Energy of human shells. The structure of the human subtle body

Any matter is forces and condensed energies with low vibration.

A person consists not only of a physical body, but also of mental and spiritual energy-informational bodies.

Awareness of these energy bodies will give a person the opportunity to follow a faster and more qualitative path of development and improvement.

1. Revealed body - flesh (flesh) body, flesh .

This is the main instrument of our soul, it carries out the functions of movement and reproduction.

It is a receptacle and binder of subtle bodies, consciousness, soul and spirit. Fully formed and matured by the first year of life.

Therefore, the ancestors, adhering to the tradition of Vedic Orthodoxy, carried out age initiation for children during this period. "The tonsure", the boys completely, and the girls cut their hair in a certain way, which symbolized the donation to Veles and the fact that from now on the soul in the body fully arrives in the material world of Revelation.

Unconsciously adhering to this custom, until now, in almost all Slavic lands, children are sheared bald fields of the first year of life.

2. Hot body - a shell (etheric body) that surrounds a living being .

It has the shape of a ball that surrounds the human body with a multi-layered and complex "spacesuit". It keeps a person's own energy inside, stores information about the body and what is happening around it.

Heat protects the body from inharmonious energy flows and blocks. Therefore, its integrity is of great importance. When it is pierced, this breakdown is often called damage, evil eye, etc. Clairvoyants record this as blackouts in his matter.

The heat of the body is fully formed by the age of three, therefore, children in Russia could only be taken out to crowded meetings after this period.

3. Navier body - lepton matrix of the Reveal body (astral body) .

In this body, they fall into the lower worlds of the Navi. It is the vehicle of the senses. Everything that we feel, hear, experience is recorded in it. Unpleasant sensations are recorded in him as clots of energy, which often lead to diseases.

Knowledgeable people distinguish in it the dark part associated with passions, destructive emotions and psychopathic states, and the light, which contributes to our higher feelings, a sense of joy, love, gratitude and grace as such.

Fully formed in a person by the age of 7. According to the Slavic Vedic tradition, our ancestors carried out age dedication to children during this period: for boys - "Girdle", for girls - "Squirt". This contributed to the fact that the child from this period began to fully control his emotions.

4. Club body - body of mind and mind (mental body) .

It has the shape of a silvery ball ("club") located inside the human skull. It begins to be actively structured at the age of seven and is fully formed by the age of 12-14, which is also marked by the corresponding initiations: for girls - "Lelnik", for boys - "Yaryenie".

The club's body is an instrument of materialization and formation of the path of life. All our thoughts, even the most insignificant ones, using the energy of the club body, manifest themselves in space and materialize in the form of necessary situations. Moving in the spiritual field, the thought-form instantly reaches the object-object, person or Deity, to which it belongs, thus connecting silt with them and "attracting" their energy and appearance in our life. This is how we create our reality, the “surrounding world”.

The heat, the navier and the clubier of the body develop, grow and perish you have with the death of the physical (physical) body. In this regard, the Slavic Vedic tradition sacredly honors 3, 9, 40 days and 1 year during memorial rituals. On the third day after death, the heat of the body dies off, by the ninth - the navier, by the fortieth - the club. It is believed that the soul and all its parts completely leave this world after a year.

5. Causal body (causal body)

The energy shell, which carries the entire karmic experience of the embodiment of the Soul, manifested in the form of character, as well as in the conditions of a person's life. This shell is permanently connected to the soul and acts as a "blueprint" for the construction of a new body.

The causal body is a storehouse of the Soul, a treasury that contains all the experience of our life on Earth, the abode of our consciousness, the bearer of our will. It transfers information to the next incarnations. Realizing the energy records that were formed on it in past lives, it is responsible for the place of incarnation, for the manifestation of innate talents or diseases, for incarnation in a certain family, with whose members the Soul had connections in past lives, etc.

6. Koloba body - the body of the intuition and the spiritual mind (budhic body) .

It has the shape of a golden ball of light ("koloba") and is located around the head of a person (nimbus of saints). Human consciousness is part of the consciousness of the Supreme. Therefore, the koloba body predetermines the course of events or the fate of people for a long time, forcing them to develop in accordance with the formed system of values. It gives a person the ability of insight, the ability to penetrate into the essence of things not by reasoning or logical thinking, but by instant insight and connection with the object.

