If you dream of boiled chicken. Why does a woman dream of boiled chicken

Description of the page: "Why is boiled chicken dreaming" from professionals for people.

dreamed of boiled chicken

A dreamed chicken is always a harbinger of any big family holiday, such as a wedding, a wedding, the baptism of a child, or your own name day. Boiled chicken shows your readiness for such events. Saw boiled chicken in a dream - start preparing for the celebration.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

dreamed of boiled chicken

The dream book tells us that the boiled chicken that came in a dream indicates chores, and since the chicken in a dream is in any case connected with the family, it is family chores.

Freud's dream book

boiled chicken according to the dream book

Freud tells us that boiled chicken in a dream tells you that your behavior and your actions are repulsive to others. If you have planned a new undertaking in your own performance, such a dream tells you that your plan is quite viable.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

dreamed of boiled chicken

This dream book says that boiled chicken warns you about discussions "behind your back" and events await you that will require your perseverance.

Dream interpretation sonniq.ru

boiled chicken in a dream what is it for

Seeing boiled chicken in a dream, you can be sure that the conflict with your opponents will be resolved soon, and you will be the winner.

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If you dreamed about chicken eggs, the dream promises replenishment in the family or the arrival of a long-awaited guest. Eggs in a dream can symbolize plans to be realized in reality.

When chickens and chickens dream, the dream book believes that you are too worried about children. The dream tries to let you know that your experiences are often unfounded.

To find out why the chicken is dreaming, pay attention to the day of the week. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday advises to beware of swindlers, and from Sunday to Monday warns of possible difficulties in business.

If you dreamed of fried chicken, the dream suggests that household chores will require more time and effort than usual. Grandma's dream book advises to refrain from selling livestock, since the transaction will be unprofitable.

A dream in which there is a live chicken, which, most likely, you remember for its attractiveness or fatness, dreams of well-being in the family. For a lonely person, such a dream foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance with a member of the opposite sex.

If in a dream you happened to try chicken meat that was not cooked by you, it is likely that soon you will fall under someone's influence. The dream interpretation admits the possibility that the authority of another person will force you to reconsider, or even change your beliefs.

Everything a rooster and a chicken dream of is an omen of happiness in your personal life. Sleep symbolizes idyll and complete harmony in romantic, family and intimate relationships.

A dream in which raw chicken appears directly indicates your anxiety or dissatisfaction with yourself. The dream encourages not to attach too much importance to negative thoughts and moods, since at the moment it is much more urgent to fear illness and injury.

If in a dream you do not have the opportunity to see a chicken, but you clearly hear her clucking, the dream warns that behind your back someone is spreading bad rumors about you. The dream book advises not to "feed" gossips: try not to give cause for misinterpretation.

A dreaming black chicken promises that the coming days will be full of anxiety and excitement. The dream indicates a tense situation, which is provoked by the need to make a difficult decision. The dream book suggests weighing the pros and cons, since you will have to sacrifice something in any case.

Dead chickens from your dream symbolize a serious danger: one of your ill-wishers has every chance of inflicting a rather tangible blow and at the same time not betraying himself and continuing to remain above suspicion until the next opportunity.

A dream in which you are going to kill a chicken in order to cook dinner means that in the near future you will learn important news. The dream book does not specify the nature of the news, most likely it all depends on how you use the information received.

Why boiled chicken is dreaming, the dream book explains by concern about his own health. The dream is encouraging that your poor health lately can be easily explained by fatigue or insignificant discomfort. However, the dream book recommends paying more attention to yourself.

If you dreamed of a lot of chickens, you can count on an additional source of income that will greatly contribute to your well-being. The dream also speaks of the upcoming visit of guests, which will delight you, despite the fact that it will cause a lot of trouble.

A dead chicken seen in a dream means that you are looking for help not at all where you could get it. You overestimate the capabilities of the person you mistakenly chose as your patron. Most likely, he himself now needs support.

What else does a chicken dream about in a dream

When fried chickens dream, the dream book believes that you are making serious progress in your work. General recognition, appointment to a new position, and, accordingly, an increase in income await you.

A dream in which you had to fry chicken yourself promises the visit of long-awaited guests, you will spend the evening in a pleasant company. True, the dream book warns, you will have to cook and set the table again.

Interpreting why he dreams of how a chicken laid an egg, the dream book refers to the well-known saying “to lay the golden egg”. The dream suggests that you will soon be visited by a brilliant idea related to earnings.

If in your dream the chicken pecks grains and crumbs, the dream reassures you that everything is in order. But if a chicken tries to peck you, the dream book advises you to be more careful in communication, your words may be misinterpreted.

When you dream of a chicken laying eggs, the dream promises well-being and prosperity. If a woman saw such a dream, it means that in the near future she will have a successful marriage.

A dreamed frozen chicken indicates that you are already tired of overcoming some kind of continuous "obstacle course". People and events constantly interfere with your plans, disrupting them and forcing you to act spontaneously. The dream book promises that the obstacle course is coming to the finish line.

A dream in which you are going to cook chicken for the whole family or a large company indicates the state of the search. To implement your plans, you will need like-minded people, sleep helps you find suitable candidates.

If you dreamed of how you had to feed the chickens, the dream promises that everyone around you will be extraordinarily attentive and courteous to you. In the near future, there is a very high probability of receiving a wonderful gift.

The details of your dream will help to find out what the plucked chicken is dreaming of. If you yourself have plucked feathers and down, you can get ready for the party: an evening awaits you in the pleasant company of unexpected guests. And if the feathers also flew during the plucking process, your cherished desire will certainly come true. The dream book reports that now is a favorable period for gambling.

If you dreamed of a chicken and eggs that were just laid, fresh and beautiful, the dream book considers such a dream as a harbinger of unexpected gifts of fate: inheritance, big winnings, great news.

A dream in which you had to catch a chicken and could not catch it for a long time means that soon you will need the help of other people. The dream book promises that others will meet you halfway.

If you are going to buy chicken in a dream, such a dream can be seen as a reminder that in real life it will not hurt to replenish food supplies. The dream suggests that right now is a favorable period for the purchase and preparation of products for future use.

What a headless chicken dreams of is that, through your own fault, you risk getting into an unpleasant story. The dream book warns that it will not be easy to get out of it, however, it is possible.

If in a dream you intend to cut a chicken, this dream suggests that in reality you have a lot of envious people and rivals. The dream warns that some of them are just waiting for the right opportunity to annoy you.

Perhaps the most original interpretation of a dream in which you had to butcher a chicken is offered by the Italian dream book. According to his interpretation, sleep brings to the surface all your hidden primal instincts.

According to Vanga's dream book, a chicken walking in splendid isolation means the birth of a daughter for a pregnant dreamer. The dream also promises that a distant relative will soon gather to visit you, her company will be pleasant for you.

If in a dream you had a chance to cook chicken, in reality you have to hurry up a lot in order to realize your plans. The dream promises that efforts will not be spent in vain, you will be satisfied with the results of your work.

