DIY electrochemical milling. Electrochemical milling. Combined processing methods

The site outlines the basics of electroplating technology. The processes of preparation and application of electrochemical and chemical coatings, as well as methods of quality control of coatings are considered in detail. The main and auxiliary equipment of the electroplating shop is described. Provides information on the mechanization and automation of electroplating production, as well as sanitation and safety.

The site can be used for vocational training of workers in production.

The use of protective, protective, decorative and special coatings allows solving many problems, among which the protection of metals from corrosion takes an important place. Corrosion of metals, that is, their destruction due to the electrochemical or chemical effects of the environment, causes enormous damage to the national economy. Annually, due to corrosion, up to 10-15% of the annual output of metal in the form of valuable parts and structures, complex instruments and machines goes out of use. In some cases, corrosion leads to accidents.

Electroplated coatings are one of the effective methods of corrosion protection, they are also widely used to give the surface of parts a number of valuable special properties: increased hardness and wear resistance, high reflectivity, improved antifriction properties, surface electrical conductivity, easier solderability and, finally, just to improve the external type of products.

Russian scientists are the creators of many of the most important methods of electrochemical processing of metals. So, the creation of electroforming is the merit of Academician B.S. Jacobi (1837). The most important work in the field of electroplating belongs to the Russian scientists E. Kh. Lenz and I. M. Fedorovskii. The development of electroplating after the October Revolution is inextricably linked with the names of the scientists professors N. T. Kudryavtsev, V. I. Liner, N. P. Fedot'ev and many others.

A lot of work has been done to standardize and normalize coating processes. The dramatically increasing volume of work, mechanization and automation of electroplating shops required clear regulation of processes, careful selection of electrolytes for coating, selection of the most effective methods for surface preparation of parts before deposition of electroplating and final operations, as well as reliable methods of product quality control. Under these conditions, the role of a qualified electroplating worker is sharply increasing.

The main task of this site is to help students of technical schools in mastering the profession of an electroplating worker who knows modern technological processes used in advanced electroplating workshops.

Electrolytic chromium plating is an effective way to increase the wear resistance of rubbing parts, protect them from corrosion, as well as a protective and decorative finish. Chromium plating gives significant savings when restoring worn parts. The chromium plating process is widely used in the national economy. A number of research organizations, institutes, universities and machine-building enterprises are working to improve it. More efficient electrolytes and chromium-plating modes appear, methods are being developed to improve the mechanical properties of chrome-plated parts, as a result of which the field of application of chrome-plating is expanding. Knowledge of the basics of modern chrome plating technology contributes to the fulfillment of the instructions of the normative and technical documentation and the creative participation of a wide range of practitioners in the further development of chrome plating.

The site has developed questions of the influence of chromium plating on the strength of parts, expanded the use of effective electrolytes and technological processes, introduced a new section on methods of increasing the efficiency of chromium plating. The main sections have been revised taking into account the nporpecific achievements of chrome plating technology. The given technological instructions and designs of suspension devices are approximate, guiding the reader in the choice of chrome plating conditions and in the principles of designing suspension devices.

The continuous development of all branches of mechanical engineering and instrument making has led to a significant expansion of the field of application of electrolytic and chemical coatings.

By means of chemical deposition of metals, in combination with electroplating, metal coatings are created on a wide variety of dielectrics: plastics, ceramics, ferrites, sitall and other materials. The manufacture of parts from these materials with a metallized surface ensured the introduction of new design and technical solutions, an improvement in the quality of products and a reduction in the cost of production of equipment, machines, and consumer goods.

Parts made of plastics with metal coatings are widely used in the automotive industry, the radio engineering industry and other sectors of the national economy. The processes of metallization of polymeric materials have gained particular importance in the production of printed circuit boards, which are the basis of modern electronic devices and radio engineering products.

The brochure provides the necessary information about the processes of chemical-electrolytic metallization of dielectrics, and presents the basic laws of the chemical deposition of metals. Specific features of electrolytic coatings during plastics metallization are indicated. Considerable attention is paid to the technology of production of printed circuit boards, as well as methods of analysis of solutions used in metallization processes, and methods of their preparation and correction are given.

In an accessible and fascinating form, the site introduces physical nature in the peculiarities of ionizing radiation and radioactivity, with the effect of various doses of radiation on living organisms, methods of protection and prevention of radiation hazard, the possibilities of using radioactive isotopes for the recognition and treatment of human diseases.

