If herpes and HPV are found by the PCR method. Human papillomavirus (HPV) - symptoms, causes and treatment. Chemical destructive therapies

Human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus from the Papovaviridea family that has the ability to infect and transform epithelial cells. More than 100 HPV species have been identified, of which 35 infect the human urogenital tract, causing damage to the integumentary epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. Today, HPV infection is one of the most common and important sexually transmitted infections, which infects most of the sexually active population of the planet. Papillomaviruses are one of the groups of viruses for which the induction of tumors in humans has been proven. Epidemiological and virological studies confirm that at least 95% of all cervical squamous cell cancers contain HPV DNA. But not only papillomaviruses have a transforming ability in relation to epithelial cells.

Herpes viruses are associated with a number of oncological diseases and are considered as a cofactor of carcinogenesis, inducing the development of dysplasia and cervical cancer. Of the numerous Herpesviridae family, uniting more than 100 viruses identical or similar in morphology, only 8 infect humans: HSV-1 and HSV-2 type, Zoster virus (herpes virus type 3), Epstein-Barr virus (herpes virus type 4), cytomegalovirus (herpes virus type 5), herpes virus type 6 is the causative agent of sudden exanthema, herpes virus type 7 is detected in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, HSV-8 is involved in the occurrence of Kaposi's sarcoma. Herpes viruses are panthropic, i.e. affect almost all organs and tissues. HSV-2, EBV and CMV can be found more often than other herpes in the human urogenital tract. That is why these viruses are most interesting as synergists in the course of HPV infection. Herpes is capable of reaching a latency state, and thus ensures lifelong carriage. This occurs due to the embedding of the nucleic acid of the virus into the DNA of the host cell (the so-called integration) or by the formation of an episome - an extrachromosomal DNA molecule of the virus that lies separately in the kareoplasm or cytoplasm of the infected cell. In this state, herpes viruses are able to persist for a long time in the human body, but with a decrease in immune defense, the virus reactivates and actively replicates. Embedding in the structure of human DNA, herpes viruses can act as mutagens, incl. carcinogens. Changing the activity of some human genes that control cell growth and proliferation is extremely important for herpes viruses. uncontrolled intensive proliferation of infected cells provides a more pronounced and efficient reproduction of viral particles. At the same time, it is known that HPV is distinguished by its high tropism towards proliferating cell populations, and most actively infects epithelial cells in this phase.

Thus, the activation of herpes viruses on the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract leads to the creation of ideal conditions for the penetration of HPV into epithelial cells. From the foregoing, we can conclude that patients with severe immunodeficiency states constitute a risk group for HPV infection, and therefore, the risk of developing dysplasia and cervical cancer in such patients is significantly higher. First of all, this group includes women diagnosed with HIV infection. This disease is accompanied by severe damage to the immune system, and therefore the reactivation of herpes infections is not uncommon for these patients.

The aim of our study was to study the prevalence of herpes viruses - HSV type 2, EBV and CMV in the urogenital tract of HIV-infected patients of the Lipetsk AIDS Center, the incidence of combined herpes simplex infection with HPV.

Materials and methods. The studies were carried out in the clinical and immunological laboratory of the State Healthcare Institution "LOCPBS and IZ". For analysis, urogenital scrapings were taken, examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of HPV DNA, its genotype and amount, EBV DNA, CMV and HSV type 2.

For the study, we used test systems NPF "DNA-technology" Moscow - "CMV-gene", "VEB-gene", "VPG-gene", NPF "Litekh" Moscow - "Gerpol-2", "Vipapol complex ”, LLC“ InterlabService ”TsNIIE Rospotrebnazor, Moscow -“ AmliSens-VKR-screen-FL ”and“ AmpliSens-VKR-genotype-FL ”.

Results. Analysis of the prevalence of herpesviruses and HPV in the urogenital tract in HIV-infected patients showed that EBV DNA was detected in 15.3% of the examined women, CMV DNA - in 13.7%, HSV-2 DNA - in 1.3%. Human papillomavirus was detected in 18.3% of samples.

We analyzed in detail 90 samples positive for HPV DNA. We were primarily interested in the presence of a co-infection with herpesviruses - EBV, CMV and HSV-2. As the study showed, in 20 (22.5%) cases, HPV was found together with EBV, in 22 (24.7%) samples, HPV was found together with CMV, the combination of HSV-2 and HPV was detected only in 4 cases and was slightly more than 4%. It should be noted that DNA of three viruses - HPV, EBV and CMV - were detected in 8 samples. In 54 samples, which was (60%), only HPV was detected.

Thus, it can be noted that the detection rate of herpes viruses (EBV, CMV, HSV-2) with combined HPV infection is significantly higher than the detection rate of the same monoinfections in HIV-infected women in the urogenital tract. It has been proven that the severity of HPV infection depends on the simultaneous presence of different HPV genotypes and the infection of epithelial cells with a virus (amount of viral DNA).

The HPV viral load (VL) in the analyzed samples was as follows: In 13 samples VL was less than or equal to 3 lg HPV DNA copies per 10 5 epithelial cells, and in 12 samples it was HPV monoinfection and only in 2 cases was combined with CMV infection. VL HPV less than 3 lg copies of HPV DNA in clinical practice is regarded as an insignificant, transient HPV infection. In 29 samples, HPV VL ranged from 3 lg - 5 lg copies of HPV DNA per 10 5 epithelial cells. Of these, 12 samples contained only HPV DNA, and 5 contained HPV DNA along with herpes nucleic acid. The concentration of HPV within 3 lg - 5 lg copies is regarded as clinically significant - the risk of developing dysplasia. In 48 samples, VL HPV was very high - more than 5 lg copies of HPV DNA per 10 5 epithelial cells. 29 samples from this group had combined HPV infection with herpes viruses, and 19 samples only had HPV DNA. The concentration of HPV in more than 5 lg copies is considered a high risk of dysplasia in the patient.

