Textured paint for walls: characteristics, types, application, photo, use. Features and types of textured wall paint Textured paint for the kitchen

Not many people know that walls can be done not simply, but a beautiful relief with textured paint. Such a coating is an alternative, but its main difference is a thinner application layer. There are many techniques that can be used to simulate natural materials such as leather or brick. In today's Homius review, we will tell you about all the pros and cons of texture, properties and components, as well as the basic techniques for applying the composition.

Textured paint is a decorative coating based on acrylic and polymer components that give the surface a beautiful embossed appearance. By its consistency, it looks more like it. Many formulations contain special additives that accelerate the drying time of the layer up to 1-2 hours.

The beautiful effect on the surface and the play of shadows appear in natural or. To apply it, you do not need to level the walls to an ideal state, it is enough to fill in large irregularities, and then apply a texture with a textured effect.

textured paint

What are the types of textured paint for wall decoration

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Decorative possibilities of painting walls with textured paints

With the help of textured coatings, wall and ceiling surfaces in residential areas are often finished; they are great for both, and. All structures are classified into standard and decorative finishes.

Standard coating textures

Depending on the components of textured paint, you can get a variety of decorative relief in the finish.

Type of texture Description

In the composition of modified starch and acrylic components, the coating can have a smooth or wavy surface.

Solid particles in the composition create the effect of smudges, waves, cracking.

The composition includes artificial wax components, due to which the structured coating, after drying, acquires the effect of an aged stone.

The surface has a rough structure thanks to quartz sand, special components give the finish paint a metallic shade.

The texture allows you to achieve uneven painting with imitation, metal or ordinary plaster. Outwardly, it resembles sandpaper or orange peel.

Refined and unusual effects of textured wall paints

For the interior, you can pick up textures with an unusual effect.

Type of texture paint Description

Cotton and cellulose fibers impart an unusual velvety or silk effect to the surface.

The pearl shade fills the room with extra light. It is recommended to choose it for rooms with windows facing north - mother of pearl visually gives a feeling of warmth and comfort.

An unusual effect is given to the textured paint by the inclusion of quartz sand, shells or sparkles in the composition, due to which a rough surface is obtained.

Advice! The pearlescent dye gives the room a dynamic, creates a certain energy that increases efficiency. The matte finish has a calming effect, in addition, UV rays scatter when hitting it, thereby hiding minor imperfections in the finish.

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Photos, videos, applications, examples of textures and interiors, the average cost, how to properly apply plaster on the wall yourself - you will find all this and much more in our material.

Leading manufacturers of decorative textured paints

When choosing textured paints, it is necessary to focus on the manufacturer, since unverified firms can produce a low-quality product, this will affect the finishing result. Well-known companies can be noted that offer inexpensive formulations with a variety of effects:

  • paints "Amourcolor" are the most popular, they have increased durability and a variety of shades;
  • "Lacra" - Russian manufacturer, produces high-quality embossed textures;
  • famous manufacturer "Clavel" offers compositions with imitation of aged surfaces, silk, velvet;
  • the brand "VGT" from the Russian Federation produces textures adapted for our climatic conditions;
  • "Blancolor" produces durable textures with imitation of silk surfaces and waxed plaster.

To avoid unpleasant surprises in the process of painting the walls with textured paint, it is important to choose the right composition. To do this, you should first study the features of each type of coating and accurately determine the texture and the desired shade.

Features of the choice of washable textured paint for the walls of the kitchen, corridor and bathroom

You should choose coatings with increased moisture resistance. There is a high likelihood of contamination in the kitchen and in the corridor, so the main criterion is opportunity. Having studied all the compositions, we can say that preference should be given to acrylic paint - it has excellent characteristics and a rich palette of shades. Interesting application techniques can be used to achieve a unique visual effect.

What textured paint is suitable for living rooms

For living rooms, silicate textured paint is suitable, provided that the surface is well leveled beforehand. The coating has a translucent structure and will accentuate all defects. It should be applied in an even layer without additional relief, it is advisable to choose light shades. And for walls, you can choose a texture with an unusual effect, such as velvet or wet silk.

Textured paint for exterior decoration

Buildings should choose textured paint, which includes special additives that increase the resistance of the coating to temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation and high humidity. Acrylic compounds fade in the sun, so it is better to refuse them, but vinyl mixtures are just suitable for painting facades. In addition, silicone and silicate textures can be used.

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In the publication, we will consider the positive qualities of the material, the types of composition, and methods of application. Recommendations for the preparation of the base, methods and technologies for applying the composition, an overview of the estimated cost of plastering facade works.

Do-it-yourself textured wall painting: tools and application technology

To apply textured paint with your own hands, brushes, sponges, and various rollers are most often used. In the process of work, you should adhere to one application technology throughout the room, otherwise the effect will not be so beautiful.