Electrochemistry in a glass

Electrochemical metalworking processes are used in all industries. With their help, you can perform operations such as drilling, turning, grinding or polishing, milling parts of the most complex configurations, and even removing burrs. In this case, the essence of the processes of electrochemical sizing consists in the anodic dissolution of the metal during electrolysis with the regular removal of the resulting waste. That is why - and this is the most valuable thing - there are practically no hard-to-machine metals for the processes of electrochemical "cutting".

All these advantages of electrochemical processing processes can be successfully used at home to perform many interesting and useful work. For example, with their help, you can cut an elastic plate from a razor blade in 20-30 minutes, cut a hole of complex shape in a thin sheet of metal, carve a spiral groove on a round rod (Fig. 1). To carry out all these works, it is enough to have an AC rectifier giving an output voltage of 6-10 volts, or a rectifier for micromotors for 6 volts, or, finally, a set of 2-3 batteries for a flashlight. Pieces of wire, metal, glue and other auxiliary materials can be found in any home workshop.


If in any workpiece you need to make a recess of a complex configuration - for example, cut out the apartment number (Fig. 2) - then for this you need to take a sheet of Whatman paper and draw on it in full size the contour of the recess that you want to get. Then, with a razor blade or scissors, cut and remove the drawn outline, and cut the sheet in accordance with the shape and dimensions of the workpiece. Glue the template-mask obtained in this way (1) using rubber glue or BF-88 glue on the surface of the workpiece (2), attach a wire to the workpiece from the positive pole of the rectifier or a set of batteries and apply 1-2 layers to all its surfaces without insulation any varnish or nitro paint. It's a good idea to varnish or paint the template mask itself. After letting the coating dry, lower the workpiece into a glass with a concentrated solution of sodium chloride, opposite the mask template, install a cathode plate (3) made of any metal and connect it to the negative pole of the rectifier or current source.

As soon as the current is switched on, the process of electrochemical dissolution of the metal inside the contour of the mask template will begin. But after a while, the intensity of the process will decrease, which can be seen from a decrease in the number of bubbles released at the cathode (3). This means that an insulating layer of process waste has formed on the treated surface. To remove them and at the same time measure the depth of the recess, the part must be removed from the glass and, trying not to damage the template-mask, clean off the loose layer of waste from the treated surface with a small hard brush. After that, periodically removing the part to control the dimensions and remove waste, the process can be continued until the depth of the excavation reaches the required value. And when the processing is finished, after removing the insulation and the mask-mask, the part must be rinsed with water and lubricated with oil to avoid corrosion.

Stamping and engraving.

When a complex hole needs to be made in a thin sheet of metal, the principles of electrochemical machining remain the same as for milling. The subtlety consists only in the fact that in order for the edges of the hole to turn out to be even, the template-mask (1) must be glued to the workpiece from both sides. To do this, the contours of the mask template (1) should be cut out in a sheet of paper folded in half and, sticking the template onto the blank (2), orient it along one of its sides (Fig. 3). And besides, in order to speed up the processing and ensure uniform metal removal on both sides, it is advisable to bend the cathode plate (3) in the shape of the letter "U" and place the workpiece to be processed in it.

For the manufacture of sheet steel - for example, from the blade of a razor blade - parts of any profile are acted somewhat differently. The profile of the part itself (1) is cut out of the paper and glued to the workpiece (2) (Fig. 4). Then the entire opposite side of the steel sheet is coated with varnish, and from the side of the template, the varnish insulation is applied so that it does not adjoin the template. And only in one place the applied insulation must be brought to the template with a narrow jumper (3) - otherwise the dissolution of non-insulated surfaces around the template may end before the outline of the part is formed. To obtain more accurate details, you can cut out two templates, stick them on the workpiece on both sides and carry out processing in a U-shaped cathode. Similar methods can be used to make various inscriptions on metal, both convex and "depressed".

Threading and spiral grooving.

One of the varieties of the milling process is electrochemical cutting of helical grooves and threads. This method can be useful for making at home, for example, wood screws or twist drills. When threading a screw (Fig. 5), as a template-mask (1), you need to take a thin rubber cord with a square cross section 1x1 millimeter, wind it tightly in a spiral onto a cylindrical workpiece (2) and fasten its ends with threads (3). And then isolate those surfaces of the workpiece that cannot be etched with varnish. As a result of electrochemical machining, a spiral thread cavity is formed on the workpiece between the rubber turns. Now you need to sharpen or, more precisely, make the end of the workpiece conical, which will serve as the sting of the screw entering the tree. To do this, remove the workpiece from the bath, remove the rubber from it and dry it. And then, having varnished its surface so that only the first 2-3 threads of the thread remain open, the workpiece is returned to the bath and the electrochemical processing continues for some time.