The prevalence of various genotypes among HPV positive patients of the AIDS Center was as follows: type 16 - 25%, type 18 - 10%, type 31 - 22%, type 33 - 10%, type 35 - 17%, 39 - 7%, type 45 - 8%, 51 types -1%, 52 types - 20%, 56 types - 5%, 58 types - 7%, 59 types -2%. In addition, 44% had more than 1 genotype.

Conclusions. The results obtained indicate the widespread prevalence of combined HPV infection and herpes viruses (EBV, CMV, HSV-2) in the urogenital tract of HIV-infected women. Studies have confirmed more active HPV replication in the presence of a co-infection with herpes viruses. Against the background of HIV infection, herpes viruses are able to enhance immunosuppression, block cellular apoptosis and induce the proliferative activity of infected cells, thus greatly facilitating the process of HPV infection, which significantly increases the risk of developing dysplasia and cervical cancer in patients with HIV infection. A comprehensive study of the urogenital tract for HPV and herpes viruses in women with immunosuppressive conditions is advisable, because carries a high preventive value.


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  2. Mazurenko N.N. The role of papilloma viruses in cervical carcinogenesis // Modern Oncology-2009.1.-P.7-10.
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Most people have heard of a disease such as herpes. There is a lot of information, but only a few can say for sure what it is. Doctors always say that any infection is always easier to prevent than to cure. To know how to deal with an infection such as the papilloma virus (HPV) and herpes, you first need to figure out what kind of virus it is, where it comes from in the human body.

Basic information

The name of the disease is papillomavirus (HPV) and herpes, or as they call it in other words, human papillomavirus comes from the Latin meaning Human Papillomavirus HPV. This is a special group of viruses belonging to the papillomavirus family. In total, this group includes 5 genera.

In simpler words, the papilloma virus is called herpes infection and belongs to the groups of diseases that occur from the herpes simplex virus. The disease is characterized by damage not only to the mucous membrane, but also to the entire central nervous system, skin, other systems and organs of a person.

The word "herpes" in translation from Greek means - creeping. This disease was first discussed in Greece. The physician of this country described in detail the symptoms of this ailment as early as the 1st century BC. He monitored the rash on the lips.

The papilloma virus refers to herpes infection and is localized outside on the genitals, it is designated as genital herpes or HH. Today this disease is a significant problem in clinical virology and gynecology. Russian doctors from the CIS and doctors from other countries are looking for ways to combat this disease.

We must remember! The danger of the papilloma virus is associated with reproductive functions. A woman with herpes is often either infertile or unable to carry a fetus. Subsequently, the virus can develop into dysplasia and lead to cervical cancer.

Herpes classification

Any disease begins with a virus entering the body. If everything is left to chance and does not fight the disease, the disease will begin to develop, and will gradually move into subsequent stages, more dangerous for people. The same thing happens with herpes.

The virus manifests itself in the following forms of the virus:

  • herpes simplex of the first type;
  • herpes simplex of the second type;
  • Varicella zoster, or in other words, is called the shingles virus;
  • Epstein-Barr;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • human herpes;
  • herpes of a person of the eighth type;
  • papillomas.

Each form is dangerous in its own way and gives complications to certain organs and systems.

Feature of papilloma virus (HPV)

Such a virus belongs to the most common infection. Infection occurs through sexual contact. The virus is highly specific and has the property not only of infection, but also easily transforms into epithelial cells.

In total, more than a hundred types of HPV have been found, where 35 species are capable of infecting the human urogenital tract. The virus instantly infects the integumentary epithelium and genital mucosa.

Infection-HPV is one of the most common, most of the human world is infected with it, and this is exactly the group of viruses that provoke the emergence of tumors and the development of cancer. It has been proven that 95 percent of the flat cells of cervical cancers contain HPV DNA. Over the past ten years, the number of infected has increased by 12 percent.


Papillomaviruses belong to the papovirus family. They are capable of infecting almost all vertebrates. Virions (or cells of a virus) do not have a shell, their diameter ranges from 50 to 55 nm. The virus persists well at temperatures up to 50 degrees Celsius for half an hour and is resistant to alcohol ethers. During the replication cycle, from 8 to 10 products of protein origin are expressed.

HPV types are classified, depending on oncological activity, as follows:

Infection mechanism

Infection occurs as follows:

  • the HPV virus enters the basal cells of the body;
  • the structure of cells gradually begins to change;
  • cells divide, grow;
  • a papilloma appears or in translation from Latin a certain "nipple" is formed, and in translation from Greek it is "a tumor", that is, a new appearance is formed, the so-called genital warts.


There are several ways of getting the virus:

  1. Sexual intercourse, this also includes anal sex and oral-genital contacts.
  2. Infection during childbirth. Newborns are infected from the mother.
  3. Sometimes infection occurs in a household way, sometimes one touch is enough. That is, swimming pools, baths, toilets, gyms can become a place of infection. Virus penetration is possible through scratches or abrasions on the skin.
  4. Cases of self-infection or autoinoculation have been reported. Perhaps while shaving and epilation.

Therefore, you can protect yourself by observing hygienic and sanitary rules.

Risk factors

There are many factors that trigger the spread of infection. These include:

  • unfavorable socio-economic situation;
  • sexual behavior;
  • violation and weakening of the immune system;
  • infection with sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, etc.);
  • young age;
  • pregnancy;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • hypo- and avitaminosis.

