Emotional coloring of speech. Stylistic stratification of Russian vocabulary. Emotionally expressive coloring of words.

Many words not only define concepts, but also express the speaker’s attitude towards them, a special kind of appraisal. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, you can call it snow-white, whitish, lilac. These words are emotionally colored: a positive assessment distinguishes them from a stylistically neutral definition of white. The emotional coloring of the word can also express a negative assessment of the called concept: blond, whitish. Therefore, emotional vocabulary is also called evaluative ( emotionally).

At the same time, it should be noted that the concepts of emotionality and evaluation are not identical, although they are closely related. Some emotional words (for example, interjections) do not contain an assessment; but there are words in which assessment is the essence of their semantic structure, but they do not apply to emotional vocabulary: good, bad, joy, anger, love, suffer.

The peculiarity of emotionally evaluative vocabulary is that the emotional coloring “overlaps” the lexical meaning of the word, but does not boil down to it: the denotative meaning of the word is complicated by connotative.

In the composition of emotional vocabulary, three groups can be distinguished.

    Words with vivid connotative meaningcontaining an assessment of facts, phenomena, signs, giving an unambiguous description of people: inspire, adorable, daring, unsurpassed, pioneer, predestinate, forerunner, self-sacrifice, irresponsible, squeamish, double-dealing, deceit, antediluvian, slander, defame, fraud, sneak, stinker, sloppily. Such words, as a rule, are unambiguous, expressive emotionality prevents them from developing figurative meanings.

    Ambiguous wordsneutral in the main sense, getting a qualitatively emotional tint with portable use. So, about a person of a certain nature we can say: hat, rag, mattress, oak, elephant, bear, snake, eagle, crow, rooster, parrot; in a figurative meaning are used and verbs: nag, hiss, sing, nibble, dig, yawn, blink and etc.

    Subjective suffix wordstransmitting various shades of feelings: son, daughter, granny, the sun, neatly, near - positive emotions; beards, detina, treasury - negative. Their estimated values \u200b\u200bare determined not by nominative properties, but by word formation, since affixes give emotional coloring to such forms.

The emotionality of speech is often transmitted expressive expressive vocabulary. Expressivity (expression) (lat. expressio) - means expressiveness, power of manifestation of feelings and feelings. In the Russian language there are many words in which an expression element is added to their nominative meaning. For example, instead of the word good, being delighted with something, we say wonderful, wonderful, amazing, wonderful; you can say I do not like, but it is not difficult to find stronger, colorful words hate, despise, disgust. In all these cases, the semantic structure of the word is complicated by connotation.

Often, one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that vary in degree of emotional stress; Wed: unhappiness - grief, calamity, catastrophe; violent - rampant, indomitable, frantic, furious. Vivid expression highlights solemn words ( herald, accomplishments, unforgettable), rhetorical ( ally, aspirations, herald), poetic ( azure, invisible, silent, chant) Expressively painted and humorous words ( faithful, newly made), ironic ( deign, donjuan, vaunted), familiar ( naughty, cute, mumble, whisper) Expressive shades demarcate words disapproving ( mannered, pretentious, ambitious, pedant), neglecting ( make a fuss) contemptuous ( naughty), derogatory (skirt, squishy), vulgar ( lucky grabber), swearing (boor, fool). All these nuances of expressive coloring of words are reflected in stylistic notes to them in explanatory dictionaries.

Expression of a word is often superimposed on its emotional and evaluative meaning, with some words expressing predominating, while others - emotionality. Therefore, it is often not possible to distinguish between emotional and expressive coloring, and then they talk about emotionally expressive vocabulary (expressive assessment).

Words that are similar in nature to expressivity are classified into: 1) vocabulary expressing a positive assessment of the called concepts, and 2) vocabulary expressing a negative assessment of the called concepts. The first group will include high, affectionate, partly humorous words; the second - ironic, disapproving, swearing, contemptuous, vulgar and under.

