Is there a real way to increase. How to enlarge your penis at home: simple exercises. How to enlarge a member at home, can it be done? Should you resort to penis resizing?

Even men with a large size of dignity ask the question "how to increase the length of the penis?" It is rather a matter of aesthetics, taste, personal preference. Today, medicine in the arsenal has several methods of penis enlargement, the best of them we will consider in this article.

Do I need to increase my penis size?

First, the situation does not always require correction. If your penis seems small, just take measurements. Pathology is rare when specialists agree with a man. This is called a micropenis, that is, in an erect state, male dignity does not exceed 8 cm. If the length is from 10 to 15 cm, then this is quite acceptable. Sometimes a man wants to enlarge his penis, as he looks small in a calm state. But the initial length and width of the organ does not in any way affect its size in an excited state. But a man wants his penis to stand out not only in bed, but also in the sauna, dressing room, toilet, when he is in the company of other men.

Secondly, most men who want to go under the knife to enlarge their penis may experience dysmorphia. That is, his body does not seem to be what it really is. This happens with anorexia, when a too thin patient thinks that he still has extra pounds. A man with a normal penis who decides to enlarge it is more likely to be helped by a psychiatrist rather than a surgeon.

Non-operative penis enlargement

If you have not left the idea of \u200b\u200bpenis enlargement yet, then read on for more accessible and non-traumatic methods:

  1. Vacuum pump. A vacuum is created in a special pump, due to which the blood flow increases dramatically and the penis becomes larger than before. And in order to prevent the reverse flow of blood, to maintain the obtained size, simply squeeze the penis at the base with a special ring. This method is used for, but its disadvantage is that the effect is temporary. When the action is over, your organ will return to its original size. There are also negative consequences here: abscesses, bruises, impotence, damaged blood vessels, loss of skin color and thickness. It simply becomes thinner. The pinch ring can only be worn for a maximum of 30 minutes, otherwise tissue death may occur.
  2. Exercises and other techniques. How to enlarge your penis while at home? There are different techniques, exercises that, when performed for a long time, help to cope with the complex of a small penis. For example, ancient Arabic. It is based on daily kneading of the penis, its pulling. Gradually, you increase the massage time to a blissful 30 minutes, but in no case allowing yourself to reach orgasm. As soon as you feel that he is approaching, take a break. How does a member grow in this case? It is believed that a constant microtrauma, that is, a dosed load, leads to tearing of the tissues of the penis, the proliferation of new cells, and an increase in the corpora cavernosa. A man is required to be careful, precise in his actions, to change hands, since any increase in the load on one side of the penis leads to its curvature and further complications.

How to Increase Penis Length - Traditional Medicine

Increasing the size of the penis has become relevant, so medicine has developed several methods that will help increase the length and width of this organ.


An excellent procedure, especially if you are thinking about how to increase your penis in width. A bloodless method, which is based on the introduction of only its own cells into the body of the penis.

During the manipulation, fat from any part of the body is pumped out with a special thick hollow needle and pumped into the penis. Due to this, additional volume is formed, the width of the penis.

The intake of adipose tissue is painless, since a cannula with a rounded end is used. That is, when injected, it does not injure the nerves and blood vessels, but simply pushes them apart, the fat cells are sucked into the syringe using a vacuum. The consequences almost never happen, since the adipose tissue belongs to the patient, there is no rejection. Instead of it, hyaluronic acid is sometimes used, but the effect is enough for a year, the procedure has to be repeated.

Is it possible to increase the size of the penis for a long time?

In the well-known practice of the surgeon, there are several ways: dissection of the ligament, which is located in the pubic region, pulling part of the penis out of the pubic region. This part of the organ is hidden before the operation. The surgeon fixes the muscle, performs plastic surgery of the pubic area. Do not expect that after such procedures it will immediately increase by 10 cm. The most effective is an increase in the organ by 5 cm. If, nevertheless, this result seems small, the surgeon will give you recommendations on how to increase the size of the penis, following which you can add 1 2 cm at home.

Indications for a prompt resolution of the issue

For the operation, not only the patient's desire is important, but also the initial size of the penis:

  1. When the penis is less than 9 cm, that is, the specialist deals with underdevelopment of the penis, when every millimeter is important.
  2. With a length of about 12 cm, the operation is performed simply to improve the size and achieve a pronounced result.
  3. With a length of more than 12 cm, the operation will already be complementary.