The Koloba body is a mediator for transmitting information to the clubbing body from the higher divine worlds. When the soul is not yet self-conscious of itself (not developed), then a person cannot be in contact with his sixth body at all. In this case, it is in humans in its embryonic state and is waiting for its development, which takes place as varna grows.

People striving for spiritual development and comprehension of higher realities consciously activate their koloba body. They acquire the ability to enter into a telepathic connection with other people and the Higher powers.

7. Divya body - human soul (catheral, atmic body) .

Has the shape of a human body. Our spirit dwells in this body, which is inextricably linked with the soul and acts as its basis. He connects us with the universal Spirit of the Most High. Thanks to him, a person feels one with the whole universe. His heart is filled with love for everything that exists, woven into a single, all-embracing, living organism of the Creator.

8. Right body - Light, Light, Spiritual body of Jiva (sattvic body) .

It is formed by the spiritual light of life of all the bodies of the jiva (spirit-soul), is outside of time and space. Provides the jiva with personality traits - the ability to master the experience of all the life of his body.

9. Jiva (lobule is Alive)

An individual, self-luminous particle of the Primordial Light - the Kin of the Supreme, the manifestation of the Spirit of the Supreme in us. Is the true "I" of every creature - his Spirit, the source of life; is outside of time and space.

Jiva, Causal, Kolobie, Divya and Pravye of the body constitute a unity - the "Soul-Spirit" of a person , which does not disintegrate after death, but passes into the next incarnations in order to continue its evolution and get a new experience of mastering matter.

Human Energy Shell The body of each of us is surrounded by an intangible invisible energy shell. Without special knowledge and training, it is impossible to comprehend, and even more so to feel it. In addition, putting your hand on your heart, you should admit that most people cannot fully understand what an “energy shell” is. Some are not interested, others do not believe.

The problem is that the modern system of being, alas, instills in a person a materialistic way of thinking and existence, in which there is no place for managing a person's energy. The wise precepts of the ancestors are immersed in nothingness, spiritual principles are erased and forgotten, spiritual practices on the part of the present person are deprived of attention and pushed aside. As a result, a person perceives himself and the world around him exclusively through the prism of physical measures and laws. And such an inglorious state of affairs must be urgently corrected!

To understand what the energy shell of a person is, you need to step outside the flags in your consciousness and try to present it not within the framework of a school textbook on physics, but from the point of view of both physics and metaphysics.

From the point of view of physics, the human energy field is a kind of radiation emitted by the atoms and molecules of the matter of the body in the process of their interaction with the surrounding analogous molecules and atoms of the external world. Over the past hundred years, an innumerable number of experiments have been carried out to establish and study this interaction. The technological breakthrough of the last century has made it possible to connect advanced sophisticated electronic technology to the study of the human energy field.

The results obtained with its help showed that a person has an energy field of a complex structure, which is very difficult to explain from a scientific point of view. On the one hand, it has certain physical properties, on the other hand, the work of its mechanisms is supported by some inexplicable metaphysical factors that do not lend themselves to research.

The research results, supplemented and refined by the centuries-old experience of oriental philosophers, metaphysicians and alternative medicine specialists, show the following. The energy field is a dense invisible shell pulsing in the immediate vicinity of the human body and completely enveloping it. This is a single interconnected system of electric, magnetic and thermal fields formed by the movements of small physical particles, the structure of which is supported by "some metaphysical factors." It is this system of fields, like a cocoon, that envelops a person with its radiation, forming the energy frame of his body.

The general background of this energy frame is a direct real display of the state of the physical body of a person. Ancient religions and alternative medicine have been ahead of the rest of the world in understanding these processes for many centuries. They were the first to establish a direct connection between the energy shell of a person and his state of health. And the modern world, gradually realizing the complete futility of healing (or maintaining good health) with the help of only material tools of being (drug treatment, physiotherapy procedures) is forced to agree with the ancient wise knowledge.

