Decor elements for doors. Old doors are like new! Refresh old doors with wallpaper

It is possible to update the interior quickly and inexpensively with the help of non-standard design. There are many design solutions within which the door decor organically fits into the design and gives the room a logical completeness.

Do-it-yourself door decoration is not only an easy way to transform living space, but also an excellent method for eliminating minor structural defects that appear during long-term use. In this article we will look at the basic principles of this kind of finishing work and give examples of the most interesting and affordable options.

Pasting doors with wallpaper

Today the stores offer a wide selection of materials that are perfect for decorating interior doors. However, for quite a long time, wallpaper has occupied a leading position. Classic wallpaper looks great both on the walls and on other interior items (including as a door decor).

To use this method, you do not have to spend a lot of time and money on finishing work, and a wide variety of wallpaper models allows you to choose the style and shade that suits you.

Note that it is not necessary to use wallpaper to match the walls to decorate the doors, any pattern or color you like can be chosen (it can also be modern photo wallpaper).

Classic wallpaper

If you are going to make the decor of interior doors with your own hands, then it will not be superfluous to note the need for the correct selection of materials. In the case of wallpaper, it is worth giving preference to more expensive products, since cheap options often do not lend themselves to smoothing and quickly lose their appearance. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the adhesive mixture.

Choose only high quality wallpapers

As for the very process of decorating the walls with wallpaper, everything is simple:

1. First, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of traces of dirt and grease using a degreaser or solvent.
2. In the presence of chips and other defects, use a special wood filler.
3. It is necessary to dilute the glue to the desired consistency, according to the instructions on the package, and apply the solution to the door leaf.
4. Cut a strip of wallpaper to the required length and try on the door, then cover it with glue.
5. The process of applying wallpaper begins - when gluing the canvas, make sure that no bubbles remain on the surface.
6. To smooth out defects, arm yourself with a roller or a wide plastic spatula.
7. The excess parts of the wallpaper are removed with an ordinary office knife.

In the video: pasting the door with wallpaper and decorative moldings.


Do-it-yourself door decor involves an independent choice of materials and unusual design methods. One of these techniques is the use of fabric. The selected material can become both an integral decoration of the door leaf and a partial decoration.

You can decorate the door leaf as follows:

1. Measure the width and length of the part of the canvas that you want to decorate.
2. Make a fabric pattern and cut it out.
3. Glue double-sided tape around the perimeter of the door.
4. All that remains is to stick the cut-out fabric on the door, after making a fold at the edges.

Most often, for this kind of finishing work, whole pieces of fabric are used, however, decoration made in the patchwork technique looks great in the interior - several fragments of different colors and textures are taken.

Liquid wallpaper is a universal option for decorating old doors. With their help, you can recreate entire paintings on the surface from incredible patterns. For work, you must prepare the following materials and accessories: alkyd primer or white oil-based putty, dry wallpaper mixture, a set of spatulas of different sizes, roller, color scheme and transparent varnish.

Related article: How to repair an entrance door yourself: elimination of defects, installation and soundproofing

If colored liquid wallpaper is purchased, then there is no need for a color scheme

Compared to classic wallpaper, the process of applying this material has a number of distinctive features:

  1. At the stage of preparatory work, the door leaf is covered with a layer of primer or white putty. It is important to wait until the coating is completely dry.
  2. According to the manufacturer's instructions, you need to prepare a mixture of liquid wallpaper by adding water and color in the right amount to add color.
  3. Using a small spatula, apply the wallpaper mixture evenly in a thin layer. If you wish, you can prepare wallpaper in different shades and create a multi-colored composition.
  4. When the resulting decorative coating dries up, it should be fixed with transparent varnish.

Important! The main disadvantage of liquid wallpaper is the impossibility of using it in rooms with high humidity. This material is easily exposed to moisture and may peel off.

Another unusual way to decorate a door is to use glass and various mirror elements. This approach allows you to visually expand the space of the apartment, as well as make it more illuminated.