Homosexuals are most likely to get HPV infection.

Forms of the disease

The incubation period for anogenital warts is 1 to 90 days. Usually, HPV infection does not appear immediately, at first the symptoms do not appear. HPV infection of an oncological nature lasts from 5 to 30 years.

The forms of the disease are as follows:

  1. Clinical (it can be seen with the naked eye);
  2. Subclinical (there are no symptoms, cannot be seen with the naked eye, can be detected only as a result of special studies);
  3. Latent (usually there are no changes in this form with HPV DNA);
  4. Cervical or also called intraepithelial neoplasia.

Clinically, HPV infections manifest as follows:

  • as solitary genital warts;
  • as fibroepithelial neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • as single nodules on a broad base resembling "cauliflower".

Endophytic condylomas are flat and inverted, more often located on the cervix, in appearance they resemble towering plaques. It can be determined only with extended colposcopy.

In the subclinical form, small flat warts are formed, the disease can only be established by colposcopy.


If viruses are dormant, then you cannot get rid of them. They have not yet come up with a cure for this ailment. Viruses can only be expelled when they are active. There have been cases where HPV disappeared on their own. But this only applies to herpes viruses that constantly live in the body.

Treatment is based on achieving remission or, in other words, keeping the infection latent for as long as possible, and in no way allowing the development of the disease.

Viruses reach their active phase when the body is vulnerable and the immune system is weakened. That is, it is stress, illness, pregnancy and menstrual days.

The best treatment for herpes and papilloma virus is constant immune support. Helps to protect the body with a healthy, correct lifestyle. If, nevertheless, the virus made itself felt and "woke up" in the body, then immediately it is necessary to start taking immunostimulants.

There is good news that a vaccination against herpes viruses has already been created, but it can only be given to those people who are not infected.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus is an epithelial virus. The places of its most frequent lesions include the skin, mucous membranes of the genitals, and the oral cavity. More than 100 types of HPV are currently known. According to their clinical manifestations, they are divided into cutaneous and anogenital types.

Papillomaviruses are the only group of viruses that induce tumor formation in vivo. In particular, they contribute to the transformation of papilloma into carcinoma.

According to the degree of malignancy, papillomaviruses are divided into 3 groups: HPV of high, medium and low oncogenic risk. The most common types of HPV of high oncogenic risk: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 52, 58, 59, 67.

Ways of transmission of HPV:

  • The household route of infection (penetration of the virus through microtrauma in the skin);
  • Sexual (it has been proven that the risk of infection is higher in sexually active women);
  • Transmission of the virus from mother to child during childbirth is possible.
Clinical manifestations

Some types of HPV viruses cause all the familiar "warts" (benign growths of integumentary tissues), others - genital warts. The latter also refer to benign growths of tissue, but in some cases they can become malignant, in other words, lead to an oncological disease.

The incubation period for infection of the genital area with HPV ranges from 3 to 8 months. In most cases, HPV infection is short-term and resolves on its own within 12-24 months (if no re-infection occurs), which is determined by the activity of antiviral immunity.

As a rule, a woman can become infected with the papilloma virus in her youth at the onset of sexual activity, but the virus does not immediately and relatively rarely show its pathogenicity, remaining for many years in a latent (latent) state. The activation of the virus and the emergence of a malignant neoplasm of the cervix can occur many years later - at the age of 50-70 under the influence of a wide variety of provoking factors.


HPV infection is very insidious, and the changes associated with it, pre-cancer changes, not only do not cause any anxiety and discomfort, but are often not detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist. The test for the human papillomavirus (HPV test) is a reliable assistant to the doctor: the detection of the virus pays special attention to the doctor on the problem of the possible development of cancer, forcing additional examinations. It should be added that at the moment in many European countries, cervical screening is used, which includes regular screening of women for the virus (HPV test) and / or a PAP test (determines the changes in cells associated with the virus). Every woman undergoes such an examination every 3-5 years. The experience of several countries has shown that this practice can reduce the likelihood of contracting cervical cancer by more than 1,000 times.

Vpg and vpch what is it about women

I am 19 years old. I was tested for latent infections, found dysbacteriosis, ureaplasma, HPV-16 and HSV-1,2. Treatment was prescribed for the first two diseases + herpes ointment (he jumped out on the labia, two gynecologists persistently called it irritation after shaving, as if it became clear only after the tests). The worst thing for me is to find out what HPV is in me, since I heard from Malysheva's programs that it leads to cervical cancer, and besides, there is also erosion. And in general, please tell me, are herpes and HPV treated?

So much contagion. Is HPV also sexually transmitted?

neither one nor the other is treated. You can treat the manifestations of viruses, increase immunity, suppress the activity of viruses. But the viruses themselves will remain in your body and you will infect your partners.
all oncogenic HPV can cause cancer. Or they may not.

3. Sagittarius - zodiac scribe

"The same HPV bullshit ("

I have the same thing: HPV 16, the herpes virus is recurrent, although how many times I have been tested (smear), herpes has not been found. and the puzrki of herpetic origin pop up, the gynecologists themselves examined them. Here is such a crap. You need to increase your immunity. I was injected from HPV with allakin-alpha, 6 ampoules every other day, very painful. My friend was also injected with this HPV drug and fainted from the pain, I more or less tolerated the injections. In case of herpes rashes: suppositories Genferon 1,000,000 rectally, herpferon ointment or acyclovir, acyclovir tablets, immunal drops! I am complexly treated.

It has not been proven at all that HPV leads to cancer. It's just that half of those with cancer were found to have this virus.

Tina) It has been proven that a certain type of HPV leads to cervical cancer, etc.