Everything in the world is interconnected. Man, "swimming" in the ocean of electromagnetic fields, is penetrated by them through and through. The energy frame of a healthy and cheerful person, fed from outside by the planet's outer background and supported from within by the internal physiological processes of the body, emits a dense energy glow. It is whole and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body. It does not have "cracks", "dips", any "thickening" or distortion. The optimal color of the energy field for a healthy person is light yellow. But if a person is very overworked, nervous, pours out dark energy, the energy shell begins to vibrate, in some places it turns dark, thickens, or, on the contrary, breaks through. In these places, foci of future diseases begin to form - the energetic roots of the disease, which eventually manifest themselves on the physical body of a person.

The general health of a person depends on the radiation density of the energy field of a person. If a person is in complete harmony with the people around him, is open, friendly, sincere in relation to the world, to the stars, to the Universe, to the Universe, to God, the radiation of his energy field is powerful and whole. Whole radiation keeps the energy shell of a person from all kinds of "injuries": breaks, dips, blackouts. Negative emotions, negativity, dark aspirations, impure thoughts, like a sharp razor, are able to “injure” the energy shell of a person, provoking all kinds of ailments.

It is necessary not only to know, but to feel and understand the truth of ancient knowledge. It lies in the fact that the energy shell of a person not only exists, but is also the primary field on which all the processes of vital activity of the human body originate. Simply put, a healthy energy field is a healthy person; a distorted, darkened, torn field is an unhealthy person.

The roots of any disease are always located in the field energy plane of a person and only then manifest in the body. You can take a ton of medications, drive the disease underground, but this will not go anywhere. A disease rooted at the energy level, no matter how modern and highly effective medications are, over time will still manifest itself and provoke a relapse.

To cure the disease, it is necessary to "uproot" the roots of the disease at the field level. For this there is a whole complex of reading prayers, mantras, oriental techniques of energy purification of the body, special courses of therapeutic fasting. As a concomitant measure, complete forgiveness and repentance are also very effective. True forgiveness, true repentance! It is not for nothing that the famous healer and Vedic Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov, while healing his patients, first of all sent them to repent of their sins before the people around them. He perfectly understood the essence of diseases, therefore, he began the course of treatment precisely with the cleansing of the soul, cleansing the energy shell of the patients, but not with lotions, powders and pills.

Changing your attitude towards people around you, towards yourself, towards your way of life, the emission of light, kindness, pure thoughts - only this is able to keep the energy shell of a person in order and be the starting point in the fight against the roots of the disease that has stuck in the energy field of a person. But about this, dear friends, we will talk in more detail next time.

Every person in life is accompanied by vital energy. During the day, the energy supply is replenished as it is spent - this happens daily. Maintaining the balance of vital energy is inherent in every healthy person with normal physical and mental health. However, this balance can be disturbed by the stresses that a person experiences in various everyday situations. In such cases, the internal energy reserves cease to be replenished, a state of constant fatigue sets in.

Lack of energy replenishment, its deficiency leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the body, which in turn contributes to the development of depressive conditions and a decrease in immunity. During this period, the restoration of the current of vital energy becomes the only way to prevent serious consequences.

According to Eastern teachings, there are several energy centers (chakras) in the human body, into which energy enters and through which it leaves. There are 7 main, largest chakras:

Muladhara is a chakra, on the energy of which the physical health and vitality of a person depends. Located at the base of the spine.
Svadhisthana is a chakra in which sexual energy is concentrated. The chakra is associated with sensual pleasures, the creative potential of a person. Located on the spine line just below the navel.
The manipura, located near the solar plexus, controls the willpower of a person.
Anahata is the chakra of love and compassion that unites the spiritual and physical aspirations of a person. The location is in the region of the heart.
Vishuddha - the chakra of creativity, self-improvement, especially developed in people with artistic inclinations and abilities, which include artists, politicians, teachers. The chakra is located in the area of ​​the pharynx.
Ajna is the chakra of intuitive abilities, the gift of clairvoyance, psychic energy, and transcendent human abilities. The chakra is located between the eyebrows.
Sahasrara is the chakra located at the crown of the head. Not all people have this chakra functioning, evidence of this is the too small number of geniuses capable of creating and creating immortal works and making great discoveries. Chakra promotes contacts with the Higher powers of the cosmos, the Higher mind and the Creator of all that exists.
The chakras are located on the axis of the spine and its energy channels - sushumna, ida, pingala. The chakras are believed to resemble lotus flowers. The number of petals increases depending on how high the chakra is. The higher the position of the chakra on the axis of the spine, the more it is associated with the divine principle, its influence on the spiritual world of a person increases, and vice versa - the chakras located in the lower part of the ridge denote a physical connection with nature.

