If you put a spiral what you can't do. Intrauterine device has ingrown symptoms. Indications for the removal of the intrauterine device. Dangerous consequences of the IUD

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, women, like men, use contraception. For girls who have already become mothers, in addition to birth control pills, an intrauterine device can be installed. However, this contraceptive has features of use that should be discussed with the gynecologist. In addition to the basic questions, many women are also interested in when they put a spiral before or after their period.

Only a gynecologist can install the uterine spiral

To prevent conception, if desired, a woman can install an intrauterine device. The procedure must be carried out by a medical specialist with the necessary qualifications.

Note! The installation of the spiral into the uterine cavity is carried out only after the patient undergoes a complete examination. Diagnostics is necessary to identify contraindications and possible risks of a side effect.

Stages of IUD insertion:

  • two-handed gynecological examination on a chair to determine the features of the location of organs and the proposed location of the spiral;
  • antiseptic treatment of the skin and mucous membrane of the external genital organs;
  • the introduction of a gynecological speculum (to display the external uterine opening);
  • with the help of a clamp, the upper uterine lip is grabbed and pulled;
  • insertion of a probe directly to the fundus of the uterus to measure the length of the uterine cavity;
  • removing the spiral from the package;
  • a spiral is inserted through the cervix in a special tube;
  • after the IUD reaches the bottom of the organ, the tube is removed by pulling up;
  • trimming the antennae of the contraceptive coil;
  • extraction of gynecological instruments.

It is very important that the coil is correctly installed

This procedure can cause discomfort and minor pain if all the doctor's manipulations are performed correctly. The mini-operation takes about 5 minutes, after which the woman can safely go home.

What are the contraindications to installation

A gynecological procedure for the introduction of an IUD should not be carried out if, as a result of diagnostics, a woman has contraindications:

  • acute stage of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system and genitals;
  • cancer of organs located in the pelvic region;
  • any form and stage of STDs;
  • large tumor formations;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to the material from which the IUD was made;
  • abnormal deviations that prevent the correct installation of the contraceptive.

Neglect of contraindications can lead to serious consequences, including oncological processes.

What types of spirals exist

Many intrauterine systems are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies to prevent the fertilization of an egg. The choice of a suitable spiral should be determined by the gynecologist individually, based on all the data of the patient's body condition.

First generation spirals are made of plastic

Contraceptives of this type are qualified in two categories: generation and form. By development time (generation):

  1. I generation - an inert type of product made of plastic without metal impurities. Causes inflammation and disrupts the process of implantation of the egg into the uterine wall. Banned by the Ministry of Health due to frequent adverse reactions.
  2. 2nd generation - metal-containing contraceptives. A silver, copper or gold thread is wound around the leg of the plastic spiral. The contraceptive effect is an obstacle to the implantation of a fertilized female egg.
  3. Generation III - a hormone-containing spiral containing a progestin (levonorgestrel). Gives a result of 99%.

IUDs are produced in one of three forms:

  • ring-shaped - can be in the shape of a circle or a semicircle;
  • S - shaped - fastened by spikes located on the "shoulders";
  • T-shaped - have a rod and "shoulders", belong to the 3rd generation.

Each type of spiral has a number of features and disadvantages. At the same time, the choice of a suitable IUD model is individual for each woman.

What are the advantages of a spiral

Modern pharmacology offers many methods of contraception for women. However, pills and intrauterine devices are still popular, which give the result of almost 100% protection against pregnancy.

The spiral is an effective remedy against conception

The action of the spiral is to disrupt the formation of the egg, which is why it cannot be fertilized. If conception is still carried out, thanks to the spiral, the ovum does not attach to the wall and is excreted from the body.


  • does not require any additional contraceptive measures;
  • does not affect lactation;
  • rapid restoration of reproductive function after removal;
  • not related to the frequency and nature of sexual intercourse;
  • has no systemic effect.

One of the advantages of the IUD is the significant savings in material resources. Coils are installed for up to 10 years, depending on the model.

What are the disadvantages of the spiral

The intrauterine device for the body is a foreign body that disrupts natural processes, therefore, the negative consequences of this method of contraception cannot be ruled out.

Often after the installation of the coil, inflammation occurs

The disadvantages of the spiral include:

  • the development of inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • are not protection against STDs;
  • after menstruation, checking the position of the spiral is required;
  • not recommended for girls who have not yet given birth to children;
  • installation or removal can only be carried out in a medical institution;
  • increases the profusion of menstruation;
  • may cause discomfort at first after installation

Many women complain that when installing the Mirena spiral, there are no periods in the first month. Such a reaction of the body is possible and it is not considered normal. If, after the installation of the IUD, there is no menstruation or symptoms that are not typical for menstruation are observed, an urgent need to consult a gynecologist.

What are the features of the installation after childbirth and abortion

Women, after a recent birth, or an abortion, as a rule, do not want a second pregnancy. In order to preserve the sensations during intercourse, but at the same time to prevent unwanted conception, they seek to put the IUD.

After giving birth, you can put the spiral not immediately, but after a while

When, after childbirth or a medical abortion, it is possible to carry out the procedure, and whether it is possible to put a spiral without menstruation - these are questions that often interest women. The menstrual cycle in this case does not play a big role if there are no contraindications. With regard to the past pregnancy, each case should be considered separately.

The spiral can be installed after childbirth no earlier than 1.5 months later, when the discharge ends and the organs are fully restored. In this case, after a cesarean section, the agent can be installed no earlier than 6 months later. After an abortion (regardless of its type), the IUD can be inserted into the uterine cavity after 7 days, if there are no complications. The procedure itself is no different.

Women who have given birth, according to their reviews, experience less pain and discomfort, since the pharynx of the uterus is dilated and the cervical canal is easily accessible.

On which day of the cycle is

You can put an IUD on any day of the cycle if the woman is absolutely sure that there is no pregnancy. Girls who decide on this procedure often have difficulty: to put a spiral before or after menstruation.

It is best to put a spiral during your period.

Gynecologists do not recommend putting a spiral after menstruation, despite the fact that it is not prohibited. Installing a contraceptive outside of your period may cause more pain. This is due to the narrowing of the uterine pharynx, increased tissue tone and difficult access to the attachment site.

The most appropriate period, according to experts, is 1 or 6 days of menstruation. In this case, adaptation is much easier, and the risk of developing inflammatory or infectious processes is less.

What are the periods after the installation of the IUD

There is a relationship between menstruation and the intrauterine device. Menstruation with a Mirena spiral or another model of the IUD changes the nature of the discharge in the first cycle.

In 70% of women, periods become more abundant and prolonged due to the adaptive reaction of the endometrium to a foreign object. The imbalance of the hormonal background, arising from the disruption of the natural processes of formation and maturation of the egg, also has an effect.

After installing the spiral, the duration of menstruation increases

Normally, menstruation may be profuse, but not excessive. If the discharge acquires the symptoms of bleeding, cramping seizures are present, a sharp pain in the abdomen is tormented - you should immediately contact the gynecologists, the rejection of the IUD from the body is not excluded.

Can I remove the IUD myself

The installation of the spiral is carried out in sanitary conditions by a gynecologist. The product must also be removed by a specialist. However, sometimes women strive to perform the procedure on their own, since they believe that there is nothing difficult in this manipulation.

The reason for removing the IUD is:

  • expiration of the contraceptive;
  • the appearance of complications;
  • planned pregnancy.

You will find details about uterine spirals in this video:

Regardless of the reasons, you cannot remove the product yourself. Such actions can lead to injury to the uterus, the opening of bleeding, infection and the development of inflammation. It is also not recommended to remove the spiral without menstruation. If there are no emergency indications, it is better to wait for your period.

A woman who decides to insert an IUD into the body should take into account the relationship between menstruation and the contraceptive coil. To be prepared for all the features and to prevent complications, you should consult with your gynecologist before coming to the procedure.

The intrauterine device (IUD) is a popular and reliable method of contraception. However, it has a service life after which it must be removed. In some cases, the spiral has to be removed prematurely, for example, with the development of diseases, pain, discomfort and heavy bleeding. Removal of the intrauterine device cannot be performed independently - this can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, and fainting. Therefore, the procedure should only be performed by a doctor.

You can make an appointment for a fast, safe and painless spiral removal to the gynecologist of our clinic. We will help you with both planned and early extraction of the IUD.

Indications for spiral removal

The main indication for the removal of the intrauterine device is the expiration of its service life. The duration of the use of the IUD depends on the manufacturer and the material from which the device is made. When installing the spiral, the doctor gives the patient a memo, which indicates the time for its removal or replacement. The average life of this device is 3–7 years. It is impossible to exceed the period indicated by the doctor, as this can lead to the ingrowth of the spiral into the endometrium, infertility and the development of inflammatory processes.