The dream in which I had a chance to eat chicken, the dream book suggests interpreting literally: if the chicken tastes good, the dream book promises a calm and well-fed life. Spoiled meat portends trouble. If you got some bones, a dream portends a loss.

If you chop off a chicken's head in a dream, but it continues to run around the yard, the dream warns that unexpected interference of third parties in your plans can delay their implementation for a long time.

Why raw chicken meat is dreamed of, its appearance and taste will tell. Fresh meat means well-being and good mood. A dream about spoiled chicken is suggestive of the state of health.

When you have a dream in which a chicken pecked you, be doubly careful, especially when it comes to conversations on slippery topics. The dream book calls to weigh every word and, if possible, avoid disputes and squabbles.

If you dreamed about smoked chicken, the dream book sees a somewhat ominous meaning in this dream. Smoked meat in a dream means that you are under the gun of magical effects. Perhaps someone hopelessly in love is trying to bewitch you.

The dreamed red hen symbolizes the feminine principle in all its manifestations: a mischievous girl, a caring grandmother, a passionate mistress, a hospitable hostess. Sleep can mean that one of the women is occupying your thoughts or needs your help.

A chicken in a dream appears before household chores associated with a celebration or addition. Sometimes associated with a shortsighted or even stupid person. Dream books will tell you how to correctly unravel the image.

Why does a chicken dream according to Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, a chicken dreams of joyful, cozy meetings in the family circle. She is considered the personification of the ideal family, its values ​​and principles. This bird can be a harbinger of replenishment in the family. Another chicken can dream about rain or washing.

Miller believes that if a chicken dreamed, then it will bring only positive and joyful events. For example, the long-awaited birth of a child in the family. It can also be a joyful meeting with relatives, friends with whom you have not seen for a long time. In general, in his opinion, the nugget brings only joy.

Miller also believes that a chicken can tell a lot about how you relate to others and what they think about you. For example, if a chicken clucks and with its clucking reminds you of a person from your close environment, then in real life, do not take the words of this person into your head, do not take them too seriously. Because they can blind your mind and you will make the wrong choice, and then you will regret it.

What does it mean if you dreamed about a chicken according to Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga's dream book, if you dreamed about a chicken, then this means that there will be some pleasant chores and worries in your house. A large, healthy chicken with beautiful plumage indicates that a happy, favorable life awaits you. If you dream of a chicken with chickens, expect pleasant surprises, joy in your family.

When you dream of not one, but several chickens, then wait for guests. They may come to visit you unexpectedly, unexpectedly. Many chickens say that soon you will have to work hard before achieving any result (in work, family).

A dream where you feed chickens portends an unexpected but very pleasant surprise or gift. This dream can also mean that you will meet and talk with the person whom you have been waiting for and wished to see for so long. Eating chicken in a dream means an unexpected but long-awaited surprise, a gift.

A dream worth paying attention to: the chicken bites you. You should think about your family problems and try to eliminate them as soon as possible. Because such a dream can bring a lot of problems and irreparability into the house.

Vanga believed that if a pregnant woman dreams of a chicken that walks down the street alone, then the expectant mother will have a daughter. There is another interpretation of this dream: a distant relative will come to you and you will have a wonderful time with her.

Chickens in a dream - Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a dreaming kludge means good news or news both from afar and from close circle. If you kill a bird, then you will incur some losses, losses (financial). A bird you kill may indicate your hidden inferiority complex.

Freud paid special attention to the dream about chicken eggs. If a woman dreamed of eggs, it means that she will soon meet a man who in the future may turn out to be your destiny. If you dreamed of a hen with eggs, it means that great happiness is not far off.

Why do chickens dream from a 21st century dream book

If you dreamed of a beautiful big chicken, it means that the same love awaits you in the near future. Also, such a bird in a dream can bring you wealth - you can receive property from relatives or win some kind of large prize.

The hen that laid the egg brings only good news. If a rooster is chasing a chicken, then this is a bad dream, which speaks of possible problems, disagreements, unpleasant events in your family. If you often dream of a chicken with chickens, then this can only mean that you are too worried and worried about your children.

Thus, a dream prompts you to calm down and not worry about your children for no reason. Of no small importance is the day of the week when you dreamed about this bird. If the dream is from Wednesday to Thursday, then be vigilant and beware of swindlers. If you had this dream from Sunday to Monday, be prepared for the fact that difficulties may await you at work, in the family.

If in a dream you eat chicken prepared by another person, then most likely you will soon fall or have already fallen under the influence of a stranger or a stranger. Such a dream suggests that you, on your own, without anyone's help, reconsider your outlook on life and draw your own conclusions. At times, these views may be wrong, but to you they will seem infallible. Think about it.

If you dreamed of several chickens and one rooster, it means that you will soon hit the jackpot. It is better not to tell anyone about such an unexpected receipt of funds, so as not to provoke trouble and evil tongues. But if you want, then you can tell about the dream only to the closest people in whom you do not doubt and such people will rejoice at your possible future wealth.

A couple - a chicken with a rooster in a dream says that happiness will smile on you in your personal life, your intimate life will improve and there will be only harmony in relationships.

Why does a chicken dream about Medea's dream book

If you dreamed about a chicken with white plumage, then you will soon have tremendous success. The area of ​​life that is of great importance to you at the moment, is highlighted from the rest, will bring you long-awaited luck. Sleeping with a white chicken brings happiness to the house, success at work, idyll on the personal front.

According to Medea's dream book, the dreamed hen with chickens indicates that your parents are very worried about you. Your behavior, actions, and mood make your parents uneasy. You need to dispel the doubts of your loved ones, talk to them and improve relationships.

Clucking in a dream is a signal that rumors and various kinds of gossip are spread about you.

A dead chicken speaks of future misfortune or some kind of danger. If you have enemies, they can harm you or your loved ones. A peeled chicken will mark a good night's sleep. He personifies your ability to enjoy even the smallest things. For example, your favorite movie will be shown on TV, or you will be able to cook delicious pizza.

If in a dream the chicken calmly pecks the grains, then this dream is favorable, and it is proof that everything will be fine in family matters.

In the case when the bird tries to peck you, the dream book warns and says that the person, before saying something, think twice before saying the sentence out loud. Otherwise, his words may be misinterpreted.

What does it mean dreamed of chickens according to the modern dream book

This bird can dream on the eve of a change in weather. For example, it will rain on a sunny hot morning. If you dreamed about frozen chicken, then such a dream speaks of your fatigue in overcoming obstacles. And also that soon this barriers will end and you will breathe deeply.

It happens like this: he dreams of how a person chases this bird and cannot catch it. This dream can be interpreted as follows: in the near future, a person who is chasing a chicken will need the help of the people around him, because he himself will not be able to cope. People will definitely help this person and things will go well for him soon.

If in a dream you buy a chicken from your hands, then this is a signal that it is time to go to the market and buy food.