The influence of the chakras on a person's vitality is a complex process. The Anahata chakra, with normal energy, contributes to the development of feelings of love and benevolence, however, at a lower level, the flow of good turns into unwanted and disgusting qualities of jealousy and envy. The result of managing your own energy can be beneficial only if you can first determine which chakras you have to use.

You can stimulate energy centers through meditation. Technically, this is not difficult, especially for those people who are able to imagine their ideas in their imaginations.

Sit back, relax. Imagine that the light life energy fills you, starting from the crown of the head, going along the spine, saturating the chakra you need, which, in your opinion, needs energy recharge. If your health is weakened, it is considered that in this case you have lost contact with nature (Muladhara). And the loss of willpower means that the Manipur chakra should be replenished with energy.

There is nothing unusual in the fulfillment of desires with the help of the internal energy of the chakras, say the Eastern sages. The power of persuasion will be multiplied by the energy and replenishment of the energy of the Vishuddha (throat) and Manipura (solar plexus) chakras - this will help you convince any person that you are right. However, you should also know that the energy of the chakras will not be able to help if you do not own the issue in which you want to convince your opponents.

It is also important to protect your biofield from the influence of negative energies. Do not succumb to negative emotions and moods, avoid harsh reactions to events, actions of politicians, do not enter into quarrels and stupid showdowns.

Observe spiritual hygiene, getting rid of dirty energy, or better - do not allow it to you. Try to develop sensitivity and intuition in relation to negative energy coming to you from the outside - this will help to protect yourself from its negative influence.

1. Etheric shell.

This shell controls the shape of the human body. Its management is based on the principle that any subtle energy, of which it is composed, is stronger than the coarser one - material. The etheric shell is created from such types of energy, which are obliged to regulate the form of coarser matter, to exercise control over it. If this control is not done, then material cells will begin to divide without restriction and a disproportion will arise. The etheric shell is associated by the sign of the horoscope with a certain type of people, the signs of which are included in the program. The stars activate this program in action, manifesting human traits. Any program is not rigid, but can be changed.

A person, through his desires, through the astral shell, can make a correction to the program of the etheric shell, and it will already affect the body, changing its shape.

The etheric shell is the material for processing the physical body, they are interconnected. But the formation of the etheric shell is carried out on the basis of a program that is recorded in the causal body.

In a child, the etheric shell begins to form together with the material one in the womb.

Each shell is designed for a certain frequency range, and each retains in itself coarser energies in relation to the next in the direction from the physical body to the spiritual. Disturbances in the body lead to changes in the etheric body. In obese people, there is an additional increase in body weight due to the energy that should have gone to the formation of the etheric shell. It will not receive additional energy supply due to the fact that it is intercepted by the physical one. The thin ones have a more intense release of energy into the etheric shell, that is, the body gives more than it retains for itself. But there is always a certain limit beyond which no shell can go.

2. Astral sheath.

The etheric sheath is followed by the astral one, which is formed in a more complex way. The child is already born with it, and then the shell develops. This sheath is also formed by the causal or cause body. This shell is made up of energies corresponding to the desires that a person had in past lives. The posthumous experience is necessarily taken into account in the new life, because there, beyond the line of being, there is a rethinking of the deed and personal desires. Therefore, in the program of the coming life, past desires are laid, but already partially processed and rethought in the subtle world.