Reference! With the planned extraction of the coil, it can be replaced immediately.

However, in some cases, the IUD has to be removed ahead of schedule. This must be done in the following cases:

  • At menopause (one year after the last menstruation).
  • Pain and bleeding outside the period of menstruation.
  • Acute infectious gynecological diseases - endometritis (inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus) and adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages).
  • Planning a pregnancy - when the spiral is removed, the ability to fertilize is restored within one menstrual cycle.
  • Displacement or loss of the spiral - if the IUD has moved, it is impossible to return it to the correct position, since when the conductor is removed, it straightens out, and if you move it, it will most likely cause pain, therefore it is necessary to remove it outside.
  • Ingrowth of the spiral into the wall of the uterus.

Reference! The IUD can cause an ascending infection of the internal genital organs. Usually the cervix is \u200b\u200bclosed, so pathogens cannot enter the uterus from the vagina. However, since the antennae of the spiral remain outside the cervix, this makes it easier for microorganisms to work. When the IUD is installed in compliance with all the rules, infection does not occur. However, if the doctor did not sanitize the vagina before the introduction of the spiral or performed the procedure immediately after the patient's inflammatory process, this may cause the development of pathologies.

Also, the IUD is removed ahead of schedule with the development of side effects and complications. Usually the body gets used to the spiral within a year. During this period, there may be pain during menstruation, an increase in the duration of menstruation or the amount of discharge. If after a year the picture does not change, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor. Also, regardless of the period of limitation of the installation of the spiral, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist with excessive bleeding during menstruation or growing pain. They can cause early removal of the IUD.

Reference! The presence of an intrauterine device does not preclude pregnancy. If a woman wants to keep it, the decision to remove the IUD in this case should be made by the doctor. The spiral will not cause fetal malformation, however, when it is removed, there is a risk of developing strong uterine contractions and spontaneous abortion.

Preparing to remove the IUD

Before the procedure, you must undergo the following tests:

  • Bacteriological examination of the smear - it is necessary to identify inflammation in which the procedure can be carried out, however, the doctor will be especially careful.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

When the spiral grows into the wall of the uterus, it is also necessary:

  • General / biochemical blood test.
  • Blood tests for hepatitis, syphilis, HIV.

Removal of the intrauterine device can be performed on any day of the cycle. However, it is best to do this in the last days (3-5) of menstruation, when the cervical canal expands naturally. This makes the procedure easier.

Reference! If the spiral is the cause of the development of infectious diseases in the internal genital organs, removal is performed on any day of the cycle, without waiting for menstruation.

Removal of the IUD

The spiral extraction procedure is painless. If the antennae of the IUD are in place, then anesthesia is not performed. The doctor removes the coil by pulling on them.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The patient lies down on a gynecological chair.
  2. The doctor examines the vagina using mirrors.
  3. Under the control of the mirrors, the gynecologist grabs the spiral antennae with forceps or tweezers and pulls on them.
  4. After removing the coil, the doctor sanitizes the vagina.

Reference! The spiral can be removed without difficulty. Together with it, a small amount of blood (liquid or clots) comes out.

If the antennae of the spiral are not preserved or it has grown into the endometrium or myometrium (the muscular wall of the uterus), removal is performed using an endoscopic device, a hysteroscope under local anesthesia. Such a procedure is also carried out with complicated removal of the IUD with preserved antennae. Extraction is considered complicated if the spiral does not come out when pulling on the threads or the patient feels significant pulling pains.

Reference! After removal of the ingrown spiral, endometrial scraping is also performed.

Rehabilitation period

On average, the rehabilitation period lasts about 2 weeks. If the coil was removed ahead of schedule for medical reasons, it may enlarge. For several days after the procedure, there will be vaginal discharge, which during this period should lighten and acquire a serous-mucous character.

During the recovery period, you cannot:

  • Have sex for a week.
  • Lift weights for 1-2 weeks.

For 2-3 months after removal of the IUD, one should refrain from hot baths and baths.

After removing the spiral, especially early, there may be delays in menstruation. However, the delay should not exceed 2 weeks. The longer delay may be due to:

  • The age of the patient.
  • Long period of use of the spiral.

Reference! During the first period from the day of the procedure, you should not use tampons.

Usually menstrual bleeding after removal of the IUD is rather scarce, as the body adapts to "life without a spiral". The “pre-spiral” cycle is restored within 3 months. If you experience heavy menstrual bleeding after removing the IUD, see your doctor. They can be caused by non-pathological hormonal changes: the spiral affects the work of the ovaries and the maturation of eggs, after its removal, the body is restored. However, heavy menstrual bleeding can also indicate:

  • about damage to the endometrium,
  • development of inflammatory processes,
  • thinning of the endometrium,
  • somatic diseases,
  • stress.

For a delay exceeding 2 weeks, you must consult a doctor. In case of normal recovery after removal of the IUD, the gynecologist should be visited one month after the procedure.

Possible complications

In most cases, there are no complications after the removal of the spiral. However, if it is removed due to abnormalities, bleeding or pain may occur.

After removal of the Mirena spiral, which contains hormones, after a few months, an overgrowth of the endometrium may be observed. The IUD inhibits the activity of such processes, therefore, if present, they do not develop. But if violations are present, they can appear after extraction. Therefore, during this period, patients who used Mirena should be monitored by a doctor.

Installation and removal of an intrauterine device

If you are looking for a reliable method of contraception that does not require your attention and will last for a long time, the French Clinic will help you choose one. We can install an intrauterine device (IUD, also called an intrauterine device). It is a small, flexible device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy for 3 to 5 years.

How effective is this method of contraception

The IUD provides protection against unwanted pregnancies in 90-97% of cases. It is a long-term, reliable and comfortable method of contraception that does not interfere with a full sex life. After installation, you will need to visit a gynecologist every six months.

The IUD operates constantly, regardless of the day of the cycle. If you want to conceive a child, you need to see a doctor to remove the product and then plan a pregnancy.

What spirals do we use

For long-term contraception, we install modern IUDs, which have a composition that is safe for the body and rarely cause complications. If you have a disorder that requires hormonal correction, the doctor will select a special type with a hormone-containing capsule. To prevent inflammation, IUDs with silver and copper elements are used, which have a local antiseptic effect.

How the method works

When the coil is in the uterus, the body reacts to it as a foreign body trapped inside. Lymphocytes and other blood cells begin to accumulate around, which are responsible for the fight against pathogenic bacteria and foreign particles. They inhibit sperm activity. The risk of fertilization of the egg drops sharply. Even if the egg is fertilized, it cannot fix on the wall of the uterus, due to the mechanical spiral barrier.

When is this method of contraception suitable for you?

An intrauterine device is great if you have one consistent and reliable sex partner. It is important to know that the IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. If you have recently given birth to a baby, installation is possible as early as 3 months after giving birth, while breastfeeding. The device does not affect lactation. It is completely safe for you and your baby.

What procedures are needed for the examination

To exclude contraindications and choose the most suitable model, you will be prescribed:

  • bacterioscopy of a vaginal smear;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • blood tests for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis.
  • oncological diseases of the body and cervix
  • precancerous condition of the cervix (dysplasia);
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • polyps, endometrial hyperplasia (proliferation of the uterine lining);
  • inflammatory process of the uterus and appendages;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown cause;
  • multiple uterine fibroids that deform its cavity;
  • hypersensitivity to components and their intolerance;
  • previously transferred ectopic pregnancy.

If during the examination you have found inflammation, erosion or infection, you can install the remedy only after treatment - at least six months later, provided that there are no signs of disease and clean tests.

How the installation works

The intrauterine device is installed by a gynecologist. The procedure is absolutely painless, safe and takes place under sterile conditions. If you have hypersensitivity, a local anesthetic will be given before insertion.

A month after installation, you need to come for an examination to the gynecologist so that the doctor is convinced that the IUD is correctly positioned in the uterus. Then it is necessary to check whether the device is in place during each visit to the gynecologist. The recommended frequency of inspections is once every six months.

When to remove the IUD

The intrauterine contraceptive can be removed at your request if you want to conceive a child, or after the expiration date of the coil (3 to 5 years, according to the manufacturer's recommendations). In some cases, there are medical indications for removal:

  • device displacement;
  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages, swelling (myoma);
  • oncological diseases;
  • perforation of the uterus;
  • the onset of menopause.

Typically, removal is performed under local anesthesia. But if the coil has shifted into the uterus and the control threads are not visible, the device will be removed under general anesthesia through the cervix. In our clinic, the hysteroscopy method is used for this. This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, fast and non-traumatic.

Popular questions

1. Can I remove the coil myself?

Self-removal is strictly contraindicated. With an inept approach, the spiral can injure the cervix or cause other complications, so only a doctor should carry out the procedure.