The door decor is quite simple:

1. First, remove the blade and place it in a convenient location. It is advisable to treat the surface with a degreaser.

2. Mark the future position of the mirror, according to its dimensions.

3. Apply glue (or better, a good sealant) around the perimeter and in the middle of the marked area.

4. Apply a mirror and press it firmly against the surface of the door.

5. For additional decoration, the mirror can be decorated with a frame, and it is glued all on the same sealant.

6. Until the sealant is completely dry, it is better to additionally secure the frame with tape.

Nowadays, acrylic panels with amalgam are also very popular among Russian citizens - they are distinguished by their increased reflectivity. The disadvantage of using a mirror panel is the high cost of production. However, high quality and unsurpassed aesthetic characteristics cannot leave customers indifferent.

Buckwheat door decor

You can also decorate a doorway using ordinary buckwheat husks. This method of framing is very ambiguous, but it has a number of advantages: it is both a non-standard approach, and the versatility of the material, as well as the low cost of the material, ease of application and the ability to create a variety of patterns. The downside is the fragility of the coating.

Work order:

  1. It is advisable to remove the old finish from the door, be it paint, varnish or any other coating.
  2. The surface is degreased and covered with a layer of dark brown paint. If there are glass inserts, it is better to protect them around the perimeter with masking tape.
  3. When the paint dries, PVA glue is applied on top, after which everything is sprinkled with buckwheat husk or the grain itself.
  4. It remains only to fix the resulting decor with acrylic transparent varnish.

To make the composition complete, the masters recommend transforming the picture frame or other interior detail next to the door in the same way.

Decor in vintage style

Recently, the vintage style has become especially popular. It is used to decorate living rooms, bedrooms and other living spaces. The special atmosphere of such interiors adjusts to a cozy and homely mood. As the masters note, the vintage style is able to "bring old doors back to life" and fill the space of an apartment with a unique charm.

For finishing work, you will need: coarse sandpaper, PVA glue or a special assembly mixture, a baguette, light-colored paint (better pastel), rollers and brushes, fixing varnish, additional decor at your discretion.

Decorating progress:

  1. The main stage of decorating involves painting the door in a neutral color. Next, you need to wait until the paint dries.
  2. Using sandpaper, the canvas is lightly sanded. Traces of natural wood will appear through the layer of previously applied paint, which will give the surface an aged look.
  3. Upon completion of rough processing, the decoration of the central part of the door begins. To do this, the selected baguette is coated with glue on the reverse side and pressed tightly to the canvas.
  4. Additionally, you can decorate the composition with old music books, posters, maps and any other vintage images - they are simply glued to the surface. You can also install semi-antique fittings (for example, a handle).
  5. In order for the resulting decor to play fully, the baguette is painted, and two layers of transparent acrylic varnish are applied over the pasted pictures.

Decorating old doors

New interior and exterior doors cost quite a lot, which is why if there are small defects on the surface of the door leaf, the best solution would be to restore and then decorate this piece of furniture. This approach is applicable to old furniture that has lost its original appearance over time.

The procedure for decorating wooden doors is as follows:

1. The door must be removed from its hinges and the old hardware must be replaced with a new one. It is desirable that locks, latches and door handles are made in the same style.

2. After you have removed the door leaf, you need to remove the old paint. To do this, you will need a hair dryer and spatulas of different sizes.

3. It is very important to properly repair all microcracks and scratches on the door surface. This can be done with putty and special putties.

4. When the door surface is completely dry, you can start sanding. At the same stage, it is necessary to apply a layer of drying oil to the canvas, which will prevent the coating from deforming under the influence of negative environmental factors.

5. There are many ways to decorate a door leaf - you can use paint or apply a layer of varnish, create an interesting composition using stencils or imitate moldings.

In the video: how to restore a door or give an old door a fresh look.

Decoupage technique

To decorate the door leaf, you can also use the decoupage technique. This method is easy to do with your own hands, which allows you to recreate exactly the design that reflects the interests of the residents of the house. Decoupage technique perfectly complements the vintage style, decorating it and giving it a modern look.

The decor is carried out using napkins, which are fixed to the surface using decoupage glue or PVA.

Before gluing the composition of napkins, the door must be treated with a putty (to level the surface), first covered with dark paint, waxed, and then painted with white acrylic paint and lightly sanded. Thus, the very effect of antiquity will be created.