A certain frequency corresponds to each desire. A set of programmed desires is sent from the causal body to the shell. When a person sees a temptation, precisely those frequencies resonate in his consciousness that correspond to the level of the energies of the temptation. Resonance intensifies the impulse of seduction, conscience reveals vibrations in response, and a struggle of doubts begins. The energies of this desire are processed.

For example: to eat or not to eat, to drink or not to drink

As a result of the struggle, the energy of this desire is processed: either it is suppressed, and then high frequencies are gained into the shells (any suppression of a low desire is an ascent upward), or the individual succumbs to desire, choosing the easy path, and this is a set of low frequencies.

There are high desires: protecting the weak, helping ... Suppressing such desires means moving to low frequencies.

Each action or inaction caused by certain desires saturates the shell with low or high frequencies, shaping it in quality and color. The envelopes, in which low desires prevail, are painted in coarse colors and saturated with low frequencies, and if the desires are lofty, then the envelope is painted in delicate colors and saturated with high energies. It happens that desire is completely extinguished. If it was a low desire, then the coarse energy ceases to enter the shell, and, consequently, in the next ones, they become thinner, brighter, filled with more subtle vibrations. The neutralization of desire always goes through struggle, refusal, mental anguish.

When all desires are eliminated in the astral shell, and it is filled with neutral energies, a person loses interest in life and is transferred to a new energy state, different from the material one.

The mental shell.

This shell is formed on the basis of human mental activity. If a person has revised volumes of essays, deeply rethought life, seriously engaged in science, creativity, then this means the development of mental energies that are higher than the astral, the saturation of the mental shell with them. The higher the mental activity, the higher the level of development of the mental shell.

The program of the future life is based on the total degree of human development achieved in all past incarnations, plus the posthumous experience of the last life by rethinking his past actions and gaining new knowledge about the subtle world into which he fell. Therefore, one will be born smart, the other will not. It all depends on the soul's past work.

The mental shell includes three types of intelligent human mental activity: intuition, consciousness and subconsciousness.

Scientists, poets, writers, architects often work on the basis of intellectual intuition ... All new knowledge, laws are discovered thanks to intuition, the ability to contact the Higher worlds. A person receives completely new information from them and translates it into the language of modernity, trying to present everything as clearly and distinctly as possible for his contemporaries. Intuition is a person's connection with the future.

Consciousness, mind include the normal mental activity of a person at the present moment in time.

The subconscious is a connection with a person's past, his past experience accumulated over all previous incarnations I am.

It conveys information, creative, masterful skills inherent in the baggage of past knowledge. The ability to connect to the memory of past knowledge gives a person an impetus to new mental activity. Thus, mental activity connects a person through intuition with the future, through consciousness - with the present and through the subconscious - with the past.

Causal shell.

The causal sheath governs and controls all the underlying sheaths: material, etheric, astral and mental, since it contains a program for the development of each of them. She stores the energies of action. In accordance with this, it contains a program for the development of each shell at the moment of birth, and it contains the time for switching on one or another instinct, desire, activity. Each program must develop within a specific time frame. All transition processes are programmed here: infancy to childhood, childhood to adolescence, youth to maturity, maturity to old age. Information about all past lives is also stored. All actions of a person, due to which one can subsequently earn karma, are recorded in this shell.

Spiritual shell.

The spiritual shell has a special design for the accumulation of high-frequency energies. This is what the soul is perfecting for, the person is tormented and reincarnated. This energy is deposited in this shell in every life. A person does not always accumulate spiritual energy, sometimes he finds himself in situations that cannot cope with them and performs actions, after which he degrades, and at the same time spiritual energy decreases.

There are reincarnations in which spiritual energy is not accumulated, but the already acquired energy is spent. This can happen up to a certain level, until it reaches a limit, below which it is already impossible to go down. In these cases, the soul is reincarnated back into an animal, which happens extremely rarely, or decoded, that is, the personality ceases to exist. Based on the analysis of the accumulated spiritual energy, a program is drawn up for the upcoming life, which includes such events that should fill the spiritual shell.

The core of the soul.