2. What day of the cycle is it better to come to the installation?

The most suitable days are 4-8 from the beginning of menstruation. During this period, the cervix is \u200b\u200bslightly open, and the procedure is more comfortable and faster.

3. If the installed coil has shifted, can I replace it with another one?

Yes, when the IUD is displaced, it is removed and replaced with a new one. If the device has shifted due to an improper shape or size, the doctor will select a different model.

How is an IUD (intrauterine device) inserted

The installation of the IUD ensures the absence of pregnancy due to the fact that the egg is not fertilized, since it quickly moves through the fallopian tubes and enters the uterine cavity in an insufficiently formed state. If for some reason a pregnancy has occurred, the installed spiral prevents the implantation of the embryo. Conception with an IUD is impossible due to the special materials that are used to make the coil or the presence of hormonal agents in it that reduce the activity of sperm. In addition, the intrauterine device forms a special airlock, which makes it difficult for seminal fluid to enter the uterine cavity.

There are more than 50 types of IUDs. The most optimal version of the intrauterine contraceptive device is selected by the doctor after a thorough gynecological examination and the patient undergoing an appropriate examination. The choice of the IUD for each woman is determined individually, taking into account the characteristics and condition of her body.

There are three most common forms of intrauterine devices:

  • In the form of a ring;
  • T-shaped;
  • S-shaped.

The insertion of an IUD (intrauterine device) is a surgical procedure that involves the installation of a contraceptive into the uterine cavity in order to prevent pregnancy not only in women who have given birth, but also in women who have not given birth. The intrauterine device is one of the most effective contraceptives. The indisputable advantages of this contraceptive include a long period of validity (5-10 years) and high efficiency rates (80-95%). The intrauterine device can be removed at any time. The onset of pregnancy after its removal is possible within a year.

For the manufacture of IUDs, silver, copper or gold are used.

Contraindications to IUD insertion

The installation of an intrauterine contraceptive device is not carried out in the presence of the following pathological changes and diseases:

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs in the acute stage;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Volumetric processes of the uterine cavity (fibroids), which can lead to deformities of the uterus;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Malignant neoplasms of the pelvic organs;
  • Allergic reaction to the material from which the coil is made;
  • Structural anomalies and anatomical and topographic malformations, in the presence of which it is impossible to ensure the correct location of the IUD in the uterine cavity.

Preparation before inserting an intrauterine contraceptive

Before the introduction of the IUD, the patient needs to consult a gynecologist, undergo a gynecological examination, and also pass the necessary laboratory tests. This will determine the patient's health status and the presence of possible contraindications to the establishment of an intrauterine contraceptive. A detailed examination of the uterine cavity makes it possible to study the anatomical features of the organ and determine the depth to which the IUD will be installed.

The laboratory and clinical diagnostic methods that the patient must undergo include:

  • Vaginal swab
  • Biochemical and general blood examination;
  • Analysis for venereal pathologies;
  • A smear from the cervix;
  • Blood for HIV, RV, hepatitis, syphilis, blood group;
  • General urine examination;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

In the absence of possible contraindications to the installation of an IUD, a mandatory exclusion of pregnancy should be carried out before the procedure. For this, a woman undergoes a special test.

The procedure for the introduction of a contraceptive IUD

In modern medicine, the installation of three types of intrauterine contraceptives is provided:

  • Lipps loop - one of the less effective contraceptives, rarely used;
  • The copper IUD is an improved and modified Lipps loop. This contraceptive device is more effective and easier to insert into the uterine cavity;
  • The hormone-containing coil is a modern development that increases protection against unwanted pregnancies and reduces the risk of inflammation.

The introduction of one or another type of intrauterine device will depend not only on the condition and wishes of the patient, but also on his financial capabilities, since hormone-containing IUDs are more expensive than other, less effective contraceptives.

As a rule, the procedure for introducing an intrauterine device is carried out in the last days of the menstrual cycle or after its end, since during this period the cervical canal is as open as possible. However, you can enter an intrauterine contraceptive on any day of the cycle. The procedure is carried out in the clinic on an outpatient basis and does not require the patient to stay in a hospital. The IUD is inserted without the use of anesthetic drugs. The cervix is \u200b\u200btreated with an anesthetic gel. This will block pain and discomfort during manipulation.

The woman lies down on the gynecological chair, as during a standard medical examination, placing her legs on the holders. Then the doctor inserts a dilator into the vagina and determines the location of the uterus, after which he treats the cervix and vagina with antiseptic drugs. With the help of the holder, the doctor opens the cervix and holding it in this position, inserts a special instrument that allows you to measure the depth of the organ. This is done in order to confirm the proportionality of the size of the IUD and the uterus.

The spiral is placed in a special tube, which is inserted into the uterine cavity and pulled back a little. This makes it possible for the spiral to take the appropriate shape within the organ. The tube and holder are removed, and the "tendrils" of the intrauterine contraceptive remain and should protrude slightly from the uterus. At the end of the procedure, the dilator is removed from the uterine cavity. To reduce discomfort and discomfort after the introduction of an intrauterine device, the doctor gives an anesthetic injection. The procedure for installing the IUD lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Consequences after the installation of the IUD

Often, after the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive, pain may occur that resembles pain during menstruation. If there is discomfort in the lower abdomen, the patient should rest. This will allow the uterus to get used to the foreign body. Vaginal discharge is considered the norm after IUD insertion, provided that it does not last very long. Bloody discharge after the introduction of the intrauterine device can periodically occur during the first 4-6 months, while they do not pose a danger to the patient. If the discharge has become profuse, you should consult your doctor. After the introduction of the IUD, the discharge may affect the nature and duration of the menstrual cycle, after 2-3 months the cycle should return to normal.

Features of care after the introduction of an intrauterine device

To ensure normal recovery after IUD insertion and reduce the risk of adverse complications, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Observe a long rest;
  • Visit a gynecologist a month after installing a contraceptive in order to exclude its displacement;
  • Return to daily activities only after the complete disappearance of pain and discomfort;
  • Every month, check the location of the "antennae" with your fingers (they should be in the posterior vaginal area);
  • Strictly adhere to all the prescriptions of the attending doctor.

If one of the following pathological symptoms appears, the patient should consult a doctor for emergency medical attention:

  • Change in the length of the "antennae" or their absence on palpation;
  • Profuse and painful menses;
  • Suspected pregnancy;
  • Descent of the spiral from the uterine cavity;
  • Increased menstrual cycle;
  • The appearance of signs of a sexually transmitted disease (in a partner or patient);
  • Missed, short, or late periods;
  • Pain, bleeding during intimacy;
  • Soreness or severe cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • Unexplained fever, chills;
  • Pathological vaginal discharge;
  • The presence of ulcers and various rashes on the genitals;
  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding;
  • Heart attack or stroke symptoms;
  • Attacks of headache, migraine;
  • Pain, aches, muscle weakness;
  • The appearance of flu-like symptoms.

The IUD is a highly effective method of contraception, which, subject to the technique and rules for installing an intrauterine device, does not bring any unpleasant sensations to the patient. Our clinic employs experienced and qualified doctors who, based on the results of comprehensive diagnostics, will select the most optimal option for an intrauterine contraceptive and will carry out a high-quality and prompt installation of the IUD.

Video: Contraception. Part 7. Intrauterine devices (Mirena)

Attention! This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is scientific material or medical advice and can not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional doctor. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment prescription, please contact qualified doctors!

Installation of an intrauterine device

In our clinic, you can install and remove intrauterine device... This contraceptive is considered one of the most reliable: it blocks the implantation of a fertilized egg, preventing pregnancy. At the same time, the spiral does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so its use is advisable if you have a permanent sexual partner.

IUD types

There are hormonal and non-hormonal spirals. The former are equipped with a small container that contains levonorgestrel, a hormone that prevents conception. When it gets into the blood in small doses, it increases the reliability of protection. The non-hormonal coil works only mechanically.

Often the spirals are subdivided into "silver", "copper", "gold" - depending on what kind of metal was used in their manufacture. There is no fundamental difference between them, however, if the patient has previously been allergic to any of these materials, it makes sense to choose a different spiral.

The IUD serves not only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also to prevent endometrial hyperplasia and idiopathic menorrhagia.

How is the spiral installation

The last day of menstruation or the day following it is chosen for the procedure. At this time, the cervix is \u200b\u200bdilated, so the installation does not take much time. In this case, the patient may feel minor pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of pain during menstruation. They disappear immediately after the procedure is completed, so there is no need for pain relief.

Our doctors have extensive experience in installing and removing IUDs, so the procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. Delicate actions of the gynecologist are a guarantee that the patient will not feel discomfort. After installing the spiral, the doctor issues recommendations for the coming weeks.