Renovation of the door with self-adhesive foil

Self-adhesive foil is also used to decorate old doors made of natural wood, glass, metal and even plastic. A distinctive feature of this material is its high elasticity, which makes it possible to frame the door in a variety of ways (around the painted surface). That is why the self-adhesive film is perfect for decorating pieces of furniture, door leaf, windows, window sills.

If you do not have additional material resources, but strive for a radical transformation of the interior or front door, then the purchase of this material would be an excellent solution.

Use of paints

You can also update the interior with a standard door paint. The advantages of this method include: availability, long service life, elimination of defects and stains, a variety of color options and ease of maintenance of the coating. However, today you will hardly surprise anyone with such a decor. It is reasonable to decorate a doorway with paints in a children's room, especially if you involve a child in this process.

When buying paint, give preference to acrylic products. These materials lie flat on the surface, leaving no stains or smudges.

Stained glass painting

All kinds of stained-glass windows are ideal for decorating glass doors. As a result, you will get an original and spectacular interior, visual expansion of the space and thematic zoning of the house. And all this with the help of one or two small stained-glass windows. You can create a stained-glass window on glass with your own hands; for this, sets of stained-glass paints are sold in art stores.

In addition to paints, you will need an outline - the so-called metal border between fragments of different colors.

Decor using old maps or posters

To decorate an interior door to a teenager's room, you will need a stack of old posters, fragments from newspapers or magazines, and geographic maps. For a child, such a decoration will be a pleasant surprise, especially if the door to the room is decorated in the style of his favorite musical group. You can stick the scraps in the same way as in the case of classic wallpaper.

If the old door has lost its original appearance and defects in the form of scratches or cracks have formed on it, then it can be easily restored by decorating it with original drawings of our own design. They can be done both according to ready-made templates, and by surrendering to the flight of creative inspiration. The main thing is that the drawings on the doors correspond to the general style of the interior and give it a special charm. This method of restoration helps to significantly save money, as well as find a worthy use for your artistic talents.

Old doors do not have to be replaced with new ones; it is enough to seal cracks and crevices in them with special mastic and decorate with decorative painting. A correctly selected drawing will not only revive the interior or change it beyond recognition, but also give the room a cosiness.

The main types of painting:

For pattern painting, you need to purchase special stencils or make them yourself. Art stores sell reusable templates, but their cost is quite high. If you plan to apply the same pattern to all the doors in the apartment, then the expediency of their acquisition will be fully justified. But for one-time use, you can cut the stencil yourself from cardboard or film. In advertising agencies, you can also order the production of a template printed on vinyl film according to the customer's sketches.

When making a template on your own, it is not recommended to use drawings with a large number of small elements or with thin bridges between the patterns.

To apply airbrushing, you will need two professional tools: an airbrush and a compressor. You can use water-based acrylic or nitro-enamel paints. Professionals advise painting the metal entrance door with nitro enamel, and the interior doors with acrylic or oil paints. With the help of airbrushing, you can draw absolutely any picture if you have special skills. Novice lovers of this type of painting are advised to select simple drawings in the form of abstraction for work. You can also pre-create templates that the artist will use in the process of drawing an image.

Artistic painting is the drawing with brushes directly on the door leaf. Almost anyone can do this with minimal artistic skills. Even in the absence of artist talent, you can simply redraw a picture from a book or the Internet. The main thing is to choose the right colors and make sure that no streaks form.

Beautiful drawings on the doors with your own hands according to the template

The easiest way to decorate a door is to draw a pattern on it using a template that you can easily make yourself at home. To do this, you need cardboard or thick plastic wrap.

The sequence of work in the manufacture of a stencil:

After the template is securely fixed, the ornament is drawn with acrylic paints, which, after drying, is covered with furniture varnish.

It should be remembered that the drawing is applied to a previously prepared, degreased and painted surface.

Using stencils, you can also finish doors with embossed plaster or liquid wallpaper.

Creative decor: how to paint stained glass on a door

Doors with glass inserts offer endless possibilities for creative imagination. On them you can draw or stick a stained glass window, as well as lay out the pattern in mosaics. The main thing is that the door can support the weight of the glass mosaic tiles.