Emotionally expressive coloring of a word is affected by its meaning. So, such words as fascism, stalinism, repression. Positive assessment stuck to words progressive, peace-loving, anti-war. Even different meanings of the same word can noticeably diverge in stylistic coloring: in one sense the word appears as solemn, high: Wait, prince. Finally, I hear not a boy’s speech, buthusband (P.), in another - as ironic, mocking: B. Polevoy proved that the venerable editor enjoys the fame of a scientisthusband(P.).

The development of expressive shades in the semantics of the word contributes to its metaphor. So, stylistically neutral words used as metaphors get vivid expression: to burn at work, fall from fatigue blazing gaze blue dream, flying gait, etc. Finally, the context expresses the words expressively: in it stylistically neutral units can become emotionally colored, tall ones can become contemptuous, affectionate ironic, and even a swear word (scoundrel, fool) can sound approvingly.

Expressivity (from lat. expressio - expression) - means expressiveness, expressive - containing special expression.

The emotionally expressive coloring of words is clearly manifested when comparing synonyms of stylistically neutral, high and reduced: face - face - face, obstacle - hindrance - obstruction, cry - roar - sob, fear - coward - fear.

Emotionally expressive words are distributed between book, colloquial and colloquial vocabulary.

Book vocabulary includes words used primarily in the book-writing sphere of a language. It contains lofty words that add solemnity to speech, as well as emotionally expressive words that express both positive and negative assessments of the concepts being called. In book styles, ironic vocabulary is used ( generosity, words, quixotic), disapproving ( pedantic mannerism) contemptuous ( disguised).

Language tools with emotionally expressive coloring are divided into reclamation, expressing a positive attitude (assessment) to the expressed ( enthusiast, delightful, unbending, spiritualized) and pejorativeexpressing negative attitude (ringleader, conciliationism, white-haired, servile, indulge, boast).

Among the positive colors stand out sublime, solemn, rhetorical (indestructible, selfless, power, aspirations, hoist), approving (amazing, magnificent, wonderful)affectionate (daughter, pigeon, lamb) and others among negative dismissive(nonsense, pharmacist, doctor, chatterbox, little fly, flock of sheep, staring like a ram at a new gate), scornful(anonymous, bourgeois, bazaar woman), disapproving (lounger, bruise, plod) ironic(kill beaver - to be deceived in the calculations, shed balm for anything buzz for an hour), swearing(swindler, bastard, viper about a human, bureaucrat, rogue) and etc.

In book vocabulary, groups of words of functional styles in the narrow sense stand out against the background of neutral words.

1. The vocabulary of the scientific style. First of all, the words termsexpressing scientific concepts. Terms - words or phrases calling the special concepts of any sphere of production, science, art.

a) General scientific classification vocabulary, i.e., vocabulary used in a number of sciences, groups of sciences or even all sciences (for example: classification, function, argument, approbation, differentiate etc.).

b) Highly specialized vocabulary. Vocabulary of individual sciences: oxide, molecule, hydrate, polymer (chemistry); vector, cathetus, logarithm, divider, cosine (maths); etymology, orthoepy, stylistics, phoneme (linguistics), etc.

In addition to the proper terminological vocabulary in the scientific style, abstract (abstract) is widely used. general vocabulary: movement, oscillation, undertaking, position, comparison. Quite often found in it are abbreviations (compound words) of a terminological nature: Efficiency (efficiency), computer (electronic computer), Lsg (lexico-semantic group), etc. A significant place, especially in the language of exact sciences, is occupied by the symbols: x, H2O, R, \u003d and etc.

Sometimes, as a special kind of scientific vocabulary, the so-called production-technical and vocational-vocabulary vocabulary of a book-written nature : adjustment, molding, grinding, casting, rolling etc.

2. Vocabulary of formal business style. This vocabulary is characterized by an almost complete absence of emotionally evaluative shades, anti-expressiveness, strict isolation by the limits of one's style, and systematic nature. Therefore, its use in other versions of the language (especially in colloquial speech) is highly undesirable.

