If a former loved one is dreaming, what will the dream book say. A former lover is dreaming - what is it for? Seeing a former lover in a dream

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming

Freud's dream book

A dream in which a girl meets her ex-boyfriend can be a harbinger of a quarrel or discord with a real lover. A quarrel can occur both because a girl, unaware of the severity of the dream, will tell her boyfriend or husband about it, and because her man instinctively feels that she is thinking about something else, even if unconsciously.

Sex with an ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes hidden sexual desires, conscious or unconscious dissatisfaction.

Often, a dreamed ex-boyfriend symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship for a girl, an imminent marriage or a marriage proposal.

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming

Dream interpretation of Wangi

From the point of view of Vanga, everything old means the past. That is, something that cannot be returned or should not be returned. This will become a burden or obstacle in the formation of a new, happier life.

The former - to longing, suffering, the desire to return past love or a departed person.

If you have a dream in which you and your ex-boyfriend are together and happy again, you have completely let go of him and do not feel any feelings. Such a dream can be a harbinger of a new relationship that will grow into marriage.

An ex-boyfriend often dreams of breaking up a relationship with a current boyfriend or being hindered by relatives.

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming

Modern dream book

To see people or objects in a dream that fit the definition of "former" means that not everything has passed without a trace.

If in a dream you see your former lover, there is still a place for him in your heart.

If in your dream you are together, as if nothing had happened - in real life, the pain of parting has finally passed.

If you dreamed that you were meeting your former classmates, fellow students, colleagues and so on, in the near future you will receive news from your friend, who is now far away.

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream - If a girl in a dream only feels pleasant emotions, this indicates her readiness for a new relationship. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as the upcoming beginning of a new life, in which she will not regret the choice she made.

If he dreams that he swears, you have to decide in the near future with whom you are ready to tie your destiny.

The ex-boyfriend smiles in a dream - health problems, strengthening of the current relationship.

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming

Female dream book

Why does a girl dream of an ex-boyfriend who does not think about him in reality? It is a subconscious desire to get back in a relationship.

If the relationship ended on your initiative - perhaps you doubt whether you did the right thing or whether the reason was good enough.

If the reason for the separation was his betrayal or the desire to break up with you, you experience a dual desire to be with him again, and to forget about him forever. In this case, it is better to pay attention to your current personal life, make new acquaintances and communicate with old friends.

It is undesirable to remain completely alone for a long time - this can become an impetus for you to make the wrong choice or make a decision that will not affect your fate in the best way.

The feasibility and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

The dream reflects future events of a social and business nature. A vivid dream, which the dreamer remembered in detail, indicates the likelihood of favorable career changes on the coming Saturday or Sunday. Hard-to-remember pictures foreshadow heavy monotonous work.

The dream interpretation makes several assumptions about why the ex-boyfriend had a dream. The image in a dream evokes echoes of real events, a desire to relive pleasant moments. Interpretations of what the plot is dreaming of often relate to important areas of life.

What the dream books say

The interpretation of Miller's dream book, which the ex-boyfriend dreams of, predicts a change: the time is approaching to reap the benefits of past merits. Physical contact warns of trouble.

The Islamic dream interpreter sees in the image strong excitement, resentment due to a recent domestic quarrel, reminds of the importance of an impeccable reputation.

When in a dream a man marries another, the Psychoanalytic forecast does not exclude a reunion in reality. However, he clarifies that the likelihood of a new novel is much higher. There is a predisposition to progress in education and solving a pressing issue.

Ex-boyfriend in a dream and status

Night dreams of single and married dreamers take on different meanings in dream books. Old Freud believes that there is a comparison of the new and the old novel, and not in favor of the first. It is very likely that the reason for this is sexual dissatisfaction, liberation and variety will help correct the situation.

The dream personifies resentment against the current husband. If you let the relationship take its course, the growing discontent will turn into quarrels over trifles, a continuous conflict is fraught with parting. The famous psychologist recommends to stop idealizing the past.

You are very jealous

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming if you are not yet married and are very jealous of an imaginary or real rival?

  • His unrequited sympathy promises you the fulfillment of your desire;
  • If you are happily in love, you will be lucky in your personal life;
  • Confesses his love - defeat enemies;
  • Makes an offer to a lady - be careful;
  • When you marry someone else, you are ready to let go of the memories;
  • Jealousy represents tenacity and determination.

How are you?