In hardware stores, ready-made stained glass film is sold, which only needs to be glued evenly onto the glass. But to create a real masterpiece, you will have to use decorative mastic, which will imitate a metal outline, and special stained glass paints. They fit perfectly even on a relief surface.

Step-by-step process of creating a stained glass window:

Mastic outlines are coated with gold or silver paint to give them a metallic sheen.

How to draw an open door in the interior

Sometimes, to implement creative design solutions in the interior, you need to depict an open door, in the opening of which you can see a garden, a river, a forest, or even a throne room. To do this, it is enough to have minimal artistic skills, as well as unlimited patience and diligence.

Step-by-step image of an open door:

  1. First you need to find a picture from which the image will be redrawn. It is desirable that the drawing be large and clear, with traced small details.
  2. The general outlines of the doors and the landscape that can be seen in the opening are drawn. This should be done as symmetrically as possible.
  3. The smallest details of the future drawing are clearly drawn.
  4. At this stage, you can outline the outlines of the falling shadows, but this is not necessary.
  5. The drawing is carefully painted with acrylic paints.

If it is impossible to depict the open doors, or the drawing was hopelessly spoiled, then the situation can be corrected by sticking photo wallpapers with a similar image, which can be bought at any hardware store or order an individual print.

Beautiful drawings on the doors (video)

Beautiful painted doors will adorn any interior. Even children over four years old can be involved in their design. They can paint with acrylics using a stencil or trace outlines previously drawn with a simple pencil. This joint creative process will give many unforgettable minutes for both parents and children and will help transform the room without much money.

The question of how to decorate an old door with your own hands is relevant for everyone who values ​​the beauty of the interior. During operation, the material of any piece of furniture deforms, shrinks, loses color. However, you do not need to run to the store in order to buy a new door. You can fantasize a little and transform the familiar attribute of the house yourself.

Preparing the door for decoration

First, you need to get rid of the old coating and assess the integrity of the tree. Required tools include:

  • spatulas of different widths;
  • hair dryer for construction;
  • sandpaper of different grain size;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • putty for wood.

The sequence of work on the preparation of the old coating is as follows:

  • the door is removed from the hinges (for the convenience of the process);
  • accessories (handles, latches, locks) are unscrewed;
  • the glass is carefully removed, if any;
  • the old coating heats up with a building hairdryer, after which the old paint is removed with spatulas;
  • if the surface has cracks or cracks, they are covered with putty;
  • after the material has dried, the door is sanded and sanded;
  • it is advisable to treat the surface with stain or drying oil, let it dry;
  • insert the glass back (although this action can be performed later depending on the choice of finishing method).

Now you can decide how to decorate the prepared surface.

Methods for finishing a wooden door

The classic method of transforming old wood furniture is to paint it with one or more colors. It is advisable to choose acrylic paint (it dries quickly), and before starting work, put a newspaper under the door so as not to stain the floor. Brush movements are best done parallel to the grain of the tree.

When painting in several shades, you can use one base color, and using dyes mixed with ordinary white paint, you can create geometric shapes or other elements. To create patterns, it is permissible to use ready-made stencils, a wide range of which is available in construction or online stores. Artistic painting, painted by a professional, textured surface or children's drawings (for example, on the door of your child's room) will also look good.

Painting of moldings will become an unusual decoration of the interior when decorating. Standing out decorative elements will visually increase the volume of the room, and you can choose whatever style you like.

Classical finishes are being replaced by innovative and unconventional ones. You can study and apply in detail one of the following methods:

  • Photo wallpaper.

Standard door wallpapers, which are ordered in photo workshops, have a size of 220 × 86 cm. Such decor is glued with wallpaper glue or PVA. A good way to decorate is to use regular wallpaper, but it's best to make the door stand out from its surroundings.

  • Textile.

The fabric finishing of old doors makes the atmosphere cozy. Make sure the glue is non-staining before buying, and make sure the pattern of the material blends in with the room.

  • Maps, paper, posters from magazines.

An excellent option for a door to a teenager's room. Favorite musicians, actors, images of beautiful cities of the planet - all this can be placed on a tree using ordinary glue.