Why does a chicken dream according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

According to Fedorovskaya, if a lot of chickens dream, then tears and losses will come to your family. If this bird dreams of a pregnant woman, then soon she will have a girl.

Chicken in a dream - interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

Hasse says that if you dreamed of a chicken that clucks, it means that soon you will go on a long journey. If you dreamed of a bird that lays eggs, then such a dream means happiness, joy and love.

Chicken with chickens for an unmarried woman is a harbinger of the fact that soon the girl will have a family. If in a dream a person buys a chicken, it means that he will be happy. And if you eat chicken in a dream, then you need to take care of your health and not let the disease take its course.

Why dream of fried, raw, boiled chicken? Dream interpretation - a chicken carcass in a dream.

Fried chicken means professional success. A person who dreamed of such a bird expects career growth, appointment to a new high-paying position. And, as a result, his financial situation will improve. If you yourself fry chicken, then such a dream portends a visit of long-awaited relatives and friends.

But boiled chicken, unlike fried chicken, does not portend such positive changes. On the contrary, a boiled bird in a dream can talk about possible health problems. But this is not always the case. Therefore, such a dream is a kind of warning sign that it is worth stopping, thinking about your health and well-being.

But if you have a dream that you yourself are cooking chicken, then it can be interpreted as follows: your ideas and ideas will certainly be implemented, you just need to strain a little and hurry up and then you will succeed.

The dreamed raw chicken has a double meaning. If the meat is fresh and looks beautiful, then don't worry. On the contrary, fresh raw bird means well-being and excellent mood of the person who dreamed about it.

But if the chicken is raw, but spoiled and does not look very good, then such a dream suggests health. You need to think about and pay attention to yourself and your health.

Why do living, dead, dead chickens dream?

If you dreamed about a dead chicken, then this means that you need support. And you have already chosen for yourself such a person who, in your opinion, can help. But this is a wrong choice, and in fact, that person himself requires help. Therefore, such a dream interprets that you need to choose another suitable patron for yourself.

A dreaming dead chicken portends a serene and peaceful life. But if there are many dead chickens in a dream, then this may portend possible diseases. There are dreams when a dead bird suddenly starts making sounds. Such a dream is a signal that tears await a person in reality.

A live chicken in a dream will bring joy, good mood, and the birth of a child to your home.

Why dream of a white, black chicken

A dreamed white chicken (according to Medea's dream book) means that a person will succeed in that area or industry that is of particular importance to him. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of promotion at work, happiness on the love front.

But a black chicken in a dream is the opposite of a white chicken. If you dreamed about a black bird, it means that in the near future you will worry and worry even about trifles. The environment around you can be tense and exciting, and you must make a difficult decision for yourself.

And such a dream will suggest that it is worthwhile to competently and slowly weigh the pros and cons before making your choice. In any case, you will lose something. But if you make the right choice, then in the end the losses will not be so sad.

The dreamed red hen symbolizes the feminine principle in all its manifestations: a mischievous girl, a caring grandmother, a passionate mistress, a hospitable hostess. Sleep may mean that one of the women is occupying your thoughts or needs your help. An interesting point is that this dream book will help you to reveal the hidden essence of your dreams very accurately, to save a chicken in a dream that rushes to beat its chicken from a hawk - a symbol that your defender himself needs help.

How your dream interprets Culinary dream book

The chicken is a frivolous, stupid and beautiful girl. Catching a chicken in a dream means honestly making money. Slaughtering a chicken means sleeping with a virgin. Collecting chicken feathers in a dream means money that will be spent wisely.

To meet a person whose speech you cannot understand, because it strongly resembles a cluck - do not believe the rumors. If you dreamed of how you had to feed the chickens, the dream promises that everyone around you will be extraordinarily attentive and courteous to you. In the near future, there is a very high probability of receiving a wonderful gift.

According to Miller's dream book, chickens about which a dream can tell a lot about how your relationships with people manifest themselves in real life. If the speech of one of your loved ones in a dream resembles a chicken clucking, and in reality do not attach importance to his words, they can mislead you. Why does a woman dream of boiled chicken, to see a chicken that sits in one place for a long time and unnaturally - soon they may turn to you for help, citing malaise or disability, but you should not take everything for granted. help so that later you do not regret participating in the fate of a person.

Important points:

A loudly cackling chicken is a sign of the upcoming road, which you will have to go on against your will. If in your dream a chicken pecks grains and crumbs, the dream reassures you that everything is in order. But if a chicken tries to peck you, the dream book advises you to be more careful in communication, your words may be misinterpreted.

To the visit of a random guest; a large number - to guests, money.

A lot of chickens - to hard work.

What the hen and chickens dream of is considered by the dream book as a reminder. A dream indicates that your parents are worried about you. It is possible that some of your actions and decisions cause them anxiety. The dream calls to dispel their doubts and try to improve relations in the family.

The modern dream book offers the following interpretation of sleep: a chicken dreams of a change in the weather. Do not be surprised by a thunderbolt or a sudden pouring rain. A dream can also be a harbinger of a big wash.

Why is boiled chicken dreaming about the interpretation of sleep from dream books.

According to Medea's dream book, the white chicken from your dream is a harbinger of success. The dream says that you will soon be lucky in that particular sphere of life that is most important to you. Sleep can symbolize professional achievement, creative success, or happiness in your personal life.

The chicken carcass seen in a dream personifies your ability to rejoice even in the smallest victories and the results of your own labor. The dream book reminds that such a mood has attracted good luck from time immemorial, and promises that it will continue to accompany you.

A dream in which raw chicken appears directly indicates your anxiety or dissatisfaction with yourself. The dream encourages not to attach too much importance to negative thoughts and moods, since at the moment it is much more urgent to fear illness and injury. The details of your dream will help to find out what the plucked chicken is dreaming of. If you yourself have plucked feathers and down, you can get ready for the party: an evening awaits you in the pleasant company of unexpected guests. And if the feathers also flew during the plucking process, your cherished desire will certainly come true. The dream book reports that now is a favorable period for gambling.

A chicken with a brood of chickens means that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried people, this dream portends their own large family.

"Golden" eggs.

Had a dream that you were studying a cookbook, looking for an original recipe for making a chicken in order to please and surprise your household, or a group of friends? The dream interpretation believes that this plot falls out to a person who must find like-minded people to implement his grandiose plans, or carefully look at applicants for the role of assistants in a responsible project. Catching a rooster in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have a difficult task, which you are unlikely to be able to accomplish.

List of dream books describing the same dream

  • Dream interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Dream interpretation of Azar
  • Miller's dream book
  • Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit
  • Dream interpretation of Kopalinsky
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Why is the chicken dreaming

Miller's dream book

Seeing a chicken in a dream - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Dream interpretation Hasse

To buy a chicken - you will be happy; eat - take care of health; with chickens - you will have your own family; laying eggs - happiness in love; to hear clucking - you will go on the road; chased by a rooster - do not trust your friends.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Family dream book

Chicken - dreams of pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The chicken in your dream always symbolizes household chores and vanity.