Guest) so much contagion) Check yourself first!) HPV and HSV transmission can occur not only sexually, but also through everyday life!

And I found an article that there is no clear evidence that HPV causes cancer

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Herpes and papillomatosis: similarities and differences, causes, relationship

Papilloma and herpes are viral diseases that have a similar clinical picture and develop for identical reasons. According to statistics, up to 90% of adults are infected with one or both pathologies, while not all of them become active. How to distinguish herpes simplex (HSV) from human papillomavirus (HPV)?

Ways of infection with herpes and HPV

The main feature that distinguishes diseases is the mode of infection. The first is spread by airborne droplets, the second is spread through skin contact. In this case, the disease should be in an active form. What does it mean?

Most of the time, the causative agent of herpes or papilloma hides in remote places of the human body: HSV-1 (simple) is found in the brain, genital - in the sacrum, and HPV - in the mucous membrane of the genitals. If a person has strong immunity, the virus may never manifest itself, however, when the protective functions are weakened, the first manifestations of pathology on the skin begin to appear.

Thus, the essential difference between diseases is that even small children can contract herpes. Papillomavirus, on the other hand, spreads more often during sexual intercourse, since the rash is localized mainly in the genital area.

At the same time, the presence of one of the pathologies does not in any way affect the infection of the other - HPV does not cause herpes and vice versa. These are two different viruses that manifest themselves for similar reasons - due to a weakened immune system, stress, overwork, smoking, etc.

HPV and HSV symptoms

Another way to distinguish between viruses is the appearance of the rash in the active phase of the disease.

Herpes simplex appears as clear blisters around the mouth and wings of the nose, and the skin around the rash becomes inflamed. Over time, the contents of the vesicles darken, they burst, opening ulcers. Without treatment, the active course of the disease can last up to 12 weeks.

The papillomavirus can manifest itself on any part of the body, but most often it provokes the appearance of growths near the genitals. If the active phase of the disease occurs inside the vagina of a woman in labor, the child can pick up the pathogen during childbirth. The rashes are papillomas - appendages on epithelial tissue. They are usually painless and have the color of the skin or mucous membranes, not standing out in any way against its background.

Thus, herpes and papilloma viruses are similar, but they can be distinguished from each other. Despite the fact that they are easily infected, they do not pose a danger to a healthy person with strong immunity. Only a specialist can conduct differential diagnostics. If any rash appears on the body, you should contact a medical institution for an examination.

Papilloma and herpes: what are the differences?

Two very common types of viral infections are transmitted through unprotected sex: HPV and HSV. Some experts tend to consider the papillomavirus and the herpes virus synonymous, but in fact they have more differences than similarities.

What are the types of infections?

Herpes and HPV are classified into several types. More than 100 HPV strains are isolated, but herpesvirus is of only two subtypes: herpes simplex virus (HSV, or type 1) and simplex (type 2). HSV affects the mouth, and the second subtype provokes the development of ulcers on the genitals. Papilloma and herpes in the anogenital zone are visually very similar to each other, although the cause of neoplasms is completely different viruses. The statistical indicators of the prevalence of HSV and HPV also differ. Siplex virus infects approximately 10% of adults. HSV is more common and affects almost 40% of the world's inhabitants. But about 70% of patients in gynecological and venereal clinics suffer from HPV.

MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RF: The papillomavirus is one of the most oncogenic viruses. Papilloma can become melanoma - skin cancer!

As for the symptoms, the papillomavirus in most cases is asymptomatic. Genital warts appear in only 10% of cases. Less commonly, neoplasms can degenerate into cervical or penile cancer. But HSV is almost always accompanied by rashes: in the oral cavity with the first type, and in the genital area with the simplex type.

Prevention and treatment of two different viral infections

Both herpes and human papillomavirus require compulsory treatment. In the first case, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs in the form of tablets to treat rashes in the genital area, and creams to treat all other areas. In severe cases, patients can take medication throughout the year, not just during outbreaks, to reduce the frequency of relapses. HPV treatment includes a course of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents, as well as the physical removal of abnormal changes in the skin.

The good news is that people can easily prevent contracting the above infections. It is enough to refrain from close ties with unverified people (avoid kissing, treating wounds without gloves), and also use a condom during intercourse. Additionally, women can get a special vaccination to prevent papillomavirus. Also at the stage of clinical trials is the Vitagerpavac vaccine, designed to protect the body from infection with herpes. The first official results prove the high efficiency of the domestic drug.

MINISTRY OF HEALTH WARNING: “Papillomas and warts can become melanoma at any time. "

Genital herpes and papillomavirus, treatment, symptoms, causes, signs

There is a known difference between bacteria and viruses.

It consists in the fact that bacterial invasion, as we saw above, is not always easy to stop. However, if we succeed in this, literally not a trace of this incident remains in the body. Bacteria do not even develop immunity.

At the same time, the virus has the ability to weave fragments of its own DNA into the DNA of captured cells. Through this mechanism, the body's immune system learns to recognize viruses and attack them. Thanks to him, the mother's immunity is transmitted to the child even in intrauterine development. In the end, due to the fact that our body accumulates information about past viral infections, we ourselves get immunity to the past diseases.

Nevertheless, from the behavior of the virus in the body, one can suspect that it has mutagenic potential. The ability to alter the DNA of a cell is serious enough to warrant the carcinogenicity of viruses. After all, a malignant cell is, in fact, a modified cell of the body. Only a cell in which the process of division and cell death is disrupted. She is a mutant. And it is possible that the changes introduced by the virus to her DNA code forced her to turn from normal to malignant.

In addition, we know that viruses mutate very frequently. Every time we get sick with a new strain of flu, from time to time epidemics of the changed chickenpox break out in the world, many people die from diseases that were previously considered harmless.