  • Stickers.

An option that looks like a photo wallpaper, but costs a little more and lasts much longer. Vinyl stickers are ordered from online stores and are easy to apply.

  • Decoupage.

The process is meticulous - just cutting images from paper will take a lot of time. Further, applications are made from the cut out, fixed with PVA glue, dried and covered with a layer of varnish for reliability.

  • Ceramic mosaic.

An equally time-consuming operation, well suited for metal doors. Instead of ceramics, it is permissible to use wood, veneer or glass so that the structure is not very heavy. The elements are fastened with liquid nails or with Moment glue.

  • Leather upholstery.

Today it is difficult to find a tree covered with leather. If you have a lot of old wardrobe items made from this material, you can use them for decoration. Store-bought leatherette is also suitable.

  • Decoration with metal elements.

Not a bad addition to the above finishing method. With the help of steel brooches, rivets, buttons, you can achieve the effect of a real quilted product.

  • Slate.

Some home improvement stores offer customers a special paint that mimics the board. If painted with it, it will be possible to write on the surface with chalk and erase what is written.

  • The introduction of a decorative element.

An example is a forged metal product or wire. Not entirely safe for an apartment, but ideal for a country house.

On the removed glass, you can apply a special paint and give it the style of medieval buildings with graceful multicolored stained glass windows.

Obviously, we just need to show imagination when we decorate a door made of wood. For many years, an exploited partition between rooms can become a real work of art if you are creative in the process.

The nuances of restoring an old door with your own hands. Ideas and methods, photo.

A person associates his home with a place of rest. Therefore, he tries to create coziness, choose an interior and a pleasant color scheme in order to fully realize this.

On the other hand, everything in our world tends to become outdated and destroyed. Our homes and their interiors are no exception.

Renewing something around us, we awaken in ourselves creative energies, we feel as creators.

Although most types of interior work require special deep knowledge and skills to complete them, we are quite capable of updating interior doors on our own.

Let's talk about the features and methods of reconstruction of old doors in more detail.

How to make a new one out of an old door with your own hands: options, photos, tips

photo of the old door before and after restoration using decoupage technique

It is important to prepare it before updating the old door:

  • remove the doors from the hinges and lay them on a flat horizontal surface
  • fold all fittings separately or prepare them for disposal if they become unusable
  • if there are glass elements, carefully remove the glazing beads and then remove the breakable parts
  • if the door has been painted with paint, turn on a building hair dryer and gradually warm up its surface
  • arm yourself with a piece of rough sandpaper and remove any bubbles of old paint
  • replace the paper with another, with a finer abrasive and again walk over the entire surface of the door
  • final sanding with minimum abrasive paper
  • treat the door surface with a special putty for wood products
  • after complete drying, clean the doors in 3 approaches with sandpaper of different abrasiveness
  • fix the result with linseed oil or stain
  • then carry out those types of work that are necessary to update the appearance of the door
  • if there were glass elements in it, put them first and then new glazing beads in a fresh color / design

For examples, look at the options for the updated doors in the photo.

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 1

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 2

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 3

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 4

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 5

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 6

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 7

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 8 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 9 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 10

embodied ideas of decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 11

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 12 embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 13

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 14

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 15

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 16

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 17

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 18

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 19

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 20

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 21

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 22

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 23

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 24

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 25

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 26

How and how can you update the color of old wooden doors: ideas

girl paints an old wooden interior door with white paint

After you have completed the restoration work on the surface of the old interior door, choose a new color for it.

Among the ways that can help you in this moment, we note:

  • Painting with stain, paint or opening the wooden surface of the door with varnish.
    Remember, for best results, brush along the grain so that all gaps will be filled with dye.
  • Accents on moldings, or painting the protruding parts of the door with contrasting or similar colors. In the absence of such elements, glue them from wooden or polyurethane battens and paint.
  • Artistic painting, painting through stencils.
    The method is suitable for creative owners who want to bring originality to their interior.
  • Sticking wallpaper, large drawings on paper, pieces of fabric. Decoupage.
    In this case, observe all the requirements for fixing the material on the surface of the door - soak with water, glue, treat from above with a stream of hot air.
  • Stained glass painting.
    If you are good at drawing or have stocked up with interesting stencils, buy special stained glass paints and decorate the glass elements of your old door.
  • Gluing vinyl stickers.
    Note that this method saves you time preparing the old door. In other words, you can not even remove it from the hinges, but immediately glue the vinyl elements.