Preparatory work before applying textured paint

Before applying textured paint with your own hands, you need to prepare the surfaces. The order of work is as follows.

  1. Lay the foil on the floor and fix it on the ceiling with adhesive tape to avoid splashing during operation.
  2. , paying attention to deep cracks and irregularities.
  3. Coat the surface with an acrylic primer to improve the adhesion of the paint to the substrate. For work, it is better to use a roller, the composition must be applied evenly.

Ways to apply textured paint with your own hands

Before painting the walls with textured paint, a toolkit must be prepared with the help of which the surface relief will be given:

  • containers for water and paint;
  • construction brushes with pile of different hardness;
  • sponge;
  • spatulas, trowels, construction graters;
  • brush;
  • rollers to create a rough base;
  • trowel;
  • overalls, glasses, gloves, cap.

Advice! The composition should be applied from top to bottom to avoid the formation of smudges. First of all, work should be started from those places that are poorly lit - this is a kind of training before processing the central zones.

Technique for applying textured paint with a roller and a sponge

Consider step by step the process of applying textured wall paint with a roller and a sponge with your own hands. First, the composition must be mixed well until a homogeneous mass is taught.

Illustration Description of action
Using a medium-bristle roller, apply the white paint in even strokes to the wall surface. Drying time is 6-8 hours.

Soak a natural sponge in cold water and squeeze well.
Blot the sponge into the composition and apply it with tampon movements over an area of ​​1-2 square meters. m. It should take no more than 15 minutes to work, during this time the coating will dry out a little.

Moisten the surface with water using a spray bottle.
Smooth sharp edges with a spatula lightly.

Then you can start finishing the next section. You need to start from the upper left corner, gradually moving down and to the right. After 6-8 hours, the surface will dry, excess protrusions can be removed with sandpaper.
Wax is used for tinting. To facilitate its application, the surface is moistened with water from a spray bottle. The coating should be applied to an area of ​​0.5 m² with a brush. Remove excess wax with a spatula.

The drying time of the decorative coating is 4-6 hours.

Step-by-step application of textured paint with a brush

Let's take a look at another way to apply a chameleon effect with a brush. For work, we need a composition in three shades.

Illustration Description of action
After mixing, the thick paint is applied to the wall with short, multi-directional strokes using a wide brush.

The next day, the wall is ready for further decoration.
The other two tones must be mixed right on the wall. To do this, with a brush, apply first one, then another tone in turn and shade with multidirectional movements on the surface.

When viewed from different angles, all shades of the coating appear.

In more detail, the master class can be viewed in the video:

Why do you need additional processing

After complete drying, interior varnish or wax can be applied to the surface - they will give the relief a more expressive structure. In addition, the additional coating has protective functions against mechanical damage.

The cost of textured wall paint: price overview

Before choosing textured paint for walls, you need not only to familiarize yourself with the photo in the manufacturers' catalogs, but also to analyze its cost. Consider the current prices of the most popular inexpensive brands as of November 2018 on Yandex.Market.

Volume, l Cost (as of November 2018), RUB
"TATTOO Bucciatoliscio" Manufacturer "ROSSETTI", Italy3 1 990
"VGT GALLERY", Russia9 1 476
Alpina Expert, Germany15 1 990

Alpina Expert

"FARBE", Russia15 2 280

FARBE paint

"Prorab" Sandeco "20 1 439

"Prorab" Sandeco "

The cost of 1 m² of textured paints from European manufacturers starts from 600 rubles.


Now you know everything about textured paints and you can easily choose a composition and apply it yourself. The main thing is to follow the application technology exactly. You can make a unique decoration of the surface using not only tools, but also fingers. Hand-made patterns will attract attention and emphasize the exclusivity of a modern interior.

If you still have questions, ask them in the comments - our editors will be happy to answer them.

In conclusion, we suggest looking at the video of how easy it is to apply textured paint to the walls using a relief roller.

Modern construction markets offer a large selection of finishing materials, among which textured wall paint has recently been in great demand. With the help of such a topcoat on surfaces, you can create the most incredible effects, which explains its popularity. In order for the result of the repair to last for a long time and to be liked by the owners, it is necessary to choose the appropriate type of paint and filler for it, prepare the base and correctly apply the textured coating on the wall.

The main distinguishing feature of the coating is its structure, consistency and composition. Textured paint for interior decoration is a translucent substance, which contains decorative fillers in the form of microgranules or large particles. Acrylic, silicate, silicone or minerals can be taken as a basis for it, and therefore the coatings have different characteristics:

  1. Acrylics are sold ready-made and are very convenient. To achieve a certain effect, fillers or tinting can be added to them.
  2. Silicate paint is the most practical and at the same time expensive. The surfaces treated with it are protected from external influences, repel dirt and dust particles, and are easy to clean.
  3. Silicone colorant is the most common. It can be used for both indoor and outdoor use. After applying silicone-based paint, a vapor-permeable coating is created that is resistant to moisture, aggressive environments, high and low temperatures.
  4. The mineral composition is a dry powder of lime and cement, which has a budget price. Use it for outdoor decoration.