Seeing a hen lay an egg is a call for patience and a promise of a well-deserved reward. Such a dream means that your efforts will bear good fruit.

Black chicken is a warning about possible troubles associated with the house, farm or loved ones.

A dead chicken is a sign that your irritation and intolerance can jeopardize your family happiness.

Why is the chicken dreaming

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Chicken - to troubles, many of which will be in vain.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Spring dream book

Chickens - to the hassle.

Hearing the cackling of a hen in a dream - to a quarrel with a neighbor.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Summer dream book

To see in a dream how a mother hen clucks over her chickens - for the arrival of numerous relatives and your concern for their food.

Plucking chicken is for guests.

Chickens seen in a dream in a cut form - to death.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Autumn dream book

Hearing the cackling of a chicken in a dream - to take care of the family.

Plucking a chicken in a dream is to get into an unpleasant situation.

Seeing a lot of chickens walking around in the yard is a profit.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Hearing the clucking of chickens in a dream means a sudden shock caused by the news of an unexpected serious illness from one of your good friends.

Dreamed chicken - portends guests from among the friends of your home. An anxious and running chicken around the yard - to confusion and mental decline, boredom and despair. A loudly cackling chicken is a sign of the upcoming road, which you will have to go against your will.

A chicken laying eggs - portends a rich win and happiness in love. Seeing a chicken trampled by a rooster means that you are entering into a secret love affair. A chicken with a brood of chickens - says that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried people this dream portends their own large family.

If in a dream you buy a live chicken - this is fortunately, if chicken legs - you will be left without money. Cooking chicken for soup is an unpleasant, but necessary job.

Fry, stew or bake chicken meat - you will be overcome by household chores and chores.

There is chicken meat in a dream - portends a visit to the doctor, possibly a trip to a sanatorium.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Chicken Coop - Average Income

Chicken - Buy - you will be happy; profit, profit - eat - take care of health - with chickens - you will have your own family - laying eggs - happiness in love - hear the clucking - go on the road - chased by a rooster - do not trust your friends

Why is the chicken dreaming

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a chicken in a dream is a gift.

If you dreamed that you fed the chickens, you yourself will bring trouble on your own head.

You watched someone feed the chickens - you are in for trouble due to the fault of someone from your family or friends.

Catching chickens is a big loss.

A dream in which you watched someone catching chickens - soon one of your loved ones will be in big trouble, and as a result you will have losses.

If you dreamed that you ate chicken, one of your relatives is threatened with a big loss, which will turn into profit for you.

You watched someone eat chicken - losing your friends will make you profit.

If you dreamed that you cut out a chicken, in the near future you will have a decisive act that will change your life for the better.

In a dream, you watched someone slaughter chickens - your life will change for the better thanks to the act of one of your loved ones.

Buying chickens - you yourself are the smith of your own happiness.

If you dreamed that you were selling chickens, you should know that happiness can suddenly smile at you.

If you dreamed that you were stealing chickens, you have a lot of work ahead of you, which will bring long-awaited results.

If you dreamed that you watched someone steal chickens, soon some of your loved ones will have to do a good job, but you will take advantage of the results of his labors.

Why is the chicken dreaming

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

To see a chicken in a dream - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to an increase in the family.

Why is the chicken dreaming

I dreamed about a red hen ▼

The red hen seen in a dream is a symbol of the feminine principle in all life. Most likely, some woman has completely captured your thoughts or is waiting on you.

What besides chicken did you see in your dream?

Seeing many chickens in a dream ▼

Many chickens dream - they have to perform a difficult one, but this will allow achieving good results in different areas of life. Chickens in the hen house symbolize the average level of wealth. Clucking chickens in a chicken coop - a long road ahead,.

Ducks and chickens dream ▼

What did the chicken do in the dream?

What state was the chicken in when you saw it in a dream?

Dreamed of a plucked chicken ▼

A plucked chicken is dreaming - an indication of the pettiness of your character, manifested selfishness. You only care about personal ones. Plucking a chicken - a party is planned, a pleasant pastime in the circle of unexpected guests.

Seeing a rotten chicken in a dream ▼

A rotten chicken is interpreted by Felomena's dream book as impending losses, sadness,. Negative events will affect your well-being, possibly a deterioration in your health.

How was the chicken cooked in your dream?

Dreamed of boiled chicken ▼

According to the dream book, boiled chicken symbolizes concern for your own health. Do not worry, the deterioration in well-being is not associated with a serious illness.

Try to get more rest so as not to provoke chronic fatigue. Pay more attention to yourself.

Why does frozen chicken dream ▼

The dream book Felomena interprets frozen chicken as a series of difficulties and trials on the path of life, which has managed to tire me out.

Someone or something constantly interferes with the achievement of the intended and forces action. You can be sure that this period will end soon.

See smoked chicken in a dream ▼

I dreamed of smoked chicken - an alarming sign. Someone is exposing you to magical influence. It may be damage or the evil eye, but, most likely, you are fascinated by an unrequited lover.

Dreaming of chicken legs ▼

Why dream of chicken legs? A dream foreshadows extremely negative events. You can suffer from treacherous behavior. The likelihood of losing a significant part of your fortune is also high.

What did you do with a live chicken in your dream?

Catching a Chicken in a Dream ▼

Feed the chicken in a dream ▼

I dreamed that they were feeding a chicken - to show the courtesy and attentiveness of others to your person.

Receive valuable from a loved one, which will bring a lot of positive emotions. Things will move in the direction of improvement.

Kill a Chicken in Sleep ▼

Dreams that they killed a chicken - important news will become known. The nature of the information received will depend on your decision, how you will dispose of the information received.

She dreams that they chopped off a chicken's head ▼

Chopping off a chicken's head according to Felomena's dream book means outside interference in your plans and ideas. This will happen unexpectedly, but it will force you to postpone their implementation for a long time.

Counting chickens in a dream ▼

I dreamed that you were considering chickens - not to draw conclusions or to sum up. A successfully completed case may not be at all like that, you should not rush things.

What did you do with chicken meat in your dream?

Cooking chicken in a dream ▼

If you dream that you are cooking chicken, you are in a state of search. To carry out your plan, you should find like-minded people.

Take a closer look at the details of the dream, they will help in the selection of suitable candidates. Reliable comrades will be needed.

Why dream of cutting a chicken ▼

According to the dream book, a chicken means the presence of a large number and envious people. Beware

Sometimes prophetic dreams do not come in direct vision, but in the form of various amazing symbols. So, in a dream, a variety of images can come to us, indicating one or another aspect of life. This article tells about the image of a chicken that can appear in a dream in a variety of ways. Not only alive, but already cooked, rushing, with eggs (which, by the way, are a symbol of life), and many other images.