Given the varieties of the official business style, it includes:

a) Clerical and business vocabulary: citizen, subscriber, customer, client, enroll, reside, hand, watering other. A significant place in this subgroup is occupied by service words: by virtue, at the expense of, for the purposes, according to (why) regarding (what) insofar as etc.

b) Official documentary vocabulary: decides, alerts, appropriate, follows, necessary.

c) Forensic: guilt, punishment, applicant, submitter, witness, accomplice, cassation etc.

d) Diplomatic vocabulary: residence, attache, ambassador, attorney (in business) ratification mission.

According to another classification in official business vocabulary distinguish:

a) Official terminological: widely used (law, decree, passport, application, protocol) and highly specialized (sanction, plaintiff, defendant, investigation - legal).

b) Clerical: the undersigned, charge, be present, satisfy, the foregoing. Service words and phrases: in accordance with (with what), in the matter (of what), and also, by virtue of that.

3. Vocabulary of journalistic style. Two groups of words are usually distinguished here.

a) Special journalistic terminology: interview, reporting, chronicle, columnist.

b) Social and political terminology: discrimination, genocide, avant-garde, democracy, peace-loving.

It should also be noted the widespread use in the journalistic style of emotionally evaluative vocabulary: future, accomplishment, creator etc.

In a number of genres of journalistic style, official business vocabulary can also be used.

4. With a broad understanding of functional styles, functional-stylistic vocabulary also includes vocabulary of the art style. As already noted, elements of all other variants of the national language are used in artistic speech, therefore, it makes no sense to talk about some lexical uniformity of the artistic style. Sometimes the so-called poetry: lyre, nectar, virgin, wondrous, former, stepfather, read, cherish, burn etc. But, of course, they do not in any way define artistic speech as a whole. A very special circle forms folk poetic vocabulary: goryushko, darling, ruff, fine, azure other.

The main features of artistic speech are not in the presence of any special words of an artistic style, but in the special use of any words for artistic and expressive purposes.

Oral and spoken vocabulary

1. Literary and colloquial vocabulary. This includes words used mainly in the LRR (literary colloquial speech) and giving it a colloquial character or literary colloquial.

a) Actually colloquial vocabulary - vocabulary, common, common in the field of LRR. Colloquial words include affectionate words ( daughter, darling), playful ( butuz), as well as words expressing a negative assessment of the called concepts ( small fry, zealous, giggle, show off).

b) Conversational household vocabulary - words used in everyday everyday life (sometimes with a touch of familiarity) communication: gasp, joke, cry, reveler, waddle, swivel, like hot cakes, cleaver etc.

2. Non-literary and colloquial vocabulary. It includes colloquial words, words located on the verge or outside the literary sphere of a language that violate strict literary norms. Vernacular - This is mainly everyday speech of uneducated layers of urban residents. Most clearly, the specifics of this social version of the language is manifested in vocabulary.

a) The words of a common everyday vernacular, containing a positive assessment of the called concept ( hard worker, brainy, awesome), and words expressing the negative attitude of the speaker to the concepts they designate ( crazy, flimsy, dold, dad, empty-handed, blurt out, flimsy) The line between these words and colloquial words is very thin and sometimes almost invisible.

b) Words of gross colloquialism or vulgarism. These are words that are unacceptable in the fields of literary speech, violating the norms of literary usage, sometimes swearing: vernyak, stingy, stupefied, sprinkled, bullshit, pentuh, belly, snout, erysipelas, mug, trash, eat, sham, crack, pop, bitch, bastard and so on . The use of these words in fiction is always subject to certain expressive tasks facing the writer. In this case, they turn out to be a very bright stylistic means of the language, since in addition to the functional-stylistic characteristics they have a significant emotional and evaluative coloring.

c) Words are incorrect, profanity from the point of view of the literary language. These are, as a rule, single-root phonetic, morphological and word-building non-normative variants of the words of the literary language: exhilaration (sharp) to click (cry), male (kid), theirs (them), here (on the), stretch (a meeting), twig (ailment). Similar words sometimes refer to semi-dialect.