After surgery, you should refrain from sex. The timing depends on the type of surgery. For example, with penis lengthening for at least 3 weeks of strict regimen, with increasing width - 4 weeks, and if operations were combined, then at least 1.5 months.

If you are not too worried about the size of the penis, you are a supporter of everything natural, then give it a try. It is based on herbal ingredients that do not have an irritating effect. The cream is applied twice a day, rubbed in with massage movements. According to the manufacturers, it not only promotes the growth of the penis, but also prolongs sexual intercourse, makes an erection bright, persistent, long-lasting. If you do not feel pleasure from sex, ejaculation has become premature, erection has weakened, then Penon penon enlargement cream is what you need. You can buy the drug on our website, the price corresponds to the quality, and one tube is enough for 1.5-2 months.

There are many ways to enlarge the penis. After a detailed consultation with specialists, perhaps even with a psychologist, you can choose the most suitable method for you.

Not every man admits this even to himself, but secretly many consider their genitals unworthy of large. In principle, these experiences are in vain today.

One of the problems men face is the curvature of the penis. It happens both as a congenital defect and acquired, resulting from the improper development of the corpora cavernosa. To make it clear to everyone - a little anatomy: the male genital organ consists of two identical cavernous bodies, which at the moment of excitement are filled with blood. If one of these bodies for some reason turns out to be shorter than the other, then the genital organ in an erect (excited) state either bends or twists. Naturally, this complicates the man's intimate life. Sometimes the curvature is not so significant, but it is still unpleasant. To eliminate such defects, the surgeon makes an incision under the head of the penis, corrects the position of the corpus cavernosum - and a day after the operation, such a patient is discharged from the hospital.

More complex surgeries have to be performed on older men with Peyronie's disease. (Peyronie is the name of the American scientist who first described this disease). With age, in some men, cicatricial plaques form on the corpora cavernosa, due to which the penis becomes crooked in an erect state. Sometimes to the side, but more often up, sometimes even at an angle of 90 degrees. In the initial stage of the disease, the curvature goes very quickly. This is the best time for an operation to remove plaque - fibroplastic induration.

However, men are sometimes worried not only about genital defects, but also about their size. Some would like to increase them. And although not everyone admits this even to themselves, secretly many consider their genitals unworthy of large. In principle, these experiences are in vain. Approximately 75% of Europeans are of normal size: in an excited state - from 13 to 18 cm.The largest is found in only one person in ten, small (10-12 cm long) - in 10% of men, and less than 10 cm - microphalluses - only five%. Of course, such organs greatly upset their owners, and they dream of enlarging them.

However, many middle peasants would like to add a few centimeters. Considering their genital organ is not large enough, some are ashamed to go to the bathhouse, because it seems to him that other men are mockingly looking at him. On the beach he covers his swimming trunks with a towel Sometimes he avoids contact with the woman he likes, fearing to disappoint her. Although, according to sexologists, the physiology of women is such that for most of them (with the exception of 5%) the size of the male genital organ is not so important. And as psychiatrists sometimes joke, men who are trying to enlarge their reproductive organs have disorder not in their penises, but in their heads. And yet...

In medicine, there are different approaches to changing the size of the penis. One of them is conservative, when they do without surgery. The fact is that the male genital organ can be made to grow even in adulthood. Doctors now have a device at their disposal that lengthens the penis using traction. It was developed by the Danish scientist Jorn Egg Sian. It is called according to the first letters of the Dane's name - Dzhesextender or Jess-expander. The method is based on the ability of tissue cells of the human body to multiply in response to the application of physical force to them. The device consists of a plastic ring and two metal rods attached to it with springs hidden inside. The ring is put on the base of the penis and the springs constantly press on it, exerting a certain physical load, under the influence of which the cells of the penis tissues multiply, and it becomes longer without losing volume. You need to wear the extender for at least 12 hours a day. It is better to shoot at night. For a month, the genital organ grows by about half a centimeter, and by the end of the third month - by almost three.

A more significant effect can be achieved by combining the long-term use of the Jess-extender (within a year) with surgery. The operation, in principle, is not difficult: the surgeon makes an incision in the pubis above the penis, and since some of it is hidden, the doctor pulls it out from the inside out. Everything heals very quickly.

