If a witch is dreaming in a dream. Dream Interpretation: an old, young, evil or good witch. Full interpretation of the Witch's dream

In a number of difficult life situations, some people resort to the help of otherworldly forces. They believe that the sorceress is able to return their lost love, calmness, cheerfulness. But, the description of what the old fortuneteller dreams of is somewhat different. The autumn dream book is convinced that an ugly old woman is a sign that you need to pay special attention to your appearance. Especially if in a dream she was both ugly and untidy.

Adventures and disappointments

Seeing in a dream, an old evil sorceress - to adventures that will end very badly for you. An evil old witch is a sign that you should not get involved in dubious matters, otherwise many problems will arise in life. The universal dream book recommends not to succumb to the persuasion of friends, but to think with your own head.

Did you dream that an unpleasant evil witch hits you in the face and attacks you? Get ready for mental anguish and experiences. There is another version of the explanation of what the witch is dreaming of. Veles, in his interpreter, believes that this dream is a sign of impending family problems. Dream Interpretation of Veles is convinced that it is also worth being on the alert and in the service.

Fate will change

Seeing in a dream how a sorceress performs her rite on you - to interfere in your life by some fairly influential person. If you dreamed that the witch scared you, it means that this stranger will try to ruin your affairs. Enlist the support of loyal allies in advance to protect yourself from the enemy.

The wanderer describes in sufficient detail what the good witch who heals is dreaming of. Seeing a good-natured witch in a dream is a good omen. If you had a similar dream, then all the troubles that are currently available and weigh on the soul will be successfully resolved. A happy and incredibly calm period will finally come in your life. There will be no difficulties left, and only those people will remain nearby whose devotion you can count on until the end of your days.

Predictions from Miller's dream book

If in a dream a sorceress brews a fetid potion in her large cauldron and then forces you to drink it, then in reality you should not succumb to the provocations of outsiders. If a witch conjures a child, then a completely new stage will begin in life. Miller's dream book believes that if the old woman conjures over her lover, then a lot of understatement will appear in the relationship.

Miller's dream book is convinced that seeing an embittered old witch in a dream is an extremely negative sign. This means that the coming months will be very difficult. There is a clear explanation of what the witch is dreaming of. Problems at work, in the family, in personal life will pile up. How you deal with them depends on the circumstances and on the firmness of character.

Several other predictions

What the prediction will be depends largely on you personally. In different dream books, the same dream is explained in different ways. Choose and sincerely believe in the interpretation of sleep that brings faith in a better, happier life, and then it will surely come true.

More N.V. Gogol wrote in his work "Viy" that "all women are witches." Whether the classic was wrong or not, let him remain a mystery. Is there anything more mysterious in a person's life than dreams? Let's see what happens when these incomprehensible representatives of the female tribe - witches appear in our dreams.

World dream books about dreams in which a witch appeared

Most people at the word "witch" experience negative emotions. Still would! For generations, only the negative meaning of the word has been cultivated. However, is it always necessary to be afraid of the dreaming sorceress and what the guests from Bald Mountain promise us. Many dream books offer interpretations that often contradict each other:

  • Miller's popular dream book interprets a dream with a witch as the likelihood of dangerous adventures, "bad" fun and the desire for a wild life. As life experience shows, this does not lead to good;
  • Wangi's dream book: a dreaming witch - you are faced with a choice. Perhaps you are determined with further life goals. Or try to gain control over your desires and actions.
  • Freud's dream book promises a person who saw a sorceress in a dream the possibility of a romantic relationship with a partner who did not take you seriously before;
  • the eastern dream book emphasizes with the help of such a vision your penchant for adventures;
  • in the Modern Dream Book, the appearance of a witch in a dream - to impending danger, illness or depression;
  • Grishina's dream book: if in a dream you met a witch at a crossroads - to make an important decision in reality;
  • Tarot dream book: a witch in a dream - to the danger of being in a sect.

A witch in a dream is an important symbolic image

Interpretation of a dream depending on the gender and age of the dreamer

When choosing the correct interpretation of sleep, you need to remember the nuances of vision. A dream about a witch or a sorceress is interpreted differently for men and women.

The meaning of sleep for a man

If a young and attractive witch dreams of a man, then this is a hint of a possible cooling of relations between spouses. And the old untidy hag portends problems in commercial affairs and conflicts with relatives. I dreamed of a dead witch - this is a warning about the disorder of choice in personal life. Flying on a broom along with the witch indicates to the stronger sex the manipulations by the woman.