To make a twist drill at home, as a mask-template (1), you need to take three rubber cords of the same section and wind them on a heat-treated cylindrical workpiece (2), but in two passes (Fig. 6). Then, the surfaces of the workpiece that are not to be processed, and for reliability, the rubber cords must be varnished and, having lowered the part into a glass bath, electrochemical milling of the drill grooves to the required depth is performed. Now these grooves need to be widened to form the so-called "back" of the drill (3). For this, two out of three cords are removed from each strip of rubber insulation, and electrochemical milling continues for some time. After that, by removing the remaining insulation and sharpening the lead-in part, you will have an excellent twist drill.

The processes of electrochemical processing of metals are confidently gaining ground in all branches of industry. With their help, you can perform operations such as drilling, turning, grinding or polishing, milling parts of the most complex configurations, and even removing burrs. In this case, the essence of the processes of electrochemical sizing consists in the anodic dissolution of the metal during electrolysis with the regular removal of the resulting waste. That is why - and this is the most valuable thing - there are practically no hard-to-machine metals for the processes of electrochemical "cutting".

All these advantages of electrochemical processing processes can be successfully used at home to perform many interesting and useful work. For example, with their help, you can cut an elastic plate from a razor blade in 20-30 minutes, cut a hole of complex shape in a thin sheet of metal, carve a spiral groove on a round rod. To carry out all these works, it is enough to have an AC rectifier that gives an output voltage of 6-10 volts, or a rectifier for micromotors for 6 volts, which can be purchased at children's toy stores, or, finally, a set of 2-3 batteries for a flashlight. Pieces of wire, metal, glue and other auxiliary materials can probably be found in any home workshop.


If in any workpiece you need to make a recess of a complex configuration - for example, cut out the apartment number (diagram below) - then for this you need to take a sheet of Whatman paper and draw on it in full size the contour of the recess that you want to get. Then, with a razor blade or scissors, cut and remove the drawn outline, and cut the sheet in accordance with the shape and dimensions of the workpiece.

Glue the template-mask 1 obtained in this way with rubber glue or glue on the surface of the workpiece 2, attach a wire from the positive pole of the rectifier or a set of batteries to the workpiece and apply 1-2 coats of any varnish or nitro paint on all its remaining surfaces without insulation. It is a good idea to varnish or paint the mask template itself. After letting the coating dry, lower the workpiece into a glass with a concentrated solution of sodium chloride, opposite the template-mask, install a cathode plate 3 made of any metal and connect it to the negative pole of the rectifier or current source.

As soon as the current is switched on, the process of electrochemical dissolution of the metal inside the contour of the mask template will begin. But after a while, the intensity of the process will decrease, which can be seen from a decrease in the number of 3 bubbles released at the cathode. This means that an insulating layer of process waste has formed on the treated surface. To remove them and at the same time measure the depth of the recess, the part must be removed from the glass and, trying not to damage the template-mask, clean off the loose layer of waste from the treated surface with a small hard brush. After that, periodically removing the part to control the dimensions and remove waste, the process can be continued until the depth of the excavation reaches the required value. And when the processing is finished, after removing the insulation and the mask-mask, the part must be rinsed with water and lubricated with oil to avoid corrosion.

Stamping and engraving

When a complex hole needs to be made in a thin sheet of metal, the principles of electrochemical machining remain the same as for milling.

The subtlety lies only in the fact that in order for the edges of the hole to turn out to be even, the template - mask 1 must be glued to the workpiece from both sides. To do this, the contours of the template-mask 1 should be cut out in a sheet of paper folded in half and, sticking the template on the workpiece 2, orient it along one of its sides (diagram above). And besides, in order to speed up the processing and ensure uniform metal removal on both sides, it is advisable to bend the cathode plate 3 in the shape of the letter "U" and place the workpiece to be processed in it.

For the manufacture of sheet steel - for example, from the blade of a razor blade - parts of any profile do a little differently. The profile of part 1 itself is cut out of paper and glued to workpiece 2 (diagram below).