Dream Interpretations will tell you what the mood of the ex-boyfriend depends on. If he is sad, the Wanderer's dream book warns of malaise or cooling of the senses. When he smiles, there is an important event or a fateful meeting ahead.

According to the seer Vanga, tears in a dream speak of regret. The dreamer's sobs on her knees are identified with family problems, legal strife, division of property or inheritance. The controversial issue will be resolved in her favor.

We saw family and friends

It is curious to know why I had to see relatives and friends of the ex-boyfriend:

  1. Pope foreshadows an unwanted meeting;
  2. I saw my mother - the boyfriend is still bored;
  3. Have you seen your sister? Beware of slander;
  4. The woman reflects an awkward situation;
  5. The child precedes a vacuum in his personal life;
  6. If a daughter has dreamed, a renewal of the relationship is possible;
  7. Abuse in a dream symbolizes an exacerbation of hostility;
  8. A friendly feast means that the family sympathizes with you;
  9. If the family is in poverty in a dream, you are driven by a craving for adventure.

Together with your beloved again

Tsvetkov's dream book offers an unexpected explanation of why one dreams of putting up with a loved one. The risk of unforeseen difficulties and misunderstandings increases. The prophecy of Nostradamus mentions the likelihood of magical attacks.

When an ex-boyfriend in a dream says that he still loves, past troubles threaten to remind of himself. If he makes an offer, in reality a big scandal is brewing with you in the lead role.

If in a dream they made love, remaining indifferent, in reality, hot temper interferes with establishing relationships. A flurry of emotions and passions precedes the intensification of hostility.

Saw a date

The big dream book will tell you why you dream of meeting your ex-boyfriend. If in a dream you meet in a mysterious unfamiliar place, there may be difficulties in the business sphere. When it happens to see a beloved and not recognize, global changes are approaching.

If you have a chance to walk, you have to work hard to achieve the desired result. To begin with, overcome the apathy that a walk is a harbinger of. If you danced, there was an unexpected erotic experience ahead.

What is he writing

Why dream that an ex-boyfriend is writing messages?

  • An illegible message promises a triumph;
  • Have you read a passionate confession? It's time to act;
  • Poems foreshadow surprise;
  • Offensive words precede stress;
  • Interrupted communication in mid-sentence? You have something to talk about;
  • A quick answer in a dream expresses distrust of the world.

make yourself at home

When it happens to come to a familiar house, Longo's dream book pays attention to the interior. Clutter reflects the dreamer's mental discord. If you catch a rival and put you out the door, your will is strong.

Destruction is a sign of overconfidence. If a guest comes to your home and goes to bed, an unexpected turn of events threatens to disrupt plans.

What incidents mean

The deceased portends a successful marriage, completion of the family. If you manage to kill your beloved yourself, great luck lies ahead. If a young man is hospitalized, the Universal Dream Interpreter believes that you are taking too little from life.

Hit it, get it drunk, give it up

If you dreamed of a fight with your once beloved, the sorceress Medea promises a useful acquaintance. An angry man personifies problems in your current relationship. If you hit in a fit of jealousy, honors await you.

If you had to fight to the bone, you are angry to this day. When he happens to run away, beware of people like him.

Drinking means lying

It is curious to find out why the dream is that the ex-boyfriend is drinking. The symbol means that the sleeping person is looking for ways to escape from reality, which sometimes leads to unreasonable actions.

A drunk once dear person is an undesirable sign on the eve of a wedding. Medium Hasse fears that the union will be fragile, will bring disappointment. A married dream indicates the likelihood of divorce.

Dreamed of parting

Dream Interpretations will help you figure out why you had a parting dream. When you dreamed that your loved one was leaving after a quarrel, in reality, an unexpected meeting with him would only bring grief.

If you dreamed that the gentleman left without explaining the reasons, you are looking in vain for him, the dream reflects the fear of losing something significant: material value, life's work, interesting communication.

Why are the signs dreaming

If a car appeared in a dream, Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima's dream book suggests remembering who was driving. An ex-boyfriend as a driver bodes well for popularity. I had a chance to steer myself - you are the rightful mistress of your destiny. Auto red color symbolizes unbridled disposition, sensuality.

Why is food dreaming? They fed the man a meat dish - reconciliation or good news is possible. Dine together - you will return to a long-forgotten business. First love testifies to the lack of sincerity, lightness inherent in young people.

In fact, any girl asks such a question at least once in her life. In today's article, we will talk about this topic and consider it from different angles.