The core of the soul is a matrix, that on the basis of which a person feels himself as an individual. I mean that "he" is "he" and no one else. In it is the Divine essence and the great mystery, which will be revealed to the individual himself only when he reaches a certain stage of development.

We all know well that one can know the world with the help of the organs of sight, hearing and charm. Our nervous system is responsible for this, which studies and remembers any data about the physical world. But, besides this, a person develops spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and psychologically. The so-called subtle system is responsible for the listed four factors of development - the energy system, consisting of seven energy shells inherent in each person. In this article we will talk about the energy sheaths of the human body and reveal the whole essence of this concept in the "psychospiritual" world of living beings.

Subtle human bodies, definition

The subtle body of a person is an invisible energy shell, consisting of 7 subtle systems. This is known to every esotericist and, after all, esoteric knowledge confirms the fact that, in addition to the physical body, 7 more subtle bodies are inherent in a person, helping him to enter into harmony with his own. It is believed that several layers of the upper thin bodies make up the immortal appearance of a person. The inner thin shells disappear after biological death, and at the moment of reincarnation new ones will form.

Each subtle body is controlled, and all together they constitute a multi-colored aura of a person. B. Brennan says that the energetic shells of living beings penetrate their physical bodies, as if water saturates a sponge. By the way, it is Brennan's theory of 7 energy shells that most reliably agrees with all esoteric knowledge.

Important!Modern science denies the existence of the human aura. In her opinion, thoughts are not able to go beyond the human brain.

Types of subtle bodies

Initially, I would like to note that the subtle bodies are arranged in a certain order, like the colors of a rainbow in the last sky. And each of them has a specific function for the energy system of living beings.


The physical body (material) is only a necessary measure for existence on this planet. It helps the human soul to know everything around through the biological. The physical body is one of the seven shells that are visible to the human organs of vision. The brain, heart, liver and other organs perform their temporary function in the human biological system, help him fulfill his purpose in the existing earthly program.

Physical functions allow the soul to express itself, to show its emotional and psychological characteristics in the form of a large organism. The physical body serves only as a temporary shell for the soul, and after death the biological system changes to another - completely new, but with similar characteristics.


The etheric body is directly related to the physical and is responsible for the state of its biological health. A person whose etheric energy shell is strong, has a powerful immunity, overcomes all kinds of diseases without any problems, looks vigorous, capable of plunging into an ice-hole at any time. This shell can be normalized or disrupted by improper sexual intercourse, bad. The health of the physical body is primarily due to the etheric shell. By the way, it helps our body to survive complex operations and crises, therefore it is in the center of attention of doctors during difficult rehabilitation.

Did you know?There are no more than a thousand people in the world who have a 100% developed Buddhic energy shell.

A person whose etheric energy shell is weak or disturbed, has poor immune defenses, is constantly ill, looks unhappy and unkempt. To him instinctively want to show pity, help with money, warm and feed.


Astral energy aura is the third energy shell of living beings. She is responsible for emotional excitability: feelings, fear, anger, joy. It is believed that the third shell is much more mobile and sensitive than the previous energy levels. That is why the astral body is often called the protective mechanism of the physical-biological structure of a person.

People whose astral energy shell is strong can easily get excited, feel other people's emotions, succumb to sympathy and general panic. But this does not mean at all that such people are weak, not at all, they are simply very strong emotionally. After all, those whose astral body is damaged often show indifference to the world around them. They cannot, through the astral shell, feel in the physical body all those experiences that are inherent in the "astrals". It is believed that the astral shell dies only on the 40th day after the biological death of a person.


The mental body reflects our thoughts, logic, knowledge. In the process of staying on this planet, we cognize everything around us, remember, put together a certain "picture" about everything that exists. The mental aura is also responsible for our beliefs and persistent thoughts. Some ancient Greek philosophers were convinced that our brain is not able to form ideas, thoughts and acquire new knowledge. The entire base is stored in the human biofield, from where, in fact, the brain receives information. This information has already been processed, and the task of the brain is only to convey it through impulses to a specific organ or system of the biological basis. It follows that the brain is not an organ for creating thoughts, feelings and memory, it only connects consciousness, thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Important!The spiritual energy shell can be fully revealed only after the individual takes the path of purposeful service to God.