Then the entire opposite side of the steel sheet is coated with varnish, and from the side of the template, the varnish insulation is applied so that it does not adjoin the template. And only in one place the applied insulation needs to be brought to the template with a narrow jumper 3 - otherwise the dissolution of non-insulated surfaces around the template may end before the outline of the part is formed. To obtain more accurate details, you can cut out two templates, stick them on the workpiece on both sides and carry out processing in a U-shaped cathode. Similar methods can be used to make various inscriptions on metal, both convex and "depressed".

Threading and helical grooving

One of the varieties of the milling process is the electrochemical cutting of helical grooves and threads. This method can be useful for making at home, for example, wood screws or twist drills. When threading a screw (diagram below), as a template-mask 1, you need to take a thin rubber cord of square section 1X1 millimeter, wind it tightly in a spiral on a cylindrical workpiece 2 and fix its ends with threads 3. And then those surfaces of the workpiece that are not subject to pickling, insulate with varnish.

As a result of electrochemical machining, a spiral thread cavity is formed on the workpiece between the rubber turns. Now you need to sharpen or, more precisely, make the end of the workpiece conical, which will serve as entering. wood with a sting of a screw. To do this, remove the workpiece from the bath, remove the rubber from it and dry it. And then, having varnished its surface so that only the first 2-3 threads of the thread remain open, the workpiece is returned to the bath and the electrochemical processing continues for some time.

To make a twist drill at home, as a template-mask 1, you need to take three rubber cords of the same section and wind them on a heat-treated cylindrical workpiece 2, but in two passes (diagram above). Then, the surfaces of the workpiece that are not to be processed, and for reliability, the rubber cords must be varnished and, having lowered the part into a glass bath, electrochemical milling of the drill grooves to the required depth is performed. Now these grooves need to be widened to form the so-called "back" of the drill 3. For this, two out of three cords are removed from each strip of rubber insulation, and electrochemical milling continues for some time. After that, by removing the remaining insulation and sharpening the lead-in part, you will have an excellent twist drill.


To grind the surfaces of cylindrical parts by electrochemistry, in addition to traditional equipment, you must have a small electric motor or drill.

Having previously insulated the surfaces of the part that are not to be processed with a pack, fix it on the shaft of the electric motor 1, install the motor vertically on some bracket and lower the end of part 2 to be machined into the electrolyte bath (diagram above). Power supply of the anode part. 2 with current in this case it is best to "organize" a sliding contact going to the motor shaft, and make cathode 3 flat, equal along the length of the treated surface. Now it remains to turn on the electric motor and power supply to the bath. With the beginning of the process, darkening of the surface will begin - the formation of waste. To obtain the correct cylindrical shape of the surface to be treated, this waste must be continuously removed. It is convenient to do this with a toothbrush with a bristle shortened for rigidity, which, pressing it against the part, should be measured downward and upward. By periodically removing the part to measure the diameter, in this way it is possible to obtain a surface with a processing finish of X7 and a dimensional accuracy of the 2nd class.


In order to polish any steel surface, prepare two wooden "kolobashki" 1 measuring 40X40 millimeters: one for rough and the second for final polishing (diagram below).

Fix on them the plates of tin 2, which play the role of the cathode, bent by the angle, so that their position can be adjusted in height. To debug the polishing process, you need to take the workpiece 3, connect it to the positive pole of the current source and place it in a bath with electrolyte in such a way that the solution level lies slightly above the horizontal part of the cathode 2. Then one of the ends should be dipped into bath a solution of sodium chloride, remove and pour a pinch of fine abrasive powder on it. Now, turning on the current, begin to polish the part in a circular motion. In this case, it may happen that the electrochemical dissolution will proceed faster than the process of removing waste with an abrasive. To eliminate this discrepancy, lift the cathode plate higher and the dissolution rate will decrease. After polishing the entire surface with the first "kolobashka", change the electrolyte solution to a clean one, wash the part from the abrasive and, with the help of the second "kolobashka", proceed to fine polishing, which should be carried out either without abrasive at all, or using tooth powder instead. With some training in this way, a mirror surface can be obtained on parts two to three times faster than mechanical polishing.