What is the dream of an ex-boyfriend or husband: the point of view of astrologers

Do you believe in various dream books and astrological interpretations? To see a former lover in a dream can mean:

  • the imminent onset of the consequences of what has been done long ago;
  • to surprise - if they kissed in a dream;
  • to a quarrel - if there was sex (and you mentioned the name of the ex in the dream? Most likely a quarrel with a real guy);
  • to a new meeting - if you dream of parting with your ex;
  • news from friends - in the case when in real life the former guy is far away;
  • big trouble - when the former married in a dream;
  • to forced trips - if at the time of sleep you are already married.

Whether to believe such predictions - each girl decides for herself. Are you more rational and realistic natures? The psychological point of view will seem closer to you.


What is the dream of an ex-husband or boyfriend: the opinion of psychologists

The psychological version of what is happening is that the ex is dreaming about incompleteness. Dreams come with the old man? It means that inwardly you did not let him go. And if such dreams visit you often enough, then you feel something for him.

Sometimes it's not about warm feelings. Perhaps, a resentment stuck in my soul: I didn't call, changed, didn't understand, etc. Or you didn't tell him something. What needed to be said.

Most psychologists recommend analyzing the situation after such dreams and mentally ending it. You can meet with your ex and dot the i's. And experts, especially "advanced" in the field of psychology, generally recommend organizing a farewell sex! It is up to you to follow the advice or not. If you decide, do it so that your real boyfriend doesn't recognize. Otherwise, soon he will also become an ex, start dreaming, and this problem will have to be solved with him.

What is the dream of a former man really!

Let's think together: why does a person have dreams? What is sleep? Residual reflexes of the brain while it is resting, and nervous activity is reduced to a minimum. Physiologically, the brain cannot stop work, therefore it digests the remnants of daytime impressions and thoughts.

No, no, we believe you haven't met or thought about your ex-boyfriend. But it is quite possible that before going to bed you accidentally heard a song reminiscent of your long-term vacation, saw the avatar of his friend on the social network flashed by, or heard from your husband a story about a colleague with the same name as your longtime partner. And then she completely forgot, went to bed and saw in a dream a long and firmly forgotten past.

Dreams in which a woman saw a man with whom she had a relationship in the past are interpreted primarily from a psychological point of view. Like, feelings still remain, so the subconscious mind gives out the desired picture.

At the same time, in fact, according to professional astrologers, everything is far from so simple. Such an interpretation can take place only if the young lady really remembers her ex-boyfriend (husband) for days on end, and it does not matter, on the good or bad side. Then, indeed, the plot she saw is most likely a continuation of her thoughts. Even so, a dream can have predictive value depending on the context. The more you remember the details that were in your dream, the more reliable and accurate your understanding will be. Thus, in order to understand what it means if the former is dreaming, it is necessary to analyze the context.

Miller's dream book

This dream book pays great attention to a similar plot:

  • if you dreamed that the ex returned, and you are meeting with him again, experiencing feelings that have long faded away in real life, you will face the consequences of actions that were committed earlier, and they can have both positive and negative colors;
  • a dream in which the ex-husband hugs and kisses means experiencing surprise in the near future;
  • an intimate relationship with a former man seen in a dream warns that an exacerbation of an old conflict is possible, which will happen soon enough;
  • if the ex leaves, a similar plot promises you a new meeting, which, nevertheless, will not bring happiness and will be as unsuccessful as the previous connection;
  • A fight with a former lover indicates that your current boyfriend will show possessiveness or will be marked by authoritarian behavior.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

According to the interpretation of the great seer, all people or things seen in a dream that fall under the category of "former" symbolize something that has long disappeared. It could be a lover, an old school friend, or a cell phone. At the same time, if you dreamed of a young man whose relationship was terminated, but you have tender feelings for him, such a plot indicates that you secretly hope to renew the connection.

If you dreamed that you were with him, and there was never a breakup, in real life you are finally ready to move on and let go of old feelings.

News received from former colleagues, classmates, fellow students, suggests that you will receive news from a friend who is now somewhere far away.

Freud's dream book

A well-known psychotherapist states the following:

  • meeting with a former man foreshadows a possible quarrel with a current partner. Such a dream indicates constant comparisons, which are far from always in favor of the one who is next to you now. To avoid conflict, you need to monitor your statements and behavior, and also remember that if the ex-man was so good, now you would be together;
  • it is possible that such a dream suggests that the girl is not ready for a new relationship, since the emotional connection with her ex has not yet faded away.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

If you dreamed of a former man, beware of sorcerers and the evil eye. This is all the more true if he has serious feelings for you. It is possible that they are trying to spoil you.