The relief and density of the compositions is achieved due to special fillers, which can be used:

  • synthetic or natural fibers;
  • quartz sand;
  • sawdust;
  • pieces of metal with reflective properties;
  • crushed gas silicate;
  • marble or granite chips.

To give the coating the effect of mother-of-pearl, special pigments are added to it, which in their shape resemble drops or scales.

The severity and depth of the relief depends on the size of the filler particles, which must be borne in mind when choosing a paint. By the size of particles, fillers are divided into the following types:

  • coarse - fibers or chips with a diameter of 1 to 2 mm;
  • medium-grained - from 0.5 to 1 mm;
  • fine-grained - up to 0.5 mm.

Manufacturers of finishing materials in the manufacture textured mixtures combine various fillers, resulting in compositions, after applying which you can achieve a certain effect:

  1. Relief - simulates an uneven surface. This type of baptist can be made by hand by adding quartz chips and sawdust to the base. The size of the irregularities in the walls will depend on the size of the filler.
  2. Atacama is a mixture filled with quartz sand and metal particles. The surface relief is given by quartz sand, and the reflective effect - by metal components. After applying the textured Atacama paint, the surfaces appear velvety.
  3. Marseilles wax is used to create imitations of wood, sandstone, stone and other interesting designs. After applying it, the surface looks uneven and loose. Marseilles wax is highly durable, suitable for any type of room and perfectly protects walls from moisture. Apply it in several layers.
  4. Misuri is a paint made on the basis of acrylic and modified starch. After its application, the surfaces are smooth, shiny and glossy. To achieve a pearly sheen, a pigment filler is added to the composition. To obtain the effect of wet silk, Mizuri is applied to the walls in chaotic stains.

Advantages and disadvantages

Merits embossed there are quite a lot of compositions. These include:

  • unique textured pattern;
  • rich appearance;
  • the ability to use for wall decoration both in living rooms, children's rooms, corridors, bedrooms, and in bathrooms and non-residential premises;
  • the ability to create a monolithic coating;
  • resistance to moisture, ultraviolet light, mechanical stress;
  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • the ability to update the coverage without removing the old layer;
  • long service life;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • antistatic properties, due to which dust is repelled from the walls covered with a relief composition;
  • a wide selection of textures and colors, from which you can choose the appropriate option for the interior of the room;
  • you can apply textured paints to plaster, wooden walls, brickwork and any other base;
  • the ability to use in new buildings, since a strong substance does not deform when the house shrinks.

Even the most fastidious apartment owners will be able to choose the appropriate embossed coating option for decorating walls and even ceilings.

Like any finishing material, relief compositions have their disadvantages:

  1. The base for painting can be any, but it requires mandatory preparation. The surface must first be cleaned and leveled.
  2. Large consumption of the coloring composition. One square meter of surface may need up to one and a half kilograms of the mixture, which affects the final cost of the repair.

To get a certain relief and pattern when painting walls in the apartment textured paint, use special improvised means:

  1. Shaped roller with a convex pattern. So that the drawing is not interrupted, the area from floor to ceiling is processed in one motion.
  2. A regular roller with a foam or fur coat. In this case, the relief will depend on the type and length of the pile. To get a rough surface, the roller just needs to be rolled over fresh paint.
  3. Putty knife. With this tool, surfaces can be shaped into stone. It is difficult to do this without some skill, since the dye is applied in a thin layer with special sharp and rough movements.
  4. Comb. Lines are drawn along the not yet dried composition in any direction with the help of a comb, as a result of which a rare and pronounced relief is obtained.
  5. Wide brush or brush. Less pronounced, but beautiful relief will turn out if you use a brush or a brush instead of a comb. These tools can be used to draw horizontal, vertical, wavy and any other lines.
  6. Crumpled paper, rag or natural sponge are used to stamp freshly painted surfaces. This technology is called "facing".

Work on the design of surfaces with relief compositions consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of materials and tools.
  2. Preliminary preparation of surfaces.
  3. Application of textured finishing material.

Required materials and tools

For the preparatory and basic work, you will need the following tools:

  • drill with mixing attachment;
  • masking tape;
  • flat brush;
  • decorative brushes;
  • rollers to choose from: porous, foam, structured rubber, smooth;
  • trowel or spatula.

From the materials, it will be necessary to prepare the embossed paint itself and a primer for the walls that matches it in color.