"Frost" on tinplate

Take an empty can of canned food or just a piece of tinplate and connect to the wire from the positive pole of the rectifier. And to the other pole, connect any metal rod, having previously made a cotton swab at its lower end. If now this kind of "shaving brush" is dipped into a solution of table salt and then slowly begin to drive it over the surface of the tin, then amazing things will happen to it. In those places where you have applied the "shaving brush" 2-3 times, sparkling crystals of "frost" appear - the crystal structure of the tin coating will be revealed. If you continue the process, then gray islands of waste will soon appear on the metal, firmly attached to the metal. And in the future, the entire surface of the tin will become spotty gray, with a characteristic bizarre pattern.

To obtain various decorative patterns on the metal, you can try to use solutions of different salts or acids. So, for example, if instead of a solution of sodium chloride to take a one-percent solution of sulfuric acid, then the "emerging" crystals will acquire a brown tint. If a tin plate is sprinkled with tooth powder, the "frost" pattern will become more contrasting, with a milky-gray tint. By preheating individual parts of the tin part to local melting of the tin and quickly cooling them in water, you can get the most intricate ornaments on metal. Such ornaments look especially good if they are covered with colored varnish on top. Try it and you will see that a lot of beautiful things can be made from a simple tin can.

I am writing a diploma. I am a beginner in Inventor "e. Time is not enough, who can help, please help) There is a beam welded from 10 mm thick sheets. The material of the sheets, like the welding material, are set using Semantic 2015. Constraints on the edges, because in these sections, the beam is welded to the longitudinal beams (Figure 1). Loads, then the Force is introduced - 500 N. The result is somehow strange. A 100 mm thick sheet of high-strength steel bent, as shown in Figure 2, 3. Reduced the force by 50 H, the picture is the same, what could be the reason?

Let's go in order. I agree with clause 3 of article 1358. It clearly follows from this clause that a Utility Model (someone else's patent) is recognized as used in a product (in your product) if at least one feature from the independent claim of someone else's patent is used in it. This only used feature can only be a distinctive feature, since Article 1358 of the Civil Code deals with EVERY feature of an independent claim. "An independent claim must contain the features necessary: ​​- to realize the purpose of the invention (utility model), - to achieve the technical result indicated in the description; The set of features of an independent claim must ensure patentability for the object of the invention or utility model"

It looks like it. element damping comes from combos. Examples are usually associated with either rotor dynamics or FSI analysis using acoustic elements. Or do you shake the containment? Well, there are water tanks))) they can be modeled with acoustic elements. Although these are fleas, of course. g - constant structural damping assign different g to different materials. Why isn't Rayleigh damping suitable? well, except that you don't know the alpha and beta you need. the approach with the creation of a FE model is used. The FE model can contain different objects of the combinative type14 or just materials with damping. Assembling the matrix from the FE-model is the task of the program. Our task is to assemble the FE-model and set up the program correctly. To shove your objects into its matrices after the program has formulated the matrix is ​​unproductive and does not correspond to the popular approach. The conversation about modal coordinates, apparently, is a conversation about the solution by the method of superposition of harmonic or transient analysis. But it is not exactly)

Let's go in order. I think you agree with paragraph 3 of article 1358. Yes? It clearly follows from this clause that if at least one feature from the independent claim is not used, then the patent is not used in the object. Do you agree? This only unused feature can be both a distinctive feature and a restrictive one, since Article 1358 of the Civil Code deals with EVERY feature of an independent claim. That's actually all I wanted to say.

Ratcheting is not a stabilization, but an accumulation of deformation from cycle to cycle. but the reverse process is also possible - stabilization and extension of the hysteresis into a straight line. He even probably more often. How exactly in specific conditions a specific material will behave is still a question. that's it. only in special cases. let's say we are stretching the material. and let us assume that our material is such that at a sufficiently large deformation the Bauschinger effect ceases to be observed. how can this be, for example ... but we have exceeded the yield point by a factor of two. If the Bauschinger effect worked, then upon unloading and subsequent compression, the material would begin to plastically deform immediately. And if at the stage of stretching they exceeded the yield point three times, then the material would flow in compression, not yet unloaded. This pushes us towards the fact that the yield surface is not rigid, but has the ability to deform in the region of large deformations. But adherents of isotropic hardening go further. And let's, so that the above-described crap does not work, as the fluidity surface shifts, we will also expand it. Then, with large tension and subsequent unloading and compression, you can choose such parameters to fall into a separate private experiment or several experiments. But, applying isotropic hardening, we expand the surface not only in one direction, but also in the perpendicular direction. If we look at the stress space, then let's say tension / compression - we were talking about sigma1, then the perpendicular - sigma 2 or sigma3. And now this is absolutely wrong. That is, it will not work for complex loading paths. Therefore, a combination with hasty hardening is a dead-end path. It does not exist in nature; it was simply easier to program it at the dawn of FEM development for problems with one-sided plastic deformation and a simple loading path. As a bonus to those who have read to the end. There is also combined hardening, by the way, but with good results.