How and with what can you renovate varnished doors?

a man removes the old varnish from the doors to restore them according to a new design

To carry out restoration work, remove the old varnish from the door in one or more of the following ways:

  • sandpaper
  • grinder
  • chemical solvent

The first method was discussed in the previous section. The second method will significantly speed up the process of removing the old varnish coating. And the third has one nuance - the varnish can remain selectively on the door leaf. Therefore, be sure to polish the latter.

After removing the old layer of varnish, sanding and drying the doors, decide on their new design, for example:

  • apply a new varnish or laminate,
  • paint in the desired color,
  • Apply wallpaper / photo wallpaper or other imitation self-adhesive tape, for example, under a natural wood,
  • apply painting by hand, copying a specific drawing, or under a stencil,
  • decorate the door by gluing loose cereals - rice, buckwheat. Be sure to apply a layer of varnish on top for better fixation of the material.

How and how can veneer doors be renewed?

photo of renovated old veneer doors

One of the most common problems with veneer doors is blistering in certain areas. Therefore, first prepare it, carry out restoration measures before updating.

To eliminate the problem of the swelling of the canvas will help:

  • Iron.
    Heat it on medium mode and iron the swollen surface of the door folded on a horizontal stand.
  • Wet rags.
    Moisten a cloth rag with water and spread it over the problem surface of the door. After a quarter of an hour, remove and wait until dry.
  • PVA glue.
    Draw it into a syringe and gently insert it under the swollen surface of the door. Smooth the area with a dry cloth.

To eliminate cracks and chips on an old door made from the material in question, stock up on strips of veneer of a similar color.

  • Cut out strips that match the parameters of the surface to be repaired.
  • Cut off the excess with a scalpel after applying to the place of the chip / crack. In doing so, keep in mind that the fibers of the patch must be perpendicular to the door to be restored.
  • Treat the door leaf with a special putty and wait until it dries completely.
  • Use double-sided tape to secure the veneer strips.
  • Sand the joints.

When your old door has only minor scratches and chips, wax it:

  • liquid
  • pencil

In the first case, drop a couple of drops into the break and immediately walk with a dry cloth to remove excess. Before doing this, be sure to clean the door from dust and dirt, and also sand the surface.

In the second, tear off a piece from the wax pencil, knead it in your palms and stick it on the problem area. Wipe off the mark with a rag. Do this only on a previously cleaned and prepared door.

The following will help you to update the prepared old veneer door:

  • dye

If you've masked chips and scratches on your door with wax, remember that varnish and paint won't cover them. Or they will linger on it for a short time, and then crumble.

How and with what can you update paneled doors?

old paneled doors after renovation with paint, options in decor

Paneled doors in the interior look interesting. However, it is not always convenient to handle their frayed surface. We will not go into details. Let's dwell on the restoration options.

Successful solutions:

  • painting in several colors with highlighting protruding places
  • gluing wallpaper in segments, adhesive tapes along the contour, on panels
  • decoupage of individual segments
  • varnishing

The cardinal method is to disassemble the door leaves and replace them with laminated hardboard. To do this, you sheathe the frame of the door with it and especially carefully select the color when gluing its ends.

If there is glass in the door, paint it with special paints or simulate a stained glass window. Stencils for decor are also suitable.

How and with what can you renovate painted doors?

a man paints the old previously painted interior doors

Your first task is to remove the old paint from the doors and prepare them for restoration work. Their sequence:

  • decide on the location of the door in space - either lay it on horizontal supports, or remove it from its hinges and leave it upright,
  • with a spatula, go over the entire surface and remove the layer of old paint,
  • sand with sanding paper,
  • treat with a special primer for wooden surfaces,
  • let dry and sand again,

Cover the areas of the door that you do not plan to paint or open with varnish.