Thus, high mutagenicity should be recognized in advance for viral infections. And the fact that it may well be aimed, among other things, at the malignancy of the affected cells. At the moment, it is believed that a particular risk of infection with genital papillomas and herpes is the risk of developing cervical cancer later.

It is expressed by painful rashes on the genitals. There is a risk of transmission of this disease to the newborn, especially during childbirth.

In a newborn, genital herpes can cause serious complications. Therefore, it is especially important to tell your gynecologist about the slightest discomfort, even if you don't think you have genital herpes.

Pregnant women who become infected with this virus must be closely monitored. In fact, in the case of a herpes outbreak, there is a serious risk of infection of the baby from the mother through the bloodstream if the infection first occurs, or through the birth canal if a new outbreak occurs during pregnancy. In this case, the baby becomes infected during childbirth, but also, possibly, before birth: the fetus is protected by the fetal bladder, which completely isolates it, but often it cracks at the end of pregnancy and can no longer serve as a protective barrier.

If a pregnant woman has genital herpes, a group of obstetricians and pediatricians before childbirth discuss the possibility of caesarean section and further treatment of the newborn.

Symptoms and signs of genital herpes and papillomavirus disease

For both of these infections, sexual transmission is the main route. However, it is no secret that papillomas (warts and moles) are usually present on a woman's body long before the onset of sexual activity. So we will leave the question of all methods of papilloma infection open for now. But the fact that the main place, so to speak, of the dislocation of genital herpes in both sexes is the urethra is a pure truth. In women, it also readily multiplies in the cervical canal. ‘Genital herpes is similar to common oral herpes. Local redness of the skin, accompanied by a rash on the surface of the lesion. The rash is small, weeping. The blister lasts a day or two, and then subsides, forming a yellow crust. The first symptoms of herpes infection appear a week after it occurs. At the beginning of the rash, the woman feels a burning sensation and itching, swelling of the affected area. Sometimes - with a slight increase in body temperature and mild general malaise. As the blisters dry up, the rash goes away on its own within a few days. The whole process of exacerbation of the disease usually does not drag on for more than a week. In the presence of drugs, the transition / return period to

Herpes and HPV - kissing is also dangerous

Human papillomavirus and herpes are sexually transmitted infections that can be asymptomatic but cause serious health consequences. Both viruses are present in the body in 60% of sexually active young and middle-aged people. They are easy to get infected even when using barrier contraception.

That is why it is so important to pay attention to minor symptoms, undergo medical examinations in a timely manner and receive full treatment if a problem is identified.


Herpes on the genitals and lips is caused by different types of the same virus. But if it is possible to hide the "cold on the lips", then genital herpes can be asymptomatic or with few symptoms. The patient, not knowing about the existence of an infection in his body, can infect others.

This is the reason for the high prevalence of genital herpes, which is carried by every sixth inhabitant of the planet. Since the statistics only take into account the detected cases, the actual number of carriers of the virus is much higher.

Ways of infection with genital herpes

You can get herpes in the following ways:

  • sexually, during vaginal, anal or oral intercourse;
  • contact, when using common hygiene items and insufficient cleanliness of the toilet;
  • hematogenous, on contact with the blood of a patient suffering from herpes;
  • transplacental - from mother to fetus.

A combination of several routes of infection is possible. For example, herpes of the lips can be caused by two types of the virus - simple (HSV 1), transmitted by household and kissing, and genital (HSV 2), which are infected through oral contact.

The likelihood of "catching" herpes from a partner who has no external manifestations of the disease is approximately 50%. The use of a condom somewhat reduces the risk of infection, but does not exclude it altogether, since, in addition to the penis covered with latex, open skin areas of the partners' intimate area come into contact during intercourse.

In the external environment, the herpes virus dies quickly enough. However, with constant contact with a person who is a carrier of the virus, you can become infected through common hygiene items, dishes, toilet rim.

You can get the herpes virus through contact with the blood of a sick person, during organ transplantation, medical manipulations, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. This type of infection is typical for health workers.

Transmission of the virus from mother to fetus often leads to fetal death and rejection (miscarriage). If the fetus survives, then in the future the child born will be a carrier of the virus.

How to suspect herpes

Genital herpes has a very characteristic rash that can be seen on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals and mouth.

Herpetic vesicles are small in size, arranged in groups, often multi-chambered, filled with transparent liquid. Intense itching of the skin may precede the onset of the rash. The blisters themselves also itch and hurt. After opening the vesicles, light pink moist erosion is exposed, heal within a few weeks.

With massive infection with a virus or a decrease in immunity, chills, an increase in body temperature, and an increase in lymph nodes may occur.

In the absence of a characteristic rash and flu-like symptoms, infection can be suspected in the following cases:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • habitual miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy.

Not only the herpes virus, but also a number of other infections can lead to problems with the reproductive system, which is why a gynecologist or urologist necessarily prescribes an examination for several sexually transmitted infections at once.

Diagnosis of herpes

A diagnosis of herpes can be made by a gynecologist, dermatologist or urologist. For diagnostics, carry out:

  • visual inspection;
  • gynecological examination in women;
  • virological research;
  • gene diagnostics.

An external examination in the acute period of the disease can reveal a rash characteristic of herpes. In the absence of rashes, laboratory tests are prescribed, for which discharge from the genitals and blood from a vein are taken.

Genodiagnostics involves the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which detects the DNA of the herpes virus and allows you to determine its type.

As a diagnostic method, immunofluorescence reactions (RIF) and immunofluorescence analysis (ELISA) are prescribed. Both methods determine the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus.