The meaning of sleep for women and girls

The interpretation of a dream about a witch for girls is no less interesting and controversial. One of the key meanings here is the decline in all spheres of life and fatigue with everyday problems.

If a young woman sees in a dream a witch dressed in bright, colorful clothes, this means the beginning of a new romance, which is unlikely to last long.

One of the interpretations that refers to the image of a witch is the awakening of natural forces, the Mother archetype and, possibly, the birth of a child. Flying on a broomstick in many dream books predicts a quick marriage for girls, and for adult women - the marriage of their daughter. For a pregnant girl, a dream with a witch does not bode well: you need to take care of your health more and try not to communicate with new people.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the dreamer's actions and ongoing events

The interpretation of dreams about a witch is based on the actions of the dreamer himself and the dreaming witch.

witch attacks

If in a dream you are experiencing an attack by an evil sorceress, this directly indicates difficulties and conflicts that should have been resolved long ago. But, on the other hand, a dream warns against excessive concentration of attention on one's difficulties. Do not dramatize them, and then everything will work out.

Fight the witch, drive away, kill

If you fought with the attacking sorceress and even killed her, expect changes as abrupt as how serious the fight was. If you cannot boast of good health and great business success, then congratulations - a witch killed in a dream portends an improvement in your situation. If everything is going well in your life, then the sorceress defeated in a dream promises envy from others and many small problems.

If in a dream you enter into a fight with a witch and (or) drive her away, then, according to the interpretation of most dream books, to make the right decision in matters and problems related to the business and commercial spheres.

Sabbath in a dream

Interesting interpretations are given by various dream books to a dream about a coven of witches and sorcerers. According to Carlos Castaneda, a gathering of witches in a dream indicates the ability of the magician to use the lower energy centers and symbolizes the harmonization of energy flows. Perhaps such a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's desire to know his "I".

Leiman's dream interpretation interprets the dream of the coven as a desire to go beyond previous ideas, the desire for new horizons.

Witching coven in a dream - the desire to learn something new in reality

What does a witch look like in a dream

Dreams are a bizarre phenomenon and beyond the control of the mind. Despite stereotypes about the witch as a black symbol, she does not always seek to harm.

Dreaming of a black old witch or a kind, young witch

  1. If in a dream a black witch helps you with her charms, then such help will negatively affect reality. This dream is a warning: be careful, do not trust the first person you meet.
  2. An unpleasant and old woman who fiddles with decoctions and herbs speaks of possible conflicts in the family. Not the last role in them will be played by jealousy.
  3. But the dream about the help of a good witch is likely to be repeated in real life. You will receive support from a wise woman. A dream about a young and attractive witch has a similar interpretation. In addition, it promises meeting new and interesting people, the emergence of wonderful professional prospects. Even the beginning of a new novel is mentioned.

Witch on a broomstick

Remember Bulgakov's Hella and Margarita? How did they famously dissect on broomsticks in the night sky? So, let witch brooms remain in novels. Because having a dream about you, they can bring about a meeting with an unpleasant person who will bring a lot of minor troubles into your life.

Are you afraid of nightmares? Nightmares are dreams associated with terrible and frightening events, characters, phenomena.

Such dreams always leave an unpleasant aftertaste on the heart, excite and make you worry. But it would be most reasonable not to worry in vain, but to calm your nerves, relax, and check - what does such a dream mean?

After all, it is known that very often terrible dreams dream for good, for joy, for positive changes. So, who can know, maybe the happiness of a lifetime awaits you?

Witches and sorceresses are ancient characters, they were described in ancient books on demonology, bestiaries and myths. But witches were not always considered evil and harmful - this word itself comes from “to know”, that is, = to know the truth, to have rare secret knowledge. Is it worth being afraid of such a guest?

Of course, in a dream she could even take on a very frightening appearance, but do not be afraid, be sober - this is just a sign. What he says, what the witch is dreaming of, the interpreter will tell.

Only in order to get a reliable answer that will help you get what you want in real life and avoid problems, you should carefully interpret the dream, do not forget the details and not confuse anything.

Variants of "witch" dreams are very different:

  • You just saw a witch in a dream.
  • A young witch or sorceress looked into a dream.
  • An old, ancient witch in dreams.
  • She had a terrible, repulsive, ugly appearance.
  • A very beautiful witch or sorceress.
  • She prepares a brew, a potion in a cauldron.
  • Collects magical herbs in the forest or in the field.
  • You saw a lot of witches, or even a coven.
  • They approach you or surround you.
  • You met a sorceress in a dream.
  • The evil sorceress attacks you, rushes.
  • In your dreams, you were very afraid of this guest, you were afraid of her.
  • We were in that role ourselves.
  • Fought with her.