Emotionally expressive coloring of speech

The use of words with a bright emotionally expressive coloring revives speech. Such words not only call concepts, but also reflect the speaker's attitude to them. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, you can call it snow-white, whitish, lilac. These adjectives are emotionally colored: in them a positive assessment distinguishes them from the stylistically neutral word “white”. The emotional coloring of the word can also express a negative assessment of the called concept (the blond woman speaks of an ugly person with blond hair, whose appearance is unpleasant for us). Therefore, emotional vocabulary is called evaluative.

Representing a sense of speech also requires special expressive colors.

Expressivity (from lat. Expressio expression) means expressive, expressive expressive. In this case, special stylistic evaluations are added to the nominative meaning of the word, enhancing its expressiveness. So, instead of the word “good” we use the more expressive beautiful, wonderful, delightful, etc .; You can say I do not like, but sometimes we find stronger words: I hate, despise, and try to disgust. In such cases, the lexical meaning of the word is complicated by expression. Often, one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that differ in the degree of expressive stress (cf: misfortune - grief - distress - catastrophe; violent - rampant - indomitable - violent - furious).

Vivid expression highlights the solemn, rhetorical, poetic words. Special expression distinguishes the words playful, ironic, familiar. Expressive shades distinguish between words disapproving, dismissive, contemptuous, humiliating, vulgar, swearing. The expressive coloring in a word is superimposed on its emotional and evaluative meaning, with expression prevailing in some words, expression prevailing in other words, and emotional coloring in others. This is not difficult to determine, trusting in your linguistic instinct.

Expressive vocabulary can be classified by highlighting: 1) words expressing a positive assessment of the called concepts, and 2) words expressing their negative rating. The first group will include words high, affectionate, desperate playful; the second is ironic, disapproving, swearing, etc.

It is necessary at all lessons, especially reading, development of speech, to ask children - “say differently, say kindly, come up with gentle words, pick up beautiful words”, i.e. enrich and learn to use a synonymous dictionary.

The value of speech for deaf children is extremely high. Oral speech for them acts as a means of communication, the basis of language proficiency, an instrument of thought.

Oral speech as a means of communication ensures the integration of inaudible students in society.

For the correct organization of work on the expressiveness of speech, it is necessary to take into account such components of the speaker system as frequency, strength (intensity), timbre, duration of sound.

Each component of the expressiveness of oral speech is very important. All of them are interconnected and this interconnection is taken into account when developing methodological methods and content of work on pronunciation.

The issue of the formation of expressive speech is associated with the general learning process. The richer and more expressive the child’s speech, the deeper, wider and more diverse his attitude to the content of speech; expressive speech complements and enriches it.

Now, we consider it necessary to proceed to the description of the practical part of this work.

Many words not only define concepts, but also express the speaker’s attitude towards them, a special kind of appraisal. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, you can call it snow-white, whitish, lilac. These words are emotionally colored: a positive assessment distinguishes them from a stylistically neutral definition of white. The emotional coloring of the word can also express a negative assessment of the called witness: fair-haired, whitish. Therefore, emotional vocabulary is also called evaluative (emotionally evaluative).

At the same time, it should be noted that the concepts of emotionality and evaluation are not identical, although they are closely related. Some emotional words (for example, interjections) do not contain an assessment; but there are words in which evaluation is the essence of their semantic structure, but they do not apply to emotional vocabulary: good, bad, joy, anger, love, suffer.

A feature of emotionally-evaluative vocabulary is that the emotional coloring “overlaps” the lexical meaning of the word, but does not boil down to it: the denotative meaning of the word is complicated by connotative.

In the composition of emotional vocabulary, three groups can be distinguished.