The various images of chickens you dreamed about may have several meanings at once. What do these symbols mean for different people, what role do they play in themselves, and when should you beware of the presence of this bird in a dream? The following describes the meanings from the most popular dream books, such as: the dream book of Wanga, Hasse, Schiller, Mennegatti and others.

Dream interpretation chicken common values

What is the dream of a live chicken? Surprisingly, if it is a living bird that is dreaming, then its color plays a decisive role in the dream. Why do live birds of different colors dream? For example, a red hen is a symbol of the feminine principle. Therefore, if a man dreams of her, then it is possible that a “red-haired beast” will soon meet on his way, a woman with a very ambiguous stormy character and great ambitions, an emotional and passionate nature. She will not necessarily be red, but she will definitely have a very fiery character and it is very possible that she will have feelings for you. Thus, a very hectic romantic adventure awaits you soon. A red hen will have a completely different meaning for a woman. Most likely, an envious person or a rival will appear on the horizon, if a woman is married, then the appearance of a mistress from her husband is not far off. Keep your ears open.

White chicken in a dream

Why is the white chicken dreaming? A white bird in a dream will symbolize success and a good start in all, even in the most difficult cases. So you can start a new business, which you may have been planning for a long time, without fear. Seeing a white hen only means success, not only in your career, but in your personal life. If a man dreams of her, then we can say that your chosen one is waiting for a marriage proposal and will reciprocate you. And if a woman, then your loved one will soon make you a wedding proposal. It's time to get ready for pleasant chores.

Large chicken

A large bird with colored plumage dreams of future happy chores, a holiday or celebration. What is the dream of a chicken with chickens? It is very likely that future offspring will appear soon if a brood hen dreams with chickens or hatches eggs. A dream interpretation where there is not one chicken with chickens, but there are many of them, then it is quite possible that unexpected guests will arrive soon, distant relatives will arrive.

Why do many chickens dream?

Also, a large number of birds indicates that you will face difficulties and obstacles in success in your career, you may have to overcome obstacles in order to achieve success in your career or promotion.

If you are feeding animals, then we can assume that soon you will receive a pleasant surprise or an unexpected, but very pleasant gift. It can also symbolize a meeting that you have been waiting for a long time with a person pleasant to your heart.

If you dreamed of chickens that peck you, then you should pay special attention to this. It is likely that you will soon have major problems that you cannot easily resolve. Your life can turn upside down, so it is worth making an effort to stabilize conditions not only at work, but also in the family.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

According to Vanga's dream book, if a pregnant woman dreams of a lonely laying hen walking in a dream along the street, then this is for the appearance of a girl in the offspring soon. But it can also mean the arrival of a good friend or relative, with whom there is a very warm relationship.

Why do men dream of chickens

Why do men dream of chickens if there are a lot of them? If you dream about a rooster and a chicken at once, then this is most likely a quarrel in the family, any conflicts with relatives. If only hens are dreaming, then most likely this is for the appearance of a woman, the beginning of a love relationship.

If you see calmly sitting chickens, for example on a roost, then this is fortunately in marriage and for love. Screaming or running hens indicate family discord, swearing. Anxiety in the house, scandals.

If the bird itself runs to your house, then this is a symbol of the arrival of a new person, a stranger, a guest in the house. If you dream of a lot of grain or feed with a chick, then this means a quick and easy profit and wealth. Perhaps soon you will receive an inheritance or win the lottery.

Eating chicken in a dream is a good turn in life. Improvement in business, the disappearance of any problems. Why do big chickens, roosters and chickens dream? A hen with chickens means a lot of trouble about offspring or parents, sisters, brothers, close relatives. Perhaps they are having problems, and your help is needed in an important matter. If the hen is just hatching eggs, then the meaning can be interpreted in different ways. If the chicken sits quietly on the eggs, then soon a pleasant expensive gift awaits you. Chicken meat, which was cooked by other people, but in a dream you eat it, may mean that you have come under some influence from strangers, perhaps psychological and emotional impact on you.

Chicken with chicks

According to Vanga's dream book, a chicken with chickens dreams of caring for and worries about the offspring. If you have children, then most likely they need your help. Perhaps they are embarrassed to tell you about it or, fearing judgment from you, they hide their problems from you. Be understanding of their complexities, even if they seem trivial to you.

Raw chicken

Why is raw chicken dreaming? If you dreamed of a raw, not cut chicken, then this may symbolize some kind of dissatisfaction with yourself, hidden complexes and more. If in a dream you still cooked a bird, then this symbolizes the arrival of important news, the news from which your whole life can change. Such important news can be not only positive, but also negative.

Boiled chicken in a dream

Why is boiled chicken dreaming? Boiled poultry can mean health problems that will manifest themselves in the near future. It is also possible that your subconscious mind reminds you to take a break. So with strong physical or emotional stress, stress, illness can occur. Therefore, it is worth taking a couple of days off and taking a break from all the problems, in order to avoid overwork.

Dream interpretation Hasse

What is the dream of a chicken carcass? If you dream of a dead bird, then most likely this indicates that problems should be avoided, because there will be nowhere to wait for help. Perhaps a loved one will refuse you financial or material support in the near future due to the presence of some personal problems, so you should not be offended by him.

Buying a chicken in a dream from Hasse's dream book is fortunate. A successfully completed purchase symbolizes in a dream receiving a pleasant expensive gift or a sudden profit. It is also possible to get what top reese or winnings.

In this dream book, fried chicken has a monetary value. Usually she dreams of high career growth, success at work, big profits, a successful business meeting. If you dreamed about fried chicken, then, most likely, you will be promoted in the near future.

Frozen bird dreams as a symbol of fatigue. Perhaps on your way there are many obstacles to overcome that you are not able to. In this case, it is worth remembering that all bad things come to an end someday, and the black stripe ends and a light one comes, which this dream signals.

Why is fried chicken dreaming, what other meanings are there? If she is preparing for the holiday, then you have to understand that allies will be needed for your cause. Perhaps soon you have to complete some task and for this you need to gather people.

Schiller's dream book

Why is the chicken coop dreaming? This dream book suggests that a chicken coop can have different meanings. For example, feeding chickens in a dream in a chicken coop means that the people around you are attentive to you. You will have to speak in front of a large audience, narrate or convince people of something and they will believe you.

According to Schiller's dream book, seeing a chicken in a dream means a good deal and an unexpected win. Perhaps you are lucky in the lottery or any gambling game, you will get a prize in the drawing.

A plucked chicken carcass without feathers is dreamed of for a big holiday, a party with many noisy guests. If at the same time the fluff is in the air, then you will also find a large number of pleasant gifts.

Why do chickens dream of laying eggs? Freshly laid eggs mean, may mean inheritance, or lottery winnings, unexpected profits. Get ready for pleasant events and great purchases.


A bird without a head dreams of bad events in life. Perhaps an enemy lurked in your circle, and betrayal awaits you. You should be more attentive to suspicious individuals who want to get close to you, to join the environment. They can pursue their goal.