6 important facts about the removal of the IUD and the consequences of removing the spiral

Despite the obvious advantages of the IUD (convenience, economy, efficiency, long-term use), there is still a need to remove it. And the closer the day of the prescribed procedure, the more fear and excitement the woman experiences: does it hurt, how does it happen, are there complications?

Reasons for removing the spiral

Photo: T-shaped intrauterine device

Basically, the service life of the intrauterine device is from 3 to 5 to 10 and even 15 years. It depends on the type and composition of the spiral: copper-containing IUDs serve less (3 - 5 years), spirals containing silver and hormones are suitable for 5 - 7 years, and contraceptives with gold are allowed to be used for 10 - 15 years if there are no contraindications.

Removal of the IUD: indications

Removal of the intrauterine device is performed according to the following indications:

  1. Expiration date. After the expiration of the service life, the contraceptive effect of the product decreases and it is removed.
  2. At the request of the woman. This may be due to the fact that the woman has decided to become pregnant and have a baby, or she is not satisfied with this method of contraception (“did not fit”).
  3. There was a displacement of the IUD in the uterine cavity or its partial prolapse (expulsion). In this case, a woman may feel discomfort, a tingling sensation, or notice that the antennae of the spiral have become somewhat longer. In such a situation, there is no guarantee of effective contraception. Therefore, the tipsy spiral should be removed and a new one installed.
  4. The onset of pregnancy while using an intrauterine contraceptive. Unfortunately, such situations occur. Moreover, ectopic pregnancies occur more often. Removal of the coil is mandatory in both uterine and ectopic pregnancies.
  5. With menopause. A year after the last menstruation, the spiral is removed as unnecessary with menopause.
  6. For medical reasons. If pain, bleeding, inflammation in the uterus and appendages develops, as well as the development or growth of a benign uterine tumor (fibroids) while using a contraceptive, it must be removed as soon as possible.

It should be noted that small uterine fibroids in themselves are not a contraindication for the installation of an IUD. In this case, the doctor will recommend a progestogen coil.

But if the uterine fibroids first appeared against the background of the IUD or began to grow, then the contraceptive should be removed as soon as possible.

By whom and how is the removal carried out

As a rule, the spiral is removed from the uterus in a small operating room for a antenatal clinic or a gynecological hospital. The procedure is carried out by a qualified gynecologist in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

How is the spiral removed in women?

Before starting the manipulation, the doctor conducts a gynecological examination of the patient. After a vaginal examination, the cervix is \u200b\u200bexposed with special mirrors and treated with any antiseptic solution. Then the control threads of the contraceptive are captured with a medical instrument - forceps or forceps, and slowly sipping, the spiral is pulled out of the uterus.

If, while wearing the IUD, the woman did not have complications and inflammation, then there are no problems with extraction. The procedure is simple and painless.

At the time of removal, the filaments of the spiral may break off. In this case, the doctor will pull out the spiral using a special hook. It is better if this happens under ultrasound control.

There are situations when an intrauterine contraceptive grows into the wall of the uterus (usually this happens when the service life is missed) and it is not possible to remove it in the usual way. Then the removal of the IUD is performed in a gynecological hospital under intravenous anesthesia using diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity or using a medical optical device - a hysteroscope.

If it is impossible to remove the IUD through the cervical canal (this happens when it is atresia or overgrown), they resort to pulling out the spiral through the abdominal cavity using laparoscopic methods under general anesthesia.

After the operation to remove the IUD, a course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.

How long does the procedure take? Do you need anesthesia?

It should be noted that the introduction of the spiral is a more painful and laborious process than its removal.

In the absence of complications, the correct location of the IUD in the uterine cavity, and the presence of control threads, the procedure takes several minutes, is simple and practically painless.

The pain threshold is different for each person. And if a woman has a panic about the upcoming procedure, she can take an anesthetic (analgin, ketorol, but - shpu). A doctor with a low pain threshold may use a local anesthetic in the form of a lidocaine spray.

What examinations are needed before the removal procedure

Before the procedure, the same tests and a similar examination are required as when installing the VC: a general blood and urine test, a smear on the vaginal microflora. It is advisable to undergo an ultrasound of the uterus and colposcopy.

When the IUD is removed

There is no clearly established time frame for removing the contraceptive. You can remove it at any period of a woman's life that she sees fit.

Experts recommend removing the spiral during menstruation, because during this period the external cervical os is slightly opened and the extraction is more gentle and painless. The most favorable days for manipulation are considered the first and last day of menstruation, when the discharge is not so abundant. However, compliance with this condition is not mandatory and, if necessary, the spiral can be removed on any day of the menstrual cycle, including before and after menstruation.

If a woman is healthy and has no contraindications, then a new spiral can be introduced immediately after removing the previous one. No rest breaks required.

Pregnancy after spiral

Intrauterine contraception does not affect subsequent pregnancy. If a woman decides to give birth to a child and has no health problems, then pregnancy occurs almost immediately after the spiral is removed. In rare cases, if complications (for example, endometritis) have developed against the background of a standing contraceptive, the gynecologist will advise you to refrain from conceiving until the inflammation is cured. After recovery, you can safely become pregnant.

But it is still better to postpone pregnancy planning by 2 to 3 months. This time is necessary for the complete restoration of the mucous membrane of the uterus, where the fertilized egg will be implanted after fertilization. It will be advisable to take vitamin preparations before conception.

Possible complications

The most common complications are:

  • chronic endometritis;
  • inflammation in the uterine appendages;
  • bleeding.

Acceptable and short-term symptoms after removal of the intrauterine contraceptive can be:

  • muscle cramps in the abdomen;
  • moderate pain in the pelvic area;
  • minor spotting;
  • aching (as with menstruation) pain in the lower abdomen.

These symptoms are not pathological, do not require a visit to the doctor and special treatment.

What rules must be followed after deletion

  • sexual rest;
  • limit heavy physical activity;
  • observe intimate hygiene;
  • refuse to visit the sauna or bath;
  • do not use tampons;
  • do not use douching.

It must be remembered that the presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity and its prolonged wearing is much worse and more dangerous than the procedure for removing it. The female body is very fragile and does not tolerate rough treatment. Therefore, if the presence of a spiral causes discomfort and inconvenience, there is no need to wait until the end of its service life. It is best to see your doctor for advice as soon as possible.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

Protection against unwanted pregnancy with an intrauterine device is considered one of the most reliable and effective. The risk of getting pregnant in this case is reduced to an insignificant 2%. However, when choosing the most suitable contraceptive in each individual case, all contraindications and possible consequences should be taken into account. If, after the woman has put the spiral, there is blood and it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist to prevent the development of complications.

Contraindications to the use of an intrauterine device

This method of contraception, unfortunately, does not protect a woman from viruses, bacteria, fungi that cause genital infections from entering the vagina. It is strictly prohibited for women who do not fully trust their sexual partners or who engage in promiscuous, unprotected sex.

The intrauterine device should not be installed in such cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • with benign or malignant formations in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • inflammation of the vagina, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • deformation or underdevelopment of the uterus due to injury or surgery;
  • various types of bleeding;
  • tuberculosis.

In addition, doctors consider the use of intrauterine contraception possible, but undesirable in such conditions:

  • any diseases of the blood system;
  • heart disease;
  • the presence of HIV;
  • neoplasms of the mammary glands;
  • trophoblastic diseases (tumors);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • uterine scars.

How and when can you install and remove a spiral

Before the introduction of the IUD spiral into the uterus, it is necessary to consult a doctor, a gynecological examination, a vaginal smear for flora, histology and genital infections, an analysis of the woman's general health. Based on the results of visual, laboratory and instrumental studies, the gynecologist makes a decision on the possibility of using intrauterine contraception and, in case of a positive result, appoints the day of the procedure.

Most often, the spiral is placed a few days before or during menstruation. It depends on the anatomical features of the patient.

As a rule, anesthesia is not necessary - local anesthesia is sufficient. To carry out the procedure, the doctor needs to open the cervix with the help of instruments, make an examination, measure the depth, insert the spiral itself and fix it in the cavity. All this will take no more than 5-15 minutes.

Before the procedure, many are worried whether it is painful to install and remove the spiral. In this matter, almost everything depends on the competence of the doctor. An experienced and attentive gynecologist will not cause pain, but only a little discomfort.

Indications for removal of the intrauterine device:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs of a woman;
  • detection of a sexually transmitted infection;
  • profuse uterine bleeding;
  • persistent or unbearable pain;
  • the end of the term of use.

A copper coil in the absence of negative effects on the body can be inside for up to 10 years, hormonal up to 5 years. You need to remove it a few days before your period, and you can put a new one in a month. After removal of Mirena (the most popular hormonal coil), the ability to conceive a child returns to the next menstrual cycle.