These are all unique, most interesting dreams, and although they are scary, they are of great value. Not everyone has to meet a witch in dreams!

The sorceress can be a symbol of danger, can indicate the dreamer's hidden mystical potential and spiritual powers, or can warn of the danger of going astray from the right and bright path. Let's explain what the witch is dreaming of - a rare, unusual character and definitely promising something significant in reality.

I dreamed of a witch ...

Suppose you dreamed of this person only from the outside, like a vision - while there was no interaction between you. If so, remember the details - what exactly she was, what she did - in general, all the nuances that were in the dream.

1. As the dream book indicates, a witch in dreams is a symbol of adventures and adventures. And what! You will get involved in something unforgettable, non-standard, even a little dangerous or risky, and you will be guided by an irresistible desire to experience the thrill.

Be careful - there is a chance of being left with disappointment or making trouble, so control the situation!

2. The mystical dream in which the witch turned out to be relatively young speaks of important things. Your spiritual forces are not fully controlled, you do not control your forces (and they are great).

In addition, you are probably overly self-absorbed, and do not control and do not notice the events around you. In general, after such a vision, it is worth thinking carefully.

3. It is curious what the old, ancient witch dreams of, such a classic, generally accepted image of Yaga. This is a serious dream. It points to your powerful mystical potential - there is a huge amount of energy in your soul, and you can use it creatively!

4. An eerie dream where a terrible, ugly sorceress met is also an important piece of advice. The dream interpretation says that you should think more about the good, not hold a grudge against the people around you, forgive and let go of the bad.

Learn this skill! Otherwise, anger will harm you and you will not be happy.

5. The enchantress of unearthly, mystical beauty is a direct indication of your hidden powers. You are strong! Know it. Now is the heyday of your hidden potential, use it, apply it - but only in a creative way.

6. A dream in which a witch prepares a witch's potion, cooks something in a cauldron - this is an important piece of advice. The interpreter says that in this case the dreamer accumulates evil in himself, remembers all the insults and petty squabbles, and cannot let it go.

It destroys you terribly from the inside - stop accumulating negativity! Forgive people and forget unpleasant situations.

7. If in a dream a herbalist sorceress collects various magical plants, soon you will feel calm, fearless to life, and even a share of indifference. This is a good state, if in moderation - if it does not turn into complete indifference to everything in general.

8. Many witches in a dream are a sign of imminent unforgettable adventures and vivid experiences. Some unforgettable event awaits you in reality, but behave with dignity and do not take risks!

direct contact

It is curious and useful to know what the witch is dreaming of - in a dream, where she not only appeared and appeared, but also came into contact with the dreamer. Here the very meaning and sensations of sleep change - and the meaning can be very unexpected.

Here it is important to consider and remember not only her appearance, but more importantly - the actions, both witches and yours.

1. If in a dream a whole gang of witches approaches you, or even they surround you, do not be afraid. This dream says that you are too serious about simple everyday chores.

There are no problems, but the troubles are solved - take them easier. If worries are solved easily and playfully, then they will disappear quickly and almost imperceptibly.

2. A dream where you met a sorceress on your way portends you some important decision that you have to make.. It may seem simple and insignificant to you, but take this decision seriously, it will be extremely important in the future.

3. If an evil witch attacks you in your dreams, in reality your affairs and business will undergo some trials and difficulties. You should get together and overcome all this without fear and without giving up.

Difficulties are given in order to be active, learn and gain experience - treat the problems in this way, and do not complain about fate. Everything will be decided and you will succeed, just work with optimism and calm, positive self-confidence.

4. If in a dream you were very afraid of the sorceress, experienced real fear or fright - be careful. Such a dream portends adventures, bright events or some kind of adventure, something so unusual and intriguing that you want to take part in.

But this event will leave its mark - and a very unpleasant one, so you better think about whether it is worth participating in it? Maybe it's better not to risk it?

Moreover, as the dream book says, you will not get the emotions you expect - and you will be disappointed. Better just give up on this venture, and you will not regret it.

5. I wonder if you yourself were a witch in a dream. This indicates your hidden powers that you are not using. It's time to apply your talents, use your strong potential - maybe change jobs, or take your hobbies more seriously, turning them into a business ...

6. If you fought with a witch in a dream, an internal struggle between dark and light is taking place in you. Let the light and goodness win - so you will be happy!