If you dream of a smoked chicken, then this is a sign of a bad influence of magical forces from the outside. So powerful enchantments, such as a love spell or damage, can be superimposed on you. This dream book also says that frying chicken leads to good changes in life.

Eating chicken in a dream for a well-fed and happy life. So by taste, you can determine how much your life will be full. If the taste in a dream is bad, then perhaps financial difficulties await you in life.

A hen that is aggressive, clucks this to quarrels, in which case it is recommended to avoid any disputes. You should not enter into dialogue with aggressive people, avoid conflicts. They won't end well for you anyway.

There are many laying hens running and clucking this to losses, tears. Perhaps the loss of a loved one or the loss of something valuable. It is worth exercising caution and canceling possible planned trips until a better time. Do not neglect the rules of the road on the way.

Many birds running around the yard usually mean household chores and excitement about upcoming events. General cleaning or other big household chores and worries in the house, repairs.

Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

If a hen incubates a clutch with eggs, then this is to great joy. Perhaps you will find out the wonderful news of pregnancy. In this case, it is worth starting to prepare for the appearance of the baby.

According to Meneghetti's dream book, a laying hen that has laid an egg will mean a great failure in business from a woman. Perhaps this is the boss at work. But if we are talking about personal matters, then most likely such a dream is for your man's envious or mistress.

In a dream, killing a rooster means that you are surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers, envious people, most likely secret. It is worth exercising caution in dealing with unfamiliar people who are seeking a meeting from you.

Catching a rooster leads to problems that are difficult to solve. If the bird was still caught, then success promises you, despite the difficulties. But a rooster that escaped means huge worries and unresolved problems.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a chick means meeting in a family circle. Perhaps you are planning a celebration, a holiday. Or distant relatives from another city will suddenly come to you. It could also be just a small family meeting with the parents.

You can only hear the cackling of the hen, but you can't see it. Looking for a bird in a dream? This means the approach of problems, sadness and tears. Bad omen, signaling that you should be careful.

Seeing a chick in a dream is a waste of time that you shouldn't worry about, especially if the bird has been caught. This is a clear sign that everything will work out and you should not worry.

Mother hens walk for money or peck at it. This is most likely a signal of ill-wishers. In the future, you will face a big financial ruin. You may be mugged or laid off at work.

If a chicken in a dream attacks another person, a guest who has just come to your house. Then it carries the meaning of not keeping a promise. The person you have relied on will not be able to fulfill the promise red-handed for reasons.

If a bird tramples the beds in the garden, then these are problems with other people, and they are younger than you in age. This can be related to children, for example, if you are a school teacher or educator anywhere. You may also be visited by distant relatives, from whom there will be a lot of trouble.

Old Russian Dream Interpretation

If the crowing of a rooster prevents you from sleeping at night, wakes you up, then this is to the cunning and insidious person next to you. He has already conceived something unkind and will soon carry out his plans, put them into practice.

A bad egg laid by a hen symbolizes the spread of bad rumors about you in a dream. People who envy you will carry some unpleasant news. It will not be true, but it will be difficult to prove it.

Dreaming about a bird farm or an egg factory? This is most likely for career growth. You will receive a raise or increase in your salary.

If the bird rushes around the yard, then most likely guests will come to you. Desired or not depends on the general environment and what happens in the background, the general feeling of sleep.

In the image of a chick, some female acquaintance may appear. If the chicken is plucked, then the woman wishes you evil, but if she just pecks the grain, then most likely it means your close friend who remembers you. She may call you immediately the next morning.

Many different birds running around the yard mark a new acquaintance with different people. Maybe you are waiting for a meeting at work, a corporate event. Or maybe a big noisy party among friends, where strangers will also be present.

According to the old Russian dream book, a hen that flew into your house through an open window means nothing more than a chance meeting. Most likely, you will meet a person whom you have long forgotten and he, it would seem, has gone out of your life forever. Such a meeting can be both pleasant and not very, it depends on what happened in the dream. From the general emotional picture of sleep.

A cockfighting in a dream can mean a fight in real life. Try to avoid any kind of conflict and not respond to provocations. This will not lead to anything good. In such a dream, a fighting rooster denotes an aggressive person who will meet you on your way soon.

Why dream of a chicken coop full of birds? Such a dream can mean many small worries and troubles that will soon fall on your head. It may be the illness of a loved one and caring for him. Or the arrival of guests who need to be served. Caring for people will soon fall on your shoulders.

Stewing chicken in a dream means that it takes great care of household chores. Most likely, you are overloaded with things and thus the subconscious mind signals to you that it is time to rest, take a break.

Why is the black chicken dreaming? A black bird that came in a dream denotes the appearance of small quarrels in the family, troubles and problems in relationships. If there are many black birds, then this is most likely to trouble and ruin. According to the ancient Slavic dream book, it is believed that this is a sign of drought, a bad harvest season, hunger. This dream book, the black chicken where I dreamed, suggests that you should also be more careful about your health. The manifestation of old chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones is possible.


As you can see from this description, the symbol of a chicken in a dream has many meanings. In order to correctly interpret it, you must first of all pay attention to what kind of events occur in a dream. If there are more hectic fast movements, then most likely the value will be negative. But a calm walk around the yard with chickens, for example, carries only positive meanings. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the weather conditions. Wind and rain carry the symbolism of destruction, ruin. But the warm summer time or snow (but not snowfall or whirlwind) will only have a positive effect on the overall picture of what is happening. When decoding a dream, trust not logic, but primarily your intuition, because dreams are part of the manifestation of our subconscious.

Why do live chickens dream

A dream where you see a chicken can have positive or negative connotations.

In some cultures, such a dream is a very positive sign. This dream is a sign that you will be happy and prosperity will come to your home. The chicken symbolizes creativity and fertility, as well as feminine qualities.

For Native Americans, chicken has always been associated with fertility and the ancient rites of the holiday sacrifice. Some ancient peoples performed divination rituals using chicken eggs. For example, it was considered a bad omen if a laying hen had hatched many eggs. In Christian culture, farmers were very happy when their chickens were carried on Good Friday, as it was a sign of fertility and success in all areas of their lives.

The chicken can also have negative symbolism in a dream. For example, in some cultures, it is believed that seeing these birds in a dream indicates a lack of willpower or even cowardice. A chicken in a dream may indicate a lack of common sense in a certain situation or represent circumstances in which you should be careful and look at them with skepticism.

There are many variations of sleep, and you must remember all the nuances: whether she is running or pecking grains, how many chickens have you seen, and what color they were. All details must be taken into account when interpreting.

A chicken in a dream is a woman in our subconscious: a woman is a mother, a woman is a spouse.

In women's dreams, she is interpreted as a symbol of an exemplary housewife, busy only with chores around the house and raising children.

A woman's dream where she sees black chicken, has a rather negative aspect and predicts trouble, bad news or grief for you. A red chicken is good news, and sometimes it can even dream of a scandal.