The mental aura is a means of communication between the physical and spiritual world. She dies on the 90th day after biological death. All four of the above-described subtle bodies of a person die along with his biological structure. Only those that we will talk about below are amenable to rebirth.


The causal or karmic body is part of the human aura. It does not die during biological death, but is reborn in the process of reincarnation. Until this process occurs, the karmic energy shell, along with the rest of the immortal thin shells, is sent to the "subtle world". It is the causal subtle aura that is responsible for all our actions and actions, it teaches the material body, corrects its logical errors in the process of life.

The karmic energy layer is also called the "spiritual educator." Many philosophers are deeply convinced that this energy layer accumulates experience in each of the biological lives for further embodiment in something more highly emotional and ideal.


The subtle buddhic aura is the beginning of spiritual consciousness. She is responsible for higher unconscious processes that do not lend themselves to our thought processes in the biological brain. The buddhic energy shell refers to the eternal world of values, which at this stage of life are extended to any biological subject.

Many peoples have legends that reincarnation occurs according to certain logical conclusions of immortal subtle bodies. They are the highest organs, and it is simply impossible for the human brain to cognize this. After the soul's rebirth, it ends up in a specific place on the planet, where it needs to complete a specific task, plunging into a biological body. That is why esotericists are sure that you need to die in the same place where you were born. And the buddhic subtle aura is responsible for all this.


The most ideal, divine body, the spark of God. Esotericists and philosophers argue that the atmic energy shell is a higher authority, the connection of which occurs directly with the Higher Mind without the participation of the biological brain and nervous system.

Did you know?The first principles of esotericism were laid down by Aristotle and Plato.

Our planet in the solar system and in the Universe as a whole, due to its asymmetry and global climatic, economic, biological and tectonic processes, has its own aura, which connects with the atmic aura of a person, draws information from it and also receives information.

What gives the development of subtle bodies

The development of each of the subtle bodies gives its privileges to a biological being. Depending on what kind of shell you will develop, you can get the following:

  • Physical. Development will help to strengthen health, strength, confidence in the future, a defense mechanism against many diseases.
  • Essential. The development of the circulatory system, allowing you to escape from the severe frosts in winter and easily survive the unbearable heat of summer days.
  • Astral. Allows you to reveal emotional perfection, positively influence yourself and others. The search for a spiritual ideal in this world is developing, emotions are in the right direction, there are no sudden mood swings in biological objects.
  • Mental. A mentally developed personality begins to understand more deeply everything that happens in this world. The processes of thinking, cognition are accelerated, the penetration into previously unidentified things increases sharply. Such a person simply begins to think faster, and stupid thoughts leave him forever.
  • Causal. Allows you to fully reveal such complex characteristics of biological objects as the impact on the masses of people, creativity and power.
  • Buddhic. Development will help cleanse oneself from delusions and ignorance in this world. Buddhistically developed personalities are able to understand the Spiritual Laws and use them.
  • Atmic. It rarely develops in biological subjects. Atmically developed personalities are close to the ideal, they are the creators of new religions or teachings.

How to develop subtle bodies

For the development of subtle bodies, the way of life, thoughts and actions should be changed:

  • We need to develop the appropriate ones. For example, during mental activity, a mental energy shell will develop.
  • Learn the recruitment technique and direction appropriate. Such techniques are offered by many esoteric teachings.
  • Correct, which leads to harmonious spiritual and physical development: emotional training, hardening, balanced mental work.
  • Removing negative destructive and blocking influences from the chakras. This requires individual work with a spiritual healer.
  • Proper nutrition, without eating "rough" food, which can clog the human aura.
  • Purity of thoughts, spiritual balance, occupation.

Important!Sahasrara is the crown chakra, which is responsible for the connection between the Subtle World and God.

Now you know what the subtle body consists of and how to develop it. In the physical world, it is important to have a strong spiritual component that will help in the fight against a variety of psycho-emotional conflicts within oneself and not only.