Surface preparation

If the apartment is new and repairs are being made for the first time in it, then before covering primer it will be enough to remove dust and dirt from the surfaces.

Old finishes must be checked for durability, crumbling areas must be removed, and the walls cleaned and leveled. Quite often, after removing the old coating, drops and irregularities remain, which should be putty.

Smooth and clean walls are coated with a primer to help improve adhesion between the surface and the paint. Such work requires adherence to certain rules:

  1. The layer of primer should be the same over the entire wall.
  2. The primer should dry well, which will take at least 6 hours. The drying speed is influenced by the humidity and air temperature in the room.
  3. When the primer is dry it may be necessary to apply a second coat. You can start painting only after all layers are well dry.

Paint application

It is recommended to thoroughly stir the textured composition before use and, if necessary, add water to it. Everything should be done according to the instructions supplied with the product.

Application technique:

  1. Work should start from the corner and paint in squares towards the opposite corner.
  2. Using a spatula, spread the mixture over the walls in a layer of 3 mm. At first, the paint is simply applied to all surfaces, and then performed on it. drawing... The composition will dry for at least three hours, so you can take your time.
  3. You should work in one plane without interruption, otherwise joints may turn out on the walls.
  4. If the mixture is to be applied with a spray gun, then use a nozzle with a diameter of 3 mm.
  5. If necessary, the embossed paint is applied in two layers. The second coat can only be applied after the first coat is completely dry.
  6. On finished painted surfaces, you can apply a pattern using a special or ordinary roller, spatula, comb or brush.
  7. Using a stencil prepared on your own or purchased on the wall, you can apply a certain pattern.
  8. If there is a break in work, the tools must be rinsed, otherwise dried particles will get into the paint.
  9. When the coating is completely dry, you can additionally apply varnish, wax or acrylic on it. These materials will balance the color and enhance the effect of the pattern.

When painting walls, you need to know that textured paint has its own technical characteristics:

  • there should be no condensation on the working surface;
  • do not apply the composition to the facade during rain, under the influence of direct sunlight and in hot weather;
  • it is not recommended to add and mix anything into the paint yourself;
  • when working indoors, there must be high-quality ventilation;
  • you can work with relief paint at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees.

During work, be sure to wear protective equipment in the form of a headgear, gloves and glasses so that paint does not get into your eyes, hair and skin.

Finish the walls with textured paint do it yourself simple enough. To get an original design, you need to choose a suitable coating, prepare the surfaces well, and during the main work, not only correctly perform the technique of applying the relief composition, but also not be afraid to show your imagination.

In any room, one of the most important decor elements is wall decoration. But, literally all finishing materials have some disadvantages that limit their use in the interior areas of the room.

But this in no way applies to embossed paint, because its use is not just beauty, but also safety and environmental friendliness.

Therefore, textured wall paint is just the option that is great for interior and exterior decoration. With its help, you can create walls of incredible beauty, just connect your imagination.

How to work with such paint?

People who have never worked with such a material before are wondering how to apply textured paint. I would like to say right away that working with it is easy and simple even for those who have no experience in construction and finishing work.

But most importantly, with the help of textured paint, you can create your own unique image or simply fix something that did not work out earlier or do not like it at all.

A little workout

Yes, in order to "fill your hand", it is still better to practice. In this case, you do not have to spoil the wall. It is quite possible to hone the skill even on a piece of plywood. Or select a small piece of the wall to hone your skills, which must first be cleaned of the old primer.

Nuances of use

Textured paint can be applied both indoors and outdoors. The spectrum of the surface used is varied: wood, metal, brick, foam and gas blocks, concrete, drywall, OSB, DSP, plastic.

It is also applied to a layer of finishing putty. The paint masks cracks, giving the surface smoothness and uniformity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each type of finish has its pros and cons. But the most important advantage of textured paint is decorativeness. Thanks to the variety of colors and textures, the most daring design ideas can be brought to life.

In addition, it is precisely such a coating that has a long service life. So, if alternative wallpaper lasts a maximum of five to six years, then textured paint, the price of which is quite acceptable, is about ten years. And this is not to mention saving time spent on work.

What does textured paint look like?

The main distinguishing feature of this material is its composition and appearance. It is a translucent substance of high strength. The primary in it is acrylic, secondary - a variety of additives.

With the help of the color scheme, you can create any color shade. A photo of textured paint, as well as its application, can be viewed on the net.

What other advantages does paint have?

The relief coating has many advantages:

  • high resistance to UV rays;
  • elasticity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • does not absorb foreign odors;
  • does not get dirty as it does not accumulate dust.

The indisputable advantage of the material is its hypoallergenicity. Reviews of textured paint can be viewed on various sites that describe the finishing material.