K .: Tehnika, 1989 .-- 191 p.
ISBN 5-335-00257-3
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In electrochemical milling, a coating of any acid-resistant paint applied on a stencil can serve as a protective coating. The pickling solution in this case consists of 150 g / l sodium chloride and 150 g / l nitric acid. Etching occurs at the anode at a current density of 100-150 A / dm2. Copper plates are used as a cathode. After the termination of the process, the cathodes are removed from the bath.

Electrochemical milling is more accurate than chemical milling.


To ensure strong adhesion of the electrolytic coating to aluminum, an intermediate layer of zinc, iron or nickel is applied to the surface of the latter (Table 21).


A smooth metal surface can be obtained by chemical or electrochemical (anodic) polishing (Tables 22, 23). The use of these processes makes it possible to replace mechanical polishing.

When oxidizing aluminum, mechanical polishing is not enough to achieve a shiny surface; after it, chemical or electrical

21. Solutions for pretreatment of aluminum

Orthophosphoric Ki Ice Acetic Orthophosphoric Ki

280-290 15-30 1-6

Acid Orange * For:

dye 2

pinned surface

1st treatment with intermediate

ratu-ra. WITH


Triethane! lamin

500-IfXX) 250-550 30-80

Triethanolamine Catalin BPV

850-900 100-150

Ortofs of phrtoic acids Chromic thhydrnd

* PS mining products are processed by the washing line in the same flow rate 6A / dm2

Trochemical polishing When polishing precious metals by chemical or electrochemical methods, their losses are completely eliminated. Electrochemical and chemical polishing can be not only a preparatory operation before electroplating, but also the final stage of the technological process. It is most widely used for aluminum. Electrochemical polishing is more economical than<ими-ческое.

The current density and the duration of the electropolishing process are selected depending on the shape, size and material of the products.



The quality of the metal coating is characterized by the structure of the deposit, its thickness and uniformity of distribution on the surface of the product. The structure of the precipitate is influenced by the composition and pH of the solution, the hydrogen released together with the metal, the electrolysis mode - by the


M 41
with SS

From sent

12XI8H9T, svshsho


From steel 12Х18Н97
H: rust

From styles 12Х18Н9Т Aluminum and 3-5 20-50 - (aluminum) stainless

0.5-5.0 20-50 1.60-1.61 Of copper or Evin - Copper and its

temperature, flow density, rocking, filtration, etc.

To improve the structure of the precipitate, various organic additives (glue, gelatin, saccharin, etc.) are introduced into electrolytes, complex salts are precipitated from solutions, the temperature is increased, continuous filtration is used, etc. The released hydrogen can be absorbed by the precipitate, contributing to an increase in fragility and porosity. , and the appearance of points of the so-called pitting. To reduce the effect of hydrogen on the quality of the sediment, the parts are shaken during the process, oxidizing agents are introduced, the temperature is increased, etc. The porosity of the sediment decreases with an increase in its thickness.

The uniform distribution of the sediment on the surface and delium depends on the scattering power of the electrolyte. The best scattering power is possessed by alkaline and cyanide electrolytes, much less - by acidic ones, and the worst - by chromic ones.

When choosing an electrolyte, it is necessary to take into account the configuration of the products and the requirements that are imposed on the NNM. For example, when covering products of a simple form, you can work with simple in composition electr> -

lntamn that do not require heating, ventilation, filtration; when coating products of complex shape, solutions of complex metal salts should be used; for covering internal and hard-to-reach surfaces - internal and additional anodes, filtration, mixing; to obtain a shiny coating - electrolytes with complex gloss-forming and leveling additives, etc.


The coating process consists of a series of sequential preparatory, coating and finishing operations. Preparatory operations include mechanical processing [of parts, degreasing in organic solvents, chemical or electrochemical degreasing, etching and polishing. Finishing treatment of coatings includes dehydration, clarification, passivation, impregnation, polishing, and brushing. After each operation