For a young lady red chicken means love.

For the wedding, white chickens are dreaming for both men and women. And if the latter are already married, then the children of acquaintances or their own children will have a wedding.

Such a dream pregnant women dreams of the successful birth of a girl.

When men have a dream, the plot of which develops around a chicken, this is gossip and bad talk. The dream interpretation interprets that relatives or just acquaintances stipulate it, give stupid advice on how to build a love relationship.

Chickens running in the garden or around the house: you will find yourself in a noisy company in a crowded place and have a good time.

One chicken in your dream dreams, if there is a significant person in your life, wait for an invitation from him, for example, on a date.

Chickens are everywhere in your path, cross the road in the middle of the street, meet on the way to school or office: you will soon receive a surprise.

Feeling distinctly in a dream how a chicken bites you says that your spouse or lover will find out secret information about you and will be upset, and his behavior will change in relation to you.

If the chicken in a dream is running away from you, you will become a participant in a big holiday or a fun feast with distant relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. The dream is also a dream for the birth of a child.

In a dream, chickens also mean a pleasant family reunion with additional members.

Who pecks grains in a dream suggests that you will avoid all financial problems.

In terms of weather, hen portends rain.

Chicken Pecked Chicken: this is a disturbing dream, foreshadowing a possible serious illness. You may not have seen a doctor for a long time and are not taking any preventive measures.

The chicken flock promises a successful end to the business, financial independence and huge profits.

Hunt chicken in a dream, it means that success awaits you in obtaining legal and easy profit.

Sleep and see: a chicken climbed a tree: you will have an unexpected payoff.

Rubber chicken - toy in your dream, this means that you are very ambitious, go straight to your goal and you have all the traits of a leader, you are a bright star. But sometimes you can react to something like a stupid person.

Buy chicken, for example, at a fair: this is good news, which you will receive very soon. The dream in which you eat chicken has the same meaning.

If you dreamed how chicks are born, this is a reminder: your children require more care and attention than they actually receive.

Turns into a chicken in a dream: you will be healthy and happy, people around you will appreciate and respect you in your real life.

Another negative aspect of such dreams appears if you suddenly saw in them black chicken... In life, anything can happen, and a dream suggests that it's time to give up something and sacrifice your own desires and needs.

Perched chicken: joy in business, happiness in love.

Hen's tuft: remorse and fears.

Miller's dream book

You will be busy with family affairs, pleasant meetings with relatives. Comfort and peace will reign in your house.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

means sad news.

White predicts good news.

Brown - promises money.

Clucking promises exciting gossip, and if hens peck means you can go back and start over.

The laying hen indicates prosperity.

Killing a chicken is a prediction of ups and downs.

Psychoanalytically, chickens in a dream can mean accepting the potential for growth. It can also mean a desire to belong to a group, for women it is usually a reflection of her true purpose - motherly love and procreation.

Such a symbol in a dream can also personify such character traits as stupidity and cowardice in a person.

Regardless of what kind of dream you had, whether it was bad or not, you should live with pleasure and notice only positive moments in everything.

Even if the dream is too disturbing and negative, it gives a positive charge to think about the future.

Did you see a chicken in a dream, and you were interested in the meaning of the vision? It is definitely impossible to decipher it. Judge for yourself, because this poultry could appear in a dream alive and well, or in the form of a culinary masterpiece. In addition, you need to remember: how she behaved, what she did. Dream Interpretations in cases with chicken are also advised to pay attention to the day of the week on the eve of which there was a vision.

So, for example, dreamed chickens on the night before Thursday warn of contacts with MS scammers, swindlers, and from Sunday to Monday they promise unfavorable circumstances for business and other affairs of the dreamer. So, why is the chicken dreaming?

A variety of interpretations

If not only a chicken, but also its eggs dreamed, then the dream book predicts the arrival of long-awaited guests or the birth of a desired child. Sometimes eggs are a symbol of nascent plans, hatched by the dreamer, his creative ideas.

But a brood hen is associated with a caring mother who cares too much about her children. Why is fried chicken dreaming? In most dream books, this is a sign that you will have to devote more time to resolving household problems and other family concerns. Grandma's dream book for such a plot gives a clear indication: now is not the time to sell livestock - hurry up to make a deal, then you will regret for a long time, count the losses!

In a dream, did you observe an energetic, well-fed chicken? Then peace, harmony, prosperity will reign in your family. For lonely people, the same picture, according to the dream book, predicts an interesting acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex.

You need to be able to consistently and convincingly defend your own point of view, not succumbing to someone else's influence, this is what boiled chicken dreams of, moreover, cooked by someone else. The vision warns: in the near future there will be tremendous pressure on you, people of authority who are very great, but give up to the last - remember that even the great could be wrong.

A company consisting of chickens and a rooster manages to be seen in a dream by a lucky man who very soon will receive unexpected profits. But the dream book gives advice: do not tell anyone about the source of income. If you keep your mouth shut, there is simply no strength, then share the secret of enrichment with your most devoted friend. If necessary, he will tell you a way out of a difficult situation.

A couple of a cock and a hen in night dreams is a sign of harmony and happiness in the dreamer's personal life, in which there is no place for quarrels, boredom, or satiety with a partner.

Did you see a raw chicken carcass in a dream? You are too anxious, tense. The reason is dissatisfaction with oneself, self-criticism. The dream book believes that endless self-flagellation will not bring positive results, but, on the contrary, will destroy your psyche, lower self-esteem. Do not think badly of yourself, there are many who want to criticize you on the side. And also pay more attention to your health, adhere to safety rules.

Is there a cause for concern?

Miller explains in an interesting way: what is the dream of a chicken, whose clucking and behavior resemble speech, the manners of someone from real acquaintances. The seer believes that in communicating with this person in reality, one must be careful: you cannot take his word for it, rely on his conclusions, judgments. This character is devoid of objectivity and foresight, delicacy.

According to Medea's dream book, a great omen is a white chicken. This is a symbol of success. Moreover, it is in that area of ​​the dreamer's efforts that is most important for him or causes excitement in the present period.

There is a reason to call your parents and patiently listen to their advice, this is what a chicken and chickens dreamed of. The closest relatives worry about the sleeping person, believing that his actions and decisions are wrong. Try to calm them down, dispel doubts, patiently present your reasons to them. This will allow you to maintain good family relationships and preserve the nervous system of the people most dear to you.

In the dream, you did not notice either the hen or the poulard, but you clearly heard that she was cackling? The dream interpretation warns: behind your back, a certain evil personality spreads nasty rumors. In order not to give her a reason for another portion of defamatory fables, behave twice as carefully as usual.

In the coming days, there will be a lot of excitement, this is what the black chicken dreams of! The need to make a difficult, important decision will become a cause for concern. Try to soberly assess the situation by analyzing the possible consequences and losses, which, alas, will be inevitable in any case. Do not let outsiders rush you, exert moral pressure when solving this dilemma, the dream book suggests.