However, the presence of antibodies is not a confirmation of genital herpes in the patient (it may be herpes of the lips), and the absence of antibodies does not allow to exclude infection (the immune system may not have time to respond to infection).

Determination of the presence and level of antibodies to the herpes virus can be used in women during pregnancy in order to monitor the course of the disease and take timely measures in case of an impending exacerbation.

Herpes treatment

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of the herpes virus after infection. Taking medications can only increase immunity and stop the virus from multiplying in tissues.

Herpes treatment is long-term. Drugs prescribed to kill the virus and stimulate the immune system are often costly.

With herpes infection, the following are prescribed:

  • immunostimulants and immunomodulators: Viferon in candles, Epigen-spray, etc.;
  • antiviral drugs in tablets and capsules for oral administration.

Usually, after a full course of treatment, remission lasts for many years.

If not treated

In this case, herpes does not bother as long as the immune system works without interruption. Any hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infection, stressful situations and other harmful factors lead to a temporary decrease in immunity and the appearance of a rash on the skin and mucous membranes.

Often, against the background of herpes, patients develop acute inflammatory diseases. The mucous membranes of the genital organs, damaged by actively multiplying viral particles, become permeable to bacteria, which leads to the addition of purulent infections.

Herpes and pregnancy

The consequences of infection will differ depending on the period at which the infection occurred. Up to 18 weeks, active reproduction of the virus can lead to fetal death, delay in its development, and the formation of congenital defects. There is a high probability of miscarriage and pregnancy fading.

Herpes infection at a later date can worsen the general condition of the expectant mother and provoke an exacerbation of her existing chronic diseases.

Antiviral drugs and immunostimulants should be used during pregnancy only when the potential benefits of treatment outweigh the potential risks to the fetus.

Herpes in women in labor

The presence of characteristic herpetic eruptions on the genitals is an indication for a cesarean section. This is necessary to exclude contact of the newborn with the birth canal.

Neonatal herpes is very dangerous for a newborn. In some cases, infection leads to the death of the baby.

Prevention of exacerbations of herpes during pregnancy

To make sure that there is no infection, before pregnancy, you need to pass a PCR test to identify the virus, determine its type and concentration. Prophylactic treatment is advisable if laboratory tests indicate the presence of genital herpes virus.

The most effective and safe method of prevention is taking antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs before conception. During pregnancy, immunity is reduced, which creates excellent conditions for the spread of viral particles throughout the body and their active reproduction. Preventive treatment suppresses this process.

Herpes and HPP are one and the same

Removal of warts by radio wave method - absolutely painless operation

  • Radio waves and warts

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The skin protects the human body from the negative effects of the external environment. This cover of ours has a very impressive size: its area (for an adult) is about 2 square meters, its weight is about 17% of the total body weight. The number of functions performed by this unique component of our body is simply amazing:

1. Regulation of body temperature due to the presence of more than 2.5 million sweat glands.

2. Protection from ultraviolet radiation and maintenance of water balance inside the body.

3. Protection of organs from mechanical influences from the external environment (shock, friction, pressure, etc.).

4. Barrier from dangerous "infiltrators" from the outside - pathogenic microbes (they are destroyed by the antiseptic environment that forms on the skin surface).

The skin regularly fulfills all these duties as long as it remains healthy, but it also has “failures”.

What are warts and how to deal with them

One of the manifestations of such failures is the appearance of warts. The cause of these skin growths is the human papillomavirus (HPV for short). The circumstances contributing to its unimpeded development are standard:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • stressful situations;
  • microtrauma of the skin;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene standards.

And as a result - the appearance on the surface of the skin, and, even in the most unexpected places, disgusting tubercles, covered with keratinized grooves. They can be on the hands, feet, and on the face, causing a lot of inconvenience. Warts can grow to a very impressive size (more than 2 cm in diameter), but their biggest danger is that they can go from benign formations to malignant ones.

Therefore, warts should be taken very seriously, without self-medication. Flour and garlic cakes, sour apple juice or Kalanchoe leaves may not always be effective remedies. It is better to consult a doctor, and he will determine which method of getting rid of warts is most appropriate in each case. Their choice is quite extensive, these are:

  • routine surgery;
  • cryodestruction (exposure to low temperatures);
  • removal of warts by radio wave method;
  • application of laser technologies.

Radio waves and warts

It turns out that people have learned to use radio waves in medicine, where they function as a scalpel. In principle, this technique is in many ways similar to both laser and electrosurgery. The difference lies in the use of a different area of \u200b\u200bthe electromagnetic spectrum: high frequencies (from 3.8 to 4.0 MHz) are used in radio wave surgery. It is nothing more than a non-contact soft tissue incision. A radio signal is sent from the tip of the active electrode directed to the wart, as a result of this, the intracellular fluid evaporates and the neoplasm is dissected with its subsequent removal. Moreover, there is practically no thermal damage to the tissues surrounding the wart; a blood clot does not form in the wound obtained after dissection. No leukocyte infiltration, and therefore no risk of inflammatory processes.

With radio wave removal of warts, accelerated tissue recovery is observed without any visible traces (scars, scars), which is very important if the neoplasm was on the face or neck. Radio waves, among other advantages, have a powerful sterilizing effect, which virtually eliminates the possibility of postoperative complications.

In addition, this procedure is completely painless, as radio wave dissection coagulates the nerve endings of the wart.

The operation lasts for several minutes, after which the wound is treated and the patient is allowed to go home. The only thing that is required of him is to keep the wound clean by washing it with soap and water and treating it with an antibiotic. After 4 days, complete healing occurs, a pink skin appears, which over time acquires the same color as the rest of the skin on the body.