A “witchy” dream - although it can be scary, it is still interesting and unusual. Take the advice of the dream book very seriously - and make the right decision, in the direction of good and light.

This is guaranteed to lead you to absolute harmony with yourself and the world, and real, bright happiness in life! Author: Vasilina Serova

If you dream of witches, along with other people, most likely from your environment, you want to take part in adventures, have fun and have fun, but these desires of yours can turn against you: you will be humiliated or disappointed.

If witches attack you in your dream, you should take a closer look at your current affairs: there is a possibility that there will be a gap in the commercial sphere, however, other things will not go so well. Household chores can also be frustrating.

Loff's dream book

In fact, it is not so uncommon to meet in your dream with a representative of the conjuring brethren or become the owner of magical spells in the course of a dream. According to the plots of dreams based on the occult, you find your personal, even exclusive things and endow them with special magical powers in a dream. They seem to entrust their power to you and allow you to use it against other people. Although it could be the other way around. It is important in such a dream to understand exactly who the occult person is: you or someone else?

It also matters how magical powers are used. If it is you who use them against other people or creatures, then you will probably feel some resentment that your opponents have an unfair advantage, and you strive to ensure that you have the same chances in a competition, battle, playing party. On the other hand, such a dream may also indicate your desire to show yourself, to demonstrate all your talents, capabilities, power, and power. Another reason explaining the plot of the dream may be hiding in your constraint. You do not give vent to feelings that just want to break out. For example, anger, or aggression, discontent or claims. The fourth option, which characterizes you according to the plot of sleep, boils down to the fact that you simply want to make someone fall in love with you, bewitch with romance. In a dream, you will probably direct your magical power at a man you do not know. However, in reality, someone you know, or even your subconscious self, may be hiding behind a stranger. If, on the contrary, someone uses his charms against you, then most likely you think that this person influences you, your life, or weaves intrigues behind your back.

And one more question that you need to ask yourself during the analysis of a dream: when in your dream you or an outsider try to use magic, magical abilities, what is the result of these steps: are spells successful, or magic is powerless?

Dream Interpretation of Khamidova

If in a dream you met a witch, then you will be in search of something that can cheer you up, including meeting new interesting personalities. Well ... it may also turn out that the pleasures will not bring proper satisfaction, and you will experience disappointment. Moreover, newfound friends and suitors may not pass the test of decency.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A witch in a dream portends the appearance of an insidious woman in your life. If you dreamed of an ugly witch, be prepared for the fact that you will have to be in the heart of a scandal. If in a dream a witch touches you, be ready: they may think of slandering you.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

The appearance of a witch in a dream can be taken as a warning: the desire for all sorts of adventures and the desire for entertainment in the company of people from your environment can turn against you. Situations may arise in which you will be humiliated or offended. Either way, you will be disappointed. Did you dream that a witch attacked you? Will you be frustrated by business affairs or household chores?

Dream Interpretation of Azar

A witch can dream of as a warning sign: you are in danger or in danger.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The witch personifies everything negative in the female essence. This is the "old woman" - a witch, and a seductive red-haired beauty, bewitching everything around.

Correct dream book

To see a witch in a dream is to be ready to take part in an adventurous enterprise. However, beware of the initial attraction of such an idea, you will probably regret it later. If in a dream witches come closer to you, then an unsuccessful period will come in your affairs, not to mention

Dreams are a magical world where fairy tales come to life. Dragons, ancient warriors, fantastic animals appear before us as if alive. The world of majestic queens, wise wizards and dark witches opens up.

A sorceress in a dream can be absolutely anything: a red-haired beast brewing another potion in a cauldron, or a witch waving a broomstick, or a pretty grandmother looking out of a gingerbread house. But no matter how this woman looks, she still remains a witch.

Many such dreams are frightening, some even believe that they have been spoiled or the evil eye. But if we turn to ancient knowledge, we will understand that a witch is a knowing woman, that is, a woman with secret, sacred knowledge. From time immemorial, witches have been turned to as ancient oracles to find out both their past and their future.

If you are worried about what the witch is dreaming of, then be calm. If you look into the dream book, the witch is a symbol of the knowledge that will be revealed to you, so try to write down the whole dream so as not to miss anything. A sorceress in a dream can either do something important and symbolic, or speak. Moreover, you may dream of a witch in different guises, so be attentive to everything.

  • Age.
  • Appearance.
  • At home or in the woods?
  • Brewed a potion or guessed?
  • Your actions.

What was the witch?

To understand why a witch is dreaming, it is important, firstly, to determine the age. Of course, it is not always possible to determine this “by eye”, but it is worth trying.