Little secrets

In addition to the correct application of the mixture, it is also important to take into account some of the subtleties:

  • there are textures that are not recommended for use at too low or high temperatures;
  • it is important to take into account the humidity, which should not fluctuate from the norm;
  • one layer should be no more than one and a half centimeters;
  • on a flat surface there should be no sharp drops, roughness;
  • use the mixture no more than the specified period.

For better quality, it is necessary to use such secondary coatings as: acrylic, wax, varnish. This extra step will preserve the integrity of the coating, enhance the effect and balance the color.

Summing up

So, as mentioned above, this type of paint is literally universal, since it can be used both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the surface can be very different. With its help, you can mask existing flaws or create a unique image.

But the most important thing is that in order to realize what you have conceived, you need to carefully study the instructions for a specific type of embossed paint and fulfill all the conditions intended for use.

High-quality textured paint and your imagination can work wonders.

Photo of textured paint

Textured wall paint is a popular finish in modern interior design. Unique patterns and unusual distribution of paint on the walls make the work unique. Thanks to the volume and relief of the patterns, real compositions are created that combine the imagination and skill of the master. A huge plus lies in the ease of applying paint to the surface of the walls. It is often used for interior work.

Decorative textured paint has a main distinguishing feature that concerns composition and appearance. Embossed paint resembles a translucent substance that has significant strength. The base is used precisely acrylic, but secondary additives can be completely different.

Due to its resistance to external factors of various kinds, the product is used for external and internal work. To give a substance a certain color, it is necessary to add color to it. The choice is represented by several hundred colors and shades.

How to apply textured paint becomes clear even to a non-professional, the instructions indicate all stages of working with the product to the smallest detail. The mixture is applied using a grooved roller, spatula or spray gun. You can also make textured paint with your own hands. Putty is mixed in a certain proportion with paint for wallpaper. Sometimes foreign filler is added: crumb or fine gravel.

It is very difficult to predict what properties a handmade product will have, so it is better to purchase a finished product.

Types of texture paint

Textured paints when dyed manifest themselves in completely different ways. Many people immediately ask the question: how to paint so that the color is more expressive or there is no glossy shine? Much depends not only on the method of application and the quality of the product itself, but also on the type.

Related article: Moisture resistant putty - excellent choice for damp rooms

  • Mizuri is a product based on modified starch of acrylic origin. Smooth and textured surfaces are created with their own hands.

  • Marseille wax- a practical base that is suitable for any type of room. It is used for walls as a protective covering against moisture and similar vapors. Such a base is covered with wax again.

  • Quartz paint- a composition of aluminum particles, this also includes other natural fillers. This creates a variety of textures that can be easily formed with an even trowel.

  • Atacama - this type is based on quartz sand, which is responsible for the surface relief. This also includes a metallic component that guarantees the appearance of a reflective effect. In general, the wall seems to be velvet.

You can expand the range of effects by coating the paint with varnish. Pastes with various additions are added to it. Due to this, the color and light perception of the surface changes depending on the change in the viewing angle, daylight, additional illumination.

Video: how to make a texture roller.

Main advantages

Textured wall paint has a lot of positive factors. The main feature is to combine many functions that are aimed at maintaining the quality of the wall surface and the paint itself. Due to its positive properties, textured paint is used more often than any other finishing material.

The advantages of this type of finishing material:

  • Can be used indoors with any functional accessory (residential, warehouse). This feature is possible due to the frost resistance of the components of the finishing material.
  • The base of the substance is resistant to direct ultraviolet rays, which means that the color gamut practically does not change during operation.
  • The elasticity of the material allows it to be used even in new buildings. Strong substance does not deform during the shrinkage of the building.
  • Antifungal base makes the paint impervious to moisture. Moisture resistance allows the use of this finishing material in the kitchen, bathroom and rooms of similar functionality.
  • Does not absorb or transmit foreign odors that may form in the building over time.
  • Due to the viscous component, the paint practically does not accumulate dust and does not get dirty. If the need for wet cleaning arises, then chemicals and water will not damage the color quality in any way, and the texture will remain intact.
  • For production, only environmentally friendly components are used, which allow the paint to be used for surface finishing in a children's room or bedrooms, hallways or living rooms.
  • Textured paint can be applied to any surface: brickwork, wooden base, plaster, tile base.
  • A wide selection of colors and textures that easily reflect the main trends of any interior design.

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In this finishing material, hypoallergenic properties are appreciated. This allows you to use it in any case and for any diseases of the respiratory system. The paint perfectly hides the imperfections and defects of the surfaces to which it will be worn.

Finishing work with paint

Textured wall painting is simple and quick. At the same time, no special technologies are used in the process of painting and surface treatment. . Relief painting of walls is done in several stages:

1. Decorating walls with paint begins with the preparation of the mixture itself, or rather giving it color. The procedure is carried out with your own hands using a color scheme.