Feelings after the procedure

Rehabilitation after installing an intrauterine device takes no more than 5 days. It is recommended during this period to reduce physical activity, rest more, lie down, eat right and completely abandon such aspects:

  • intimate relationships;
  • taking acetylsalicylic acid with food or tablets;
  • douching;
  • the use of tampons;
  • baths, saunas, swimming pools and baths.

Do not be afraid of mild and minor bleeding. Scanty spotting after the installation of the spiral is quite acceptable at first. Unpleasant symptoms can appear within six months, then they should gradually fade away and completely disappear by the 8th month. But if the discharge during the spiral becomes too abundant, protracted or accompanied by sharp pains, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Possible complications and side effects

Most often, the woman's body tolerates the intrauterine method of protection well. However, in some cases, this method of contraception is simply not suitable for the patient. The development of complications can be provoked by the following points:

  • non-compliance by the patient with the instructions of the gynecologist;
  • inaccuracy and inaccuracy of the doctor's actions during the installation of the spiral;
  • the use of a defective or inappropriate spiral;
  • ignoring the woman's presence of contraindications to this type of contraception.


Sometimes women turn to the doctor with the following complaint: "I put a spiral, there is blood flow, what should I do?" Scanty uterine bleeding, not accompanied by severe pain in the pelvic area, is considered normal for 6-8 months after the introduction of the intrauterine device. During this period, regular monitoring by a specialist is required to exclude the development of gynecological diseases, and if they are detected, immediate treatment is necessary.

If, after 8 months from the installation of the spiral, it is still bleeding, the doctor concludes that the spiral has not taken root in the uterine cavity, it must be removed. If the bleeding does not stop after the removal of the coil, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the body.


Rupture of the cervix is \u200b\u200ba difficult consequence of the unprofessionalism of the specialist installing the spiral, or ignoring one of the contraindications (underdevelopment of the uterus or cervical stenosis). This complication is quite rare, it is treated conservatively, with a deep rupture, surgical stitching is possible.

Perforation of the uterus can occur if the correct technique for installing the intrauterine device is not followed in nulliparous patients. Perforation symptoms are quite typical and easily diagnosed:

  • sharp persistent pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pale skin;
  • very low blood pressure.

With the above symptoms, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, he immediately removes the coil and prescribes a suitable therapy.

Other states

The vasovagal reaction of a woman's body is associated with emotional perception and can manifest itself directly during the procedure by blanching of the skin, a slow pulse and a semi-fainting state. The process of installing the spiral should be temporarily stopped and the patient should be returned to a normal psycho-emotional state.

Loss of the spiral (expulsion) occurs quite often among nulliparous patients, as a rule, in the first days or the first 2-3 months after the procedure. Usually, the rejection of the coil is accompanied by severe pain, reminiscent of labor pains. If antispasmodic and analgesic drugs do not alleviate the condition, it is worth doing an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity to detect the location of the spiral.

The uterus can reject the spiral and painlessly, therefore, gynecologists recommend that women independently check for the presence of spiral antennae in the uterus after each monthly cycle. In the absence of a spiral in the uterus, a gynecologist recommends either installing a different one or refusing to use intrauterine contraception.

Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system

Infections and inflammations of the pelvic organs are the most common complication after the spiral (15% of cases). The reason may be ignoring contraindications to the use of intrauterine contraception (promiscuous sex life, the presence of minor inflammation). It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of one or more signs indicating inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system:

  • pains, cramps in the abdominal region (may subside for a while, then intensify);
  • increased body temperature;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, bloody stools);
  • frequent or painful urination
  • unusual vaginal discharge with a pungent odor and non-specific color.

Such diseases are treated with antibacterial drug and topical therapy. The acute course of the inflammatory process suggests that the spiral needs to be urgently removed. The doctor who removed the spiral takes an analysis of the microflora for sensitivity to various antibiotics and prescribes a course of treatment.

The most severe consequences of acute inflammatory diseases against the background of the use of the spiral can be an ectopic pregnancy, infertility.

Most of the above complications relate to the use of copper coils, hormonal coils, as a rule, are much more easily tolerated by the female body. Among other methods of contraception, doctors consider an intrauterine device to be the most preferable if a woman has a proven and unique sexual partner.

Many women are thinking about how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy when living together with a man. Medicine offers many methods of contraception that ensure a safer sex life. Many patients resort to contraception with a spiral. This method allows you to maintain your health without hormonal changes and risks, as well as prevent unwanted pregnancy.

What is a spiral and what are they?

There are about 50 types of intrauterine contraceptive devices. They are inserted into the uterine cavity to prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg. In modern medicine, the following types are offered:

  1. Devices containing copper, silver.
  2. Spirals containing hormones.

They differ among themselves not only in material, but also in shape: S, T-shaped. The hormone-containing IUD has become widely known for being more effective and reliable. The most popular are the Mirena spirals.

This type of contraceptive is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Installation is performed in the gynecological office. It is important to be examined, as there are a number of contraindications. Mandatory examinations include:

  • a smear from the vagina and cervix;
  • blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis for genital infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

The positive qualities of the Mirena spiral in relation to other contraceptives:

  1. When a woman has put a spiral with hormonal content, she no longer needs to be afraid of getting pregnant for several years. This is a fairly reliable tool that allows you to make your sex life free and safe.
  2. The spiral does not need to be changed frequently. Its action lasts for 5 years. While the pills must be taken every day.
  3. After inserting the IUD, you will not feel it. Your partner is also protected from discomfort. This makes sexual intercourse more relaxed.
  4. Regardless of the hormonal contents of the device, it is absolutely safe for the female body. Does not contribute to weight gain, and also does not affect ovarian function.
  5. After installing an intrauterine device, a woman can hope for a speedy recovery from such unpleasant diseases as fibroids and endometriosis.

What are the disadvantages of installing an IUD:

  1. There is no way to use it yourself.
  2. Discharge appears after the installation of the spiral. It can be brown spotting, as well as bleeding.
  3. Does not protect against genital infections.
  4. Self-prolapse of the IUD, which makes pregnancy possible.
  5. Violation of the menstrual cycle. After removing the spiral, menstruation again becomes regular and with the same abundance.
  6. Installation of the Mirena spiral is carried out only for women who have given birth. Doctors believe that such contraception is safe and effective only for those patients who have children. Therefore, the specialist may refuse the installation if you are less than 25 years old and do not have children yet.

Discharge while using the IUD

Many women note different discharge during the spiral. The installation of a contraceptive can be accompanied not only by blood anesthesia, but also by pain in the lower abdomen. All this brings discomfort. If the discharge is observed for no more than 2 weeks, this is considered normal. Doctors warn a woman that after the installation of a contraceptive device, there is much more blood in the first days. In the future, spotting discharge is observed. The first menstrual period after IUD insertion will be long and heavy. Spirals appear in brown color in the middle of the cycle.

The time of installation of the IUD is determined by the doctor. Most often, the procedure is planned in the last menstrual days of the woman. Therefore, spotting persists after the installation of a contraceptive. This is a completely natural phenomenon. Anesthetic is not applied during the procedure. The gynecologist treats the cervix with an anesthetic. On average, the procedure lasts 5-7 minutes. If profuse discharge appears after installation, you must inform the specialist about it.

Are not the norm:

  1. Prolonged spotting. They can turn into profuse periods. This condition continues for a week or longer.
  2. Severe abdominal pain.
  3. A specific odor from the vagina. This may indicate an introduced infection or a developing bacterial environment.
  4. Lack of menstruation for several months.

There are very scanty brown discharge during the spiral. It is normal to see them for several days after installation. Don't worry if your period starts later than usual. The cycle is shifted by several days. After removing the IUD, the cycle will return to normal.

Important! The body, getting used to a foreign device, becomes vulnerable, the risk of infection and inflammatory processes increases.

Possible complications

When wearing a spiral, a woman should regularly visit her gynecologist. The doctor will control the process of getting used to the device, and will also help to avoid inflammatory processes. A visit is recommended upon occurrence:

  • prolonged, scanty discharge that does not pass more than a month. In this case, the woman should be tested to detect infection;
  • bleeding accompanied by unbearable pain. This occurs when the IUD has not taken root in the body. You should immediately remove the coil and choose another method of contraception;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • absence of menstruation for more than six months. This condition requires examination by a gynecologist;
  • brown discharge. This symptom indicates the onset of the inflammatory process;
  • swelling;
  • nausea;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • back pain.