How and how can you update paper doors?

updated paper doors in the interior

Update paper doors with light materials that will not weigh them down and provoke tears in the canvas. For example:

  • self-adhesive film
  • decoupage
  • gluing individual elements, for example, paintings, volumetric drawings
  • painting with paints
  • stencils

How and how you can update an old door frame: ideas, photos

a man measures the level of a door frame during its restoration

You should remember about the restoration of the door frame when you are renovating an old door leaf. Of course, tinkering with the first one is less convenient, since it will not work to remove it.

The door frame processing technology is similar to those discussed above about doors. Carefully select the shades of paint and stain, as well as the color of the self-adhesive tape, wallpaper, so that this area on the wall is in harmony with the updated door leaf.

Below are a number of interesting door frames after DIY restoration.

updated door frames to match the interior and doors, example 1

self-adhesive door frame decor elements, example 2

self-adhesive door frame decor elements, example 3

How and how to glue the door beautifully?

beautifully pasted interior door after renovation

Among the common ways of decorating an old door is gluing a new coating in whole or in fragments.

For this, the following are suitable for you:

  • the cloth
  • leather and its substitutes
  • wallpaper
  • metal rivets, beads
  • patchwork
  • cut fragments of a picture, for example, a map of the world

To stick this or that material, select an effective adhesive, for example, PVA glue, special for wallpaper, scotch tape, double-sided self-adhesive tape.

How to beautifully paste over a door with wallpaper?

the old door is covered with wallpaper after the renovation

The main thing is to follow the wallpaper gluing technology.

  • First, prepare the door leaf for the update. The technique was presented in the first section of the article.
  • Decide on the color and texture of the wallpaper.
  • Apply special wallpaper glue to the surface of the door and attach a paper decor item.
  • Smooth out the result with a dry cloth.
  • Cut off the protruding edges with a utility knife.
  • Wait until the wallpaper on the door is completely dry.

Complement the decor as desired:

  • molding
  • design features such as small seashells and cut netting glued on top and covered with paint

In addition to the usual wallpaper, the following are popular:

  • photomurals with the image of three-dimensional objects / paintings
  • decoupage
  • self-adhesive tapes

How to update an outdated metal front door?

old metal front door after renovation

Metal doors also tend to become morally and physically obsolete. Having set out to update them, keep in mind that the approach and methods will be different for the outside and inside of the front door.

So, the inner part will be updated with the following solutions:

  • drawing with a stencil
  • art painting
  • mirror for the entire area of ​​the door
  • upholstery with dermantine
  • self-adhesive film
  • laminate

And for the outside of the door, the following are suitable:

  • MDF panels
  • laminate

To secure any material to the surface of a metal door, you will need an adhesive liquid, such as liquid nails when working with wood flooring.

How to beautifully decorate an old door for a nursery yourself: ideas, photos

do-it-yourself door in the children's room

Children's room is an area of ​​creativity, leisure and intellectual work of a child. Check with him before you start renovating the nursery door.

Better yet, involve the child in the process.

For inspiration, we will add a number of ready-made solutions for decorating the door to the children's room.

options for the decor of doors to the nursery after their update, example 1

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 2

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 3

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 4

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 5 options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 6

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 7

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 8

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 9

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 10

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 11

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 12

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 13

How to beautifully decorate an old kitchen door yourself: ideas, photos

renovation of an old kitchen door with a mosaic

To transform the door to the kitchen after restoration, choose the concept of its decor. It can be:

  • painting
  • opening with varnish
  • decoupage
  • gluing wallpaper and any adhesive surfaces
  • art painting and stencils
  • stained glass elements on glass
  • mosaic and gluing loose, small elements

See below for the implemented ideas with updated kitchen doors.

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 1

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 2

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 3

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 4

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 5

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 6

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 7

How to beautifully decorate an old bathroom door yourself: ideas, photos

options for updated doors to the bathroom in the interior

The bathroom is a special place in any home. Here we bring beauty and rest after working days. I would like the door to have its own style.