But it must be borne in mind that, like any treatment, radio wave removal of warts has contraindications. It is not recommended to prescribe it to patients who have the following diseases:

And in order to avoid the appearance of warts in general, you need to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, increase immunity and try to live in harmony with the outside world.

Panavir: instructions and release forms

Panavir is a Russian-made antiviral drug. It is used to treat HPV infections, influenza and SARS, herpes and other viral diseases.

Briefly about the drug

Panavir is an extract from the plant "Tuberous nightshade" (in Latin Solanum tuberosum), or ordinary potatoes (see Wikipedia).

Panavir directly affects viruses, suppresses their growth and reproduction at all stages of development. The drug stimulates leukocytes to produce their own interferon, which also kills viruses.

Interesting fact: all green areas of potatoes are poisonous - leaves, berries, green tubers. They produce a poisonous substance - solanine.

Release forms

1) Panavir gel for external use (ointment, or cream)

This is the most common form of this medication. Patients call it differently: cream, ointment.

The gel (pictured) is available in tubes of 3 grams and 30 grams.

It is used for application to the skin or mucous membranes, directly to and around the affected area.

Indications for use
  • Herpes on the lips
  • Genital herpes
  • Genital warts. Read all about condylomas in the groin.
  • Warts. Detailed article on skin warts.
  • Skin papillomas of various localization. Read all about human papillomas.
Instructions for use

Panavir gel is applied to the affected area 5 times a day with a thin layer, without rubbing into the skin.

For men, this is the most optimal medicine for condylomas on the penis.

A course of treatment
  • with herpes - smear with gel for up to 10 days,
  • for condylomas, papillomas and for warts - smear with gel for up to 30 days. In this case, Panavir-gel should be used only in combination with the removal of papillomas. Then the cure rate reaches 95%.

Reviews of doctors and patients on Panavir gel - here.

2) Panavir - solution for intravenous injection

In ampoules (in injections) - see the photo.

Attention! The solution is administered intravenously only! Panavir is not administered intramuscularly!

It is used for a quick and effective start of treatment, as well as for the systemic treatment of severe viral infections.

Indications for use

Panavir in ampoules for intravenous injection is used to treat:

  • herpes infection in any form (herpes on the lips, genital herpes, herpetic sore throat),
  • from warts, papillomas, genital warts, dysplasia of the cervix, that is, HPV infection (read the detailed article about HPV)
  • cytomegalovirus infection,
  • flu and SARS,
  • epstein-Barr virus,
  • tick-borne encephalitis.

Panavir in injections (in ampoules) is sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription! Self-medication is strictly prohibited!

Instructions for use

The contents of one ampoule are injected into a vein slowly in a stream.
Children are allowed to put only from the age of 12 - half of one ampoule into a vein slowly.

Panavir in vein injections should not be administered to nursing mothers and pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Use with caution in pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy - only under strict indications.

For the treatment of papillomas, our readers successfully use Papilight. Seeing such popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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HPV against herpes

Even with safe sex, there is still the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Only a small percentage of "safe sex" is still not as safe. Using condoms and other contraceptives is still very beneficial to keep your genitals free of viruses, disease, and other infections.

The most common sexually transmitted infection is the human papillomavirus or HPV among young people who are sexually active (in a global setting). On the other hand, herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States. About a million people fall ill in the United States each year.

It is important to know the differences between them so that you can avoid them, or you can determine if you have them and treat them right away.

HPV comes in 70 different forms. These forms take the form of genital warts, anal warts, cervical cancer, penis cancer, miscarriages, and many others. This virus feeds on moist parts of the skin of the human body: mouth, anus, and especially in the genital area. HPV is transmitted through direct skin contact, such as sex, oral sex, and kissing. For example, if you have open wounds and have direct contact with a person who has genital warts, the virus can be transferred directly into your body. Once the HPV virion invades your cells, it will take at least several months to a year before it can be clinically detected. A normal infection can last for a year or two. However, after 15-20 years, about 5-10% of affected women develop precancerous lesions of the cervix, which ultimately leads to cervical cancer. The good news is that HPV is preventable. There are two vaccines available to prevent infection with the virus. These vaccines are Gardasil and Cervarix.

Herpes, on the other hand, has two forms: genital herpes and oral herpes. Oral herpes is the most common form of herpes that a person can get from an infection with the herpes simplex virus. Symptoms include cold sores or fever blisters. Genital herpes is also a herpes simplex virus infection and includes symptoms of keratitis, encephalitis, Mollaret meningitis, and Bell's palsy. Herpes is spread through direct contact between broken skin and an infected person's skin. It's like a blister that lasts 2 to 21 days. Genital herpes is often asymptomatic, which means it can be worn without symptoms. Once infected, the virus resides inside the body as it travels within sensory nerves and is carried through an axon to nerve endings in the skin. A person who is infected with herpes constantly suffers from episodes and may still be infected by others. There is no known cure for this disease. But this can be prevented by barriers such as condoms. Herpes vaccines are still undergoing clinical testing.

To avoid these diseases and all the troubles and problems they bring, abstinence is the best thing to do.

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection among young people who are sexually active (in a global setting), while herpes is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. 2.

HPV has warts for symptoms and herpes has sores or blisters for symptoms. 3.

HPV simply disappears in time if you have a strong immune system, while Herpes will remain until you pass it on to your next sex partner. 4.

HPV has 70 forms, while herpes has 2 forms. 5.

HPV vaccines are already available, while herpes is still in clinical trials.

Human papillomavirus and herpes are sexually transmitted infections that can be asymptomatic but cause serious health consequences. Both viruses are present in the body in 60% of sexually active young and middle-aged people. They are easy to get infected even when using barrier contraception.