As side effects after the installation of a contraceptive device, there are:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen. The spiral is a foreign object in the female body, so it takes time for it to get used to and adapt. Unpleasant sensations are observed in the first 1-2 days after the installation of the IUD and quickly pass;
  • swelling of the mammary glands and high body temperature. These symptoms are also short-lived and go away without medical intervention;
  • heavy bleeding. The reason may be individual intolerance. In such cases, remove the foreign device and try another remedy;
  • perforation of the uterine wall. This is due to the fact that the coil was installed in a woman who was not pregnant or immediately after giving birth.

Potential side effects also include anemia, migraines, skin irritation and rashes, pain during intercourse, and vaginal inflammation. When using an IUD with hormones, mood swings, depression and irritability can occur.

Removal of the IUD

After the spiral, you can plan a pregnancy within the first month. Removal of the IUD is carried out according to the following indications:

  • at the request of the woman;
  • expiration of the term of use. The duration of the contraceptive spiral lasts for 5 years. After this time, you should be examined by a specialist and remove the device;
  • with displacement or partial loss of the spiral;
  • at menopause.

Removal is carried out in a gynecological hospital. The procedure is performed during menstruation. The appearance of discharge after the IUD will only last for the remainder of your period. The regularity of the cycle is restored. Coil removal can be carried out on any other day of the cycle. The removal procedure is simple and painless.

Important! If the intrauterine contraceptive has grown into the wall of the uterus, then it is not possible to get it in the usual way. In this case, the removal is carried out in a gynecological hospital using diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity.

There are no specific recommendations after removal of the IUD, but there are a number of simple rules that must be observed within 1 week: sexual rest, observe intimate hygiene, do not use tampons, limit physical activity, do not douche, do not go to baths and saunas.

Modern contraception is a wide range of devices and medications. Someone prefers hormonal drugs, but they have a large number of contraindications and side effects. The intrauterine device is very popular these days. With its correct installation and compliance with all the rules of use, the contraceptive effect reaches 99%. In most cases, female representatives using this device speak of unusual discharge after the installation of the spiral. How safe they are, what should be considered the norm, and when to sound the alarm - we'll talk in this article.

Features of installing the spiral

The intrauterine device is a contraceptive that has proven itself for many years. It is a T-shaped gynecological device made of plastic or metal. Some IUDs contain a gestagenic hormone or copper. These include the Mirena levonorgestrel-releasing system.

The action of the spiral is due to the suppression of the penetration of sperm into the upper parts of the female reproductive system, transport of the egg and fertilization. With the Mirena spiral, cervical mucus also thickens, which blocks the proliferation of the endometrium. Due to such a root effect, the effect of the contraceptive is quite long, sometimes even reaching several years.

The spiral is installed quickly and painlessly. However, some contraindications for IUDs should be considered. This includes:

  • various types of genital neoplasms,
  • inflammatory processes in the components of the genitourinary system,
  • various injuries of the uterus, including postoperative,
  • bleeding of unclear etymology,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • diabetes.

In addition to a small number of contraindications, this contraceptive has no drawbacks. The benefits also include the fact that it can be used at any age, even in adolescents. For example, often at an early stage, when menstruation still sometimes makes itself felt. The remedy helps to avoid pregnancy and smooth out hormonal changes.

The spiral does not affect other systems and organs of the female body, it can be used for up to 10 years, and the price is affordable for any category of the population. But with Mirena, given its hormonal components, side effects may occur. Whichever spiral you choose, it should be installed only by a competent specialist according to the preliminary appointment of your doctor.

As a rule, the coil should be placed at the end of your period. This procedure lasts about 15 minutes. Fixing it in the uterine cavity is painless; local anesthesia is most often used.

What discharge with an IUD is considered the norm

Discharge after placement of the coil is a common occurrence that causes concern for those who use it for the first time. Do not worry, because in most cases this is the norm. Experts say that such symptoms after the installation of an intrauterine device is a common side effect, which rather means a normal reaction of the body than a pathological one.

Basically, this is a brown discharge, which can begin a few days after the installation of the IUD, and it can go from several days to several months.

It is worth considering that this device is introduced shortly before the end of the menstrual period, respectively, spotting after installation may be the planned end of menstruation. This may be a profuse discharge of bloody mucus or a slight daub. Also, such manifestations may be the norm between periods.

After the introduction of the IUD, discharge may also occur due to the fact that small vessels of the endometrium (internal tissue of the uterus) were affected. Such bleeding is minor, but can be accompanied by pulling pains.

The brown discharge during the spiral can be a natural reaction of the body to a foreign object. This phenomenon can drag on even for six months. It is also not a violation of the change in the nature of menstruation: bleeding can become much stronger, or vice versa, the amount of blood will decrease.

After installing Mirena, the body can react to hormones injected from the outside with brown secretions. After a while, the hormonal balance will resume, and these phenomena will disappear.

If the bleeding does not go away for a long time, and the pain does not leave you, you should consult a doctor, because this is already a deviation from the norm.

Pathological discharge when using a spiral


This contraceptive is designed to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy, but it does not perform a barrier function against various infections, viruses and fungi. Moreover, it is a kind of conductor for them, and in some situations it may even be the root cause of inflammation of the pelvic organs. This may be indicated by excessive bleeding with discomfort, or by the presence of an unpleasant odor or greenish or yellowish mucus.

Fixture offset

One of the complications that can provoke spotting during the installed spiral is its prolapse or displacement. This includes both a spontaneous violation of the position, and its rejection by the body. A foreign body is a rather large load on a well-functioning reproductive system, so it can take this device for an excessively long time, letting it know about it with bloody smears, or not at all.

In order to avoid displacement of this tool, it is not recommended to lift heavy objects, apply loads or have sex in the first 2 weeks after insertion. It is recommended to regularly check that the coil is in place to avoid misalignment. This can lead to injury to the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as unwanted pregnancy.

In 0.02% of cases of installation of this contraceptive, bleeding can be caused by damage or puncture of the uterus. This is due to improper insertion or placement of the device. The phenomenon is very rare, but it takes place. In this situation, the main thing is to consult a doctor in time to avoid inflammatory processes and pathological trauma.

Ectopic pregnancy

Since no contraceptive can guarantee a 100% result, conception can still occur with the spiral. But if this happens, it is most likely in the form of an ectopic pregnancy. A sure sign of such is brown and bloody discharge with increasing and prolonged pain. Follow the link to see pregnancies may appear.

The spiral has "tendrils" that expand the walls of the uterus. In rare cases, this can be indicated by an increased amount of blood secreted during menstruation.

Whatever the reason, it is necessary to consult a specialist to establish the cause of the discharge. It is worth remembering that the problem does not go away on its own, and large blood loss can lead to anemia and other serious consequences.

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are considered one of the most popular contraceptives today. Correct installation of the IUD and adherence to the rules of application by 99% guarantee a positive result of preventing unwanted pregnancy. However, this contraceptive, which is a foreign body in the female body, can cause many side effects. One of them, many women call the discharge after the installation of the spiral. Each lady has their own characteristics. There is no need to be afraid of a small amount of a secret after installing this type of contraceptive, but it is important to know that discharge is not always considered normal. Sometimes they can be the harbingers of a number of diseases.

Types of spirals

Almost all IUDs are made from safe polymer materials. Modern medicine offers more than fifty different spirals, which differ in shape, size and principle of action.

The most popular options are the T-shape. They are easy to use and easy to install.

If we consider the principle of operation of the IUD, then it can be:

  • neutral;
  • hormone;
  • medication.

Neutral ones act as a foreign body that prevents the development of the embryo. They are quite bulky, do not provide the maximum guarantee of protection and cause profuse painful periods. Very often, after the installation of such an element, there may be bleeding from the uterus.

Medical spirals differ in the material from which they are made, and are:

  • copper-containing;
  • silver-containing;
  • gold-bearing.

Copper-containing contraceptives are easy to install, rarely cause very negative side effects, and are quite effective and compact. However, their use should not be allowed for inflammatory processes, pathologies in the pelvic organs, erosion of the cervix, etc.

Hormonal - contain a hormone that is gradually released into the uterus and gives birth control. These IUDs do not cause negative reactions and are safe for the female body.

Causes of discharge

No matter how good and safe IUDs are, discharge can be a solid fly in the ointment when installing them. At first, slight bleeding is possible after installation. This is the norm, and you shouldn't worry about it. This is how the body reacts to the introduction of the spiral.

When installing a hormonal coil are possible. This will be the body's response to extraneous hormones. Such discharge will stop as soon as the hormonal balance is normalized.

Possible complications

Very often, the introduction of the spiral leads to the ingress of infections, fungi and viruses into the body. The IUD is also the cause of pelvic inflammation. Discharge with a spiral during inflammation is greenish or.

A complication after installing this type of contraceptive can be spotting if the body rejects the IUD. Such separation of secretions is observed in case of violation of the position of the spiral.