But a dead chicken in a dream signals that an ill-wisher is hiding nearby. It's a shame, but this insidious person will be able to inflict tangible harm on the dreamer. The worst thing is to guess whose hands it will be impossible. And the spiteful critic, after waiting a little, will again try to strike.

News and joy

A plucked chicken prepared for broth, seen in a dream, characterizes the sleeping person as a person capable of appreciating the results of their efforts and rejoicing in the smallest achievements. Such an attitude to one's work is commendable, and, as noted, accompanies success and luck.

Going to the chicken coop to slaughter a chicken for dinner is a dream that foreshadows some important news. Unfortunately, the dream book does not indicate whether it will be joyful or sad. But much depends on how the dreamer will be able to dispose of the information received. Sometimes even negative predictions can be turned in your favor. Dreamed of boiled chicken? Perhaps you are tired, and overexertion makes itself felt with headaches, weakness, apathy. Take time for a good rest, and for the sake of prevention, visit a doctor, he will tell you what drugs can be taken to maintain tone.

A lot of chickens, as the dream book says, portend additional sources of income, and replenishment of the personal treasury. True, there is one more explanation for this vision: guests will come to the dreamer. He, of course, will be delighted, but as the owner he will be forced to provide them with everything they need, come up with a cultural program, in a word, the hassle will increase.

A dead chicken in a midnight slumber is a clue. In your search for a like-minded person, an assistant, you placed your bet on the wrong person, clearly overestimating his capabilities. Before it's too late, delicately refuse to cooperate with him, otherwise you will have to support and even sponsor his endeavors.

The bosses will appreciate your diligence, colleagues will recognize you as a master of their craft, you will receive an offer to take a higher-paid vacancy, this is what the fried chicken dreamed about.

But if, according to the plot, you yourself stood at the stove, cooked grilled chicken, then the meaning of the dream changes noticeably. The dream book promises you a wonderful party in the company of friends. However, it is you who will have to organize it? Purchase food, set the table, clean up, wash dishes.

"Golden" eggs

Why did you dream about how a chicken laid an egg? The dream book reminds of the well-known proverb: an egg is dear to Christ's day. This means that a brilliant idea will visit you in time, which will help to solve many pressing material problems.

In your dream, a chicken busily pecked grains? Then everything is fine with you. But if the bird tried to peck you, then remember the delicacy and restraint: rash, harsh statements will provoke a negative reaction from others against you. A successful marriage, this is what a woman dreamed of, like a chicken pecking grains. For everyone else, this dream promises a stable financial situation.

The modern dream book assures that a chicken in night vision is a harbinger of a sharp change in the weather. Therefore, on a fine morning, when leaving the house, do not forget to take an umbrella. Are you not going to leave your home? Then you have to do a big wash, that's what this dream still has.

A frozen chicken carcass in a dream is identified with the fatigue of the sleeper. He is already on the verge of despair, as he has exhausted all his physical and moral resources, permanently overcoming obstacles and obstacles. In addition, his plans are constantly disrupted by sudden circumstances or the intervention of outsiders. You need to endure quite a bit, the dream book soothes, all these vicissitudes are nearing completion.

Had a dream that you were studying a cookbook, looking for an original recipe for making a chicken in order to please and surprise your household, or a group of friends? The dream interpretation believes that this plot falls out to a person who must find like-minded people to implement his grandiose plans, or carefully look at applicants for the role of assistants in a responsible project.

Fortune favors you

You will be surprised at how courteous, attentive and supportive everyone will be, after waking up from a dream in which you happened to feed the inhabitants of the poultry yard. And the dream book does not exclude the possibility of a great surprise or an expensive gift.

Plucked chicken in a dream, this is an advice to thoroughly clean the feathers, as a grand party is coming. It may happen that guests will suddenly appear on your doorstep, so you need to get yourself in shape in advance. If in the course of the plot you plucked the carcass, and the feathers and down flew to the sides, then the dream book predicts the fulfillment of the most cherished desire. And such a vision is also a sign of good luck in all kinds of gambling enterprises, for example, in lotteries.

While sleeping, admiring the beautiful, even eggs that had just been demolished by a brood hen? According to the dream book, this picture falls on the eve of an unexpected gift of fate - a big win, a rich inheritance, wonderful news.

Did you catch a nimble chicken in a dream? Then, starting any serious matter in reality, find yourself assistants and associates in advance - you cannot cope alone, this is the recommendation of the dream book, which also says that people will readily meet you halfway.

Sleep, but thinking about buying a chicken? Then, upon waking up, conduct an audit of the provisions, it may be time to stock up on supplies by making a trip to a large supermarket.

Direct associative connection between events in reality by a vision of a headless chicken. The dream book reminds: before you act, you need to think. Frivolous behavior, spontaneous actions will only lead to troubles, troubles.

In a dream, you were surprised at your bloodthirstiness, because you found a knife in order to slaughter poultry? Do not worry, in fact you are not distinguished by cruelty, but you have a lot of envious people and enemies who are waiting for an opportunity to harm you.

In the Italian dream book, this plot is interpreted differently. It turns out that by butchering a chicken in a dream, you thus give freedom to your primitive instincts.

Vanga, in his dream book, describes a vision of a lonely chicken walking. According to the seer, this is a sign that a person who has observed such a dream will soon have a daughter. If such a row, alas, is unlikely, then a distant relative will come to the sleeping man's house, acquaintance and communication with whom will be pleasant.

Implementation of ideas will require strength and patience, which is why you had to cook chicken in a dream. The dream book calms you down, your efforts and diligence will be generously rewarded in the end, and you can rightfully be proud of the results of your work.

The literal interpretation of the vision that you ate chicken. The dream interpretation explains: if the poultry meat was tasty, then you are guaranteed a measured, secured life, hard pieces predict hardships for the dreamer. Got some bones? Losses are inevitable. Features of chicken physiology - even if the bird's head is cut off, it can run for a few more seconds. Have you seen such horror? The dream book notes that the timing of your plans will be significantly adjusted due to the fault of third parties.

Taste and color

Fresh, raw chicken in a dream portends an excellent, good mood, success. But the smelly meat should make the dreamer think about his own health.

In a dream, a chicken pecked you painfully: the dream book reminds you that the word is not a sparrow, which means: you do not need to give harsh assessments to others, enter into arguments with them, participate in squabbles.

A mysterious, fantastic omen in the vision of a smoked chicken. The dream interpretation does not exclude the possibility that someone resorted to the powers of black magic, trying to bewitch, bewitch the sleeping person.

Red hen sleep with a feminine principle. It can be interpreted in various ways, recalling how someone (or the dreamer herself) was a young, funny girl, then turned into a sexy lady and at the same time a wonderful hostess. If this is a man's vision, then this is a signal - a woman occupying his thoughts at this moment needs help.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 02/28/2019

Dreams that appear from Wednesday to Thursday are of great importance. Chances are high that this particular night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem, ...