  • So, the young sorceress dreams as a harbinger of pleasant meetings. Interesting acquaintances and pleasant company are provided to you.
  • The middle-aged sorceress speaks of the appearance of a fan.
  • If you dreamed of a witch in years, then this is a symbol of your wisdom. It's time for you to learn how to use the knowledge you have.

If you dream of an evil, grouchy, scary witch with a long, hooked nose, then this speaks of your inner beauty. You have a natural charm, which will soon begin to manifest itself more and more.

A mysterious witch in a pointed hat is a symbol of a rival. There is a woman in your environment who has long been claiming your place. Do not be afraid of her, but try to gently and gradually reduce the number of contacts with her. A kind sorceress in white clothes is a symbol of your inner purity. Try to develop all your positive qualities. Also, such a vision may indicate that you have extrasensory abilities.

A seemingly pleasant woman, neat and tidy, sitting at the door of a gingerbread house, means that there is a person next to you who is actually your ill-wisher. He is a subtle psychologist and a very good flatterer. Communication with this person will not lead to anything good, so you should keep your contacts with him to a minimum.

A bright red-haired, laughing plump witch dreams on the eve of celebrations. You will have fun, where you will eat delicious food and drink sparkling drinks. You will have a wonderful time!

A naked sorceress at Satan's ball suggests that interesting love adventures await you. You will meet a passionate and restless man. If a man dreams of a witch, then such a vision promises him a meeting with a dream. A real woman will come into his life, capable of being both a friendly hostess and a real enchantress.

To see the witch in - to a meeting with an old acquaintance. This will be a random meeting, after which you will have high spirits. To see a witch in oneself - to a meeting with oneself. Soon you will learn a lot about yourself. You will find yourself in a situation in which you will show both your positive and negative traits.

To be in the house of the sorceress herself - to meet a wise and very perspicacious woman. She will share her experience and knowledge with you. All her advice will help you a lot in communicating with the opposite sex. Seeing a witch in a dream, cackling, dashing, flying on a broom - to the news from afar. The news that you have been waiting for so long will be received. Also, such a dream speaks of unforeseen and amazing events that await you.

What did she do?

To understand what a witch dreams of in a dream, you need to pay attention to what she does, because each of her actions has its own meaning and interpretation. If the witch conjured, threw something into the cauldron and cast spells, then you will have great luck. Now it is still difficult for you to imagine what awaits you, but believe me, there will be no limit to your delight.

  • If an evil sorceress attacks you, then you are guilty somewhere. Retribution will not be long in coming. To avoid consequences, it is better to correct what you have done.
  • If a witch attacks your friends, they will soon need your help.
  • And if the witch attacks your enemies, then they will have a hard time.

If the witch spoke or, then wait for the guests. But if she stuck it under the threshold or into a doll, it means to be in a quarrel with a loved one. To see how the sorceress guesses on cards or on runes is a change in life. Moreover, all the changes will mainly be related to your personal life and your place of residence.

If the witch persuaded you to eat something, looked you straight in the eyes and smiled, then betrayal awaits you. Someone wants to set you up and move up the career ladder at your expense. To avoid this, do not share your plans with anyone.

If the witch just looked at you and was silent, but you felt an unpleasant chill on your skin, then you offended someone very much. Apologize to this person, as he is very worried.

If in your vision the old witch was flying in a mortar or in a cauldron, then urgent matters will overtake you. Expect trouble, worries and fuss, the only good thing is that all this confusion will end quickly. If the sorceress tried to kill you, then you should postpone your trips and travels. Reschedule your vacation for another time.

your behavior

If you were numb with fear, could not move, and instead of screaming, you emitted only a strangled wheeze, then you are tormenting yourself too much with unnecessary thoughts. You have brought yourself to a state of nervous exhaustion, so try to relax and not be alone, solitude at the moment only hurts you.

If you, too, were a witch and felt quite comfortable, then soon you will meet a kindred spirit. You will have a girlfriend who will fully share all your interests and hobbies.

Trying to kill a witch is a battle in real life. Only this battle will not be physical, but moral. You will be tested, morally put pressure on you - do not give in and do not resist, be flexible and independent, like water.

If you managed to kill the witch, then you can be congratulated: you can easily overcome all hardships. There is nothing that could prevent you from realizing your plans.

Witches, witches, sorceresses - all these are mysterious and mysterious women. Knowing what the witch is dreaming of, you understand how to proceed further, which step is justified, and what should be abandoned. Be true to yourself and your heart, and then nothing will stand in your way.