It is very rare, but still happens when, with the introduction of this element, there is an injury or puncture of the uterus. Then the woman starts not just separating the secretion, but bleeding.

Another complication of IUD use can be an ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms include brown or bloody discharge with prolonged, worsening pain.

The opinion of gynecologists

To prevent pregnancy, an IUD is a good option. The introduction process is painless and does not take more than 15 minutes. However, this does not mean that it will not cause a negative reaction in the body. There may be discharge after the installation of the intrauterine device or other manifestations of the fact that the contraceptive has not taken root. Therefore, a visit to a gynecologist with the appearance of dark mucus or blood is a necessary procedure and it is not advisable to postpone the visit.

When the spiral is inserted, bloody or brown discharge that does not have an odor is considered acceptable. If the substance has acquired a different color, an unpleasant odor, the woman has pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, it is necessary to immediately undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Despite the fact that the intrauterine device can be inserted at any age, there are a number of contraindications for this type of contraception. This mainly concerns pathologies and diseases of the genital organs. These include:

  1. Underdeveloped uterus.
  2. Uterine bleeding of uncertain origin.
  3. Myoma.
  4. Polyps.
  5. Malignant tumors.
  6. Irregular menstruation.
  7. Infections in the genitals.

The intrauterine device is one of the most reliable and convenient methods of preventing pregnancy. With her there is no hassle, similar to taking pills, inconveniences, like with a condom.

The IUD has only a local effect, without affecting the entire body. But since it is in the uterine cavity for a long time, it is natural that menstruation after the spiral, as well as with it, can change their characteristics.

There are different types of IUDs, they are not suitable for every woman, so it is important to pay attention to menstruation and everything that accompanies them.

Read in this article

More about the IUD and its effect on the reproductive system

Modern spirals are in the form of the letters T, S or rings and are made of plastic with the addition of metal. The contraceptive effect is ensured by:

The impact of the device is directed to the organs directly involved in the process of menstruation. Therefore, menstruation with a spiral may have different parameters than in its absence.

The IUD should be inserted only by a doctor after a thorough examination of the woman for the subject, infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the uterus. Since it should be in the cavity of the organ, the question is natural: when is the spiral placed before menstruation or after?

Access to the uterine space lies through the cervical canal. This is a rather narrow "corridor", especially for nulliparous women. Its trauma is extremely undesirable, since it carries the danger of infection, appearance. Damage to the cervix can be a negative factor for subsequent birth.

It is more expedient to put a spiral during menstruation:

  • The cervix is \u200b\u200bslightly open more widely than usual, has a soft consistency;
  • IUD insertion will be accurate and painless;
  • The reproductive system is undergoing renewal, which will help it quickly adapt to the presence of a foreign object.

But what about the secretions, can't they interfere with the doctor? This consideration leads to the question of what day of menstruation the spiral is put on. For a 3-day period, it is best to do this on the last. If it lasts 4-7 days, it is also closer to the end, for example, 2-3 days before it. In this case, by the time the spiral is put on, the period is no longer so intense as to prevent the gynecologist from seeing the working field. But the cervix has not yet narrowed enough to make it difficult to insert the IUD.

What about other days?

Installation of an intrauterine device

For some women, the doctor prescribes an installation in addition to critical days. But they doubt whether they put the spiral without menstruation. In principle, it is not prohibited to do this on other days of the cycle. It's just that many specialists prefer to do the installation in the last days of menstruation. So you can be sure that the patient is not pregnant.

But if there is urgency in protection, you should not be afraid and doubt whether it is possible to put a spiral without menstruation. This is often done to women who have recently had a successful birth. In order to immediately "work" the hormonal coil, it is administered a week after the start of the cycle.

For many, critical days are already over by this moment, and the Navy is thus set "dry." The process can be a little more painful. But local anesthetics will help relieve sensations, and the manipulation itself lasts no longer than 5 minutes.

The timing of menstruation in the presence of an IUD

Menses during the spiral should normally come on schedule. But since the body has suffered the stress associated with its introduction, and also needs to adapt to the presence of a foreign object in the uterus, a small amount is acceptable. It also makes it possible to shock the nervous system, which provides hormonal support for the cycle.

In this case, if there is a spiral, a delay in menstruation is likely due to a deficiency of certain substances, which causes a prolonged wait. Installation outside of critical days contributes to its increase. But the wait for menstruation should not be longer than 3 weeks. And when it exceeds this period, the woman urgently needs to see a doctor.

A short delay in menstruation with a spiral is not an alarming signal if it is observed only for 3-4 cycles. The habituation period may well be that long. When this takes longer, it makes sense to see a specialist.

If a woman has put on a spiral, there is no period for a long time, then it is possible that conception did occur. This probability is very small, but it should not be denied at all.

This also requires immediate specialist advice. To avoid this, a couple of weeks after the installation of the IUD should be protected by other means.

First menstruation and IUD: the nature of the discharge

The nature of menstruation in most women changes towards increased discharge and duration. The spiral makes it possible due to irritating effects on the endometrium and changes in the composition of cervical mucus.

We must also not forget about the unstable hormonal background due to the stress associated with the installation. The spiral makes the first menstruation be especially intense. A woman may need more than 1 pad for 3-4 hours. If she also feels severe pain, severe weakness, she may need medical attention immediately.

But normally menstruation, although it goes beyond the usual for a particular woman, is not dangerous. And if they are stronger than before, they are removed by antispasmodics.

In the absence of the effect of drugs, the occurrence of strong discharge with blood, you should consult a doctor immediately. This can mean a sharp inflammation, rejection of the IUD by the body or injury to the uterus. The spiral must be removed urgently.

On the remaining days of your period, you should not use tampons immediately after inserting the IUD. They increase the risk of infection in the internal genital organs, and can interfere with adaptation to the spiral.

Installed intrauterine device

Through cycle after installation

Gradually, the body restores hormonal balance, which leads to menstruation after the introduction of the spiral to the normal rate for a particular woman. If their intensity remains at the level of the first, this may indicate that the body does not accept this method of protection or the type of contraceptive.

In some women, due to existing diseases, past surgical interventions, the IUD increases the risk of its occurrence. Therefore, the test will not be superfluous.

Heavy menstruation

The first menstruation after the spiral normally comes in 30-40 days. They can be delayed for the reasons mentioned above, or when the IUD was removed urgently. Menstruation can be profuse due to hormonal imbalances.

For a long time, the spiral interfered with the normal development of the endometrium, prevented the maturation of the egg. This could not but affect the work of the ovaries. Intense discharge also becomes due to:

  • Inflammation arising in the reproductive system. In most cases, it is guilty, therefore it is important to control the cycle in cooperation with the doctor;
  • Damage to the uterus. The process of removing the IUD is much simpler and shorter than insertion, but injury is still possible. It happens that parts of the contraceptive remain inside the organ. In this case, the selection will be observed from the very beginning after removal. And the painful sensations, which normally should soon pass, will remain for a long time and may intensify.

How the menstruation goes after the spiral depends on the woman's diseases. With some of them, the IUD is prescribed not only as a means of preventing pregnancy, but also as a therapeutic one, given the existing or prerequisites for the occurrence of endometrial hyperplasia.

When the coil is removed, menstruation may return to its previous form due to the fact that the factors provoking the profuse discharge are back in force.

Spiral extraction and lean periods

The presence of an intrauterine device. Intrauterine device as the cause of profuse monthly clots. An intrauterine device, from which it would not be made - from gold, silver or ordinary polymer material ...
  • IUD and menstruation. The intrauterine device will also save you from unplanned conception, but it will affect the nature and duration of your period. ... It is noticed that the first and second menstruation with a spiral is more abundant and longer.

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    The question of installing an intrauterine device (IUD) usually arises at a gynecologist's appointment after the first birth, when a specialist offers methods of contraception with prolonged action. Indeed, this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy remains one of the most popular, as its protection efficiency reaches 99%.

    What is an IUD and how does it work

    An intrauterine device is a miniature gynecological device inserted into the uterine cavity to prevent it from closing. This leads to the impossibility of full maturation of the egg due to its rapid movement into the uterine cavity. There are two types of IUDs:

    • Metallic.
    • Hormones.

    The first type of intrauterine contraceptive is a plastic base (in the form of a spiral, ring, letter F or T), on which copper, silver or gold wire is wound. Such coils often have a spike-like base, which prevents the IUD from falling out of the uterus. The metal that is part of the spiral not only acts as a mechanical barrier, but also gradually oxidizes, due to which sperm become less active in an acidic environment. Silver and gold also have an antiseptic effect, preventing various inflammatory processes in the organ cavity.

    Today, hormone-containing spirals, which contain progestins, are more in demand. These IUDs release a certain amount of the hormone levonorgestrel into the uterus every day, which affects the thickness of the endometrium and prevents the egg from fixing on it.