Selection of color solutions

2. Suitable tools are selected and the workplace is prepared. Surface preparation is indispensable. For interior decoration, the wall should be as flat as possible.

Wall surface preparation

3. Working with textured paint does not require special devices and fixtures. First, the base is applied using a conventional spatula. So, the substance is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the wall. Any spatula can be used: metal, rubber or wood. It depends on the skill of the one who "putty" the wall.

Applying paint to the wall

The most important stage is finishing the walls with textured paint, namely, the main pattern or texture is set. There are the following methods of applying textured paint:

  • Special granules are used that interfere with the base and form a pattern.
  • The pattern is set with a special roller that defines the pattern.

The last step is re-coating with varnish, enamel, wax. It can be carried out in two days, since the paint dries completely only after 48 hours.

An additional layer is simply necessary, since finished surfaces only with paint can be susceptible to some types of impact.

Secrets of use

In addition to the correct application of the mixture to the surface, additional nuances must be taken into account in the process of performing the work. There are few of them, but they can affect the whole process in the field of repair work of this room:

  • Some texture paints cannot be applied at low or too high temperatures.
  • The humidity in the room should not exceed the norm or, on the contrary, be too high.
  • The paint layer should not exceed more than 1.5 cm in one layer.
  • The surface must be as flat as possible, without the presence of sharp drops, the minimum degree of roughness.
  • The ready-made mixture is used for a certain period of time. If it has expired, then the quality of work and further operation is at great risk.
  • It is better to additionally use secondary coatings such as acrylic, wax, varnish. This will preserve the integrity, enhance the effects, balance the color.

The walls of a residential or office building, premises are decorated in different ways. They are pasted over with wallpaper, plastered, painted. Sometimes a modern material such as textured wall paint is used. When using the latter, it is easy to create a beautiful, voluminous surface, making the interior interesting and original.

Textured wall paint - features, characteristics

Textured paints are a dense, viscous, thick composition based on various polymers and acrylics. Components that create a relief are usually added to this mixture - they "scratch" the surface, add volume. The consistency of the material is several times thicker than that of other paints - oil, enamel, acrylic, water-based, therefore slightly different tools are used for application.

Similar mixtures are used for both internal and external cladding, finishing painting of the ceiling, walls, and various elements. Textured compositions are a cross between ordinary paint and decorative putty, which can cut the repair time in half. The main purpose of the material is not to level the plane, but to give it a beautiful texture.

Advantages, disadvantages of using for wall decoration

Textured coloring compositions have a number of advantages:

  • acetone, other solvents are not added to them, therefore the paint practically does not smell;
  • the surface is resistant to mechanical damage, strong, durable;
  • when it comes into contact with open areas of the skin, they do not damage it, they are easily removed;
  • neatly align the formed plane, filling in small dents, cracks, cracks;
  • the material is fireproof, vapor-permeable, wear-resistant;
  • the mixture is very resistant to high humidity, temperature extremes, it is not damaged by bacteria, fungi;
  • paint is easy to apply, expensive special devices, no tools are required for work;
  • the wall does not need to be putty before painting.

There are also disadvantages:

  • material consumption is high, especially if it is necessary to align too "curved" wall;
  • if any fragment of the surface needs repainting, the old coating is completely removed;
  • the cost of such formulations is relatively high.


Textured paint is purchased at the nearest hardware store, made independently. The additives are fine-grained marble, granite chips, quartz sand, sawdust, pieces of gas silicate, polymer fibers, modified starch. Many manufacturers also add components to the mixture that accelerate the drying of the coating - from the application of a thick layer to its complete drying, it takes a maximum of two hours. The small insoluble elements (sand, polymers) included in the composition give the effect of waves, zigzags, roughness, and other volumetric options when applied.

A wonderful, but relatively expensive type of "bulky" paint is packed in cylinders. The composition of the mixture is somewhat different from that applied with a brush or spatula. A jet from a can, directed to the plane being designed, allows you to obtain volumetric patterns that imitate wood, natural stone, sand, etc. The material is easy to use, its consumption is very small, the effect surpasses all expectations.

All types of textured dyes do not need to be flattened before application, which greatly simplifies the work process.

Types of fillers in the composition of paint

Structural paints are used to decorate almost any walls - concrete, brick, wood, covered with fiberglass, etc. The material itself always contains one of the fillers:

  • acrylic - the most wear-resistant, completely ready-to-use, it is used to form all types of surfaces. Such a material is plastic, it is made on the basis of water, there are no solvents in it. The main disadvantage is the lack of resistance to direct sunlight;
  • mineral - completely dry, based on cement or lime. The composition is vapor-permeable, moisture resistant, but does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Before application, it is diluted with water, used mainly for interior decoration;
  • silicone - is considered the most practical, since it contains silicone resin. The material is resistant to most external influences, plastic, used for both indoor and outdoor work;
  • silicate - the most expensive, applied only to mineral surfaces, silicate primers. It contains liquid glass, which forms a vapor-impermeable film after drying. It is usually used to decorate facades, but its consumption is relatively high;
  • vinyl - resistant to external influences, often used for exterior decoration (on the facades of buildings). The mixture is very plastic, therefore it is problematic to get a beautiful texture from it, but it adheres perfectly to any substrate.