That is why it is so important to pay attention to minor symptoms, undergo medical examinations in a timely manner and receive full treatment if a problem is identified.


Herpes on the genitals and lips is caused by different types of the same virus. But if it is possible to hide the "cold on the lips", then genital herpes can be asymptomatic or with few symptoms. The patient, not knowing about the existence of an infection in his body, can infect others.

This is the reason for the high prevalence of genital herpes, which is carried by every sixth inhabitant of the planet. Since the statistics only take into account the detected cases, the actual number of carriers of the virus is much higher.

Ways of infection with genital herpes

You can get herpes in the following ways:

  • sexually, during vaginal, anal or oral intercourse;
  • contact, when using common hygiene items and insufficient cleanliness of the toilet;
  • hematogenous, on contact with the blood of a patient suffering from herpes;
  • transplacental - from mother to fetus.

A combination of several routes of infection is possible. For example, herpes of the lips can be caused by two types of the virus - simple (HSV 1), transmitted by household and kissing, and genital (HSV 2), which are infected through oral contact.

The likelihood of "catching" herpes from a partner who has no external manifestations of the disease is approximately 50%. The use of a condom somewhat reduces the risk of infection, but does not exclude it altogether, since, in addition to the penis covered with latex, open skin areas of the partners' intimate area come into contact during intercourse.

In the external environment, the herpes virus dies quickly enough. However, with constant contact with a person who is a carrier of the virus, you can become infected through common hygiene items, dishes, toilet rim.

You can get the herpes virus through contact with the blood of a sick person, during organ transplantation, medical manipulations, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. This type of infection is typical for health workers.

Transmission of the virus from mother to fetus often leads to fetal death and rejection (miscarriage). If the fetus survives, then in the future the child born will be a carrier of the virus.

How to suspect herpes

Genital herpes has a very characteristic rash that can be seen on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals and mouth.

Herpetic vesicles are small in size, arranged in groups, often multi-chambered, filled with transparent liquid. Intense itching of the skin may precede the onset of the rash. The blisters themselves also itch and hurt. After opening the vesicles, light pink moist erosion is exposed, heal within a few weeks.

With massive infection with a virus or a decrease in immunity, chills, an increase in body temperature, and an increase in lymph nodes may occur.

In the absence of a characteristic rash and flu-like symptoms, infection can be suspected in the following cases:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • habitual miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy.

Not only the herpes virus, but also a number of other infections can lead to problems with the reproductive system, which is why a gynecologist or urologist necessarily prescribes an examination for several sexually transmitted infections at once.

Diagnosis of herpes

A diagnosis of herpes can be made by a gynecologist, dermatologist or urologist. For diagnostics, carry out:

  • visual inspection;
  • gynecological examination in women;
  • virological research;
  • gene diagnostics.

An external examination in the acute period of the disease can reveal a rash characteristic of herpes. In the absence of rashes, laboratory tests are prescribed, for which discharge from the genitals and blood from a vein are taken.

Genodiagnostics involves the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which detects the DNA of the herpes virus and allows you to determine its type.

As a diagnostic method, immunofluorescence reactions (RIF) and immunofluorescence analysis (ELISA) are prescribed. Both methods determine the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus.

However, the presence of antibodies is not a confirmation of genital herpes in the patient (it may be herpes of the lips), and the absence of antibodies does not allow to exclude infection (the immune system may not have time to respond to infection).

Determination of the presence and level of antibodies to the herpes virus can be used in women during pregnancy in order to monitor the course of the disease and take timely measures in case of an impending exacerbation.

Herpes treatment

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of the herpes virus after infection. Taking medications can only increase immunity and stop the virus from multiplying in tissues.

Herpes treatment is long-term. Drugs prescribed to kill the virus and stimulate the immune system are often costly.

With herpes infection, the following are prescribed:

  • immunostimulants and immunomodulators: Viferon in candles, Epigen-spray, etc.;
  • antiviral drugs in tablets and capsules for oral administration.

Usually, after a full course of treatment, remission lasts for many years.

If not treated

In this case, herpes does not bother as long as the immune system works without interruption. Any hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infection, stressful situations and other harmful factors lead to a temporary decrease in immunity and the appearance of a rash on the skin and mucous membranes.

Often, against the background of herpes, patients develop acute inflammatory diseases. The mucous membranes of the genital organs, damaged by actively multiplying viral particles, become permeable to bacteria, which leads to the addition of purulent infections.

Herpes and pregnancy

The consequences of infection will differ depending on the period at which the infection occurred. Up to 18 weeks, active reproduction of the virus can lead to fetal death, delay in its development, and the formation of congenital defects. There is a high probability of miscarriage and pregnancy fading.

Herpes infection at a later date can worsen the general condition of the expectant mother and provoke an exacerbation of her existing chronic diseases.

Antiviral drugs and immunostimulants should be used during pregnancy only when the potential benefits of treatment outweigh the potential risks to the fetus.

Herpes in women in labor

The presence of characteristic herpetic eruptions on the genitals is an indication for a cesarean section. This is necessary to exclude contact of the newborn with the birth canal.

Neonatal herpes is very dangerous for a newborn. In some cases, infection leads to the death of the baby.

Prevention of exacerbations of herpes during pregnancy

To make sure that there is no infection, before pregnancy, you need to pass a PCR test to identify the virus, determine its type and concentration. Prophylactic treatment is advisable if laboratory tests indicate the presence of genital herpes virus.

The most effective and safe method of prevention is taking antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs before conception. During pregnancy, immunity is reduced, which creates excellent conditions for the spread of viral particles throughout the body and their active reproduction. Preventive treatment suppresses this process.