Loff's dream book

The interpretation of this plot varies depending on the context:

  • dreamed of the wedding of the ex, or he is already with his wife, which means that you can forgive the one against whom you have hidden a long-standing resentment;
  • if you are marrying your ex, expect big trouble;
  • if he is inflamed with ardent love for you, be prepared to be surprised;
  • to see him dead - to an early marriage and the birth of a child.

Dream interpretation Hasse

A dream in which you saw a breakup with a former man indicates that a new period has begun in your life, you are ready for new achievements. Priorities and goals will change dramatically. You need to revise your own way of life, and then you can rise to a new level.

Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

Seeing yourself talking with your ex in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent illness of someone close. It will be very long and serious, with an unpredictable outcome.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend with your family is a good sign that you will have a great time in the very near future.

I dreamed that the former smiles at you affectionately, which means that the current companion raises doubts in you, which, however, are not at all justified.

Thus, you should not think that a man who has passed away from your life can dream only if feelings for him have not yet faded away. It can symbolize events that await in the near future.

A former lover is dreaming - what is it for? Seeing a former lover in a dream

Every person constantly dreams. Some of them can be remembered, some are erased from memory even before the onset of the morning. Many girls and women face a problem when a former lover dreams. Why such dreams? What are they talking about? Do they have some kind of esoteric meaning, or are vivid dreams just the result of the activity of the subconscious?

Are prophetic dreams reality?

Do these dreams mean that you still have feelings for him and secretly hope for a renewal of the relationship? Or a situation when a former boyfriend constantly dreams about your subconscious dissatisfaction with your current partner and a desire to change something in your relationship? Let's figure out what the ex-boyfriend dreams of, and how to relate to such dreams.

Perhaps this is a sign?

Before asking yourself the question of what the ex-husband or lover is dreaming of, answer yourself honestly: what emotions do you experience when you dream of this once dear person? Often the answer lies on the surface: if you constantly dream of your ex, it means that you are still not indifferent to him, no matter how hard you try to hide it. Perhaps you broke up because of a stupid quarrel, but now, after a while, do you regret the breakup, and would like to revive your relationship? In reality, you can feel resentment, anger or insecurity, but in a dream your subconscious mind gives a sign: it's time to act. Think, maybe it's time to overcome your pride and, finally, decide to take the first step towards rapprochement?

As a rule, if a girl sees in a dream her ex-boyfriend, with whom she again has a warm and close relationship, then, most likely, bad news will soon reach her about what happened many years ago. At the same time, the young lady will be completely unprepared to accept such negative news, since for her it will be a complete surprise, which will end in an emotional blow.

In addition, far from the best interpretation is given to that dream, where a representative of the fair sex sees herself with an ex-boyfriend with whom she kisses or makes love. Such a dream means a quick exacerbation of an old and long-forgotten conflict, which has not been resolved until now.

When dreaming ex a guy or a girl with your new love, then you yourself get ready for a meeting that will become meaningful for you. That is, there will be a chance to build new relationships, but you will begin to remember the past and hesitate. Not worth comparing! Staying alone is not the best solution.

A modern take on ex-boyfriend dreams

If you are dreaming of an ex-boyfriend, then you should think about it, maybe you still cannot forget him, or you are comparing your current chosen one with him. Such thoughts, as a rule, lead to not very good consequences, comparisons in general can lead to a break in relations. See yourself kissing your ex - see him at an event.

In modern dream books, dreams about ex-boyfriends symbolize a lack of attention, romance and satisfaction with your current lover. Maybe you need to change something in your relationship or somehow take a fresh look at your sex life. If he gives you a gift, it means that you will be betrayed or the current young man can cheat on you.

If your ex-boyfriend dreams of you often enough in various situations, you should think about the fact that maybe your feelings are still alive and his character takes up most of your thoughts.

However, it is important to correctly interpret your dream, since small nuances and details are very important. If you trust folk omens, any person who appears to you in a dream will certainly think of you. And if this person is your ex-lover, it cannot please. The fact that a man who was once close to you remembers and thinks of you is the most pleasant interpretation of a dream.

It should be noted that among the interpretations of such a dream, there are very funny ones, for example, in the English dream book, such a dream warns against witchcraft and sorcerers. You especially need to be careful if in a dream your ex-boyfriend was inflamed with passion for you.