If you are currently updating it, take a look at these ideas:

  • drawing through a stencil
  • self-adhesive film
  • imitation of stained glass and paneled elements
  • combination of colors when painting fragments
  • mirrored interior
  • wallpaper

For more details, see the implemented ideas for decorating a bathroom door in the pictures below.

design options for doors to the bathroom after do-it-yourself renovation, example 1

design options for doors to the bathroom after do-it-yourself renovation, example 11

design options for doors to the bathroom after do-it-yourself renovation, example 12

So, we examined the features of the restoration of the old door in the house on our own. Got ideas from contemplating photos of ready-made ideas. We learned how to properly prepare the surface of the door for renovation.

If you feel potential but lack the courage to swing at a large door, start with dollhouse elements. Your child will appreciate the creative solutions for the decor of the doors, and you will have the courage and realize your wishes for their renovation in your home.

Video: how and how to update the old interroom doors?

Do-it-yourself door decor is a great way to add variety and a touch of creativity to the interior or exterior of your home. This is especially true on the eve of the holidays. In addition, over time, small defects may appear at the door, which decoration will again help to eliminate. How to decorate your door so that it looks stylish and beautiful - read this article.

DIY Christmas wreath: making the base

Perhaps the most traditional and simple way to decorate a door like New Year's is a spruce wreath. Of course, you can buy ready-made wreath stencils. But it is much more interesting to make a wreath with your own hands.

So, in order to make a traditional New Year's wreath, you will need the following materials:

  • fir branches;
  • wire (it can be replaced with newspaper, paper, embroidery hoop);
  • small Christmas decorations;
  • New Year's tinsel;
  • beads;
  • bunches of rowan;
  • medium-sized tangerines, sweets;
  • ribbons.

The most important thing in the manufacture of any wreath is to create a solid base frame. Of course, you can buy ready-made stencils. But, if you did not find them in the store, then there is nothing difficult in making the base. As a material, you can take a wire and, having wound it several times in the shape of a circle, get a base. Other interesting wreath stencils are embroidery hoops, newsprint, paper towels. An unusual but troublesome option is to fasten the toilet paper sleeves together (see photo).

DIY Christmas wreath: let's start decorating

The next step is the most interesting. This is the decoration of our base. The most traditional way is to attach spruce branches to it. If you've used a wire, you can easily do this with it. If you used paper as a base, then the branches can be attached with staples, threads, or the same metal wire. Once again we glue the protruding spruce edges with glue. It is necessary that the whole base be covered with branches. Let it dry. And let's start decorating. And you will get a New Year's wreath, as in the photo. It can also be used on sliding wardrobe doors.

Valentine's Day Door Decorations

On this day, you can make a special decoration for front door... For this, hearts of different sizes are suitable, cut from cardboard or fabric, and suspended in the form Garlands on the doorway (as pictured).

A small piece embroidered by you personally can be a great idea. decorative pillow in the shape of a heart with a declaration of love. It can be hung on the front door with a nail. This will not only be an ornament, but also a gift to your loved one. As a temporary decoration, you can use heart-shaped balloons that can be tied to sliding doors.

Decorations on the door for March 8

You can surprise your loved one on this day not only with a gorgeous bouquet of fresh flowers. An original gift can be placed right on the door. It will also be a great decoration. If you do not have a hand to attach live tulips around the metal wire, then you can use artificial flowers... This decorative element can be used not only for the door, but also for the sliding doors of the cabinet.

Doorway decor

Do not disregard not only the door itself, but also the space around the doorway. A good New Year's decor can be made by attaching colored ribbons around it. And at the top of the doorway, place such a festive element as a bow. On February 14, you can make an impromptu curtain of hearts by stringing them on long strings. And on March 8, the top of the doorway can be wrapped with a wreath of artificial flowers.

Door decor when damaged

However, the need for door decoration is not always associated with such pleasant chores as decoration for the new year... Sometimes this decor is caused by necessity. After all, doors are short-lived and can lose their original appearance over time.

If this option does not suit you, then mirrors can be used as decor. So, you can use acrylic panels with amalgam. And in this case, special attention should be paid to the preparation of the door. You can also use curly acrylic mirrors in the form of animals, flowers and other shapes. This decoration will also look good on sliding doors. In a similar style, you can make the decor of the doorway. In addition, the cabinet doors can also be decorated.