The second stage of the operation - if you need a thickening of the penis in diameter For this, men use their own fabrics. They are excised from the gluteal tissues, from the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, from the subscapularis musculocutaneous flap or from under the armpits. The patient is in the hospital for 10-12 days.
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Penis size for men, as well as breast volume for women, is a question that very often comes first. Today there are many drugs (gels, creams, ointments, dietary supplements) to change the size of manhood. A variety of surgical techniques are also offered. But many of the stronger sex are increasingly turning to traditional medicine.

Recently, soda penis enlargement method has become increasingly popular. There are many ways to use the product to resize an organ. The powder is used for oral administration, for baths, for compresses, as well as during massage. Can you enlarge your penis (penis) with baking soda and what effect can you expect? How does the remedy work?

Can you enlarge your penis with baking soda?

Sodium bicarbonate is known to everyone, first of all, as a food product that is widely used in cooking for loosening dough. It is also used for therapeutic purposes (as an antiseptic, as an antimycotic agent for candidiasis, as well as to quickly lower the acidity of the stomach).

Sodium bicarbonate was discovered a long time ago. Even the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt used powder to mummify the bodies of the dead. Other useful properties of the product were not yet known at that time. At the scientific level, they were studied only in the 18th century.

In addition to enlarging the penis, using baking soda can strengthen the male body. The tool acts in the following directions:

  • Eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, cleanses the genitals.
  • Promotes testosterone production.
  • It removes toxins and toxic substances from the body.
  • Helps fight prostatitis symptoms.
  • Suppresses inflammatory reactions.

But those men who decide to enlarge their penis with baking soda should remember that there will be no pronounced and quick effect. You need to be patient, the first results (change in size by 2-4 cm) will be noticeable only after several months, or even six months. Experts note that these are good indicators, since an organ can be quickly enlarged only through plastic surgery.

How does baking soda help enlarge your penis?

Many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in - is it true that soda increases the penis? To answer this question, one should consider in detail the main property of sodium bicarbonate - the restoration of blood circulation. Penetrating inside, the agent promotes blood thinning, dilates blood vessels, and improves blood flow. Sodium bicarbonate has no direct effect on the growth of the penis; soda increases the size of the penis due to its ability to activate blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Will baking soda enlarge the penis if applied topically? The powder, once applied to the penis, will promote an intense blood flow to it. Due to this, all the cavernous bodies will expand and the erection will be as full and long as possible, and the penis will grow.

Does baking soda help to enlarge the penis if its size is very small? It should be noted that in this case, the remedy will not help, because if the length of the penis in an erect state does not even reach ten centimeters, then this is considered a serious pathology, which can only be dealt with in a medical institution.

How to enlarge the male penis with baking soda: methods, ways

Traditional medicine experts claim that sodium bicarbonate can be used in several ways:

It should be remembered that soda increases the size of the penis if the manipulations are carried out systematically over several months. A single procedure will not give a lasting effect.

Sodium bicarbonate is used to change the size of a man's dignity not only as a separate product, it can be combined with other ingredients. From this, the effect of the powder will only increase and it will be possible to achieve significant success in the process of enlarging the penis at home. Soda can be combined with the following ingredients:

  • Extra virgin olive oil. Men who have tried the action of this remedy in practice recommend mixing sodium bicarbonate and oil in equal proportions. Such a paste is used to scrub the penis during the massage. The effect of the drug is twofold: soda promotes blood flow to the body, and the oil nourishes the tissues with useful substances, making them elastic. The member will not only grow, but will also look healthy, strong, and pleasant to the touch.
  • Honey. How to use soda for penis enlargement in this case? It is necessary to prepare a special ointment. White food powder is mixed with honey in a ½ ratio. A sweet product is best taken liquid. The resulting mixture is applied to the organ and left for ten minutes. After that, it is recommended to wash off the product with warm water, put on loose underwear and lie down for a while.
  • Star. How to enlarge a penis at home with soda and a pharmaceutical preparation? The famous balm contains ethers of many plants. They have a beneficial effect on the body, activate blood flow at the site of application, and improve metabolism. Traditional medicine experts recommend mixing sodium bicarbonate (spoon) with a little water to get a thick composition. Next, add a little balm (about the head of a match) and mix thoroughly. It is necessary to apply the remedy to the perineal area. If you experience a strong burning sensation, you should wash off the homemade preparation with cool water.

Are there any contraindications?

Sodium bicarbonate is a harmless product, there are no strict contraindications to its use. Do not use the product topically if there is damage to the dermis (various cracks, ulcers, abrasions), as this can lead to irritation and burning. It is not recommended to use these recipes if the body is hypersensitive to sodium bicarbonate. You can make sure that there is no allergic reaction using a simple test. It is necessary to apply a little of the product on the hand and wait 10 minutes. If during this period there is no burning sensation, itching, rash, severe redness, then soda can be safely used for therapeutic purposes.

As for the side effects, the only negative consequence may be excessive dryness of the skin. Therefore, it is recommended that after applying any recipe based on sodium bicarbonate, use a cream with a fatty base.

How to use soda for penis enlargement - every man must decide for himself. But it is worth remembering that the remedy in a particular case acts in different ways. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the man's body, as well as possible concomitant diseases.

Everyone knows that no amount of pumps, pills or exercises will make the penis bigger, or will it?

Do not deny that as soon as you saw an advertisement for penis enlargement on the last pages of a men's magazine for the first time, many years ago, where a threatening device was depicted with a huge caption: "Increase your penis by centimeters!", Every time you wondered: "Why not try and you?"

"I get asked this all the time," says Michael, MD, a urologist at Harvard Medical Institute and Women's Clinic in Boston. "Men are willing to do anything for penis enlargement." But is it real?

Not really. "This is complete nonsense," O'Leary repeats tiredly. After all, if it were that simple, then every man would have had a 30-centimeter penis for a long time.

But common sense still doesn't stop everyone. Thanks to our constant drive for self-improvement, penis enlargement ads are on every corner. Illegally sold penis enlargement pills are advertised on television. Without asking for your consent, you are constantly receiving such advertisements by email. More than 10,000 men in the United States, possibly many more, have undergone more than controversial penis enlargement surgery.

Can my penis get bigger?

Firstly, even if you yourself are sure that you have a small penis, in fact it can be, oddly enough, of a normal size. The average size of an erect penis is 10-15 centimeters. The length of a non-erect penis can vary. But this means that if you notice someone's penis of impressive size in the locker room, then it is unlikely that it will become much larger in an erect state, and vice versa, a penis that seems small can increase significantly.

Secondly, if you still think that you have a small penis, even if the ruler says otherwise, then you can diagnose yourself from the field of psychiatry: dysmorphic disorder about your penis. This diagnosis is close to the distorted perception of his body to anarexia, when a person continues to consider himself fat, even being painfully thin. According to one study, most men undergoing penis enlargement surgery have this disorder. They remain dissatisfied with their size after the operation.

“Men with normal penis sizes who believe they are small are more likely to benefit from a psychiatrist than a surgeon,” says Karen Elizabeth Boyle, MD, assistant professor of urology at the Johns Hopkins Clinic for Reproductive Medicine and Surgery in Baltimore.

Pumps, pills, mountain goat herb tinctures and other penis enlargement nonsense

Well, enough reasonable advice from experts. Here's a quick rundown on how to enlarge your penis, if you haven't already.

    Vacuum water pump. This is a classic penis enlargement device. You place your penis in a cylinder connected to an air pump. With the help of the vacuum, more blood enters the penis, thus erecting it and making it bigger. Then you pinch the penis with a ring, like a tourniquet, to prevent the backflow of blood.
    These pumps are used in medicine to treat sexual dysfunction. But the effect of an enlarged penis wears off quickly. Once you remove the ring, the penis will return to its normal size.
    Potential risks include temporary impotence, abscesses, bruising, damage to blood vessels, and the skin loses its natural color and becomes thinner. The ring is worn for a maximum of 20-30 minutes, after which tissue damage may begin.

    Exercises, weights and other devices. First, remember: you cannot overextend your penis with exercises like biceps. This is not a muscle. However, some devices and types of stimulation supposedly stretch the skin and lengthen the penis itself.
    One famous example is "jelqing" - a set of pulling "milking" exercises. Naturally, this method has an "ancient" (read "fake") history: the website talks about an ancient Arabic technique that was passed down from father to son. Details are promised to be revealed after the transfer of money. But exercises according to the jelqing system require a lot of time, it is 30-60 minutes of daily active penis retractions. And the real difficulty is that these exercises need to be done on a non-erect penis. So, you need self-discipline, a lot of free time, and a lockable door.
    Another way to enlarge the penis is to wear a special device on the penis that stretches it, sometimes this device needs to be worn for 8 hours a day, using weights. "Somehow they sent me such a thing," O'Leary shares, "it looked like a medieval torture device."
    Does one of these methods work? Boyle says no. O'Leary, very carefully, says that maybe they can stretch the skin. But without any effect on penis size. Also, these methods require inhuman diligence. Risks include tissue damage, ruptured blood vessels, and other problems. O'Leary recently saw a patient who wore large weights on an erect penis and damaged it by tearing tissue. The result is unbearable pain and surgery.

    Pills, additives and creams. Complete nonsense. With no exceptions. Most are made with yohimba (herbal Viagra), ginseng and of course mountain goat herb. There are no registered cases of penis enlargement with their help.

Surgical penis enlargement

Unlike most penis enlargement methods, surgery can be effective. That even critics admit. Of course, there are risks and the results may not be as impressive as you hope. One 2006 study published in European Urology notes that the average length added with surgery is less than 2.5 cm.Mark P. Solomon, MD, plastic surgeon notes that the results are modest but slightly better. than before the operation.

There are two main types of penis enlargement surgery.

    Penis lengthening. The penis is attached to the pelvis using strong cords called supportive ligaments. They are associated with the penis and hide part of it inside the body. Surgical cutting of these ligaments relieves tension and, in theory, more of the penis becomes visible. To prevent re-healing of the ligaments, you may need to wear a weight or traction device daily for six months.

    Thickening of the penis. Initially, the procedure consisted of taking adipose tissue from another part of the body and adding it to the shaft of the penis, making it more massive. But this did not bring positive results. The fatty tissue was partially absorbed and the penis looked bumpy. "These penises looked like cobblestones," says Solomon.
    A new version of this technique implants an allograft, tissue transplanted from a genetically dissimilar organism used in many types of reconstructive surgery. The surgeons who perform these surgeries, Solomon and Brian J. Rosenthal, MD, a urologist practicing in Beverly Hills, agree that the allograft gives a longer and better result. We do not know how the donor tissue will behave after the transplant.

There are other types of penis enlargement surgery. For overweight patients, the fatty tissue at the base of the penis is removed with liposuction. Some doctors perform operations to simultaneously increase the length and thickness of the penis, others do them in stages.

While Dr. Rosenthal predicts the same widespread use of penis enlargement surgery as breast augmentation, Dr. Solomon disagrees. He believes that the main obstacle here is the cost of the operation. Penis lengthening surgery costs about 5-10 thousand dollars. While the operation to thicken it costs from 5 to 7 thousand only for the allograft, not counting the cost of the operation itself. Taking into account the work, the operation will cost you more than 20 thousand dollars.

Penis enlargement, risks and complications

Naturally, before going to the operating table, it is important to think about the possible risks. No reputable medical organization recommends such operations for men with a normal penis. The American Urology Association emphasizes that such surgeries are not recognized as safe or effective.

A few studies done in this area are also not encouraging. Thus, a study conducted by the European Association of Urology examining 42 cases of surgical penis enlargement showed that only 35% of patients were satisfied, and 50% continued to search for further penis enlargement operations.

“I have real nightmares,” O'Leary says, describing the times she has had to correct the aftermath of failed surgeries. Known complications include scarring, infection, change in the normal angle of erection, decreased sensation, and impotence. In some cases, penis lengthening surgery may make the penis shorter, as the incised tissue grows to the pelvic floor and most of the penis ends up inside the body.

Surgeons performing operations claim that operations are generally successful, and cases of severe complications are rare. “I've done thousands of these,” says Rosenthal. “We are quite advanced in improving the technique of performing operations and they help patients.”

They are also tired of the arguments that a psychiatrist can help people who undergo such operations. The operation allows the man to perceive himself better, he says. A woman who wants to enlarge her breasts, because no one calls crazy? So what's the difference?

O'Leary insists there is a difference. Unlike breast augmentation operations, no matter how we treat them, but which have become part of medical practice, penis enlargement operations are not.

“If there was a legal procedure for such transactions, there would be no problem,” O'Leary continues. "But there is no such approved procedure that would guarantee safety and effectiveness."

Doctor - prescribe penis enlargement surgery!

If you still hope to find a legal route, don't despair. There is one method of penis enlargement that all doctors recommend is weight loss. Yes, it doesn't sound serious, but it can help.

“Many of my patients complaining of a small penis were overweight,” Boyle says. Penises of normal size look smaller against the background of the obese body, hiding in the folds of fat. Therefore, losing weight will visually make the penis longer and larger.

Be discreet. Most penis enlargement methods are a waste of money. Surgery is expensive, risky, and unexplored. In cancer, it makes sense to talk about experimental surgery, but this is not the case.

Look at it this way: the penis is a very delicate and sensitive organ. And that makes him so extraordinary. You should think very carefully before daring to increase it. Is it worth the risk of turning a normal sized penis, which functions well, into a huge porno movie thing, which, as a result, may stop working.

Medication correction

Today, microsurgical and surgical techniques for this purpose use the transfer of tissues from other parts of the man's body and their implantation under the skin of the penis. One of the options for such an operation is the transfer of a complex of subcutaneous adipose tissue from the gluteal fold. In this way, the diameter of the organ can be increased by one, maximum two centimeters.

The surgeon places the tissue under the skin of the penis along its entire length. It turns out a kind of its wrapping. The places where the skin was taken are sutured so that they are almost invisible. The suture is applied intradermally. Thus, thickening is achieved by adding skin from another part of the body to the organ. If the patient wants to increase the thickness of the penis by more than one centimeter, the surgeon uses a different method of intervention. It is a microsurgical thickening by the transfer of muscle tissue. The operation, in comparison with the previous one, is much more complicated. It lasts a long time, and the recovery period after it is not easy. But the more difficult the task, the more difficult it is to achieve.

Therefore, when deciding to conduct such operations, you need to think carefully, take into account their complexity, high cost, and the duration of the recovery period. It is necessary to take into account the risk of possible complications after the intervention. After all, nature does not like such intrusions, and even into such a delicate sphere. Sometimes, as a result of such a correction of the penis, tuberosity may appear. More often complications arise in the form of a wound infection, bleeding, prolonged edema of the penis. Perhaps a temporary or permanent decrease in the sensitivity of the glans penis, the occurrence of pain during erection.

Late complications of such operations are the shortening of the organ, a change in the angle of erection, the instability of the penis during intercourse, the necrosis of the inserted tissues (muscle and subcutaneous fat). Often a man complains of erectile dysfunction, penis deformity.

And the most important thing. In half of the cases, men say that the result of the operation does not meet their expectations.

However, there are those willing to take risks. And, despite the warnings of the surgeons, such patients believe that they will not be affected by all these warnings.

Increasing the thickness of the penis with an extender

This method is safer. An extender is a special device that enlarges the penis. It was created taking into account the developments of outstanding sexologists who have been looking for a solution to the above problem for decades. The original purpose of the extender was to increase the length of manhood. But practice shows that along with lengthening, the thickness of the penis also increases. It does this by pumping up muscle tissue. In fact, the increase is proportional. It is impossible to lengthen an organ without a concomitant increase in its diameter.

The essence of the extender is simple. The penis is extended thanks to a specially designed mechanism. If you follow the instructions exactly, the procedure will be painless. The changes are achieved through the body's natural function to increase the number of cells that are affected.

Exercise and massage

These are the most affordable and safest ways to achieve your goal.

To perform a special exercise, it is imperative to use a lubricant so as not to injure the penis. The procedure should be carried out with incomplete erection, avoiding acute pain. It is necessary to squeeze the base of the penis with your left hand and slowly move forward towards the head. When you reach her corolla, take the member with your right hand and move forward in the same way. That is, with your hands you create the effect of milking (pulling). At the same time, it is necessary to concentrate on the desired result.

Massage is a simpler procedure. These are circular rotational movements from the base to the head of the organ. They need to be done after preliminary lubrication of the organ. The procedure is carried out daily, systematically. It must be done for two months. It is recommended to take biologically active supplements in parallel to stimulate metabolic processes in the body.