In the last 2 nights I dreamed about both of my ex-boyfriends. The day before yesterday I came to love a guy with whom we parted about a month ago. The breakup didn't go well. He chose another woman. He said that he has feelings for me, he loves me, but wants to be with her. In my dream, he was very emaciated, like a patient, and talked about how bad he was without me. I don't remember the exact context. And yesterday I suddenly dreamed about my first young man, with whom we met for 4 years. But we parted with him 6 years ago. I then caught him cheating with another girl and left myself. I have not remembered him for a very long time. I know that about 3 years ago he got married. In a dream, he pestered me. I remember that I asked him: “Is this because you didn’t find anyone else for your comfort?”, He answered “Yes”. and continued to pester me. I haven't thought about him for a very long time. Help me figure out what these dreams mean.

But the curious thing is that the most significant relationships in my life were with these men. And I loved both of them very much. And I still love the one with whom I parted.

Good time of day! Today I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend, with whom we parted on his initiative a year ago, met for a year and a half. We parted due to the fact that his feelings cooled, this is his version, it is not clear only how he managed to hide it for so long, because the day before this conversation everything was going just fine, nothing foreshadowed parting ... in reality he showed me " I stopped loving you ... ", and in a dream I heard this phrase, only paraphrased" you almost disliked me ... "the question, why this dream, I agree that I still harbor tender feelings for him, at the moment he already has beloved girl, but I still cannot improve my personal life, and I still understand that I have to forget him, I am working on it)) but apparently very bad)) tell me, this is what I think about, my subconscious " raging "betraying my thoughts about him in a dream? Thank you for your answer)

Hello, I did not find an interpretation of my dream here, maybe you can help me ... There is a guy who looked after me, then left to work for 3 months and continued to call me, write, he asked me not to meet with anyone until he arrives ... At that time, I did not go anywhere, sat at home, did not communicate with anyone from the opposite sex, so I agreed not to meet with anyone. But a month later, the siuation changed, and the brother of my close friend began to look after me, I really liked it, and besides, I liked him for a long time (since we have been communicating as a friend for 7 years). Well, we began to go for a walk with their company (my friend, me, her brother and his friends), but they continued to communicate with that guy on the phone. After 2 months of such a party, I got used to him so much, he became so close to me that It was very difficult for me to break off this relationship with him, but it was time to choose ... I chose the one who was leaving to work, because my friend's brother is a Tatar and there could be problems with parents, and he seemed not serious to me ... he called me somehow ... he grumbled, cho misses ... but I told him no ... whom I was waiting for from work, but I cannot overcome myself, I miss my friend's brother, I do not have enough communication with him, and I miss not as a friend, but as an ex-boyfriend ... it's hard to realize this when my current m.ch. introduced me to my parents and proposed to me. So, now I am dreaming of an ex-boyfriend (a friend's brother), and in a dream he is just as offended at me and does not want to talk. What can it be, and what should I do? Please tell me ...


I apologize in advance that the dream is not about an ex-boyfriend. But I'm new to the site and haven't figured out where I should write yet.

Background. I talked with the guy on the Internet for several months. He was from another city. We were introduced by my friend, who knows him personally. Our communication stopped more than a month ago, because he made me understand that he fell in love with me, and I could not answer his feelings. I, realizing that friendship would not work out, asked him not to write to me, so as not to torment him further.

Recently I dreamed that I was in Moscow (this guy lives there). I stand alone on the street in the evening. Wet asphalt underfoot, wind. Dark. Nearby are tall houses with ten stories or higher. Some kind of iron fence painted with red paint. Behind it is a green lawn. The grass is tall, not planted by a man, but grown by itself. I stand and know that I made an appointment with this guy (by the way, a couple of weeks ago I dreamed that I had invited him to a meeting via SMS, he agreed. I was very surprised. And this dream is like a continuation of the plot). He lives in the house opposite which I am standing. I mentally conduct a conversation with a friend who introduced us, or maybe I ask myself the question: Why did I invite him to a meeting? And I can’t answer. I ask myself: How can you see each other so easily after what I said? I'm afraid: his reactions to my appearance, I'm afraid that he is angry or offended. I don’t know how I’ll look him in the eye.

Please help me explain the dream. Is it empty? Is it inspired only by my emotions? Or is he thinking of me?

P.S. In reality, I wanted to go to a concert in his city, he knew about it and wanted to keep me company. But it didn’t come to a meeting, because circumstances did not allow me to come.