  • 1. Words with a bright connotative meaning, containing an assessment of facts, phenomena, signs, giving an unambiguous description of people: inspire, delightful, daring, unsurpassed, pioneer, predestinate, forerunner, self-sacrifice, irresponsible, bruise, double-dealing, deceitful, antediluvian, defile, oppress , fraud, sneak, dumbbell, slop. Such words, as a rule, are unambiguous, expressive emotionality prevents them from developing figurative meanings.
  • 2. Multiple-valued words, neutral in the main sense, receiving a qualitatively emotional connotation during portable use. So, about a person of a certain nature we can say: hat, rag, mattress, oak, elephant, bear, snake, eagle, crow, rooster, parrot; the figurative meaning also includes the verbs: saw, hiss, sing, nibble, dig, yawn, blink, etc.
  • 3. Words with suffixes of subjective assessment, conveying various shades of feelings: son, daughter, grandmother, the sun, neatly, near - positive emotions; beards, detsina, treasury - negative. Their estimated values \u200b\u200bare determined not by nominative properties, but by word formation, since affixes give emotional coloring to such forms.

The emotionality of speech is often conveyed by particularly expressive expressive vocabulary. Expressivity (expression) (lat. Expressio) - means expressiveness, the power of manifestation of feelings and feelings. In the Russian language there are many words in which an expression element is added to their nominative meaning. For example, instead of the word good, being delighted with something, we say beautiful, wonderful, delightful, wonderful; I can say I don’t like it, but it’s easy to find stronger, more colorful words I hate, despise, disgust. In all these cases, the semantic structure of the word is complicated by connotation.

Often, one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that vary in degree of emotional stress; cf .: misfortune - grief, calamity, catastrophe; violent - rampant, indomitable, frantic, furious. Vivid expression highlights the words solemn (herald, accomplishments, unforgettable), rhetorical (ally, aspirations, proclaim), poetic (azure, invisible, silent, sing). Expressive words are painted and humorous (faithful, newly made), ironic (deign, donjuan, vaunted), familiar (non-evil, cute, humble, whisper) Expressive shades distinguish between disapproving words (mannered, pretentious, ambitious, pedantic), neglect ), scornful (noshnichat, sneak), derogatory (skirt, squishy), vulgar (grabber, lucky), swearing (boor, fool). All these nuances of expressive coloring of words are reflected in stylistic notes to them in explanatory dictionaries.

Expression of a word is often superimposed on its emotional and evaluative meaning, with expression predominating in some words, and emotionality in others. Therefore, it is often not possible to distinguish between emotional and expressive coloring, and then they speak of emotionally expressive vocabulary (expressive-evaluative).

Words that are similar in nature to expressivity are classified into: 1) vocabulary expressing a positive assessment of the called concepts, and 2) vocabulary expressing a negative assessment of the called concepts. The first group will include high, affectionate, partly humorous words; the second - ironic, disapproving, swearing, contemptuous, vulgar and under.

Emotionally expressive coloring of a word is affected by its meaning. So, such words as fascism, Stalinism, repressions received a sharply negative assessment from us. A positive assessment was entrenched in the words progressive, peace-loving, anti-war. Even different meanings of the same word can noticeably diverge in stylistic coloring: in one sense, the word appears as solemn, lofty: Stand, prince. Finally, I hear the speech not of the boy, but of the husband (P.), in another - as ironic, mocking: G. Polevoy proved that the venerable editor is known as the learned husband (P.).

The development of expressive shades in the semantics of the word contributes to its metaphor. So, stylistically neutral words, used as metaphors, get vivid expression: burn at work, fall from fatigue, suffocate in totalitarianism, a blazing look, a blue dream, a flying gait, etc. The context expresses an expressive coloring of words: it’s neutral in stylistically, units can become emotionally colored, tall ones can be contemptuous, affectionate ones, ironic, and even a swear word (scoundrel, fool) can sound approvingly

Correlation of functional-style fastening and emotionally expressive coloring of words

Emotionally expressive the coloring of the word and its belonging to a certain functional style in the lexical system of the Russian language, as a rule, are interdependent. Emotionally expressive neutral words are usually included in the vocabulary of common vocabulary. The exception is the terms: they are always stylistically neutral, but have a clear functional fixation.

Emotionally expressive words are distributed between book and colloquial (colloquial) vocabulary.