Options for possible textures

The choice of textures for structural paint is limited, it has several main names, these are:

  • "Mizuri";
  • "relief";
  • "Marseilles wax";
  • Wet silk;
  • Atacama.

They all have different properties, give a very different visual effect, and differ in application.


"Relief", which contains large solid particles, creates the texture of waves, "bark beetle", cracking, all kinds of smudges, etc. Available in several tones, applied with a roller, spatula.


"Misuri" - is performed using acrylic filler, modified starch. Textured or flat planes, smooth wavy elements are made from it. There are many colors, the finished wall comes out with a characteristic gloss, it is applied exclusively by hand.

Marseille wax

"Marseilles wax" is a dye mixture with a wax filler. When the surface is ready, it resembles an aged but shiny stone, with characteristic light, dark fragments. The coating perfectly protects against fumes, excessive moisture, and is suitable for the decoration of elite, luxurious premises.

Wet silk

The composition of "wet silk" contains cotton, cellulose fibers, polymer dyes. The finished wall has an average degree of “volumetric”, but the patterns on it shimmer beautifully, resembling silk, velvet, velor, etc. Different brands are made in different colors.


"Atacama" comes out the roughest, as it contains quartz sand. The plane, decorated with this material, shines like metal, an old mirror, a sheet of steel, shimmers under the influence of lighting.

Variety of color palette

In the color palette, there are more than one and a half hundred different shades that allow you to decorate a room with any color scheme. All relief options, as well as "mizuri" - a huge variety of tones, from white, pale yellow to red, maroon. "Atacama" is made in "noble" silver, gold, copper versions. "Marseilles wax" is made of any wood shades, pink-beige, deep brown. "Shagreen" textures are silvery-gray, black, almost white. "Wet silk" is the largest variety of colors, including blue, light brown, emerald, red, etc.

How to choose the right paint

Structural paints are one of the most popular finishing materials. They are applied in different ways and varieties for certain premises are also needed different. Coloring mixtures for living rooms (bedroom, hall, nursery) are selected with the texture of silk, velvet, it is recommended to paint the ceilings in light colors, but it is better to make the most minimal relief. A volumetric water emulsion is best suited.

Wet rooms of the bathroom, toilet, combined bathroom, are decorated with waterproof compounds. In the kitchen, especially in the work area, the likelihood of contamination is high, it is recommended to use washable coverings. The outer parts of buildings of any type are often exposed to temperature extremes, precipitation, and sunlight. For facades, the most resistant to all kinds of influences brands of dyes are used - vinyl is optimal, and acrylic is undesirable, since it fades in the sun literally in one or two seasons.

To apply various types of textured paint, you usually need not only rollers, brushes - most likely you will need other tools. Even a beginner can decorate with structural mixtures - the surface to be treated does not need careful, laborious leveling, although large "bumps", dents, cracks, more than three to four mm wide, are recommended to be covered with cement or epoxy putty.

The wall for painting is cleaned of dust, a layer of acrylic primer with deep penetration is applied. All work is carried out in special rubberized gloves. It is better to cover the floor, pieces of furniture with foil, carpets, curtains, and other textiles - remove. Then they move on to coloring - a set of tools, the methods of application depend on the density of the composition, the final "idea" of the master.

Required materials, tools

To start finishing work, you will need various tools, materials, the list of which is very different from those used for painting with "simple" paints and varnishes. Of the materials, you will need paints themselves, primers for sealing large irregularities, cracks, and a protective varnish.

There are several ways to do it yourself, the following tools are used:

  • terry rollers with thick pile - painting using such an object is suitable for not very thick textured solutions. Structural ridges are very different in surface relief. If you want to paint the ceiling or the space under it, put the roller on a fishing rod of a suitable length;
  • the original use of the roller is to wind a thick cord around it. As a result, when holding such an object along the wall, you get a texture resembling bamboo;
  • paint brushes - it is advisable to use the toughest, since the composition is quite "dense", and the hardness, the thickness of the bristles should be enough to create the textured relief. With the help of a brush, it will turn out to draw even a complex, voluminous, multi-colored picture;
  • spatulas of various widths - used for applying thick colors. When it is required to create waves, concentric circles, and other intricate patterns, a spatula 7-14 cm wide is used. If the wall is planned to be smoother, the dimensions of the tool used reach 35-45 cm, the mixture is applied with asymmetrical strokes;
  • rubber comb-spatula - elastic, has many small teeth, with the help of which it is easy to create the most complex ornaments and textures. The movements on the surface of the paint are made uneven, long - it will come out more beautiful this way;
  • a plastic bag - you just need to crumple it by printing it on a freshly painted wall. Crumpled newspapers and others are used in a similar way;
  • various brushes, washcloths, brooms, rags, will also help to create unique wall reliefs;
  • sometimes textured compositions are applied with bare hands - a fantasy pattern comes out the most original. Drawing with fingers, palms does not require special tools, but after finishing work you will have to wash your hands thoroughly;
  • stencils - with their help, any surfaces are also easily, quickly formed. This is especially convenient if you use dyes in cans;
  • cans with liquid dyes are one of the most convenient tools. It is easy to regulate the pressure in them, and it is advisable to purchase a nozzle with a diameter of at least three to four mm.

Preparing the walls

Before starting work, the surface for painting must be well prepared:

  • floors, ceilings are covered with a film, fixing it with tape so that dirt and splashes do not get on them;
  • it is advisable to check the walls for vibration resistance in order to exclude shedding of the coating during operation;
  • old layers are completely removed, the plane is cleaned;
  • in the presence of large cracks, potholes, plaster is pre-applied;
  • to improve adhesion, an acrylic primer is applied to the wall, the color of which matches the color of the selected dye.

During the painting process, you need to evenly distribute the material, preferably using a paint roller. Each layer (plaster, paint, primer) must be dried for four to five hours. If it was once decided to whitewash the walls to be treated, and now - to paint, then it is enough to remove, clean up those fragments that are crumbling.

Liquid water-based, acrylic compounds are applied with a foam rubber sponge, roller, brushes, spray gun. Sometimes, to obtain the original texture, a rag is tightly wound around the roller. It is recommended to apply the liquid solution from top to bottom to avoid drips. During work, it is better to use any one technique so that the entire wall, or better the entire room, is covered with a repeating pattern - this is how the effect is most aesthetic.

The first layer is applied to the wall with a wide brush, a simple roller. After that, a roller is used, which has a complex texture (decorated with waves, flowers, geometric shapes, "bricks"), own palms, crumpled polymer films, as well as contrasting colors of paints. If this is the first staining in life, work begins from the most inconspicuous areas - if the beginning is not too high-quality, here the defects will hide behind furniture, decor, curtains.

When a part is whitewashed on the ceiling, it is also permissible to create various patterns on top of it, using a brush and a structural mixture. The easiest way is to use stencils - reusable or disposable. When painting fiberglass, it is pre-primed to reduce water absorption.

It is advisable to apply the finishing layer in the direction from the window.

Features, technologies for applying dry paint

The dry coloring composition is diluted with water - a plastic bucket designed for 10-15 liters is suitable for this. Then the package with the building mixture is opened, the container in which the mixing will be carried out is filled with a little more than a third of dry paint. If you plan to add any pigments, then no more than a quarter of the bucket is poured into the coloring composition. Further, following the instructions on the package, water is poured.

To make the solution as homogeneous as possible, without large lumps, it is mixed. This is done using a construction mixer or a special drill attachment. Stir for at least 7-10 minutes. When applied with a large spatula, roller, part of the composition is poured into a wide bath for convenience. If polymer or any other particles with a diameter of one and a half to two, more than mm are introduced into the composition of the dye, a rubber spatula is used for application - even or with frequent narrow teeth.

Coloring is done like this:

  • using a suitable tool, you need to pick up a little paint;
  • the composition is smeared on the wall with an ordinary wide spatula;
  • the area to be drawn up, on which the textured layer will be applied in a few minutes, should not exceed one or two square meters;
  • the surface is carefully leveled, movements are made horizontally;
  • with a notched trowel, any other similar object, patterns are applied to the wall - now strokes are applied in any direction, chaotically.

The solution hardens completely in 12-15 minutes - it is extremely difficult to correct the pattern later, if there are any defects.

How to care for wall decoration

Textured paints are not susceptible to the effects of water, dampness, constant high humidity. Walls covered with this paint can be easily cleaned with water and a small amount of detergent. It is recommended to check the impact of the latter on an inconspicuous area somewhere in the corner. There are practically no specialized detergents for such surfaces, therefore cleaning is performed with soapy water, dish detergents, powders. After the end of cleaning, the plane is rinsed with clean water, wiped dry with a clean cloth.


Textured paint for interior and exterior design, perfectly "fits" the walls of any apartment, giving the rooms a beautiful, original appearance. Ready-made building materials are easy to purchase in a store or do it yourself. Applying a dye on a flat, curved surface will not be difficult, as well as caring for the finished decorative finish.