Hello, help interpret the dreams - I constantly have dreams where I am driving in a car as a passenger, and a man with whom I had a fleeting and passionate romance is driving. (At the moment, we just do not communicate.) At the beginning of the relationship, I dreamed that we were driving an expensive yellow jeep, the guy was distracted, and I noticed that a little more and we would collide with a black foreign car in front, I warned him about this, he slowed down, but the front bumper was slightly dented, then something broke in the car, the guy bought parts, repaired, I helped. Repaired. Then they kind of spat on this business and bought a new one of the same car (or changed it because the car was new anyway).

Then there was a dream where he drives me around the city (like New York) in an old expensive green car (oldtimer), we are looking for a hotel, we park, then at the hotel - he sleeps on a bed, I fall asleep in a chair

reading magazines before.

Good afternoon, I reread all the dreams, and, sorry, I did not find anything suitable for myself. Please, tell me what my dreams are about.

The fact is that my ex and I broke up 8 years ago, I have had a husband, a child for a long time, he also has a wife. Both of us were the initiators of the separation, he began to walk away from me, but at first I did not know, I endured his humiliation, and then when I found out, I left. When we see each other on the street (very rarely) he always turns away, does not even want to meet his gaze, but when I pass, I hear from my back that he is making holes in my eyes. But I loved him very much, perhaps I can tell you this. So, I dream about him from time to time: I don't remember him, I don't see, I don't speak. And he take it and dream - then we are with him at his house (having sex), and then I leave. Then his mother and I are dreaming at their house - she always says that it is bad that you parted. And today I dreamed again. It’s like we’re in his mother’s apartment (this is not the first time), he is very affectionate, everything is fine with us. We have sex, and then I leave, but I have thoughts in my head - how can I go home after this, after all, my husband is at home. And I woke up.

Hello, help decipher the dream. I didn't find a similar dream here ...

Indifference beloved human indream says that in reality you will be decide whether to choose a marriage or an independent life. If indream your husband or wife loves you - this is a cloudless family life and good children. If in a dream you dance with your beloved- it means that in reality you will be successful with men... If your favourite dancing with another woman - it means that in reality, in order to get what you want, you need to show restraint and tactful behavior. If a young girl seesindream his beloved an old man - it means that she ...

Dream interpretation "AstroMeridian"

Dream interpretation- interpretation dreams free »Value dreams with the letter B " Dream interpretationFormer guy what is dreaming about Former guy indreamsee.A quarrel can also occur due to the fact that the girl, unaware of the seriousness sleep, will tell her boyfriend or husband about him, and due to the fact that her Man instinctively feel that she is thinking about something else, even if unconsciously.

Dream interpretation ""

Dream interpretation "astroscope"

Favorite goes away Favorite went to another, Favorite person, Does not love, Not love, Fall in love with a girl. If indream you dreamed about your Favorite and the only one Man, Dream interpretation advise you to remember all the details of what you saw in as much detail as possible sleep.I dreamed that my favouriteindream lies next to me, but hugs my friend. There are a lot of girls around him, and I can't help it. He sees me, understands that I am near, but does not pay any attention to me.

If all this does not help, try the following magic ritual: on the waning moon, from Thursday to Friday, immediately after midnight, drink warm weak tea with three flowers of St. John's wort, preferably in three sips, tie three sprigs of dry St. ... And go to bed. But don't try to fall asleep right away. Relax, reproduce a fog in your mind's eye, then imagine that the appearance of your ex-man appears from this fog, bring his face closer and, holding his face in front of your eyes, also mentally say: Do not appear again, do not interfere with my sleep, you are not needed, go away , do not worry about sleep, my protection is St. John's wort - he will take you with him. Now make the face move away again and disappear into the fog. The sooner you fall asleep after the ceremony, the better. If a former man comes to you that night, it doesn't matter, on this night he can afford it. For the last time, so to speak. And in the morning, take out the branches of St. John's wort from under the pillow, take them out into the street and burn them so that the ashes do not remain in a heap, that is, burn them in the air and spread the ashes in the wind. And tie the blue ribbon to the aspen.

Just remember that after this ritual, even for the sake of testing, do not try to evoke dreams about your ex. If he returns at your will, then dreams with his participation can become intrusive and nightmarish.

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream - If a girl in a dream only feels pleasant emotions, this indicates her readiness for a new relationship. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as the upcoming beginning of a new life, in which she will not regret the choice she made.

Dream interpretation ex-boyfriend scolds - you have to decide in the near future with whom you are ready to link your destiny.

The ex-boyfriend smiles to see in a dream - health problems, strengthening of current relationships.