To the vocabulary belong words high, giving solemnity to speech, as well as emotionally expressive, expressing both a positive and a negative assessment of the called concepts. So, in book styles, ironic vocabulary (good-naturedness, words, quixoticism), disapproving (pedantic, mannerism), contemptuous (guise, corrupt), etc. are used. Therefore, it is sometimes incorrectly believed that book vocabulary consists only of words of positive evaluative meaning, although such, of course, prevail in it (all poetic, rhetorical, solemn vocabulary).

Spoken vocabulary includes the words affectionate (darling, mom), humorous (butuze, giggle), as well as some units expressing a negative assessment of the called concepts (but not too rude): zealous, giggle, show off, small fry.

To colloquial vocabulary belong sharply reduced words that are beyond the limits of literary norm. Among them there may be forms containing a positive assessment of the called concepts (hard worker, brainy), but much more forms expressing the negative attitude of the speaker to the designated concepts (left, crazy, flimsy, deserted, etc.).

Functional signs and emotionally expressive and other stylistic shades often intersect in a word. For example, the words satellite epigone, apotheosis are perceived primarily as bookish. But at the same time we associate the word satellite, used in a figurative sense, with a journalistic style; in the word epigone we note a negative rating, and in the word apotheosis - a positive one. In addition, the use of these words in speech is influenced by their foreign language origin (phonetic design not characteristic of the Russian language can lead to their inappropriateness in a certain context). And the affectionate and ironic words of a sweetheart, motanya, zaletka, fling combine a colloquial and dialectic coloring, a folk-poetical sound. The richness of the stylistic shades of Russian vocabulary requires a particularly careful attitude to the word.

Use in speech stylistically colored vocabulary

The stylistic coloring of the word indicates the possibility of using it in one or another functional style (in combination with common, neutral vocabulary). However, this does not mean that the functional fixation of words for a particular style excludes their use in other styles. The modern development of the Russian language is characterized by the mutual influence and interpenetration of styles, and this contributes to the movement of lexical means (simultaneously with other language elements) from one style to another. So, in scientific works often journalistic vocabulary is adjacent to the terminological. This can be seen in the example of literary works: Publication of the "Northern story" K.G. Paustovsky dates back to 1939. This is a romantic story about people of different generations and nationalities, whose fates are closely and sometimes intricately intertwined. The heroes of the story share common features - the struggle for social justice and freedom, moral purity. ... The idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer determined the features of the composition and plot of the story. The plot parallelism of the first and second to third parts, a peculiar repetition of the plot line are not accidental (L.A. Novikov). Scientific style does not exclude emotional speech, and this determines the use of evaluative vocabulary, high and low words in it.

The journalistic style is even more open to the penetration of foreign style. In a newspaper article, one can often find terms along with colloquial and even vernacular vocabulary: The word "perestroika" entered many languages \u200b\u200bwithout translation, like the "satellite" at one time. However, it is much easier for a foreigner to learn this word than to realize everything that stands behind him. I will show this on facts from the economic sphere ... Planning, as you know, is based on standards. I hasten to immediately and clearly make a reservation so as not to be accused of the fact that I am generally against any standards. No, of course! And at the enterprises, I am sure, they will not reach the point of stupidity to indiscriminately deny their necessity. Only depending on what standards. When the percentage of deductions from profit to the budget, or the payment for the consumption of natural resources or the size of payments to the bank for a loan, is established, for example, who will be against it? But when standards regulate the entire internal life of enterprises: structure and number, salaries and bonuses, deductions for all kinds of needs (up to buying pens and pencils), this is, excuse me, utter nonsense, which leads to results that are often funny, sometimes dramatic, and sometimes tragicomic (P. Wolin). Here, scientific, terminological vocabulary is intertwined with expressively colored conversational, which, however, does not violate the stylistic norms of journalistic speech, but rather, enhances its effectiveness. Here, for example, is a description of a scientific experiment that appeared on a newspaper page: At the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry ... thirty-two laboratories. One of them is studying the evolution of sleep. At the entrance to the laboratory is a sign: "Do not enter: experience!" But from behind the door comes the clucking of a chicken. She is not here to lay eggs. Here is a researcher who picks up corydalis. Turns upside down ... Such an appeal to foreign style vocabulary is justified, colloquial vocabulary enlivens speech, making it more accessible to the reader.

