The plant has such features as:

    • winter hardiness;
    • the ability to create a form;
    • resistance to high temperatures;
    • planting versatility: grows well in any soil.


    An unusual plant in the form of a small tree or shrub. Reaches a height of no more than 3 meters. Hibiscus is especially popular in horticulture due to funnel-shaped blooms with a graceful proboscis, as well as petals of various shades. In addition, this tree has such characteristics as:

    • abundant flowering;
    • unpretentiousness to living conditions;
    • the duration of the flowering period;
    • aesthetic appeal.


    Hydrangea is an unusual ornamental shrub with bushy, colorful blooms. Due to this feature, it has become quite popular among landscape designers and gardeners. Its crown has variable shades and wide large leaves, and the plant reaches a height of 3 meters. The beauty of the shrub is evident in the summer months when the hydrangea is in full bloom.

    Norway maple

    Globozum or Norway maple is an ornamental tree with a rounded crown. Its dimensions reach 6 meters in diameter and are distinguished by a rich yellow-orange hue. This tree gained its popularity thanks to such features as:

    • the aesthetic appeal of glossy, palmate leaves, collected in a dense crown;
    • compatibility with other types of vegetation on the site;
    • the possibility of forming a single landscape composition, as well as landing in the alleys;
    • frost resistance;
    • low need for watering.


    This tree-like shrub is distinguished by the beauty of the flowering that appears on the branches before the foliage opens. The dense petals of the inflorescences have variability of color - from purple to yellow, due to which the plant can be planted in any composition. Among other advantages, magnolia has a rich aroma and is unpretentious to growing conditions.

    Garden layout

    Many owners of the local area strive to create a cozy garden corner where you can spend your leisure time. In order for the site to be as comfortable as possible, neat and meet the requirements of landscape style, you should adhere to several rules in its design:

    1. The first task is to design the garden. Draw a sketch on paper, where you mark the desired areas for fruit trees, deciduous and coniferous vegetation. At the same time, take into account the peculiarities of the growth of each variety, since some types of plants will need a sunny side, while others will need a shady side.
    2. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. To do this, you need to find out the criteria for each planned planting variety, namely its dimensions in a mature state. If the trees are cramped, they will begin to deplete the soil, as each root system will need sufficient nutrition.
    3. It is advisable to plant single trees at a distance of 4-5 meters in one row, and if several landing lines are planned, then an indent of at least 8 meters must be made between them.
    4. For group plantings, stick to a 6-7 meter step.

    You can watch the tree planting guide in the video: