Stages of wall decoration with laminate: advantages and disadvantages, nuances of work. Laminate on the wall (57 photos) of creative and bold ideas Is it possible to sow wall laminate

Initially, the laminate served to create a durable, beautiful and durable floor, but most recently began to be used for wall cladding. The reasons for the set, starting from the performance characteristics of the material and its superiority over the classic wall decoration, ending with high aesthetics and originality. In this article, we will look at the specifics of the installation of laminate on the walls and tell how to make the interior with the help of this material.

The laminate appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, but instantly proven itself as one of the best options for flooring. It is easier for him to care than for the carpet, it does not appear traces from furniture, as on linoleum, it is stronger and durable of any parquet.

For some time passed, all the floors were laminate, and the thought was born - if the laminate was successfully replaced by the usual coverage on the floor, why shouldn't it do the same with the walls? Logical assumption turned into an original design solution, and today the decoration of walls laminate is the last trend.

Not so long ago, there were panels from MDF in fashion, but their cost was forced to think even the most prosperous homeowners. Laminate creates the same effect of respectability and style, but at the same time it is an order of magnitude cheaper.

Advantages of laminate for walls:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • durability (service life of at least 10 years);
  • dust does not accumulate, does not absorb smells;
  • savings on the interior (cosmetic repair can be forgotten for many years);
  • originality - the variety of colors and textures will allow you to easily create a unique interior;
  • easy installation - lining the wall with laminate sometimes easier than sticking wallpaper.

The disadvantages of the material include the intolerance of humidity - wet, the laminate swells and cracks. For this reason, it is not recommended to use bathroom and kitchen finish. Also, the laminate does not tolerate the temperature differences - he will swell on the heat and will be unwritten, and a strong cold will lead to cracks. So if you have conceived to install it on the loggia or balcony, it will not be the best solution.

The last drawback is rather controversial - the high cost of the material. Of course, if you compare with traditional trim ways - wallpaper, plaster, paint, wooden clapboard. However, if we consider it in comparison with the MDF panels, the laminate laying on the wall will not seem so expensive.

Types of laminate for walls

There are several varieties of laminate depending on the method of fastening, prices, thicknesses, etc. When choosing panels should be repeated not only from the value of the material, but pay special attention to the method of fastening - with some varieties a newcomer will be quite difficult to cope with unusual.

Types of laminate for fastening method:

When you were determined with the type of fastening and chose your favorite material color, it remains to deal with the cost. Laminate is one of those rare cases when the price actually corresponds to quality and on the contrary, so it is necessary to save on it very carefully.

For floor cladding, laminate 33 or 34 grade is used, since it has increased resistance to abrasion. The walls will not be subjected to similar effects, so you can save and acquire lower classes - from 21 to 31.

You can buy inexpensive and beautiful laminate on the wall, but it is necessary to soberly regard the entire possible factors for the material. For example, for the children's room it is better not to use it - the child can paint a beautiful smooth decoration, and it will be very difficult to wash it. If there are animals in the house, for example, a cat that loves to periodically mark its territory, from laminate on the walls, too, it is better to refuse or bonded only the upper part of the surface.

What should be considered when choosing a laminate:

  1. The intensity of loads - if animals can scratch the wall in the house, give preference in low-cost models.
  2. The appearance of the panels must match the overall style of the interior and find "support" in the colors or texture located in the subject of items. Do not choose a dark panel for a small room or too morning ornaments.
  3. If you want to buy adhesive laminate, keep in mind that the wall surface should be perfectly smooth, otherwise the panel will not hold on it. With large drops, it is wiser to establish a crate than spending money to align.

Specificity mounting

To strover walls with laminate, you will need various tools depending on the method of fastening the panels. If you work with adhesive laminate, you can do only with your own hands, but for other types you will need special devices. One of them is a boss. This is a special tool that is required to bore panels. If you beat the hammer on them, there is a big risk to damage the integrity of the sidewall and get the crosses of the slits between the elements. The bobbish evenly distributes the blow strength and saves the panel of the whole.

Also for work you will need a hook to tighten the last elements when installing in the corners.

The spacer wedges are needed to withstand an indent to the perimeter of the room. Basically, they are used when laying a laminate to the floor, but mnut come in handy and when finishing the walls. Since the laminate is afraid of moisture, it must be laid with an indent from the angles and the surface of the floor by 15-20 mm. The material is rather heavy, so if you put the spacer wedges below, they simply slip out, so before laying the floor, you need to put a thin rail, and the wedges use on the sides.

Useful advice: When laying adhesive laminate, the lower rail is better wrapped with a polyethylene film so that it can be easily pulled out after soaring glue.

Prepare a hammer, a construction level, a square, a roulette, a simple pencil and a hacksaw (better electrolovka).

Laminate fastening

In this paragraph, we will consider the features of the attachment of laminated panels, and let's start, perhaps, from the most common and inexpensive species - adhesive. As we said, glue laminate can only be installed on perfectly smooth and smooth walls. In modern apartments, not to mention the houses of the Soviet buildings, only dreaming about the smooth walls. Alternatively, you can strip their plasterboard or plywood, but for this you will have to make a crate, then install the plates (sheets). It is much easier to make a crate and immediately attach a pinning or clicking laminate on it.

Another thing, if you want to insulate the walls from the inside and complete the work of a beautiful finish. Then you can attach the insulation, close it with the crate, plasterboard and proceed to gluing the laminate. The adhesive fastening of the laminate on the wall is the simplest, and even a teenager will easily cope with this work.

If the wall has minor differences of several millimeters, they can be eliminated by grinding or with plaster. Check the smoothness of the wall can be in one simple way. You will need a rail, the length of which corresponds to the height of the wall without a plinth. Accordingly, before work, the plinth must be removed (the same applies to doors and windows). Attach the rail to the wall and lead vertically along the surface, noting all the protrusions and depressions with a simple pencil.

Panel location

How to fix the laminate on the wall - horizontally, vertically or diagonally? To answer this question, it is necessary to repel not so much from the design ideas and personal preferences, how much from the complexity of the installation. In principle, any of these methods of laying will be implemented, another thing - whether you can fix the panels in the right position without special skills.

At first glance, the installation of laminated bands seems simple and rapid, but not everything is so simple. As you already understood, you need to leave small gaps in the corners, at the floor and under the ceiling - for this use spacer wedges. The gaps subsequently need to close the plinths that are attached to the walls of the dowels. To install a dowel, you will need drill to drill a hole in the panel itself and the wall. Plinths should be installed in 170 cm increments or more often, even if you are lining the wall with solid stripes. Such an additional fastening is simply necessary because the panels are kept by the locks in one direction. If they do not hold their plinths, the facing simply fall off from the wall under their own weight or will be "harmonic".

Specialists are recommended to lay the "comb" laminate to increase the strength of the cladding - cut half the number of bands and attach in a certain way. Suppose you have 10 solid laminate bands. You cut 5 of them in the pressure, then start laying with a whole strip, attach two halves to it, then again kiss and so on. As a result, short pair bands distribute the load on the fasteners more evenly, and an interesting pattern is obtained.

Laying diagonally looks very original, especially if two colors were used. But to attach laminate on the wall with your own hands in this way - independently without professional skills, it is simply unrealistic, so we will look at the horizontal installation of the panels.

Installation instructions

Fix the laminate on the wall should be starting from the left corner opposite to the entrance to the room, continuing clockwise. Then to dock the subsequent elements will be more convenient. If you are left-hand, then do everything exactly on the contrary - start from the right corner and move counterclockwise.


Laminate on the wall: photo

Finally, we suggest you look at the original laminate on the walls in the interior. Various colors, textures and laying methods allow you to create unique images and emphasize the advantages of the premises.

Laminate, referring to the category of flooring, is applied significantly wider in practice. In particular, it is used as wall panels. Laminate is simple and easy to install, very impressive, it looks rich.

Using panels with a pattern and texture for wood, you can create the impression that the walls are trimmed with wood, and the cost of laminate is significantly less. This finish is perfectly combined with other elements of the interior - wooden furniture, doors, floors. The technique of wall decoration with laminate differs from the technique of its laying on the floor, it is somewhat more complicated.

To cover the walls, the laminate is used in a wide variety of rooms, sometimes they are separated by all walls from the floor to the ceiling, but a combination of laminated panels with other finishing materials looks more effectively, you can also make an insert from the laminate on one of the walls.

  • Laminate is widely used in the hallway, you can finish the floors with dark laminate, and the walls are light, or vice versa
  • In the bedroom laminate most often shed a wall in the headboard bed
  • In the spacious living room, laminate is usually used for zoning, rubbing them the walls in the room, for example, a recreation area or angle, where TV is located. Sometimes part of the room is cut in laminate completely, the floor, walls and ceiling, it turns out a completely separate zone
  • In the kitchen, the laminate is often used in the dining area, the wood finish will be spectacularly looking at the presence of wooden interior elements, in the country-resistant or Provence kitchen
  • Sometimes a laminate is separated by a part of the wall, where the panel is placed, the picture
  • Apply laminate to cover the walls even in the bathroom, because there is less water on the walls than on the floor, they do not form puddles. But for these purposes, it is necessary to use waterproof material.
  • A popular solution is also an interior decoration with a laminate of a warmed and glazed balcony or loggia

Selection of laminate for wall decoration

For fastening on the walls, light panels of fine laminate are best suited, it is possible to use a minimum density material, since the load on the walls is significantly less than on the floor covering.

It is better to choose the lamellas of small sizes, as they will have to raise and hold for a while on weight. For kitchen, bath, balcony need a waterproof laminate, the best - vinyl. In color and texture, the laminate must be harmonized with other elements of the interior.

Wall finishing options laminate

Laminate laminate can be mounted on the wall in the horizontal direction, parallel to the floor, or vertical. In the first case, you can visually expand the wall, lined with laminate, in the second room it seems higher.

The diagonal laying of laminate on the walls is rarely used, if this requires the original designer idea.

The adhesive laminate without locks today is practically not released, by type of locking compounds, the material is divided into a tongue (with a lock lock) and click (with a click lock). Regardless of the type of castle compound, the laminate wall can be mounted in two ways:

  1. Directly to the wall on the glue (liquid nails)
  2. To framework (crate) from wooden rails or metal profile, with nails, glue, kleimers

The first method requires the perfect alignment of the walls, and the manufacturers of laminate are not recommended to resort to it, because due to temperature expansions, the laminate is undesirable to fix it hard. The second way is undemanding to the bottom, but the process itself is more laborious. In addition, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room decreases with a skew mounting of the laminate to the walls. Plus fastenings to the crate - the possibility of laying insulation and soundproofing material between the wall and laminate.

Technique sheat walls

Adhesive laying is usually used for small rooms. If the room is spacious, due to the use of the crate, its dimensions will not significantly decrease, therefore it is preferable to use a frame method of fastening.

If the panels are stacked horizontally, only the upper or lower half of the wall will be shifted, the works begin, respectively, from the side of the ceiling or floor, with full trim, are underway from top to bottom. When vertical trim, the laying begins from the angle, is carried out from left to right. If the laminate is separated by a wall, in which there is a doorway, the platbands before starting work it is better to remove that they do not interfere. As with laying on the floor, it should be remembered for compensation gaps of 1.5-2 cm, the edges of the laminate should not be restricted into the corners of the walls, the floor and the ceiling.

Adhesive fastener

First of all, you need to check the walls with the level and, if necessary, make them alignment using plaster and putty. The surface under the gloveting of the laminate should be clean, dusty, dry.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall is small, or a small plot is separated, the laminate panels can be assembled into the shield of the desired size on the floor, and then glue the whole wall. The wall is covered with adhesive composition, and the back of the laminate.

For a larger area, it is better to mount panels on one or row. First, the first panel is glued, then lubricated with glue the adjacent section on the wall and the back side of the panel, the locks are connected. Cress the panel to the gluing wall can only after it is completely, without a slit, adjusted to the previous one. It is better for such a method of laying to use laminate with latching locks, since it is not very comfortable for lubricated glue lamella, and the time for docking leaves more.

Fastening on the frame

For the craters, rails are usually used by a cross section of 30 mm, the average step of their installation is 40 cm, it must be proportional to the width of the panels. Reiki, perpendicular to the direction of laying, must go more often. Parallel panels are stuffed with the first and last rails, and 1-2 between them. The mounting of the speakes to the wall is carried out with the help of dowels and self-tapping screws. It is necessary during the creation of the crate to check with the help of the level, the rains are installed correctly.

  • When the doom is ready, to Brus, from which laying will begin, kleimers are nailed or screwed - special metal holders. They will help to fix the first row of laminate.
  • The panels are more conveniently connected to each other ends in the rows, each other rows are connected on the wall, according to the type of castle compound.
  • For reliable fixation, each row of laminate is nailed to the clamp with nails without hats, nails should enter the castle's groove and clogged at an angle. Sometimes the places of contact with laminate with rails are lubricated with glue. Only after fixing the previous row, the following is mounted
  • Last row is also fixed by kleimers
  • After completing the laminate assembly, all edges are closed by plinths and corners

Another option of the frame mount is to use a special set of metal profiles and holders, a secret holders are used between the rows, and the brackets used to fasten the extreme rows under the plinth or corner.


Wall decoration with laminate is an interesting solution that allows you to create a spectacular interior at low costs. If the walls are perfectly smooth, the laminate can be mounted on glue, but preferably mounting to a wooden or metal crate with hidden nails or special holders. After performing accurate measurements and calculations, observing the technology, you can shelter with your own hands with a laminate wall.

Pros and cons

The advantages of laminate on the wall in the interior:

  • strong MDF and PVC panels, when hitting it does not break;
  • does not absorb moisture due to the dense structure and protection of the polymer layer;
  • easy to care with a conventional soap detergent;
  • a wide selection of color and textures, imitation of natural wood;
  • environmentally safe;
  • convenient in masonry.


  • the cost is higher than that of the panels;
  • material requires a solid surface and reliable fastening due to heavy weight;
  • suitable for finishing rooms with a constant low humidity indicator, the material does not tolerate temperature differences.

To create an accent in the interior, as in the photo, you can shelter the board part of the wall and ceiling, as well as supplement the backlit design.

Laminate color

Laminate colors can be divided into a cold and warm group, and when repairing you need to stick to one color. It happens with a shade of green, blue, white, red, brown.

You can choose a color under the tone of furniture and walls, and you can make a contrast wall in the interior, both options are appropriate depending on the design. You should also pay attention to the brightness of the laminate, which will define the fusion of colors, or contrast in one group of shades. Color can be selected under the door or under the color of the floor.

Light brown
Dark brown
The black


The combination of laminate on the wall requires harmony with the main interior trim:

  • When laying a dark laminate of the whole wall, the rest is better to go into monophonic and light wallpaper;
  • Dark plaster in the interior will look good at contrast with white laminate;
  • To create an infinite space, you can separate the wall and floor to separate with one laminate.

Photo in living room interior

The decoration of the laminate is appropriate in the rooms of any destination, it is important in each case to combine the color of the panels with the basic color of the finish.

Laminate on the wall in the interior of the living room can be mounted both vertically and horizontally, it depends on the size of the room. For example, horizontal panels are suitable only for high living rooms and make it visually wider. Vertical installation is suitable for a mining room and make the ceilings visually above.

The photo shows an emphasis wall of horizontal panels with mirror inserts, which creates a feeling of the depth of the room, which continues behind the laminate.

Laminate on the wall in the kitchen

Laminate on the wall in the kitchen interior can be used as an accent contrasting wall and an apron of a working surface that protects against splashes and is easily mounted. Color must be harmoniously combined with the facade of the kitchen headset. To highlight the dining area, you can make a wall of laminate under the color of the dark wood.

Bedroom decoration

Laminate on the wall in the interior of the bedroom can be used as inserts over the headboard. If the bedroom is large, you can bind the whole wall with laminate and align it, hang color accessories and photos within. The comfort will create a laminate wall at the head of the bed.

In the photo example of an interior with decoration wall and floor trim in one color. It looks spectacular and creates the feeling of infinity.

In the photo finish the walls of the head of the bed, which is suitable for the overall eco-style interior of the bedroom.

Laminate in the hallway

Wall-mounted laminate in the interior of the hallway should contrast with the color of the floor and it is better to strip only the bottom of the wall. The laminate on the wall in the corridor is recommended to be attached vertically, as it will not make it visually less.

In the photo, the angle of the hallway will be covered with natural wood panels and combines with neutral shades of the interior.

Stock Foto In the bathroom

Laminate on the walls in the interior of the bathroom can only be used in the presence of ventilation, which is important for the durability of the design. Not suitable as an alternative to tile in the shower area, but you can select one wall with wooden finish.

Balcony or Loggia

In the interior of the balcony, the laminate began to be used for the trim. It protects the Wall-mounted insulation from moisture, it is also possible to make a shelf from it and lining cabinets on the balcony. Excellent option if the balcony serves as a working office.

Choosing a class and fastening method

When choosing a laminate, it is worth considering that:

  • the laminate will not be affected by a strong load;
  • the choice of the lock system depends on the fastening method;
  • the interior with laminate on the wall should give aesthetic pleasure, which will help the range of colors and textures.

Methods of fastening

  • Glue. This is a system without locks, installation is carried out only with the help of glue, which is applied to the side and rear part. The glue for the laminate on the wall should be on silicone, or "liquid nails". The panels glue each other, and the appealing glue you need to immediately clean the wet sponge. Rarely used for the crate.
  • Clear. To fasten two parts, they are tilted at an angle of 20 degrees to each other and laminate will start in the grooves. The lock is easily snapped and firmly connects the panels. It can be fixed with glue to the crate, this option is resistant to mechanical effects.
  • Shpuntea. Basin on the principle of a tongue lock, which does not need to be sized additionally. Fastening on the frame, the panel is strengthened in the excavation with the help of brackets.

What class choose?

For laying a laminate on the wall, it is not necessary to use the highest durable class (from 33 to 34), a sufficient material of low strength from 21 to 31 class.

In the photo, the white color makes the interior of the living room lighter, and the texture of the tree on the wall adds comfort.

Horizontal and vertical laying

Horizontal method

The joints converge into one line, which must be closed by plinths, and they are attached to the wall of a dowel-nail. The plinth is not more than 1.5 meters. In order for the laying is durable, the load is evenly distributed, the laminate stands before starting to cut into stripes.

Horizontal placement of boards in the interior (as in the photo) will make the room wider, and the vertical is higher.

Vertical method

The laminate on the wall is vertically attached to a flat surface with glue, there are many laying options, you can combine residues from different parties and colors to create a unique interior design.

How to fix the laminate on the wall? (video)

There are two common ways to mount on the wall: adhesive and shell.

Adhesive Method

It requires a smooth surface to which the laminate will be attached, otherwise the gaps will appear and the service life will be lower. Installation of a laminate board on the wall such method does not require special knowledge and can be made with his own hands. You can glue any kind of panels, with or without locks.

When installing glue, in addition to liquid nails on silicone, you can apply special glue, then the panel presses. For the best fortress, the lock can be punctured. It can excite the question of how to lay a laminate on the wall, if there will be many plaster on their alignment. In this case, it is worth choosing the second method.

Metal or Tree Cruise

This method does not require creating a smooth wall surface with plaster or drywall, as a frame is created. The lamp makes additional insulation and sound insulation of the room. Here the panel is attached to nails or kleimers. This method is longer, but will help to save on the alignment of the walls.

To create a wooden crate, we need 2-4 cm rails, which are attached to the wall at a distance of 20-50 cm parallel to the future panels. Metal frame is made from drywall profiles, also some manufacturers offer a ready-made frame.

Photo gallery

With a laminate board, you can experiment with the interior of the room and the originally design walls. Below are photo examples of using laminate on the walls in rooms of various functional purposes.

Very often in the construction of materials that were originally intended for one, they are used in other types of work. It happened to the laminate. This material, as everyone knows, was used first exclusively for finishing floors, but after the end of the time the wall decoration laminate was popular with their own hands. In order to produce these works, you need to own information on some nuances accompanying the process, orient in the species and methods of wall mount. It is about these important aspects today and talk today.

Types of laminate for wall decoration

There are three types of material that consumers can use for sex, but not all of them are suitable for walls.

So, out of three types for only two - tongues and clicking. Regardless of what kind of you choose, in order to achieve a good result, you will need an additional tool, it is especially true when laying a cliking look, since it is manually not adjusted. For the installation of laminate on the ceiling, these tools will not be useful, because all work is carried out on weight. We recommend to use a tongue form for these finishing works.

Laminate laying tool

For laying the laminate, both on the floor and on the walls you will need the next set of tools:

Benefits of material

  • Strength. If we compare it with panels from polyvinyl chloride, then our material is much stronger and withstands major loads, especially this is true when finishing the walls.
  • Gigroscopicity. Due to its special structure and protective polymer coating, it absorbs moisture than, for example, MDF.
  • Easy care. Unlike conventional wallpapers, it is easy to clean, it is not formed scuffed, holes, with the right attachment it does not leave the walls.

Wall of laminate wall


  1. Price. Very often, consumers include the price of a material that compared to others is really high and differs at times, but it is compensated by reliability, durability, the aesthetics of the coating, so this deficiency is very controversial.
  2. Gravity design. Strength almost always means a lot of weight, so you must expect when fastening such a material on the vertical surface of these characteristics.

Where the laminate does not apply

It is possible only if your balcony is glazed and insulated, but the best material will still be lining. It does not respond very well to constant temperature differences, increased humidity, effects of chemical liquids. Because of this, laminate is rarely used in the kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms. It is not reasonable to place it in the cellars, basements, Chulans, not so much because of their unstable indicators, how much because of the high cost of the material.

It is much easier and cheaper to separate the walls there with ordinary plaster and paint. Laminate is used often. Material there serves long enough, despite the fact that a contact with moisture. His durability, aesthetics and durability can turn the secondary room into a chic and cozy corner. But the optimal place of application will still be the main residential zones. In the bedroom, living room, dining room, children's, office - this material will "feel" perfectly.

Some subtleties that should be considered

Wall decor laminate

When laying a laminate on any surface, you should leave the gaps up to 2 centimeters to prevent the coating deformation in the event of swelling the material at high humidity. When laying on the walls to achieve the desired result using wedges hard. To make it easier to work, experienced builders are put down the rail or flat board, which after installing the design is simply removed. Hide the remaining clearance can be easily behind the plinth, which is glued at the end of all works. The mount is possible only to the surface with increased strength - the installation of such structures on the glittered plasterboard, plaster is not recommended.

Moisture for laminate - the enemy, so the wall decoration with laminate in the kitchen, in the bathroom, the bathroom does not make sense. Hard fixation to this type of finish is not applicable, because, expanding when adapting to the room, the material should take place for the "shrinkage". If you have chosen clone panels, then remember - the mount in the locks is not applicable!


For mounting panels on the wall there are three ways:

  • Glue.
  • On the crate.
  • On production systems.

Basically use the method of fastening to the crate, which allows not only to make an original wall, but also additionally produce sound and thermal insulation. If your idea is the original and fastener to the crate makes you deprive you of such a designer solution, you can resort to fastening for glue, most often use liquid nails or construction silicone.

It should be remembered that this installation is carried out only on a flat, dry, clean surface without finishing and even plaster. If your financial capabilities are not limited to any amount, then you can safely purchase a branded fastening system for wallpapers on panels, parquet.

The instruction says - before starting the work on the installation of the material, it is necessary to make sure that the walls are fixed. This can be done with the help of girlfriend, conducting a long slat on the walls. Where the unevenness noticed - check, after eliminate the defect with the shtlock.

It is recommended to start with the left corner, but this rule for right-handers, left-handers will be more convenient to start with the right. Before you start work, you should decide how you will lay the material - vertically or still, horizontally?

If you chose a classic, horizontal way, we recommend alternating the laying of a whole strip with two halves, so you will achieve greater structural strength. All the gaps after the end of the installation, as mentioned earlier, hide behind the plinths.

Vertical placement of bands using glue opens limitless opportunities to implement all your creative designs. You can alternate not only different stripes in colors, but also play with their length. If your fantasy did not play, for some reason, you can see a lot of options that you can easily use both independently and with the involvement of assistance. If your wall that you are going to be separated by a similar way of not large sizes, you can even collect the design in the form of a shield on the floor, and after attaching entirely to the wall.

If your wall is so uneven that you can't just sharpen small places with errors, the shap is just necessary for you. The step of such a frame is not allowed more than 60 centimeters. The material for it can be both bruises of wood (4 * 4) and a metal profile.

We tried to set out all the nuances that can put you in a predicable position, if you have an additional question, you will be able to help either people who have already done similar or specialists who will gladly take this job. The main thing, starting to remember that nothing is impossible!