Of book styles, only official business is impenetrable for colloquial vocabulary, for emotionally expressive words. Although in the special genres of this style it is possible to use journalistic elements, and consequently, evaluative vocabulary (but from a group of book words). For example, in diplomatic documents (statements, government notes), such vocabulary can express an attitude to the discussed facts of international life: find a way out of the impasse, look with optimism, a giant evolution in relations.

A sign of the time was the use of terminological vocabulary in a figurative sense outside the scientific style: the next round of negotiations, the virus of indifference, new rounds of endless debate, the coefficient of sincerity, euphoria passed (it became clear that there would be no easy solutions), etc. In this case, there is not only a metaphorical transfer of meaning, as a result of which there is determininization, but also a stylistic transfer: the word goes beyond the terminology that generated it and becomes common.

However, the involvement of foreign style vocabulary does not always fit into the stylistic norm. Significant damage to the culture of speech is caused by inappropriate use of: 1) high book vocabulary ("Zhuravlev acted as an advocate of saving building materials"); 2) far-fetched, artificial terms that create a pseudo-scientific language ("One head of a female cattle [ie, a cow!] Should be used, first of all, for the subsequent reproduction of offspring"); 3) journalistic vocabulary in a neutral text, giving false pathos to the statement ("The store staff No. 3, like all progressive humanity, took up a labor shift in honor of May Day").

A violation of the stylistic norm is: 1) an unreasonable confusion of different vocabulary, which results in inappropriate comic ("To get strong evidence of abuse of power, we took a photojournalist with me"; "The company's management clung to a rationalization proposal"); 2) the introduction of colloquial elements in book speech ("Sundays laid the foundation for the improvement of the district center, but we still have a lot of work to do in this matter"; "The grain harvest in the region was heaped up, referring to bad weather conditions").

Comedians use the comic effect of mixing linguistic means of different styles, deliberately using words contrasting in stylistic coloring: A few days later, a young medic walked with a girl in a very rough terrain on the seashore (I. and P.); On the forgotten side, in Zabolotsky volost, oh, I liked you completely and completely. As it came - I don’t know myself - this is a hobby, we walked through the forests of local importance (Isak.).

The bureaucratization of all life forms of our society in the stagnant period led to the fact that the influence of the official business style was excessively strengthened in the Russian language. Elements of this style, unjustifiably used outside it, are called clericalism. They include characteristic words and phrases (presence, for lack of, to avoid, due, above, at the moment, time span, today and under.), Many verbal nouns (taking, bloating, living, finding, withdrawing, absenteeism , walking, understaffing, etc.); named prepositions (in deed, in part, for purposes, along the line, at the expense, etc.). The formulations, replete with clericalism and speech cliches, helped to evade direct conversation on sensitive topics, to call a spade a spade: Some shortcomings were noted in the development of public animal husbandry; The negative side in the business of the enterprise is in cases of defective products.

Clericalism penetrates not only book but also colloquial speech, in which sometimes ridiculous combinations of stylistically incompatible words can be noted: [in reference to the child] What question are you crying for? (example of K.I. Chukovsky); [at home] If I have a wife, I won’t wash the dishes! The absurdity of saturating conversational speech with clericalism becomes apparent when we meet with their parody use: “Imagine that my husband asks his wife what she’s doing today at dinner. area, as well as in the utility room for general use intended for cooking. In the subsequent period, I organized a visit to the outlet with the aim of acquiring the necessary food products ... "(an example of VG Kostomarov).

Another distinctive feature of colloquial speech of our time was the saturation of its diminutive forms with no stylistic motivation. Researchers note the “stylistic simplification” of this group of evaluative vocabulary, which is often perceived by speakers as a peculiar sign of informal speaking: Hello !; Have you prepared the material ?; Give a reference; Pour in half the soup ladle; Sausages are half a kilo, etc. In such cases, we are not talking about the size of the objects, especially tender attitude towards them is not expressed, in other words, the appraisal of expressively colored words is lost. The appeal to such forms is caused either by a false notion of "polite style" or by the lowered position of the petitioner, who is afraid to get a refusal from the person whom he is forced to turn to. Such use of expressive-emotional vocabulary often reflects the distribution of social roles in society.