    The contraceptive effect of complex action intrauterine devices (those that contain hormones) is based on the following actions:

    • The intrauterine device mechanically does not allow the uterus to close, which is why the egg enters its cavity quickly, that is, does not have time to fully mature.
    • The endometrium becomes thinner under the influence of hormones, which prevents the implantation of an already fertilized egg, so pregnancy does not occur.
    • The IUD promotes the production of mucus in the cervix, which has a spermicidal effect. Due to this, sperm become inactive and cannot fully contact the egg. If fertilization does happen, spontaneous rejection of the egg occurs: there is an increase in the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, after which a fertilized egg enters the uterus, which is not yet ready for full implantation.

    In the uterus itself, under the influence of hormones, antibodies and enzymes begin to be produced, which provoke aseptic inflammation in the organ: the fertilized egg dies and is excreted naturally (menstrual bleeding appears).

    If the ovum was able to gain a foothold in the endometrium, the IUD leads to an increased contraction of the uterus and, as a result, to a mini-abortion at an early stage, which resembles the next menstruation.

    Such a complex action of hormone-containing IUDs confirms their high efficiency. Therefore, if a woman is faced with the question of whether to put a spiral or not, experts recommend making a positive decision.

    Advantages of the intrauterine device

    The spiral is distinguished among many other contraceptives due to its high efficiency and safety. For patients, the following advantages of intrauterine devices are decisive:

    • Ease of use: just install the spiral once and you can forget about contraception for the next 3-5 years, depending on the type of IUD. You do not need to take care of the method of contraception every time before the upcoming intimacy, take pills daily, etc.
    • The spiral installation procedure is not painful and takes only 10 minutes.
    • The spiral is removed at any time at the request of the patient. If a woman with an IUD inserted is planning a pregnancy, conception can occur immediately after the coil is removed: it does not affect fertility.
    • For some women, the spiral helps to ease the flow of menstruation: it makes it shorter and less abundant.
    • The IUD is prescribed for women for whom the use of estrogens is contraindicated (they are part of oral contraceptives).
    • The spiral does not cause discomfort during intercourse for both women and men. Some can only feel the ends of the threads of the IUD, but even in this case, you can contact the gynecologist to cut the threads shorter - this will not affect the effectiveness of the spiral in any way.
    • IUDs containing hormones can be used as a contraceptive and at the same time a preventive or therapeutic agent for some gynecological diseases.
    • The threads of the spiral, being in the cervix, stimulate its cellular immunity, due to which it is assumed that reliable prevention of dysplasia and other pathological transformations is assumed.

    Who is the spiral set and how is it selected

    The gynecologist can decide on the possibility of installing the spiral for the purpose if the following conditions are met:

    • the woman has already given birth earlier;
    • the patient is not currently pregnant;
    • she is physiologically healthy, there are no absolute contraindications to this method of contraception;
    • menstruation comes regularly, moderate bleeding;
    • the woman has one sexual partner; otherwise, you will still need a barrier way to prevent STIs - the use of condoms.

    The issue of nulliparous women is always considered more carefully and individually. These patients are advised to use alternative methods of contraception. But if you do not want to use them, there are no contraindications to the installation of an IUD and good physiological health, they allow the installation of special spirals for nulliparous women.

    Before a woman always undergoes a thorough diagnosis: examination by a gynecologist, ultrasound of the uterus and pelvic organs, taking smears, taking standard tests (urine, blood), sometimes consultations of narrow-profile specialists. These measures are aimed at identifying hidden diseases that can cause complications after the installation of the spiral.

    Only after confirming the possibility of using this method of contraception is the choice of the coil itself made. This can only be done by a specialist who is familiar with the results of previous examinations. Particular attention is paid to the shape and materials from which the IUD is made. So, for example, the T-shaped spiral is not suitable for all patients: with an atypical location of the uterus or an abnormal development of the organ, the selection of the most suitable shape is required: an umbrella, an F-shaped, a loop, etc.

    It is important to decide on the metal from which the spiral will be made. So, silver and gold IUDs, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, have proven themselves well. This factor is especially important for patients with a history of inflammatory gynecological diseases. However, such coils are not suitable for women who are allergic to these metals.

    What complications can there be when installing a spiral

    In rare cases, women with an intrauterine device may experience some complications:

    • More profuse and painful periods. If menstrual flow is observed in a large volume, it is recommended to remove the spiral, since such menstruation can provoke the development of anemia.
    • Sometimes the spirals are displaced, they can bring pain or discomfort, especially during intercourse. In these cases, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that he corrects the position of the IUD, otherwise there is a possibility of developing an inflammatory process in the uterus.
    • It is possible that intermenstrual vaginal discharge may occur, and the smell may be unusual.
    • If a woman has sex with a man who has an STI, the coil will not protect against infection.
    • There is a small risk of an ectopic pregnancy. This probability is especially high in women who have a history of pathological development of pregnancy.
    • With the IUD inserted, the endometrium gradually becomes thinner. For this reason, there is a risk of miscarriage in the future, so it is better not to put the spiral on women who do not have children yet.

    The fact that it is necessary to periodically monitor the presence of spiral threads in the vagina and the invariability of their position can alert a woman. But this is necessary for the timely detection of the IUD displacement, which can cause some complications. If the threads become shorter or, conversely, longer, you need to see a doctor. Most likely, the Navy has moved from its place.

    In more rare cases, when such factors as the installation of the spiral by an inexperienced specialist, the presence of undiagnosed diseases, the individual characteristics of the body, etc., took place, more severe complications may develop:

    • inflammatory process in the uterus or pelvic organs;
    • perforation of the organ during the installation of the IUD;
    • development of endometriosis;
    • infection during the installation of the spiral;
    • infertility.
    • But in the overwhelming majority of cases, such complications can be avoided if the spiral is installed by a qualified specialist.

    Contraindications to the installation of the spiral

    Before carrying out such a manipulation, each patient undergoes a comprehensive examination, which makes it possible to identify pathologies in which the installation of an IUD is contraindicated. So, the spiral is not put in the following cases:

    • if there is a suspicion of pregnancy;
    • if there is a history of an ectopic pregnancy;
    • with deformities of the uterine cavity: fibroids, cysts, etc.;
    • if the woman has heavy periods or has a history of anemia;
    • in the presence of any acute or subacute inflammatory process in the body: rheumatoid arthritis, pericarditis, inflammation of the kidneys, appendages, pelvic organs, endocarditis, etc.;
    • if the patient has vaginal bleeding of an unexplained nature;
    • with a diagnosed degeneration of the endometrium;
    • if you are allergic to metals;
    • with adenomyosis;
    • if a malignant lesion of the cervix and pelvic organs is detected;
    • with abnormal development of the uterus, especially when it is too small.

    If a woman with an intrauterine device installed has symptoms such as an unreasonable fever, vaginal bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, or general malaise, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible. In this case, it is necessary to remove the spiral.

    The intrauterine device today is one of the simplest, most reliable and safe methods of contraception. Despite the possible complications that almost any contraceptive has, the IUD is one of the three contraceptives recommended by obstetricians-gynecologists. Therefore, if in doubt, whether to put a spiral or not, it is better to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination. If there are no contraindications, the spiral will be the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

    The introduction of this contraceptive is carried out in the last days of the menstrual cycle or in the first after it. After an abortion or childbirth without complications, the procedure is carried out immediately after the operation or after 5-6 weeks. After a cesarean section, the spiral can be installed only after 10-12 weeks.

    As a rule, the installation is performed without anesthesia. Of course, each type of spiral has its own characteristics, introduction, but the basic principle is the same. The woman sits on a gynecological chair, the external genital organs are treated with an antiseptic, and then the cervix. After this, the neck is fixed on bullet forceps and straightened. A guidewire with a closed contraceptive is inserted into the cervical canal and moves into the uterine cavity at the required distance. Then, by movement of the piston, the spiral is opened and located inside. Threads - antennae are placed in the vagina and cut to the desired length. The procedure is almost painless and takes about 5-7 minutes.

    Rules after the introduction of the IUD

    Those using intrauterine devices must adhere to the following rules:

    • Sexual activity can begin after the procedure in 7-10 days.
    • It is allowed to visit the bathhouse and sauna after 14 days.
    • It is advisable to avoid strenuous physical activity.
    • Check the length of the spiral threads periodically.
    • Visit a gynecologist 2 times a year.
    • It is strictly forbidden to remove the spiral on your own.
    • In the first days after administration, pain is possible, it is allowed to take an anesthetic pill.
    • Painful and heavy menstrual flow may occur several months after insertion.

    The intrauterine device is one of the safest and most reliable methods of contraception. If necessary, you can remove it at any time and immediately start conceiving a child.