For writers and journalists, diminutive forms of evaluative words become a source of ironic, satirical coloring of speech (at the same time with a mixture of styles): Well, what are we all good at! How beautiful and pleasant! And there’s the one who pushed the old woman with his elbow, and instead of her got into the bus! And there’s the one that has been sweeping the lane for three days already ... (From the gas.).

There is also a high degree of use in colloquial speech of reduced words, which in this case lose their shades of neglect, rudeness (girls, boys, grandmother, aunt, etc.): I have a good grandmother; My boy from the army is returning; The girl walked with him beautiful.

The trend towards stylistic simplification of evaluative vocabulary does not give us, however, the right not to take into account the emotionally expressive coloring of words when they are used.

Emotionally expressive words are distributed between book and colloquial (colloquial) vocabulary. Conversational household vocabulary is used in a casual conversation. To the vocabulary belong words high, giving solemnity to speech, as well as emotionally expressive, expressing both a positive and a negative assessment of the called concepts.

Being synonyms of interstitial words, expressively vernacular words differ from them not only in their ability to express an assessment. They often contain an additional semantic connotation, which is not in the inter-style word and with which the assessment of a given subject, action, attribute, etc. is usually associated. The semantic “additive”, which many grossly expressive words have in comparison with the inter-style word, is often reflected in the interpretation. Some linguists call them actually colloquial *, others - common people (rightly noting "similarity" with dialect words).

Expressive-colloquial words also play a large role as a means of expressing an assessment, often negative, ironic, mocking, condemning. Wed and the above passage of the text, where expressive-colloquial tearing and flayer are used in one phrase with a highly radiant.

The culture of speech communication refers to such a selection and organization of language tools that contribute to the most effective achievement of the tasks in this field of speech ... A significant place in the textbook is occupied by material related to the culture of speech communication and the design of official documentation.

Emotionally expressive coloring of words

The vocabulary of oral speech includes words characteristic of oral varieties of communicative activity. From the point of view of belonging to different parts of speech, spoken vocabulary, as well as neutral, is diverse. However, one cannot say that they are not found in the speech of people who are cultural and educated, that is, who monitor their language.

The ability to use the word in any style of speech testifies to its general usability. Many words not only name concepts, but also reflect the speaker's attitude to them. The following three varieties are distinguished in the composition of emotional vocabulary. 1. Words with a bright estimated value, as a rule, are unambiguous; "The assessment contained in their meaning is so clearly and definitely expressed that it does not allow the use of the word in other meanings."

Vocabulary of oral speech (colloquial, vernacular)

Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish between emotional and expressive vocabulary. 2) words expressing their negative assessment. Even different meanings of the same word can diverge noticeably in stylistic coloring: in one case, the use of the word can be solemn (Postoy, prince.

Use in speech stylistically colored vocabulary

The appearance of the word, depending on the context of additional expressive shades, significantly expands the visual possibilities of vocabulary. 1. Neutral (interstyle) is a vocabulary that is used in all styles of the language, it is a discharge of words that are not expressively colored, emotionally neutral. You can compare the common word lie and compose, fill in words that belong to colloquial vocabulary and have a colloquial and playful character.

Modern Russian language. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Morphology

Becoming a term, the word loses its emotionality and expressiveness. This is especially noticeable if we compare common words in a diminutive form and the corresponding terms. Tooth from the word tooth in the meaning of "bone formation, an organ in the mouth for setting, biting and chewing food" and the term tooth is a cutting tooth of a machine, tool.

But the same term can be used in different areas. Functional signs and emotionally expressive and other stylistic shades often intersect in a word. Emotionally expressive neutral words are usually included in the vocabulary of common vocabulary. Colloquial vocabulary - words with a stylistically reduced, rude and even vulgar shade, to-ry are beyond literary speech (see vernacular).